#bughead 4 life bitches
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crowley4prez · 2 years ago
people say riverdale went downhill after s2/s3 but i rewatched s1 and it was so shitty and cringy i couldnt even continue
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All fans are equal but some are more equal than others. NOT.
There’s been quite a few people in the fandom lately getting very stressed, feeling they’re obligated to constantly be on the defensive re: their fandom choices.
Apparently, whoever has a different opinion about a character or a ship must be said character’s/ship’s stan i.e. overzealous and/or obsessive, i.e. not an objective viewer. Even worse, they must be a dreadful person, who condones a number of moral offences that said character/ship perpetrated (or is thought to have perpetrated). Because, of course, the only acceptable reason for appreciating/enjoying a fictional character or dynamic is their morality. And, by that reasoning, fans who support the correct character/ship must be better fans and better people.
Nothing is more ridiculous than the notion of the objective fan. An “objective” fan is called a “viewer”. You and I, Riverdale friends, we are not just viewers. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have created blogs and dedicated hours of our lives to a fictional couple from an extremely mediocre show. We are still undoubtedly capable of critical thought and objective analysis but we are also aware of our own emotional investment in the show. (Or, at least, one hopes). As a fandom, we engage in activities that exist independently of the show. Fandom is a space of free expression. No one gets to play the higher moral card here. Needing to loudly tell everybody how wrong they are? That’s not the sign of an objective viewer. That’s the sign of a viewer who is also extremely invested, just for different reasons than I am.
Are we seriously holding the morality card over people’s heads for a show that used a poc woman’s pregnancy (Toni) as the means to retroactively establish trauma for a white male (Kevin), all the while touting it in every media possible as a woke response to the BLM movement?!
Are we seriously holding the canon card over people’s heads for a show that treats its 5th(!) season as a tabula rasa?! If the Lodges new backstory in 5x12 shows anything, it’s that s5 is not a time-jump. It’s a reboot.
There are so many people “enlightening” others on their inability to understand canon …
Seriously? That’s the hill you’re willing to die on? Canon Riverdale? You think that people don’t understand what they’re watching? That they’re interpreting canon incorrectly?
No, but seriously: canon for a TV show consists of what the characters say, what the characters do and how the actors portray them. Does this really apply to Riverdale?
Let’s take Donna for example.
Canon explicitly tells us Donna did what she did to avenge her grandmother. At the same time none of her canon actions were against the people who were actually responsible. So, riddle me this, fandom friends: why did Donna do what she did, as per canon?
Let’s try this another way:
Donna is a psycho bitch. Both in terms of Riverdale’s canon (the writers’ intention) and real-life criteria. To create a tag that reads “Bonna for ever uwu!” is deranged.
On the other hand, her character is (like a lot of Riverdale’s characters) an inconsistent caricature. Canon uses ridiculous dialogue and a lot of the Bonna scenes are cartoonishly enemies-to-lovers tropey. To create a tag that reads “Bonna for ever uwu!” is hilarious.
This doesn’t mean that Bonna is a canon couple. It does mean, however, that a Bonna crackship is based on Riverdale’s campy and over-the-top canonic writing.
A viewer who thinks Bonna is disgusting is not more “objective” or more “correct” or more “true to canon” than a viewer who thinks Bonna is funny. Nor are they a better person for it, and this cannot be stressed enough.
Similarly, who is canon Cheryl?
1. Cheryl is an absolute bitch: if a privileged student was calling an actual homeless boy a hobo in your real-life school, you would neither think her a queen nor use “hobo” affectionately in your tags, comments etc.
2. Cheryl is a deeply traumatized person: her father killed her brother, her mother killed half the town and forced her in conversion therapy, she attempted suicide and more.
(Note #1: this more does not mean more than the other Riverdale characters).
(Note #2: nor is it an excuse for her rudeness, affectionately called “mood for chaos” by the writers).
3. Cheryl is also a caricature of the archetypal mean girl who’s there for laughs and meta comments. She’s not to be taken seriously.
4. Cheryl is lgbtq+ representation …
5. … who canonically shits on other lgbtq+ characters.
6. Cheryl is one half of Choni, who are canonically presented as an uber couple.
7. Choni is also, as per canon, a couple with an acute power imbalance (cough!gaslighting!cough) that visually very clearly panders to the male gaze.
But most importantly:
8. Cheryl canonically is not the sum of her parts. The different facets of her character do not intermingle in any meaningful way.
Was Betty kissing Archie specifically a sore spot for Jughead?
Canonically no [2x14]. But, also, canonically yes [5x03, 5x10].
Are there seriously fans that are astonished that Betty is making some highly questionable choices while investigating?! Did they just discover Dark™Betty/Killer Genes Betty? That is canon Betty! Was it ok before because she was then smooching Jughead instead of giving him the cold shoulder? Honestly, the only newly outrageous part of s5Dark™Betty is the fact that she still believes in “killer genes” despite having spent 4 years at Yale …
As for liking/disliking Betty and morality …
Look, I’m going to be very honest: I am NOT particularly enjoying s5 Betty. And it’s not because of b*rchie.
S5 Betty has 99 problems but the sexcapades ain’t one.
For me, it’s the fact that she’s turned into s1 Alice 2.0. But surely that’s not news either? Ever since the first info about the time jump, everyone and their mother have been speculating about the teens becoming their parents …
Just because Jughead is better written (and written to be more likable), it doesn’t make him more worthy of redemption. Just because the writers are keeping Betty’s redemption “secret” (insert eye roll) for their big reveal in the season’s penultimate episode, it doesn’t mean she won’t have one.  
Simply put, the writers have made Jughead more likable. He’s still the underdog. He’s the only character in Riverdale actively trying to deal with his trauma, since the very first post-time jump episode (working at Pop’s explicitly to fend off the debt collectors). He has scenes with a new and extremely likable character (Tabitha). He has the only new plot line (the Mothman). Said plotline is narratively already tied to both his unknown past and the town’s destruction by Hiram. His behaviour is explicitly explained, even as his recent trauma remains unknown. He’s transparent.
In comparison, s5 Betty is traumatized but not the underdog. Her trauma (TBK killer) is both known to us and a repetition of previous storylines, which makes it narratively less exciting. She is completely disconnected from any other storylines. She comes out as being judgmental and self-interested: telling Tabitha Jughead’s not her business while previously accepting his help? Berating Polly for lying while not keeping in touch and lying about her own life (TBK)? Please note: I’m not saying there isn’t a reason behind her behaviour, just that it comes out in a negative way.
You don’t like Betty’s current behaviour? You don’t consider trauma a good enough excuse? Cool.
You feel sorry for what she’s going through? You consider trauma to be a valid explanation for her behaviour? Also cool.
Personally, I don’t give a flying fig, either for Betty’s trauma or Jughead’s. Because, even though Trauma™ is s5’s actual mystery plot, narratively speaking, trauma never affected the plot of the past 4 seasons, nor s5 trauma will affect future plots, once revealed. And you know what? That is also cool.
None of the above is better.
And just because I’m not enjoying Betty right now, it doesn’t mean that I don’t want her to overcome her current situation or that I won’t cheer for Bughead like a River Vixen on fizzle rocks, once they reunite.
This thing though, where people are made to feel as if they owed anyone in the fandom an explanation about why they like the things they like, because, somehow, their preferences are a reflection on their character or their cognitive abilities to read a TV show? This is a joke.
There is no “wrong” way to consume any show, let alone Riverdale, with its fractured format, its short-term memory and its see-sawing characters.
Look, everybody’s here for their own reasons. For most people this is a place of escape. No one’s escaping better than the other, because of how they enjoy their teen TV show ... 
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riverdale-retread · 3 years ago
Riverdale S5 Ep 11. (The Voicemail Episode) -  5 things I loved/ 3 Things to Consider (potentially, spoilers)
Things I Loved:
1. I loved that Riverdale, this (formerly) teen show, was blatantly making a radical commentary about both religion and male violence, but in this sneaky way with a ‘silly’ looking trippy drugged-out music video.   The statement is this: Religion = Drugs = Righteous Violence of Young Men.   Marx said that religion is the opiate of the masses, and Riverdale answered, Nah, it's more like shrooms. 
And in fact, according to the show, being two sweet girls hanging out dancing and having fun is better than religion and righteous violence.  Further, violence is Archie’s drug.  I mean this is a set of pretty bold statements, people.  I will also add the crazy young man vigilantes of Riverdale making the Batman rope-slide entrance was fabulous, but I also liked that the music made fun of them, like, Y’all think you’re being heroic but this is so dumb.   
2. If you read my retread of Seasons 1 through 4  (the true ending, which was “Graduation”) you’ll know that I love scenes of Jughead Jones waking up from sleep.  He’s so good at it, and I don't know if my abiding interest in this specific thing elevates this to some sort of kink but  I’m ok with that, if it is. (Please tell me in the comments if Watching a Cute Boy Wake Up From Sleep is an actual kink.)  In this episode, Jughead is startled awake by a loud noise from a fevered sleep, and then becomes gradually more alarmed at the noises outside and I loved it. 
3. This is not an anti-man blog here, so I will try to tread carefully, but I mean, I absolutely loved that the women are so much better than the men at everything in this episode. 
Exhibit A:
Penelope’s cult is so much better than Edgar Evernever’s!  And she is being so honest - Penelope always emotionally worshiped her son, like a lot of misogynist mothers of sons do, and now she’s literally worshiping him.  Also a religion that is founded on a deceased person is much sturdier, I feel, than a religion that is like Worship Me (which is Edgar’s religion).  Plus Penelope is echoing what Jughead used to say about Jason - that his death laid bare the sins of Riverdale!   There’s robes in Penelope’s religion, colorful ones, singing and communion and imbibing from a magic goblet. (Can you tell I was raised Catholic? I still love statuary, robes and altars SO much).
