#bucket tooth crowd
scoops-aboy86 · 28 days
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Music teacher Eddie and student Steve.
Like, someone told Steve that marching band is easy credits, and he’s athletic. His parents made him take piano and clarinet lessons as a kid. Clarinet is a pretty easy instrument to march with; not too heavy, doesn’t have to hold it at a crazy straight angle like flutes or most of the brass instruments. He’s not a great musician or anything, but it doesn’t hurt his feelings if he ends up with 3rd or 4th part. The halftime shows are fun and he was never really into playing football so it’s not like he’s missing out on anything; this way, he still gets to watch the games. Sure, the trade off is having to sit in stupid concert band for the second half of the year, but only half; any other elective would be for the full haul. And it definitely doesn’t hurt that the new band director his senior year, Mr. Munson, is the youngest teacher on staff and brimming with infectious energy. The kind of guy you can tell used to be stick thin before his teenage metabolism kicked the bucket, and now he’s got kind of a belly and a sweet tooth that everyone knows about. A lot of the band girls have a huge crush on him, so he gets a lot of apples and also a lot of baked goods left on his desk, and he lets students call him by his first name, and he’s always down to soak up flattery—with a grain of salt. Steve has never once seen him flirt back; his best friend, Robin in the trumpet section, can confirm.
It’s not until accompanying Robin on her first venture into the gay bar in the next or two town over (with fake IDs, obviously) that Steve figures out why. Robin is absorbed in talking to a pretty redhead, and Steve has just bought himself a beer when someone bumps into him hard enough that he drops it.
“Shit, sorry about that!” says Mr. Munson. And usually, at school, he sticks to black slacks and plain shirts, but here? Form-fitting jeans that are more rip than black denim and well-worn band shirts that were probably bigger on him years ago, but now are on the tighter side. Hair loose instead of tied back, and he’s wearing eyeliner.
Steve, who can’t stop staring, has never really seen what all the girls do in the guy before, but now he gets it. And so can Mr. Munson. Eddie.
The double take when he recognizes Steve as a student is pretty priceless, and Steve can’t help messing with him, smirking a little while saying, “So this is what you’re doing instead of grading our music theory tests.”
And, well. Steve is eighteen. Eddie is in his early twenties. What’s the big deal if he asks a hot older man to dance instead of taking him up on that replacement beer? It’s not like it’ll be for more than once dance. Not like the crowded dance floor jostles them closer together, Eddie flailing a little as he stumbles forward and Steve catches him, faces close and accidentally brushing. Not like they’ll kiss for real a few electric-charged seconds later, or end up in a more out of the way corner making out. And no way would that turn into Eddie turning into a flustered mess any time he makes eye contact with Steve at school, or a series of serupticiously passed notes, or Steve making sure they “accidentally” run into each other more often off campus.
Under no circumstances will they kiss again, or get carried away making out against a dark wall somewhere and both need a change of pants, or go on a tentative date where Eddie doesn’t let Steve do any underage drinking but does let him drive Eddie home and come inside for a coffee. Absolutely zero chance of falling into bed together and each of them confessing to real feelings that only Robin (who constantly makes cradle robbing jokes but is so supportive of Steve that he’d kiss her if it wouldn’t gross both of them out, it’d be like kissing a sibling) knows about until after graduation.
… Right?
Permanent tag list:
@hotluncheddie @lawrencebshoggoth @sofadofax @irishvampireboy @oatmilk-vampire
@wheneverfeasible @hamiltonswiftie @grtwdsmwhr @yesdangerpls
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wildemaven · 1 year
bloom : one | joel miller
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→ pairing: no outbreak joel miller x f!reader
→ WC: 2494
→ warnings: meet cute vibes, reader is single mom, small injury at work, Joel to the rescue using nontraditional techniques to help (I don't want to give it away), daughter is a teen and bleeds sarcasm, fluff and more fluff, mention of divorce and adoption.
→ a/n: some of you are probably like “wait, what is happening?!” i started this series on another account that i was using to take a break from this one. I had plans to finish this series out over there and then just abandon the account and move back here. but i love this series and want it to live here with my other work. so, im getting things set up so i can post part two later this week and move back to this account for good. also, this is series is a TLOU AU, so I've fudged all timelines and relationships to make it work for me. Ihope you like it, am very nervous to share it with you all.
two | series masterlist | main masterlist
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You’re staring. 
It would feel less awkward if it were somewhere else, anywhere but where you are right now. Like sitting a table away at a packed restaurant, enough people crowded around to lessen your obvious ogling of a handsome stranger, eyes locked on his profile as you hide behind the empty glass you’re pretending to sip from. The crossing of paths in a grocery store would also feel less awkward, a quick glance back over your shoulder after your carts squeeze through the nearly claustrophobic aisle, your gaze on him as he stares at the shelves filled with sugary snacks— he most definitely would have a wicked sweet tooth you think. 
Unfortunately for you, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, it’s just you and him, alone in the store front of the floral shop— your floral shop. 
He’d walked by the front window, stopping instantly to read the shop’s name in gold letters above the entrance, then hands cupped over his eyes and face pressed close to the glass contemplating the shop’s worthiness of his time. 
It’s a corner spot, sitting at the crossroads of two of the town’s busiest shopping streets— prime location. Bold was a chance you took with painting the exterior black, even with the apprehension of the city council deeming it too “gothic” for the town's rather conservative appeal. The dark exterior paired with black and white striped awning over the door was the perfect balance of moody and romantic. 
It was worthy enough, pushing the front door open he stepped inside, the automated bell signaling through the shop. The heaviness of his boots scuff across the wood floor a few steps, his broad body stopping in front of one of the cold displays that held an array of dramatic arrangements. His hands tucked securely into his pockets as he looks around aimlessly, it’s evident this isn’t a regular occurrence for him. 
“Welcome to Wilder Floral. Is there anything I can help you with today?” You greet him from your workbench. 
Your hands busily work to trim the ends and dethorn the stems of a bundle of antique mauve roses, one of your best sellers, then trimming off the lower leaves before placing them in a bucket of water. 
“Not really sure at the moment. Just browsin’ for now.” His deep voice sounds through the small space, the raspy tone sending a tingle down your spine. 
“Okay. Well, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.” He nods to you, catching the way his gaze doesn’t immediately break from you, he gives you a half smile then continues to look over everything again. 
You’re staring. 
Your mind is filled with thoughts of only this handsome stranger, quietly watching him over the now full bucket of cleaned roses. 
You note the way his hip cocks out to the side as he stands with his large hands secure against his small waist. His eyebrows pinch together briefly, a look of deep thought painted over his face accentuating the little crinkles around his eyes. After a moment, his beautiful face relaxes into a calmer expression. 
You can make out every muscle that runs the length of his arms, the weight of the arrangement he’s now holding provoking the defined musculature. His arms lifting and turning the vase with ease, examining every detail of the floral design you created. 
You’re still staring. You can’t help it though. Actually, you can, but your brain convinces you that you are just admiring, so that makes it more than okay— right? 
“You know, if you take a picture it lasts longer!” A hushed voice pops up from behind you. 
“Ouch!! God dammit, Ellie! Why do you do that?!” You yelp, tossing the rose stem you were holding onto the table. 
“It’s too easy! You were lost in la la land over some grumpy guy looking at flowers. I saw an opportunity, so I took it.” She laughs, pushing your buttons brings her a weird satisfaction. 
There’s a throbbing pain coming from your hand. Looking down you see  part of a thorn had broken off and was now embedded deep into the pad of your finger— a rookie mistake at this point in your career. You wrap your other hand around the base of your fingers, hoping some pressure will elevate the pain. 
“I’m glad you enjoyed this. Can you just go grab the first aid kit in the back, please!” 
“Yeah, yeah. Try not to fall for him too hard while I’m gone— don’t think you have enough bandages to fix that mess.” She sulks away into the back room. 
“Shit!” You hiss, the pain getting more intense and now radiating through your entire finger. 
“You okay ma’am?” The handsome customer asks you, stealthy in his approach to where you’re standing, still clutching your hand.
He places the floral arrangement he was holding down on your work table, his feet still moving in an urgent manner until he is standing in front of you. 
“Yeah— actually, no… The thorn broke off and it’s in there real good. It hurts and I’m trying really hard to not be a baby about it. Someone’s getting a first aid kit out of the back for me.” You hold your pained finger up to him. 
“Do you want me to take a look at it?” His hands slowly reach out, your lips parted and ready to speak but words fail you, only managing to nod a response. 
Your mind briefly wonders what Ellie is up to, but the thought vanishes instantly once his hands wrap around your wrist and he brings your injured finger closer to his face. 
“My name is Joel.” He looks over to you, heat pricks over your cheeks as he holds your gaze. It’s a cosmic thing, his touch activating warmth you’ve longed for. A corner of his mouth lifts, you can’t help but fixate on the dimple that forms resulting in a barrage of flutters erupting in your chest. 
“Hi Joel.” Giving him yours in return, his smile growing louder as he repeats it back to you softly, like he couldn’t wait to say it out loud. 
He refocuses back on your injury. A pinched expression, similar to the one he wore earlier, is even more adorable up close— zeroing in on the small wound that was tormenting you.
Joel’s movements are dizzying, an unbridled enthusiasm that elicits a sudden burst of desire you hadn’t experienced in ages, but he senses you trust him at your willingness to let him take control of the situation. Bringing your finger to his mouth, he wraps his pillowy lips around the tip of your finger and sucks with a gentle pressure. You watch him unabashedly, completely mesmerized by the way he jumped into action, how his cheeks draw in from the suction. 
Your eyes lock when he looks up from your hand, sensing your eyes already on him, his thumbs drawing circles over your wrist, soothing over your racing pulse, as he continues to suck at the fleshy pad of your finger. It feels nearly overwhelming, the fierceness of his warm brown eyes has an inebriating feeling blooming inside you. 
A gasp shoots through your throat at the feeling of his tongue slightly flicks over the part of your finger that is in his mouth, pressing the back of your other hand against your lips, embarrassed by your reaction to the erogenous sensation. 
The whole thing is over as quickly as it began. Joel is pulling your finger from his lips, his grip still holding on to your wrist as he lowers your arm down to your side. You watch as the tip of his tongue breaches his lips, his pointer finger and thumb picking at the small little thorn that was once lodged into your skin, now resting on his tongue. He rubs his lips together almost nervously, the weight of the whole situation kind of sinking in. 
“Got it!” He rasps, holding the annoying culprit up between his fingers. 
“How did you know that would work? I usually have to dig those out with tweezers. That was— wow, thank you.” 
“I get splinters regularly— I’m a carpenter. Sometimes when I’m out on the job, gotta use what you have. I hope I didn’t make you feel uncomfortable, just knew it needed to come out— the last thing you want is an infected finger.” He rubs nervously at the back of his neck, hoping he didn’t over step in anyway. 
“No! Not uncomfortable in the slightest!! Thank you, seriously. Rose thorns can cause a mean infection too. I appreciate it—“ 
“I leave for two minutes and you’ve already moved onto second base with the guy?!” Ellie announces her reemergence, holding the first aid kit in her hands and a grossed out look on her face. 
