#bodie dance central
tainalenn · 1 year
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You have no idea the impact this game had on me at 12 years old
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haveyouheardthisband · 9 months
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wiluv · 3 months
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To finish drawing the Riptide Crew, here's Bodie as a doggo.
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chloebff · 1 year
I think I discovered something…
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sapphire-mage · 1 year
Fun Easter Trivia: Usher, the wisher of XBox having a Happy Easter, had a deal with Microsoft that allowed him to play two major roles in the XBox exclusive Dance Central series:
-Usher would voice the boombox that trains and helps you practice the different dance routine for each song.
-‘OMG’ by Usher would be used as the final boss track against a super villain that was trying to brainwash all the lovable characters of Dance Central, even a dancer who we are shocked to learn is his own son!
Anyway: Dance Central good, and Happy Easter XBox.
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nokomento · 2 years
will there be any DC art again?
i’m going to assume DC is Dance Central and not the DC/Marvel thing 😆
but the answer is prolly no, i have no reason (drive?) to
but i do doodle Bodie occasionally
(you can check my tags tho there’s a lot i drew for the fandom years ago www)
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arijackz · 6 months
PICK A CARD: The ☆Glow-Up☆ 2024 Has Planned For you
♠︎ “At bottom every man knows well enough that he is a unique being, only once on this earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as he is, ever be put together a second time.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
Disclaimer: This is a general reading, take what resonates. 
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p1 → p2 ↙︎ p3 → p4
✧ Pile One ✧ (queen of cups, 5oC rev., 10oC, the chariot, the magician, 4oS)
➣ The central theme of this glow-up is inner fulfillment. You are on a journey of true self-love. The queen of cups is sitting proudly at the front of the spread. Major water energy here. You are unraveling emotional trauma down to your roots and reevaluating past attachments and burdens with the six of cups.
➣ I picture floodgates opening, allowing all of the pent-up emotional turmoil to release and finally free you on a deep psychophysiological level. You released something, an attachment or mindset that was set in motion during your formative years that was hindering your ability to hold compassion for yourself.
➣ Shuffling my music, "Daddy Issues" by the Neighbourhood came on. I also saw the hierophant while shuffling the cards. You experienced a lot of undervaluing and emotional neglect in your home. Emotions in your home were taboo and possibly even punished.
➣ I feel like the people around you growing up, were either always dissatisfied with you in some way or made you feel small. Since this is a group reading, it is hard to word this without excluding a large chunk of the audience, but some of you grew up in a home situation where any form of outward self-love or expression was met with a lot of negativity and ridicule. 
➣ This forced you into hiding your true self which groomed you into a mental space full of self-criticism and doubt. In your mind, you were unwanted or inherently broken in some way and deserved less. The way you were treated created deep emotional wounds in your young psyche which made it hard to feel satisfaction within yourself or with the outer world.
➣ With the five of cups, I get the sense that you had felt you were in a desert and unable to fill any of your cups so to speak. Baby, that’s coming to an end. The ten of cups is at the center of your spread with a big ass RAINBOW touching corner to corner. The drought is over. The dark days are over. The sun is shining and you can taste hope again. 
➣ On this self-love journey, you are currently grieving (releasing) a degraded perception of yourself along with any beliefs that inhibit you from feeling good about your character.
➣ You are realizing just how enough you are and flushing out all of the poison that was crammed in your head about being inadequate. You are freeing yourself from the chains of feeling unworthy of a good life.
➣ You will find true beauty in every corner of you. Beauty in your laugh, beauty in how you dance, beauty in how you take care of yourself, beauty in what you care about, inner beauty that cannot be taken from you or scaled down. You will nurture your inner world, thus adding color to your outer world.
➣ During this major life-changing period, your view of reality will flip in a way you never thought imaginable. Life will feel worth living again. Your music will move you more and the swift pass of wind will invigorate you with new ideas for creative projects that will propel you forward to lifelong prosperity.
➣ I’m hearing 🎵 “… I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so proud of you” from Make Me Proud by Drake. Congratulations babe, you just broke a fucking karmic cycle. 10 of cups, following the 5 of cups??? You have graduated from a dark knight of the soul and are now approaching new, abundant energy.
➣ The universe is proud of you. Your ancestors are proud of you. Your inner child is proud of you. Your God(s) is proud of you. All of the cells in your body are proud of you. You have released something cosmically within you. Please hug yourself and have a good cry because you are doing something you never believed you could. Your hopes and dreams are unfolding.
➣ Get ready to make your daydream your reality.  With the chariot, you’re prepping to TAKE AWWFF BABY. The release of this blockage has raised your energetic vibration and is ushering bountiful opportunities into your life, new passions, new ideas, and new connections. 
➣ Your newfound faith in yourself is going to give you the courage to go out and experience life. Most importantly you will find satisfaction in the mundane. Every frame of your day will be brighter and feel better. You have gone from 5 empty cups to an eternally flowing fountain. Take the time to thank yourself for all of the hard work you put in to get here. 
➣ Advice: Extend yourself grace. During this period, you will have enlightening moments that will unlock pieces of the puzzle surrounding your trauma and a lot more will make sense and become easier to process. 
➣ However, as the flawed humans we are, we tend to make sense of something and then turn around and beat ourselves up for not realizing it sooner. Or, minimizing our pain and criticizing our past selves for not doing more about it because hindsight truly is a dirty dawg. No that is not how it works. 
➣ That’s like when you were in school and the teacher would start bullying you for not understanding a subject. YOU HAVE A DEGREE??? I’m fourteen?? Of course, you can say it's simple when you have already “graduated” and learned from it, not when you’re in the middle of experiencing it.  You gained clarity during this tower moment and can now see the bigger picture and liberate yourself. 
➣ Younger you fought to make your way through the fog and deserves grace because you would not be here today without your younger self’s perseverance. Forgive yourself for the time it took to get here and see the beauty in your evolution throughout the journey.
➣ Also, drink plenty of water and get rest!! It’s Pisces season, and a Pisces new moon is coming too. Most of your trauma will unravel while you’re unconscious. Please get plenty of rest and hydrate. This pile has Cancer/4th house energy written all over it. Mother yourself during this period. Clean your room, make your favorite foods, watch cheesy movies, and splurge on special skin care. Pamper yourself. okay I'm done. KISSES.
"My consciousness has outgrown this vessel"
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✧ Pile Two ✧ (4ofS, the tower, the wheel of fortune, the emperor, the lovers, judgment, 7ofW, ace of wands)
Life's gotta always be messing with me (you wanna see the light) Can't they chill and let me be free? (So do I) Can't I take away all this pain? (You wanna see the light) I try to every night, all in vain, in vain
➣ I asked for a song to explain the central theme of your reading and I got "Freak on a Leash" by Korn. I get the feel that one of the main struggles of your life path is unfair judgment. People are quick to create a false narrative of you and run off with it.
