#but overall he just wants Eddie to be okay and will help him anyway he can
makorragal-312 · 4 months
I think that next episode, when Buck and Eddie talk about everything that's happened with Kim, Buck is gonna talk to Eddie the same way he talked to him about Ana.
He's gonna show concern for Eddie and what he's going through and he's going to offer him words of encouragement and advice, but he's also gonna add in that harsh jab and make it clear to Eddie that he did, in fact, fuck up with his emotional affair and that Chris has every right to be pissed at him.
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catherinnn · 4 months
I thought of this at work today and I couldn't stop laughing: Imagine Dustin having an older sister who's back from college. So when they need a sub for Hellfire, he asks her because she's the one that taught him how to play in the first place. As soon as she walks in Eddie's brain short-circuits because "Jesus H. Christ Henderson, why didn't you tell me your sister was my dream girl?!?!? I would've at least brushed my hair!"
Que Dustin not sure whether he should be disgusted because his sister keeps flirting with his DM all night or excited because there is now a very strong possibility Eddie could become his brother-in-law now.
Roll for Initiative eddie munson x henderson!reader warnings: nothing much really, just fluff overall. eddie self-doubts for just a second, no use of y/n, cursing. a/n: thank you so much for requesting! I really hope you like it. reblogs and comments are very very appreciated. 2.2k words masterlist
“So,” Mike starts talking, Dustin takes notice of his sarcastic tone. “Who the fuck do we know that secretly plays D&D and would want to sub for Lucas”
“Um, well…” but before Dustin can get a word out Mike interrupts him.
“I mean, we’re fucked! Eddie’s gonna hate us and kick us out of Hellfire!”
“No Dustin, I’m serious! I’m gonna kill Lucas and all his stupid new friends”
“Mike! Do you remember what I told you earlier? About my sister?”
“Uh… no?” he confesses.
“Honestly! Do you ever listen to me?!” Dustin claims angrily. “What I told you is that she’s coming back home. And she used to play, dude!”
“Are you serious?” Mike exclaims, unable to believe their luck. He asks “When does she get here?”
Dustin's heart pounds with anticipation as he waits at the doorstep. It had been months since he last saw you, and he couldn't wait to catch up.
And as your mom’s car pulls into the driveway, Dustin cannot contain his excitement. He rushes to greet you, nearly stumbling over his own feet in his haste. You step out of the car, a weary smile on your face as you spot your little brother.
"Dustin!" you exclaim, opening your arms for a hug. "You've gotten even taller since I last saw you."
“You think so?” he asks with hope.
“Oh right? He’s turning into a whole handsome tall man already!” your mom butted into the conversation and you both cringe at her choice of words.
“Ugh, I missed you!” you hug him again and he laughs.
Once you’re inside the house, Dustin wastes no time in bombarding you with stories of his D&D campaigns. He told you about the epic battles and the incredible DM the club has. You make a mental note to tease Steve as soon as you see him since he’s no longer Dustin’s coolest older friend.
“That club sounds so fun!”
"Do you think... would you want to join our club as a sub?" he asks eagerly. "We're short one person since Lucas joined the dark side”
You frown in confusion and he explains. “He’s in the football team”
“Really?” you ask surprised.
“Yeah…” he sounds disappointed. “Anyway, would you help us? Please”
“You’re sure they won’t mind?”
“They would be so thankful if you help us beat Eddie’s ass”
“Okay, sure then” you agree laughing.
“Come on! We’re gonna be late!” Dustin shouts from the living room waiting impatiently for you.
“I’ve been ready for like ten minutes, you’re the one who’s taking so long” you answer calmly, not knowing what all the fuss is about.
Meanwhile in the drama room in Hawking’s High…
“Alright gentlemen, are we ready to start?” Eddie says as he walks in.
“Umm no, Dustin’s not here yet” Mike stops him.
“Well, where is he?”
“He’s probably arriving any time now”
“Wheeler, we don’t have all day-“ Eddie starts complaining but the door opening abruptly interrupts him. An agitated Dustin walks in and starts apologizing, but Eddie’s not listening to him.
The club leader still frozen mid-sentence, his brain seemingly short-circuiting as he laid eyes on you, standing by the door. He stumbled over his words, his thoughts are silent but screaming at the same time. Suddenly, the room seemed smaller, the air thicker, as if a spell had been cast upon him.
However, you’re still oblivious to the effect you had over him.
“Soo, who’s this?” Gareth finally asks after waiting for Eddie to ask that question, but he was not even moving.
“Oh, this is my sister” Dustin starts introducing you. Eddie’s trance is broken when he hears your name, the prettiest name he’s ever heard. “She’ll sub for Lucas”
“She will?” Eddie asks with a hint of hope in his voice. All of the sudden hoping Lucas won’t be able to join Hellfire ever again.
The rest of the boys are waiting expectantly for Eddie to ask you all types of question until he finds an unsatisfying enough answer and he’ll decide you can’t sub. But he never does. So Gareth starts asking if you even know how to play D&D.
“Sure she does, she was the one who taught me how to play in the first place” your brother steps in.
You tell the boys your level in the game and for some reason they all seem surprised. They start murmuring among each other. But you notice how the boy on the big throne leans over to your brother to whisper something. You play dumb and walk closer to them.
"Jesus H. Christ Henderson, why didn't you tell me your sister was my dream girl? I would've at least brushed my hair!" He whispers-shouts and a smile starts forming on your face.
You’d be lying if you said he hadn’t called your attention. His big puppy eyes, all the rings on his hand. You don’t know why he says that about his hair, you thought it looked really good like that.
At any rate, you take a seat next to your brother, which just so happens to also be next to Eddie. Happy coincidence. And you start playing, Eddie sets the scene. He makes you imagine every single little detail so you feel like you’re actually there. He makes different voices for each character which makes you giggle. He even stands up, or leans over on the table, he talks to every single one of you, not forgetting about anyone. It’s mesmerizing to see him like this.
“I love how passionate you get” you comment and it makes him smile so hard.
He noticed before, every time he would change the tone in his voice to imitate a character, you’d laugh, and now he keeps changing voices just to hear it again.
“Give me the gold! He says. Or I’ll set my hungry wolves free, right this second!” Eddie acts and without failing he’s able to hear your snorts. It distracts him in the best way possible. “You have an adorable laugh” he tells you with a smirk.
This obviously makes you giggle once more, this time with a pink blush decorating your cheeks. “Thanks, it’s just- you’re cute making all the voices”
Now it’s Eddie’s turn to blush and smile once more.
Dustin notices this exchange —all of the other boys did— but he can’t decipher how he feels about it. On the one hand, he feels a little jealous and uncomfortable that you two keep flirting. But on the other hand, it would be really cool to have Eddie as his brother in law.
However, the game continues and so does the places Eddie takes you all to in your minds. So much so that at one point you start getting dizzy.
“Wait, where are we again?” you ask.
“In the mountains near the lake” Gareth answers.
“Are we close to the palace?”
“No no, the palace is behind the woods” Mike explains now. They have more of an advantage than you do, they've been playing this campaign for weeks now.
“Wh- Do you have a map?” You finally ask Eddie and he nods passing it to you.
“Here’s the palace” he comes closer and signals on the map, “and here is where you are”
“Oh, okay”
“You know, if you’re still lost I can stick around to guide you” he whispers giving the closeness.
“Well, you’re the bad guy here,” you argue imagining you’re still inside the game. “How do I know you won’t try to kill me?”
“Me?” he gasps acting offended. “I would never!”
“You already killed Jeff!” you accuse him.
“Yeah, but he’s not half as pretty as you are. I’d miss you too much” he makes sure he’s whispering very close to you now, just because if Jeff heard him he’d start acting offended. Just because of that… no other reason.
“Can we keep playing now? My mom will be here in like ten minutes to pick me up” Mike complains.
Those ten minutes fly by. Before you even realize it, Mike’s mom is honking in her car to hurry him up. And so you finish for the day, starting to gather all your things.
“You know, you owe me a pencil” you tell Eddie.
“Oh really? Why’s that?” he asks playfully.
“I only borrowed it to you! I did not gift it!”
“So you’re calling me a thief? First a killer and now a thief? Glad to know you think so badly of little old me”
“I didn't just called you that!” you say in you defence and he makes confused face, signalling you to continue talking. “I also said you’re cute. You’re a really cute thief and killer”
He starts laughing. “Are you always this charming, or is it just when I'm around?"
“I could ask you the same thing”
“Oh only with you, sweetheart” he promises.
“Me too” you admit a little shyly.
“Yeah?-” he tries to keep flirting but Dustin cuts him off.
“Are you ready? Let’s go”
“Wow, since when are you so eager to leave hellfire?” Eddie notices.
“No reason” he lies, he’s still not sure if all this flirting between you two would be something good or not.
“I think he’s a little jealous his sister is taking all of Eddie’s attention” Gareth teases him.
“No, I’m not!”
“Aw Dusty bun!” Eddie joins in the teasing.
“I’m not jealous! Ask her out for all I care!” he says but regrets it as soon as it left his mouth.
“Really?” Eddie checks in but Dustin is a very proud person, he’s not one to bend. So he nods encouraging his friend.
Good thing you know him like the palm of your hand.
“Let’s go dingus, mom’s probably waiting for us”
Eddie feels this as punch right on his chest. Did he read too much into this? Were you not actually interested? Was it just some playful flirting?
As you walk out the school and into the parking lot. You open the car so your brother can get in but tell him to wait a second, and you walk over to Eddie who was about to get in his van.
“Wait! Thief!” you call him and he turns around. “I think you should, you know… ask me out”
He feels the happiness creeping back into his body. “Yeah? I should?” his playful tone back in his voice. “Would you want to go out with a thief and a murderer?”
“If he’s as cute as you are, then I’d think about it” you make him laugh again.
“How about tomorrow night? I’ll pick you up at eight” he proposes.
“I’ll be ready”
“Yeah, good” you walk closer to him. “See you tomorrow then” and before leaving, you give him a kiss on his cheek. Hiding your need to kiss him more after seeing his flushed face. You’ll have plenty of time for that tomorrow.
Dustin sees you getting in the car with the biggest smile on your face. “Did you ask him out?”
“Um, yeah… listen-“
“It’s fine, really”
“No, listen. I know that maybe it’s a little uncomfortable to think of one of your best friends going out with me. But I promise I would never do anything to hurt him and make it weird between you two-“
“I know that, and I know he wouldn’t do that either” he interrupts you. “I’m just- I’m worried that I won’t be a priority to you or to him anymore”
“Dustin, are you kidding? You could not be more wrong about that!” you argue. “Imagine this date goes well, we’ll start hanging out at home and watch movies with you, we could go out to eat all together, go to the cinema, anything! You name it!”
And the more he thinks about it that way, the more he loves that idea.
So the next day, he helps you choose your outfit, he tells you which hairstyle will look better and then hurries you up when it’s 7:50 pm and you’re still putting mascara on.
“You look fine already! Amazing even! Grab your jacket cause he’ll be here any minute now!” and as soon as he says that, he recognizes that car outside with the loud metal music, seconds later he hears the door knocking.
“I’ll get it, mom!” he yells so his mother won’t embarrass you.
“No, you won’t. I will” you stop him before he can open the door. “Go back to your comic-book. I’ll be back in a few hours”
And he waits until you get back. 
When you finally do, he’s on the couch watching TV but mutes it as soon as he hears you.
