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wildwithlight · 2 years ago
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whimsigrl · 2 months ago
The people want mean lesbians but they can’t even handle Santana from glee
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tonymarias · 2 years ago
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grease rise of the pink ladies (1x05)
glee (3x07)
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bethsfolklore · 1 year ago
The TikTok trend that's like "*fill in the name* wouldn't mind being in love with a girl/boy if it didn't mean being in love with *fill in the name*, *fill in the name* wouldn't mind being in love with*fill in the name* if it didn't mean being in love with a girl/boy" is actively ruining my life but is also simultaneously my favorite trend on that app since I downloaded it in January
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lilyflowerhere · 1 year ago
This performance altered my brain chemistry at 13 years old
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psychicandruins · 1 year ago
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fictionbish · 1 year ago
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blacksapphhicmaddonna · 2 years ago
I need comfort lol can y’all tag me in the most “comforting” fics y’all have read?
shuriri, shuri, riri, izogie/lashana, brittana (santana x brittany), ayo x aneka, danbeau, or wenclay🥹🥺
pretty please 🩷
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usedlittlegems-blog · 2 years ago
A 1919 H, George V #Heaton #Mint #Penny #Coin. Available on #ebay. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/125941726238?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=GUJF81HBQwa&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=GUJF81HBQwa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=TW
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lunarislilly · 2 years ago
My favourite Duet from each Glee Couple
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unblogparaloschicos · 2 years ago
TV: Personajes LGTBQ en “Glee”
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Qué duda cabe que “Glee” (”Alegría”) fue una de las más maravillosas sorpresas de la televisión estadounidense. Creada por el incansable Ryan Murphy (junto a Brad Falchuk e Ian Brennan), esta serie aunó humor, drama, romanticismo, celebración y mucha, pero mucha buena música. Un soplo de aire fresco que fascinó tanto a espectadores adolescentes como a adultos y fue un verdadero fenómeno de masas. Exitazo de la cadena Fox, cuyas seis temporadas fueron emitidas entre 2009 y 2015, la historia se centraba en la lucha del Club Glee, establecido en el colegio McKinley de Lima (Ohio) por salir del estigma de perdedores que padecían en el instituto. 
Un profesor bienintencionado, Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison) se pone al mando de la cruzada y recibe a un grupo variopinto de estudiantes con gran talento vocal, a quienes entrenará para competir en las diversas instancias que los enfrentará por la gloria con otros grupos corales escolares a nivel regional, estatal y nacional.
Entre los temas que la serie trata (embarazo adolescente, sexualidad, bullying), la temática LGBTQ tiene un lugar muy destacado con varios exponentes adolescentes y adultos (como la entrenadora Beiste, interpretado por Dot-Marie Jones, que surge como una mujer robusta y acaba adoptando una identidad masculina bajo el nombre de Sheldon, o los padres de Rachel Berry, otra estrella de New Directions).
He aquí un leve repaso de los memorables adolescentes gays, lesbianas, bisexuales y transexuales que la serie nos dejó. Omitiremos al más que importante dúo Brittana, compuesto por Brittany Pierce (Heather Morris) y Santana Lopez (Naya Rivera), por cuanto ya ha sido incluido en este blog: 
Kurt Hummel (Chris Colfer)
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Tuvo la suerte que no disfrutaron muchos jóvenes: la de ser aceptado por sus padres debido a su sexualidad. Y es que hasta su difunta madre supo siempre que fue especial: carismático y atento a sus sensibilidades artísticas. Ya desde el primer episodio le toca sufrir humillaciones de los patanes a cargo, entre los cuales están Finn Hudson (Corey Monteith), Noah Puckerman (Mark Salling) y, en especial, el peor de todos: el salvaje de David Karofsky. Desde luego, su talento como cantante no pasa desapercibido e ingresa al Club Glee, adonde se convierte en un miembro esencial, no solo del equipo coral sino también de la serie. Aquí vemos al actor que lo encarna junto al pequeño Adam Kolkin, que asombró por la impresionante similitud con su versión adolescente (rasgo aprovechado por el propio Colfer en la película “Struck By Lightning”, de 2012), Su romance con Blaine Anderson fue una de las fortalezas del show.  
