#body number t h r e e
heartfullyferal · 2 years
"F u c k you, Fuck You, fuck you."
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She's just out here kicking something. Probably her latest victim.
0 notes
twignotstick · 4 months
Flowers for Venus
She's here~ 🩵
Note: This story is based on @cupcakeslushie 's Empyrean Weeping au. These characters are not my own, and this story is in no way canon to the main story. I really made a lot of assumptions here, so this must be emphasized.
Tags: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, ROTTMNT, Venus de Milo (TMNT), NOT MY CHARACTERS, Empyrean Weeping AU, experimentation, mental issues, perspective shifting, intentionally written to be confusing or leave out information at times, they are all family your honor
Warnings (if there's anything I should add here, tell me please!): childhood trauma, abandonment issues, physical violence, repeated mentions of medical(?) procedures
Words: 6,472 🪦
Summary: Venus had one person in her life, and that was what mattered. Until she didn't.
“I'm going to fix your body.”
The young turtle gazed up into the glass chamber before him, observing the mangled, underdeveloped, and weak body within. The vitals displayed around it were at acceptable levels; nowhere near as good as needed to survive out of the chamber, but acceptable considering the circumstances.
Not acceptable to the young turtle in front of it.
“You should be out here, learning with me. Being my sister. So I'm going to fix you.”
The turtle within the chamber did not stir- only breathed, as blood was forcefully pumped through its nonfunctional veins.
“Huginn and Muninn helped me find more books to help you!”
Three- he had realized that the body in the chamber may not yet know his name, and so he introduced himself not long ago- bounced on the balls of his feet. He had one book clutched close to his chest, with others strewn about the workspace he had made around the chamber.
“Yokai biologists have very interesting methods! I plan on attempting some of them soon- Pops said he is going to get me some more materials before I try. He said that Witch Town will probably have what I need. The fusion of biology and mysticism is incredible! Oh! Oh! And!”
He dropped the book that he was holding on the floor carelessly, tripping over his own feet as he ran over to a table to show the body's closed eyes another. This one was thicker.
“Muninn says that this one was written by a human! ‘Mary Shelley’. It's called ‘Frankenstein’. I believe that's a name too- the surname of the main character. I haven't read it yet, because I haven't had time to. However, maybe with your improved cognitive function as of recently, it could be beneficial for me to read it to you!”
Three got no response, but he could have sworn that a part of the body's brain scan spiked.
“I can't start now. I have to finish my work on the developmental errors in your lower arm, but as soon as I finish that and find what I need to find, I'll start! I'm really curious about human literature.”
Three got to work, as the mind within the chamber grew curious.
She didn't quite know what time it was, but she knew what was supposed to happen at this time. The voice was supposed to make noises in the room- Three, that was his name- and he was supposed to talk to her. Her? She thought that sounded right.
Three had told her about pronouns. He had said that since she was biologically female, it was assumed that she would go by she and her. Just like he was male, and went by he and him.
He had said that her name was Five.
Even so, Three liked calling her Vee, justifying it with the reason that they “matched”. Five didn't quite understand where the name came from; perhaps how her name was spelled? F-I-V-E, that was what Three had told her. T-H-R-E-E, that was his. But he spelled Vee as V-E-E. Maybe that's why they matched. Both had two E's in their name.
Their names were numbers too. One, two, three, four, five. She wondered why she was Five, and he was Three. Where were One, Two, and Four? Were they there, but she couldn't hear them? Was Pops another name for One? Pops and One weren't anything alike. She wished she could ask all the questions she had in her mind.
She wished she could see. Maybe that would explain why Three hadn't spoken yet.
Just when she was starting to believe that he may not speak to her this time, Three made noise. She couldn't see, but he stumbled through the door and sat down in a chair near her with a smile on his face. He looked at her, she could feel it.
“I'm sorry I'm home late, Vee. I met a new friend today! But don't tell Pops. He's a human.”
Five knew that word. Weren't those bad?
“Timothy isn't like other humans, though. He's nice! He showed me some insects and told me their names. Surface bugs are very different from normal ones! I think I might ask Huginn and Muninn to retrieve me some books on surface entomology. I can tell them that it's biological research.”
Entomology. That's a big word. What does that mean?
“Entomology means the study of insects, by the way. It's a very interesting branch of science. Timothy said he has books that tell him the names of different insects at his house. Oh, and a house is where humans usually live. Not a lab, like we live in. Or… a glass chamber, like you live in! Though, technically your chamber is within the lab.”
The lab. She wondered what the lab looked like.
“I think that I may be able to replace your eyes soon. I've been developing a prototype, hopefully it shouldn't take me too long to finish! From there, I just have to work really hard to get your other physical errors fixed, and then you can come out here! Maybe I can even bring you to meet Timothy!”
Timothy. That was a nice name. Not as good as Three or Vee, though. They matched. Though, maybe Timothy matched too. She didn't know how to spell Timothy yet.
Maybe they could match anyway.
Three stumbled in today. Vee couldn't see it, of course, but Three had tripped, holding in tears. His chest just wouldn't stop hurting. Pops had said he could walk it off, so that is what he tried to do.
He couldn't walk much longer, falling to the floor in front of Vee's chamber. She enjoyed hearing the sound of his breathing, but she never liked it when he breathed this heavily. That meant he was hurt and crying. That meant Pops had done an experiment or a test. That meant Three didn't have the power to work on her body. He would always apologize for that. Of course, that never stopped him. She always heard him working.
That is her name. He loves to remind her of that.
“M-maybe…” Three gasped deeply, holding the breath for longer than he should before slowly releasing it. “Maybe if… I finish you… he w-won't do this to m-me anymo-ore…”
Vee couldn't feel his eyes on her. Until she could.
“I've shown him y-your guts alr-ready, though… maybe he won't won't w-want to v-vi…vivi…”
That's not how he's supposed to say her name. It's Vee.
“...Vee? Vee~”
That's right.
Is that right?
The mumbling of her name faded away, turning into slow rasping breaths.
She didn't want him to be hurt and crying anymore.
“I want to make you as strong as One is. Or, at least, he should be. I haven't met One. Or Two. Or Four. But Pops says that it's impossible for you to be that strong. You're a box turtle, designed for defense. Anyhow, it's more important that I develop your muscle mass enough for you to stand independently first.”
Vee wondered what One, Two, and Four sounded like. Maybe their voices were jumpy and squeaky like Three's was now. Maybe they were sweet, like his was before. She wondered what Pops sounded like.
“Four is a box turtle like you. He developed properly, but don't feel bad! He got stolen away, so really, he got the short end of the stick! You're living the life of luxury.”
So many types of turtle. Did that mean they couldn't match anymore?
“I showed Timothy some sketches of my work with you. He got this really weird look on his face, and I thought he might not believe that I could fix you. But, he promised that he did believe in me! And he said he can't wait to meet you!”
Surely, he was just jealous of Three's hard work.
“I'm still working on your eyes. They're causing me more problems than I thought they would, but I think I'm getting closer to a functional product! It's just taking a while to find a good base that can survive the transfer.”
Eyes. One more sense. He taught her the five: touch, taste, sight, smell, and hearing. She had hearing- or at least, she believed she did. She didn't know what else this could be. To have two senses would be marvelous.
Three's voice went away, leaving a rubbing sound. He had told her what that was. It meant he was “rubbing his hands together”. It was a “nervous habit”.
“Pops told me… he told me that talking to you was ‘fueling my delusion’. I know that, logically, you're comatose. Your body isn't supposed to work right now, for the sake of your life.”
That made sense. She was hurt. Three said that if she came out of her coma as she was now, she would die. Dying wasn't a good thing.
“But I really want you to hear me. Even subconsciously. So- so that way, when you do wake up, we'll already be friends! A-and you'll already know so much about me, so I just need to know about you!”
That sounded nice. Vee wanted to tell him about herself. Maybe she'd know just what that meant by the time she got the chance.
“I promise I'm going to fix you soon. It'll be no problem!”
Vee liked that.
Three was hurt and crying again. But this time, he didn't come to collapse by her chamber. He was far away, in the workspace. Vee didn't want him to be hurt and crying anymore. Three had said that hurt could mean dying. Three couldn't die yet. Vee still had to tell him everything about herself.
He wasn't even saying her name this time. He was saying the human's. He was hard to hear, so quiet, so far.
I'm sorry, Timothy.
What does that mean?
I'm so, so sorry.
What does that mean, Three?
Please, Tim.
Please forgive me.
I'm sorry.
I'm so, so sorry.
Three, please. She wants to understand. She wants to know you.
I want to know you. Talk to me, please. Tell me everything. Tell me about Mary Shelley. Tell me about entomology. Tell me about One. Tell me about Two. Tell me about Four. Tell me about Pops. Tell me what you're working on. Tell me how you want me to be better already so I can hold your hand and talk back. Let me hold your hand.
Tell me what's wrong.
“---ee? Vee, I'm ---y, I'm here, plea--- calm down. I'm here, please. Do I need- do I need to sedate her? I-”
He's not crying anymore. He's talking to her.
“Vee? Five?”
That's right.
“Should I read to you? W-Would you like that?”
She would.
“P-progress report 13. May 23rd. It happened today. Algernon bit me.”
Flowers for Algernon. Surface literature. Of course he would read surface literature now. He was just thinking of Timothy.
Every time Three would read this specific story to her, he would explain that the first few progress reports were intentionally written with poor spelling and grammar. He would spend the whole time explaining the correct way to write the sentences, up until the writing became legible. Then, when the writing returned to its sorry state, he would resume his corrections.
“I visited the lab to see him as I do occasionally, and when I took him out of his cage, he snapped at my hand.”
Vee knew the end of this story.
“I put him back and watched him for a while. He was unusually disturbed and vicious.”
It never ended nicely. They always had to die.
“May 24th. Burt, who is in charge of the experimental animals, tells me that Algernon is changing.”
She didn't want anyone else to die.
Something was different. Where once there was a lack of anything, now there was something. Something Vee didn't have the knowledge to understand just yet. She couldn't understand light. She couldn't understand color. Now, it was right in front of her.
A blur of a color she didn't know the name of, green, with a dash of another, purple. Three's voice came from it.
“Eyelids are open. Should be working. Just one last test-”
Three grabbed a small blur- a silver flashlight- and shined it into her eyes. Her muscles instinctively tried to close her eyelids, but there just wasn't enough power behind it. They stayed open enough for Three to see the pupils constrict.
“Yes. Yes! YES! They work! Yes!”
Three sounded happy. That was good. Maybe he looked happy, too. Vee didn't know what happy looked like yet.
“...I have to show Pops. I have to show Pops! Wait! Stay right there!”
Three left the room, and Vee thought deeply. “They work”. Three had said that her eyes “didn't work yet” before. So that must mean that they work now. That meant that she was seeing. This was what she had been looking forward to ever since Three had attempted to explain the abstract concept of seeing.
This was it.
Those colors. The nameless ones that she didn't know- the ones she didn't even know how to identify as colors- that was Three. That was the face of the voice who had been her only comfort for all of time. That was the face of the person she wanted to comfort. The voice that she heard crying and hurting. The person she wanted to hold the hand of.
The door to the room opened again, and Three returned with a taller figure. Vee had never heard him before, she was sure of that when he got close for her to hear his breathing. Maybe she could have seen him before. He was tall, and covered with new colors. She couldn't name them, but they were gold, blue, and magenta.
“Look! Look! Her eyes are functional now! They constrict and dilate! Watch!”
Three held the light to her eyes once more, and her pupils shrank again.
The new voice only grunted.
“She's so close to completion now! Th-there are only a few more developmental errors, and she just needs a little more muscle mass-”
The tall figure lashed out at Three, as another color, magenta and pink, writhing, latched around Three's throat. He was held off the floor, just a few feet. His happy breathing stopped.
“You have obsessed over this project for too long. Your progress has been agonizingly slow, and this is what you have to show for it?”
A new voice. Deeper. More menacing.
Three gasped for air, trying to respond.
“I suppose I must also involve myself. Your inefficiency up to this point will not be forgotten.”
The writhing mass slammed Three into the floor as the tall figure walked away, shutting the door behind himself.
Three heaved shaky breaths from his spot in front of Vee's chamber. He almost sounded like he was crying and hurting.
Was this what crying and hurting looked like? Curling over yourself? Was that what she was doing? She was supposed to be hurting. She didn't think she was crying, though. Could you hurt and not cry?
Could you cry and not hurt?
Three moved onto his knees, placing one hand on the glass. His face looked different, as if the light reflected off of it differently. His eyes looked at her. For the first time, she could feel and see it.
“I'm going to get you out soon. Then… then you can be here with me. And Pops will be proud. And I'll have you, my sister. Forever, and ever, and ever. And no one will take you from me.”
Three smiled, leaning against the glass and falling asleep.
That sounded nice.
“What is this?”
Vee stood over Three at his workbench, looking down at the sketch he was working on. It looked familiar, like other ones he had made, but the notes around the margins were different.
