#buck wouldn't just punch Eddie out
makorragal-312 · 4 months
I think that next episode, when Buck and Eddie talk about everything that's happened with Kim, Buck is gonna talk to Eddie the same way he talked to him about Ana.
He's gonna show concern for Eddie and what he's going through and he's going to offer him words of encouragement and advice, but he's also gonna add in that harsh jab and make it clear to Eddie that he did, in fact, fuck up with his emotional affair and that Chris has every right to be pissed at him.
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firewasabeast · 1 month
if you're still doing prompts: maybe eddie thinks he sees tommy cheating and confronts him only to find out just how wrong he is. thanks!
“Sorry, man, I can't. I took an extra shift.” That was what Tommy had told Eddie when Eddie asked if he wanted to go to their usual sports bar for beer and wings.
Which is why Eddie was very curious as to why Tommy was walking down the street, passing right by the bar on his way to wherever he was going.
Eddie kept watching as Tommy reached the crosswalk, stopping as he waited for traffic to clear.
Buck wasn't with him, but some other guy appeared to be. At least, he kept talking to Tommy, leaning in close and laughing at something Tommy said.
“This can't be good,” Eddie muttered. He could feel himself starting to get heated already.
The light at the crosswalk changed just as Eddie threw a twenty down for the wings he ordered but hadn't gotten yet. He hurried out of the bar and managed to make it to the crosswalk just as the hand lit up telling him not to cross.
He crossed anyway.
Eddie waved off the honks and hid behind a building until he was sure Tommy wouldn't be looking back toward the noise.
Slowly he peeked around the building and glanced around until he spotted Tommy again. He and this guy were continuing down the street, so that's what Eddie did too.
He made sure to keep enough distance between them, but honestly Tommy looked so enthralled with whatever conversation they were having that Eddie was pretty sure he wouldn't be noticed anyway.
He had half a mind to whip out his phone and start taking pictures and videos. Get proof of whatever was happening so he'd have evidence when he told Buck.
Because he had to tell Buck.
Because Buck was all in on this relationship. He was undeniably in love with Tommy. Together for a year now, living with one another for four months, and Buck often talked about their future.
He had to tell him before papers were signed; before things were made official.
It would break Buck's heart. Eddie knew that. He'd be out of it for weeks, maybe even months.
But how could Eddie let this continue while knowing that Tommy was a backstabbing, two-timing, cheating skank?
Okay, maybe he was beyond heated. It was possible he was livid.
It didn't make it any better that the two men had stopped now, and this unknown homewrecker was reaching out and putting his hand on Tommy's shoulder.
“Hey!” Eddie yelled before he could stop himself.
Tommy's head jerked toward him, wide-eyed. Like a deer in headlights. “Eddie. What... I-hi.”
“Hi? That's what you have to say to me? Hi?”
Tommy's face went from surprised to confused. “Would you prefer hello?”
“Don't play dumb with me, man! How could you do something like this?”
“You gotta help me out here, Eddie. What'd I do?”
“You lied to me, for one.”
“Oh, that.”
“Yeah, that.”
“Sorry, Eddie, I just had this thing I had to do today and I didn't want anyone knowing about it.”
“That's what you call this? A thing? Right in front of him?” He motioned to the man, who seemed a bit anxious at the moment.
“Well, it's not like he doesn't know what I'm doing.”
“Of course he knows! Buck's the only one who doesn't know. Have you thought about that? Have you spared a second to think about your boyfriend in all of this?”
“He's kinda all I've been thinking about during this.”
Eddie put one hand on his hip, the other pointed at Tommy. “I'm so close to punching you right in the face, Tommy.”
“I'd rather you didn't,” Tommy deadpanned. “Eddie, would you like to meet Gordon? He's the owner of the jewelry shop we're standing in front of.”
“You're cheating on Buck with Gordon? Really, Tommy? Gordon?” Part of Eddie felt a little bad. Gordon wasn't a bad looking guy. He was shorter than both of them, short brown hair and even browner eyes. He wasn't very muscular, but the suit he wore fit him well. Tattoos peeked out from underneath his collar, and the black frame of his glasses really tied the whole look together.
Still, he wasn't Buck, and they both needed to know that!
Tommy's eyebrows rose. “I'm doing what with who now?” he asked as Gordon shook his head nervously.
“Oh, no. That, um. No.”
“And you're gonna do it in his jewelry store? Shame on you, Tommy. Shame!”
“Eddie, I'm gonna need you to take it down like ten notches. I'm not cheating on Evan.”
“Then what's with the lying?” Eddie questioned, crossing his arms over his chest. “And Gordon?”
“Like I said before, Gordon owns the jewelry shop we're standing in front of. We met a few months ago on a call. We got to talking and that's when he told me about this place. He's usually closed today, but he was kind enough to bring me here on his day off so I could pick up the ring.”
Sometimes it took Eddie a minute to connect the dots, but he always got there. “Ring?” he questioned, his tone lighter now.
“Yeah. Ring.”
“You mean like an eng-”
“Engagement ring, yes.”
“Oh... Oh!” Now Eddie was smiling brightly, holding out his hand to Gordon for a shake. “Great to meet you, man! I'm Eddie.”
“H- Hi, Eddie.” Gordon returned the shake, but he was still a little nervous, and very confused.
“Gordon,” Tommy explained, “Eddie is Evan's best friend. I was supposed to hang out with him today, but I lied and said I had to work. My mistake.”
“Mm,” Gordon nodded. “It's starting to make sense now. Would you both like to come in?”
“Yes, we would,” Eddie answered, following behind Gordon as he unlocked the door.
“I'll go get it from the back,” Gordon said, locking the door back once they were inside. “It may take me a minute, but shouldn't be too long.”
Once Gordon had left them in the front of the store, Tommy turned to Eddie. “I can't believe you thought I'd cheat on Evan. Are you crazy?”
Eddie raised his hands in surrender. “I couldn't believe it, that's why I was so mad! Why didn't you tell me this is what you were doing?”
Tommy took a deep breath. “I was nervous. Figured if he said no, at least no one would know I'd asked.”
“He's not gonna say no.”
“You don't know that.”
“Dude, he's not gonna say no.”
“But what if he does, Eddie? What if I screw it up somehow?” Tommy rubbed his hand against the back of his neck. “I want it to be perfect. He deserves that.”
Gordon came back out then, box in hand. “Here you go, Mr. Kinard. Make sure everything is perfect before you pay.”
“You didn't have to pay for it yet?” Eddie asked as Tommy took the box.
“No,” Tommy answered, glancing up at Eddie. “Another kind thing he did was let me wait until it was engraved before I paid. Because he's a nice person.”
“Ugh,” Eddie groaned, then turned to Gordon. “Sorry for calling you a homewrecker, man. I didn't mean it.”
“I... I didn't know you called me a homewrecker.”
“That might've been in my head. Still, sorry.”
Gordon felt in a little over his head here. This Eddie person was... interesting. “That's okay.”
Tommy stared down at the ring, biting at his lip.
“Gordon,” Eddie flashed him a smile, “could you give us a couple more minutes? Then we'll pay and be out of your hair.”
“No problem.”
Once he'd retreated back to his office, Eddie moved closer to Tommy. “What's engraved on it?”
Tommy pulled the ring out of the box and handed it to Eddie. Silver with a gold band running down the center, dots and dashes on the inside. “It's um, it's morse code. It just says “ILY” for I love you, obviously, but the morse code is the special part.”
“Why's that?”
