#brown liquid eyeliner
kampashanate · 4 months
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Discover Kampashan's gentle, hypoallergenic eyeliner. Perfect for sensitive eyes, it offers vibrant, smudge-proof color and easy application. Dermatologist-tested for safety. https://kampashan.com/products/awe-black-beauty Contact Id: [email protected]
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liecoris · 1 year
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— awwww shiiiit i bought brown eyeliner... not black... i'm so fucking stupid lmao
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mxgyver · 2 years
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cold, cozy, and cute on this windy sunday afternoon 😌🍂
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lacebird · 5 months
i need recommendations for gel eyeliners that are really long lasting. i've tried the ones from mac and bobbi brown and they both suck T_T
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hsmagazine254 · 9 months
Eyes That Mesmerize: Mastering the Art of Eyeliner
Accentuating Beauty: The Power of Eyeliner for Your Eyes Eyes are windows to the soul, and eyeliner is the perfect tool to enhance their beauty. In this article, we explore the art of using eyeliner to bring out the best in your eye features. Choosing the Right Eyeliner 1. Liquid Eyeliner for Precision Liquid eyeliner provides sharp and precise lines, ideal for creating dramatic looks and…
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sweetly-yours-and-mine · 10 months
girliepops if you wanted to make the switch to that potted gel eyeliner this is your sign i've never been able to control my eyeliner better
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sophieebridgerton · 1 year
the absolute scenes of my winged eyeliner is not boding well for the paint your own pottery i’m doing this afternoon
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lujobox · 2 years
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Upgrade your everyday, neutral eyeliner with a bright pigment to experiment with a more complex look.
Comment your favourite eyeliner color 👇
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Eddie takes the same train every day. It's in the far too early hours of the morning, dawn barely painting the city in a glowing coat of rust. The people on the platform next to him cling to the coffee in their travel mugs the same way sleep still clings to their lashes. They're tired, but not the bone-shattering tired I just finished a 10-hour bar shift that pushes down on Eddie's aching shoulder blades. The people on the platform are going to work, Eddie is going home.
His feet hurt, his hands reek of vodka and redbull, his ears ring from the loud music that played all night long and his voice is hoarse from shouting over it to be heard. But he doesn't care as he gets onto the train and sinks into a semi-comfy seat. Because while his job is alright bordering on fun most nights, it's the best job in the world when Thursday slowly trickles into Friday. Because on Thursday nights in the Hideout Eddie does not just serve drinks and flirts until the tip jar is bursting, no on Thursdays he gets to perform up on stage. It's an agreement with the owner, who has a soft spot for Eddie and his band and they have recently started to draw a crowd which helps too. So today Eddie doesn't mind the sleepless night.
He suppresses a yawn and rubs his eyes, smudging the traces of eyeliner left on his face even worse. It's when he lowers his hands, stars dancing in the corner of his eyes from the pressure, and leans his head against the cool window of the train that Eddie sees him. The prettiest man he's ever laid eyes on. Seriously how can someone be this attractive? Light brown hair that manages to be untamed and yet perfectly styled, tanned skin covered in so many freckles Eddie can feel himself salivate. And then there are his eyes. Liquid gold, glowing amber, honey in the sun and whiskey by candlelight.
It's not the first time Eddie has fallen deeply in love with a stranger on the subway and he doubts it's going to be the last time. But it's the most he has ever been enraptured. The outfit the guy wears is nothing exciting to write home about. Grey coat covering a blue suit typical corporate style. Nothing exciting, not even a fun tie. Eddie couldn't care less about the clothes though (unless they were on his bedroom floor).
He just watches the guys magnetizing eyes go back and forth over the page of the book he is reading. It's like watching a pendulum and Eddie finds himself hypnotized, enraptured, gone without any chance of return. Curious as he is though he forces himself to look away from the beautiful hazel eyes and tries instead to make out what the guy is reading.
He has to slap a hand on his mouth to keep himself from making a noise when he sees that the guy is reading A Court of Thornes and Roses. Now that is unexpected. Eddie never read it himself but he didn't think Mr. probably works for a big boy loads of money epicenter of capitalism company would read romance books let alone fairy porn romance books on the train to work. It's unexpected and Eddie instantly falls a little deeper. But unfortunately, as with all subway romances, it reaches its end as the train reaches the next station. Pretty boy sighs, dog ears his page (naughty) and gets up.
In the twenty seconds it takes for the train doors to open and the guy to step out Eddie fast forwards through the life they could have led. Imagines all the shared giggles and kisses and moments in time, sees all the stupid arguments they are going to have and the make up sex they'll have afterwards. Their first date will be in a little cafe just down the road from the Hideout, their wedding anniversary at a family-owned Italian place that reminds pretty boy of his grandma's cooking. The train door closes and Eddie's indulgent little fantasy ends. No point in thinking about all the what ifs, he's never going to see the guy again.
Except that he does. Next day, same time, same train, same exhaustion humming in Eddie's bones, same guy, different suit same book. Eddie stares. Can't help himself and maybe this is the universe giving him a second chance, telling him to make a move. But the only thing that moves is the guy when he reaches his stop, dog ears his book again, gets up and leaves. And well fall in love on the subway once, fall in love on the subway twice, Eddie thinks that this must be it.
But apparently, the universe is having a laugh because the impossible keeps happening, book guy keeps being on Eddie's train, and keeps on sitting right across from Eddie. The day he finishes acotar is the day they make eye contact for the first time. With a sigh he closes the book, looks up and catches Eddie staring. Eddie knows he should look away but he just can't, pinned under the guy's gaze he just keeps staring. And the guy stares right back, looks Eddie up and down and gives him a flirty little smirk and heart palpitations before he gets up.