“Ellie!” Your body runs cold, completely mortified, ready to crawl into the nearest hole. 
“He had your finger in his mouth— probably more like rounding to third if I’m being honest.”
You grab the kit from her hands, setting it on the counter, turning to see Joel still rooted in the same spot with his hands tucked into his front pockets and a tinge of red across his cheeks. 
“I’m so sorry! Sometimes I think my daughter forgets she has a filter and that she can actively choose to use it before she speaks.” You try to make sure he isn’t the one who feels uncomfortable now. 
“Adopted daughter, actually.” You roll your eyes at her need for technicalities. Adopted, yes, but daughter nonetheless. “Also, in case you were wondering, cause I’m sure you are, she’s single.”
“Ellie!” You look back at her with a sternness in your voice, eyes blown wide in hopes she picks up that she can stop at any point in time. Turning back to Joel, you mouth an ‘I’m sorry’, your shoulders dropping in defeat. 
There’s an awkward silence that settles over the three of you. Joel looks like he doesn’t really seem to know how to diffuse the awkwardness at hand, Ellie has a shit eating grin she wears proudly when she knows she’s embarrassed you just enough, and you simply would like to evaporate into thin air. 
“So, this is the part where you give your relationship status to her— makes this whole ‘her finger in your mouth’ thing feel a little less weird for all of us.” She has a point. You had been wondering that very thing, but how were you supposed to bring it up when he’s sucking a thorn out of your finger with his gorgeous mouth. 
“Single— very much single.” He laughs at how forward she is, knowing she’s just looking out for you. “I do have a daughter, probably about your age too.”
“What, your wife die or something?” Ellie asks with zero hesitation. 
“No. Just an ole fashion divorce. Anythin’ else you wanna to know?” He looks to Ellie, ready for whatever comes next. 
She studies Joel for a beat, “Nope, that’s all.” 
You release the breath you hadn’t realized you were holding, grateful to what ever greater power decided to switch Ellie’s filter back on. 
Ellie turns to head to the back room, where she had previously been working on her homework, but turns on her heels in the process to look back at Joel and you.
“One last thing, she needs to be wined and dined before you even think about kissing her.” Then she's gone before you can say anything else. 
The awkwardness creeps back into the room, you’re not really sure how to come back from all of that. You open the first aid box, rifling through the contents for a cleaning pad and small bandage.
“She seems like a fun kid.” Joel decides to take the lead, watching you swipe the alcohol pad over your finger. 
“She is— she definitely keeps me on my toes at all times. But, she’s got a big heart under all her sarcasm.” You tell him. You grab for the bandage, but Joel beats you to it, snagging it off the table and ripping it open before you get the chance. 
You hold your finger out in front of you, ready for him to wrap it up properly for you, but instead of sticking gauze, your wounded finger is met with his plush lips for a few seconds.
“Obviously, a kiss to make it better.” He smiles again and you melt, biting at your lower lip as he wraps the dressing around your finger. 
“Thank you, Joel.”
“Speaking of daughters— mine is the reason I came here in the first place. I was wanting to get this arrangement for her. She passed a test she’d been stressin’ about. Thought I’d get her a little something to celebrate her.” Joel points to the flowers on the cash stand that he had been holding earlier, grabbing his wallet out of his back pocket and pulling out his credit card ready to pay. 
“They’re on the house today.” You tell him as you walk up to your computer, imputing the information to zero out the sale. 
“No— no, I can’t let you do that. Lemme pay for them please. Least I can do for all your time and talent you put in.” Holding his card out to you, insisting he pay in full. 
“You practically saved my life,” A slight exaggeration, but he laughs anyway. “How about you come here for all your flowers in the future, instead of my competitors, and we’ll call it even.” 
“I can do that. I might just have a need for flowers soon then, I’m sure I can find an excuse to come back for more— you think you can handle that?” 
“Yeah— I can handle that.” Handing him the vase of flowers, hoping he does find an excuse to come back and tell you how much his daughter enjoyed them. 
Joel walks a few feet in the direction of the door then stops, turning back to see you’re already busily back to work with a handful of flowers. He says your name, falling from his lips like sweet honey, and you don’t think you could ever get tired of him saying it the way he does. “I’ll be seein’ you around. Try to be safe until then, m’kay?” 
“See you around Joel. I’ll keep the injuries to a minimum until then.”
“I’d prefer no injuries at all, actually.” 
“I’ll do my best.” 
You exchange goodbyes, watching him cross the street and get settled into his truck from the store front window. You’re not sure why you miss him, having only just met, but there’s a longing that’s started to burn inside your heart. 
Joel’s truck merges onto the road, he takes one last glance in your direction, his hand thrown out the window waving at you as he drives off, planning his next visit so he can see you again. 
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radioactivepeasant · 10 months
Snippet Friday Week Two: Blackmail au
The cheers were deafening. Overwhelming. Too much noise and too many people and-
Jak clamped his hands over his ears and shrank behind Sig.
Ahead of them, Damas carefully navigated a throng of warriors, all of whom seemed to want to slap his back or tousle Mar's hair. Jak didn't like them touching his brother. He wasn't their kid. He wasn't theirs!
"Easy, kiddo," Sig murmured, and wrapped one thick arm around his shoulders. "There's not too many kids in Spargus. Losing Mar hit everybody hard."
There hadn't been too many kids in Sandover, either. But Jak could say with reasonable certainty that no one would've kicked up this much of a fuss if he or Daxter had gone missing.
Well, maybe they would have if it had been Keira. She had a parent to miss her, after all.
Jak swallowed down a prickle of envy. It tasted like anger, and stale bitterness. In Haven, it was easy to look at people there and think of his childhood as ideal in comparison. But Spargus made it clear that Sandover had provided the bare minimum of what a child needed to survive. Necessities, but no true emotional investment. No genuine love.
Mar seemed to be getting as overstimulated as Jak. He grew quiet and subdued, huddled against his father's chest. There was just too much happening.
Damas smiled softly at him and hefted him a little higher in his arms. "I know. You're doing so good, baby. We're almost home."
"Want Dax an' Jakky," Mar signed, beginning to look zoned out.
Damas turned to face Sig and the older boys.
"Jak," he called gently, "Could you come take your brother for a moment? He's asking for you."
It was as much strategic as it was simply responding to Mar's needs.
Jak needed something to ground him, and by the looks of it Daxter was too overwhelmed to help.
Mar needed his older brother to feel a sense of normalcy.
And Damas wanted- needed- to make it known that this older boy was his.
Jak stepped up beside him and held out his arms for Mar. Honestly, Damas had no idea how he could carry his little brother and an ottsel the same approximate weight without a hint of difficulty. Had he always been so strong? Damas pushed away the questions for later and put an arm around Jak’s shoulders -- shielding him from the crowd and silently declaring to the onlookers that the boy was his at the same time.
A buck-toothed child sitting on her parent's shoulders called out in a voice just high-pitched enough to be heard over the crowd, “Who's that guy?” as she pointed at Jak.
Damas smiled in the girl's direction. “This is Jak, my firstborn!” he declared proudly. “We were separated when I was first exiled. My enemies could not find him and so they told me instead that he was dead. Yet here he is, the thorn in Praxis's side he cannot remove!”
The praise set Jak’s teeth on edge. It reminded him too much of hero talk. But at the same time it was an uncomfortably unfamiliar experience. Someone was talking about him to others as if he was proud not of Jak's accomplishments so much as his mere existence.
Jak pulled his eyes away from the crowd to focus on Mar. He could put aside the discomfort of crowds for his brother.
“Hang in there, kid,” he murmured.
Daxter patted Mar's head, almost falling off Jak’s shoulder to do so. “Just try to think of whatcha wanna show us first when we get to your room, okay?”
Mar brightened a little at the suggestion. “Show you my toys!” he decided. “You can play with me?”
Jak hefted him a little higher. “Uh…sure kid.”
As long as his idea of play wasn't “hold on to Jak’s back while he goes Dark and play Flut-Flut Ride" like they did in Haven sometimes. Jak really didn't feel like explaining that to Damas and Sig.
Mar had...a lot.
Just. A lot.
Jak counted six picture books sticking out of a bright red crate in a corner that had been furnished with a stack of pillows and a bucket of blocks. There was a drawer of clothes, long outgrown, with a scant two shirts that still fit. He had toys-!
So many toys!
Jak sat on the floor in something akin to shock as his brother ran back and forth from his cot to deposit things into his arms.
A soft Lurker made of cloth and feathers.
A little leather thing that looked like a bald Flut-Flut.
An old, worn-out teddy-bear with a crude "P" stitched onto its chest.
A rubber ball.
A wooden top with a string on it.
Jak frowned and held up the top, keeping it out of reach of Chopper's curious jaws. "I've never seen one of these with string on it before. What's it for?"
Damas looked up from sorting out the clothes that no longer fit Mar. "Oh. That's a trompo. Loop the end of the string around your finger, then throw the top. If it lands on its point, it spins."
Jak set the other toys to one side. This did not deter Mar, who proceeded to hand them all to Daxter.
"So you...just pull it and throw? Like a grenade?"
Jak took the toy and wrapped one end of the string twice around his middle finger. With a shrug, he flicked his wrist and let go of the trompo. It bounced, only barely glancing the tip to the floor, and rolled away. Jak's eyes narrowed. There had to be a trick to it. He picked it up and began winding the string around it again. Maybe he'd thrown too hard? Maybe it was more like casting a fishing line than a grenade.
The second time, the trompo landed on its point and spun around once or twice, but soon wobbled and fell. The third time, it spun for nearly four seconds before clattering to the floor. The fourth attempt was too fast and sent it rolling across the room again.
Sig sat down beside Damas to watch the boys. Daxter and Chopper had both been completely buried under Mar's four beloved stuffed animals -- none of which had been forgotten in the last two years.
Mar had grabbed his weighted Star Blankie from his cot and was menacing Daxter with it, intent on tucking him into "bed".
And Jak crouched barefoot in the center of the nursery, watching the spinning top with wide, fascinated eyes. It was as if he'd forgotten the rest of them existed, hyperfocused on unraveling the secrets of a little wooden trompo.
"Well, at least two shirts still fit. Pants will be an adventure, but-" Damas looked up and his words trailed away.
Beside him, Sig was watching Jak with such a sadness in his eye that it drove thoughts of clothing from Damas's mind entirely.
The breath Sig took was shaky. He swallowed hard.
"I've never seen him play," he whispered.
"I didn't think he even knew how after what they did to him. I-"
He stopped and covered his mouth with one hand. He didn't want Mar to see him looking so distraught. But he couldn't help wondering how many years it had been since Jak had played. Since he'd even been allowed to act his age. Had the "training" started early? Did he ever know what it was to be coddled? To be tucked into bed, or held close during thunderstorms?
Would he allow them to fill in the holes Haven had left behind?
