#brakeman till
missaudreystiara · 2 months
WIP ask: dress
"At least I can get out of this fucking dress," Till chuckled.
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collinthenychudson · 4 months
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"Mayday! Mayday! 7551, West Colton-AGYM Saugus Dispatcher, we're doing 90 miles per hour' nine zero, out of control, won't be able to stop till we hit Colton!" - Lawrence Hill
On May 11th, 1989 at Mojave California, a three-man train crew was called into duty at 9:00 PM. The crew consisted of 33 year old engineer Frank Holland, 35 year old conductor Everett Crown, and 43 year old brakeman Allan Riess. Their assignment is to take Southern Pacific train MJLBP-11, better known as 7551 East, through Cajon Pass to West Colton Yard in Bloomington, California.
The train was to be originally powered by three locomotives at the front, two SD45Rs No. 7551 and 7549 as well as SD45T-2 No. 9340. However, No. 7551 was dead and couldn't be started with no explanation why, let alone if the said locomotive could be fixed. As a result, SD40T-2 No. 8278 would be selected as the lead locomotive although the train would still be called 7551 East. Behind the four locomotives were 69 100-ton hopper cars loaded with Trona.
Due to concerns with the three operable locomotives being overwhelmed on Cajon Pass, it was decided that the train would meet up with two helper locomotives at Oban, California. Those locomotives were SD40T-2 No. 8713 and SD45R No. 7443 which were being operated by 42 year old engineer Lawrence Hill and 57 year old brakeman Robert Waterbury. The paperwork suggested that the train was to have five operable locomotives (three on the front, two on the back), 69 loads, 0 empties, and an estimated weight of 6,151 tons. But in reality, the weight was actually 8,900 tons, 2,749 tons heavier than assumed.
With the crew onboard 7551 East with Frank and Everett in the cab of 8278 and Allan in the cab of 7549, the train departed Mojave on May 12th at 12:15 AM. After arriving at Oban at 1:30 AM, the train meets up with the helpers after they were decoupled from a northbound train they were assisting up the hill. Lawrence and Robert were unaware of the train's weight or what it was carrying, but they didn't bother asking the crew nor the dispatcher at the same time for they'd be helping the train through Cajon Pass. Sometime after 7:00 AM, the train begins the descent while the crew utilizes both air brakes and dynamic brakes to slow the train down.
The brakes keep the train cruising at 25 miles per hour, but things would then take a turn for the worse. The dynamic brakes on all of the locomotives, except 8278 and 7443, weren't working. As a result, the train begins to gradually speed up. The helper crew set the brakes into emergency stop which did work, but only for a short amount of time.
Second by second, 7551 East continues to accelerate and thunders down the pass while the crew alerts the West Colton Yard Dispatcher that their train was spiraling out of control. Although the speedometer read 90 miles per hour, that was as far as it could go for the train was actually going much faster at 110 miles per hour. But things were going to get even worse from that point onward.
At the bottom of the grade was a neighborhood at Duffy Street sitting next to a curve in San Bernardino, California where 7551 East was supposed to pass by. As the train got closer and closer to the curve, everything happened all at once. At 7:36 AM, the train tumbled off the tracks and slammed into several houses.
Out of all of those involved in the derailment, four had been killed. Everett Crown and Allan Riess were crushed to death in the locomotives they were in while two children were also crushed and asphyxiated when the train tumbled into one of the houses, those being 10 year old Jason Thompson and 7 year old Tyson White. The four locomotives at the front and all the 69 hoppers were destroyed and scrapped while the two helper locomotives at the back only had minor damages, some parts of the lead locomotives would be sold off to Precision National. Day by day and night by night, rescuers searched for survivors while employees of the nearby Southern California Gas Company also helped by shutting off gas to the houses that were destroyed in the crash though there were no sparks or fires from any of the houses.
Unfortunately, this nightmare wasn’t over. Located between the railroad line and the houses buried six feet underground was the Calnev Pipeline that stretched between Los Angeles and Las Vegas. The pipe was left unharmed when the train crashed and was started back up again as rich snobs claimed that serving Las Vegas was worth more than everything in San Bernardino. But while the pipe wasn’t damaged by the train crash of course, it had been ruptured by earth-moving equipment during the cleanup of the Trona and then on May 25th, 13 days after the train crash, gas from the pipe leaked until igniting into a huge wall of fire.
