#irl and digital sculpting
ozymoron · 10 months
god i wish so bad i had a computer that could run blender without exploding so i can make 3d models. i wanna do sculpting so bad
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meattruck · 2 years
Man I should really get into food sculpting to practice sculpting so I don't end up w a bunch of test fails and crap :v
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kayden-valcourt · 6 months
Notice: This is slightly outdated new intro should be pinned
Warning: Flashing/blinking gifs This is my introduction + rules for requests!
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Sup, my name is Kayden and I am a guitarist, metalhead, programmer, Skater, and artist!
I am 16 years old plus a professional Gemini!!
If you wanna join me and my friends' server use the link below!
I mainly chill and draw all day, or sleep all day, or talk to people all day, or look at the wall all day, it truly just depends on the day man. I love talking to people too, so don't be shy to talk to me because I'm always looking for new people to talk to and be friends with!! also here is my Carrd https://bivh.carrd.co
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I love to listen to music, if you can't tell. I am especially fans of nu metal, black metal, heavy metal, glam metal/hair bands, hard rock, alternative rock, punk rock, and classic rock! Iron Maiden, Korn, Metallica, Rob Zombie, Murderdolls, Nine Inch Nails, and Slipknot are my current favorites!
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I also love to play my guitar, it's an Epiphone SG Special, cherry red color. I love to play and it's one of my few hobbies!
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I'm super into learning about and collecting photos of my favorite bands/band members, I especially am into Joey Jordison as of right now. I have over 100 photos of him and I think my favorite pictures of him are ones taken during his time in Murderdolls.
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I'm also an artist, more of a cartoonist. Digital art is my thing, I am shit when it comes to painting, sculpting, sewing, using charcoal, and anything else like that. Cartooning has been my thing since I was 12 and I plan to continue with it since I haven't stopped. I also have characters and write stories and lore for them, I plan to work on a comic when I get my art style down and have the time. I also do requests!! rules for requests:
Nothing 18+ (nudity and sexual) this includes any fetish or kink material, I probably won't draw heavy gore for requests just because it might make me a little uncomfortable to draw that for someone else, I also won't draw animals/pets/"feral" characters (I just don't have the skills for that yet).
But I can draw characters from a show, your ocs, honestly anything.
I have the right to decline/ignore your request, these are free and I do them on my own time, thank you!!!!
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I also love playing video games, specifically Minecraft, Fallout 4, Skyrim, Gmod, and TF2. I also have Pesterquest + Hiveswap which I read sometimes.
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I'm also in some fandoms, gee imagine that. I like Breaking Bad, a lot actually, I also like Homestuck (Pesterquest and the canon comic), Fallout 4, old Disney Movies (Aristocats, Lady and the Tramp, 101 Dalmatians, Bambi, etc), Suicide Squad, Evil, Beavis and Butthead, Rick and Morty, Family Guy, American Dad, Futurama, Bojack Horseman, Beastars, Q*bert, Disenchantment, and others. Sollux is literally me IRL, idk how some asshole stole my identity and turned it into a character but they did and somehow got away with it.
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I'm always open to talk to new people plus make friend, I'm actually hella lonely and need better people in my life! Thanks for reading!!
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cherry-redrum · 3 months
↳ Saturn // he/him // trans // ADHD // minor
↳ I am completely pro recovery. Everyone deserves to get better and live a life where they are happy & fullfilled. I, however, am mentally ill & hate myself. This is my space to vent about those feelings. This is not a recovery blog. DNI or block if I make you uncomfortable or trigger you in anyway.
↳ Trigger warnings for SH, ED, RSD, anxiety, depression, gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia, self hate, sui ideation, overworking & more.
