#buddha point
akkivee · 4 months
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see, i see this and think they really should have given kuukou a goddamn tattoo
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doodlingwren · 3 months
✨️Gold Saints✨️ if they were to be ✨️Dungeons and Dragons✨️ characters
If you were wondering what I’ve been up to in the last few days, I was making this list based on my own headcanons. Mostly, I decided for what kind of class or subclass they could be. I don’t think I will add a race or a background for them because I am not up to date with the latest released manuals 😂 and these are just the official builds. If I had to look through the homebrew material I'd still be searching. Also, I used the classes of the fifth edition ^_^
Aries Mu
He’s an artificer (or if you are more familiar with the older name, he’s a tinker). There’s even an Armorer subclass, that let him have proficiency with heavy armours and so he can go in the middle of the battlefield without too many problems while still being a smith. When I say it’s perfect, I’m not even joking. Mu is possibly the easiest one to translate as a DnD character.
Taurus Aldebaran
Look, I would love to say paladin, but since he’s more on the pure physical strength rather that paladin stuffs, I’d assume for him a class like a fighter. I wouldn’t mind for him some sort of fighter + paladin multiclass where for the bigger part is a fighter. Maybe a Champion fighter + some levels of an Oath of Devotion paladin. Those subclasses are very basic, but they do the work. I cannot put his as a barbarian because well, I don’t think it would fit him (maybe the strength part, but only that).
Gemini Saga
He’s the dungeon master.
Okay, joke aside Saga is a bit more difficult. Visually, I think he’d be a paladin. Unlike others he has a good balance between physical strength and use of cosmos (both for attack and defence purposes). The subclass is a bit tricky, in the end it could be the Oath of the Watchers, since at least at the beginning, his wish was to protect Earth and then maybe he could later become an Oathbreaker? I’m partial to the Watcher since one of the spells for this class is Banishment and if it isn’t the poorer version of Another Dimension ability, I don’t know what it is.
Cancer Deathmask
He has the necromancer vibes without being a necromancer. In short, Oathbraker paladin: he can cast the ✨edgy✨ spells with ghosts and undead and it kind of makes sense that during the fight against Shiryu his cloth yeets off because of how bad he fucked up.
Leo Aiolia
Undecided between a normal fighter or a paladin. If he had an animal like Leo Kaiser in ND had those huge lions, he would be the ultimate ranger (subclass: Beast Master). But he doesn’t so… paladin. Maybe the subclass could be Oath of the Ancients, but I’m not sure.
Virgo Shaka
I’ve been thinking of where to put Shaka for almost two hours. My mind says monk, but my heart says wizard, but he must be a paladin somehow. Monk could be the perfect class for Shaka: you can easily see ki (the magical energy that empowers a monk attacks) as cosmos and the training/asceticism part would make sense for him. My only problem is that personally, I don’t see Shaka as someone that would resort to fighting bare hands against enemies (which is the core concept of the monk class). And mostly important, the monk class don’t have armour proficiency, which is the point of being a Gold Saint (neither does the wizard). As a wizard, I’d put him in the War Caster subclass, but being a wizard would make him a sort of cannon glass (wizard have the highest damage output, but at the same time the lowest number of hit points, aka life). Unless it is the Shaka from KotZ, then I could forgive a monk/wizard multiclass. As a paladin, I’m not even sure if he should be an Oath of Devotion. So, I will use the ace up my sleeve and say: Shaka is a cleric either with the Light Domain or the Order Domain, but I’m partial to the first one.
Libra Dohko
MONK. ASCENDANT DRAGON SUBCLASS. And if you feel silly enough, either a few levels of Paladin – Oath of Devotion or some levels as a Fighter - Battle Master .
Scorpio Milo
I am afraid that I have no clue of what Milo could be. My personal idea would be to make some sort of rogue, so I could imagine his scarlet needle to be a kind of sneak attack with a poisonous dagger. The subclass in this case would be either an Assassin or a Swashbuckler, to have the best implement of damage output. Maybe also a multiclass with a fighter (Champion subclass)?