Exhibit B:
 Tabitha and Betty are so much better than Jughead at everything, including getting high!  (Jughead is currently just so bad at life he can’t even get high correctly, poor lamb.)  They are better at taking care of their domestic lives and are appalled at how Jughead lives. Tabitha modeling openness and transparency for Betty was terrific:  She asks Betty for help and makes sure to  tell her, though it’s difficult, about that ‘don’t be such a Betty’ comment and the fact that Jughead made a pass at Tabitha, so that she can make her decision to participate with the full set of relevant facts.   Betty’s reaction of wtf?? followed by snorting and then moving right on - I like grown up Betty SO much. She knows it’s not true - they always had fun together, did Bughead, so she’s like, That’s a weird thing to say and then SHRUG.  
Exhibit C:
Even when burly men are in a violent confrontation in this episode, the mastermind for both teams is a woman - Veronica on one side, Darla on the other.  
4. I loved the two voicemails from Jughead.  Yes yes, of course I would because #Jughead Stan but also - hear me out! - because they rang so emotionally true for me, and showed the difference between still-adolescent Jughead and the now-more-adult Jughead. 
First, the one to Tabitha:  These mushrooms make people say & do what they really think, apparently, so Jughead hit on Tabitha because he’s really attracted to her, and his non-defensive, roll-with-punches adult-self apologizing in this abashed but not self-hating way, and the way he is still hopeful that he stands a chance, was lovely.  
The weepy, upset voicemail to Betty was expert fan service for the Jughead Stans, but it was thrilling for everyone else too if  the HUGE amount of chatter about it is anything to go by. (Not all thrills are pleasant).   I think it’s because there was a lot of truth packed into both his voicemail and her reaction (while high, but again, the mushrooms make you tell your truth).  
Truth 1:  It’s important to express yourself when you’re upset.  Otherwise it comes bursting out at the wrong time, like pus from a festering wound, in a way that helps no one and may hurt you the most.  Truth 2:  Having an ex hung up on you is no fun.   Truth 3: Being confronted with an utterance like, I regret THE ENTIRE time I’ve known you, can make you lose perspective, as in, Betty playing that voicemail isn’t a serve on anyone other than herself and Jughead, together, and that’s why the kind Tabitha won’t bring it up again. 
There is SO MUCH discourse about that word “bitch” and a lot of it is very well argued, but I feel no urge to pick a side. What *I* have to say about that is, Jughead using that word in that way with that tone definitively marked an end of Bughead 1.0.  If there’s going to be a Bughead 2.0, it’s going to have to be really different.  
5.   I love the character set ups for Reggie and Fangs. Fangs first - is this guy like the world’s most perfect ex boyfriend or what? Fangs is infinitely kind to Kevin.  And Reggie - he’s abused by his dad but he is also loyal to his dad, working for “a Lodge” which he doesn’t actually seem to like in the little that he says about it, to ‘pay off’ his Dad’s debt.   I like the adult that Reggie has become.  “This isn’t high school.”   His calm “Nah, the bad guys pay better” felt like a breath of fresh bracing cynical air but then the actor also managed to push my But I Can Fix Him buttons so kudos, to you, good sir.  
3 Things to Think About
a)Veronica is told it's the DIVORCE that is making Archie not want sex but please recall that the Riverdale High School is decimated and Archie is in the process of putting his genitals  - oops sorry - THE BUILDING back together.  He doesn't have a libido without the Riverdale High School building. I've been telling you.
b)Tabitha voluntarily enters into an agreement to lie (by omission) to Jughead about the manuscript handover to Jessica and the playing of the voicemail message. She doesn't know this yet but so far a rule of Riverdale is that you must not lie to Jughead or bad things happen. Interested to see if the rule still holds for Adult Jughead.
c) The show is very much doubling down on the fact that they think using other people’s lives as fiction is absolutely unforgivable.  Riverdale absolutely hates drug dealers (which is why the Serpents are alcohol runners, and kicked out drug dealers) and yet even though Jessica is totally a drug dealer that Betty Cooper fake-FBI knows is a drug dealer, AND  SHE NON CONSENSUALLY DRUGGED TWO WOMEN WHO SAID NO ALREADY, but the fact that she didn’t want her life used in a fictional outlet trumps literally everything.
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arsenicpanda · 3 years ago
Hey! You seem to ship fairly similar Riverdale pairings to me, so do you have any fanfic ideas? Unfortunately, I have writers block and I don't have access to any maple mushrooms to get through this one.
So, I do have a few that don't fall under "I actually want to write this myself", you are correct, and I am a wordy bitch, so let's put this under a cut
-Jabitha + Jughead and Veronica friendship post-college au: so, we diverge from canon in 5x03. Betty still leaves Riverdale, but Veronica stays, and she and Jughead slowly bond over film, pretentious references, criminal fathers, and the whole getting cheated on thing. Maybe throw in Reggie and the other Serpents too if you want to. When Jughead becomes homeless (again), Veronica eventually notices and invites him to stay with her, and it's awkward at first, but then they get used to it. They develop a brother-sister bond. So, then when they go off to college, they keep in touch and stay friends. Their friendship keeps Jughead from being supes lonely at college, which means he stays and learns how to actually fucking write, so his book is actually good and not just successful, and also he doesn't take up drinking and drugs. And their friendship also keeps Veronica from dating assholes like Chad, so she never even gets close to that terrible marriage. But after they graduate, Jughead moves to NYC and they live together and she becomes the she-wolf of Wall Street and he becomes a successful author (genre undetermined) and maybe also journalist (look, I am just too fond of this headcanon, and most authors need second jobs anyway), and neither of them pine over their exes. Veronica can settle down with Reggie, Josie, Katy Keene, or someone else or no one else, but she is successful and happy. Also, Tabitha goes to school in NYC, settles down there, works a six-figure job for a while, and then opens a Pop's franchise. Now, it can go two ways from here:
Veronica and Tabitha become friends in college. Veronica keeps trying to set Jughead and Tabitha up with different people she knows to no success (she keeps trying to set both of them up with intimidating women (partial success and bi Tabitha 4 life) and himbos (zero success, they both prefer smart people, and also bi Jughead 4 life), until one day she's complaining about it to Katy Keene or Reggie or Josie or someone and the other person is like "V, why don't you just set them up with each other?" And she's like "ohhhhh" and she does, and they either hit it off pretty quickly or Tabitha is like "wait, are you the guy who mooched off my grandpa for years??" And he's like "pardon??" And she dislikes him until he proves himself/Veronica explains the situation (Jughead was neglected and poor and Pop helped him out). But then they get along and swap stories about Pop and fall into some weird investigation and fall in love, and Veronica is like "Victory is mine!"
Tabitha starts franchising Pop's in NYC, and when Jughead finds out he's like "sus, very sus" and goes there and eats and is like ".....this is actually pretty spot-on". And he becomes a regular (who actually orders food and pays because he can now), and Tabitha is supervising the diner for a time, and they start to chat on late nights when he's the only customer left but the diner isn't scheduled to close for another two hours, so Tabitha could use the company. Jughead doesn't realize she's Pop's granddaughter, and Tabitha doesn't realize he's her grandpa's favorite customer (and known moocher, in her opinion), and when they find out, they're both very shocked. They clear up the moocher thing and keep falling in love, and it's beautiful, and Veronica spends some her spare time prying into Jughead's newest late-night haunt and then teasing him about his crush on the owner and later "of course you fell for Pop's granddaughter, of course".
-Jabitha or bugabitha: Jughead cooks his tired (future?) girlfriend(s) dinner because yes, he does know how to cook because he loves food, so obviously he learned how to cook, and also he notices how much his girlfriend(s) work and wants to take care of them.
-Jabitha: Tabitha teaching Jughead how to cook some of Pop's recipes one late, slow night, and yes, they kiss at the end and/or when he makes her something on another late, slow night or slow afternoon or one morning when he opens and she shows up later
-Bugabitha: Tabitha needs help with a mystery/situation and goes to Betty and Jughead's PI agency to hire them (whether Betty and Jughead are together is up for grabs), and they are both charmed as fuck by her, and Tabitha tags along on the investigation for idk reasons, and they all fall in love and also solve a mystery
-Jabitha: smut/pwp of Jughead eating Tabitha out in Pop's while they're both still in uniform
-Jabith or Bugabith: like three students trip and fall into being way too invested in their teacher's/teachers' love life/lives and become convinced that something is going on between Jughead and Tabitha (and maybe also Betty) and start snooping while also documenting it on a popular "my English teacher is dating his other boss (and also my shop teacher)" or "my English teacher is two-timing his boss with my shop teacher" TikTok series that Jughead and Tabitha (and Betty) don't know about it until it goes viral after the kids finally get proof they're together / find out that it's not that Jughead's cheating with Betty and/or Tabitha's cheating with Betty but that the three of them are dating (see: that one fanart I commissioned of the Elite meme). Told from the kids' pov, very comedy-heavy (more comedy than ship fluff, tbh), includes replies to the TikToks and other social media stuff. Still considering writing this myself, but I don't know if I'm funny enough, tbh
-Bugabitha: how they do or do not celebrate holidays and birthdays, especially if the holidays involving shuffling between/avoiding their families and Betty recounts the disaster that was Jughead's birthday in 1x10, right down to (lovingly) roasting him for the "I'm weird, I'm a weirdo" speech (she will be kind by including how sweet he was in the diner, of course)
-Bugabitha: Alice finally finds out that Betty, Jughead, and Tabitha are all dating when Betty moves out of the Cooper house and into an apartment with Jughead and Tabitha. It includes something like the following exchange, Alice's last-ditch effort to convince Betty not to do this:
"Elizabeth, you cannot think that moving in with your ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend is wise."
"Mom, I'm not moving in with my ex and his girlfriend, I'm moving in with my boyfriend and my girlfriend, and you're making me late for lunch with them, bye." And then Betty leaves before Alice can respond
And then it's very important that Alice freaks out. If you want, you can also include FP and Gladys finding out (v chill) and Pop finding out (the most wholesome and supportive)
-Jabitha: Pop playing matchmaker with Jughead and Tabitha at any age, could be in an au where Tabitha comes to visit Pop every summer and Jughead kinda falls for her from afar as a teen, could be Jughead gets a job post-senior year at Pop’s during the summer when Tabitha is working there that summer, could be during the canon s5 or an au s5, could be any time, idk
- Jabitha, bughead, or bugabitha: Jughead's editor says that his novel needs a sex scene for whatever reason, idk, idc, but his POV character/narrator is a woman, and he's like "how do I write this without finding myself on one of those lists of 'men who can't write women?'" and bemoans this one day, and, idk, somehow his friend(s) Tabitha and/or Betty trip and fall into ~helping~ him by being very explicit and descriptive of how it feels while they bone
I think that’s it? Let’s say that’s it for now.
