#bot rambles
nonbinarynerdbot · 9 months
So I did a thing and wrote a Penumbra fic. Basically I’ve had season 2 brain rot and couldn’t stop thinking about how the THEIAs work and how they would leave an effect even after they were gone. I’m working on one for the psychological effects but I cranked out a chronic illness hurt/comfort fic for the physical effects.
I wasn’t gonna make a post about it but @seth-silver-ink beta’d for me and asked me to so 🤪🤪🤪
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doomdoomofdoom · 6 days
Kamala Harris does want "transgender surgery on illegal aliens that are in prison", btw.
So since Trumpists are getting mad enough about the jokes to actually cite their sources, I thought I'd put the source out into my left extremist commie faggot echo chamber, too.
The claim originates from an ACLU questionnaire she filled out for her 2020 presidential candidacy, specifically this section:
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She wasn't given a new questionnaire for 2024, and has stated that while her policy on some things may have changed, her values had not. (This most likely means she moved more to the center to appease larger demographics and cut corners to reach compromises. The basic politician stuff.)
It boils down to this: If you're in prison, whether for "illegal" immigration or other crimes, you rely on the state to provide you with necessary amenities, like food and health care. Her argument isn't "hell yeah everyone in prison should get sex changes for free". It's "gender affirming surgery is a necessary medical procedure. If you are in the states care while this becomes necessary, the state should provide it." If you're outraged by your tax money being used on this, consider the massive amount of people being incarcerated in for-profit prisons, on your dime. Then ask yourself if maybe a prison reform might be in order.
Worth noting: In 2015, while Attorney General, Kamala Harris actually argued against providing gender-affirming surgery to an incarcerated trans woman, claiming that HRT and psychotherapy were sufficiently covering her medical needs. She has since obviously changed her stance and assumed responsibility. (I would like to take this moment to remind my fellow left extremist commie faggots that "willingness to learn and rethink your views" is infinitely more valuable than "perfect from the start and unwilling to listen to anyone")
Also found in the source: This image of Kamala Harris participating in the 2019 San Francisco Pride Parade, wearing what I believe to be a sequin rainbow embroidered denim jacket.
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I encourage you to read the provided CNN article and the answers to the ACLU questionnaire, as they give great insight into her values.
TLDR: Based.
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lilacstro · 1 month
Astro observations part 14
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Well, the result of my poll clearly said for this and waiting for it to end would make no difference I know haha, so here we go with part 14 :)
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people with planets in subconscious houses(4/8/12) in water signs or even having planets in all of them or at least 2 could be really emotionally receptive, and may feel overwhelming emotions, sometimes being unable to manage this tsunami and moodiness that can manifest can even cause mental troubles
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Girls having an afflicted moon/mars placement, or moon or mars in harsh aspects can experience hormonal/menstrual problems some point in life
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One of the best friendships happen when your moon sign matches someone's sun sign and vice versa
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women with 5th house Leo/Aries/Sun/Mars could be really protective around their children
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For girls who say "I always cry on my birthday" or "my birthday month is my worst" could actually have sun transition into their 8th/12th house at the time of their birthday month. I can make a post on how your birthday month could be for you, let me know if you guys want to read.
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I often tell my clients and I have seen it myself, people with strong Jupiter in their chart are the ones that go through a lot of hard times, the lesson here is to maintain that unwavering faith and optimistic mindset and move forward, it is not until then that you have learnt, Jupiter starts to bless you :)
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people with ruler of 4th in 10th could actually struggle with having their secrets be their secrets in life, it would just somehow come out to people, not exactly fully exposed but people would know something is up.
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planets in your 4th house can in fact tell you what you may like to keep hidden, for example having NN in 4th may not really like sharing my goals or plans with people.
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ok so I recently saw some celebrity's newborn's natal chart, and I saw Mars conjunct Uranus in the second, and it just speaks to me that somewhere in this life, this baby gonna want to spend money like crazily-excessively and he would rebel otherwise, this sure can turn into many more mature things with time, but that impulsivity with money seems something that he needs to look after
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Mercury in Leo people are actually so unafraid lmao, they can deliver the most obviously wrong facts with full confidence and when you confront them, well you cannot actually. But they can make excellent journalists, debaters, politicians etc.
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People with 6th/8th/12th house placements or any of these houses in Virgo/Libra risings should be very aware of who they are entertaining. These kinds of people are actually really giving by nature but they need to be sure that people are not blantly "expecting" them/ latching onto them just for getting what they want.
6th house- literal service, cooking, cleaning, looking after them in tough times
8th house- to change them for their good at the cost of draining yourself
12th house- to mentally elevate or spiritually enlighten someone on the right path
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I think it is not very talked about and a very underrated thing but Neptune in 2nd house people can be really intuitive, things they say may come true but they would not have enough confidence to speak it out or believe it themselves is one thing. Can make really good psychic/tarot readers and even astrologers.