The next day his hazel eyes widen in surprise when he sees Eddie sitting down across from him again like he too can't believe seeing the same guy on the subway twice. Eddie gives him an awkward smile, which gets returned just as awkwardly before the guy averts his gaze and continues to read Twilight. Okay, so pretty boy likes cheesy monster romance books. At least it's not 50 shades, Eddie thinks. Because he knows he wouldn't have been able to stop himself from saying something and coming off like a total creep, telling a stranger on the subway that the portrayal of bdsm in that book is unrealistic and harmful and should never be acted out like that. Instead, Eddie just blissfully gets to wonder whether the guy is team Edward or team Jacob.
After that pretty boy keeps noticing Eddie. They exchange little smiles that become nods that become whispered hi-s and see you-s. Summer comes by the time pretty boy finishes twilight and his coat and suit turn into polos and khakis and it makes Eddie want to bang his head against the train's window because no one should be able to look that good in such stuffy clothes. After vampires, it's time for some Regency romance and several weeks for frowning eyes as pretty boy tries to make it through pride and prejudice. On one particularly hot summer morning he just slams the book shut with a groan of frustration.
"Not good?" Eddie can't help but ask. Pretty boy looks at him and the annoyance in his face softens. It's probably the hot weather that drives a blush into his cheeks.
"Kinda?" he shrugs. "I loved the movie like that almost kiss in the rain? The hand stretch? I loved it."
It's endearing how passionately pretty boy talks about the movie. And god his voice is perfect too. If Eddie had not already been lured by his pretty eyes it would have been the siren call of his voice.
"But the book? It's like super complicated man. Who are half these people? Why do they talk like that. And I know it's like high-class literature or something, but it just makes me feel l...I don't know stupid."
"It's not stupid, Austen isn't for everyone," Eddie reassures him and that gets a little smile out of the guy.
"Thanks," he says, suddenly shy.
Eddie wants to bite him. Wants to take him out, wants to know what his kisses taste like and what the first song that made him cry was. Wants to learn his favorite kind of soup and if blue is his favorite color. It's silly, it's just a stranger on the subway he keeps meeting.
"I'm Steve by the way," pretty guy says and just like that mysterious, sexy stranger becomes Steve. It only makes Eddie want Steve more.
"Eddie," he says just as the train pulls into Steve's station. With an apologetic smile, Steve gets up.
"See you tomorrow, Eddie?" he asks, hopeful and all Eddie can do is nod, mouth gone dry.
"See you tomorrow," he promises.
Instead of going straight to sleep like usual when he gets home, Eddie takes out his songwriting book, sharpens a pencil and then writes like a possessed man. It's just a silly song, something whipped up and recorded within half an hour. Just a little love song starting with "he took the morning train going somewhere." It's not something he would play with the band, nothing he would put on an album. He puts it on tiktok instead before he finally falls asleep.
By the time he wakes up his phone is running hot with notification. Confused and bleary-eyed Eddie opens the tiktok app and promptly almost drops his phone. During the few hours he's slept his silly little joke song has gone absolutely viral.
Oh fuck.
Oh fuck, fuck, fuck. Of all the songs that could have gone viral it of course just had to be song he recorded as a joke about falling in love with a corporate guy reading fair porn on the subway. Fuck, Steve. It's so so so obvious that the song is about him. Eddie has no idea how he is meant to take the train tomorrow and look Steve into his gorgeous eyes. He dreads all night. When he gets to the Hideout the guys from the band tease him about the song, but insist they have to put it on the demo. It's not their usual vibe but according to Gareth it slaps and Jeff calls it a bop. Eddie just feels sick. Steve is going to hate him.
Only that when Eddie gets onto the train with shaky knees, Steve smiles at him like any other day. Pride and Prejudice has been replaced with a copy of One Last Stop which definitely seems more like Steve's kind of book. But Eddie is too nervous to really think about it. He expects Steve to lash out at any moment, call him a weirdo, wave a restraining order in his face. But none of that happens. Steve just reads, and when he gets up to leave tells Eddie "see you tomorrow."
Eddie's song becomes more and more viral but the subway rides home stay the same. Steve will say hi, smile at him, read, then get up and say bye. Nothing more nothing less. Maybe he just doesn't have social media Eddie prays. Even though his book choices seem very curated by the clock app. But Eddie is thankful for every day, Steve doesn't bring up the subway boy song. He is almost done with one last stop the day Eddie and the boys get the call from Kings Records about a deal. It's one of Chicago's biggest labels and it would mean the big break for them. Only that they insist on Subway Guy being on the record.
Eddie doesn't like it, doesn't like it one bit. But the guys beg him to reconsider it. The song went viral for a reason and Eddie knows he will never forgive himself he keeps them all from making their dreams come true just because some guy on the subway might think he is a creep. Only that Steve is not just some guy. He is the highlight of Eddie's day, the sugar in his coffee, the reason mornings aren't as awful anymore. He is also noticeably absent on Eddie's ride to the record label.
It's the same train, the same time as always, but the seat across from Eddie is vacant. No corporate hottie with a cheesy romance book to be seen. Maybe the universe is teaching Eddie a lesson, telling him that he really screwed it up this time. Make it big but lose the guy it's karma.
