#brair rose
artist-ellen · 3 months
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Bonus Aurora
At first I thought I would use more "historically popular" colors than the movie color-options. So here's what that looked like! Ultimately I went with the more recognizable pink and blue, but these were still fun to work on!
I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram, tiktok or check out my coloring book available now \ („• ֊ •„) /
(reposting in 2024 bc tumblr lost the original posts)
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veneroid · 5 months
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"Anđelika" // 2024 // egg tempera // džoli
"anđelika viče što svetom pismu fali nekoliko dobrih strana"
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iswearongod · 1 year
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Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) themed cake for my birthday!
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rocknroll7575 · 4 months
Jaune Ending (Guardian Ghost AU)
Here's the Jaune Ending (I'll be doing the other endings as well in separate posts)
Jaune Arc, now 26 years old, walked slowly toward the cliffs near Beacon's emerald forest, each step triggering memories of his initiation. A nostalgic smile crossed his face as he recalled those early days of his adventure.
Jaune's appearance had changed significantly since then. His once pristine white and gold armor was now rusted and battle-worn. His hair had grown long, tied back in a practical ponytail, revealing the passage of time.
As he walked, he felt the gaze of several eyes upon him. Glancing back, he saw students peering out from the cafeteria windows, their faces pressed against the glass, watching the legendary huntsman. Though he could meet his admirers later, there were more pressing matters at hand.
Reaching the cliff, Jaune came upon a row of gravestones, each one adorned with the emblems of the fallen and surrounded by offerings of flowers, food, and drinks. These graves honored those who had died in the long war against Merlot, a tribute to their bravery and sacrifice.
Jaune knelt and began to read each name, letting the memories flood back:
Pyrrha Nikos, Bart Oobleck, May Zedong, Yatsuhashi Daichi, Cinder Brair, Cardin Winchester, Summer Rose, Nora Valkyrie, Glynda Goodwitch, Mercury Black, Qrow Branwen, Lie Ren, Weiss Schnee, Velvet Scarlatina, and Reese Chloris.
Every name evoked a rush of emotions and vivid recollections. Despite the pain of their loss, Jaune found solace in the happy memories he had shared with each of them, no matter how brief. Those small moments of joy and laughter, of battles fought side by side, brought him a sense of peace.
"I see you're back this year as well," a familiar voice said softly.
Jaune turned to find Arslan standing a few feet away, her expression tinged with sorrow. Her presence was a comforting reminder of the bonds they still shared.
Jaune smiled warmly at her. "Arslan, it's good to see you," he replied. "Are the others not here?"
Arslan shook her head. "Ruby and Yang are tied up with business involving the new council, and Nolan, Fox, and Coco are on a mission with their own students, something urgent with the Atlas council came up, so Kobalt and Ciel had to stay in the kingdom, and Neon's running a little late because she and her son got on the wrong Bullhead," she explained.
"So it's just us for now, huh?" Jaune asked, a hint of melancholy in his voice.
Arslan nodded.
Jaune placed a flower on each of the graves, taking his time with each one. When he finished, he let out a heavy sigh, the weight of loss pressing down on him. Arslan stepped closer, standing beside him as they both gazed at the graves. Their focus naturally gravitated to the markers of their own teammates who had fallen.
"You know," Arslan began, her voice tinged with nostalgia, "I miss the days when we were just two teams, dealing with teenage drama and getting into the most insane situations..."
Jaune nodded, a wistful smile on his face. "I feel the same," he said softly. "Everything... was just so much simpler back then,"
Arslan smirked, a playful glint in her eyes. "Well, not exactly simple, you had a dead wizard in your head, remember?"
Jaune chuckled, the sound warm and genuine. "Yeah, okay, you got me there."
After their shared laughter faded, a contemplative silence settled over them as they continued to gaze at the gravestones.
