#like yeah its bad but its been bad since day one
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Pt.3 Apocalyptic Ponyo AU ft. Shockwave and his... kids. @keferon
For all they've been through together, this had to be the dumbest thing they've ever done- which is saying something, considering not too many months ago they collectively decided to raid the city's garbage dump not taking into account that a) there would be some kind of security system (who defends trash anyway? weirdos) b) the smell and c) the local population of possums they inevitably bothered.
All in all, that could have even been considered a good day in Skywarp's book- yeah, they didn't find anything, they all smelled pretty fucking terrible without any way of washing the stench away and they were covered in bite marks, hoping none of those things had rabies- but they laughed and joked about it for weeks after.
This situation, however, was anything but funny.
Following Blue's little stunt, the remaining children left at base were informed to meet at the nearest shore, where the youngest's new... friend? Still waited for them. A few minutes of shock and surprise from both parties after, they finally decided on how to fix whatever this was. The plan was simple too: separate Blue from the sea freak, gather all of their stuff and set off to the sparkly horizon, leaving all of this behind their backs- no strings attached.
Obviously that would've been too good to be true, something had to go wrong: of course their youngest still refused to leave, even when Damus finally gained some courage and went over to pick Blue up by force- too bad the little menace immediately started ugly sobbing. Not only that, the twins got over their fear pretty quickly, replacing it with the raw force of curiosity little kids have for anything ugly, sticky and new. Cue Soundwave being assigned as their official babysitter lest the two would sprint and try to climb the fish like a pair of coked-up squirrels. And, yeah, not the smoothest outcome but hey! Now they could, you know, leave.
He was so so wrong. As soon as the Thing noticed they were walking away it started chirping at them over and over, like it was calling for them to get back. Kinda sad, but they could ignore it (unless you were Blue- still crying in TC's arms while making grabby hands at the mer), what alarmed them was the fact that it started to use all of its upper body strength and try to slowly beach itself in the goal of reaching their group. Needless to say the situation called for a new plan fast- even in ten, considering its size, they still weren't enough to push it back in to the water.
The solution was just to camp out on the shore and find a way out of this in the morning. To the absolute delight of their youngest, who decided that for the night he would be sleeping with the freak, and unsurprisingly the twins only followed by starting to poke and prod at the being, who seemed to enjoy the attention as much as them. Windcharger joined their little huddle too for the evening, explaining himself with a little shrug of his shoulders and a quick, "He's warm and I'm cold- you can freeze for one more night for all I care," and left it at that. That traitor.
Oh well, this would soon be over anyway.
Two. Weeks.
Two whole weeks passed since this whole charade was supposed to be over, but instead he found himself being ferried away on the wettest, most fucked up recreation of the 'Magic School Bus' he's ever seen. Worst of all Ms. Fizzle was replaced by an oversize pancake with gills.
This was supposed to be the closest thing to a compromise: the kids got to keep their fish and the others got a free ride trough the apocalypse- pretty sweet if you asked him.
They were slowly making their way towards what was once the busiest side of the city: he remembers coming here with his brothers and getting overwhelmed every time by the sheer amount of people bustling around. Both locals and tourists blended perfectly in a vortex of voices, faces and mannerisms. For a boy who lived at the edge, this was exhilarating.
But the best part of this chaos were the shops windows: there was one who was squeezed between a tiny flea shop and a bakery owned by a couple of kind old people- the window's space was taken by a plethora of several vintage televisions, each of them displaying something different- his favorite old show was filmed at their local aquarium and had as protagonist a young orca mer, chirping away happily at the camera, while the crowd gasped in awe at the adorable display.
He saw his face stare right back at him from the surface of the water. Tired eyes, sunken cheeks and hair grown matted and way too long- what would he do to reverse it all and go back to their shitty daily life.
From the front of their unusual mean of transportation, he could hear the youngest kids screaming and laughing, more likely pestering the mer like a swarm of particularly persistent flies. Being too focused on eavesdropping the racket, he didn't notice Damus approaching him on unsteady feet.
"I saw a billboard a few minutes ago: big bright and with the directions to the biggest mall in the city- I'd say we are overdue for a scavenger hunt to restock our resources, what do you say?" The older asked, before staring off into the distance.
"Sure, why the hell not? I'm pretty sick and tired of eating only fish anyway- cheers to the big guy for catching it for us though." He absentmindedly patted the mer, earning a pleased rumble up ahead.
With a brief nod of assent, he took off to most likely talk to Skids- the teen, after a very intense game of charades, managed to establish a method to communicate with their newest addition, he was even successful in teaching the fishman some very simple words, and in turn the mer taught him some of his language: it was mainly made up of sounds and gestures but Skids, being the fast learner that he was, took to them pretty quickly- a shame that he never had the chance to attend a public school, he would've at the top of his classes for sure.
He felt the mass he was sitting on stir briefly, as the massive mer changed the course of their journey. The scenery around them slowly changed: hills of crumbled and deformed buildings gave way to a forest of skyscrapers looming over all of them like giant concrete pillars. Since the wave hit, putting a stop to all human activity, nature was steadily taking over- vines descended from a top of buildings, patches of seaweed and sea flora were dotting the submerged asphalted streets.
They watched in awe as schools of brilliant colored tropical fish darted past them- he heard Blue squeal along the lines of, "Sir. Pancake! Look, it's you!" when a familiar looking shark swam past them. He could vaguely recognize some of the roads and alleyways, now nearly completely covered by corals and anemones, housing a variety of oceanic wildlife.
Despite everything, there was still beauty left in this abandoned world.
The dark gaping maw leading inside the mall stared right back at them. Having no way to access the lower levels, since they were long lost under the waves, they had to find another way in- one of the walls had luckily given away to the erosion of the water, leaving the perfect entry point for them and their fishy companion. They were all well aware the mer wasn't too keen on leaving them alone for too long without becoming restless, so this was a win-win situation.
As the shadows progressively engulfed them, the smell of dampness and mold welcomed them inside. He felt TC's hand grabbing his right sleeve to catch his attention, as he turned around he saw his brother pointing at the water with his mouth agape.
What he saw made him inhale quickly in complete surprise- a pool of neon blue light surrounded them from all sides, swaying gently at the rhythm of the mer's movements.
"...bioluminescent algae- read about them once, but I never thought I would ever see them for myself." He heard TC whisper softly at him.
"Woah, this is so fucking cool..." Soft murmurs of assent from his siblings filled the silence he left behind, as they all watched the water entranced by the spectacle of lights.
They were all suddenly woken up from their trance by a brisk movement from their means of transport that almost made all of them topple over into the water. Apparently 'Sides decided he wanted to touch the pretty blue lights, nearly taking a dip for himself if the mer didn't glance over and quickly caught the little kid with one of his huge webbed hands. At least the pest had the decency to look away sheepishly at the mer's silent but admonishing expression.
Without any other close calls, they made it to what was once the food court- a huge circular dome where the pavement had partially collapsed, leaving behind a slope where dry land and water could meet, the perfect place to finally get down and stretch their legs after hours of swimming around. Trailbreaker reached into his ridiculously big backpack and started passing around a bunch of flashlights- the teen liked to be prepared for anything, even if that meant bringing around some additional weight.
The moment his feet met the ground he let out a happy sigh- exploring the sunken city was great and all, but nothing could compare to the chance of finally burning all of his residual energy. Damus clapped his hands to get everyone's attention and started his usual spiel before any resource-gathering trip.
"Alright everyone, you know the drill: six of us are going in pair to explore the building- pick up only things you think will come in hand, leave everything else. Do not take more then you need, we are not the only survivors around, so let's not doom other people only because we felt a little bit greedy today. See something? Scream. Lastly, the brats stay here with Sir. Pancake, while one of us will also remain to keep watch- can I have a drum roll for our lucky winner?" The question was met with an enthusiastic chorus of voices.
"Aand- Trailbreaker you're up!"
"Awh man- what?" The teen sagged his shoulders as Windcharger smugly patted his arm.
"Look at the bright side dude: you'll have fish-dad helping you this time."
"Not helpin' Charger, kudos for trying though..." Trailbreaker's muffled response came from behind his hands, as the other kid only shrugged and joined Skids to prepare for departure.
In the meantime, Skywarp gingerly hooked his right arm with TC's, leading him towards one of the halls connected to the dome. From the ceiling stray cables and crumbled pieces of drywall dangled freely, occasionally disturbed by a gentle breeze coming from inside the hallway. He gave himself a few seconds to glance behind his back: the children, in the few minutes they arrived, had apparently started their very own game of tag, skidding away on the wet floor, completely unbothered by what was happening around them. Trailbreaker, accepting his fate, decided to use this time to clean the barrel of his shotgun, while sitting on the floor with his back leaning on the mer's arm.
The creature however was looking apprehensively at them: worry and fret swirled in his blue eyes- they all knew he didn't like to see them leave, but this was necessary. He absentmindedly threw him his best calming smile, hoping to reassure him enough. The mer was briefly taken by surprise before nodding and giving Skywarp a hasty nod.
'I trust you.'
"Good luck everyone! If you're not back in an hour we'll come find your sorry asses, so be on time- I'm talking to you Skids!" Damus voice bounced on the walls of the abandoned building.
"...you get lost one time-" The cut-off whispered replay of his sibling was the last thing he heard before entering the hall with TC in tow.