Eddie tries his best to put on a smile and not let his foul mood show when he enters the record label, the guys from the band are already there. He can't blow this for them just because his heart aches a little. Okay, maybe it aches a lot but this is Eddie's dream. It's all their dream. So he keeps on smiling, shakes the big official music producer guy's hand and gets led to studio. They spend the day recording subway guy and while Eddie still feels a tad bad, he can't help but enjoy the process. The song is good, objectively, actually good and it's nice to be told that.
They finish for the day, but before they can leave there are some legal things to sort through, so the producer guy sends them to legal. It's at the top of the building, glass walls, stunning view. A secretary leads them to a conference room with a smile and tells them their laywer Mr. Harrington will be with them shortly to sign contracts, sort through copyright etc. etc.
Eddie is tunes her out, too distracted by the city below him. The train tracks look like thin lines from up here and Eddie can't help but think back to Steve. The excitement of the day turns into guilt, making his stomach ache. Just as Eddie is about to run, to call it all off the door to the conference room opens and Eddie's jaw drops.
"Hi everyone," Steve greets the band. "I'm Steve Harrington, resident lawyer for King Records. Sorry for letting you wait, but I was super curious and wanted to listen to your song first."
Warm hazel eyes find Eddie's wide-blown ones. There is no way this is real, this has to be a prank. But Steve just pulls out a bunch of paperwork and notions for them all to sit down. Eddie barely listens when Steve goes over the legal aspects, Nancy is going to read over the contract when Eddie gets home anyways. Eddie is too busy staring at Steve.
"Wonderful, this is all," Steve says once they have gone through all the paperwork. "King Records is looking forward to working with you."
Steve smiles as he leads them back to the elevators.
"Gotta say, while it's not my usual sound, I really enjoyed your song. I relate maybe a little bit too much to falling in love with a stranger on the subway," he says as they wait for the elevator. "The guy you wrote the song about must be a pretty special guy."
"He is," Eddie finally, finally regains his ability to speak. "I don't just write love songs about any kind of stranger."
The elevator dings open but Eddie doesn't want to move. He wants to stay, a million questions on his mind, starting with you're really not mad and ending with so I was thinking spring wedding, maybe May. Thoughts? But corroded coffin drag him into the elevator say their thanks and then before he can do anything yet another door slides shut between him and Steve. The guys don't notice that something is off, too euphoric about their first record deal. But it's fine, their joy is infectious and Eddie doesn't pout about being dragged away from Steve. Eddie knows he is going to see Steve again.
It's too early in the morning when Eddie steps onto the train home from his last shift at work. There is a beautiful guy on the train, dressed in a pristine suit, romance novel in his hands. He doesn't wait for Eddie to pass by, just grabs Eddie's hand and pulls him down into the seat right next to him.
"Hi," Steve grins, far too awake this early.
"Hi," Eddie whispers back, giddy despite all his exhaustion. They are both quiet for a moment before Eddie blurts, nervous, "Read anything good lately?"
It startles a laugh from Steve and it's such a nice sound Eddie instantly wants to make Steve laugh again.
"I have actually," Steve smiles. "I would tell you all about it, but I'm afraid my stop is next."
He takes what looks like a bookmark out from between the pages of his current book. Which is weird because Steve never uses bookmarks. It becomes less weird when he hands the bookmark to Eddie, a phone number written in dark ink on it.
"How about you give me a call and I can tell you all about it over a coffee," Steve suggests and get up. "And you can tell me all about that song of yours."
Eddie blinks surprised once, twice, as Steve leaves the train. Then Eddie instantly digs out his phone. He should go home, sleep. But screw sleep, who needs to rest when you have a coffee date with a hot stranger you fell in love on the subway with to arrange.
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tinkerbelle05 · 1 year
could you maybe write a miles(either one) x black!fem!reader, and he’s doing that super cute tik tok where he does the voice over for the reader’s makeup tutorial
TikTok Video
Characters: 1610!Miles x black!fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: (Requested) Thanks for the request luv 💙
Warning: none :)
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“Hey guys it’s Miles so my girl wants me to do her voiceover for her makeup.” He starts out the video, saying. She’s been asking him for weeks about this TikTok trend and well it couldn’t hurt?
The video showed you on camera and you gave a big smile showing off your braces. Then you showed a bottle on the screen. It was a clear bottle with a black pump.
“Um okay so I think that's the primer that she’s putting on right now. Because primer goes first. Like I don’t really know what it does to be honest. But it makes her face shiny and she likes that.” He explains.
Next you showed off a tube of dark brown liquid with a white cap. You put some on a sponge and dabbed that on your face lightly. Not all over of your face though, just the forehead and cheeks.
“Okay so next this is her skin tint. Yea she don’t really like foundation—says it’s too cakey, whatever that means— and the pink sponge she using is a beauty blender. But sometimes she be using her fingers, she told me they work the same for her.” He told them next.
Next you show off your eyeliner to the camera and use that.
“Okay so next it’s eyeliner. I love it when she does her eyeliner long and dramatic like that. She looks so freaking pretty with that.” He complimented, “Look at her showing off. She know she beautiful.”
Next you show off a blush compact that’s nearly empty. It’s a pretty mauve color and you have a big fluffy brush in your other hand.
“Okay so next she’s putting on blush. Oh! That’s the one I got for her birthday like two months ago. How is it already gone? Does blush go that fast?” He was astonished.
Next you pull out multiple products. A brown lipstick, a clear lip gloss, and an eyebrow pencil. You started to apply the products accordingly.
“Oh okay so now she doing this lip combo she be seeing on tiktok. But I like her usual, it’s this dark pink one.”