Sig's throat ached when he looked at the innocent smile on the teenage mercenary's face. There was still a sweet little kid in there, there had to be. But they had to make him feel safe enough to come out.
"Daym, we have to get him some toys," he whispered. "I...I don't think he's ever had any."
The same realization Sig had made dawned slowly on Damas’s face. His brows knit together and the lines etched around his mouth deepened. Perhaps he needed to take his resolution to treat both boys equally a little more literally than he'd first planned.
Mar had finally noticed the trompo.
He stopped trying to bury Daxter and Chopper in toys and scampered over to lean on Jak’s back.
"Oowow, Za!"
That innocent look turned bashful as Jak twisted to look at his little half-brother. "Pretty cool, huh?" he asked.
"Do it again!" Mar signed enthusiastically, "Make it go all the way to the door!"
Jak shrugged. "Why not. We'll give it a go."
"Heads-up, in five minutes I think Mar needs to get ready for bed," Sig warned suddenly.
"I'm not tired!" Mar protested.
"Mar-mar you've been rubbing your eyes for fifteen minutes," Daxter tattled from under the stuffed animals.
Jak bounced his shoulder, causing the toddler to slide off. "And you turn into a Lurker when you're overtired. We'll do one more spin, and then I'll-"
He frowned. No, they weren't in Haven anymore. Things were different now. He didn't know the rules here.
"Uh. I guess they'll get you ready for bed?"
Damas actually looked embarrassed, and even a little sad. He blew a breath out through his teeth.
"Jak," he began, "It's been…It's been two years since Mar was home. As much as I want to fall back on the routine we kept…before…I- I don't think that's what Mar is used to."
Sig nudged Damas’s elbow in an attempt at comfort and nodded. "He's right, cherry. Do you…want to show us what you usually do?"
Jak exchanged a look with Daxter. Daxter shrugged and extricated himself from the pile of toys. He brushed himself off and eyed the room critically.
"Yeeeeahh….I don't think he's gonna sleep. Not without the lights on. Those barbarians in the Underground never turn the lights out. And lemme warn you now: this kid? He's a climber. That dresser better be anchored to the wall, or he will try to monkey his way up it in the middle of the night."
“Ah. So he still does that.” Damas chuckled ruefully. “I can't say I'm surprised.”
He raised his brows at Mar.
“And for the record, little one, Daddy, Ba, and Jak and Daxter are all on the same page here. You're not staying up to break of dawn just to play with your toys. They'll still be here tomorrow, I promise.”
"Well, then can Dax and Jakky sleep over?"
Mar ran to climb up into Damas’s lap, beaming winningly at him and Sig. "So they can play with me tomorrow?"
"Of course, Marmo," Sig answered warmly. "They can stay as long as they want."
Mar's eyes lit up and he threw his arms up with a jubilant hiss. Then a puzzled look came over him.
"Does he have to ask his grown-ups? With the scribbly face and Mr. Green Man?"
Jak's face hardened. "I don't have to tell them anything," he scoffed.
Sig nodded with a hard set to his jaw. "They aren't his grown-ups, baby. Me and your daddy are, or close enough to it."
If anything, this only seemed to confuse the little boy more. He wrinkled his button nose at Sig, then looked to Damas. "But I thought Jakky lived in the stinky city!"
"Not if I can help it," Jak grumbled. He let out a gusty sigh and shifted his eyes away. "Look, um. Your dad is...we...we kinda...share the same dad. It's weird, I know."
He missed the gentle expression that passed over Damas’s face. It was the first time he'd acknowledged their connection at all, let alone out loud. That was a promising sign. Damas could only hope his firstborn would continue to be open to getting to know them.
Mar blinked slowly as he digested this information. The big boy had been calling him "little brother", now that he thought of it. But Mar had thought they'd just decided to be brothers, like how he decided to adop' his puppy! But if he and Jakky shared the same daddy-
"Are you Jakky's Ba too?"
Sig laughed awkwardly. "Uhhhhh no. At least, not originally. I wasn't related to his ma."
He glanced up at Jak.
"You can call me what you want," he joked, "long as you aren't knockin' my marksmanship."
Jak looked just as awkward. "I'll uh, I'll stick with Sig."
He fiddled with the string of the trompo and wound it up. When he was satisfied that he'd twisted the cord correctly, he shifted his weight and prepared to throw the top again.
"Okay squirt, last spin, then you pick which side of the bed the dog gets tonight."
Daxter stretched out his spine and leaned on the stuffed Flut-Flut.
"You want us to camp in here with ya, kiddo?"
Mar started to nod, then a thoughtful look came over him. He snuggled closer to Damas’s chest.
"Um," he mumbled, then looked a little guilty as he signed, "Yes, only I think maybe Daddy might get scared tonight. And I am a big kid now, so I should help him be not scared."
Jak actually cracked a grin, alleviating some of the guilt on the little boy's face. "Oh yeah? You're gonna be his bodyguard tonight?"
"Well who's going to stay with Chopper?" Jak teased.
A look of consternation wrinkled Mar's brow, then just as quickly melted into stubbornness.
"You! You sleep in my room with Chopper!"
The boys sent a skeptical glance at Mar's alcove bed. While it had been commissioned with growth in mind, it was still over a foot shorter than would be comfortable for a teenager. If he stayed in a fetal position the whole night, Jak supposed he could manage it. After all, on his first night in Spargus, Jak slept in the indoor oasis, curled up between potted palms and safely out of sight.
Apparently, that wasn't acceptable for a long term stay. Not that Jak intended on staying that long. Not while the Baron was still alive and still a threat to his brother.
He told himself he didn't need a bed. Why bother when he wasn't even meant to stay that long? He'd done his part, he'd brought Mar back to his -- er…their -- family. Any moment now they'd probably give him an air train pass back to Haven.
Keep your expectations low enough, and it's harder for people to disappoint you.
Sig noticed his quiet and cleared his throat meaningfully at Damas. And for his part, Damas interpreted the sound as quickly as Daxter could read Jak's faces. He stood and, after reluctantly handing Mar to Sig, excused himself.
Daxter folded his arms. "Where's he off to?"
Sig held Mar's hands and bounced him up and down. He smiled. "Oh, just moving some bedsheets around to make a curtain."
"Is he into interior decorating on the side?" Daxter demanded, "And does he do free consultations?"
Daxter shoved Jak's skeptical face. "Hey, if Krew's dead, the bar's mine. And the way that man decorated is a travesty!"
Sig laughed outright. "Well, the "incident" left poor Tess at the bar all by herself for a couple days, so I'm sure she's tweaking lots of things here and there."
He leaned back against the squishy blue bean-sand-chair thing. "Nah, this is just a privacy curtain for the sitting room. Til we can find just the right room for you two chili peppers."
With a wink, he added, "You won't have to fold in half just to sleep if we put you on the couch. If your old man remembers to get his clean laundry off of it."
"I'm working on it!" Damas shouted from the other room.
"You...don't have to do that," Jak mumbled.
This much attention without a task attached to it was...weird. It made him nervous.
Sig gave him a no-nonsense look. "You're teenagers," he said bluntly, "You need boundaries. As much as you and Mar love each other, he can't be up in your space every minute of the day. Having a room of your own lets you...regroup, y'know? Have some privacy when the world gets to be a little too much."
Jak started. It was as if the big man had been reading his thoughts. He did feel overwhelmed. He needed a safe place to withdraw to. But he didn't know this place. He didn't know where the safe places were! Jak folded his arms tightly over his chest and let the channeling ring dig into his skin, cold and hard and proof he was there, and real.
"What's the catch?" Daxter asked on his behalf.
It didn't seem like the question surprised Sig much. He wrapped Mar in a tight hug, then set him down on the floor. With a grunt, he pushed himself to his feet and feigned nonchalance.
"Well, you gotta keep your room clean enough to walk in. Easier said than done for some kids."
Jak relaxed slightly. So there was an exchange. Easier to accept things when he knew exactly what the terms were. Borrow a room for a while in exchange for keeping it clean. Made sense, they'd need it again later, probably. But it didn't seem like a fair exchange. Surely there had to be something else they wanted from him!
"What else do we have to do?" he asked.
There was no hostility in the question, only mild curiosity. But Sig winced all the same.
"Well, considering we ain't Krew, or whoever you worked for in the Underground, nothing. This isn't a job, cherry, it's a home! We're not employing you, we're trying-"
He scratched his head, stumped for how to phrase it. How to explain to the boys that they were entitled to being cared for.
"We- Damas and I- we just want to give you back the childhood they took. Dunno what that looks like yet, but...give us a chance? We just want you to be okay."
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evesaintyves · 1 year
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for @remadoramicrofics October 4th prompt, "don't look now." 608 words. Read it below or on AO3 🎡
Seven years on, it hasn't gotten easier not to follow Nymphadora when Andromeda sees her in her little red mac, being led off by the hand with strangers, but she has gotten better at it. It's happened at Sainsbury's, and in the evening crush of the tube, and today it happens in the itchy drizzle on the Brighton pier with Teddy. He's tugging her toward the arcade, she's trying to steer him clear of the candyfloss stand lest he get it in his head to match the colour with his hair, and there she is. She comes into view for a moment, like always, and then slots back into the crowd. The hood of the raincoat covers her head—that was what it was for, as much as to keep her dry: she couldn't be trusted not to change herself in front of a throng of muggles; loved to do it, actually—and she is five, maybe six, skipping in her scuffed-up mary janes.
The last time Andromeda saw her she was in a floppy white t-shirt and jogging bottoms, trainers crammed on her feet with the heels smashed down, holding out the baby, unintelligible through tears. Her wet hair had soaked dark patches down her shoulders and back. She was screaming, Teddy was screaming, a car alarm was wailing outside. It was one in the morning. Andromeda was half-awake, still in one sleeve of her dressing gown. They'll be needing every wand—I can't just sit here, her Nymphadora was saying. She was so hysterical that Andromeda reached for the baby on the instinct that she might drop him, and as soon as Teddy was in her arms there was a smacking pop and Nymphadora was gone.
But just as Ted only comes to her dreams twenty years younger and in his full head of hair, broadshouldered, seizing her about the waist the way he used to do, the Nymphadora in the crowd is still always five. If she turned around, she'd be worming her tongue into the space where her front baby tooth used to be. But she never turns around.
"Nan," says Teddy, pulling on her sleeve. "Did you bring coins?"
She pries her change purse open with fingers that are starting to look like they belong to someone else: knobby at the joints, brown spots and squiggling veins. Time is spoiling her just as as it's spoiled almost everything else. Teddy bounces off to the game that has him stomp the floor tiles as they light up in blue and pink. His mother would have loved it. It's still a plummetingly wrong feeling to watch the kaleidoscope-haired child play, to open the door on him in Nymphadora's old bedroom, and to have him turn to look at her with the long solemn face of the man who led her into the trajectory of a killing curse.
Chin up, 'Dromeda, her Ted has said in dreams. In dreams, they are together at school behind the greenhouses, where it is overgrown with angel's trumpets which whisper and give off their funeral cologne in the breeze. It's all temporary, even this.
