#Cajon Pass
FlanaryRon-ATSF WB-below Summit-CajonPassCA-7-14-92 by Ron Flanary
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coolthingsguyslike · 2 years
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jadasakura · 5 months
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collinthenychudson · 4 months
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"Mayday! Mayday! 7551, West Colton-AGYM Saugus Dispatcher, we're doing 90 miles per hour' nine zero, out of control, won't be able to stop till we hit Colton!" - Lawrence Hill
On May 11th, 1989 at Mojave California, a three-man train crew was called into duty at 9:00 PM. The crew consisted of 33 year old engineer Frank Holland, 35 year old conductor Everett Crown, and 43 year old brakeman Allan Riess. Their assignment is to take Southern Pacific train MJLBP-11, better known as 7551 East, through Cajon Pass to West Colton Yard in Bloomington, California.
The train was to be originally powered by three locomotives at the front, two SD45Rs No. 7551 and 7549 as well as SD45T-2 No. 9340. However, No. 7551 was dead and couldn't be started with no explanation why, let alone if the said locomotive could be fixed. As a result, SD40T-2 No. 8278 would be selected as the lead locomotive although the train would still be called 7551 East. Behind the four locomotives were 69 100-ton hopper cars loaded with Trona.
Due to concerns with the three operable locomotives being overwhelmed on Cajon Pass, it was decided that the train would meet up with two helper locomotives at Oban, California. Those locomotives were SD40T-2 No. 8713 and SD45R No. 7443 which were being operated by 42 year old engineer Lawrence Hill and 57 year old brakeman Robert Waterbury. The paperwork suggested that the train was to have five operable locomotives (three on the front, two on the back), 69 loads, 0 empties, and an estimated weight of 6,151 tons. But in reality, the weight was actually 8,900 tons, 2,749 tons heavier than assumed.
With the crew onboard 7551 East with Frank and Everett in the cab of 8278 and Allan in the cab of 7549, the train departed Mojave on May 12th at 12:15 AM. After arriving at Oban at 1:30 AM, the train meets up with the helpers after they were decoupled from a northbound train they were assisting up the hill. Lawrence and Robert were unaware of the train's weight or what it was carrying, but they didn't bother asking the crew nor the dispatcher at the same time for they'd be helping the train through Cajon Pass. Sometime after 7:00 AM, the train begins the descent while the crew utilizes both air brakes and dynamic brakes to slow the train down.
The brakes keep the train cruising at 25 miles per hour, but things would then take a turn for the worse. The dynamic brakes on all of the locomotives, except 8278 and 7443, weren't working. As a result, the train begins to gradually speed up. The helper crew set the brakes into emergency stop which did work, but only for a short amount of time.
Second by second, 7551 East continues to accelerate and thunders down the pass while the crew alerts the West Colton Yard Dispatcher that their train was spiraling out of control. Although the speedometer read 90 miles per hour, that was as far as it could go for the train was actually going much faster at 110 miles per hour. But things were going to get even worse from that point onward.
At the bottom of the grade was a neighborhood at Duffy Street sitting next to a curve in San Bernardino, California where 7551 East was supposed to pass by. As the train got closer and closer to the curve, everything happened all at once. At 7:36 AM, the train tumbled off the tracks and slammed into several houses.
Out of all of those involved in the derailment, four had been killed. Everett Crown and Allan Riess were crushed to death in the locomotives they were in while two children were also crushed and asphyxiated when the train tumbled into one of the houses, those being 10 year old Jason Thompson and 7 year old Tyson White. The four locomotives at the front and all the 69 hoppers were destroyed and scrapped while the two helper locomotives at the back only had minor damages, some parts of the lead locomotives would be sold off to Precision National. Day by day and night by night, rescuers searched for survivors while employees of the nearby Southern California Gas Company also helped by shutting off gas to the houses that were destroyed in the crash though there were no sparks or fires from any of the houses.
Unfortunately, this nightmare wasn’t over. Located between the railroad line and the houses buried six feet underground was the Calnev Pipeline that stretched between Los Angeles and Las Vegas. The pipe was left unharmed when the train crashed and was started back up again as rich snobs claimed that serving Las Vegas was worth more than everything in San Bernardino. But while the pipe wasn’t damaged by the train crash of course, it had been ruptured by earth-moving equipment during the cleanup of the Trona and then on May 25th, 13 days after the train crash, gas from the pipe leaked until igniting into a huge wall of fire.
It was revealed that the pipeline operators were unable to halt the flow of the gas because defective stop-and-check valves had prevented them from doing so, even before the train derailed. Because of that, the pipeline would continue to further intensify the fire. After several hours, firefighters managed to extinguish the raging flames.
