#bro my foot just got poked
uygfiug · 2 months
i think im hallucinating again?
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xxkissesforchanniexx · 4 months
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𝐁𝐫𝐨 𝐂𝐨𝐝𝐞
Pairing: Chan x Lee Know little sister!fem!reader (non-idol au) Genre: Fluff + Smut angst kinda >.>(im bad at writing it forgive me...) Word Count: 8.6k (HOLY SHIT THATS THE LONGEST ONE YET) Warnings: mutual pining, mentions of cheating, protective Minho, underage drinking if you pay close attention, fighting >.> <.< DONT DO IT, unprotected sex pullout method >.>, cringe ending as usual. i think thats everything?
A/N: I genuinely started tweaking writing this uh requests are open until like august. this request is old... so... im sorry i only just got to it ;-; I'm also so sorry if the story is >.>... cringe T_T my brain has been like fried eggs lately.
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The first time Chan agreed to go to Minho's house, he was in his sophomore year of high school, when Minho had mentioned he had a sister, Chan hadn't thought much of it.
Until Chan saw you; the pretty, sweet (to him at least), smart 8th grader that was Minho's little sister.
You had poked your head into Minho's room, "Bro have you seen my hair rollers?"
Chan looked up at you from his book.
Minho looked at you and made a face. "I don't know where you put that stuff."
"Minho!" You threw the door open and frowned at him. "You borrowed them!"
"I DON'T FUCK-" You paused, eyes flicking to Chan.
Minho smiled evilly. "I'm telling mom!"
"MIN!" You shouted, "OH!" You stomped your foot for a moment before huffing. You took long strides to Minho's bedside table and grabbed his wallet.
"Where are you going!?" He shouted as you went back to the door.
"Buy more hair rollers." You said, slamming the door behind you.
Chan looked at his book and cleared his throat trying to disguise his laugh. You were cute, just a little bit.
Minho looked at his friend before his eyes narrowed. "Hey."
Chan looked at him, "Huh?"
"Chan... You're my guy. My best friend." Minho got up from his bed and smiled genuinely at him, "For the sake of our friendship, don't..."
Chan raised a brow. "Don't what?"
Minho made a face. "Chan."
Chan laughed. "Minho. I couldn't. Be for real. She's your sister. I'll be with her and be constantly reminded of you." He shuddered.
"Haha." Minho punched him. "Promise?"
"How old are we?" Chan raised a brow.
Minho looked serious.
Chan sighed. "I promise."
Yet... he couldn't keep that promise. Not while you were so busy being you.
You pulled into your parents' driveway. You had just finished your sophmore year of college, you checked your phone and messaged Minho saying you were home and to open the door.
You waited for a few minutes, scrolling on instagram before checking to see if Minho had read your message. It was still on delivered..
You sighed and called his phone. It rang and rang, but he didn't answer. "MINHO!" You made a face and finally decided to check your brother's location.
He was an hour away. At the mall.
You were about to call him again when he called you first.
"Oh, you're home already?" he asked, munching on something.
"Yes." You exhaled. "Why aren't you here to let me in?!"
"HEY HEY HEY!" He said, "Someone is there."
"Who?" You fianlly got out of your car and grabbed your bag from the trunk, dragging it to the front door.
You made a face and rang the doorbell. "Yada yada."
"Hey, respect me. I'm older than you!" Minho huffed.
"Ah hush." You rang the bell again. "Is that weirdo friend of yours even here-"
The door opened and you looked at the man standing there, his hair was unruly and he looked like he just woke up. You looked him up and down for a moment- he looked different, older, more muscular, the tank top wasn't helping much, you could see the outline of his pecs. "Chan?"
"AH I told you he'd open the door-" Minho started but you hung up the phone.
The muscular man crossed his arms. "Do I know you?"
"Uh- I live here?" Your brows furrowed.
"The only women I know live here is Minho's mother and a silly 11th grader I haven't seen in years." Chan sighed, "Minho doesn't take squatters. He already has 3."
"Bang Christopher Chan." Your eyes narrowed. "Did you just call my babies SQUATTERS????"
Chan's mouth fell open. "Y/n-"
"I'm telling Minho!" You pushed into the house and Chan trailed behind you.
"Let me carry that bag for you-"
"No, no, no!" You swatted his hand away. "You think my babies are squatters." You huffed and ran to your elder brother's cat, Soonie, that happened to be looking around the corner.
Chan rolled his eyes and you picked it up and started baby talking to it. "It's a cat-"
"You speak fluent baby to Berry. Don't judge me." You walked with the cat up the stairs to your room.
Chan sighed deeply.
"Chan, bring my bag upstairs thanks." You smiled sweetly and skipped back up the stairs with the cat.
Chan tongued the inside of his mouth a bit annoyed, you hadn't changed one bit. You just looked more mature. More like a woman, the curve of your waist more defined to your hips, you seemed prettier, your- … What are you thinking...
Chan pursed his lips and grabbed your bag, taking it up stairs.
He watched as you entered your room.
"Did Minho touch any of my stuff?" You asked looking around.
"Not that I know of." Chan hummed setting the bag on the bed.
You turned and gasped. "MY GUDETAMA PLUSH IS GONE!"
Chan tilted his head. "Your what?"
You fumed. "MY EGG PLUSHIE!"
Chan's face fell. "The one that was over there-" He pointed to your desk.
Your eyes narrowed. "Bang Christopher Chan. Where is my egg-"
"HERE!" Minho shouted, sliding into your room, holding up a Gudetama plushie.
You looked at your older brother. "Minho. It's not even the same plushie."
Minho opened his mouth then closed it.
"It was Changbin's idea!"
"OHH!! LEE MINHO! GET OUT!" You fumed.
Chan and Minho scurried away before Minho burst out laughing as he got to the bottom of the steps. Chan rolled his eyes and laughed.
"I'll give her the money to replace it later." Minho sighed, "Tryna get some drinks? Jisung is paying."
Chan nodded, grabbing his phone from the table and staring at your cat Dori. The brown, grey striped cat tilted its head at Chan and the man pet it gently. "Tell Y/N I'm sorry yeah?"
The cat purred and Chan smiled before following Minho out.
Chan finished off his alcohol and turned to Hyunjin, "Hyunjinnie."
The long, dark haired man looked at him, "Huh?"
"That egg thing Jisung covered in paint."
"What about it?" Hyunjin asked, pushing his hair out of his eyes.
"What was it called?"
Jisung looked up from his food. "Gudetama?"
"Yeah that." Chan hummed. "Where do I get one that looks like it? Exact replica.."
Hyunjin shrugged. "Google it."
Chan huffed, and started searching.
Minho looked at him, "Why are you wondering?"
Chan pursed his lips. "We did mess it up."
Minho grabbed Chan's phone. "Chan." His face was expression was blank.
"Minho, I'm just trying to replace it." Chan grabbed his phone back and sighed.
Hyunjin gave Minho a look and kept eating.
Minho didn't say anything to Chan until everyone was going home only saying "see ya."
It was over a week later you came home with your friend Sua to hang out and when you opened your bedroom door you smiled at the sight of the a new Gudetama plushie. The CORRECT one.
"Where did that come from?" Sua asked as she sat on your bed, grabbing your Cinnamoroll and hugging it.
"Minho probably got it." You grabbed the egg and admired it except as you brought it to your face and inhaled, past the scent of the store... you smelled the cologne it smelled like... You pulled Gudetama away from your face and stared at it for a long moment.
"What?" Sua asked.
"Nothing..." You murmured.
Sua took the Gudetama from you and inspected it. "It's definitely new.. it smells like the store but..." She smelled it again. "Who's cologne is that?"
You rolled your eyes and grabbed it back, hugging it. "Doesn't matter.." But as you thought about the way he'd looked at you when he opened the door, the way his muscles seemed to strain against his shirt as he crossed his arms... You shook your head. So what if he had grown up a little bit. So had Minho's other friends, it didn't matter.
Yet recognizing the faint scent that lingered on the plushie, the faint scent you'd picked up from him as you pushed past him, you hugged the plushie just a little bit tighter.
Chan spun in the spinning chair in the library. He looked up at the ceiling, brain racing with so many thoughts. Had you seen it? Had you liked it?
"Chan." Hyunjin flicked his forehead. "Did I write my part good?"
"Uh huh." Chan said dismissively.
"You seem lost in thought..." Jeongin said, rolling over in his chair. "Something on your mind?"
Someone.. "No, nothing." Chan shrugged.
Jeongin's eyes narrowed, "I think..."
Chan looked at him. "Wha-"
Jeongin grabbed Chan's laptop and ran off with it, "THE SECRETS ARE HERE!" He shouted, "PROTECT ME HYUNG!"
Hyunjin tried his best to hold Chan in his chair but the latter easily sprang away and sprinted after Jeongin.
"INNIE RUN AWAY!" Hyunjin squealed.
As Chan was about to pounce on the younger man, the library assistant, a young woman with dark hair and brown eyes with a small mole on her cheek, cleared her throat. As Chan got a better look he realized the woman was your friend, Sua.
"Please be quiet." She rolled her eyes before walking into the small room and pushing the chairs back into place, she sniffed slightly, as if sick and Hyunjin offered her a tissue which she gratefully accepted before leaving the room.
Chan grabbed his computer from Jeongin and sat back in his spinning chair. "There is no secret."
The younger men looked at each other, "Sure," Hyunjin said, "Totally," Jeongin huffed.
As Sua walked away she smiled to herself and looked back. So that's who got Gudetama...
You were out with Sua at the mall, "Y/N." She smiled, "This would look so good on you." She pushed a very short skirt into your hands.
"Are we going to a strip club??" You stared at your friend in shock. "Min will kill me if I wear this."
She nudged you, "You can't stay so single and innocent forever." Sua's eyebrows bounced comically. "But then again.." She pulled the skirt to herself. "Do you think Seungmin would like me in this?"
You rolled your eyes. "If Seungmin noticed you."
She shoved you. "MEANIE!"
You giggled and kept looking for clothes.
"Ok..." She sighed.
You turned to the jewelry area and left Sua looking at bottoms alone. As you looked at the earrings and necklaces and bracelets, a pair of earrings caught your attention, it was simple, small silver half hoop earrings. You moved down the glass to get a better look and as you rested your hand on the glass display, a hand brushed yours. You looked at the hand for a brief moment before seeing the veiny arm, your stomach flipped.
You looked at the man, he looked at you, brow raised.
"Sorry." You pulled away.
"It was my fault." The man laughed. "I was just looking at those earrings." he pointed to the earrings you had your eyes on.
"Oh-" You smiled slightly, "I was looking at those too."
His eyes widened slightly, "You probably saw them first-"
"No it's fine." You were about to move away.
"It's fine really." the man waved over the store clerk. "How much for these?"
Your brows furrowed. "I-"
"550,000 sir." The clerk said.
The man slid his card across the table and smiled at you. "It's the least I can do, I think I made you uncomfortable."
You opened your mouth then closed it. What was this guy doing..
"I'm Minseok." He put his hand out to shake yours.
You smiled sheepishly. "Y/N, and really you don't have to get me these-"
The store clerk came back with a key and opened the glass display, closing the earrings box and putting it in a bag. The clerk handed the bag to Minseok with his receipt and card.
"I insist."Minseok handed you the bag.
"Y/N, did you find someth-" Sua came over, carrying a lot of bags and looked at you then Minseok and back at you, a devious grin spread across her lips and you wanted to hide.
Minseok wrote something on the back of his receipt before handing it to you. "Call me?" He smiled and walked out of the store.
"WHO WAS THAT FINE GLASS OF WINE????" Sua grabbed you, "What did he give you?" She grabbed the bag and smiled at the earrings, "Oh my, a man of taste! What's his name-"
"SUA!" you grabbed your friend's face. "Stop rambling. He bumped into me."
"And bought you earrings for 550,000 won as an apology?"
You sucked in a breath.
"He was definitely into you." She smiled dreamily. "If only I could find Seungmin in such a way."
You rolled your eyes. "Let's go."
But you had ended up shooting Minseok a text... why not?
Chan came over with the guys to celebrate Minho getting a promotion. "Ah, look at the best dance instructor this city has ever seen." Chan hugged him tightly as he entered the house.
Minho rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah."
"Congrats man." Jisung patted Minho on the back, "Now with the money you're making you can finally pay when we go out to eat."
Minho made a face.
"Stop annoying him," Jeongin smiled. "But really congrats."
Minho smiled, "Come on in guys," He led the men in and to the dining room, "Tada!"
The men smiled at the sight of the barbecue and they all began eating. Chan teased Minho most of the evening until, he heard steps on the stairs. He turned to look at the stairs and his heart skipped a beat.
You were coming down the steps with Sua, dressed up to go out, skirt that showed your perfect legs and a shirt that drew attention to your curves and cleavage.
You came to your older brother and gave him a quick hug, "Congrats Minho."
As you started to pull away he grabbed your hand. "Jacket?" He asked.
You held up your jacket.
You held up your phone the yellow Gudetama case that Sua had bought you drew Chan's attention momentarily.
"Pepper spray?" Minho tilted his head.
You shook your purse a bit.
He smiled, "Have fun. Don't let a creep touch you."
"Yeah yeah." You followed Sua out.
"Where's she going?" Changbin asked, munching on his beef.
"Party." Minho shrugged.
"Bound to get attention dressed like that," Hyunjin sipped his soda, "Who's party?"
"Some guy from college apparently." Minho shrugged. "Sua's with her so she should be fine."
Chan's eyes narrowed, "Minho, you're letting her go to 'some guy's' party?"
Minho looked at him. "She'll call if something happens, besides she knows not to drink."
Chan sighed, "Alright."
The other men looked at them, but no one said anything.
After the little celebration Chan was driving home, it was almost 1 in the morning, he came to a red light in front of a bar and tapped his thumb on the wheel to the rhythm of the music. He glanced out at the bar and his brows furrowed. There was a girl who looked suspiciously like you, stumbling out.
Chan was about to ignore it when a man came out of the bar after the girl. He sighed, the cars at the cross section slowing down and just as he was about to drive he watched as the girl reached into her bag for something and pulled out a yellow case with lazy egg.
Chan pulled off to the side and got out of his car as the man grabbed your shoulder. You shoved him off in your drunk daze but he was persisting.
And right as he grabbed your wrist Chan grabbed his forearm. "Can't you see she doesn't like you?" Chan's eyes narrowed, "Get out of here before I beat the shit out of you."
The man stared at Chan for a moment. Chan gripped the man's arm tighter.
"Bitch." The man released you roughly and stormed off down the street.
"Chan-" You looked at him, about to speak.
"Get in the car." He said lowly.
You opened your mouth, then closed it as he tilted his had at you daring you to say something back. You walked to the car and he opened the door to let you, closing it a you entered before going to the driver's side and entering.
"Please don't tell Min." You said as he settled.
"Where's Sua?" Chan turned to you.
"She ran off with some guy.." You said quietly.
"Why didn't you leave then?"
"Who are you my dad?"
You looked at your hands. "I didn't want to."
Chan hook hi head and tarted the car again, before pulling back onto the road, he was about to go back to your house as he scolded you when you suddenly covered your mouth.
Chan sucked in a breath. "Y/N no- Not in my car-" Chan pulled over by a tree and you jumped out of the car and ran to the tree.
He cringed as you vomited and stepped out of the car, carefully taking your hair into his hand and holding it out of the way until you were jut dry heaving.
"You good now?" He asked.
You nodded.
Chan got you back in the car and gave you water.
"Chan..." You said after taking a drink. "Don't tell Minho. Please."
"Ok, ok, I won't." He sighed.
"Don't wanna go home."
"You have to."
"CHANNIE!" You whined.
Chan turned so fast, his head could've spun off his shoulders. He blinked before turning back to the road. Chris. WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?
