#boycott 911
with 911 lone star filming again, just a reminder that ronen rubinstein used his fan base to raise money for israel and then attacked pro-palestinian fans.
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usercelestial · 2 months
tbh i think a lot of the people saying "well both sides are wrong"/"bt stans are just as toxic" are just not exposed to other perspectives in this fandom. as a buddie fan who's been watching this show since s1, i can safely say that buddie fans have always been toxic. like as fact. to me, to say that bucktommy fans are just as harmful or just as annoying or just as bad as buddies consistently are is just. delusional. indicative of at worst a biased opinion and at best an uninformed one. buddie has been here since s2 and fans have ruthless ever since. bucktommy has been here for 3/4 of a season and for the most part, stay in their lane. i'm sure there are bucktommy fans who suck, like that's just being on the internet, but you have to be blind to ignore how insane buddie fans are and genuinely how much worse they are in comparison.
i don't want to generalize and i think constantly adding that disclaimer is annoying as hell bc obviously i'm not talking about everyone but because buddie has been here for so long and taken up so much mental space of very die-hard, passionate fans, you're going to see much more intensity on that side. after season 5, i had to step away from the fandom and the show because of how frustrating it got. it was annoying to see people swear up and down buddie will be canon by the end of s3-no wait s4-no wait s5-no wait- and ultimately it sucked my enjoyment out of a show i otherwise enjoyed because i got swept up in the Buddie Of It All and forget about why i watch the show to begin with. we've been left to stew in our theories and now we can't tell what canon and what's fanon anymore, and when the show reminds us, the disappointment and frustration kills our hopes.
i was also active in the dan and phil fandom and supernatural fandom, like ik why people think we're annoying and it's because we are. we make everything about the one thing we like, we comment on every post begging for it to become canon, we're violently disappointed when the show doesn't play into our fan theories because we've convinced ourselves buddie is going to happen by the end of the next episode or actually the end of this season or actually maybe the end of the next season. we've torn a part every female love interest, either making them boring or making them unlikeable in our fanon. all that to say is that when people call us annoying, they're telling the truth and when bucktommy fans say buddie fans are toxic, they're coming from a sincere place. i mean we can't even enjoy our own ship because we're so quick to get our hopes up and be let down about something as stupid it becoming canon. who cares if it becomes canon, just like it to like it.
and it makes sense why there's perceived "toxicity" on the bucktommy side. our energy is being matched; the obsession, the passion, the surge in fandom. if you don't like it or even just find it annoying, i suggest you guys look back on your own posts and comments and behaviors towards other people in the fandom and other characters and unbiasedly compare it to the Toxic Bucktommy Shippers you're claiming you hate. if bucktommy fans are obsessive, it's because we've set the stage for that. if bucktommy fans are getting aggro and defensive, it's because buddie fans have been on the opposition and don't know how to turn it off. we've gone from underdog to bully somewhere in the last 6 seasons.
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dogbound1128 · 6 months
I think we should keep in mind that once there's a ceasefire, everyone's loved ones, all the children, and all the sick and injured won't magically cone back to life and be healed immediately. What Israel is doing is irreversible, and letting them continue with their crimes against humanity is adding on to all these irreversible tragedies. This is not something you can put off for another day, because so many innocent people are being slaughtered by the second.
It's Ceasefire
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laylawatermelon · 5 months
As a buddie fan this is hilarious because we know why it's so late for sneak peeks. I choose to stay calm.
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drsonnet · 5 months
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Intifada in Gaza Strip, 1987
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21 December 1987
by Efi Sharir
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Demonstration during the First Intifada, in Gaza City, December 21, 1987. Image source: photographer Efi Sharir / IPPA. From the Dan Hadani collection, National Library of Israel, via Wikimedia Commons. (Cropped) The First Intifada and the Rebirth of the Palestinian National Movement - Speak Out Now (speakoutsocialists.org)
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First Intifada in the Gaza Strip, December 21, 1987. (Efi Sharir/Dan Hadani Collection, The Pritzker Family National Photography Collection, The National Library of Israel)
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ranbling · 4 months
Some people and their takes really want me to either scream or to write several posts just to counteract them
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krisb5431 · 20 days
Hello dears! 🇵🇸🍉🙏I am asking you to support my campaign to help me reach my goal. I am in dire need of your support now to help me stay alive and safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place both in terms of living and lives. The family consists of 20 members, most of them are young children. I need your financial support to enable me to get the basic needs for my family until the Rafah crossing is😭 reopened to transport my family to safety and peace. Please help a family stay alive through your small donations or through your shares to others. Thank you very much for standing by those in need. My campaign 90-ghoset has been documented🍉🙏⬇️🍓
Sharing to spread the word 🫶
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mohanad-alostaz · 1 month
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Today, our home in Gaza was completely demolished. There’s no safe place left for my children to return to. We’re desperate for help to rebuild our lives from nothing. Please, if you can, donate or share our story. We have nowhere else to turn. 🙏
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The railway line owned by CN connects Montreal to Halifax, where protesters claim goods are shipped to Israel.