↳ This is a side blog! <- main is @selfdestructivestar (be warned i still post about triggering topics there but most of it will be here)
↳ I have had anxiety/panic attacks as long as I can remember to the point where I experience intense physical symptoms
↳ I have been SH-ing (specifically cvtting) for over 4 years. I usually do styros
↳ I have struggled with disordered eating for ~2 years (restriction, I do not purge)
↳ I have bad RSD & I am constantly worried about people hating me or talking about me behind my back
↳ I often overwork/overexercize because I feel like I have to to be worth anything
↳ I have a very weak sense of self. I feel extremely disconnected from my body
↳ I am no longer in therapy. I have a complicated relationship with recovery
↳ I run cross country & track on school teams. I swim, rockclimb, play raquet sports, & work out on my own time
↳ I am in highschool taking all higher placement classes. I value academic achievement very highly. I am just shy of the top 5% in my grade
↳ I love creative hobbies. I mostly do digital art but I also use pencils, markers (both alcohol & water) & paint (mostly acrylic). On top of that I sew, embroider, make jewlery and sculpt.
↳ I love music! I mostly listen to rap/hiphop but my music taste is all over the place. My current fav album is SCARING THE HOES by JPEGMAFIA & Danny Brown
↳ I HATE engagement bait. (ie. "like this post to prove ___", "if this post gets ___ notes ill ___" or any note games) I wont block you but I will not be participating
↳ DM me! I love meeting people on here. I don't really have anyone to talk to irl about this stuff
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kickasssloth666 · 1 month
I'm looking for some long term friendships :) not sure if anyone is gonna read this but might as well give it a try!
I'm not sure how to start describing myself, I'm not great with words but I'll try my best.
(I'm so sorry for the extremely long post ahead!)
I think some of my most defining characteristics are that I'm very shy, awkward, "weird" and "different" or at the very least I feel weird, different and often misunderstood.
I'm unfortunately not very smart, I'd say I'm down right stupid lol
I am very ignorant about many things in life, I'd say I'm somewhat innocent and naive. I still don't understand my purpose in life and I haven't found a reason to be alive either.
I sometimes say things that offend people or I say things that are wrong. Sometimes I don't completely understand what I do wrong but I don't do it on purpose and I try to improve to the best of my abilities.
I don't go out often at all. Whenever I do go out it's only to buy groceries and such but I don't enjoy it, I much rather be at home, in my room most specifically, which is my favorite place in the world.
I don't have any IRL friends but I do have a handful of online friends, I'm not particularly close to any of them tho.
I enjoy many things like sculpting for instance! I do digital sculpting for fun. I'm pretty bad at it but I try my best. There are many things I'd like to create and I hope to make those things a reality in the near future!
I like to watch anime! my favorites change from time to time but I really like Jujutsu Kaisen, My Hero Academia, Dragon Ball, Demon Slayer, Ancient Magus Bride (I really love this show!) among many others!
I like to collect action figures, I really like masks, I love movies and I love talk about them and analyze them, I like all kinds of music, I don't really have any artists that I like in particular other than David Bowie and I'm always happy and open to new suggestions!
I like to scroll through TikTok and to watch long essay style videos on YouTube about random topics, I love video games!! I don't play too many modern games, I mostly prefer older stuff, like, ps2 era games, particularly survival horror stuff. I also really like very old platform games and side scrollers but I'd be open to play anything and I'd love to try co op games since I never played anything online with anyone and it looks super fun and I'd love to try it!! playing Stardew Valley with a friend is a dream of mine lol
I adore animals!! I have cats and dogs and a chicken and they're my babies and my world!
I think it's important to mention some of the things I don't like too. I don't like cruelty or mean spirited people, I hate big companies, billionaires, politicians and other people in positions of power that use their money and power to affect people, animals, or the environment for their own gain. I don't like injustices, I hate racists, homophobic people, transphobic people, sexists, and all kinds of discrimination in general. I hate bugs!! I'm deadly afraid of them 😖 I really dislike conflict and arguments, I believe we can disagree and have discussions as long as we're calm and civilized about it and as long as we have respect for each other and try our best to understand the other person's point of view.
lastly I'd like to mention some of my defects and shortcomings.