Then you show off a spray bottle and begin spraying that on your face. Afterwards you give another smile and a blow a kiss.
“Um okay I’m gonna be deadass, I have 0 idea of what that’s supposed to do but like look at that smile y’all. She’s soo pretty. Well, peace out guys.” And like that video ended.
And of course, people were eating that up in the comments. Many people were saying how cute y’all were, some complimented his voice and your beauty. As well as your kinda sorta makeup tutorial and how good you were at it.
It was such a cute video and to thank Miles for his participation, you showered him in kisses all over of his face.
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Credits: @luvjunie for the gif
Tags: @butterfi, @justbeethings, @jam-skullz, @zomb1te, @dreamxcollide, @shibble, @sleepdeprivationis4coolkids, @somber-starz, @maypersonne, @hoeboat101, @rosebunny, @midnight-the-shadow-wolf, @mur-docs, @eight-cats-in-a-box, @emgavi, @sawi-06, @707xn, @niktwazny303, @nagi3seastorm, @ghostsimp000, @cloudstrifefantatic, @vixqn, @yourtsahik, @angelzira, @im-jisoo-im-okay, @andhdi68a, @itstooearly-its3am, @universallypeanutpizzapersona, @sodapopzds, @gricelovesu, @targrayenstormborn, @sciamachy-after-dusk, @peter-parkers-gf, @liural, @mewzxz, @star-light18464, @wraithluientheirlittleworld
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kampashanate · 7 months
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valeriianz · 1 year
I am imagining a Bi-curious Dream. Human AU. Inspired by this post. (but not at all horny or much explicit). this got a lot softer than i intended.
Dream, who goes by Morpheus, has such a stick up his ass. And he’s always only dated women, and he’s always the one getting dumped. And after this last failed relationship, where Morpheus thought for sure he’d found The One (after a record breaking 5 months), Johanna takes him out to a bar to find him a hookup. A rebound. Morpheus grumbles that he doesn’t need a rebound but goes along with it all the same.
Johanna knows of Morpheus’ bi tendencies. Though Morpheus has only mentioned it in passing that he wouldn’t mind dating a guy “if the right one came along.” They went to undergrad together, where they met and how Jo knows Morpheus has certainly kissed a lot of guys, but the idea of ever actually dating one, let alone sleeping with a man, turns Morpheus all shy and unsure. She’s teased him enough about actually stepping out of his comfort zone and actually exploring his attraction, and figures now is the best time to put that curiosity to the test.
A few drinks in and Johanna spots Hob, an old co-worker and invites him over, much to Morpheus’ chagrin. They yell and get excited seeing one another, couple of extroverts that they are, and quickly exchange pleasantries, catching up. Morpheus is seemingly ignored, and he's making it his life’s mission to drown himself in gin and juice and become one with the sticky bartop.
Dream glares at Hob out of the corner of his eyes, sizing him up, hiding behind his drink. Then Hob turns to face him as Jo introduces him and the smile he throws at Dream nearly knocks him off the stool. Morpheus sits up quickly and has an annoying concern for how his hair and eyeliner look.
“Hello, Morpheus.” And Hob extends a hand and Morpheus takes it awkwardly, an unexpected buzz shooting up his arm from Hob’s tight grip on his cold fingers.
Morpheus nods in greeting, afraid if he opens his mouth his tongue might fall out. He’s always been passively attracted to men, found some cute or handsome, but figured it was a superficial thing, or something like envy. He’d never given conscious thought to what it might be like to share… intimacies with another man. His unconscious mind, however…
Hob looked like someone peeled right out of Morpheus’ darkest, lewdess, most shameful dreams. A man with bushy brows and scruffy beard, an easy smile, and kind, chocolate brown eyes.
Okay, maybe not the most erotic image to grace Morpheus’ vision. But the glint behind Hob’s eyes, the smile that was slowly sharpening to a smirk, and the way his fingers dragged along Morpheus’ skin as their hands finally dropped, filled Morpheus with a sudden urgency to drag this man to the nearest dark corner and let Hob have his way with him.
And later that night, fueled by liquid courage and a very confident Hob leading the way, Morpheus allows himself to be pulled against a warm, broad chest and kissed senseless against the wall of a house he’s never been in before.
Hob licks into Morpheus’ mouth like he’s a man starved and Morpheus is a 5-course meal, moaning loud enough to make Morpheus’ skull vibrate. And all Morpheus can do is try to keep up, working his jaw and swallowing down little whines that he can feel bubbling up. Hob is so vocal and handsy, his fingers trailing up Morpheus’ jaw, carding through his hair, gripping the nape of his neck with a teasing bite to his lip that makes Morpheus’ knees wobble, before one hand moves down to his waist, teasing the edge of his shirt and touching pale skin.
Morpheus, for his part, has his eyes squeezed shut and is almost fighting against the urge to give in. Wondering why this is so hard for him. He’s never been kissed like this before, never been held like a precious thing before, and– he knows he’s getting into his own head. Morpheus feels himself break away with a loud, wet gasp, turning his head and mumbling a half-hearted, 
And, incredibly, Hob does wait. He stands in front of Morpheus and gives him a moment to breathe. To calm down from his own insecurities and nerves. Morpheus feels like Hob is the type of guy to go all the way. The way he’d been flirting with Morpheus at the bar gave him the implication that this wasn’t Hob’s first rodeo. He didn’t boast about experience or prowess, but it was in the way he carried himself, the way he couldn’t stop staring at Morpheus, smiling like he knew he’d end up following Hob home. 