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go-ldy · 4 years ago
I’m really curious on what your take is on what Ted said about the ships for s5? Please :)
Tbh whenever Ted says anything, my reaction is:
Tumblr media
He is not going to give much away on Twitter and most of his buzzwords like "complicated" can mean literally anything. I find the level of engagement between some of the RD writers like Ted and the fans to be.... interesting? It's not what I grew up with where there was distance between the fans and writers and we would engage in letter writing campaigns and stuff. Now it's almost expected that fans need to "lobby" the writers for their ships. I find this strange! I wonder if this lobbying is tracked by TPTB. I think it probably is. I question this. But that's another topic.
Ted seems to enjoy the attention he gets on twitter. In the past, a writer for a show like Riverdale probably flew under the radar and got little attention. Now he gets immediate fan attention and engagement whenever he posts anything RD related. I'm sure he must enjoy that or he would not keep doing it.
It's also his job to create hype and attention a couple months before the show is due to come back. And I think he's pretty good at that? Social media strategies for shows like Riverdale don't happen in a vacuum. If Ted Sullivan is answring tweets on twitter, that has been cleared in advance. He probably even volunteered to be the guy to troll and rile up fans because he seems to genuinely enjoy it. Most of the time it doesn't bother me, and tbh, Ted's episodes had some of my favourite Bughead scenes in season 4, so his tweets are meaningless to me. I do get annoyed when he purposely trolls fans and then lectures them about being too invested in the ships instead of caring about RL events. Like, u started this conversation buddy?? And also, life is a bitch, and sometimes people cope by tweeting at you about bughead (which you have invited them to do)? Stop the lectures, man.
I digress. You can literally put any spin on his tweets that you want. Speculation can be fun (love the spoilers about badass FBI Betty personally and I am running with that) but try not to let it stress you out. Ted Sullivan is purposely trying to rile up the fans, and he is doing a job. He is never going to tweet: "bugvarchie get back together by episode six and nothing bad or traumatic happens to them again." Instead he's going to say "it's complicated wait and see!!!" so people tune in come January.
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bettyminicoop · 4 years ago
514 will be showing in a couple of hours, and this post has been hanging unfinished in draft s for over two weeks. It's not like I'm suggesting new theories here that haven't yet been put forward on Tumblr. But I decided that I still want to get it out of my head, speculate a little about the notorious voicemail and Jessica. And at the same time see how much I guessed, or at least how well I understand Riverdale.
I also sorry to those who will read this for bad English. Since I want to end this post as soon as possible, I did a very bad proofreading of the text.
So, the scene: Betty, Tabitha and Jessica in the Pop's. The first two are already wrapping mushroom fries when Jessica makes it clear that she knows about the Bughead drama because of the ba kiss. Tabitha is shocked that this topic has been brought up. Betty is angry and turns on voicemail in her defense. Jughead’s first words are accompanied by Jessica's bewildered face, which suggests that she had no idea about the call. Betty like "of course I'm a bad bitch," Tabitha like "oh my god, that's why Jug was so vague about his breakup with Betty." And Jessica listens very attentively to every word on the record, as if comparing in her head some facts she knows only. Immediately after, the first thing she says is: "We already lived together then," and Jessica's face is very sad. Betty and Tabitha are confused. Moreover, it is clear from Betty's face that this is new information for her. And all this is bad on many levels. Because the elephant in the room is quite obvious - Jughead calls with a claim to his ex while already in a new relationship. Jessica goes on to tell the sad story of her relationship with Jughead, telling Betty “We weren't good with each other, well, you know”, which makes Betty feel sad. I want to note that at this moment only Jessica is absolutely sober, while the other two girls are already in a rolling foggy high. The fact that allows her to be in the position of a manipulator and to lead the conversation in the direction she needs. Which she quickly reveals, saying that she just wanted the manuscript. Jessica also reports that she too succumbed to destructive behavior, like Jughead, which causes a very skeptical expression on Betty's face. Come on girl, don't trust this witch!
It is clear that Jessica rushed to Riverdale only for Jughead's manuscript, and not to help find him. She literally flipped all of his things and drugged two people to get what she wanted. Obviously, his book does not reveal Betty as a bad person. Otherwise, why would he call it "romantic" and be angry that the main villain of his work did not come to witness her exposure. I guess Jessica went all-in, assuming Betty hadn't read the book. I remind that Betty and Tabitha are both already high, they will believe in any acceptable argument. And when Jessica presses on a bruise "I don't want people to know about our bad relationship with Jughead, how did they know about yours" - this is a very weighty argument, first of all for Betty, as well as for Tabitha, to to do the girl a favor out of solidarity. And that doesn't make Betty bad. This shows her as a deeply wounded person who cannot afford to hurt anyone else, even if she is a dubious lady with bad ideas for girls night.
Now for quick thoughts and basic speculation:
1. Jughead told Jessica about him and Betty. Why, how? Not that it was in his character to whine to strangers about school love. I guess Jessica found out later, when Jughead was either drunk, in the heat of writing the book, or after publication at all. In any case, it happened after he survived his trauma and became a different person.
2. Jessica probably didn't know about voicemail.
3. Betty probably had no idea about Jessica at the time of the voicemail. This is also confirmed by the conversation between Tabitha and Betty in the bunker, when it is clear from Betty's reaction that Jessica is unfamiliar to her. Betty also asks where Jughead got the mushrooms, indicating that she had no idea about his addiction.
4. Jessica pokes Betty's nose at the fact that her relationship with Jughead was bad and literally doomed. Which Betty most likely believes, because in front of her is the girl to whom Jughead complained about his previous relationship.
5. Most likely Jughead began to change not for the better already under the influence of Jessica. She either encouraged the worst self-destructive sides in him, or even had a personal interest in this drama.
In fact, @joneswuzthere, in her breakdown of 511, described very well what Jessica and Jughead's relationship was likely to be. This is a rather long, deep and somewhat controversial analysis of the series. While I sometimes have to remind myself that Bughead was written by the same people who wrote plots about Edgar Evernever's damn rocket, Nana Bossom kept the corpse in a barrel for 50 years, Chick Gargoyle King. When I remember this, I stop digging 10 meters into the plot, and stop at a depth of a couple of centimeters. Huh.
6. It is clear from Jessica's story that their relationship with Jughead began before the book was written. And he himself told Tabitha earlier that he did not remember how he wrote it. From which I conclude that Jughead was already in a state of altered reality at that time. Which only confirms point 5.
7. I also assume that Jughead did not distinguish between reality and his fantasies at the time of the voicemail and before it. And this is most likely the main reason for VM - he invented a story for himself, believed in it, and five years later dumped his resentment on Betty. This is also indirectly confirmed by the 514 review from tvinsider.com: "while the kicker explores the origins of the addiction that’s trapped Jughead somewhere between the facts of his life and the fiction he’s penned." All of the VM content is pretty weird and not Jughead-like. Especially if the situation developed in such a way that he and Betty did not speak for five years. Why did his emotions suddenly decide to splash out, if only for some reason he didn't wind himself up?
8. Betty didn't read the book. Tabitha hasn't read the book. Will they read it in the next episodes and who exactly will make Betty do it?
9. Jessica desperately wanted a new Jughead manuscript. Why? Does she know his talent and wants to steal the book? Has she tried to steal previous Jughead lyrics before? Did she drug him and keep him in destructive behavior in a state of unreality in order to steal his stories that he didn't remember anyway?
10. In VM, Jughead basically said he was regret about his relationship with Betty. Coupled with Jessica's manipulation of "he wrote badly about you in his book" Betty basically believed that Jughead was done with her. I think right now she is at a point of no return in her relationship with Jughead. And no matter what happens next, he will have to take the first step and pull Betty out of the spiral of guilt and self-isolation.
11. Why am I still sure there was no Bughead interaction in the five years between the porch hug and the voicemail night? As many speculate based on what Jughead said, there were likely interactions between the two. And Betty let Jughead down over and over again. But even if so, wouldn't he tell Betty that he is not only in a new relationship, but also lives with his girlfriend? I will never believe it. If the Bughead were really trying to build friendships in college, I'm sure they would be as honest as possible with each other about their personal lives. The complete lack of interaction between Bughead in the temporary jump is also confirmed by the scene of Tabitha and Betty in Pop's, when Betty does not understand at all why she breaks Jughead's buzz.
12. From this I can conclude that Jughead, being high all these years, still had the image of Betty in his head trying to get him out of the trap (she literally freed him from the handcuffs in the last trip). The image of Betty trying to reason with Jughead could very well turn into Betty breaking the high.
The episode is coming soon, so I stop my reasoning and open the bingo game. And I hope that in 514 we get to know most of the backstory of Jughead, because it is simply impossible to delay it.
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Could you please do an in depth analyses as to why do you think Vughead is better together then Varchie and Bughead! I very much enjoy reading your threads and fanfic. You are my favorite Jeronica blog ❤❤
Awwww thank you so much, you made my day <3
Some time ago, during s2, when I was still an innocent flower with a lot of hope in trying to find the logic in Riverdale, I answered a similar question. More or less, I still stand by what I said, even tho a lot has changed meanwhile. But I’ll recap and throw in some other stuff.
1) The chemistry and sexual tension is literally over the roof. One has to be blind to set that aside. Every time they interact, I can see sparkles between them. There is such an electricity in the way they look at each other!