Local Longueuil police said that they received a 911 call at about 10:05 a.m. They asked protesters blocking the tracks at the intersection of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Seigneurial boulevards to move. According to police spokesperson Melanie Mercille, after protesters refused to move, the police’s emergency intervention unit broke up the barricade an hour and a half later.
Police say four officers were struck by their own pepper spray and four people, both men and women in their 20s and 30s, are facing charges ranging from obstruction to assault.
In a press release, a group called the Ad-hoc BDS Direct Action Collective blamed CN Rail for helping transport goods to Israel, which they accuse of genocide in its conflict with Hamas. According to the release, the blockade was meant to “temporarily interrupt trade by shutting down a vital artery and draw attention to Canada’s material support, and inspire further boycott, divestment, and sanctions direct action.”
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
I kinda have to laugh at the “review bomb his new movie” because it’s not really his movie lmao. Is he in it ? Yes. But is it *his*? No lol. He’s got like two scenes? In it ? He’s not a main character or anything. Like review bombing it will only really hurt the other actors who most definitely have nothing to do with 911 and the bt fans obsessions 💀
Also I’m confused. Because they keep screaming how Edie’s not gay because Ryan said heterosexual so…. How is he trying to steal the story ? By their own logic. And I really have to laugh at how much power the bt shippers think Ryan has(while also saying he’s a nobody with no connections at the same time 💀😂) because they say he’s forcing the entire cast to be his friend for good PR, and now he’s going against Tim, Oliver, and Lou to single handedly steal the entire show for his own nefarious purposes. Like does his power know no limits 😂😂 why is he wasting it on the acting world.
Boycotting family feud. Like…ok? I guarantee no one will even notice lmao. A common issue with fandom is they think they are larger than they are in comparison to the GA. Family feud has its own fanbase. And its own GA. Despite how much they try and bluster their way about it, the BT shippers are already an even smaller portion of the fandom then the general fandom of 911 is, Nevermind even compared to another shows. Them boycotting family feud would essentially be like… throwing a sewing needle at a concrete reenforced steel bar brick wall. Inconsequential and pointless.
As for the over all vibes of their plan it still boils down to “Let’s try and cyber bully the poc actor into quitting because he exists in an attempt to get our favorite white man to take his job”
Dude, I have no notes oskaoskaosaos the thing with Ryan's movie, is that from what I've seen he's just a random character, and the pr department of the movie is using the fact that Ryan has a lot of pull with part of the audience, being in a major procedural that's been talked about A LOT lately, so he's a recognizable pretty face to put on interviews and get people to watch the movie because it is a 90 minutes comedy movie. How do you successfully boycott a 90 minutes comedy movie? And Family Feud is it's own mess, like, they have their own audience, the people who will watch the 911 episode are not relevant enough for their numbers for it to matter if people don't watch it. They regular audience will watch it anyway. And if they don't have to worry because Eddie is straight and Ryan said Eddie is heterosexual, then why can't you just leave him alone? Seriously, I think they don't understand how the world works.