Their wet footfalls was the only noise filling in the utter silence around them.
The bright beams of their flashlights cutting through the thick wall of darkness. Now that he had the chance to look at it up close, he could pinpoint exactly when life had come to a stop between these molded walls: on tiny cafe tables sat long forgotten coffee stained cups, the occasional eerily empty stroller was abandoned haphazardly in the middle of the hallway, still pale mannequins were silent witnesses to the disaster, while purses and toys littered the floors. Moments frozen in time.
He felt himself shudder, trying to shake off the feeling of wrongness from his shoulders.
So far they found only a couple of useful things, mainly industrial tape, iron wire and other items from a hardware store they had just raided. All the possibly edible things they dug up have all been either completely or partially covered in mold- all of this moisture made it difficult for things to stay fresh, especially since electricity had been one of the first things they'd lost to the massive wave, completely cutting off all of power to fridges.
Hopefully the others had been more lucky, he really wasn't looking forward to another overcooked sardine- none of them had always been the greatest cook after all and he doubted Sir. Pancake knew his way around a stove. Great now he was thinking about the mer holding a comically small pan, while wearing a pink frilly apron with the words 'Kiss The Fish' printed on the front-
He was interrupted mid-giggle by TC's pointy elbow digging into his side- which he was about to comment on before his brother nudged him again, signaling with his light to something on the wall.
"Storage Room." Read his sibling aloud, with a knowing smile.
"Fucking jackpot, baby!" Skywarp blurred out- ooh the joy he'll feel when they'll be able to shove in their losers sibling faces a box full of protein bars.
A wide new hallway opened up for them, at the end of it he could discern the top of a pair of rusted shut down automatic stairs. They eagerly hurried down them, impatience and hunger for discovery was eating away at them- before diving waist deep into a pool of freezing water.
They both startled for a few seconds, and then realization hit. They both forgot the lower levels were entirely flooded, but thankfully water didn't seem too high from what they could see through the darkness- hopefully the floor was built on the same level and didn't suddenly dip under them. The water was way too murky to see what was happening under the surface, and that did nothing to appease the apprehension this place was giving off in waves- he suddenly felt the shivers he shrugged off return in full force.
"Thunders, not gonna lie, I have a bad feeling about this." His whisper echoed on the walls enclosing them.
"Yeah... I feel like there's something we're missing." The other confessed, as they slowly trudged forward. "It's been scratching my brain since we passed that cafè...".
"Right?! I feel the same... all that chaos and we only find a bunch of litter on the floor-"
Thundercracker stopped abruptly in his path, making him stop too.
"Uh- TC, you okay?" He lifted his torch to better look at his brother.
"...the corpses."
"Oh! Yeah, this was a very busy place, how come we haven't found... any... corpses..."
One of the worst mistakes humanity ever made, was to think that they had any chance at being on top of the food chain. Centuries of time spent spreading and conquering all known continents, had led them to believe that nothing could touch them if they hid behind their big wars and even bigger weapons. However, Hubris is the first deadly sin, condemned to be a human's last.
From the void, a pair of bulging white eyes stared back at him. A gaping maw full of jagged yellowed teeth, was framed by two lines of receding gums barely attached to the skull. Ivory white plaques covered a shiny metal body underneath, decorating a lizard-like muscular frame, still as stone- like a spring ready to be released.
They were moving even before his brain could catch up with him. Fight or flight on full force- his main goal was to get away and do it fast.
Thundercracker quickly followed him, as he felt the large creature pounce towards them.
Climbing the stairs and reaching the top almost slipping down and falling on his brother.
They sprinted down the hall- heavy footsteps never too far behind as the beast snapped his monstrous jaws, trying to catch them.
Blurs of the coffee shop and hardware store passed next to them, as realization hit him once more- they were bringing a human-eating mutant right to their little brothers.
'See something? Scream.'
And screaming he did.
His alarmed voice filled the dome as in a moment of distraction his foot slipped on a nearby puddle, leaving him to fall face first unto the hard ground- hopefully his little siblings where not stupid enough to try and come help him.
He knew this was coming.
A hot breeze hit the back of his head, as the stench of death reached his nostrils. The heavy weight of a massive clawed paw, pressed him flat on the floor, painfully crushing his chest. He wanted to say he had been brave enough to face his fate, but instead he hid his face inside the crook of his elbow, heaving a last breath verging on a whimper- he only wanted to help his family, and this is how he died, it felt a bit like deja-vu...
Too busy giving thought to his adrenaline infused rants, he didn't immediately feel the crushing weight being suddenly lifted off of him- a giant wall of muscle and pure unbridled fury, tackled the beast into the other side of the room. A low guttural threatening growl woke him up from his stupor and he was on his feet in seconds- the now enraged mer stood between Skywarp and the monster.
The teen almost didn't recognize him, a completely mirrored image of the usually peaceful creature- what was once a beacon of gentleness, who always moved like he knew he could easily hurt any of them, oh so very careful of his size and strength- now gave away to a terrifying predator, claws and fangs fully on display and ready to use.
The mutant pounced once again, now his attention taken solely by the mer, who in tow used his massive tail to spring forward and grab the monster by the tail- hastily pulling it towards the water where he could've a clear advantage.
Too focused on the feral brawl, he didn't hear Damus' muffled voice calling him through the static ringing in his ears.
"-warp, we need to move! Shit, Skywarp move your ass, goddamnit!" A hand forcefully grabbed his left arm, before he was pulled to his unsteady feet. The front of his shirt was snatched and he felt himself move and duck behind a nearby counter- his eyes never leaving the fight.
If this thing was anything else, now it would be long dead- but unfortunately genetics were on its side. The ivory armor covering its body made for an impenetrable defense- meaning, it was not only built to hunt things smaller than itself, but also to wear out bigger predators and use twist their tiredness on them to deal the final blow.
"...he's not going to make it."
"Uh? What are you talking ab-?"
"He'll lose- WE HAVE TO HELP HIM!"
A still out-of-breath Thundercracker slowly approached him with his hands held up, like he was placating a wild animal and not his own brother.
"Warp, please be reasonable- What chance do we have against that thing? Bullets will not work and we can't risk hitting our only ally against it, we shou-"
"What? Run? I'm not going to save my ass while someone else is going to die- you're not making me give him the Smokey treatment, no chance in hell."
Only the sound of the background fight remained, as a mournful silence descended upon them. That name was bound to stir flashes of awful memories in all of them- the darkest times since the beginning of their broken little family. Their missing piece, forever lost.
"...what's the plan?" The trembling voice of their youngest broke the silence.
Skywarp drew in a ragged breath as he blurred out their only chance for all of them to get out of this alive.
"Metal! The- that thing's body is made of metal underneath, if we can find a way to electrocute it, its own body is going to act as a super-conduct and fry it's organs from the inside out."
"Me and 'Charger found a small generator not too far from here, I think we can use it," Skid's chimed in from the back of their little huddle, "we attach some cables on it and pinch that thing- than boom fried fish."
With a plan in mind they all moved like a bunch of frenzied rats. Windcharger and Skids ran to fetch the generator, while Soundwave followed them in case they needed to jump-start it. The kids were ordered to stay put and not engage, as the others watched the fight, waiting for their time to strike.
But as they took in every detail of what was happening, it was clear they had run out of time. The mer was clearly using the last of his energies to just keep the thing still- deep bleeding wounds littered his frame, one of his eyes was closed off by a cut that run at the center of his face, as he gasped for breath- eye dazed and a shaky pupil stared at his enemy.
He registered his siblings returning with the small generator, but he was quick to snatch the cables attached to it from Soundwaves' hands.
"We don't have time- I'm going to do something crazy, but it'll be fine!" He cried out, ignoring his siblings' shouted protests- metal was not the only super-conduct present in the dome.
As he skidded to a stop and knelt near the water, he felt time slow down. He watched as the mutant freed itself and in a few seconds snapped its mouth on the mer's side, trying to rip off a large chunk of meat. The mer let out a haunting pain-filled cry, as he desperately used his last energies to claw at the mutants' skull, in hopes of getting it to let go.
Skywarp had to act now.
Before he plucked the sparkling cables into the pool, he glanced once more not expecting to lock eye with the blue one of the mer- illuminated by the blue hue of the algae, covered in gaping wounds and suffering immense pain, was smiling at him- one of those familial calming smiles that he became used to on a daily basis, since their crazy companionship began.
'I trust you.'
Those same eyes that were looking at him with only fondness, suddenly became bloodshot as an immense wave of energy traveled through his frame in a matter of seconds. Skywarp felt his, now free, hands tremble with adrenaline as they all watched their guardian being electrocuted- and with him the beast.
What had been merely moments, felt like hours.
They won.
The limp body of the beast slowly sunk into the depths dragged by it's own heavy body, as the victor stood tall in the middle of the dome. Water fell from his broad back in droplets, a deep purple hue cloaked him from underneath- the algae, who soon changed color after being hit by the wave of electricity. The mer red blood-shot eye never left his gaze as he held the other half of his face, covering his wounded eye with a clawed hand.
Skywarp and his brothers watched as their guardian's form eventually staggered and swayed, until his worn body hit the shore with a shuddering thud. A keening sound left the mer's mouth as his body convulsed a couple of times, before finally settling into a fetal position.