As a result, two people were killed as well as 11 houses and 21 cars that had been destroyed. Five of these houses were directly across the street from the houses that were destroyed in the derailment while another was the only house on the track side of the street that was left unharmed from the derailment. In total, the cost of the property damage was $14.3 million ($36,018,932.26 in 2024 currency), most of the damage though was from the fire while the train crash was deadlier.
This is dedicated to the victims, survivors, rescuers, witnesses, and even their families, especially their mothers since today is Mother's Day.
We will never forget what happened on both May 12th and May 25th...
Models and Route by: Jointed Rail, Auran, and Download Station
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aryburn-trains · 2 years
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The California Limited pauses at the summit of Cajon Pass in 1908.
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pcttrailsidereader · 1 year
I Thought It Would Never Happen
The spring of 2017 was the beginning of the end in terms of my quest to complete the PCT. I had recently left my teaching job, retiring after forty years in the classroom. My career had afforded me a fair amount of flexibility with summers pretty open to go after sections of the PCT with my long time hiking partners Jim ('Pierre') and Rees ('Boris'). The desert sections had alluded me since they were best attempted in the spring. Not an easy time to leave the classroom! With 're-wiring' the next phase of my life beginning to finish the PCT was at the top of my 'to do' list.
Of course I was nervous about my grand undertaking. This was THE DESERT! So many questions...could I do it? How hard was it going to be? How hot was it going to be? And the list went on and on in my head... mostly. Sometimes I would share my fears/anxieties with my family and friends. They were very reassuring. It really helped my psyche when Rees agreed to accompany me for part of my hike and another friend agreed to join me for a another stretch. I would, however, finish the hike between I-10 to Cajon Pass on my own.
I said goodbye to my wife as I caught a bus to Seattle so I could fly to San Diego where I was met by a couple I had known from college days. The next day Rees arrived and the day after that we headed out to Campo. I really couldn't believe I was finally doing this. Giddy is the word that comes to mind.
Rees had previously walked from Campo so he gave me an insider's edge. His prior experience shaped how we approached this new undertaking. Honestly that prior knowledge was extremely reassuring for me. As we prepared to launch ourselves from the southern terminus marker the imposing border wall stretched out behind us. It felt surreal to say the least. And with a hearty farewell to our friend Jack who got us there we were off. Wow!
The next few weeks left me with many profound memories and experiences I will always hold close. First of all the cherished time walking with Rees and my friend Billie were precious. The time by my self was scary at first and soon became inspiring not to mention very empowering. The trail was hard in places. The trail was hot in places too. My pack was heavy at times. The trail was my home away from home. I embraced it more and more the longer I was hiking.
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Apple pie in Julian
My days started early and sleep times began before the darkness had fully enveloped my surroundings. I had some big mileage days, for me, walking in the high teens to even the low twenties a few times. When I arrived at Cajon my feelings were all over the place. I was elated, enthused for the future, and a little sad too. I knew I would be back next spring and that would leave a couple of pieces left to put in the puzzle that was my PCT experience. I put those last parts of the puzzle in place in 2019.
There were many times when I thought this would never happen. Going to the desert to hike the PCT...no way! Hiking those last 900 miles or so...I wasn't so sure. There were just too many 'what ifs'. In thinking about starting out in 2017 and revisiting those experiences reminds me of the staying power walking all or part of the Pacific Crest Trail can have on a person. Thinking something will happen is the first obstacle to get past. Believe it can happen and any obstacle will shrink in your shadow.
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rodpower78 · 2 years
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ATSF Super Chief in Cajon Pass, California, 1940's
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gabrieldespinoza · 6 months
Winter Storm Brings Heavy Snow to Region; Including Hesperia
HESPERIA, Calif. (VVNG.com) — In the wake of a powerful winter storm, the City of Hesperia experienced snowfall this morning. Residents near the top of the Cajon Pass saw snowflakes descent at around 10:35 a.m. As the system moved through, the National Weather Service maintained a winter storm warning for the San Bernardino County Mountains until 6 PM PDT Sunday, highlighting hazardous…
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autotrails · 1 year
American Auto Trail-National Old Trails Road (Route 66) (Cajon Pass to San Bernardino CA)
American Auto Trail-National Old Trails Road (Route 66) (Cajon Pass to San Bernardino CA) https://youtu.be/ZPKGAy7CHfw This American auto trail explores Route 66, between Cajon and San Bernardino, California.
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eachadventure · 1 year
Riding Dual Sport Motorcycles Through the Cajon Pass... The FUN Way!
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rachel-blue · 1 year
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May 7th, 2023.