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antispopausandstuff · 11 months
a discussion ( IMPORTANT )
hello, everyone.
i will get to the much more important matter of this first and foremost, and then get into much smaller details after.
if you are not aware, Palestine is suffering a genocide at the hands of Israeli government and military, and Palestine's connection with the outside world has been almost completely cut off after a bombing hit the center that controls all communications.
right now, Palestine is suffering even more bombings. to give you a picture in what has happened to them in detail:
there are now very little reporters and journalists to give word on what is currently happening, and they are getting murdered.
there is no way for the people to call 911 // 101, leaving many to slowly die or not have a chance at coming back.
they have cut off their electricity, water, food, and medical aid. they have left Palestine with nothing.
they have bombed hospitals, and are currently trying to bomb the largest hospital ( with 50,000+ inside ), under the claims ( with no evidence ) that terrorists // the hamas are inside.
since the attacks, over 7000 people ( 2000+ children ) have died, and there are documents of every single one of them. it is said there are even more.
even more is happening, and there are many recordings, articles, photos, etc. of the horrors of this genocide.
children are being buried under rubble in their sleep, they are praying for safety, for help, for protection, spouses are being torn apart, homes older than most of my community are bombed down into nothing. this is not a war. this is genocide.
families are being torn apart. children are becoming orphans. spouses are becoming widows. nothing justifies this, nothing justifies the slaughter of thousands of innocents.
in order to help:
demand a ceasefire ( this will send you to a site that has multiple options on how to help ).
share everything you know about Palestine's suffering. ( a good start is sbeih.jpg )
boycott companies ( the big 3: starbucks, mcdonalds, and disney plus, but please look into more ).
make donations to Palestine. ( there are also fundraisers on all of my instagram accounts )
inform your friends, family, anyone you can of what is happening. do not fall for the propaganda.
it is vital for their survival to do as much as we can to support them, to stand and fight for them. please, do not ignore this. do not look away. do not get used to what is happening. please, please, please do not stop caring for all of Palestine.
free Palestine.
i have made the rebranding for this account recently, but before i was aware of this horrifying act of inhumanity. now that i am more knowledgeable of this, it has changed a lot of how i view life.
it doesn't feel appropriate now, to call my take on this show as a story of war, with what i do know. the acts of the horde are very similar, if not exact, to the acts of the government on Palestine.
with this all in mind, how nate has made the original she-ra into what it is "known for" today has me absolutely appalled and disgusted, more than ever before. spop is not a story of love, it is a story of war criminal apologists, and war criminals getting a happy ending, because they were sad. it is a story of glorified propaganda.
it is a love letter to war criminals, no matter how much people want to argue otherwise, no matter what nate's intentions were. it is a disservice to those who have suffered from war, genocide, abuse, military, starvation, abuse of power, amongst many other things.
why am i bringing this up?
to tell you all that my remake will most likely not be out for a long, long time. i do not want to disrespect the stories told by victims, to bring shame to those who do not deserve it, by making the wrong decisions.
the story will definitely not be the next avatar, it will not be the next anything. but i do not want to be careless, or under the pretenses that i "know enough". i want to be a responsible writer, and that means taking responsibility for what i give to my audience.
so, if you've read this, please do not ask me further questions on how my writing for this story is coming along. this will take time, and time is what will be given. you can ask me about various things, of course ( such as what i will do with characters, relationships, etc. ), but i will not speak on what the story will entail or what it will evolve into.
thank you for your support, and stand with Palestine.
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hisbucky · 1 year
911: S6E18 Finale Thoughts
I’ve avoided making a post about it but not for the reasons you might think.
Finale emergency was awesome and yall who wanted higher stakes are valid and understandable but it was awesome to me and that’s that.
The time skip and ending sucked but we all knew that it wouldn’t ever be good—however, it’s not as bad as some make it out.
Am I the teensiest bit disappointed, yes. But am I going to voluntarily boycott the show?
Hell no.
Yall say this is how we make em listen; all I see is the impending cancellation if yall keep growing an attitude—they are in transition to another channel and if they don’t get the support that first season after the change it’s all going to end up in shit faster than you can imagine.
Most of us ship Buddie, but that’s not what the show is about. Don’t watch the show because of them, watch the show because you love the characters and the bonds they share regardless.
Stop it with the clowning or not clowning, betrayals and whatnot, stick your head out the window and get a breath of fresh air, loves.
At the end of the day this is a show, and the actors only act—do not flame or harass actors for real. People who do make me sick.
Peace out, think about the Madney wedding instead, and have a good day fandom.
(That potential baby storyline tho—)
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paperstorm · 9 months
Rafael never posted or liked anything related about Palestine or even a simple post of ceasefire, yet he got the time and energy to like kim plastic dumpster kardashian's post about how terrified poor zionists feel and how they are not alone. But absolutely NOTHING about the genocide of thousands and thousands of palestinian people.