"If I go home, Minho will know I'm drunk and he'll tell our parents and I won't be allowed out again." You grabbed his arm. "Chan.."
Chan sucked in a breath. "Just this once."
You smiled and hugged his arm. Chan felt his face getting hot but kept driving back to his place.
Chan had really trusted you when you said you were fine, you vomited again, outside his apartment complex and this time it had gotten on your shirt. So when you had gotten into his apartment he forced you to the bathroom and gave you some of his clothes to wear.
You were lying on Chan's couch, half asleep while he got you food because you wouldn't stop asking.
Your phone rang.
Chan was about to grab it but he froze. What would Minho think...
You grabbed your phone and answered. "Hello... No... I'm at Sua's... Chan? No I haven't heard from him... No I didn't drink... No I didn't bring a guy with me to Sua's... Okay... Tell my babies I love them... Good night Min." You hung up the phone and looked at Chan. "All handled."
Chan turned to face you and his stomach did somersaults. You standing there in his shirt, his sweatpants, looking so...
You tilted your head. "Are you drunk too, Channie?" You hummed.
Chan shook his head. "Haha. Here eat."
You smiled and took the food, going back to the couch, munching. Chan closed himself in the bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror. He rubbed his hands over his face for a moment before tuning on the tap and splashing his face. "Christopher... It's Y/N." he told himself. "It's just Y/N.."
A knock on the bathroom door made Chan look up. He patted his face dry with the towel on the bar and opened the door.
You stood there, looking at him. "Are you okay?" You asked.
He nodded, "I'm just really tired."
"I'm sorry for bothering you." You muttered, "Thank you.."
Chan felt his heart flutter and he smiled gently. "It's okay. Sleep in my room 'kay? I'll take the couch."
"I can't.." You mumble.
Chan made a face, "Why?"
"I don't have Gudetama.."
Chan opened his mouth then closed it.
"It keeps me safe at night." You looked down and gripped the hem of your his shirt tightly in your hands.
What was Chan supposed to say... What could he say without sounding weird or mean..
"Stay with me?"
Chan broke out of his trance as he heard that. "What?"
"Stay with me.. Because I'm scared.. I won't tell Minho."
What could he have said....
You woke up, head pounding, in the softest bed you've ever been in, as you opened your eyes you winced as the sun entering through soft grey curtains assaulted your already pained brain. You felt a breath against your hair and were about to jump away when the scent hit you... You looked around momentarily, it must be really early.
It wouldn't hurt.. You relaxed against his chest and hugged the arm he had around your waist. He was warm. Infectiously so. You felt warm in more ways than one. You smiled contentedly and closed your eyes again. Minho didn't have to know.
When you woke up again you heard voices, you sat up and slowly got out of Chan's bed. Your head throbbed slightly but you ignored it out of curiosity, you poked your head out the door and listened.
"I'm screwed, Hyunjin..." Chan said softly.
"If you tell Minho I'm sure he won't be that mad." Hyunjin replied.
Mad why? Because Chan helped me?
"Hyunjin." Chan said, more firmly. "I promised."
"Chan, it's completely human to feel like tha-"
"Hyunjin-ah!" Chan said a bit loudly before quieting himself. "It's not that I feel like that, even when I'm not feeling like THAT, I feel like..." Chan sighed deeply.
You backed up into the room. Feel like what... You wondered before grabbing your phone and texting Sua to come pick you up with a change of clothes.
When you got in Sua's car you looked at her.
"Do I have a lot to tell you?" She said giddily.
"I don't want to hear about what you did last night-" You started.
"Not me you dummy! The guy you met at the mall."
You turned to face her completely. "What about him?"
"He followed me on instagram this morning, I think he was seriously into you. He wants you to call him so he can take you out." She raised her brows stupidly.
"I-" you closed your mouth and thought about it for a moment, what harm could there be in going on one date? "I'll give him a call later."
"Atta girl!" Sua squealed before turning on her car and pulling out of Chan's apartment complex, "But guess what?"
"What?" You raised a brow.
"I SAID GUESS!" She wined.
"Ok, ok..." You racked your brain for a moment. "You bought new shoes?"
As Sua came to an intersection she slowed to halt at the red light and smacked your arm. "No."
"OW!" You huffed. "Tell me."
"I got Seungmin's number!"
You blinked. "How?"
She smiled, "Well, as I was going home with that guy yesterday Seungmin happened to be around and saved me-"
"Didn't you ask that guy to go home with you thou-"
"HUSH I'm not done!" She huffed, turning back to the road as the light turned green. "And Seungmin saved me and told me not to go home with strangers and if I get drunk again with no ride, I should call him." She sighed dreamily before her expression snapped to one of confusion. "How did you end up in Chan's apartment?" Her eyes widened, "DID YOU GUYS-"
"NO!" You shrieked. "No, he kept his distance."
"And you slept alone? YOU?!"
You pursed your lips. "When I woke up he was in bed too bu-"
"SUA! NO! WE WERE CLOTHED!" You felt your face getting hot.
"You were drunk, in a man's house and you didn't do anything?? Not even kiss?"
"No." You slapped your cheeks. "We didn't do anything."
"But.. did you want to?" She glanced at you before looking back at the road.
"No." You rolled your eyes. Then you remembered. How he'd looked at you in his apartment, like he wanted to pounce on you. "Bu-"
"Did he want to do something?" Sua drove into a café's parking lot.
"I..." Your face felt hotter as you remembered how Chan held you. "I don't know..."
That was all Sua needed to ramble about how Chan must be pining over you. And it was for that reason you didn't mention what you'd heard Chan telling Hyunjin that morning.
You'd called Minseok that evening, he insisted that you stay home and get past your hangover and that he could meet you another day. Though it wasn't intentional, you and Minseok spoke almost on the daily, before he asked you if you wanted to go out for lunch. You were about ready to go out when someone knocked on your bedroom door. You opened it and blinked at the sight of Chan.
He was looking at his phone for something. "Minho wanted to know when you'd be back so we could get dri-" He froze as he looked up at you.
"Chan?" You tilted your head slightly.
"Uh.. You look really pretty." He said.
You looked down and smiled slightly.
"Who are you even going to meet up with?"
You opened your mouth then closed it, no one knew about Minseok except Sua and Minho. "A guy."
Chan visibly stiffened. "Who?"
"I'll tell you about him later-" You tried to move past him but he blocked the doorway with his body.
"Where did you get those?" He pointed at your earrings.
My date.. "Sua." You lied.
He nodded. "Okay.."
You moved past him and managed to dodge your brother's inventory check as you skipped to the door. Right as the bell rang.
You opened it and smiled at Minseok. He smiled gently before his gaze flicked behind you.
You looked back at Chan and smiled.
Chan wanted to kill that guy. He didn't like him one bit, not the way he smiled or the way he took your hand to lead you out. Nothing. But more than that, Minseok always always looked at Chan as if he'd won something, as if Chan had lost the battle and the war he didn't even know had started. Two into your relationship and Minseok still had that look for Chan. Two months.
Minho had invited Minseok along with the guys for drinks. The entire night Minseok was giving Chan sideways looks. Until Minho asked, "How did you meet Y/N?"
"Oh," Minseok smiled fondly at his drink. "I bumped into her at the mall and I made her a bit uncomfortable with how awkward of an apology I gave so.. I bought her a pair of earrings and gave her my number. I didn't expect her to call back really... But fate is nice.."
Chan's brows furrowed. "What kind of earrings?"
"Silver ones-" Minseok started.
"Half hoops?" Chan pressed, gripping his bottle.
"Yeah." Minseok said, "Small, silver, half hoops."
Chan leaned back in his chair. You'd lied... You'd lied to him. For Minseok..
"Channie-hyung-" Jeongin reached for him.
Chan pushed back his chair and smiled at Minho, "I'm going to head back early," He waved at the other men and rested his gaze on Minseok for a brief moment.
"You're drunk, let me at least call you a cab-" Minho started.
"I want to walk."
"It's dar-"
"Goodnight guys." Chan turned and left them all at the table in confusion.
Hyunjin shot Seungmin a knowing look and kept drinking.
Chan wandered aimlessly for a while, lost in thought. He eventually found himself at a playground and sat down on a swing. As he swung back and forth, he thought about you and Minseok. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair at all..
He felt his eyes welling with tears. "What are you even crying about Chris?!" He groaned in frustration and wiped the tears from his eyes.
He cared too much, about you and Minho. He cared too much to see you with someone else. He cared so much that it hurt to care. Even as he took deep breaths to compose himself he couldn't stop the hot salty tears streaming down his cheeks.. But-
He looked up at the sound of your voice. You stood there, in a sweater that definitely wasn't yours... It was probably Minseok's... and a pair of sweatpants.
"Why are you crying?" You sat in the swing next to him and stared at him.
If only you knew...
"I've just been thinking recently." He muttered.
"A penny for your thoughts?"
Chan stared at you for a long moment and then simply leaned over and rested his head in the crook of your neck and shoulder.
You stared blankly for a moment before relaxing and stroking his dark hair gently.
"Can I ask you something.." He muttered against your skin and you felt a chill go down your spine.
"Anything..." You breathed.
He pulled away and looked into your eyes. "Will you stop me?"
"From doing what?" You stared at him in confusion for a moment before he leaned into you, breath mingling with yours.
"This.." He muttered, plump lips grazing yours before they finally met your own in a gentle kiss. He pulled away for a moment, giving you the opportunity to shout at him, to slap him and ask if he was okay mentally.
But you didn't..
And he kissed you again, deeper this time, his tongue prodding at your lips for entry. You clutched Chan's shirt as his tongue slid into your mouth, the taste of alcohol still on his lips, but you didn't pull away. Not when he kissed you like that, kissed you like he'd been meaning to for months... years even. You didn't pull away even as you felt the burn of your lungs begging for air. But he pulled awa, his eyes dark, pupils blown, clouding over with something you hadn't seen before.
You sat up in bed and slapped your flushed cheeks. What on earth were you thinking...
Chan noticed you were steering clear of him like the plague. You were going back to school soon so maybe that's why. He saw you when he and Jeongin came over to see Minho but even then you only waved at him at the door and kept about your business. Maybe he had done wrong kissing you like that.
You were leaving again. Bags all packed and ready to go back to your dorm.
"AH!" Changbin hugged ypu tightly. "You're leaving us again! Who will come to Changbin Salon if you go!"
You giggled. "I'll be back in a few months for Christmas guys. Don't worry about me-"
"Y/nnie." Minho sighed, smoothing out her clothes, "Just take care of yourself. Don't get drunk. Don't stay up late. Don't talk to weirdos-"
You hugged your brother and rolled your eyes. "Whatever."
Your parents started bickering with you about taking care of yourself.
You gave Minseok a kiss and he hugged you tightly, whispering something in your ear that made you giggle.
You finally looked at Chan and smiled.
Chan smiled too, eyes widening in shock slightly as you hugged him tightly. He relaxed and hugged you back. "Take care."
You nodded, "Bye!" You got into your car right as Changbin and Minho finished throwing your stuff into the trunk.
They all waved as you pulled out of the driveway, and you were gone again...
Chan stuck around for a bit longer chatting with Minho and your parents before deciding to go home. As Chan made his way to his car he stopped as he heard someone.
Chan turned and stared at Minseok. "Huh?"
"Do yourself a favor," Minseok pulled out his own car keys and unlocked his vehicle. "And stay away from Y/N. 'Kay?"
Chan raised a brow. "Is there a problem with me being around her?"
"A little bird told me, you just want to get your dick wet. So I suggest you find someone else." Minseok shrugged.
He stared at the other man for a long moment. "What if... I just want to take her from you?"
Minseok's eyes went wide.
Chan unlocked his car and got in before Minseok could say anything.
You'd been in school for a couple of months, sure, you called Minseok everyday, it didn't kill the feeling of him being so far away though.
You had gotten back from class and were doing your homework when you got a text from Minseok. You smiled slightly and picked up your phone to look at it. As you read his message you rolled your eyes and called him
He answered almost immediately. "AH! Baby. It feels like I haven't talked to you in forever."
You rolled your eyes and giggled. "We talked this morning."
"Exactly, forever." He joked.
You put the phone on speaker and set it down as you started getting your materials for studying. "When did you get so needy?"
"When did you get so distant?" he countered.
You laughed. "I'll be around soon."
"Take your time with your studies.. I don't want to mess up your brain right now."
You smiled. "It's fine really."
"I'm gonna be really busy soon."
"Oh?" You flipped through your textbook, taking notes. "With what?"
"Work stuff." he said dismissively.
"Don't overwork yourself."
"Says you."
You pursed your lips and sighed. "Minseok."
"AAH! Okay.. I have to go now, sleep early. Make sure you eat. AND DRINK WATER." He said.
"Okay. Good night baby."
"Good night y/nnie."
You hung up and leaned back in your chair thoughtfully. You should visit home soon..
The next following day you called Minseok after class he didn't answer. You shrugged it off and assumed he was busy with work as he said he would be.
You called Jisung and he ranted to you about how Minho was being annoying and how Seungmin was bouncing off the walls about Sua.
You smiled as you thought about how vividly she used to squeal about Seungmin. As you were about to go to sleep, your phone rang and you looked at the contact, smiling at your boyfriends ID before answering.
"Hey love, sorry I didn't answer. I got held up at work." he said.
"It's fine," You rolled onto your back and put the phone on speaker, yawning as you asked, "Anything happen at home?"
"You sound tired." he aid, "And no."
You hummed. "I am tired."
"Sleep. You have classes tomorrow."
"Fuck class. I'd rather stay up listening to you."
"When did you get so needy?" He teased.
You giggled.
As you listened to Minseok rant about work and other things you relaxed and fell asleep even though you said you wouldn't..
You didn't notice it at first, but almost a month later, you realized that Minseok never answered your calls; he always called you back, and always very late. You could try to blame it on his work, but something just didn't sit right with you. But you ignored the feeling. Planning to visit during your break in the fall and catch up with everyone.
What reason did you not have to trust Minseok?
When you called him the day before your trip he didn't answer. Which didn't surprise you at all. But you still felt a small pang as you looked at the box you'd purchased just a week earlier. What was surprising was that he didn't call you back.
Still you got in your car the next morning, and drove all the way back home.
Minho and your parents greeted you with bear hugs and kisses.
You went out with Minho later that day to go eat and after an intense game of rock paper scissors, you had to go to the front and order. As you made your order and Minho's you noticed Chan sitting at a table with a very pretty woman. You finished your orders and approached waving slightly at Chan.
He looked at you and smiled. "You're back in town already? How's school?"
You laughed. "I'm on break. School's fine." You noticed the way the girl stirred her drink with her straw. "Who's this?" You asked.
Chan looked at her then back at you. "Yeojin. She's a friend."
The girl gave you a small smile but you felt a bit tense. As if you were challenging her... "It's nice to meet you." She extended her hand out out you."
"Likewise." You smiled and took her hand gently shaking it before turning back to Chan, "I've gotta go, maybe we'll see each other around?"
He nodded. "It was nice seeing you." As you walked away you noticed how he spoke to Yeojin so passionately, taking her hands in his. Your heart panged. You should be happy... You should be happy he finally got over what he told Hyunjin that day... Yet it annoyed you. It made you so mad you wanted to scream. But you didn't. You ignored the feeling. You had Minseok. What more could you need?
"Have you heard from Minseok?" You asked your brother as he spun in the spinning chair by your desk.
"Not recently why?" He looked at you.
You shrugged, looking at your phone. You checked Minho's location and saw he was still at work. You'd wait for him to get to his apartment then you'd surprise him with your gift and everything would be good. "He's been stressing about work recently... I just wanted to make sure he's alright."
"Go see him then." Minho said, rolling his eyes.
"When he gets back from work." You smiled, looking at the box in your bag.