➣ If you read my last PAC, “What is most alluring about you”, you may have chosen pile 2 or 3. With the seven of wands, you are constantly under attack.
➣ Take what resonates but I see a few scenarios. People may be quick to paint you as a bad person without getting to know you. Your public reputation was heavily influenced by rumors from people who intentionally wanted you to be disliked. People will take something small, blow it out of proportion, and try to impose it as a character flaw. Oh, you don’t eat the crust on your sandwich? How wasteful! There are starving kids out there, you’re so inconsiderate!! and then everyone else in the room who claims to not like you (but are truly your biggest fans) are oooing, ahhing, and egging that hating ass bitch on. 
➣ I’m seeing a bus. You may have been betrayed and thrown under the bus a few times before. This is the pile of my Lilith placements. Your power is your ability to garner attention, both good and bad. You attract a lot of envy. The ugliest emotion, in my opinion. It’s partners in crime with greed. 
➣ For some of you, I am getting the message that all of this underserved hate has sent you into a dark mental space and driven you to take an attempt on your life. And if you like my messages or my readings please believe me when I say this,
 I know you are meant for greatness. I picked up on your energy and you found this reading for a reason. Just like the Universe and everything within it, we go through cycles. And I know this is a long, painful cycle but it will come to an end and you will get out of this darkness. From the bottom of my heart, I feel your importance and I am happy you are here to share this moment with me. Keep swimming, I support you, the Universe supports you. The sun is rising and is offering you a new beginning.
➣ In this dark period in your life, the negative attention may have outweighed the good. I see a theme of being outcasted and isolated. Severe bullying. For some, even abuse. Like pile one, you have gone into hermit mode and isolated yourself from the unfair judgment of the world. 
➣ But head up muffin, the scales are balancing, and the wheel of judgment is turning in your favor. Following the wheel of fortune, you got the fucking emperor!!! You will come out of this on top. The people who kicked you while you were down will have to swallow their pride and kneel to shine your shoes while you sit rightfully on the throne. The public scrutiny you face needs to balance itself out karmically.
➣ Think Megan Thee Stallion. I won’t bring up any of her business, but if you've been keeping up with social media, there is a good chance you are well aware of it. That woman has gone through the unimaginable, one traumatic event following the other all while facing an obscene amount of public scrutiny. She had to go into solitary and off the internet to rebuild her life. But guess what??? MY GIRL STAYS ON TOP>>>>> After all the bullshit she endured, she’s coming out on the top of the charts, brand deals with major conglomerates, she is the people’s princess.
➣ That’s going to be you. You have dealt with a lot of injustice in your life, now you’re coming out of your “rehabilitation” and all of the people who spent the better half of their day attempting to tear you down will have to watch your rise like a phoenix and fucking weep.
➣ People were constantly taking from you , now the universe (whatever you want) is preparing to give you the power to replace what you have lost tenfold. Ace of wands, I see that life is handing you the metaphorical talking stick. The king stick. You are being blessed with a flame in your belly (activated solar plexus chakra) and the chance to completely reinvent yourself. 
➣ There is a lot of king and authority messages here, the ball is in your court. You are being released from the shackles of public perception and these next few months will be filled with inspiration and willpower to prove everybody wrong and showcase your strength.  I feel like a good chunk of this group will get chances to be in positions of authority or importance. 
➣ This is going to sound silly but I got this exaggerated imagery of a mean person calling you poor and ugly but the next year you drive past them in a Bugatti with their sugar boo in the passenger seat. HELLOOOO.
➣ With the lovers, I see you are coming in union with what is rightfully yours. In the grand scheme of cosmic law, you are owed good fortune and it is on its way. With the tower, I see an explosion and people fleeing. You’re going to pop out stronger than ever and that’s going to scare people cause whatever superiority they got from painting you as inferior is going to blow away and their true scummy nature is going to be seen. 
➣ After this, there may even be people who pretend to be your friends and claim they supported you all along. Have faith in your discernment. I have faith in your discernment. It will all be okay pookie.
➣ Advice: Just keep swimmin' my love. <3
"The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth."
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✧ Pile Three ✧ (queen of wands, knight of pentacles, 6oC, page of pentacles, 10oW, 3oW, the hermit)
It's in the reach of my arms The span of my hips, The stride of my step, The curl of my lips. I'm a woman Phenomenally.
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
➣ Regardless if you’re a woman, a man, somewhere in between, or none of the above, you are approaching a newfound understanding of your sexuality. For some of you, it is a full-blown sexual awakening. 
➣ Some people here are realizing their sex appeal, others are coming to terms with their lack of sexual attraction, some are learning what they like in sex and what they’re attracted to. Yes bae, all of it; the whole spectrum of sexual exploration is here.
➣ There is an emphasis on attraction to yourself. You will see a huge shift in your physical appearance. Yes, your style will change but the main reason for this glow up is because you shifted the perception of yourself into a higher light. You’re allowing yourself to feel desirable and embracing the aspects of yourself you once shunned. 
➣You will carry yourself in a higher regard and this will open doors for you. Look into the mirror and give yourself a nice smack on the ass. Your self-esteem is sexy.
➣ Pile one is on a watery emotional self-love journey, this pile is all about fire and finding out where sexuality and passionate relations fit into your life. 5th house (flings, passions, hobbies), 8th house (sex and rebirth), 9th house (adventure, connecting with your soul tribe).
➣ I asked for a song to tie up this message in a cute little bow and I got the 639 HZ frequency. This is the frequency of love, radiation, and positive energy. It is the frequency of the heart. The heart chakra is opening significantly during this glow-up.
➣ You are opening yourself to adventure and sending a high vibe out into the ether. I see a sunflower and the queen of wands is decked out in bright yellow, you are stepping into the spotlight and attracting a lot of attention. I would say Venusian attention because the aura here is very romantic and collaborative. It's like the universe is spraying you with extremely magnetic pheromones and having opportunities run at you.
➣ You are going to get a lot of offers. Love offers, career offers, party invitations, you’re going to be involved with exclusive circles. You are realizing your self-worth and now you’re attracting things and people who also see value in you.
➣ This isn’t going to resonate with everyone, but I sense that for a few of you, there is going to be a reconnection with a past lover or a past friend from your childhood (or just the past in general). I also sense a theme of using your attractiveness and people’s attraction to you to your benefit. Somehow monetize your appeal. 
➣ It is like you finally released your ugly duckling mentality and you woke up and went, “WOAH, what can I do with this???” Lmao you discovered you’re an undercover member of the pretty privilege club.
➣ Yeah, with the page of pentacles and the ten of wands, I’m seeing an entire life path open up for you. Your passion and fiery energy will get you places, and you’ll go on adventures exploring your opportunities with that. Some of you will even become spicy content creators or do some risque sex work. Orrrrrr just venture into a career path you weren’t courageous enough to do before. 
