#browsing the net
hometoursandotherstuff · 11 months
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I actually do this.
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felassan · 17 days
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abyssarts · 4 months
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lesbians who cosplay yaoi together 💛💙
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sad-catra · 1 year
Reading fic for a fandom as old as sailor moon is hilarious bc I just found an incredible harumichi one from 2008 on livejournal of all places
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biteofcherry · 10 months
Saturday night is on and I can entertain some thots. Soft asks, too.
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agardenintheshire · 2 years
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“Then Tom and Goldberry set the table; and the hobbits sat half in wonder and half in laughter: so fair was the grace of Goldberry and so merry and odd the caperings of Tom. Yet in some fashion they seemed to weave a single dance, neither hindering the other, in and out of the room, and round about the table; and with great speed food and vessels and lights were set in order.” The Lord of the Rings, Chapter VII “In the House of Tom Bombadil”
my @officialtolkiensecretsanta gift for @clarascuro! 💖🌸 wishing you lovely holidays!
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internetsafetyweekly · 4 months
Internet PSA #1
For our first psa, I will start with the topic of location.
So what's the big deal with sharing your location? A lot actually.
So many of us have at least a friend or two that shares everything including where they are and where they're going. which seems harmless, right? Wrong!
To you, the close -or decently close- friend, it doesn't mean much. I mean what are you going to do with your friend's location? But what about the internet? That's where things can get not so safe.
Say, you post a picture of a route on a map you're going to take. You zoom it out and cross out the city names. seems good to you! but that location dot on screen is enough. Your city, and the part of it you live in can be found -and easily too!
Why's it important to keep your location secret? Because cyber stalking exists and is very hard to predict. And you don't want a cyber stalker to become an irl stalker.
What information tips people off? Well a lot of simple, little things so I would suggest you avoid posting:
Maps screenshots.
Street signs.
License plates.
Names of local businesses.
Your town/city name if it's a small area.
Location data from photo geotagging.
and more.
You can protect yourself by refraining from posting personal information online, and to remove such data from images, preferably with an app for photo editing. I suggest ibis paint x if you're on a phone. Also make sure that you turn off geotagging.
That about wraps up our first ever PSA! Feel free to reblog and share.
See you next time, and remember:
Be safe while you browse!
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mobbothetrue · 10 months
the epic highs and lows of high school football fic searching <- spent like 2 hours looking for a fic with negative success only to find it in my ao3 bookmarks
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ervona · 5 months
I had a bunch of oc pages saved up with different themes and so far I like this one the most... I'd code my own but class made me hate it so I'm not in the mood. anyway check it out and this one too I like it a lot
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no-i-will-not-shut-up · 10 months
the only 'fine ill do it myslef' i experience is with my weird-ass fetish that i only enjoy in a very specific way
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sarrai · 11 months
I find myself getting nostalgic for old fandom a lot these days.
There was drama, always, but it felt on a lower scale. It was a thing that sometimes happened in a fandom space, but now it feels like many fandom spaces are defined by it. I can't browse fandom tags or even ao3 fics without stumbling into some nonsensical discourse.
It's harder and harder to tell which creatives are making their works because they love a series, or because this series is popular and they need to be where the people are. It's heartbreaking seeing a wonderful artist in a fandom I like talk about feeling pressured to continue to draw for that fandom because it's what sells- I get it, I don't judge them personally for it, but it loses some of the connection I have with their pieces. Instead of a fan interaction, it feels more like a service to please customers.
Not to mention the strange adherence to canon nowadays, and I say this as someone who prefers canon-adjacent fanworks. I see people try to insult others by saying their ship will never be canon, or comment how people's interpretations are entirely OOC and that's a real problem worth discussing. I wasn't even IN the Brave Tangled Frozen Dragons fandom and I find myself wishing for its spiritual successor just so we can have goofy fun again.
Everything just feels so bogged down and restrained now. Sometimes I wonder if everyone is even in fandom for fun anymore.
I know I'm not alone, but I used to feel so much passion from fandom communities, for better or worse, and now it feels... like it's just there for some people, I guess.
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radioconstructed · 1 year
⌖ Where's my CRYPTID BABY? I need to make sure he's NOT ON THE DANG INTER NET!
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anarchobalkanbv · 1 year
Summer vacation is like having a two-month-long weekend
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thedreamparadox · 2 years
So the maren siblings are made of something fabric-esque, namely their horns, but what else are they made out of? Like do their base forms look like they're made completely out of fabric, or do they look like those porcelain clowns people like to collect?
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Mostly squishy stuff idk. Tbh I haven't put a ton of thought into Maren biology other than "directly converts food into energy" and "their horns are really plush and squishy" and "they're kind of a void on the inside" with the maren sibs all being voids with stardust inside of it and second levels just kinda exploding into light. That and the whole 'yeah their shoes are their feet' thing.