“Oh, it's another collar for Big Mama. She has someone joining the Nexus who has some immunity to electricity, so I have to work on an alternative design…”
“How does it work?”
Three looked up at Vee as she smiled softly. She loved doing this. Getting him talking about the things he knew about.
“Okay, well, since the regular electric shock won't result in what we're going for, I have to find another method of keeping the fighter in line. So- so this collar is designed to tap straight into the nerves in the neck- focusing mainly on the more secondary nerves, but also creating a pathway to the spinal column if needed. With this, the nerves can be pinched all at once, effectively paralyzing the wearer!”
Vee looked over the sketch, resting a hand on the desk next to it. “And why is this collar shaped so differently?”
Three brightened again. “Oh, well, for one, to create a visual distinction that makes it easier for Big Mama to know what type of collar it is. But also, because the specific yokai has… no neck? Sort of? They have shoulders, but it would be somewhat easy for them to slip a standard collar off. So, alternative design! And this one can be green.”
“Very good. I'm sure Mother would appreciate the change in aesthetic.”
The stone in her pocket began to glow.
“Speak of the Devil, I suppose.”
Five slipped her mask on quickly, then answered the call. “Hello, Mother.”
“Turtley-boo! Hello! Where are you, my dear? I couldn't find you!”
“I had to deliver this week's recording to Three. I'll be returning home shortly.”
“I would hope so! Everything here is always such a tissy-tassle when you're over at that terrible place. Oh, do come home quickly, please. Your mama is getting lonely.”
Vee looked to Three, and they exchanged a soft look, even behind Vee's emotionless mask. “I'll be there in a moment, Mother.”
This was wrong.
This was all wrong.
She was supposed to be worried about being taken from him.
What could she do, now that he was taken from her?
Four was gone. Then Two was gone. Vee thought, surely Three wouldn't be that dumb. Three was smart. He cared about her. He wouldn't leave her.
So where was he now? On the surface, living with rats and humans.
And she was left behind. Stuck under the thumb of a spider that claimed to be her mother. Forced to witness the violent aftermath that had come when Three disappeared, as Lord Draxum berated her and her mother for letting Three get such delusional thoughts in his head. Ideas that made him weak and stupid. Hopes that his family cared for him. 
But he left his family, didn't he?
She was supposed to be his sister.
And he left, in search of a family that didn't even know his name. His face. His voice. That voice was supposed to be hers. The one who took care of her. The one that fixed her.
Draxum may have caused her birth, but Three gave her life.
Didn't that matter to him?
She had been so scared of being taken from him, Vee didn't even consider the idea that he may be taken from her.
Fighting against him was something from her worst nightmares.
This couldn't be happening.
This was all wrong.
Empty apologies.
He left, all because of a stupid dream he had been chasing. He left the family he had because of some dumb idea of a family that he had romanticized in his head. He left her.
Maybe he never cared about her anyway. She was just a toy to pass the time.
She wasn't real, anyway. Just a monstrous body given life.
“Hi, Vee!”
Four approached her, sitting down cross legged on the floor beside her. He examined the blade she had been sharpening with an odd fascination.
“Where'd you get that?” He asked innocently.
“From Mother.”
Four straightened. “O-oh. Guess I shoulda… guessed that, huh?”
“Maybe.” Of course he should have. Who wouldn't recognize one of Big Mama's weapons?
“Hmm…” Four rocked back and forth, holding his feet. “Do you feel alright with me calling you Vee? I know that's what Donnie calls you, but I know he has like… a thing with names.”
“I’m Five,” she said bluntly, looking up at Four for a moment. “But I don't mind being called Vee.”
“Cool!” Four smiled, almost as sweetly as she remembered Three doing. “What's it short for?”
Vee paused and looked back up at Four. “Sorry?”
Four blinked. “...Vee. What's it short for?”
She squinted. “It stands for the roman numeral for Five. It isn't ‘short’ for anything.”
“Oh. Well, that's not right.” Four shook his head disapprovingly. “You need to match with us!”
That made Vee think. “Match?”
“Yeah!” Four shifted to sit on his knees. “See, cause I'm called Mikey. That's short for Michelangelo. He was a human artist in the Renaissance. And Raph is Raph, short for Raphael. And Leo is Leo, short for Leonardo. And Donnie is Donnie, short for Donatello!”
Vee put her blade down on the ground, giving Mikey all of her attention. “So they match because they're all artists?”
“Well, and since they're from the Renaissance, and since we've all got nicknames!” Mikey grinned. “Do you… want a name that matches with ours?”
“Yes.” Vee answered before she could really think about what she was saying. “I-I mean, I don't really need one, but-”
“Sweet!” Mikey patted his hands on the ground. “Now, what names could work… Genevieve? No, that would be Jenny… Vivian? Nah, that's not good enough. Oh!”
“Well, I know all of our names are from artists, but, uh, what if your name was from a piece of art?”
Vee thought for a moment. It was certainly true that she wasn't like the other turtles. Obviously, her name would have to reflect that.
Though, maybe being a work of art wouldn't be so bad.
“Sure. But tell me the name before I agree to anything.”
Mikey's expression suddenly shifted to a more serious one. “Of course. How about… Venus de Milo?”
Venus de Milo.
“...what is it?”
“It's a statue from ancient Greece. She sorta got her arms ripped off, but she's still incredibly beautiful and detailed, and a very widely known masterpiece! Wait, lemme see if I've got internet-”
Mikey fumbled with his phone, desperately trying to gather some internet signal in the depths of the Hidden City. Meanwhile, Vee simmered in the thought. A statue, broken, never to be truly as it was before. And yet, it was beautiful, not just because of what it still had, but because it had lost. It had persevered. Because something so beautiful was never truly perfect. That was what allowed it to be beautiful instead.
Maybe that beauty made it perfect, anyway.
“I like it.”
Mikey's eyes flitted up from his hunch over his phone. “Oh? Great!” He corrected his posture. “How ‘bout you try it out? Introduce yourself to me!”
Vee cleared her throat, checking her own posture out of habit. “Hello, Michelangelo. My name is Venus de Milo. You may call me Vee.” She extended her hand for a handshake. Mikey met it vehemently.
“Perfect! Now, you match with all of us! Man, the teamwork and collaboration on this mission is gonna be on point!”
Venus smiled, turning the interaction around in her head.
Maybe she could be a masterpiece.
Donnie loved to talk. Vee always knew that. But, for too long, she had never noticed how much he loved to be listened to; to have another directly engaging in the conversation. Once she learned that, she learned that she had a love for listening.
It was sometimes hard for her to understand her own wants without comparing them to the wants of others. She loved to listen because Donnie loved to talk. She loved to spar because that made Raph happy. She loved to ask questions so Leo could explain the nonsensical movies he showed her. She loved to eat because Mikey loved to cook.
But right now, none of that really mattered. Donnie was talking, and Vee loved to listen.
“Splinter told me that I could make him, as long as I make sure he doesn't turn, like, evil or anything. Though, honestly, if a robot uprising were to happen, I think it would be smart to just accept fate.”
Donnie was cleaning up some sort of schematic on a bean bag as a movie played on the TV. Vee sat next to him, not paying attention to the film at all. Screams about hot food went in one ear and out the other.
“So these are the plans you have so far?”
“Exactly!” Donnie brightened, then slumped as he came to a realization. “He's actually based on a design I made before you got out of your chamber. P-... Draxum destroyed that one, though.”
“Oh.” Vee slumped a bit as well. “I wish I could have seen it. Maybe I'd be more helpful now with these designs.”
“Uh, y-you don't have to worry about it!” Donnie waved his arms frantically. “It was my fault you were stuck in there anyway.”
“No it wasn't.” Vee looked at him blankly. “It was Lord Draxum's fault. He made me faulty. You helped me. You fixed my body.”
Donnie flustered, scratching at his neck. “W-well, not really. I didn't even-”
“You gave me my eyes. You gave me purpose.”
He looked at his sister, hands shaking almost invisibly where they gripped his sketching paper. Something strange came to his eyes- a shimmer, one that she knew. “I-I'm-”
“If you say you're sorry one more time, I might just rip your tongue out.”
“But I am! In more words than I can say, I am! You cared about me so much, and I just left you without a second thought. No apology I can give can ever make up for that.”
Vee sighed, shaking her head, looking at Donnie with tired eyes. “You're right.”
Donnie's nervous energy evaporated and he stilled.
“No apology will ever be enough. When you apologized to me, I didn't forgive you. When you apologized to me, I hated you.”
Venus paused, questioning whether or not she should continue. When Donnie gave no reaction, she decided to.
“When you tried to explain what had happened, I hated you. When you asked for my help, invited me in, told me you wanted me back, I hated you.”
Genuine tears started to well up in custom built eyes.
“B-because… because I couldn't believe you. You left me, and that was what was real. That was what mattered.”
Donnie took a breath in, as if to add something, but ultimately decided against it.
“Part of me still doesn't believe you.”
Months of worrying. Months of waiting. Months of simmering in hatred for the one person she had convinced herself she could trust. Months of wondering, “Would he have stayed if I had been better?” Months of unbridled rage towards her creator, who couldn't have waited just a little longer to make her right. Months thinking of her other so called “brothers” who stole her brother away.
He said no one could take her from him. So why would he throw her away?
“But you showed me otherwise.”
She never knew how to put these things into words. There was something difficult about bringing her thoughts out in that way. Because of this, she could never really tell Donnie how it felt when he first showed her that room he had prepared, which he left mostly empty for her to decorate herself. She could never explain how it felt when Splinter traced her stitches, complimenting how wonderfully they framed her features. She could never properly thank Raph for expressing his admiration for her fighting style. She couldn't express the joy she felt when she saw Leo do something that would make him feel embarrassed hours later. She could never say anything more than “It’s great” when eating one of Mikey's meals, one that should make a food critic cry.
“So you don't need to apologize anymore. You showed me how you cared, and that's all that matters now.”
Vee grabbed Donnie's hand, and the two shared a wordless understanding.
You can cry and not hurt.
Vee woke up to the sound of someone else moving around the lair.  All of her brothers were still covered in blankets around her, and a blank tarp hung on the wall stood in front of her that she vaguely remembered watching a projected video essay on before she fell into slumber. There was only one person missing from the scene…
As she pushed herself to her feet and walked into the hall, Vee came face to face with a still bonnet wearing April.
“Oh, morning, Vee!” April greeted energetically. “What're you doing up already?”
“This is a normal time to wake up, isn't it? You're awake.”
April hummed. “I guess you're right. I'm just used to the guys sleeping in super late. You hungry?”
Vee nodded, following April silently into the kitchen. Just a short time ago, she would have wanted to cut April's head off, purely because of her human existence. Now, she felt a strange, foreign comfort around the human. Not quite like she felt with her brother, or her other brothers, but something akin to it.
April started loading up the toaster, grabbing some spreads and setting them out on the counter.
“Got any plans today, Miss Milo?”
Vee chuckled. “It's Miss de Milo, and, uh, no. You got any plans, Miss Neil?”
April laughed in turn. “Actually, I do. And since you don't have any, I was hoping you might help me out with mine.”
Vee nodded, letting her continue.
“I brought some stuff from my place to do a spa day, slash makeover day. Figured you might want to join in.”
Vee thought for a moment. “I know what a spa day is, but what is a ‘makeover’?”
“Well, it's like,” she hesitated, “it's when you put on a ton of makeup and wear fancy clothes and stuff. Not because you're not pretty, but it's just… it's a way of making yourself feel good, y'know? You've worn makeup before, right?”
“No.” Vee shrank slightly. “Mother said that it would be a lost cause. That's why she gave me the mask instead.”
“Oh.” April shook her head, scrunching her nose. “Oh, no, no. That's not gonna work. You are going to be pampered, Miss de Milo. That is an order.”
April strode out of the kitchen, and Vee followed slowly behind. Before she could see where April had gone, there was the telltale sound of a pillow being thrown into someone's face.
“Owf- wha- hey! What was that for?” Leo grumbled through the grogginess of waking up.
“We've got a busy day ahead, boys! Gotta eat breakfast so we can get to work!”
“Busy day?” Mikey asked, slightly more cognizant than Leo. “What are we doing?”
“Makeovers. All of us!”
Vee finally caught sight of April in the hallway of the living room as she saw Donnie jumping up from where he was laying. “Are we gonna do nails?!” He shouted excitedly, running up in front of April. “Can I pick the colors?”
“Of course you can, bud. Just go eat some toast first,” April responded, patting his shoulder.
Donnie hurried to the kitchen followed by his brothers, who were all still wiping the sleep from their eyes. After that, breakfast went quickly.
Raph drug a stool into the bathroom in front of the mirror, where Vee was instructed to sit. Soon, she was surrounded by her brothers and April, with a large makeup bag in the human's hands. She put the bag down on the counter, taking out a liquid foundation in the perfect hue for Vee's skin.
“Where do you even find this stuff? Party City?” Leo asked, taking out another foundation from the bag that matched his own skin.