A small blur rounded the counter he left behind his shoulders- Blue sprinted towards the now still body of the mer, halting himself near his head before hugging it as best as he could.
"Get up... please, you have to get up- I don't want to leave you here," A sob escaped the little kid as he gently pushed at the mer's cheek, "please Sir.Panca- Dad, get up..."
Slowly they all began to huddle around the still-breathing, even if ragged, body of their guardian- the mer shuddered as he gently lifted his head to nudge soothingly at his youngest. He looked over all of them, as if to assure himself that nobody was injured, until he locked eyes with Skywarp once again. The mer cooed, lifting his hand to beckon him to come closer.
The teen got up on unsteady legs and made his way toward his guardian, collapsing into the crook of his massive neck. As a clawed hand started caressing his back, he found it so difficult to hold in his tears.
"I'm sorry- this is all my fault," he wailed, "and now you're hurt and- and I did this to you... when you've been nothing but gentle and patient with us from the beginning... some fucking friend I am."
"...hurt?" He was taken by surprise as the mer spoke to him- a thick warped accented voice.
"What? No, you big dummie- I'm not hurt..."
His guardian had the gull to smile down at him- the huge fucking sap. He couldn't help but smile in tow as he felt Bluestreak join their little hug, and settle himself down to nap away the residual adrenaline.
He watched as his siblings sat all around them- weapons in hand, standing on guard and silently daring anything or anyone to attack their guardian.
Yeah, he was not ready for this to end just yet.
#apocalyptic ponyo#transformers#hope you bulletproofed for this one#i would lie if i said that i was sorry for writing this as im an unstoppable agent of chaos thriving on peoples sorrows#silly fish and his silly kids </3#ngl i cried gang#hope you enjoyed!!
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spinning rust is so obsolete that noone's sold a laptop with it as a standard option in several years (the major manufacturers shipped their last models with spinning rust in 2022, after heavily decreasing their amount of models that weren't ssd since around 2019), cuz it got so low end and un-cost-effective it wasn't even worth using to save a buck in the trashiest ripoff devices. spinning rust is both slow as shit in burst transfer but especially slow as shit in transferring all the little bits that game engines have been designed around for a good decade now - which is why the current generation of game consoles (launched 5-8 years ago even!) all run off solid state devices instead of spinning rust.
this is why we've had games coming out for years now that straight up are gonna be a bad time if you try to play them off spinning rust, because they completely forgo old styles of loading screens for continuous gameplay. you can usually force the ones that say they "require" ssds to run off spinning rust but it's going to generally be buggy as shit, some of them will even just crash once you get into gameplay. you also get some weird shit where games still designed around play on non-ssd systems will have loading screens that take longer to come up and display themselves than the actual transfer does on an SSD which is pretty funny.
also upgrading to a 1 tb or even 2 tb (if there's a good sale on) ssd is going to cost you less than one of those bigass AAA games that wants a bunch of storage space for its giant world and modern graphics and all that anyway. there's no "optimization" in the world that's going to make stuff not be huge when the whole thing is designed to be huge and generally has stuff like extensive straight up video content or whatever let's be real here. like yeah yeah there's repack stuff but just like having dreamcast games stripped down back in the day so you could play a pirate copy off a standard CD-R, that always leads to some noticeable degradation in what you see and what you hear, and people paying full price for brand new showpiece games generally don't want that.
Game studios learn to optimize your fucking games challenge.
Who the fuck do you think you are? You are a toy. A glorified slinky.
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(𝗻.) 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝘂𝗿𝗴𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗵 𝗼𝗿 𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗲𝗲𝘇𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝘂𝗻𝗯𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗯𝗹𝘆 𝗰𝘂𝘁𝗲

╰┈➤ Poly!TicciJack x GN!Reader
Summary: yeah we’ve all been waiting for this for a hot minute. Reader with Poly!TicciJack? This is gonna be a long one
Warning(s): 18+ content, sexual content, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of manipulation, descriptions of reader being overwhelmed, dubious content, descriptions of cannibalism, descriptions of murder,

Oh boy.
Oh boy oh boy oh boy
Yeah not a single one of ya know how you got in this predicament, not even the boys
And my oh my what a journey this has become. You were perfectly content with your normal life, you had just been getting to know this new cute guy who you couldn’t stop gushing to your friend about
Tall, foggy eyes, piercings he was literally a good girls bad boy dream
You both were cuddled on the couch, watching a movie when he’d gotten up to grab some more treats when suddenly there’s crashing, banging and… growling??
You run in to see your hopeful boyfriend pinned to the ground with this… thing opening a far too wide mouth to chomp on his head
Both halting to a stop once they spot you, the creature tilting it’s large head, pointed ears pinning against it’s head as it trilled at you. Walking over cautiously on all four, nudging its head against your abdomen
You were frozen to say the least. This was single handed the most horrifying experience in your life
Toby cursed, sitting up having to halt in a crouching position when Jack snarled at him. He sighed, leaning on his haunches
“This is.. Jack.”
That marked the day when things drastically changed for you, these two.. men fighting over you constantly
There would be times Jack would just, run off with you. As carefully as he could of course, but it was still scary. Toby of course tried finding you as soon as possible, often times you being covered in a light layer of dirt
The game of tug and war continues for MONTHS before you finally put your foot down… more like having a full mental breakdown that scares them both shitless
Jack couldn’t communicate or understand you and Toby just freezes under emotional pressure.. they did their best!
First time in months they both worked together to soothe you for the up coming week, you were just exhausted
And so utterly overwhelmed
Jack didn’t leave your side, staying neatly balled by your side of your bed while Toby would bring you things (and food for Jack) to cheer you up
finally recovering.. you all sat down to talk
Well more like you and Toby talked while he translated Jack
It also means Toby had to.. fib about his actual hobbies in life. Instead lying he was a hunter of sorts.. yeah a hunter
Explaining Jack was..harder
You had a lot of questions.. you still do really
They both seem to be unsolvable mysteries
But.. they’re both so.. cute
Toby while having his faults was a really good boyfriend, and despite his and Jack’s tension always made sure to bring you both things after coming home
Jack was… intimidating and it took a while to teach him boundaries.. that he still ignores at times but he’s so sweet and adorable!! Especially when you rub the bridge of his nose and he makes cute little purring sounds <3
The whole relationship gradually ‘smoothed’ itself out as time went on under your supervision. There were still times Jack would run off with you for a while but he became more and more reasonable
They both grew more tolerable of sleeping with you together as well, of course a much much bigger bed was needed
Which Toby put together
However… they had there moments. Like when you walked in to the both of them fighting over food like damn rabid raccoons
You lectured them for a good 30 mins since now the kitchen floor was absolutely covered in blood and gore
Not to mention that while Jack could understand you better.. that seemed to make his ways of manipulating you and certain things all the more effective
And his… misdoings seemed to only at times encourage some of Toby’s as well
However if you can forgive (you don’t really have a choice) these misdemeanors then everything goes surprisingly well, they’re both very intent on spoiling you
Seriously, expect to literally get hand fed by them
They don’t mess around
Again Toby and Jack both are for lifers so… breaking up literally is not in anyone’s vocabulary
Don’t think you can just leave either
They will not let you.
Plus, why would you want to when you have two very devoted, strong, tall men treating you like royalty 🙂↕️
Because of this care however, they slowly start ‘pushing’ you into the role of a stay-at-home wife/husband…
This could either do wonders on your mental health or dog shit
But they don’t mean to! (They do). They just want you safe and protected at home where they know where you are, they don’t have to go running around a whole city/town just to find you
You wouldn’t want all those people hurt would you?
Now Toby bullshit excuse of being a hunter obviously falls through on you because… look at him.. PLUS HE’S BRINGING FOOD HOME FOR JACK so of course you put two and two together
But you don’t really care, you just let bygones be bygones
Until… you actually see a corpse Toby dragged home.. a few of them
You don’t really wanna talk about it and Toby now does a much better job of hiding them from you, that was just an off day for him since he was tired
Jack gave him a stern ‘talking’ to
Now again, Jack needs stimulation, the house/cabin is nice and all… but he needs some dirt
Which means you and Toby now taking your demonic boyfriend out for walkies and staying in one of his many many dens… Jack’s a bit grumpy to let Toby in but i digress
While they do much better, they still fight over you.. Toby might want head stratches but Jack is hogging all of them, or Jack wants kisses but Toby is hogging them
Sorta stuff like that
Tim and Brian are very important people in Toby’s life, so you still do meet them just…
Without Jack..
You have to into Kate’s territory which kinda forces Jack to just.. stay put since he’s horrified of her
Okay sure not the nicest to use someone’s trauma against them
And there you get to talk and hangout, these trips can be a bit tiring so they don’t happen as often as Toby would like but oh well
Okay you horny fucks here we are…
Let’s do the math, Toby is big, Jack is huge.. idk how tf you think this is working out for you
They both get so competitive over it, like i mean really competitive
Expect to be completely fucked out of your mind, overstimulated, and maybe hallucinations
I mean like you will be going at it for hours until you finally manage to convince them to stop… which isn’t easy
They just love you so much, they want to always be in you
Jack definitely influences Toby into breeding
Now if you’re M! of any sort or TransF! Toby is gonna have to explain how they literally cannot which Jack really doesn’t understand as he believes if he wants to get you pregnant… he should just be allowed too
Tf is anatomy
So expect Jack to still be very determined to knock you up
Fertility issues or you straight removed something? Yeah again same thing, wtf dude!