I'd say completely out of fabric but I love the idea of at least Reala's face being porcelain painted on because makeup. Dunno if I'll use that but the aesthetics are definitely there. Maybe NiGHTS too because fancy eyes.
Jackle's probably made out of fuzzy felt, the vibes are right.
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faeriekit · 2 months
Health and Hybrids (XXV)👽👻💚
[I can't remember the original prompt posters  for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and the prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
🖤Chapter navigation can be found here🖤 Click to browse previous updates.
💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts 💚 (now featuring mediocre mouseover translations, only available on a computer)
Where we last left off... Tim pulls a fast one on Batman for their mutual benefit. Everybody giggles. Danny goggles.
Trigger warnings for this story:  body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) |  my nonexistent attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
(Additional TW: I think this counts as a panic attack ngl)
On the one hand. The room Danny’s in has a killer view of the earth from the moon.
The wall is basically just one big window. Danny is also apparently permitted to mash his face into the glass and ogle the Earth from Space for as long as he wants until the stinky dad, whoever he is, finally emerges from the depths of the building.
Diana’s the only one beside him today. She looks nice—nicer than usual, in her armor and bright clothing rather than soft scrubs and hair net. She can push his chair without getting tired—she could probably fly and carry him too, if she had to, so. Danny’s maybe counting on her liking him if this stinky dad tries to be mean.
So. Diana (nice lady) and Danny (half-dead ghost boy) are quietly seated in a dim, peaceful board room, absorbing the early morning (?) space radiation when the door hisses open across the room.
In the doorway is a long, dark, shadow of a man.
…And the green guy!!
Okay, if the stinky dad man brought a friend to this meeting the same way Diana’s meant to supervise him, Danny feels like he’s been lawyered up for the sake of some kind of court trial. This is not fair. Danny wasn’t able to review his case with his legal representation before this.
Well. Danny fumes. Whatever. His lawyer is Diana, the most powerful living being he’s seen ever in his life, and she can totally kick the green guy’s ass. Hell, Danny could probably kick the green guy’s ass.
...You know. If he wasn’t. Sick.
The stinky dad guy looks a lot like the blob his kid drew him as. That’s kind of neat—his suit is all black with little to no variation, which sort of just washes out the colors Danny might have been able to see if his eyes were still good. He’s very quiet, which is nice, and he’s very not-trying-to-read-Danny’s-mind, which is even better.
The two sit. Danny’s already in a wheelchair, so he just lets Diana wheel him to the table. The lady sits beside him in the spinny office chair.
Hello, the green guy opens with, already toying with the edges of Danny’s aura.
Danny sends back an abundance of ass-kicking emotions.
…Alright then, the green man capitulates, the barest hint of bemusement quickly stifled.
Good. Danny is mean. He’s awake enough to be mad about other people touching his aura from any end of his personal bubble.
But then the green guy…says stuff to the dad guy? And it’s very? Quiet?
Explanations, the green guy says. The image of a sign language translator at a baseball game floats over to him, and—
…Oh. He’s translating. For Danny.
That’s…nice? Nicer than Danny expected, honestly? Most of the time, people are perfectly happy to misinterpret him. It was kind of the way of the world at this point. Getting blamed for stuff, getting accused of stuff…
Man. If they turn out to be indoctrinating him for secret war purposes, at least they’re going all in. Danny might actually. You know. Like it here. A little.
He squirms in his chair, and tries not to look at anyone in particular. Diana—the lady who’s been nice to him—makes as if to straighten his hair for him, and remembers at the last second that he doesn’t like to be touched.
And sure. Danny doesn’t want to be touched. By bad guys.
…But Diana’s been really nice to him, so. Maybe. He scratches at the back of his neck, and ducks his head down—and remembers to use his words. “Yes,” he consents verbally. He can’t make eye contact. But he can…let her. Brush his hair back. A little.
Diana asks something long and complicated—and the green guy presses an image of Wonder Woman asking permission, being kind, being gentle­—up against the edges of Danny’s awareness.
Danny nods at the floor instead of at the lady. It’s fine. She’s fine. It’s fine.
And her fingers carefully brush through the front end of his fringe, and Danny. Danny is so normal about it. He doesn’t even cry or anything. Not even in front of his friend’s stinky dad.
And she doesn’t do it like Mom did it. And she doesn’t ruffle his hair like Dad did.
But it’s. Nice. And she doesn’t pull.
…And she doesn’t hit.
