#bridgerton book series
it’s so funny to me how book Edwina and show Edwina are two completely different people.
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b-and-e-outlet · 2 months
Rocksby Series
I for one am a massive bridgerton fan. Love the books series as well as the netflix series.
Not going to once i have finished the last few chapters of the final book soaking up every word up and getting more involved in this historical romance, i dont know what series to continue with.
Over this summer no matter the weather i have every intention to carry on with the historical romance written by Julia Quinn and the Rocksby series seems like the perfect prequal series to continue to read. No matter the time or weather this summer time this is going to be the best summer reads ever.
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adaptations-polls · 5 months
Which version of this do you prefer?
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hiyyihrts · 3 months
obtaining inner peace is realizing that the majority of the men in the Bridgerton book series are mediocre at best and not that great of guys while their show counterparts are arguably infinitely better and well-rounded
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alicentsaegon · 3 months
They actually took the BEST male love interest in all of the Bridgerton universe and made him into a woman destroying both his and Francesca's characters and arcs going forward.... Like I'm sorry but the gender roles Michael and Francesca have are integral to their story... The infertility, Michael inheriting all of John's estate and title....and the guilt that comes with it. They even give him John's old clothes to wear
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dicenete · 5 months
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I never felt like this before I think I might just want some more I never felt like this before I think I might just
Slide, shake your bones out if you wanna ride Throw your head back, make you feel alive The kind of bad that make you feel good, good God, the kinda wrong that make you feel right The little death that make you feel alive The kinda shouldn't that mean that you should, should, should
It makes your blood run hot It makes your spit taste sweet It makes you feel more alive Than you have ever been Throw it into your mouth Gets stuck between your teeth Why would you die up there When you can live underneath? Dirty little animals Beautiful cannibals
Dirty Little Animals by Bones Uk Damn I love this song... The reason why I had the poll is the tonal whiplash these two snippets have... (I know there is still time for the poll, but I'm impatient person right now.) But the people have spoken and here is the scribble I promised : DD (apologies for all the typos and grammar errors...) ⬇️⬇️⬇️
"In the middle of the most extravagant party of the season, I certainly hope that I wasn't the only one who caught some intense stares between the two most sought-after suitors. The ever rude and barking, the first prince of Benitoite had insulted more than half of the eligible ladies of the ton before the first dance of the night had even finished its last steps. For our surprise, the seventh prince of our beloved kingdom of roses, didn't come and prey on the discouraged beautiful young women, being the rake that we all know and gossip about extensively. But instead he quickly went and offered a glass of fine rose liquor to with the most gentlest of gestures to the fellow prince and asked to join him away from the other guests. Now, it isn't a secret that the fox and the hound are very well acquainted with one another, seen quite often discussing the offers of the more fairer sex. Regardless I can't help but wonder, my dear readers, that were the looks exchanged between the princes something more intimate and playfully challenging than we have ever witnessed from these two ever? Or maybe it is just sly fox playing mind games with the hound of our allied nation? I'm certainly very curious to see if we can witness such looks again."
IkePri Fanart tag list: @scummy-writes @goustmilk @solacedeer @m-mmiy @mxrmaid-poet
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ahleecollaborations · 2 months
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I have been on this site (this is my second account) since about 2010-11/8th grade for me. Tumblr launched in 2007. So I’ve been around awhile. It was my intro to sites like AO3 and FF.net. And I fell LOVE with this community - the diversity, the creativity, and encouragement of mutuals. 🥰
But… Y’all in the Bridgerton fandom need to learn some fucking kindness and human decency.
Now I know others have gone through this before. This is my first time dealing with the level hate being thrown around over fucking fictional characters.
Bridgerton (Books) and Bridgerton (The Series) are NOT the same thing.
Shondaland has made it quite clear that The Series is essentially a Fanfiction of the the books. It’s going to be different in many ways. There’s going to be changes and different interpretations.
