#bsd canon divergence
foulfettedone · 1 year
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when you have nothing better to do than to write fanfiction about wanting this man to jump into the jaws of a Dragon and stay there 😂👌🫣🌚😝 when this man gets more character development when he’s about to be eaten than in the entirety of the Bungou stray dogs canon universe lol of 100+ chapters lol
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calmlb · 14 days
i wonder if every version of Dazai from all the universes the book created finds the book, & after nullifying it, becomes aware that he can make a choice regarding the potential outcome of that specific world
so all of these “Dazais” are the results of his different choices upon finding the book
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Trash Of The Mafia
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Summary: mori arrange a meeting with dazai to meet his 'special student' and his soon to be mentor plus friend?
Warning: mori itself is a warning (Pedophile/Grooming/ETC)
Genre: dazai meet someone stable? Unstable. but healthy enough to give dazai a better view of the world...?? unhinged reader?? canon divergence?
Pairing: osamu dazai x male!reader
Part: 1/?
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"AND THIS IS MY OFFICE-" Mori stood in the middle of the room and turned around, spreading his arms apart. A smile planted on his face as he then crossed his arm over his chest. "What do you think, Dazai?"
The boy in question, blink and point at himself. "Me?" He grown quiet and glance around for a second before coming into conclusion. "Well, it's better than mine, I guess..."
"Great...!" He nodded accepting dazai's answer. "Do you know why we are here, Dazai?"
"You mention that we gonna meeting 'precious' surbodinate of yours?" Dazai pursue his lips, "Thus that mean you want me to meet that person right?"
"As precise as ever, Dazai." He smile and turn around, looking at his office chair that is facing away to the wall. "You can come out now."
"Eh?" Mori blink and approach the chair, "[Nickname]?" He turn the chair around and see no one there. "[Nickname]!?" Mori started panicked looking around the room.
Lifting everything in the room in sight.
"[Name]!" He shouted, "Where are you?!"
Dazai who has been quietly watching thought, 'Is this a game?'
He nodded his head at his assumption and started walking around to search for the certain person as well. His eyes carefully look at every place.
'There is no a single trace of the person left behind, it's almost like the person never enter the room at all but...' He glance at the still frantic Mori looking around the place. 'That [Name] should be here. Right here, right now base of Mori reaction.'
Suddenly he went still from walking, his eye dilated and look up to the ceiling, "Found you."
A wide grin appear on [Name]'s face, "You found me."
He giggle excitedly and jump down from holding onto the candelier, "How exciting! Someone actually found me!" He clap his hand and put his hand on air, celebrating.
"[Nickname], here you are." Mori approach the boy hurriedly and let out a sigh, "Didn't I tell you to stay seated on the chair...? I was planning for you to have a strict appearance, you know."
[Name] stop celebrating and smiling before a pouted appear, "You are out way too long! I got bored."
"Ah, really..." He smile fondly.
"it's your fault Mr.Mori!"
"Ah, yes. You are right." He nodded to the boy word, going along. "It's my fault, sorry."
Dazai blink at the interaction happen infront of him, 'Mori being too nice right now. He even said it's his fault.' He glance at [Name].
'What's their relationship with each other?'
"Dazai," Upon hearing his name called, Dazai look back at Mori to see he one sidely hug [Name] by his side. "This is [Name] [Last Name], he will be your mentor from now on and help you get comfortable in the mafia."
"Mentor...?" Dazai uttered out, looking at [Name], " He literally look younger than me."
Mori laugh at that statement and while he do so, he stroke [Name]'s head.
Suprisingly [Name] not even mad at the word Dazai's said. "We actually the same age, Dazai!" He beamed with sparkle surrounding him as he jump up then down excitedly, "I never meet someone the same age of me, they usually 20+ or 40+ older than me!"
"How exciting!" He clapped his hand happily.
"[Name] here having a malnourished problem, that is why he look younger and smaller than what his age actually is." Mori explain once he stop laughing.
"Oh." Dazai look at the still laughing [Name], '...That is why he sound annoying, we are the same age.'
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"Hello~!" He waved his hand excitedly, "Ah, Aso how's your son doing at home?!"
Dazai is quietly following behind [Name], who is walking and skipping on his step while greeting everyone in his line of sight.
"Doing great! By the way, my wife and I are excited about a twin soon!"
[Name] gasped and squealed, "Oh my god, congrats! Name them after me, will you?!"