"I don't like being stuck in the past," Arslan said after a moment. "Pyrrha... Weiss... They sacrificed themselves so we could have a future,"
Jaune nodded thoughtfully. "May, Cardin, Reese... they all wanted me to keep moving forward, to create a future where I could be happy, and I think it's time to do just that,"
Arslan raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "How so?" she asked.
Jaune shrugged, a thoughtful look on his face. "I don't know exactly... but I think I know where to start." He turned to look at her, a smile forming on his lips. "Arslan?"
"You doing anything after work?"
Arslan shook her head, intrigued by the sudden shift in his demeanor. "No, why?"
Jaune took a deep breath, gathering his courage. "Would you... maybe want to grab a bite to eat? Just the two of us?"
Arslan's eyes widened in surprise before her expression softened into a warm smile. "I would love that," she replied. "Nothing fancy though, right?"
Jaune chuckled and nodded. "Nothing fancy... just something fast and greasy," he said with a grin.
Arslan gave him an approving nod. "Good," she replied. "Now then, I think you have some fans waiting for you," she added, gesturing toward the group of students watching from a distance.
Jaune sighed good-naturedly. "Better get it over with," he said, smiling.
As Jaune and Arslan walked back toward Beacon, both felt a renewed sense of hope and warmth within their souls. Jaune glanced back at the graves one last time, and to his amazement, he saw the familiar faces of those he had lost. Reese, Ozma, Cardin, May, and even Salem stood there with soft smiles and expressions of peace.
Ozma and Salem stood hand in hand, both beaming at him. Cardin smirked and flashed a peace sign. May smiled softly, mouthing "I love you." Finally, Reese stepped forward, her smile the brightest of them all. She looked at him and said, "See... everything's alright, keep moving forward, to your future,"
A tear rolled down Jaune's cheek as he sniffled, taking in the sight of his friends and mentors one last time. "Thank you," Jaune said quietly. "I'll make sure to live the future you gave me, for me... and for all of you,"
With a final nod to the past, Jaune turned back around and continued to follow Arslan toward the school that had once been his home. He was ready to embrace the future, determined to honor the memories of those he had lost by living a life full of hope, love, and new beginnings.
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hello! i really enjoyed your newest sebek fluff that you wrote its rlly good! 🫶 i love it!
if you have the time, maybe write another one ? maybe one where sebek takes reader back to his hometown where they have a little cafe date in the cold weather? super cute cozy stuff 🥺 tysm
*ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴ A/N: Awww thank you for the request! I hope that I'm able to fully give you the same Sebek energy he is so funny. Cozy Coffee dates are my favorite trope every- and also flower shop AU hehe. I really hope you enjoy this!!! I tried a new style also, so let me know if you life this as well!!! Request are still open! *ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴ Sebek x f!reader *ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴ WC: 680words, bulletpoint story *ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴Tags: fluff, cuteness overload, comfy coffee dates disguised as invading an evil castle, light teasing
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When Sebek invites you to his hometown- Briar Valley- it comes as a welcomed surprise. He talks of his hometown with such enthusiasm- the training range, the lakes his grandfather used to take him, the best places to hunker down on stormy nights.
It was cute the way he stopped by Ramshackle to help you pack, holding up mismatched pair of gloves, exclaiming that due to the number of holes in them, they would not keep you warm. Neither will your thin long sleeves... Neither will your ankle socks... The next day you see him rush in with an oversized jacket that hit your kneecaps, a warm, cream-colored hat, and gloves that matched his.
You can see the way his eyes shine when you step out of the mirror, close to night. Dark trees contrast against snow-topped mountains, the city itself bustling with the use of magic. Gems embedded into their heaters leave the cobblestone path clean of any sleet that may cause injury. It felt like a city made of fairytales.
Sebek sees the way your mouth is open in awe and tuts his head in victory.
“See human! Nothing can compare to the magnificence of Brair Valley!” His hand extends as if decorated the whole plaza by himself, smile widening, “Not even Night Raven Academy can compare to this brilliance.” You just laugh, tiny pearls of sound echo out of you as he pulls you, side by side explaining each detail of his childhood.