I'm extremely anxious, I'm always very nervous about one thing or another, I'm also extremely weak of mind, I tend to react with my feelings a lot and I'm often very emotional. I can be very selfish at times, I have an awful tendency to get bored of things quickly and sometimes I also get bored of conversations and people. I think I'm immature. I can be extremely lazy, I struggle a lot with doing basic things like cleaning or cooking. when I'm anxious or afraid I can get paralyzed with fear and stay in bed all day doing nothing feeling awful about it. As I mentioned before sometimes I can say bad things without realizing. I'm very dumb and ignorant so I promise I don't mean anything bad I say and I'm trying to improve! I am extremely annoying. I'm very loud and I think I scream a lot. I don't really understand what constitutes screaming exactly but I think I often raise my voice a lot and especially when I'm excited I can't control myself very well. I'm very afraid of life and I don't understand how the "real world" works exactly. I'm really bad at small talk and I think I'm really bad at speaking in general. i digress a lot. I have the bad habit of not replying too fast, sometimes I'll even wait for weeks or even months, I think it's one of my biggest problems when it comes to keep in touch with people, sometimes it's simply because I don't have the energy, other times it's because I'm not sure about how to continue a conversation. Not sure if this is a defect necessarily but I also never send the first message, I just hate to be annoying. I'm full of defects in general, and I do believe I'm a bad person. I try to improve and I try my best but if I'm bad for you in any way or a burden I promise to stop talking to you and not bother you!
I have many other defects but I think those are the main ones I can remember at the moment.
Finally what I'm looking for is a real connection with someone, a person I can talk to, have fun with, watch stuff with and play games together and such! just be able to share our days and even be able to help each other and be there when we need each other. I know I'm a mess of a human being and I may never find the connection I'm looking for but I'd like to give it a try cause you never know :)
one actual last thing I'd like to say is that at the moment I'm going through the hardest time in my life and that my craving for friendship may be the result of me not wanting to be alone during this time and I may be trying to use people as distraction for what's happening but lately I really been craving the company of a real friend.
I have Instagram, discord and twitter as social media if it's more comfortable to talk there. I also think I prefer audio messages, it's easier for me to send audio notes rather than to type cause I type a lot 😅 thank you very much to anyone that has taken the time to read my extremely long post and considers messaging me!!
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sw33tsundae · 6 months
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My name is FLAIRE, and I also use the name NATE. I use HE/THEY pronouns. I am 15TEEN.
I am passionate about lolita fashion, yume and yami kawaii, gyaru... in general, i love JFASHION. It's my special interest.
I love dolls, especially BJDs, but im also fond of LALALOOPSYs and any kind of PLUSHIES and FIGURES.
I have a great interest in visual novels, books, manga, anime, photo editing, makeup, digital drawing and sculpting.
BASIL omori irl, NEAR NATE RIVER death note irl, CIEL PHANTOMHIVE black butler irl.
Message me...^_^. Be my mutual...
Not new to tumblr... just a new account!
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rooftopwreck · 1 year
My Favourite Things
Rules: There are no rules, just as many of my favourite things as I can remember
tagged by the ever so lovely @immacaria!
In no particular order:
@wizardofgoodfortune's modern dads fic (x) and obviously alex herself (duh)
AND our little group chat with @ghostboyjules and @wordsinhaled as well
Coffee AND Tea, I simply will not choose sides
Spicy potato chips
My lovely spouse @galacticstingray who I'm waiting to return from camping the war
Whenever the writing hivemind takes over in the dreamling nation server (sfw or otherwise!)
Anytime anyone shares pictures of their pets (I'm staring at Ben intently @quillingwords)
Ferdie Kingsley, sir.. sir
Little critters that let you pet them
Raccoons (waiting to get an opportunity to pet one)
Getting time to simply create. Traditional art, digital, sculpting, carving, anything!
My close friends IRL
My close friends IRL's pets (I live vicariously through them)
The Amazing Devil (underrated!!)
Lord Huron (a lot of their songs remind me of Hob Gadling <3)
Hob Gadling (duh)
The fresh crisp air after it's rained heavily washing away all the smoke and heat
Road trips and vacations!