Seriously you should’ve seen into the future and known he was gonna be your mate!! How insensitive of you
**eye roll**
He really is a big baby about it
Doesn’t stop him.. in the slightest
The drooling and biting is like ramped up to a solid 200%
You are not leaving that bed without being cover in slobber, bit of blood, marks, and cum (theirs and yours) all over you
Jack definitely encourages the more dominant side of Toby.. so don’t expect to be topping either of them
Seriously.. you’ll be laughed at
You have a few toys which are… needed for Jack’s size and he actually likes them a bit
More so the vibs than dildos but he likes being able to really up close watch you take something
Be ready to just be laying on the couch with one of them or both and they’re lazily fingering you
Hey!! You gotta be prepped at all times! I’m not kidding when i say Jack is huge…
You can say goodbye to privacy, they’re going to take you whenever, however, wherever
When i tell you that you are bed bound after theyre done with you
Do not expect to leave that bed for at least a day
The degrading praise is actually insane, like insane
This is definitely the main activity where Jack’s worse encourages Toby’s, LMAO
Besides the sex being actually nearly back breaking, the aftercare is heavenly, they worship you
Well they do that anyways but
They’re so gentle with you after sex, Toby will go draw you a shower, both of them holding you up as they carefully clean your body
Toby as carefully as possible cleaning the bite marks on your body, apologizing every time you whimper from the pain before softly kissing them
Kisses make everything better <3
Then Jack will gently put you to bed, curling around you as Toby feeds you water, glued to you free side
Jack’s chuffing, trying to lure you deeper to sleep quickly (as if he needs to with how dizzy you are) and licking at your hair, both of them practically cocooning you
They make it up to you in the morning with a very, very tasty breakfast and Toby massaging your swore hips and legs. Both sharing praises for you.. more like Toby praising you and Jack nodding along
What more could you want?
: ̗̀➛ YEPPIE POLY!TICCIJACK, i was looking forward to this so much i love these two goofy idiots so much <3 sorry this came out later in the afternoon than i expected, i took a nap after i stayed up til like 3am watching marbles hornets LMFAO, love you all so much remember to stay safe!! — Ace
#creepypasta x reader#creepypasta headcanons#ticci toby x reader#creepypasta#creepypasta ticci toby#ticci toby#toby rogers#eyeless jack x reader#eyeless jack
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beg for you

summary: missing your ex, you stumble upon an interesting song that brings back memories you thought you could bottle up... pairing: vernon x reader genre: angst, smut, exes to online friends to lovers warnings: mentions of past break-up, reader felt neglected and lonely, insecurities, lowkey catfishing+lie by omission, swearing, song-writing themes, some serious talks, hand-holding, kissing, spitting, eating out, fingering, dom!vernon, orgasm denial, public unprotected sex (in a café bathroom), mainly lots of emotions, idk author's note: the fic was inspired by this iconic song, in particular vernon's verse and it has some occasional references to the lyrics in bold word count: 2.6k
It's been three months since you ended things with Vernon, blocked his number and all his socials and tried your best to forget about him. The reason for your break-up was mainly because you felt like he never had time for you, his music always came first and while that was appealing at the start of your relationship, it began to infuriate you and make you feel invisible towards its end. He would stand you up and forget about your dates more than once. He would make you feel like you were always his second choice. Not being around him hurts like hell, because you'd become so used to his presence that the lack of it brings so much emptiness. And also because a part of you still loves him.
One evening, you can't fall asleep so you're scrolling through some music apps. Suddenly you discover a new song. The artist hides their face behind a mask but their voice sounds somewhat familiar. Strangely enough, the lyrics just speak to you:
I don't think I'll ever feel this type of way again (This way again; Yеah, uh, yeah) I beg for you, please (Don't let go), don't let go of me, don't let go of me All the endless conversations about us been going on in our head In the night, we dream a future together and I feel bad in your bed I beg for you, please stay, I can't go a day without No, I can't go a day without you, hoo
So weird. It's like the artist knows exactly what's been on your mind for the past three months. You shut your phone off with a sigh and attempt to get some sleep. The next day, that same melody and those words haunt you. And the following day…It goes on for a while and you've become so obsessed with it that you try to do some research on the artist. Unfortunately, it's not of much help. Nobody knows the identity of the artist, how they look or their real name. It's frustrating but it is what it is. Maybe you should drop it. But then again…you really can't stop thinking about these fucking lyrics and how well they described how you've been feeling.
You decide to do something stupid and slide into the DMs of the anonymous artist. They'll probably never see this message as they have thousands of followers, but still, you need to get this off your chest somehow.
You: Hi, you probably get this a lot but your lyrics are really relatable, like they truly spoke to me and totally represent the way I've been feeling for the past three months. You're incredibly talented and I'd be happy to hear more of your music in the future.
It's a short message, nothing too crazy. You feel a sense of relief once you've sent it. You realize it doesn't matter if the artist ever sees it. You're just happy you were able to express your feelings.
To your immense shock, about 30 minutes later, you receive a notification. This is actually so insane you can't believe your eyes. The anonymous artist…texted you back?!
RevN98: Hi, this really means a lot to me. Actually, I don't get a lot of feedback, as I'm just starting out. I'll try my best to write more music. In what ways did you relate to the lyrics?
Is he seriously…initiating a discussion? It is wild enough he texted you back but the fact he wants to continue texting baffles you. But you are not one to look at a gift horse in the mouth. So, you respond rightaway.
You: I got out of a long-term relationship a couple of months ago and even though I should probably move on already, some part of me wishes my ex begged for me to stay. I know it's probably a selfish thought, considering I'm the one who broke up with the guy, but…I miss him sometimes and I keep thinking of a universe in which he'd fought for me.
After sending that message, you look at it in horror as you realize how personal it was. Why is it so easy to open up to a complete stranger? And not to people who actually know you…
You: Sorry, that was probably a whole bunch of TMI. Anyways, I really thought your lyrics were connected to how I was feeling if that makes sense.
You double text just in case. The response from the mysterious artist comes soon after.
RevN98: It makes sense, yeah. When I was writing them, I was also thinking about my past relationship. Honestly, I kind of wish I'd begged my ex to stay. I thought that by not doing so, I was respecting her wishes and giving her space. But now that it's been a while, I can't help but think I should have expressed myself better. I really miss her, though, so I guess that got reflected in the lyrics somehow.
You take a moment to gather your thoughts and figure out what to text.
You: Aw, man. Whoever your ex is, she's lucky to have such lyrics written about her. Even if it's over, maybe there's a way she finds your music and…I don't know, reconsiders things?
RevN98: Hah, that'd be a dream come true. I don't think she likes the kind of music I make.
You: Why not? Your music is great!
RevN98: Well, the truth is I was spending more time on my music than time with her. So, I guess that's one of the reasons for our break-up.
My God. This feels…too similar to your situation it gives you goosebumps. Despite that, it's like your fingers are possessed as they keep itching to text the anonymous artist back.
You: Time changes the way people feel. Maybe if you're honest with her and how you're feeling, there's a chance for a reconciliation. Or at least some closer. You should call her!
RevN98: I'd love that but she's blocked my number.
You: Use a friend's phone, duh!
RevN98: That'd be suspicious, considering I haven't told any of my friends about our break-up.
You: Dang…you're really not over this girl, huh?
RevN98: Not a chance.
You: So…what are you going to do?
RevN98: I don't know, for the time being texting you helps to ease the pain.
You: Likewise. But just to give you a heads-up, I'm not interested in any rebound relationship.
RevN98: Great. I'm not interested in that, either.
You: So…online buddies, then?
RevN98: Sounds good to me.
It is so strange how quickly the mysterious artist becomes part of your everyday life. You text each other quite often about anything. From what you've had for breakfast to what other music you've been listening to. From where you're planning to go with your friends to…how much you miss your exes. It is truly extraordinarily easy to talk to them. You still don't know much. How they look, what their real name is, where they live…But somehow it's enough knowing they're out there making awesome and relatable music.
Until one day it isn't.
You: We should meet up!
RevN98: I don't think that is a good idea…My schedule's crazy lately.
You: What do you mean? It's not like you have live performances.
You point out the obvious because from what you've gathered, maintaining this anonymity is key to RevN98.
RevN98: I just don't feel comfortable meeting in person…
You: Are you worried I'd expose your identity? You know I'm not that kind of person, right?
RevN98: I'm not worried about that. It's hard to explain. It would make sense if we met up, which is exactly why we can't meet up.
You: I'm super confused right now. But you know how important honesty is to me. So, it's now or never, I guess. If you don't want to meet up in the near future, I don't think I want to continue being friends…
You wait a couple of minutes, to give them a chance to make a decision. Finally, the response comes.
RevN98: Okay, let's meet up.
They text you a time and place. And then you ask the crucial question.
You: How will I know it's you?
RevN98: Trust me, you'll know.
This is…so cryptic. You guess you'll just have to rely on the fact that there are a bunch of photos of you on your profile, so the musician would be able to recognize you first.
