#body shaping studio
Check Out The Perfect Body Shaping Studio For Your Treatment
Body shaping treatments help you get the body shape you’ve always desired. The process uses non-invasive or surgical techniques to remove excess fatty deposits under your skin, resulting in a contoured body shape. Your loose and saggy skin can also be firmly firmed or tightened. Due to exposure or natural aging, our skin starts to become movable, but skin tightening treatments help tighten the skin, resulting in a more defined-looking and attractive body. 
There are many reasons to have a body-shaping treatment, from improving your self-esteem and confidence to simply getting the body you have always wanted and regardless of your reason for seeking a body-shaping treatment. There are plenty of options available to help you achieve your goals. The first step is finding the best Body Shaping Studio and a qualified professional who can administer the treatment safely and effectively. 
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Body shaping is a cosmetic treatment that uses techniques to improve the appearance of your skin and body. The procedures that fall under this category are medical and cosmetic treatments. The most common treatments include:
- Fat reduction
- Body contouring
- Cellulite reduction or removal
- Skin tightening
- Skin rejuvenation Body shaping is a cosmetic treatment that uses techniques to improve the appearance of your skin and body.
If you want to look your best, feel strong, love life and lose that extra weight, HYPOXI Lane Cove & CBD Pitt Street is the right place. They are a proudly Australian-owned and operated business with years of experience offering this specialised method that stands out as a highly efficient way to fight stubborn fat. Their team is here to help you every step of the way. They have created a welcoming and supportive environment where you can feel confident in your skin. Contact them for more details about Body Shaping Studio Wynyard.
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phoenixcatch7 · 11 months
Man, I want shapeshifter cap SO BAD.
I want to see a Billy that really leans into the wonder of the world, the million paths a child could take in their life.
I want to see a Billy that wants to try everything, at least once.
A Billy that looks at all the people who spit at him, deride him, pity him, dismiss him, ignore him, because he has no future, no prospects, a child in the gutter and say no. I'm going to grow up to be whoever I want to be.
And a captain marvel that says you're going to be amazing.
Billy taking the premise of captain marvels form - his ideal self, a blank slate for Billy to paint his bright colours, the person he wants to be deep inside - and dialling that freedom up to eleven.
A dancer, a dinosaur, a train conductor, a tiger, an ice cream maker, a butterfly, an astronaut, a shark, a college student, a Tamaranean, a mouse, a scuba diver, an elephant, a doctor, a moose, a race car driver, a dog.
A child wanting to see the world.
If you want to find captain marvel, well first you've got to try his comm, probably a couple times.
Then you've got to go to fawcett, hope he's there and not saving the yetis from a salamander invasion in a different dimension.
You've got to ask around, because it often goes by word of mouth here, no matter what technology you bring. Don't worry, it'll spread very quickly, but if you're in a hurry you can find his commemorative statue and leave an offering. No one knows if it really works, but it's a good way to pass the time and feel productive.
Soon, a face will peel out of the crowd. It's always familiar, but it's never the same one.
Wait for the flash of lightning in a cloudless sky.
And then you will find captain marvel.
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ardentinwoe · 15 days
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Got to design some fungi beasts for something I help with!
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 years
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it's night time<333 (with a lil sibling bonding bonus: >;Dc)
studio au belongs to @zu-is-here fem designs are made by me
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ano07 · 1 year
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harmonyshields · 1 year
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©Harmony Shields
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ace-no-isha · 1 year
damn my back hurts i need to get back to yoga 😭☝🏼 i say this every week i went twice last week and i was out of state for 4 days let me cut me some slack
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ozymoron · 10 months
god i wish so bad i had a computer that could run blender without exploding so i can make 3d models. i wanna do sculpting so bad
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florencemtrash · 5 months
He Feels Safe With You — Azriel x Reader
Summary: Azriel's sleeping habits begin to worry you, but after a conversation with Cassian, you realize you've misinterpreted the entire situation.
Warnings: Major fluff. Like tooth-rotting sweetness. Sleepy Az.
Author's note: I should be sleeping because I have work tomorrow but instead I've chosen to write this oneshot and I have no regrets.
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It was starting to become a problem now. 
You cocked your head to the side, cradling a cup of tea in your hands and watching Azriel as he continued to sleep soundly in your bed. You had the windows cracked open and the early Autumn breeze swirled indoors with the scent of lavender, bergamot, and the strawberry jam you’d slathered over your toast. You checked the time once again on the glossy marble clock face. The arrow-shaped hour hand clicked ever closer to 11am, the minute hand close to overtaking its competitor. 
10:55am and Azriel was still asleep. 
The sheets clustered loose and low around his waist, mimicking the curling of his shadows up and down the ridges of his spine and across the delicate membrane of his wings. His wings hung loose and relaxed, stretching off the edges of your bed and caressing the floor with a lover’s touch. You blushed at the sight. When you and Azriel had first started courting each other three years ago, you’d thought through the mechanics of housing an Illyrian warrior in your bed — should you buy a new bed frame and mattress? Did you even have space for it in your apartment? The answer had been no to both, and yet Azriel loved when your daytime activities ended here instead of at the townhouse. If he cared about having to walk sideways to avoid the bookshelves in the halls or having to crouch to avoid the overhang above the staircase, he didn’t mention it. 
Three hours ago you’d woken up beneath the gentle weight of his wings, untangled yourself from Azriel’s greedy limbs, and crept down the stairs to your kitchen, bleary eyed but well rested. But that was three hours ago! Since then you’d brushed your teeth, washed your face, and eaten breakfast, and still the Shadowsinger hadn’t stirred. You were beginning to question whether he truly was the Spymaster of the Night Court as you sat in your velvet chair and admired your lover. You traced all the subtle movements of his body as he muddled through dreams you could only wonder at — the creasing of his brow, the slack line of his lips as he breathed, the twitching of his fingertips as he reached for some phantom object. 
The clock struck eleven and you sighed, gathering your plates but leaving Azriel’s pile of toast, butter, and honey alone. You also left the teapot and its mismatched cup, blowing magic over its lid in a silent command to keep its contents hot until Azriel awoke. 
“I’ll be down in the shop,” you whispered to his shadows, trusting that they would relay the message when their master finally decided to grace the daytime with his presence. 
One by one, shadows slipped off Azriel’s skin, curling around your ankles and wrists in a silent plea to stay. You shook them off like one might a needy child, promising you’d only be two floors down. 
The artists’ corner in Velaris was an eclectic array of compact townhouses, each outwardly dressed in their unique, dazzling finery. Your townhouse was squished between a painting studio and a luthier’s. The painting studio’s owner seemed intent on changing the color of the wooden sidings every other day and the drawings scribbled over the windows every other week. Today it was periwinkle blue to match the hydrangeas overflowing from the window boxes. 
You nodded in approval as you flipped the apothecary sign over from “Much apologies, please try another time” to “You’ve caught us! We’re open!” The blue would match your tulip yellow sidings and the clean white accents of the luthier’s. Last week it had been red and that had looked gods-awful. 
You busied yourself in the shop, crushing up lavender and herbs and boiling mugwort in fire-stained glassware in between flurries of customers until the medicinal stench in the air grew thick and strong. You were used to it by now. It smelled clean. Like home. 
You were finishing tying up a bundle of teabags when Cassian came in carrying a sturdy wooden box under one arm like it weighed five pounds instead of fifty. You snapped out the wrinkles of a cloth bag, dropping the teabags and five vials of sleep serum for the nightingale-winged nymph in front of you. 
“Four feathers and three strands of hair, as we bargained for,” you said, sliding the bag across the counter. 
The nymph nodded in approval, extending out a wing and shoving her fingers into the pillowy softness. She tested for loose feathers ready to pull.
“You’re a godsend, Y/n, has anyone ever told you that?” She pulled out three feathers, closed her wing, and started testing the feathers on the other side. “Finnigan’s was asking me for ten. Ten! Can you believe that? If I hadn’t found you in time I’d have been reduced to a plucked chicken.” She was much less precious about her mousey brown hair and yanked out three strands at random. “Oops, you get an extra strand today,” she sang, dropping the feathers and hair into the jars you held out. 
“Well it’s a good thing you found me then, Moricka.” 
“Honestly! I understand he’s got a large studio space he’s renting in the thick of the Palace, and even I will admit the ambiance is rather professional—” 
Cassian raised his brow, a smirk tugging at the corners of his scarred lips as he continued to stand motionless in the doorway. It was true your space was more… homey than Finnigan’s, but your expertise shined in intimate spaces. You liked the control and the familiarity that came from running a smaller business and you wouldn’t give it up for the world. 
“But I do think the success is getting to his head. You both studied under Lady Madja so I don’t see why—” 
You nodded absentmindedly. It was always like this with Moricka. The songbird in her made it difficult for her to stop talking, but at least her voice was pleasant. 
She threw her hands up in the air before finally catching wind of another presence in the room. Cassian waved at her with a wink and an orange blush creeped onto her full cheeks. He tended to have that effect on fae with his towering size and the wild beauty of his chiseled jaw and smattering of scars over his cheeks and brow. 
“Oh… oh dear, I didn’t realize you had another customer. Oh my goodness I’ve been talking your ear off all this time and you’ve been too kind to say anything. You’re a godsend, Y/n. A godsend! I don’t know what I would do without you, although I should really be letting you go now.” She grabbed her things and sidestepped the range of Cassian’s wings, trying and failing now to gawk. “I’ll see you soon enough again I’m sure.” 
“I’ll be here.” You sighed in relief when the doorbell rang behind her petite frame, the inoffensive smile you offered all your customers sliding off your face like oil on water. Cassian chuckled, dropping the box onto the countertop with a dull thud. 
“Long day?” 
You pulled out a stepstool and began rummaging around through the box, pulling out jars of squid ink, bark trimmings, buttons, and one particularly nasty jar containing a large eye suspended in yellow goo. “It’s not even three.” 
“Did I stutter?”
You tapped the glass and the eye swiveled around to look at you, pupil enlarging and constricting with a stutter. “Yes, yes very good,” you muttered your praise and Cassian fought hard not to shiver. He had a stomach for a great many things, but some of the specimens you handled tested his resilience.
“Thank you for bringing all of this. You’ve saved me a great deal of trouble.” 
“Perhaps you could do the same for me and tell me where my brother is? I’ve been looking for him all day.” Cassian leaned forward on the counter, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Are you holding him hostage, Y/n? Are you using your feminine powers to bring the poor male to his knees? I must admit, I didn’t imagine you as the kind capable of kidnapping. Or shadow-napping, shall we say?”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m hardly holding him hostage.” You gestured down the hallway past the bookshelves and the cases of empty glassware where the light from the staircase glowed like an iron eye. “He’s upstairs sleeping.” 
Cassian furrowed his brows, stepping around and past you. He kept his wings tucked closer to his shoulder blades, careful not to upset the cramped organization you maintained in your shop. 
He smirked. “Still? Are you sure you didn't work your feminine powers last night?” 
You glanced out the store window. A few fae lingered outside the coffee shop across the street clutching takeaway boxes against their chest as they chatted and sipped their drinks. The street was otherwise empty. For now, you wouldn’t have to deal with any customers. 
You looked back at Cassian. “I actually wanted to ask you about that.”