➣ You’re a giant magnet energetically right now (I mean c’mon, 639 HZ???) you’re attracting a lot of romantic suitors. But watch out, they’re not all good suitors.
➣ I pulled another card and got Justice in reverse. Some people will try to get over on you. Also, the person on the justice card looked strangely untrustworthy when I flipped it over. Once again, practice your discernment.
➣ Your romantic and passionate life is taking off and it's going to be extremely exciting, especially if you are coming out of a period of stagnancy. However, with the 3 of wands and the hermit, the cards remind you to remain centered and plan bigger. Your passion, attractiveness, and sexuality will amount to more than hookups and shallow relationships if you invest in yourself wisely.
➣ You are unlocking an advantage you have in this lifetime. Open yourself to career endeavors, social networking, and creating a strong foundation for your talents and hobbies. Yes, date and have fun but don’t spend all of your energy in one place. Your attention and your energy are your greatest currencies.
➣ To expand on the hermit, I need to emphasize you are going to be getting a LOT of attention soon (I’m getting Sun-conjunct-Venus energy, is that in your natal chart or is there a transit with Venus right now or something?). You will receive more eyes on you than average and this might overwhelm you and push you into hermit mode.
➣ That is okay, let life flow. During those moments to yourself, dream big because you have the power to pull your dreams into your reality.  You will meet lifelong friends during this period. I am sensing a power trio for some of you. 
➣ Advice: To wrap up, we all know attractiveness is social currency, and you are coming into a great deal of social wealth baby. But please spend it wisely and do not lose yourself in the crowd. Keep up with your self-work and take introspective breaks away from people so you can figure out how to best utilize this awakening for you. 
➣ You look really good in red currently. Red hair. Red lips. Red clothes. Red jewelry. The color red is bringing you a lot of abundance. Okay bye. MUAH. <3
"I said mom, I am a rich man."
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✧ Pile Four ✧ (page of swords, knight of cups, wheel of fortune, temperance, 7oP, the devil rev.)
➣ OMG I’m so sorry, I wrote a novel for the other piles but this one is going to be short. Maybe you were drawn to another pile mainly and this is your secondary pile. BUT IT’S SHORT BECAUSE ITS FUCKING AWESOME. 
➣ The song I channeled for you was named “Elniño Prodigo” and I want to say the artist is Love Record but I'm not too sure. This means child prodigy. When I was laying out your cards, I got this sense of anticipation and impatience. Theeeennn BOOM the wheel of fortune, temperance, and the seven of pentacles smack me in the face.
➣ Oh me oh my, you are chilling in the universe’s womb just BAKIN’ being prepped for a complete rebirth. You are a prodigy, you are not meant to live an ordinary life, you are being prepared for a unique journey. I know this is going to sound hard to believe because I feel like with this pile, a large portion of your life was spent in waiting.
➣ Do you feel like you are a late bloomer? If so, trust me, it is for a reason. Whatever you build in this lifetime will be built slowly and have a solid foundation because your legacy is meant to withstand the test of time and last long after you leave this Earth. This period you’ve spent waiting is you getting your ducks in a row and sowing your seeds for the next evolution of you. I said something like this in my last pac, if that's you, heyyyyyyy i’m glad your energy stuck around, i love it.
➣ Do you have Pisces or 12th House placements mixed with Saturn significance? Whatever this glow-up exactly holds for your future is a secret. It’s the universe’s divine surprise to you. I did not get any energy detailing exact events, just something big in the works behind the scenes is making its way to you. 
➣If you’re reading this pick a card there’s a good chance you’re spiritually attuned and can feel this cosmic shift happening. Something about your energy is so excited. I imagine a hyper dog being held back by a leash because it's not quite time yet.
➣ If you’re in a period where you’re not seeing any life progression and it's causing you anxiety, relax, you are on the right track and you are where you need to be. You have not wasted time, time really isn’t even fucking real. Everything is moving slowly for a reason. 
➣In this “boring” period you are meant to tap into your inner world and curate what you want your life to look like. Create vision boards, imagine your future hobbies, involve things that mentally stimulate you, keep the spark of curiosity in your life, and nurture your inner dreamer. 
➣ You are connecting with your sensitivity at this time, finding the sweet spot where your mind and heart meet, and letting it fuel your zeal for life. Get these thoughts on paper. Journal them, draw them, sing it, and call this energy into the 3D. Your life is about to have a complete 180. Maintain faith.
➣ You’re seeing a lot of synchronicities currently. Animal synchronicities and repeating numbers(111,444,222,1144,1414). You’ll find strangely personal messages in music and media. Maybe you’re seeing shapes repetitively pop up around you in your environment, like stars or eyes. 
➣ Patience is a life lesson for this pile, there is a lesson to be learned in the stillness of your life. You are mentally restless right now, slow your body down and try out parasympathetic regulation techniques to calm your racing thoughts. Go swimming, take a class, try out a new hobby. In this “womb” era, enjoy your last moments of stillness because your life turns up a notch. I’m not even getting rebirth, I’m getting BIRTH. No matter your age, your life is truly beginning in this new season.
➣ Advice: I see a lot of clouds. I see angel symbolism. You’re ascending. You’re shedding old skin, letting go of dead weight, and you’re growing wings, getting ready to experience life to the fullest. Maintain hope that your life will pick up pace and become exciting again. 
➣ Find peace in this waiting period. Listen to bird sounds!!! They are going to calm your mind and elevate you emotionally. You’re growing your wings and getting ready to take off like a bird, you should learn from the best. Okay, I love you, the universe loves you, MUAH <3.
"Your sim has gone stir-crazy!"
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watching tumblr shit on my images in real time is just...
On a lighter note, I know some of these piles are heavy, I posted my first reading two days ago, and the support I received has brought so much joy into my life. I love doing this, if you like this me doing this, I'll do this forever. I am eternally grateful for all of you likes, reblogs, and comments <3
Also, some of these piles are connected, feel free to poke around and pick up on messages spread out for you. okay, I'm done. kisses! MUAH
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akanemnon · 1 year
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Because of the limited amount of links you can put into a post, you can find the links to each page in these sub-posts:
To be continued...
FAQ under the cut!
Glasses - Fallen down - First steps - Press [C] - Frisk Dance - But nobody came - Whatstheirface - An acquired taste - Eye opening - Smalltalk - Connection issues - Not-To-Do-List - All You Can Eat - Beach Episode - Salute the Frick - Morning Routine - The Universe is a Hologram - Normal Human Behavior
What exactly is this AU about? Twin Runes is essentially a comedic crossover AU between the universes of Deltarune and Undertale. No fancy nicnacs. Just the characters being their chaotic selves. But there might be some darkness lurking up ahead... ____________________
When is the next comic? The comic updates most Sundays at 6:30 PM Central European Time. ____________________
Why is this AU called Twin Runes? The name is more or less a play on the typical naming format of most AU's by featuring the "Runes" part. There are no literal Twin Runes. The whole name is more of a stand in for Undertale and Deltarune as parallel worlds. Hence the "Twin" part. ____________________
When does Twin Runes take place? This AU takes place between a hypothetical Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 of Deltarune. On the Undertale side of things, it takes place post neutral route just as Frisk was about to deliver Undyne's letter to Alphys.