So almost two hours later, when you checked your phone and saw he was finally home. You took a cab to his apartment and eagerly, pushed the button at the elevator. You jumped a bit before calming yourself. It was just Minseok... your sweet, caring, affectionate, handsome man.
Yet as you got to his floor, as you approached his door something in you twisted. You felt wary for a reason you couldn't explain. Even as you typed the passcode for his lock and it beeped in affirmation, as you opened the door to his dark apartment, something in you still lurched in suspense. Like your body knew what was coming and your heart and mind couldn't accept it. Even as you rounded the corner of the hall and saw an extra pair of shoes by the entrance.
You still walked through the living room and kitchen area. Right down to the other hall and to Minseok's bedroom door. Even as you heard them through the crack in the door you opened it.. and the tears that had been welling in your eyes since you walked into the dark apartment finally fell at the sight of Minseok, his dick buried in some other girl.
"Cho Minseok."
He sprang up, eyes wide like a deer in headlights as he finally took in your prescene.
You threw the box on the floor and whispered. "You asshole."
"Y/n!" You ran to the elevator and got in just in time to turn and see him running as the elevator closed, bedsheet wrapped around his waist as he called after you.
As the elevator went down your mind and heart finally caught up with the rest of your body and you fell to the cold floor and cried.
The last place Chan expected to see you, was bumbling down the street at night. Drunk.
Yet when he finally convinced you to get in his car he groaned and looked at you. "What on earth are you doing?"
You didn't answer, staring blankly out of the car window.
"I'll call Minseok to come get you-"
"Don't." You said quietly.
"Y/n." He sighed. "Minseok won't judge you for getting drunk, he probably won't tell Minho eithe-"
"Minseok is busy right now!" You snapped.
Chan stared at you. "Busy with what?"
"How is it your business?" You snapped. "You hate Minseok, I get it. but our relationship isn't your business."
"When are you going to stop him from running all over you, Y/N!?" Chan shouted.
You froze."Why do you care... go back to Yeojin."
Chan stared at you. "i have nothing with her..."
You took a few shaky breaths before you buried your face in your hands.
Chan took your hand and squeezed it gently whispering. "What happened?"
You looked at him, his coffee colored eyes so sincere. No judgement or ulterior motives, nothing but patience and empathy.
You leaned against him over the console. "He's with someone else."
"Since when?" He asked, his arm wrapping around your shoulders.
"I don't fucking know and I don't give a damn."
He hummed. "You wanna go home?"
"I don't want an earful from Minho." You said, closing your eyes.
Chan pulled away and started the car. The alcohol finally claimed your consciousness. You woke up a while later on Chan's bed, you sat up, still a bit tipsy. You stood from the bed and stumbled slightly as you walked. You saw Chan on the couch, staring at the ceiling.
"You left me alone again..." you said softly.
Chan looked at you. "I thought you'd be alright."
You stared at him.
"Come here.." he muttered.
You moved to him and sat beside him on the couch, leaning into hiss body heat.
You sat in silence for a few minutes, then your mouth ran faster than your brain could help and you asked. "Do you like me..."
Chan's body stiffened.
"Be honest.."
"Tell me."
"Minho would be angry at me-"
"CHAN!" You snapped, pulling away from him. "No... I understand. No one really likes me because I'm jus-"
He cut you off, kissing you. Your eyes widened momentarily before you relaxed and kissed him back. Your already cloudy mind felt like it was covered by a drape of emotion you couldn't understand, taking all your air away, wrapping itself around you like an anaconda. It squeezed the very passion from your veins and pushed it all into that kiss.
Chan pulled away for air first and your eyes met as he finally whispered. "I don't like you. I love you."
You kissed him again as he leaned into you, pinning you to the couch. His lips moved from yours to your jaw and neck before he froze. Minho... He started to pull away. "Y/n we can't-"
You grabbed his face in your hands and whispered, tears brimming in your eyes, "Please..."
Chan couldn't tell in the rush of getting you from the couch into his room how he ended up beneath you. Staring up into your pretty eyes before you leaned down to kiss him, his tongue fought with yours as your hands lifted his shirt and ran over his chiseled abdomen. When you moaned softly into his mouth something in his snapped and he grabbed you. Flipping you both and pinning you to the bed, staring down at you.
You smiled up at him and he rolled his eyes before kissing you agan, his lips moving to attack your neck and collar bones before he pulled off your shirt. You whined and tugged at his before he pulled it over his head and tossed his somewhere. You reached up and caressed his stomach before he took your hand in his and your fingers intertwined as he pinned it to the bed.
"We shouldn't..." He mumbled against your lips.
"Want you to.." You whispered.
"Fuck.." he moaned softly against your lips and rubbed his crotch against your clothed heat.
You pulled your hands free and wrapped them around him, pulling him down to you. Your world seemed to blur and darken, your only focus the man above you. How he worshipped you, lips moving from your jaw to your throat, decorating your skin with love bites. Moving lower and pulling your pants down slowly.
It wasn't painful or rushed. He kissed you slowly, filling you to the brim and more, each thrust met with soft cry from you. His hands at your hip pulling you into each push of his pelvis against yours. He leaned down and kissed you, his body caging you in, you held onto him tightly, nails digging into his broad shoulders as he bucked into you again and again. Knocking the air from your lungs every time he fucked into you, pushing deep, deep.
Mesmerized by the sight of of your pussy engulfing his cock as you whimpered and mewled beneath him.
"Are you going to cum for me?" He mumbled in your ear. "Gonna milk me dry, sweet girl?"
Your back arched off the bed at that, Chan groaned and reached between you rubbing your sensitive clit.
"Cum for me princess." He breathed into your neck, pulling out slowly before stuffing his cock into you roughly again.
"Channie!" Your pussy clenched tightly around hiss manhood and he pulled out. Pumping his cock until his release shot onto your breasts and stomach.
He held himself over you. "Fuck..." He dragged himself up to get something to clean you but when he came his eyes went wide at the sight of your hands on your face the soft sound of your sobs reaching his earss. "Y/N- I shouldn't have. Did I hurt you? I'm sorry-"
"Not you." You said, taking a deep shaky breath.
You took your hands away from your face and smiled. "I love you Chan.."
He smiled gently and kissed your forehead before cleaning you and getting back into bed.
"Can I ask you a question?" You said in the quiet darkness.
"Huh?" He turned to you.
"Did you replace Gudetama?"
Chan smiled. "Was it so obvious?"
"It smelled like your cologne.."
"You paid attention to how I smelled?" he gasped in shock.
"Shut up." You smacked his chest and rolled your eyes despite your face going hot.
He smirked and kissed the top of your head. "I don't mind."
You rolled your eyes but moved closer, relaxing into his warm embrace before falling asleep.
Chan hugged you to his chest, staring up at the ceiling as he caressed your hair. He heard something buzz and looked at your phone on his bedside table. He took in your peacefully sleeping face and smiled about to ignore it. Then it rang.
He moved away from you slowly and reached over you grabbing the jingling device. Minseok's face flashed across your screen. Chan made a face and answered, pulling the covers over your bare body before bringing the phone to his ear.
"Y/N! I'm so glad you finally answered! Baby it's not what you thought! I don't even know her real-"
"Y/n is busy," Chan said, looking at you sleeping.
"Chan?" Minseok asked, confused. "Pass her the phone."
"She's exhausted," Chan said, "and it's because of you. I doubt she'll call you back, so please don't call my girl's number again."
"YOUR GIRL??" He shouted on the other end of the line. "BANG CHAN! THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?"
Chan smiled to himself as he said. "Going to sleep with my girlfriend." He got back into bed and smiled at your sleeping face. "Good bye Minseok."
"Oh, Chan I swear-"
Chan hung up and pulled you close to him again.
"What was that about?" You asked half asleep.
"Nothing." Chan kissed your forehead. "Go to sleep."
Chan drove you home the next morning. You were still a bit sad, but as you unlocked the front door your eyes widened at the sight of a disheveled looking Minseok sitting in your kitchen with your elder brother. Chan followed close behind you, his eyes narrowing when he saw the men.
"Y/N!" Minseok jumped from his seat and ran to you.
"Don't touch me!" You shouted as he tried to hug you.
Minho turned to you and Chan. "Minseok told me everything."
"Then why would you let him in-" You started.
"Bang Chan." Minho said quietly. "Get out."
"Minho-" Chan started.
"Get out!" your brother shouted.
"Y/n baby what happened?" Minseok touched your face and you slapped him away.
"What did you tell him?!" You pointed a finger at Minseok.
"What there was to be said." He grabbed your hands and you pulled away.
"Minho. I know what you're thinking-" Chan tried to calm your brother who was standing up now.
"Oh you do?!" Minho said, clearly getting aggravated by Chan's prescence.
"Listen to me-" Chan said, putting his hands up as MInho approached.
But he was cut off by punch to the face that made your eyes widen.
"Bro-" You tried to grab Minho but Minseok grabbed your hand.
"Let's talk about this-" He said before you slapped him hard.
"I told you to stay away from my sister." Minho said, walking up to Chan as he took several steps back.
"Minho let me explain!" Chan said, trying to stay out of his friend's range.
"There's nothing to explain!" Your brother shouted.
"Bro please!" Chan tried.
"Minho!" You grabbed your brother's arm.
He whipped around to face you. "You can't seriously defend him! Y/N!"
"Maybe I am!" You shouted, you walked between Chan and Minho. "No.. I am defending him. He didn't do anything wrong."
Your brother stared at you before looking at Chan and muttering. "Leave."
"Minho." You said softly.
Chan bit his lip before grabbing Minseok and dragging him out with him.
"Why would you do that?!" You shouted as Chan slammed the door behind him.
"Chan wouldn't care about you! IF you knew LIKE I DO you'd understand!" Minho yelled back.
"I don't know him like you do! BUt you should've let him explain!"
"What was there to explain?! He dragged you to bed when you were drunk-"
"DO YOU KNOW WHY?!" You cut him off. "MINSEOK IS AN ASSHOLE! Minseok cheated on me! Chan didn't want to go that far. I asked him to! I like Chan A LOT! Whatever rule or whatever shit you have that keeps me from being with him needs to stop..." You trailed off. "Because you might lose me too."
Your brother stood there in shock as you ran up the stairs.
It was a week later when Chan was out with Jisung, Hyunjin, and Changbin.
"Just tell Minho you're sorry." Changbin said sipping his cola as the three waited for their food.
"He wouldn't even let me talk." Chan groaned, burying his face in his hands.
"Tragic really." Jisung sighed.
Chan and Changbin looked at their friend with blank expressions as if to say be fricking for real.
Jisung sipped his drink. "I think you should just wait a bit. You know? I doubt Minho will stay mad forever, he's your good friend..."
Chan nodded. "I should just apologize whenever he calms down."
"If he doesn't just walk away from the toxic controlling friend." Hyunjin shook his head.
"Apologize now then."
Hyunjin jumped in fear at Minho's voice. "HYUNG!"
Minho looked at Hyunjin. "You'll eat tissues later."
Chan stared at Minho. "How did you even know I was here?"
Jisung looked completely invested in the bubbles floating in his soda suddenly.
Minho laughed and Chan sighed before standing. "Minho I-"
"I'm sorry for punching you." Minho said, "I'm sorry for accusing you of... things... and I'm sorry for making you stay away from Y/N..."
Chan smiled at his friend. "It's alright, I mean I didn't say I liked her before you threw that ban on me suddenly.. I'm sorry too."
The men smiled at each other.
"Hug it out! Hug it out Hug it out! Hug it-" Hyunjin started only to shrink away in fear as Minho grabbed a bunch of napkins from the dispenser on the table.
You laughed and Chan turned to you. "You're here.."
"Someone had to stop Min if he ended up attacking someone." You smiled.
"THEN HELP ME!" Hyunjin started only to get a mouthful of tissues.
You giggled and smiled at Chan as MInho gave him a look.
"May I kiss you princes?" Chan smirked, leaning into you.
MInho acted like he was going to vomit. And Jisung dramatically passed out.
"You may."
Chan pressed his lip against yours.
"ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH!" MInho said rolling his eyes. "You should compensate me for the mental and emotional distress I went through, I say buy me pizza!"
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© 2024 xxkissesforchanniexx. DO NOT COPY OR TRANSLATE MY WORK
@asahisimpnation, @juskz
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etheries1015 · 8 months
Malleus X (Flirty and almost shameless) Reader - A...confession? Kind of?
warning: not really proof read, gender neutral reader
tw: None, maybe some second hand embarrassment BUAHA
"Prefect... I... I like you! I admire you, and I think you're so attractive and kind and you're always helping others-"
"I'm gonna stop you there. I'm flattered, I really am, and it takes a lot of courage to face your feelings like that. however I will let you know I am in fact in love with someone already, so I'm going to have to say no."
Malleus felt his heart drop into his stomach, he hadn't felt this way from such small words spoken by another person before. Before he knew it he found himself holding his breath, continuing to listen, hoping to hear you speak more in depth of this love you spoke fondly of. He continued to listen closely to the events transpiring before him, almost yearning for you to comfort his doubts.
"I-I see..." The other males voice said, cracking slightly, "well..I hope whoever they are...you're h-happy.." Another voice crack. He was defintently crying at this point. Foot steps scurried away from the dorm, as you let out a deep sigh and turned in the direction of the eavesdropper.
"Malleus, I can see your horns poking through the top of that pillar you 're attempting to hide behind. You're not very slick," you chuckled, to which Malleus revealed himself embarssingly from behind the pillar of the worn down building.
"...Apologies for eavesdropping, that's incredibly unbecoming of me. However, Who, might I ask, were you speaking about when you said you have someone else in your affections?" You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion before looking up at him with a tilted head, a look of pure confusion before you said,
"Who else? Of course it's you, Tsunotaro."
Malleus could not hide the obvious shock at this revelation, green eyes wide and jaw slacked open as if he was trying to find the words to reply yet nothing was coming out for nothing felt right to say in this moment. You were so brazen to confess your affections were for the draconic prince of Briar Valley in such an uncouth and 'improper' way? Malleus almost laughed out loud at this.
You must have felt that something was off with your confession in the way Malleus reacted, and quickly tried to remedy yourself.
"Oh, but i'll make sure to show that my feelings are true! I just wanted you to know right away that nobody else has my sights, yeah?" You giggled nervously, "Okay, how about this, we pretend that absolutely none of this happened, and you meet me at ramshackle! I have a suprise for you!"
"...Shall I consider this an official invite?"
"Of course!" You smiled brightly, "I, (y/n), prefect of Ramshackle dorm hereby officially invite you, Malleus Draconia, to a date located tonight at 8PM in the Ramshackle garden. Got it?" The bell rang signifying it was time for classes to begin, you had walked away from the fae waving and calling out;
"Don't be late! Tonight, at 8PM! I'll be sad if you're not there!!"
Malleus watched as your lively figure skipped away, smiling to himself he couldn't help but burst out in laughter.
"How shameless of them!" He snickered to himself, "I shall indeed look forward to how tonight's events unfold."
Although incredibly straight forward and unable to hide yourself, it was truly one of the biggest charms Malleus was attracted to. You always knew how to surprise him, and he was certain you would be the one for him, blunt or otherwise.
slowly but surely getting through my 20+ drafts...some are in here from over a year ago bro...
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loose-angel · 2 years
Big Brother | Neteyam
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pairing: Brother!Neteyam x sister!reader, Brother!Lo'ak x sister!reader summary: A day in the life of older brother Neteyam Sully w/c: 613 notes: i recently hit 100 followers while i wrote this little drabble!! thank u all so much >.< i hope u enjoy this xD im on a streak w the sibling fics and drabbles its just so much fun to write!!