"Of course, that's the plan!" The guy laughs happily and strokes [Name]'s head.
[Name] leans into the palm that strokes his head, humming, "I was kidding but thank you, I'm honored!"
After a bit more of chitchat, Dazai and [Name] continue their journey walking to somewhere.
"The ants marched one by one, hora hooray~"
"...." Dazai stared at [Name] continuously behind his back and did not even bother to hide it.
"My student~!" He turns his head over his shoulder to Dazai, "You should speak up instead of staring, you see, you almost make me flush, shy~!! With that stare, hehe~" He declared with a bright smile clasping his hands together.
Dazai scrunched his face in disgust.
[Name] continues acting like a shy maiden nevertheless as he sways his body side by side.
"That guy earlier."
[Name] stand straight with a smile, giving Dazai his full attention. "What about him?"
"You are absolutely an important person to the point even the physician and the port mafia boss right handman, Mori-san seems to show a lot of respect to you." Dazai started and took a step forward to [Name] who didn't give any reaction to his statement.
"Why are you being a puny dog to your subordinate? Even letting them use your name to name their child."
[Name] throws his head back and bursts out loud laughing at Dazai's words, "Oh Dazai," He wipes his tears, "You, will get in trouble saying much thing bluntly."
Even though he said that he shook his head fondly with an amused smile. "I don't have any answer to your question, I just love people. They make me happy, give me serotonin, and give me something to do when I interact with them."
He spins around and starts walking ahead again.
Dazai followed behind and spoke up again to [Name], "Because it's not boring when you have entertainment isn't it? You talk with them like you care about them, ask stories and such."
"How childish." He sneered.
"Bingo!" [Name] admits, not even trying to deny anything. "You really get me, Dazai, I like you!"
"Please don't."
[Name] giggles, "Aww, you say that but I will make you like me~" His eyes shine with an unknown glint as he says, "Anyway, any more questions?" He jumps and clap his hand.
Dazai closes his eyes and opens them back, "You, who are you?"
[Name] tilts his head and starts tapping his finger on his chin in thought, "Hm," An eerily smile curl on his lips.
"I am Doctor Mori's temporary assistant and The Port Mafia, son that soon to be the heir...!"
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jounosparticles · 2 months
i need tecchou finding jouno passed out under the rubble of the airport and carrying him away to safety. i need to see him panicked upon finding him but relieved as soon as he sees jouno breathing. i need jouno to come to and try to say something but he’s too tired so he allows himself to be cared for just this once. i miss them so much
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originalaccountname · 4 months
if chuuya was raised by dr N, how do you think he would’ve changed?
What an interesting and difficult question
I'm assuming this is from a "what if Chuuya hadn't been taken out of the lab at all"? Where as professor N's project subject, N would have been his "guardian"?
All the Chuuyas we know were pretty similar: the little boy in his village who tried to beat up an older kid because he insulted his parents, the famined kid who had the guts to call out to another kid to know if you could eat the thing he was holding, the relunctant "king" of the Sheep, the Flags' angry little guy, the Port Mafia's top fighter and executive, Dazai's partner. The main points that kept true through all that, even before and after the lab, were that Chuuya fights, Chuuya cares, and Chuuya has an attitude.
I think these are all part of his core personality and will keep true no matter what happens. If he stops displaying these traits, it's because he's hiding them, or he's broken.
If N was smart, he'd give Chuuya a noble goal to latch onto. Getting Chuuya on your side is more efficient than forcing him to cooperate, and in the context that Project Arahabaki's objective was to effectively create a human weapon to be deployed at will, it's a lot more sustainable to have that weapon be proactive.
Chuuya's main driving force has always been defending other people, so something along the lines of saying he could be a hero, a protector, that he could help make people safe with his powers, should be good. Of course, he has to care about the people he's defending for this to be effective, so that first. If N wanted to be his trusted guardian for easier handling, he would need to be the first person Chuuya cares about by being a decent enough "parent" (you bet he'd call himself Chuuya's father for "creating him") who seems to want what's good for Chuuya. If you help Chuuya, he'll bound himself to you forever, no matter what.