I know the growth will dry out and disappear come fire season, but the California blooms this year have made for some pretty drives.
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Late afternoon in the summer of 1981, and Union Pacific SD40-2's 3806, 3720, and 3675 lead a westbound train of trailers on flatcars down from Cajon Pass toward their destination in the Los Angeles basin.
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wildbythought · 2 years
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View from the Cajón pass.
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the--rebel--fae · 5 months
To Love a Fallen Angel
A/N: Finally I start this up, the fic I promised for the 50+ follower celebration! This is only ch. 1 of the fic--I promise there will be a lot more. I'm really excited about this. So! Without further ado, enjoy my loves! Oh and if you rather read it in Ao3 I'll provide the link for it in a separate post!
TW: Violence, a lot of swearing, Adam being sexist, but that's about it for this chapter.
The sun shone brilliantly against the terracotta walls of the villa you called your home since you were just a child. As you passed by a window you looked out at the expanse of land with rolling Spanish hills stretching as far as the eye can see. 
You loved this time in the morning. It was like everything in España was just waking up. Letting out a contented hum, you leave the window and continue your usual morning walk only stopping when you neared a small alcove in the wall that held something very important to you.
Your late brother's memorial. Everyone in the family worked together to compile different items and pictures for Alejandro. It was a big blow when he got killed--he was the head of the family after all ever since your parents passed just a few years prior. Now, it was up to you and your cousin Mikhail to lead the family. 
"I miss you hermano. How I wish I could tell you about all the new things that have happened." 
You sighed as you ran a finger across the oak frame of his main picture on the table. It felt as if it was just yesterday that he turned that mischievous grin on you and teased you about god knows what. That's how it always was, you'd tease each other relentlessly, but at the end of the day, you were each other's rock.
"Missing him again eh?" A deep voice sounded out behind you. 
Turning around you can't hold back the smirk that pulled at your lips. "I know it's been ten years Mikhail, but sometimes," you trail off. 
Mikhail smiles sympathetically and puts a comforting hand on your shoulder. The sun glinted off of his honey-brown hair as he stepped closer.
"I know, but he wouldn't want you to be sad. If anything, he'd be proud of all the work you've done!"
You let a small smile flit across your face. "Hmm, true enough I guess."
The halls echoed back Mikhail's laugh. His bright green eyes danced with amusement. "You guess? Who's the one who just put a stop to those bastardos down in Madrid when they tried to take over half of the country with their sex trafficking ring? You were like an avenging angel."
You grinned at that. It was a rather proud moment for you. You despised abuse. Especially to young women. So you got a rather sick satisfaction when Interpol conveniently set off one of the group's wayward grenades that they just so happen to have lying around. 
They got the women out and the leader of the gang was no more. Before you could respond to your cousin's comment though, the whole house shook and the air was suddenly filled with the sound of gunfire. 
"Hijo de," you cursed. "What the Hell is going on?" 
Mikhail shook his head and started running towards the front of the house. "I don't know, but whatever it is, they're going to pay." 
Another blast shook the house making you slam into the wall. You cried out in pain. 
You grit your teeth at the throbbing pain in your shoulder but push through the halls nonetheless. “I’m fine Mikhail, just caught off guard. Let’s keep moving. We need to find out who the hell is behind this attack.”
You round the corner just barely footsteps behind Mickail. “Agreed, and what makes them think they have the cajones to attack La Familia Moreno.”
Some of the pictures and fixtures have already fallen off with the forces of some of the shots that have gone through the entirety of the villa. 
“Oh, I have plenty of balls thank you, Mikhail.” A familiar voice rang out, making your heart plummet straight to your stomach and ice felt like it was shot through your veins.
Both you and Mikhail ran out of the villa and were immediately face to face with a mass of paid missionaries with guns all cocked and pointed towards the two of you. After a beat, the sea parted and the man you hoped you’d never see again came walking out. 
After all these years, Crowley still looked the same. His raven hair sharply contrasted with the blaze of the Spanish morning sun, and his grey eyes still held nothing but malice and violence. The military gear he was decked out in just added to his imposing form.
You never really killed anyone, but looking down at Crowley right now, you’d reconsider your morals. 
“You should be dead you hijo de puta!” Mikhail snarled stepping slightly in front of you in an attempt to shield you from any possible tricks that bastard might pull. 
Grinding your teeth, your gaze practically lethal towards the man who tried to stage a coup against your family more than a decade ago, you let out a sigh that almost sounded like a hiss. “Ale, showed mercy to him when he tracked him down.”
Mikhail scoffed. “Damn his soft heart.”