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Venus in 12th house people may attract situations where they can unknowingly want to keep their relationship/friendships private BUT please for god's sake, talk about it to other people, since to me this translates as an isolated Venus and the chances of being manipulated run high and you probably would not even know.
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People who can have their comments get a lot of likes or want to comment out of desire can have Mercury in 11th, but please note Mercury and the 11th should most likely be in fire or air signs, water and earth can rather keep their opinions to themselves.
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Speaking of which if you have Mercury-Mars placement in 11th, you are very likely to be someone who fights for what they like, be unafraid of arguing or putting out your comment on internet, for example: fighting that your fav artist is right or this song is being hated on for no reason etc.
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You may often find yourself contradicting between the life choices of your North Node and South Node house/Signs. For example, someone with NN in 4th and SN in 10th would want to think "ok I wanna marry young, have kids and look after my kids", OR sometimes think "no not at all I will be an unmarried childless girlboss living her life in 30s", it is likely that it is not in between OR it can be, "well how will I manage this desire to have a successful career and be a mother at the same time idk"
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People with Sun/Saturn and Neptune in harsh aspects could have father struggling with substances, or maybe dogmatism or have some kind of un real ideals, may feel very hard to impress, yet you would probably still in some want to get his validation which rather seems impossible because of how out of the world and unrealistic it could be.
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Wherever Juno sits in your chart can show what can change in your life most when you meet your spouse or most significant other, for example people with Juno in 11th, would change what they usually prayed or wished for, their friends and social life. Juno in 9th may become more philosophical or open to higher education. Can make another post on this one
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Speaking of which, Juno can also give clues on how your future spouse could be, it is like a tarot kind of description, not everything would be accurate but some of it sure would be. For example, Juno in 11th could have spouse who works on Internet or through Internet, could have Aquarian traits of having strong, different opinions, BIG hopes and dreams, etc. Can make a post on this one again lmao
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paid readings open
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well that is it for today, send your post suggestions from above or anything else you wanna see:)
i love you all <3
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mysticfoxdesigns · 2 months
The sailors say when the storms roll in, a mysterious giant robot appears. Guiding lost ships back to shore, and then disappearing once more into the mist.
Everyone thinks that it is just a sea tale, a message of hope for when sailors are stuck in storms. Come on, a giant robot that takes ships back to shore? That's science fiction.
But what if it wasn't a story.
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llumimoon · 1 year
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cutieacefuck · 1 year
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I hate that I have to report this scantily clad postman, even if he is appreciable
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fanfictionjumbler · 4 days
The new bot wave in a nutshell:
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distractedvoid · 17 days
i was having a nice day scrolling until i saw that the haiku bot reblogged a post by a proshipper (LITERALLY in the blog name) who was also openly supporting proshipping in that very post?? haiku bot are you okay
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s-sextape · 1 year
i am writing an accidental haiku to attract haiku bot
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nonbinarynerdbot · 1 year
rules — shuffle your “on repeat playlist” and list the first ten songs, then tag ten people
@seth-silver-ink is responsible lol
1.) Milk Milk Lemonade - The Stupendium
2.) Parachute - Liel Bar-Z
3.) Cannibal - Naethan Apollo
4.) Shade Me - Rockit Music
5.) Dance Like the Devil - Rockit Music, Vinny Noose
6.) Revenge Party - Mean Girls the Musical
7.) I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead - Set It Off
8.) Cecily Smith - Will Connolly
9.) In My Apartment - Phillip Labes
10.) Good For You - Dear Evan Hansen
This was actually fun, I need to check my notifications more often lol
(Seth already tagged the people I would have lol)
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matrivers · 6 months
I have six moots on tumblr and one of them is the haiku bot, yay!
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enzo-rambles · 11 months
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I love robots
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lilacstro · 2 months
"just like the sun shines the brightest after the darkest storm" - asteroid ops (2736)
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"sky after storm is just the most beautiful thing ever the Vibe and the sunshine the rainbow everything feels just magical"
ops (2736) is an asteroid that shows where do we face challenges and hard times, but then we shine and find our light. Like, you are supposed to win here, but the sun would rise after the storm. She is the wife of Saturn and mother of Jupiter, and think about it, it was after Saturn (hardships and challenges), she had Jupiter, who is abundance and fortune, at least this is how I see it. And I have found this to be really accurate in my studies and readings but if you do not, please leave it and scroll past :)
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lets goooo!!
how to find the asteroid in your birth chart: go to astro.com → extended chart selection → additional objects(in the bottommost) → manual entry → type the asteroid number
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Ops in Aries/1st house
This can show multiple things, especially some problems around you, your identity and yourself. There can be a lot of inner doubt and confusion. feeling lost and dull. I would also say you can have problems finding what you are really passionate about, seeing yourself in leadership roles might get hard, there is also a possibility you might not like the way you look, there is some major problem accepting yourself and finding your light, but eventually you find yourself, your drive and shine so bright it burns their eyes.