Sagittarius Aiolos
He could be a paladin (Oath of the Crown?) with a feat like Crossbow Expert or a fighter with the Arcane Archer subclass. But because of his role as the Sagittarius Saint, I’m for the second option. Truth to be told, I wouldn’t mind a multiclass between those two.
Capricorn Shura
Another character that could be a paladin or a fighter BUT I say fighter AND the subclass must be Samurai, which is one of the best for striking powerful attack with a sword. No paladin class could do such things.
Aquarius Camus
Camus, like Aphrodite, has that kind of power that can be based on some sort of natural element, that would make me go “HE’S a DRUID!!!” if I didn’t know better. My main problem with druids is that they cannot wear or wield anything made of metal, therefore there would be no possibility for him to achieve a gold-saint-like kind of armour. As a paladin, Oath of the Ancients has a few spells that are ice-based, and I would implement that by giving him some levels in the sorcerer class (the subclass isn’t important for choosing those spells, but I’d like for him the Storm Sorcery subclass).
Pisces Aphrodite
Like Camus, he could be a druid, at least on paper. The ranger class has access to some druid spells, but I don’t know if it would match Aphrodite aesthetic completely. As a ranger, I’d go for a Fay Wanderer subclass and maybe a few paladin levels (Oath of the Crown subclass). He can have some levels a cleric (Nature Domain) as a treat.
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proudhamarsing · 13 days
"I am not my body, not my mind, not my brain" PLEASE VIEW THIS REEL AND PAY ATTENTION TO THE LYRICS!! The lyrics speak the ultimate truth!! #Nondualism #Advaita vedanta 😭😭🤍🤍
(For my mutuals, or the people I communicate with through DMs here on Tumblr, I apologize for any messages I haven't checked yet. I haven't had the time to be on my phone, but I wanted to quickly share this reel that I stumbled across on YouTube during my 10-minute phone break.)
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ilikedetectives · 2 months
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mayasaura · 2 years
I don't have the book at hand to quote, but what struck me when I was reading it was John going desperately from how he had to make them his hands and fingers!! to keep them!! he IMMEDIATELY segues into how he's so sad he had to feed the revenant beasts his fingers to keep them away :( it was so awful that they made him do that :( like he makes them possessions then having objectified them he justifies having to destroy his Things to keep himself safe. which I think is where he and Harrow are going to diverge. (noting that they've already taken very different tactics as far as the order of what gets kept safe)
It's the very next line! This quote picks up exactly where the last one left off:
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That's definitely a legit way to read this passage, though it's not the way I prefer to. I mean. Hypocrisy found in God, fork found in kitchen. Come on. But yeah, that's an undeniably fucked up trajectory.
More seriously, I see John's chapters of Nona the Ninth as a confession, rather than as a justification. It's not meant to be coherent or consistant, just emotionally honest. He's expressing how he felt in the moments he made his decisions and asking to be understood, but he's not asking to be affirmed, or forgiven. "Just as there can be no forgiveness for me," and all.
The way in which his story does make sense—the way he's choosing to frame it—is fascinating for what it shows about John and what he's so deeply afraid of, in his heart of hearts. He loved them, and he sacrificed them, and then he sacrificed them again, but at least they didn't leave him.
And yet even in his confession there are still levels on which he seems to sincerely not understand what he's done wrong—mostly surrounding the autonomy and personhood of other people. Like you said, he objectifies people. He loves them as extensions of himself, because that is the only thing he understands as being real. He has no peers, as he is God. His closest friends are his fists and gestures, the fingers on his hand. As necessary to him as a limb, and losing them cripples him, but he doesn't understand them as people in their own right at all. And that lack of respect and understanding leads to him treating them horrifically.
It's kind of sad, in a way. Not to jump tracks completely, but the way John loves reminds me of this quote from episode 55 of Welcome to Night Vale:
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It's presented in the context of a romantic couple, but it works more broadly. lt seems like the only way John knows how to love is by subsuming what he loves into himself, becoming one. Leaving him once again alone.