2) ANGST! They are the natural Romeo and Juliet and no one can tell me otherwise. It doesn’t matter how much the writers tried to push this trope on B*ghead: it just doesn’t fit because the key points are not there. But Jeronica do have the “forbidden love” quality in them, which also comes from the war between their families. Two families that are really similar but also really far from each other. The Lodges are rich gangsters who got to the top of society, while the Jones are mob leaders from the slums of Riverdale. They are basically different sides of the same coin. We have on one side the conservative mob family that lives in luxury, and on the other we have the raw life of the subalterns that longs for a more enlarged concept of family. Which leads me to the next point.
3) Family. This is the corner stone of these two characters: the strong attachment that they have to the concept of family and to the values that come with it. Both Jug and Veronica move on the same tracks: the need to preserve and protect their broken families. They want to be a part of something which they also want to change and heal. I personally love how this mix of inadequacy and need to step up to their father figure brings them on the same psychological level. This affinity, also connected to the core values that they share, it’s a shellproof base to a great romance and character development.
4) Royaly trope. Already talked about this too, and also the main reason for my nickname. Veronica and Jug are descendants of their respective families, who embody some kind of modern and distorted concept of royalty (mob and gangs). How many times the show has called them prince/princess? A LOT. They can fuckining rule Riverdale and they would be AMAZING.
5) Retromania aesthetic. One of the things that got me to ship them is this: the fact that they are the only two characters in the whole show who are given references to pop culture. Jug is always quoting movies, books and whatsovere. The same (even tho a bit less) happens with Veronica. The drive in, the speakeasy - they both embody this sort of vintage nostalgia that gives their characters a more sofisticated cultural level. They are more (dare I say) “ancient souls”?! I would both call it a refined taste and just an aesthetic. I’m a bitch for aesthetic, especially the more vintage one. The interesting thing about nostalgia, about this longing for a past that we see as golden, is that it’s based on a sense of dissatisfaction for the present. This of course, it’s a really peculiar topic that would take a post by itself to explain: it looms over the whole aesthetic of the show for a lot of reasons. However, in Jug and Veronica is particularly evident because it belongs to their personality. They look back, because they can’t really find their right spot in this world - the shoe that fits them. This is showed by the way they are always associated with old movies, classic novels, old music and vintage settings. A search for roots, as weel as for themselves, which again connects to the whole family sphere.
6) The noir episode. If you haven’t watch “The Big Sleep”, go watch it now. In the noir episode in s3 they took inspiration from that movie and basically adapted it for the episode’s narrative (as well as other noir movies). However, for Jeronica’s scenes, everything boiled down to the obvious reference to “The Big Sleep”. So Jug is framed as the charming detective and Veronica as the femme fatale. Well well well..if this is not a comparison, I don’t know what it is. The movie is notorious for the huge chemistry between Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall (who also got married, btw) and, of course, for the interesting romance that takes place between them. The comparison is obvious, and suits really well. No surprise that they acted everyone else out of the screen in that episode.
Ok..I think I said enough for now. There are really a lot of reasons to why I ship them, why I think they are the best potential couple other and why I find the aesthetic of their characters more fitting than the ones of the other pairings. Let me know what you think and if you have any question, I’m more than happy to get into it ^^
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theforcedyads · 5 years ago
“If only I kept you closer...” [Angsty Bughead oneshot]
{Jughead Jones POV : 4:38 A.M - Tuesday}
I shot out of the floral-pink bed, feeling as if I got hit by a truck. "Shit..." I mumbled, waving my hands around to look for- wait. I forgot... She isn't here anymore...-I got out of bed, taking a look at the alarm clock. I got up and changed, figuring that we'd do something today- than I began walking downstairs to the kitchen- hoping there was leftover coffee from yesterday night. I began to hear footsteps from behind, expecting it to be my little sister, Jellybean. But it wasn't- It was just the almighty Alice Cooper waking up from a long-night's rest. "Jug-head. Goodmorning." She said. "I'm going to go to the hospital in a few minutes to check up on Betty- if you want, you can come." She said- In a 'matter of factly' type of way. She sat down on the stool beside me, pouring herself a cup of coffee, and reaching for a banana-nut muffin on the small dessert-display in the middle of the marble island. I just nodded, stupidly. Her phone started to ring, sending a surprise-feeling rolling down my back. "I have to take this, it's the hospital- they're probably calling to inform us that Betty is awake." She jumped up from the stool, walking herself to the living-room, than disappearing behind a wall. "Yeah..." I thought to myself, "she'll be fine- everything will be fine."
A few moments later, I heard a clatter coming from the living room. I assumed it was something Alice just bumped into, but it wasn't- "Mrs. Cooper?- Is everything alri-" Than she was scurrying to get her car-keys. "What is it? Is it, Betty?-" I asked, nervously. "We gotta go- She might not make it-" She hesitated, And- Well. Those 8 little words are what got me.- I stumbled out of the house, following after her, and getting into the station-wagon that was parked outside.- 8 minutes later, we arrived at Riverdale Health Hospital, we didn't speak at- all during the duration of the drive, we just drove in silence. All my thoughts were crashing down on me all at once: Is she okay? Is she dying?, Why hasn't she tried to communicate with us?, I'm scared- I don't want to lose her., Shit- why are you asking so many questions?
Alice got out of the station-wagon, practically running into the hospital. I followed after her. "Elizabeth Cooper- Im her mom- And he's...-" She trailed- "Her boyfriend." I added. "Room 205. Floor 2." The nurse nodded, looking at her clipboard. Me and Betty's mom swift-walked down the hall, and to the elevator. When we arrived at the room, I looked through the window and saw her. Tubes and hair gone, looking really small in the large bleached-white room and bed. "Betty..." I whispered, putting my hand on the window. I looked over at the heart-monitor beside her bed. After focusing on it, I noticed that her heart-rate was slow. "No- No- No- No- Betty... Please..." I begged, in a hushed tone. I knew the doctors were still trying trying to keep the process steady, still trying to keep her from- dying... I was panicking, the walls surrounding me- swirling around me like a Florida-Hurricane. I couldn't take it anymore, if she was really going to leave this world soon, the decency I could do is at least talk to her- Make her feel comforted before she's taken away from me. From Veronica, Archie, Kevin, Cheryl- everybody. Even her mythic-bitch mother.
I went into the room, pushing a chair near her bed and sitting down. I examined her body, bruises covering head-to-toe, tubes taking over her, hair still trying to hang on for dear life, and shaky and hesitant breathing. I took one of her hands into mine, kissing her palm gently- remembering the moment we shared in Pop's after my horrific-scene of a birthday party. I chuckled quietly, trying to hold back tears. I sighed silently, looking at the heart monitor. It was getting slower-and-slower as time went by. "Archie and Veronica are worried about you, Betts- They said if you gave up on them, they'd come by and knock some sense into you." I tried to joke, but tears started rolling down my cheek- her hand still in mine. "If you ever left, I just want you to know that I've never stopped loving you- Betty. I don't think I ever can..." I smiled, taking my beanie off and tossing it onto the side-table.
For what felt like a peaceful- solid 10 minutes, her heartbeat stopped. I looked over at the heart-monitor, and green, pixelated line lighting it up. "I'm sorry..." I whispered, getting up to kiss her forehead, than leaving the room- knowing the doctors would be in, ASAP.
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screamingintosilence · 6 years ago
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As I Disappear (blink twice) - Bughead AU
3 last missed calls, 3 last voice mails, 3 former friends of a girl who disappeared 10 months ago.
What if after Betty ruined things with Veronica and Jughead per the Black Hood's instructions, she ran away in a desperate attempt to get out of the Black Hood's reach?
What if she was carrying a secret, one she didn't even know, as she left? And what if the Black Hood finally caught her?
The call came at 3:05 pm, 10 months and 1 day that Betty Cooper had walked out of her life. 10 months since anyone in Riverdale had seen the perfect girl next door.
The call came at 3:05 pm, with the voicemail following promptly at 3:07 pm after she swiped to deny the call she had long been expecting.
It was 10 months too late. 10 months of stewing and contemplating and denying that she wasn't over her best friend betraying her. 10 months since Betty had stood in front of her and all their friends and claimed she was a selfish and self serving bitch, only for her to run away from their not-so-sleepy town-of-PEP!
She told himself the healthiest option would be to ignore it, delete it, forget her voice was just a click away from hearing. So she went on with cheer practice, convincing herself that whatever Betty had to say could wait for never ever. What she wasn't counting on was a frantic Archie Andrews busting through the gym doors at 4:45pm, looking like the world was about to end.
“Ronnie,” he was panting as if he sprinted a mile in 4 minutes. “Have you heard from Betty today?” Her heartbeat was wooshing in her ears from the tone of his voice alone.
It was bad. It had to be bad. Archie was witness to what happened the night of Nick’s party and there is no way in hell he would ask such a question unless…
The blood drained from Veronica's face as she raced over to where she kept her phone during practice.
The fact that even Cheryl Blossom hadn't said a word about Archie interrupting her precious Vixens practice didn't even hit Veronica as she quickly unlocked her phone, scrambling to her voicemail and clicking on that clandestine message from her once best friend.
“V, I'm so sorry,” Betty’s voice was faint, sorrowful, and weak, echoing off the now silent gym walls as all occupants stood bewildered. “For everything. Archie can explain it, I don't have much longer I think. Find her, V. Please. Find her, save her, tell her I loved her. It was all for her. And Juggie... And you… He's going to kill me soon… Save her,” the line clicked dead and Veronica's phone clattered to the floor from the shaking from her hands.
As she looked at Archie, she saw the same devastation and confusion on her face reflected in his. The only thing that flashed in her mind, through all the words that Betty had spoken that didn't make sense, was “Jughead”
Now on Ao3 ❤️
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staliasjeronica · 6 years ago
Riverdale 3.05 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- I’m still so pissed that Jughead brought my core 4 into this. Like, we know they’re not stupid so THANKS FOR MAKING THEM JOIN A GAME THAT HAS BEEN FUCKING KILLING PEOPLE JUGLYFUCK.
- Rob Raco is so fucking gorgeous. But I couldn’t help myself and saw spoilers so i’m mad. But i’ll rant when it comes up.