“No,” April scoffed, preparing her workspace, “I get it online. Its makeup, not face paint. It just happens to be green. Are you complaining?”
“No, ma'am.” Leo quickly shut himself up.
“Good. Now, let's get some jobs set straight.” April started gesturing to the brothers one by one. “Donnie, you're in charge of picking colors out, and themes. Mike, you're executing Donnie's ideas, because his hands are way too shaky. Raph, my bag's in the other room, go pick something out. You'll know what I mean when you get there. And Leo, you're in charge of music and talking. Tea spilling, gossip, whatever.”
All of the turtles nodded in response, and Raph walked out to find April's bag.
“Now, Vee.” April put her hands on Vee's shoulders, looking her straight in the eyes. “You just sit here, close your eyes, and relax. We've got it all handled.”
“Okay.” Vee hesitated, closing her eyes slowly, before shooting them open again. “Wait!”
April hummed, hovering the makeup sponge she had prepared in the air.
“Can you, uh… can you leave my stitches? Not cover them up, I mean.” She couldn't help casting a glance at Donnie, who gave a timid smile.
April relaxed. “Course, Vee. Now, close your eyes and let us work our magic!”
Vee complied, and she found herself surrounded by sounds. A strange nostalgia filled her chest.
“What we thinking, D?”
“How about, uh… this?”
“Ooo! Perfect! Can I get, uh… that one first?... Thanks! Okay Vee, I'm gonna grab your hand now. It's gonna be cold!”
“What am I supposed to even talk about? I don't have any tea.”
No need for sight. Hearing those voices, comforting her. With a slight drone of music alongside.
“How about your date with Usagi?”
“Wh- April! It wasn't a date!”
“Hey! No shoving! This is a delicate art, Leo!”
“Ugh, fine.” Another shove.
“Hey! No shoving me either! I didn't even say anything!”
“Yeah, but April's busy, Mikey's busy, and you gave me a weird look.”
“I gave you a normal look. You obviously went on a date. Vee, you know?”
Vee laughed just a bit, trying not to move and disturb April's work. “Donnie's right. It was pretty clearly a date.”
“No, it wasn't!”
“Just tell us what you did, Leo.”
Unlike before, she had other senses. But somehow, removing this one made her feel comfortable. Knowing that someone else was taking care of her felt so good.
When she felt Donnie's scar covered, calloused hand grab onto hers, the comfort felt warmer.
“We didn't even-”
“Hey, April? How's this one?”
“I think it's great, but how ‘bout you ask Mister Manicure?”
“Oh. Mike?”
“That's perfect, Raph! You got any accessories?”
“Maybe in my room… lemme go check.”
The sound of heavy footfalls walking away.
“Alright, I'm gonna be working on your eyelids, so it's gonna feel a little weird. Just try to stay loose.”
“Ooo, you are gonna look so good!”
Vee allowed the sound to envelop her entirely.
“Listen, we didn't go on a date, we aren't even a thing anyways.”
“I'm going to fix your body.”
“Usagi would be very hurt it he heard that. You wanna tell him, D?”
“You should be out here, learning with me.”
“I can text him right away-”
“Being my sister.”
“Just admit it, Leo! You're down bad for the bunny!”
“He still hasn't admitted that?”
“No, Raph! Because I'm not ‘down bad’!”
“So I'm going to fix you.”
“Okay, keep the volume down. I gotta concentrate…”
Time passed shapelessly. Vee interacted in the conversation when asked, but otherwise, she let the noise flow over herself. Before she knew it, she was being told to stand up and having fabric pulled onto her arms, with a ribbon being tied over her shell.
“Okay, okay, just a few more touches-”
“You've been doing ‘a few more touches’ for five minutes, Donnie. She looks great!”
“SHH! Don't rush perfection, Nardo.”
Vee blushed. “You really think I look perfect?”
She felt Donnie's eyes on her. “You always have.”
Mikey awed. “Okay, okay, okay, now you can look!”
Vee opened her eyes, just as Donnie moved to the side so she could see herself in the mirror. She saw that the fabric put on her was a dress, very light blue and with flowery embroidery patterning on the bottom of the knee-length skirt. Her claws were painted with pastel colors, with a light blue backdrop behind white daisies, each having an undertone of a different color: reddish-pink, blue, orange, purple, yellow, and green. On her face, a soft blue eyeshadow was put on her eyelids, with small painted daisies incorporated into her eyeliner. Similar flowery bows were placed down the length of her braided mask tails. Donnie quickly shuffled behind her to put a necklace on her neck, with a daisy shaped pendant.
Vee found herself speechless, staring at the stranger that had been pulled out of her own skin.
“Is it alright?” April asked hesitantly.
As she rubbed her lips together, Vee forced herself to look up at the ceiling. She waved her hands at her face.
“Oh- Oh! Its waterproof! You're good!”
“It is?!” Vee squeaked, struggling to hold herself together.
“Yeah, yeah, it is!”
“That's s-so cool!” Vee finally let her tears loose, still waving at her face while nervously laughing.
“You like it? Do you like the flowers? It was Donnie's idea!” Mikey asked, beaming as bright as the sun.
“Yes! Yes, I do, thank you!” Vee paused in her flapping to look over her hands again, and the dress, and her face.
Her flowers.
When she looked to Donnie, he looked as if he couldn't be happier.
“Well that's good, cause they cost me my dignity,” Leo groaned, despite the smirk on his face. “By the way, I call next.”
April patted his shell. “Alright, Leo. We'll make you pretty so you can look good for Usagi.”
“Great, because I- Wait! HEY!”
Vee was laughing loudly now, wiping her tears delicately with a single finger. The argument slowly turned back into background noise, as Leo sat on the stool instead, squabbling far too much for April's liking. Donnie recruited Vee for color picking and inspiration searching.
And so Vee let herself exist there, not worrying about mattering or being wanted. Not worrying about if the one she cared about was hurt or crying. Not longing for another sense to experience the world with. Not questioning if she may be taken away for good. Not asking if she really had a family. Not wondering if she did something wrong, or if she even had the right to call herself alive. Not waiting for someone to talk to her.
She had her flowers, and words could never compare.
Finally, she is here. I went a little wild on this. There are just so many parts of Vee's story that I can't wait to see. She's my little brainworm 💖
I'm glad that I can get this out before the @tmntaucompetition ends, especially since EW is in the finale. Go vote for them!!! I love them so dearly :)
I'm going to edit the first chapter of my own iteration, (currently titled Second Shot), and post that soon. I simply must get my boys out into the world, especially after discovering @dluebirb's TMNT AU family reunion. Lord knows they need friends.
Broken Brothers (and How to Fix Them)
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doumadono · 1 year
If it's not too much trouble for you, can you make the nsfw alphabet for Shoto, pretty please? 🥺 (Ik your requests are closed so I'm truly sorry for reaching out but I love your alphabet for Bakugou)
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Warnings: aged-up Shoto (21 yo)
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A - aftercare He'll always ensure you're well-cared for. He'll assist you in the shower, placing sweet kisses all over your body. Later, he'll cuddle with you until you drift off to sleep in his comforting embrace, feeling safer than ever
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B - body part He is in love with your neck – the way you softly moan his name when he gently sucks on your pulse point is sufficient to ignite his senses, setting them ablaze. Shoto is a huge fan of your hips as well
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C - cum Shoto likes to finish inside you because it creates the most intimate and passionate connection between you both
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D - dirty secret He harbors secret fantasies of complete submission to you, even embracing degradation
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E - experience You are his first and only. He lacked any prior sexual experience before meeting you, but he's a fast learner and naturally gifted at providing pleasure
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F - favorite position He finds immense pleasure when you ride him because it grants you the opportunity to control the speed and tempo, not to mention the enticing possibility of grasping your hips as well
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G - goofy He views sex as an intensely intimate act and is wholly committed to ensuring you have the most enjoyable experience possible, leaving no room for frivolity
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H - hair He keeps himself neat, and yes, the carpet does indeed match the drapes 😏
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I - intimacy For Shoto, sex is a deeply intimate experience. It involves almost constant eye contact, ample body contact and caressing, hand holding, and fervent kisses
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J - jack off He doesn't masturbate at all. No matter how horny he is, he's going to wait for you to take care of him ♥
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K - kinks Temperature play - the uncertainty of whether his hands or tongue will be cold, hot, or a mix of both keeps you in a constant state of anticipation and excitement
Edging - as you edge him, it makes him a blushing and whimpering mess
Praising - Shoto'll lose it instantly if he hears you telling him how good he's eating you out/fucking you
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L - location For him, sex is a manifestation of intimacy and trust, and he believes that the bedroom is the most intimate place for the two of you to connect intimately
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M - motivation You dressed in a sexy, lacy lingerie is an instant turn-on for him
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N - no He's unwilling to cause you any harm, and he's certainly not open to allowing anyone else to touch you. Threesomes are completely off the table
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O - oral This man has been blessed by the heavens with his mouth and he does magic using it along with his tongue on you - it's probably because he truly listens to your needs
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P - pace He prefers the more sensual stuff so it is no surprise that he tends to take it soft and slow
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Q - quickie Quickies are a no-go for Shoto - he'd prefer to wait and engage in proper, intimate sex with you
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R - risks He isn’t really into taking risks - Shoto knows what he likes and he sticks to it
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S - stamina Shoto's been dedicated to hero training practically his whole life, and as he grows older, his rigorous training regimen doesn't wane. Consequently, he can go through a substantial number of rounds before even beginning to feel fatigued
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T - toys He's not particularly fond of toys, but he certainly won't forbid you from keeping them if they bring you pleasure
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U - unfair Shoto teases you unconsciously, for example when he playfully traces his fingers along your thigh during a quiet moment on the couch, being blissfully unaware that his touch is setting your senses on fire instantly
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V - volume He tends to be quite reserved in general, often emitting soft, drawn-out groans that are almost angelic during moments of intimacy. When he does speak to you during sex, his voice is exceptionally low and husky
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W - wildcard Shoto has entertained numerous thoughts about allowing you to tie him up and fully dominate him. You're the only person in the world he trusts completely and feels safe enough to be vulnerable around
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X - x-ray Shoto's not too thick, but is definitely long with a curve going up. He’s well above average at 7”
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Y - yearning His sex drive is just a bit above average
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Z - zzz He would never fall asleep before you - his priority is ensuring that you're sleeping peacefully, securely nestled in his arms, before he allows himself to drift into slumber
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purpleyoonn · 1 year
baby (you complete us) 11
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C H A P T E R   E L E V E N
Summary: Soulmates were a common occurrence, so common, in fact, that the world sought an easier way to find your other half: A bracelet that would scan your mark and match you with those who shared your mark. Within recent years, soul groups were becoming normal, and your own bracelet said you have seven matches.
Or where you wear your bracelet for ten years, and finally give up the hope you would find your soul group, only for BTS to put theirs on and see what they were missing.
Genre: soulmate au, idol au, angst, fluff, eventual smut,
Pairing: Idol BTS x Disabled MC
Warnings: angst, mentions of depression, disabled mc (Ehlers Danlos syndrome), eventual smut, fluff, lots of fluff, mentions of disability, simp bangtan
Chapter Warnings: protective bangtan, anxious mc, mc makes some friends, talk of injury, 
*Words in Italics are spoken/written in Korean*
beta’d/edited by the lovely @babyarmybias
masterlist // chapter 10 // chapter 12
taglist:  @imnotlauriane  @mageprincess7  @m1sss1mp @0funsite0  @strawberry-moonpies  @singukieee  @btsw1fe @fluffy-canada-pancakes  @carolinexkpop  @agusfree @sakurarukas  @iamkookiesforyou  @skyys-universe  @toughbook @plutoneu​ @whisperssuga​  @welcometomyworld13​  @yuzon3​ @wittyreader​  @jnghs​  @cyd0129​ @exfolitae​  @queen-in-the-shadows​ @nen-nyy​  @pandxthings​  @schniti-is-in-the-house​  @juju-227592​  @jinseartharmysmoon​  @wooya1224​  @ddaeng-angmoh​ @gratefullygrateful​   @veronawrites​  @xiusmarshmallow​ @xicanacorpse​  @kalala22​ @ok-boke​  @namjoonswaifu​ @sweetcheeksdna​ @promiseokza​  @mushroom-main​ @bookluver01​  @butterfliesinthenightsky​
permanent taglist: @m1sss1mp  @yourleftsock  @skyys-universe @cryingpages  @strxwbloody  @drissteele  @dustyinkpages @iamkookiesforyou  @crushedblackroses  @fluffy-canada-pancakes @blaaiissee  @iiitsmaria  @carolinexkpop  @azazel-nyx @strawberry-moonpies   @g-h-o-s-t-b-a-b-i   @knjkitten @foreverweareyoung7  @lachimolala22019  @namuficxs @94z-93 @kimgmzmc  @thenaverse  @dahliasbouqet @black-rose-29 @tinyoonsblog  @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d  @stellauniverse @stupendouscookiehumanmug @tinyoonsblog  @veronawrites @tatyhend  @singukieee  @m0v3m3ntsblog @exfolitae @butterymin  @queen-in-the-shadows  @anaspectoflife @welcometomyworld13 @slinekyu @ghostlyworld @svnbangtansworld @loisje123 @i-have-no-life-charlie @danielle143 @jcrml @softieyn​ @kyuupidwrites​ @friedlollipop​ @lulu-83​ @tokiodori​
Previously on baby (you complete us):
When you finally pulled away, Jungkook leaned forward, trying to follow your lips. You were sat on his lap, his hands resting on your waist. You didn’t say anything, just stared at one another, trying to breathe and grasp what just happened.  After a couple of seconds, you break out into a large grin, moving forward and hiding your head in his chest.