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How many pages are there going to be? The script for this comic estimates that the comic is going to be 137 pages long (if I don't make any major changes). ____________________
Is the Player a thing in this AU? The Player(s) lost control over both human children as soon as Frisk entered the world of Deltarune. Essentially, the reader takes the role of the Player. You have no influence on the outcome of the story anymore. All you can do is watch. ____________________
Is there going to be a Weird Route? Due to the lack of Player, all choices made by Kris are now their own. How to engage in battle all depends on Kris, and not the Player. Because of that, there are NO DIFFERENT ROUTES. There is only one route and that one is based on Kris' choices. Because of the lack of save points, there is no "what-if" scenario. ____________________
When Chapter 3 and 4 are released, will it affect the story? Any chapters after Chapter 3 won't affect the story in the grand scheme of things. Twin Runes created a new timeline so to speak. ____________________
How old are the characters in this story? Frisk appears to be around 9 years old. Kris thinks they're 14. (Both Frisk and Kris don't know their actual age.) Chara died when they were around 10-11. Susie is around 15-16 (she was held back once) Ralsei appears to be the same age as Kris. ____________________
What's up with Kris' and Frisk's hair? The red bits of their hair is more or less a representation of their souls. That in turn is also why Chara doesn't have that feature. They are soulless. It's a stylistic choice. ____________________
What's that thing on Kris' chest? It's a scar they got from tearing out their soul.
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And why do they have weird lines all over their body? Both Kris and Frisk's anatomy resemble that of ball-jointed dolls. They appear just as markings across their bodies. Think of them as elaborate birthmarks. Kris and Frisk are still made of flesh and blood, but are in fact hypermobile. The reason as to why they do is still a little secret :) People here like to refer to these markings as "puppet limbs". You can get a better look at them and the scar in this artwork
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Why does Kris have braces? This is why:
Why is Dark World Frisk green? Frisk changes their main sweater colors with Kris when they enter the Dark World.
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Can other ghosts see Chara? (pre Darkner transformation) No, only Frisk and Kris are able to see Chara. ____________________
IS KRIS NOW FRISK'S COUNTERPART OR CHARA'S???? :) ____________________
So, was Chara in the locket all along? No, Chara possessed the locket to become a Darkner. ____________________
Where are Jevil and Spamton? Are they in Castle Town? The Fun Gang have already fought these two in the previous chapters and added them into their inventory. Outside of that little dream sequence, neither will be making an appearance. ____________________
Is anyone from Undertale Yellow gonna make an apperance? Outside of a tiny cameo from Clover (that has no greater bearing on the story) no one from Undertale Yellow is going to make an appearance. ____________________
Is (insert character here) gonna go to the Dark World/underground? With the way the story is going to play out, only the main group will be heading to this new Dark World. The rest of the story will be taking place there. ____________________
How did you come up with the idea of Twin Runes? Twin Runes is an offshoot of a separate script I wrote. It's a similar concept but turned on its head. The funny moments in that script made me just continue what now is the start of Twin Runes. I pretty much just wanted to see if I am actually capable of drawing a comic to begin with. So... in a way Twin Runes is my first attempt at a comic ever. If I ever finish Twin Runes, then I know I can tackle turning that mammoth project of a script into a comic too. In the grand scheme of things these two projects are sister series. They have A LOT in common and even share similar plot elements. When Twin Runes is over you will automatically also know certain mysteries of The Other Script. ____________________
What is The Other Script? As of this moment I call The Other Script: "Lost in the In-Between". At its core it's an inverse of Twin Runes. I.e. Kris falling into the underground and being aided by Frisk on their quest to return home. The story and jokes are a considerably more grounded than in Twin Runes and so are the characters. Though they do have their moments from time to time. The overall mood of that script is a lot darker in nature and it's a 200+ page passion project of mine. ____________________
Am I allowed to make fanart? ABSOLUTELY! You are very welcome to make fanart if you feel like it. Please let me know if you do by tagging me, so I can share it with everyone to see so that you get the appreciation you deserve :) ____________________ Can I use the funny faces you draw for memes or for stuff like memes or for profile pictures? That's what they're here for :) ____________________
Is there x ship in this comic? The focus of the story is not on shipping. If it's in the game it will very likely be mentioned or brought up, but that's about it. ____________________
What pronouns do you go with for the human children? I try to stick as close as possible to the games so I use THEY/THEM FOR ALL OF THEM WITHOUT ANY EXCEPTIONS.
Asks will open for 24 hours after a new comic has been released. Your questions will then be answered over the course of the week.
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The following are ref sheets of characters that don't have established Dark World forms yet (as of writing this comic). The list will be updated as soon as a new character enters the Dark World. Here you will also find references of characters that might appear as surprise cameos, or maybe even completely new faces...
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hotvintagepoll · 4 months
What are some screwball comedy pairings you wish had been a thing? Can definitely be gay ones :)
Okay finally!
One of the reasons I made this blog in the first place is that few things bring me as much blinding rage as imagining the movies we could have gotten, if old Hollywood had stopped being racist/homophobic/anti-everyone for ten fucking seconds. There were so many talented hotties working through our tournament era who only got cameo spots or no-budget movies! for no reason beyond white supremacy! there were so many stories that didn't get told because heaven forbid we acknowledge gay people! If this blog has a mission statement, a big chunk of it would be about highlighting all the amazing hotties who never got what they deserved in their heyday.
So! Let's tear Louis B. Mayer a new one and make some better movies.
Diamond Eyes (1946)
Harold Nicholas, the bored but fabulous son of a Manhattan millionaire, decides to take himself off on a transatlantic cruise to recover from the boredoms of socialites, constant martinis, and west side glamor. When working girl Rita Hayworth snags him into a fake dating scheme to throw off a jealous ex (Cesar Romero), he doesn't mean to fall in love with his false fiancé—or to set the ex up with his scheming accountant (Tyrone Power).
To the Tune of Millions (1945)
Ann Miller and Lena Horne are conwomen besties who use a fake dance act to get into casinos, which they then promptly rob. Unfortunately, an over-enthusiastic talent agent (Gene Kelly) sees the act and thinks they're legitimate, hiring them on the spot as the lead number in a newly opened but already failing musicale review. Who can they hustle at a theater that's barely bringing in a dime? The two ex-cons fall in love with show business, Kelly and Horne smooch at the grand finale, and Miller has an intense will-they-or-won't-they sparring relationship with the hot stage manager (Ethel Waters—and they will).