With all that, I think that a Chuuya whose nature was exploited for control by N (or whoever N puts him in the hands of) wouldn't be too different from Chuuya the Sheep King or Chuuya the PM executive, just with a lot more propaganda put in his head and maybe worse self-sacrificial tendancies. I don't think the lab would have been a one-and-done thing if he'd stayed under their "care", so I feel the frequent check up, test, etc., while not necessarily evil, paired with him being a glorified weapon, would be damaging in the long run by taking away his ability to say no. At that point, the only thing he has left is his choice to go all out, to be the first in line, and to not care what happens as long as he succeeded in protecting everyone in the end. He's been made to care, and he has nowhere else to go.
Basically, take Chuuya, but instead of "I do what I can to protect everyone", it's "I do what I'm told because I want to protect everyone". Maybe, one day, the Sheep and/or SB history will repeat themselves as Chuuya learns something or meets someone he shouldn't have, or questions his origins. You decide.
I'll leave you with this short one-shot by Musical_Fandom of a young Chuuya, who stayed in the lab, being handed to Fukuchi as a Hunting Dog candidate, because I think that Chuuya meeting Fukuchi at a formative age is a fantastic idea to explore in this context.
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mercury088 · 3 months
PM!sskk AU where Oda trains Atsushi and Chuuya trains Akutagawa.
No (very few) Dazai involved. I have decided that he is the source of all their suffering.
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energet1cvanya · 1 month
Karma survives and stays with the ADA HCS
— Kyouka, Kenji and Karma are THE trio. Karma's their still very traumatized older brother who gets scared when he brakes something but he's cool and nice so it's okay
— He would eat apsolutly anything you put on a plate. You put a rock in front of him he's gonna try and eat it.
— Dazai is 99.9999% sure Karma is related to Chuuya in a way.
— the adults would be playing card games, and Dazai would like to spell the word ace, and Karma would be like, "Yknow I can spell, right??" A
— Karma still has a habit of following people around and doing stuff for them. Or doing things, no questions asked. Like even DAZAI feels bad making him do work.
— Karma is staying with Kunikida(I also hc that Kenji does to)
— Kenji and Karma go eat together.
— Atsushi is trying to give Karma a childhood the same way he did for Kyouka but it's not really working cause he's older.
— Tanizaki takes Karma to the arcade and they play rhythm games all day
— Yosano drinks the same wine as Ace did. (Need i say more?)
— Karma is a sucker for Thai food, everytime the ADA asks what he wants "Kanom Jeeb!"
— The same way they had a party for Kyouka they had for Karma. He felt weird having a party for himself but he had fun
— this isn't a hc but do you guys know that one quote from the outsiders book? This one:
" If you can picture a little dark puppy that has been kicked too many times and is lost in a crowd of strangers, you’ll have Johnny. "
Thats how i see Karma tbh. It inspired one of lines in a fic im writing
"a small red puppy kicked so many times that he doesn't even care anymore."
Thats it bye :3
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ratwars · 1 year
Canon divergence concept where Nikolai was tasked with Bram instead and his reveal was pulling him out of his coat like TA-DAH! VAMPIRE! please clap! Then he just tosses him at the person getting bitten and bows for his applause (the screams).
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Akutagawa ryuunosuke was supposed to take izumi kyouka as an apprentice but he got sick and had to be personally stopped by boss Mori to go out of bed for two weeks.
Nakahara chuuya returned earlier from his mission in Europe and was on a slow period at work, ozaki kouyou used this opportunity to have kyouka train under her former mentee instead and didn't hesitate to bribe Elise to get Mori-dono to agree .
Despite his objection, chuuya ended up with a new mentee.
Which was hard because being with her is a constant reminder of his time with the sheep and the last time that he was in charge of young children.
He want to protect her, he refuse to lose her, he train her in hand to hand combat and will take her shopping because of course his mentee will be stilish, he's still trying to get ride of dazai awful influence in akutagawa's style but kyouka-chan was never corrupted by a fish.
They will get outing together when she can be like a kid while he train her to survive in their world.
Kyouka and akutagawa are trained together and she get headpat and praise when she do well.
She devellopped a friendship with gin with whom she like to spar and a rivalry with ryuunosuke.
She still trained with Verlaine and sometimes chuuya will join, she love to see chuuya and Verlaine fight and hope that one day she will be as strong of them.
Chuuya, kyouka and kouyou have a sunday tea time tradition that everyone respect even mori doesn't dare disturb it.
Here kyouka go on mission with chuuya squad but chuuya doesn't see her as ready to kill yet so he sent her more on infiltration mission, she meet dazai and the ADA because she wanted to meet her big brother former partner and she wasn't impressed.