I'm disappointed by a lot of people i liked but Rafael takes the cake of the biggest disappointment in 2023. Man's all about activism and human rights but when it comes to the human rights of Palestinians and arab/muslims in general he suddenly can't see, hear and talk. Fake activism at its finest.
I wish we could know the thought process behind the silence of people who it seems like would normally have something to say. I really don't, and that's frustrating. I think it's okay to be disappointed. An instagram post or something seems like such a miniscule amount of effort when you consider the hell so many have been living through for months, or even the work of actual activists who have been tireless and do difficult, dangerous, and utterly thankless work. It maybe is worth noting that Disney is on the BDS boycott list for a reason, and everyone who works for 911 Lone Star are employees of a Disney subsidiary (currently called 20th Television). Also worth noting that the consequences for speech have been completely one-sided, as they always are on this issue. Gigi Hadid is losing work, university presidents are the targets of clear smear campaigns, while Sarah Silverman gets to call for Israel cutting off the water to Gaza (quite literally a call for genocide) and gets to play it off as a joke and host late-night shows. I don't know what kind of potential consequences there would be for someone like Rafa, but he is a person with a very small amount of power compared to a Brad Pitt or a Taylor Swift. There very likely would be consequences. I don't know if that's what's stopping him, but it's something to keep in mind. It isn't, though, a reason to not feel disappointed. I feel it too.
(Edit: without an instagram account, I can't check for myself the context of the post he allegedly liked. The way it was characterized in this anonymous message might be misleading.)
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tauforged · 4 months
What’s wrong with the voting is a fire extinguisher post? I thought it made a good point…
i’m not going to break it down as verbosely and in-depth as i’d like to because ive got like five minutes left in my lunch break rn but the general idea of “anyone who tries to convince you that structural problems have to be deconstructed to be fixed is The Enemy” (<- almost verbatim a sentence from that post if i’m remembering right), painting those who believe in revolutionary action as irrational extremists and saying shit like “if you think violence is the answer you’ve been radicalized in a Bad Way” it reeks of smug white liberals who wholeheartedly refuse to accept any option that threatens their comfort. these silly people don’t realize that revolution can make things WORSE sometimes uwu!! and the poem itself hinges on such a dogshit metaphor. visualizing ‘the country’ (not explicitly about the US but honestly the attitude speaks for itself) as a burning building with children inside, and that the only options available are ‘spitefully do nothing and watch it burn down’ or voting which is portrayed as the option that instantly puts the fire out. ITS NOT EVEN TRUE! voting has little to no immediate direct real world impact in scenarios like these, and when you’re voting for the people who set the fire and are actively turning away everyone else trying to put it out, the only person your actions serve is yourself! voting in this hypothetical is equivalent to calling the fire department while watching the house burn down from your window across the street and otherwise not lifting a finger to help, not bothering to hold the fire department accountable if they don’t bother to show up or just spray the house down with gasoline instead, and then chastising your other neighbors for attempting to rescue those kids from the burning building or dragging their garden hose over because silly, that’s the firemen’s job! why aren’t you calling 911?? you’re probably an arsonist trying to sow distrust in the fire department so the rest of the neighborhood lets their guard down and you can burn their houses too -_- i’m reporting you for interfering with this rescue operation. like fuck, you know what COULD be symbolized as a fire extinguisher in this stupid fucking metaphor? taking direct fucking action to interfere with the processes keeping the house on fire. grabbing the fire extinguisher you keep in the kitchen and running out there. unreeling your garden hose. bringing a ladder over to try and help the kids get out of the window. someone actively choosing to go in after those kids if the firefighters don’t show fast enough. mutual aid! opening your home to the people whose house just burned down in front of you! supporting your community members who are suffering at the hands of the machine! donate to bail funds! boycott! protest! THREATEN TO WITHOLD YOUR VOTE UNLESS THE POLITICIANS EARN IT!! THATS THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT OF VOTING!!!!! but the truth is that every action that could have immediate beneficial results also holds the potential for immediate consequences, and these people will always value their own comfort over all else, so they convince themselves that the selfish detached option is the only morally correct path and everyone else is just a foreign chaos agent or whatever. it’s just spineless liberalism and clinging to the status quo because it benefits them personally.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
TRAs are upset with JK Rowling for calling  a man who raped and murdered a 13 year old girl in a racist gang attack ….a man.