- Of course Joaquin fell... but ARCHIE THE TRUE FUCKING KING OF RIVERDALE BLOCKS HIM FROM BEING SHOT. Ya’ll really queerbaited the fuck out of us huh. Bitches.
- I can’t believe they’re actually making me agree with Betty. What the fuck lmao JUGHEAD YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE THE SANE ONE WHO TRIES (and usually fails) TO KEEP BETTY FROM DOING STUPID SHIT.
- Oh my GOD Jughead... you guys didn’t even know the game yet. Real life “quests” aren’t a part of the game you jackass. Jesus.
- Even though Jug is going fucking crazy... why does he actually look all cute and innocent? What is this episode doing to me? Also how is his creepy, mind-controlled-like demeanor much more tolerable than how he usually acts?
- Lmao Betty is so pissed that her boyfriend isn’t doing what she wants. It’s a nice rarity to see, even though Jug is trippin. If only they would allow him to be his own person in general.
- Wow, Hiram really is a dickhead for telling this all to Veronica simply to fuck with her. Also is it just me who somehow didn’t realize he had a tattoo?
- Why do they make Veronica stupid enough to tell people what she’ll do, and allow them to thwart her plans and incriminate her? OUR QUEEN ISN’T STUPID.
- YOU’RE GOING TO FUCKING BRAND HIM? They do realize that (if he does) when he gets out of prison, people will see he was fucking branded? Like??? Are you fucking stupid? Poor Archie... good thing he’s breaking out of jail!
- I don’t know why... but i’m saying everything is Marty Mantle’s fault. Don’t ask because I DON’T KNOW IT’S JUST A FEELING.
- Josie is so fucking done with Betty. Me too! Instead of, you know, letting them know and ask their parents nicely or something Betty’s like “yeah so go investigate your parents for murder”
- “Thank you for mansplaining my business to me” WE LOVE AND STAN VERONICA.
- CHONI. WOW THEY’RE STANDING FIVE FEET AWAY FROM EACH OTHER. Oh they were so totally fucking in that tent cOME ON.
- I know I wanted screentime for my babies but this ain’t it. GIVE ME THEIR FUCKING BACKSTORIES. Jughead if they die I will literally hate you. Like, no hard passes I will legit fucking hope you die with them because that’s the only way it’ll be made up. Although Sweet Pea with a bow and arrow? Hot af bye
- BUT SWEET PEA, MY MAN, IS STILL SPITTING TRUTH. “We’re your foot-soldiers in life, we gotta be the same in the game, down in the mud taking all the risks?” Because he KNOWS that Jughead only goes to them when he needs them for that kind of shit. In the beginning before Jughead joined, it was like that, too. Jughead had to show that he was all in for the Serpents. It sucks now that Sweet Pea can’t somehow overthrow him. Sweet Pea and Toni need to rule the fucking Serpents, if it has to be a teenager.
- And I thought that this scene with Cheryl, Sweet Pea, and Fangs where when they saw the fucking Gargoyle King... are you fucking kidding me Jughead you’re so stupid. I know you’re fucked up from the game but SO ARE SWEET PEA AND FANGS BECAUSE YOU’RE THE STUPID FUCK WHO BROUGHT THEM INTO IT. Also how funny would it be if she like hit his shoulder or something. I know she’s perfect but STILL. Might bring Jughead back to reality both from the game and the show in general.
- Why do Fangs and Sweet Pea act like they’ve never seen Cheryl use her bow and arrow with deadly accuracy?
- “Don’t defy me again” um bitch how the fuck did they defy you? They were (horribly and dangerously) practicing with the bow and arrow. Sure, they wanted to take g&g to real life but that doesn’t mean they could without their whole g&g group. Fuck off Jughead. When they’re out of this spell we need Sweet Pea to shove reality into Jughead’s face about his bitch ass ruling
- FP please see how crazy your son is. Also I thought you gave Jughead rein over the Serpents because of your sudden drinking problem. Where’s the beer bottles bitch? If you’re okay please PLEASE take the Serpents back.
- OH NO SHE’S GOING TO SEE ARCHIE FIGHTING. NO. NO. NO. MY POOR BABY. Lmao the part where we thought we heard Joaquin sucking Archie off was fucking ice i’m quaking. See, many are angry that Archie and Veronica are having sex in the prison but guys it makes so much sense? Like? At least when they have sex it’s not gross or toxic. They haven’t seen each other in forever, and she just found out that he’s being used as some jockey to make the prison some extra money or whatever. LEAVE VARCHIE ALONE. But what I still don’t understand is that if they’re supposed to be broken up, what could that possibly be from? They’re completely, totally in love. Bughead, I could see, but Varchie?
- Betty... did you just accuse Sierra and Tom’s marriage as a smokescreen? INSTEAD OF BEING A BITCH AND COMPLAINING THAT THEY DIDN’T GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANTED, TRY BEING ACTUALLY HAPPY FOR THEM (even though for some reason Josie is disgusted but whatever)
- Ugh Jughead’s going to ruin the whole thing about the rescue mission by tying it to the game. Fuck off. But Betty is going to steal his bike... you’re going to leave him with no transportation, which is more dangerous with the gargoyle king? Betty since when did you learn how to ride a fucking motorcycle. They’re gonna force Serpent!Betty onto us aren’t they.
- Oh great this is the kiss scene that I get to watch and can’t enjoy because I know what happens... but imma like the kiss anyways because I’m not gonna let queerbait turn me into an even more bitter asshole than I already am.
- VEGGIE’S SO ATTRACTIVE!! But is no one really going to react to Reggie’s dad hitting him?
- This weird g&g and reality go-between is weird. But did anyone notice Sweet Pea tap Fangs’ knee in support? We love supportive boyfriends. Also the fact that his Pantera identity is being matched to Kevin’s role in the breakout is amazing. Too bad Kevin was a dick to Fangs when he was literally just trying to talk to him during the musical :)
- Wow, Mad Dog is alive. It was obvious he wasn’t killed off lmao. But also this isn’t fair? Archie was stabbed. I know this is illegal and shit but if you have a star player don’t you, you know, treat them well? I know the warden is in Hiram’s pocket (and apparently playing g&g thanks to spoilers bc i’m weak and don’t follow anything other than Riverdale atm), but come on at least make it FAIR
- It’s so weird how ALICE slays the Serpent look but Betty... not so much. Lili wore Alice’s clothes for an episode and decided “NO MORE PASTEL FOR BETTY” huh... still won’t make Betty the Serpent queen
- It’s amazing how, since VERONICA is the one who planned all of this, it’s going smoothly and actually makes sense. Thank God Jughead isn’t in his right mind or else him and Betty would be fucking this up. RAS TAKE NOTES. WE WANT MORE VERONICA PLANS, NOT STUPID, HALF-ASSED, WANNABE BUGHEAD PLANS THAT NEVER MAKE SENSE AND TAKE THE WORST POSSIBLE ROUTE
- You can tell Joaquin is fucked up because of the game. Here he is, with his Preppy (future husband, sorry Moose), and he’s not even acting like he normally would. Sure, he’s running for his life, but STILL.
- APPARENTLY VANESSA IMPROVISED THAT KISS. I do hate how RAS hyped it up as a cute makeout or whatever but it’s literally a second long... bull SHIT.
- Betty... mace? Really? THEY HAVE GUNS. Betty this is why you’re not the Serpent Queen, you don’t have the guts, or the drive. But i’ll give you props for protecting Kevin
- First of all, I wanna say that the pact throwback from the parents to their children is awesome. I love it.
- Also, THIS IS WHY VERONICA SHOULD HAVE MORE SCENES. She’s doing everything that Betty tries and fails to do. Her plan wasn’t stupid, it was dangerous, yes, but they could have gone gung-ho and fucked it all up. Betty (and Jughead) are extremely impulsive, while Veronica is quick and complex, making sure it is all perfect and done. Betty would have just winged it. TELL ME AGAIN WHY BUGHEAD IS THE MAIN FOCUS OF THE SHOW WHEN VERONICA, THE TRUE QUEEN, ISN’T? LITERALLY THIS EPISODE WAS THE BEST (second place goes to the parent’s ep) BECAUSE IT HAD VERONICA STEPPING INTO HER OWN ROLL AND PLOT, AND ALSO SECONDARY CHARACTERS WERE IN IT.
Extra: wtf were Sweet Pea and Fangs going to do witht hat Pillow? Mmhmmmmmmm
Extra Extra: Reggie is next to Sweet Pea, and bc of that headcannon of them being brothers, i’m screaming bye (since we now know Marty Mantle is a little abusive bitch ass, imagine Reggie finally, completely letting go of his dislike for the Serpents and living with Sweet Pea, which would be a great introductory for Sweet Pea’s life and shit, and them bonding. IMAGINE.
- As much as I love Varchie, she’s right. Veronica is pretty obsessed with him but I know there’s a great explanation. I don’t know if I reblogged it or liked it or just saw it, but someone talked about it in a post and it was fantastic and well-put. Hiram, however... we all know he’s obsessed with Archie for some reason. Like, yeah he wants to torture his daughter for not siding with him (because he’s an insecure bitch), but with how he was when Archie was escaping... it was more like he was obsessed with him, and it wasn’t about hurting Veronica anymore, it was all about Archie. That brings up the point that it’s probably Hiram who was the Gargoyle King because young!Hiram brought drugs to the ascension and would make sure everyone was tripping to not see him/believe sober Alice. I believe that would be too easy but how else would Hiram go down?
- Why did Hermione say “the mess you and your daughter have made” your daughter? I know that’s kind of a parent thing but like... you could have just said Veronica.
- NO DON’T FUCKING PLAY G&G... SEE BETTY THIS IS WHY YOU DON’T HIDE SHIT, AND WHY YOU’RE NOT A GOOD “LEADER” now my other babies are playing the game and can get hurt because of you!
- Wow? Betty actually caring about Jughead’s well being? Mhmm... interesting. But honestly the first thing that popped into my mind is that she wanted to be alone with Archie (even though he’s finally asleep my poor innocent precious baby)
- WARDEN NORTON YOU’RE A FUCKING PUSSY ASS BITCH. Although i’m glad you’re dead... but you still fucking suck ass
- ofc Jughead randomly happens to come upon the fucking gargoyle king. 