Cheese even though it hurts me
Spicy food (also hurts me but not as bad)
Hot springs
Malaysian food, my greatest fear of moving abroad is that I don't have access to it and I need to make everything on my own lmao
Air conditioning, there's a heatwave going on and I'm melting
Tagging additionally @ferelden-loser @the-cloudy-dreamer @pintobordeaux @seiya-starsniper @tj-dragonblade @issylra and anyone who wants to do it! Lost track of who has or hasn't been tagged already soooo sorry in advance! (in your own time and under no obligation as always)
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befloweringg · 2 years
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nobody told me how hard it is to do digital art, gimme sculpting or painting irl and its like ok! but digital art is hard af! fun fact: you know the angsty episode 9 hoodie from when Reki was at the race but not ‘at the race’ I sewed it for my reki cosplay and its the most comfy fucking thing ever? should i post cosplays on here real talk
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skitariiposting · 8 months
What’s popping, found your blog via the tumblr wormhole and all that, I’m trying to join the discord server to ask questions about your banging admech sculpts, but there’s no rules in the rules channel? And no buttons to press and whatnot. So uhhh… Hi!
Did you sculpt your undersea admech yourself? They’re sick! If you didn’t how’d you procure them?
Howdy! Apologies, I dunno what's up with that. This is the first time thats happened so I've got no clue why thats the case :/ try this link instead, see if it works?
If that doesn't, DM me your discord username on here, and I'll see if I can greenlight you through.
As for the sculpts, I did not sculpt these myself, no. While I am a budding 3D modeler, my level of skill is not quite there yet, I mostly use it for special fx in videos or set extensions.
A majority of (if not all of) the units so far have been printed using The Makers Cult's sculpts for their Dark Mechanicus line. At most, I've done a mix of digital and IRL kitbashing to fit them to the theme. I use a Mars 3 resin printer and just recently got my hands on a Saturn 3 resin printer, which has been absolutely marvelous.
Honestly, I've been considering making an stl sources Google doc for them for a while since they do utilize a couple of non TMC stls, so i'll consider this a sign to go ahead and get started on it. The knight castellan, however, does already have an stl sources Google doc already if you want to check it out here:
Nice to meet you!
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rockn-rule · 2 years
Here take this thing I did bc I could
-First oc? evolved? How are they now?
Willow Ashlyn, she used to be a werewolf angel thing with a few scars but now she's a werefox with burn scars and one who works as a chef and on a farm!
-Newest oc? Why we're they made?
Mama Ima, I'm a simp for Jack Horner but I have body dismorph so I make Ocs instead of self inserts
-Self insert oc?
Non in particular but a lot of my fnaf Ocs used to be sort of self inserts
-What music do they listen to?
Anything and everything but mostly things that correlate with their theme (ie willow likes grunge, cottagecœur, and old rock and jazz)
-Ocs fears?
Most are fearful of their past (some had abuse in their past others witnessed terrible things) but they all fear heights and deep water
-Any Ocs w/o stories? Will they ever have one?
Lambchop, buggie, Zane, ant detective, etc. No they won't get back story since they are for fun or fill ins
-Fav relationships?
Eel and arry! They're married and t4t (eel is mtf arry is ftn) they also have an intersex kid named opal
-Oc family trees?
The ashlyns, Their the only true family tree really
-Fav oc?
Most of the time it's the current new one but willow is a personal fav
-Oc I struggled to make?
Stitch and lyre, I made them when I was young and I'm revamping them
-Any wips?
Most of my Ocs are wips but mainly corri trico
-Story with the most research?
Feíl neak and Vílav Drachenstein, I did my research on languages and dragon types and such so they could really fit into the gow universe
-Story with the most lore?
The ashlyns, The Journey to save Mel'Dor, as it's where all of my Ocs come from and where they all begin. (All of them come from Mel'Dor)
-How many projects? Any I won't finish?
So many projects, most will be wips forever due to new ideas and constant revamps
-First big project? How far along is it?
The ashlyns story as it's always evolving with each new oc
-Any tropes or dynamics?
Hero to villain, enemy to lover, lover to enemy, all that angsty shit
-Describe the setting of a wip
A human is slowly transformed into a doll and painfully so. She also films it as she essentially dies and gets reborn again. (Alexis, the porcelain cat)
Avatars world mostly, I just liked the rainforest esq shit and the animals
-Story I'm proud of?
The porcelain dolls. I find it so much fun to think of honestly
-What kinds of stuff do I do?