Jungkook laughs at your reaction, wrapping his arms around your back and holding you close. He wears the biggest grin on his lips as he hears your laughter spilling from you. Your soul was warm, body filling with unrestrained happiness. It felt as though one hole in your heart had been filled, filled by the man you were laying with, laughing as if someone told a good joke.  
This laughter was different though.
It was pure happiness.
“Alright, we have some vending machines over here, and a little way down, there is a little café that Yoongi likes to get americanos from when it gets late.”
You had arrived with Jungkook after being dropped off by the lovely Songun. It was a little pass nine am and the boys were all slowly trickling into the building. However, instead of moving to the practice room the boys had booked, Jungkook decided to take you on a small tour of the floor, showing you where everything was and giving little tidbits of the boys while you walked.
You were shocked by the number of things they had on the practice floors. Each floor had a small nook where they could pick up fresh snacks like veggie and fruit cups. They also had refrigerated drink stands that had a wide variety of drinks. All four practice floors also had a small café towards the middle of the floor, something Jungkook was excited about.
“I guess I should have brought my card?” You thought aloud once you saw the little fresh fruit cups.
“Baby, you never need to worry about using your money when you’re with us. I can promise the others will get a little upset that you think you need to. Also, everything on the practice floors is free. Well, for us, since we own a lot of shares in the company. Which means you don’t ever need to pay for anything in the company.” Your eyes widen at his words. Everything the boys say or do just keeps surprising you, to the point where your eyes might permanently widen.
“Oh.” you whisper, reaching out slowly to grab a little cup of watermelon, still thinking that someone was going to make you pay for them, popping up from behind the cart.
Jungkook just laughed, thinking you were unbelievably cute and innocent. He couldn’t stop looking at you, happy and excited to be able to be with you and get to know you. He already noticed that you stick your tongue out a little when concentrating, and that your nose scrunches up like his when you laugh.
He noticed that you also tend to pick at your fingers when you’re nervous something that had him moving to hold your hand. Which is what he did when you realized no one was going to come after you to pay for your fruit.
“C’mon baby, I bet the others are already in the practice room getting ready.” Jungkook began to tug you forward to the room. He could feel the pad of your pointer finger rubbing over the top of his hand; a soothing movement, he realized.
I don’t care as long as she is with me. Jungkook thought.
Out of their soulmate group, Jungkook had been the most eager to find you. You were only a couple months apart and to know that he had spent the last ten plus years with their soulmates, enjoying life and the bond between them, while you had none of that, it had him aching to make it up to you. He had so much love to spread, and to have a younger soulmate who he could take care of and protect like his hyungs did with his made his soul sing.
Jungkook wanted to show you how great love and the soul bond could be.
In the hopes of getting your spirit up again, Jungkook began to swing your arms, slowly at first and then faster until your arms were going above your heads and your laughter could be heard from the practice room down the hall. Jungkook began skipping in place, going at your pace until you reached the practice room, door already open and Jimin and Hoseok peaking their heads out.
“Ahh there’s our baby soulmates!” Jimin exclaims, reaching out to Jungkook and pulling him in for a hug.
“Did you two have fun last night?” Hoseok comes and pulls you into his arms, squeezing you tightly as he walks backwards into the practice room where the rest of your soul group were.
“He watched Bride of Habaek with me!” You exclaimed, excited that you had someone to watch Kdramas with you. “And we had lots of cuddles. Jungkook is good at cuddling.” You felt so comfortable that you couldn’t help but to spill everything.
Well, not everything, as Jungkook seemed to beat you to the final punch.
He pulled away from Jimin and pulled you out of Hoseok’s arms, planting a big smooch on your lips and pulled away laughing at your shocked expression. “You’re spilling all the secrets!” Jungkook managed to say through laughter.
The rest of the boys were shocked, completely speechless, as they witnessed Jungkook kiss you. They weren’t expecting it, even with the soul pull they knew you experienced the previous night. In fact, they assumed you wouldn’t let them show you affectionlike that for a few months. They didn’t want to push you, but they now realized they shouldn’t have underestimated the soul bond.
“Hey now! No more kisses until we finish practice!” Jin yelled out, stomping his feet dramatically and stealing the attention from your blushing form.
When he caught your eye, he winked at you, not the normal one you’ve seen so many times on camera, but one letting you know he knew how you weren’t ready for everyone to try and shower you in the affection Jungkook was so easily able to give you. You nodded your head in thanks, moving to the side so you didn’t get in the way as they started to set up for practice.
You weren’t sure what song they were practicing, or what they were practicing for. You tried to get the answers out of Jungkook, but he still held that shit-eating bunny grin on his lips which irritated the hell out of you. Not even kisses seemed to get him to give up the so called “secrets of practice”.
Yoongi came over to you as the boys began to stretch, taking your hand and leading you to a nice little sofa that sat off to the side in the back of the room. He sat down with you and turned towards the small, circular designed table that was to your right. He handed you a small gift bag and gestured for you to open it.
The bag held a cropped t-shirt with the word “Bangtan” on it in a design you didn’t recognize. The image was similar to the Army and BTS symbols but like it was smooshed together. It looked really cool and you could tell this was new.
“This is what we are practicing. Since we’ve returned from the army, we have wanted to do a tour representing our time as Bangtan, and everything we have done in our ten years. Since this coming year, 2023, will be our ten year anniversary, we want to do collective world tour. Songs from each of our albums.” Yoongi’s voice is low, as if telling you a secret, despite everyone in the room already knowing about it. You hold the shirt in your hands, unable to believe that they are already planning a tour since they have only been out of the army for a couple of months.
The boys had enlisted in the army as a soul group in June of 2020, during the pandemic. They wanted to give Army one last festa as a group before their enlistment, so they waited until June 22nd of that year. This meant they had only been out of their enlistment since March of this year, 2022. It was almost August now and the weather was only getting colder as fall began to arrive.
“We have a couple of new songs, one of which Army has waited a long time for. But our album is going to be called ‘Proof’, as proof that we are still here, we are still a group even after coming back. We also have solo songs we are going to introduce from our own solo projects.” Your eyes widened at his words, shocked and excited at the prospect of their solo endeavors.
“The shirt is a pre-release that the boys and I have received in order to see if we like it or not. We wanted to give you one as well. Jiminie and Taehyungie said you had a lot of crop tops in your bags so we picked this one for you.” Yoongi told you, reminding you how Jimin had picked your outfit our for you the day before.
To be honest, you packed a lot of crop tops because you get hot easily, even in colder weather. You always have. You didn’t know what your plans were going to be, but you always pick comfort over fashion and brought enough for you to wear every day for two weeks. You, however, did not feel comfortable enough with your body to wear them in public, let alone in front of the boys yet.
“Thank you, Yoongi. I appreciate the gift.” You feel so lucky to have the boys as your soulmates. They were so thoughtful and seemed to want to include you in everything. You lean forward and kiss his cheek, pulling away before putting the shirt back in the bag.
Yoongi, on the other hand, was a blushing mess. For once it wasn’t you that was flustered this time. He couldn’t help but smile wide at your kiss, even if it was on his cheek.
“Yah! Yoongi-hyung stop sitting and come practice so we can take our girl to dinner later!” Taehyung yelled out, his voice reverberating throughout the room as he interrupted your small bubble.
The rest of your soul group laughed when they saw you both blushing. Yoongi rolled his eyes before leaning forward and returning the favor, kissing your cheek with a loud smack before jogging off and getting into the practiced formation as the music starts.
The music starts with a really cool guitar riff, extremely upbeat and you could tell this was one of the new songs. The song could have been Fire’s younger sibling, the style seemed close. Yoongi started off the song and oh. my. goodness. You knew for a fact that this song was going to drive Army insane. Absolutely insane.
You needed them to practice this seven times, so you could focus on one member each time. You were especially in love with the chorus. You almost couldn’t help but clap after the song was over, eyes lit with excitement.  
“I…oh my. Oh my. That was…..amazing!” You tried not to shout out the last word as the boys turned to look at you, Yoongi’s signature smirk resting on his lips.
“You liked it, baby?” Namjoon asked you, knowing how dumb his question was as your excitement was written all over your face.
“Of course! That might be one of my favorite songs yet!” Namjoon chuckled, glad that they could make their soulmate happy.
“Well, we want to surprise you with our other songs later. Are you okay with having Songun take you exploring? Maybe to the café?” Namjoon held your hands in his, noticing your excitement die a little at not being able to see the rest of their practice. But you understood completely.
“No, that’s fine. I want to share the excitement with Army! I’ll bring you guys something back from the café!” You grab your things and put your lanyard over your head as Jin tells you that Songun should be in the hallway waiting for you.
After tons of goodbye hugs, you finally left the practice room only to see that Songun was not in the hallway. You almost turned back to the room, to see what you should do, but you didn’t want to bother the boys when they obviously had things they needed to do. So, you put your big girl pants on and decided to try and navigate the building by yourself. You didn’t want to have to rely on someone else to help you forever.
You decide to turn left, after doing eenie-meenie-minie-mo, your eyes alert as you try to take everything in and remember the way you came so you can get back to the practice room. You only see a couple of empty practice rooms before you turn the corner and bump into someone’s chest.
“Oof! I’m sorry.” You apologize as soon as it happens out of instinct.
“It’s okay.” You were a little proud that you remembered your Korean and was able to understand what the man was saying, but you froze once you recognized the familiar voice.
Choi Soobin was standing in front of you with the rest of Tomorrow x Together behind him. They looked like they were just finishing their practice, sweat dripping from their hairlines.
“Oh! Y/n noona! I’m so sorry!” You were shocked by the honorific, not having heard it yet, let alone expecting to be addressed by it. You watched as the boys all began bowing to you, giving you their greetings.
“It’s okay. Please, you don’t need to bow!” You panic a little, the entire situation being new to you. You weren’t quite comfortable with this part of the Korean culture yet. In your own culture, greetings are done with handshakes, especially when first meeting someone, so it’s gonna take some getting used to.
Once the boys stopped bowing, they introduced themselves one by one, Heuning Kai going last.
“We were so happy when we saw the announcement. It’s nice to know our hyungs soul group is complete now.” He spoke in English, making your body relax a little given you still were in the beginning stages of learning Korean. He then looked behind you, noticing no one with you and the slightly lost look on your face.
“Noona, are you lost?”
“Uhm, I was trying to find the café.”
“We can take you noona! We were just heading that way!” Soobin spoke and Heuning Kai repeated his words in English for you as Yeonjun put his arm around your shoulders and turned you around. So, maybe your eenie-meenie-minie-mo tactic hadn’t been the best idea after all. You laugh a little nervously at yourself before letting them guide you to the café.
“So, Noona. How are you liking Korea so far?” Yeonjun asks you as you walk back down the hallway.
“I like it so far. I got to do a little exploring my first day before meeting the boys in person. I went to a convenience store and made one of those videos like on TikTok!” You bring your phone out and show them the video, receiving “oohs” and “ahs” from the boys.
“You haven’t done anything else? How long have you been here?”
“I’ve only been here a couple of days. I’ve spent most of the time bonding with my soulmates. We also had an appointment with the Soul Registry to finalize our bond officially.” You tell them, the boys listening with full attention.
You found yourself feeling comfortable with the younger group as you all walked to the café. You didn’t find yourself stuttering with nerves or quiet with anxiety. It was nice and the boys were all so attentive and full of life. It was a nice change from what you were used to at home, and you felt yourself growing to think of the boys like little brothers.
You even found yourself going along with their antics, letting them convince you to learn the choreography to their new song and film a TikTok with them. It took you a lot of tries but you managed to learn the choreography without hurting yourself. You felt your right knee giving you a little trouble but you pushed it aside in favor of having fun with the boys.
“Thank you for doing this, Noona! We will tag you when it gets posted!” Yeonjun exclaims once you were done filming in front of one of the portraits outside of the café.
“Thank you! It was fun. I could really go for a drink now though!” You laugh as the boys agree with your statement, Taehyun and Soobin pulling your arms and dragging you into the café.
Next Chapter
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mayajadewrites · 6 months
I Wish I Hated You (Levi Ackerman x Reader)
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story summary: You don't do second chances. Especially after you gave your heart to Levi Ackerman, and he decided to throw it away so the next person has to repair the damage. Will Levi put his ego aside and finally admit his feelings for you are far deeper than you imagined? Or is a second chance out of the question?