When you arrive at the small café, you look around nervously, waiting. Negative thoughts keep haunting your mind. What if they change their mind in the last minute and stand you up? What if they are disappointed upon meeting you and never want to text you again? What if you were too harsh by giving an ultimatum? What if-
So many scenarios and you failed to consider the one that truly matters.
What if…you run into your ex at said café? What are the fucking odds?!
"What are you doing here?" you ask Vernon, sounding a bit too rude. Better to be rude than to burst into tears or something more embarrassing.
"Waiting for you," Vernon replies simply.
"What are you talking about?" you blink in confusion. Until it clicks…No. Freaking. Way.
Vernon sighs and takes his phone out, showing you the texts between you and RevN98. And the only explanation is…fucking hell. He is RevN98.
"Please, tell me you're joking right now."
"I wish I was," Vernon looks down, feeling guilty.
"How could you do this to me?" you inquire, eyes welling up already. You feel so weak upon seeing him.
"What was I supposed to do? You had me blocked on everything."
"What, and writing me a song under a false name sounded like the greatest idea?" you snap at him.
"I just needed to talk to you again. Somehow."
"Why? What is there to say?"
"I miss you," Vernon murmurs.
"You lied to me," you insist stubbornly.
"Please come back to me," he keeps trying.
"It's too late…" you try to reject him gently.
"I'm begging you," Vernon really wants a second chance.
You shake your head, but your hands are already reaching for his. Desperate to hold them one more time, you lean closer.
"I'm not taking you back," you keep fighting it.
"Okay," he nods.
"We're just…gonna talk, yeah? Seems a waste of my great outfit to go back home."
"Okay," Vernon repeatss.
As the two of you sit down to have a chat, suddenly all of the unsaid words and undelivered messages bubble up to the surface.
"I should have fought for you. I mean it. Music is important to me but not as much as you. You are my muse, how could I go another day without you?"
"It seems you've been doing a great job writing music without me," you say bitterly.
"Oh, yeah?" Vernon raises his eyebrows cockily. "Well, I bet I can write even better if you're back in my life."
"I was too harsh," you admit. "I let my overthinking and insecurities get the worst of me. When I broke up with you, it seems I had forgotten how much I love music, too. I was so caught up in my own dark thoughts that I didn't matter to you that things escalated."
"You had a point," Vernon chuckles sadly. "I wasn't giving you the attention you needed. The attention you deserve. I was being selfish."
"I was selfish, too," you confess. "I shouldn't have made you feel like you needed to make a choice between me and music."
"I would pick you. For the record."
"Record is exactly what you'll be making," you tease him. "I'm serious. I need to hear more of what you've been working on."
"I'd love to show you. But there's something else I'd like to do first," Vernon smirks mischievously.
He grabs your hand and takes you to the café's bathroom. He pushes you inside a free booth and locks the door behind him. He kisses you under the bathroom lights eagerly, not wanting to let go ever again.
"Hey!" you chide him playfully. "I said I wasn't taking you back."
"Too bad. 'Cause I'm taking you," Vernon says assertively.
"You…you've changed," you blink in surprise.
"I'll take that as a compliment," Vernon smiles and his palms dig into your lower back deliciously, as he kisses you again. "God, I missed this taste."
"You're insane," you laugh but you can't find it in you to deny it any longer. You want him so bad.
"Don't let go of me," he repeats the song's lyrics in your ear.
"I won't. As long as you promise the same," you ask.
Vernon doesn't say a word as he kneels in front of you. He picks up one of your legs and swings it over his shoulder as pulls your panties to the side. Suddenly, you're so grateful for your genius decision to wear a dress. He spits on your pussy and attacks your folds with his skilled tongue. You're already losing your mind over how good it feels, when suddenly, he pulls back.
You gasp in disappointment as your pleasure was so abruptly interrupted.
"Beg me," Vernon commands you easily. "Beg me to make you come."
"You're fucking insane," you refuse. You've always had a little bit of a brat in you.
Vernon, however, doesn't seem perturbed by your refusal to cooperate and sticks one finger inside you, teasing you slow enough to frustrate you but not fast enough to get you there. It hurts so sweetly you both hate and love it.
"Beg me," he repeats.
It would be so easy to do that. Just to get that sweet release…But the stubborn part of you is still stronger than the part of you that wants to come.
''Try harder," you grin cruelly.
Vernon is not one to back down from a challenge and unleashes his final weapon. He takes off his jeans and slides his hard cock inside you. Fuck. You'd forgotten how girthy he is.
"I missed you so much," he whispers in your ear. And his genuine words affect you more than his actions. And oh, how terribly you've missed him, too.
You hold on to the back of his neck, needing him for support. He keeps tormenting you, not moving a lot, just making you feel so full but so dissatisfied at the same time. You truly can't take it anymore.
"P-please, let me c-come," you beg for him hopelessly.
"There's my good girl," Vernon smiles proudly and adjusts his movements, adding pressure with his fingers so that you come in mere seconds.
"T-thank you, thank you," you chant, not knowing what demon possessed you to act this way.
"So polite," he laughs adorably and holds you close as he reaches his own high.
You don't want to let go of him ever again. But you're gonna have to, because you hear angry people who want to use the bathroom. Uh-oh.
You quickly try to clean each other up and rush outside, cheeks red with embarrassment.
You get a few weird looks from random people, but honestly, it doesn't matter. This felt too good.
"Sooo…" Vernon says once you've arrived at his chill but cozy apartment. "Does this mean you'll take me back?"
"Hmm, I don't know. Beg me nicely?" you suggest teasingly.
"Oh, you know I will," Vernon promises.
"Veeern, it's been hours, didn't you finish the song already?" you complain, desperate for his attention.
"Just five-"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence," you warn him, though you don't really mean it. You're just playing around. You know he cares about you deeply. Perhaps more deeply that he lets on.
"Won't you wait another hour or two?" Vernon teases you back.
"You know what? I'd wait as long as it takes," you smile and put your lips on his lips.
The End
#vernon x reader#seventeen x reader#seventeen#vernon#vernon x you#vernon angst#vernon smut#seventeen angst#seventeen smut#svt scenarios#vernon scenarios#chwe hansol#hansol x reader#seventeen scenarios#seventeen vernon#svt angst#writing
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HELLO, a bit of a strange request but could I have a Hyung-juu x male reader who, when she realizes that he likes her, feels bad for not being woman enough? Ilv =3
ONE SHOT: Pretty girl.
Hyun-ju x g/n reader
Summary: You and Hyun-ju are very close friends. And when you started to fall in love with her, she started to feel bad, thinking that you deserve "a real woman".
Warnings: g/n: gender neutral reader, just fluff.
a/n: I preferred to write it with a g/n reader because I don't feel really comfortable writing with a male reader in particular, it doesn't make a big difference though, hope you don't mind🫶💗

It was a warm spring evening, when you and Hyun-ju were sitting on a park bench. You’d been friends for years, inseparable since the day you met. She was your confidante, your partner in crime, the person who made you laugh when the world felt heavy. But lately, you have been thinking about something, something you couldn’t ignore.
You glanced at her, her dark hair catching the sunlight, her eyes focused on the distant playground where children laughed and played. She looked beautiful, but there was a slight sadness in her expression that wasn't there before. It had started a few weeks ago, around the same time you realized your feelings for her had deepened into something more. You’d tried to push it down, to keep things as they were, but your heart had other plans.
She was so good for you, she treated you like a treasure, she always took good care of you and worried about you. Honestly, that melted your heart.
“Hey” you said softly, breaking the silence. “You’ve been quiet today. Is everything okay?”
She hesitated, her fingers fidgeting with the ring you gifted her.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she said, but her voice lacked its usual warmth. She turned to you, her lips curving into a small, forced smile. “Just thinking.”
"About what?”" you asked, your chest tightening with concern.
She sighed, her gaze dropping to her hands. "About… you. About us."
Your heart skipped a beat. “What about us?”
She took a deep breath, as if steeling herself.
"Y/n, it's so obvious that you like me, and... I've just been thinking about it. You're amazing. You’re kind, and funny, and so full of life. But you don't deserve someone like me."
"What do you mean beautiful?" You asked, holding her hand between yours, knowing what was about to come.
"You deserve to be with a real woman, y/n"
Her words hit you like a punch to the gut.
"Idiot" you started.
"You are a real woman."
She shook her head, tears welling in her eyes.
"Don’t say that just to make me feel better. I know what I am. And I know you deserve more than… than someone like me."
You reached out, taking her hand in yours. Her fingers were cold, trembling slightly. "Listen to me" you said, your voice steady. "You’re not ‘someone like you. You’re Hyun-ju. You’re the person who makes me laugh when I’m having a bad day. You’re the one who knows me better than anyone else. You’re brave, and strong, and beautiful, and I…"You paused, your throat tightening.
"I’m in love with you. Not because of who you were or who you think you should be, but because of who you are. Right here, right now."
Her breath hitched, and she looked at you, her eyes searching yours for any hint of doubt.
"You don’t have to say that" she whispered. "I don’t want you to regret this later."
"I won’t" You said firmly.
"I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. You’re not a placeholder, Hyun-ju. You’re not second best. You’re my first choice. You always have been."
For a moment, she just stared at you, tears streaming down her cheeks. Then, you slowly caressed her cheek, cupping it in your hand, as you leaned in for a kiss. A few inches separated your lips, as you looked into her eyes, seeking consent.