It was not uncommon that you and Lo’ak would get into arguments, almost always they are about petty things, who was the fastest, who’s better at hunting, who makes the better meal, etc. So it wasn’t rare that the Sully family would walk in on your childish arguments, though unfortunately, it was Neteyam who had the luck to run into the both of you.
“Lo’ak just admit you’re a pussy bitch and this can be over.” You rolled your eyes.
“No way in hell! I told you, we need a rematch and it’ll be fair,” Loak grunted, crossing his arms over his chest, turning away from you.
Neteyam sighed. He really wasn’t in the mood to play ‘most responsible person in the world’ right now, but duty calls.
The eldest Sully approaches the both of you, “Hey, hey, what’s all this fighting about?”
“This skxawng and I did a race of whoever got the first kill and I won but Lo’ak says it ‘cuz he heard a thanator and had to hide for the first few minutes.” You whined to your older brother, earning an appalled gasp from his brother. 
“Hey! You can’t go sucking up to him just ‘cause you’re his ‘little princess’!” Lo’ak mocked in a high pitch tone, his hands flying around wildly.
“Listen, listen, I’m not taking anyones’ side, both of you are skxawngs.” Neteyam exhaled, crossing his arms over his chest, “Now, no more fighting, or I’m telling mom and dad.” The eldest says, mostly directed towards his brother. 
“Ya, you skxawng, scurry off.” You scoffed, sticking your tongue out at your brother, playfully poking at his torso.
Lo’ak hissed at you, brows furrowing.
“Princess, you’re provoking him,” Neteyam shook his head. Yet you paid no mind, continuing with your teasing. 
You poked Lo’ak once more before he hissed and pounced at you. The two of you begin fighting, with Lo’ak pulling at your braids and you pulling on his ear. Grunts and whines bounce against the leaves of the hometree, the pair of you rolling around and knocking into the bark of the tree. 
“Ow! Bro she has my ears! She has my ears! Get her off!”
“Let go of my fucking hair!”
Neteyam sighs once again, he can never have just one peaceful day, can he? He struts over to the two of you. At this point you’re now straddling Lo’ak, pulling on his hair as he throws meek punches to your torso. 
Neteyam picks you up without a second thought, “No more fighting, please.” you squirm in your brother’s hold but ultimately cannot fight against it. The eldest Sully reaches out a hand and helps Lo’ak up.
At just the right timing, Kiri walks in. She pauses to observe the scene, before shrugging and going on about her business. 
“My ears really hurt,” Lo’ak muttered under his breath, a stupid pout forming on his lips. 
“Okay, go ask Kiri for help,” Neteyam nods his head in his sister’s direction. Lo’ak begrudgingly struts over to where Kiri is. 
You remain beside Neteyam, eyes wandering to the ground, which was suddenly so interesting. 
“Now you, I don’t know why you continue to cause trouble baby,” Neteyam points, looking down at you with disappointment. You shift from foot to foot. Luckily enough, his soft side for you remains, the slip of a pet name indicating he’s not entirely mad at you.
Yet you chuckle nervously, “I won’t anymore, promise.”
Neteyam rolls his eyes at your promise. As if you hadn’t said the same thing a few days ago. Though he takes a look at your disheveled state, and decides to let it pass.
“Come, I’ll fix your braids.”
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any soda headcanons?
Hi! I hope these suffice, I couldn't help but throw a little bit of Stevepop in :)
Sodapop Curtis Headcanons
-The Curtis house has a half finished basement which is where the laundry machine is, but the ceiling is FULL of spiders and spiderwebs. Both Darry and Pony are PETRIFIED of spiders, like Ponyboy is jumping from foot to foot and hyperventilating and Darry SHRIEKS when he sees one, so its always Soda’s job to de-spider the basement and he absolutely hates it (he's a little scared of them too, but not nearly as bad as his brothers)
-He has the friendship equivalent of those ‘you cheated on me in my dreams and now I’m mad at you”. One time he dreamed Steve left him stranded at the Dingo and was lowkey pissed at him the next day. Poor Steve was SO confused
-Loves both peanut butter and chocolate by themselves, but HATES when they’re combined together. Bro HATES reeses cups with a passion
-After the Curtis parents died he snuck into their room, stole his mother's half full perfume bottle and hid it in his bedside table. Sometimes before he goes to bed, when Ponyboy is busy brushing his teeth, he’ll spritz a little on his wrist because when he closes his eyes and smells her perfume he can pretend his mom is hugging him again.
-Thinks bananas are spicy (they’re not, he’s just mildly allergic but doesn’t realise it. Everyone in the gang thinks he’s making a joke every time he says it. He isn’t.)
-Him and Steve swing dance together at work sometimes when they’re working alone in the garage and his stomach flutters every time Steve dips him 
-Cannot sing to save his life and does it all the time anyway. Like, he sounds like he’s gargling with rocks, it’s actually painful. Dally has literally paid him to shut up before.
-Steve’s pet cat absolutely HATES him and Soda will always and forever be mad about it because “what did I ever do to her???”
-Can’t remember what his dad’s voice sounded like anymore. It haunts him.
-The easiest way to piss him off is to disrespect Steve in front of him. Sodapop is convinced the sun shines from his grumpy best friend’s glaring eyes, and if anyone doesn’t see that he WILL throw hands, no questions asked
-The Curtis’ have a chore jar full of little slips of paper with the really unpleasant chores they only have to do once in a while written on. Every three months they each draw two each so that way it’s fair who does what. EVERY single time Soda ends up having to clean behind the stove and he’s forever bitter about it because “it looks like a crime scene back there Dar and I know it ain’t just my fault!”
-He and Steve gave each other stick and poke tattoos once but his got SUPER infected. He would’ve had to tell Darry and probably go to the hospital if it weren’t for Evie, who luckily had some training from her tribe’s medicine woman and managed to fix him up.
-Him and Darry do rock paper scissors to decide who has to tell Ponyboy when he has a doctors appointment because Pony always gets SO mad and neither of them wanna deal with him
-Once walked in on Two-bit in an, ahem, compromising position, and hasn’t been the same since
-He used to socially drink pretty often but stopped when he realised how much drunk him really wanted to kiss Steve on the mouth
-Started drinking socially again when sober him kissed Steve on the mouth and the world didn’t end
-He draws faces on the eggs in the fridge, partially because he just finds it fun, but also because it always gets Darry to smile and shake his head fondly, and there isn’t enough that makes Darry smile these days
-Darry made him promise when he first started work full-time that he’d keep half his pay check for himself. He promised, but only ever keeps about 10% of what he makes as spending money. He’s determined to make sure neither Darry nor Ponyboy ever find out
-Wishes he was a bit more like either of his brothers, because even though he loves them more than anything, they have more in common with each other than they willl ever have with him and sometimes he feels like the odd man out in his own family, especially now his mom and dad are gone
-Had asthma as a kid but he grew out of it by the time he turned 10
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youcouldmakealife · 3 months
SOTM: Robbie, Playoff Willy, various Scouts; pull yourself up by the jockstrap
For the prompt: A little more of Robbie's time with the Scouts - Cup party, with the Tweedles and Willy, maybe Julius & Erin. Your choice - just more of that.
(I'm not here, but the tumblr queue is! Well. Probably.)
“Now, I know I have no right to talk about maturity,” Robbie says, then promptly ducks the jock that comes flying at him, the rest of his message going undelivered.
“No throwing shit at teammates’ heads during playoffs!” Playoff Willy yells.
“It wouldn’t hit him in the head if he wasn’t so short!” Bender says. “I misjudged!”
“Misjudging is not acceptable during playoffs!” Playoff Willy says. Robbie wants to write a book of his sayings. Like Sun Tzu but for maladjusted athletes who don’t know how to lose. Which is pretty much all pro athletes, in Robbie’s experience, so it might even sell.
Robbie nudges at the limp jock with his socked foot. It looks sad. Defeated, even. “Bro, when was the last time you replaced this?”
Bender looks to Playoff Willy, like he’s waiting for Robbie to get yelled at, though Robbie’s pretty sure Playoff Willy cares a hell of a lot less about feelings than he does about potential head injuries. Or like — anything. The only feelings Playoff Willy cares about are like, motivation. And probably bloodlust.
“Pike has a point,” Playoff Willy says. “That shit is falling apart.”
“But I wore it in!” Bender says. “None of the other ones fit right.”
Robbie pokes it a little further from him. The visitor’s room floor is sketchy as fuck, but he doesn’t think he can do the thing any damage at this point.
The elastic snaps. Well, snaps is a strong word. The elastic’s too damn worn for that, so it’s less a dramatic death and more feebly giving up on the last thread of life remaining.
“Whoops,” Robbie says. Maybe he should have considered that the thing was an antique before he started poking at it.
“Willy, look what he did!” Bender says. “That was my lucky jock!”
“How lucky can it be when we just lost the game?” Playoff Willy growls.
Bender is, thankfully, smart enough to realize that’s a rhetorical question.
“Still up a game, Playoff Willy,” Money says, and Playoff Willy shoots him a glare, but doesn’t say anything.
Robbie’s still impressed that Money’s got the balls to call him Playoff Willy to his face, and even more impressed that Playoff Willy lets him. Everybody knows Money is his favorite, but as the playoffs have gone on, that seems to buy less and less leeway. Money told him from the get-go that the longer the playoff run, the worse Playoff Willy got. Robbie didn’t really believe him, or maybe didn’t want to, but he’s got to say, Playoff Willy during the Conference Finals is a whole different beast than the first round. Emphasis on beast, there. If he mauled someone Robbie wouldn’t even be surprised. Unless they were playing well, he guesses.
Thankfully, Robbie’s been doing okay for himself, shutting down the guys he needs to shut down, so he’s also currently in Playoff Willy’s good books, at least enough that he doesn’t fear mauling.
“I’ve had that for eight years,” Bender moans.
“That’s fucking gross, dude,” Robbie says. “Genuinely. I did you a favor.”
Bender throws a glove at him. Thankfully, it doesn’t appear to have been around for two presidential terms.
“If I have to leave next game because I got nut shot, that’s on you, Pike,” Bender says.
“Bro, if you go onto the ice without a jock Playoff Willy will cup check you himself,” Robbie says.
He winces, but either Playoff Willy didn’t notice the slip, or Robbie’s earned even more grace than he thought.
“He isn’t wrong,” Playoff Willy says. “Normally I wouldn’t, since it’s a chickenshit play, and an auto major, but I don’t think they really care if it’s your own teammate.”
“Refs won’t give a shit,” Scratch says. “Social media probably won’t shut up about how he slept with your wife, though.”
“I can make it look like an accident,” Playoff Willy says. Robbie does not doubt him even a little.
His brow furrows a moment later. “I don’t have a wife,” he says, sounding almost unsure.
That would be kind of suspicious, but Robbie’s learned that’s just how Playoff Willy talks about anything non-hockey related, like first he has to go consult with normal Willy, who’s being held hostage somewhere inside him.
“That could not matter less to idiots on twitter,” Scratch says.
“Last round they said I slept with your wife,” Money says.
“Why did you sleep with my wife?” Playoff Willy asks, then, after checking with kidnapped Willy again, “You’re openly gay.”
“Like I said,” Scratch says. “Could not care less about your actual relationship status. Or sexuality, apparently.”
“Scratch is still mad about it,” Joey says.
“I’m not mad about it,” Scratch says. “I just think people should do basic—“
“I fixed it!” Bender says. “I fixed it, guys! All it needed was a little super glue.”
Robbie has such a bad feeling about this. Bender’s honestly lucky his balls have survived this long: that elastic was literally holding on by a thread.
“You don’t want kids, right?” Robbie asks.
“Oh yeah,” Bender says. “Not quite yet, but Lacey and I are—“
“Oh, give me that fucking thing,” Playoff Willy says.
Super glue isn’t going do shit to save Bender’s jock after Playoff Willy and a pair of scissors get through with it.
“Have some respect for your testicles,” Playoff Willy hisses, and then marches the remains of Bender’s jock to the trash can.
That one's an instant classic. Robbie is adding it to the book of Playoff Willy for sure.
“That’s one for the book of Willy,” Harvard says. Obviously Robbie didn’t need telling, but he does appreciate that it’s becoming a collaborative effort.
“Hah,” Robbie says. “Testicles.”
“Willy,” Harvard agrees.
“What are you two giggling about?” Playoff Willy growls.
“Nothing,” they chorus, ducking their heads so they don’t accidentally meet Playoff Willy’s eyes. That’s a mistake Robbie isn’t making again.
“It was so comfortable,” Bender mumbles. “Like wearing nothing at all.”
“Yeah, buddy, we know,” Scratch says. “That was kind of the problem.”
“So comfy,” Bender whispers.
Robbie’s never been to a funeral for a jock before, but he guesses there’s a first time for everything.
“R.I.P.,” Money says. “Like rest in peace. Not like rip. Though that is what you did.”
“Before getting hacked to pieces by a madman,” Scratch says.
“May you find peace and serenity in—“
“What the fuck are you guys doing?” Playoff Willy says.
“Scatter!” Money says, and they all flee. Well, Robbie doesn’t. Not because he doesn’t want to, but he’s fucking exhausted. Plus, he blocked a shot last game, and anything faster than an amble makes his leg throb like a bitch.
“What the fuck were they doing?” Playoff Willy asks.
“Funeral for the jock we murdered,” Robbie says. Well, Robbie’s crime was jockslaughter at most, but that’s not important.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Playoff Willy says, then bows his head, eyes closed. He doesn’t move for a good minute, and Robbie’s shifting uncomfortably, wondering if he's finally snapped just like the jock did, and if getting Money will help or just make it worse.
He startles when Willy speaks, murmuring, “Sorry I killed you.”
Presumably — hopefully — he’s talking to the jock, rather than saying it to Robbie just before he kills him. Robbie reminds himself he’s safe. He blocks shots.
“It was for his safety, and the greater good,” Playoff Willy says. “Thank you for your years of service.”
He opens his eyes then, and Robbie accidentally meets his eye.
Shit. He wasn’t supposed to do that. He doesn’t think he was supposed to see that either.
“I won’t tell anyone about this,” Robbie says.
Playoff Willy’e eyes narrow.
“Because there’s nothing to tell,” Robbie says.
“You’re a quick learner, Lombardi,” Playoff Willy says. “I like that about you.”
“I block shots too,” Robbie says, just to make sure Playoff Willy remembers his utility.
“You block shots too,” Playoff Willy murmurs, then nods to himself.
“Integral part of the team,” Robbie says, then, aware he’s over-selling it, he awkwardly shoots Playoff Willy two thumbs up.
Playoff Willy’s brow furrows, then, after a long consult with the normal Willy tied up in the basement of his brain, he gives Robbie two thumbs up back.
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glassrowboat · 7 months
Orange Ribbon. Itto.
Summary: Dressing up animals is therapeutic, no matter what anyone says. To see them in cute little clothes, in top hats, maybe even bow ties never fails to put a smile on your face. A hobby. It's a silly one, but a hobby nonetheless. And, of course, Itto (under his own insistence) needs to be decked out by his girl, too!
Word count: 1000+
Authors note: mentions of the reader being short, but to be fair when I think of Itto I still imagine that one photo of him next to Zhongli back before he was released. Itto is seven foot in my heart damnit-
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Perhaps this is the perfect hiding spot, tucked behind grandma Oni's house with a stray slab of wood leaned against the wall to cover a few boxes from the rain whenever a storm comes crawling through, and currently yourself too. The treated otogi wood had a familiar smell that filled your senses. Though admiring some lumber wasn't your prime objective of this little game of hide and seek.
Not that you really needed to bother. Shinobu said the boys would be busy today helping put up posters for one of the many odd jobs they tend to pick up just to rake in some cash. Meaning you had all the time in the world to-
And the safe haven shook, the wood peeling back from this old paneled wall of the hut to reveal red horns and wide eyes right on you. A wide smile with pointed teeth that could only belong to one man, or in this case oni. “Look what I got for us!” He called out, hand holding up a small bag that, knowing him, was undoubtedly full of snacks.