And sure enough, as soon as they’d stepped through the threshold of Hob’s home, he’d turned and pinned Morpheus against the nearest surface and kissed him without warning.
“Hey, it’s okay. I got you.” And Hob kisses the corners of Morpheus’ eyes, rubs soothing circles along his pointy hip bones, and murmurs sweetness in a quiet, calm voice. A voice that slowly makes Morpheus unravel, relaxing in Hob’s hold and tentatively bringing his own arms around Hob’s shoulders and kisses him back, properly. Eagerly.
It’s slow now, lips-only and so sweet Morpheus’ lips part on their own accord and a rush of heat crawls up his neck as he makes a desperate, needy noise. He slips his tongue past Hob’s lips to distract himself from that moment of vulnerability, feeling Hob’s grin, tasting his muffled laughter.
It’s so sensual and soft, it makes Morpheus’ head spin. And then Hob presses his body flush to Morpheus’ and they both realize they’re hard.
Morpheus surprises himself by canting his hips forward, curious to feel how Hob is hard, for him. And smiling his own, self-satisfied smile as Hob sucks in a breath and groans, trailing his lips up Morpheus’ jaw and nosing along the underside of his ear. He grinds his own hips with a little more force and it rips a whine from Morpheus’ throat, his head falling back against the wall with a dull thud and he’s squeezing his eyes shut again.
They rut back and forth for a while, Hob’s hot breath hitting Morpheus’ ear with punctuated groans of pleasure and praise that tumbles from his lips. He bites Morpheus’ throat, gentle enough to not leave a mark but hard enough to make Morpheus jolt, getting a hand in Hob’s hair and encouraging him to continue, which he does with chuckling enthusiasm.
Eventually they slow down, only for Hob to come around, take Morpheus by the chin, and wait for him to open his eyes again. Something in them makes Hob growl, leaning in like he can’t help it and biting Morpheus’ lip.
“We don’t have to go all the way, if you don’t want to,” Hob says, breathless and barely holding himself back. “But I’m dying to suck your cock.”
Morpheus flushes again, grateful for the dim lighting in Hob’s living room and nods eagerly.
The next morning, Morpheus is awoken to the smell of coffee and Hob in his kitchen, preparing breakfast. Morpheus walks in with bare feet, bare chest, flannel pajamas that are hanging off his hips for dear life, and is suddenly hungry.
He sneaks up behind Hob, slotting his pelvis against Hob’s ass and winding his arms around his waist like he belongs there. Like they do this all the time and this isn’t a one-night-stand gone awry. Hob chuckles in surprise, dropping what he’s doing to turn around in Morpheus’ hold and be kissed sloppily.
Morpheus came to the bar with Johanna looking for a rebound, just some meaningless sex to help him forget his ex. But the next morning, he had a boyfriend.
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ros3ybabe · 10 months
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Recommendations? 🎀
Hey lovelies <3
Let's help some girlies out by commenting or reblogging with your favorite self care products! Could be skincare, makeup, hair care, body care, etc! I'm always looking for some new products/tools to try so I thought this would be a good way to spread some helpful info!
Here's a few of my favorites:
🩷 Skincare:
I love face masks and eye masks! My current favorite face mask is the Red Bean Pore Refreshing Face Mask by Beauty of Joseon and my favorite eye masks are The Creme Shop Work Hard Rest Hard eye masks!
🩷 Body Care
body scrubs/body butters! I love using two similar scents together! For the summer, I use Tree Hurt Tropic Glow scrub and body butter and for winter I use Dove Exfoliating Scrub in Brown Sugar and the EOS Vanilla Cahsmete Lotion.
🩷 Hair Care
No specific product recommendations for this, but I love oiling my scalp twice a week! It makes my hair feel and look so beautiful! I currently use The Ordinary Moroccan Argan Oil and I use a scalp massager to gently massage the oil onto my scalp after applying it with warm fingers.
Hair Masks!!! I love the Shea Mositure Raw Shea Butter Hydration Mask so much, I use it with conditioner on my hair oiling days and my hair has never looked better.
🩷 Makeup
I love the Essence Tinted Brow Gel because even if I don't do much makeup, it makes me feel and look a little more put together.
Same goes for the Ulta Beauty Gel Eyeliner in Dark Brown, it makes me look and feel so much better some days, and it's not super bold like liquid liner so I don't feel the need to use Mascara.
Lip Oils!!! Milani Fruit Fetish and Elf Revive are my two favorites!! I have Milani In Cherry Lime and Elf in Jam Session. So moisturizing and a bit tinted so it makes me feel so good when I have it on. Even when I wear a bare face, I always use one of these to elevate my look!
🩷 Miscellaneous
Vitamin/Mineral supplements! I only take ones I know will work for me or ones I'm deficient in. I currently take Vitamin D3 and Aple Cider Vinegar supplements but I am looking into taking Magnesium Gylcinate and Ashwagandha soon as well!
Self care hobbies and routines! My gentle morning routine, journaling, yoga, a wind down night routine, and reading informative books has been so helpful for me!
I'm personally looking for hair growth tips and tools (like the efficiency of silk hair wraps or silk pillow cases, hair growth oils and supplements, etc), any and all skincare tips and tools (like ice face rollers, are gua sha effective, etc), and even body care products recommendations as well!!
I hope this post helps others out too, with everyone sharing their products recs, tips, advice, favorites, and so on!
Til next time lovelies 🩷
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katsumox · 1 year
domestic moment with bf!hobie <3
hobie brown x black reader. he loves u so bad its sickening. was a blurb but i’m obsessed with this man so it’s kinda long lol.