She hesitated for a moment, but finally, she closed the space between you.
The kiss was soft. Full of love. You wanted to show her everything you felt for her. Everything you have been holding back.
After some seconds, you pulled away. Looking at her in the eyes.
"I love you, Hyun-ju. I truly do"
She let out a shaky laugh, her hand tightening around yours.
"You're so corny, you know that?"
You smiled, brushing a tear from her cheek. "Yeah, but you love me anyway."
And for the first time in weeks, her smile reached her eyes.
"Yeah" she said softly.
"I do"

a/n: This is so sweet I can't.
#cho hyun ju#cho hyunju x reader#hyun ju squid game#hyun ju x reader#hyunju#player 120#player 120 x reader#squid game#squidgame x reader#hyunju x reader
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shared desk - bucky barnes x reader
A/N: This just came up while I was looking for a place to work, I mainly go to coffee shops but I’ve been meaning to go to one of these spaces. Hope you enjoy reading!!
no warnings here! (at least for now)
Dividers by @cafekitsune
Your job demanded a lot of time, and while the pay was excellent and the stress levels were bearable, it was very lonely. Yes, you worked with a team, but that team was scattered across the world—Igor was in Warsaw, Pam was in Miami, Héctor was in Puerto Rico, and Steven was five states away.
Working from home had its perks. If you were sick or had your period, you could just stay curled up in bed and work from there. But on days when the sky was clear and the sun was warm, you were stuck inside, staring at screens. Podcasts and radio shows became your companions, voices filling the silence as you typed away at lines of code or designed whatever the clients needed. But it had been a while since you worked alongside actual people.
You had heard about coworking spaces—coffee shops or shared offices where people in your situation could work without feeling so isolated. Maybe, just maybe, you could even make a friend or two.
That’s how you found yourself in a coworking space on a Tuesday morning, clutching your overpriced coffee like a lifeline…It had taken weeks of deliberation—Googling “coworking near me,” checking out reviews, debating whether it was worth putting on real pants. But the silence of your apartment had become too loud, so here you were.
The place was warm, buzzing with quiet productivity. People sat in clusters, laptops open, occasional murmurs passing between them. It felt... alive. And maybe, just maybe, you needed that.
You picked a seat near the window, set down your laptop, and exhaled. Okay. This wasn’t so bad.
And then, someone took the seat across from you.
You noticed him peripherally first—broad shoulders, dark hair falling slightly over his forehead, black Henley hugging his arms in a way that made her brain short-circuit. His presence was quiet but not unnoticeable, something about him was both composed and intense. He dropped his bag on the chair beside him and pulled out a notebook, flipping it open before glancing at you.
“First time here?”
His voice was low, rough—like he didn’t use it often.
You blinked, surprised that he’d even spoken to you. “Uh, yeah. Is it that obvious?”
He smirked slightly, tapping his pen against the page. “A little. You look like you’re waiting for someone to tell you what to do.”
You huffed a small laugh. “It’s been a while since I worked around people.”
He nodded as if he understood that more than you knew. “You get used to it. Just gotta pretend no one’s here after a while.”
You weren’t sure that was possible, not when he was sitting right across from you. But you nodded, pretending you were unaffected, opening your laptop and trying to focus on the screen instead of the way his fingers tapped absently against the table.
For a while, you two worked in silence.
Then, your laptop froze.
You sighed, tapping at the trackpad in frustration. When that failed, you let your forehead drop against the table with a dramatic groan.
A chuckle rumbled from across you. “That bad?”
“I think my laptop is testing my patience.”
“Here,” he said, getting up and walking around the table. “Let me take a look.”
You were about to tell him it wasn’t necessary, but before you could, he leaned down, close enough that you caught the scent of something clean and slightly woody. He pressed a few keys, fingers moving with practiced ease, and within seconds, the screen unfroze.
You gawked at him. “How did you—?”
His smirk deepened. “Secret.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, unimpressed by the mystery. “You’re one of those IT geniuses, aren’t you?”
He huffed a laugh, retreating back to his seat. “Not exactly. Just good with tech.”
You tilted your head, studying him now. “And what do you do? Or is that a secret, too?”
He looked at you for a moment, then—almost reluctantly—said, “Freelance security consulting.”
Your brows lifted. “That sounds... intense.”
A shadow of something flickered across his expression before he shrugged. “It can be.”
He didn’t elaborate, and for some reason, you didn’t push. Instead, you gave him a nod. “Well, thanks for saving my laptop’s life. I owe you one.”
He smirked. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
And just like that, the air shifted. Less intimidating. Less unfamiliar.
Maybe this coworking thing wasn’t so bad after all.
The hours seem to pass quicker than usual. Maybe it’s the feeling of company.
You steal glances at each other during that time—sometimes catching him watching you while you’re working, other times your gaze lingers on him, completely focused on his laptop or writing in his notebook. His brow furrows when he’s deep in thought, pen tapping absently against the page, and there’s something oddly mesmerizing about it.
Neither of you speaks much, but the silence feels... comfortable. Like an understanding, neither of you had to say out loud.
Time slipped by unnoticed. The gentle murmur of voices and the rhythmic clacking of keyboards faded as the sun dipped below the horizon. You hadn’t realized how late it was until you looked up and found the place nearly empty.
He was still there.
Stretching your arms over your head, you sighed quietly and started packing up. The sound must have caught his attention because he glanced over.
"Heading out?"
"Yeah, I think I’ve done enough damage for the day," you said with a small smile. "Do you always stay this late?"
"Sometimes." He leaned back in his chair, stretching in a way that only made him look unfairly good. "I work better when it’s quiet."
You nodded, slinging your bag over your shoulder. "Makes sense."
As you made your way toward the door, you hesitated—just for a second—before glancing back at him. "See you around?"
His smirk was lazy and confident. "I’m here most days."
You nodded, ignoring the way your heart did something weird in your chest before stepping outside into the night.
The next day
The coworking space felt different today. Maybe it was because you had a reason to look forward to it.
You told yourself it was just the change of scenery. That’s why you left your apartment early, grabbed your usual overpriced coffee, and took the same spot by the window. It definitely wasn’t because you were wondering if he would show up.
But then—he did.
Same black Henley, same effortless presence. He spotted you instantly, and instead of taking the seat across from you, he surprised you by sitting right next to you.
"You’re back," he said, voice just low enough that it sent a small shiver down your spine.
You tilted your head, meeting his gaze. "So are you."
He smirked. "Guess we’re both creatures of habit."
A while later, he stretched, rolling his shoulders before leaning toward you slightly. “Lunch break soon?”
You blinked at him. “I—uh, I guess?”
That smirk again, like he could see the hesitation in your eyes, like he expected it. "Good. You owe me one, remember?"
You narrowed your eyes playfully. "Oh, this is your way of collecting payback?"
He shrugged, feigning innocence. "Figured I’d cash in while I can."
You bit back a smile.
“Fine,” you said, pretending to be reluctant. “But if I buy you lunch, that means we’re even.”
“We’ll see about that,” he murmured, standing up and waiting for you to follow.
You rolled your eyes, but deep down, you knew you’d already lost.
Hope you enjoyed this one-shot! 💻☕✨ I had so much fun writing this!
What do you think happens next? Does their “totally casual” lunch turn into something more?
If you’d like a part two, let me know! I’d love to explore this further (and maybe add some tension outside of the coworking space… 👀🔥).
Thanks for reading! 💛 Reblogs, likes and comments help a lot! Please don’t steal my work or post it without credit.
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes x you#bucky barnes x y/n#bucky barnes x female reader#bucky barnes one shot#bucky barnes fanfiction#bucky barnes fic#james buchanan barnes#james bucky barnes#winter soldier#bucky x reader#bucky x you#bucky fanfic#bucky fluff#one shot fanfic#bucky one shot#sebastian stan#sebastian stan fanfiction
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congratulations on 300 followers!!! you deserve every single one and im so happy for you!!
your 300 followers event is so cool!
errr can i have 🥺 for rosekiller and 😍 also for rosekiller cause im a bit obsessed with themm
aww tysm!! and yes yes ofc!! i love rosekiller too lmao
soulmates au first:
There was a rose blooming on Barty’s left forearm.
It had been there ever since first year, when he had first touched his soulmate.
Except, he didn’t know who it was.
He knew that Evan’s Flower was a gladiolus. Maybe his soulmate was a girl called Gladiola or something?
Whatever was the case, Barty was sad.
Three reasons why.
One, he was fruitlessly searching for his soulmate. He’d kissed about half the girls in Hogwarts, at this point.
Two, he was gay. That wouldn’t have been bad on its own, but it got a lot worse. Not only was he gay, he was in love with someone.
And that led him to his third and final reason: that someone was Evander Gabriel Rosier.
That’s right, Rosier. As in the family name for the roses. Like the one that Barty had on his arm.
It was a shock that Evan hadn’t put the pieces together yet. That boy was normally way too smart for his own good.
But all the better for Barty, right?
Even Regulus Arcturus Black, feelings repressor extraordinaire, had confronted him about his pining.
Multiple times.
It all came to a head on a sunny March day during their fifth years.
They were laying in the grass together, Evan with a book in his hand, and Barty making flower crowns.
“Here you go, Ev,” he laughed, handing over a circlet of daisies.