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serpentlifeonlylife · 6 years ago
Meet the Wilders Pt 2
Part 1 Part 3  Part 4
Summary: When the Black Hood is finally killed Riverdale thought they'd finally get some peace. But when a new family moves into town a few of its residents aren't prepared for how the family will turn their lives upside down. And when the Black Hood returns along with a new murderer how will they affect this new family? Meet the Wilders . . . and their secrets.  
Chapter Summary: In which Reggie is an ass, big brother to the rescue, and they finally meet the Serpents                                
Warnings: fluff, swearing.                                       
Pairings: Sweet Pea x OC, POSSIBLE Sweet Pea x OC x Fangs, Kevin x OC, Choni, Bughead, Varchie.                                                                     
If you want to be on the tag list please comment or message me!
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“And these are your lockers,” Ethel said, ending the tour in front of the lockers that were in the same hallway as the main office. “431 and 432. Felix, yours is on the other wall, closer to the corner.”
“Awesome, I'm going to go check it out. Also, call me Lix. Everyone does,” Lix said with a grin before bounding down the hall.
Ethel laughed a little nervously. “He has a lot of energy.”
“Try living with him,” Alfie laughed as he opened his locker. “Thanks for showing us around. Gotta say, you're probably the nicest tour guide we’ve ever had.”
Ethel blushed. Rose could tell she wasn't used to being complimented as her expression turned bashful.
“And thanks for not asking all the imposing questions we usually get, or saying all the dumb comments,” he added, shoving his stuff into his locker. “Where are you from?”
“Why did you move here?” Rose continued, opening her own locker.
“You guys are twins?”
“Your both so tall.”
“Your dad is so hot.”
“Why do you have a service dog?”
“What's wrong with you?”
“Can I pet the service dog?”
Together they slammed their lockers closed and grinned at her.
Ethel looked between the two of them, kind of scared now that she'd say the wrong thing. “Er, your welcome?”
They both laughed, and she awkwardly smiled.
“Well, get ready because here at Riverdale High there are a lot of nosy, inconsiderate people. They're all going to want to know about you guys. Sorry to say this, but especially since you have a service dog,” Ethel told them.
Rose rolled her eyes, scratching Sampson behind the ear. “I've gone through this ‘new kid’ thing about four times in the last year alone. We've been moving around our whole life. The questions are nothing new.”
Ethel's eyes widened at the information, but she kept herself from asking the burning question.
Alfie looked at her, immediately noticing the internal battle going on. He laughed, “You’re trying really hard not to ask, aren't you?” Ethel looked at him guiltily, and he laughed again. “It's okay. Pops’ job moves us around a lot. He’s a well sought after teacher. Moves from one college to the other, teaching for a semester or two, and then onto the next. Being a single dad he needed to make the money where he could,” he explained, telling the story the family had come up with.
“We’re finally at a place where he can get a less busy job and we can live comfortably. So he decided he wanted to settle down and finally stay somewhere permanently,” Rose continued.
“So we took a map,” Alfie said.
“Threw a dart at it,” Rose added.
“And here we are,” Lix said excitedly, popping up next to Ethel, who jumped. “Good ole’ Riverdale.”
“Huh. Well, it's good that you guys finally get to settle down and just have normal, teenage lives,” Ethel said with a smile.
“You could say that again,” Rose laughed lightly.
“And I'd be glad to make that easier. So if you have any questions or need help with anything while your here don't be afraid to ask,” Ethel said kindly.
Rose smiled at her, liking her. “Thanks, Ethel.”
Ethel nodded. The warning bell went off and Ethel's eyes widened. “Oh, time to go to class. Luckily you're both in my first period Math class. Lix, your English class with your dad is on the way so I can show you where it is.”
“Lit,” Lix said happily. They all followed Ethel down the hall, Rose hoping she had just made her first friend.
Rose rolled her eyes as she walked down the hallway, tightly holding Sampson's leash in both aggravation and nerves. It was after her second period, which had been Chemistry, and she was now heading back to her locker to get her things for her third period English class. She hadn't had Chemistry with Alfie, who had Art, so she'd been on her own. She hated walking through the halls on her first day of school alone. She always felt like she was under a microscope with the amount of people staring, whispering, and pointing at her and her dog.
Finally she reached her locker and felt like she could breathe again. Opening her locker she started to change out her books when a shadow fell over her. She could have groaned in frustration, already knowing it wasn't Alfie, Lix, or Ethel.
“Hey!” an overly nice voice said from behind her. She reluctantly turned to see a tall Asian boy standing there, obviously a jock from the jersey he was wearing, grinning charmingly at her.
She already didn't like him. Someone with that much confidence from the get was never good news.
“I'm Reggie, captain of the football team. You're Rose, the new girl, right?” he asked. She blinked at him. The need to make her feel impressed by him was written clear as day as he looked at her.
“Yes,” she said simply.
“Cool, cool. Cool dog,” he said, going to pet Sampson. Before he could Sampson growled, causing Reggie to jump away.
“I wouldn't do that,” Rose warned nonchalantly, putting her hand on Sampson's head. He immediately stopped growling.
Reggie glared down at him before looking at her incredulously. “Should you have a dog like that around people?”
Rose merely raised an eyebrow. “He's not dangerous. He just knows whether or not people have permission to pet him. If you don't have permission then he doesn't let you pet him,” Rose explained, looking at him with a blank expression. On the inside she was calling him every insult in the book.
“Oh. Then, can I pet him?” he asked confidently.
“Why?” Reggie asked, insulted.
“Because he's a service dog,” she said, pointing to his vest and the ‘Do Not Pet’ sign that was in big bold letters on the side facing Reggie.
“Yeah, I don't get that,” Reggie said, shrugging. “Why can't people pet service dogs?”
“Well for one, it's rude,” Alfie said, appearing beside Rose, who sagged in relief. He was much better at dealing with assholes than she was. “You shouldn't pet any dog without the owner's permission. Second, a service dog's job is to keep all it's focus on it's owner in case something happens so that they can help. If Sampson's attention is on you, or anyone else, and something happens to my sister that he doesn't catch and doesn't help, the results could be fatal. Do you want to be the reason my sister ends up in a fatal accident?”
Reggie looked at both of them as if they were something weird he'd never seen before. “What's wrong with her?”
Alfies glared at him when Rose looked down at her shoes. “We don't like you. You can go away now.”
“Excuse me?” Reggie asked, affronted.
“You're excused,” Alfie said dismissively. He crossed his arms and glared at the ignorant boy. “You walked over here with nothing but the intention of finding out the scoop on the new kids. You tried to touch Sampson without permission. You made ignorant comments and asked a rude question. Three strikes, your out.”
“Listen, I didn't mean-”
“Yes you did,” Alfie cut him off. “There's one of you in every school, and every time we encounter one of you the conversation is always the same, as is the outcome. So let's skip to the end where you just walk away, leave us alone, and we all live happily ever after. Yeah?”
Reggie looked between them, his expression becoming more and more frustrated at being shown up. “Whatever, freaks,” he spit, stomping away.
“Wow, how original,” Alfie said sarcastically. He turned towards Rose, who was still looking at her boots. “Don't let that asshole get to you, Ro. He isn't the worst we've dealt with.”
“No, it's not that,” Rose said quietly. She looked up at him and said, “It's just, I need to start being able to do that on my own. Standing up for myself. I can't depend on you forever.”
Alfie looked at her sadly. “Whether you're the toughest bitch out there or the weakest sod, I'm always going to stick up for you. No matter what.”
“Yeah, but you won't always be there,” Rose said, sighing. “And you shouldn't have to be.”
“Well too bad, ‘cause you're stuck with me,” he laughed, opening his locker. “Besides, soon enough people will get over the shiny new toys and move on to something else to talk about and you won't have to deal with that bullshit anymore.”
“Here's to hoping,” Rose said quietly.
“Hey, nice take down of Captain Jackass,” Sweet Pea said as he, Fangs, and Toni approached from across the hall where their own lockers were.
Alfie laughed and closed his locker, taking them in. “I take it he's always like that?”
Toni scoffed. “He's the typical egotistical high school jock.”
“Ah,” Alfie said, shooting a scowling Reggie an amused look from down the hall. “Good to know.”
“I'm Toni Topaz,” she introduced. “This is Sweet Pea, and he's Fangs,” she said, pointing to each boy, who both said hello. “We and a bunch of other people transferred here yesterday from the Southside.”
“Oh yeah, I heard about you guys,” Alfie said, nodding in recognition. “You guys are the talk of the school. Well, after us now.”
“Yeah, the Northsiders weren't too happy we were invading their pure air with our filthy selves,” Sweet Pea said before scoffing and rolling his eyes.
Rose frowned. “Do they really say that?” she asked.
They all nodded. “The North and South side have never really gotten along. They see us as nothing but bad influence, druggies, and scum because we wear leather jackets and ride bikes, and we think they're all ignorant, privileged,and rude,” Toni explained.
Sweet Pea snorted. “‘Cuz they are.”
“Point is, that's just the way it's always been.”
“And since we started school here most of them don't hesitate to remind us of their views,” Fangs added, smiling down at Sampson.
“Well, that's awful,” Rose said, scrunching her nose. “I'm Rose. And this is my brother Alfie.”
“Nice to meet you,” Toni nodded.
“You as well,” Alfie grinned.
“What's his name?” Fangs asked, gesturing towards her dog.
“Sampson. Would you like to pet him?” Rose asked.
Fangs’ eyes widened. “Oh, no, I wouldn't want to distract him.”
Rose smiled at his thoughtfulness. “Its okay. You see, what I didn't tell Captain Jackass over there,” Sweet Pea grinned at her use of his name, “was that Sampson is a highly trained service dog who has been with me for years. He can sense something happening to me before even I can most times. I let people pet him all the time. I just didn't want him to,” she said, motioning towards Reggie.
Fangs looked longingly between her and Sampson. “Are you sure?” he asked.
Rose laughed lightly. “Positive. Besides, it'll be enjoyable to watch the asshole’s pissed off expression.”