How he hit his knee on the fountain there and dented the fountain itself. His favorite candy store now turned into a small grocery pop-up his mother would take him and his siblings. A café that the grownups would never let him or his childhood friends enter because they make too much of a ruckus. He said it looked like the castle to conquer as they trained as small squires back then.
You can see his point. With a dark green roof and muted brown paint, painted against it were murals of gargoyles and delicate rose flowers blooming by the windows almost alive. Tacked to the forehead of the door you see the sign open- warm orange lights calling you from the cold outside, no matter how many layers you wore. You tug his sleeve, breaking Sebek from his monologue, “Let’s go in. You know- to fulfill your childhood dreams.”
It doesn’t take much to convince him when you make it a challenge and he sputters how he is a real knight now that he is ready for anything now trained, and how he could protect Lord Malleus-
A chaste kiss to his lips for silence, you pull him behind you opening the front door as you lead into a comfy café. Antique wooden chairs that were decorated with mini gargoyles, a candle- lantern spiny lazily with small- what you can assume fairies keeping the fire warm. You take the table next to the fireplace, Sebek hates it cold.
Lifting the menu, you see delicately painted pictures of lattes to teas- you thought that this be a bar considering what he said about grownups not letting him in before. Sebek brows are furrowed as well as he flips the menu back and forward- he must also have the same confusion as you. It’s too cute not to tease!
You reach over the table and take his hands, “Stop that. I know we are at the center of the evil headquarters but that doesn’t mean you can give yourself away oh knight.” Sebek scoffs but doesn’t pull away from your warmth, “What can a weakling life you do to protect I?” You give a soft smile as you pull his hands closer to your side of the table, “Why I’m much stronger than you?” As you do you lean over to kiss both of his knuckles, and he sputters retracting his hands like fire touched them. Another laugh leaves you as you pick up the menu again, Sebek squirming in his seat, “Now, what shall we order?”
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letstalkaboutit100 · 10 months
Before I contuine with Brair's story if EAH ever got a reboot I wanted to know why everyone doesn't like the Epic winter part? I mean the characters they choose to find the 4 roses where random at best yes, and it has been years sinced I watch EAH I still know the show like the back of my hand. I loved how rosabella found her "beast" in daring. But I like crystal! She's really cool and pretty! She's kind of like their version of elsa! And Apple and Maddie's dymaic is really funny! However blondie and ella (I call her by her last name a lot lol) being there was strange. But I love the outfits faybelle made for everyone! It made sense that briar, rosabella and winter to be there and have the roses. But for the cinderella family to have the summer rose made no sense to me whats so ever. If anything poppy and holly o'hair should have gone with them (yes I know they were skating) since their mother IS THE INBODYMENT OF A MAGICAL FLOWER HERSELF! That just makes sense to me. It honestly doesn't matter if they are roses or not to me but if EAH got a reboot I would want to keep epic winter. But change the name to winter wonderlannd and replace ella with the twins. Also can we change their last names to rider. I know that's not eugene's real last name but it just sounds cooler lol.
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koneko-pi · 1 year
HELP. Feels a little out of place doing her profile first but I've been reworking her a lot and am finally getting satisfied with her UuU so here is Leolai, a character who's been in the works for a while. It's kind of funny how a next gen oc is getting the first profile. I very much have enjoyed her as a character and who she is, as I think it creates potential for some nice drama and conflict for specific reasons.
Some of this may be subject to change in the future.
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Leolai Alette
A homunculus created by a fairy named Gepetta and taken in by Briar Rose after her defeat during the spade kingdom arc.