That being said if you don’t like someone else’s Ship - that DOES NOT give you the right to be a fucking bully.
If you don’t like a character - that DOES NOT give you the right to hate on the actor (an ACTUAL HUMAN BEING).
Or to Harass/Sexualize the actor simply because you think the character is/isn’t hot.
Separate Fiction and Reality Please.
There is a LOT fucked up about The Books AND about The Series. I say this loving both.
ALL of the Men have fucking Red Flag after Red Flag. I could point out so many in Each Book. And need therapy for real. (Except John - but he only got a couple of chapters). I won’t go into details because that would take too long.
Some of the Women are Red Flags. Let’s just be honest here. Still would take too long to go into details.
Series -
The Men still have some fairly messed up Red Flags at this point. Still Needs Therapy and a hug.
The Women have MORE Red Flags. Definitely needs Therapy and a hug.
You could psycho-analyze each character and find something wrong with them to be honest. But you know what it’s a Regency series (where most of those Red Flags weren’t Red Flags in that Time Period. So maybe give it a little slack for not being up to Modern Standards). Outside of the mediocre sex scenes and repeated romance plots, the characters themselves deal with a lot of Real messed up stuff and don’t deal with most of it in a healthy way. So of course all of the characters are messy and/or are red flag coded.
Oh and take it for What It Is! Fiction!!
All in all… no matter what you like or don’t like about the series or the characters/ships. BE KIND to the fellow users of this site or any other site. Because you know what those Users/Mutuals ARE that these Characters/Plots ARE NOT
REAL PEOPLE. Who have feelings and who quite frankly probably enjoy literature/media as a form of mental health/coping.
And a Little Kindness Never Hurt Anyone
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kickdrumheart68 · 2 months
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Sometimes I'm amazed at how many of the romantic elements across all three seasons of Bridgerton, even beyond season 2, are directly taken or indirectly inspired from 'The Viscount Who Loved Me'.
Two big examples off the top of my head?
Simon's famous "I burn for you" in season 1? Yeah, that's from tvwlm
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Excerpt for tvwlm
Colin's 'dreaming of her plot even before he actually admits to liking her' plot? Also inspired from tvwlm
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Excerpts from tvwlm
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“Love isn’t about being afraid that it will all be snatched away. Love’s about finding the one person who makes your heart complete, who makes you a better person than you ever dreamed you could be. It’s about looking in the eyes of your wife and knowing, all the way to your bones that she’s simply the best person you’ve ever known.” - Anthony Bridgerton (book) once said.
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b-and-e-outlet · 8 months
Manga binge
I have decided to take a little bit of me time and decided to binge read through the whole set of twilight princess manga from the legand of zelda. I have nearly comepleted the whole set and the storyline is very good but then the next game of action is the bridgerton series
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isa-lemat · 17 days
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dejwrldarchived · 2 months
bridgerton fanbase gotta be one of the most subtle racist tv show fanbase for a current popular show i have ever witnessed.
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sunflowerofchaos · 3 months
Okay enough time has passed for me to throw my two cents into the Bridgerton discourse. Many are displeased with the season and part 2 specifically. I have been trying to piece together what my issues were with it and I hope that someone can find this and maybe find something that clicks as to why the season may have been disappointing.
I am a big polin stan. In fact I started watching for and because of them. Totally believed in the supremacy of their story because of their adorable friendship and the long build up ever since the pilot.
I loved part one. That will be controversial but I truly did. Was the pacing a bit off? Yes it was!
But did it give us the romcom atmosphere, the yearning, the love? Yes definitely! I'll even argue that part one, the going from "friendship to love" is done more beautifully in the show than in the book. People said one kiss is all it takes for Colin but that's really not true in the show. If you take account of the history we have because of season 1 and 2 it doesn't feel that way.
And the funny thing is that despite part one having a bunch of side plots, it worked. It was walking on the edge of being too much but it didn't cross the line.