C H A P T E R E I G H T : T O M O R R O W
WARNING: explicit scenes in this chapter!! let me know what you think :)
Levi lead you into his living room that you were all too familiar with. His expression was... blank. You couldn't tell if he was sad, mad, or anything in between.
You sit on the couch opposite to the chair he's sitting in. "Levi, I-"
"You should know this," Levi looks down. "I'm not the best at... well, talking. My mother is someone who was... so special to me." 
"Levi." You press your hand on top of his. "I'm here to listen." 
Levi sighs as he sits back in his chair. "My mother and I grew up poor. Like, dirt poor." Levi started talking. It feels like it's been forever since you and him had an actual conversation instead of just arguing. "We were couch surfing and squatting in abandoned houses. Then, she got sick. We don't know what it was since we couldn't afford to go to a doctor. We couldn't even afford food. I was starving every day. Dreaming of bread." Levi looks down. "One day, she wouldn't even attempt to get out of bed. Or even talk to me. I remember her telling me about her brother, my uncle, and I had his phone number written down. I begged the corner store to let me use their phone, and thankfully they let me."
Your heart sinks thinking of how lonely Levi felt. How he was lacking basic needs.
"I called Kenny and he came and stayed with my mother during her last moments. I stood on the other side of her with my hand in hers. I remember her saying, 'Kenny, please take care of my Levi.' The pressure I was feeling from her hand suddenly just... disappeared. My mother's body was still there, but her soul was gone." 
Tears start to well up in your eyes. Levi's eyes were glued to the floor as he spoke, his deep voice cracking when he spoke of the final moments with his mother.
"Then I went and lived with Kenny. Which... wasn't the best either. He fed me, but he wanted me to learn to fend for myself. I would cause fights in school and Kenny had to beg them to let me stay." Levi cleared his throat. "He didn't know how to be a parent. I don't blame him. His sister died and left behind me. My father, who the hell knows who he is - Kenny felt he had no choice. But he did have a choice. He could've just-"
"Levi, he could not just leave you."
"He could've."
"But he didn't. You're his nephew, I'm sure he saw you and saw some of himself."
"Well, when I turned 18, he left. He told me I was an adult now and I had to figure life out. I was being... well, to put it lightly, a delinquent when I met Erwin. He's a tall, well kept man and I wanted to steal from him. He looked like he had money so he was the perfect target. For whatever reason, he wanted to be my friend. He's been in my life ever since." Levi finally looked at you. "He opened his home to me. He fed me. He taught me the ways of being a business man."
You didn't know how deep Erwin and Levi's friendship was. They're bonded brothers.
His mother left, Kenny left - no wonder he likes to leave. Must be an Ackerman thing. 
You stared into Levi's eyes - watching the storm brew. Your heart sank as you explored his face, your feelings for him resurfacing.
"Now you know why I am the way I am." Levi put his hands on his knees. "I don't blame you if you want to leave."
"Levi." You walk over to his chair, slowly sitting on his lap. "Do you want me to leave?" You gently wrap your arms around him. 
"I think you want to -"
"Answer my question." You grab his chin, pulling his face towards you. "Do you want me to leave?"
"No." Levi shook his head. "I never want you to leave." 
You felt like there was life brought back to you. The piece of your heart that broke off when you left Levi mended back to you. 
"We have to start over then." You caress his face gently. You wanted to just hold him during this vulnerable moment. "Like, we're going on dates. Almost like we were never together." 
"Hm?" Levi tilted his head. "But we did date... for 2 years."
"Levi. Do you want to make this work or no?" 
"I do." 
"Then we're starting over. I don't want us to jump back into this and make the same mistakes." 
Levi nods, letting his hand rest on your thigh. "Are you sure you don't want to leave? I'm giving you an out." 
"Levi Ackerman." Theres attitude in your voice. "If I wanted to leave, I would. I have before - remember?" 
"I'm sorry I made you leave."
"Shhh." You pull Levi into your chest, letting him lean on you. You felt his eyelashes flutter on your skin as he closed his eyes. His breath is slow and you know he's listening to your heartbeat. He's always loved cuddling in your chest and feeling your beating heart. Levi starts to bury his face in your breasts, his hands traveling up to your waist.
"Hey," You giggle as Levi grabs your left breast with his large hand. "Levi, this isn't the right time to be-"
"Sh." Levi demanded. His fingers pulled your shirt over your head, revealing your plump breasts. They bounced as they were released from the captivity of your shirt and Levi is mesmerized. He brought his lips to your right tit, sucking on your skin roughly as he squeezed the other. You throw your head back at the contact. Levi has always loved your chest and he likes to take his time there when he can.
"This isn't a part of starting over." You breathe.
"We can start over tomorrow." Levi mumbled as he unclipped your bra without looking. His mouth attached to your nipple, sucking it gently. You feel the wetness in your pants already as Levi sucks, bites, and licks all over your tits. 
Levi sits you on the chair, his large hands trailing down your upper body to the buttons of your jeans. He's on his knees now as he pulls your pants off, throwing them across the room. "My favorites." Levi hums at the sight of your black lace panties. "Too bad they're coming off." Levi almost rips the panties off of you, revealing your soaked pussy. 
He marvels for a moment, watching your arousal leak from you. You throw your head back as your core starts to throb. "Levi-" He cuts you off by inserting his tongue inside you. You gasp as you feel his tongue exploring your pussy, finding your clit soon after. Levi wraps his hands around your thighs as he devours you, his lips squelching against your core. 
Levi wraps his lips around your clit, sucking gently as he inserts two fingers into you. You bury your hands in his hair, pushing his face farther into you. You felt him smile as you pulled on his hair, something he's always loved. He pumped his fingers in and out of you quickly while his mouth was solely focused on your clit.
"I could eat this pussy all day." Levi hummed, the vibration from his words only adding to your pleasure. "This pretty little pussy."
"Levi." You moan, wrapping your legs around him as your toes begin to curl.
"I love when you moan my name." His fingers started to pump faster as your walls began to pulsate. "Can you come on my fingers, princess?" 
You nod silently as you feel the high quickly approaching. Your chest feels tight as the world begins to fade away, leaving only you and Levi. His tongue lapped your dripping arousal as you reached your high. Levi doesn't stop though, he keeps sucking on your clit until he wants to be done. You came on his fingers, his mouth - practically his entire face.
"Levi, I need you inside of me." You whine.
"You want my cock inside of you, my princess?"
"God, yes." You nod. Levi's mouth leaves your pussy and he picks you up and lays you on the couch gently. His shirt is off quickly, along with his belt and pants.
You watch his cock spring out of his pants. Every time you see it, you're mesmerized.
"Are you sure?"
"We'll start over tomorrow." You nod a Levi's arms are on either side of you. You feel the tip of his cock at your slit, easily sliding in due to your arousal. Levi lets out a husky moan as he feels your gummy walls wrapping around his cock.
"You were made for me." Levi starts thrusting into you. "This pussy fits me so perfectly."
"Baby, it's all yours." You stare into Levi's eyes. He presses his lips to yours roughly, leaving sloppy kisses as he thrusts inside you faster. You wrap your arms around his neck as he watches his length disappear inside of you, stretching your walls. You'll never get used to his size, no matter how many times you fuck.
"Princess, I need you to come again. Before me." Levi grunted as he slammed into you. He attaches his lips to the side of your neck, biting and sucking until your skin is purple. He then brings his fingers to your clit, rubbing it gently. 
You throw your head back, feeling your walls pulsate once again. Levi's thrusts start to become uneven as he feels you grip him, which means he's close.
"I'm not coming before you." Levi rubs circles on your clit. Your toes curl as Levi is almost overstimulating you - but that high comes back. 
"Levi." You practically yell as the hardest high of your life hits you. You see stars as Levi slams into you again and again. 
"Where should I come?" Levi whispered.
"Inside." You whisper in his ear, which causes him to lose all the control he had left. He coats your insides with him as he comes, gripping your hips tightly. Levi fills you up with his cum and somehow there is still more. 
Levi pulled out slowly and you whine at the now void. He pulls his pants on and grabbing a towel from his hallway closet and helping you clean up.
"So... tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow." You press your lips to his gently, letting your worries melt away.
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punkpandapatrixk · 4 months
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Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius ♦︎ Moon Magick Pick A Card
Yo! Full Flower Moon in Sag was on 23rd May; have you started to feel more light, more confident, more sure-but-chill in the trajectory of your Destiny? Sagittarius is the ruler of the 9th House of philosophy and the foundation of politics…but I dunno why lately I’ve been getting this notion of ‘destiny’ attached to it🤷🏻‍♀️
I think it’s just the time we’re living in~ This year, is the year so many Lightworkers and Starseeds get on with their real missions, and sure, more of the general public are also coming to awakening. Since the ‘battle’ ahead is going to take a toll on many of us both on the spiritual and material levels, the Higher Realms are making sure all of us warriors of Light basic needs are met first. You see, Light is essentially information. The body uses a lot of energy to digest Light—to digest information. Light needs to be integrated well with your cells for it to be useful at all.
With this beautiful Full Flower Moon in powerful and passionate Sag, all of our dreams of material abundance are flowering and blooming majestically with the natural rhythm of the Divine Order. Dance, children. This is a time to fully immerse yourself in feeling abundant, safe and stable, knowing that this security is only getting stronger and realer as the weeks and months go by! <3
Romance, friendship, community, company and communication; all of that is rolling out for everybody as we celebrate the end of the spring faery magick. This summer, fears and anxiety are completely dissolved in the salt waters. Play around, babe <3 Sleep and rest as much as you like. You’ve done so well! You’re been strong for so long, so now you can be soft with yourself~🧸
[Moon PAC Masterlist] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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Pile 1 – Not Butting In On Other People’s Karma Nomo
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a u t h o r i t y – 10 of Cups
Babe, I think this season you’re finally coming to a realisation that you deserve to be surrounded by a Soul Tribe and Soulmates. Like I’m seeing you’re no longer interested in settling for people whose hearts are not connected to you, those whose values clash with your own. You’ve learnt the hard way just how exhausting it is to be involved in other people’s drama. Originally, it’s not like you yourself are that much into drama. Or if you did before, you’ve grown up enough to not want it anymore~
Right now, you’d much rather be in your own company and figure out ways to connect with your core again. There’s a lot of soul-searching that’s needed for now. All of the habits—and ways of thinking—you’ve absorbed from other people are being flushed out at this moment. I think it’s more like you’re weaning off their influences LOL What’s truly important right now is your own peace of mind. You’re sure from the depths of your heart that this is the real way to manifest a Soul Tribe <3
s u p r e m a c y – 3 of Cups Rx
~supremacy over your own self-defeating tendencies/inclinations/habits~
Unlike the other Piles, your supremacy over yourself this season is more about your sense of freedom in pursuing interests and activities, even studies, that genuinely suit your tastes. You’ve sacrificed enough of your physical and mental energy, as well as your creative and spiritual aenergy on being there for other people. Now you’re saying no. You’re in the midst of building a healthy boundary. Some of you could have been doing this for a while now and this is your confirmation that you’re managing just fine! Don’t doubt yourself <3
Seems like quite a number of you could have doubts every now and then…wondering if you’re turning into an antisocial bitch for choosing to be alone and saying no to helping people or attending social gatherings—or not replying to chats immediately XD So, this is your confirmation that protecting your peace and sanity is not selfish in a bad way. Maybe it’s a bit antisocial or whatever but it’s not like you’re hurting people? You’ve got to work on some things on your own, right? So that’s alright.
PsychicBigSis on YouTube says, ‘Protect your energy, even when it gets lonely~’😏
p h i l o s o p h y – 10 of Wands Rx
Yup, this philosophy is all about you realising that people can only be responsible for their own consumption and manifestation. If you consume shit media and entertain shit ways of thinking, then you manifest shit Reality as well. Now you understand that you can’t save people from the hell of their own making. Their own mindsets and what they choose to entertain are what’s creating their Reality. You understand now that you want no part in it.
Because, babe, you know from the depths of your Soul that you’re meant for a much better Reality. A Reality of abundance and glory and happy, where you get to be authentic and comfortable in your own skin. One way or another, I think your Spirit Guides have sent you an understanding on how bad it is to be involved in other people’s karma. Now you understand people can only resolve their own bad karma because that is their lesson.