"Anyway, 's not stupid. 'S oxymoronic," you pout, rummaging through your makeup bag.
Your Erykah playlist is ringing through your small shared flat in south London. You pull your bohemian braids back into a ponytail before continuing your search.
"Dunno what that means, love," Hobie drawls as he picks at his nails, "Besides, thought you was gonna do my eye-black or whatever, seems you're chattin' me up instead, yeah?"
"Whatever, Bibi," you smile, finally finding your liner. "And you know what an oxymoron is, you ain't dumb. Sit."
"Oh my days," Hobie mutters, fighting the smirk creeping across his face, "Can't believe you've got me following orders. Get on with it, then," he says as he sits on the loveseat.
He's fiddling with the chipped black paint on his nails again as he watches you size up his face, fingers posed like a picture frame.
You huff, two-toned lips poked out in thought. You open the liquid liner, and as you're about to do the first line of black on his eyelid-
Hobie's deep voice breaks your concentration.
"Babes. Don't fuck me up now, yeah?" He hums, looking up at you as you purse your glossy lips, head cocking to the side.
"Can't concentrate if you can't keep your mouth shut."
He smirks at your slight attitude before retorting, "Sides, you're not close enough, innit? Come sit with me," He says, patting his thighs.
You sigh as you grip the liner pen with your teeth, sinking down on his lap. His arms reflexively come to rest loosely around your waist, as his fingers drum out nameless little beats on the meat of your hips.
"Go on then, love," Hobie encourages as you raise the pen, finally making the first marks of eyeliner across his dark eyes.
"Aw shit," You mutter, looking at his liner, "Fucked it up a bit, but I'll..." You trail off as you feel the intensity of Hobie's stare.
“You’ll what, babe,” he rumbles, low eyes trained on yours.
“Smudge it,” you mutter, as Hobie tucks a loose braid behind your ear. “…Finna smudge it out.”
Hobie’s eyes flicker from yours to your lips as his ringed hand holds your jaw. His lips part, his gaze never leaving yours as he runs his thumb over your cheek.
“Whatcha lookin’ at, Bibi?”
“You,” he drawls, pulling your jaw downward, towards him.
His lips are on yours, one hand still cradling your jaw as the other rubs comforting circles into your hip. Your acrylics are scratching at his neck as he presses you impossibly closer to him, smiling into your kisses.
“Gotta finish… Lemme finish, Bibi,” you breathe into the kiss.
“Kay, then,” he hums, “Hurry, wanna keep snoggin’ you.”
You giggle at his honesty, taking the pad of your thumb to smudge his liner. After a moment, you lean back, analyzing your work.
“You so pretty, Bibi,” you mutter, softly squeezing his cheek.
“You’re talkin’,” Hobie rumbles, chucking your chin, “Pretty ting like you, callin’ me pretty.”
His lips are shiny, covered in the brown gloss and lip liner from your kisses. His fingers never stop rubbing soft circles in your hips as he looks up at you.
“Give the pretty girl another kiss,” You demand, hastily tacking on a “Please.”
Hobie snorts at your demand, pierced eyebrow cocked in question.
“You think you give orders round here?”
You raise your brows in turn, watching and waiting.
Hobie huffs in feigned exasperation.
“Alright then, fine. Fine,” he sighs, “Not doing it ‘cause you told me to. ‘M doin’ it ‘cause I like snoggin’ leng tings like you.”
He kisses you again, sighing sweet nothings into the kiss.
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moonlightazriel · 6 months
Chapter 8: Truths too hard to speak/// Azriel X F!Reader
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Summary: At the Hewn City, traumatic memories start to bubble, but thankfully Lucien is there to help.
Word Count: 2,7K
Warnings: Mentions of trauma and anxiety attack.
Notes: This is one of my favorite chapters so far...
Main Masterlist
Worlds Apart Masterlist
Lucien knocked on her door, waiting to escort her to the living room. He heard the rustling of the fabrics on the other side, a loud thud and a string of curses following right after, making him giggle. She opened the door, and the two stood there for at least a minute in silence, looking at each other.
She wore a beautiful sparkly dress, like the stars hung from her body, hair in curls over her shoulder, some eyeliner and red lipstick. Earrings with a deep blue stone matching her eyes, high heels that made her a considerate few inches taller, almost just as tall as him. She pressed her hands over the fabric, her claws in display, it made her feel safer with this new outfit.
“Does it look okay?” She asked and Lucien could see the insecurity in her eyes. Gently grabbing one of her hands, he lifted it to his lips, placing a chaste kiss.
“You look beautiful.” She blushed under his gaze and he let go of her hand, spinning in place. “How do I look? A good match for such a beautiful companion?”
Lucien looked good wearing green, but he looked so mysterious in black. A pair of very tight pants and dark brown leather boots, a sleeveless black tunic with golden details to it. His hair was parted on the side, one cascaded over his shoulder in soft waves and the other side was braided, braids glued to his scalp and following the length of his hair, golden accessories adorned the braids.
“You might want to change, or I'm sure the healers of that place will be busy all night tending to the fainting females.” Lucien laughed, his chest moving with it.
“Then we shall give them a good show.” Y/N nodded and the two headed for the living room together.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Cassian kept rambling about the same problems in the war camps while Azriel lazily sipped on his wine, the sweet grapery taste making the night a bit more unbearable. Elain was distant, he didn’t have the balls to talk about their relationship with her, and he was still thinking about what the whole ordeal with the dreams and the witch meant.