Eddie watched as Tommy smiled at whatever memory was popping into his head. “They still taught morse code when I was in the army, and when Evan found out I knew it he was determined to learn. We'd practice every time we were together.”
“I remember him doing that at work too.”
Tommy nodded. “Yup. He had it down in a month. We still use it whenever we can. He'll tap something out on my thigh, or even blink something at me from across a room.”
Eddie placed the ring back into the box. “Propose to me.”
Tommy stared at him, dumbfounded. “What?”
“Propose to me,” he repeated.
“Wh... Why, exactly?”
“You said you were worried the proposal wouldn't be perfect. That you'd screw it up. Practice on me, and I'll let you know.”
“That's insane.”
Eddie huffed out a laugh. “Two months ago you and I parachuted out of a plane when the engine failed and got lost in the mountains for nearly two days. That was insane. This is being prepared.”
Tommy looked down at the ring, then to Eddie, then back at the ring, then back at Eddie. “Fine.”
“Yes!” Eddie clapped his hands together. “Okay, go.”
After a slow inhale, he began. “Evan.”
“Yes, Pooh Bear?”
Tommy rolled his eyes, tilting his head. “He doesn't call me that.”
“I've seen the texts, man.”
“Forget it. I'm not doing this with you.”
As he turned to walk away, Eddie grabbed onto the sleeve of his jacket, pulling him back in. “Okay, okay. I'll be serious. Now, come on. Propose to me.”
Tommy sighed. “Fine, but I'm not kneeling.”
“That's okay, I'll pretend.”
Tommy straightened his posture and cleared his throat before beginning again.
“Growing up, I never thought I'd find love. Not real love, anyway. I thought that maybe, if I was lucky, I could fabricate it. Play pretend and be fine with settling. Then, as I got older, I realized how unfair that was to me, and to whoever I would have ended up with.”
Tommy blinked away the tears that were blurring his vision as he continued. “I went through life with people, friends and colleagues that kept me busy, but I felt alone. And then you came along, and you lit up my world. Every doubt that I had collected over time slowly washed away with each smile we shared. Getting to do life with you over this past year has been an honor. You're the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing I think about when I fall asleep. If you would, I'd love us to have each other for the rest of our lives. So, Evan,” Tommy opened the box, presenting the ring to Eddie. “Will you marry me?”
Eddie stood there, staring between the ring and Tommy for what felt like an eternity, his own eyes red-rimmed and doe-like. “Holy hell,” he managed to utter out.
Nervously, Tommy asked, “You think he'll say yes?”
“Well, if he doesn't, I will!” Eddie took a step forward and wrapped Tommy in a hug, earning a surprised, “Oomph,” out of him.
“Yes,” Eddie said, patting his back. “He'll say say.”
When he finally pulled away, Tommy was smiling. He let out a shaky breath. “Okay, okay. So, buy the ring, then?”
Eddie nodded. “Yeah, man. Buy the ring.”
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peppermintquartz · 3 months
"So what's it like, kissing Buck?"
Tommy misses the shot and Eddie catches the rebound. Tossing a shit-eating grin Tommy's way, Eddie races down the court, passing to Lee who's open, and his shot makes the basket.
Tommy shakes his head at Eddie. "That was low."
"Sorry," Eddie says, but he's very clearly not sorry at all.
Tommy's side loses by four points. As usual, winners buy a round of drinks for everyone - non-alcoholic for most of them, since they have to drive - and Eddie drops an ice-cold can of Dr Pepper into Tommy's waiting hands.
"For real, what's it like dating Buck?" Eddie asks quietly, while the other guys joke about something from their own stations.
Tommy can't help his smile. The mere thought of Evan makes his heart warm. "It's nice. It's different from my previous boyfriends. He just... He knows, somehow, what I mean when I say things. I can be an asshole and he's never taken my words the wrong way. So far, at least."
Eddie nudges him with an elbow. "Come on. It can't be all good. We know he can be a reckless idiot."
Tommy's smile fades slightly around the edges, and his tone becomes a little less friendly. "Evan's not an idiot. He's a little impulsive, maybe, but he's smart."
"Hey, didn't mean to imply he wasn't. But I've seen Buck make some truly stupid decisions before, and hell, half the time I was making those same decisions myself."
"Obviously I don't know him from before," says Tommy slowly, measuring out his words. "I've heard from Howie some stuff about the risks Evan took. About that lawsuit also. But thing is, that was then. This is now. And Evan's grown. He still feels things with his whole heart, but he's using his head too." He sighs. "Sometimes I wonder if you still think he's the twenty-something kid you met when you first walked into the 118. But that was how many years ago, Eddie? Even Christopher is a teenager now."
Eddie has to swig from his own can. That hits a little close to home.
"I know what you and he have is special. You two have this, this bond that I can't hope to replace, and, yeah I'm jealous sometimes, but I know he loves you and he loves Christopher, and I can't find it in myself to resent that he has so much love to give." Tommy smiles wryly and shakes his head. "I don't know. I mean, I look at myself back when and I cringe. Maybe Evan was an idiot, but I was a coward. Just went along with the flow, even though I knew the flow was fucking garbage."
"You're a pretty decent guy now," Eddie offers.
"You wouldn't let me date Evan otherwise, don't lie."
"Heh. If you were still an asshole, I would cockblock you every single chance I had. Hell, I'd date Buck myself to keep him from you."
Tommy freezes. His eyes widen. "You... want to date Evan?"
Eddie punches Tommy in the shoulder. "No, you dumbass, I don't. I want him to be happy, to be with a person I can tolerate and who can tolerate me." He lets out a sigh. "Not many women like that Buck and I are pretty tight."
"I'm glad you can tolerate me," says Tommy dryly. He presses the cold can of Dr Pepper to the back of Eddie's neck, making him yelp. "You'll find her. Or she'll find you. I'll even keep an eye out for someone like that." His grin grows cheeky and he chugs the rest of his beverage. "Anything to make sure you never even think of dating Evan."
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kneazle · 4 months
A snippet of the Tommy & 118 fam fic I been trying to write
Tommy yawned as he walked into the kitchen at Bobby and Athena's from outside, part of him yearning for his bed when the tired, heavy feeling returned. He grabbed a beer from the fridge but leaned against the counter instead of heading back out there. Tommy yawned again and took a sip. While everyone outside was off shift today, he himself had just come off one, but there was no way he was missing one of the 118 get-togethers no matter how much he longed for sleep. 
"Hey Tommy." He blinked his eyes open, not realizing he'd even shut them.
He rubbed his eyes and smiled, "Hey May."
"You know, no one would fault you for going home," She reached into the fridge for an iced tea. "You look like you could use a good night's rest." 
Tommy chuckled, "Are you saying I look terrible?" He knew he could go and everyone would understand, but he hated to miss out– and Tommy knew a good sleep wouldn't happen without Evan there. They didn't sleep together all the time as their work schedules didn't always line up, but Tommy slept better when Evan was there.
"No!" May rolled her eyes with a soft laugh, "Just tired, and I heard Buck tell the others you got off a long call right before the end of your shift."
"I'm alright I promise. Now, why are you here talking to me instead of out there?" 
May bit her lip and fiddled with the label on her drink, "I wanted to ask a favor."
"Sure, you name it."
"Will you teach me how to fight? Or defend myself..anything really– if not it's okay it was a silly idea–" 
"May!" Tommy interrupted raising an eyebrow, "Of course I can, it might be a bit difficult with our schedules but we can make it work."
May breathed out a sigh of relief before sending him a beaming smile, "Thank you Tommy! Seriously." 
"Is there a reason why you suddenly want to learn?"