It was revealed that the pipeline operators were unable to halt the flow of the gas because defective stop-and-check valves had prevented them from doing so, even before the train derailed. Because of that, the pipeline would continue to further intensify the fire. After several hours, firefighters managed to extinguish the raging flames.
As a result, two people were killed as well as 11 houses and 21 cars that had been destroyed. Five of these houses were directly across the street from the houses that were destroyed in the derailment while another was the only house on the track side of the street that was left unharmed from the derailment. In total, the cost of the property damage was $14.3 million ($36,018,932.26 in 2024 currency), most of the damage though was from the fire while the train crash was deadlier.
This is dedicated to the victims, survivors, rescuers, witnesses, and even their families, especially their mothers since today is Mother's Day.
We will never forget what happened on both May 12th and May 25th...
Models and Route by: Jointed Rail, Auran, and Download Station
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ruthiesrambles2 · 2 years
003 for Bess Till
My lil awkward lesbian rebel ❤️
How I feel about this character: it's a weird one with Bess. First watch I wasn't into her at all! Could not get behind the canon lesbians, had to go for the implied ones instead haha. But actually her character arc in season one is now one of my favourite thing, especially her scenes with Josie. Rebellion Till looks so good too 😍😍. I love her awkward uncle vibes and the way she questions who she is and who she was. ACAB but All Brakemen Are Cute.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: I love her with Audrey, rushed as it was. I want them to be happy so badly. Happy domestic lil sapphics. I have to say though I'm a big fan of some of the different pairings in fics though. Till/Mel, Till/Sykes??? And my personal favourite Ruth/Till/Zarah chaos.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: her protectiveness over Zarah and Liana is quite frankly adorable. Uncle Till forever.
My unpopular opinion about this character: putting her back in uniform is a mistake *shakes fist at TNT*
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I want to know how she ended up a brakeman, and how she ended up with Jinju (where is she???). And ima need a good focus on her and Audrey in s4 please.
Favorite friendship for this character: Osweiller of course!! They are the most adorable siblings in their get along shirt. I HC that Till goes to him to get her head shaved because she can't reach to do it herself. I think despite everything they still share that bond (and Roche is their work dad). I'm gutted that they're apart.
My crossover ship: this is absolutely left field but I had a dream that was Till/Angela Montenegro and I gotta say I like it. And to go back to Bake Off, nothing romantic but I want to see her present opposite Noel Fielding.
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snowpiercersengine · 2 years
What would a Christmas for the Till and Audrey look like? Would they have a big Christmas party with friends in the Nightcap or spend the day cuddling together in bed? Would they wear Christmas outfits or does Till put on her old Brakeman uniform? Does Audrey like Christmas themed alcoholic drinks or is she more of a hot chocolate kind of girl? Who is more nervous about getting the right gift for the other? Do they go to a friend or ally for advice? Can Audrey perform the entirety of the Nutcracker on her own--or would she prefer singing Christmas carols to dancing? Would Till spend a lot of time decorating to surprise Audrey or would she let Audrey tell her where she wants things (since she's so good at taking orders)? Do either of them try to sneak out of bed on Christmas Eve to eat Santa's cookies?
Audrey would definitely want to have a big party but Bess does not so I feel like they would compromise. A decent sized party on christmas eve then all christmas day cuddling in pjs after they exchange gifts.
Audrey definitely bought them matching PJs
While she likes the alcoholic drinks she doesn’t like how she feels and she wants to remember christmas with Bess so they make crazy decadent hot chocolates.
Both are nervous about getting gifts for each other but go with their gut.
Audrey loves to dance so she performs the nutcracker for Bess.
Bess spent probably 7-8 hours decorating when Audrey was out just so she could see her face when she came back and saw all the decorations.
