bingodomesticatedcats · 5 months
Nightfalls Mercy (Part 2)
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While heading up to his cabin, Kunikida finds and nurses a mysterious stranger with some notable features.
Part 1
Pairing: Kunikida Doppo x Bram Stoker
Genre: Canon Divergence - Vampire
wc: 1,105
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He was making his way through the dark forest, ignoring the branches scratching his arms. Thick clouds blocked the light from the full moon as fog started to form, almost making the path like a maze. His breath was visible and all that could be heard was the sound of fallen leaves beneath his shoes, A cold sweat started to trickle down his forehead which he quickly wiped away with his sleeve. He tightened his grip on the bag strap so hard that his hands started to become numb, all of this combined made the trek feel longer and the woods more eerie.
Just as his hands started to hurt from the constant grip on the bag his eyes caught sight of the small wooden cabin, a relieved sigh escaping his chapped lips. He picked up the pace and quickly dug out his keys, unlocking the door and talking a step inside, The cheap heating system he had set up beforehand had warmed up the cabin as he subconsciously sighed in relief.
After taking a moment to bask in the warmth of the cabin, Kunikida started to look for the candles he had packed, from his bag he dug out a pack of small tealights and a small lighter. After the candles started to dimly light up the cabin, Kunikida could finally look around allowing him to notice the person sitting on his bed. Plasters and bandages covered his skin creating an abstract collage, The pale figure had one of his books in his hands as his piercing red eyes were entirely focused on the pages.
In reaction to seeing the vampire in such a relaxed stance Kunikida just stared, taking in all of the others features. The vampires red eyes perfectly contrasts his deathly pale skin and his long grey hair, so light it looked like a beautiful veil.
Still staring at the man, Kunikida was startled as the red eyes snapped up to be glaring directly at him. Despite the cabin being warm the red eyes of the vampire made a chill run up Kunikida’s spine.
Swallowing the rising lump in his throat, Kunikida tried to collect his words.
“I brought you some spare clothes.” He said with a clear shake in his voice.
Stepping forward cautiously, the blond put the small stack of clothes onto a side table, his gaze not leaving the vampire, walking closer to the figure he sat down in a chair about 4 feet from the bed. Up close he was again able to make out Bram’s sharp teeth and ears as his fangs started to poke out from between his lips.
“Thanks, Kunikida.”
A bit stunned at Bram’s voice Kunikida was unsure what to say. Eventually, he composed himself and a small smile appeared on his face, nodding his head in appreciation. It had been 2 days since he first met the vampire on the trail, beaten and bloody. After bringing him back to the cabin, feeding him, and dressing his wounds Bram had opened up, explaining why he was there in the first place. According to him a group a vampire hunters had been chasing him down and were able to inflict a concerning amount of damage. In order to get away he had darted into the nearby woods and ran until he collapsed.
“How are your wounds? Are they healing?” The blond asked as he began to scan the pale man’s skin.
Bram slowly shook his head.
“Vampires have very powerful healing factors. Even if those hunters used silver weapons my wounds would still heal quicker then a human”
“Okay then…are you hungry?”
This question always causes Bram to tense up and reaffirm his cold demeanour. The question that reminded them of their differences, Vampires were outsiders, didn’t have any rights and were constantly being hunted down by humans.
“Bram. You know I don’t care about any of that… If you’re hungry, just say so. We’re friends after all?”
It was easy for Kunikida to look past their differences and see how much Bram had struggled. He knew how much Bram has suffered at the hands of humans just because he wanted to live a peaceful life. Knowing this Kunikida had grown an insatiable need to help his friend.
Several moments passed in a tense silence as the two men gazed at each other, looking into the blond’s eyes he saw nothing but genuine care and concern. Bram finally nodded even if slightly, causing a sense of relief to wash over Kunikida. The human did not hesitate, pushing up his sleeve to expose his arm that was littered with bite marks and faint scratches. Glancing up he noticed the hesitation in Bram as he began to lean forwards, then he bit down immediately tasting the rich blood as he began to drink from the arm. Like all of the times before, it hurt like a bitch, but Kunikida didn’t pull away.