“Hey” he notices the big smile on your face is on again. He also notices your lips are a little puffy and he cringes at that thought.  
“You can go to sleep happily now, the date went amazing” you explain. “God, I think I’m love with him!” you comment as you go up to your room.
“Already?” he judges a little.
But as you promised, the three of you hang out together most of the time. And as long as he looks away when you two kiss or ignores the fact that Eddie’s spending the night in your room after you all catch a movie and order some pizza. He’s really happy that you two found each other.
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luveline · 6 months
missing eddie and roan rn🥲
can we get something were roan brings home flowers she picked during recess for reader🫶
Eddie and Roan —Eddie’s daughter brings you a bouquet when you’re sick. (step)mom!reader
Roan skips up the path to the house with a big smile. “Dad, come on!” she demands.
Eddie’s trying to carry three paper bags of groceries and close the trunk at the same time. He is not receptive to criticism at this present moment. “Shut up, babe.” 
“You shut up!” 
“You first.” He drops the keys by accident. “Ro, can you come and grab these for me? Thank you.”
She races to grab the keys and then back to the door. “Dad, COME ON!” 
“You’re being super rude and irate right now but I forgive you,” Eddie says, yanking the door open to let her inside, “because I know you’re hangry.” 
“Not hangry!” she denies, bursting into the hallway and kicking her shoes so hard against the shoe rack that the top layer of your work shoes topple onto the floor. “Mom!” she shouts, one word lined heavily with joy even now. She’s been calling you mom for months and it doesn’t get any less exciting for her, clearly. “Y/N! Y/N, I got you something! Where are you?” 
“I’m in bed!” you call, sounding excited yourself, if a little confused. “What did you get me?” 
Eddie wasn’t aware of any gifts. He puts the groceries on the counter in the kitchen and follows his charge up the stairs, curious and not wanting to put stuff away anyhow. Roan tumbles into the master bedroom still wearing her red vinyl coat, door slamming into the wall, you wincing in bed. 
Eddie winces too. “Ro,” he says desperately, “come on, bub, she’s in bed rest, remember? So we’re being careful about loud noises. I told you twice today already.” 
“Sorry! I just want to see you,” she says, straight to your side and arms up expecting to be helped. 
You pull her into your lap. “I’m sick of resting anyways.” 
Eddie intercepts Roan’s hug to lean down over you and give you a gentle kiss, of which you are extremely receptive. He gets butterflies thinking about you to this day, and having you raise your chin to receive him intensifies them by half, then whole as your lips do finally touch. 
“Okay day?” he asks. 
“Really quiet,” you say, tugging Roan up into your chest before she can get jealous. 
“Head?” he asks. 
“Fine. Barely a headache anymore.” 
Eddie bites his lip. Not too long ago you were in a hospital bed practically catatonic. He cannot afford to be uncareful with you. You’re too much to him. 
“Promise?” he asks. 
You’re distracted from answering by small hands on your face. “Mommy, I was talking to you first.” 
“Sorry, baby, yes you were.” You sink further down. “Can you ever forgive me?” 
Roan could forgive you for almost anything. She wiggles where she’s sitting on your stomach, hands clumsy at the bottom of her coats zipper, her chest rising and falling after her sprint up the stairs. Eddie and Roan are still both cold enough to have it emanating from their coats, but you don’t care, you just want your after school cuddle.
Eddie peels out of his coat at the same time, takes his shoes off with some self-chastisement (mud upstairs is awful and rude of him and he’ll spend the evening trying to rub it out of the rug because you really like the rug and he likes you), and sits on the bed by your feet. 
“Oh, what have you got?” you ask warmly. 
Eddie bends his head to watch her pull flowers from her overall pocket, one small stem at a time. Daisies and buttercups with petals smaller than her fingernails. They keep coming, ten then twenty, maybe thirty flowers on your chest. The stems are broken, but they’re all more alive than anyone could have hoped for considering they’d been sandwiched in her pocket for hours. 
“These are for me?” you ask. 
“All for you. Except this one for dad,” she says, picking up one of the bigger daisies. “And maybe this one for me.” She grabs a buttercup for herself. 
“Aw, thanks baby. These are gonna make me better, huh?” 
She looks like him when she smiles. Cheesy, cute, she arranges the flowers in a bouquet in her hand and presents it to you grandly. “I picked them at school behind the wooden house. Do you like ‘em?” 
“I love them,” you pronounce, just as grand but not half as loud. 
“I love you.” 
“You cheesball,” Eddie says, rolling his eyes. 
“Ignore him.” You touch her cheek with a fondness that makes his jaw ache thinking about the love behind it. “I love you too.” 
“And you’ll be better soon,” Roan says. 
Eddie can answer that one. He holds your ankle through the sheets, and gives your calf a quick stroke. “She’s gonna be a hundred percent any day now, bug. Better be extra gentle with her to help her along.” 
Roan rubs her bouquet of flowers softly under your chin. “I’m gentle,” she whispers. 
You rake your fingers through her hair, a half centimetre a second, fingertips drawing down between her shoulders. Such a mom thing to do, Roan dissolves like sugar paper in the rain. 
Eddie smiles. “Alright, I’m jealous.”
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thesupreme316 · 10 months
Can I make a request with the boys with a reader who is introverted and how the boys make them feel more comfortable (please add Daniel Garcia he’s my pookie🤭)
AEW STARS React To: Having An Introverted S/O
Pairings: Daniel Garcia x Reader, Eddie Kingston x Reader, Max Caster x Reader, Ricky Starks x Reader, MJF x Reader, Hook x Reader, Christian Cage x Reader
Word Count: 837
Supreme Speaks: otay sorry for being late but here is another post. also OVER 300 FOLLOWERS??? thank yall so much for the support and love yall show my posts💖 please remember that you are loved and appreciated!
Warnings: GIFS ARE NOT MINE, slightly proofread, fluffy as shit
Taglist: @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom @triscillal @cassie0sstuff @eddie-kingstons-wifey @hookerforhook @batzy-watzy @wwenhlimagines
Daniel Garcia (ya pookie):
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Okay I am convinced that DG is an ambivert
Mans is both extroverted and introverted
So he understands when you need to wind down
Would constantly take you to your favorite places
I would also like to think that DG is that person who would drop everything for you if your battery dies or if you don’t feel well
Isiah: Danny, where are you go-
DG: My baby needs me, now move mushroom
Is perfectly fine with you being shy/introverted and doesn’t judge you at all
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As an introvert, he doesn’t give it any thought
He would find your introverted self adorable
I think to make you more comfortable, he would participate with you in various activities
Because of him being private, he won’t force you to do anything that you don’t want to
Keeps a list of many things you like to do
Doesn’t force you to speak or introduce yourself to others
Knows that you don’t have plans so if he needs to run errands; he’s dragging you with him
If anything he’s your security guard while you sit in the corner on your phone or reading
Ricky Starks:
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We know how spectacular (and bold) this man is
But he is super understanding and caring
Know when he needs to tone it down so doesn’t overwhelm you
He will push you to speak to others but he wouldn’t want you to change
Ricky will try to help you find new comforts but is okay with just the two of you sitting at home and watching tv
To make you comfy, he’ll tease you with loving remarks, letting you know that he adores your introverted self
He’ll also talk for you if you want him to (cause Jesus that man can talk)
Eddie Kingston (ma husband):
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In my mind, Eddie is sensitive and can detect how people from first meeting them
So when he first meets you and sees how introverted you are, he immediately attaches himself to you and becomes your guard dog
He prefers to sit in corners anyway, so your introverted life is his speed
Hates to push “out of your comfort zone” but he will support you in whatever you do
Will ditch whoever to come and check on you; it doesn’t matter who they are
To make you comfortable, he will speak up for you (especially if you can’t say no to people)
Tbh, its like Rottweiler x Black Cat type of relationship
Christian Cage: (ma sugar daddy)
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Teehee this man believes you are just adorable beyond relief
Doesn’t mind doing the majority of the talking when you two are together
I feel like he’ll introduce you to others and if you don’t show interest/or speak up, he is quick to leave with you in tow
To comfort you, he will tone down his extrovertness (? Idk if that’s a word) and make himself available for you to warm up to him
He doesn’t wanna scare you off
Christian will even let up on the teasing and “bullying” others just to make sure that you’re okay
But he will buy you gifts to let you know what he likes you
I feel like overall, the man is changing his himself and personality to adhere to you and your interest
Max Caster:
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I will admit it (cause this is how I visualize it)
He initially fucks up
Max is so damn loud and hyper that he scares you off very quickly
After calming down, he apologizes to you and actually becomes close to you before asking you out
He tries to make you louder and (boldly) confident but is told repeatedly by Anthony and Billy that you prefer to be away from the spotlight and like to be quiet most of the time
From then on, Max tries his best to ensure that he’s not being too loud around you
To make you comfy, I can see him trying to make you laugh at any place or time (so he still doesn’t shut up)
Man is whipped for you and will do anything to make you feel comfortable
That includes taping his mouth shut
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Hehe this man
He will gladly be the mouthpiece of your relationship
Unlike other people, MJF will loudly announce that you guys would need to leave and not lie
“Okay you marks, you all with your repulsive faces and boring personalities are draining my lovely yet quiet significant other. So…we are leaving, peace bitches”
He’ll introduce you to others..but that’s it for fear that you’ll get overwhelmed
Like Ricky and Max, he can talk your ear off if it’s what you need
Or he’ll just sit down and watch TV with you like Hook
Since dating you, he’s calmed down with his arrogance and tries his best not to get angry
Around you….he’s still an asshole to everyone else
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luvrg1rll · 11 months
Eddie Munson
Warnings! Bestfriend Eddie , pure smut , actual plot
Summary? Movie night with your bestfriends turns into fucking one of them
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You watched Eddie, he was getting drinks ready for your other friends to arrive at his trailer. “Need help?” You asked as you sat on his couch, your slim body covered in one of his Hell Fire t-shirts and a pair of his boxers. You “accidentally” got your clothing wet so you had the excuse to wear his clothes, breath in his scent. It was sweet and nice like him. You had a mammoth sized crush on this boy, sending signals for the past 2 years but they seemed to go right over that curly-haired idiot's head. You just recently, in the past 3 months, joined his friend group. Which consisted of Robin, Steve, Nancy, and Gareth. It was a nice little group of people you enjoyed being around. “That’s alright sweetheart, I’m almost done” He said with his back turned to you. And with that he walked over and sat beside you. “What movie are we watching?” You asked, resting your chin on his shoulder. “Scream, we are going to get through as many as we can until we all pass out” he said through chuckles. You nodded and sighed, your hot breath hitting Eddie’s neck. It made him tense up and look over at you, faces inches apart “your breath stinks” he teased you, biting his bottom lip. You let out a soft giggle and nodded “yeah? So you wouldn’t kiss me?”. Eddie felt his cheeks heat up and he smiled “I don’t have to answer that…” you leaned in slightly, lips now only about 3 inches apart. “Answer it or I will kiss you anyway” you threatened and looked into his brown eyes. You were sure he was going to protest and argue with you like he always does but he just stayed silent…does he want to kiss you? You saw that smug little smile of his and it made your heart flutter. “Fine…” you mumbled and leaned in, lips just centimeters apart before a knock at the door made you guys pull away. You both cleared your throat awkwardly before Eddie stood up “there here” he said and adjusted his jeans as they got tight around the groin area…from you, you got him hard. You glanced down and saw his hardened bulge, cheeks turning a bright pink before you looked away. Eddie noticed but didn’t say anything, just that little smirk he does, before walking to the door and opening it letting everyone in. Soon after everyone was settled and watching the movie, you of course sat beside Eddie. Leaning against him was the most comfortable, being with him was just comfortable overall. You squealed suddenly, hand going straight on Eddie’s upper thigh and you squeezed…stupid jump scares. You gulped and looked up at Eddie “sorry” you mumbled, he shook his head “it’s okay” he whispered back, getting close to your neck as he whispered to you. You slowly took your hand away but felt Eddie grab onto you and hold your hand in place. He was just acting like he wasn’t holding your hand on his thigh, just watching the movie casually. You tried to be the same but when your hand is dangerously close to your Best friend's bulge…it’s hard. You looked up at Eddie and gulped nervously before leaning in “Eddie…were you actually going to kiss me earlier?” You whispered to him, Eddie smiled and turned his head, now in the same position as earlier “yes Sweetheart, I was” he whispered back, leaning in more. Lips barely touching now, you could feel his minty breath on your lips. You smiled and leaned in the rest of the way, his soft lips on yours. It was just like you imagined, maybe even better…Eddie’s hand that held yours, it was now moving. Your hand was now right on his bulge, you were putting more pressure on it. No one even noticed you both making out on Eddie’s couch as everyone sat on the floor in front of you. You gently ran your hand up and down his bulge, feeling it get hard quickly under your touch. You heard his soft noises get breathy as you guys kissed, gently stroking him through his jeans. Eddie tried his best to keep quiet, suddenly forcing you to pull away “we will be right back” Eddie announced to the group before dragging you to his bedroom. “For what?!” Steve yelled as you guys rushed to his room “to talk!”