His brows furrowed. “About feminine powers?” He'd meant that as a joke.
“Gods, Cassian let that go.” You wrung your hands. “I wanted to ask if Azriel was alright? Has he seemed… normal to you?”
“I don’t know, has he?” Cassian lowered his voice, sinking into one of the stools by the clear glass medicine cabinet. “From what I can tell he seems well. Happy.” 
Although happy was an understatement. Ever since you’d stumbled into their lives with Madja’s accolades and your wry humor, Azriel had been a goner. You’d pulled emotions from him as deftly as a spinster with a pile of wool, reduced him to a reverential, lovesick mess, and imbued his existence with a color not even Feyre could mix up. Which made it all the more confusing why you looked so nervous.
“You’ve seen more of him than I have, Y/n.” Cassian said. He braced his elbows against his knees, turning serious. The faint bags under his hazel eyes hinted at sleepless nights spent fussing over Neera. It was their fault really, any daughter of Nesta and Cassian was destined to be restless and particular.
“He just… he’s been sleeping more. Falling into bed early, but waking up late. Sometimes we’ll be reading together or just existing side by side and when I turn to face him, he’s dead asleep on the couch.” 
Cassian’s lips twitched, slowly stretching into a smile. You plucked a hemp bag off one of the wall shelves at random, tossing its contents into a mortar and beginning to grind just so you could have something to do with your hands. 
“At first I brushed it off, but it’s gotten to a point where I’ll be talking to him — mindless things, but regardless — and I’ll catch him dozing off. He’s always very apologetic after but I…” The mortar and pestle clattered to a stop. “I worry that he’s growing bored of me. Or that he’s sick in a way I can’t help.” 
“Y/n.” There was a smile in Cassian’s voice, and indeed when you looked at him, his teeth were glistening in the soft afternoon haze. His eyes shined knowingly, as if the answer were obvious.
You paused. “Yes?”
“He feels safe with you.” 
You blinked once. Twice. 
Cassian tipped back in his seat, knocking his head against the cabinet with a rattle of jars and glass as he laughed. “He’s sleeping so much because he feels safe with you. It’s probably why he prefers to spend time here instead of at the townhouse and why he’s still dead asleep while we’re sitting here gossiping about him. Three years ago you couldn’t even whisper his name in a crowded room without him appearing from the shadows as if summoned.” 
You felt heat rise in your cheeks. “Oh... I see.” 
Cassian was grinning. “Y/n, I promise you he’s not bored of you. Azriel sleeping is a good thing. The gods know he could use more rest. I think he might be the worst of us when it comes to taking care of ourselves.” 
Something about Cassian’s words had a crack splintering in your chest. You knew about his past. You knew of the horrors burned into the ruined skin of his hands and the weight his duties deposited on his shoulders.
And here you’d been worried over him sleeping past noon. 
Shadows slipped down the stairs, pooling around your feet in a neat circle and kissing the exposed skin of your ankles. Azriel followed closely behind, still wearing his rumpled hair and pants and a shirt he’d hastily shoved his neck and arms into. He hadn’t even buttoned up the slits below his wings, opting to let the fabric swing free and loose and expose flashes of skin as he walked. 
He jutted his chin out in acknowledgement of Cassian and then folded himself over your back, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist and dropping his face into the crook of your neck where he breathed in the scent of lemon and lavender and medicine. 
“You weren’t there when I woke up,” he said, frowning. There was a slur to his words.
“It’s past three, brother.” 
Azriel snapped his head up in surprise, squinting at the window and the afternoon sunlight streaking in. The pale cobblestones shone like they’d been drenched in honey. 
Cassian rolled his eyes, patting Azriel’s back fondly and mussing up your hair before walking towards the door. He flipped the sign from “You’ve caught us! We’re open!” to “Much apologies, please try another time.” 
“Goodnight, you two!" He called from over his back. "Remember we’re meeting at Rhys’s for dinner tonight.” He turned, bracing his arms against the top of the doorway and leaning forward like he meant to share a secret. “8pm sharp. Don’t be too late or we’ll get the wrong idea about what you two are up to.” He winked, then whistled down the street, letting the door close on its own behind him. 
Azriel sighed, going back to nuzzling his face in your neck. He peppered the sensitive skin there with kisses. 
“Will you be coming back upstairs then?” He murmured hopefully. "Now that you're finished with work?"
You bit your lip and decided rather quickly that the world would not end because you closed a few hours early. 
You led him up the stairs, past the kitchen and living room on the second floor, and then up to the third floor — your bedroom. The window was still open, the hustle and bustle of the city and the smell of coffee from across the street wafting in. Steam no longer poured from the lip of the teapot, so you knew Azriel had had something to drink, and where you’d left toast on his plate this morning lay only crumbs. 
Azriel dropped to his knees, untying your laces and helping you out of your boots. Then he straightened and tugged at the belt loops of your trousers, silently asking for permission before unbuttoning them and sliding them off your legs. Your shirt, then his shirt, and then his trousers joined the pile of crumpled clothing on the floor.
He gently pushed you back onto the bed, falling face first after you with a sigh. This was his favorite position to sleep in — you comfortable on your back and him laying with his hips slotted in between your legs and his head resting over your heart. 
You sank your fingers into his velvety, black hair. His hums of satisfaction flowed through your body, lighting every nerve with a comforting buzz. 
“Azriel?” You asked him, before sleep could finally claim him once more. 
“Do you feel safe with me?” 
He pressed his face further into the soft flesh of your chest, bringing his arms up and around your waist before allowing his wings to do the same. The thin membranes glowed red as hot coals, blocking out the most offensive rays of light from outside. 
“When I am with you, I forget that I was ever that boy whose hands got burned. When I am with you, the hundreds of years I spent feeling alone and worthless in this world melt away into nothing. When I am with you — when I am in this place that smells and feels so strongly of you — I can imagine a future that is good and pure and perfect.” He sighed deeply, seemingly ignorant to the pounding of your heart and the waves of feeling flooding your system. “So yes, my love — my Y/n — I do feel safe with you.”
“I feel safe with you too,” you murmured. “I love you, Azriel.” 
You kissed the crown of his head, earning one last smile and a slurred, “I love you, Y/n,” before his jaw went slack and the room went silent save for the mixing of your breaths and the stirring of shadows.
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overexciteddragon · 4 months
I need to fucking talk about this scene BADLY
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The fact that DunMeshi actually depicts starving dwarves as ripped muscular anime boys is, to me, absolutely incredible. I can't stress how often fat people starving are depicted as either skin and bones or ✨️beautiful and healthy✨️ (the latter being a body shape that they are encouraged to maintain), it's straight up a trope in so much media for skinny people to be depicted as fat in the past as if it's some "dirty secret", or for fat people to be depicted as unhealthy/ugly until they starve themselves enough to become "attractive", and on top of that the depiction of the Dehydrated Adonis Protagonist has become more and more present in our day-to-day media
Meanwhile, it's becoming more widely known that this isn't how bodies work at all; that fat isn't inherently unhealthy and that ripped bodies aren't just impossible to maintain but often quite dangerous. All of that put together, the depiction of more actors and characters that are fat, chubby, large, etc and not used as comedic relief has been so, so important to really hammer home that lean, dehydrated muscular bodies aren't necessarily something to aim for
But especially, dwarves being shown to have the same physical features as these ripped muscly characters (lean, bulging muscles, sharp cheekbones, defined pecs and neck muscles, etc) when they're starved, and that being depicted negatively is such a huge deal. This is also coming from the same anime in which one of its male protagonists is the epitome of the hero-- an athletic tall man in a shining knight's armour with a big shiny sword-- and he isn't shredded, he's got a tummy, he's got soft arms, he's clearly strong and muscular but it's all protected by a healthy layer of body fat
I'm never gonna shut up about how Dungeon Meshi has been such an incredible vehicle of body diversity with neither insidious fatphobia/queerphobia/racism nor performative (and frankly harmful) allyship behind it. I'm excited for how many young people (and older too!) will be made to slowly but surely question their internalized and ingrained fatphobia or general medical misunderstandings about weight as they watch/read this series. These are such important details and not enough media addresses them in such subtle but clear ways.
Bless Ryoko Kui but also bless Trigger for not doing what a lot of studios do (thinning characters and lightening their skin colours)
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amesyeux · 1 year
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Félix Seiler Fédi, Février 2022 https://www.felixseilerfedi.com/
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murdrdocs · 1 month
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80s pornstar logan; age gap; pornstar reader x pornstar logan; doggy; brat!reader MDNI 18+ w/ LOGAN HOWLETT
logan doesn't trust you.
he doesn't know you well enough for you to have gained his trust, but he refuses to get to know you. there's no point. in logan's eyes, there's no reason for you to get comfortable.
you won't be here for long.
he doesn't care how much the studio believes in you, he doesn't believe in you. how could he? you're so fucking green that he can smell it on you. only starred in a couple movies before this one, both nothing compared to the expansive record that he has.
gum-smacking, lip gloss shining under the sun, flowy shirts, and tiny shorts. compared to his cigars, fitted jeans, and plaid, the two of you are polar opposites. even though logan sees something in you. that same arrogance he had at your age. it just looks different on you.
you confront him first. standing beside his car in the studio parking lot, resting your hip on the door like it’s your vehicle. you’re blocking the entrance, lazily smacking your gum as you squint at him.
logan doesn’t say anything. he stands there, hands on his hips, his restless fingers tapping against the worn leather of his belt. he shamelessly lets his eyes rake down your body, taking in the natural shape of your tits through your loose shirt, the expanse of your legs barely covered by your tiny shorts. briefly, logan wonders if you’re shaved like some of the other younger girls he’s filmed with.
he finds himself wanting to find out.
he’s wearing his shades, the thin wire-framed ones with brown lenses. he knows they aren’t opaque, he knows you can see the path his eyes take, but he doesn’t care. he holds off a smile when you adjust your stance and scoff.
“what’s your problem with me?”
logan shrugs dismissively.
apparently, his nonchalance upsets you even more. he expects you to give him some speech about how rude he is, how you deserve to be here just as much as he does, how you earned your spot in this production. whatever your little brain can come up with.
but you give him none of that. you push off of logan's truck, step out of his way, and saunter off with a final call of, "see you on wednesday!".
logan lets his eyes linger on the switch in your hips and the shape of your ass.
his eyes find that same spot on wednesday, his view unobstructed now as your bare skin is illuminated underneath the studio lights. he's just staring and he can't stop. his eyes watching the way your skin ripples as he fucks you from behind, following the curve of your back, all the way up to the crown of your head which reaches for him.
he knows at some point he's supposed to grab the ponytail you have. the director wants him to mess it up as much as possible, providing a good contrast from how dolled up you were before. most of that has been done naturally. for some reason, everything with you seems natural. logan's been in the game for a while, he's had to fake scenes before. it's part of the job description, to act according to how the audience would want the sex to go. but with you, logan doesn't think he's been acting at all.
the energy buzzes around his entire body the entire time. he doesn't ever forget that you're both being filmed, it would be hard to, but he loses himself in it. he loses himself in the way you know just what to do. the way you angle your body perfectly according to the camera position, the way you speak to him, the way you're so visibly remembering every single direction you were giving before filming began.
your competence is hot.
by the time filming is over and a production assistant is handing you a warm towel and your robe, logan's fucking spent.
you're just there grinning, watching logan down an entire bottle of water in one go. when he comes up for air, you stand before him, keeping your eyes on his.