Bess definitely tries to sneak out and grab cookies but Audrey is a cuddler in bed and Bess can’t get out of bed without waking her.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"THEFT OF $20,000 GETS M'INTOSH A FOUR-YEAR TERM," Toronto Star. June 5, 1912. Page 1 & 16. --- Joseph Radnor, a Chauffeur Who Injured Woman, Given Eight Months. ---- WIFE WEPT BITTERLY AS SHE HEARD IT --- James Cordwell, Aged Wife-Beater, Sent to the Prison Farm for Six Months. --- SENTENCES IN THE SESSIONS --- Two Men Go to Jail for Assaults Arising Out of Strike Troubles. ---
Edward Elmer Mcintosh, theft, two cases, four years in Kingston.
Joseph Radnor, criminal negligence, eight months in Central.
James Cordwell, wounding with intent to maim, six months in Central Prison.
Edward Humphries. common assault, $10 or one month.
George Miles, theft, one month.
Samuel Kruger, wounding with intent to maim, two monthns.
Louis Becker and Samuel Lidimbery, assault, one month: $25 or one month, respectively.
George McAlynn, common assault. two months. Joseph Smith, four months.
Eveline Mains, theft, two cases, 30 days.
Louis Goodman, receiving stolen goods, suspended sentence.
Estella Smith, forgery, false pretences, and theft, remanded till September.
William Menary, false pretences, suspended sentence.
Robert Patterson, theft, suspended sentence.
Mary Blake, theft and faise pretences, suspended sentence.
Elizabeth Eades, theft, suspended sentence.
Dennis McCartney, common assault, suspended sentence.
Eight Months for Chauffeur. "Joseph Radnor, you were coming down University avenue in a reckless manner at a quarter to eight in the morning, under the influence of liquor, and you ran into a hard working woman, on her way to her day's work. It was gross criminal negligence, and I intend to make an example of you as a warning to others. I am going to administer a sentence to you that will not only be a punishment to you, but will warn others that this sort of thing is not to be done."
With this rebuke Judge Denton sentenced Joseph Radnor, the young fellow who ran down Mary Hayden at the corner of University avenue with, his automobile, to serve eight months in Central Prison, when he came up in the Sessions this morning as the first of eighteen on whom sentence was to be passed as the result of their convictions in the May Seasons Court.
"I want to speak to the woman who was injured," said his Honor, when Radnor entered the prisoners' box, and Mrs. Hayden was called.
"Has Radnor paid you anything? Have you received any recompense?" asked the judge.
"I have not received one cent," she answered.
"How are you now?"
"I am not able to go to work yet, and my head still bothers me."
Her doctor's bill had not even been paid, she declared.
"That's all I want to hear," said his Honor, and then he passed sentence.
Radnor's wife left the court room crying bitterly.
Four Years for Theft. Elmer Edward Mcintosh, [pictured] who pleaded guilty to the theft of four thousand $5 Traders Bank bills, from an express car on its way from Ottawa to Toronto, at his trial, was sentenced to four years in Kingston penitentiary.
Mcintosh was a brakeman on the train, and in some way broke into the safe of the Dominion Express car, which was doubly locked. Just how he did it is likely to always remain a mystery.
The theft was in February, 1910. Mcintosh escaped to the States, and went into business as a gentleman farmer. In making his escape he also stole an automobile, which resulted in a second charge against him.
Mr. W. A. Henderson put out up up a plea for leniency on the ground that his pleading guilty had saved the expense of a trial, which would have lasted two days. This was also true in the case of the automobile.
"I persuaded him to plead guilty because he could not explain the action in any way." said Mr. Henderson
"Have you anything to say? his Honor asked the prisoner.
"No, sir."
"This is a very serious offence," said his Honor, and Mcintosh walked out with a half smile on his face.
To Jail for Assault. Louis Becker, who, with Saul Zidenberg. was convicted of assault in connection with the tailors strike, was given one month in jail, and the latter was given the same, but with the option of a fine of $25.
George Miles, formerly a brakesman, who stole a box of clothing that was being shipped to Muskoka, went to jail for one month.
"This is your first offence, but it is too serious to pass over," said his Honor.
Because of Mother's Plea. George McAlynn and Joseph Smith got two and four months respectively for the assault on Charles Scarrett, an east end shoe repairer.
Owing to the pleas of his mother, Dennis McCarthy was let off on suspended sentence. He was the third member of the party she promised that he would have nothing more to do with the east end gang.
Samuel Kauger, who assaulted an Eaton employe during the tailors Stat, got two months.