"I–" She sighed, "Don't tell mom, but there's been a string of attacks on campus, nothing real bad but enough to have us all a bit rattled."
"It's okay really!" She gave him a reassuring smile, "I'd like to be prepared for more than just throwing a punch if needed, that's all."
Tommy tilted his head, squinting his eyes slightly at her before sighing, "Fine, but you know she probably will find out at some point– it's Athena."
"If it comes to that then I'll deal with it."
"Any particular reason why you're asking me though?" He gestured out to the yard, "You have other options like Eddie for example, you might be more comfortable with someone you're familiar with."
May wrinkled her nose at him in confusion, "I asked you, didn't I?"
"You–" Tommy gaped for a second, "What?"
"We don't see each other much, but Buck talks about you so often that it doesn't even matter," May smiled, "I know I can trust you not to say anything and besides, Buck is kind of like an older brother to me which means you'll be one too when you get married!"
Tommy's eyes went wide, his jaw dropped as he sputtered. May grinned and backed away before taking off for the backyard, her gleeful laugh ringing out in the room leaving him behind stunned.
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bettyfrommars · 4 months
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Call From a Payphone at the End of the World
Eddie Munson x Reader
18+ONLY, mention of smut, yearning, gender neutral reader but a few pet names are used, alcohol consumption, angst, no Vecna, new crush, star-crossed lovers, strange things happen. Reader and Eddie are over 21.
word count: 1.6k
This a mix of several fic ideas that all blended together somehow. One being a road trip fic where Eddie falls for an older reader that I hope to finish one day, plus something for the Stranger Prompts list. Several of the prompts are used in this, but I wanted to keep them a secret. I wouldn't say this is a hurt/no comfort fic, but there will be a hint of that. It is a hopeful, star-crossed lovers story at its core.
After Eddie pumped a few bucks worth of gas into the tank, he couldn’t get across the parking lot to the payphone fast enough.  He was sure his heart would explode if he couldn’t talk to you again as the few hours of highway seemed to roll out for an eternity. 
He punched numbers into the metal key pad and then held a hand over his heart, waiting.  Just after the second ring, there you were with that voice he’d come to adore with every fiber of his being.
“Hey you,” his smile was so big it made his cheeks hurt. “It’s Eddie. Wanted to check in, you know, make sure you made it home okay.”
At the other end, butterflies exploded in your stomach.  “Hey there stranger,” you ached to reach out and hold him.  “I was hoping it would be you.”
He played with the metal cord attaching the receiver to the phone box, tucking his chin so that his next words were mumbled.  “What would you say if I told you I missed you already?”
He felt as if he no longer existed in this reality, as if time and space and whatever the hell else didn’t matter as long as he was connected to you somehow, as long as you were real.  The words kept bubbling up in his chest, and if he didn’t let them out and tell you how he felt, he might suffocate.  
You put down the stack of mail you were holding and sat on the nearby chair to calm your buzzing head.  “I’d say you got it bad for me, Munson.”
“I think you might be onto something there,” he chuckled, turning his head to make sure no one from the isolated gas station was lurking nearby.  “I wish I could kiss you right now.”
“I wish we could do more than that,” you said, grinning. 
“Glad I’m not the only one,” he pinched the front of his Megadeth shirt and brought it to his nose. “I’m never gonna wash this shirt ever again, just so you know.  It smells like you.”
“I almost kept it,” you started to doodle spirals on the pad in front of you with a red pen. 
“I would’ve let you,” he smirked, remembering the way you straddled him in nothing but that shirt in the back of his van for one final quickie before parting ways.  The feeling of being inside of you, that sense of completion and connection, would be his main masturbation fodder for the foreseeable future.  
Holy shit, he was crazy about you.
Having such intense feelings for someone after barely 24 hours of knowing them was not reasonable, he knew that, but he also didn’t care.  
He’d been on his way home from visiting his friend Ronnie when the storm hit, and some of the roads were blocked off due to flooding.  The rain crashed down all night, lightning cracked the sky, and all he could think of as your bodies writhed tangled and sweaty, was that he could die a happy man.  
He called Gareth that night, told him he wouldn’t make it to practice, and decided to slink into a dark bar for a beer.  There you were, looking all sorts of futuristic and out of place.  You had a device in your hand that resembled something out of Star Trek, but you said it didn’t work, that it was “dead” and you couldn’t find your “charger”.  You fascinated the fuck out of him.  He asked if you were an alien, and without missing a beat, you responded, “would that be a problem?”
Not at all, sweetheart.  Not. At. All.
“I kinda want to get in my car and race back to you,” you spoke softly.
Eddie tilted his head back and closed his eyes. “Man, that’s all I could think about the whole way was turning around. I feel like I left my heart on the road back there.”
“I’ll keep it safe,” you whispered, making his entire body shiver with longing.
“When can I see you again? I mean, when do you think…should I come to you or—”
The automatic operator’s voice cut him off, asking him to deposit 25 cents.
“Are you calling me from a payphone?” You sounded astonished.  “I didn’t even know those things existed anymore.”
“They’re all over the place, sweetheart,” he huffed, distracted with searching his denim pockets for change.  “Not all of us have strange little pocket calculator things we speak into.”
“I love an old school man.”
Hearing the word “love” roll off your tongue in relation to him made him want to reach out and take you in his arms so bad he could scream.  
“Hey, I left all my change in the van, this is going to cut me off, but I’ll call you when I get home, yeah?”
“Please do, I don’t care how late it is.”
“Okay I will, and also—”
But then the line went dead.
You pulled your iPhone away from your cheek and stared at the screen with a sad frown.  You hoped that one day he’d let you bring him up to speed with the age of technology.  Until then, you found it charming as fuck that he didn’t own a cellphone, and loved to act oblivious to anything involving computers. 
You had your cell charging on the countertop when one of your friends texted you a few minutes later, demanding the details of the mystery man who’d swept you off your feet in some dive bar out in the boonies.  
Usually, you avoided one night stands at all costs.  You had to care very deeply about someone in order to be intimate with them, and for some reason, you felt bonded to Eddie after the first hour.  It was thrilling, but also scary and uncomfortable all at once. 
“What happened to the dude you were supposed to meet there?” Your friend Tina asked.  “The one from the dating app?”
“Oh, he never showed,” you chuckled, thinking that you’d totally forgotten why you’d driven almost two hours away to another town in the first place. “But it was for the best.  If he hadn’t ghosted, I never would have met Eddie.”
“What was the name of the bar again?” She asked after you dished all of the details on your new crush.
“Wait, I think I have one of their matchbooks in my bag—” you dug around, finally holding it out in front of you.  “I guess it’s called The Upside Down? Never heard of it before, but the address was correct, I’m sure of it. My GPS was acting weird, so who knows.”
The bar hadn’t been updated since the 70’s, it seemed.  Wood paneling, sticky tables, peanut shells on the floor, and one of those vintage jukeboxes that played nothing but oldies.  Eddie remarked that it reminded him a lot of one of the bars he did gigs at with his band.
Corroded Coffin, you doodled the name down, reminding yourself to google it later. Eddie said he wasn’t on social media, and pretended not to know what it even was.  Just one more quirk of his that charmed you to death and made you smile to yourself.
You fell asleep on the couch that night with the phone on your chest, and woke up the next morning with a kink in your neck and a dry mouth.
Nothing from Eddie, not even a missed call.  
Maybe he got in late and didn’t want to wake you.  It was almost 9:00 in the morning when you tried the number he’d given you for his uncle’s place.  
The number had been disconnected or was no longer in service.  