What's interesting is that he appears to know this about himself. Right in this quote, he directly compares himself to the Resurrection Beasts. Revenants that crack open worlds to eat their souls for sustenance, then pack the dead shells onto their exteriors to become part of themselves. As he sees it, the difference is that the Resurrection Beasts will eventually be satisfied. He won't be.
As for the parallels between John and Harrow, I don't think we need to look for where they're going to diverge. I think we can point to where they already have. And it's a fair comparison, to a time before John was God.
Look at John's reaction to his cult schisming, here:
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He loves his friends, but he doesn't trust them. Deep down, he believes their love is conditional. If he fucks up, if he's caught slipping, if he admits he's wrong, he'll lose them. He's terrified of anyone finding out he's flawed, of the ugly parts of him being known, because he's certain anyone who sees that part of him will leave. He's gone ten thousand years like that, compounding lies to make them stay.
Harrow has a similarly harsh expectation of herself, but she's already taken her leap of faith, and let the mask drop. She's told the people she loves exactly who and what she is, with the full expectation they would punish or abandon her for it. With the full expectation Gideon would kill her for it, in the pool scene. And Gideon embraced her. She confronted Ortus with her failings in the River, and Ortus comforted her, and still chose to stay and risk his life to save her.
The people who loved John would have done the same for him. Did do the same for him. They stayed through his breakdown, they stayed by his side until it killed them, but John could never let his guard down enough to trust that they would have done it just for him. He couldn't submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known.
This is all, of course, working with the basic premise that the way John treats people is horrific, and he did have all the opportunites in the world to stop. He could have taken that plunge any time in the ten thousand and thirty-something years he's been alive, if he'd been strong enough to accept the consequences or believed in the rewards. It was all so fucking avoidable, but here we are. My favorite kind of tragedy.
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xiakeponz · 10 days
things people have said to me (a lawyer):
me, at the dentist, my dentist says "you are the nicest lawyer I have ever met" (???)
me, at work, talking to a person who just started, they say "you're the legal counsel?!! You don't give those vibes, you're so friendly."
me, wearing a blazer jacket my friend is trying to offload to me, she says "you look like a lawyer" (as opposed to??? LMAO not me in my hoodie on days at home and a blanket ur honour pLeASe)
this is the meaning of "全靠同行衬托" y'all 👏 or is my 反差 just 比较大 or bit of column (a) bit of column (b) ,,, 天 (bushi idek what is happening here
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the-monkey-ruler · 5 months
I was reading The Monkey King's Daughter (you can read the whole book for an hour) and apparently the protagonist is also Guanyin's grandchild? Can Guanyin be shipped?
I mean I can’t say like what are like the moral implications of shipping GuanYin itself cause that is so not my place but I’m still going to answer this cause it kinda of interesting when it comes to modern media. First off saying that like I have never really seen romance done with GuanYin. At least in a serious way. But if I had to take a guess it can be seen as 'possible' as much as like shipping anyone in Chinese mythos, in that isn't really taken seriously at all. In a lot of modern fan spaces there are a variety of crack ships for more humorous or hypothetical situations like I have seen literally the Star of Venus shipped with Jade Emperor just cause. But I don't see much with buddhas or bodhisattvas in either post-modern media nor in fan spaces. At least that isn't Wukong or Sanzang since they are both Buddhas. And I have done a whole thing about how Wukong for decades wasn’t seen as a romantic figure until like there was a huge character reconstruction, but that isn’t usually the case for most characters.
I would say that the most mainstream instance I can think off the top of my head is The Lost Empire (2001) where it had the main character has a romantic plot with Gaunyin herself. Of course, that wasn't really a masterpiece within itself but this was considered like a 'bad choice' more so that it was just a very strange and awkward romance at that.