"i see why you're known for your stamina," is all you say to him before you turn away and disappear, possibly unaware of the semi that was brewing beneath the towel covering logan's hips. 
the next time logan sees you, it's through a headshot. sitting on the casting director's desk, amongst three others, all labeled with names and facing him. he stands there for a second, hands crossed over his chest as he scans every picture.
"we just need to know who you think would be good for the next job," the casting director reiterates, his words smooth as they wrap around logan's mind.
logan doesn’t know why he’s pretending, why he's taking so long to answer a question that he knows the answer to.
he slides your picture up higher than the rest and leaves it at that.
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akul-singh · 2 years
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Get Your Best Body Ever with RAW ATH LEAN
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Discover the Outstanding Lymphatic Treatment Near Me
Lymphatics are the circulatory system of the body that filters bodily fluids, primarily interstitial fluid and lymph, from capillaries and circulating blood vessels throughout the body. This fluid is pumped through lymphatic vessels back to the heart where it rejoins circulating blood. Lymph flows opposite the direction of blood movement, thus removing waste products and excess fluids from tissues. Lymph also supports our immune system by helping to remove cellular wastes.
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The lymphatic system has two primary functions:
-To drain fluid from tissues and return it to the bloodstream.
-To protect against disease by fighting bacteria, viruses and other foreign invaders.
Lymphatic drainage is a fabulous way to treat the skin by flushing out the interstitial fluid and toxins from the body. It is a safe and effective treatment suitable for all skin types and shows up when searching for “lymphatic treatment near me” online. It is a gentle, non-invasive treatment that can serve in the comfort of your own home. It is a great way to rejuvenate your skin and restore it to its original beauty without requiring invasive procedures. This treatment can be done by a professional or even by yourself at home with some simple tools.
If you are after a lymphatic treatment that can help to increase the quality of your skin and encourage a healthier lifestyle, look no further than HYPOXI. Based on the simple principle of low-pressure suction, these treatments ensure that fluid is removed from deep layers of tissue and into the lymphatic system to help break down stubborn fat cells. The result is an improvement in skin quality and a reduction in the appearance of cellulite. The treatments are also great for helping to relieve back pain, headaches and migraines and improving your posture.
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For more information about Lymphatic Treatment Sydney, contact HYPOXI today. Their trained therapist will work with you to provide the best solution to suit your needs.
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jeonginsleftcheek · 2 months
Work of art
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pairing: sub!hyunjin x dom!afab!reader
genre: smut
word count: 7.3k
warnings: masturbation, foot job, degradation, body hair(does that need a warning), spanking, butt play, sex toys, hyunjin is called 'slut', ruined orgasm, pegging, restraints, hair pulling, overstimulation, cock milking, slapping, dom/sub dynamics, reader is called 'boss', light bdsm, praise(lmk if i missed something)
a/n: i need subby hyunjin like i need air to breathe, no joke! plus he said he hates shaving so i had to incorporate that fact into my fic🫣
~check out my: Masterlist
The first time Hwang Hyunjin walked into your studio with his hair tousled, sunglasses almost falling off of his nose, a coffee cup in his hand and a walk full of sass and confidence, you knew he was different.
In your line of work, you've met many different models, your specialty being erotic photography, you've captured many beautiful people of all shapes and sizes but no one was as captivating to you as Hyunjin was.
He was full of sex appeal, even when he was dressed, something about him excited you so much that you wished you could cross that line between work and pleasure and indulge in your fantasy of absolutely ruining the man smiling cheekily at you.
It wouldn't be the first time you crossed that line with your models, it's hard to stay desensitized while capturing the naked vunerability of someone. It's exhilirating to command a person's movement, have them in all kind of positions, especially if you're attracted to them.
You appreciated the beauty of a human body, any human body for that matter, you loved encapsulating all the little details in your work. Freckles, grey hairs, spots, knuckles, tummy folds, stretch marks, body hair... You found beauty in everyone. And sometimes you just wanted to give special appreciation to those bodies and those people.
Today is already the third time Hyunjin came to your studio, and even though you've already seen every part of him, you are always in awe of how beautiful he is, like he was carved out by the hands of a god.
"Hi, boss."- he smirks, jokingly calling you silly nicknames is always fun to him.
"Oh, hey there."- you whip around to look at him, and he looks effortlessly handsome, like he got up and put on the first things he found though you know he actually made an effort with his outfit.
You can see the details, the rings adorning his long fingers, the necklace framing his neck and the black cashmere shirt, two of the buttons undone revealing his prominent collarbone. The shirt is slightly crooked, sliding off of his left shoulder, revealing his smooth skin.
He takes you in too, your hair in a half updo held by an oriental looking hair pin, the black eyeliner on your eyes, making them look even sharper, and your black top, loose around your frame, your perky nipples on display since you hate wearing bras, your pants also flowy and your feet bare.
You hate being restricted while you work so you always dress as loose and casual as you can, unkowingly turning Hyunjin on as he takes mental notes and pictures of you.
"Brought you coffee too."- he says as he comes closer, and your nose is filled with his intoxicating scent mixed with the comforting smell of coffee, making you dizzy.
"Thanks, Jinnie."- you take the cup from him, your fingers grazing against each other's, sending a wave of electricity through your body.
"Why don't you go get comfortable while I prepare my camera?"- you say after you take a sip of coffee.
"No foreplay? No how are you, how's your week been?"- he jokes around, placing his stuff on the side and you look at him, your eyes narrowed and a smirk on your lips.
"We're gonna be here for hours, there's time to talk. Besides, you've done this before, you don't need foreplay."- you chuckle as he takes his shoes off.
"Maybe I like foreplay with you."- oh you know he's a flirt, he does it every time he comes here, taunting you and testing your patience.
If only he knew that he was playing with fire.
"Hm, maybe I won't give it to you for that exact reason."- you smirk and he clicks his tongue, shaking his head at you.
"Wow, you're mean."- he chuckles.
"Oh, you have no idea, pretty boy."- you say and the nickname goes straight to his dick. He got called a pretty boy many times by many different people, in more lewd situations than this one but hearing you call him that in your sultry voice thrilled him like nothing else.
"Where do you want me?"- he asks, dressed only in his shirt and his boxers, his long legs looking delicious.
"On the bed. We're doing a bed shoot today."
"Straight to it. I like that, boss."- he smirks and climbs onto the bed as you chuckle, adjusting some settings on your camera.
"Alright, let's warm up. Just do what naturally comes to you first."- you say, bringing your camera up.
And Hyunjin is a natural, he flirts with the camera easily. As soon as it's on him, the look in his eyes changes and it makes your core throb, the way his eyes stare at you hungrily through the lens.
Hyunjin is propped on his elbows and he throws his head back, revealing his long neck. He spreads his legs a little, looking absolutely delectable as he stares up at you.
You take a few photos as he gives you a few different versions of that pose, his hand coming up to undo another button of his shirt.
"Is that The Cure?"- he asks as you hum along to the music playing.
"Yeah."- you nod. "That's the mood for today."- you add and Hyunjin chuckles.
"Are you depressed or deeply in love?"- he jokes as you come closer to him and take a few close-ups.
"Neither of those. Not that it's any of your business, Hwang."- you smirk, and he cringes.
"Ew, don't call me by my last name."- he recoils as he changes positions, kneeling on the bed and sitting on his feet.
"What do you want me to call you? Pretty boy?"- you taunt, your hands on his thighs, spreading them apart. Hyunjin visibly gulps, his eyes boring into yours as he looks at you sweetly.
"That's much better."- he says, his breath short as he lets you adjust his hands so that they're in his lap, one wrist over the other, like you were gonna tie him up.
Your hand comes up to touch his chin and you lift his face up, your thumb pressing into his plushy lower lip. His lips part as he looks at you like he's mesmerized.
"Stay like that, pretty boy."- you smirk as you grab a chair and bring it closer to the bed.
You get up on it as Hyunjin looks at you wordlessly, his eyes following your movements.
You reach towards him and slide the shirt off his shoulder before you get into a position so you can snap a few photos looking down at him.
"Looking good?"- Hyunjin asks after a few more positions.
"Need your shirt off."- you say as you look through the photos, your brows furrowed in concentration.
"Your wish is my command, boss."- Hyunjin smirks, slowly unbuttoning the rest of his shirt as you look up from your camera.
The shit eating grin he has on his face as he undoes and slides the shirt off as slowly as he can, lets you know he's teasing you.
You stare intenly at him as he leisurely slides it off, the sleeves pooling around his wrists as he leans on them, his legs still spread, head lolled to the side. You can see the outline of his semi hard cock, and his happy trail disappearing under the top of his boxers. It's nothing new, you've seen him naked and fully hard already, taking pictures of him in the most vunerable state.
"Don't move."- you say and bring your camera up as Hyunjin gives you a sultry look and you snap a few more pictures.
"I want a few shots of your back and shoulders."- you say and Hyunjin nods, a smirk on his lips.
He gets rid of his shirt completely and turns his back to you. Your hand comes up to touch his hair as you play with it, making it look even more tousled than it was before.
You can hear Hyunjin's breath getting caught in his throat whenever your fingertips brush against the back of his neck, goosebumps rising on his skin and you're so close to him, he smells so good and you just want to lean in and leave kisses on his neck.
Your hands slide down his shoulders and arms and he leans into your touch, shivering a little as you run your fingertips on his upper back.
"Keep doing that and I'll lose my concentration very quickly."- Hyunjin whimpers quietly and you laugh at him, squeezing his arm a little.
"You're not that easy, are you?"- you smirk, removing your hands off of him and grabbing your camera.
"You wanna find out?"- he flirts again, looking back at you with a smirk.
"Stop flirting, we're working."- you tease as you get ready to take more pictures.
"Alright, I'm serious now. So serious."- Hyunjin smiles and you chuckle, shaking your head at him before he stills so you can do your job.
After some time, he gets turned towards you again and your eyes fall down between his legs immediately.
Hyunjin smirks as you eye his erection that's bulging and straining in his boxers.
"I didn't shave."- he whispers. "But it's trimmed. Is that okay?"
You look up, your eyes slightly widdened, the thought of his pretty cock framed like that made you so unbearably aroused, your pussy throbbing.
"More than okay, Jinnie."- you say, leaning closer to him without even realizing it, and your knee brushes against his bulge.
"Ah..."- he moans a little, his head falling back, eyelids droopy as he looks at you.
"Sorry, didn't mean to do that."- you swallow.
"I don't mind."- he says quietly, legs spreading more as he moves his hips up, brushing against your knee.
"Hyunjin."- you say in a warning tone but his hands grip at the sheets as he starts slowly rutting against you.
You want to stop him but he looks so freaking hot with his lips parted, knuckles white and pupils blown as he ruts against you like a desperate dog.
"You can't cum Hyunjin, I need more pictures before that."- you warn him, your hands on his hips, pressing down to stop his movement.
"S-sorry. I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me."- he looks pathetic and embarassed as he tears his eyes away from you.
You chuckle, arousal dripping on your lace panties as you grab your camera.