Panic swelling in your throat, you scrolled back to the number of the payphone he’d called you from. 
Also not in service.
Glassy eyed, you sat up and stared at the wall for a long time.
Soon after, you wiped away frustrated tears and got on the internet to search.
“That can’t be right,” you whispered at the screen, looking at a photo of Corroded Coffin at a bar called The Hideout in 1985.  Eddie Munson, graduate of Hawkins High in 1986.
You swallowed thickly, shaking your head.
Zooming in on the few photos you found, you couldn’t help but notice the insane similarities between your Eddie, and 1980’s Eddie.  The one you knew was maybe a few years older, but that was definitely him.
Could it be a relative? No.
All of the odd conversations you’d had that night began to click together.  Had his perplexity with the idea of you carrying a phone been legit? You figured he was just being silly.  
There wasn’t much you could find about him, but one final news snippet caught your eye:
“....Hawkins native and Corroded Coffin frontman Eddie Munson has not been seen or heard from since the fall of ‘89 after leaving a cryptic note for his uncle, Wayne Munson.  “He had a bunch of letters he wanted me to pass out to his friends,” Wayne explained. “He said he hoped that he would be able to come back to Hawkins, but he wasn’t sure how it all “worked”. That he loved me, but he had to go and find someone.”
You gulped, tears rolling hot down your cheeks.
“He went back,” you sniffed, choking on a sob. “He went back to find me, he…”
You trailed off, looking up at the clock, and then over to your car keys on the table.
What if Eddie circled back to find you and you weren’t there? What if that bar you’d met at never even existed?
But Eddie, he was real, and he was coming for you.
You left a note too, texted Tina, and then you were on the road again.
Pedal to the metal into the gathering storm.  
Thank you for reading, I love you.
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outrunningthedark · 2 months
Buck could have apologized to Eddie and tried to make things right with him in 7x05 after he and Tommy got together instead of the dumb “Buck trying to hide the fact that he’s dating Tommy from Eddie” they gave them which was also ooc because Buck had no issue coming out to anybody else in his life and he knows Eddie’s not homophobic so why is Eddie different
Plus in 7x04 Buck didn’t need to try and break Eddie’s ankle, if Buck would have broke down crying or had a panic attack on the basketball court that would have been more then enough for Tommy to go to bucks loft to see if he’s ok and try to clear the air
"...if Buck would have broke down crying or had a panic attack on the basketball court that would have been more then enough..." I'm sorry to see that you've fallen into the trap of thinking Buck needs to have a breakdown every single season for his story lines to be good, but that's not how this works. Buck is an adult male. In his 30s. No canon mental illnesses. And the ADHD Oliver co-signed? Still fanon. The show didn't adopt it as part of the character. Having a "panic attack" or CRYING (over what?) wouldn't have made sense to the general audience. It would have made him look like (sorry to say!) a child. Aggression? That's expected. When men get overwhelmed, they get aggressive. When men get overwhelmed on 9-1-1? They also get aggressive. Bobby shoving Buck up against the wall. Eddie fighting arc. Chim punching Buck. A shove on a basketball court was only "OOC" because 1) fandom sees Buck as the little boy from the Begins flashbacks who must be protected and 2) his aggression was targeted towards Eddie. ALTHOUGH! I would argue that Buck's shove is no different than Eddie calling Buck exhausting when he was pissed off. One incident was verbal. One was physical. Same intent. To lash out. As for the second part of your ask... Yes! Buck could have apologized to Eddie in 7x05! If 7x05 was a direct continuation of 7x04. If 7x04 didn't have Tommy telling Buck to call Eddie and apologize. You, as the viewer, are supposed to be able to understand that the days between the two episodes are reflected in canon. Buck called Eddie to apologize. Off screen. They didn't have to bring it up again during 7x05 when 7x05 established that Eddie was already over what had happened. Just because Tim didn't write the scenes fandom wanted to see doesn't mean the scenes he actually wrote aren't easy to connect.
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deluweil · 4 months
Oh God yes, I am so for Tommy being gone just to have people stop being stupid about Eddie. Which is a pitty because at first I was intrigued by Tommy. Now i just want it to end.
And lol at your tags. I have blocked so many people lately, too. Not even stupid takes during TK era made me block so much. Some of them really take the cake now. All this hate towards Eddie is staggering. And to have the audacity to call eddieblr toxic (and yes, I have seen that and not only buddies are being called toxic these days).
HI there,
I have to say that I was intrigued and even excited for Tommy at first too, but there were a lot of things that just ruined it along the way, amongst them the last minute joiners and Eddie haters fans who just set out to make this place unbearable.
I wouldn't have minded Tommy so much if not for all the toxicity that brought with it and the poor writing and the money for specs from Lou.
Like wth dude, didn't anyone teach you to be correct, you can't justify Tommy's behavior in S2 and pass it as teasing. It's like punching someone in the face in rage or nearly break someone's ankle for attention and call it roughhousing. (not joking, I literally had an ask with someone justifying the white man railroading the POC for attention as roughhousing. - When Buck himself said he wasn't sure it wasn't done on purpose. like wtf?)
lol I live for those tags, everyone say their real thoughts and be funny in tags, it's so much fun.
I literally bonded with that block button, I haven't blocked so many ppl since early S4 and the porn bots attack lol
Ppl need to chill, everyone is entitled to their opinions but are not entitled to force it upon others.
Ship who you want but tag properly and don't be toxic about.
A lot of ppl read X's posts and come to rant about it here, Tumblr is not X, most of the ppl here are ppl who hate X's toxicity. I have deleted my account so many years ago.
We are here to have fun, so I say ship who you want, TAG PROPERLY, and leave us the hell alone.
Eddie/Ryan haters are all blocked so thankfully I don't see those, but if after everything they still hate on Eddie for something Ryan apologized several times for, learned from it and has bettered himself to the point that Aisha posted a thankful for Ryan story once and they have so many pictures together where she hugs him like he's one of the most precious ppl to ever live, than I have to call pure racism.
And that would explain the sudden admiration to the new white man on screen to be paired with the other white man who is by chance also the fan favorite.
Don't get it twisted, I love Oliver and Oliver loves Ryan and Eddie, but one has to wonder about the audience's choice of favorite even as they call against racism and for equality and with the same breath hate on a regular poc character.
I'm hoping this bizarre season ends on a good note, because otherwise S8 may be the last season.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
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buddie911abc · 1 month
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Tomfoolery thoughts.
Something happens and Eddie has his realization that he loves Buck moment. He confides in Hen, Karen, his therapist, _____. There is some emergency not a big one, but one that makes everyone really think about how tomorrow isn't promised. Eddie is at the firehouse and has a conversation with whomever he has been sharing his secrets with. Buck walks up. He doesn't overhear anything, but Eddie doesn't know that. He only knows that Buck is acting weird. Buck is acting weird because he's thinking about the last emergency and how there is no promise of tomorrow.
Buck stands there a few minutes lost in thought then just walks off without acknowledging anyone. Eddie is panicked about what Buck may have heard. When his shift ends, he goes to Buck's apartment, but there is no answer. He uses the key because you know they have keys to each other's apartment/house. There is no one there, but there is a letter on the table. He picks it up and is heartbroken. The letter is for Bobby. Eddie thinks Buck has left and once again, someone else got the letter.
A week or two passes, and Eddie is in a dark place. He doesn't get an opportunity to do anything destructive though because Bobby is constantly checking on him and showing up out of the blue. Christmas is coming up too, and Bobby has been pressuring Eddie to come stay with him and Athena a few nights. They finally convince him to come over, and he is even more downcast that he forgot they were having their annual Christmas party. Everyone tries to cheer him up, and he tries to pretend he is happy because it is the holidays and he doesn't want to ruin their holiday with his depression. Everybody exchanges gifts, and there is a knock on the door. Bobby gets it and comes back with...