Eddie yelled back before he closed the door, pushing you against it and kissing you roughly. You moaned into his mouth as he gently rubbed you through his boxers. Eddie smiled into the kiss as he then dragged you to his bed, laying you down as he slipped his boxers off of your plush legs. He pushed your legs open before going down, looking at your glistening pussy before he leaned in and ran his tongue from your hole up to your clit with one clean lick. You moaned quietly, covering your mouth and looking down at Eddie. Your Best Friend is now in between your legs eating you out. Moans spilled out of you, Eddie’s tongue lapping against your now swollen clit which felt absolutely amazing. Eddie hummed happily, it’s like it was his happy place, right in between your legs. You reached down and gripped onto his curly hair, moaning against your hand “I’m g-gonna cum” you cried out after uncovering your mouth. Your body filled with pleasure, hips shaking as you came all over Eddie’s tongue. Eddie hummed happy, slurping up your juices before he came up and kissed you deeply, now tasting yourself on his tongue and lips. Eddie quickly took his jeans and boxers off, his massive cock now sprung free from the restraining clothing. You looked down and your eyes widened “that’s not going to fit”. Eddie smiled proudly and nodded “I will make it fit” he leaned in and kissed you again before he adjusted himself in between your legs and slowly pushed himself into you, struggling moans left your lips and went to his. “E-Eddie” you moaned softly against his lips. “I know baby, I know” he introduced the new nickname as he slowly bottomed out inside of you. The burning pleasure filled your hips as you slowly got used to the stretch from his large cock. You gave Eddie a sign to start which he took and started to slowly thrust in and out of you, groaning softly. You moaned softly as his cock stretched you out perfectly, it was like he was made for you. Eddie gently lifted your legs and put them over his shoulders so he could go deeper inside of you, making you moan even more “fuck, Eddie” you moaned his name as he steadily thrusted harshly into you. “That’s right, you feel so good y/n” he moaned, kissing you deeply as you started to get a little loud. Moans filled the room as he fucked you harshly into his mattress, you already close to cumming. The way his cock stretched you out was so perfect, just enough to make you feel overly full but not painful in any way. You whispered against his lips “I’m g-gonna cum” you cried out, moaning against his lips as he fucked you even harder if it was even possible. “Cum for me” he groaned deeply as he was about to cum as well. Tears filled your eyes at the overwhelming pleasure he was causing. You cried out against his lips, moaning loudly as you came all over Eddie’s cock, Eddie moaning as he shot his load right into you, your cum mixing together. He panted and slowly pulled out of you, watching your fucked out expression on your face. He smiled and chuckled “you look cute” you smiled tiredly and shook your head “shut it Munson”. Eddie grabbed a towel and started to clean you up, dressing you again. You got help getting up off the bed, limping down the hallway and back to the living room, Eddie following after you. “Oh my god” Steve said as he watched your limp to the couch and sat down with a flinch. “You are disgusting Eddie! What the fuck did you do to her?!” Eddie smiled proudly “she asked for it” was all he said before he sat down with you.
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littlespoonevan · 6 months
What is the couch theory? 😅
oh anon, where do i start!!!!! this is possibly my favourite subject of all time so apologies in advance if this gets rambly askdjfh
okay so the couch theory goes all the way back to s5 of 911. at the start of 5B buck asks taylor to move in with him, right? and because she brings all her stuff with her it means they have double of everything, including two couches. so buck gets rid of his and they keep taylor's
however in 5x18 buck and taylor break up so she moves out and, of course, takes her couch with her
when we meet buck again in s6 a few months later he still hasn't found a replacement couch. over family dinner with eddie and christopher, chris makes a joke about it (like father, like son) and buck tells him and eddie that, "he doesn't want to choose the wrong couch again" heavily implying he means he doesn't want to choose the wrong romantic partner again (he also says his last two couches came with girlfriends since ali presumably helped him pick out the first one when he moved into the loft in s2).
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the episode ends with buck moving his armchair to the place his couch used to sit and sitting down with a smile on his face, suggesting he's content on his own for now and thus, the couch theory was born:
buck's next couch/romantic partner will be the Right one
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so we go through the whole of 6A with no couch developments and no real allusions to it be tHEN in 6B after the lightning strike buck's parents comment on his lack of couch and his mother decides she's going to buy him a couch (which is the adult equivalent of getting him a new bike when he hurts himself but that's a different post)
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so margaret buys buck a couch but obviously, it's all wrong. because buck didn't choose it himself. it's not comfortable, he can't relax on it, can't fall asleep on it. and in an episode where buck is feeling smothered by everyone's attempts to check in on him it doesn't offer the comfort he needs so what does he do???
go to eddie's house of course!
and you'll never guess what happens, anon:
buck falls asleep on eddie's couch in about five seconds flat!!!!
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to say 911 had me by the throat at that point would be an understatement lmao
bc that means eddie's the couch, right?????? what other implications could there possibly be when buck has been using his couch as a metaphor for a partner and he falls asleep on eddie's couch so quickly, suggesting he feels safe and comfortable there??? i said it that time but it would literally have been less suggestive to have him sleep in eddie's bed than it would've been to have him sleep on the couch at the point skdjhf
(and none of this is even getting into the fact that when buck wakes up eddie is the first person buck is honest with in the episode about how he's feeling after the accident, further cementing the idea of him being buck's safe space)
anyway by the end of s6 kameron gives birth on buck's couch and effectively ruins it meaning it's time for him to get a new couch again. now this is where everything falls to shit and i WILL be bitter about this for the rest of my life lmao but basically because of the fear of cancellation s6 sort of pivots in the last few eps and the finale makes an attempt to give each of the characters a mini happy ending in case it really is the overall series finale. and buck's 'happy ending' was to ask natalia (who he'd recently started dating) to help him pick out a new couch
now my personal opinion?? i Hated that. not even from a buddie perspective, just as someone who is very dedicated to buck's seasons long romantic arc and the couch theory, i thought it was really weak and far less satisfying than if he'd just ended the season single. especially bc the point was buck was supposed to pick the couch himself. but!!! some people are suggesting he still doesn't have a couch in s7 (though it's hard to tell since all the shots we've gotten have been in the kitchen) so i am privately holding onto the hope that the couch theory lives on aksjdfh
TL;DR the couch is eddie. eddie is the couch 🛋️❤️
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
Hi :) sorry if this has been asked previously but I’m just wondering how Eddie and pregnant reader are doing? Has she had the baby or is she nearly due? 🥰
Hiii babes!! Eddie and pregnant reader are good!! She hasn’t had the baby yet but it’s almost time so enjoy these conversations between her and Eddie as they prepare for their son to get here🥹💖
-find all things Eddie and Pregnant Reader here✨
*Eddie is ready to meet his son but he’s also scared shitless*
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“God is he really going to be this tiny when he’s born?” “Probably…look how cute he’s gonna look in these little overalls.” “Oh no put the overalls down baby before you start crying.” “I can’t help it he’s just gonna be so cute in all these little outfits.” “Which outfit did you want me to put into the hospital bag?” “The black onesie that says rock and roll all over it and those little black pants.” “Okay…got it…oh did we need to pack uh…diapers and all that stuff?” “Yes Eddie…we need diapers and all that stuff.” “Got it I’ll go grab some then.”
“I just want to make sure it’s…safe that’s all sweetheart.” “Eddie you’ve checked the car seat five times already…it’s safe.” “One more time won’t hurt…oh we should check the crib too make sure it’s ready for him.” “Wayne put the crib together I think it’s fine.” “I’m gonna check on it anyway…don’t tell him though he’ll get all upset.” “What else are you gonna check?” “Uh well the crib was the last one on my list…” “good because I’m hungry so can we get dinner when you’re done triple checking everything?” “Sure baby..I’m gonna go check the crib.”
“Holy shit.” “What’s wrong Eddie?” “Your…your due date is uhm…in two weeks.” “Yeah?…and?” “And we are gonna have a fucking baby in two weeks.” “It’s going to be okay Eddie we are prepared…you’ve checked the car seat and the crib…and we’ve been to all the birthing classes Hawkins has.” “But that’s different than…actually being in the moment and having him.” “You’re going to be a great dad Eddie…if that’s what you’re secretly freaking out about.” “You think so?…I mean I know you’re going to be the best mom but I just…never thought I’d be someone’s dad.” “We both will probably mess up here and there but that’s okay because…we will love him and do our best.” “I do..I do love him…already.” “Same…but don’t start getting all mushy with me or I won’t be able to stop crying.” “Okay okay…yeah let’s not get your waterworks started.” “I love you..and he’s also going to love you Eddie.” “Thanks baby…I love you too.”
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fizzing-imagines · 3 days
Threats | Gareth Emerson x Reader
Notes: I need more Gareth GIFs
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 1.1k
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"Gareth." A fry hit him in the face, pulling him out of his thoughts. "Jesus, why are you always throwing shit at me?", he said in a tone that was more aggressive than joking. You weren't used to that. "Sorry.", you mumbled, clearly noticing his tone. Why was he so angry? "I just wanted to ask you if you can lend me some paint for my figurine.", you mumbled. He was growing distant in the last few weeks, not talking to you outside of Hellfire, never asking how you are, not even helping you with your D&D character like he always did with his usual enthusiasm.
Gareth was angry. Not angry at you, but angry at the world. How could it set such a considerate, funny, charming and overall perfect person in front of him but not have them like him back? He wasn't angry at you - but you were the next best person to get angry at, even though he didn't want to be. It wasn't your fault you didn't like him back. At least he thought that. "Uhm, sure. I can bring them with me tomorrow.", he said. You quietly nodded your head before looking down at your fries again. The other members of Hellfire noticed your behaviour, but didn't comment. Not yet.