Crowley chuckled. “Yes, that disgusting kindness was a weakness. But now that he’s gone, there’s no one left to hold the secrets of the Familia Moreno, except you little mouse.”
If not for Mikhail's presence in front of you, you would have lunged and killed Crowley right then and there. “Don’t you ever say that nick name to me. Only Alejandro and my family can call me that. And I’d rather die than give you our secrets.”
Crowley merely shrugged as if it was a mere inconvenience. “Very well, then I guess you need a little enticement.” He gave a nod to one of his men and it felt like everything moved in slow motion from that moment. 
You heard a gun cock and then fire–it was aimed right at Mikhail. 
Your body moved before you could think, shoving yourself in front of Mikhail and suddenly everything started going at a normal speed again.
But why did your chest feel like it was being ripped open?
Why was Mikhail suddenly shouting? What was he saying? Why was he crying?
It hurt to breathe.
Maybe if you went to sleep this would be all a bad dream and you’d wake up and you could have breakfast with Mikhail as you planned. 
Yea, a nap sounded good right now. It’ll take the pain away.
But when you closed your eyes…you didn’t wake up.
12 years later…
You let out an irritated puff of breath and fiddled with your half of the necklace you always wore. Even when you were alive. It had the Familia Moreno crest–a butterfly, on it. But it was only one-half. Your brother contained the other half. That was the only way you were ever going to identify him. Or any of your family for that matter. After all, everyone in the family wore some piece of jewelry with la Mariposa on it. 
Which brings us to why you were getting very agitated with a certain First Man.
“Come on Adam! We talked about this! You know why I want to join you on this Extermination! Who knows what other chances I may get, with the way things have been going! I won’t even fight, I just want to have a look around to see if I can find any of my family.”
Adam rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “And I keep tellin’ you, Sera would have my ass if I let you down there. You already found your sister-in-law and your niece and nephew. What more do you need?”
You fixed him with a look that he was all too familiar with. 
You didn’t have your brother. Or parents for that matter. 
Lute took off her mask and looked up at Adam. “Maybe just this once she could come, sir. We’re only targeting that disgusting excuse of a hotel. At least for now. Besides I’ve been watching her improve her hand-to-hand combat skills. She’s pretty capable. She was able to pin some of my best girls in minutes.”
A feeling of hope danced in your eyes. Yes! Maybe for once, you could get your wish. And not have to be babysat by Azrael again. You loved that man like a brother, but if he bugged you one more time about using your amazing singing voice for his band... you were going to hit him with his guitar. You didn't know how many more times you could take being called “My little Melody.”
You curse the day you chose that as your alias. But you never felt comfortable sharing your real name unless you were truly close with someone. You had the firm belief that names carried weight. So to those in your extremely tiny circle, you were (Y/n). To everyone else–Melody. 
Adam let out a resigned sigh. “Your gonna be up my ass about this even worse than before if I don’t let you go, aren’t you Mel?”
You smirked. “One. You know you can just use my real name, right? No one’s currently around. It’s just you, me, and Lute in the area. The other exorcists haven’t even arrived yet. And two. You bet your sexist ass I would.”
An overdramatical gasp fell from Adam’s lips. “Hey! I’m for equality and all that female shit.”
Lute and you just shared an amused look. 
“But fine, you can come. Only if you promise to circle back and come right back to my side in fifteen minutes. Because we are so going to pone those losers. So the battle won’t even last long.”
“--And I’m assigning you a bodyguard. Just to be safe.”
You pouted but nodded. “Fine. I guess that’s fair. Whatever gets me down there at least for a little. Who’s it gonna be?”
“How about Siph? You two seem to get along well and even though she’s new she’s capable.” 
You smiled and nodded at Lute’s suggestion. “Yea, that sounds like a good idea. I mean how bad could it be?”
Turns out? It was not the right decision at all to assign Siph as your bodyguard. You realize asyou lay on your side, golden blood seeping out of your shoulder blades, your halo thrown several feet away from you. Your exorcist disguise was covered in dirt and muck as the red skies of hell looked down at you in almost a mocking manner. Almost as if to say: You wanted to be down in Hell so badly. Well here you are.
The whole incident kept playing in your head like a broken record.
Turns out she was jealous of you all this time, just pretending to be your friend. 
It was barely five minutes in with your search paired with her that she suddenly attacked you sliced off your wings, and trashed your halo. Leaving you to die just mere feet behind the Princess of Hell’s hotel. 
“You don’t deserve to be an angel you mafia filth.” She spat at you as she tore your wings off. “You don’t even deserve the way Adam treats you. He should be looking at me that way! Me! I’m one of his best girls. Not some pathetic excuse of an angel. You should be here in Hell where you belong.”