You guessed it. He comes back with Buck behind him. Eddie is elated, sad, and angry all at the same time. He gets up, and he isn't sure if he is going to hug Buck or punch him for leaving without a single word. Before he can decide, Buck steps to the side and (I'm sure you've guessed again) Chris is behind him. Buck has taped a red bow to the front of his shirt. The rest of the evening is a happy blur because of Chris. There is so much to talk about involving Chris, but an unspoken agreement is made to wait until after the holiday. However, when everyone at the Nash house has tucked in for the night. (Yes Eddie still stayed.) Eddie finds Buck outside staring at the sky. He wonders again about what Buck heard the day he left, and in true passive-aggressive form, he asks instead, "Where was my letter? You left. You left Bobby a letter, but not me. You know what that did to me with Shannon, and you still didn't leave one for me."
Buck looks at him confused, but he says, "I didn't leave you a letter because I wasn't leaving you. I left the letter for Bobby so I wouldn't lose my job, so he wouldn't worry, and so he could keep an eye on you while I was gone. I asked him not to tell you why because I wasn't sure I could talk your parents into letting Chris come back with me, and I didn't want you to be disappointed if I failed. Honestly, I probably would have failed if Chris hadn't answered for himself by saying he was ready to come home."
Buck then wonders why Eddie automatically assumed he would abandon their friendship. Confessions occur.
**I had some thoughts. When I started typing, I got more of them and just kept typing. They are not well thought out, so take it all as bemused entertainment.
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lonelychicago · 10 months
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tagged by the lovelies @spotsandsocks @giddyupbuck @daffi-990 @wikiangela @exhuastedpigeon @buckaroosheart @eowon @evanbegins thank u!
this friday i said fuck it and started the ballad of songbirds and snakes buddie au i've been wanting to write since i saw the movie. (eddie will be nothing like snow, i promise. he's more like sejanus plinth) (also what does suzanne collins have with naming her characters with anus lmao)
here's a moodboard!
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and a lil snippet (it's literally all i've written so far) <33
For the first time since the games were created the tributes would be assigned mentors. Twenty-four of the Academy’s best and brightest seniors have been tapped for the job.
Eddie fantasizes for a few seconds about refusing.
He knows it wouldn't help the tributes, though. The peacekeepers would most definitely drag him out and beat the shit out of him or— Eddie isn't sure if it would be possible but the president might want to make an example out of him and throw him into the arena along with all the other tributes. So, he stays silent and lets the guilt consume him. “And last but least, District Twelve girl, Maddie Buckley. . . she belongs to Eddie Diaz.” Eddie looks up to see a terrified girl— she couldn't be older than eighteen, this probably was her last year with her name in the reaping, what are the odds. She looks a little worn down, with some dirt on her cheek and what looks like an almost faded black eye. Her lips are visibly trembling as she takes slow steps towards the stage. And then—
"Stop! Stop!" A voice breaks through the thick silence and hands appear from the crowd. A few seconds later a boy is running towards the girl, being stopped by peacekeepers just seconds before he can reach her. "Maddie! Maddie!"
He has dirty blonde hair and eyes so wide and a dark blue that reminds Eddie of a relentless, force of nature, kind of storm. He looks a little skinny but Eddie gets glimpses of muscles under the two sizes too big shirt he's wearing when the officers pull him back and the piece of clothing stretches against the guy's chest.
The boy keeps screaming, his voice becoming hoarse, breaking everytime he speaks. "I volunteer! Let me volunteer!" The boy keeps fighting against the peacekeepers and the girl is now being held back but her arms are stretched out and reaching for him.
"Can he do that?" Chimney leans in, whispering so only Eddie can hear. "Can there be two boys as tributes?"
Eddie can't look away from the screen. He sees one of the peacekeepers punch the boy but that doesn't even deter him in the slightest.
"I'm not sure. I mean, maybe?" He frowns. "I guess the Capitol only needs kids to kill each other. Why does it matter if they're a boy or a girl, right?" He wouldn't be able to stop the bitterness and anger from slipping into his voice even if he tried. "Yeah,I guess you're right." Eddie watches as his dad and Jeffery Hudson, the creator of the games, talk in hushed whispers. It feels like an eternity until the cameras focus back on district 12.
"After careful consideration, we've decided to accept this boy's eager willingness and embrace him into the 10th Hunger Games." The announcer says. "District Twelve boy, Evan Buckley… belongs to Eddie Diaz. May the odds be ever in your favor."
tagging (no pressure): @monsterrae1 @hoodie-buck @buddierights @hippolotamus @maygrantgf @underwater-ninja-13 @honestlydarkprincess @bigfootsmom @spaceprincessem @eddiebabygirldiaz @the-likesofus @wildlife4life @jamespearce9-1-1 @watchyourbuck @malewifediaz @thewolvesof1998 @fortheloveofbuddie @weewootruck @prettyboybuckley @rogerzsteven @jeeyuns @rainbow-nerdss @911-on-abc @housewifebuck @disasterbuckdiaz @athenagranted @tails89 @messyhairdiaz and anyone else who wants to do it <333
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oneflydude · 23 days
Especially if you aren't around to see that they need saving. Look, I'm sorry I wasn't there, Eddie. You and Chris needed me, and I had my head so farso far up my own behind with that stupid lawsuit– We're way past that, Buck. I'm not. I should've been there. Maybe I could have... talked some sense into you. You talk sense into me? That'd've been interesting. I told you not to buy that truck. Yeah, you could've talked me into buying something more expensive. Yeah, fair point. Look, things got a little out of hand for the both of us. Don't beat yourself up about it. Why, cause uh– you'd rather do it? Excuse me? Come on, Eddie. If you're not gonna be honest with Frank, at least be honest with me. Who said I wasn't being honest with Frank? You said you two weren't clicking. Maybe I'm just not a therapy kinda guy. Right, right, you, uh– you prefer to work it out in the ring. There was no ring, Buck. There was a fence. Come on. You don't think while you where going through your phase, just maybe, you where throwing your punches at the wrong guy? Seriously? You're gonna make it about you, again? Look, I'm just saying, you were pretty pissed. Now, I thought for sure that day in the grocery store, you were gonna take a swing at me. Not that you didn't deserve it, but I wouldn't do that. You're on blood thinners. Well, I'd still take you. You think so? I know. You wanna go for the title?
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One Foot Out the Door (Won't You Come Back Inside?) 2/3
I don't know why I put chapter counts on anything I work on anymore, I am genetically incapable of sticking to them. Also, holy shit I am SO used to writing in present tense, I hardly remember how to do past. I think I caught all the tense switches, but please forgive me if I didn't.
The continuation of this
Pairing: Buck/Tommy (Buddie is mentioned, but one-sided in this)
“Evan…” He jumped out of his chair, reaching for his boyfriend before he was even aware he was moving. He didn't know what he was going to say, had no idea how much Evan had heard, or what he was even going to do.
He just knew that Evan looked wounded, and he'd put that expression on his face.
It hurt more than he could say when Evan pulled back, actually stepping away from Tommy and holding one hand up as if to ward him off. “What the hell? What do you mean ‘when I move on’?” he demanded. He wasn't loud, didn't shout, but Tommy saw a few closer heads turn toward them out of the corner of his eye.
“Baby,” he started helplessly, only for Evan to cut him off with a sharp shake of his head.