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Ops in Taurus/2nd house
This can show there can be a lot of instability in life, especially when you seek stability instead. There can be constant pushdowns you may feel, as if life is always giving you one reason to pull you back. You may lack the essential resources you need, things and situations become chaotic, if you want to generate wealth, there is again some delay and chaos, but once you pass all these hardships, you build a lot of stable wealth and resources for you and yourself, which is long-term and everlasting in most ways.
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Ops in Gemini/3rd house
Problems in early childhood could have happened that brought a lot of instability and storm in life. There is a huge possibility that life keeps getting black and white, very inconsistent for you. You might also find yourself having problems with people who are like, manipulative, seeing past someone's lies and breaking away from it. There can be polarizing voices in head, confusion and making bad choices, you may feel, but in actuality, its all part of a plan. A problem in communication and having things appear clear to you, especially mentally. You might often have this notion that you ruin things, and life may look very confusing to you. But once you make past this pattern, see the truth inside yourself, before seeing it in other people, and you realize what is your true power, you make bold decisions, without having a lot of inner confusion, it is like taking a leap of faith and after all this inconsistency, things get better for you.
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Ops in 4th house/Cancer
You may always be in search of a home, something that feels like a home. Your past ties or your perception of past may hold you back. Your relationship with your mother could be another point of concern for you. There is also a possibility that your home and family might hold you back in some ways, and it is hard to break away from it. It can be as simple as, you wanting to move away from your home, something or someone, and you feel you are stepping back there. There is also a possibility you may feel you are making a backward progress in life, feeling held back, going down or something. You may want to build a home and family that feels hard and impossible. But once your break past this pattern and thoughts, you build a home inside that you carry everywhere in some sense, you are free and you fly high, go very far in life.
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Ops in 5th house/Leo
You may feel your creative projects and talents are never going to take off, you will never be recognized and appreciated or be in the spotlight for your work, especially if it is creative. You may feel shadowed by other people, feeling unworthy or unrecognized for your work. There can also be issues around wanting to have children. There may be a issues around finding things and people that you really enjoy, you may feel unsettled, as in everything is dimming your light in some ways. But once you find your true jolt and passion in life, once you feel comfortable and embrace your skin, all the light falls on you. You are recognized for your hard work eventually, you have things you want that bring you joy, be it fame or children.
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Ops in 6th house/Virgo
Your routines might feel messy. You may also change tracks a lot, scattered energy here and there. You might feel that people are just taking your work or service for granted and nobody is recognizing you for it. Your health might hold you back in some ways. You might not like the place you are at. feel caged. You might find yourself being very inconsistent, and especially just seeing a vague picture, and not finding yourself attuned to details which cause problems in life. You can also get really cynical sometimes, and just a lot in your head. You might most certainly become fixated and rigid on ideas of something and find it hard to move past it. You might MOSTLY find your hard work has all gone to waste. Eventually, all your work pays off ten fold, you find multiple things you can be good at, you become flexible and free, both physically and mentally. Your health also gets better if that was a concern. You are thanked for, and recognized for your work and value.
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Ops in 7th/Libra
Might have failed relationships, might feel they are never going to find love again or relationships may get sour just at the start somehow. Might feel like an outcast, maybe relationships or marriages don't work. Might feel they are never going to find people or connections that would help them get where they have to go in life, might feel a lack of love in life, a lack of harmony. Might feel people just walk over them. But eventually, they do find the best people, who love them long term, they find people who help them get where they have to. Things get happier eventually, and you do find your people.
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Ops in 8th/Scorpio
Might feel the dark times in life would never end, things change suddenly and overnight. They might feel they are just here to suffer. Everything and everywhere they go fails them, people and situations turn their back, everything falls apart the moment they might step in or put their hands onto something. Thing they step in or like may end up changing or become different from what they envisioned as. But eventually, things become clear and bright after dark times, they make a leap and transformation that would take most people years and decades to make, giving them an upper hand compared to most people. They find the things that fell down are even better or were built on shaky foundations are now strong and stable and things exceed their expectations in how good they are.