"You okay?", Eddie asked you while walking you to your motorbike. "I'm fine.", you said, but he didn't believe it for a second. He knew about your little crush on Gareth for a while now, but he also knew something you didn't know.
Eddie wanted to make sure you truly didn't want to talk. "I don't know why Gareth acted that way. It was wrong." He could read you like a book, always did. "You don't need to act like you're fine. If he hurt you, just be honest and I'll rip him a new one." That made you chuckle a bit. The two of you arrived at your bike, you opened its trunk to grab your helmet. "It's okay Eddie, really.", you reassured him. Once again, he didn't take it for a second and made a plan in his head. But he wouldn't tell you that. "Drive safe, I'm not scraping you up from the sidewalk." Eddie patted your shoulder before walking off to his van.
But his van didn't drive to the trailer park. It drove straight to Gareths place. His 1975 Chevy Silverado was already parked in the driveway, the door to the garage was open in which he saw his friend playing the drums in an aggressive way. "Didn't know we're supposed to treat our crushes like shit.", Eddie said while walking up to Gareth. He stopped in his tracks as he saw his friend approaching. "I don't have a crush on her.", he replied. But the fact that he already knew who Eddie was talking about gave him away. "Fuck off, I can see it in your eyes when you look at her." He took the drumsticks out of Gareths hands and pointed them at him in a threatening manner. "You're gonna go over to her place right now and apologise. And if you're not a pussy, you're finally going to confess. I'm not watching this shit for another six months." Gareth felt a bit threatened, so his tone changed. "Why would I confess if she doesn't like me anyways." His voice was quieter now and seemed more insecure overall. Eddie clicked his tongue before turning and pacing in a circle. "Listen man, I confessed to her three months ago and you know why she turned me down?" The fact that Gareth just now found out that Eddie has had a crush on you as well confused him even more. "Because she likes you, you stupid shit." And now his mind started racing. His body acted faster than his head and he sprinted towards his truck while looking for his keys. While unlocking his car, he realized something and looked back at Eddie.
"Why did you confess to her if you knew I liked her?", he asked. Eddie rolled his eyes before saying "I was high as shit, now drive!" and swatting him away with his hands. Gareth did as commanded, got into his car and drove to your house. The usual 15 minute journey only took him 10 minutes as he ignored stop signs and red lights. There was something more important than traffic signs; You. He did a full-stop in your driveway, his squeaking tires already announcing his arrival. You heard it and looked out of your window, barely making out the figure of your crush through watery eyes.
You've been crying your eyes out ever since you came home. You have been for days, but today was bad. Especially after Gareth treated you the way he did today. But after hearing a "Sweetie, Gareth's here!" from your mother you quickly whiped the tears from your face and made your way downstairs. He was standing in the doorway, out of breath and face flushed as he was trying to breathe. "Are you okay?", you asked him with your eyebrows knitted.
"I'm in love with you.", he spurted out. "Like, bad. I'm so madly in love with you (Y/N), it's not even funny anymore. Eddie makes fun of me for it at this point and I've been acting like such a dick because of it." Your mother was still standing next to the door, listening to his full rant while you stood there and didn't even know what to do next. "Let's go outside.", you said after a while before stepping through the door and closing it behind you. It wasn't until now that Gareth realized what he had said to you. Again, his body moved faster than his brain did. "I'm sorry.", he said then. "For what?", you replied. "Gareth listen, I need to tell you something too." His face was flushed, he looked beyond stressed, nervous sweat was collecting on his forehead and making his hair stick to it. But he looked so beautiful. "I'm in love with you, too. And I'm down so bad that Eddie is gonna add it in his next campaign." A small laugh left your mouth. "And I've rejected guys over it, spend nights imagining you were my stuffed animal so I wouldn't feel alone and-" Gareth cut you off by grabbing your face and smashing his lips onto yours. This is all he needed. You.
"Shit, please be my girlfriend. Please be mine.", he whispered once the kiss broke. Gareth kissing you took the breath out of your lungs, so you couldn't give him more than a nod for now.
It was enough for your now-boyfriend.
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hi excuse the random. au troubleshooting? or whatever that's I'm doing in your inbox or whatever but anyway the thing with the botw au is like. ok I love the idea of the party being the og champions (lucas=revali, el=mipha, dustin= daruk, max=urbosa) for multiple reasons. a. the angst potential is awesome I love that shit THEY'LL ALL BE DEAD IT'S GREAT. b. I feel like lucas as revali actually has some really neat potential, and dustin as daruk isn't special but it's fine. c. el as mipha is SO GOOD. THERE'S SO MUCH THERE. BUT. The Issues. ok first of all. idk. max as urbosa is like. well urbosa has a stronger connection with zelda bc she knew her mom and shit and like. not everything has to be a one to one but idk i just don't LOVE max as urbosa right? it's not hitting the same as the others. but overall the party as the og champions works better, but than WHO ARE THE 2ND GEN CHAMPIONS? like we have the older teens but it feels weird to be like. "yeah the first gen is the younger kids and the 2nd gen is the older ones" AND THEN ALSO. splitting up sibling pairs so they aren't related or whatever isn't something I vibe with. but jonathan is will's older brother and nancy is mike's older sister so I'm like??? where would they fit in even if they were champions like it doesn't work quite right? and then who gets to be impa? OR PURAH AND ROBBIE? actually the idea of steve and robin as purah and robbie is something I've been entertaining that sounds fun. BUT ANYWAY YEAH I CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT. PRIMARY ISSUE IS WHO WOULD BE THE 2ND GEN CHAMPIONS. I'm thinking about this too hard for someone who will take this nowhere bc I don't write but. I need to figure this out for some reason
It's very hard to adapt the specific relationships of ST in BOTW, and vice-versa.
For Max's special relationship with Will, maybe instead of knowing Joyce, she could know Jonathan? Becoming closer to him because she's running away from her brother ? Throwing ideas out there.
Speaking about Jonathan, I think it'd be interesting to get him to fill in Zelda's Father's role. He could be the king, and then Joyce would be the Queen Dowager, right ? That would give the perfect excuse for Jonathan to know Max from the Gerudo, I believe.
For Impa, I honestly see Nancy, as weird as it sounds. I think she'd go well for the role, helping her brother get back his memories while trying her best to save Will. Plus, she was the one who brought Mike in the temple, and some Wheeler sibs angst is very tempting.
FOR THE 2ND CHAMPION GEN I'LL BE HONEST. I don't really know. In BOTW, I didn't feel very close to them anyway, and the focus isn't really on them... we technically could put characters like Jason, Chrissy, Eddie, etc... maybe even Kali ? I'm not really sure but, I feel like putting side characters like them wouldn't hurt the story too much ?
I'm still having a lot of thoughts abt it so I'll definitely come back to write them out but... yeah these questions are almost out of the way.
But the potential this AU has is insane. I really want to write it since it's so GRHSFDIFOGVO but MAN !!!!
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bylertruther · 2 years
i desperately want to write some kind of (potentially the last of us part 2 vibes inspired [aka just gay, country, cozy, and gritty]) established monster apocalypse fic with slightly aged up characters but i can't make up my mind on whether i want to write ...
a season one-esque retelling in the sense that will goes missing and the party ignores the safe zone's rules to go off and find him + they run into a feral eleven who helps them but fails to mention at first that she comes from the colony tht took will and it's kind of like a prison break type of fic too but overall it's all about hope and new beginnings and waaaay too close calls and The Power Of Friendship and coming home and being scared but doing it anyway and many many Realizations of the homosexual variety
by|er are boy besties and have been ever since they met on the rusty rickety swings and it's very much Day In The Life Of Two Monster Apocalypse Survivors Who Are NOT Dating Seriously Stop We're NOTTTTT Hehe<3 until Shit Goes Down and Oh God Oh Fuck What The Hell And FUCK FUCK FUCK WAIT NO STOP PLEASE and oops what do ya kno eddie/bob/hopper/insert other influential mentor character here jus got fed to a pack of demo-dogs or something else equally as horrific by some rival group and the party is helpless to do anything but watch and so after they hold the funeral they go off to avenge them (aka SHUT UP yes it's jus a tlou2 knock-off basically maybe don't look @ me) + it's about the lengths you'd go to for the ones that you love, what parts of yourself you lose and find on the path to revenge, what it means to be alive vs actually living, making your own way in the world, how much you can change before you become someone else entirely, what it means to actually honor the ones you lose, and The Healing Power of Love of course
fuck the "will goes missing" trope all my homies hate the "will goes missing" trope, this time .....okokok maybe will does go missing actually BUT mike is right on his tail bc Over My Dead Body Will You Take My Best Friend Away From Me and maybe they get chased away far enough by whatever monster that they get lost because it's all in the middle of their settlement falling/being overrun and it's nighttime and they don't know what's happening everything was fine just thirty minutes ago wtfwtfwtf and they have to find their way back home and there's lots of hurt/comfort of the physical and emotional variety bc Everything Happens So Much and when have they ever gotten a break literally ever + it's about finding hope where it feels like there is none, "just hold on a little longer, okay?", learning what makes home feel like home, us against the world-isms, will gets bitten by a demo-bat or something and doesn't tell mike (don't worry he's immune lol) but mike soon realizes anyway bc will is shifting his weight weirdly and mike is Always looking at him (but not in a gay way bro i sWEAR bro we're FRIENDS We Are Friends now hold my hand pls), aka Paladin and The Cleric vibes 100% essentially jus two gay hooligans and their awful very bad no good week away from the camp
will and el aren't The Chosen Ones so the monster apocalypse happens anyway without them causing it but when will was taken away it was because his test results came back weird n brenner's team wanted to study him for Finding A Cure reasons but something goes wrong one day and they both make it out of the lab (& maybe word gets around to other settlements abt two missing teens n mike finds a poster while out and when he takes it back n shows ppl it just gets him looks of pity but not from joyce, the only other person that never lost hope). fast forward to feral will-el being a two man wolf pack that are just trying to find will's family wherever they may be now (will corrects her and tells her its their family btw and he's told her so much abt them at this point that it really does feel like she's known them her whole life almost bt she's secretly scared to hope that they're still alive even if she'd never tell him that bc she jus wants a family so much she doesn't want to be let down if they aren't) and this one is more of like ... A Day In The Life / Character Study type of fic bc they Do find the party (they break in somewhere to get supplies n there's so many monsters n the last time they all saw each other they were kids and will-el are covered up so they don't recognize each other n ofc will-el are bandits so they get captured and then yanno. they rip off will's face coverings and it's like Omgggg Surprise It's Me Aha Sorry I Bit You And Almost Took Your Knee Out And Hit You With A Metal Pipe Can You Please Uncuff Me Now Hehe<3). aka will-el find their way back home and now they have to figure out what home really is and how to reintegrate into society. it's about the ghosts of your past, reconciling what you knew with what's in front of you, falling back into old habits and having to learn new ones, falling in love all over again, mike waking up from the same nightmare he always has and going to will's room in the dead of night because he has to be SURE that this is real that will's actually alive that it really is him right in front of him and that he hasn't been taken away again and that this isn't just another dream within a dream, learning how to be a human being again, and it ends with someone's wedding ofc.
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It'll be interesting to see how this progresses
Ooh promo time
Okay okay robberiesss cool cool
Oh hey I was just saying how I missed Josh :D
OOP it's Maddie o.o :O
I mean obviously we know she didn't but STILL
Anyway yeah ayy call center-centered (lol) episodeee
So yeah! That was the last of my final thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I really enjoyed this episode! It was great. It was a bit calmer than the previous ones lol, but I'm okay with that xD. And I am so glad Buck's not entering somebody's open marriage XD.