It had been like this since they had met, Kunikida would put on an unbothered and strong demeanour so Bram would feel less guilty at the thought of hurting someone. As the vampire continued to drink Kunikida felt cold hands on his arm giving him a weird feeling of comfort, a soft smile crossed his face as he found his free arm lightly holding the vampires head. Bram was always careful with how much he would take and would make sure to stop before going over the amount a human can handle.
After a minute or so dizziness began to set in as Kunikida began to sway and his vision became blurry, during his haze he was able to notice Bram carefully wrapping the wound. absentmindedly noticed his friend beginning to bandage the new wound.
“You truly are a weirdo for helping someone like me.”
Unlike the times before these words had no force and were rather gentle despite the insult.
“I really don’t care… I want to help you and when your’e ready we’ll leave this place together… We’ll go somewhere where you can finally live in peace… Where we can live in peace.”
Bram’s eyes widened at the sudden declaration.
He chuckled.
“… I’m not a human, Kunikida… No matter where I go there will never be peace”
Closing his eyes, the blond yawned and rested his head on Bram’s shoulder. All of that blood being sucked from his arm had caused him to become drowsy and despite being cold Bram made Kunikida feel warm.
“To me you are, Bram, you always will be.”
The last thing Kunikida remembered was faintly a ‘thank you’ before he drifted off to sleep.
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bingodomesticatedcats · 6 months
@azureidealist Thank you for the tag <3
I love seeing people’s lists!!!
1.) Chuuya Nakahara - Bungou Stray Dogs
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2.) Mitsuya Takashi - Tokyo Revengers
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3.) Pavitr Prabhakar - Across The Spider-Verse
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4.) Vi - Arcane
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5.) Lucifer Morningstar - Hazbin Hotel
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6.) Sokka - Avatar The Last Airbender
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7.) Kaito - Ajin
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8.) Scorpia - She-ra
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9.) Klaus - Umbrella Academy
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10.) Knockout - Transformers Prime
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bingodomesticatedcats · 7 months
Nightfalls Mercy
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While heading up to his cabin, Kunikida finds and nurses a mysterious stranger with some notable features.
Pairing: Kunikida Doppo x Bram Stoker
Genre: Canon Divergence - Vampire
wc: 1,402
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The setting sun gently touched the horizon as the resting silence was interrupted by the distant hum of a car. It appeared as though the world had settled into absolute peace, eliciting a smile from the man as he admired the scene before him. The sparse traffic on the street afforded him a peaceful drive without any disturbances.
He loved moments like these. The air passing by, the soft glow of the sun slowly vanishing behind the countless trees. At times like this he felt at peace and was able to forget the problems of the everyday life.
His goal was a small cabin in the depths of the forest. Kunikida had bought it several months ago and since then had worked every weekend to renovate it as best as he could. It had become his safe haven and the blond would stay there every now and then.
Minutes passed and the man finally reached the familiar driveway, The car parked comfortably between several bushes and trees. The walk through the forest was calming, a light breeze passed through the tall foliage along with the sounds of birds chirping. Kunikida had more than enough time to remember the small features the beautiful forest presented him.
However, the blond soon noticed one thing that differed from his familiar trek.
And that was the unconscious body of a tall man lying next to the path.
Without hesitation he hurried over and kneeled down, immediately noticed the many bruises and open wounds which covered the man’s pale skin; to pale. His body was way too cold and the blond absentmindedly wondered for how long the other had been led here.
Within moments the grey-haired man was heaved onto Kunikida’s back. Whoever this stranger is he is hurt and Kunikida wouldn’t just leave him to die.
The cabin finally came into sight and the human sighed relieved at the thought of the old chimney and blankets he had in there. Kicking open the old door, Kunikida was quick to lay the stranger onto the bed, covering him with a blanket before he turned to start up the chimney.
“Where is it…?”
Looking around, eyes scanned the room for the first aid kit he kept just in case. Eventually he found it in the back of the kitchen cupboard. He had fallen often enough on the trail to know how to take care of injuries.
The fire started to crack in the background as Kunikida sat down on the bed next to the sleeping man. Gentle hands unbuttoned the bloodstained shirt open to reveal even more scars.