You stand up on the bed, balancing for a moment before you speak up.
"You look really pretty when you're pathetic like that."- you smirk, snapping a few pictures of his already fucked out face.
"Yeah? You wanna make me more pathetic then?"- he taunts.
"Don't challenge me, pretty boy."- you say.
"Why not?"- he bites on his lip, you can see he's so desperate for you to do anything, touch him in any kind of way and though you always flirted with him, you never went this far before.
Your mind is getting a little cloudy at the sight of Hyunjin under you like that, like he's giving himself to you on a silver platter.
"I don't know if you can handle it."- you whisper.
"I can."- he's sure of himself and you know you're going to have so much fun with him.
You've noticed he always stares at your feet and you smirk, your eyes getting hazy as you find your balance on the bed again and place your foot on his thigh.
Hyunjin jerks under your touch immediately, leaning into you. You slide your foot towards his cock before you press into his erection.
"Ah!"- Hyunjin whimpers, his back arching on the bed as you start slowly moving your foot on his length, his cock twitching every time you touch his head.
"Y/n... fuck."- he whines and you use that moment to take more pictures of him.
His eyes snap open as he looks up at you, his vision blurry from the pleasure you're giving him, your toes circling his head that's leaking pre cum, forming a wet patch on his boxers.
"You really are pathetic, Hyunjin."- you chuckle lowly. "This is what you get off to?"
"Mm, yes, yes!"- he whines, his hips lifting up into your touch as you speed up and press harder into him.
His cock twitches violently against you, and he looks more beautiful than before, his face and neck flushed, his nipples perky, face fucked out and hair messy, his legs spread for you.
You use that moment to take more pictures of him, ones you will keep only in your private collection.
"Say it, pretty boy. Say what you are."- you demand.
"Pathetic! I'm pathetic!"- he whines loudly, face scrunching up in pleasure and you know he's close. His thighs shake and you smirk evilly.
"Yes, you are. A pathetic slut."- you say and he whimpers your name loudly before you remove your foot, leaving him hanging on the edge, ruining his orgasm.
"W-why'd you stop?!"- he gasps, fisting the sheets in frustration. You snap a picture as you laugh.
"I told you not to challenge me. And we're not done with work."- you say, kneeling down between his legs. "I need your cock to be wet and hard for the next pictures."- you caress his thigh and he moans, tears of frustration gathering in his eyes.
"Will you let me cum after that?"- he asks and he looks so fuckable in that moment that you just want to put away your camera and fuck his brains out but somehow you manage to calm down.
"Maybe."- you say and he sighs, wiping at his eyes.
"You really are mean."- he pouts.
"Just take those off and shut up."- you pinch his nipple quickly and he gasps, his eyes widdening and cheeks becoming even more flushed.
He obeys your command and slides his boxers down, throwing them somewhere on the side.
His cock slaps against his stomach, it's painfully hard and throbbing, the tip is red and angry, pre-cum oozing out of it, the vein running over his length is prominent. But what grabs your attention most is the neatly trimmed bush framing his cock so perfectly and you can't help the gush of arousal pooling on your panties.
Hyunjin shrinks a little under your eyes as you keep staring at his cock.
"I-is it okay like that?"- he asks, his voice wavering.
"It's so fucking hot."- you lick your lips.
"Really?"- Hyunjin shivers when you look into his eyes darkly.
"Really."- you whisper, hand reaching towards him. He thinks you'll wrap it around his cock, instead you place it on his navel, fingers gently running down his happy trail to his bush, playing with the hairs and lightly pulling on them. Hyunjin jolts, his cock twitching as electricity runs through his body.
"Oh... oh that feels good."- he whines as you play with his hair.
"Touch yourself for me, will you?"- you say, smirking as you move your hand away again and he whines in frustration again.
"Anything for you."- he says and the look in his eyes confirms his words, he would really do anything for you.
His long thin fingers wrap around his swollen cock as he starts stroking it.
"Slower."- you order and he obeys, hand moving painfully slowly as little moans spill from his lips. His eyes are trained on you as you keep taking pictures of him.
"Spread your legs more. Let me see everything, pretty."- you smirk and Hyunjin spreads his legs, bringing them up as he leans down on his elbow.
"This good?"- he asks, his voice breaking and lower than usually as he struggles not to jerk off faster.
"So good."- you chuckle and keep snapping pictures of him. Hyunjin's going crazy, he wants some kind of release but you have different plans for him.
"Stop now."- you say and he whimpers but moves his hand to the side, gripping at the sheets again as you snap photos of his pretty cock.
"Are those for work or for you?"- he smirks, almost breathless.
"Wouldn't you like to know?"- you smirk back at him and he sits up, his face close to yours.
"I can give you even better pictures for your private collection."- he whispers lowly.
"Oh yeah? What do you get out of it?"- you ask with a smirk.
"You."- he says.
"You want me?"- you chuckle, placing your hand on his chin and holding his face firmly in place.
"I want you so bad."- he whines.
"If you want me, Hyunjin... You're gonna have to be a good boy and take what I give you without complaints."- you warn, your voice sultry and low, your camera forgotten on the side.
"Okay, I can do that. I can be good for you."- he says quickly and you chuckle at his eagerness.
"We'll see about that."- you say and before he can answer you grab him and easily turn him on his stomach as he shrieks and scrambles to grab at the sheets.
Your hand wraps around the back of his neck as you push his face into the bed, your pelvis colliding with his ass. You lean over him, your other hand slowly running down his spine as Hyunjin shivers, his eyes wide and breaths ragged.
"You think you can take me, Jinnie?"- you chuckle lowly, blowing at his ear as your hand comes down to grip his asscheek and he mewls under you, scratching at the bed.
"Y-yes."- he whispers.
"Are you sure? This sweet hole looks so very tight."- your fingertips press into his fluttering entrance, just to tease him a little.
He gasps, leaning into your touch as his eyes roll back.
"I- yes, I can take it! Please!"- he whines desperately, dragging the tip of his cock against the satin sheets.
His eyes close in anticipation but you move away completely, leaving him bare and he hears the clicks of your camera before he can even open his eyes and look at you.
He starts getting up, but you're quick to place your hand on his back and push him down.
"Did I say you could move?"- you snap at him and Hyunjin shivers.
"N-no."- he gulps loudly and you tower over him.
"Then why did you move?"- you ask, pinching his butt and he jolts and whimpers.
"I won't do it again, I swear!"- he cries out as you smack his ass and watch as it jiggles deliciously.
"Good slut."- you smirk and leave him on the bed as you put your camera aside and go to your table. There's a drawer in the table, holding all kinds of fun things and Hyunjin breathes deep as he kneels on all fours.
It wouldn't be the first time he got fucked in the ass but no one was ever this demanding and degrading towards him and he was so excited that he felt like could cum untouched any moment now.
You found a bottle of lube and an unused butt plug, your feet padding on the floor and you get back to Hyunjin as he eagerly awaits for you.
"Eyes up front."- you say as you kneel behind him, placing the stuff on the side. You spread his legs more with yours and he whimpers a little, his hands gripping at the sheets above his head.
You practically drool at the sight of him, face down and ass up, his pretty hole on display just for you, the muscles on his arms flexing as he grips and releases the sheets.
You decide to take your sweet time with him, knowing how hard he is and how close to his release he is, the sadist in you loving the power you have over such a beautiful man.
You run your hands down his back to his dainty waist, grabbing it and caressing his soft skin. Your hands slide down to his ass and the back of his thighs as you explore his body, squeezing, slapping, fondling, worshipping.
Hyunjin keeps shivering and breathing hard as he leans into your hands, hungry for more, like he's never been touched before.
"P-please..."- he begs and you chuckle, spanking him lightly.
"You're gonna have to do better than that, pretty boy."- you click your tongue, grabbing his ass harshly and he moans, fingertips digging into the matress.
"Please, y/n, please touch me!"- he whines.
"You want me to touch you?"- you smack his ass again.
"Ah! Yes, please touch me!"
"Where? Where do you want me to touch you?"- you smirk, your hands massaging his asscheeks, fingertips close to where he needs you the most.
"My- I want your fingers inside me, please!"- he begs and you chuckle.
"Was that so hard to say?"- you tease him.
"N-no, it wasn't."- he stutters as you grab the lube and pour it all over your fingers, warming it up a little, before you place two of them on his fluttering hole.
Hyunjin's thighs shake in anticipation as you press on it and start moving your fingers in a circling motion.
"Ah, mm..."- Hyunjin melts instantly, leaning into your touch. What was it about you that made him surrender so easily?
You keep massaging his hole, circling it slowly as it pulsates and opens up under your touch, and you lean down pressing your lips into his upper back.
"Ahh!"- Hyunjin whimpers, enjoying the attention you're giving him.
His cock hurts so bad by now, he hopes you'll let him cum soon before he loses control and cums untouched.
Your lips keep worshipping his back as you slowly push your finger into him. He tenses for a moment and you bring your other hand up to caress his lower back while you keep pushing into him.
"Y/n"- he whimpers your name as you wiggle your finger inside him.
"So tight. Just for me."- you smirk against his skin, leaving another kiss on his spine.
"Yes, just for you."- he whispers, his breath getting caught in his throat when you start sliding your finger inside him slowly.
"But I think you can take more."- you say, slowly pulling out to add more lube before you push two of your fingers inside him.
"Ah, fuck!"- Hyunjin's body jerks forwards as he whimpers loudly.
"Look at that. Such a slutty hole, taking my fingers so well."- you say, and Hyunjin hears the camera click.
"A-ah w-what-" - he stutters as you push your fingers as deep as you can.
"Private collection."- you chuckle as you curl your fingers and start fucking directly into his prostate, making him moan loudly and claw at the sheets, his cock dragging against the bed and leaking onto it, and he feels like exploding right away.
"Please don't stop, please don't stop, please..."- he keeps repeating, his body shaking as he gasps and moans.
You sneak your hand around him, sliding it against his navel, until your fingertips reach his bush and you start playing with it again, pulling on the hair. Hyunjin falls apart, moaning loudly, not even caring how pathetic he looks and sounds as he pushes his ass back into you and ruts his cock against the bed.
"You wanna cum, slut?"- you ask, running your fingers through his pubic hair and pressing them into his skin as you keep abusing his prostate.
His cock throbs and he can't hold it in anymore, his body shakes violently, sweat sliding down his forehead.
"P-please I wanna cum."- he cries and you laugh, you got him exactly where you want him.
"Pretty boy wants to cum."- you mock him.
"Yes, please y/n! Please!"- he begs again.
"Will you let me do whatever I want with you?"- you smirk as you keep fucking into him fast, your other hand grabbing his balls and massaging them.
"Oh my fu- yes, yes you can do whatever you want with me!"- he whines and you smirk.
"You can cum."- you say and Hyunjin's whole body convulses as he explodes hard onto the bed, spurts of cum keep painting the sheets as he moans your name over and over again.
"Fuck, what a dirty slut you are."- you smack his ass hard as you pull out your fingers.
His hole flutters and he whimpers at the empty feeling.
"A pathetic dirty slut. Aren't you?"- you ask sternly, your hand tangled in his hair as you pull his head back.
"Yes, I'm a pathetic dirty slut!"- he cries.