Now, some quick individuals!
Maddie: iconic. Girl 😭😭, she went through so much this episode with the reminders of her past, and she still pulled through and really helped Claribelle and her mom :')). I'm so proud of and happy for her <33. Also, seems like she and Chim are looking for a nanny! Chilling :). Oh, and while it was hilarious, I'm glad Chim's okay from being kidnapped by the drunk driver lol xD :D. Anyway, looks like, however, Maddie will continue going through it 😭 xD.
Buck! Even though it would've been a great bi awakening, I am SO GLAD it's not an open marriage situation like we were all thinking it was XD. Thank goodness! Not that there's anything wrong with it, but just. . . yk. Buck xD. And also Buddie lol. I'm not too sure on his decision on the sperm donation, but if he's made it, good for him :)). It'll be a wild ride lol.
Eddie and Chris! I love their little parenting moments/plots :DD. I feel like this was a really important step in their relationship, an important thing to say about parenting, and a really great example of Eddie being a cycle-breaker :)). Good for him <333. And, I'm go glad they worked things out. Yeah, in short, I love them ❤️❤️❤️❤️.
BATHENA. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰. That is all.
Oh and also DOG :DDDD 🐕. I will love Hoover with my entire life <333
(Lol they were adorable and amazing as always. And it looks like Athena will be involved in the drama next week! Fun fun)
Hen! I'm SO HAPPY that she's getting another chance :D. I don't want her to leave, obviously :(, but girl was so stressed out of her mind, and now she's losing it XD. But instead of from too much to do, it's by going stir-crazy from too LITTLE to do xD. Ahh, anyway, I love her, and those little moments with Buck were cut :)).
Also, not just related to Hen, I will never get over that kitchen/dining room scene at the station with them all XDD. Amazing, lol. Top tier cinema XDD.
Overall, I loved this episode! It was a little bit slower, a nice change of pace, not that I didn't like what we've had so far. It's just nice to switch it up a bit :). Anyway, I really enjoyed it, everyone's individual parts were great, the calls were super good, and it was honestly just really nice to see my children again :). I needed to relax and they offered the perfect opportunity. Also, a fun theme with the slight touch on parenting all around! Heavier in some storylines than others, but nice :). But yeah! Amazing episode :D.
This was a great episode! It was good all around and had some really enjoyable moments. I'm excited to see what the next one has in store. This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 4: Animal Instincts
What a good episode! I think the next one's gonna be super wild, though. I'm looking forward to it! I'll be back next week for my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 5: Home Invasion
See you guys then!
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helfireclub · 2 years
Dancing with the Devil { Eddie Munson x Fem OC}  Chapter 7
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7| Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 (18+) | Chapter 11
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Chapter : A wet puppy
General POV
Lilly had ditched Steve and walked back to the place where she and Eddie were hanging out.
But she didn't see him anywhere.
'What the fuck.' Lilly scolded while taking a sip from her drink.
'Almost there princess.' Eddie's voice was heard
'Huh.' Lilly brought out and walked around another corner and saw Eddie standing against a tree.
Lilly couldn't help but chuckle that she went to wrong way and gave Eddie the second drink.
'Thanks' Eddie said gratefully taking the drink and almost pushing it down in one go.
'god, that's strong.' Eddie brought out.
'Thanks, I like them strong.' Lilly said with a wink and also downed her drink.
'Okay so. Everyone is black-out drunk wanna turn some heads?' Lilly said her grin getting wider.
'Nah I'm not sure Lilith.' Eddie started
'Excuse me. Are you telling me that Eddie Munson is scared of a few people from a band who are so drunk and fucking around that they won’t even know he was here?' Lilly said raising an eyebrow.
'I'm not scared.
Munson's aren't scared.' Eddie said puffing his chest.
'Good.' Lilly pulled him with her out of the full-grown garden and into the backyard.
Just as Lilly said people were playing games, dancing , making out. Just your average party.
'Isn't Harrington's dad home?' Eddie asked.
'Nah he's out of town.
Just like my mum.' Lilly added.
But Eddie didn't quite catch that.
Lilly let go of Eddie's hand when she saw Robin.
Who was black out drunk hanging around a girls neck.
'Oh my god Lills.' Robin started she was brabling like crazy
And eddie looked at her asking himself is she was okay.
'Oh my god we need to go swim!' Robin exclaimed.
'we what now?' Lilly said turning her head towards Eddie and then back to Robin.
But she was to late Robin had pulled her shirt over her head.
And she started pulling at Lilly's
Robin had succeeded leaving Lilly in her yellow bikinitop, and her overall almost down if she hadn't catched it.
'Robin quit it what are you doing?' Lilly started.
Steve fastly came to the two.
'What are the both of you doing??' He started trying to pull them off each other.
'Steve let goooooo.' Robin exclaimed pulling Lilly even further to the pool.
And in a matter of a second Steve had let go after Robin almost bit him and both Lilly and Robin dived head first in the pool.
Suddenly everyone turned around and was looking at the both of them in the pool.
And in just a few moments the whole pool was full of people.
Everyone took it as a invention to swim.
And Lilly fastly climbed out of the pool
As two hands reached for her arms and she grabbed them.
One was Steve's and the other one was Eddie's
'Eddie? What are you doing here?' Steve asked when he saw the curly haired guy.
'Harrington' eddie formally nodded his head.
'Lills please.. is this the person you brought your second drink to?' Steve said putting his arms over each other.
To which Lilly as wet as a rag grinned.
'I know right, isn't it sweet that he came.
He didn't want to , but he did it anyway' Lilly said smiling.
'Go upstairs and change in something dry please.' Steve said sighing as he pulled her to the kitchen.
'Nah nah, I'll go in a sec.' Lilly said a bit drowsy but still giggling.
'You're not wet yet.' Lilly fastly said and she pushed Steve, so he lost his balance
Robin was behind him in the pool and pulled on his legs so Steve fell into the pool
Letting out a yelp.
Lilly couldn't stop laughing.
Eddie was standing on the side his eyebrows raised at them.
He was shaking his head while downing another drink.
Lilly walked over to him.
She was dripping
'Nah- ah princess.' Eddie said while looking at her.
Lilly started pouting and putting on a face of puppy eyes.
'Hah. I'm used to that, all the broke people try to get my drugs like that Lilith.
Won't work.' Eddie said a small grin appearing on his face.
Have it your way.' Lilly said as she walked away and walked inside to get a drink.
Her converse were leaving their prints on the tiles of.
Eddie was looking at her walking away.
And couldn't help staring.
He shook himself out of it, and lit a cigarette.
When he was done smoking and eve dealing some weed with a few people who wanted to try some.
He put the cigarette out and walked over to Steve who was sitting on the side of the pool.
'Hey man.
Can I ask you a question?' Eddie asked him.
'Sure' Steve answered while putting out his shoes who were completely drenched, and trying to wring the water out of his socks.
Eddie bent through his knees so he was almost squatting next to Steve.
'Lilith what is she to you?' Eddie asked needing to keep himself calm.
He had seen the two of them together and it was almost hurting him.
'Who?' Steve asked looking a tat confused to Eddie.
'Lilith. The one that just put you in this wet mess.' Eddie said a bit irritated by the fact that he didn't know what he was talking about.
'Oh you mean Lilly.' Steve said looking up.
'You know her name is not Lilith right? It's Elizabeth.' he said while putting his shoes on the side of the pool and standing up.
Eddie stood up with him.
'I know it's short for Elizabeth.
But I like Lilith better.' Eddie bit to him.
'Oh jeez man, don't need to get angry.' Steve said holding his hands up.
'But what about her.' Steve said while putting his arms over each other.
Taking an almost defensive stand.
'Hey Eddie.' A voice suddenly whispered in his ear.
To which Eddie fastly turned around but he was to late.
Lilly had pushed him to the pool and the only thing he could hold onto was Lilly herself.
The both of them fell into the pool Eddie back first and Lilly screaming loudly not expecting he was pulling her with him.
They both came up.
Lilly smirking ear to ear.
Eddie coughing up water and looking at her with a devilish face expression.
Was he angry?
Lilly wasn't sure, but she wasn't going to find out she dove beneath the surface and in the dark Eddie couldn't trace her.
But she came up almost directly to his face.
'Don't be mad Munson.'
'It was just a joke.' Lilly said softly pouting again.
'Lilly my stuff was in my pockets.' Eddie sighed pushing his wet hair out of his face.
'Was it tho?' Lilly said as she pushed herself off Eddie and swam to the side of the pool.
She lifted herself out of the pool and walked to the side table showing a ziplock of joints and his cigarettes with lighter.
And even his car keys.
Eddie was just floating there.
His mouth hanging open looking at Lilly his eyebrow once again raised.
Lilly just winked at him and laid the stuff back down.
The party was starting to die down slowly the sun was rising and people didn't want to get into fight's with their parents so the fastly left.
As Eddie was swimming over to the side of the pool, lifting himself out of the pool and standing up throwing his hair back.
When it wasn't curled it was almost reaching the lower half of his back.
'It's so fucking long what the fuck.' Lilly said.
'Not as half as long as yours tho' Eddie said as he shook his hair around like a dog trying to dry his fur after swimming.
'Jesus Eddie' Lilly said.
When he threw his hair back his facial expression dropped.
'What?' Lilly said looking at him a shiver running down her spin, the wind was starting to set up.
Lilly looked around to see where Eddie was staring at.
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Chapter : Busy
General POV
It was Steve getting cosy with Brenda.
To which Lilly's mouth fell open.
Eddie was a little weirded out.
Not knowing what to say to her.
Till Lilly came closer to him
'Oh my fucking god let's go.' Lilly said whispering.
Brenda and Steve were kind off busy with each other in the living room.
So Both Eddie and Lilly snuck by them.
Both soaked from the pool trying to be as discreet as possible.
They were going up the stairs.
When the both of them were up the stairs
Eddie stopped Lilly.
'It's kinda cool what you're doing right now, but isn't this like invading a home?' Eddie whispered.
Lilly looked at him sheepishly but then she heard Steve coming up the stairs.
'Quick.' Lilly said and she pushed Eddie into Steve's room.
When they had closed the door the both of them looked around.
'Fuck this is Steve's room.' Lilly cursed whispering.
'well fuck.' Eddie replied and was about to go seek hiding in the closet.
'No come here.' Lilly said and pulled him into the bathroom.
She closed the door and locked it directly.
The both of them heard the door open and giggling and some other sounds could be heard.
To which a shiver went up both Lilly and Eddie's spine.
Eddie sat down on the toilet.
'I'm sorry you needed to see that.' Eddie said softly to Lilly.
Who was casually braiding her hair so it wouldn't a tangled mess when she woke up.
'Yeah I'ts kinda gross, but I don't know why you're so grossed out?' Lilly said frowning as she turned to Eddie.
Her lipstick was smurred over her face and her eyeliner had started running because of the tackle in the pool.
'Well.. ' Eddie started getting a bit more confused by the second.
'I kinda thought you liked him?' Eddie said standing up scratching the back of his head.
'Steve?' Lilly mouthed to him with even more confusion on her face.
'Yeah who else Brenda?' Eddie mouthed back.