“Thanks, Bee,” Evan hummed. “Hey, Barty, do you know what daisies mean in the flower language?”
Barty tilted his head inquisitively. “No, what?”
“Loyalty and purity, apparently.”
“Really?” Barty stuck out his arm. “What does the rose mean?”
“Well, yours is read, so that’s love and passion and such. I bet your soulmate already loves you, just from that alone.”
Barty poked at Evan’s forearm. “Well, then, what does your flower mean?”
“Honor and resilience, probably.” Evan grinned sheepishly, rubbing his neck. “I’m not sure. I haven’t looked at one of those books in ages.”
“Well, if you don’t know the meaning of the gladiolus, maybe you know the meaning of your name, Evander Gabriel Rosier,” Barty teased.
Evan rolled his eyes fondly. “It’s somewhere along the lines of me being a good man. I’m not so sure about that.”
“Lies,” Barty cried. “You’re a very good man. You even save me some breakfast sometimes!”
Evan nodded gravely. “Yes, that is totally what makes me a good person.”
“Darn right it is. Now, what’s my name mean?”
“You know what it means,” Evan huffed in laughter. “You’ve been preening about how untrue it was since second year.”
“Well, yeah, cause he’s a bitch,” Barty sighed, yanking at the grass beneath him. “What kind of name is ‘loyal son’ anyways?”
“Oh my fucking Merlin,” Evan muttered for what seemed to be no reason. “You’re so fucking blind, what the hell?”
Evan sighed. “Barty, you know you’re my soulmate, right?”
“What?” his mouth fell open in shock.
“You didn’t know.”
“Well, no,” Barty admitted. “I thought you were straight!”
Evan looked at him incredulously. “What about-” he gestured at himself. “this- says, ‘I’m straight’?”
“You have a good point,” Barty admitted.
“You’re darn right about that.”
And suddenly, it was like there were fireworks going off around them as their lips met for the first time.
and now we have the hurt/comfort under the cut!! be warned im a lot better at writing hurt
“Where are you going?” Evan asked tearfully. “Please, Barty, we can fix this.”
“Fix it? Fix it? What is there to be fixed?” Barty scoffed. “You can’t love me the way I deserve, so you shouldn’t get me.”
“Please,” Evan choked. “I can’t do it without you. You’re my everything, Barty.”
“Your everything. Really?” Barty asked, raising an eyebrow. “You think I believe that, Evan?”
“Please, Bee,” Evan begged, throwing in the nickname for good measure. “One more chance. I promise I’ll do better.”
“That’s what they all say,” Barty spat, turning around. He strode to the nearest picture frame, which contained an image of Before, when they were happy and still in love.
Barty picked it up, inspecting it, before dropping the photo, frame and all, on the floor. The glass shattered, covering the carpet with shards.
“Bee, what are you doing?” Evan gasped, tears carving paths down his cheeks. “Please, stop.”
“I’m just giving you what you deserve, Rosie.” Even that once-sweet nickname was like poison coming out of Barty’s mouth. It seemed to hit Evan square in the chest, causing him to stumble backwards.
“You can’t mean that,” Evan stuttered. “Please.”
“Please what?” Barty sneered. He picked up the picture, shaking off the debris. He looked at it hard for a moment before-
Evan’s ears were ringing. He didn’t think he could feel anything like this ever again.
The picture lay in tatters, scattered all over the floor.
“Barty, why did you-”
“Because we’re done,” Barty snarled, walking out of the door and slamming it.
It promptly fell off of its hinges.
Evan and Barty groaned simultaneously.
“I was doing so well!” Barty cried. “Fuck!”
“You’ve broken that door twice, Bee,” Evan grinned. “One might think that you’re the Hulk or something.”
“Boys, the camera is still rolling,” their director, Minerva McGonagall, snapped. “We need to cut this out. Tech, do you think we can still salvage the scene?”
“Probably,” a lanky man with a clipboard said from next to her. His name tag read ‘Lupin’. “We just need to fix the door and do an up-close shot of the slam. The rest is fixable in post.”
“Alright,” McGonagall sighed. “Chop-chop, people. The door isn’t fixing itself.”
Barty stepped back into the indoor part of the set. “Hey, Ev, d’you wanna get a coffee? I’m running low on caffeine.”
McGonagall got up from her chair, walking towards the. She put her hand on Barty’s shoulder. “If you two get coffee, get me one, too. Something black and strong, thank you.”
“Yes, Minnie,” Evan said, grinning cheekily.
#hahaha the mood swings on these two 😭#emi writes sometimes#emi answers!!#barty x evan#evan rosier#evan x barty#barty jr#bcj#barty crouch x evan rosier#barty crouch junior#barty crouch jr#barty crouch jr.#rosekiller fic#evan rosier x barty crouch jr#rosekiller microfic#rosekiller#slytherin skittles#modern au#soulmates au#marauders fandom#the marauders fandom#the marauders era#mauraders#marauders era#dead gay wizards from the 70s#the marauders#marauders fanfiction#marauders fanfic#marauders fic#marauders au
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tr!cpk my beloved
As he sits at that table, leader only in (Aimsey's) spirit, it hits Seapeekay that no one pays attention to him.
And he does not mean it in a whiny way -- although, hey, Aimsey could leave him with a little less enthusiasm when Ros is near -- it is just factual.
People look at him, talk to him, then when the conversation is over he slips their mind like water.
Sneeg talks about wardens and curses and talks about his and Aimsey's strange connection.
People talk about power and they mention the Archmage, or the fantastical machines.
People talk about keepers and corruption and games and contracts. They say Krow and Pili and Bad and Ros.
They forget he killed the warden and has been hearing its calls ever since. They forget he has mastered the martial arts. They forget the Keepers gathered to restore his soul in broad daylight, that he has been told his time is not yet right.
No one has said it outloud yet, but he can hear them all thinking. There is no way he is indispensable to the Teal Titans. Aimsey only picked him because they were too humble, too selfless to pick themselves. He was a friendship pick.
To be fair to everyone though, it is pretty funny how they lament Aimsey and then jest how he is so lucky for being so unimportant. He jokes along, of course, but it is far from the truth:
He escaped oblivion purely because of Aimsey's destructive selflessness. Because to Aimsey he might actually be invaluable to the faction. Or not, but they would still rather die than condemn him, or anyone else.
Aimsey will come back anyway. He always does. And they will sit at yet another balcony and Aimsey will be spiralling and then he will crack a completely tonedeaf joke and Aimsey will punch him in the arm but inevitable snort and then they will go and do something stupid like imitate people in the worst ways until they are laughing so hard they can barely breathe.
Yeah. If not for Aimsey's heart, he would be... he would not be. Because while the faction would not stand without Aimsey, Aimsey would not stand without him. So when asked who was instrumental in a faction's existence, Aimsey convictedly and truthfully said his name.
No Aimsey without him, no him without Aimsey.
Two sides of the same coin, but people only ever look at heads.
Maybe he should do something about that. Not like, seperating him from Aimsey. He would not care. They would try and kill him personally.
No, he means flaunting his power a little. Blowing up Tubbo did not do a lot for him, being played mostly for jokes -- once again proving his point. So maybe someone people actually care about. But then again, it might not matter at all. Killing a warden in one-to-one combat seemed as big a powerplay one could make without going after certain people and that has not left a lasting impression at all.
Maybe he should kill Aimsey when they return. That would most certainly make some waves.
The thought makes him chuckle, but the table is to busy arguing to notice him. He is not harming Aimsey. Over everyone elses' dead bodies.
Anyway, one of these days he is killing someone, that much he does know. He will mull it over, the coming days.
And who knows, the opportunity might just present itself, because he has no doubt they are heading for a big storm.
He tunes back into the conversation at that table and considers telling them how he has heard the dragon's roar.
He does not.
There is great power at the edge of consciousness.