If you haven’t necessarily come across this notion, I kinda think Sadhguru prolly has something meaningful to say about it <3
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 2 – True Love’s Kiss Rooted in Self-Worth
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a u t h o r i t y – 5 of Pentacles
Oh ma god, babe! What kinda heartbreak have you been through recently? Or maybe it’s an old wound that hasn’t fully, completely healed? But anyway, I’m seeing you rise above these heartaches. More like, you’ve transformed the way you think about these things. About human connections, relationships and friendships, including the essence of a familyship, of course. The betrayals and/or abandonment you’ve experienced have truly taught you that you deserve a soulmate-shit relationship and friendships! <3
You’ve learnt the hardest way that wrong friendships could destroy your Life! For some of you, maybe your past relationships or friendships weren’t necessarily socially wrong or whatever but being with the wrong people destroyed your heart; it destroyed your faith in people; and it’s such a sad thing. You’re now on your way to healing, fully, from those pains. This Flower Moon is assisting new seeds of trust and companionship to bloom in your heart. Everything’s gonna be beautiful again in the end, I promise you ^_~v
s u p r e m a c y – 2 of Cups
~supremacy over your own self-defeating tendencies/inclinations/habits~
See? 2 of Cups is a soulmate card whose focus is on an equal give and take. With the right people, you won’t even have to ask because they’re always giving Love to you anyway. It’s not to say that we should disregard real, direct communication, but more about how we, when in the company of the right people, will never feel like we have to ask for the bare minimum. This reading is basically trying to convince you that you’re not asking for too much when you ask for soulmate-flavoured connections HAHAH
It will be given to you. Because you have asked the Universe for it. Because you have done what’s necessary to transform your own point of view. Because now you want it and believe that you’re deserving of it. It will be yours~ Sorry, bitch, I didn’t make the rules. That’s just how the Law of Assumption(?) works ;P You ask for it, you work towards it, you believe in it, you get it. Not settling for any less than IT anymore. Keep your gaze at IT, vibrations high and standards even higher <3
p h i l o s o p h y – 8 of Cups
This part is probably gonna repeat some things, after all, your current aenergy is quite straightforward. You’re basically learning that it’s OK to leave behind connections that no longer fulfil you on an emotional level. For some of you, especially if you’re a Fire-dominant person, it seems like you’ve truly learnt to separate your expectations of a professional relation from a personal connection. I think you’ve come at a point where you no longer expect a deeper connection with somebody you’re just working with, and you’re fine with it.
You’re patient enough to wait for a true Soulmate friend or group of friends that will prove to be ‘your people’ until the very end. You’re also patient enough to wait for a True Love’s kiss from a divine being who values themselves completely and healthily the way you’ve learnt to value yourself. You may not really know how you’re gonna connect with these people; you just believe that when the time is right, the Universe is gonna take care of everything <3
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Pile 3 – The Wheel of Fucking Fortune Fucking Turning Around, Bitch~
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a u t h o r i t y – Page of Pentacles Rx
Who’s been trying to tackle you, bitch? You had massive enemies, didn’t ya? There’s been this huge-ass envy aenergy targeted towards you and your spiritual progress to a point where it was messing up your physical manifestations? Your studying and healing and spiritual rehab and creating new pathways were all jammed by negative thought-forms? Damn, you survived all of that tho? Here you are feeling better than ever and I know that you know that I know that YOU know you’re coming on TOP of your Game!
And you’re just fucking started. No, no, this isn’t the end of your story. This is the end of a fucking ARC. And your aenemies—yup, with an ‘ae’ coz they’ve been up in your aenergetic ass the whole time LMAO—are somehow getting this ANNOYING inkling that you’re coming together with your greatest Destiny! I think…your aenemies are getting this inkling by observing every single thing that’s going wrong in their own lives LMAO Bitch, bad juju backfiring!
All of the fuckers who’ve wished harm and even death upon you are seeing those very wishes manifesting in their own lives ROFLMAO
s u p r e m a c y – 8 of Pentacles
~supremacy over your own self-defeating tendencies/inclinations/habits~
The way I see it, whether or not you’re still seen or in contact with those old stale farts, they somehow know that you’ve been working so hard at transforming your Life and that things are changing for the better. This message I think will resonate more for those of you who have a social media presence or friends/relatives who are talking to each other or something like that. But even if you’re currently living a completely solitary Life, it could be that your aenemies have been getting dreams about you; probably seeing you shine and be happy and successful or something. It could be a very intuitive thing like that.
At this point in time, it’s possible they could’ve changed as a person themselves and some of them are regretting their actions in the past. Many of them who are thinking about you are admitting loudly, NOW, that they’ve always seen you as a hardworking, honest, decent person who wouldn’t slight another person. And they’re bitterly—very bitterly—realising that this is why the Universe is rewarding you for all of the hard spiritual work you’ve done on yourself for yourself, and those whom you genuinely care about who’ve also genuinely got your back.
p h i l o s o p h y – 5 of Cups Rx
So, your aenemies messed up your chances to get your fortune cookies? Fret not, bitch <3 The Universe is in an active phase of sending you a million boxes of fortune macarons straight from the ‘authentic French confectionary’ section of the Cosmos! Take that! <3 What even is this illustration? XX’D
Some of your milder enemies (if that’s even a thing) are prooobably gonna try and get on your good side now that you’re proving yourself ‘useful’ to them again. This reading is advising you not to take anybody back, babe. ANYBODY. These people wished so much harm on to you once, what makes you think they wouldn’t do it again?
Trust that you’re ABSOLUTELY NOT missing out on anything by excluding these stinky-ass bitches from your blessed Life. If you’re gonna spew that Love & Light bullshit first, spew it on yourself first so you can shield yourself from what is NOT Love & Light. You got that?
If you’ve chosen this as your main pile, you’ve gotta check out PsychicBigSis on YouTube because her collective messages could have meaningful revelations for what you’ve been dealing with <3
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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[Moon PAC Masterlist] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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a-killer-obsession · 3 months
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Thank you SO SO MUCH! for 250 followers! I literally never thought I'd get past 50 so I'm really overwhelmed with the support, and I really appreciate every ask and comment and like and reblog. Interacting with you guys has made me so inspired to write more 💖
To say thank you, I have a special little event! Request a short fic by picking a letter and number from the prompt lists below!
All the info below the cut!
Event Status: ❌️ Closed
Thanks for all the requests, I'll work through as many as I can 💖
Event Fics Masterlist
All fics are written with assumed pre-established consent (i.e. kidnapping and intoxication prompts etc)
AFAB reader only for this event cos that's what I'm most comfortable writing, but please let me know if you want pronouns other than she/her 💖
Obviously I'm not a super human so if I get a billion requests I won't be able to get to all of them, so I'll be focusing on the ones I feel most inspired by! I'm not sure how many I'll do right now, I may just keep going till I burn out on it :P
Please do not spam requests! Please try to send requests that make sense (i.e. consider whether you think the character would actually participate in the prompt)
Obviously I'd really appreciate if you're actually following me before you send a request 👉👈
Please send requests as an ask so i can reply to it (sorry should have been clearer about that)
Edit: I'm getting enough requests now that I'm naturally starting to get double ups, so you can check the plans list I've added to the event fic masterlist to see if something is already on the to-do list, or see if there's a character you like that isn't getting enough love 💖
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Some of these are a stretch I know, just go with it :P You may pick several letters if you think they'll work together but I reserve the right to only use one if I feel inspired
A - alpha/omega dynamics
B - breeding
C - cumplay
D - desk
E - exhibitionism
F - first time
G - deGradation
H - seven minutes in Heaven
I - intoxication
J - just 'friends' (friends to lovers)
K - kidnapped
L - lovemaking
M - masturbation
N - no protection (risky sex)
O - oral fixation
P - sex Pollen
Q - quiet (public sex)
R - roleplay
S - somnophilia
T - thighjob
U - unbearable (enemies to lovers)
V - vampire au
W - body Worship
X - writer's choice
Y - 'yours' (possessive behavior)
Z - zou (mink reader)
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These are the characters I'm currently comfortable writing for, please don't request others. You may request mulitple if you think it'd work for the prompt aka threesome, but I reserve the right to only go with one of them if I feel inspired
1 - Kid
2 - Killer
3 - Heat
4 - Wire
5 - Zoro
6 - Sanji
7 - Usopp
8 - Franky
9 - Jimbei - with two dicks, obviously
10 - Robin
11 - Nami
12 - Law
13 - Bepo - don't test me I'll fuckin do it
14 - Shachi
15 - Penguin
16 - Ikkaku
17 - Bartolomeo
18 - Yamato
19 - Katakuri
20 - Vivi
21 - Sabo
22 - Ace
23 - Hancock
24 - Corazon (please let me know what version of his name you'd like reader to use)
25 - Buggy
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•°•Hot Girl Tips•°•
Hydrogen peroxide removes period stains
Rubbing alcohol and/or hand sanitizer removes nail polish
The amount of water you need to drink= your weight÷2, then that number÷8 so for example 100÷2=50÷8=6.25 so if you weigh 100 pounds you would need at least six 8oz glasses of water per day
Sugar wax>>> here's a recipe: 1 cup of white sugar, 1/4 cup of water, 1/4 cup of lemon juice (lime works too) combine the ingredients in a saucepan and let them boil until golden brown. The easiest way to test the wax is to have a small bowl of ice water and drop a little bit of the wax into it. When the wax is ready, you'll be able to roll it into a soft ball and it will keep its shape. When this consistency is reached, put it in a glass jar (make sure the jar isn't cold otherwise it will crack) and let it cool off for at least an hour. Once cool, apply it in the opposite direction of hair growth and wax awayyyy
Diy cuticle oil: olive oil and vitamin E oil. You could add a drop or two of essential oil if you want. The amount of oil you need depends on your container so for mine it was a tablespoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of vitamin E.
Diy dry shampoo: 3 parts cornstarch and 1 part baking soda.
Healthy drink to ease bloating and get in your vitamins and minerals: 1/2 cucumber, a few sticks of celery, kale or another dark green of your choice, lemon juice, turmeric (a little goes a long way) and ginger. Fresh is best but any ginger you have will work. Fill the blender to the max line with water, and blend until liquid. You can strain it if you want, but you don't have to. It doesn't taste great, but in the long run it is worth ittt
Smelling good is such a wonderful thing for so many reasons. First, pick a scent. Or at the very least a top 3 like I have: vanilla, Dior Blooming Bouquet, and Sol De Janeiro '68. I also use the classic scent from Soap and Glory (rose and bergamot). The first and most important thing is to find a good deodorant. Which one works for you depends on your body chemistry, but dove is always a safe bet :). Next, find a good shower routine. Having all of your shower products smell similar will keep the scent lasting longer. And, of course, shower at least every other day. Washing your hair is different bc your hair washing routine depends on your hair type. And of course you must find a body lotion that matches your other shower products.
Last and final tip for today: keep your nails and hands healthy and pretty by moisturizing your hands with hand cream. I like this one by Burts bees, this one from Eucerin, and this one from Dior (pricey I know but it's w o r t h itt).
That's it! Tysm
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jikagu · 1 year
pairing: bachira x fem!reader
summary: after a sweaty game, you treat bachira to a bath—maybe more.
notes: b a t h s e x. 🤯 mature audience only
your boyfriend was always good at soccer, and that was a known fact. he would always want to play soccer with you because he truly loved it that much.
"hi baby! welcome home!" you greeted him at the door as he took off his shoes with a smile.
"hey! what have you been up to?" he asked, walking up to you and covering you with kissed.
"hmm, nothing much." you sigh out as he kisses your neck, holding you tightly.
"megu—ru, go take a bath!" you stutter, continuing.
"you stink!" you swat his head angrily, causing a frown from the poor boy that was already hard.
"take one with me." he whispered in your ear, walking away to go start a bath. that boy did numbers on you, you were like a lost puppy when you followed behind him.
"you just gonna watch?" bachira said, sinking into the bathtub, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"ah, yeah." you said, taking off your clothes—already feeling a pair of eyes scanning your body for all its glory.
you got into the bathtub awkwardly as you two stared at each other before bachira grabbed your arm and pulled you near him.
"do you feel that, baby?" he said, pushing his hard cock on the back of you. he accommodated kisses on your neck, holding your waist with his hands, pushing you even closer.
"can—i?" he asked, lifting you on the edge of the tub as hes situated right behind you, cock nearly inside of you.
you hummed before bachira immediately pushed into you with all his length which caused the loudest moan by you.
"o—h my god, megu.." you whined, bucking your hips as he kept pushing in and out of you.
"fuck, you're so tight for me, and only me." he said, groaning.
you could feel his cock hard inside of you hitting your g-spot continuously.
"r—ight there! more, more!" you blabbered, biting your lip and nearly drawing blood. apparently bachira was able to tell what you were saying—shown by how rough he was being with you, making water spill out.
eventually bachira nearly came at the same time as you, pulling out on your back. he wasn't done though, shown by how he kept going after cumming, pulling your arms behind your back.
at this point the overstimulation has already made you so weak, your legs almost unable to support you.
"so good!" you whined, cumming again. you were always so sensitive after cumming once, and bachira knew it.
"just a little bit more baby." he panted, kissing your back. his thrusts grew more sloppier as he came inside you. you still felt full even after he pulled out, your legs finally giving out.
"you did so good," bachira praised, running warmer water after the original got cold. he was trying to wash both you and him up after .. earlier activities.
"mmh, i love you." you said, kissing him softly.