Not yet anyways... so here are my 6 big errors of part 2
Like everyone I was way too hyped after the carriage scene, which leads to..
Error number 1: The break after the carriage scene set the bar too high. The long break filled with press and interviews further hyping up part 2 after that high consequently did damage to the reception of part 2. I believe that almost anything after the carriage would appear as a let down due to the wait. That's kind of unfair to the show I know, but it also makes sense as we, the audience would have abnormally high expectations that are difficult to please.
Part 2 is flawed and there is no arguing that. The beginning of it felt like a let down due to the split right after the carriage scene aka the climax of part 1 (pun intended) but fine objectively speaking episode 5 and 6 are nice. But then comes error number 2, the fact that we have 2 episodes where their love is clouded by the secret of lady whistledown. I feel like that was problematic to the pacing of part 2 (which is a problem in itself). The tension in episode 5 was necessary but also so much. So much that Colin literally questions her feelings. Then episode 6 instead of lifting that cloud sooner, continues to sour the polin scenes until the very end of the episode. The reveal should have been earlier in episode 6, so they have time to properly heal and be happy. (Seperate errors that I will adress)
Error number 3 is how the wedding fell under the dark cloud of the angst. I was wishing it would be the happy wedding of bridgerton and it was happier than Daphne's or Anthony's (not that we saw the real one) but the queen disrupting the wedding felt like another punch. One more time we were close to seeing their happiness but couldn't. (Something we barely get to see at all)
Then error number 4 (my personal enemy). The pacing of the conflict and healing. The way Colin was hurting was amazingly portrayed by Luke and I even understand how Colin wanted to hurt Pen with the entrapment comment and unlike many I won't hate him for it at all. But one thing where the writing really failed me is how polin shared a number of scenes that could've had a bigger role in their healing but ultimately didn't. I will list the scenes and how EVERYTIME we think they are a step closer to healing, they go back to square one and how that effects the scene where they eventually do "heal".
Exhibit A: The modiste scene. Beautiful confrontation and it really set up the possibility of them talking through it more but then it ends abruptly with Colin shutting down (however I'm inclined to give this one some saving grace because at least they talk)
Exhibit B: The wedding. Colin once again gives us hope that perhaps they're closer to making up but when Colin walked away with Pen and they had a second confrontation where she states that she is lady whistledown, I expected Colin to at least accept that statement and not revert back to being in denial about it afterwards and shutting down again. This could've been the scene where Colin starts to accept them as one. (Not to take away from the letters scene but it would have been a great foundation for it)
Exhibit C: The bedroom scene. Ah my personal nominee. This scene could've been so much more and no I don't mean a sexy scene. This scene could've been thee scene where they talk. It would've felt more powerful to have the talk that they have in Bridgerton house in their bedroom instead. I can't stress how it would've fit perfectly and been book compliant. If they had utilized this scene better, then polin being at Fran's wedding the next day would've have felt more emotional and helped convince us of them gradually solving the conflict. Netflix, that wouldn't even take from your running time. Pen could've confronted him there as she did in the book. Colin could've faced his jealousy right then and there instead of having Cressida point it out for him and still not facing it.
Exhibit D: Bridgerton house. Yes they do talk here and you can see that scene as the one where they settle things prior to the ball, BUT one it is too close to the end and it feels cut short which frankly doesn't seem enough for the viewers to believe that they now have joined hands. This scene was personally not enough for me. I think if you expand the conversation it would be much better or again if you put this dialogue in the bedroom scene it would have been powerful and helped the pacing as the bedroom scene was in the first half of the finale and this one way too close to the ball.