You honestly should have seen this coming with her, but for once, you wanted to try and see the good in someone instead of having that natural suspicion you grew up with.
“Lot of good that did me.” You muttered and coughed. “I can’t die here. Not without seeing Ale or Mama or Papa.”
 You tried to move but had almost no strength. Before you passed out though, it seemed Lady Luck looked down on you because you heard footsteps coming towards you. Hopefully, it was to help and not finish you off.
“Oh shit. Those bastards did it again. Shit shit shit! Hey, are you still alive?”
You felt two cool fingers at your throat.
“Oh thank Lucifer. Charlie! Get your father over here! We have a fallen angel on our hands! Damn, bastardos.”
Did that person just speak Spanish? 
You wish you could see them but your eyes felt heavy and it was a fight just to keep them open. The only thing you could make out was an outline of a woman and long white hair. 
“You’re gonna be alright. Don’t worry.”
You held onto those words of comfort like a shining beacon in a storm as exhaustion won the fight and darkness surrounded you once more.
A/N Well! that wraps up this chapter! I hope y'all enjoyed it! Please do feel free to tell me your thoughts on it! I love reading y'alls comments. And don't worry, the best is yet to come. Our dear Melody is a fallen angel now, chaos will surely ensue...
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OK this one's going out to @redfurrycat specifically. I just finished watching this movie, so I'm on a high, so bear with me....
"Sleepless in Seattle" IceMav AU
Bradley Bradshaw is eight years old. His biological father, Nick Bradshaw, passed away a year ago, leaving Bradley to be raised by his partner, Pete Mitchell.
Ever since Nick passed away, Pete has basically been a recluse. He raises Bradley the best he can, and goes to work, but he doesn't spend time with friends very much, and he definitely doesn't date.
Bradley is worried about his Uncle Pete, and believes he should move on and start dating again. But he doesn't know how to help his uncle get past his loneliness, so he does what he thinks is the most logical thing - and calls in to a psychiatrist's radio show for advice.
Tom Kazansky is halfway across the country, driving to his fiance's parents house for Christmas, when he hears Bradley calling in to Dr. Penny Benjamin's show on satellite radio. He is instantly charmed (and saddened) by this young child who wants so badly for his guardian to get out there and meet someone new, so he won't be lonely anymore.
After Bradley talks to Dr. Penny for a few minutes, Penny asks Bradley if he can put his uncle on the phone. Tom is floored by the cajones on this woman, and as he listens, he discovers that Pete Mitchell is too. The guy definitely doesn't sound appreciative of being asked about his personal life, on a radio show, by a complete stranger. But after a couple of minutes, Pete starts to open up about Nick, and how much he and Bradley miss him, and how much he loved him - and how these days, the best he can do is tell himself to get out of bed, and remind himself how to breathe, and hope that not all days will be as difficult as these ones have been.
Tom is in tears by the end of the segment. He is so moved by Pete and Bradley, and somehow so drawn to Pete, even though he'd only heard his voice. He doesn't know what he looks like, he doesn't know anything about him, except that he's recently widowed (why do they call it widowed if you're a widower? They should call it widowered, shouldn't they?), and that he's raising what sounds like really great kid.
In the days that follow the radio show, Pete receives thousands of letters and emails from people who want to date him. He thinks the whole idea is nuts and refuses to look at any of them, but Bradley pours through them, intent on finding a new love for Pete, and a new step-parent for himself.
Tom tries to go on with his regular life - his fiance, his job, his friends - but he cannot get Pete Mitchell out of his mind. Which is RIDICULOUS, because he lives hundreds of miles away, and damnit TOM IS ENGAGED!
...But somehow that doesn't stop Tom from looking up all he can about Pete Mitchell. He considers even going to his home address to meet him (you can find anything on the internet now...if you hack a few databases, it's so creepy!).
...In the end, despite his location, and his fiance, and the fact that everything could crash and burn in one foul swoop, Tom decides to send a letter.
He's inspired by his favourite romantic movie, An Affair to Remember. And after he tell Pete a few things about himself, he writes that he would love to meet him on top of the Empire State Building in New York City, on Valentine's Day.
A few days later, in Pete and Bradley's house, Bradley rushes into Pete's bedroom holding Tom's letter.
"This one!" Bradley exclaims. "Tom's the one I like!"
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aryburn-trains · 2 years
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Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company's California Limited, Cajon Pass, California
This photograph shows the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company's California Limited at Cajon Pass, California. Train No 4 is eastbound and is rounding the curve. The train is powered by a steam locomotive. Cajon Pass was in the 1st District Los Angeles Division.
Date: 1930
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