That sealed the deal for Fangs as the rest of them laughed. He eagerly knelt down and started gushing over Sampson, who happily accepted the affection with an excited wagging tail. They all glanced down the hall to see Reggie watching the whole thing with a gaping mouth. When he caught them all laughing he gave them all a heated glare before slamming his locker closed and stomping off, his teammates all hurrying after him.
They all laughed harder at his little tantrum show. “I love showing up punks,” Alfie smirked.
“Oh, I like you guys,” Sweet Pea said, grinning wildly.
“Which is a huge compliment because he doesn't like many people,” Toni said, petting Sampson lightly.
“Yeah? Well, we like y'all too. So far you guys and Ethel are the only ones who haven't treated us like shiny new toys,” Alfie laughed.
“Well, you guys haven't treated us like we're scum,” Toni said.
“Oh,” Rose said suddenly, looking at the clock. “We have to get to English. You know Pops will find some way to try and embarrass us if we're some of the last kids in there.” Alfie cringed, knowing she was completely true.
“We have your dad's English class next too,” Fangs said excitedly, finally standing to his feet again.
“Awesome, let's head out,” Alfie said, leading the way alongside Toni.
“So what do we need to know about your dad as a teacher? You know, the Dos and Don'ts,” Sweet Pea asked from Rose's left, Fangs on her other side.
“Well, from what we can tell from sometimes going to work with him, he's actually a really chill teacher,” Alfie explained. “As a person he's one of those guys that respects you as long as you respect him. The same goes for in the classroom.”
Rose nodded in agreement. “His teaching method is different. The books he's having us read this year will be surprising. He's just not your typical teacher.”
“Sounds interesting,” Sweet Pea commented.
“Oh, he is,” Rose laughed, and Sweet Pea grinned down at her.
“Here we are,” Toni said, stopping in front of the room. Rose could see through the window that the room was barely occupied. Her father was sitting in his chair, smiling while talking to Ethel, who sat near the front.
“Let the fun begin,” Alfie grinned before walking in.
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silviasutton1989 · 7 years ago
@blackcatkita tagged me (after I begged her lol) to list my top 10 tv shows only using gifs. Now I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t add a little (or a lot) of commentary to the list. SO here are my favorite shows and why I love them. I will tag a few people but feel free to make your own even if I missed you.
My list is under the cut I hope you enjoy and would love to know what you think
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Yes this show was my 1st introduction to the world of fandom. I was dedicated to this show, taking part in theories and yes I did sign that petition to make I. Marlene King rewrite the 2nd A reveal and yes I was pissed at the ending (twins...reallly really?!!) I wont get into it (unless someone wants to talk about it then I will definitely get into it) but I have a wide range of pent up emo ton towards this show (both of my boys were born on Monday’s I was pretty determined not to miss a single Tuesday and I never did...don’t judge me)
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If you don’t know who Desna is (Bitch you betta find out cause she is a mf BEAST) I love her I love the show I love their messed up reasonings behind their actions. And anybody named Uncle Daddy will always have my attention.
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Carry on my wayward son there’ll be piece when you are done lay your weary head to rest.....Don’t you cry no more!!!!!
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Tara!!!!!! lol I first watched this because I was so pissed at how True Blood just effed up Tara’s story line. I continued to watch it because the dialogue, the plot, the aesthetics (and I don’t know shit about aesthetics lol) the honesty and grit and representation of our life and struggles...and they didn’t make them do those horrible southern accents that True Blood tried to pull off (Louisianans  don’t talk like that)
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If you haven’t guessed yet I like effed up situations and effed up people and this chick here drove me nuts through the 1st season I wanted her to fail I wanted someone to shake her and tell her she was crazy but every time she clawed her way out of the mess (she created) I unconsciously would be right there rooting for her. (and I still sing some of her songs....I got those heavy boobs”
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This was my very 1st non american show that I obsessed over (Canadian doesn’t count lol) I would keep the captions on because I loved their accents but couldn’t understand ANYTHING lol it’s only 1 season but just like pretty much all shows it’s the best one
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I’m merging both shows (I really didn’t want to they deserve there place in the sun) because I found a gif that has both of them. But let me just say this Ms. Rhymes is brilliant. The dialogue the tension the ability to make anyone and everyone the savior and the devil all at the same time is just amazing!! That episode when Annalise took her wig off showing her natural 4c hair asking her white husband at her most vulnerable state “why is your penis on a dead girls phone?” y’all I died... then I cried. * I would like to add that the representation of black women is great here but I don’t like that anytime I see them in their natural hair it’s when they are stressed (Olivia was kidnapped) it kinda gives the stigma that something is wrong with us when we are natural and I don’t like that.
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All I’m going to say is that I had some pretty inappropriate pregnancy dreams about Dr.Crane (yes Kelsey Grammer can GET IT!!...don’t judge me)
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Benedict Cumberbatch can get it too....I’m starting to think I have a thing for cocky intelligent white men ...lord help me lol
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Yass last but damn sure not least. This show is the best by far in honesty dialog and creativity that I have EVER seen. And if you ever wondered about my  avatar well she is it. If you have never seen the show or heard about if get your ass on Netflix and just give her 30 minutes. 
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Yes I’m an adult pushing 30 with 2 kids and a bughead stan. (Don’t judge me) I a so infatuated with this show’s dialogue I play a quotes game with my friend (we have to guess what episode a who says a line the other person gives) I couldn’t leave this one out
Well that was fun. But I can’t leave without putting down some honorable mentions  
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* yeah I had never heard of rhubarb until this show
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I have more (boy do I ever) but i guess this is a good place to stop I’m tagging a few folks but I would love to see anyone’s top ten so please tag me if you do one. I would love to get to know you all.
@andy-loves-corgis @agent-zephyrkah @mynameiskaylabella @umccall71 @indiacater @hopefulmoonobject @choicesbyjade @choices-heaux @stopforamoment @speedyoperarascalparty @missevabean @choices97 @walkerismychoice
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sweetdollfromhell · 7 years ago
theories, hope and fear for Riverdales season 3
1. Long life to Bughead (sorry not sorry)
2. Varchie will not have the same luck...sorry but Archie and Ronnie are not exactly in monogamy in the comic (that cool and there is no shame in there).
3. Please don’t make Polly evil , please don’t make Polly evil, please don’t make Polly evil.  She could just be really indoctrinate? Please don’t make her Allison  Mack.
4. I'm really excited for Jellybean!!! More mixt feeling for Glady (I still for Neve Campbell)
5. Choni still gonna be strong (yeah!!!). But even if Cheryl is happier than she ever was, she still gonna have a dark side (hey every charactere except Fred have one so).
6, Josie vs Toni...Sorry kitten, but I run for the snake. 
7. So Mccoy-Keller family gonna be a thing. I think this great but i hope Kevin's sisters are still canon. 
8. Kevin X Moose gonna also be a thing. Even though I still have some crazy hopes for Kevin X Joaquin and I WISH  THAT THEY DO NOT KILL THIS POOR MIDGE, I am curious to see their relationship. And if Moose talks about his feelings about Midge's death and Kevin is understandably over it, they will become one of my otp. 
9. See Veronica without money and having to manage a business, I’m so ready.
10. Betty doing an internship with Mary Andrew is also a really cool idea and I can not wait to see their interaction
11. Reggie will have a bigger role (finally) see him working in a speakeasy and to have an unexpected romance (Everything seems pointed towards Ronnie but I think see him with with Ethel, Polly or a southern serpent girl be cool too).
12. More musical number!!!! :D
13. Fred x Hermione ;)
14. I wish for Falice but between the cult in which Alice will be and the return of Gladys, it not gonna be easy.
15. It's a  trick we only see in soap... but I still hope we see the real Charle alive.
16. Flashback episode with parents (thank you riverdale) and musical episode (I like the first but I think I am a minority in the fandom). 
17. So the psycho ranger (Hiram, Penelope, Penny, Malacchie, Claudius and other sherif). I hope Malacchie and Claudius dies (and please don’t be do not be secretly Clifford) because I don’t like those two there and I think there borring. The sheriff is indifferent to me. Penelope and Penny are of monstrous bitch but they are scary and interesting (I wish them Karma in the end of the season and I will be ok with Penny be the sister of Alice). Hiram will be a bad guy until the end of the series in my opinion.
18. Evelyne Evernever  and this dad, Edgar...I really hope she not juste diet Sabrina Spellman or not-Allison Mack. I wish a complex character like Cheryl. Edgar, i hope he's going to be a more subtle and manipulative villain (like Hugo Strange in Gotham). The kind of guy who makes you say: Hey, actually I think he's rig ... No!  do not let go in your head!
19. The cast also talk about a kind of epidemic...I think it will something like in Wild Wild World or even better, the Fever from Meg Abbott (I recommend that people read her if you liked stuff like the virgins suicid).
20. Hermione having a redemption
21. More badass layer Sierra Mccoy
22. Army of daddy gonna be a thing ^_^ (Fred, FP and Papa Keller)
24. More Valerie, Melody, nice Ethel, nice Chuck, Joaquin, Fang, Nana Rose, Dilton and Pop.
25. I hope we gonna see Moose family: In comic books, he is the eldest of six children and takes either from all his siblings for helping his parents. That be so cute!!!
26. Less of Sweet peas, the ghoulies, Fake Chic if he still alive, Hal, Nick St Clair, Malacchie and Claudius.
27. I think we can have a really creepy story with the brothel of Penelope (come on Riverdale, you want to talk about human traffickig, the abuses suffered by the sex worker and maybe pedophilia? That your chance). Damm, Penelope would be pretty twisted for threat Cheryl with that for her, Toni or one of his few friends
28. Ok, so I have exactly one source where I read this info but I can to feel in love with it. Supposedly Mary will confess to Archie the real reason for her separation from Fred: She is a  lesbian and would like to introduce her to his gilfriend. I hope it true!!!
29. To make the trial, prison and the produrer  at least half of the season. Contrary to the black hood, it's something we want to see.