Attacked His Wife. James Cordwell, the aged east-end grocer who assaulted his elderly wife first with a stick, then a claw hammer and finally a box opener, goes to Central for six months.
"It is unfortunate that at your age of life such thing should happen," Judge Denton told him. "You seem to be math of bad temper and, although there was provocation, it did not justify your act. You were fortunate in not being charged with murder. If you were a younger man the sentence would have been much longer."
Judge Denton said that he would recommend that the warden of Central send the elderly prisoner to the Guelph prison farm.
Gave Him a Chance. Louis Goodman, who in 1905 with his brother received stolen property, was allowed to go on suspended sentence.
"Yours is the most peculiar саse," said his Honor. "Your brother Charles served his term, but you went to the United States. For the past few years you have led a good life there and have a wife and three children. I will try an experiment in your case stretch a point, and let you go in the hope that you will never come into a criminal court again."
Mr. T. C. Robinette, K.C., asked for a further adjournment of a week in the case of Emma Knight, charged with bigamy, who was tried by Judge Denton without a jury, a week ago.
"The case is as plain as A. B. C. to me," said his Honor, "but I will remand her for a week if you wish."
Mr. Robinette claims the case is outlawed because she didn't hear from her first husband for seven years.
[McIntosh was 25 years old. He was convict #F-403 at Kingston Penitentiary. He worked in the tailor shop. He was reported twice, once in 1913 and again in 1915, for impertinent language toward guards. He lost remission in both cases. He was released in early 1916.]
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100yearoldcomics · 2 years
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August 2, 1922 Our Boarding House by Gene Ahern
Caption: Sixteen miles from "Camp Allwild." [ID: Buster, Clyde and Mack stand around on the platform of the "Scrubby Roost" train station. Buster chats with a local mountain man, who stops puffing on his corncob pipe to impart some wisdom. Meanwhile, Clyde and Mack loiter around the suitcases. /end] Local: Well, partner. Where you want to go is sixteen miles from here, an' I'll tote you there for five dollars. Ye'll have to wait till I find my hoss. He's been out grazin' th' last two weeks! Buster: What kind of a looking horse was he? I bet on one in a race last week that was wandering around. Maybe that was him! Clyde: Now I see what th' conductor meant when we got off here an' he asked if we were movie actors or jes' nutty! Mack: Yes, this is some wild! Th' brakeman told me a comb was only used up here to play music on! [INFLATION GUIDE: In 2022 dollars, that local's offering to give the fellas a ride on his missing horse for just over $88. /end]
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cassidysanne · 4 years
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onetrainscifi · 4 years
New photos of The Time Of Two Engines, the first episode in season 2!
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arcaneoddity · 4 years
Bess Till in just that white shirt and the open vest?
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mardova808 · 4 years
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The way they're the only canon snowpiercer ship that matters I LOVE THEM
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Roche: And what do we say when something doesn't go our way?
Till: That's homophobic.
Roche: No.
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kingidiotalice · 4 years
So I've been getting really into Snowpiercer on Netflix, and these two are my faves. The Disaster Brakemen, who exude nothing but Chaotic Sibling energy at all points.
#snowpiercer #snowpiercertnt #snowpiercerfanart #brakemantill #besstill #brakemanosweiller #johnosweiller @snowpiercertv @sumnermickey @_samotto
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stardiouses · 4 years
Snowpiercer Ao3
Is there something about the new Netflix series? Anything?
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mintmentos · 3 years
Hmmmm I can tell oz isn’t happy and I think he’s going to leave lj at some point because he can’t be around her and I can’t wait for him and till to team up again but christ is it going to be bad for him like he’d be number one in lj’s hitlist
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droidmom · 2 years
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i need to know everything abt this asshole breachworker girl
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missaudreystiara · 2 years
#20 Audrey/Till
Thank you for the prompt! This is set around S1 E2 - there was a scene which I’m now obsessed with where Bess expressed that she was disappointed about how her night car experience hadn’t gone the same way Layton’s had with Zarah… and basically I now find that moment quite funny in the light of brakenight becoming canon! So yeah, I wrote this mini fic based on the idea that Audrey had overheard Bess’s comments in this scene. I hope you enjoy it! 🖤❄️
20 - Things you said that I wasn’t meant to hear
Audrey was back stage in her dressing room, touching up her hair and make up and making a few last minute changes to her set list for the evening. She took a sip of tea and let out a sigh of content - it had already been an eventful day in the Night Car. Brakeman Bess Till had brought Wilford’s new Train Detective in to question her and some of the other bar staff about Nikki and Audrey was hopeful that justice for her friend was finally in sight - that third class passengers might finally be getting a voice on this damn train.