Dazai doesn't even know why he try to impress her but kunikuda adore her when she come into the office dazai do his paperwork because their something about a brutally honest teenage girl listing all your flaw and why you don't deserve her big brother, port mafia or not she's always welcome into the office .
Mori find that funny so he actively encourage it and kouyou approve.
But it came to the point when dazai would insert himself in chuuya and kyouka outing with atsushi in tow both have a rivalry as Who is the better mentor ( chuuya is winning because of his trump card : akutagawa ryuunosuke so dazai try to spend more time with him and rectify his past screw up ( gin and kyouka find his reaction amusing but are ready to help him if he need it).
Dazai exploit chuuya soft spot for kyouka like in presenting kyouka with photo of a Bunny onesie and telling kyouka how cute it would be if they got matching outfits.
Kouyou approve, both she and dazai are in an alliance.
That my chuuya and kyouka are siblings agenda.
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iamthemess · 6 months
Oh poor me, slaved away to create such rubbish. (It's fic time again so as usual I am here to degrade myself for Tumblr)
sneak peek at
The Akutagawa's (Coming to Ao3 very soon)
Mysterious port mafia family bathed in darkness or the agency's newest members?
gen/ can be read as romantic or platonic sskk/other ships but is not a ship reliant fic.
tags: Canon divergent plot, Atsushi meets Akutagawa instead of Dazai, Canon divergent personalities due to canon divergent plot, found dysfunctional family, siblings being siblings, Atsushi centric, or is it?, happy ending.
The warning tags for the rest of the fic: canon Atsushi orphanage experience, Abuse, implied child abuse, Implied cannibalism, Murder, violence, suicide contemplation, Implied SA, human trafficking, sex trafficking, portrayal of street life (BSD style), I'm so sorry that is not in my list of experiences so I gotta take some guesses and creative liberties, The mafia being the mafia, graphic violence.
The Akutagawa's
Around the big table, the agency employees were all seated silently. Yosano, Dazai, Junichiro, Kunikida, Kenji, and Ranpo. Their eyes shifting between the papers on the table and the white board. 
Some first assumed it was a joke or an error. Not that anyone would be foolish enough to do something so audacious, but the president was not a fool or a joker.
Even Ranpo, who was rocking back and forth in his chair and staring at the ceiling, appeared to be lost in concentration.
Everyone shuffled nervously for a while, then Kunikida, as usual, took the lead. He gets up from his seat to give the president his respect and speaks first.
“I’m sorry, president, but this isn’t within our ability. We can’t do it.” Kunikida apologised to the president as he bowed. 
He’d been looking over every inch of the proposal and couldn’t bring himself to any conclusion but failure.
“I didn’t ask if you could do it. I’m telling you to do it.” Fukuzawa announced to the room. Everyone instinctively nodded under the pressure of the president's commanding voice.
Yosano stood up abruptly from her seat. Often the second to take charge after Kunikida. “President, it isn’t possible. This is suicide.”
She tried to argue her case without seeming rude, but Fukuzawa only sighed as he listened to the complaints of his subordinates.
“The abilities special division seems to think we can do it.” Fukuzawa sighed again and pulled out a folder from under the desk. 
Compared to most of their case files, it was rather small. One could almost assume there was nothing inside it at all, but the papers from inside were quickly spread across the table for all to see.
“They’ve given us additional information.”
The detective agency's newest case was of utmost importance to the government, concerning the worrying growth of power within the Port Mafia. 
Specifically, the ability user and assassin Akutagawa Ryunosuke and his family started to decimate every corner of the underworld over the past few years. At this point in time, they devastated the underworld as Port Mafia royalty and the mafia’s black dogs. 
The thought behind such people, if the government wanted to deal with them, was to find a reputable assassin more capable than the Akutagawa's, but after an unspecified number of failed attempts, it became glaringly obvious that that plan wouldn’t work. No assassin could best them.
Feeling the weight of their brutal defeat and the count of their casualties by the Akutagawa's, the government turned towards the only other people they could think of to deal with this kind of job.
Their backup plan landed in the hands of the detective agency. To meet with the abnormal family and convince them to take sides with the government. 
The special divisions unit is sure that the detective agency can somehow convince these assassins, of their own free will, to completely switch their allegiance. 