Trans users on Twitter are attacking JK Rowling after the Harry Potter author “misgendered” an account belonging to a trans-identified male convicted of murdering a 13-year-old child in a racist gang attack.
On November 29, JK Rowling called attention to a social media account under the handle @gameonterfs, posting two screenshots — one of a tweet from the account celebrating the fantasy of her death, and another of the profile photo that account was using.
While it is currently unknown if Rowling is aware, the account she brought attention to is one of several belonging to convicted child murderer Luis Morales, better known as Synthia China Blast.
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On October 24, Reduxx reported that Blast had been discharged from his parole with the New York Department of Corrections and Community Supervision on July 30, quietly marking the end of his sentence and release conditions. Blast had been serving a 25-to-life sentence after being convicted in 1996 for the murder of 13-year-old Ebony Williams.
Blast, along with his boyfriend Carlos Franco, members of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation gang, had targeted the young girl in 1993 as she made her way to her older sister’s house. Williams was taken to an apartment in Hunts Point where she was held captive. It is believed the murder had racist motivations due to Blast and Franco’s gang affiliation.
According to case investigators at the time, Blast and Franco tortured the young girl before stabbing her repeatedly. 
Realizing she was still alive after having been slashed by Blast, Franco then stomped on the child’s neck until it was broken. Prior to being killed, Blast had reportedly sexually assaulted the girl. New York Police Department examiners determined that the child’s corpse, despite being badly burned, showed signs of the assault.
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 Following her death, Blast and Franco packed the girl’s naked body into a box and dumped it near the Sheridan Expressway. Finally, they doused the box in gasoline, and set it ablaze. A passenger on a nearby train saw the flames and called 911.During the trial, Bronx Prosecutor William Hrabsky said of the crime: “The suffering that this poor child went through is beyond belief and puts this crime in the category of monstrous and barbarous.” Despite pleading innocence in court and to media in later interviews, Blast had reportedly “bragged” about committing the crime to friends, some of whom would later testify against Blast and Franco on that basis. Williams’ mother, Yvonne Hill, had also asserted that Blast and Franco had appeared to be entertained by the trial proceedings, and showed no signs of remorse. “Ever since the trial was going on, all I see is Luis Morales grinning and Carlos Franco, too,” Hill said during a victim impact statement, referring to Blast by the name he had used at the time. “You ain’t smiling today. I hope you both rot in hell.”On November 7, Reduxx received an e-mail response about the article, with an anonymous messenger complaining that the piece had noted allegations that Blast had sexually assaulted Williams before her murder. The e-mail address, beginning with the numbers 4300, falsely asserted that Blast had been exonerated of the crime and that his conviction had been overturned.The sender had also vaguely threatened a lawsuit or some sort of legal action against Reduxx for the piece.
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The same day, a Twitter account surfaced with the handle @Code4300, impersonating Reduxx Editor-in-Chief Anna Slatz, using her photo and Reduxx branding without authorization. 
While posing as Slatz, @Code4300 claimed to be in a relationship with a trans-identified male and called for a boycott against, and the banning of, Reduxx. The owner of the account also made several references to Blast and asserted his innocence, using both the female pseudonym and his birth name, Luis Morales, as well as made wild claims that Blast had died in July of 2022.
Reduxx contributor Jennifer Gingrich was similarly targeted by the account’s disturbing posts, which also began to use her profile photo and post sexualized comments about her. 
Shortly after, the e-mail address associated with the sender of the November 7 complaint as well as the @Code4300 account were linked to an Instagram belonging to Synthia China Blast.
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Though @Code4300 was ultimately suspended by Twitter, Blast continued to make accounts which engaged in similar conduct. Among them, Blast established multiple profiles railing against ‘TERFs’ — a derogatory term for women who assert their right to single-sex spaces.
“For the record, my name is Synthia China Blast and I was wrongfully convicted of murder,” Blast tweeted on November 10 from one of his alternate Twitter profiles which had briefly used the handle “TERFHunter.” The tweet has since been deleted.
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Other handles on Twitter known to belong to Blast include @Lords_ofKaos, @FXTravaganza, and @gameonterfs, the account which Rowling called attention to on November 29. All three accounts carry on a similar posting style to Blast’s original @Code4300, and have parallel usernames and monikers associated with Blast’s multiple Instagram accounts and real-world identities.