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Leolai's was created by a fairy named Gepetta, whos magic involved making hyper realistic dolls of other people after she was able to study their Grimoire. However this fairy had an unhealthy obsession with going beyond just dolls and wanted to make something REAL and ALIVE. So with her magic, experimentation and a sample of potent mana (Fuegoleon's arm in this case) she finally managed to make Leolai, but Gepetta was slain during the spade kingdom arc by Briar Rose shortly after her creation. Leolai, as an infant, was later discovered and adopted by Brair. Her presence sparked many fights between Briar and other individuals; Fuegoleon especially, who insisted on taking the girl in himself. But Briar would fight him on it due to the fairy blood in her body and nature of her "birth", wanting to keep an eye on her herself. This would spark a rather intense feud between the Vermillion's and the Silva's once Mereoleona got involved. It would be settled eventually as Leolai got older.
Leolai would be confused as she was the spitting image of Fuegoleon (because she's basically his altered clone) yet she lived within the Silva family being raised alongside Avalina, Nymphadora and Mikhail. While the two families settled on letting her move between the two houses so she could see Fuegoleon, she ultimately lived with the Silva's so Briar could oversee her growth. As she wasn't sure what would happen to her as she got older.
Growing up Leolai would be lonely, choosing not to interact with her adoptive siblings because they were moms "real children" while she saw herself as some kind of fake. And she couldn't understand why she was being shared between the two families.
She eventually does learn of her origins and her aggression only skyrockets as she becomes tormented by emotions and confusion. Feeling lost. Briar will keep her close and act as motherly as she can, as Leolai's magic is the spitting image of her younger sister, Cinderella.
It is later determined by Briar that Leolai is the new Cinderella fairy, her Mana stones manifesting on her chest as she gets older.
Leolai really likes sharks
While she is difficult at times, she really wants friends
'Alette' is Briar's family name.
Like Briar, Leolai is a black hole for sugary treats. (it's a fairy thing)
Because of how she was "born" Leolai does not have a grimoire. This is also a sign of her fairy magic
Leolai's name is a combination of Vermillion tradition and Briar's sentiment. Leo- a commonly used in man family vermillion names. And Lorelai- the name of Briar's aunt, who she loved deeply. Nozel came up with it when Briar and Mereoleona were bickering on what her name should be.
She thinks Fuegoleon's egg trick is the coolest thing in the world.
She looks like Fuegoleon's little clone because no other DNA was used in her creation.
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avaford2009 · 2 months
Dreamworks Animation announced a prequel of “Shrek” for an upcoming feature-length adventure, “Princess Amelia and the Pied Piper”. It shows a watercolor 2D style created in CGI same as Disney's Wish. Coming this Fall to a social media art and literature platform near you! The upcoming flim is about when a lonely and orphan princess in Hamelin decides to find her true love, revealed to be Pied Piper (who’s hired by Rumpelstiltskin), and she knew that seen too many bad things in the Kingdom of Far, Far Away. Meet the protagonist of the Princess of Hamelin, Amelia. She’s romantic and beautiful. She decides to find her true love is Pied Piper, and she knew that seen too many bad things. Mae Whitman as Amelia in her speaking role and Ariana Debose in her singing role. Meet the Pied Piper! The Pied Piper is hired as a bounty hunter by Rumpelstiltskin. He has a magical flute with a dial on it; whichever symbol he chooses. His flute is also his primary way of communicating, as he is unable to (or chooses not to) speak. He saw Princess Amelia for the first time at it was love at first sight. Since Jeremy Steig died in 2016, we’ve decided to have a new flutist actor! Despite being unable to speak, he was voiced by the new flutist Emmanuel Pahud. Featuring the original music score by Harry-Gregson Williams and original songs by Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez. It has 9 original songs written by Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez and it uses the 2.00 : 1 (intended ratio) aspect ratio, same used in ‘Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget’. Additional voices of upcoming