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iron-sparrow · 5 months
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Whew, had to think about this one for several days. Hope you like these Yein Facts™ and don't forget to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for more daily Yein content.
Many warm thanks to @sparrowsong-7 @lilbittymonster @thefreelanceangel @bunnyboybosom and @sealrock for the tags! ₊˚⊹♡
Name: Yein Que-Sae/Yein of Iron
Nicknames: Iron, Sparrow, Little Sparrow, Little Bird, Chompers
Age: Somewhere between 35 and 40, they think?
Nameday: 32nd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Race: Duskwight Elezen
Gender: None
Orientation: All
Profession: Free paladin ⛊ and also professional lover
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: Magpie
Eyes: Amber (damaged: citrine)
Skin: Iron gray
Tattoos/Scars: No tattoos, but they are covered in a lot of scar tissue. A lot of it is actually prominently displayed on their face; decorating their cheeks, cutting over one eye, and removing some of their lip to expose a bit of teeth. Their body has a number of scars earned through years of combat before their first death, plus torture marks clustered over their back.
They will also paint their face when they explore the Shroud, to hide from Elementals.
Parents: Eun Que-Sae † and Jienfrex Maz-Yeh †
Siblings: Their twin brother, Sacheo Maz-Yeh
Grandparents: Unknown †
In-laws and Other: Their little found family consists of their partners Nolanel and Derrinall, and a little fae creature calling herself Dinky Dinky. They also consider their mentee Odette to be family.
Pets: They care for sparrows due to spiritual/religious reasons, but they don't actually see or keep these as pets.
Abilities: Yein is a stone-wielding paladin, so they do have some abilities based on the PLD class (through fancy aether manipulation). They can also see the dead, and communicate more meaningfully with said dead people via rituals.
Hobbies: Sparring, writing poetry, collecting books (with mostly illustrations), foraging the woods, tending to their hidden shrines, and doing various forms of physical exercise ( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ
Most Positive Trait: Their big, big heart! They make sure to leave space for everyone they meet.
Most Negative Trait: Often thinks they know best. Also, they're pretty stubborn.
Colors: Gold, black, and bright reds
Smells: Burnt wood, fresh soil, Ul'dah after heavy rains, curry on the stove, and most flowers ❀
Textures: Silk and loose linens, worn leather, cool tile on bare feet
Drinks: Black iced coffee, Gridanian whiskey
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Eh? Not cigarettes, but see "Drugs" below.
Drinks: Yep! Not as much as they used to, but they like a tasty beverage.
Drugs: Only sometimes, and only if the grass is really good.
Mount Issuance: They have a loyal chocobo, Arbiter. He was bred for the Thanalan heat and served as a very good companion to Yein in life. When they died, Arbiter was found by Sacheo searching the place where Yein was last seen/killed.
Been Arrested: Yes! They were briefly held as a political prisoner while still serving the Sultana, prior to the Calamity. Shockingly, they've managed to stay out of Gridanian gaols.
₊˚⊹♡ Tagging @prudentfolly @this-is-ris @nolanel-corbeaux, @guillotine-of-the-snake @justatheo @archaiclumina @chadhunkler @abyssalmermaiden Very sorry if you've already been tagged! (•ᴗ•,, ) I tried to avoid duplicates.
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drivinmeinsane · 1 year
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{ requests :: maybe } ※ { ao3 } ※ { last updated :: May. 13th, 2024 }
All my works for this blog are related in some way to characters played by Ryan Gosling. Be aware that many of the fanfictions and thoughts contain content that is 18+ in nature. Please do not engage with those posts if you are a minor.
My inbox and messages are always open! ♥
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※ .{ O N E S H O T }. ※
{ Shot Through the Heart } ※ Colt Seavers x GN!Reader ※ ao3
You've worked with Colt off and on for years, building an easy rapport with the stuntman. The rest of the crew sends you to check up on him after he's bad off following a stunt that seems to have caused his nearly career-ending injury to act up.
{ Moves } ※ Colt Seavers x AFAB!Reader ※ ao3 ※ 18+
On unsteady feet and with linked arms, you and Colt stumble along in the sand. You’re hanging onto each other. The warmth of the man at your side is almost more intoxicating than the beer you’ve been sipping all night long. The ocean is refreshingly cool against your ankles as you trail through the lapping waves, shoes and socks clasped firmly in your hands.
※ .{ D R A B B L E }. ※
Golden Hour ※ Colt Seavers x GN!Reader Playtime ※ Colt Seavers x GN!Reader Scene Partner ※ Colt Seavers x GN!Reader ※ 18+
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※ .{ O N E S H O T }. ※
{ I Do Nothing but Think of You } ※ Driver ※ ao3 ※ 18+
He can't eat. He can't sleep. He's obsessed and restless. What else is there to do but go for a drive?
{ Under Pressure } ※ Driver ※ ao3 ※ 18+
Driver is feeling under the weather. Blaming the oppressive Los Angeles heat for the tightness in his chest, the mechanic leaves in the middle of his shift to try to recover only to receive a shock when it turns out to be something that he should be utterly incapable of.
※ .{ D R A B B L E }. ※
Choking ※ Driver x AFAB!Reader ※ ao3 ※ {request} 18+ Clumsy Stalking ※ Driver x GN!Reader ※ ao3 ※ {request} 18+ Maintenance ※ Driver x GN!Reader ※ ao3 Repercussions ※ Driver x GN!Reader ※ ao3 ※ {request}
※ .{ T H O U G H T S }. ※
Driver ※ Partner Headcanons ※ 18+
※ .{ M O O D B O A R D }. ※
Driver ※ "There's no good sharks?" Driver ※ Werewolf!AU
※ .{ F A N A R T }. ※
Werewolf!AU Driver screenshot study
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※ .{ O N E S H O T }. ※
{ Birthday Boy } ※ Officer K x Joi ※ ao3
Officer K does not often find himself surprised. He was made to be clearheaded and adaptable, able to get a read on most situations at a glance. Joi is a true wildcard in his life. She elicits feelings from him that he never could have predicted. As a result, he finds himself floundering in the wake of an unexpected gesture.
{ Somebody to You } ※ Officer K x GN!Reader ※ ao3
With a tremor threatening to shake his body, he slips his fingers under the edge of his shirt sleeve and pulls it up to his elbow. His soulmark is laid bare before your eyes. The wound that he had left in his own skin when he had tried to carve out the design has faded to a raised, pale line. “That wasn’t there before,” you murmur, taking his forearm in your hands. Your pointer finger traces over the scar.
※ .{ T H O U G H T S }. ※
Officer KD6-3.7 ※ Partner Headcanons ※ 18+
※ .{ M I S C }. ※
Officer K's jacket
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※ .{ O N E S H O T }. ※
{ Crimson Headache } ※ Sierra Six x AFAB!Reader ※ ao3 ※ 18+
You wonder something about Six. Will he allow himself to surrender to what he really wants?
{ Leap of Faith } ※ Sierra Six (solo) ※ ao3
What if the escape mission had gone a little differently? No outcomes are certain. No one is impervious to fault.
{ Witness in the Dark } ※ Sierra Six x Claire's Sister!Reader ※ ao3
Don't we all just want to feel the companionable reassurance of another human being?
It only takes a single tragedy to tear your life to shreds and make it to where you're unable to sleep through the night. You tell yourself that you will never trust a bodyguard again, but things don't go according to plan when a man with a number for a name is assigned to the Fitzroy household while your uncle is away.
※ .{ T H O U G H T S }. ※
Sierra Six ※ Partner Headcanons ※ 18+
※ .{ M O O D B O A R D S }. ※
Sierra Six ※ Just another Thursday."
※ .{ M I S C }. ※
Sierra Six's tattoos
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※ .{ DRIVER x KEN } ※ { ONESHOT }
{ Draw Me In } ※ Driver x Ken ※ ao3 ※ 18+
Ken's insatiable curiosity leads to a messy outcome when he fails to give Driver any semblance of personal space.
{ Take You In Real Slow } ※ Driver x Ken ※ ao3 ※ 18+ 🕊
He twists his house key in the door and turns the knob to open it. Locked. Adjusting the basket resting against his hip, he frowns and tries his key again. The door unlocks this time. The knob is slippery in his grasp. When he pulls his hand away, it’s covered in more of that red stuff from the elevator.
{ The Way You Stare } ※ Driver x Ken ※ ao3 ※ 18+
Ken has never learned the importance of being patient. His efforts to be the sole recipient of Driver's steady focus earn him a hard and frustrating lesson from a man who is not very composed himself.
Driver x Ken ※ "I'm thinking 'bout how I want to see you in some kinda lip gloss. Might feel sticky and gritty if I kissed you. Bet you would look pretty, just like now. All pink. Sparkly." 
{ Eyes Always Searching } ※ Officer K x Sierra Six ※ ao3 ※ 18+
Unpleasantly, K feels the return of the drowning sensation he had felt earlier. It is almost as though someone had placed a mirror in front of him in a dream. The reflection is him, but distinctly not. ※ chapter one: In some Sad Way ※ chapter two: I Already Know ※ chapter three: I Will Not Ask You, Neither Should You
Officer K x Sierra Six ※ K places his right hand on the table beside his guest’s. He can feel the warmth of his fellow Nexus sink into his own skin. He swallows, pulse jumping. The hand not on the table clenches around his thigh. His nails dig into the outer seam of his pants. “What was your most shameful moment? ” the baseline mocks at him in his mind. He can’t do it. He can’t bridge the gap. He can’t-
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※ .{ O N E S H O T }. ※
{ Bad Dog } ※ Ken x GN!Reader ※ ao3 ※ 18+
You have volunteered to give Ken a lesson in being a good dog. It takes a firm hand to get positive results.
※ .{ M U L T I C H A P T E R }. ※
{ Ocean Boulevard } ※ Holland March x Merman!Jackson Healy ※ ao3 ※ 18+
Struggling, he can’t seem to reach the surface no matter how hard he paddles upwards. He’s going to die down here if he can’t cover any distance. He’d failed to take in any air when he went over on account of knocking himself senseless. Making a mistake, Holland looks down and sees the darting shadow of a pointed dorsal fin. Shark. There’s a fucking shark in the water with him.
※ .{ D R A B B L E }. ※
Frequently Bought Together ※ Ken & GN! Reader ※ ao3 ※ {request}
※ .{ T H O U G H T S }. ※
Henry Letham ※ Partner Headcanons ※ 18+ Holland March ※ Partner Headcanons ※ 18+ Lars Lindstrom ※ Partner Headcanons ※ 18+ Ryan Gosling!Ken ※ Partner Headcanons (bad end) ※ 18+ Ryan Gosling!Ken ※ Partner Headcanons (good end) ※ 18+
※ .{ M O O D B O A R D S }. ※
Henry Letham※ "If this is a dream, then the whole world is inside it." Holland March ※ "I had to question the mermaids." Ken ※ "Every night is boy's night." Ken ※ "To be honest, when I found out the patriarchy wasn't about horses, I lost interest anyways." Ken ※ "What will it take for her to see the man behind the tan?" Sebastian Wilder ※ "Are you shining just for me?"
※ .{ M I S C }. ※
Favorite Ryan Gosling movies {ask} Favorite pairings for Ryan Gosling characters {ask}
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{ 12 Days of Goosemas } ※ 2023 ※ ao3 ※ 18+
This is a collection of twelve fanfictions all under two thousand words each and all pertaining to characters played by Ryan Gosling. Not all of these works are directly intended to be Christmas themed, but they are all set in the month of December and have some seasonal vibes! 01 ※ { Hot Chocolate } ※ Officer K / Reader 02 ※ { Christmas Movie } ※ Driver / Ken 03 ※ { Winter Break }※ Henry Letham / Reader 04 ※{ Snow }※ Sierra Six / Reader 05 ※ { Holiday Party }※ Julian Thompson / Reader ※ 18+ 06 ※ { Decorating }※ Sebastian Wilder / Reader 07 ※ { Alone }※ Driver / Reade 08 ※ { Lights } ※ Holland March / Jackson Healy 09 ※ { Cookies} ※ Driver / Ken※ 18+ 10 ※ { Snowstorm } ※ Colt Seavers / Reader 11 ※ { New Year }※ Henry Letham / Sam Foster 12 ※ { Mistletoe } ※ Driver / Reader ※ 18+
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A collaborative series written with @danime25 centered around the relationship between Holland March and Jackson Healy.