So, no time in the world then.
Taking a lid to the box you had set the onikabuto in to keep him all nice and secure as you subjected him to dress up time you slowly tried to slide it over the little guy as Itto excitedly talked. “Well my favorite sweetie pie, my bro, I got some strawberry daifuku, melon pan, and I even scored dorayaki!”
Dropping his bag on the box you were slowly sliding the lid over with a nice, hefty thud you couldn't help but jump. Itto was right about the snacks, they were something to get excited over, but not so much so when the little bug inside made a noise from the fright he was unwillingly given. You couldn't even fully click the lid over the box in time as Itto's black nails were poking the lid off as he made a small huh?
“What are you doing to my little buddy?”
The real answer to that? Well, the stray cats in the village have taken to running away from you everything they even caught a sight of your presence. Fully self done, but it still hurt as they turned away from you, fleeing from the person who would snatch them up and cover them in bow ties, little sweaters, or on the rare occasion a top hat for the less squeamish ones. It seems that you've completely lost every cats good graces after treating them like dress up dolls so you were stuck with no choice but to turn to a creature that reasonably couldn't run away. So now there's Crimson Staff being revealed to both your eyes as a bright orange ribbon was wrapped In a neat bow around his horn.
Deflect. Deflect. 
“What have I told you about calling me bro?”
“Don't call you bro when I've had my tongue in your mouth? Sorry, babe.” As he spoke, an awkward laugh slipped out of him, sharp fangs on show as he tried to brush it off with a smile. “But what are you doing to my star onikabuto beetle battler?”
Can't have his little champion getting distracted from the ring and all that. 
Okay, the first deflection didn't work.
“It's actually for your beetle battles!” You claimed, eyes flicking down to the bright orange fabric. “It's a warning. You know how in nature the most colorful animals are the dangerous ones, right? So this is just like war paint.”
Poison dart frogs are characterized by one very important feature that could only help solidify your point, so clearly, this claim has some backing. Backing Itto only seemed to nod at as he raised a hand to pat the little guy on the back, always so careful to make sure he wouldn't do any actual harm as he did so. “Interesting way to see it.”
Not at all….
“Though I'm not sure an orange ribbon would look more menacing than the bright red color he already has. Or what about that badass looking scar? But I respect the decision.” 
“Why thank you for your approval, I'm honored.”
Teasing him didn't work well though when he moved his hand over to pinch at your cheeks, pulling and squishing them at his leisure. “You’re a goof, you know that?”
“Says the town idiot.” A little uncalled for? Yes. Did you care when he was still trying to egg a reaction out of you? No. You didn't even feel bad as your tongue stuck out to point at him.
“Who you callin’ an idiot, short stuff?” How you could see his eyes flicking down to your tongue, or maybe even your lips as he leaned in closer, towering frame crouching down to where you were kneeling close enough to kiss. 
So how could you help yourself from pressing a quick smooch to his nose, trying not to giggle outwardly as his eyes crossed to watch your actions. So cute. “You, tall stuff.”
“Oh now you're asking for it, babe.” Reaching his hands out you didn't even have time to squeal as he picked you up, raising you up and into the air as Itto stood back up. There would be no freedom for you to have like this. Especially not when he had such easy access to grab at your ass. “Alright, so let's play a guessing game, yeah?”
Without even bothering to wait for you to say yes, you're down for this, Itto kept talking. “This is because you can't dress up the cats anymore, isn't it?”
Ah…you've been figured out.
“No. Maybe. Okay, yes.”
“Then I volunteer.” Katniss? “Why bother the onikabuto when I'm right here, babe? You can tie all the ribbons you want in my hair. Get some clips too if you want. I'm down for it all.”
“Better yet!” Itto started, cutting you off as he jostled you in his arms to keep you from falling. Mother fucker could've given a warning. “We can get the entire gang in on it. You could make us look all cool and stuff with all sorts of things. So let's get you some ribbons so then I can be the manliest oni on the block.”
“No, I'm all yours.”
Fair. “Yeah, you are.” Grabbing a tussle of his white hair you twirl it around your finger, unable to help yourself from thinking about tying it in all sorts of ways with all the little hair accessories you have back home. Maybe the ones with little skulls, more ribbons, or that one charm Itto had got you after first becoming official. (Shinobu had only told you later Itto had worked for a week straight to get it for you). “Then you're my dress up doll for the next hour, mister. No backsies?”
“None at all. Do to me as you wish, I'm so ready for a makeover!”
Oh, you're gonna make sure he'll regret saying that.
“Challenge accepted.”
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(Late at night)
Ocellus: (gently closing door) Easy… Gallus?!
Gallus: Ocellus?!
Ocellus: What are you doing in Smolder’s room at this hour?
Gallus: What are you doing in Silverstream’s room at this hour?
Ocellus: What?! We fell asleep studying! That’s all we did!
Gallus: If it was anyone else, I wouldn’t believe it.
Ocellus: Oh, and you’re about to convince me that you were studying in there?
Gallus: Dude, harsh.
Ocellus: You’re right, I’m sorry…
Gallus: I left my headphones in her room, Okay?!
Sandbar: That’s pretty sus, bro.
Gallus: Sandbar?! What were you doing in Yona’s room?!
Sandbar: Oh, I got lost.
Ocellus: …
Gallus: …
Ocellus: Could happen.
Gallus: Yeah, no, I could see a world where it would.
Sandbar: While I was lost, Yona texted me saying she got stuck crawling under her bed, so I went in and unstuck her.
Gallus: See, now he’s losing me.
Cozy Glow: Why don’t I ever get any of those text messages?
Gallus: Cozy?!
Luster Dawn: (coming out of the kitchen) Wait, Cozy, what were you doing coming out of my room?
Cozy Glow: …… You know, I don’t think it’s worth discussing.
Luster Dawn: Well, now I definitely want to discuss it!
Cozy Glow: No, my young padawan, don’t seek answers you don’t want to questions you shouldn’t ask.
Gallus: Okay, possible lawsuits aside, I think-
Felicia: (opening the door to Swift Foot’s room) Hello, everyone.
Gallus: Um…. Swift Foot?
Swift Foot: (poking her head out) I asked her to kill a spider.
Gallus: … Okay, I have no idea what to think.
Sandbar: It could be either.
Gallus: Straight toss up.
Ocellus: Okay, we’ve all been caught in compromising positions, but I don’t think anyone has done anything wrong except maybe Cozy Glow.
Cozy Glow: Show me the law.
Ocellus: Maybe later, so I think we should just go back to our rooms and never speak of this-
Trixie: (sleeping on the couch) Kids, I’m gonna count to ten…
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phightinghottakes · 2 months
i never liked keeboreal. read their apology and honestly, it was shit. basically just "oh i got validation from posting porn and made loads of it and was encouraged to by my friends but grrr you can't complain about it because im hypersexual and it isn't problematic!!! even though it's porn and I'm a minor being encouraged to draw porn!!". They also mentioned their fetishes as a point in one of the messages, and bro we know what they are. we know about the diaper shit in your server man.
anyways yeah I never really liked keebo but now I have an actual reason to hate them
No clue who that is but I would never poke them with a 60 foot pole from the impression I’ve gotten of them.
And also they might want to consider seeking professional help. Minors being encouraged to draw and do nasty things is how we get nasty people in the world.
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16sydd16 · 1 day
AU game- I know Shane and Cady are bros in ur fic but im lowkey very interested in how you would write them hooking up and Regina losing her shit about it
For this ask game!!
I've got to admit, this one is tough! I've had many Shady delusions over the last couple months, but I can't see them hooking up in GIL.
Outside of GIL, though...
I'm also having constant and pervasive Shadina delusions, if anyone is curious about those🌝 (to my discord besties... I'm so sorry you have to listen to me talk about them ad nauseam lmao).
Okay, enough chit-chat! Here's my best shot at Shady:
GIL Shady AU
It starts innocently enough, just the two of them working out together. Regina's been a little mean to both of them lately, and Cady's not used to it. She's been all sad-puppy eyes. Shane asks her to help him with his stride, just to get her out of the house, if nothing else.
Shane notices how gorgeous Cady is, because of course he does. How could he not? And she's so short, at least a foot shorter than him, and so easy to pick up and spin around. She appreciates things about him that Regina never has, like his unfailingly positive attitude and his iPhone notes list and his giant biceps.
Alcohol is never a good idea when you're in turmoil. When you've just dumped your public boyfriend for your secret girlfriend who doesn't seem to even want you? It's an extra bad idea. Cady's hammered, and Shane is there. He catches her when she stumbles and he carries her to the car and into her house when she can't walk in herself. Regina waits in the car, too afraid of someone seeing her being so close to Cady. Shane kisses Cady's head when he lays her on her bed, and Cady thinks about it the entire weekend.
After a really hard conversation with Regina, Cady storms off and kisses Shane. Right in front of Regina and everyone else, just to piss Regina off. She expects Shane to push her away, but he doesn't. Not for three seconds, five, ten. They get all the way to twelve before Shane gentle pushes her back, leaving his hands on her waist. He can see the regret on Cady's face when he opens his eyes, and when he looks up, he sees the hurt on Regina's. She's clearly furious, but it's more than that. He's never seen Regina look like this before.
Shane feels used, and he doesn't like it. A couple weeks later, he catches Cady, now banished from the plastics table, looking at him softly, and he wonders. Regina grabs her chin between his fingers, acrylic nails poking too hard into the side of his face. Her head turns to wear Shane was just looking, and she makes sure Cady sees the way Regina shoves her tongue into Shane's mouth when she kisses him.
Okay, maybe not exactly what you had in mind, but I just can't see GIL Cady going further with Shane than a jealous kiss—even if she does think he's kind of beautiful. I hope you enjoyed it anyway!!
Also... still thinking about Shadina... just sayingggggggg...🌝
Thanks so much for the ask!!
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tapperhet-em · 6 months
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Everyone is together, but tension between them is building....
"Dude, can you maybe NOT try to antagonize Einar?" Elio had barely waited till they were outside of the cabin to address Tieran.  "And don't you dare try and play stupid.  You have been hot and cold with Meeri for years, and you know something went down back at the garrison with Einar, so you poke the bear by flirting with her right in front of him?"
Lorcan hung back a bit, ready to back Elio up if needed.  He had the same thoughts.  Something felt off about the whole interaction back in the cabin.  They were all too close of friends for this to be going down now.  In the coming days they would need to be a team, not at each other's throats.  However, if they were all going to function as one, they had to get this one thing that had been hanging over them all for years out in the open.  When things between Einar and Meeri had been more obscure, it had not been such a big deal, but now it was becoming more of one.  He would have Meeri’s back before anyone else’s, which meant having Einar’s. 
"Maybe you don't know all you think you do E." Tieran raised the tailgate and tried to reign in his irritation.  Turning around, he sat on the back deck of the SUV and saw Lorcan’s jaw grinding.  That was one man he didn’t want to fuck with, not that making Elio pissed was top of his list to do either.  "You two want to know why it's been hot and cold?  Because I have been trying to respect the fact that me and one of my best friends are in love with the same woman.  A woman, might I add, that looks at him like her hero every damn time that he steps in the room.  You two might as well be blooded brothers to her, she took a harsh punishment for E, even.  Don’t tell me she wouldn’t do the same for you, Lo.  I don't know where I fit in here, I haven’t for a long time.  I don’t know where I fit in with you guys anymore, and not with the woman that has my heart and I can’t confess it to.  I try to play it off as cool, and I fuck it up.  I try to get closer to her, and I feel like I’ve got Einar’s crosshairs on my forehead."  He sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair, knowing he probably made things even more awkward but he'd felt like he had to clear the air.
"Tier, bro, you're our brother, and always have been.  You're Einar’s brother.  And it is up to you if you want to be close to Meeri as a brother or just a friend.  But, what we can't have, is you and Einar at each other’s throats, or Meeri upset because you're hostile again to her, and her not understanding why.  All we have are each other now."  Lorcan leaned his hip against one side of the rear of the SUV, and looked towards Tieran.  He understood his friend’s feelings, but they had to get things settled; or they'd turn on one another at some point. Tieran was the weak link in their chain, a chain they needed to be strong as titanium. Damn, he hated that he was now thinking of his friend like they were soldiers on a battlefield; but Lorcan could not ignore that they had a shit ton of Royal Forces looking for Meeri, and by hiding her they were signing their own death warrants too.
"Lo's right, T.  You’ve got to get this settled with Meeri and with Einar.  We can’t have constant upset and people on unstable footing.  If you don’t think you can, and want to leave and go back to your family, I'll give you my keys.  No judgment.   If you stay, you've got to get this worked out." Elio hated this.  He didn't know if Tieran or Lorcan had noticed the ring on Meeri’s finger back at the garrison, but he had.  It didn't take a genius to figure out its meaning; another reason Tieran needed to figure his shit out.
"I'm not walking away, guys.  Give me more credit than that.  Fuck!  I love her, I am IN love with her.  I don't know how to change that, but I can at least try to not piss off Einar, or be an ass to her.  I’ll figure something out, don’t ask me what.  I don't want one of you shooting me, or her." Tieran shrugged and pushed off of the rear of the vehicle to standing.  "I guess we need to get this stuff inside, huh?"  He didn’t want to talk anymore.  At least unpacking the SUV would keep them all moving, and give him something other than the situation for him to think on.
"Damn, you guys are slow." Einar chuckled as he walked up.  Then he caught sight of the full postures of his three friends.  Something was off, he’d known them all too long not to see the signs.  "What did I miss?  And do not lie to me and say nothing.  I'm too tired to deal with bullshit tonight." His gaze alternated between the three of them as his head tipped back, feeling very uneasy.
“Uh…” Elio stuttered as he tried to think how to handle this without there being an actual fight.  Things could even out from here on out, or they could go straight to shit; but it was the watershed moment for the group.   It might be a good thing that Meeri was inside, because one member of the group upset at a time was more than enough for him.  If she came out, and heard what he was sure Tieran was about to say, then both she AND Einar would be pissed.  If she got upset, Lorcan wouldn’t be far behind.  Elio’s eyes met Lorcan’s, who also looked unsure how to progress given the current situation.
Tieran held up a hand to his friend.  “It’s okay, E, I got it.”  Here went nothing.  He squared his shoulders as he faced Einar, a man he’d been friends with since they were just kids.  A man he respected highly, and loved like a brother. “The guys called me out on something that I should have been called out on a long time ago.  I need to stop being an ass to Meeri.  I’ve been handling a situation with her wrong, and it is just cuz I have an issue with the fact that she loves you and not me, even though I’m in love with her too.”  There he’d said it and the slight look of shock on Einar’s face meant that he might have suspected it, but not really known for sure.  For sure it was not what he had expected to hear from any of them.
Feeling like an ass from the way that Einar was looking, Tieran licked his lips, pursed them together, then continued.  “Lo and E are like real brothers to her, you’re her hero that she has obviously loved as much as you love her.  So where do I fit in, Einar?  What is my place when it comes to the group here?  Ya know?”  He swallowed, looked down, and kicked at the dirt a little with his boot.  It was so fucked up that it had gone on so long, and that it was coming out now.  “It’s not her fault.” He looked back up.  “She loves you, I love her, and I fuck up handling it.  The guys are right, I’ve got to stop fucking it up because the stakes are a lot higher now than just some hurt feelings or a quarrel in the group.  We all have prices on our heads and we can’t be hurting one another over this shit.”  Tieran’s head dropped again and he once more let out a heavy sigh, his hands fisting and relaxing as he fought his feelings.  He couldn’t walk away, he couldn’t leave his friends to handle all of this without trying to help them, there was no way he could leave HER, but right now having to be around them, with no escape, felt heavy on him; only his love for all his friends and Meeri kept him rooted in that spot.