social media art and literature platform Dreamworks’ Princess Amelia and the Pied Piper. Amy Sedaris as Cinderella, Amelia's best friend. She is obsessed with cleanliness and tidiness after doing a great deal of housework for her stepmother and stepsisters. Cheri Oteri as Sleeping Beauty, Amelia calls her Aurora or Brair Rose. She suffers from intense narcolepsy, constantly sleeping at random moments, and sometimes while standing. Amy Poehler as Snow White, she has a talent for singing, which she uses to charm animals and make them follow her orders. She is shown to be very proud and vain. Maya Rudolph as Rapunzel, she is a woman of unrivalled beauty with perfect hair. Julie Andrews as Queen Lillian, she was the wife of King Harold (who also ruled the kingdom), and is the mother of Princess Fiona. She was also born into royalty, thus claiming her title when she married Harold. She gives an Amelia for welcome meeting to Arthur. Justin Timberlake as Arthur Pendragon, is the new King of Far Far Away, succeeding King Harold. He welcomes Amelia in the kingdom of Far, Far Away. Cameron Diaz as Princess Fiona is the princess of Far Far Away, and the daughter of Queen Lillian and King Harold. She cares Amelia too much about herself. Meg Ryan, Jonathan Dokuchitz, Mike Myers as Hamelin adults and Emma Berman, Glenn Walker Harris Jr., and Bella Ramsey as Hamelin children. Directors of upcoming social media art and literature platform Dreamworks’ Princess Amelia and the Pied Piper are Mike Mitchell, Kelly Asbury, Vicky Jenson. And writers of upcoming social media art and literature platform Dreamworks’ Princess Amelia and the Pied Piper are Josh Klausner, Darren Lemke, Jennifer Lee and Eric Darnell. Storyboard artists of upcoming social media art and literature platform Dreamworks’ Princess Amelia and the Pied Piper are Chris Miller, Matthias Lechner, Michael Herrera, Cody Cameron, Teny Issakhanian, Mark Kennedy, Kenna Jean Harris and Justin Hunt.
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Meet the protagonist of the Princess of Hamelin, Amelia. She’s romantic and beautiful. She decides to find her true love is Pied Piper, and she knew that seen too many bad things. Mae Whitman as Amelia in her speaking role and Ariana Debose in her singing role.
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Meet the Pied Piper! The Pied Piper is hired as a bounty hunter by Rumpelstiltskin. He has a magical flute with a dial on it; whichever symbol he chooses. His flute is also his primary way of communicating, as he is unable to (or chooses not to) speak. He saw Princess Amelia for the first time at it was love at first sight. Since Jeremy Steig died in 2016, we’ve decided to have a new flutist actor! Despite being unable to speak, he was voiced by the new flutist Emmanuel Pahud.
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This is a town of Hamelin from upcoming social media art and literature platform Dreamworks’ Princess Amelia and the Pied Piper. The town celebrates the 5th anniversary of the Pied Piper of Hamelin from 1284, so Amelia would take charges of the story about how he lures the rats away and he cames back from revenge and he lures the children away, but expect the lost and last boy alone.
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Here’s the first look of Pied Piper’s procession palanquin from the upcoming social media art and literature platform “Dreamworks’ Princess Amelia and the Pied Piper”. This is the scene where the Pied Piper participates for his procession when he goes sitting seiza inside in his procession palanquin, and the poles that will carry the rats to scurry.
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rosey100 · 7 months
Just thought I'd draw some roses 💐
Some Rose inspired by @kazzykatt 's aus
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I closely based on Loona from Helluva Boss and Batgirl/Barbara but with a black market father who sold her and her parakeet for "a check up" and has never been adopted once growing up. By the time she runs away at 17, Bair survives whatever is needed to steal, sells scams, everything for money to even get some fries or a small place to stay till she makeshift a shed from an abandoned train. She adapted skills and knowledge to make it where if it were making distractions or trying not to get caught by anybody, whether they were a dog fighter or police she can a brothel paunch the light bulbs out of them easy and also has some special effects from the check up let just say no one can't make this up but nobody will believe it.