Danny eventually leans back into his wheelchair. It’s a little bit embarrassing to be halfway in and halfway out, but. Whatever. The scary-looking-dad with the earsies on his helmet has his own teenager. He should understand what it feels like to get emotionally weird with your teen in a public place. If he doesn’t, well...he wouldn’t be a great dad, then, and his opinion would suck anyway.
Based on what Danny knows about the masked kid, Danny isn’t sure the guy would tolerate a bad dad. The teen seems kinda unhinged.
The man says something, and the green guy presses a number of translated feelings against Danny’s awareness: Greetings. Questions about Danny’s wellbeing. Curiosity, but not demanding.
“…Hello,” Danny says back, and. Waves.
The man waves back. He’s got little claws on his gloves.
…Like a cat? Is it to go with his ears? Danny wonders about the possibilities of the guy being cat themed. It’s possible, presumably.
So…they want to know how Danny’s doing? Danny shrugs, and he glances at Diana, since, you know, she could probably fill them in? She does speak their language. And she’s been here the whole time.
The lady leans in close to him, black hair falling out from behind her ear. “What do you want to say?” she whispers into her ear, hand covering her mouth from their watchers.
Uh. It’s up to…Danny?? Somehow??
Danny winces. “…Good?” he tries, unsure if the word he uses means okay or fine or well. “…Not…hungry?”
“Very good,” Diana agrees, a little louder. She looks proud. Being not hungry must mean a lot to her, then. It means a lot to Danny too—he can remember the sensation of his stomach rubbing against itself, friction pulling raw at his insides as acid ate at him.
It was. Bad.
It was bad.
Danny’s glad he’s not there anymore. Anyway, there’s a guy in the room who reads minds, and Danny doesn’t really want to share that memory with anyone ever; especially someone who could turn it back on him.
The stinky dad says something else, but he uses words too thick and long for Danny to understand. The green guy translates, pure conceptual recall brushing against Danny’s outer aura—Needs? Wants?
…Danny frowns.
Danny looks at Diana, who looks back at him. Wants, needs…? What?
“Do you need aniþing?” Diana whispers to him, which. You know. Mostly makes sense.
Does Danny…need anything? He has medical care, he has food, he has water, he has toys and brain teasers, even…he has people to hang out with, he has people who stretch his legs with him so that he can go back to normal…heck, he doesn’t even have to clean his own waste bag. There’s people who do that for him.
Like. What more could Danny ask for?
Danny shrugs. He just wants to heal up and run away. Maybe…maybe, if Diana is real and not just pretending to like him to keep an eye on him, she’d let him visit her later or something. Danny would do what Dani doe—did. What Dani…did. And he’d just go a bunch of places and come back when he wants to.
But. No. There’s nothing he really needs right now.
The pointy-eared guy and the green guy share a look and a couple quiet words. Danny flares his annoyance into the silence, but all he gets is a silent Apology/Apology, which isn’t answers.
Ugh. Danny leans over the arm of his wheelchair. This is kind of super boring; it’s more boring than it is frustrating, even.
The stinky dad guy says something else, and Danny feels the push and pull of something double ended tugging on the outer edge of his aura. Additional/information, giving/take?
Danny really wishes he’d brought a fidget toy or something. His nerves are ramping up but all he can do is contort his fingers together, feeling the strain in and the joints click as he pushes them together and twists them apart. They want…to ask him questions? No, they’re already asking him questions. They want Danny to…give them questions??
…Danny doesn’t really want to. Still, he probably…should.
“The…space station,” he says, using the wrong word for their big space building but not knowing the better one; “Is this…where…why is it?”
The black-caped dad grumbles something vaguely approving. A tablet pops out of the table—spooky—and the guy starts drawing on it, explaining all the way. The green guy simplifies more of the verbally complicated concepts for Danny as they go.
Anyway. So they’re in space because it’s their…job? Danny thinks? They do…fighting stuff. Which Danny knew. Because he’d seen them on the news.
But it looks like they do a lot of things—they clean up after storms, and chase regular bad guys and super-bad-guys instead of just big ones. And they stop bad aliens from hurting people on Earth.
The green guy shifts from a green-looking, pointy-headed, red-eyed form to a warm, brown, human skin tone. And even. Like. Human clothing.
Danny stares.
…And the guy immediately takes back his natural form, his body physically shifting and morphing, which, fair, but holy crap. He’s living, on Earth. He passes as normal, on Earth. No one snitches on him. No one’s selling him to the government for parts. No one’s trapping him in a cage and not feeding him.
This guy works here, and everyone lets him.
Danny shifts in his chair. He…he wants that. He wants that. He wants to pass as human and not have to worry about…about anyone getting rid of him. He wants to go back to school. He wants to hide, and never ever not ever be found by anyone or anything when he does.