He took another sip, the liquid going down the wrong pipe as Y/N stepped in the living room with Lucien, she looked like a goddess. Her waist hugged by the dress in a way that left his fingers itching to touch her. Her breasts spilling from it, making his mouth water. She held Lucien in an iron grip, like she was afraid of showing herself to them.
“I knew you would look so hot.” Nesta squealed, running towards her and pulling her in for a hug, Azriel thanked her mentally for pulling the female away from Lucien for him.
“Says you, if Cassian doesn't watch out, I might steal you from him.” She joked, making Nesta blush. Cassian immediately got up, pulling Nesta towards him by the waist, a wing protectively wrapping around her.
“Just over my dead body.” He joked back, gasping as Nesta slapped her way out of the cocoon.
“I would never destroy such a beautiful couple.” She lifted her hands in the air.
“You look really good.” Feyre intervened. “But it’s time to go.” She felt a pair of eyes burning holes on her side, slowly locking eyes with Azriel before Feyre winnowed them away.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
The Hewn City was inside a mountain, making her shiver with the thoughts of Morath, and those dungeons that if it wasn’t for Asterin and Manon managing to reallocate her to the Ferian Gap, she would be still stuck, her corpse underneath the rocks as Kaltain Rompier exploded the place.
Lucien felt her shiver, placing a friendly hand on the small of her back, heat emanated from where he touched her, making her go still and bask in the feeling to calm herself down. She wasn’t down there, Morath didn’t exist anymore, they had won the war and she was safe.
“Are you okay?” He whispered in her ear as he felt her steps faltering.
“Places like this bring memories I don't particularly enjoy.” She took a deep breath. “I’ll be fine.”
“If you feel like it’s too much, just say the words and I'll take you somewhere else.” He reassured her.
“Thank you, Lucien. You’re an amazing friend.” The male smiled at her, and the door opened. Rhysand and Feyre entered first, followed by Nesta and Elain, then Azriel and Cassian, lastly by the two of them.
Faes gathered around in a ballroom, bowing to their leaders. Lucien held her by the side of her waist, as she still shivered, feeling the walls closing on her. Rhysand’s voice commanded them to rise and enjoy the feast. A few of them approached his throne, wanting to talk to him.
Y/N watched with curiosity as a male approached her and Lucien instead, he looked like an older version of the male by her side. Red hair falling to his forehead and an undercut. His eyes danced around the figure of his brother and the unknown female for a while.
“Brother.” He nodded his head, eyes quickly turning to Y/N. “And who’s this beautiful lady?”
“Y/N Blackbeak.” She introduced herself.
“Eris Vanserra, delighted to meet you, my lady.” He bowed his head a little, his tone slow and sensual in a flirting manner. That male reeked of confidence, he knew he was beautiful and took advantage of that to his own gain. A lazy smirk formed on his face.
“Look at them, all over her like a bunch of hungry foxes.” Azriel mumbled angrily and Cassian leaned onto him, patting his shoulder.
“What did you say, brother? Couldn’t hear you over the sound of your jealousy.” Azriel shoved Cassian to the side, prompting the male to laugh. “I know she’s the female of your dreams and shit, but you still have a real female to deal with.” He nodded towards Elain.
She had barely spoken to him, and he hadn’t made any efforts to talk to her either. He looked over at her, her arms crossed over her chest and a frown as she watched the three talk. He turned his gaze back to the female surrounded by the two autumn princes, she had her nails digging the skin of Lucien’s arm and her eyes scanned the crowd uncomfortably.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“I can try, but I don't promise I'll succeed.” Eris said. Lucien and her had told him a very shortened version of what had happened and who she was, the male had agreed to help find whatever information he could back in the Autumn Court. Under the condition that he and Lucien met more often.
Eris missed his brother everyday, ever since he sneaked Lucien away to Spring. They tried exchanging letters but it was too risky, Beron had almost caught them a couple of times and things wouldn’t end up well if he discovered them. Lucien had immediately agreed to this, he also missed his brother dearly and was willing to do anything to mend their relationship to what it was when they were kids.
“Thank you for risking yourself, i have a debt with you, whatever you need, i’ll be there to help and clear my debt with you.” Y/N nodded, and the male shook her hand in a mutual agreement, he would help her and she would help him in return.
“See you around, brother.” He said, giving a pat on his shoulder and leaving towards the throne Rhysand and Feyre still sat.
“Do you want to dance?” Lucien asked, and Y/N found herself agreeing, why not? Everything to take her mind away from the fact she was trapped underground and the building anxiety.
This was different from the library, maybe it was because of the atmosphere, because of the threatening aura surrounding the people, the harsh gazes and the gossip. But this place looked exactly like Morath and she didn’t like that one bit.
She let Lucien guide the way to the dancefloor, one of his hands placed on the small of her back and the other holding her hand. Music filled the space, making people dance. He spun her around, their feet moving in synchrony. She hated that she knew how to dance because Ruvyn had taught her, but she closed her eyes, reminding herself that this was different.
Lucien kept guiding the dance, his hands held her waist, spinning her in the air, making the fabric of her dress fly around them. People stopped to watch the two of them dancing, the muscles of his arms contracting as he lifted her once more. Lucien looked at her with care and admiration, he was glad he had met her, a true friend.
The dance ended too soon, and Lucien excused himself to go get something for them to drink, leaving her alone on the dance floor. Someone bumped on her, and then she felt cold fingers wrapping themselves around her arm, forcing her to look at the unknown male.