Painting, sculpting, trad art, digital art, designing, writing, taxidermy
-Discord servers?
Two oc servers, one for irl friends, other for non irls!
-Any careers?
Taxidermy and commissions!
-Fav books?
Escape from furnace and blood for blood
-Fav movies?
Silence of the lambs, knives out, PiB last wish, Shrek 2, 9, fern Gully, hook, night at the museum, the miser brothers films/ any Rankin bass stuff, the mask, the Santa clause 3, the Goonies, etc.
-Fav songs?
Creature half alive, ceux qui rêvent pomme, northern attitude noah kahan, let you break my heart again laufey, solitude Billie Holiday, send me to the lectric chain Hugh Laurie, reefer man big bad voodoo daddy, cum (turbo) whokilledxix, a conversation with death khemmis, I laugh in the face of death aurelio voltaire, non je ne regrette rien Edith piaf, act naturally Loretta Lynn, not a crime to smile make believes, dried up old bones tom willett, etc. Anything on my playlists
-First fandom? Any fan art?
MLP, fnaf, SCP, and maybe also monster in Paris? Lots of mlp, fnaf, and SCP fan art but not much monster in Paris stuff
-this was made to help me understand myself mostly but also for y'all to see my chaos and judge me once more
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aku-jumbi · 2 years
just want to say you’re art is incredible!!! You’re so underrated on tumblr but I’m really glad you get more appreciation on ig! Do you have any advice for someone who wants to achieve a more “painterly look” like your art? All your works are so phenomenal I’m just really unsure of where to start or if I’ll ever be near that level! -💘
Thank you for the praise. It always feels a bit weird since I don't think I am doing something very special (in fact I am very lazy).
Ah well, and it's quite ok for me to not get so much attention (on IG actually my followers drop with each new pic I post, so I guess it's rather naturally declining currently, getting to the same "non-fame-state" like here haha ^^)
I was asked in the past about the painterly style and my answer is: Try to look closely at real oil paintings/also digital paintings which don't consist of outlines (there are more than estimated actually), look very closely at what kind of colours you see actually. When you are very curious, save a certain pic and check out with your colour picker what's the colour. With a certain background and smart usage of same colour range even super greyish tones look like pink or red. One get's easily "fooled" (also me) by that.
You will also need a digital brush which blends two colours into a third (for example: you have a red base, paint it over slightly with a blueish tone and get a violet-grey which is useful for indicating shadow).
Thats the colour part... another is the sculpting part, getting a certain shape (in my case a certain glance, and I am not always lucky to make the best). There is a lot of trying out, is the mouth to big, the eyes too wide apart and so on and on... it's not easy to paint it correclty at the first shot. Your eyes might get used at some point what looks OK or natural. Also try to use other artists pictures as a loose reference of what looks fine, how you can sculpt an eye or a nose and at some point you will be able to paint it the way you want it to be... but it can be a hard and long process to finally achieve something that doesn't look off.
Before I continue to write a novel: I do have a yt channel, also some tutorials available there, just when you are very curious. They might not be the best but I try to explain very practically and easily how to paint the way I do, there are also some real time painting tutorials, so you are able to see how the process works irl (two words: boringly slowly xD but it can encourage you, you wil learn I don't just snip with my finger and a painting is done but it takes time, thinking and trying out and it's ok when you need time ^^ haha)
or just type in yt: "Aku_jumbi tutorial" (because I have more useless speedpaints than tutotrials lol)
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yunjitsu · 1 month
Hey Jitsu! I hope you're doing well. I know this has nothing to do with your art but I saw in your pinned post that you're a graphic design student. Although it's not exactly what I want to pursue, I'm going to study it next year as well. I just wanted to know how long you're studying this degree/diploma for, what modules you do and how you're finding it! Sorry if this is a little personal or if you don't want to answer. I just wanted to get some insight before making the mistake of studying something I'll regret. I don't know many people irl who do graphic design :)
P.s. I absolutely love your art. Keep going and have a good one 🫶
Hiii there! Thank you for your mail, for loving my art and I'll be really happy to answer your questions in any way I can ❤️ I had the same exact questions before I attended my university for the first time.