Untitled Three's-a-Crowd Film (1942)
Cary Grant, Jean Arthur, and Ronald Colman are running interference on a corrupt justice system while trying to keep up the act that they are all simply cohabitating in a shared AirBnB and definitely not falling in love with each other. Wait. This is actually The Talk of the Town. This movie actually exists and does veer this hard into polyamorous romance.
Tomatoes and Toast (1928)
Anna May Wong and Greta Garbo eat sandwiches for three hours. It's riveting.
One Soul, Two Bodies (1948)
Farley Granger and Vincent Price star as Alexander the Great and Hephaestion in this sword-and-sandals period piece. Though clearly made on a studio backlot with a budget of $3, the dashing romance grounds the chariot races and cardboard sword battle sequences.
Grand Central Station (1931)
Interconnected narratives of Josephine Baker, Joan Blondell, Dolores del Río, and Fredric March all vying for the last seat on the 5:45 train out to Poughkeepsie. When they realize they're jostling to sit next to the same sugar daddy who's been stringing all of them along, the four decide to unionize. Pre-code thrills; the four-in-a-bunk Pullman car scene remains notable for a reason.
I have more but I think I've gone a bit delirious.
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cordeliawhohung · 5 months
Of Sea Foam and Iron [3]
general masterlist | series masterlist | taglist
Hephaestus!ghost x Aphrodite!reader x Ares!soap
a storm hits
wc: 3.9k
warnings: historical au with lots of inaccuracies, mythology!au, nudity, talk of war and gore
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Cold linens awaited you when you truly woke from your rest as John and Simon’s presence had dissipated.
There was no chin to rest against the top of your head, or a strong chest to press against your back. In fact, the only proof that they had ever been there at all was their lingering scent on your skin. You closed your eyes as soon as they fluttered open, trying to draw back the memory of their hands on your waist and the comforting weight that accompanied it. It was only a pale imitation of the real thing, and it left your chest yearning for something you knew you would never gain the courage to ask for. 
When your eyes opened for a second time, they did so with a great huff from your lungs. Pale sunlight and a strong breeze drifted through the cracks of the closed shutters, and though salt was always ever present in the air, you could smell the promise of rain hiding underneath the brine. It would be a good day to stay inside. 
Usually you didn’t need your himation in the warm summer months, but without the golden sun to warm the house, a heavy chill pricked at your body. You wrapped the thick wool around your shoulders before you descended downstairs on creaky steps. Simon was already hard at work for the day, and you hardly got halfway to the landing before you heard his hammer echo with its metallic clink in the courtyard. All Simon had done since the day the two of you were bound together in matrimony was work. In the beginning, you were certain that it was to distance himself from you — his unruly wife — but once John returned home you thought he would allow himself to rest. Yet, it seemed as if that’s all the man ever wanted to do. 
“Mornin’ little dove,” John grinned. 
A strong fire blazed in the central hearth of the home where dancing flames attempted to lick John’s back as he sat faced away from his hard work. Blue eyes sparkled with a warmth that rivaled the fire behind him, and you almost felt a smile flitter across your lips. There was nothing different from his gaze that morning compared to the previous day, yet his fingers twitched as they rested on his bent knees as if they searched for something.
“Morning,” you replied, voice meek as you adjusted your himation. 
Johnny’s hand slipped off of his knee where he patted the hearth next to him invitingly. “Come, get warm.” 
Your bare feet hardly made a sound against the floor as you crossed into the threshold. Each step brought the warmth of the flames along your legs where they dethawed your cold toes and fingers. John watched you with careful eyes as you situated yourself on the stone slab next to him, and he hummed once you settled. Heat prickled up your spine and it chased away the residual morning cold that clung to your body; though, you were unable to tell if that was because of the fire, or because of John. 
“Rain is coming,” he said. His head tilted back to look up at the ceiling as if it were the sky instead. “A storm, maybe.” 
Over the roaring of the fire behind you, a dull roll of thunder grumbled somewhere in the distance. It was not frequent that your city received storms, as Poseidon often smiled upon you. Though one could argue he was angry, if the storm was mild, perhaps he only sent the rain to assist with the farmers and their crops. 
“That would be nice,” you mused. 
John chuckled warmly. “You like the rain?”
“I think so,” you answered. “I like the water. The ocean.” 
“A fine thing to love.” 
Instinct told you to look at him, yet you refrained from doing so. Despite the familiarity in the tone of conversation, John was still a stranger to you. Some man who had returned only yesterday to embrace your husband while dressed to gut enemies. Still, he was kind, but despite the fire at your back, you were silent and cold. 
“I… wanted to talk more about yesterday,” John continued through your silence. “I’m sure you still have many questions, as Simon isn’t the most prolific.” 
“Prolific?” you repeated with your snark hardly restrained. “He’s spoken a handful of words to me since we’ve been married.” 
“Like I said, quiet,” he repeated with a poorly hidden laugh. “Though, I wasn’t much help prompting answers from him yesterday, either. Dead on my feet after traveling. Took us just short of a fortnight to arrive home.” 
John rubbed at his eyes as if the exhaustion still plagued his vision, and yet even with his movement you did not glance at him once. Looking at someone often brought a weakness about you that you had difficulty conquering. There was something about their eyes that had you see the humanity within them, no matter how hard they tried to hide it. You would have hated to crumble in front of him. 
“Well,” you prodded, “perhaps you can get an explanation out of him, then. He spoke not a word of your existence and then introduced you as my second husband? Such terrible madness.” 
“I already got an explanation out of him this morning while you slept,” he sighed. “Which is why I want to talk to you. I’m better at explaining things than Simon is.” 
Bewildered, you finally allowed your eyes to fall on John. “Must you be so casual about this? Was this not a surprise to you? Coming home to your husband having wedded himself illegally to someone else?” 
“Simon is not my husband.” 
Your expression betrayed the icy exterior you used to conceal that softness inside. It was difficult to tell if it was because of your confusion, but you found your heart aching at those words. John could not look at you when he said them, and though they left his tongue with ease his tone was soaked in a somberness that burned. 
“Soldiers aren’t permitted to marry,” he explained, blue eyes trained on the floor in front of him. “They say love gets in the way. Muddles things up. Soldiers have only one duty, and it’s to the state.” 
He paused.
“I would have liked to have married him.” 
If it wasn’t for the pain in his voice, you would have been afraid. The lost longing painted you to be the ruiner; the pitiful being that tainted something that had not gotten the opportunity to bloom. A desert-like dryness settled on your tongue. It tasted worse than sand. It was bitter, grainy, and promised to end you. 
“I’m sorry,” was all you could say. 
“Don’t be,” John said with an attempt at humor. “I told him to find a wife. To get married. Have children. I would have hated for him to wait around forever just for me.” 
“Could you not have waited? I thought soldiers were only required to serve for two years,” you pondered. 
John hummed again. He did that often, as if song better suited his ideas than mere words. Thick fingers pressed into the joints of his wrists as he massaged tired muscles and traced faded scars before answering you. 