Everyone was fuming at such an unreasonable request they weren’t even allowed to deny. The best they could do at that moment was look at the additional information provided and try not to roll their eyes. They already had the same details on the siblings that were provided.
Akutagawa Ryunosuke, male
DOB: March 1st
172 cm 
Port Mafia solo assassin, all orders taken directly from executives or higher authorities. 
address: Akuatgawa residence 
street address: N/A
Akutagawa Gin,???
DOB: February 14th
Port Mafia black lizard commander 
Address: Akutagawa residence
street address: N/A
The information provided by the special division was more or less the same as their initial intelligence, but as they glanced over the papers, they realised there was more going on than they first suspected. There were two extra names.
Akutagawa Ryunosuke
Akutagawa Gin
Akutagawa-Kyouka Izumi
Akutagawa??? Initial A.A. 
Akutagawa-Izumi Kyouka
DOB: November 4th
Unknown occupation 
Address: Akutagawa residence 
Street address: N/A
Akutagawa-Kyouka Izumi was formally known as Kyouka Izumi until the age of 14, after her parents were murdered. She disappeared from any record for several months, until her sudden name changed to Akutagawa-Kyouka after being adopted by a fake couple under an alias. Despite this, her public record shows her real name and not the alias of the family that adopted her, as stated on the adoption records. 
A.A. (Akutagawa ???)
There is no available identification. 
The pure existence of there being a fourth person is plain scepticism born from rumours between mafia members low-ranking and executives alike. At this moment and time, they are a ghost, created by convincing rumours starting a year ago. A Port Mafia squad, under the instruction of Akutagawa, witnessed a mysterious person with a seemingly close relationship to the squad leader take out an enemy organisation on their behalf. No one could see what they looked like due to them being covered in Akuatgawa’s ability, Rashoumon. 
If the existence of this person is proven to be true, do not, under any circumstances, approach the dangerous individual. If said rumours are to be trusted, making contact will result in death.
chapter 1/6
This is the calm before the storm.
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zinder-fox · 6 months
Seems like people are starting to find me over here on tumblr, so I guess I can make posts here when I update the fic too.
We've got chapter 8 up for my fic open my eyes to everything (there must be something more)
For anyone new to the fic, it's a time travel fix it fic featuring Dazai/Atsushi, long-suffering best friend Chuuya, ability shenanigans, traumatic backstories (including a few I'm filling in the gaps from canon), and plenty of port mafia chaos.
I write with a buffer to save my sanity and help ensure I manage to finish writing, so the posted content is behind what I have written. The draft is up to 113k words so far and I've only written roughly half of the chapters I'm expecting based on my outline.
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foulfettedone · 1 year
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Mori crying over spilled Elise….lol. When you have to do your actual job as a self proclaimed leader lol.
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frankenjoly · 1 month
Back together
bramcraft + kiss hungrily
The name might have been pronounced in almost a whisper, but Bram’s instant way of approaching him was anything but slow or hushed. Quite the opposite; he dashed forward at full speed, collapsing against his partner with the certainty of how he would catch him.
And that was exactly what happened, for as Bram’s arms circled Lovecraft’s neck, several tentacles wrapped around his body keeping the vampire close.
“I missed you.” Lovecraft said while securing their position, and Bram instantly smiled. One of his hands left his previous position to gently caress the other’s cheek, tender and promising.
“And I missed you too.” Was the last thing said out loud before their lips and mouths were interlocked together. The whole scene could even be considered somewhat clumsy at first, not because of any of them’s lack of experience but due to how the dire need of making up for the lost time made the two act so quickly; there was a second in which Bram’s fangs bumped into Howard’s lower lip, and Lovecraft’s tongue was already as devoid of any human disguise as his limbs when they found their stance and properly kissed per se, deep and intense.
Neither slowed the pace until a while later, and instead of stopping they moved onto peppering each other’s face with more, softer kisses.
How long it had been only mattered for one thing, and it was their yearning, for after some time to catch up (both in terms of physical affection and sharing news) it would feel like they were never apart in the first place.
(Also on ao3.)