You snicker, leaning away from him and he looks back at you, his eyes teary, sweat on his forehead.
"Wh-what are you doing?"- he asks, straining his neck and trying to look at your hands.
"See this pretty butt plug? I think it'd look even prettier inside you."- you say. "Don't you agree?"- you ask, teasing his entrance with it.
"Mm, yes. Put it in, boss."- he whines and you chuckle as you push the butt plug inside him slowly, watching his sweet hole swallowing it greedily.
When it's pushed all the way in, you caress his ass as you grab your camera.
"Be sweet and stay like that."- you say and Hyunjin just whimpers, the butt plug designed specifically to stimulate his prostate and his cock is getting hard again, twitching against the bed.
You snap a few pictures before you stand up and grab your shoes.
"Where are you going?"- Hyunjin shivers, still not moving from the position you ordered him to stay in.
"We are going to my house, pretty. Get dressed."- you say and Hyunjin's eyes widden as he scrambles to get up, his legs like jelly from the orgasm before and the toy inside him, stimulating him constantly.
You only ever brought one of your models home before, Nelle, and you had so much fun with her but Hyunjin was something different, he was captivating to you like no one else and a small part of you hoped this wasn't the last time you'd be going home with him.
Hyunjin barely managed to get dressed, having to somehow tuck his semi hard cock back into his boxers, whimpering while doing so and you enjoyed watching him struggle, he looked good enough to eat in that moment.
You practically dragged him to your car after locking up the studio and he sat in the passenger seat with a loud whimper, the butt plug pressing into his prostate harder.
The whole drive to your apartment, Hyunjin was tortured, he tried to get off somehow, gyrating his hips and palming himself but you slapped his thigh every time he did that, warning him to be good.
"Stop that or I won't let you cum all night."- you pinch his plushy thigh and he whimpers.
"S-sorry."- he apologizes, sweat trickling down his forehead as he breathes hard.
He almost fell apart by the time you arrived at your building and you had to help him walk to the entrance.
When you enter your apartment, Hyunjin looks around, trying to take in the modern art that was displayed everywhere in your space, the smell of you mixed with remnants of some kind of spicy scented candle was overflowing his senses and his body was buzzing.
"Want something to drink?"- you tease and he whines.
"Y/n please..."
"Please what? You have to use your words, pretty. Tell me exactly what you want or I won't do anything."- you smirk, pushing him against the wall, your thigh lodged between his legs, your hand holding his face firmly.
His eyes roll back as he whimpers and tries to rut against you.
"You can form a sentence, can't you?"- you say in a mocking tone, your hand sliding down to wrap around his neck.
"Y-yes... I-I want you to fuck me, please."- he whimpers and you laugh, stepping back from him.
"Oh you're gonna have to work hard for that."- you say, grabbing his wrist gently and leading him to your room.
"I'll do anything! I swear!"- he scrambles behind you.
"Strip."- you order as you push him into your room, closing the door with your foot.
Hyunjin obeys quickly, peeling off his clothes and throwing it aside.
"You're making a mess, Hyunjin."- you warn and he gasps, grabbing his clothes from the floor and placing it on the chair next to your table.
"Sorry."- he mutters, his face is flushed as he looks down, avoiding your eyes and awaiting your next order.
"Kneel."- you say and his eyes widden a little before he falls on his knees, hitting your carpet with a muffled thud.
"Hands on your back, head down."- you order and he does everything you say.
You can see his breathing is becoming ragged, his pretty cock twitching and leaking down onto your expensive carpet.
"You're gonna wait like that and I don't want to hear a peep from you, understood?"
"Yes, boss."- Hyunjin whimpers quietly, eyes glued down to his body.
You leave the room and a few moments later, Hyunjin hears the shower running.
He curses under his breath, you're really enjoying torturing him. But, he knows he wouldn't be here if he wasn't enjoying it.
His mind keeps making up scenarios of what you would do to him, he wondered if you're even gonna let him taste you or fuck you.
His cock was getting painfully hard at the image of you riding his face, making him suffocate on your sweet pussy as your plush thighs frame his face perfectly.
He wanted to touch himself so bad but he knew you'd punish him for that, even though he would take your punishments happily, he'd rather you reward him for his good behaviour so he stays still.
You come back some ten minutes later, refreshed and naked, the only thing you have on is a strap on and Hyunjin dares to look up at you, his eyes bulging out of his skull as he whimpers.
"Pretty boy, is this what you want?"- you ask, strolling closer to him.
"Y-yes, please."- he whimpers again.
"Cock slut."- you snicker at him, hand in his hair as you grip him and pull on his head harshly.
"Ah!"- he moans loudly, his fingertips digging into his palms, his thighs and biceps flexing and straining as his hard cock twitches.
"Suck."- you simply order, pressing the tip of your cock on his plump lips. Hyunjin's eyes get hazy instantly as he wraps his pretty cherry lips around your tip.
He looks so sweet as he keeps his eyes on yours, sucking eagerly on the head of the dildo, getting it wet with his spit as it drips down his chin.
"You can take more."- you say lowly, pressing his head towards you and pushing more of it in. He moans around you, swallowing around your cock as his eyes roll back.
You fuck his face slowly and Hyunjin keeps moaning, taking more in, the gagging noises he makes as he chokes on the dildo get you extremely wet and horny.
"You look so pretty with your mouth full of cock. You were made just for this."- you smirk, reaching towards the table you were near to and grabbing your camera that was left there.
Hyunjin whimpers around you, choking on your length again.
"I'm gonna take a few pictures of your pathetic face, slut. Stay just like that."- you say as he swallows as much of the dildo as he can.
Hyunjin tries to breathe through his nose so he doesn't gag while you take pictures and his cock keeps leaking and throbbing painfully, begging for any kind of release.
You put your camera aside and start fucking his face, Hyunjin whines around you, his hands coming up to grip at your thighs so he doesn't fall from the sheer strength you're moving your hips with.
"Why are you touching me?"- you slap his cheek with two of your fingers lightly before you pull out of his mouth.
Hyunjin coughs, eyes fluttering as he grabs at his throat and looks up at you.
"Fuck, I'm sorry!"- he whines and you smirk, circling around him. He tries to turn around but you place your foot on his upper back and force him down into the carpet, his cheek leaned on it and his ass lifted up.
"You wanna be fucked, slut?"- you ask, holding his head down with your foot.
"P-please..."- he whimpers.
"Let me see you fuck yourself with the butt plug. I wanna see how much you want it."- you say with an insidious smile.
Hyunjin's hand is shaky as he reaches behind him and grips the base of the toy. He mewls as he starts moving it in and out of his hole slowly.
"Do you even want it? Try harder."- you press your foot between his shoulder blades, holding him down as his eyes wander and look at you.
He whines and starts fucking himself faster, his free hand gripping at the carpet as he tries his best.
"Faster, slut!"- you lean down and spank him hard making him jolt and whimper loudly.
"F-fuck!"- he swears, moving his arm faster, fucking the butt plug right into his prostate. His eyes are shut tightly, his cock is constantly twitching and he's close to his release.
"Faster!"- you smack him again.
"M-my arm hurts."- he whimpers and you chuckle.
"You're acting like a little princess, Hyunjin. You want me to lay you down and do all the work?"- you ask, moving your foot away and leaning closer to him, your hand covering his and helping him fuck himself.
"N-no! I want what you want!"- he cries.
"No, you don't. You don't get to want anything. I told you not to taunt me, didn't I?"- you smirk, pushing the butt plug deep inside his hole.
"I'm sorry, boss. I'm so sorry!"- tears gather in his eyes and you smirk, slapping his hand away and pulling the butt plug out.
"You're gonna do all the work."- you chuckle lowly, sitting on the bed as Hyunjin kneels and looks at you.
"I am?"- he asks, confused as to what you're asking him to do.
"Yes. What are you waiting for? Come and sit on my dick, slut."- you order and Hyunjin gasps, scrambling to his feet and almost running to you.
You have your camera with you and a bottle of lube which you hand to Hyunjin.
"Make me wet."- you say and he whimpers as he spreads the lube on his hands before he grabs the dildo and starts jerking it off.
His eyes fall to your breasts and he wishes he could suck on your sweet nipples and lay his face on them but at this point, he's sure you wouldn't allow that.
Hyunjin straddles you, hovering over your cock and you watch him with a smirk.
He grabs his asscheeks, spreading them apart and slowly sliding his hole on the wet strap-on.
The tip catches his pulsating hole and he mewls loudly as he slowly brings his hips down on yours, taking the whole thing in one slide, filled up to the hilt.
The way he looks in that moment is worth thousands of pictures and you grab your camera. Hyunjin stays still as you take pictures of him, his hole clenching around you, his cock twitching constantly, the pre-cum dripping down and pooling on your stomach.
"Come on, fuck yourself pretty boy."- you smirk and Hyunjin starts slowly sliding up and down on your cock, his dick jumping up and down with every move he makes, his thighs flexing from all the hard work he's doing.
"S-shit, ahh!"- he moans, beads of sweat already covering his forehead and sliding down the side of his face.
Your eyes roam all over his frame and you can't believe you have a man this beautiful falling apart on top of you.
Your eyes keep falling down to his cute bush, wanting to touch him again and pump his pretty cock, milk him dry until he cries for you to stop.
But you're patient and you let him set the pace for a little while as he gradually keeps speeding up, his hole hungry to be filled.
His eyes are closed and you smirk as you grab his hips and start fucking up into him without warning.
"Ah! Fuck!"- he almost screams, his eyes snapping open and finding yours.
You're fucking up into him fast and hard, using all your strength to abuse his prostate and he keeps moaning loudly, fucking himself on you like a feral animal.
"Look at you, taking my cock so well."- you praise him. "You were made for this."
"Yes, I was made to take your cock!"- Hyunjin moans, his mind completely gone as he chases his high.
"You're not allowed to cum yet."- you say and he whines.
"P-please, please, I need to cum! Please, I wanna cum for you, show you how good you make me feel."- he begs, his eyes glassy, the look in them like a kicked puppy and you adore him so much in that moment.
"Fine, but there will be consequences."- you smirk but Hyunjin just thanks you over and over again as he lets go, his cum shooting out and covering your stomach in it, a few drops reaching your breasts.
Before he can even come down from it, you manage to flip him over with your cock still inside him.
He gasps, grabbing at your sheets as you hover over him, pulling the dildo out of him only to push it back in harshly, bottoming out inside him.
"Fuck!"- he curses, tears and sweat mixing on his face and you grab his sensitive cock and spit on it.
"Y/n..."- he cries as you start jerking his soft cock, moving the dildo slowly inside him.
"It's not y/n to you!"- you warn him with a slap on his cheek and Hyunjin gasps, his cock twitching in your hand from the pain you gave him.
"Boss! I'm sorry!"- he apologizes for the nth time tonight and you push in deeply, placing your hand on his stomach and pressing down.
Hyunjin moans, his legs jerking up and you chuckle.
"See how deep inside you I am? You love being filled up like this cause you're just a little cock slut. My cock slut."- you run your hand down and pull on his little bush.
"I'm your cock slut!"- Hyunjin whines, arching into your touch as you keep stimulating him both on the outside and the inside.