It's not as reassuring as he seems to think.
Outside the arcade, which is humid with popcorn-breath and ringing with tinny music and bells, the rain has started coming down in sheets. A young couple stop to share a kiss in it, gripping each other with all the never-enough desperation of new love, before they run for the shelter of the photobooth.
Stay where you are, Nymphadora, Andromeda thinks. It's bucketing down. You'll catch a chill.
But still she looks out into the rain until it's time to go.
image from the Criterion cover for Don't Look Now (1973), dir. Nicolas Roeg, from which i've shamelessly lifted a few elements of this fic.
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Hey, hi and hello, it's @brick-enthusiast coming at you from the sideblog again!
As part of a friendly agreement with @things-about-cars-in-posts, I am here to introduce another race car.
You know Peugeot? In recent years, the French brand is probably best known for fighting tooth and nail to shake a reputation of dullness. However, you've probably heard - or perhaps you remember - that Peugeot used to be a whole lot more cool.
Well, this story takes place a little bit after that. Less than a year after the last story I told, in fact, in 1995. And the similarities between the two don't end there.
The car in question is the then-new Peugeot 806.
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By all means a run-of-the-mill, boring people carrier, unveiled in 1994.
PSA Group had co-developed it with Fiat, so it was also sold as a Citroen, a Lancia and a Fiat.
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(As you may remember from a recent post by @things-about-cars-in-posts!)
Anyway! Peugeot wanted to do something to promote their version of the so-called Eurovan. Someone, half-jokingly, suggested to take it to the racetrack.
That someone was Pascal Witmauer, the man in charge of Peugeot's advertising in Belgium, as well as marketing for the Belgian Procar racing series. Peugeot's "promotional event" was set to be 1995's running of the Spa 24 Hours.
A 24-hour endurance race, yes.
A 24-hour endurance race that was happening at the end of July. It was May.
The project was handed over to Kronos Racing, a Belgian racing team that would go on to build successful Peugeots and Citroens for the circuit as well as dirt. And well, they did complete it.
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As much as a parts-bin-special it might have been, the Peugeot 806 Procar was a serious racing machine. Its interior was stripped of anything non-essential, the 8 factory seats were replaced by a single carbon bucket and a roll cage.
The engine and drivetrain were a mix of parts from the 306 Maxi rally car and the outgoing 405 Mi16 circuit racer, while the then-new 406 Supertourisme donated a 6-speed sequential gearbox.
The van's speed certainly didn't lag behind. It qualified 12th overall and third(!) in its class. Not to mention that it certainly stood out in a field full of contemporary BMW 3-series and French hot hatchbacks.
By the start of the race, the big white box was already the crowd favorite. Pascal Witmeur (who also happened to be one of the 806's three drivers) recounts:
“Every time we passed by Raidillon¹, people were applauding. The public liked it, because apart from being atypical, it was often on two wheels!"
¹ a corner on the Spa-Francorchamps track
Unfortunately, mechanical issues didn't take long to show up. The team ran into brake problems an hour into the race. The engine itself gave out before the 10-hour mark, leading to a DNF for the Peugeot.
Not that it mattered to the public though. The touring van single-handedly improved the image of all MPV's² - not just the French-Italian quadruplets. Peugeot of Belgium had 5000 posters printed - all of which were given away signed by Witmeur.
"For a few hours, I was more more famous than Johnny Hallyday³!"
he laughs, admitting it was likely that many workers from Peugeot's local Sevel Nord⁴ factory came to see the race.
² multi-purpose vehicles in case you don't know, European for "minivans"
³ iconic French singer, composer and actor, regarded as "the French Elvis Presley"
⁴ that's where the 806 was assembled. Note the logo on the side of the race car's front bumper!
The very same Peugeot 806 Procar is still around to this day. After the race, it was reportedly kept by one Jean-Pierre Montron - founder of Kronos Racing - until his passing. It went up for sale in 2020 (wherein it had a bunch of articles I could use as sources written about it) and again in late 2022, when it failed to sell at auction.
Thank you for reading <3
image links: [one through four] [five]
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jessmess13 · 4 months
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A safe haven. That’s what her bedroom was. Everyday the second she walked through the doors of her house after school, she walked straight into her room pulled up some make up tutorials on YouTube and spent the whole evening applying and reapplying make up. That was her escape from reality. A small way to pretend she was someone else. Even just for a second.
She hated herself. That started in Kindergarten when her neighborhood friends started calling her “fat pig.”
They thought it was funny. She cried herself to sleep. The next day she woke up, put on her pink sequin princess dress and played alone in the backyard. The backyard had a forest of sunflowers that sprouted out of no where that summer. They freshly moved to Colorado, so the weather changes where still a shock from the normal average 70 degree weather California had to offer. The sunflowers glistened a beautiful yellow orange color as the sun itself reflected on them. The flowers stood taller than the fence that surround the apartment. That turned into her jungle gym that day, as she shifted through the flowers collecting earthworms in her bucket as she twirled around pretending to be in a fairy princess land far far away. Worm Princess. That’s what she called herself. These wiggly little creatures were her new friends. That’s all she needed.They were taller than the fence.
A flicker back to reality as she stared into the mirror in front of her. Staring at the dark circles under her eyes, the frizz from her dark curly hair, the red marks from teenage acne, her potato shaped birthmark. Imperfections. She reached for her foundation that was just a shade or 2 to light for her skin tone. She grabbed a brush and started smearing the foundation covering everything she disliked. Making her look as pale as a ghost. Or in her eyes… Snow White. The fairest princess of them all.
She started to reminisce on her freshman year. She started the year being surrounded by friends. Laughing non stop. Talking about fall out boy and panic at the disco. Brendon Urie and Pete Wentz. The latest they we read in Fruits Basket, and passing notes to read a write back for next period. She started band even, just to try something new. Her step dad played clarinet in band, and she wanted to be just like him. Except… she was not musically talented… she she got put in charge of the electronics. She was okay with that though, it helped her stage fright. Until her very first foot ball game, she never realized what a big crowd there would be. Her best band mate though created a joke with her and would yell “Chicken Orangatang” randomly just to see the surrounded faces reactions. That was a great distraction.
A few months into the year, that all dramatically changed. A friend let her borrow an iPod during computer lab, and when she wasn’t paying attention it was stolen. She felt so bad. She didn’t even know how to tell her friend. She went to the teacher, to the office, she did what she could. And once she broke the news, the whole world flipped upside down. She went from being surrounded by friends to hiding alone behind the W wing. Drawing pictures. Writing stories. All with tears streaming down her face. Alone.
Until one day a random boy starts sitting with her. She knew exactly who he was… her old friends crush. He was always alone too, he was friends with everyone but hung out with no one. Tall. Dirty blonde hair. Bright blue piercing eyes. And everyday he wore almost exactly the same thing. Khaki pants and a white t shirt. They never said to much to each other. But the presence of each other was calming enough. One day he referred to her as Snow White. Her face lit up! Little did he know how badly she wished she was a princess, surrounded by animals, her own kingdom, her own Prince Charming, and eventually a get a way from the “evil” she had surrounding her. Her smile after his comment when ear to ear showing every out of place tooth she had.
But she also knew at that moment she was falling for him. That was her old friends crush. She couldn’t do that do her. So she quickly ended things. Once again leaving her alone behind the w wing.
Tears started to fall down her face, leaving tear stripes. She let out a big sigh. One bad habit she always had was ruining and smearing her make up during the applying process. Clumsy. Why can’t she control herself enough to not make a mess of things? Everything she touched being destroyed. The older she got the more used to it she was getting. She smudged a little more foundation on filling in the missing areas. She pulled out her eyeshadows trying to find a blue one to match the make up she was trying to match in the video. All she wanted more than anything was to be a beautiful princess.
An accepted one. One that no body questioned, one that nobody can pick apart, one that actually felt needed and surrounded by people.
You see, her make up obsession was so much more than what it appeared to be. Everyone who ever “loved” her left, whether it be family or friends. Playing make believe in the mirror was her happy place, to be whoever she wanted to be. As long as it wasn’t herself.
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crystiesong · 8 months
Birthday Bash
Leaping between bannisters, Aster landed on a pile of wooden crates. She gazed across the room. Despite coming to the abandoned factory for a few months at this point, she hadn't really done much with the place. That changed today.
The first thing she'd decided to do was invite all the stray cats she could find to stay in the factory so they'd have some shelter. The second thing she needed to do was make the factory (or the catory as she'd come to call it) more hospitable for cats (maybe that should've been the first thing). Taking stuff from wherever she could find it (the forest, dumpsters and other abandoned places), Aster had begun to build contraptions and dens for the cats to play and sleep in. One day this place would be a haven for all stray cats.
Aster leapt down from the boxes and began to push a metal crate across the room, a bunch of cats sitting nearby watching her. She pushed the box against the wall and turned around to see a snow white cat walking towards her.
"Oh hi Snowball. Glad you could join us" Aster greeted. Snowball dipped her head in greeting, her emerald green eyes glimmering and her stumpy tail high in the air.
"Greetings. I have a message from Teddy" she said while hopping onto the metal crate.
Aster raised an eyebrow at that "What message did he have that he couldn't deliver in person?"
"He didn't give me many details but he said that you're needed at home"
That confused Aster. Today was her day off from school and she'd decided to not do any hero work to let herself relax. She'd told her family she'd be busy so why was she needed? Standing up, Aster stretched her limbs.
"Alright. I'm going to see what I'm needed for then I'll come back." she turned to address the crowd of cats around her "please don't make too much of a mess, I just tidied up"
She got a flurry of answers that were a mixture of 'ok' and 'no promises'. Shaking her head with a smile, Aster made her way out of the building.
Making it back home was easy enough. Aster made her way up the stairs but stopped in-front of the door. No noise could be heard from within the apartment which concerned her.
Had something happened on her way over? Had Teddy been mistaken and she actually wasn't needed? Guess there was only one way to find out. Slowly opening the door, Aster crept inside. Suddenly all the lights were flicked on and all her friends and family popped out from behind the furniture.
Aster's heart jumped into her throat and she leapt into the air in shock and surprise, hitting the top of the doorway with her head. Her parents rushed over to the young teen who was now leaning against the doorway.
"Are you alright?" Natalia asked, helping Aster up.
Aster gently nodded "I'm fine, just a bit caught off guard"
Her Papá laughed "Well it is a surprise party, that is kinda the point. Now come on, it's time for your favourite part"
Aster's favourite part about birthdays was the present opening. It was the only time she got to be a little bit spoiled. The first present she got was from her parents; they gave her a bunch of different chocolates as she always had a big sweet tooth and a love for chocolates. The second present was from her dear brothers (who had not woken her up with a bucket of water this year); they'd gotten her a new book series she'd been wanting, she couldn't wait to read it. The third present was from Alex and Andy; they'd gotten her a toy crab, it took a lot of energy not to glare at them as she opened it. The fourth present was a joint one from Robin and Sam (and from Willa too Aster guessed); they got her a simple sketchpad which she appreciated, she'd been wanting to get back to drawing so it would be handy. The final present came from Javari and it was probably her favourite one; it was a hand carved wooden figure of a figure from a video game series she and Javari both liked. She loved everything she got.