Lilly bit on her lip and walked to the other side of the bathroom.
'Lilith where are you going?' Eddie whisper yelled to her.
When she entered the other room she told him to close the door.
Which he did in a matter of a second trying to walk towards her again.
'No no' Lilly said out loud.
'You might wanna keep your voice down Lilith.' Eddie said pointing towards the bathroom.
'Why I locked it? Do you really think Steve would come here and tell me to shut up?
It should be the other way around.' Lilly said
Eddie's face had question marks written all over his face.
And he shivered.
'Look around.' Lilly said while grabbing a clean towel out of her closet.
And throwing it towards Eddie.
Eddie grabbed the towel and did as she said and looked around.
The room was filled with Led Zeppelin , Star wars posters.
A skate board was standing against the side of the door.
'Look at the photo on the bedside table.' Lilly said while searching through the closet.
Eddie rolled over the bed and picked up the picture.
It was a picture of Lilly and her mom.
'Is this ... ? ' Eddie turned around to look at Lilly.
'My room?' Lilly answered standing up straight from the closet holding a really big tshirt.
She walked over to the bathroom and turned on the shower.
'Jep.' Lilly said when she came back.
'My mom and Steve's dad are kinda dating.' Lilly said looking at Eddie.
Something really big lifted from Eddie's shoulders.
'So...' Eddie said putting the picture back.
' So... Steve is basically my stepbrother.' Lilly said as she walked out of the room and left Eddie confused as always but also really relieved.
Lilly came back a few moments later holding a shirt of Steve.
'Come here you're cold. ' Lilly said
'Sorry?' Eddie said.
'Jesus christ Eddie. You're freezing and you're probably just gonna go on with your day, and I'm not letting you leave till you had a shower and you're not cold.' Lilly said crossing her arms.
'But..' Eddie said almost stuttering.
'Go shower now..' Lilly said
To which Eddie complied and took the shirt and walked in the bathroom.
He closed the door and Lilly heard him step under the shower.
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Chapter Eddie in Blue Jeans
General POV
When Eddie was in the shower
Lilly pulled off her wet clothes and put on a big sweater and shorts.
She walked down to see if she could find Robin and put dry clothes on her and put her in the guest room, she closed the doors of the house and locked it.
She then headed upstairs again, she heard the shower was off and she closed the door of her room.
'Hmm?' Lilly answered
'You probably don't have pants do you?'
'Only a pair from Steve I suppose.' Lilly answered.
'Well mine are soaked and I'm not gonna wear those tight things Harrington wears outside.'
'Throw yours through the door, I'll put them in the dryer.' Lilly said
'And I'll get you a pair of Steve's in the main time.'
She heard the door open and Eddie threw his clothes in a pile outside.
Lilly walked out of the room and knocked on Steve's door.
She hadn't heard shit from his room for a while.
'what do you want?' Steve murmured.
'I need a pair of jeans.' Lilly said.
'Because I have a soaked man in my room who needs dry jeans.' Lilly said
'Hmmmmmmm closet.' Steve murmured.
'Yeah I'm not walking in.' Lilly said softly
'Well than you're not getting any.' Steve said sleepishly.
'ugh fine.' Lilly said sighing.
She slowly walked in her hands for her eyes, she didn't want to see whatever Steve was doing or how he was laying in bed.
'Jesus do you ever fold your clothes?' Lilly scolded softly and when she found pants, she fastly got out of there.
She walked back to her room and knocked on the bathroom door to which it opened and she gave the jeans through there.
Lilly then took Eddie's pile of clothes and walked back to the laundry room putting them in the dryer and turning it on.
By the time Lilly came back into her room and softly closed the door.
She saw Eddie standing in a tight baseball shirt and blue jeans.
Lilly opened her mouth but she closed it again admiring the dark haired guy wearing this clothes.
'I don't want a word.' Eddie said groaning.
'Then I wisely shut up.' Lilly said with a smile before letting out a big yawn.
'Thank you.' Eddie said.
' We need to wait till your clothes are dry.' Lilly said as she jumped on the bed.
Eddie nodded as he was looking through her room.
'Jesus Eddie lay the fuck down.' Lilly said after 15 minutes of him rummaging through her room.
After a few minutes he finally laid down on the other side of the bed his arm beneath his head looking at the ceiling.
'Hey Lilith.' He said after a few minutes.
Lilly was slowly dozing off.
'Hmmm?' Lilly said
'Thanks.' He said
'No one ever really took me in like this.' Eddie said softly
'Like offering me a shower and washing my clothes.' He said.
Lilly didn't answer, to which he said up to look at her.
But she had her hand half over her face, Lilly had fallen asleep.
'Maybe it's better that she didn't hear that.' He told himself and he laid back on the bed.
He slowly felt himself doze off.
A few hours Lilly woke up stretching her back.
She had a dry mouth so she swung her legs off the side of the bed and walked towards the bathroom.
She took a glass of water and turned on the shower where she washed her hair and put on a way to big Queen shirt and walked back into her room.
She walked by her bed where she saw something moving.
Lilly took a few steps back when she saw Eddie still sleeping on his side.
His hair was everywhere and he was still wearing Steve's pants. He did however loose the shirt somewhere.
Lilly was calculating and it all came back to her.
His clothes were still in the dryer and she went to get them.
She also found Robin's clothes and put them on the desk in the guest bedroom where she was still sleeping.
Lilly put Eddie's clothes on her desk and walked downstairs.
Where she found Steve waving bye to Brenda.
'Damn she's not even staying for breakfast?' Lilly said an eyebrow raised.
'No, she doesn't want her mom to know she was out this late.' Steve said yawning.
'All rightie then.' Lilly said as she walked to the kitchen and started throwing cups and everything away.
She put a few pans on the stove and started making eggs.
Lilly was throwing away lots of stuff and told Steve to put all the leftover alcohol bottles in his closet since it was such a mess anyway.
When the eggs were done Lilly told Steve to wake Robin up to have some breakfast.
She was walking upstairs with two plates and two cups off coffee.
And opened the door to her room.
Eddie just pulled his shirt over his head when he saw Lilly enter the room but she was struggling to close the door almost dropping a cup of coffee.
Eddie was fast and took over the cups of coffee.
'Damn Lilith even making me breakfast.' Eddie said with his signature smirk.
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ohxthexenvyx · 2 years
Friends | Eddie Munson
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Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
Summary: After a really bad day, you see your "best friend" Eddie and breakdown. This event leads to many feelings being shared.
Word count: 828
Warnings: bullying, angst, crying, comfort, fluff, caring Eddie(serious damage<3)
Authors Note: This is my first time writing a Eddie Munson one shot so please be nice and I hope at least on person enjoys this.
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It was a long, awful day today, and all you wanted to do was cry. All you could think about was how much you missed Eddie. You hadn't seen him all day due to him skipping your Math class that you had together. It was only lunch and your day was already so bad, and it didn't get any better when you realized Eddie didn't come to lunch due to a deal he was making with someone. Later on into the day, it just getting worse and you couldn't explain why.
At the end of the day, you felt miserable, almost like you could break. That was until you saw Eddie waiting outside his van with what almost was an apologetic smile. And you did break. You walked up to him and just started bawling your eyes out in his arms.
"Woah! Okay so I assume today was a bad day. Would you like to talk about it now or later, out of the public eye?" Eddie said worried about you, you then looked up and realized you indeed were in the public eye, and man was the public eye cruel. Looks of disgust and amusement filled the crowds of students. You then left Eddie's arms and rushed to the passenger seat, where you sat with your head and hands between your legs.
Eddie made his way to the driver's seat and began driving. All he wanted to do was get you home so you could feel a little better. "I'm sorry I wasn't there today," Eddie apologized and parked his van in his driveway. He then got out and made his way to your side. He opened your door, and all you wanted to was hug him, so you did. He reciprocated the hug and began to move his hand in soothing motions on your back. "I really am sorry." He said, showing his sincerity. "Can we go in now?" You said, sounding absolutely miserable, "Yeah let's go in," he responded, leading you to his room.
When you got in you laid down on his bed ignoring the weird stains on his sheets. "It was really that bad, huh?" Eddie said as he sat on the other side of his bed. "Bad? Yeah it was really awful. Everything thing just went wrong?" You began to break down again. "Sh, sh, it's okay. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Eddie said as he scooted over to you and hugged you. "No, I do want to tell you. I just- it was awful today. First, I woke up to my mom yelling at me for something I didn't even do. Then when I finally got to school, I tripped on a rock and everyone laughed at me. And then I got to Math class, where I usually get to see you and be relieved of my stress, but you weren't there. And- And then later, I saw someone had written the word 'freak' on my locker and normally that doesn't bother me but after all that went on today, it hurt to hear that and everyone was laughing again. I thought I might see you at lunch but you weren't there. And I- I just didn't want to be there anymore but I had too, and it didn't help that I completely failed a test that I studied so hard. And- And I just missed you." You said at this point you're out of breath and just overall really tired. "Oh. Oh. I'm so sorry I really messed up, huh? I should've there you." Eddie said overwhelmed by all the information he was just given. "I promise I won't skip math class ever again." You laughed at his choice of words, but also you felt loved. "Yeah, I know it's really out of the blue, but we're friends right?" You said catching Eddie off guard causing him to sit up. "Of course we're friends, idiot. Where is this coming from anyways?" Eddie questioned worried at why you were all of a sudden questioning your friendship. You rushed to sit up as well worried that what you were about to say might end everything between you two. "Well it's just that I care about you and- and I want to be with you, but I don't think you like me back." Eddie was stunned. "And you probably don't, and I could totally just leave right now if you-" You rushed out, but before you could finish, you were quickly shut up by a pair of extremely soft and eager lips. It wasn't what you expected, but you quickly reciprocated the kiss and soon you were laying back down with Eddie hovering over you. "Of course I like you. I might even love you." He said quietly.
"I love you too more than anything." You said too tired to say anything else. And before you even knew it you were both asleep in each other's arms.