His cock hurts and he thinks he can't take anymore but you know he can. You keep jerking him off, running your fingertip on his slit, your other hand playing with the hair framing his dick, your cock deep inside him, the tip pressing into his sweet spot.
Hyunjin has completely surrendered to you, his head lolling to the side as he lets you torture him.
When he's fully hard again, you slide your cock out of him and he looks up at you, his eyes almost crossed from the pleasure running through his body.
"Get on all fours."- you order and he slowly turns around, his face smushed in your pillow and ass up in the air. You stand up and Hyunjin's eyes follow you as you open up a drawer. His heart beats fast as he wonders what you'll pull out of it this time.
"Close your eyes and put your hands above your head."- he obeys, his forehead pressing into your pillow as he breathes hard.
You place one handcuff on his wrist, putting the chain around the headboard of your bed before you snap the other handcuff closed around his wrist. Hyunjin whimpers, looking up at his restrained hands.
"Spread your legs more."- you say and he does as he's told. He looks down between his legs and sees you grabbing more restraints. His heart skips a beat when you secure the bar between his legs, keeping them spread apart for you.
"Oh god..."- Hyunjin whimpers loudly, trying to close his legs just to test it but he can't.
"This is to make sure you don't try to close your legs on me."- you smirk, your hands roaming on his back, ass and the back of his thighs.
"I would never!"- he says and you chuckle.
"Good boy."- you praise him, hands on his asscheeks as you spread them apart.
You slowly push inside his little hole, stretching him to adjust you again and Hyunjin grips at the handcuffs, moans spilling from his pretty lips as you bottom out.
"Since you wanted to cum so badly earlier, you will cum now. As many times as I want you to."- you snicker and grip his hips, fucking into him harshly.
"A-ah!"- Hyunjin's voice breaks as his eyes widden.
Your hips keep slapping into his as you fuck his ass, his cock brushing against your sheets contantly as he drools on your pillow, little moans and groans spilling out of his lips, making your pussy throb with arousal.
Two orgasms later, Hyunjin is constantly trying to close his legs and move away but you keep pushing him back on your cock, you know he's okay unless he uses his safeword.
Your hand tangles in his hair and you grip it, pulling his head back, your other hand wrapping around him to grab his tortured cock.
"I- I can't..."- he's crying and drooling, his body sweaty and his muscles aching.
"You can give me one more, I know you can."- you coo at him and he whines, he will try for you. "Yours is a greedy little hole."- you smirk.
You fuck into his prostate, jerking him off at the same pace and Hyunjin's whole body shudders violently as he moans so loudly that you know the neighbours can hear him.
"B-boss ahh, it hurts!"- he moans.
"You love that, you little slut. Come on, give me one more!"- you order, smacking his ass hard.
Hyunjin chokes on his spit as he spasms, coming all over your hand and the sheets and you milk him dry as he shakes.
"No more... please no more..."- he cries and you finally release him and slide out of his abused hole.
"Wow."- you grab the camera and snap a few pictures of his ruined body as he shivers.
"P-please, untie me."- he says and your eyes soften as you put the camera on the night stand.
You remove the restraints slowly, removing your strap too before you put your arms around Hyunjin and pull him into your body. Both of you are sweaty and gross and the bed is a mess but neither of you care as you cling onto each other.
"You okay?"- you ask, running your hands through his damp hair.
"Mhm. So good."- he whispers, the side of his face smushed into your breast.
"I'm gonna run us a bath and you wait here, okay?"- you say and Hyunjin looks up at you with a dopey smile.
"You forgot something, boss."- he says.
"What is it?"- you ask and he sits up as best as he can, his face close to yours.
"You never kissed me."- he pouts and you chuckle as he leans in.
"Can I?"- he whispers on your lips.
"I think we're way pass that."- you say and press your lips into his.
The kiss is heated and messy like both of you were thirsty and couldn't get enough of each other, teeth nipping at your lips, your tongues dancing together, spit dribbling down your chins.
"I- I didn't get to make you cum."- he pouts at you sweetly again.
"That is something you need to deserve, darling."
"I will work extra hard for that, I promise."- Hyunjin's hand is on your cheek and your heart stirs awake at his touch.
"I believe you."- you whisper, leaning in to kiss him again.
"By the way, I was gonna ask you something before all this happened."- he says as you get up to prepare the bath.
"What are you doing tomorrow at 7pm?"- he smirks.
"Depends on what you're offering."- you smirk back.
"I was gonna ask you out on a d-date."- he stutters shyly and you almost melt into a puddle. "There's this gallery I wanted to visit and we could grab some dinner too?"
His eyes are big and pleading as he stares up at you and the small part of you that hoped to take Hyunjin home more than once, grows bigger.
"Alright, it's a date, pretty boy."
✨Taglist: @moonchild9350 @janepg @velvetmoonlght @hwanghyunjinismybae @jehhskz
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jiniretracha · 7 months
I Don't Want You Like a Best Friend - Lee Felix
Tumblr media
Pairing: Felix x fem!reader
Warnings: smut!!, fluff (like so much), angst (if you squint), felix and readers being oblivious idiots in love.
Summary: You have been in love with Felix, your best friend, since the first time you laid your eyes on him. But you never said anything about it, too afraid to ruin your friendship that you treasured so much. So, when a pretty boy asks you out on a date, you accept, figuring it is the best way to get over your stupid crush. But your best friend doesn't seem so happy about it. Based on "Dress" by Taylor Swift.
Word Count: 6k
PS: I uploaded this on AO3 and thought it'd be fun to post it here as well!
There’s an indentation in the shape of you
“And? What do you think?” 
Felix lifted his head up as he heard you walking inside the room once again wearing the dress. His eyes widened and his heart started beating faster and louder. His gaze raked your body up and down a couple of times and he tried to play nonchalant.
“U-uh, you look very pretty, Y/N. He’ll love it” Felix smile.
Yes. He’ll love it. 
Truth is, you had met this cute guy at the coffee shop you and Felix frequently visit before you drop him at the studio every day. His name was Ashton. He had a charming smile and he had been brave enough to ask you for your phone number while complimenting your looks. You were almost a stuttering mess while you typed in your number in his phone, then he winked and left the coffee shop, leaving you with a slight blush in your cheeks. 
Felix had returned to you with both of your orders with a smile. You told him about Ashton and he had promised he would help you with him. Later that day, he asked you out on a date. Today’s date. 
You turned around and looked at yourself in the mirror, you liked the dress. It was a pretty cream colour with little flowers on it, a heart-like cleavage and lace on the pretty top. 
You were oblivious to Felix’s adoring eyes behind you. He was trying to memorize every single detail of your beautiful form. The heavy stone in his stomach was a bother, it was pure jealousy. And sadness too. 
He would’ve given anything to be the one who takes you on dates. 
“Thank you, Lix” you smiled at him. “Could you pass me those earrings please?”
“Of course, darling” he said, standing up and walking towards your nightstand. He came back with the earrings and gave them to you, as you smiled and thanked him. 
As you put the earrings on your earlobes, you started thinking. How would you like for Felix to be the one who is taking you on this date. You would love to be with him. It’s the only thing you’ve yearned and craved for years. You’d give up anything for Felix to crumble into his knees and beg you not to go. 
To stay with him. To be with him. 
You sighed as you looked at yourself in the mirror. You noticed that he hadn’t stopped staring at you. Why doesn’t he say something?
You turned to look at him and your gazes met. His breathing turned a little choppy, from the nervousness. He pressed his lips together, like he was about to say something and your eyebrows arched in desperation. 
And then your phone started ringing. You clenched your eyelids and grabbed your phone that was sitting face up on the bed, making Felix catch who was calling: Ashton. 
“Hey” you said after clearing your throat. 
“Hey, Y/N” Ashton said. Felix frowned. No ‘pretty’, no ‘beautiful’, just Y/N. “I’m right outside, would you mind coming down?”
“Of course. Give me a couple of minutes” you faked a smile. He caught it. 
All of this silence and patience,
pining and anticipation
You got to the door and grabbed the keys. “I don’t even know why I’m nervous” you tried to shake off the anxiety lurking in your head. 
But Felix could read you like a fucking book. 
You weren’t nervous. 
You were aching. He knew you didn’t want to go. But why couldn’t he just say something?
“I- Y/N-“ he stammered. 
You looked into his eyes. “Yes?”
“I- I just-“
Ashton’s honk made you both startle. “What’s up?” you said impatiently. 
“N-nothing. Have a great time. Ashton’s really lucky” he said, giving you his signature tight-lipped smile and walking towards his room. 
You sighed as soon as he was out of view and pressed your eyes shut tightly, praying not to cry or else you would ruin your makeup. Or give yourself away. You opened the door and walked the steps of the stairs down. 
Felix locked himself in his room, his fists clenched against his sides as his back pressed itself to the door. He was so angry at himself. 
When did he become such a coward?
He heard commotion outside, from the open window of the balcony. He walked outside, and looked down. He saw Ashton, who had dark black hair, was big and bulky and was wearing formal clothes. 
Ashton was the total opposite as him. Felix had blonde hair, brown eyes and he liked to use beanies and wear baggy clothes with jewelry. 
Felix noticed that Ashton’s hands were empty. No flowers. 
He rolled his eyes. He just wished you would notice that he wasn’t right for you. Because what was right for you, was standing right above you. 
Staring hopelessly as you drove away.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
You arrived at the restaurant and Ashton led you towards the table he had reserved. 
“You like pizza, right?” he asked with a smile, as he sat down on his seat. 
With a blink of your eyes, you just stood staring at him. You were waiting for him to pull your chair out and help you in. Felix does that. You mentally rolled your eyes and smiled at him. “Yes, yes, I do” you slightly lied as you took a seat. It’s not that you didn’t like pizza… it’s just that it would’ve been nice if he’d ask you what you like. Felix would’ve- STOP. 
You scolded yourself mentally and tried to focus on the man in front of you. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“So, what music do you like?” Ashton asked. 
You put your glass down and smiled. “Oh, well, I’m into pop music, mostly. I like k-pop, too. A lot” you nodded. “My best friend’s in-“ you stopped yourself. 
“He’s…?” he trailed off waiting for you to continue. 
“He’s in a band”
“A k-pop band?” he asked, his eyebrows furrowing with a smile.
“Yeah. They’re great, actually” you smiled. “What do you listen to?”
Ashton sighed. “Well, I’m into country music”
“Oh, like… what? Taylor Swift, Shania Twain, Little Big Town?” you asked, remembering a couple of bands and singers you liked.
“Nah, they sound too pop for me” he nodded with a shrug. “I’m more into Morgan Wallen”
“Right” you trailed off. 
“He’s great. You should listen to his music, actually” 
I pass. “Yeah, sure. I’ll listen to some of his stuff” you faked a promise. 
You couldn’t stop thinking about him. Every little thing he said or did, you compared it to what Felix did. He was so different from him.
Ashton kept talking and you couldn’t help but wander your eyes around his features. He was so different. He wasn’t ugly. Not at all. He was very handsome. You knew that you could easily date this guy. He was sweet. But he was nothing like him. He wasn’t Felix. 
“Hey, you okay?” Ashton woke you up from your daydreaming by putting his palm on top of the back of your hand. “You look like you were gone for a couple of seconds” he chuckled. 