“Most only serve for two years, yes,” he concurred. “But, you don’t earn the name Ares’s Dog by serving the minimum. My heart is here in the city, but my home is in the viscera leftover from battle.” 
He paused as he twisted his torso to look behind him. A large hand reached for a split log in the pile just next to the fire, and John expertly tossed it into the flames. The fire cracked loudly, content with its meal. 
“No. I told him to marry, so it wasn’t quite the surprise when I came home and you were already here,” he explained as he repositioned himself. “Find a wife. Start a family. And if his wife would have me too, then I would stay. But it seems things weren’t that simple considering your… situation.” 
“Yes,” you concurred, voice soft. “It wasn’t… proper.” 
“Simon told me what your father had to do to protect you. I’m sorry you had to witness such gore,” Johnny consoled. “I understand why he would hastily marry you off to Simon if it meant having the protection you deserve. And, well, knowing Simon as well as I do, he didn’t hesitate at all in marrying you if it meant aiding you.” 
A scoff tore through your vocal chords so fierce it left a sour aftertaste on your tongue. John spoke of Simon as if he were Apollo himself, guiding the sun across the sky to bring light and warmth to the soil beneath your feet. You were certain that John’s feelings towards Simon weren’t unfounded at all, but though he had never been cruel or unkind to you in any way, he was not loving. Not to you, anyway. 
“Could have fooled me,” you spat. “I feel like a ghost in this house. At least he avoids me like one.” 
Despite your sour attitude and words, John only chuckled. 
“His love is strange, yes,” he said. “It’s still new to him; love. Being vulnerable. Something he was never granted before. He’ll keep his distance, if you let him. I swear to you, you’ll find no finer man than him.” 
Another roll of thunder shook the sky. It was stronger than the quiet whisper of one you heard minutes earlier, and it all but demanded attention. Both you and John looked up to the ceiling, and moments later the soft trickle of rain engulfed the house. Though none of the windows were open, you pulled your himation closer to you as if to stave off the breeze that beat at the shudders. The thick wool soaked up the heat of the fire like a sponge, keeping you well insulated despite the impending storm. 
A content sigh left John as he carefully pushed himself to his feet. Soft trails of goosebumps prickled across his skin as he stepped away from the fire and into the cold, but he didn’t stray far before turning to face you once more. His hands reached for you where they hovered in the air, patiently waiting for you to accept his offer. 
“Come. We should eat,” he urged.  
It was not your first time putting your hands in his. He always seemed to want to hold you and gently guide you as if you did not know any better. Still, you accepted his assistance as he pulled you from the hearth. Somehow, his hands were warmer than the flames, and though you were standing on your own, he refused to let you go. 
“I meant what I said earlier,” he said, blue eyes boring into you. “I told Simon to find a wife, and if she would have me, then I would stay. If you do not wish for me to be here, say the word, little dove. Your father might have wanted for you to be under my protection, but I will not share a bed with a woman who would want someone else. I will leave no mark on this place when I go, if that’s what you wish.” 
No response rose in your mind or throat at his reminder, but a heavy fit of remorse weighed on your chest. He spoke those words as if he were the intruder. As if he had not loved Simon and lived in that house long before you ever came around. It was difficult to tell if you had fully accepted the idea that you lived with two men; though even if you hadn’t, it was something your father obviously wanted for you. Still, even if you didn’t want him around, you would not deny him the flesh and warmth of his lover. 
“Stay,” you said, voice quiet. 
John’s smile was the warmest you had ever seen. No hint of lust or darkness; only a pure appreciation for your kindness, something you felt like you weren’t capable of those days. His tongue darted out between his lips as if in anticipation, and you ignored the way it made your stomach churn. 
“Then it is done.” 
Trickling rain continued into the afternoon before it started to swell into a proper storm. Whistling wind became near deafening as it threatened to pull the house apart, and it wasn’t until the sky was black with clouds that Simon finally ceased his work and took shelter inside. With the amount of water that dripped from his clothes when he came limping into the kitchen for lunch, you were surprised he hadn’t drowned out there. Strands of hair stuck to his forehead and down the nape of his neck, and his chiton clung to his body in a way that certainly wasn’t comfortable. His frigid skin tinged pink with his scars extra angry and puffy. 
Both you and John looked up from your food at the sopping wet mess of a man who dirtied the kitchen. Simon’s chest heaved with fatigue, and his feet hardly lifted from the ground as he meandered towards John. 
“How’s the weather?” John asked facetiously. 
“Frustrating,” Simon huffed. “Can’t keep a goddamn fire lit or burnin’ hot enough.”
He paused once he approached John’s side, eyes focused on the plate of food in front of him. Without a word, he snatched a fair size of cured meat off of it before taking a bite and turning around. Simon continued his pitiful shuffle as he exited the kitchen, shoulders hunched and legs shaking. John did not appear to mourn the loss of his food, yet his eyes stayed trained unwavering on his lover’s body as he rounded the corner. 
“He seems upset,” you noted. 
“He’s in pain,” John explained. 
A clash of thunder sounded just as John rose from his chair, and he left his plate behind as he began to rummage for something around the stove. Its embers ebbed and waved with brilliant scarlet light, and it almost danced to life in flames when John knelt before it. He retrieved two medium sized, semi-flat stones tucked into the stonework and placed them on the small hearth next to the dying embers. Nodding to himself, he then turned to you, worry etched deep in his face. 
“Wait a few minutes, then grab these stones and bring them up to our chamber,” he asked while his feet began to wander out of the room. “They’ll be hot, so grab them with cloth. Take care not to burn yourself.” 
Without another word, he vanished out of the room where you then heard his feet stomping up the stairs moments later. Rain refused to quiet nor waver even as you carefully cleaned up yours and John’s plate. 
Pain? Simon was in pain? Well, John could certainly read your husband better than you could, because you thought he had just been his regular self. Still, you supposed it wasn’t entirely impossible. With as many scars that afflicted his body, you were certain the damage ran deeper than just superficial marks on his skin. 
As instructed, you waited until the rocks had soaked plenty of warmth before using the edge of your himation to grab them. With careful hands, you trekked up the stairs to the second floor where you found John and Simon in bed together. A drenched chiton sat on the floor next to the bed, but Simon’s naked body still glistened with the memory of its moisture. His chest heaved and he grunted like an animal as he slung an arm over his face, hiding his eyes from the light of the oil lamp that flickered on the nightstand. 
John’s thumbs dug into the muscle around Simon’s knees, massaging them with what appeared to be less than gentle touch. Simon hissed, jaw flexing as his teeth grinded together, yet he kept still as the man worked at him. You approached the side of the bed with hands outstretched, hot rocks tucked together underneath thick wool sitting in your palms. 
“Is he alright?” you questioned.
John paused long enough to turn and grab the stones from your hands. His fingers didn’t flinch when he grabbed them, as if he was so used to the heat of them that it no longer phased him. 