“I want that,” Danny says. There’s no inflection. He feels dead. He is dead, but usually he doesn’t feel it. “What do I do for…that.”
Help/Searching/Finding? the green—alien—questions, but there’s nothing for Danny to find. He knows exactly where everyone he loves is—and unless they’re already fully formed in the ghost zone…
…Well. Danny has forever to wait and see if he’ll see his friends and sister again. Maybe he’ll find them again one day, in a world purely green and glowing.
He shakes his head.
The next question comes…softer. Gentler. The mental push feels more like a breeze than a gale. Friends…Home/family?
The question comes tinged with all sorts of sensations that Danny’s suppressed—warmth, security, happiness, oxytocin, fondness, pride and being the source thereof, warmth and love, love, love—
Danny’s sweating. He can’t stop. His hands are shaking faster than usual—he kicks the brakes off his chair with the heels of his palms, and jerks the wheels back, pulling away from the desk—
He’s halfway across the room before he hears the noise. It’s just. Noise. It’s Diana, carefully shushing the loud heartbeat churning in his ears, hands on his hand, trying not to cage him but trying to keep skin on skin contact. Her hand is on the back of his hand, and on his shoulder.
“It’s okay,” Diana whispers. Danny’s shaking. His whole body is shaking. “Shhh, sh sh sh. It’s alright, it’s okay.”
It’s not it’s not it’snoit’snotit’sNOT. His sister is dead. His friends are dead. His parents sold his captors the equipment to catch him and they didn’t care if he got hurt doing it and now they’re DEAD. They tore open his hometown down the middle just to catch him, they stole him—they took his dead parent’s things as tools to hurt him—they HURT HIM and there isn’t—he can’t—he can’t—
Something is holding him down, and Danny thrashes. He has arms, but they’re injured—he has legs but he needs a tail and he—and—
He cries into Diana’s arms, sobbing and wailing. It’s a miracle that the building stays together. She holds him tighter, and he cries even harder into her soft under-layers.
He wants to run away. He needs to run away. Someone is holding him, and he can’t even flicker through her the way he wants to; his core is already too strained just from talking.
Danny’s sick. He’s dying. He’s—
“Take a breath,” Diana whispers, calm and sure. She models it for him. Danny gasps in air. “Good. Lete it out slow. As bobbels in a straw.”
He tries to copy her he does and she’ll be so angry if he can’t do it right on the first try but she lets him try, over and over again, until Danny’s able to stop hiccupping and leaking tears and ectoplasm all over her and realize that she’s holding him like a baby. Like. Actually cradling him against his body armor.
…You know what. He’s too tired to even be embarrassed. Screw that. Danny leans all the way over her and goes completely limp. Someone else can deal with his him for a little bit.
She does. Diana just…holds him.
It’s nice. Mom and Dad used to do that for him, when Danny was still…more human, he supposed. More than he is right now.
Something else touches his hand. Danny looks blearily downwards.
The teenager’s dad gets to his knees and takes Danny’s hand—and he doesn’t need the translation to understand.
“I’m sorry,” the man says, over and over again. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Danny blinks sleepily. What does his friend’s stinky dad have to be sorry for? He didn’t even do anything to Danny in the first place.
Danny won’t remember, afterwards, being wheeled back to his room for a nap. They must have wheeled him back, though, because the alternative is that Diana tucked him into bed like a baby, and that’s just kind of embarrassing to even think about for too long.
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katsukiizmoon · 1 year
Katsuki being one of those men with an elaborate shower routine. He applies hair oils once or twice a week. His body wash is coconut and caramel.
Katsuki uses an body net or body scrubber and a sugar scrub weekly. He’s got a stupid fuckin towel warmer and wears a goddamn shower cap in between wash days.
At first he thought it was stupid but his mama told him to wash his ass and exfoliate or he’d never be the best. And then next thing he knows you’re coming into his life.
You gasp when his skincare is a face wash and maybe moisturizer. The next time you’re in his apartment you spend time in his luxurious bathroom lining up different products and leaving sticky notes on his mirror.
His skin actually glows now, it’s so moisturized and plump. You’ve even convinced him to go get facials with you next week, and manipedis. Something about manicured hands being the sexiest thing in the world. He’s already picked out your nails for you after spending an hour browsing through Pinterest inspo.
And when you shower at his place you leave smelling like caramel and coconut!! He notices a little bit of his body scrub is gone and makes mental note to get a few more options for you. The both of you shower together here and there and you make sure to massage his muscles with soap.
N afterwards you’re rubbing Shea butter all over his back and chest. Katsuki massages it into your thighs and lower back, working out your tight muscles and after you just kind of lay there in the AC.
I just- he hhhnnghh idunnowhattodohndnhshzhnnnghh
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