You smiled slightly at him and then shook your head. “Y-yeah, it’s just uh-“
“Here you go, guys” the waiter came with their order. “A margherita with garlic” he said and placed the pizza in the middle of the table. 
“Thank you” Ashton nodded. 
Once the waiter was gone, Ashton smiled.
“Shall we?” 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Felix was staring at his phone. 
He was busy texting Chan, who was the only person that he had confessed his feelings towards you. The other band members were aware, because Felix made it too obvious, but the blonde hadn’t said anything to them. 
Felix: I don’t know what to do, man.
Chan: Why didn’t you try to stop her?
Exactly. Why didn’t he try to stop her?
The answer was pretty simple.
Felix: Because I’m a coward.
Felix: That’s why.
He sighed, staring at the ceiling. It was eating him up. 
Chan: You’re not. But seriously, you need to tell her, man. 
He’s right. 
Chan: Or else, when will you do it? What if Y/N really likes the guy and decides to pursue a romantic relationship with him?
What if you really liked this dude?
Chan: Think about it. 
He really needed you home. 
He needed to tell you.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
You chewed on the pizza while Ashton was telling you an anecdote from one of his friends. You had lost the story’s thread a long time ago and at this point, you were just staring at his forehead with only one thing in mind: getting home to Felix. 
“Y/N?” he asked with a frown. 
Shit. This was like the third time you had zoned out. 
“Hey, are you okay? I promise I won’t get mad, but is there something going on?”
You bit your lip and then released it. “No- I mean, yes” you stammered. 
“What is it? Do you feel okay, do you-“
“No, Ashton, just-“ you cut yourself off with a huff. “I need to go home”
“By myself” you clarified when you saw him start to grab his stuff. “I’m so sorry, really. You seem like a very good guy but-“
“You like someone else, am I right?” Ashton smiled sadly.
You pressed your lips together. “No.”
Ashton nodded. “You love someone else”
He wasn’t asking. It was a statement.
And then you nodded. 
“I get it. I do, too” Ashton said, his face red. “I- I’m sorry too. I used this excuse of a date to get over someone. And I’ve been trying so hard but-“
“You just can’t get them out of your head” you completed.
“Exactly” Ashton said with a chuckle.
“I know” you smiled. “I’m sorry”
“No, don’t apologise. I figured” he shrugged. 
“At least let me pay. I mean, you really tried to be nice and I just kept zoning out” You tried.
“It’s okay, Y/N, I promise”
“No, it’s not. Really” you pleaded.
Ashton smiled. “Alright. But only if we split the check… and I get to take the pizza home” he smirked.
You chuckled. “You got yourself a deal, mister”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Felix opened the kitchen cabinet and took out the brownie jar, leaving it on the counter. He then stared at it. 
You made your mark on me,
a golden tattoo
You were everywhere. Including in that stupid jar of brownies. It reminded him how he had made them for you. Because he knew you absolutely loved his baking. 
A key digging into the keyhole startled him and he put the jar away, choosing not to eat due to the heavy anxiety sitting at the pit of his tummy. 
You got inside the apartment, panting heavily. 
His eyebrows furrowed as he saw you close the door quickly and throw your stuff on the couch. “Hey, you’re home early. Everything okay?” he asked, getting worried. 
“I know… I’m fine” you said, getting nervous all of a sudden. 
Felix nodded, leaning against the counter. “How did it go?” he asked shyly. 
You sighed and looked away. “Um… terrible” you chuckled to yourself.
Felix felt ashamed, but he was kind of glad to hear that. “Oh. I’m- I’m sorry to hear that, darling” he told you, lying. 
“Well, I’m not” you said, feeling your heartbeat getting louder and faster by the second.
His eyebrows furrowed. “Why’s that? Did he do something to you?” he asked, getting angry. 
“No, no, no” you quickly shook your head. “He was nice, and… polite. But he wasn’t… he just wasn’t…” you stammered. 
Felix started walking towards you. “Hey… tell me” he said, putting his hands on your bare shoulders. “He wasn’t what?”
You swallowed, feeling your throat getting dry, like sandpaper. “He just wasn’t you” you whispered.
But he caught it. He felt his heart drop. You couldn’t have just said that, did you?. “What?” he asked, confused. 
You looked away and took in a deep breath. “I was just dressing up for someone that I wish that it was you… I wished you would’ve told me not to go on that date. To stop me. I wish the date I went on today… I wish my date had been you, Felix” you confessed. 
He blinked a couple of times, trying to let the new information sink in, while his hands on your shoulders dropped to rest by his sides. 
“I kept… comparing him to you” you told him. “Every single thing he did, I just kept thinking what you would’ve done. Or said. Or the things he didn’t do, and how I know you would’ve done. Like- fuck, like pulling my chair for me to sit in” you chuckled slightly. “Cause you’re in my mind all the time. You’re all I think about, Lix. And it drives me crazy”
Felix shook his head. “Y/N-“
“I know. I’m sorry” you apologized. “This is a lot. I know. And I get it if you don’t feel the same, I do-“
Your rambling was cut short when a pair of hands grabbed your cheeks and pulled you into the most magical kiss of your entire life. He was holding your head still, angling it so he could kiss you as he liked, pushing his tongue into your mouth, while it curled with yours. His kiss had swallowed your surprised gasp, turning into a moan that vibrated against his lips. 
Felix pulled away from your mouth and pressed his forehead against yours, your breaths mingling together as you panted from the intensity of your first kiss. 
“Y/N…” he mumbled in a desperate hush.
Say my name and everything just stops,
I don’t want you like a best friend
“I love you” he whispered, making you gasp internally. “I’ve always loved you, in fact. I was just- just so fucking terrified of you rejecting me and I didn’t wanna ruin our friendship” 
You smiled, shaking your head. “Felix… how is it possible that you didn’t notice how head over heels in love I am with you?” you asked him, with a chuckle.
Felix pressed a long kiss to your lips. “I love you” he said, looking into your eyes. “I-“ kiss. “love-“ kiss. “you-“ kiss. “so-“ kiss. “much” he finished with an open-mouthed kiss that made your knees wobble. 
His kiss made you warm inside… and another place. You shifted, pressing your thighs together as he continued kissing the life out of you. 
With a pant, you pulled away slightly, your noses rubbing against each other’s. “Lix…”
“Yeah?” he asked, pressing a kiss to your nose. 
“Take me to bed” you whispered.
He pulled his face back with a pained groan. “Y/N, I want to, I swear but… I wanna do this right. I want to take you out on a date and-”
“Me too, I know, but I need you right now. So bad” you pleaded, your eyes searching his. 
Felix was only human. He couldn’t resist such temptation, and the fact that you were literally begging him to fuck you. He saw it in your eyes. 
He took you by surprise by crouching down slightly, placing his palms on the back of your thighs and hoisting you up, making you squeal in surprise. You crossed your legs behind his back and pressed your lips against his as he walked with you in his arms towards his bedroom. 
You didn’t know how he managed to walk with you in his arms while kissing him without bumping into anything. He kicked the door open and walked towards the bed, throwing you into the center of it. You bounced on the mattress with a surprised gasp and stared at him with doe eyes as his hand went to the back of the neck from his shirt, pulling it over his head, and throwing it on the floor. 
Felix decided to give you a show and clenched his stomach, showcasing his very defined abs. 
That motherfucker, you thought to yourself. 
“See something you like?” he teased you, with a smirk, as he watched you stare deeply at his stomach.
Your eyes met his and you let your head fall onto your shoulder. “Oh, yeah, pretty much everything” you said, letting your eyes dance over his figure. 
Felix smirked and moved his hand to the belt of his jeans, unfastening it torturously slow and throwing it where he had thrown the shirt before. He then crawled up to your shivering frame and put his hands on each side of your head, dipping his head to catch your lips into a drugging kiss. 
Your hands grabbed at his back, trying to pull him to drop his weight on top of you and he obeyed, pressing his hips first so that his bulge was pressing against your crotch, making both of you groan. Your nails dug into his back as you continued kissing, definitely marking him up. 
His hands traveled to the edge of your dress, his hands dipping under it and caressing your soft skin. His kisses drifted to your neck, biting your soft flesh, making you gasp. 
“You’re so beautiful” he mumbled against your skin. He licked at a certain spot in your neck and then bit it, making your arch your back. “So, so beautiful” 
Suddenly, he pulled away completely, grabbing your arms to sit you up. He turned you around softly, making you kneel on the bed, facing the wall. His soft fingers caressed the zip of your dress, grabbing at it and slowly pulling it down all the way. His hands dipped inside of the dress and pulled it off, and he stared at your braless back. The dress was pooling at your waist by now and you swallowed, trying to find the courage to turn around and reveal yourself. 
He dropped a kiss to the side of your neck, sensing your nervousness. 
You turned around slowly, looking into his eyes, as his dropped down immediately to your chest, noticing how they were black at this point from lust. 
You felt nervous under his gaze and you couldn’t help but say something.
“It’s for you…” you breathed out. 
His eyes fluttered a couple of times and looked at you. “What?” he mumbled, confused. 
“I bought it for you. The dress…” you said, licking your lips and trying to find the words that were threatening to die on your throat. “I wanted you to see me in it… I wanted you to take it off from me” 
Only bought this dress so you could take it off. 
Felix let out a ragged breath out, cupping your face and bringing you into another drugging kiss. His hot breath hitting your upper lip and the way his hands slid from your cheeks to your back, made you arch your back and press your bare chest against his. The skin to skin contact made you shiver and you both groaned. 
Your hands were gripping his wrists, as he continued kissing you as he liked. 
His hands drifted to where your dress was sitting, bunched on your waist, and he grabbed it, pulling it off. 
The action made you stumble on the bed slowly on your back as you lifted your hips up so he could take off the dress completely.
Once he got it out, he chucked it on the floor and got on top of you once again. He dug his face into your neck, kissing and nipping at your skin, and his mouth started to drift further down your body. At this point, he was leaving dark purple marks on your skin, but you didn’t mind. Not one bit. 
His hot mouth stopped at the valley of your breasts, his hands enveloping each one and letting his thumb run across your nipple, making you shudder and let out a whine. 
Felix bit into your skin and then pressed your breasts together, burying his head into your chest, letting his lips suckle and bite at your nipples. Your hands carded through his hair and held him in place as his ministrations made you moan. 
“Lix, please” you whined, pressing the back of your head against the pillow. 
He suckled once and lifted his head to stare at you. “What? What do you want, baby?” he asked in a whisper. 
“I- I just…”
“Use your words” he urged.
You swallowed and propped yourself on your elbows, staring at him with a soft panting. “I want you to go lower” you told him, trembling and slightly scared of his reaction. 
You had asked him to do something that no one had done to you before. 
He smirked and pressed a soft kiss to your lips, then pulled away to continue kissing his way down to your stomach. He bit at the skin close to your navel as his hands caressed your skin down to your thighs, opening them up. 
Felix pressed a kiss to your pubic bone, over your panties, and then his fingers curled on the band of the lace, tugging them down your long legs torturously slow. 
You got shy and nervous all of a sudden and pressed your thighs together. You felt a little stupid, knowing that you were the one that had asked him to do that. His hands grabbed your thighs and gently pulled them apart, sending you a wink and a little smile, reassuring you it was okay. 