The food was also amazing, given that it was her parent's cooking after all; and don't get Aster started on the chocolate birthday cake. Aster was loving the birthday celebrations and didn't want them to stop; but there was one more thing she needed to do before the day was over.
As the sun was starting to set, the young teen left her home and made her way through the city. She arrived at her destination and made her way over to her abuelo's gravestone, sitting in-front of it. She gently brushed against the stone, making sure everything was neat and tidy. Aster let out a small but saddened smile as she sat there. Her abuelo might not be able to spend his time with her, but she'd be able to spend as much of her birthday as she could with him.
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dancingnotes · 1 year
Kids Holiday Programs Perth
Kids holiday programs perth are a great way to keep kids entertained and active. They also help develop skills like teamwork and leadership. These programs are suitable for kids aged 4-12 years and parents can claim Child Care Benefit.
Get the kids coding these holidays with Code Camp. They will learn to build websites and robots while having fun and making friends.
Designed to encourage kids to be active and learn. Kids can get coached by professional sports coaches in a fun and safe environment. The week long programs are open to kids 5-7 years and 8 – 16 years.
Get your kids away from the screen with this interactive coding and creative workshop for all ages! Kids will have a great time and will walk away with something they can be proud of.
Let your kids grow their creative confidence with these two day workshops at Milk Tooth. The workshops are small ensuring that each child gets the attention they need.
Perth Academy of Performing Arts
Kids from Kindy to Year 6 can learn how to make junk sculptures and other fun art projects with Fiona, a qualified Visual Arts teacher. For older kids, the program includes watercolour painting and Powertex – a flexible, mouldable medium that lets them create textured works of art.
Forget the screens and get kids moving their bodies with these hip hop workshops for kids 3-17 years. They encourage social skills and cultural awareness, plus build confidence and make new friends.
Perth School of Rock
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Kids can hone their creativity these kids holiday programs perth with a painting and art clinic. These classes are fun and interactive and designed to fuel children’s imaginations. The workshops are ever changing so there’s always something new to try.
Despite Dewey’s gloomy state of mind, at the Battle of the Bands School of Rock wows the crowd with Zack’s song. Although their old rivals No Vacancy win, the crowd chants their name and requests an encore. The show is a joyous blast of defiant analog vitality in a manufactured digital world.
Perth Zoo
Kids can spend the whole day at Perth Zoo with its exotic animals, parklands and range of holiday programs for kids. They can learn how to be a Zoo Keeper or Vet, meet native Australian animals and more.
Get your kids coding and building these holidays with STEM experts Edgy X. They’ll love blasting off into the universe and making friends in a fun and engaging way.
The zoo is home to more than 170 animal species and has many family-friendly activities for all ages.
Outback Splash
Outback Splash is a world class waterpark located in Bullsbrook, only 30 minutes from Perth. It features 4 giant waterslides, including two exhilarating raft slides and WA’s fastest body slide! There’s also a water playground, splashpad and tipping bucket.
Kids will enjoy the year-round attractions at this family friendly venue, which include mini golf, mazes, a children’s playground and Australian animal experiences. You can also watch New Release movies under the stars at Perth’s only drive in cinema.
John Forrest National Park
Kids will be sure to love the new Nature Play Space at John Forrest National Park. Located near the main picnic area, it’s nestled amongst advanced native trees and beside Jane Brook. The kids will love exploring, splashing in puddles and getting their hands dirty!
Get sport loving kids off their screens with these great holiday programs. These three day intensive programs are run by professional coaches and allow kids to hone their skills. Kids can choose from soccer, netball, rugby league and basketball.
Herdsman Lake Wildlife Centre
Herdsman Lake Regional Park is a wetlands park with a lake, picnic areas, playgrounds and kilometres of walking paths. It’s home to water birds and native vegetation and is a great place for birdwatching.
The park’s Discovery Centre is managed by the WA Gould League and offers family suitable activities such as bird walks, information nights, night stalks and wildlife excursions. It also hosts events and talks.
The Herdsman Lake Discovery Centre also hosts a Nature Playgroup. This program aims to get kids active while building their connection with nature and is a great idea for a school holiday activity.
Become a zookeeper for the day at Perth Zoo with this fun holiday program. This one day program is perfect for kids who want to learn more about the animals and conservation.
Get your kids creativity flowing with a range of craft, painting and sculpting classes. These holiday programs are run by experienced teachers who help children develop their creativity and make new friends.
Sports loving kids will love Australia’s largest outdoor mini golf course. Play in a garden setting at one of four locations.
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boyakishantriobeta · 1 year
I remember talking to angel once (don't ask), and they asked how do they create something. I just looked at them and asked. "define create." To which they did. And I pointed out God (Jehovah, Allah etc) basically grabbed a ball of stuff, superheated it, had it follow some made up rules and adjusted as they wished. Then I explained how we made a shelter, we either chopped, mined or picked up some stuff and then arranged it in a way it didn't crash over our heads , get knocked over etc. And then began working on how to do it until we eventually made cities.
To which they responded. "but how?"
So I grabbed a stick, stabbed it into eh ground the dragged it back and forth, flicking soil until it made a hole and looked up at them. "like that." To which they responded. "but that's not a city." To which I said. "no, it isn't. It's a hole." Pointed at the small lump of dirt I'd displaced. "and that's soil." A good... Ten minutes later, I'd managed to dig a trench and was using a bunch of branches, covered the top of it with the entrance leading down a hill.
I then poured a full bucket onto it, the water went over the hill and entrance down to the river below. "that's literally all we did, all humanity has done. We dig a hole in the ground, we move rocks. Then we grab natural stuff and put it in top." I then pointed at New York. "that's how we made that city basically. We chopped trees and stone, build houses. Over time we mixed the stuff from the ground to make concrete, made buildings and eventually made cities. That's how we create things. By fucking around in the dirt, pushing and pulling shit until it doesn't break."
Suprisingly, the angel looked more disgusted that creation needed, y'know, them to create something and asked how we made machines that did it. And I responded.
"again, at some point we realised that mining stone and carrying it all the bloody way up a hill was way too slow. So we made rope, hooked it over a strong tree and lifted the damn thing up the hill to a platform. We kept fucking around with making it better, continuously falling on our faces and at some point we began analysing and figuring out how shit work. A lot more fucking around later, we figured out how to make machines. At first they were logs, movable wheels, then carts, wagons, carriages and a lot of fucking around later, we slowly made machines that could lift heavy ground stuff up and down. But we still needed to be there to do it, so we figured out a machine that could do maths and a lot of fucking around later, we eventually had components for machines to do the same thing over and over again. Wait, button press, rocks go up. Wait, button press, rocks go down. It's nothing special, all we've done for the 500 millenia is fuck around, push pull and try again. We've got better at doing it, we've made advancements that seem godlike. But that's all we've done. Fuck around and see what happens."
The angel left, didn't seem happy or something. Isn't really know what there's to say, but I guess. Fuck around and find out. It's the big secret to how we don't get fucked over by greedy bastards. It's how we aren't dead from a sabre toothed tiger blocking out way out. It's how we learn figure out and have a less chance to get lost in the forest.
Business, personal etc. Ask questions, fuck around, do shit. If that sounds hard, well. Why? Tell me, talk. Explain. If you don't tell me how you think, what you think, well who else is gonna do it? But what if it annoys someone. Are you aware what website you're on? And besides, why does it matter if they don't like what you are? Why does it matter if they think that's stupid? If they ain't doing shit to you. You don't do shit to them. If they don't make sense, they don't make sense. They're not unnatural, because they're there. As are you. If they were unnatural, the earth would open up and eat them up.
So just. Fuck around. Ask questions, be curious and do more than follow the crowd. Don't judge people, or say they're all bad (unless they are), because well. Fuck em.
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nbsjget · 3 years
Bucket tooth with embodiment the present invention
Bucket tooth with embodiment the present invention
Bucket tooth with embodiment the present invention The present invention compared with prior art has following characteristics: 1) bucket tooth of the present invention does not contain expensive alloying elements such as molybdenum, nickel, vanadium, and the add-on of chromium, manganese and silicon is also lower, and therefore, lower cost for material reduces by 10~12% than Mn13Cr2 high…
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ggukkiereads · 3 years
Hi 💓
It is the month of Ramadan and I want to avoid reading any smutty/steamy fics for the month. Which is why I was wondering if you have any Jungkook or Taehyung non smut fic recs? It can be fluff or anything just no explicit sex scenes. Thank you for your recommendations you are literally my favorite page on this platform 💜✨
🌷 Hello @dhabatae101. First, I wish you and other followers a happy, safe, and blessed Ramadan. Ramadan Mubarak! ✨
I decided to answer this right away so I tried compiling my reblogs (plus those fics I haven’t reviewed yet) and authors that “specialize” in fluff/angst. However, the list went on and on 🤭. So, I will split this post into two:
Part 1: authors that have more SFW content in their catalog (you are here)
Part 2: non-smut fics (my reblogs + other recs) - Taehyung | Jungkook
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(Fluff/Angst) Smut-less Fics | Taehyung & Jungkook
🌷 Part 1 (Recommended Authors)
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@jimlingss - Kina’s masterlist is just a dream. No two stories are the same and every fic is just memorable. A truly prolific and consistent writer. Usually witty, fluffy, and charming but the angsty fics are also deadly. I posted my fave JJK and KTH fics -  the Worshipers Series can be read independently but better if read sequentially to better understand the “universe”. The Slice of Life Series  is also a must, but you can read the KTH and JJK fics on their own but I seriously love ALL 💖.