“Come.” He commanded. “Dance with me.”
But the rest of his phrase fell to deaf ear, as her vision got blurry and suddenly she was back to that horrible place, the guard smirking disgustingly at her, his black eyes piercing her in place before he started to drag her towards the lower levels of Morath, to where those witches never got away from.
She heard the screams and saw the witches laying with their big bellies, forced to breed demons. It was going to happen to her, being locked there forced to conceive their babies for them. But then Manon came, flanked by Asterin and Sorrel, telling the guard that Y/N was being solicited by Duke Perrington to go to the Ferian Gap and prepare the witches there.
The male had quickly shut the door so the three wouldn’t see what was inside, and she was too stunned, too afraid to even say anything. He had shoved her against Manon, who quickly handed her back to Asterin. They stayed with her until she and her alliance were mounted on their wyverns and heading back to Ferian.
Y/N pushed the male, his hands burning her skin, she turned back on her heels, feeling her eyes heavy with tears, bumping against Lucien on the way to anywhere.
“Please, take me out of here.” She had begged, clinging to his tunic with both hands. The male nodded, grabbing her hands and pulling her with him towards one of the empty offices nearby.
Elain saw them leaving, their hands intertwined as Lucien urged them outside. She hadn't even registered that she was moving, but in quick steps she was close to him, her hands clutching his biceps harshly. He stopped, whipping his head towards her.
“Don’t leave with her.” Elain asked and Lucien’s face changed to a serious one.
“Not now, Elain.” He said, removing her hand and getting out of the door.
It stung, crushing her heart, tears welled in her eyes as she watched her mate leave with another female to do Mother knows what. Azriel was by her side in a second, pulling her closer to him, but he was not the one she wanted, so with tear filled eyes, she turned to him.
“We need to talk.” Azriel just nodded, escorting her out of the ballroom.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Lucien kneeled in front of her, holding her face in between his hands, his thumbs wiping her tears as he guided her into breathing normally again. He had seen the male grabbing her, ready to tell him off when she bumped into him. The first empty office was where he had shoved her, locking the door behind him.
She was hyperventilating when he turned to her, squatting on the floor, hugging her own frame and shaking like a leaf in the wind. She had begged him to not let her end up like the others before she started to cry. He sat on the floor, pulling her against his chest, while she sobbed. He had no idea how long they sat there, in silence.
“The Matron always hated the bond I had with Asterin.” Her hoarse voice sounded, Lucien kept quiet. “It wasn’t something she had planned, neither something she could control, and she hated not being in control.” She pushed away from him, sitting in front of him with her knees pressed to her chest.
“She tried for years to destroy it and never could. I carry the marks of her attempts and Asterin did too. When we went to Morath, she chose me as one of their incubators. The witches that were chosen never saw the daylight again. They bred them somehow, and the same was about to happen with me if it wasn’t for Manon and Asterin going to Duke Perrington himself and telling him I would be of better use somewhere else.”
“I hate places like this cuz they remind me of what was about to happen to me, the sight of those witches, laying there. It’s something I'll never be able to forget, as hard as I try to…” Lucien couldn’t imagine the absolute terror of knowing your body would be used to carry babies until you finally died.
“I have no words to tell you how sorry I am that this happened to you.” He started. “I can’t imagine being put in that position, but you are safe now, nothing like this will ever happen to you again, you have my word.” Lucien promised, holding her hand in his. She looked at him, closing her eyes for a moment.
“You have my eternal gratitude for everything you’ve done for me in these past few days.” Lucien could live happily with that.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“What is wrong?” Azriel had sat on one of the plush chairs of the empty office while Elain paced around in the room, the motion making Azriel dizzy.
“I don’t even know how to tell you this…” She began and deep in his heart he knew what was coming and despite expecting this sooner or later, it wasn’t less painful.
“You love him, don’t you?” He asked and she stopped on her tracks, her sweet brown eyes carrying a storm of despair in them.
“I don’t know.” She breathed.
“Please, don’t lie.” He rubbed his temples and Elain swallowed past the lump on her throat.
“I do.” He closed his eyes, letting the words sink in his heart, and it hurt, not as much as he thought hearing them would, but it hurt still. “Seeing him with her, and what she told me… I can’t keep lying to you neither to myself.”
“What did she tell you?” He asked and Elain sat in front of him.
“Either I claim him as is my right as his mate, or I let him go. I have pondered her words everyday since that day and she is right, but the thing is…” She took another deep breath. “I can’t let him go, I don't want to let him go. I refused him because I thought he would just be another thing forced down my throat, but he respected my boundaries, never tried to force anything I wasn't comfortable with, he even went away to the other side of the world to give me space and…” She stopped once more, tears falling down her eyes. “And I love him and I want to get to know him, open up my heart to him and accept him as my mate.”
Azriel was quiet, absorbing her words with care. He felt happy she felt comfortable enough to share them with him, he loved her like a friend, he knew that now, and all he could ask for was her happiness, whoever she chose.
“Thank you for being honest, thank you for loving me.” She got up, wrapping her hands around his neck and bringing him in for a hug.
“Thank you for helping me heal and showing me that I own my destiny and my life.” He smiled sadly at her.
“Are we still going to be friends?” He asked and she nodded.
“Of course, I would hate not having you in my life.” He hummed in agreement. “Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, go ahead.” Elain cleared her throat.
“Do you have feelings for her? I see how you look at her, it’s different. It’s yearning for something.”
“Honestly?” Elain nodded her head. “I have no idea.” And he was sincere in every word.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
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