haibanemanga · 7 months
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haibanemanga · 7 months
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haibanemanga · 8 months
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Source: ヒロインにあこがれて by 伊咲ウタ
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haibanemanga · 8 months
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haibanemanga · 8 months
Clara smiles to herself as she walks over to her desk and turns on her computer. She knows the scene in her head is romanticized, silly, but she loves it anyway. The world is only bearable because we make up stories about it.
-Ken Liu, "Good Stories"
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haibanemanga · 8 months
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I sat down and read all of Idol Escape (偶像エスケープ) in one sitting after its two volumes released. You can preview the first chapter at the author's twitter:
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I liked it overall. It's basically the two leads coming to terms with themselves and their family, while running away after murdering one of their fathers (...read the first chapter, but that aspect is still a bit weird to me). The art is generally nice, though there are several obviously filtered photos. Though if you're reading this primarily for the MMC exploring his sexuality, be aware that's not the only focus.
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haibanemanga · 9 months
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Isaki Uta's art is always gorgeous. Source: https://utaisaki.fanbox.cc/posts/7287684
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haibanemanga · 9 months
This might be my favorite cover of Though My Song Has No Form of all time
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haibanemanga · 1 year
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This has been a PSA.
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haibanemanga · 1 year
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haibanemanga · 1 year
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Ok, I can relate to this one. (Source: https://www.sunday-webry.com/episode/14079602755180542224)
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haibanemanga · 1 year
I was wildly confused by the じゃけ in the title of this oneshot: https://www.sunday-webry.com/episode/14079602755180542190
It turns out, this is Hiroshima-ben! It means だから or から.
But seriously, what is Hiroshima-ben even...
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haibanemanga · 1 year
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8月29日(火)より全国のローソンで開催中の「初音ミク Happy 16th Birthday キャンペーン」ビジュアルイラストを担当させていただきました!
���音ミク Happy 16th Birthday キャンペーン|ローソン研究所 (lawson.co.jp)
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haibanemanga · 1 year
"Sounds like a witch," Ron said, and the musicians began to nod, yes, that was sensible, that was it. Everyone knew what to call women who didn't laugh and didn't say yes, and what right did some foreign women with fancy degrees have to come in and command them, anyhow?
From "Witchfires" by E. Lily Yu, collected in The Book of Witches.
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haibanemanga · 1 year
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Whatever translation app the author used here for English and Chinese is cursed. But I'm glad that God is a fellow Miku stan.
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haibanemanga · 1 year
So this is building up to Spirit Circle getting a full adaptation, right? Right?? (If only that weren't out of print...)
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haibanemanga · 1 year
And if you prefer Sulemio, you're covered too! Nothing subject to interpretation here.
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