You'll see that every scene post reveal is following the same frustrating pattern of them brushing over the problem. You in turn get your hopes up for it to develop further into forgiveness, then voila Colin shuts down and goes back to square one. That was extremely frustrating for me as a viewer as it happened multiple times, especially since it seems ridiculous to leave the conflict in the air till the last 10 minutes when they have had several opportunities to solve it sooner. Colin's peace at the end comes too suddenly as those previous scenes don't see him gradually make peace with the matter but always shutting down and running. Those scenes could have been used to show the steps of him gradually getting over it, forgiving her and facing himself.
Error number 5. The side plots and overall pacing.. As I said part 1 walked the fine line but part 2 crossed it. What do you mean that we get more scenes of secondary characters than polin getting over their conflict and having some time to see their happiness. That messes with the pacing, making part 2 seem to want to cram up as much plot as possible. You have Francesca's love match, Benedict's exploration, Eloise's general conflict and dynamic with Cressida, Cressida's own story, Violet's arc, lady Danbury and her brother's conflict, the Mondrichs arc, the solicitor, queen etc...
This season was simply TOO ambitious for its own good. It tried to do too much. Suddenly it didn't feel like polin season but rather the season to set everything up for the next season and that really hurts as a polin fan.
Finally error number six which is by far the most famous error. The lack of happy polin. As I explained episode 5 and 6 while showed some happiness it didn't feel real because of the secret constantly hanging around. They were happy but you as a viewer might have felt more worried and had a more bittersweet feeling. Especially when you see Colin get more and more anxious and insecure during those episodes. Then episode 7 and 8 sees them miserable most of the time. That sucks even though it is necessary it still sucks. Sucks because after all that put together we don't get to see it pay off. 4 episodes of angst and they give you one scene that suddenly heals it, 10 seconds sexy scene and an epilogue scene where they suddenly have a baby. It is simply not enough to balance out the dark vibe of the entirety of part 2. That is why thousands of people are hanging onto the petition to release the deleted scenes. So we can finally see the pay off of the angst and can properly balance out the emotions that came with it and move on.
Not to mention the absolutely wasted confession of Colin Bridgerton.. when he said I love you at the end of episode 8 I was already thinking "with everything that you are, everything you have been and everything you hope to be????!!!" But then he didn't say it and I was confused as to why they would possibly not use THEE love confession??? Since that's Bridgertons thing??? Having incredible confessions... And it's not like it didn't fit in fact it would have fit so well. At this point if you squint you might imagine hearing luke continuing the line for God's sake. That remains a mystery that makes no sense to me.
So by now I don't think anyone got that far and I can't complain because I wrote this for me. To structure my thoughts and make peace with it. And so to sum up these errors: the split, the structure of episode 5/6, the wedding sadness, the way the conflict/healing was handled, the pacing with the side plots and the lack of happiness to counteract the angst. I will revisit part 1 happily and just stop after the mirror lol. I will look forward to seeing polin happy in 2 years I guess.. and I do believe that when season 4 comes out and they're happy and are hanging around we will accept season 3 way more and come to hopefully love it.
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glitterfairy-21225 · 3 months
With Daphne’s children being changed from book to show, and Polin’s first kid being a boy widely headcanoned as named Elliot, I think it’s very possible that none of show siblings will have the same kids as in the books.
That being said, these NEED to be the same;
Kate and Anthony naming their firstborn son after Edmund. I mean... we riot in the streets if they don’t.
I’m actually okay if show Eloise never has biological children but if she does I really hope she still names her daughter Penelope. (it would be so cute with Pen naming her son Elliot!!!!)
I think the final epilogue of the final season should be Gregory and Lucy with their nine kids who are all named after each of their siblings and in-laws.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 4 months
Okay, so a lot of big things has happened for me this week...
I'm excited for them and what comes after, anticipating Monday, and dreading the next three weeks because hectic exams before freedom...
How in the fucking world did I miss the announcement that Benedict's story is next up on Bridgerton two days ago?!
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So, you're telling me, my theory of Lady Tilley Arnold being Sophie's Step-Mother could be true?!
It might be the aftermath of the Leadership Training... But, I need to lie down...
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