Her thoughts quickly strayed to a conversation she’d overheard earlier between the brakeman and the detective, and she smiled to herself. She’d arranged for Zarah and Layton to have some time alone together in one of the Night Car’s private rooms and had noticed Bess banging on the door after she’d evidently deemed they’d had enough time together:
“Time’s up” Bess had called as she opened the door.
“Uh-huh. Not what my night car trip looked like… unfortunately” She had sounded disappointed.
“You were supposed to be getting context on Nikki. That’s called taking a mile” she’d directed at Layton.
“Sometimes detective work requires a personal touch” he’d smirked as he emerged from the private room, pulling down his t-shirt and fixing his hair.
Interesting… Audrey had thought to herself. Given Zarah’s history with Layton, it wasn’t difficult to work out what Bess had walked in on when she interrupted the pair. Did that mean Bess had been hoping that her own Night Car experience could have ended in a slightly less… professional manner than it had? It could explain why she had been so reserved during the process, though it wasn’t uncommon for passengers to be reluctant to open up fully. Either way, Audrey was determined to find out.
With a last check in the mirror, Audrey headed back out in to the main body of the Night Car. She spotted Bess quickly, sat alone on a stool up close by the bar, an old fashioned in hand. It wasn’t often that the brakeman was seen alone in the bar - she was very well liked be her colleagues and it was rare to see her without a pack of her fellow officers in tow. Taking this as a sign, Audrey decided to strike while the iron was hot.
“Enjoying your drink?” Audrey asked, smiling innocently as she approached the brakeman.
Bess raised an eyebrow. “Yes?” she answered.
“Are you sure Bess? Are you sure it’s not disappointing, not quite what you were hoping for?” Audrey smiled wider.
Intrigued, Bess set her drink down and leaned back on her stool, crossing her arms in front of her. “Where are you going with this Audrey? You know that your staff mix the best drinks on the train, so what’s this about?”
“Or perhaps if it’s not the drinks, then maybe it’s the music? Would you prefer it if I changed up my songs a little bit more regularly?” Audrey asked with faux concern.
Bess sighed now. “Seriously Audrey, what’s going on?”
“Oh it’s nothing” Audrey shrugged. “I just thought that perhaps you hadn’t been, shall we say, completely satisfied with your experience in the Night Car so far” her voice heavy with innuendo.
Bess froze. Panic flooded her eyes and her cheeks were rapidly growing pink. “I err — I don’t know what you’re talking about” she replied, unconvincingly.
“Oh, I think you do Bess” Audrey smiled, a twinkle in her eyes.
Bess grimaced and ran a hand through her fringe. “You err, you heard what I said — to Layton?”
“I did”. Audrey continued to smile. “But I’m curious, what exactly was it that you found so disappointing about how your Night Car trip ended?” She asked, leaning over the bar and towards the brakeman.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Bess replied quietly, not quite able to meet the brunette’s eyes.
“I think I’ve got a pretty good idea. But I’d hate to leave you feeling disappointed again, so perhaps you can tell me just to be sure?” Audrey reached out her hand to gently tilt Bess’s face up towards her, encouraging eye contact.
Bess’s blush deepened as she looked in to Audrey’s eyes. Not a trace of her earlier playful humour - was she really suggesting what Bess thought she was? She remained silent.
Audrey held her gaze for a few moments longer. “Well, if you don’t want to tell me” she raised an eyebrow suggestively, “perhaps you’d like to show me?” she asked as she walked away from the bar to one of the private rooms.
Still a little shocked by the turn their conversation had taken, Bess chuckled to herself nervously, downed the remainder of her drink and quickly went to join her. She didn’t need to be asked twice.
The end!
I haven’t written a Snowpiercer fic before and I’ve not written any fic at all in a reaaallllyyy long time, so any feedback would be very much appreciated!
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