“No, don't you Baby me! Tommy, what the fuck?” Evan hissed. And then worse…he shrunk. His shoulders hunched in, his posture slumped, the glowing, happy light in his eyes that always appeared when everyone managed to get together snuffed out like a candle.
Evan was not a small man in any measure or sense of the word. But he…diminished…right in front of Tommy's eyes. It had been ages since Tommy had seen anything make his boyfriend pull inward like this, and the thought that he had caused it was a punch straight to the ribs. He froze, wanting to reach out and pull Evan into his arms, but well aware it wouldn't be welcome or wanted right now. He didn't think he could stand it if Evan actually physically avoided his touch…not because of this.
Evan stared at him, and Tommy would do anything to be able to rewind the last five minutes, to just politely decline Karen's questions and go back to the status quo he'd been living in for the last year. Sure, it kind of sucked just waiting for the sword to fall on a love he wanted so badly to last, but it was better than being responsible for the bewildered hurt currently twisting his boyfriend's face. It was better than giving that sword a perfect goddamn opportunity to fall faster.
“Buck, Tommy, everything okay?”
Bobby. Tommy hadn't heard him approach, but suddenly he was within a couple feet of Buck, his eyes flicking back and forth between them. Behind them, the party had gone nearly silent…everyone but the children was staring at them. Eddie looked like he had started forward, but arrested the motion, a worried frown on his face.
“Yeah. Fine. Everything's great,” Buck said abruptly, his voice bitter and despondent. “Sorry, I'm gonna head out. Thanks for dinner.” Without another word, he turned on his heel and stalked toward the patio doors, shaking Maddie's hand off him when she tried to grab his wrist as he passed.
Tommy stood there stupidly for a few heartbeats, before his brain kicked back into gear. “Evan, wait!” he called after his boyfriend, cursing softly when his boyfriend didn't even acknowledge him.
“Go after him, I'll handle everyone else,” Karen advised, leaping to her feet.
Tommy needed no prompting. He raced after Evan, ignoring confused calls of his name, barreling through the same doors his boyfriend had just burst through. He didn't bother searching for Evan in the house, just hurrying through halls that had become as familiar as his own in the last few months, heading straight for the front door. Relief and concern washed through him in equal measure hit him as he spotted Evan at the end of Bobby and Athena's driveway, pacing rapidly between some of the 118's vehicles that packed the drive and the street in front of the house.
He and Evan had driven together in his vehicle, and he was unsurprised to see Evan had his phone out, probably summoning an Uber. He slowed his pace as he approached, regret pooling in his gut at the agitated jerkiness of Evan's movements, the way he kept plucking at his shirt or his hair, as though he didn't know what to do with his hands.
“I can't talk to you right now,” he barked as Tommy approached, refusing to turn and look at him.
“Evan–baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to hear that and–” As soon as he said it, he knew it was the wrong thing to say. Evan stiffened, a sharp inhale the only warning Tommy got before his boyfriend whirled on him.
“Great. So, so, so doesn’t matter you feel like that, just–just that I heard it?” Evan's face looked as though he was wheeling wildly between hurt and anger. “I can't believe you…I love you! I, I, I've been giving this everything I've got since the beginning! And, and what? You've just been waiting for me to get bored? You really–” Evan's voice broke, going quiet and rough in a way that went straight through Tommy like a blade of ice. “You think I'd do that to you? That's what you think of me? Everything we've done, everything I've said and you, you, you think I'm just using you?” Evan laughed, a ragged sound completely devoid of humor. “God, I actually thought we were…fuck. Never mind, I guess.”
“Evan,” he tried again, only to be cut off again. Evan turned away from him, visibly trying to regain his composure. A dark-colored sedan pulled onto the street, obviously heading for Bobby and Athena's house.
“I'll call you tomorrow,” Evan said tiredly. “We can…I dunno, I'll just call you tomorrow.”
Tommy was left to watch helplessly as his boyfriend climbed into the back of the Uber without even looking at him.
He couldn't even remember the last time they had parted ways without a kiss goodbye.
Tommy had fucked up. Monumentally. A voice that always sounded uncomfortably like his father's laughed derisively in the back of his mind. What had he been expecting? That he'd get to keep the best goddamn thing that had ever happened to him? Evan–fuck, Evan was everything he'd ever wanted, everything he'd spent years convincing himself he could get by without. But hadn’t he basically been waiting for it to be over practically from the moment he realized how serious he was getting about him? The only unexpected thing was that Tommy himself had messed it all up…Eddie wasn’t involved at all.
No surprise there, actually, the sneering voice in the back of his head insisted.
He looked over his shoulder at the Grant-Nash house, where all their friends—Evan’s whole family—was no doubt falling over themselves trying to figure out what was going on. He was honestly kind of surprised no one had come out to see what was going on yet. He had no idea what Karen was planning on telling them…and he found the thought of going back and facing them all exhausting. Fuck, Maddie, Bobby, and Athena would probably rip him a new asshole. And he didn’t know what he’d even say to Eddie. No. No, he couldn’t do it. They would all be on Evan’s side—as they should be, he wasn’t complaining about that—and he did not have the energy to face an inquisition. He dug his own keys out of his pocket, suddenly immeasurably thankful that he’d never gotten into the habit of just hanging them up on the keyboard by the door like everyone else when he was over here.
He maneuvered himself out of the tangle of cars that always ended up taking up half the street parking whenever the 118 got together and headed onto the highway, intending to drive around for a while to clear his head. He and Evan had planned to spend the entire weekend together at his place, and the idea of walking through his door without Evan under his arm, or plastered against his back, or hanging onto his neck for dear life while they did their level best to scandalize all the neighbors as he fumbled for his keys was too depressing to contemplate.
Evan said he would call tomorrow. That was something, wasn’t it? He hadn’t broken up with Tommy right there in the street. He pulled to a stop at a red light about halfway between his place and Evan’s, with only the vaguest memory of how he’d gotten to this street. Evan had said he would call tomorrow.
But was that just a delay of the inevitable?
Pain lanced up and down his arm, and he realized he’d slammed the heel of his palm against the steering wheel. He did it a few more times, letting out a frustrated growl.
No. No, fuck this. Fuck this.
Fuck inevitable and fuck waiting around for the worst to happen. He’d messed up. He’d messed up so badly, but he had to try and fix it. Maybe it was pointless. Maybe he’d been right all along and tonight had just hastened Evan’s inevitable realization that he and Eddie belonged together.
But maybe…maybe he was wrong. Maybe he’d been wrong from the start. He had to try. He’d never gone down without a fight in his goddamn life, why the fuck should he start now? Evan was worth fighting for. Evan was worth everything. Why hadn’t he been fighting for him from the start?
The light turned green and he stomped on the accelerator, wheeling around in a reckless and highly illegal u-turn that had more than a few horns blaring.
Evan gave him a key to the loft months ago—just as he’d given Evan a key to his place—but it didn’t feel right to use it. Instead, he knocked, and fought the urge to hold his breath until he heard the deadbolt turning.
Evan did not look entirely surprised to see him when he opened the door.
Nor did he look pleased.
It was jarring—he’d grown used to Evan’s face lighting up every time he saw Tommy, had grown used to the wide, unselfconscious grin that split his face and made Tommy feel like he was basking in pure sunshine. Now, Evan’s face was shuttered and carefully blank.
“I told you I’d call tomorrow,” he sighed after a moment.
“I know,” Tommy said quietly. “But I don’t want to leave things like this all night.” He steeled himself internally. “But I’ll go if you want me to.”