“It’s the weather,” he explained. “The old wounds in his knees are aggravated by the change.” 
You watched with apprehension as John pressed the rocks against Simon’s skin, yet your husband didn’t flinch. The tense muscles that flexed in his thighs slowly began to soften as John moved the rocks carefully around his knee, tracing the long scar that dissected his skin. It was one of the first things you noticed about him the day you got married. Deep and ugly, it ailed him so bad he couldn’t walk straight because of it; forever bound to limp in weakness despite the strong stature his body would otherwise have you believe. 
Another smaller scar mirrored in perfect continuity on his other knee. It was not as deep nor as angry, but you could clearly make out the line in which both scars connected. A blade. It must have been. There was no other weapon that you knew of that could’ve created a scar such as that. His entire body, even his face, was littered with the unsightly marks. 
Why would a blacksmith have such scars? 
John moved from one knee to the next, warm rocks soothing away the ache so deep in Simon’s body that hands alone could not heal. You quietly stole a seat on the mattress next to Simon, and you carefully watched the mesmerizing motions of John’s circling hands. He was so… soft for a soldier. Considerate. It’s a side of man you weren’t used to seeing after witnessing such violence in your home. For a while, you thought love was just violence; blood waiting to be spilled. Perhaps love was just warm rocks against tired skin. 
“What happened?” you asked with eyes still trained on the old wound. 
John’s eyes glanced up at Simon, who wasn’t able to see his gaze through the arm slung over his face. As if he felt the burn of his eyes, the man shifted on the bed before letting out a heavy sigh. 
“Tell ‘er, Johnny. Know you like tellin’ the story,” he urged. 
A grin bloomed on John’s face as he turned his attention back to Simon’s knee. “He got this from saving my life.” 
Stunned, you shifted on the mattress to get closer, and your thigh brushed against Simon’s leg. How your husband could handle the cold of your chambers completely naked and half wet was beyond you. Your body yearned for any warmth it could steal. 
“I don’t believe it,” you countered. 
Really, you didn’t. How could John MacTavish, hailed hero of your city, need any sort of saving? You didn’t at all doubt Simon’s capability of saving someone; it was just the thought that John could ever find himself in such a precarious situation that you doubted. 
“I’d never lie to you, little dove,” John chuckled. “No, Simon and I served together, once upon a time ago. Trained together. Fought together.” 
He paused his story in order to switch knees again, returning to the one closest to him. Simon’s breathing had already calmed, and he no longer panted like a mad dog. Any tension that had been harbored in his body when you first entered the chambers had almost been completely washed away. 
“Years ago both of us had been deployed in a large-scale battle. It was a bloody skirmish with swords flailing every which way, I swear the glint of metal was brighter than the sun that day,” John recalled. “But there was this big brute who fought with a club. Rivaled the size of Simon, even, which isn’t easy. Bastard snatched the shield right out of my hands and knocked his club against my chin. Split me right open and knocked me out cold.” 
A hand instinctively covered your mouth as John shared the story, and he paused for a moment to look at you. He seemed to take some sort of boyish pride in your worry, and he tilted his chin up to put his own scar on display. You had hardly noticed it before due to his stubble and your active effort to not look too many people in the eyes, but it marked his skin as clear as day. It was deep, spanning from the front of his chin and curling underneath the right side of his jaw in an angry, red line. 
“I wasn’t out long, of course, but I wasn’t all there when I woke up,” he continued. “Felt like I was underwater, could hardly breathe. Bastard stood over me ready to bash my head in like a damn melon when Simon swooped in like an eagle. Sliced him to bits before he could do anything else to me. But war is messy and unforgiving. Several others piled on him, got him pretty good. Still killed the bastards.” 
“All but one,” Simon corrected. He had been so quiet you swore he had fallen asleep. “One of ‘em ran off.” 
“He killed the bastards that weren’t cowards,” John amended with a chuckle. “But they got his knees. Surprised infection didn’t take him. But Simon, my love, stubborn man that he is, carried me off the field even with his wounds.”
“Would you rather I dragged you?” Simon asked. 
“You should’ve left me there.”
“I love you too much for that.” 
The sound of rain smothered the conversation as both men fell silent. Rotten shame boiled deep in your stomach as your eyes carefully scanned Simon’s body. Over the weeks, you had gotten so used to his unabashed nakedness to the point it didn’t phase you, but that wasn’t what made you feel shameful; it was the realization of how bitter you had been. 
On the day of your wedding when Simon lifted your veil from your face, the only thing you could think was how ugly he was. The scars that littered his body were just eyesores, and his limp didn’t make him a paragon of strength. Hardly the man that was supposed to protect you from the wicked ways of the world. How cruel you were for thinking such a thing. For looking at the scars he earned saving the life of his lover as if they were an eyesore rather than proof of his devotion. How dare you look at him as anything less than he was; a man who loved?
In an attempt to swallow down your shame, you found your own hands reaching out for Simon’s knee. The heat of his skin felt nice against your frigid hands, but he flinched at the sensation. You paused as you looked up at his half obscured face, and you didn’t look away until you felt his muscles melt and relax underneath your touch. 
In silence, you mimicked John’s movements with your thumbs. Tendons and muscle danced underneath your fingertips as you did your best to massage the pain from your husband. With hands as weak as yours, you were certain it hardly did anything to help him at all. Still, you continued, and you prayed to the gods that he could feel your silent apology through your touch alone.
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astrocafecoffee · 4 months
✨Your Past Life 🌌✨
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~✨ For entertainment purposes only, enjoy ✨
💫 what to check??
- check your south node in your natal chart, which house it falls in. It can give you insight about your past life as South node represents past experiences, patterns, and talents that an individual brings into their current life from previous incarnations.
Leshh go!! 🍂
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✨ South node in 1st house:
- sn in 1st house suggests that themes related to self identity, personal expression and the physical body may have been significant in past lives.
- you may have been highly independent, assertive, and self reliant, perhaps even to the point of being self centred or overly concerned with your own needs.
- you might have been a leader or pioneer in some way, forging your own path and asserting your individuality in the world.
- may also have struggled with issues of egob, self absorption or tendency to prioritise your own interest above others.
- in past incarnations you might have cultivated skills related to physical expression, such as athleticism, dance or physical charisma. You may have been known for your appearance, charm or ability to make a strong impression on others.
- in your current life you may be called to balance your focus on the self with a greater awareness of the needs and feeling of others. You may be learning to cultivate humility, empathy and a deeper understanding of your interconnectedness with the world around you.
✨ South node in 2nd house:
- sn in 2nd house suggests that themes related to material possessions, values, self worth and resources may have been significant in past lives.
- in past lives you may have been deeply entrenched in the material world, attaching your sense of self worth and security to external factors such as wealth, possessions or status.
- you may have been involved in occupations or pursuits related to finance, banking or real estate or other areas where material resources were central.