Worshipers of the Sky - KTH | series [3/3] | 35k | God AU, Goddess!OC, Sacrifice!Taehyung, Worshipers Series | F, some A
Worshipers of the Sea - JJK | one shot | 16.3k | Pirate AU, Mermaid AU, God AU,  Worshipers Series  | F, A
President’s Son - KTH | series [20/20] | 80k | Bodyguard AU (reader), Slice of Life Sereis, Slow Burn | F
Sugar and Coffee - JJK | series [23/23] 101k | Patisserie School AU, Best Friend AU, Enemies to Lovers (slight), Slice of Life Series | F
Love So Shallow - KTH | series [3/3] | 34.8k | College AU, eventual Roommate AU, Best Friend AU, Humor | F, slight A  ⭐ #holygrailfic
Black Waltz -  KTH | two shot | Butler AU, Historical AU | F, A (ah I love Taehyung’s characterization here)
Moirai - KTH | series [8/8] | 46.9k | isekai au, fantasy au, reborn as a villain in a video game | F, A
Rent a Boyfriend - KTH | I noticed this is a crowd favorite, it might end up yours too =)
A Fairy Crime - KTH | one shot | Fairy godmother OC to grant someone a happy ever after  | F, A, crack
Date in a Box - JJK | one shot | 9.7k | Date Planner (like wedding planner but make it a service for dating) | F, F, F
His Name - JJK | series [8/8] | 52.4k | Multiple Personality AU, based on Kill Me, Heal Me (this is one of my favorite Korean drama series so I really enjoyed this fic series too) | A
A Piece of Moonlight - JJK | one shot | 22k | Warrior AU, Mulan AU | really angsty though
*didn’t include Chess of Ice (since this is in the Jungkook Jock AU list)
@inktae - If you’ve been following me I always rave about this author. Mostly her work is of fantasy genre but has a slice of life tone. Her fics are just masterpieces - just beautifully written and viscerally gripping. They remind me of Ghibli films for some reason (like the tone). You can check their fics here (just avoid those with M, usually with sexual content but honestly it’s not explicit). I love everything but if you want to start somewhere, you can try:
Blue Orchids, Moonlight, Home After Rain -  JJK Soulmate AU, Hanahaki AU, Angst  ⭐ #holygrailfic
First Light - KTH x R x JJK | raved about it here (angst)
Away From the Sun - KTH | soulmate AU
The train of lost souls - JJK, feat JHS | fantasy AU | A
The swirling Ways of Stars - JJK, fantasy | A, F
@gukyi - for your enemies to lovers needs. This is one of my favorite tropes so I just love that there is a writer that ‘specializes” in this. Please check their masterlist and take note of fics with (smut). Try:
Four Weeks - KTH, College AU, stuck in campus for four weeks during Christmas
Good Luck Charm - KTH, roommates, actor AU
Moonlight Melody + Part 2 - JJK, fake dating, orchestra AU | F, A
Coffee Shop Contract - JJK, fake dating, college AU | F
If I Told You - JJK, college, unrequited love/pining | F, A
Midas - JJK, magical realism | F, A
Love Project - JJK, comedy, photography assignment | F
@koorara - ugh I just adore their writing. Tooth-rotting fluff seems effortless with her drabbles/short stories. You can check their fics here. My faves:
Driving Me Wild - JJK, demon au, roommate au, ongoing drabble series but you can read it (not cliffhanger-ish), soulmate au | my review (tooth-rotting fluff)
His Dandelion - KTH, someone sent an ask about this you can read the description | A
Down and Down - JJK | MMA fighter, slight making out | A, F
The Pitter Patter of the Heart - skip the drabble with mature content, husband au, lecturer jungkook, this is super cuuuute | tooth-rotting fluff
@suhdays - it’s just amazing to find a writer with a non-smut catalog. Writing is just pure and focused on the plot and emotional/character development. Please give their masterlist lots of love. My faves:
Access Granted - I like hacker Jungkook. SMAU format
A Cinderella Story - JJK | also based on the movie | F, A
Wherever You Are - JJK | vampire, ceo (I love this) | A, F
Terms of Endearment - JJK | poet jjk x artist reader | F
Bucket List - JJK | friends to lovers (this is adorable! my review of this is still in the drafts like the rest of the fics 😥) | F, slight A
Camp Crush - KTH | brother’s best friend (this is funny like I was just smiling all throughout)
Made of Honor -  KTH | SMAU, recently completed! Like the movie
Baby I’m a Fool - JJK | Fake Dating, Co-worker AU, E2L | F, A
@vanaera - her Yoongi coworker E2L series is something I’m always waiting for and  I don’t think her other fics contain smut. Please check The Prince and His Rose (bestfriend AU, College AU, childhood friends, football player x writer!reader Jungkook, fluff/angst)
@namjoonchronicles - so I recently binged on this author’s writing (still bingeing on her other members’ fics). Their catalog has a lot of Domestic AUs which are beautiful slice of life pieces. It could be as simple as folding the laundry but it would be so meaningful. I said in one of my reviews that their domestic fics has same vibes as illustrator Puung’s Love is in Small Things. I would like to post my favorites here but I think I recently just reviewed/reblogged tons of their work (you can search my blog for the reviews). Please check their masterlist. Granite Glow is my ⭐ #holygrailfic
@rosaetae​ - if you like angst that hurts but it all makes sense why the situation had to be angsty, then her masterlist is something to binge on. Not all are angsty, just mind the tags for pure “fluff”. My favorites:
The Bedtime Contract - KTH, roommates, enemies to lovers, sort of cuddle buddy?, fluff but there’s slight angst | F, A
Dream a Little Dream of Me - KTH, soulmate au, could hear soulmate’s voice, waitress x songwriter | 
Lavender + Vanilla - KTH,  a story about a boy who had forgotten his memory of you
Chrysanthemum Effect - KTH (JJK has a side story too), Hanahaki AU
Among the Evergreen  - JJK, Christmas AU, E2L | F
Sweet Apple Biscuits - JJK, receives letter from their future self asking to save one boy ⭐ | A, slight F
Best Thing He Never Had 01 02 03 04 05 06  - JJK, bestfriends to lovers | A, F
Better Late Than Never - JJK drabble, exes AU, fake dating (I love this scenario, there’s one funny moment here with Jungkook saying his feelings through a door) | A, F
@justimajin - another favorite of mine - her fics actually try different genres/scenarios and are usually series. I find it fun to wait on episodes weekly. A consistent writer too. See masterlist here. Selected works:
Catching a Case of Doctor Blues - KTH, medical AU, enemies to lovers, slice of life
Swapped - JJK, body swap, really fluffy! I reviewed it before and screamed at how fluffy this is 😍 | tooth-rotting fluff
A Lone Wolf’s Howl - JJK, werewolf AU, sort of enemies/rivals, hunter AU, bestfriend. Note: there is a chapter with smut, you can skip that portion | A, F, S
@bubmyg​ - oh wow her works are just tooth-rotting fluffy goodness too (especially the Yoongi drabbles/one shots). But please check her fics for Tae and Koo. My picks:
Can’t Fake a Feeling - KTH, F2L, Fake Dating, College AU, Fuckboy (not smut)
Extra Cheese Sauce, Please - KTH, F2L, College, friends keep setting them up
Strawberry Boy - JJK, I just reblogged this weeks ago so you probably have read this | tooth-rotting fluff
Wonder - pool boy!jungkook x journalist!reader | F
Not a Date - JJK | one shot + drabble series, kinda E2L. cute |  tooth-rotting fluff
Dare to Begin - JJK | college au, idiots to lovers, broke college students |  tooth-rotting fluff
gcfguk + idcilh - a youtuber!jeongguk drabble series | F
you can check their masterlist for the other drabbles and fics I haven’t read/included
@cupofteaguk - a writer whose fics end up in my fic rec lists regularly. When I get asked about certain tropes, I always remember one or two of her fics. Their Reputation Series is binge-worthy but they also have plenty of scenarios/tropes to choose from. You can find a lot of KTH or JJK fluff-based fics here (or other members too):
the maze to you - KTH |  soulmate au | angst
along the boardwalk - KTH | skater boy/college au | fluff
it’s all fun & games - JJK | fake dating au | fluff
say you won’t let go - JJK | soulmate au | fluff
on the road (to you) - JJK |  road trip/strangers to lovers au | fluff
new romantics - JJK | hogwarts au, quidditch player, enemies to lovers | F, A
@crystaljins - another writer with fics that have well-developed plot, great angst and great endings. I recommend all (check other members’ fics here). Extra love for:
Take a Chance - JJK | series [7/7] | 63k | Hanahaki AU, Coworker AU, Boss!Reader, Wedding Planner AU | A, F | My review  ⭐ #holygrailfic
Schemes and Tricks to Win Her Heart - KTH | series [5/5] | 22.5k | Fake Dating, feat Chaebol/Rich Seokjin, Taehyung is Jin’s Little Brother, and OC is Tae’s bestfriend
I haven’t read the new Taehyung Christmas fic yet but give it a spin =)
@springbean - I love her story concepts and ideas! When I discovered her, I just binged on their work and I enjoy every new fic she releases. My personal favorites are listed below, but you can also check her masterlist here:
Onyx - JJK | cyberpunk AU, abo dynamics (it is sooo interesting to use abo dynamics this way. Usually abo is associated with werewolf aus but this is like a social classification system in this fic. It is still ongoing but it’s the type of story you can read and remember easily so in case it gets updated you can jump into the next chapter)  ongoing | A, F
Wolfsbane - KTH | Werewolf AU, college, soulmates (included in my KTH werewolf fic recs)
Cursed - JJK | Prince x Mage/Witch, Fantasy, Medieval, E2L, action (basically has all AUs I like) ongoing
Enshrined - JJK | this is new! fantasy, fae world, isekai, childhood friends, eventual smut (?) but since we’re not there yet you can still read it smut-less  ongoing
@army-author - another prolific writer with a catalog you can binge on. I recently reblogged/reviewed some of my favorites but believe me there are more (I am just lazy with reviewing and such). Personal faves:
Gamomania - JJK | childhood friends | tooth-rotting fluff, slight S
X and O - KTH | fake dating, single parent, teacher AU
A Monster Crush - KTH | childhood friends, angst, fluff, horror, implied S   ongoing
All This Stigma - KTH | fwb au, unplanned pregnancy, arranged marriage, divorce, really angsty but I love it!
The Village Idiots - JJK | soulmate au, childhood friends, they’re soulmate-less (or are they?) |  tooth-rotting fluff
The Alchemy of Amor - JJK | fantasy au, royalty au, enemies to lovers (new) | F
Fire and Ice - JJK | oh this is probably the first I’ve read from the author, E2L but make it fluffy rivals (he’s fire and she can yield ice), fantasy au, magic | F
Black and White Christmas - JJK | Office AU | F
@thedefinitionofbts - I love how emotionally invested I get when reading their fics. Most of their fics are smut-less but deeply rooted in emotions so I remember the story a lot even if I’ve read some years or months ago (I said in my werewolf fic rec list that there’s this Jungkook fic of theirs that’s really sad and I still imagine him waiting for OC.) Just powerful storytelling. You can check their masterlist and mind the fics with smut. I wanted to list my favorites here but I’ll end up listing everything. If you want to start a fic, I recommend:
A Story that We Paint - KTH x R x JJK | Sci-fi, College AU, Lucid Dreams AU | A, slight F
Our First and Last - JJK, VMIN | Soulmate AU, Sci-Fi | A, F
Kingdom of Crystal Snow - KTH | Christmas, Royalty (yay something purely fluffy)
Corner of the Universe - KTH | Reincarnation AU
other fics I like have S content or too sad
@threeletterslife - I love her fics because they make me dwell and ponder on things but themes are very heavy (I think she has one crack fic though). No smut and you can try all her works if you are in the mood for angst, some pondering, etc. Masterlist here. You can read the Love Chaser Series (though you have to read the Yoongi series first before reading Jungkook’s, it’s one universe).