His gaze settled on your core and you blushed, feeling your face turn hot. Felix let his fingers dance your slit, collecting the wetness pooling there. He then pressed his fingers to his mouth, sucking them clean with a groan. 
With an animalistic groan, he dove his face into your core, dipping his fingers inside of you and sucking on your clit. Your back arched violently as your fingers gripped on his hair, pressing his head into your heat. You moaned in surprise and tugged on Felix’s hair, making him groan against your flesh. He liked that.
He scissored his fingers, dragging them against your walls. 
“Yeah, just like that, Lix. Fuck” you moaned breathily. 
His free hand caressed and gripped your thigh as he continued his ministrations. He pulled out his fingers and licked them clean, once again. Then, his tongue licked over your hole and pressed the tip of it inside of you. 
“Fuck, I’m close, Lix” you said, continuing to grip his hair tightly, pressing him against your cunt. 
His thumb rubbed tight circles on your clit, making your back arch and release your orgasm on his tongue with a long moan. You laid gasping, with your hands on your stomach as he pressed kisses on your shaking thighs and caressing your skin. “You okay, beautiful?” he asked, crawling towards you to press a kiss on your cheek. 
You nodded, curling your arms around his neck and bringing him closer. His mouth went to kiss your neck once again, laying half of his weight on top of you.
“This is all I’ve wanted” he whispered against your neck, his deep voice vibrating against your skin making you shiver. Your fingers caressed the back of his neck, his words were making your heart beat louder. “All I’ve dreamed about” he whispered, kissing your flesh.
“God, me too” you whispered back. “You’re all I want”
Felix lifted his head and pressed his forehead against yours. “I love you” 
“I love you” you said to him with a smile and kissed him, trying to show him all the love you held in your heart for him. 
Inescapable, I’m not even going to try
And if I get burned, at least we were electrified
One of his hands made its way to your head, holding you in place while the other drew patterns on the skin of your waist, gripping it a little. He pulled away from the kiss, stared at your mouth and pressed two more kisses.
Your hands that were on his neck, made their way down to his jeans, unbuttoning them. “Take them off” you whispered against his mouth, kissing him again. 
He pressed two more kisses to your mouth and lifted himself from on top of you to take his jeans, letting them drop on the floor as he stepped out of them. 
The bulge in his boxers made you whimper and bit your lip. He saw your face and smirked, hooking his fingers in the waistband and pulling them down his legs, standing naked in front of you. 
He crawled back on top of you, claiming your mouth in a kiss full of tongue and heavy breathing. You moaned, grabbing his arm with one hand and the other one pressed against his chest. 
The hand on his chest drifted down to his pelvis, curling around his erection, making him groan and bite your lip. 
“What- what are you doing?” he asked, pulling away from your mouth, his eyebrows furrowing and twisting in pleasure as your hand started moving up and down over his shaft, his thumb wiping his tip. 
You smirked, sticking your tongue out and licking his lips sensually. “Returning the favor” you whispered hotly against his lips. 
He let you continue for a few seconds before grabbing your wrist and pulling it away from his shaft. “Next time, okay? I wanna come inside of you” he said, kissing your cheek. 
You nodded and smiled when he pressed more kisses to your cheeks. “Do you have a condom?” you asked. 
He pulled away and stuck his arm out to his nightstand, pulling out a condom from the first drawer. Felix lifted himself up slightly, rolling the condom on his cock and then went back to his last position on top of you. 
The head of his cock nudged your entrance, making you gasp and dig your nails on his shoulders. His nose brushed against yours as he slid inside of you, swallowing your gasp with a kiss. 
He bottomed out, giving you a couple of seconds to adjust to his thick length. His hands were gripping the sheets tightly, trying to refrain from driving into you at a wild pace. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, sounding kind of strangled. 
“Yeah, yeah” you nodded breathily. “You can move”
“Fuck” he whispered, pressing his face against your neck and started to snap his hips against yours. “Fuck, you’re so tight, baby” he groaned. 
You moaned with every thrust, your nails raking his back. “Oh, God, Lix” you gasped in a whine, feeling full and overwhelmed, in the best kind of way possible.
His hips were moving steadily as his mouth enveloped yours, trying to hold the urge to slam his hips against yours. One of his hands went to one of your breasts, gripping it tightly, his thumb sliding over your nipple, making you cry out. 
“Lix, faster… please” you pleaded, and it was enough for him to grab your thigh, pulling it over his waist and fucking you deeper and faster, the sinful sound of skin slapping on skin invading the room in a constant echo. “God! Just like that” you continued whispering his name over and over, like a prayer.
“You’re so beautiful” he whispered against your lips before claiming your mouth with a kiss. “I love you. You’re the love of my life, Y/N. It’s always been you” he continued whispering against your lips, getting closer to the edge with every thrust. 
“I’m yours… yours. All yours” you gasped when you felt his fingers starting to rub circles on your clit, trying to get you closer to your orgasm. “Lix- Lix, I’m close, so fucking close”
“Good, come with me, baby. I need you to come” he said, sticking his tongue out and licking your throat and then biting your skin, making you clench around him, finding the action super hot. “God, you’re so tight” he babbled.
You arched your back as you felt your orgasm rush through you in a hot wave across your body, making you moan and curl your fingers on his bicep, digging his nails against the skin. 
Felix’s face fell to your neck as he thrust hard a couple of times before spilling inside the condom with a moan muffled against your skin. His body shook with aftershocks from the earth-shattering orgasm he just had as he felt his body go limp and fall against yours.
You wrapped your limbs around him, holding him tightly against you as you both tried to regain your breathing. Your hands caressed his back while your nose nuzzled against the shell of his ear. 
Felix lifted his head up and looked down at her, his eyes searching yours. He then smiled, pressing his mouth against yours, his hand caressing your hair. 
He pulled away and you saw the love in his eyes. How lucky you were.
You could live like this, knowing that there was so much love inside of him. For you. He loved you. 
Yes, you were so lucky. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
You threw your head back in laughter, holding your glass of wine as Felix made you laugh, telling some stupidity as you both felt the effects from the alcohol running through your veins. 
You both decided to jump into the bath after two more rounds of passionate sex and treat yourselves with some wine. 
“God, I don’t know how you dated her” you laughed. “She was so dumb”
“Yeah, I know” he nodded, looking away. “She- truth is, and I’m gonna sound like an asshole, but… I dated her because she looked like you” he said. 
You pulled your face back in surprise. Felix had dated this bimbo named Julia a couple of months ago, and now that you recall her face, she did look like you. 
“Wow” you giggled. “Yeah… she did” 
Felix groaned, burying his face into the palm of his hand. 
“Don’t be embarrassed” you told him, getting closer to him, placing your palm on his cheek, urging him to look at you with a nudge. “Hey, look at me” you said, and Felix slowly looked at you and you noticed the pretty blush sitting on his cheeks, giving his freckles a colorful background. “It’s alright, we’ve all had our moments to forget about someone. I mean, I cannot blame you. I literally just came from a date hours ago, one that I went to forget about you”
“Yeah, and look how that went” Felix said with a smirk.
“Oh, it went good” you smirked, climbing on top of him, with the glass in your hand. Your knee slid a little, making you stumble a bit and he grabbed your waist to steady you, the movement causing to make you spill some of the red liquid on the water. 
“No! Careful” Felix laughed, making you laugh back.
“I almost slipped, I’m sorry” you chuckled, leaving the glass on the floor and curling your arms around his neck. 
You two stared at each other and you felt his wet, warm hands sliding over your back in a sweet caress. “You’re so beautiful, you know that?” he said, pressing kisses on your face. “Ethereal, I swear to God” he whispered, making you bite your lip.
“Are you even real?” you whispered. “I think I’m just imagining you” 
Felix made a movement with his pelvis, making his hard on nudge against your core. “Do you think that’s fake?” he asked, his deep voice making you clench around nothing.
You gasped, your nails digging into his back. “No… no, that’s definitely real” you gasped. 
I’m spilling wine in the bathtub
You kiss my face and we’re both drunk
Everyone thinks that they know us, but they know nothing
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
You looked at yourself in the mirror after finishing the last touches of blush on your cheeks. Your fingers glided over the pretty dress that you had bought. For him. For the right person. 
Your person.
A vibration made you look down to the phone laying on the bathroom counter. 
Felix: You ready, my love?
You giggled at the message, feeling like a little kid. You quickly replied, telling him that you were going and left the bathroom, putting your stuff inside your purse. 
Sliding your shoes on your feet, you felt your heart starting to beat faster in nervousness, but in excitement as well. 
This was going to be the best date ever. Not because of what you were doing. But because of who you were going with. 
You opened the door of your bedroom and saw him standing there with a nervous smile and a bouquet of flowers in his hands. Your favourite flowers. 
With a gasp, your hands flew to cover your mouth. 
“Baby” you whispered, extending your hands to grab the bouquet. “Oh my God, I don’t know what to say. They’re so beautiful”
Felix smiled in pride, seeing your face and how it lit up when you saw the flowers. “Do you like them?” he asked, getting a little shy.
“Like them?” you gasped with a smile. “I love them, honey. I love you” you said, curling your free arm around his neck and bringing him into a passionate kiss. 
HIs hands fell to your waist, pulling you closer against him. 
“I love you” you whispered again into his lips.
“I love you” he whispered back. “So, so much” 
As he continued to press kisses into your mouth, you started to wonder: how were you deserving of such a wonderful man? So attentive, so caring and thoughtful. 
“I don’t deserve you” you let it slip up.
Felix’s eyebrows furrowed, pulling his face back, getting serious out of a sudden. “Don’t say that” he whispered. “Of course you do. We deserve each other. We deserve to be with each other after so much waiting. After so much pining” he said, caressing your cheek with the back of his fingers.
You looked at him, tears pooling in your eyes.
“Hey, no, don’t cry” he said with a smile, making you mirror his expression, letting out a laugh as a single tear rolled down your cheek and he caught it, brushing it away. “Come on, as much as I’d like to stare at your pretty face all day… we have a date going on” he smirked.
You bit your lip and you kissed him. “Let’s go” you smiled at him.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
And I woke up just in time, 
now I wake up by your side.
With a content sigh, your eyes fluttered open and stretched your limbs, feeling your cheek squished against your lover’s chest. You cranked your neck to stare at his pretty face, still asleep. 
Hoisting yourself on your elbows, you admired all his facial features. His beautiful nose.
His perfect lips. 
His lashes.
His freckles.
God, his freckles. Did they made you weak in the knees. 
You bit your lip, wondering how the hell was this man yours. He had seen you at your worst. And he still stayed. 
Even in my worst times, you could see the best in me
Flashback to my mistakes,
my rebounds,
my earthquakes
Even in my worst lies, you saw the truth in me
He was everything to you. He had you, in the palm of his hand. He could crush you, in any second, he could do anything he wanted with you. And he chose to cherish you. Love you. Worship you. 
He was your angel. And your sunshine. 
His eyes fluttered open and smiled when he caught your face. 
“Hello handsome” you whispered, placing your hand on his cheek, caressing his supple skin. 
He let out a breath, out of content. “Hello, beautiful”
Yeah, he was your everything.
My one and only,
my lifeline.
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