Evan looked down at his feet, and Tommy hated that he had put that small, insecure look on his boyfriend’s face. After a moment, though, Evan stepped aside, gesturing him into the loft. A knot of tension he hadn’t even been aware of loosened in his chest, and he gratefully slipped inside, shutting the door behind him.
Evan headed into his kitchen area, picking up an abandoned beer bottle and taking a swig. The silence was unnerving.
“I don’t think you were using me,” Tommy blurted out finally, and Evan’s eyes snapped to his face. “Baby. I’d never think that. I know that’s not you.”
It was true. As sure as he’d become that someday Eddie Diaz was going to come between them, he was equally sure that they would both be as gentle as they could about it. Even in his worst-case scenarios, he’d never imagined that Evan would be cruel to him. Would sneak around behind his back or try to string him along while he figured himself and Eddie out. He’d had every expectation of a sincere apology and a genuine attempt to maintain a friendship from both Eddie and Evan.
“I don’t—I love you.” Wrong, he was doing this wrong. Evan was still looking at him with that carefully controlled mask, an expression that looked so terribly wrong on him, when Tommy was used to every thought and feeling Evan had being bared for all to see in his eyes, on his face.
“Then why are you just waiting for me to leave?” Evan asked. His voice was subdued. Quiet. And so, so sad. “That’s what you meant, isn’t it? Writing’s on the wall, that’s, that’s what you said. What, uh, what did…what did I do to make you think that?”
And here was the crux of the matter.
Because the answer was: nothing.
Not a goddamn thing.
Evan had given him everything, every part of himself, and held nothing back. His heart, his time, his body, his attention, his care—he’d offered it all up to Tommy with a joyful smile. And still…and still, he couldn’t bring himself to trust it. Not all the way.
“Evan,” he said, his shoulders slumping. “I just—” Goddamn it, he’d flown into wildfires, hurricanes, and active combat zones. This should be nothing. It wasn’t, though. This was a conversation that demanded the kind of honesty and vulnerability he’d spent too many good years running from, and something inside him shook at the thought of laying himself so bare.
But the alternative was worse.
“I’m a decade older than you. I wasted more than half my life hiding who I really was from everyone important, I wasn’t…I wasn’t half as brave as you were. Sometimes I feel like I can barely keep up with you. I went into this thinking we were just going to have a little fun, and you just blew past every expectation I had and turned into the most important person in my life.” He gritted his teeth, calling on years of military discipline to keep his voice steady, to meet his boyfriend’s eyes as he spoke. “You could have anyone you wanted. Drop of a hat, you could have anyone. And it’s not like I’m just sitting on my ass and waiting until you see someone you like better on the street, but…sometimes it’s hard to accept that you’d want to tie yourself down to me long-term. And I get I should have talked to you about that, and baby, I am so sorry I didn’t.”
It was, he reflected dully, the most raw and sincere thing he had ever said to Evan.
His boyfriend just stared at him, his mouth hanging slightly open, his hands lax on the countertop in front of him. Then he swallowed roughly, blinking as though he had something in his eye. “I—Tommy. Don’t…you can’t say stuff like that.” He shook his head, leaning hard against the countertop. “I never want you to think that. You’re—you’re the bravest person I’ve ever met! And, and, and keep up with me? God, you’re the only one who puts up with me, no matter what. Even—even Eddie tunes me out sometimes! Why would…don’t you understand? You…you’re everything to me!”
Tommy let out a trapped breath, something cracking in his chest at the vehemence in Evan’s words. “I notice you didn’t say anything about me being older than you,” he said, and was rewarded when Evan let out a bark of laughter. Real laughter, this time, not the broken, humorless sound from before.
“You already know age gaps do it for me,” he quipped, before his face turned serious again. “I love you, too. More than, like, anything, except maybe Chris and Jee. I—God, Tommy, I’m sorry I ever made you think that wasn’t true.”
And just like that, Tommy felt the quiet shadow that had always existed on the periphery of their relationship hovering directly over him again. Something must have shown in his face, because Evan stood a little bit straighter, before stepping around the countertop separating them. He came to stand directly in front of him, hesitantly reaching out and taking Tommy’s hands in his.
“That’s not all, is it?” he asked slowly. “All that not being good enough bullshit—and we’re not done with that, just so you know. But there’s more, isn’t there?” There was an edge of fear in Evan’s eyes, now, not just worry. Not just sadness. His hands tightened on Tommy’s.
He’d come here intending to fight for the man he loved. If he was going to do that, he had to do it in all quarters. He licked his lips, braced himself silently.
“Eddie’s in love with you,” he said, forcing it all out in one go.
He’d expected denial. He’d expected shock. He’d even kind of expected to be called a liar. He was not expecting Evan’s shoulders to slump wearily as he gave a tired nod.
“Yeah,” he said lowly, staring down at their joined hands and rubbing his thumb along the back of Tommy’s knuckles. “Yeah, I know.”
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ranbling · 1 month
I really like your reply to the anon about the fandom babying Buck. And especially your take on the lawsuit. I always feel like I'm in the minority when I validate his feelings and actions - rash but not wrong. Also your take on the grocery store fiasco is very interesting.
I think we all need someone to stand up for us from time to time. But I also think what Buck needs is someone to call him out when he is being too self-deprecating. And Eddie is always able to spot it and call it out or course-correct. That punching back talk in 4x04. Buck telling the firefam about Daniel. At the balcony after Chim punched him. In 7x01 with the You didn't end up as you. 6x12 in Eddie's kitchen (that scene is a treasure and a gem and a gift.) Even the cemetery talk.
So more than having someone who saves him from other people he needs someone who sees when he needs saving from himself. And he has that someone (beside Maddie) and it's Eddie.
Thank you!!!
I don't think Buck was in the wrong with the lawsuit. Do I wish he went to his union rep instead? Absolutely. Do I understand why he did not? Yep. He probably felt betrayed by the whole LAFD, not just Bobby and thought they wouldn't help him.
He wouldn't have been offered such a big settlement without having a case that would possibly win in the court. And I know the lawyer is being considered slimy and the worst of the worst in the fandom, but he was right to bring up all the things he did. He had to establish a pattern of Bobby only blocking Buck from coming back to work (which worked pretty well considering the settlement)
Also yes, Buck needs someone to call him out and Eddie is the best to do that.
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buckera · 2 months
I really hope my ask here doesn't start discourse or like potentially draw angry people to your blog but I too find punch discourse insane because it's absolutely insane that people find Chimney awful and irredeemable for that when so many people move on from that time when Buck tried to refuse care to a teen mom who was hemorrhaging after giving birth. Like I guess the point is it's insane that damn near every character's sins are brought up (especially if Buck is on the opposing side) but so many people are just straight up not willing to ever go as hard on Buck for some of the messed up things he's done. I really do love Buck as a character but man some people in the fandom woobify him so much and it's incredibly frustrating.
first of all, don't worry about stupid people flocking to my blog with drama, i'll just block them if they get annoying <3
and yeah, out of all the characters Buck gets woobiefied the most, hands down. i think it's partially because a lot of people didn't watch or sleepwalked through season 1 and forget that Buck was the deaignated troublemaker character. a lot of people think of him as this co-parent for Eddie and Christopher, this responsible guy who saved Chris in the tsunami and who helped Eddie get the help he needed with childcare.
and not the guy who literally stole ("borrowed") life saving municipal equipment without permission while on shift. i think we giggle a lot about how he stole the truck on multiple occasions just to get his dick wet, but what if there was a call coming in? you know, actual people dying in a fire.