“What happened to you?” The blond pondered as his eyes traveled up and down the strangers figure.
He wasn’t expecting an answer and unsurprisingly it never came. Once he snapped out of his prolonged gazing, Kunikida began his work. After 30 minutes of cleaning and bandaging the wounds Kunikida noticed something odd. Every time he thought he was done he would find yet another bruise or cut. What happened to this man could not have been good and the blond wondered what could have possibly hurt someone this badly.
Until he noticed something peeking out behind pale, chapped lips. Fangs?
Kunikida hesitated, a thought came to his mind. His eyes shifted slowly to the pointy ears and judging by the deathly cold and pale skin, he realised what laid in front of him.
They were mentioned on the news, a being of the night… A Vampire. Dangerous creatures who killed for fun, who sucked their preys dry before leaving the dead body behind.
He could feel his own heart in his throat at the realisation, his hands twitching. His mind was racing with thoughts of calling the police, But then what?
Judging by the modest clothes that man was wearing he had been trying to live a normal life. What evil vampire would willingly wear formal work clothes? No, this stranger didn’t deserve death - he deserved help like every other person.
Scanning the room, Kunikida found his small pocket knife settled on the wooden table. He grabbed his drinking bottle and rushed into the bathroom, dumping the bottles contents. He returned to the bedside with the pocket knife and empty bottle; he knew what he had to do.
His hands began to shake at the thought of what he was about to do. After a couple of minutes of heavy breathing and contemplation he chose to ignore the unpleasant thoughts as he raised the knife to his hand.
With slight hesitation he clenched his hand around the knife, the pain stung and he cursed while catching the leaking blood with the bottle. Clenching his teeth Kunikida couldn’t help but stare at the blood dripping from his hand.
‘It still isn't enough’ he thought as he suddenly clenched onto the knife harder to get more of the crimson liquid.
Eventually, a quarter of the bottle was filled as Kunikida started to feel light headed. He sloppily bandaged his own hand and was barely able to pull the blanket over the vampire’s body to provide a bit of warmth.
“Guess I gotta wait now.” The blond thought as he finally lost consciousness.
Kunikida had been knocked out when he noticed some movements next to him. His eyes began to crack open as he stretched his arms lazily only to see a person hunched on the other side of the bed, Piercing red glared at him and the tense body language was more than obvious.
Lifting his hands above his head, the blond smiled softly, slowly standing up from the bed to allow the stranger some room.
“I found you badly hurt in the forest and took you here to treat your wounds. We’re pretty far away from the city and I didn’t call anyone, promise.”
The strangers eyes narrowed as the blond steadily walked over to the table and grabbed the filled bottle.
“You’re safe. You should drink and conserve your energy.”
Knowing that the vampire would never trust him so soon, Kunikida knew that he just had to move slow and unthreatening. He stretched his arm out and placed the bottle on the edge of the bed.
It was the stranger’s decision now and Kunikida would patiently wait for an answer. He moved to the front of the cabin and sat down on the old chair next to the chimney to look at his bandaged hand.
“My name’s Kunikida Doppo.”
No answer.
He wondered whether he should be afraid but when he looked at the stranger all he could see was a lonely man who didn’t know where to go next. Kunikida didn’t want to leave him all by himself. At least not right now.
Several minutes passed until the vampire finally reached for the bottle, sharp eyes studying Kunikida as if he was expecting an attack at any moment. But the blond remained where he sat and just warming his hands by the fire.
Then the vampire spoke, a cold voice that sent a chill down kunikidas spine.
“You know what I am.”
Kunikida nodded, surprised by the vampires voice.
“What you are isn’t important right now. I would rather know who you are.”
The man’s body remained tense as he opened the bottle, sniffing it as if trying to look out for poison. but Kunikida could see that the vampire relaxed ever so slightly.
“Is this your blood? What kind of weirdo are you?”
The tone was rather sharp though the blond only shrugged.
“Your body needs to recover so I thought I might help. If you don’t want it that’s fine as well.”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Sure, the vampire hadn’t attacked him but Kai could use something against his nervousness anyway. The sound of a bottle being opened caught his attention but the human didn’t look up.