First off - I live in Eastern Europe, so it might differ in your country, but I did study graphic design for three years to earn my first degree. Then I worked for some time in the commercial industry but moved on and decided to take up traditional art (with specialization in comics) because of my longing for more creative activities and to earn my second degree because I simply like to study. So, it's 2 more years of attending uni for me - I work on my thesis and final project rn which annoys the shit out of me because I have little to no time for creating my own fanart stuff :(
Second - I understand your feelings pretty well because I literally NEVER aimed to work in the graphic design industry too. BUT! It doesn't really mean you shouldn't pursue this way or at least try it. I did learn tons of useful stuff, studied modules like drawing, traditional painting, sculpting, animation, 3D modelling... but they weren't really the star of the whole subject. What they taught us the most about was stuff like commercial designs (logos, headers, posters, book covers, magazines etc.), also some illustrations & UI/UX/game design. I can definitely say you get to learn many softwares which is really useful, both for work and for your personal projects.
So, it depends what you're looking for tbh. You might get slightly disappointed because yes, they will teach you some straight up art stuff, but not too much, just basics to get a grasp of them and to be able to use them in the graphic design field - it is unless you get to choose your modules like concept art or digital painting specificially, but I didn't have such possibilities sadly.
So why did I study it? To secure my future I'd say, because they pay pretty well in the industry. It was a good start to my artistic adventure tool, and it made me yearn for more knowledge in terms of drawing and digital art - I was never the talented sort of kid so it helped me get through the first stages of learning things like colour theory or basic composition rules.
And why didn't I keep working in the industry? Because I just felt like it kinda drained off and worsened my creative side after some time. It had become a burden to just do one logo after another, then make some social media graphics or menus for restaurants. I wanted to draw stuff, colour it my way, and I wanted people to like the way I create without customers dictate me each and every detail of the commercials I had to obey and follow.
So, to sum it all up - I think you should try, it might develop your artistic side and it's always good to get to know various fields of artistic work and then focus on one or two things.
I hope I was able to help you in any way, I'm sorry if it's not clear enough because of my messy English D: I hope you enjoy your uni time next year!
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sciencedaizy · 3 months
Little introduction :D
I started watching dan and phil again a few days ago and it triggered something evil inside of me..... I used to be super active on tumblr when I was in middle school and I decided to make my return...
I'm planning on using this account to post outfits, art, and cool stuff I see online but like also yapping I will be yapping often....I keep seeing people talk about digital diaries so I might just be describing a digital diary idek.... Tumblr is beautiful because no one I know irl uses it so I'm just free
Its also like the wild west tho bc I haven't been here in 5 years and everything is different I feel elderly
Kimya Dawson//Lord of the Rings//Art History//twee fashion//cats//fish//sculpting//amusement park history//Stardew Valley//Evangelion//horror movies//camp//
sooooooo yay! I hope I can make some little online buddies :DDDDD
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t00thpunch · 9 months
So I need to talk about this. It's been a whole year and I have not completed a single project. I've ended up only just getting more ideas instead and it's just been so frustrating I cannot put it into words. Gonna leave a read more to recount just how messy my brain is.
Let me recount my journey of last year.
December 2022 I found MD and I became obsessed with it. I then became inspired to try out B.lender and 3D modeling into early 2023 to hopefully help me get my creative ideas to get along faster since I've struggled with 2D art my entire life. So there I was taking baby steps by doing simple tutorials.
March arrives and suddenly I have a full time job again after being unemployed for the entire time of 2022. My brain crashed mega hard during this time and my creativeness took a massive hit that I suddenly tapered off on trying to do B.lender.
Summer comes and in July? I suddenly get this eureka moment where I realize I can write a MD fic based on my irl experiences and write a robot dissection fic that has a lot of cool science in it. And things were going so well for like 2 months UNTIL I realized that I would need to learn about robotics more lmao. This lead into me realizing that I would need to speculatively map out MDs bodies for this fic to work.
And so I spent such a long time into fall 2023 trying to figure out DD heads. Yes just the head was taking me this long because B.lender was frustrating me with its weird mesh problems. That really burnt me out.