Her personality is mostly cold, and she can be a bit stubborn and harsh, but she is understanding, bold, outgoing, convincent, and sociable. She is a very smart (street smart) and calculated too. Brair mainly cut off, showing her emotions or physical even her weakness in life are off limits and her feelings are merely closed off to everyone who meets her but she might well threatening people if they give off her the wrong way.
Can things get more crazy for her life(the answer is yes) on her regular " business" routes to a factory to give someone "a simple pack", but things got too fresh with that and she had to go in the place to get the money she was going for leaving the client outside while going in with his lab coat. Managin to get caught by fixing her looks and going through the vents to get to the locker. After getting the money, she stumbled into an explosive sound of glass breaking and birds chirping? Not wanting to be nosey she kept walking towards the exit and go home but curiosity had other plans, peeping in the lab she started to see two dudes trashed the whole room beyond prepare and Brair was mostly known the situation too well on why. The site of motion of the two men usually motive that she heard about and her knowledge of the is entire area suspected of starting animal testing for their products it was no surprise why two people wanted for their crimes to come in the factory to make damage and let out some animals that were almost ready to be tested on. As fate had it she was caught by the two men and she didn't have any cover up leaving her expose to a whole, got even more worse when someone caught all of them ran out to call cops but got " knocked out ".Let's just say no one knew what to do except run the fu#k out of there as fast as possible (but now without a few animals or more), and before that, a security guard came in front of her asking why she was doing in the factory hall realized she had no disguise she was about to going to the head office while the bros were almost free til the guard grab her wrist, turned around and saw them mid of escape. When he was about to alert the cops, the guy lost consciousness as Brair's teeth slowly vemon enough to tranquilize him, as all three of them ran out while throw another ball of dynamic on the roof for a distraction.
18 ?
She is the first child who came to the chew somehow at 3 y/o alive of terror and chaos. The group was not in the most likely position to even be able to look after themselves, let alone an three year old nearly covered in bl00d that is not her own( Mero almost thought of dangled her off the roof but decided to not go with it calling her Edge for awhile before changing her name 🫣) but kept her knowing the Threats outside the Tortuga so far she was kept in a room for safety measures. Rosa may have been grateful for the hospitality spake that she would leave if she had anywhere to go anyway, and that when everyone else knew things definitely changed.
Life may not be sunshine and rainbows, but she can picture a good glimpse of the life that could be. Some may think she is a defenseless wallflower jokes on them she's a beast and a wild and dangerous one at moments of disaster comes at the door, one time in particular when she was playing with some rocks and a hyena came in the room seamlessly fear wasn't coming into mind was is gruesome, by the time Mero come in to see a red splatter room and a little girl holding out a detach head in front of them bl00d covered mouth.. chewing whatever face it had (no amount was wasted that day).
Ro is pretty smart and observative even at a young age but mostly less humanly emotionally than the chew suspected that she would be growing up, though it could be the isolation and the small notion of the chew (besides Collin)tolerance of just keeping her alive. Maybe she's a small bit they had to deal with or was a bitter reminder of the past either way she knows all too well about faces, meaning that knowledge every single feature is clear to her without even a word and she can prevent any attacks from any animal even without falls through it took a lot of practice and scratches.
She was a new art school sophomore student who was bubbly, full of ambition ( I got inspired by Harley Quinn and characters like her)and who mightily have known she'd been followed by who came in her dorm that night. She had calls last at night, random creepy notes on her desk, dead flower buds at her door, and by then, it had gotten worse as she'd grown a bit more paranoid before the day happened
She has burd and badly missing memories about the night she was kidnapped. She's kind of has half of memories of her fighting off someone to the ground, but something hit her head, and nowadays, it was just a rain cloud painting, a broken bottle, and yellow eyes? Her mind is still in a blur due to that night and nothing else. In one incident, a test was performed in where she was injected with something, and she was in room full with endless supplies of medications. She was more concerned with what the results of the injection than whatever medicinal effects it could cause. It didn't really help when her body (she was unconscious) laying on the floor shaking when she came to half of her facial and physical form was unrecognizable and that,she looked down at her hands now in chains and hread a voice say "it was for her own good". Enraged with everything that happened, she started at whaling and screaming in on the top of her lungs. Asking what happened to deserve this? She started hitting the walls even if her hands were blooded, but they didn't, then someone came in-and-in a fit of rage. Sheet, you didn't know what happened. But for everyone else, all they saw was the dead body. At least her hands were somewhat free, but her mental state cracked, and since then, she always had a smile on her face.