Whipped with a Cherry on Top - KTH | friends to lovers, crack
The Time Traveler’s Playbook - KTH | time travel AU | F, A
Cuss Out - JJK | High school AU, crack | F
@artaefact - just feel good scenarios and I love her drabbles! I’ve reblogged and oohed aahed over the drabbles that are short but powerful scenarios.
incandesce + warmth drabble - JJK  (safe to say, you can read all their drabbles) | F
Aeturnal - KTH | fantasy au, royalty au (I loooove this. it has inexplicit S though, you can skip)
A Letter in Roses - KTH | husband au, valentine au
Calling You Mine - JJK | College AU, S2L, tooth-rotting fluff 
@augustbutwinter - a writer to watch out for. August delivers so much even with minimal word count; they can get you emotional (fluffy or angsty) and it is so easy to visualize the image she is trying to describe. Just wonderful. The words just flow easily too so the fics are not difficult to read/imagine. I recommend the ff:
My Tears Ricochet - KTH | ghost AU, roommate AU, fluff (sometimes angsty), drabble series ⭐⭐
Rose Coloured - JJK | post college AU, some sort of reunion with an old flame | F
@akinnie75 - What a wonderful storyteller. I would binge on her fics for their plot/storylines. Usually it feels as if you are reading a tale. Several of their fics ended up in my #holygrailfics (the namjoon and jimin ones). You can try:
Ghost Marriage - JJK | fantasy, idol au, kind of arranged marriage | A, F
Until Spring 1 | 2 - JJK | Romance, Fantasy, visited the Freesia Island for Spring but taken for Arranged Marriage instead | A, F
Moonchild - KTH | a tale about the legendary Moonchild, a mythical creature known for its ability to heal life of all sorts
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I’d also like to recommend checking the fics in each of the reading lists and Fic Recs by theme. You’ll find these lists in the NAVI page. Fics/Titles included per list are usually tagged for A/S/F content.
I will update this once I remember other authors that focus on A/F
Part 2 (Fic Recs) - linked top of this post
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thevalleyisjolly · 4 years
Some Dimension 20 main season class meetups and how they might go:
Barbarians: I mean, they try, but Amethar ditches after five minutes to go hang out with the Fighters (with Jet, really), and Gorgug (the greatest wizard of this age) gets pulled into the Wizard meeting by Adaine five minutes later.
Bards: Misty and Rowan get along like two cats in the same house, but when they’re not lowkey bitching at each other, are very complimentary about Fabian’s sheet dancing.  They have excellent eyeliner tips, which Fabian pockets for later use, and bicker sharply over whose choreography advice is better.  (Fig, of course, has completely skipped the Bard meetup)
Clerics: Kristen is A Youth which, ok, Kingston is trying his best to understand these young people, he can make the effort.  All this philosophy that kids are apparently into nowadays isn’t that much more complicated than the kind of books that Pete talks about.  He does have some great advice about relationships and not taking people for granted.  A very calm and civilized meeting with absolutely no running around or acrobatics.
Druids: Can disembodied spirits still scam a drink out of a bar?  Gotta be worth a try, right?  Not like Kug’s got anything else to do right now.
Fighters: After wiggling out of Amethar’s twenty minute long hug, Jet has been solidly bugging Theo to teach her more killing blows.  Fabian pokes his head in at one point while Misty and Rowan are arguing about ballet steps, sees Theo very reluctantly demonstrating a couple of killing blows while Jet watches avidly and Amethar heckles -”Come on, Theo, I’ve seen you take off a guy’s head before!”- and decides that maybe he’ll stick with the dance crowd after all.
Monks: There are multiple emergency sirens going off, half the police force/city guards are on high alert, two suspects last seen leaping around the rooftops and beating up people (admittedly assholes) on the streets.  Eyewitness reports say that there’s a lady in leopard print, and some weird blue guy with a staff?
Paladins: Cody suggested playing Street Fighter, and is surprised but delighted at how quickly Ricky is picking it up.  Ricky is finding it surprisingly therapeutic to beat up Cody’s pixel guy, and thinks he should probably feel more guilty about this, but it’s a video game, right?  It isn’t like he actually wants to hit Cody in real life or anything.  Definitely not.
Rangers: Liam’s on his own for all of a minute before Ruby pulls him into the Rogue meeting.  Family has to stick together.
Rogues: To the uninitiated, it looks like a completely empty room.  To those in the know, the world’s most dangerous and ill-advised game of Assassins is currently in its fifth hour.  No one has stealthed out of hiding in at least three.  Liam vanished into his pocket rope dimension an hour ago, Ruby’s melted into the shadows, and Riz has been underneath the floorboards since the start of the game and is just waiting for the right creak of a footstep.
Sorcerers: Pete and Saccharina are having the time of their lives.  Look, someone else who understands about what it’s like to see the magic, the possibility, to feel it running under your skin, bending to your thoughts?  Pete is fascinated by the idea of candy people -”Look, I have a peppermint tooth!”- and Saccharina is fascinated by the strange type of Dreaming magic that Pete wields.  Luna settles on Cinnamon’s nose while he dozes and it’s too cute. 
Warlocks: Lapin and Iga are in the middle of commiserating over creaking joints and the necessity of deception when using magic, when Fig saunters in, having never once stepped foot inside the Bard meeting.  Well alright, she’s young and loud and energetic, but she’s got a rebellious spirit, and it’s good to see young people embrace their heritage.  Three hours later, Fig is cooing over Misiek and snacking on borscht bites while Iga teaches her tarot and Lapin monologues about the utility of a mysterious and enigmatic smile.
Wizards: Adaine is currently in a deep conversation with Esther about the merits of using a bat as an arcane focus, while Ayda tries to figure out what spells she can teach Gorgug that won’t involve him having to read a single word of wizardry.  Gorgug is not entirely sure he should be here -sure, the Barbarian meetup didn’t really work out, but shouldn’t he at least check if there are other Artificers?- but hey, Adaine says Artificers are close enough to Wizards, and that’s good enough for him.
+Bonus: Sofia Lee, Chosen One of the Order of the Concrete Fist, runs into Gilear Faeth, the Chosen One.  He has half a carton of yogurt spilled on his shirt, is limping (probably because of the tire tracks over his shoes) and is wearing a paint bucket (that evidently was not completely empty) over his head for some reason.  He slips on a bacon, egg and cheese bagel that was smushed into the sidewalk and lands flat on his face.  Miraculously, the paint bucket does not fall off.  Sofia decides not to ask.
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sarnghoe · 3 years
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𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖐𝖙𝖔𝖇𝖊𝖗 2021!
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌!: This event contains dark content and actions not available for minors to view! Therefore as I always say, minors please dni for the safety of both me and you.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖍𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝖘𝖆𝖞𝖘... 'M so excited and proud to announce this spooky season event that will take place from October 1st - October 31st! Don't forget to message me if you would like to be tagged in the fics, there is always space for everyone. Enjoy, bring your popcorn and blankets, and get ready for a thriller scare.
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⛤ 𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊 - candy overflow
wakasa imaushi . . . orgasm control
⛤ 𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖘𝖎𝖝 - ghoulish slumber party!
yuzuha shiba . . . praise kink
⛤ 𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊 - bloodcurdling screams
geto suguru . . . exhibitionism
⛤ 𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊 - trick or treat!
mei mei . . . mommy kink
⛤ 𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖋𝖎𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓- sex education.
dilf eren jeager . . . corruption
⛤ 𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓 - sweet tooth
armin arlert . . . facefucking
⛤ 𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞-𝖔𝖓𝖊 - "you can be mr. ghost face!"
iwaizumi hajime . . . degradation
⛤ 𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞-𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗 - there's a crowd!
atsumu miya . . . thighfucking
⛤ 𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞-𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓 - peek - a - boo
bakugo katsuki . . . voyeurism
⛤ 𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 - buckets of sweets
keigo takami . . . breeding
⛤ 𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞-𝖔𝖓𝖊! - scream and cream!
sanzu haruchiyo . . . knife play
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bnhabadass · 4 years
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This is my piece of the bnharem New Year’s collaboration. I had a lot of fun writing for Kirishima, one of my favorite characters but someone who I don’t write nearly enough for. If you’d like to look at everyone else’s pieces, which you totally should they’re all incredible, the link to the master list is here. Just be mindful that this is an 18+ server, so please do not interact with NSFW pieces in this collab if you are underage.
Pairing: Kirishima x reader Genre: Fluff Word Count: 1.1k Synopsis: You’ve had an ongoing bucket list since the beginning of the year. Now, with only a few seconds of the year left, you’re hoping to cross off the last remaining check box at the bottom of your list.
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The dorm halls were decorated in gold and silver tinsel and garlands. The Christmas decorations Mina had put up earlier in the month had been taken down for the most part. The only ones remaining were a few mistletoe she and Kaminari had decided to keep up, just for shits and giggles.
As much as you and your friends wanted to go to a shrine to bring in the new year, that was not feasible with the security precautions UA had to take with it’s students. So instead you all decided to throw a class party. The kitchen smelled incredible with pastries baking in the oven and remnants of dinner lingering in the kitchen. You had to place a hand on your stomach to stop it from growling.
“Hey, (y/n)!” Mina slid next to you on the green sofa. There was a small bounce in her landing. “Everything crossed off on your list yet?”
Since the beginning of the year, you’ve had a bucket list of sorts that your friends and classmates have helped you complete. Well, almost complete.
In January you went to the aquarium with Momo, Iida and Midoriya. In February, the Bakusquad took you to an “Extreme Sports Obstacle Course” to cross off your skydiving check box. Unfortunately, you all had to rush Kaminari back to Recovery Girl because he short circuited himself.
In April your class had a Mario Kart night in which Todoroki was reigning champion, even though he had never picked up a game controller in his life. It’s safe to say that Bakugou was furious with that night’s outcome.
Over the summer, after training camp, you took a trip to the beach with the girls and had a sand castle building competition. And when you got back to campus, Sato helped you cook a huge barbecue to celebrate the start of the new semester.
Class 1-A had grown closer than ever and it was all because of your list.
Still, there was one item that had yet to be crossed off. “Almost,” you told her. Unfolding the bottom of the sheet, you revealed the last check box on the bucket list.
Have my first kiss.
Mina was the only other person who had seen the actual list, everyone else just asking what was next for you all to do together. She snatched it from your hands one day and unfolded the bottom of the page, revealing your secret.
“I think I know how to get that last box checked off before midnight.” She wiggled her eyebrows up and down and her grin widened like the cheshire cat as your face heated up.
“I don’t want it to be with just anyone.” you looked down at your knees and held the list which had been through so much close to your chest. It didn’t bother you how stained and torn the edges of the page were. It was all full of memories and you were happy to have each and every one of them.
“Of course you don’t want it to be with just anyone.” Mina placed her hands on each side of your head and turned it so you were looking at the boy arguing with his best, explosive friend. The boy who encouraged you to share your list with everyone in the first place and who put an arm around you in triumph a year ago as you announced you had decided to do everything with the class. Your favorite red haired, manly, chivalrous hero was certainly the one you had hoped would give you your very first new years kiss.
You shook your head in disbelief, keeping your eyes to the ground. “You know I can’t ask him to do that. It’s a ridiculous question, ‘hey, do you wanna kiss me at midnight?’ No one just outwardly asks that.”