and yeah, he was hotheaded (still is in some cases) and didn't have the best of judgement all the time, but that was part of his journey. people mostly remember the big buddie moments (the shooting and all the crying) and kinda just... forget all the shit he put people through over the years.
and i love him so much, because he's a fucked up character learning to be good and it's interesting to see.
but also, i already went into a rant about Chim's situation, so i won't do that again, but i will say that a lot of people get super high and mighty when it comes to mistakes or wrong-doings of fictional characters, saying that "it makes no sense" or "he wouldn't do that" going off of the thought process that they themselves would not do that — which is also probably false.
most recently we saw how people were saying that Eddie would not go after a woman who looked exactly like Shannon — his dead wife and his life's focal point — just cuz he was in a relationship; which he already wanted to bail on once, mind you. because they can't imagine the effects of grief this character went through or understand his motivations because of it.
and i think that's the same thing with Chim. no nuance, just "violence bad. buck is pookie. he doesn't deserve it." and that's that. nevermind the incredible stress and heartbreak and the feeling of betrayal Chim was actually going through.
also, again. this is a TV drama, which means they gotta do stuff just for the drama. take it or leave it, i guess.
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thetommoway-oioii · 2 months
For Buddie, what about an established relationship prompt where they tell Christopher they're engaged? 💕
Hi @iced-coffee-jesus (love the pfp)!!! thank you for the ask! since there aren't many details I'm gonna assume you want me to take creative liberties! :D
anyway here it goes! apologies for any mistakes, I'm not a native English speaker or a good editor.
You and Me Until The End
Buck paced a hole into Eddie's living room. It was like watching a clock pendulum. Eddie was sat on the sofa, warily watching Buck. Buck came to a halt, gave Eddie a look that either read 'I'm nervous and scared' or 'I'm about to punch something'. Eddie was about 87% sure that it was the first one. Buck went back to pacing around. Eddie continued his brainstorming for making Buck stop.
"It's gonna be fin-" Eddie started but Buck was staring at him as if daring him to continue.
"Don't you dare tell me it's gonna be fine." Buck stated and continued walking around nervously, his hand now at his mouth, biting nails. Not a thing he often did but a bad habit he'd picked up as a kid whenever he was scared.
Eddie raised his hands in surrender. He was fond and worried about how much Buck was overthinking. Fond because he couldn't believe that the blond loved him enough to be this anxious and worried because he was certain Buck was overthinking too much.
"Babe" Eddie spoke gently and patted the empty couch space beside him.
Buck stopped in his tracks and contemplated what to do. He sighed heavily and plopped down next to Eddie, immediately leaning on his shoulder. Eddie wrapped an arm around Buck and pulled him closer, running his fingers through the blond's curls.
"You know he loves you to death right?" Eddie started, pressing a kiss to Buck's temple.
"I know.. what if he thinks I'm trying to replace Shannon though?" Buck hid his face into Eddie's abdomen. He loved Christopher so much. He didn't wanna lose the boy. He had been scared to tell him about his relationship with Eddie even though, rationally he knew Chris was secretly rooting for it. Relationship was one thing, engagement was another. This was serious now. He was afraid that even though Chris loved him, he wouldn't feel comfortable having someone replace his mother's place.
"Honey, he knows how much you love him and respect him and that you'd never ever try to do anything that he wasn't comfortable with. Plus he already sees you like a second parent Buck. You're not replacing Shannon in his mind or heart, he is gaining another extra parent. Someone who will love him just like I do and just like Shannon did. Please stop worrying so much." Eddie continued stroking Buck's hair, trying to comfort the man.
"I hope you're right because I canno-" Buck stopped when he heard keys rattling behind the front door. He sat up straight and immediately took off his engagement ring and slipped it into his pocket. He took a deep breath in as Carla opened the door and Chris walked in, his face lighting up immediately seeing both Buck and Eddie at the couch.
"Sorry boys, can't come in, I'm running late." Carla said from the front door before slipping out and shutting it behind her. Chris slowly made his way toward the both of them. Buck moved to the side and made space for Chris between him and Eddie. Chris sat down and gave a hug to each of them.
"Welcome back buddy. Did you have fun at school?" Buck asked, all his anxiety carefully placed behind a unbreakable mask.
"Yeah! We worked around in school's terrace garden today. It was really cool and fun!" Chris said enthusiastically.
"That's great buddy! Listen, there was something Buck and I wanted to talk to you about." Eddie sat up a straight, the mood shifting to a more serious tone.
Chris looked between Buck and Eddie and nodded, "Is it about the engagement?" He asked, shocking both the firefighters.
"You.. uh you know about that?" Buck asked, the mask slipping ever so slightly.
"Yeah," Chris nodded. "I saw the ring besides the kitchen sink a few days ago. I figured you'd tell me soon." He smiled brightly. If his expressions were anything to go by, he didn't seem upset at all.
Buck let out a half relieved sigh, though not completely sure if this was gonna end badly or not. "And.. how do you feel about that? Like are you okay with me and your dad getting married?" Buck asked tentatively, not sure if he was ready to hear the answer.
Chris looked at him with a weird face before turning to Eddie and giving him a look that read 'Is he serious?' Eddie half managed to contain his chuckle at Chris' expression. Chris turned to Buck and gave him a big smile.
"Of course Buck! I love you and Dad loves you too! I'm happy that you're officially gonna be my family now. I can have two dads now!" Chris moves closer to Buck and gives him a hug. He wasn't sure why Buck looked so scared but hugs always made everything better so he decided to give his Buck one too. Maybe now he'll be more at ease.
Buck slowly relaxed as he held Chris in his arms. Logically he was about 90% sure that this was gonna go well but his mind had spewed all kinds of doubts all day. Now, seeing the smile and love on Chris' face, he could let go of those doubts. Buck looked over to Eddie over Chris' shoulder and saw the most adorable, softest look on the man's face. He beckoned him forward to join in the hug as well and when Eddie held them both in his arms, Buck knew, nothing in the world could ever take this away from him.
(title from The Greatest by Louis Tomlinson)
that's it! I hope you like it. if you have any other requests or prompts please don't hesitate to send an ask.
again apologies for any mistakes.
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eddiegettingshot · 3 months
honestly considering the writers habit of blasting through certain arcs (Buck literally died, reconciled with having died, got a new girlfriend and helped deliver his own sperm donor baby all in 6b.. for example) I understand people are worried it’s going to be rushed and we all want it to be handled with care but realistically he’s been queer coded for 6 long seasons now he could walk into work in episode 1 of season 8 say “I’m gay” punch Gerrard in the face and then high five Hen and I’d still be like. finally ! the journey and storytelling doesn’t end with realization or coming out I want plenty of time to sit in the aftermath that’s the good shit
right and also in a way i think there's the issue of conflating "rushing" and "handling it badly" - like the show can handle eddie/buddie with care in 3-4 episodes because that's just how it deals with everything; it wouldn't be rushed in context. but people want it to be handled with care and, of course, the idea of them spending an entire season working this stuff out makes it feel like they'd be handling it with care, just by virtue of devoting so much time to it. like "buddie shouldn't happen until s9" usually means "buddie should be done thoughtfully" when those aren't really the same thing at all. i understand the impulse though
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makorragal-312 · 3 months
Given how Ryan said that he hopes Eddie gets to punch Gerrard, I wouldn't be surprised if he was looking at a picture of Chris while he's gone and Gerrard ends up seeing him and, unprompted, makes an ableist comment or just downright insults Chris and Eddie sucker punches the ever loving shit out of him and the team especially Buck backs him on it.
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