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Funny enough I think I see more romantic for humor's sake on Guanyin in comic books or games as likes gags at most. Like in Westward comics (later a tv series) Guanyin has a celestial-turned-demon trying to pursue him that he always rejects. Another is more play for laughs but Guanyin in the Fei Ren Zai where people just don't know it's Guanyin and think she is so attractive.
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I've seen some games that have Guanyin as like a pretty boy/girl but otherwise nothing even close to a romance plot. Those are more just for like aesthetics of making every character look overly attractive to sell it.
The best I can say is that is just kinda strange and a little strange personally but I can't say that it can be taken seriously. I mean Wukong is supposed to be a Buddha by the end of the novel, so if The Monkey King's Daughter has it that a buddha can have a daughter then there wouldn't be anything stopping the author from having a bodhisattva having kids.
#anon ask#anonymous#anon#ask#sun wukong#monkey king#guanyin#chinese mythos#monkey king's daughter#Wukong is pretty self contained within Xiyouji himself so asking for a little bit of suspension of disbelief can be understood#but Gaunyin has a much longer history that is far more embedded with Buddhist mythology#She isn’t just a character in Xiyouji#and it would be limiting to her just to make it so#but I do think that might be the case in some media when it comes to portraying Gaunyin#esp since most modern interpretations of Guanyin are from xiyouji material just cause the sheer amount of xiyouji content there is#I rarely see Guanyin stand alone moves/shows and there are some trust me but most of her portrayals are within xiyouji spaces#there is a lot of conversation about xiyouji either being a reconstruction or a deconstruction of religion#and while the book is SATURATED in allegorical meaning whether in taoism buddhism or chinese lore it is also seen as satire of religion#people can take xiyouji as pointing out the flaws in humanity but also the flaws of heaven as well as it humanizes both gods and buddhas#this kinda of humanization can be seen as disrespectful to a certain extent but it is what makes these figures more engaging as characters#from a writing standpoint at least#this is me just rambling now about the interesting dycotomy that xiyouji has and has had with religion and how that can be see as today#to a certain extent a lot of directors take xiyouji plots as also their own way to show the heavens in their own way to convey satire#or humor as well depending on what their direction is aiming for#Some even go so far to make that heaven is just straight up the bad guy and that includes buddha as well which is a FAR more wild take than#just having romance in the heavens#But xiyouji does have it that we see these mythological figures have flaws#that heaven can lie or trick or they can take bribes and its up to the audience to interpretation as either satire or if it is critiquing#perhaps religion itself or rather the religious institutions since we do see both daoist and buddist monks as antagonists in the book#this as nothing to do with the ask at this point but i just wanna say my thoughts
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gendervapor14 · 1 year
found this cool website that i’ve been using to compare heights of different op characters for visualization purposes. here are the fruits of my labor. the results may shock you.
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first off, bell-mere, arlong, and rosinante. that’s why i found this website, actually. i was planning something for my corabelle lives au and thought arlong looked too tall in the anime. if this website is accurate, he was indeed gigantified for the purpose of drama.
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next, bell-mere, sora (an oc), and rosinante. did this one for another wip i’m working on. you really wouldn’t think bell-mere cracks 6ft tall but. well. i guess that’s one piece.
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next are the main marine characters from my fic, 01746. so, tsuru, sora (oc), sengoku, and rosinante. for some reason i thought rosi was much taller than sengoku but apparently not! or at least, not by much.
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last but certainly not least… this… disturbing image. idk if i’ll be able to write doviola anymore folks 🥲
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sarahwatchesthings · 10 months
Ever since I bought a hollow ceramic Buddha, filled it with small rocks, stuck it up here and taped its ass to the cabinet, he's been trying to figure out how to knock it down. History will show whether or not he succeeds.