Blaine Anderson (Darren Criss)
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Fue amor a primera vista. Una de las parejas más amadas de la serie surgió bajo los acordes de “Teenage Dream”, y eso fue: un sueño adolescente que, miembro de los Dalton Warblers (club rival de los chicos del McKinley), pasa a formar parte del Club Glee cuando cambia de escuela para estar junto a Kurt. No fue su primer chico (anduvo, por ejemplo, nada menos que con David Karofsky) e inclusive llegó a engañarle, pero la relación tuvo final feliz. A diferencia de Kurt, no hay divismo alguno en Blaine, que padeció la incomprensión de su padre y su hermano mayor, Cooper.
David Karofsky (Max Adler)
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Acosador de la peor especie, la primera vez que lo vemos es lanzando a Kurt al basurero y lanzando improperios homofóbicos. Una constante en un personaje que, de verdad, se hace odiar: siempre violento, siempre prepotente, siempre homófobo. Hasta que, de forma sorpresiva, en la segunda temporada le roba un beso a su habitual víctima, que queda entre aturdida y aterrada. Casi tanto como el propio David, que intenta suicidarse, aterrado por la certeza de que es eso que tanto detesta: ser gay. La tragedia que no ocurrió despierta en Kurt tal compasión que acaba perdonándolo.
Sebastian Smythe (Grant Gustin)
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Antes de convertirse en The Flash, el veloz superhéroe de DC Comics, Gustin interpretó al líder de The Warblers, un muchacho ambicioso e hiriente en completa guerra con New Directions. Chico malo y obviamente talentoso, no tiene ningún problema con su sexualidad: ni bien advierte la presencia de Blaine, decide coquetear con su compañero de grupo, a pesar de la presencia de Kurt.
Unique Adams (Alex Newell)
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Newell tiene muchos puntos en común con Unique. Su rol es consecuencia de su desempeño en el reality show “The Glee Project” (2011-2012), en donde Murphy buscaba talentos para, claro, “Glee”. Su impacto aquí reside en ser el primer adolescente transexual de la serie además, desde luego, de formar parte del Club Glee del McKinley High School. En la serie, además, se contacta vía internet con el sobrenombre de Katie., y no será el único: Unique es el apodo recibido desde su paso por “Vocal Adrenaline”, antes de pasar a New Directions en la cuarta temporada.
Spencer Porter (Marshall Williams)
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¿Quién dijo que un varón homosexual debía ser un chico afeminado, devoto de las chick flicks y los programas estilo “American´s Next Top Model” o “Keeping Up With The Kardashians”? Spencer no es así, en absoluto. Jugador del equipo de fútbol americano del McKinley, es un muchacho rudo, quizás antipático, que termina uniéndose a New Directions y formando noviazgo con Alistair. 
Alistair (Finneas O´Connell)
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O´Connell (sí, el hermano de la cantante Billie Eilish y futuro ganador del Oscar, el Globo de Oro y el Grammy por la canción “No Time To Die”, de la película homónima de James Bond) tenía diecisiete años cuando salió su debut en “Glee”. Allí es convencido por Spencer de unirse a New Directions... y a su vida.
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overlyimmersed · 2 years ago
Man, this poor Fairy...
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like can you imagine? You're being held prisoner by a genocidal psychopath and he's using you to play out some weird little fantasy where you're someone else.
Not to mention that he just off-handedly murders her later. This poor girl did not deserve any of this.
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uhsolikethis · 1 year ago
SamBucky is giving me Britanna from Glee vibes. At first they weren't going to be the main focus, let alone one of the best couples on the show, but then they got whole episodes dedicated to them.
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satyavaswaniis · 2 years ago
if i start gleeposting will anyone lose respect for me
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bunji-enthusiast · 6 months ago
Hello I don’t really know if this is where I have to request or if your requests are open if there not I’m sorry and you can ignore this but if they aren’t I was wondering if you could make a Tristan Liones x reader who is Arthur Pendragon daughter so it’s like an enemy’s to lovers again I’m really sorry if this isn’t the right place to request or if your request are closed I’ve never done this before
Still (Wakes The Deep)
No worries darling! Thank you for the request, I tried my best to fulfill the vision lol. It kinda looks one-sided enemy wise though, my apologies, I don't have much experience with the enemies to lovers trope.
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You were the daughter of Arthur Pendragon, one of which next to no one knows about your existence in order to maintain the visibility of your safety. It was a sure-fire way that your father could keep an eye on you, sure, he could simply gaze through the Orlandi’s eye — but it was much easier. Having alleviated his anxieties of his abilities to protect you, his dearest daughter. But once before, you had snuck out of Camelot, you weren’t sure about everything. Your father’s idealizations, the hunt for the four knights of apocalypse and even the legendary seven sins themselves. 