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Ops in 9th/Sagittarius
Might find difficulties in foreign travel, things actually may not workout the first few times. High hopes and optimism they may have about their big dreams for themselves might feel out of reach. Might get rejected by their dream school, dream place etc. Higher education becomes tough, maybe you get rejected, maybe you don't know where to go or situations put you in those times. Eventually, you live your life, you get what you want, everything works out, much better than expected. You travel where you wanted to, you get into your dream school or somewhere better. Every hope works out, it feels all like a higher divine plan
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Ops in 10th/Capricorn
Might face difficulties around work and career. Might face unexpected setback and situations. Their business might feel stagnant, or failed in some ways, below expectations. Might feel all their hard work and focus has gone to waste. But things change, if they are consistent and get through it. They earn the deserved recognition, respect and money for their hard work they put into, it is stable and long term.
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Ops in 11th/Aquarius
Might feel their dreams are never going to come true, especially if they wanted something much bigger and different than most people around them. Might feel people are never going to love them or appreciate them for their work, like public recognition of some kind, a following. Might feel they would never find true, genuine connections and the people who would they get along with on a soul level, a soul tribe. But this is not what happens, they get a hell lot of love and appreciation from multiple people, might even get some kind of fan following. All their dreams eventually come true, they just need to hang on and continue what they are doing even if it is different or people might not recognize it, or even at worst if they make fun of it or something. I don't know how many of you are aware about BTS' Jungkook, but he has this placement from what I remember, and if you ever read about BTS, you would probably be able to make sense out of this.
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Ops in 12th/Pisces
Ah, everything may feel out of reach to you at times. A lot of inner turmoil or confusion. Like everything is so far away and you may never get there. There can be so so much of inner doubt about the things you want, or if you even deserve them, as if even you are good enough? A lot of doubt around what you do, if its creative or spiritual or anything so you just hide and do not let the light shine on you out of fear. You might feel you are wild, or delusional in some way for wanting what you want at times. Before things may become hard physically, they become hard and tangled mentally for you, you may actually shut down at times. You may feel unknown to yourself and your deepest desires, as in what do I really even want? If you are spiritual person, you may feel you are blocked in some ways or may have a hard time with spirituality at times. There also can be problem with leaving some kind of substances/addiction behind. But eventually, this inner chaos fades away, and you do find yourself becoming more confident and wanting to come out of this hiding and putting yourself out there. You find yourself, and connect to your intuition, on a soul level so it is like finding a guide inside to help you through confusing times. There is also a possibility that you may turn to some kind of spiritual stuff at some time in your life, most probably.
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paid readings are open xoxo
leave suggestions/feedbacks/post recommendations
i love you all<3
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mysticfoxdesigns · 2 months
Ask and you shall receive @benadrylcandlewhack
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tiedsh0es · 1 month
Can we talk about how no one is happier in Inanimate Insanity until they leave the show? Marshmallow, Lightbulb, Balloon, Taco, Microphone, now even Mepad.
It's brought up again and again. Even by OJ that the show changes you. That you can't better yourself until you get away from it.
The show is this cycle of anger, and cruelness from a host that uses it as a distraction from his past. Mephone is given so many chances to change. Even Mepad, who sticks by him because this is supposed to be the freedom from Cob's Mephone saved him from- is hardly even acknowledged by Mephone.
The contestants even try to be a little kinder towards Mephone because they know his past now- yet Mephone just returns it with more cruelty. Because that's the thing about Mephone he never once tries to change.
Never once tries to actually befriend the characters who try with him.
He's not without chances.
I believe that the only way Mephone can free himself from his own cruelty is with the end of his show. No more seasons, no more spin-offs. All this show is, is a distraction. Something to keep him as far away from his past as possible.
Yet can he do that?
He's driven away every single person that's ever tried with him. His show is the only thing he has control over. The only thing he's ever known since running away.
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Can we talk about this Rescue Bots episode (Spellbound) because I need to appreciate how TERRIFYING it is??? Especially considering it's cannon in the Aligned Universe. This is some A+ horror.
Like damn, some of Griffin Rock's technology is more powerful than even the Decepticon's tech.
Can you IMAGINE if those creepy mind-control cell phones were used in TFP?
Legit mind control that effects humans AND Cybertronians?
And it's SO UNSETTLINGLY subtle, too. The victim's voices sound like their normal selves but just SLIGHTLY off. *shutter* The voice actors did such a good job.
Just IMAGINE that in Prime.
I feel like Optimus would probably be immune (because the Matrix of Leadership is goated) but can you imagine the Jasper Trio getting mind-controlled, and all their guardians + Ratchet know SOMETHING is off, but not what? Then, slowly, the mind control spreads to the Bots? Or vice versa, the Bots go first, and the humans are like: "Something's up with my guardian."
Kinda wild that Invasion of the Body Snatchers shit 100% exists in TFP's world. Felt like I needed to acknowledge that.
Is this gonna be my next TFP headcanons post? Feeling inspired.🤔
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