{ Give Me the Night } ※ Holland March x Jackson Healy ※ ao3 ※ 18+
What if Healy had broken Holland's right arm instead of his left? Like most jobs involving stakeouts, the night is going by slowly. That all takes a turn, however, when Holland March, pent up and frustrated, finally pushes his fellow detective too far. Part one of the Butterfly Effect Series. (Can be read as a standalone)
{ Don't Go Breaking My Heart } ※ Holland March x Jackson Healy ※ ao3 ※ 18+
Even during the most wonderful time of the year, Holland March can't help but be clumsy. A stressful hospital trip to set the detective's re-fractured arm leads an unfortunate revelation about his relationship with Jackson Healy. Part two of the Butterfly Effect Series. (Can be read as a standalone) ※ chapter one: It's Up to Us // ao3 ※ chapter two: I Think We Can Make It // ao3 ※ 18+
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※ .{ C R E D I T S }. ※
{ headers } ※ @drivinmeinsane { 18+ divider } ※ @cafekitsune { foliage dividers } ※ @saradika-graphics
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pralinesims · 10 months
Got tagged quite a few times, so I am doing an extra one hehe.
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COLORS: Any color tbh, but red especially
MONTH: December
SONGS: Milky Chance - Living in a haze
PLANTS: Aloe vera
SMELLS: Marshmallows and a bit of laundry detergent
SEASON: Winter
PLACES: Virtual reality space or a really weird restaurant
FOOD: Chewy chocolate chip cookie
DRINKS: Rum, coffee, energy drinks
SEASONINGS: Salt, turmeric, sambal oelek
SKY: Cumulonimbus
WEATHER: Rain with sun in the background
WEAPONS: Poison, bladed baseball bat
SOCIAL MEDIA: e v e r y t h i n g (especially instagram)
MAKEUP PRODUCT: eyeshadow and lip balm
CANDY: Gummy snakes
METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: By train, or the bi-cycle, bi-cyle!
ART STYLE: Avant-garde
FEAR: To be forgotten
PIECE OF STATIONARY: Glitter gel pens
Tagging: @aniraklova @m0ckest @elderwisp @itsmariejanel @omgkayplays @pxltown @servospawn @crabbeychick @aliengirl @fizzytoo and anyone who's also in mood for this!
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suvidrache · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet - Vergil
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 542 / Read it on AO3 | Wattpad
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A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
A very kind, caring gentleman. Will get you whatever you need and clean the bed up. He'll help you to the tub/shower to wash, but you can do the cleaning of your body yourself.
B = Body Part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
For him, it's his legs. For you, your chest.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum)
A clear color, a hint of salt.
D = Dirty Secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Gets himself off in your lingerie, but you would never know. He would never admit to such acts if asked.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
A lot. He has a kid with someone else.
F = Favorite Position (this goes without saying)
Missionary and doggy.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Pretty serious. He won't laugh even if something funny happens. However, he may smile.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps them trimmed. White.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Will be as romantic as possible, he won't mark you in visible areas.
J = Jack Off (masturbation headcanon)
Maybe once a month.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He likes teasing, bondage, and lightly scratching him. 
L = Location (favorite places to do it)
Anywhere inside the house, he doesn't want to be seen by others. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Lingerie. Strip Teases. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Pain, threesome, anywhere Dante or Nero can hear or see.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Giving, very skilled.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and hard, he likes taking his time.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Maybe once or twice a month.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
It depends on what it is. Probably not.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
3 for an hour each.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
No, he doesn't like using them. He can provide you with enough pleasure, without outside resources. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Not much will orgasm deny you if you've been provoking him too much. He already has to deal with Dante.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not very loud, he likes hearing the noises you make.
W = Wild Card (a random headcanon for the character)
He has a locked photo gallery on his phone, containing the photos you've sent. No one knows about it and he has his phone set so that everything will be wiped if you mistyped the password a number of times.
X = X-Ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
8½, pale with a light pink tip. Some noticeable veins that can be felt. Cut.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Right after you do.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @sunmoongoddess / To Join My Tag List Apply Here!
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rock-dove-radio · 9 months
Fun Fact I am affected by heavy synesthesia and decided to document a few silly things! When i read certain words / letters / numbers i see colors and taste things! As well as with listening to music i see visuals and taste things etc Feel free to ask questions i love answering!
Long post but basically i list brain associations so stuff under cut if you care to read
Anyway to the interesting stuff 😋😋
Color Flavors
🔴 - spicy and bitter with some sweetness. Makes my chest hurt
🟠 - Not sweet or sour it's like a uhh a snow cone
🟡 - frostingless sugar cookie
🟢 - butter
🔵 - steak
🟣 - those little mini cake things they have at weddings
⚫ - sweet and crunchy but has a dust residue like a handful sprinkles
⚪ - pineapple gummy bear
💗 - Walmart birthday cake
Colors / shapes i see when listening to artists
Lemon Demon - navy blue trapezoids and red triangles
Tally Hall - yellow circles and white diamonds
Will Wood - green squares and purple spiral circles (?)
Marina - pink bubbles and white sparkles
Lovejoy - light blue arrows facing downward
Penelope Scott - black semicircles
Mitski - slate colored trapezoids
TV Girl - gray rectangle
Weezer - green boing boing dog toy idk how to describe it
TMBG - orange semicircle really stretched
Oingo Boingo - green circles
Letter and Number Color Associations
A🔴 B🔵 C🟡 D🟢 E🟡 F🔴 G🟤 H🟤 I🔵 J🟣 K🟣 L🟣 M🟤 N🔵 O🔵 P🟣 Q⚫ R🔴 S🟡 T🟣 U🟣 V🔵 W🟣 X⚫ Y⚪ Z🔵 0⚪ 1🔵 2🟢 🟡 4🟡 5🔴 6🟢 7🔵 8⚫ 9🔴 10⚫
Day of the week Equations
10 x 0 = Sunday, 100 - 46 = Monday, 25 - 11 = Tuesday, 4 x 4 = Wednesday, 7 x 7 = Thursday, 5 x 5 is Friday, 10 x 5 = Saturday
Day of the Week Colors
Monday is Black Tuesday is dark blue Wednesday is dark green Thursday is dark purple Friday is yellow Saturday is lavender and Sunday is gray I don't make the rules
School Subject Colors
Math is red, Science is green, social studies is blue, literature / English is purple, art is also green
Number Flavors
0 - the chemicals you blow bubbles with when you accidentally get it in your mouth
1 - plain cracker you get in restaurant baskets
2 - gummy worm that's really old
3 - Doritos
4 - hamburger
5 - giant hot apple left in the sun 2 hours
6 - green apple
7 - steak fajita
8 - grape juice
9 - Hot Dog
10 - seat belt
Smells and Tastes regarding Music
Lemon Demon - lavender candle smell, taste like burger
Tally Hall - rusting Metal smell, taste like cold butter just taken out of the fridge
Will Wood - old church carpet smell, tastes like communion wine
Marina - tropical car refreshener smell, taste like putting a pen in your mouth
Lovejoy - smells like sea salt, tastes like sea salt chocolate
Penelope Scott - smells like rotting wood, tastes like Coca Cola
Mitski - smells like soap, tastes like Christmas cookies
TV Girl - smells like perfume drowning out body odor, tastes like ham sandwich that got ketchup on it
Weezer - smells like hamburger, taste like banana
TMBG - smells like antique store, taste like Olive Garden bread
Oingo Boingo - smells like barbecue, tastes like those big ass erasers people would poke with their pencils in elementary school
My Name - smells like vanilla perfume from bed bath and bodyworks, tastes like cheese pizza, is the color gold
Five Nights at Freddys - smells like cigarettes, tastes like burger (WHY DOES EVERYTHING TASTE/SMELL LIKE BURGER), is the color purple
Electric Dreams 1984 - smell like a city in Mississippi i went to 7 years ago, taste like red velvet cake, is the color hot pink
The number 999 tastes like watermelon
Pinterest app smells like nail polish and popcorn
Spotify taste like Gatorade
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xenopoem · 22 days
//screeching_code //flickers a0000///B0DIES i n t e r s e c t 0n screen --- memories fr@gm3nt… -- overload// systems f3edback l00p---
ERR0R404: //// (w)ORDS dis||solve --> into sym?bols/ -- incoherent //sh1fting_””layers*;
::: data-points collid*ng -- >->->0n fire… dis//torted face--faces--faces=NUMBERS bleeding…/////
|flesh_ turns to pixel dust| = fL@shes of G{R}{E}E{N} purple cyan splinTERED \REALITIES//
“*auth.ent1cat10n”//fai-led // identity f_ractures 00001011110000110001:::
G|L|I|T|C|H:::: [syNapse] SNAP—screaming (w)ires TANGLED!! @@@ghosts echo} deep} deep [f a u l t] lineS 0F re]a[l{ity }
|||||||||[ ]|||||| broken c0NNECTION --[t-ime lag]_/// the----E N D???
//t3chNoL0gy & h0rr0r intersection… |> dark and crumbling aspects--explored-->new [path]…
@! Antonin Artaud's digital "successors”=
Blockchain horror== emerging genre-> technological ^_complexity + raw…//fear== fused*…
=This genre--> integrates blockchain technology & horror***…controlling…an0nYm1ty…permanence==- handling… [eerie stories]== organ trafficking----real W0rld’s and---res0nance== when considered, even more_ "eerie" meaning///
++Digital Artaud’s Blockchain Horror==re-examined in the context of organ trafficking… =ethical dilemmas~social issues==critical {reflection}…organ…#illegal trade==critic…examine…
[Nancy Scheper-Hughes]** the global trade of human organs----"exists in the shadow economies…of the richest and poorest regions"… @!Organ trafficking^grotesque reality==embedded in blockchain… ==Inescapable!=fear== eternal bL@ck m@rket oF memory…… [Blockchain] as digital graveyard-> organ trafficking* permanently preserved {form}… "neither forgotten nor erased"
++Organ trafficking==victims' eternal loss----body-parts->->-> transaction by transaction…drilling down::::: |Horror work -> consciousness==trapped in the blockchain system… [REALITY][DEFORMED][NO ESCAPE] [Marshall McLuhan]==> "The medium is the message"--- **Blockchain horror==tech itself==message! exploitation of organ trafficking--> permanent/irreversible…
****Blockchain technology==Digital Artaud==criticizing the inhumanity of organ trafficking… +reflection…->->-> technological innovation==perpetuating exploitation & suffering…
_Artists_/{c@r3ful to avoid}==human suffering//commodification==for artistic gain>>>///
Benjamin Noys==> "The persistence of negation==a critical tool==ethical, social impact"…
*** Emerging technologies==|careful consideration required==especially…potential for abuse…worsening organ trade… ==Real-world~~projected {ethical dilemma}…
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goodomensfangirl72 · 2 months
𓆩⚝𓆪 NSFW alphabet for Dr. Flug 𓆩⚝𓆪
Minors DNI
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I feel like he would be pretty big on giving you aftercare. He'd clean you up, get you snacks, water, basically everything you can think of. Plus, he absolutely loves to pamper you and make you feel cherished.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves his hands. He makes all his gizmos with them, how could he not love them? Another reason he loves them is because it's his favorite thing in the world to run his hands up and down your body. On you, he loves your thighs. Like me and everyone with common sense, Dr. Flug appreciates some good ol' thunder thighs. Who wouldn't like to grab onto a thick pair of thighs while their having sex?
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
I like to think he doesn't really want kids, so he'll wear a condom and cum inside of that.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He doesn't have one. He feels comfortable enough to tell you all of his fantasies.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I'm sorry, but he gives me massive virgin vibes😭 he's probably the most inexperienced man in all of Hatsville.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary would probably be his favorite, though he would like doggy style every once in a while.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's a bit of a mix, though he does tend to be more serious. He's not against cracking a joke or two, however.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps it trimmed but not completely shaves off. I like zomibom's Flug, so the hair is brown is like his hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He's pretty fucking romantic during it. He won't do the whole champagne and rose petals, but he wanted to let you know how much he loves and cherishes you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn't really jerk off that much, but when he does, it's most likely when he's horny and is too shy to ask you for sex.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
PRAISE. I can not say this enough, praise would totally be his number one kink. It is literally said in the wiki that Black Hat will never praise him and will tell him it's his job to do it perfectly, so praise him and he'll literally start crying.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He likes his privacy, so the bedroom is his go-to option.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Help him build one of his inventions and he will want to fuck you right then and there.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He won't ever hurt you or degrade you. You're his partner, why would he want to say rude things to you and make you feel pain?
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He definitely prefers giving you oral. Remember how I said he's a thigh guy? Wrap you thighs around his head while he's eating you out and he'll be in absolute heaven.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He's cool with whatever you want to do, but he will definitely like doing it slow and gentle. It makes him feel like it more intimate, y'know.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He doesn't like them but he'll do it if he's in a hurry and horny.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He's up for trying new things but he likes doing it the way it currently is.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go two-three rounds, but after that he gets tired.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn't have any. He thinks their unnecessary and it makes him feel a little insecure about his skills if you ask him to use toys. He'll try and play it off but eventually asks if he's not pleasing you without toys.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He'll only lightly tease you, most likely as a form of foreplay.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He groans, maybe sometimes grunting, but if he's on bottom, he'll whine the entire time.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He'd love to cuddle after being intimate. He just likes to hold you and tell you how much he loves you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Seven inches. Not much to say about it.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It's not that high but maybe once or twice a week?
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He only falls asleep after making sure all of your needs are tended to.
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