30. More comic charateres: the Cabot, Cricket O’neil, Jinx Malloy, Trula Twyst,Tomoko, Brigitte, ect...
31 . Some rumor about Eveyne X Archie. I'll be honest, I'm curious about this: Damsel in distress for Pureheart the the Powerful or Puppet Archie for a Fille Fatal? Both would be in-charatere.
I’m sorry, I probably forget something and make a lot spelling errors. English is not my first language and I have dyslexia. Thank your reading me
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jeudi-riverdale · 7 years ago
riverdale ships
since riverdale season 2 is just about over (only 1 more episode !!), I thought that I’d discuss some ships that I’ve seen in both season 1 and 2 that I like/dislike:
ships I like :
1. barchie - betty x archie
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obviously I’m a fan of barchie...I’m running a barchie account so it’s self-explanatory. these two have the history, the feelings, and the connection. even though betty is with jughead now and archie is with veronica, there are still lingering feelings or feelings buried deep down. and barchie is endgame, what can I say. I shipped these two in the comic books and I ship them now. there’s nothing like childhood novels coming to life in the form of a movie (or in this case, a tv show).
2. falice - fp x alice
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boy oh boy I shipped these guys from the beginning. these two are one of the main reasons why I think betty and jughead shouldn’t be together. I mean, their freaking parents are in love... fp cares so much about alice, even after all this time. and it’s canon now because they were lovers in high school, alice got pregnant, and then had fb’s baby without telling him. I never though hal and alice were good for each other. and now that I’ve seen the most recent episodes of season 2, I KNOW hal and alice are wrong for each other and fp is the one for alice.
3. choni - cheryl x toni
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before toni’s character even showed up on riverdale, there were rumors about this ship going canon. and, what do you know, this ship is sailing. one thing I love about riverdale is its inclusion of equality and representation, not only for the lgbtq community, but for racial minorities as well. well done, riverdale, well done. cheryl and toni are adorable and the scene at the sisters of quiet mercy was so powerful. these two are gifted actors and they portrayed the emotions of toni and cheryl so well.
4. moovin (??) - kevin x moose
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these two need a better ship name because ‘moovin’ is just a little too weird. but, regardless, these guys were cute in the first few episodes and the aftermath of the prom scenes were what I stuck around for. it’s clear that moose may be bi or gay, but he’s so far back in the closet that it would take over a week to find him. not to mention he’s technically dating midge (who by the way, knew about moose and kevin hooking up and was cool with it ?? maybe that’s because she was also cheating on moose with fangs fogarty.) I still think these guys would be cute together because moose obviously has feelings for kevin. just look back at their scenes together...you can cut the sexual tension with a knife.
5. joavin - joaquin x kevin
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I guess this is kind of conflicting with the previous ship I just mentioned (though I didn’t think it would be until I saw the most recent episodes - I think joaquin was in episode 20). I loved loved LOVED these two together. honestly, it’s one of the main reasons why I watched riverdale in the first season... joaquin and kevin were adorable in season 1, but after joaquin left, I shifted back over to shipping kevin and moose together. but NOW joaquin may be back for season 3 so I’m all kinds of conflicted rn.
6. jeronica - jughead x veronica
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now I wouldn’t say I’m a full-fledged fan of these two together. there hasn’t really been enough buildup for that. HOWEVER I don’t think that I would mind if they were to get together in a future season of riverdale. that hot tub scene was just a mild taste of what could become...
7. chosie (is it ‘chosie’?? idk) - chuck x josie
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I didn’t actually mind when chuck and josie went on a ‘date.’ hopefully chuck is actually going to keep improving his image instead of demeaning women. this relationship can just remain that one cute date and I would be totally okay with it. I think it shows how much chuck is trying to be a better person. I also think that chuck brings out a different side of josie because she was so much more playful and lighthearted with chuck than she was with anyone else in the show.
8. fremione - fred x hermione
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even after all the shit that hermione pulled after hiram came home, I am certainly not opposed to these two eventually being together. I mean, it seems like mary and fred were separated for a reason and fred was planning on divorcing mary anyway so idk. fred still has lingering feelings for hermione (though I’m not sure if that’s changed since they’re opposing mayoral campaigns) and there was also that pesky kiss between the two in the andrews construction trailer...who knows what will happen in season 3.
ships I don’t like :
1. bughead - betty x jughead
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I’ll admit. this ship was cute in the beginning when it was just jughead crushing on betty and they were a mystery-solving duo. but, the relationship became too rocky too quick and the crazy bughead fans just ruined the ship for me...and not to mention I always shipped archie and betty together in the comic books because jughead was a canon asexual...
2. varchie - veronica x archie
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this was another couple that was cute at first, but then they became ‘that couple’ (you know, the one that lacked substance and all they do is have sex). and they also broke up for a reason...not to mention archie has feelings for betty buried deep down and the fact that veronica was a bit of a bitch for a while when she was using archie for her own personal gain. I feel like this is one of those couples that is passionate for a while (hello, lust) but ends up breaking up because feelings lie elsewhere (hello, love for betty).
3. the lodge duo - hiram x hermione
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where to start...ah yes, how about with how hiram mentally abuses hermione ? how about when hiram forcefully persuades her to go along with his immoral plans ? how about when he is willing to put hermione’s life on the line after the black hood ‘plays target practice’ at the mayoral debate ? hiram is a terrible person and was certainly the wrong choice for hermione in high school. she should’ve chosen fred tbh. hiram has too many under-the-table plans and I honestly don’t think he cares about anything more than using people as a means-to-an-end.
4. cherosie - cheryl x josie
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I was a fan of these two as friends, but when cheryl started creeping I just had to take a step back. season 1 cherosie was a cute best friend situation. however, cheryl’s mental demons came along and caused a rift in that friendship. I don’t think they would’ve worked out as a couple anyway. cheryl wasn’t really in a stable state-of-mind and I don’t think they’re that compatible tbh.
5. ms grundy x archie
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this relationship gave me the creeps. I never liked this ship and thank god she’s dead. that’s all I have to say.
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lenakluthor · 7 years ago
4, 30, 32
4. Who would be your best friend? Significant other? How did you meet?Hmmm. I think my best friend would be Betty because she’s the most similar to me and I love writing, but I also LOVE Veronica so if I could just insert myself into their duo and make it a trio, that’d be great. Wait but also Kevin. I’m a bitch for Kevin. For SO, I think I’d date Jughead because he most closely resembles what I fall for in real life. We’d probably meet at school or when I inevitably explore the South Side to take pictures of the graffiti or something.
30. Favorite Riverdale episode? Why?My favorite episode has always been 2x14. It was the first episode I saw, so that gives it a special place in my heart, but I also just love the fact that the core four were able to get away for a little bit and act like normal teenagers (even if there was ~drama~ at the end of the ep). Also the “sensational” scene is my fave choni scene and they were the ship that got me to watch the show, even if now they’re not my fave ship (but I still love them).
32. Why do you ship your otp?Okay, so buckle up because I could go ON AND ON AND ON about Bughead. I love how they developed and they bonded over so much before it got romantic and they had such a deep connection and then Jughead, the precious bean that he is, was so nervous to take that leap. He was so willing to help with the Blue and Gold and with Polly and Betty’s family drama. And then Betty was so supportive of Jughead with his daddy issues and they were just always THERE FOR EACH OTHER. And their development over season 1 was so precious like they were nervous about the label and they went through the same teenager-y things normal couples do and they were supportive of each other and THEY JUST LOVE EACH OTHER OK. And then in season 2 they had so much shit thrown at them and they’re still never going to stop loving each other. Jughead’s dying wish was to hear Betty’s voice. He literally cut a bitch after she threatened Betty. He would do anything for her. They’re just so supportive and solid and I just love them they’re so in love I’m just gonna stop myself because I’m rambling.
ask me questions about riverdale!
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sprousehartislife · 7 years ago
Well, ep 3 really left me speechleess and there are some things I don't really know what to think about yet.
- First thing first, I understand Kevin's situation, I really do and I KNOW for a fact that if a friend of mine told my parents something I'm doing behind their back I'd get really mad. And I also understand that it is frustrating when tour friends don't understand lr judge your actions but let me say something: telling you what they think you are doing wrong, caring about your safety and getting desperate when you don't listen to them puting your life at risk till the point they talk to your dad IS WHAT MAKES THEM REAL FRIENDS! So please Kevin understand Betty. Also telling her that her life is perfect and she has no problems? Bitch move, even more considering all she is been through at season one (aparently Kevin know nothing about that, talking about good friends...)
- Toni, so far I like you but please stop interrupting bughead, thank you😘
- Archie please calm down a little bit will ya honey?
- Veronica I know your dad's opinion is important to you but more important things are going on so please stop acting like you (or your dad for that matter) are the centre of the world
- Talking about his dad... What the hell is he up to? Does he want to get Archie killed or something? Ug such a creepy guy
- Juggy honey, don't lie to Betty for God sake! She is your family and deserves to know the truth! Otherwise you'll end up separated by all of your lies
- Polly! I didn't care that much for you but what a pity that you are leaving!
Now next episode promo! Wtf!!
I always suspected this hood guy's motive had something to do with the speech Betty gave, and episode 4 is gonna tell wether that suspicion is real or not. (I truly think it is real) And that would explain why she is the centre of this season's mystery. I'm already suffering for her. Damn she is got so much on her plate already and now this? Like polly leaving, jughead being away and into trouble and kevin mad at her (for the wrong reasons if you ask me) ah come on! Give her a break please!!
- Also it looks like they are fibally gonna have sex in the next episode (that is just my guess idk anything official) AND I AM SO HERE FOR IT!! (Just to clarify, if they only cuddle is more than fine for me as well!!❤️)
Wow! That was long! I am so tired I don't think I can read it again to correct all my grammar mistakes so sorry for that😓 but my day was so long (and my week I must say) so I really need to sleep rn, I only wanted to share my opinion in case someone is interested. I know almost everything is about Betty and Bughead but hey, my blog! I talk about what I like😬 Good night everyone! I hope you share your opinion about this (ep 3 and ep 4 promo) here or by dm. ❤️❤️
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