The effects of the medicines mix in her did much more to a physical form, but a somewhat form, she started to become more aggressive and feisty when five stronger people have to force her to the task room, become more faster on her own two feet even if she ran on broken glass or lava, annihilated a whole steel table in minutes using one hand and her hearing is Is almost third percent of naturally hearing in a more normal human way and because of the incident she grew more tolerant any pain since.
For what I can say about her: she's mixed with Pinkie pie's personality, golden retriever vides, and a dash of calm blanket of 60's flower power in a large bowl and I throw it in a garden bed ( but sprinkling some thorns in the mix so) and the rest is sun baked for a while. Mostly sweet, bubbly, fun-loving, graceful, cheerful, and smiling girl with a heart of gold 💛
What I think she likes is that it's basically enjoying sunny days, music, friendly company, walks in parks, blowing bubbles, playing with the critters, dancing in the field, etc. ( Gosh, bless her, I made a fu#king deer). I also think that since she likes a big pile of wholesome, Rosita is very good at 🥁 air flying (yes believe it) where she can find a high place dropped herself off and she can just float in the air kinda like a dandelion but without the process of dying just float for long time till she finds a place to lands on
Defenseless as she is for a lot of would take their chances for the kill, but don't think she's knows her opponents will do, that why this little ray of sunshine can burn you when she exposes her bristles that gives a temporarily painful experience for anyone who came to harm her or anyone who seems to be in danger. There's something else she can bo where if she's surrounded , she could spin round liking one of those ballet moves and could just throw up thorns from all of her hair and body and we strike people down like a russian ballet dan throw loose throwing stars at the same time dancing, Also turns into a pack of flowers. FYI
Something happened... something weird happened the day she was born, a long solar eclipse happened and let just say no one survived except her a small, crying, defenseless slime baby who was just hungry and had no idea what happened(or at least that what was said), No one know what happened, whether it was a monster that came in or at a sessionation assassination or anything if for some reason, they left her alone and alive for what . Basically, with bodies who they might believe were her parents. But no one knows since no one couldn't tell since everything was covering like some weird acid. But did not come from her as a baby.. Luckily, she would be in good hands after a long time looking for a good home and have no knowledge of her past, but figured that good for her.
She has been a working experience for almost anyone who's currently knows her, at most shy, fearful, very docile, but is smart,kindhearted, and free spirit. It was between trust and people in general for her. Basically, just being nervous about strangers and having to talk about her to caretakers was hard before she warmed up to them, but that aside is just a sweet, loving star hiding behind the clouds. Ro is also really smart, like her IQ sore would be higher for even university professors to quit and let her take their jobs saying fu#k it.
Ro could do more than just floating all over the place, and being a smart cookie, she actually runs super fast though not much light speed fast but it's hardly anything can catch her so that good right. Also she gives off electricity her can subtract thousands of debris and other times where if you shake her a bit she glow 100% natural light from her own body just like that nobody knew till they found her upside down on the floor just shining bright 🌟. She has been doing well at teleconesis she a little shy about showing that, but she is good at it
Wild school
She's Jade from Victorious, but softer and "secretly" a sweet pea holding a "Don't try me B!cth til I have my coffee " coffee mug with a small breeze of Belle from Beauty and the Beast (but not in the whole stockholm syndrome thing ) so she can be a bookworm as well.