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cosmicbrowniefan · 2 years
hey y’all!! putting out a ton of headcanons tonight so let’s get started :)) might put them in drafts and then post them? or maybe i’ll get to the end of this post and just want to put it out right then. idk lol
anyway, let’s get to our first set of headcanons for the evening, aka trans party headcanons. in each of these headcanons, the character who i’m focusing on is trans and the rest are cis (unless otherwise mentioned). also, whatever gender they are in the show is the gender that they’re transitioning to (ex: mike is ftm, el is mtf).
mike came out as ftm to will first (naturally) when he was in 5th grade
will had kinda seen this coming? not that it was something he really thought about, but he could see that, as he got older, mike was seeming more and more uncomfortable with his feminine-developing body
they were in the basement one day and mike just kinda blurted it out
and will was like
and that night, will helped mike cut his hair
much to the horror of karen, who didn’t know why mike and will would do that
it clicked years later when mike came out to her
mike gradually came out to the rest of the party, who were all supportive
then he came out to his family (nancy first, then mom, then dad) and came out publicly when he was about 16
dustin took it upon himself to be mike’s personal bodyguard basically
so did max
the two of them pretty much formed the Mike Protection Club
el was super supportive as well, and she loved learning about the science behind being trans
she was the one who used the facts to silence the transphobes
and she always texted mike to make sure he had taken off his binder every night
lucas took mike to the gym to do some weight training together because mike really wanted to build up some muscle
that was mike’s favorite Boy Bonding Time
and when mike and will finally got together, will would always call mike handsome and tell everyone to “look at his perfect boyfriend”, which gave mike butterflies but also a total boost of confidence
also, when he joined hellfire, he was super nervous that he would feel like he didn’t fit in
but it turns out. eddie is also trans
and he became mike’s trans big brother!!
gave him all the tips and advice and made mike feel super comfy in the group
whenever he’s dysphoric, will always cuddles with him and lets him borrow a hoodie and kisses his face and whispers to him about how lovely he is
overall, trans mike is v supported <3
jonathan was 110% the first person will came out to, when will was about 14
jonathan was surprised, but super honored that will had told him first
he picked up extra shifts at his job so he could afford will’s first binder :(
best birthday present ever in will’s opinion, he cried
joyce was the next person he came out to
and she was just overwhelmingly supportive, made sure he knew he was loved
she set up meetings with all his teachers at school to make sure that they knew and would respect him 
(even though will told her he could handle it on his own, she just went right into protective mom mode)
will came out publicly when he was 15, and he came out to all his friends at once
not that he didn’t want to tell them individually, or tell them beforehand, but he just wanted to get it all over with at once
all of them gave him SO much support, and sent him super encouraging paragraphs and had one-on-one heart to hearts with him
max and el took him shopping to get a new wardrobe
hopper went along and helped will with all the sizing issues
and he made sure that the employees were gendering him correctly
he’d go around loudly saying things like “how do these feel, SON?”
it was a little embarrassing but really sweet
dustin’s kneejerk reaction was to tell will all the reasons he thought spiderman was trans
which honestly? will totally agreed with
(he went as spiderman for halloween that year after hearing dustin’s theories)
lucas decided to give will. “swagger lessons”
which basically was just lucas giving will cheesy pick-up lines
but will took advantage of this and asked lucas to help him with mannerisms and things he wanted to pick up on, and lucas was completely helpful with that
lucas also reassured will when he came out as gay that being gay didn’t make him any less of a man, because will felt so much like he was a straight girl just pretending
but after lucas’s killer pep talks? there was no doubt in will’s mind that he was valid
mike went over to will’s house the second will had texted them all with his coming out message
he just tackled him in a hug and cuddled him tight and told him how proud he was of him :)
will always felt real and validated and protected around his friends and family <3
having always grown up rejecting stereotypical feminine things, everyone always thought lucas was a tomboy
and lucas thought that too, until he heard the term “transgender” and thought about it
erica was the first one he came out to, when he was 12
erica was kinda little at this point
lucas was just playing with her and he casually said that he thought he might be her brother and not her sister
and erica just responded saying that she was glad, because now she could get girls days alone with their mom
but really, erica was so so supportive of her brother, and she loves him so much
lucas came out to the party when he was 13, then to all of his friends at 14, then to his parents and publicly at 15
lucas’s parents were beyond supportive
they immediately signed him up on the boys sports teams
will signed up for these sports with lucas
will’s good at sports, and even though they’re not his favorite pastime, he needed to make sure everyone was treating his bestie right
he and mike dressed as luke and han for halloween
lucas had ALWAYS wanted to dress as han but was too anxious to dress as a male character
dressing as the two of them was actually mike’s idea, and hearing him suggest that just made lucas bubble over with joy
but dressing up as han made him feel so confident
and max was hanging off of lucas’s shoulder telling him just how handsome he looked
max is queen of compliments and the founder of the lucas fan club btw
any time someone so much as throws a questionable look at lucas, el is exploding something in their face
because nobody looks at lucas that way who tf do they think they are?
dustin’s reaction was probably the best though
when lucas came out, dustin just said “sick, you can come in my clubhouse now since it’s boys only!”
like oh my god such a validating feeling for lucas??
also lucas is proud as fuck of his physical glow-up when he goes on t
he just gets infinitely more confident in his appearance and in his expression
when he’s a senior, he wins senior superlative for “best glow-up”
everyone is always just. flaunting after him
but his heart belongs to max <3
and max doesn’t let anyone forget that bc she is so lucky wtf he chose her!!
trans lucas is handsome, confident, loved, and just. perfection
chef’s kiss
so we know eddie is trans as well, and having an older trans role model means the WORLD to dustin
seeing an older trans person was just life-changing for dustin
dustin wasn’t out when he met eddie, but he had known that he was trans for a little while at that point
he came out to the party (mike, lucas, and will) when he was about 13, then met eddie, and then came out publicly around 15
eddie really helps him become comfortable with himself and showed dustin just how much he could live authentically and happily
eddie just treats dustin like a little brother and like “one of the guys”, but also treats him like a son lmao
“did you take a binding break yet?” “did anyone bother you today?” “ugh, i know, shark week is the worst. it takes a badass guy to be able to handle it, though.”
also steve?
so supportive. so dad.
immediately teaches dustin how to mow a lawn, telling him that he needs to “pick up the slack” as the “man of the house”
which just felt super validating for dustin to hear
he liked getting to learn that stereotypical masculine stuff, it just made him feel so happy and validated
will and jonathan take dustin out for a boys day
which consists of just anything that gives dustin gender euphoria
for him, that meant going hiking, fishing, and camping at a state park he had always adored
byers brothers best brothers
and the byers sister is the best sister
bc el didn’t let dustin take anyone’s shit
neither did max
el and max teamed up and they helped dustin start a gsa at school
with the girls there to boost his confidence, dustin actually forms a presentation for teachers on how to respect trans students
the presentation is used for years to come
dustin was always capable of this, but he just needed a bit of a push
lucas helps dustin with his style
dustin’s clothing didn’t change much, but he just wanted a little bit of help on becoming more outwardly masculine to match how he felt on the inside
which lucas definitely was able to help him with
whenever dustin gets dysphoric, mike comes over with nerf guns and he and dustin have a nerf battle either around dustin’s house, mike’s house, someone else’s house, or literally just out and about in the hawkins suburbs
dustin’s mom gets him a new bike for his birthday bc his other one felt too girly for him :( <3
in conclusion, trans dustin my beloved
el didn’t really know that being trans was an option
to be honest, she didn’t understand much about the concept of gender growing up, until she escaped brenner and learned more about it
when she realized how she was being perceived, she knew that it wasn’t right
el didn’t even know that what she was feeling was her being trans, but max explained the concept to her when el told her how she was feeling
so i guess you could say el came out to max first, when she was about 16
she then came out to hopper, then joyce, then jonathan, then will, then the rest of the party
she was fully out publicly when she was about 17
el was always stuck with will and jonathan’s hand-me-downs, but max gave her a TON of her old clothes so she felt more comfortable and like herself 
not that el disliked wearing her brothers’ clothes by any means, but max’s just felt so validating
max also helped el with some makeup when she started wanting to wear it
and she started doing el’s hair when it grew out longer
nancy was also a HUGE help to el throughout this whole process
completely took this kid under her wing as her little sister
taught her all about how to be confident and independent and proud of her womanhood
max and nancy really worked hand-in-hand here
lucas and dustin were just wonderful with her
whenever el got a new outfit or had a new look that she was confident in, they would call everyone over to have a mini fashion show for her
they’d commentate and hype her up, just showing off el and how happy she was
no one had ever seen el smile as much as she did when she tried her first dress on
when el came out to show them all, mike couldn’t stop staring and saying “pretty” (platonically, of course, but wow, she was STUNNING)
will helped el upcycle some of his hand-me-downs as well, so she felt more comfortable in them
he also took her to his lgbtq+ support group for teens that he attended after coming out as gay
she found so many trans friends there and it was just so therapeutic knowing that she wasn’t alone :)
also joyce and hopper go to parent support group meetings as well
and hopper keeps calling himself transparent
the joke makes el roll her eyes every time she hears it, but secretly, she loves it
overall, el is very supported, would recommend her support system to a friend
max had always known that something was “off” or “different” about her when she was little
she liked doing masculine things, but didn’t like being perceived as a masculine person
after a lot of soul-searching, max came out
fist to lucas, then to everyone else, all in the span of a week when she was 17
she worried that it was “too late” for her to come out but the second she let that thought leave her mouth, will had shut it down and told her that it’s never too late to be herself 
which is v v true. so true will. SO true.
mike is max’s number one protector
he insisted on walking her to every single one of her classes personally, even when it was way out of his way
his glares at max’s haters could shoot daggers
and his words DID shoot daggers
dustin gets pronoun pins for everyone in the party when max comes out
they all wear them proudly
and whenever someone misgendered max, he’d just clear his throat and gesture to her pin
will had max over for a number of self care nights after she came out
joyce was thrilled about this and did everything in her power to make max feel pampered and like the strong woman she was
max unfortunately dealt with a decent amount of bullying after coming out
but after el heard about this?
let’s just say no one ever bothered max again
not if they valued their teeth, that is
max was always worried that maybe she was faking it because she didn’t mind dressing or doing traditionally masculine stuff, but el and lucas helped her break down those barriers in her mind
and she was able to accept that she can express herself however she wants and that won’t invalidate her gender
lucas makes sure that max knows that he sees her EXACTLY as who she is. and he really, truly means that
he always calls her beautiful and tells her that he’s the luckiest guy in the world to have such an amazing girlfriend
mans is just constantly showering her in compliments
and through the dysphoria and discomfort with her body, max starts to believe him and gains confidence in herself and in her expression
miss max mayfield is just so valid and we love her so much
hope you guys liked these!! gonna do the teens next <3
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wallsshouldtalk · 2 years
OKAY so i’ll start off by saying i cry at literally nothing ever and i dehydrated myself from crying harder than i’ve cried in 10 years at eddie’s death scene. i’m a tough cookie but not when it comes to silly, goofy, lovable, rock-star nerd eddie munson. am i going through genuine grief? yes! so is my denial misplaced? most likely!! but i have a theory anyway
SO!!!! we know the duffers are not above a fake death/ misleading death (see hopper), so maybe they’re trying that again with eddie. as far as we know, dustin didn’t bring back his body- meaning we don’t have proof that eddie fully died/ remained dead. now yes, he was pretty torn up and overall doing not his best, but was it so much damage that survival would be completely impossible? i feel like maybe not. pain and shock can do some pretty weird shit to the body and passing out is not a crazy reaction to have after being mauled by monster demon bats.
aside from the “medical” reasoning, eddie’s role (although new) is not really as a side character, and to get rid of someone with as much potential as our metal DM would have to have some stronger reasoning than a “redemption” arc with a pointless sacrifice. barb, bob, and alexei were insanely lovable characters and played their parts wonderfully, but mostly their roles were about how they affected other people. barb was there to lead nancy into this upside down business, bob was there to give advice and comfort to will and be that sacrifice of “bob newby the superhero”, and alexei needed to be there to help our adult crew. eddie’s story line was more independent and had a leg to stand on even if the rest of our hawkins crew wasn’t there. he wasn’t tagging along, he became a part of the main crew (minus jonathan, will, el, and mike). eddie dying serves no purpose, except to make dustin sad, and doesn’t really fit in with the previous thing of introducing a character only to kill them at the end. so, maybe, eddie wakes up in season 5, gravely injured and alone, and is trying to find a way out and back to the gang. maybe that serves the purpose of giving us eyes on the inside or maybe it’ll give eddie the chance he deserved to clear his name (SINCE NO ONE ELSE SEEMS TO BE WILLING TO STEP UP AND SAY ANYTHING FOR THE PERSON WHO LITERALLY THREW HIMSELF INTO A HOARD OF DEMOBATS YO SAVE A BUNCH OF PEOPLE THAT HATE HIM) or maybe it’s so he can walk the stage and get the diploma he rightfully deserves. at this point i don’t care what the reason is i’ll be honest. also the writing has been quite strategic in the past, so i feel like maybe they wouldn’t have eddie’s last lines be “this is my year” when it clearly is not. i guess we’ll see.