For over a full minute Einar stood there trying to come up with something to say, but kept coming up empty.  He looked over to Elio and Lorcan in turn, who looked rather grim and they didn’t know what to say either.  This was heavy, heavier than he’d anticipated, when he’d demanded an answer.  He’d wanted to know, so here it was.  “We’ll figure it out, T.  We’ll handle it.”  His words were stilted.  It was clear that he had no idea what to do now, but was trying.  His brain was just not absorbing it all at the moment.
Taking a deep breath, “for now we need to get everything inside and get this SUV hidden.  This place may not be on the top of everyone’s list, but it will be on a list somewhere.  We have to be prepared.  We’ll figure the rest out later.   It can all be worked out, T.  You’re still my brother.”  Einar swallowed and still felt a little shell shocked.  He was reverting back to handling things as a soldier and nothing more.  If he thought on things too much right now, he would lose focus on what was important.
Lorcan clapped Einar on the shoulder.  Clearly, this was going over about as well as he expected, and was going to keep going over that way, so they needed to get moving.  Using his command voice, he had honed well as an MP and Sargent, he started giving directions in clipped tones that got the others moving.  They got the SUV unloaded quickly and everything into what seemed to be the appropriate rooms in the cabin.  Once the SUV was clean of everything, Lorcan got the keys from Elio to take it down to the same turnout as the Jeep, only to park it on the other side and throw a ghillie tarp over it that he’d found while he and Meeri had been waiting for the others.  He took another one for the Jeep.  It wouldn’t pass a close inspection, but would at least help it blend from the air or if they were just driving by and didn’t stop.  Thankfully Tieran’s uncle had that damn cabin stocked with anything you’d need to hunt.
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Ninja Squad
Chapter 10
Operation Sneak into the underground Foot Clan base was in motion. April, Splints, and I plan on sneaking in with the boys to assess the current armor completion situation. April and I are waiting on a rooftop adjacent to the Foot Clan headquarters when Splinter crashes into them in his flying squirrel outfit. Jumping down to meet him, April exclaims while removing her Foot Clan disguise mask. "You didn't leave any goons for me!"
I give her a look of feigned hurt and clutch my heart. "I mean us," April corrects. I giggle and poke one of the goons with my foot.
"We got all jacked up to kick some foot butt and you can't put that feeling back in the bottle!" April angrily says while taking her anger out on an unconscious Foot goon by jumping on him.
"Do not worry, you two, there is plenty more inside," Splints says while gesturing towards an open window.
We made our way toward the location of the dark armor, which was deep underground in a dark and eerie cavern that was illuminated by candles that were placed in a walkway towards the altar that held the dark armor As I peered over the ledge just looking at it made my skin crawl.
Spotting my dads and Draxum admiring the armor, we see that it's almost complete. But one thing is missing-well, I mean four somethings....are missing the boys.
"Where are the boys they should be here by now?" Splints asks while looking around for them
"They know how important this mission is. They'll be here," April says, reassuring Splints
*Meanwhile, at the lair*
Raph is happily dancing towards the fridge and singing about some cake, but as soon as he touches the delicious morsel, he is thrown into a wall from an explosion and is stuck. Mikey starts laughing and congratulations himself on a job well done with his prank. Leo also congratulates his brother and gives his little bro a high five to celebrate... but surprise!! It was a dummy Leo 😏....hehehe and once Mikey's hand makes contact with it, it explodes and sends him flying into a pike of pizza boxes. Leo is sitting in his dad's recliner belly laughing, and the cushion under him explodes, and he's sent skyrocketing into the ceiling and lands hard onto the grated floor.
"And victory, that gentleman is why I am the king of -" Before Donnie can finish his winning monologs, Raph falls onto him, effectively crushing him.
"OK guys, enough messing around, we need to train for Friday's Foot mission," Raph says in his leader's voice
"But today is Friday," Mikey says while emerging from the toppled pike of pizza boxes
No, it's not. It's Thursday. " Leo matter of factly says
"No, it's Friday," Mikey counters
"But the mission is on Friday," Leo says back
"Wait if today is Friday then..." Raph says as he reaches out to touch the teddy calendar, but Leo tries to warn him not to touch it. But it was too late, and an explosion occurred, sending Raph into the projector screen,
causing his panic button to go off.
*Back to the cavern*
We see Splinter's panic button alarm go off, and Splinter wants to retreat, but April and I suggest that we stay to keep an eye on the armor. Once he leaves, a new development happens.
"Start packing up the dark armor. We are moving it to its final location for grand the ceremony," Papa Brutus says
"Moving? Final location? Grand ceremony?" We both look at each other in horror as they place the armor in bubble wrap and boxes.
*Back at the lair*
Splinter arrives at the Lair and sees the destruction the pranks have caused but thinks his sons have been fluffed to pieces. But no, the boys appear from behind the wreckage of the comfy recliner and feather pile with looks of sadness and embarrassment.
Splinter expresses to them...oh no, I can't even say it...his disappointment in the boys 🥺. He walks away defeated towards his room, and one last prank goes off. The boys all go into hiding except for Leo, who claims that he made that one.
While Splinter is wallowing in his shame and disappointment, he gets an idea to look for wisdom in his ancestral scrolls. Once he opens the scroll it glows a florescent green and the Hamato Clan ancestors appear to help guide him on what to do if as he put "What to do if you live your whole life as an action star Lui Jitsu and now the dark armor is almost complete and your sons aren't ready chapter", Phew that was a mouthful.
The boys are in the skateboard room discussing what just happened.
"You know I'm not too worried, I mean, what's the punishment for missing a life-threatening saving mission anyway?" Gotta be pretty lenient," Donnie says, trying to hide how scared he is but trying to come off as confident.
"Relax, everyone has a calendar mix-up now and then," Leo states, reassuring
"Yeah, well, just say sorry, I'll give him my puppy dog eyes, and -" Mikey shows off those gosh darn cute puppy dog eyes, but he's interrupted by Raph
"Puppy dog eyes won't work, Dad isn't mad....he's disappointed," Raph says, defeated
*At a Mystic Grand Central Station*
April and I still in our Foot subordinate disguises are in a line carrying boxes of armor to what looks like a spider train. April turns to see Big Mama in her human disguise and Draxum discussing something. Draxum hands Big Mama now in her original spider form a glowy orb thingy. The line starts to move in front of us while we are distracted trying to pick up what they are saying.
"HEY, YOURE HOLDING UP THE LINE" Cass shouts at us, I'm about to sucker punch her like I used to do when she'd scare me but I hold back and we continue moving towards the train.
"I swear, the greatest threat to this ancient mystic Clan is LINE INEFFICIENCY. now move, PLEASE!" The rest of the line starts moving as she commands.
*Back to the lair* (Anyone else getting whiplash...cuz I am)
When Splinter comes out of his room, the boys are kneeling before him with apologetic looks on their faces.
"Dad, we're sorry, not like our normal, sorry, like for real sorry. Will you let us make it up to you?" Raph says
"Yeah, it's time we grew up and accepted our destiny as descendants of the Tamato Clan," Leo says
"It's Hamato," Donnie corrects
"It is, it is Hamato," Leo says, embarrassed
"We're ready to become the ultimate ninjas dad," Donnie says confidently
"Starting right now," Mikey says as he rips off one of his stickers, and he screeches so loud that astronauts could hears him. Withtear-filledd eyes, he recovers and shows no reaction to the pain he was feeling. Effectively putting a game face on. Splinter takes it as a sign that his boys are finally ready to take the next step.
*Insert training montage*
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"This will require great focus and sacrifice. It is time to get serious. You must let go of your childish ways. You must become more than turtles. You must think as one. You must become an extension of the Clan, ready to sacrifice all. Only then will you be ready to fight. The old versions of you will be gone, shed like a skin you will be remade in the image of your ancestors are you ready my sons?" Splinter says in his dad and mentor voice.
"Yes, sensei," the boys say in unison.
*On the mystic Spider Train*
April and I sneak around, but before we could get anywhere, Papa Lui spotted us and took our boxes. I hid behind April, trying to make myself as small as possible just in case he somehow recognized me.
"Uh, where are you moving it?" April asks, and I face palm myself, knowing how Papa Lui cares about people asking what the goings on are and knowing he might go on a tangent. But it's slightly not what happened.
"Thank you for asking. People take very little interest in our work, and I'm quite proud of it. Now then, I'm putting the armor in the front car where it will be safe." He gestures to the circular door at the end of the train car that next to Papa Brutus, who is sleeping soundly.
April and I share a knowing look suggesting that we regroup with the boys and Splinter. But before we could leave the doors to the train, slam shut, and a bunch of locks appear on the doors and windows.
No escape 🥺
He pats us on the head, and the train starts to move.
"Don't panic, don't panic," April says
"I'm not panicking you are," I say while biting my nails nervously and thinking of a plan
April gets an idea and hits her panic button, Donnie's voice is all but screams that our panic is very important to him. The force of his loud message rips off our Foot Clan disguises, leaving us I'm our everyday clothes. Which is just a black hoodie, purple leggings, and white sneakers for me with Mt hair in a long braid down my back. The bits and pieces of our clothes fall onto Papa Brutus, which wakes him up. We try jimming the door open to no avail and look for a place to hide.
*On top of a building*
The boys land Onto the building greeting Splinter in a very ninja way, which brings tears to Splinter's eyes. He quickly wipes the tears away, and Donnie alerts the team that April's panic button is going off, but he turns off the notification.
Splinter realizes that we are in trouble
"OH no, April, Aqua, the armor! Training over you all pass, graduate, you are ninjas now, hip hip horray, we go!"
*On the train*
We successfully found a hiding spot... too bad it was up against the ceiling of a moving train! April's panic button was left on the ground,and Papa Brutus found it and alerted Papa Lui to its findings. My legs and arms start to jiggle from the strain of holding an awkward position, and sweat starts to trail down April's face.
The boys have caught up to us with the turtle tank. Splinter instructs them to climb onto the top of the tank and wait for his command to jump. Once he gives the command the boys land on the now unshimmered sleek metal frame of the train and a green portal opens which slightly causes them to panic.
We are still hiding in the ceiling but April's sweat droplet want to poke a little fun and land on Papa Brutus head. He sees us and reaches up to grab us while doing his evil laugh. Luckily he couldn't sew my face due to a well placed shadow, before he could grab us the boys jump through a hatch and Mikey hits him with his kusari-fundo knocking him out cold. We jump down landing on my Papa, when we look up we realize that the boys look different....more ninjaish. I was kind liking the new look on Donnie. But snapping myself out if it while April is having an EXE brain error Donnie asks about the location of the dark armor which I explain its at the front car. We make our way through a dining car and are stopped by a door with a bunch of colorful eyeball buttons.
How do we get to the front with no doors?" Raph says while trying to push the door open. But he gets an idea to touch one of the buttons to see what happens. We pile onto him and get sucked into the door. They land gracefully while April and I land Onto of each other with a thud. I see that the car we are on is a relaxing spa one and inhale the refreshing scents with a gleeful sigh.
"Okay, let's stay calm keep our minds clear and think of a plan" Raph says while they sit crisscross apple sauce while thinking.
That's when the rose-colored glasses break from my scent induced namaste and I start freaking out with April about the boys thinking about a plan.
Donnie well being Donnie figures out that each button is tied to a different car. I look at Donnie with a "no really" kind of look. So it was then decided that we will try them all. Raph instructs Donnie, Mikey and I to take a shot,both of us holding onto Donnie we go from car to car.
"No not here"
"Not here either"
"No dark armor"
We ended up in a exercise room car where we spot both Papa Lui and Cass.
"Turtles you must be the infiltrators" Papa Lui says while I sneakily make my way to the other side of the car to figure out wgivh button to push next.
I'm gonna enjoy breaking every single bone...is there something different about you two? Cass questions
"Yea they are even lamer than before" Papa lui says while high fiving Cass
I roll my eyes at the horrible attempt at a burn, Donnie throws a huge heavy weight disk at them that misses them and barely misses me as I move out the way.
"Watch where you're throwing stuff Donnie!" I shout while clutching my chest trying to calm my thumping heart.
"S-sorry Y/N" Donnie says while slightly panicking because of my reaction but he knew it wouldn't hit me....like 98% sure....
This drew the attention of Cass and Papa Lui.
"Y/N?" They both say shocked
I slowly and awkwardly pull up my hood to hide my face as I turn around to look at the buttons again.
Mikey throws his kusari-fundo and tn all four start fighting. Meanwhile April and Leo are having their own situation and Raph is playing inie minie mynie mo (probably spelt it wrong) but before he could hit the one he lands on he's intercepted by one of the macho knight fighter.
Back to Donnie, Mikey and I as soon as I'm about to choose one myself Cass gets knocked into a gravity leaver and we start floating around.
"HEY, HEY! You guys are gonna pay for this!" Cass shouts as she floats around.
I couldn't help but not laugh at the situation, in the middle of my chuckle fest Mikey grabs Cass with his Kusari-fundo and sends her flying into the door with buttons and she gets portaled to another train car. The chaos ensues everyone is being thrown around from car to car. And each person fighting or not fighting *couch cough* Raph and Cass I'm talking to you. Leo and Raph end up in a train car where a Mysrit Taxes presentation is being held...big yawn. But apparently talking isn't a option or you'll face dire consequences which may or may not involve broken limbs. Soon a plan was made with Raph and Leo making it back to April in the freezer car. They ninja mind meld which mind boggles April. Leo and Raph send the Foot Clan main Trio and the two macho knight fighter guys into the Taxes presentation and Papa Lui makes the mistake of calling it boring and they get sent to oblivion.
We finally make it to the front car with the Dark armor. But a scary and evil voices bellows from the darkness that surrounds us and we all freeze with fear. The boys turn around and purple tentacles appear behind April and I.
"April!" Raph shouts as he reaches for her but its too late and she's pulled into the darkness.
Then I'm grabbed next but Draxum now knowing to some extent how strong I can be he quickly and tight grabs me and his a nerve blocking area that makes my body go limp. But before I get pulled away I quietly say "Donnie..." my vision goes dark and I feel myself being pulled back. Donnie attempts to run after me but they are captured as well.
What will happen to us? Fund out in part 2 😋
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gumnut-logic · 1 year
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What do we see here? Yet another sleepy Virgil fic?
Yeah, that’s all I had energy for. Gordy, you’re a champ.
Hope you enjoy these first words in ages, there not much, so don’t expect much, but they are something at least ::hugs the lot of you::
Virgil groaned as he sat down on the lounge. He should be in bed. It had been a long day…or days, he wasn’t really sure what the time was.
He’d settled Two in her hangar. If she had been horse, she would be lame, limping home with a leak in her hydraulic system messing with her flight. She was barely safe.
Not that he was going to tell Scott that. She wouldn’t be going out before some serious TLC, but she got him home.
She always gets him home.
He closed his eyes and let himself relax back into the cushions. The sigh that hissed between his teeth was involuntary but truly expressive.
Every muscle was tired, but none more than those in his feet. Specialised footwear or not, he’d spent the entire day on running, jumping, and working the exosuit. You could put all the padding in the world in those boots and his feet would still ache.
Plus he needed to cut at least one of the toenails on his left foot. Time was a thing that he had been short recently and it was a job that had been too low a priority…until those nails started digging into his other toes.
Maybe he could fall asleep here. Just doze and worry about debrief later.
The breeze blowing in from the open doors tousled his damp hair and poked at the t-shirt and trackpants he’d thrown on after his post-mission shower.
He really could just let himself go and not worry-
He kept his eyes closed. If he couldn’t see Gordon, Gordon couldn’t see him.
“You okay?”