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random Chuuya thoughts
he is ambidextrous, right hand preferred (prolly another one of his "I need to be more normal" clicks, since being right-handed is far more common). this is most likely an acquired skill (or not, I'm unsure myself)
add.: his arms surely are strong enough to use them both to shoot, IMO, and that's just generally a very useful skill, knowing who he is
he likes mellow and chill stuff in general. music, food, but NOT clothes, even though he sticks to a classic style. he needs some sense of tranquility in his life, and he diligently seeks it. he does not mind spicy stuff, though. I mentioned it in one of my fic drafts when Koyo gives him Turkish delights for his birthday
green and white teas are his favorite. like I said, be more chill. but he does drink coffee, more out of necessity than anything else. prolly just black, nothing fancy
he's really smart about his food; the man has a taste, and the taste is excellent. he knows how to combine stuff and how to do it right (unlike Dazai, who only eats to survive and can go multiple days with no complete meal at all, mostly due to his character and lifestyle)
add.: Chuuya doesn't bake, but he knows other recipes for sweets. I do think however that he's more into traditional Japanese kitchen than any foreign, even though he knows how to cook some of that too. I think Rampo would enjoy his cooking, speaking of sweet stuff (an idea of Dazai coming to the ADA with a box of homemade sweets and not responding to any questions is hilarious, esp. since everyone knows this moron doesn't cook anything much or fancy)
you know who's the one to choose the wines and what they come with for the Executives table. and any other occasion.
morning exercises yayyyy (wish I did those too.....)
KOUYOU TAUGHT HIM HOW TO USE A SWORD i'm sorry i can't live without a fencing man. he knows how to use a katana and I bet you he did (and probably still does) some simpler fencing
I'm sorry guys that I'm back to being a 12yo me But his cologne is either musk (white or black), sea breeze, or something usually considered feminine. I can't fight myself on that matter and neither can I decide, so I'll let it be occasional
I don't think he still drives a motorbike in canon, but I do believe that he TRULY wishes he did, so I'll write the man on his poor bike. finding a hidden bomb is surely easier on that thing. sorry kouyou no rides for your pretty dress
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bingodomesticatedcats · 7 months
Nightfalls Mercy
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While heading up to his cabin, Kunikida finds and nurses a mysterious stranger with some notable features.
Pairing: Kunikida Doppo x Bram Stoker
Genre: Canon Divergence - Vampire
wc: 1,402
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The setting sun gently touched the horizon as the resting silence was interrupted by the distant hum of a car. It appeared as though the world had settled into absolute peace, eliciting a smile from the man as he admired the scene before him. The sparse traffic on the street afforded him a peaceful drive without any disturbances.
He loved moments like these. The air passing by, the soft glow of the sun slowly vanishing behind the countless trees. At times like this he felt at peace and was able to forget the problems of the everyday life.
His goal was a small cabin in the depths of the forest. Kunikida had bought it several months ago and since then had worked every weekend to renovate it as best as he could. It had become his safe haven and the blond would stay there every now and then.
Minutes passed and the man finally reached the familiar driveway, The car parked comfortably between several bushes and trees. The walk through the forest was calming, a light breeze passed through the tall foliage along with the sounds of birds chirping. Kunikida had more than enough time to remember the small features the beautiful forest presented him.
However, the blond soon noticed one thing that differed from his familiar trek.
And that was the unconscious body of a tall man lying next to the path.
Without hesitation he hurried over and kneeled down, immediately noticed the many bruises and open wounds which covered the man’s pale skin; to pale. His body was way too cold and the blond absentmindedly wondered for how long the other had been led here.
Within moments the grey-haired man was heaved onto Kunikida’s back. Whoever this stranger is he is hurt and Kunikida wouldn’t just leave him to die.
The cabin finally came into sight and the human sighed relieved at the thought of the old chimney and blankets he had in there. Kicking open the old door, Kunikida was quick to lay the stranger onto the bed, covering him with a blanket before he turned to start up the chimney.
“Where is it…?”
Looking around, eyes scanned the room for the first aid kit he kept just in case. Eventually he found it in the back of the kitchen cupboard. He had fallen often enough on the trail to know how to take care of injuries.
The fire started to crack in the background as Kunikida sat down on the bed next to the sleeping man. Gentle hands unbuttoned the bloodstained shirt open to reveal even more scars.
“What happened to you?” The blond pondered as his eyes traveled up and down the strangers figure.
He wasn’t expecting an answer and unsurprisingly it never came. Once he snapped out of his prolonged gazing, Kunikida began his work. After 30 minutes of cleaning and bandaging the wounds Kunikida noticed something odd. Every time he thought he was done he would find yet another bruise or cut. What happened to this man could not have been good and the blond wondered what could have possibly hurt someone this badly.