“I could kill you right now.”
“I know.”, Kai replied with a rather bored tone.
Receiving a huff in return, the blond finally peeked up to find the man laying back down. A pale back was facing him and the stranger pulled the blanket over his body.
“You really are a weirdo.”
Kunikida chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. The cabin was enveloped in silence and he had thought the vampire had gone back to sleep when a mumbled sentence reached him.
“My name is Bram.”
He smiled.
“Nice to meet you Bram.”
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Part 2
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bingodomesticatedcats · 7 months
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Navigation Page
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✧About Me ✧
Age: I am an 18 year old full-time student.
Pronouns: I am gender-fluid so I primarily go by They/Them pronouns, but I won’t be upset if you use any others.
Nationality: I am Welsh through and through which makes it weird when I don’t like Welsh cakes.
Sexuality: I am Pan-romantic Demisexual and I love fictional milfs.
Favourite colour: I love the colour pink despite the fact that I dress in red and blacks.
Fun fact about me: I love to collect a multitude of things for fun (funko pops, Fake skulls and monster high vinyls)
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✧Likes and dislikes ✧
I enjoy drawing, especially when I collab with my friends. I also love to watch cartoons such as ATLA, She-Ra and Voltron, my all time favourites will always be Ninjago and TMNT 2012. When it comes to anime I love Bungou Stray Dogs and its light novels. My favourite character is Chuuya (ik what a surprise). In terms of music I adore 6arelyhuman and Odetari!
I don’t dislike that many things but I am terrified of spiders and any creepy crawlies!
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✧ Rules ✧
I have a couple of other blogs which focus on other fandoms such as Scott Pilgrim but I am currently set on writing about bungou stray dogs for a while <3
I am open for any requests or even any feedback as I would love to improve my writing in anyway I can!!! Since I’m a student I will struggle to post on a regular or scheduled basis but I will make sure to post and respond to requests.
I will not write smut as I have never attempted to write it or have even had the motivation to. I will never write anything involving incest, non-con or bad situations with minors!
Please be positive and I hope to meet more bungou stray dogs enjoyers!!!
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bingodomesticatedcats · 7 months
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Thank you @reiding-writing for the tag <3
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Last song I listened to: Faster N Harder by 6arelyhuman
Favourite colour: Both hot and baby Pink
Last film/TV show I watched: Kung Fu Panda 2 (Currently stuck in a dreamworks marathon)
Sweet, spicy or savoury: I LOVE Spicy food (especially Curry and spicy crisps)
Relationship status: I’m both Aroflux and Asexual so my dating life is all over the place (single🥲)
Last thing I googled: Medieval pet names (research for a fic)
Current obsession: Avatar The Last Airbender (Specifically Zukos redemption arc)
Last book I read: Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton (I love how it’s a horror)
Looking forward to: Pierce The Veil Concert in April (I CAN’T WAIT)
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bingodomesticatedcats · 7 months
Shadow and Serenity
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Bram and Kunikida bond over a serene night, finding solace in each other's company.
Pairing: Kunikida Doppo x Bram Stoker
Genre: Fluff
WC: 205
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Bram leaned against the moss-covered stone wall, his crimson eyes glistening in the moonlight. Kunikida sat beside him, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon.
"It's a beautiful night," Kunikida remarked, breaking the silence between them.
Bram nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Indeed, it is. There's a certain tranquility in the air.”
Kunikida shifted closer, the warmth of his presence a stark contrast to Bram's coldness. "You seem lost in thought tonight, Bram. Is everything alright?"
Bram sighed softly, his mind burdened with centuries of memories. "Sometimes, I wonder if immortality is a gift or a curse."
Kunikida placed a reassuring hand on Bram's shoulder. "I can't imagine what it's like to live as long as you have, but I believe every life has its purpose, even yours."
Bram looked at Kunikida, touched by his sincerity. "You always know the right thing to say, my friend."
They sat in companionable silence, the night enveloping them in its embrace. For Bram, the presence of Kunikida brought a sense of solace he hadn't felt in centuries. In that moment, he realized that perhaps immortality wasn't such a burden when shared with a friend like Kunikida.
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