His shoulders dropped just a little as he let out an apologetic grunt. His brother was only expressing concern.
The couch cushions dipped to his left as his fish brother sat down beside him.
Virgil kept his eyes closed. He really didn’t have the energy to open them.
“Caught your last rescue. You sure you’re okay? John was worried.”
Another sigh and Virgil let out some words. “I’ll live.” Then that last bit clicked.
Virgil opened his eyes and stared at his brother. “I’m fine. John has nothing to worry about.”
But the concern on Gordon’s face was sincere. “John had every right to worry. That was a thirty-six hour stint and just look at you.”
Virgil blinked. “What?” He wasn’t injured.
But honestly, he was too tired to care. “Got debrief, then bed. Problem solved.” He lay back again and closed his eyes.
Really, he was considering sleeping right there. Getting up was too much effort.
“There is no debrief. Grandma ordered Scott to bed.”
Virgil frowned. “Huh?”
“Yeah, he was exhausted as you.”
He barely grunted at that.
“So, I’m dragging you to bed.”
Gordon had muscle and lots of it, but Virgil was big and the thought of his little brother attempting to manhandle him… “You and what army?”
“Me and my silver tongue, big bro.”
Virgil groaned. He was too tired for all that sudden sunshine.
“So, you gonna go to bed, or what?”
Virgil still had his eyes closed, but he didn’t need them to see that smirk on the Fish’s face.
“M’feet hurt.” The thought of standing was just ugh.
“Your feet hurt?” The weight beside him shifted as Gordon stood up.
A moment later, Virgil would have flinched away as his left foot was lifted with gentle but strong hands…but it required too much energy.
“You need to cut your toenails, bro.”
Virgil didn’t even bother to grunt.
But then gentle circles were being rubbed into the sole of his foot.
Oh god. “What are you doing?” Virgil sat up straighter, attempting to pull his foot away.
But Gordon tugged back. “Hey, relax. I got this.”
“Lie back a minute and I’ll pay you back for one of those post swim meet rub downs.” He held Virgil’s ankle tightly, but only enough to keep it in place. The Fish was stronger than he looked.
“Relax! That’s an order!”
What? But Gordon obviously had enough knowledge of foot anatomy because a knuckle pushed gently into Virgil’s sole and whatever he had been going to say melted away as that knuckle did good things.
There was silence a moment as strong fingers rubbed away ache.
“There…you see? All you need is a little TLC.”
Virgil didn’t answer, his eyes slipping closed again.
Those fingers gently lifted his other foot, letting it join in the magic.
His next sigh was one of blessed gratitude.
At some point Gordon started humming, but Virgil was beyond caring.
Time passed and muscles unwound.
Quiet words whispered near his ear. “You ready for bed?”
Umm…he rolled over. “Bed.”
Strong hands grabbed him and levered him upright, his arm was thrown over a shoulder, and he was moving. Several doors, whispered muttering, and he was lowered gently onto cool and soft sheets.
“Sleep, big bro.” A barely heard sigh. “You’ve earned it.”
He rolled over, curling into the bed covers carefully place over him.
And let slumber take him away.
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Dr Wily's World Domination FINALE: Part 2
//transcript of a Discord RP with a lot of people. List:
@rogue-nebula (Quasar), @freeroaming-curiosity (Oppy), @ripper-the-indoraptor ("Ripper" and Courier), @that-one-poison-trainer (Viper), @averagedualies (Dualie and Byte)
@mirror-buster-pkmn (Enker, Ballade, and Mega Man), @the-poke-virus (Virus) @beepboopstarman (Vasilyev)
@moonlit-faller (Kaladin, Sylphrena), @shallahi-and-snowflake (Shallahi), @mercury-retrogay (Mercury), @rock-bird-go-brr (Notos) @nebula-incursionists-official (Baron Twyst Von Jokewyld)
(dear arc that's a lot hope I got everyone)
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Remember the plan, everyone. Rock distracts the main forces on the direct route while we take a safer backroad
The sooner we get this done the better. I want Wily out of my life ASAP
sammmmeeeee I [STRONGLY DISLIKE] any kind of robot controlling evil masterminds
“I want him gone.”
"I think I can go ahead and get going."
almost the second they get off the bridge from the Battle Pike they're assailed, not just by Wily bots (primarily from the skies there with Bunby Helis and bird-like Hoohoos) but by V-Corp forces as well, primarily guards, their laser rifles barely missing (in some cases grazing) the Incursionists. A stray laser briefly grazes Viper's shoulder
aww fuck. Ok that's it permission to attack?
That's been granted since the moment these tyrants set foot here
"Zeroth Law of Robotics. I can take on the humans just as much as the robots. I'm breaking off. Good luck, all of you! I'll meet up later!"
the hostiles seem to mostly be coming from the buildings that line the thoroughfare, as seen by V-Corp guards and Sniper Joes opening doors, shooting, and ducking back inside. Shallahi slashes at a few robots with Snowy while letting off a Thunder Wave! Oppy's taken off-step by the V-Corp forces, but her friends have her back. While covering her blind spots, Quasar makes headway of his own on a blockade of Adhering Suzies. Oleander the Serperior and Buttercup the Garbodor escape their Pokeballs with the intent of apprehending the human guards. Virus glares maliciously at one of the robots and lunges at them. She stabs her tail into the robot causing them to glitch out and panic. something like a Bunby Heli or other rank-and-file Wily bot is actually simple enough that Virus can override and puppeteer it!
interesting (╹◡╹)
Virus uses her new mind control powers to make her robot attack the other Wily robots
Nice going! Mind putting that Heli just a bit to the right?
got it! ( ^ω^ )
The Bunby Heli moves just a bit to the right. Top Man jumps onto the Heli then off of it, spinning rapidly taking out several other aerial robots, then as he's coming down, throws a bunch of beigomas from his head, taking out even more enemies and leaving the way clear to progress to the right
This way!
That's not what you say silly
No really, this way! Hostile presence is low there!
Viper runs after Quasar along with Oleander, returning Buttercup to her ball. Virus also follows Quasar. Mercury attempted to forcefully disarm one of the V-Corp guards. It wasn't elegant, but to make an omelette you do have to break some eggs... or in this case, fingers.
"Can we keep the guns if we get any?"
Go for it. In fact, the more damage you can cause this corpo the better
"Sweet." ^_^
They go around the route Quasar mentioned, but then find a robot facing them
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"Hold there just a minute. I wouldn't recommend going past me..."
I Can't Find My Keys Man?! Dr. Wily brought you in!?
"ahem, That is Keys Man to you. ...please."
I'd recommend you stand aside. I have no qualms forcing our way past you
"Oh no that's fine, see?"
he sidesteps to allow them through, still trying to make sure no one can see his back
"but I wouldn't recommend going past... without hearing what I have to say first"
“Then let’s hear it.”
bro seems like the kind of guy to ask us three riddles "You see, there's an important person locked up in this building beside me. Wallace, I think his name was?"
Champion Wallace?!
"Whatever. Anyway, the only way you can save him is by securing the two keys to the lock on the door. And for once I remembered where they are! They're in the buildings with the orange and blue roofs, one each!"
The former Pokemon Center and Poke Mart...
"There was also a backup set but they're... agh I swear I knew where they were this morning!"
d-did you lose the backup keys? Can you not find them?
"NO I DIDN'T LOSE THEM! They're just... just..... just..........."
(So that's why he's called that. Kind of a shitty power for a robot.)
have you tried looking behind yourself? "Yes let me just rotate my head 360 and break my neck joint" stupid robot can't even turn his head around [360]
Virus demonstrates that yes, she can turn her head around all the way
“… *Sigh.* Could you please turn around?”
"Now that I can't do. My good side's reserved for the paparazzi, see?" good side? Did you lose that too? "YOU CAN'T LOSE YOUR GOOD SIDE IT'S ATTACHED TO YOU!!!"
"It can be detached."
"...BUT I DIDN'T LOSE IT!" like how you lost your keys? "I KNOW WHERE IT IS IT'S RIGHT HERE!"
I Can't Find My Keys Man turns around and the backup keys are on a hook on his back fresh for the yoinking. Virus yoinks the keys using her extendo arms
yoink ( ◠‿◠ ) "?! What the- LKHJGVILUKHVNJBGUKHNVN" so do we go save [WALLACE] or do we deal with this bozo?
Keys Man is already running away
"Guess we're going to go save Wallace, then."
I'm gonna miss that guy, they could've been a great chew toy
just don't break him like you broke Emmet
( ̄^ ̄)
The building turns out to be the Battle Palace, and after wandering it for a little while, they find Wallace locked up next to the battle mat in the center
Is someone there?
Wallace? Viper's demeanour became more stiff and official
you okay? any injuries?
I'm quite alright, but I don't know if I can say the same for my pokemon. They were taken when those ruffians stormed the League. I haven't seen them since
that's terrible, we will retrieve them as soon as possible
wow can't believe they did that to you during pride month
Shadow Man emerges, followed by a young man in all black and red space armor. He brings out a pokeball
"If that is your ambition, you will have to defeat us"
finally, something on my level
Be careful! Shadow Man's already fought us before, and he's mean! As for Agent Rasputine, there's a reason he's a lot of people's recurring nightmare
nothing I haven't faced before
Notos hisses, pulling out their own pokeball. It’s painted black with yellow “V” shapes on it. Shallahi turns into her Luxray form and grins. Shadow Man points at Oppy
"With you especially I demand a rematch! I may have lost twice to the black cat warrior, but you will fall to me!"
W-well good luck with that! I-I'll have you know that I have all 8 Hoenn badges and was about to take the League before you meanies showed up!
Viper turns to Oppy
looks like we're on the same level kid.
she turns to shadow man
I'll have you know that I got all 8 Unovan league badges and I now work under Roxie, the poison type gym leader
"Don't forget about me! We've got unfinished business of our own!"
Quick Man appears, tossing out a Ludicolo. Shadow Man sends out a Tentacruel while Agent Rasputine sends out a Whiscash. Oppy makes a sudden realization in horror: they're using Wallace's pokemon. notos curses, switching out the first pokeball for a green one covered in triangles. they throw it down to reveal their xatu, esper.
! My pokemon... You can't do this! I won't stand for it!
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She sends out Buttercup from her ball, setting up a Toxic Spikes. unfortunately as this is a Pokemon battle Quick Man doesn't touch the spikes. Quick Man responds by having the Ludicolo use Surf. Viper makes a sound that almost sounds like growling, before commanding Buttercup to use Sludge Bomb. Meanwhile Esper screeches, launching a psychic at the tentacruel. The Tentacruel likewise struggles, but retorts with an Ice Beam. Viper has Buttercup use Sludge Bomb on the Ludicolo again, As Oppy has Vinebud the Serperior hit the Whiscash, fainting it. Something red flies off it as it returns to the ball, and Agent Rasputine tosses the ball aside.
Great Work Oppy, but I need to focus more on the real threat at hand
I'll cover ya! I think I can take Rasputine if he doesn't have any tricks up his sleeves
esper squawks, boosting itself higher into the air and firing off another psychic. This other Psychic faints the Tentacruel, and like before Shadow Man just tosses the ball aside. He brings out a Milotic next
! Hey sis! remember that idea I brought up a few days ago when we were training?
That Milotic's full water, and Vinebud's a little hurt. Ya wanna try it?
Ok! Go Shallahi! Take em down!
[SHALLAHI used THUNDERBOLT!] A critical sees the Milotic downed. Shadow Man tosses its ball to the side
Great job sis! I got it from here! I think!
Agent Rasputine brings out a Wailord, who opens with Blizzard centered around Esper. Notos swears again, louder this time. Esper is not very tanky. they recall it, throwing out battery again. the Vikavolt keens, shooting a thunderbolt at the Wailord. The supereffective Thunderbolt not only injures the Wailord, it also paralyses it! Notos pumps their fist in the air. Battery charges up a zap cannon and fires directly at the wailord again. And that drops the Wailord. on a different day the Champion's pokemon would be much more formidable, but they must not be too keen on being mind-controlled. Quick Man's second pokemon, a Gyarados, blasts Buttercup with a Dragon Dance-boosted Hyper Beam. Buttercup faints, so Viper releases her Garventula Emmey and commands her to use electroball. A supereffective move on 2 fronts, the Electro Ball works wonders on the Gyarados. It doesn't quite drop but it's hurt.
Good job Emmey, finish them off with a Bug Buzz!
Gyarados is indeed finished off, and with all of Wallace's pokemon down, the Wily battlers resort to a different tactic
"Prepare to face…" "Dr. Wily's synthetic pokemon!"
Quick Man sends out a robotic Zebstrika, Agent Rasputine a robotic Weavile, and Shadow Man a robotic Greninja
Those might look like robots, but they work the same as actual pokemon!
fine by me, how about another Bug Buzz!
Emmey does just that, and uses Bug Buzz against the Robo-Zebstrika. The Bug Buzz is only normally effective, so the Zebstrika's still up.
Ok Vinebud! Take out that Greninja!
Vinebud fires a Leaf Blade of her own at the Greninja. Vinebud tanks a Water Shuriken to land another Leaf Blade, fainting the Greninja
Emmey Return
she returns Emmey to her pokeball and releases her furious Arbok TwoTen
TwoTen! Dig!
TwoTen digs underground. Quick Man recognizes that beast and wavers a bit before steeling himself.
you scared? TwoTen never forgets a face, though he can confuse robots for other robots. You don't look too different from Gemini man you know? That's an insult btw
"What does it matter? My Zebstrika far outclasses the Cofagrigus Gemini got! Zebstrika Wild Charge stat!"
TwoTen stays underground completely missing the attack. He then jumps out and hits the Zebstrika. The Zebstrika faints from a supereffective critical
Alright, lets try this!
Notos switches to the first pokeball, sending out Sergeant, their talonflame. He slams into the weavile with a mighty flare blitz! With the combined might of Sergeant and Strelka's Multi-attack with the Fairy memory, the Weavile faints as well.
great job baby!
Viper pats her Arbok on the head as it glares daggers at Quick Man. notos scratches sergeant on his head.
...we are defeated... ! ? !? That last one was just luck!!! Nonetheless, the laws of combat must be honored. We will leave FINE!
Shadow Man, Quick Man, and Agent Rasputine depart. Wallace opens his pokeballs, and checks on each of his mons' well-being. Everything seems ok. He then turns to Oppy
You all did a splendid job sending those scoundrels packing. Forcing my darling pokemon to battle for them… how barbaric
Thanks, Mr. Wallace! ^u^
I've got a special eye on you in particular, Opportunity Nebula. You'd been the talk of the Hoenn League for a while before all this nonsense with Dr. Wily, and I dare say I would like to see you in Ever Grande City when this all is said and done. We have much to discuss there, and perhaps a few papers to sign
You don't mean-
But don't let me distract you. You still need to take down that unsavory character Wily
Will do! But I still wanna battle you later!
It would be my honor
Let's heal up. I want everyone at their best. Then it's on to the next landmark
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myymi · 2 years
last writing thing of the year 🤭✨
Sonic huffed and crossed his arms, pretending to look at a watch on his wrist while his foot tapped an impatient rhythm.
1 second..
2 seconds..
3 seconds. 
4 seconds.. 
‘Jeez, pal, you’re really taking your time. Don’t make me wait for ten seconds!’ The hedgehog thought, glancing up at the sky in hopes to spot his companion.
After 6 seconds, a slight movement of grass from behind told him his buddy had finally scoped out the area.
“There you are, Tails!” He exclaimed as he turned around, arms still crossed and his foot still tapping away. “I was waaaiting!” He sang, knowing it got a few giggles out of his charge every time he did it.
And sure enough, Sonic was rewarded with a few of his pal’s giggles for his efforts. “Sorry, Sonic. Thought I saw a buttnik, but it was jus’a bug.” Tails said, gesturing to a bush somewhere to the right.