Until he noticed something peeking out behind pale, chapped lips. Fangs?
Kunikida hesitated, a thought came to his mind. His eyes shifted slowly to the pointy ears and judging by the deathly cold and pale skin, he realised what laid in front of him.
They were mentioned on the news, a being of the night… A Vampire. Dangerous creatures who killed for fun, who sucked their preys dry before leaving the dead body behind.
He could feel his own heart in his throat at the realisation, his hands twitching. His mind was racing with thoughts of calling the police, But then what?
Judging by the modest clothes that man was wearing he had been trying to live a normal life. What evil vampire would willingly wear formal work clothes? No, this stranger didn’t deserve death - he deserved help like every other person.
Scanning the room, Kunikida found his small pocket knife settled on the wooden table. He grabbed his drinking bottle and rushed into the bathroom, dumping the bottles contents. He returned to the bedside with the pocket knife and empty bottle; he knew what he had to do.
His hands began to shake at the thought of what he was about to do. After a couple of minutes of heavy breathing and contemplation he chose to ignore the unpleasant thoughts as he raised the knife to his hand.
With slight hesitation he clenched his hand around the knife, the pain stung and he cursed while catching the leaking blood with the bottle. Clenching his teeth Kunikida couldn’t help but stare at the blood dripping from his hand.
‘It still isn't enough’ he thought as he suddenly clenched onto the knife harder to get more of the crimson liquid.
Eventually, a quarter of the bottle was filled as Kunikida started to feel light headed. He sloppily bandaged his own hand and was barely able to pull the blanket over the vampire’s body to provide a bit of warmth.
“Guess I gotta wait now.” The blond thought as he finally lost consciousness.
Kunikida had been knocked out when he noticed some movements next to him. His eyes began to crack open as he stretched his arms lazily only to see a person hunched on the other side of the bed, Piercing red glared at him and the tense body language was more than obvious.
Lifting his hands above his head, the blond smiled softly, slowly standing up from the bed to allow the stranger some room.
“I found you badly hurt in the forest and took you here to treat your wounds. We’re pretty far away from the city and I didn’t call anyone, promise.”
The strangers eyes narrowed as the blond steadily walked over to the table and grabbed the filled bottle.
“You’re safe. You should drink and conserve your energy.”
Knowing that the vampire would never trust him so soon, Kunikida knew that he just had to move slow and unthreatening. He stretched his arm out and placed the bottle on the edge of the bed.
It was the stranger’s decision now and Kunikida would patiently wait for an answer. He moved to the front of the cabin and sat down on the old chair next to the chimney to look at his bandaged hand.
“My name’s Kunikida Doppo.”
No answer.
He wondered whether he should be afraid but when he looked at the stranger all he could see was a lonely man who didn’t know where to go next. Kunikida didn’t want to leave him all by himself. At least not right now.
Several minutes passed until the vampire finally reached for the bottle, sharp eyes studying Kunikida as if he was expecting an attack at any moment. But the blond remained where he sat and just warming his hands by the fire.
Then the vampire spoke, a cold voice that sent a chill down kunikidas spine.
“You know what I am.”
Kunikida nodded, surprised by the vampires voice.
“What you are isn’t important right now. I would rather know who you are.”
The man’s body remained tense as he opened the bottle, sniffing it as if trying to look out for poison. but Kunikida could see that the vampire relaxed ever so slightly.
“Is this your blood? What kind of weirdo are you?”
The tone was rather sharp though the blond only shrugged.
“Your body needs to recover so I thought I might help. If you don’t want it that’s fine as well.”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Sure, the vampire hadn’t attacked him but Kai could use something against his nervousness anyway. The sound of a bottle being opened caught his attention but the human didn’t look up.
“I could kill you right now.”
“I know.”, Kai replied with a rather bored tone.
Receiving a huff in return, the blond finally peeked up to find the man laying back down. A pale back was facing him and the stranger pulled the blanket over his body.
“You really are a weirdo.”
Kunikida chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. The cabin was enveloped in silence and he had thought the vampire had gone back to sleep when a mumbled sentence reached him.
“My name is Bram.”
He smiled.
“Nice to meet you Bram.”
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Part 2
13 notes · View notes
evermorethecrow · 11 months
14 notes · View notes