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akkivee · 7 months
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there was some display gallery showing off the various logos in hypmic and the ichikuu peeps on the tl were in shambles over both of them using halos in their mc name signatures lol
#vee queued to fill the void#i understand lol this is a pretty big deal like actually lol#one fan suggested an nb logo could have angel imagery since nb was under stairway to heaven#another in a very fast paced series of tweets cried about it being potential sign of ichiro and kuukou’s bond spanning from life#but even into their deaths and beyond when they reunite in heaven (and even pointed out the meaning of stairway to heaven)#and goddamn i sure love being jacked into the hypmic hive mind i can’t believe i was just musing about kuukou and death#and then directly got food for thought LOL but ichiro!!!!!!! i wasn’t expecting ichiro lol!!!!!!#but bb has been weirdly associated with christmas aka the birth of jesus#who gave his life for humanity and i am too in shambles no way does both ichiro and kuukou have self sacrifice themes NO WAY#god i remember when the hella awesome banquet mv dropped and bat fandom banded together to dissect the video#one person commented it’s strange to see kuukou in association with catholic/christian imagery#but posted a wiki article talking about the similarities between buddha and jesus and the ideologies in those religions#*crying* i even posted about it the black crown above kuukou’s head was both catholic and buddhist and meant to be beneficial for humanity#ichiro constantly being shaken to his core by sacrifices…….. him trying to show the nation the path of hope…………#this is so much lol i love getting food for thought from random observations and drops lol
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theupfish · 11 days
The Baha'i faith teaches unity of all the world's religions
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Founded in 19th Century Iran, the Baha'i faith built off of the previous three Abrahamic religions. The Baha'i believe that all of the world's major religions have been revealed by the same God.
From Wikipedia's article on the Baha'i faith:
According to Baháʼí teachings, religion is revealed in an orderly and progressive way by a single God through Manifestations of God, who are the founders of major world religions throughout human history; Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad are cited as the most recent of these Manifestations of God before the Báb and Baháʼu'lláh.
Despite their religion's inclusive and progressive nature, the Baha'i people have faced ongoing persecution, particularly in their home nation under the Islamic Republic of Iran. But despite attempts to suppress it, the Baha'i faith is one of the fastest growing religions in the world, as well as one of the most widespread around the globe.
The Baha'i people have an elected leadership for their entire religion, comparable to the Vatican for Catholicism. It's called the Universal House of Justice, and is located in Haifa, Israel; also in Haifa are the Shrine of the Báb, and its famous gardens, also known as the Hanging Gardens of Haifa.
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The main symbol of the Baha'i faith is the nine-point star. Others include the five-point star, the Greatest Name, and the Ringstone Symbol. (Link)
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fluffypichu876 · 7 months
When I started Dark Souls I was already aware that you lost all of your souls upon death, but I admit that I did not expect the game to have an retrieval system! And I really like the way it works.
Thanks to it, dying can actually mean getting more souls, if you're able to safely return to your death point, that is. If you do, you probably had to defeat the majority of enemies in the way (otherwise they just brutally murder you anyway xD), which means that you certainly got a generous amount of new souls on your return trip.
Now sum your retrieved souls with that new amount and get a nice reward for doing your best to survive until the retrieval point!
Of course, there's the risk of dying before retrieving your souls which means losing them forever, but as you get more experient at working around the enemy placement, that barely becomes a problem. Well at least in the area i'm currently at xD. (plus, there's nothing stopping you from returning to the latest bonfire to level up! It's not like you already killed all the threats behind you.).
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minai28 · 3 months
At this point I'm tempted to write an essay on spirituality and gender just to SHUT MY MOM UP.Ma'am idk what you thought you raised but it wasn't a daughter, so please stop referring to me as such!
We were visiting my father's grave, well the tree his ashes were buried under, he doesn't have tradition headstone. My mom being my mom talked to him, as if the ashes feeding the tree could talk back. And she kept referring to me as his daughter. Ugh. I'm not even sure if she remembers me being trans or if she suppressed that conversation so hard she completely forgot but it's getting on my nerves.
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year
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maletofujoshi · 8 months
applying to colleges at the moment... mostly just picking whatever ones will give me a bachelors in compsci
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diantha · 2 years
“Father of my child using Buddhism as an rationale for not helping to raise our child” was NOT on my 2023 bingo card but you know. I guess that’s a thing
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