It is no surprise that her background is a mystery. Besides, she was just transferred to the principal's understandings, but there are times when rumors may progress in the mix is almost a theory, and Ro could never care less than a ferrell cat in the middle of fu*king traffic😑. Besides, it's not like she's there for "something else" or something magical, just some good ol' learning is all
Rosalie isn't really social, it can be on for mostly any type of gathering or parties, that she would be forced to go to but as long as you don't underestimate her or judge her for anything( She checked a whole gallop mix of Spite and cocktail mix while filling knives for darts all in the center at the same time for being call a whimp of a female and no one can't say sh!t to her without being out did 🎯 no joke ) you think on the top of your head. Her own willpower can be quite terrifying, especially when her really knows what the situation she could be in, whether it's deadly round house kick a door down closed by some bratty girls or kicking some jeck's ego down on a flirting attempt while Tempting her for a few drinks plus she can read body language real good and surprisingly excellent fighting skills.
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fearlessmuses · 6 months
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𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵…
[ #𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐍𝐄𝐘 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂 ] --- ʸᵒᵘ ᵗᵃᵏᵉ ᵐʸ ʰᵃⁿᵈ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵈʳᵃᵍ ᵐᵉ ʰᵉᵃᵈ ᶠⁱʳˢᵗ ᶠᵉᵃʳˡᵉˢˢ
aurora / brair rose ( fc: samara weaving ) from sleeping beauty
gaston legume ( fc: luke evans ) from beauty & the beast
giselle ( fc: amy adams ) from enchanted
jasmine ( fc: naomi scott ) from aladdin
tiana rogers ( fc: kat graham ) from princess & the frog
please specify muse / or who for who
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emooooonart · 6 months
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continuing my painting practice with my Dragonborn Brair! She's a brass Dragonborn♨ that's under the patronage of a rose-themed arch fey/her girlfriend. She's gonna have thorny vine tattoos over her throat and back when I'm done.
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artist-ellen · 4 months
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Princess Aurora in pink!
The great Blue-Pink debate. How to choose if Aurora's dress should be Blue or Pink? Well I ended up with a few different options, but I'll start with the pink dress since the dress started in it's original sewing stage as pink.
So we have a semi-standard 14th century gown and a sideless surcoat option. Her hair is Princess-length and loose, because I can't be stopped, but she does have ribbons in her braids around her ears to simulate some of hairstyles of the time.
Tomorrow we'll make it blue!
I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram, tiktok or check out my coloring book available now \ („• ֊ •„) /
(I'm reposting these in 2024 because apparently tumblr lost them, and this lets me work on longer series that I can save up to pose more regularly)
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Curriculum: Magic (Practical Magic etc)
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'5, 195 cm
Homeland: Brair Valley
Favorite Food: Candied rose petals
Celestine is a kind soft-spoken woman who has the respect and admiration of all the students and staff in Nrc. Celestine is soft-spoken but strong-willed and no one doubts her capabilities and her teachings in magic. She's a sort of mother or big sister to the school. She takes great care of every one of her students. Ever since Celestine has been teaching the magic courses not a single student has failed or dropped any of the classes.
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swan-of-fabletown · 2 years
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Not very far, Flycatcher and Briar Rose were dancing, and Flycatcher was bit shaken in his dance moves, Flycatcher: Uh… like this, it’s been a rather a long time, since I done any dancing Flycatcher hasn’t dance for long time since he danced with his deceased wife and he was the only one survive from his kingdom and so it's been long time since Flycatcher had a dance moment. 
Briar: You’re doing wonderfully Briar knows Flycatcher is doing his best of dancing.
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With that Briar, Flycatcher, Bigby and Keira bumped to each other and even apologised to each other. Brair: Keira, darling Keira smiled nervously, Flycatcher: Didn’t know you had moves Sheriff Flycatcher was bit surprised to see Bigby dancing, Bigby: I don’t Bigby felt abit embarrassed but he didn’t want anyone knowing he was dancing just now.
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fawnscottage · 3 years
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darkparablesgainira · 3 years
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Happy Valentine's Day! 🌸💓
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