“Oh, crap–” You let out an audible groan as you held your right leg, having felt a sharp and stinging pain shoot through the side of your achilles. Every movement you made was a herculean effort, you weren’t particularly gifted with pure speed and strength compared to your father, but there was one sure thing you had inherited from the king of chaos. 
It was pure spite and hope. 
Which had allowed you to move on forward without much trouble despite the occasional winded breath and exhausted muscles, in each and every group. 
The land of greenery had stretched out across from you, you let out a gasp of awe as you admired the livelihood that the land held. The land of Britanna, you had never much understood your father’s chagrin for the other races, you thought it was nice that everyone had worked together to create a truly working ecosystem, kingdoms and even towns. 
You had even heard that interracial marriages are accepted now, which you thought was also very nice. 
Almost everything is, if all the war and combat are ignored. Then you truly enjoy the life of which you live, if not for you having been born to your father; Arthur. 
You watched every step you took, seeing the deer, wildebeests, birds and even a fairy go by. In no way shape or form had you been imprisoned in all 16 years of your life, yet due to restraints settled by your father’s impatience and due diligence towards you, you had rarely sought out the outside — well beyond what you know is the falseness of Camelot. You had heard whispers eight years back that the real Camelot had been destroyed by devastation, you held great sympathies, but you had wondered many times why he’d not gone to rebuild the kingdom, and achieve the dream he yearned for without endangering the lives of others. 
Well, it wasn’t any of your business to question anyway. 
When the knowledge of your existence occurred as a revelation, it left about everyone in Liones worried. Lest everyone who knew about the four knights and the battle against Camelot, Tristan most of all, he knows he should give a benefit of a doubt, and give people a chance without engaging in combat first. But this was the you, the daughter of Arthur Pendragon, simply just leaving it be wouldn't do. You could become a major problem as well if you decided to follow in the footsteps of your father, which wouldn't do well for anyone in Britannia.
He wondered many times over how he should go about things should he ever cross paths with you, thousands of ideas, simulations, and scenarios. None of them came to fruition as the perfect thing to be prepared for, as he would want to be prepared for any and all scenario. But all he could see was knowing how horrible you simply may turn out to be first meet, Tristan knows that may sound wrong, yet it was the predetermined premonitions that you are no good.
It was on the one day he was off-duty, and crossed paths with you purely by accident. Tristan was immediately weary of you, sensing your chaotic power beneath your birth-given one. Though it was rather odd, you didn't have any ill-will against any other races of residents bustling amongst the streets of Liones.
It was as if you just wanted to be blending in, a civilian of Liones as well.
The nephlilim still couldn't bring himself to trust you just yet, you needed to be far better than just words alone. There was rather something about you that still made him quite weary of your words and movements.
So he just merely played along, and showed you around. Mostly showing you places of least importance and least civilian residents in the areas, there was no telling of which you were possibly planning. He wanted to make sure that he minimized your map of the kingdom and played restraint on your movements.
You could clearly see what the prince was doing, so you had put on an innocent demeanor. Staggering along the way, occasionally throwing in a few harmless questions here and there. And not even once or twice, could you understand that Tristan had not caught on to your second layer of masking. You had played the part well so far; considering you had somewhat tricked the prince into showing you further on the map of Liones, which is exactly what you wanted.
After the last few places you had been shown to, you had stopped yourself and Tristan. Letting him know you appreciated his willingness and kindness to show you around the whole of the places, he offered his welcome in return, and you simply walked off after you finally finished the interaction.
"That was insane." You muttered to yourself as you held your wrist, twisting it somewhat as a small shiver crawled down your spine as you weaved your way through the bustling crowed of civilians.
The power emanating from the prince of Liones was intense, massive even. Even for someone comparable of your strength, there was no way you would've been able to walk away from the fight if it had ever happened right then and there. He was rather terrifying at first glance for a Knight of Apocalypse, there was no doubt about it.
If you remembered correctly, the prince is about the same age you were. Which had meant there was still more to learn for him, more growth and training. The thought of it had left you to wonder how truly powerful he'll be as a full grown adult, quite the intense feeling of Déjà rêvé you had felt.
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will-schuester-hate-blog · 2 months ago
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This is actually not finished yet, this is supposed to be a Klaine piece that I did which was inspired by a jive I saw on tv. I'm also going to make a Britanna version so stay tuned for both of those! for right now just have a kurt (got a lil lazy w/ the left hand cause it's not gonna be in the final version since he'll be moved to the side to make room for blaine)
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