Somewhere along the way I was thinking to take a break from MD and just try and see if sculpting random things in B.lender would help me learn better. I make one body sculpt then I got sick for a few weeks and I couldn't concentrate on it.
In my sickness fog I got the idea for making a PMV/AMV hybrid because I thought a specific song really fit. I opened up i.Movie for the first time and learned how to code on the terminal to download the episodes. Hell I even was trying out for the first time my new tablet I bought and I was really got into testing out digital art for the PMV segments. I was practicing to draw the DD canonically then really fell into that. Unfortunately my brain is really revolting at the canon designs and wants to do its own redesigns lmao. So TLDR the PMV aspect of the project was frustrating me. But funnily enough I've solved my initial problem all the way back in early 2023 where I really wasn't feeling it for doing any digital art.
So yeah my brain keeps bouncing around too much and I'm thinking on what to do now moving forward :(
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datdangalpha · 10 months
So.... Its been awhile (*cough* Oct 17 *cough*)
It's really been a rough couple of months for me, between work, holidays, plus IRL stuff. I was just too mentally/physically able to do anything other than work and sleep.
You all have no clue how much I appreciate sticking with me this far, I've only been on here for a short time but it truthfully means a whole lot to me
With that being said, starting next year there will be somethings changing.
1. Start doing a monthly update for 'Under the Mountains Top' (a story I am working on). It has been on the back burner for over a year now and I wanna do something with it. I think doing updates will make me start the process that I have been holding off on
2. Posting AT LEAST 2-3 times a month again I wanna start posting more, I honestly want to do it once a week but that is not feasible nor realistic for me. So the least I can do it a few times a month
3. Show stuff other than digital art. I want to do sculpting, crocheting, writing, etc. I don't want to limit myself to just post digital stuff. I wanna be creative in different ways
Other than that I'm not changing too much, and I'll do my best to follow these new rules
With that being said, thanks for reading this!! See y'all later
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shay-creates · 1 year
15 Questions, 15 Mutals
I was tagged by @j-1173 . Thanks ^-^
I...still don’t know who to tag... *finger guns*
1. Are you named after anyone? I am not. Not even my chosen name is.
2. When was the last time you cried? Just about every night (my eyes get really watery when I’m trying to sleep...that counts right?). It’s been a few months since I cried emotionally... I don’t really remember though. Oh...cried a month ago because the pain in my legs got so bad. Idk which this asks about.
3. Do you have kids? Absolutely not. And do not want them. Nothing against the little parasites (affectionate), I am simply not parental material.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Absolutely not (sarcasm). Less sarcastic online, but quite sarcastic irl. But I know how/when not to be.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Their eyes. I can usually tell quite a bit about someone by their eyes. (Idk how to explain eye vibes thing, especially since I don’t make much eye contact) Then I notice their attitude, especially when it matches what I see in their eyes.
6. What’s your eye color? Blue.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. I am a jumpy person with an overactive imagination.
8. Any special talents? I can mimic cat noises pretty well (a few different animals, but cat noises are what I feel I excel at).
9. Where were you born? Loris?, South Carolina.
10. What are your hobbies? Writing, sculpting, sewing, digital art, drawing, painting, overthinking, reading, watching anime/Asian dramas/etc, being plant dad, etc. (there’s a lot)
11. Do you have any pets? Yes. 3 dogs (Pookie, Tiny, Leah), a cat (Goblin, she’s a sweetheart and a stray), and potentially 2 more cats (Salamander, Mushroom) if I can earn their trust since they’re also strays. Also four horses (Clue, Mitch, Breeze, Hank) though those are technically my mom’s.
12. What sports do you play/have you played? I did gymnastics one day when I was below age 12. Hmm...that’s all I did voluntarily.
13. How tall are you? 5′10″. Most people claim I’m 5′9″ but they can pry that inch out of my cold dead hands, my posture sucks.
14. Favorite subject in school? Art class. English was second. Only because I could bs my way through it.
15. Dream job? Just about anything creative. Author, artist, or just making things. I just wanna make things :(
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