Blast is utilizing a heavily doctored photo of himself as the profile picture on @FXTravaganza, while @gameonterfs uses a stolen photo belonging to individuals who are not related to him or his crimes in any way. On @Lords_ofKaos, Blast is using the profile photo from @gameonterfs as an account header.
All of the accounts repeat Blast’s earlier incoherent claims which simultaneously assert that his conviction was overturned, and that he died in June or July of 2022. As evidence of the second claim, Blast uploaded a poorly doctored Death Transcript to his @FXtravaganza account
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Despite his claims to the contrary, Blast’s conviction was never overturned.
Blast completed his sentence in July of 2022 when the Parole Board of the state of New York discharged him fully, marking the end of the conditions he had been subjected to since 2018 when he was initially released. 
Kristina Lennon, a Correctional Sentencing Review Specialist with the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision confirmed Blast’s discharge to Reduxx via e-mail on November 18.
Blast’s accounts have also continued their habitual harassment of Reduxx Editor-in-Chief Anna Slatz and Reduxx contributor Jennifer Gingrich. Yet Gingrich received a 24-hour suspension after she responded to Blast and correctly identified him as the murderer of Ebony Nicole Williams.
Rowling’s tweet calling attention to Blast’s alternate account has attracted the usual attention of trans activists and those critical of women’s right to single-sex spaces, with many rushing to defend the account from Rowling’s platform, likely ignorant as to who was behind it.
Some took issue with Rowling “misgendering” the account owner by using the term “bro,” while others claimed Rowling was engaging in “kink shaming” or expressing homophobia.
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Many incorrectly claimed @gameonterfs was Rowling’s own creation, or had been made by a radical feminist posing as a trans-identified individual. They pointed to the fact the accounts largely followed gender critical women as “proof,” unaware that Blast typically follows those associated with his targets in an effort to get their attention.
Following his incarceration, Blast became a noted advocate for incarcerated trans people’s rights, successfully demanding the state of New York provide him with feminizing hormones in 1999, and suing the state in 2003 after having been refused sex reassignment surgery.
Blast repeatedly became a media sensation for his sexual exploits while in custody, beginning a romantic relationship with Heriberto “Eddie” Seda, a convicted serial killer who had sought to murder one person of each zodiac sign as an homage to San Francisco’s infamous Zodiac Killer. Blast and Seda’s relationship was dotingly covered by New York Magazine in 2004, who even commissioned a portrait photograph of the couple.
Blast and Seda were ultimately separated from each other by the Department of Corrections.
Blast was regularly profiled in media throughout his incarceration, and became a subject championed by prison abolitionists who decried his extended stay in solitary confinement. During his incarceration, Blast became a regular contributor to The Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP), an organization which provides assistance to inmates on how to legally change their identification documents.
In 2014, Orange is the New Black actor and SRLP representative Laverne Cox read a letter in support of Blast. But Cox quickly retracted the gushing words after learning more about the crime Blast was convicted of.
Following his initial parole in 2018, Blast was an intern and Prisoner Advisory Committee member for the Sylvia Rivera Law Project.
If trans people are so oppressed aren’t there other trans people out there deserving of the support the alphabet people are giving this guy? More people are seeing the support for a child killer and it’s making more people back away from the cause.
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buddieisgoingcanon2024 · 10 months
This anon said: Anyway I'm afraid now on ABC they k* off Eddie because they contracts is due but if someone going to die I hope is Chimney,why do we need Chimney for?
Well, I think that if they kill Eddie the series ends because he is one of the most beloved characters and also that potential Buddie is always there, ABC is aware of this, for years Buddie was one of the key points and still is, no They are stupid enough to boycott the series that could be one of their biggest ratings hits. Furthermore, the creators and producers are in charge, and they are not known for killing their characters. If we have Grey's Anatomy in mind, for example, we must remember that they are Shonda Rhimes' series and that she is known for killing characters. 911 changed to the network that is the real owner of its rights, so again, they are not stupid and 911 was the top scripted tv show of Fox, and those are big words.
And about Ryan's beard, I think he already grew a beard and hair between seasons, now he should maintain a certain appearance according to the stylists of the series, I hope the hair from the last two seasons, and several days of beard , it suits him so great.
All of this.
P.S. Ryan’s hair last season was amazing, I hope he keeps it like that for Season 7.
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