“S’all clear?” He knew it was, he would’ve heard those dumb-bots by now if any were there. That, or they would’ve spotted Tails and attacked. Still, he waited for the kit to confirm it.
“Sure is!” The boy beamed and shot a thumbs up at the older, tails wagging when he received a few headpats in return. “There’s also a berry bush just there,” he pointed to a spot past Sonic, “I don’t remember what is and s’not okay to eat, though.”
“That’s alright, li’l bro, I can help jumpstart that big brain of yours.” The teen ruffled his bangs and grinned down at the boy before nodding to the clearing. “Let’s set up camp first, sound cool?”
“Way past!” His fluffy appendages still wagging, Tails grabbed hold of their bag and ran to the clearing. Only Sonic was still wearing the bag, so he ended up getting dragged with it.
“You really like settin’ up camp, huh pal?” The hedgehog commented with a light laugh, letting himself get tugged along since he knew the little fox could carry his weight, no sweat. The younger laughed nervously and let go of the bag once they were in the clearing.
“Sorry, Sonic,” He wrung his hands, his twin tails twisting behind him in a show of embarrassment, “I still can’t really contain my excitement.”
“No sweat about it, li’l bud.” Sonic assured him as he stood himself upright and pulled off the backpack he was wearing. “It’s normal for kits your age.”
“Is flying normal for kits my age?” Tails asked, holding his hands behind his back and leaning forward.
“Well, not kits,” The hedgehog set the bag on the ground so he could pull out their blankets and other necessities. “But other kids, yeah, sometimes.”
“Then what does that matter?” Sonic paused what he was doing to turn and look at his little buddy with a raised brown. The fox was just grinning back at him, rocking on his heels.
“Matters ‘cause it means you don’t gotta be ‘mbarrassed about it.” The teen countered, reaching to poke the fox’s stomach. The latter squeaked at the touch and ducked away, giggling from his new spot 5 feet away from the older.
“S’hat mean I should be embarrassed ‘bout what isn’t normal for kits my age?” Sonic sighed and shook his head. The kid was quite a handful sometimes.
“Not what I meant, and you know it.” He said, reaching out to poke the younger again, but he was quick enough to move away this time. The kit giggled and sat down while he watched the older pull out their camping supplies.
“What color were those berries you saw, Tails?” Sonic asked as he set down the pot they used to cook chili dogs in.
“Some kind’a pinkish red.” Tails’s namesakes twitched behind him. The hedgehog hummed and waved his hand, pulling out a bottle of water.
“Think those are raspberries. Go pick a couple so I can check ‘em out, will ya?” He asked, taking a small sip of the liquid.
“Sure thing, Sonic!” The fox beamed as his tails wound up, lifting him off the ground so he could fly to the bush of berries he saw earlier.
Sonic twisted the cap back onto the bottle and set it on the ground. He’ll have Tails drink some once he gets back with the berries. He reached into the bag and pulled out a jar that’s full of water, specifically for cooking chili dogs.
He poured a bit of it into the pot before replacing the lid and setting it back in the backpack. He quickly set up a spot for the campfire, and used his old lighter to start a fire. He then picked up the pot of water and suspended it above the crackling flame.
Sonic looked in the direction his little brother flew off in as he dumped a couple of hotdogs into the pot. The kid was only supposed to pick one or two for the hedgehog to examine, what was taking so long?
He didn’t have to wait much longer, though. He smiled when he saw the fox run back to the clearing, and, from the looks of his appearance, it was obvious what held him up.
“Sorry I wasn’t back in a Sonic Second,” Tails apologized, handing two berries to his hero, “my tails got caught.” Which was obvious, considering there were all kinds of knots, twigs, and leaves stuck in his fur that were definitely not there a few seconds ago.
“Don’t sweat it, little buddy.” Sonic said as he took one of the berries. He held it up to his face, only needing to study it for a few seconds to confirm it was, in fact, a raspberry. “Go ‘head and take a bite of that one, Tails.” He pointed at the pink berry in his brother’s hand.
“What’s it taste like?” He asked, but bit a piece of it off before he could get an answer. He would’ve done it anyway, he wasn’t one to turn down food! Especially not when Sonic said it was okay to eat.
The teen laughed lightly at his buddy’s impatience and popped the raspberry he held into his mouth. “They’re sweet n’ tart. Not my favorite, but decent.” Noticing the kit’s wagging tails, he assumed the younger quite liked them.
“What is your favorite berry?” Tails asked, putting the rest of the berry in his mouth. He liked it a lot, but blueberries were better.
“Chilidogberries.” Sonic joked, sitting down next to the fire to watch the hotdogs cook.
“There’s no such thing as chilidogberries!” The fox crossed his arms and frowned.
“Is to!” The hedgehog argued, taking out a can of chili from the backpack. “They’re really good, li’l bro.” He picked up the water bottle and patted the ground next to him, signaling the other to come sit.
Tails huffed but did as he was told, taking the bottle when it was offered to him. He made sure to only take a sip of it like Sonic did, even though he told him to drink enough so he wasn’t thirsty anymore.
Sonic reached into the bag once more and pulled out a pink hair brush, a gift from a girl he had saved a few months ago so he could maintain Tails’s fur better.
“Alright, li’l bro, let’s fix up those tails of yours.” He turned back to the younger with a smile, holding up the brush.
“Fix them?” Tails repeated, his ears lowering as he set the water bottle down and glanced at the fluffy appendages behind him, completely missing the hairbrush. “There’s something wrong with them?”
“No, pal,” The hedgehog shook his head and tapped the kit’s nose with the flat end of the brush. “I meant cleaning them up. Getting rid of the twigs and leaves.”
“Oh,” The fox smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck, “will you be careful?”
“‘Course, little buddy!” Sonic ruffled his bangs before crawling behind his little brother so he could brush his tails easier. “‘Sides, you can alway tell me if it hurts. Keep an eye on the dogs for me, will ya?”
“Okay, Sonic.” Tails nodded and turned to watch the pot hanging above the fire, playing with his fingers as he waited.
Sonic smiled and set the hairbrush in his lap, deciding it’d be better to pull the tangled twigs and leaves out of his fur before brushing the knots out. He briefly wondered how often he would need to brush out his buddy’s tails, they were bound to get tangled up pretty often. Fur maintenance is a lot more of a hassle than quill maintenance.
Soon enough, the final stick was pulled and Sonic could start actually brushing the fluffy appendages. His ears twitched at a quiet sound, swiveling until he realized what it was.
Tails was humming the song Catty Carlisle made in Sonic’s tribute. The kit had been quick to dub Sonic’s Song as his all time favorite song, saying it was the coolest song ever. He decided that faster than the hedgehog could run a lap around Mobius!
Holding one of the tails in his left hand with his right gently brushing the fur, Sonic began humming along with his little brother. The song was catchy, how could he not! Also, it made the kid happy. That is, if the other tail softly wagging (which caused it to repeatedly hit Sonic’s side) was anything to go off of.
Before too long, the first tail was completely not free. Sonic sat the brush down once again to run his fingers through the fur to make sure he didn’t miss a single knot. Nodding in approval, he set it on the ground and picked up the other tail to repeat the process.
“Hey, Sonic?” Tails asked a few seconds after they had finished humming.
“S’up, li’l bud?” The hedgehog glanced at the kid briefly before returning his attention to the knotted up fur.
“I, uh– wanna say thank you s’all.” The kit’s voice was quieter now, a clear sign he was a bit embarrassed. The teen cocked a brow.
“What you thankin’ me for? I haven’t even cooked up your chili dog yet!” He poked the fox’s side with the tip of his shoe, earning a quiet giggle.
“Well, I know that, but” Tails swatted at his brother’s foot, “you do so much for me everyday, even though nobody else would. I think that deserves a thank you.” He said as he pulled his knees to his chest.
Sonic gave him a sympathetic look even though the younger couldn’t see it. “You don’t gotta thank me for that, li’l bro. It’s what heroes do!” He set the brush down so he could rub that little area behind the kit’s big yellow ears, earning a few quiet purrs from the action.
“It’s what brothers do.” He added in a whisper that was just loud enough for the younger to hear. He retreated his hand so he could finish brushing his tail, ignoring the few quiet sniffles that followed his words.
“Well.. I, uhm–” Tails hesitated, pulling his knot-free tail to his chest so he could hug it. “Love ya, big bro.” The older had a feeling it was so that it would muffle his words, too.
“Love ya too, li’l bro.” The kit squeaked and hid his face further into his tail. Sonic smiled before brushing out the last few knots, humming another song that came upon the radio regularly.
He really had the coolest little brother.
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forest-falcon · 1 year
Adding again to my WIP. I'm terrible at thinking of titles or writing things in order, so apologies again!
OC Lieutenant Tamara Fielding is recovering on Tracy Island from the mecha attack. (I'll join the two bits up eventually!) Virgil suggest they play a board game and chaos ensues! Thunderpuns ahead!
Content Warning for language.
"Hey, Virgil was wondering if you'd be up for playing a board game of some kind? He thought you might like some company?"
The youngest Tracy poked his head around the infirmary door. Youngest...that must be Alan?
"That'd be great, but don't feel the need to entertain me if you're busy. First responder. I get it." Tam spoke out of duty rather than want. She was sociable by nature, and the infirmary, while pleasant, was not overly interesting.
"Ah, we're off-duty right now. Even first responders have to rest, right?"
"Tell that to Chief McCready!"
"Yeah, Scott's the same to be fair."
"But yes - I'd love a board game."
"Awesome. I'll message Gordie on the group chat. I'm sure he'll be up for playing."
The youngest tapped away on his phone, before the sound of heavy boots announced Virgil's return.
"I come bearing gifts!"
The older Tracy signalled the ladened tray he was carrying by lifting it slightly.
"Coffee?" Tam smiled at him hopefully.
"And cookies."
"Oh! Marry me!"
Virgil chuckled.
"No fair, I can't play that card!"
"Oh quit whining you; I brought enough for all of us."
"Love you Virgie. So...whatcha got?"
Alan peered over the tray, displaying the level of self-control demonstrated by most four-year olds.
"Chocolate Chip or Snickerdoodles."
"Nice! Wait...Grandma didn't bake them, did she?"
The teen visibly deflated.
"No, you're safe. These were baked by yours truly."
"Awesome! Did you bring me coffee?"
Virgil handed over the dewy glass.
"Love ya bro!"
"You not a fan of coffee?"
Tam gratefully accepted her steaming brew.
"Hot bean water? Nah! Give me a chocolate shake anyday!"
Virgil rolled his eyes
"Like you need more sugar." .
Alan gently bounced on the foot of the bed.
"Something's gotta fuel all this energy!"
He took a long slurp of the chocolate shake.
"So! What we playing?"
"Mahjong? Gordon messaged saying he's gonna join us in a minute. We can start building the wall while we wait." Virgil said, tipping out the tiles.
"But first, cookies!" Alan announced, swiping one from the plate.
"Oooh, just you wait until I tell Grandma that you didn't offer the plate to our guest first!" Virgil wagged a finger at him.
"You wouldn't!"
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Because you love me? And you're totally my favourite bro?"
"Nice try kid."
Alan was such a suck up.
"Besides, I have to take the chance now before Gordon gets here 'n' devours them all."
"Fair point. Nevertheless! Manners!"
Virgil sipped his coffee, trying to maintain an air of disapproval.
Alan gave Tam a sheepish smile.
"Sorry Lieutenant."
The words were churned out alongside a myriad of Snickerdoodle crumbs.
That earned another eye roll.
Virgil offered the plate to Tamara.
She smiled at him.
"Please, call me Tam."
"Alright! Cookies!" Gordon exclaimed, leaping over the back of a chair before sitting in it.
Virgil quickly snatched a triple chocolate one before Gordon could hook the plate.
The engineer looked furtively for a safe place to stash the cookie before deciding that holding the treat between his lips would be the safest bet. He began stacking the Mahjong tiles.
Gordon began stacking the cookies.
Tamara helped with the tiles then paused with a frown.
Virgil's soft-baked cookie, though valiantly attempting to defy gravity, was beginning to break under its own weight.
Instinctively, she lurched for the falling treat; attempting to catch the confectionery before it could hit the floor. Her hand collided with the snack...and failed to stop. The act somehow resulting in crumbled cookie being rammed rather unceremoniously up Virgil's nose.
"Oh God, I'm sorry!"
Virgil attempted to wave off her concern.
F*ck, that stung.
"The cookie - I was just trying to catch it!"
Tam flustered, visibly dying of mortification before his eyes.
Don't sneeze, don't sneeze! His eyes streamed with the effort, but it was no use.
Gordon was laughing.
Of course Gordon was laughing.
"Hey, at least we have a third flavour of cookie now! Choc chip, Snickerdoodle and bisnotty!"
Alan choked on his drink.
Urgh, he was surrounded by idiots.
He sneezed into his elbow, desperately trying to shield Tamara from the projectile crumbs now raining from his nose.
Alan was in hysterics. His laugh nearing a pitch only dogs could hear.
"Geez Al - you sound like some kinda constipated peacock!" Gordon laughed.
That observation set Tamara off too.
"S'not that funny!" Virgil mumbled from somewhere behind the hospital-blue tissue he was dragging across his face.
"Snot funny?" Gordon roared.
Alan slid from the bed, shrieking in hysterics; the laughter infecting them all.
"Yeah Allie, now you're really taking the biscuit!" Gordon managed.
"I think Virgil's nose did that!" Tam cried.
Alan's shrieking intensified.
Tam wondered about the vague danger of the astronaut swallowing his own tongue.
Gordon had tears rolling down his face.
"Ooooh it hurts, it hurts!" Tam wailed, holding her midsection through her laughter.
Virgil's heart skipped a beat. It was good to see Tam laugh. She really was beautiful when she smiled. Well, she was beautiful when she didn't smile. She was beautiful. Damn.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow!"
Tamara was still laughing, but her eyes suggested that pain was beginning to rival her mirth.
"Right. You two. Out!"
Gordon, struggling against his own laughter, began to drag his younger brother across the polished infirmary floor by an ankle.
"Chrissake Gordie, he's not a rag doll! Get him on his feet!" Virgil bellowed above their laughter.
Gordon made a valiant attempt in trying to get the young astronaut to stand, but Alan's laughter had apparently rid his legs of their ability to bear weight.
With some flailing of limbs; he managed to scoop his younger brother into a fireman's lift. And the amused aquanaut staggered out of the door.
"You okay?"
His eyes were on hers, searching for any sign of distress. If his brothers' antics had managed to set back her recovery; he'd kill them himself.
"Shouldn't I be asking you that question?"
"Tam. You can call me Tam. And I'm fine, Virgil. Better than fine, in fact. I've not laughed like that since training!"
"Ah yes. I fell victim to a fair few pranks myself when doing my fire training."
"Flour in the pillowcase on night Shift?"
"Nah, they just ran off with my towel and all my clothes when I was in the shower."
"Captain Porter never let me live that one down."
"I bet."
"Still, from what I've heard; Scott and Gordon had a worse time of it in the military. They were pranked pretty much non-stop. Scott, I remember, was sent for some camouflage paint and a long stand."
"He seriously fell for that?"
"We were all rookies once upon a time."
"And Gordon....he had someone detonate a small explosive full of talc like two minutes before inspection."
"No way!"
"Yup! Don't think there was a single piece of kit that wasn't covered!"
Virgil smiled.
"I'm guessing you're the one doing the pranking now you're higher up in the ranks."
"Of course. Gotta keep those rookies on their toes!"
He hesitated.
"You miss your team?"
"A little...but there's worse places to vacation."
She gestures to the palms beyond through the infirmary window.
"And the company's not too bad either."
"Not too bad?"
"Yeah, you'll do." Tam flashed him a wicked grin.
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