“Hmm.” Mina narrowed her eyes as if she were deep in thought. If you didn’t have so much on your mind, you would have known she was scheming something. “Well, suit yourself.” She hopped up and sauntered over to Kaminari, grabbing a cupcake on her way.
You managed to calm down a bit, smoothing down your hot face and getting up to chat with Momo and Jirou for a bit. It wasn’t much longer before you and your friends all gathered around in front of the TV, the countdown to midnight less than a minute away.
“So,” the all too familiar voice that made chills run down your back said. You hadn’t even noticed Kirishima slide up next to you. “Get everything crossed off your list?”
You looked up at his shark toothed grin and smiled. “Pretty much everything, yeah.”
If you had been paying attention earlier, it would not have surprised you when you felt an electric zap hit your knee from behind. You let out a quick yelp as your knees buckled and you fell to the ground. You shot daggers and Kaminari and Mina, who were giggling from the other side of the crowd.
“Are you all right?” Kirishima offered you a hand and hoisted you up. He began dusting off your knees and checking for any marks. You would expect nothing less of the chivalrous hero.
“I’m fine. Thank you though.” For the first time, you found yourself looking deep into Kirishima’s kind and joyful eyes. They really were a marvelous shade of red.
“Ten seconds!” Mineta shouted.
You toned him out. You toned the whole class out because you couldn’t seem to tear your eyes away from the young hero in front of you. Your friends started the countdown, party poppers and noisemakers at the ready. Neither of you joined in.
“Kirishima, I–”
“Can I, um–”
Both of your breaths were caught in your throats, unable to make any noise and not wanting to interrupt the other person.
“3!” your friends chanted.
You swallowed deep. “You go first.”
Kirishima let out a huff of breath and reached for your hand.
“1! Happy New Year!”
He launched forward and pressed his lips onto yours. They were soft and tender as opposed to the rest of his hard and rough exterior. When he made contact, you could feel sparks like Kaminari’s electricity swarming against your skin. Your arms hung by your side somewhat awkwardly, but Kirishima rubbed the length of them up and down with a soothing touch.
Any hoots and hollers from your classmates were ignored by the two of you as you finally pulled away. You couldn’t help but smile as he ran his thumb over your hairline.
“So, d’you get everything on your list?”
Your smile widened. “Yeah, I did.”
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hrwinter · 5 years
How about one where Kara turning the tables by flexing her biceps/showing off her back muscles and abs
Lena’s never cared much for tennis. Her family owns some billion dollar thing-or-other, but she hasn’t ever actually made a public appearance or attended a match. Despite her last name being inked on every bright yellow ball, a classic, universally recognizable ‘L,’ Lena’s historically been more invested in completing her engineering PhD. And decidedly less interested in sunlight and hand eye coordination. She does just fine pouring a martini, thank you.
“Lena, you simply must come,” her brother begs one sunny afternoon. They’re lounging poolside at their vacation home for spring break.
“It’s the semi-final of the National City Open. We’re invited to sit in Sara Lance’s box seats, and she’s playing a local.”
Lena shoots her brother a sidelong, maligned glaze. She lifts her scientific journal back up.
“Remind me why we’re sitting in the Swede’s box? Isn’t that a touch anti-American?”
Lex leans across his pool chaise, and Lena blocks his appealing face by turning the page.
“I’ll get you all the RumChata champagne you want. There’s a whole tent.”
Lena’s magazine stays up. She reads the same sentence 8 times.
“Fine, bottle service, a whole booth,” he raises.
Lena hates it when Lex gets this way, she can never say no.
She looks up. “It’s not far from here?”
“Twenty minutes,” he endears, eyes rounded and hopeful.
Lena groans, shutting her journal.
The jubilant air of anticipation before the match is more exciting than Lena will ever admit, dead or alive. The massive stadium is filled with a chatter of all stages of inebriation, both quiet and loud. Lance has three other celebrities in her box (she’s a popular player) and even Lena knows who two of them are, which is impressive given the “hobbit cave” Lena lives in at MIT.
“Seriously, I worry about your vitamin-D levels,” Lex mocks, but Lex doesn’t know dick-all about Vitamin D, or any vitamin for that matter. His primary study at Yale was pretty girls.
Currently, her brother is sucking down a strawberry laden glass of Moet & Chandon at the speed of light while charming the Princess of Morocco or whoever.
Lena rolls her eyes, glancing back to the court, adjusting her blocky sunglasses. She’s reaching the first stages of uncomfortably warm, the slight flop sweat forming at her brow under her wide brimmed sun hat most unwelcome. If she gets a sun burn, she’s going to flay Lex alive.
Maybe wearing all black was a mistake.
“Are we going to a wake?” he’d asked before they left. “Are you trying to suck all the light out of the desert?”
If only.
Down on the court, the players do a coin toss and begin to warm up. Lena hasn’t really taken a proper look at Lance’s opponent. It’s another crisply tan, All-American looking blonde. Lena dismisses her as fairly run-of-the-mill until she notices that the player is taller than Lance, taller even than she looked in the match guide. Six feet, maybe? She’s perfectly toned, too. Well-muscled. An honest to god Amazon.
Those arms, Lena thinks, they’re bulky. She can see the line of muscle across her shoulders ripple as she takes her ground strokes. She hits so hard, the ball strikes the strings in a whip crack, and there’s an answering flush in Lena’s body that has nothing to do with the sun.
She misses her drink straw entirely when she goes to take a sip, mouthing at thin air.
“Distracted, are we?”
Lena nearly jumps as her brother presses his face conspiratorially to hers.
“Shut up,” she replies in her imitation best of cool reserve, not taking her eyes off the other player.
She doesn’t need to see the smirk on his face to know it’s there.
Feeling suddenly and infinitely more invested, Lena does some quick research on her phone. How is the game played? How do you win? What’s this player’s name?
Kara Danvers. 22. Up and coming. Won junior Wimbledon. Single.
The only thing more impressive than her serve, apparently, is her thousand watt smile. Her teeth are the blinding white of a tooth paste commercial model.
When the match starts, Lena can’t tear her eyes away. She sits in a monk-like silence. A meditation on the beauty of movement, if you will. Kara breaks Lance’s serve, takes an early lead. She’s about to close out the set.
Lena’s learning all kinds of jargon. Who knew tennis could be interesting?
At the changeover, Lena stows her sunglasses and makes Lex go get more alcohol, preferably a vat of vodka brewed in a bucket of ice. When he’s gone, she notices Kara standing rather than sitting at her bench. She’s facing Lance’s box, too, instead of her own, and her eyes connect with Lena’s. Even at the short distance, Lena can see the baby blue of her irises, clear as the desert sky. She’s soaked in sweat, downright glistening, and Lena watches her throat bob as she drinks from a water bottle. Kara plants one hand on her hip, and Lena swears she flexes her bicep. Lena’s traitorous eyes track the movement, and when Kara drops the bottle, she has the absolute nerve to smile.
Lena finds herself clapping for the wrong player not two games later.
“At least, try to give the barest impression you’re cheering for Lance,” Lex chides in a whisper. “Or we’re never getting invited back again.”
Lena doesn’t care.
In the next round, Kara does something similarly soul destroying at the baseline. While waiting on a challenged call, she glances at Lena and pulls her shirt up to wipe her face, not breaking eye contact. It grants full view of what are positively mystical abs. Her obliques. Words for other anatomy that are entirely forgotten.
Lena’s brain goes into an early dementia. Lex belts out a full on laugh.
Lena becomes extremely intoxicated during the next forty-five minutes, in more ways than one, while Kara Danvers makes short work of Lance. During the post win, on court interview, she’s humble and appreciative, though honestly it’s a miracle that Lena can hear anything at all through the haze of her seismic attraction and the absolute roar of the crowd.
They clamber over each other in a craze to get at the signed balls Kara launches into the stadium. For the last ball, however, she aims directly for Lena in Lance’s box.
It has to be a massive social faux pas to do this in Lance’s box, but that doesn’t stop Lena from reaching out, anyway. She surprises even herself by snatching the ball out of the air with one out-stretched hand. She hasn’t caught a ball since second grade.
She turns it over in her palm to find a phone number and a quickly sharpied heart.
“God, I hope this makes the match highlights,” Lex looks down at the ball with glee. “Mother is going to kill us.”
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jumpship90 · 3 years
Flufftober, Day 4 - Sparklers and Fireworks
Took a brief break yesterday but I'm back with more tooth-rottingly cute goodness for day 4 of @flufftober2021
This time it's set in the Allotment AU that is on my list of projects. This snippet is post fic, after Jaq and Phineas have finally gotten over their pining and realised they're meant to be.
Jaq hauled the last of the brambles to the bonfire, depositing them in a heap with the rest of autumn die-back. They sidestepped the crowd of plot-holders all gathered around the heat, light dancing in their eyes, and brushed dead leaves and twigs from their jumper. A sudden crackle went up as someone threw debris upon the fire and sparks danced into the sky. It was a chill night, clouds of breath puffing in the air and mingling with the smoke, but their exertions had been enough to warm them.
They glanced around the allotments, searching for Phineas amongst the people sharing drinks and growing tips between the plots. There were carved pumpkins glowing on a few and someone was strumming a guitar further up the hill. As they wound their way between the sheds and veg patches, Jaq spotted sparklers fizzing away, clutched in tiny hands.
“That’s it! Marvellous! Make sure you hold it right out away from you – yes, perfect!”
Jaq grinned. Phineas was bundled up in his jacket and the scarf they had knitted for him and currently surrounded by a group of delighted children. As they watched, he aided a wide-eyed girl in writing her name in the air.
“Now, these sparklers have three main components,” he told the giggling children, all waving their arms around to paint pictures. “An oxidiser, a binder and a metal fuel - ferrotitanium in this case, which produces that lovely yellow-gold colour. Did you know, some of them contain the same component parts as gunpowder?”
There were little gasps at that. Jaq halted at the edge of the group, catching Phineas’ eye. He gave them a wink.
“They’re quite safe though,” he said to his enraptured audience. “They’re only present as reducing agents, to help the sparklers burn longer. There we are, put them out safely now.”
As he spoke, he directed the children to a bucket sat at his foot. Several quiet hisses sounded as the finished sparklers were deposited in the water.
“Now, you better run along and find a good spot. The fireworks will be starting soon!”
Jaq skipped aside to allow a stampede of diminutive feet and brightly coloured bobble hats to go rushing past. They made their way over to him as the children went careening down the path to their parents with happy yells.
“Teaching a chemistry lesson?”
“They’re never too young to learn.”
Phineas grinned as they adjusted his scarf and Jaq pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Your face is cold,” they muttered and slipped their arms about his waist. Phineas hummed and tucked into them.
“I’m quite warm enough," he assured them, sliding his hands into their pockets. “Though, I wouldn’t mind some of that hot cider that was doing the rounds earlier. And perhaps a toffee apple?”
Jaq laughed quietly, always happy to indulge his sweet tooth.
“Alright. Let’s go and see what we can find.”
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