joseph quinn did also make that comment about wanting to do scenes with charlie in s5. now, granted, that may have been just to fuck with all of us, but i’ll take hope where i can get it.
my theory has no real evidence or proof of any kind to support it, but denial is the first stage of grief and this is how i’m choosing to view it until someone explicitly tells me no. even then, i’ll probably ignore them and keep living in blissful ignorance until 2024 when s5 comes out and throws my heart into a wood-chipper. the duffers aren’t perfect writers by any stretch, but i am choosing to have a little faith that their choices are more calculated than this. thanks for listening to my delusions
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edit: joseph quinn just did an interview where he talked about how he would’ve liked to come back for another season, but that he was satisfied with the end of eddie’s character arc. sounds like this death was a real one folks (unless this is all some super extra silly prank)!!! i’m gonna leave this theory up here though in case some crazy, wacky miracle occurs and we are all allowed to have hope again.
link to article:
edit/ update pt.2: NEW interview (yes somehow already) reveals that joe really may not know how the future of eddie will play out. he says that he’s been talking with joe keery about ways eddie could make an appearance! so hope is not lost! hopefully the duffer brothers realize that they just made the literal largest mistake ever getting rid of quinn as an actor and eddie as a character and they’ll just do an uno reverse moment <3 essentially: FUCK THIS SHOW FOR PLAYING HOT POTATO WITH MY FEELINGS
link to pt2 article:
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yikesharringrove · 2 years
Last episode!!
Okay! This episode had lots of ups and downs. LOTS of joe and downs.
The Steve/Nancy bullshit can literally eat shit I hate it I HATE IT
Once again the tension is constantly being ramped up, especially with the Russian team and the upside down team.
I didn’t even notice the California team wasn’t in this ep bc that’s how little I care.
There are a bunch of scenes I’ve seen as gifs that I didn’t see? Are those from teasers? Like Eddie playing his guitar in the UD?? I assume that’s to help Nancy out but I have NO idea.
Anyway this one had some good moments of return to what st used to be especially with Lucas and Dustin, but the last 20-30 minutes of pure exposition and flashbacks really sucked the life out of me. Not too sure how I feel about this ep overall
Incoherent thots:
The way Steve is literally being EATEN ALIVE by those things jesus christ. We joke abt him getting fucked up every season but this is by far the worst one. He’s alone! And so scared! And he doesn’t know his friends are coming!
That pov shot got me fucked up
Eddie yelling “kill it” while Nancy and Robin do all the work. I wanna be him when I grow up
NOT STEVE BITING THAT THING he so has rabies now.
Okay but the way he flung it against the ground by the tail 👀👀👀 okay. Aight.
Me watching this scene five times:
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“Well they took about a pound of flesh, but other than that. Yeah never better” love how ducked up he sounds. Also Eddie in background like jEsUs H cHrIsT
ROBIN WITH THE RABIES lmao were the same
Ooop all of them getting behind Steve
These bitches are like the Procompsognathus in Jurassic park
Oh shit that’s a little person barbecue these fuckers are CRAZY
“Promise me you won’t kill her” OBVIOUSLY this guy doesn’t give a fuck about you OR el
Do you think brenner makes the other people at the lab call him papa?
I just fucking can’t with brenner he’s literally disgusting and I wish he was GONE
“You chose to trust me once” when? That time you kidnapped her from her mother and then tortured her mother so viscously that she was left permanently disabled? Is that when el chose to trust you?
I keep seeing in tiktok people who think number 1 is hot and bro. He’s so awful looking to me I can’t believe it
Dustin being an awful fucking liar are you kidding
“That psycho fREAK killer? Uh, no.” Dustin for president
Ted Wheeler coming in clutch suggesting the kids that ARENT HIS go to jail lmao Mrs. Sinclair looked like he was talkin out of his ass
I happen to think that Eddie’s hair should be getting bigger and more frizzy each time he’s shown. That lake water does not help with the frizz
Robin rattling off the symptoms of rabies I love her. She really thinks her best friend is dying she’s freaking out amazing
Nancy ripping up her skirt to bandage him welcome to Rocky horror
What’s with the squelching sounds when she wrapped it around him?? Bro ew
Please know that when Steve and Nancy looked all lovey dovey at each other I booed super loud I HATE IT HERE
“Yeah you almost shot me with that one” “you almost deserved it” rip to season 1 Steve who definitely pissed himself when Nancy put that gun in his face
EDDIE STOP “fer yer modesty, dude”
Okay did everyone need to spoon up when that earthquake happened???? I fucking hate it stop it with the Steve/Nancy shit I’m on my knees I’m BEGGING
Hopper figuring out how to make a Molotov cocktail in prison he’s amazing he’s showstopping he’s incredible
“Papa, I bet that old American did most of the monster slaying” vibes
Jesus, hopper wanting el to be growing and changing and learning and meanwhile el is underground and being re-traumatized by brenner
Murray looking like he’s shitting himself in that van while lying to the guards he’s amazing
Seeing all this shit, how much brenner spoke with all the kids individually, it kinda doesn’t make sense to me why el could hardly speak or knew a lot when she got out. Like reading and writing sure, those are learned, but you learn to talk by being talked to and by talking so. Idk if this makes sense it just makes me feel a little odd. Plus the older kids have a big vocabulary so ??? What is the truth
Good. Now we get to see the actual fucking torture DUDE BRENNER SUCKS SO HARD WHY ARE THEY TRYING TO MAKE HIM BETTER
Jesus christ what the fuck is going on
Eddie looking so distressed when Steve doesn’t get the ozzy reference I’ve seen it in so many gifs it’s incredible
(Also Steve was not engaging bc he knows ozzy and he knows that moment billy made him watch it about a thousand times on mtv but now that he’s gone, it’s a really painful memory)
EDDIE SAYING HE WAS JEALOUS this scene fucks so hard omg
“I was too ashamed to be the only one left behind” EDDIE
Bro eddie needs to shut up fr Steve and Nancy should NOT get back together and I have so many fucking thoughts about it that it would be it’s own post entirely
Okay but I really hope they do some shit with the lights and Dustin and Lucas realize the gang is in that house that would FUCK
Dustin’s look when Erica says she’ll say what was under Lucas’s bed amazing
Vecna opened it up obv
Okay but this Dustin and Lucas scene of them riffing off each other and figuring it out is so so good this is what I missed from stranger things this is what I loves about seasons 1 and 2
Okay but the upside down being stuck in time of three years ago kind of fucks
Meanwhile Steve’s just screaming downstairs
“Maybe he really does have rabies” VIBES
I’m???? The magic around the lights is big time cheesey tbh
“Does anyone know Morse code?”
“Does sos count? Is that-is that good?” WHAT DO YOU THINK, DARLING????? Eddie is QUICKLY becoming a blorbo. (Except for that painful moment where he told Steve to get with Nancy but he wasn’t thinking right)
It’s not Vecna it’s your besties dw
I think they just should’ve had eddie touch the light the red magic shit looks really dumb to me
This shot in the Russian prison is BANANAS I’m freaking out
Horse plinko
Not these MEAN MUGS the older kids have going on this is so funny to me
Why is this chess set so weird and ornate
Fucking brenner I just hate HATE him
I don’t trust brenner I don’t trust #1 I don’t trust anyone here
Lucas and Dustin fucking yeeting the lite brite and Erica giving her candy lmao
Eddie going “HI” and Steve like 🙄🫤🤨
Dustin: “We think we have a theory that can help with that”
Robin: “genius child”
“His tone, right” love LOVE him
“Honestly shouldn’t have gone with her first. She’s like, kinda mean” CALLAHAN
Callahan coming up the stairs going “oh little pigs, oh little pigs” like dude you’re the cop.
What song would save you from being vecna’d? I think mine would be crazy frog.
Is this really how she escaped??? I kinda wish that her escape was just always left a mystery tbh but this way is actually big time anticlimactic
Oh fuck the tracker in his neck made me SICK to look at
See in these flashbacks el has one hell of a vocabulary but we know that when she meets up with the boys she doesn’t know the word promise
HES MAKING A FLAMING SPEAR that’s so sexy aaaahahah
“The Americans are very tricky” in that super exaggerated American accent VIBES
Holy god the lighter being out of fuel
THE MOMENT THE DEMOGORGON FUCKING SPRINTS OUT OF THE DARKNESS I watched it three times at half speed so good
(Still wish this bitch was practical though)
This is the goriest scene in st so far and I wish it was MORE
“I gotta hand it to you commies. You’re committed” Murray’s karate is my favorite thing to come out of this season. He’s out here like billy zabka but not fucking painful
Not Joyce pressing all the fucking buttons queen shit
THEY DINT KNOW THAT JOYCE IS THERE OH SHIT this reunion is gonna make me cry with the slo mo
Okay but hopper at first not realizing what’s going on and then holding her back and smiling into the top of her head I’m freaking out
Okay but lowkey the look of (guys specifically) wearing long pants that aren’t fitted around the ankle and no shoes is one of my least favorite things ever and it always has been
This is kinda cool with the gate in the ceiling and the mirrored shots of the trailer and the kids looking at the upside down gang
So he’s just manipulating el to get rid of the thing that makes him not lose his marbles
So it’s NOT how she got out okay nvm
El, You’re surprised?? I’m fucking not
That’s where she learned the ol’ neck snapper though
And he’s number one I fucking called it
Wait this is trippy with the rope going through the ceiling. Gravity’s about to get real weird
“Those stains are, uh, I don’t know what those stains are” KING SHIT
WHAT that’s so cool it’s sustained between them that’s awesome
Every time I see the Dio logo on the back of the denim vest I think it says Djo lol
Oh christ the pool
This is so spicy for Nancy (imagine if it had been Steve though that would fuck to explore his guilt)
Oh that’s some gross shit from the pool. Once again, I called the pool being filled with gross black shit in my powers!steve fic lol
No wait OF COURSE el hasn’t escaped yet this is like 1979 or some shit
He’s Vecna. #1 is totally Vecna
So is this why the upside down is always trying to kill 11? WAIT IN SAESON 3 BILLY/MINDFLAYER SAID HE WAS BUILDING AN ARMY FOR HER yeah it’s bc vecna is weirdly obsessed with her
Okay but what does the creep house have to do with vecna? Like why is it there that he set up shop and his psychic link is through that
Oh it’s all coming together
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As a certified Spider Kid his obsession with these big fucking black widows is ????
“They, like me, are solitary creatures and deeply misunderstood. They are gods of our world.” GOD SHUP YOURE SO ANNOYING
He’s literally the worst. And people like this character??? He’s painful
He fucking SUCKS
You know most serial killers start out with animal cruelty
This whole flashback is too much exposition tbh
Brenner did all those tattoos?? That’s lowkey impressive
This is big time fucked up
Those fucking slipper shoes are so weird just have them in socks or barefoot
001 to me is what billy is to the rest of the fandom
The way I absolutely can’t stand him
These last 20 have really lost me tbh
Not only did El essentially banish him to the UD she also skinned him
WHY does it look like he’s falling to super hell
Knew it
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