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people say riverdale went downhill after s2/s3 but i rewatched s1 and it was so shitty and cringy i couldnt even continue
#like yeah its bad but its been bad since day one#also why am i finding out the only good ship end up breaking up#bughead 4 life bitches#also archie can die pls#riverdale#cw#trash#im tired wtf
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#personal#i am emotional yes#over the years ive had this blog I've made a few posts abt being femme#nd whether they're serious or jokey..... inevitably someone in the tags goes “ohhh yeah bc pink”#or in the case of what inspired this post: someone going “what about the pink ones” on my praying mantis post#and im just.#sick of it. im sick of femme being equated to pink and frilly girlie behaviors.#im sick of femme being equated to skirts and heels. to makeup. to skincare. to pristine nails exactly almond shaped.#im sick of ppl acting like All femmes aspire to this shit. im sick of femms being reduced to this shit.#and i love pink! i love pink! my phone theme is quite literally just black and pink all over.#im just. so tired of any expression of Femme identity being shoehorned into being a Specific type of femininity#especially as someone who DOES get dysphoric wearing skirts. wearing dresses. embodying the femme aesthetic yall are so set on making#if u guys wanna rb this i truly dont care#i just needed to scream#and this is one small thing#but the 2nd largest category of anon hate i have gotten since making this blog is str8 up homophobia from other “queer” folks#saying i cant be femme bc of how i present. calling me slurs (and using them as such) bc they cant understand femme as anything but that#my wife and i have our users in our personal discord server set as 2 different things of anon hate ive gotten#i have had OTHER FEMMES tell me i am not femme. femmes who Know im femme who still call me butch. femmes who ive corrected and been blocked#-by bc of it. the number 1 largest demographic of queerfolk who have me blocked rn is TME femmes who embody pink also#and i dont think its a coincidence at all. (and i know this bc i go to try and follow these ppl bc they get rbed on my dash & i cant)#and ik their blogs arent deleted bc some of them don't block my wife (tall. white. butch) and it cant be politics cause her and i rb#a lot of the same political shit (fuck. i think she rbs More than i do even. this is genuinely mainly a nsft blog)#and usually i don't say anything but im having a bad day so i get to be angry about this and if anyone fucking tries me i will block u#idc if we've been mutuals 4ever. im judt so tired of feeling like i am not Enough as a femme bc i dont embody this shit#im sick of this lameass lip service to he/him gnc femmes etc when the thin white 50s housewife femme is still what is preferred and loved#im sick of this lamesss lip service when y'all feel entitled to theorizing on other femmes genders bc u cant conceptualize a femme who does#wanna be hypetfeminine. im sick of it. im sick of it. im sick of it.#celebrity bun
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#bakuspecial#cw: nudity#cw: body horror#monster#siren! I think. they're bird to me#I think this has been brewing since that stream mim did of drawing dnd monsters only from official text description#and when the official art for the sirens were shown I was like. oh thats just a woman with wings#lmao like. granted. its an official dnd book available for all audience. you cant make it too Bad To Look At#(I do not agree with this but it wasnt about me. if its about me its gonna be about very few people lmao)#but yeah. after that I got slightly too into the idea of putting more bird into birdwoman#but I also do genuinely love monsters that are Rearranged Human Parts so. I couldnt commit too much to the bird scales Im so sorry#I wanted the fleshiness. the feel. textural experience of holding her hands and being like oh that's a human#even when ur eyes tell u otherwise. mmm#...I looked to my right as I was typing these tags and saw. the fucked up pikmin I tried to sculpt the other day along with the pin#and got startled#its so. its so fucked up. gods. dusty white naked grainy parsnip#I used to have that one doll I butchered wanting to customize in a box next to me and thats way less upsetting than this. man#its perfect actually I will never throw this thing away. anyways#now. now I go to bed. its sleep time for the baku#have a good night lads! you CAN have it both way easily you just need a big bat
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For a stick of truth au, consider
Craig/Feldspar being the one to have stolen the stick and brought back Clyde from being banished from space and time in the first place
(also I'm elaborating in tags again)
#its funny whenever there's an au that takes what they all say literally because yeah what does being banished from space and time even MEAN#i assume its a sort of limbo i guess?#like to him it would've felt like he was there for years or even DECADES#yet at the same time it felt like he wasn't there at all (in reality it was like a day or so possibly longer)#yeah probably longer#but still Feldspar hearing they banished his best friend and stealing the stick to bring him back#poor guys definitely traumatized from that#then they fuck off to create their own kingdom together with the stick#does this count as cryde? idk#platonic cryde#cryde#clyde donovan#craig tucker#south park#the stick of truth#stick of truth#tsot#feldspar the thief#lord of darkness clyde#also i like to imagine that since clyde uses the stick for dark magic (necromancy) it corrupts him but mainly so he gets a cool design#idk ive been tempted to make an au centered around sot villains even though there's only like three#like one of those dnd campaigns where you play as the bad guy
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whenever i hear people talk about how hated/mocked Hayden was back in the day for his work in the prequel trilogy, im just like well, hmm i cant relate, ive never hated him, because even though the movies werent great, and theres stuff to critique there, i think he suited the role as Anakin very well, and seeing as how we had plenty of good actors involved and even they werent able to showcase their skills to the upmost, methinks (and perhaps most rational people think) its the fault of the director and not the actor. oh and also he was unbelievably hot, so in conclusion v
#and ive got to say i actually kinda like the weird wooden acting. it felt a little camp maybe? its been forever since ive seen them though#and im not a prequel lover or something ive rewatched the films many times and the prequel trilogy isnt included in that lmao#i feel like maybe its a guy thing? where guys really hate him and girls can see past it. hes toxic? yea i know i like it. hes immature and-#reckless and temperamental and kinda creepy with padme? yeah i know i like it. which sounds bad but ONCE AGAIN its not real life guys#hes kinda like a fantasy of this hot guy tht instantly falls for you is obsessed with you & will tear apart the galaxy and his soul for you#i know plenty of girlies have been stanning him since day one AND I SEE YOU. you are valid mhmm#anakin skywalker#hayden christensen#prequel trilogy
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✦ january store update ✦
❥ new stuff available for preorder !! :D really excited about these HEHE ╰ NEW monster hunter world charms !! ↳ blobs lineups got some updates !! ╰ 6 new overwatch: illari / junker queen / lifeweaver / moira / reaper / reinhardt ╰ minthara for bg3 !! ╰ conduit for apex legends !! ╰ iso for valorant
❥ code NEWYEAR for 15% off orders over $30 til feb!
❥ thank yall so much for the support on the new store so far !! i hope you find something you like 💘
#store update#store post#my art#YIPPEEEEEE#im soooo excited abt the monhun ones HEHE ive been gettin back into mhw and wanted to make smth for it so bad#and worked really hard on stream the other day to add a bunch of new overwatches since they get asked abt a lot !!#then it was p simple to add a blob to some of the other serieses while i was in the zone this week hehe#ive been so productive this year im so proud !! worken hard on bein consistent and healthier to avoid burnout#we'll see how it goes but its goin good so far :3#BUT YEAH HOPE YALLRE WELL N THAT U LIKE THESE IVE PUT A LOT OF LOVE INTO EM !!#monster hunter world#overwatch#overwatch 2#baldurs gate 3#bg3#apex#apex legends#valorant
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I knew about the post concert depression but no one told me about the post concert constant feeling of AAAAAAAAAHHH that lasts days and makes everything much more bearable and beautiful and some sort of ethereal type of hope is restored into the world, or maybe it's just the "seeing your favourite band after first thinking that it would never happen and later spending many months waiting for it all the while fearing that it wouldn't happen after all because of circumstances outside my control or feeling like it was too beautiful and wonderful to be true so ofc it wouldn't come true" part of it all
#guys i love they might be giants. did you know about this#me days before the show: crying because i will see they might be giants#me days after the show: crying because i saw they might be giants#truth is that i didn't actually full on cry until yesterday evening though so once i was back home so it was all officially over#and it was time to just slow down and realize that oh well wow. so all that just happened. like for realsies#i also finally looked through my videos and my recording of the whole show (yes as an archivist freak who records audio from most concerts#i obviously had to record this one also. now i can listen to it again and again and be remided that i didn't dream it all up after all)#but yeah all this and now i'm supposed to move on and go back to my stupid daily life#like i didn't just have one of those real actual life experiences and moments of pure fun that other people generally get from time to time#and that i haven't had since idk even when a year and a half ago#thats the last time i consider truly amazing on a level somewhat comparable to this. but back to the show and the whole thing.#like this wouldn't have been quite as perfect if i didn't share that time with fellow fans / friends that i ended up attending the show wit#you don't realize how badly you've been wanting to be included in things and for people to be genuinely fond of you and like your company#until you get included and shown that fondness. like wow i'm allowed to have fun too after all. can it happen again someday please. anyway#i'm just glad that in midst of my big bad awful times i could have this truly amazing 10/10 time#and i guess it doesn't have to be the last such time right. even if it's easy to give into the feeling that it is#but ok anyway i'll get to that proper show recap later when i can think clearly again#and maybe more on that more personal side of it all too because well i have many more thoughts obviously#but whether i get to that in 3 days or 3 months is a mystery for now. just kind of a lot to think about once again#and my stupid baka life continues on also whether i like it or not so that has to be taken into consideration as well#time to think again about school that i'm so totally fully failing now with my two weeks long absence yayyy. its fine i'll figure it all out#goosepost
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guess what I've been fixating on
#animal crossing#animal crossing new horizons#acnh#tom nook#smth smth#yeah ive just been playing acnh again. sorry#i just unlocked terraforming this morning (as of when im creating the post on monday not when its posted on thursday)#so hopefully by the time this is posted ill have gotten some rly nice street patterns made up#i found some pretty good ones but the way they were set up was like. not exactly what i need? so im trying to like#rip them off ig??? is that bad? idk. im gonna put my own spin on em ig#im just not super good at making convincing like...sidewalks w depth to them and such#anyway hopefully this time around i can really get my island looking as baller as i want#the reason i restarted was bc id fucked my island up so thoroughly that i wasnt even sure what to do w it anymore#or where to start w it#also my plaza was SUPER close to the airport.#so i chose a different layout this time where the plaza is like in the middle right area of it#more room for an entrance and such#i even have made up a Future Map including new landscaping and zones#so ill get to that over the next few days since i have time off work#also! this is the first entry ive made using my new smth smth tools#namely the automatic halftone-ify-er and a custom hand-drawn font#it took a bit less time to make this one since i didnt have to 1. hand write the dialogue and 2. think about the specific halftone colors#im still sticking to a limited palette (specifically 256 web safe colors) just cuz#but yeah. if you have actually read all of this and you have thoughts on the look of this one vs the previous ones lmk 🩵 thanks#also have a good day and drink some water :)
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