- challenges related to attachment to material possessions, possessiveness or a sense of entitlement.
- may struggled with issues of greed, insecurity or a fear of loss , leading to difficulties in relationships or an inability to find true fulfillment beyond material wealth.
- in your current life you may be called to reassess your values and priorities recognising that true abundance and security come from within rather than from external sources.
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✨ South node in 3rd house:
- sn in 3rd house suggests that themes related to communication, learning, siblings, and early education may have been significant in past lives.
- you may have been highly intellectual, curious,and articulate with a natural talent for expressing yourself through writing, speaking or teaching.
- in past lives you may have been a scholar , writer, teacher, or traveler, engaging in pursuits that allowed you to share your wisdom and insights with others.
- you might have had close relationship with your siblings or peers who served as intellectual companions or rivals , encouraging you to excel in your pursuits of knowledge and learning.
- you may have experienced difficulties in forming deep emotional connections with others or may have struggled with issues related to gossip, rumours or miscommunication.
- there may have been a tendency to get caught up in petty disagreements.
- in your current life you may be called to balance your intellectual pursuits with a deeper understanding of the importance of emotional connection and empathy in your relationships.
- trust your intuition and communicate with others from a place of authenticity and compassion rather than purely from a rational or analytical perspective.
✨ South node in 4th house:
- with sn in 4th house you likely had past lives where family dynamics played a significant role. This could manifest in various ways , such as being deeply attached to your family, experiencing challenges within the family structure or being heavily influenced by your ancestral lineage.
- there might have been past life experiences where you struggled with issues of nurturing and security. This could involve experiences of abandonment, neglect or lack of emotional support within your family environment.
- past life experiences may have involved repeating certain family patterns or dynamics that have been passed down through generations. This pattern could be both positive and negative, and part of your soul's journey In this lifetime may involve breaking free from any destructive cycles.
- there may be unresolved ancestral wounds or traumas that you carry from past lives, which could manifest as subconscious fears, phobias, or patterns of behaviour. Working on healing these wounds can lead to greater emotional freedom an spiritual growth in this lifetime.
- you may have been involved in occupations like family business or inheritance or home related occupations.or nursing, counciling or social work.
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✨ South node in 5th house:
- with sn in 5th house in your past life you were a vibrant and creative soul. You may have been a artist, a performer or someone who radiated charisma and enthusiasm wherever you went.
- your love life was like a grand epic , filled with passionate romances and intense emotional experiences. You may have been involved in dramatic love affairs, where the highs were euphoric and the lows plunged you into depths of despair.
- children may have also played a significant role in your past life, whether as a devoted parent or a beloved mentor, you cherished the youthful exuberance and innocence they brought into your life.
- however your attachment to fame, pleasure and the pursuit of momentary happiness may have led you astray at times, causing you to lose sight of your deeper purpose and spiritual fulfillment.
- now in this lifetime you may find yourself naturally drawn to avenues of creativity, romance and self expression, but there's also a deeper calling within you , urging you to seek spiritual growth and fulfillment on a soul level.
✨ South node in 6th house:
- sn in 6th house suggests that in past life you might have been someone deeply involved in service or work that revolved around healing, health, or caretaking in some form. perhaps you were a dedicated healer, herbalist, or even a doctor, working tirelessly to help others overcome illness and ailments. Your daily life might have been structured around your work.
- however, despite your Nobel intentions there might have been a tendency to become overly fixated on the details or to be overly critical of yourself and others. Maybe you struggled with perfectionism or a sense of never feeling like you were doing enough. This could even led to feelings of frustration or even burnout over time.
- in this lifetime, the challenge for you is to find a balance between serving others and taking care of yourself, and to learn to let go of the need for perfection and self criticism.
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✨ South node in 7th house:
- sn in 7th house suggests that in past lives you may have focused a lot on partnerships , relationships, and one-on-one interactions.
- your past life may have been marked by experiences of intense emotional connections with others as well as lessons around compromise, negotiation and learning to see things from different perspectives.
- at times, you may have also faced difficulties in asserting your own needs and boundaries within your relationship, leading to feelings of resentment or imbalance. This could have resulted in patterns of seeking validation and approval from others, rather than cultivating a strong sense of self worth and autonomy.
- in this lifetime, you may drawn to experiences that echo these past life themes. You may place a strong emphasis on your relationships and partnerships , seeking to create harmonious and fulfilling connection with others. The challenge for you is to learn from the lessons of your past lives and to find a healthy balance between your own needs and those of others.
✨ South node in 8th house:
- in your past life, you might have been someone who delved deeply into the mysteries of life ,death and the human psyche. You may have been drawn to occult practices, esoteric knowledge or healing modalities that focused on the transformation of the self and others.
- you may have also been involved in situations where you had to navigate complex power dynamics , shared resources or inheritances.
- managing other's finances or dealing with issues related to debt, or taxes.at times , you may also grappled with feelings of possessiveness or obsession particularly in your relationships or dealings with other resources.
- in this lifetime the challenge for you is to learn from the lessons of your past lives and to find a healthy balance between intensity and detachment, depth and surface and empowerment and surrender.
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✨ South node in 9th house:
- in your past life, you might have been someone who was deeply engaged in the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. You may have been a philosopher, teacher, scholar, or traveler who dedicated your life to seeking truth and understanding the deeper mysteries of existence.
- at times , you may have also struggled with issues related to dogma or rigid belief systems, perhaps feeling torn between your quest for truth and the pressures to conform to societal norms or expectations.
- In this lifetime you may find yourself drawn to experiences that echo these past life themes. The challenge for you to learn from the lessons of your past lives and to find a balance between seeking knowledge and embodying wisdom. This might involve cultivating a deeper sense of inner knowing and intuition as well as learning to integrate the lessons from your past experiences into your present journey.
✨South node in 10th house:
- sn in 10th house suggests that in your past life you might have been someone who was deeply ambitious and driven to succeed in your chosen field. You may have pursued a career or vocation that allowed you to attain a position of authority,power or prominence in society.
- your identity and sense of self-worth may have been closely tied to your achievements and public reputation leading you to prioritise your career above all else.
- at times you may have also struggled with issues related to authority or responsibility perhaps feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of leadership or the expectations placed upon you by others.
- in this lifetime you may find yourself drawn to experiences that echo these past live things. you may have a strong drive to succeed in your career or to achieve recognition and status in your chosen field. Challenge for you is to learn from the lessons of your past life and to find a balance between ambition and inner fullfilment, this might involve redefining success on your own terms and cultivating a sense of purpose that goes beyond external achievements.
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✨South node in 11th house:
- sn in 11th house suggests that in your past life you might have been someone who was highly engaged in social or collective movements aimed at bringing about positive change in society. you may have been a member of various groups, organisations, or networks that were focused on promoting equality, justice or humanitarian causes.
- you may have been drawn to causes that aligned with your values and beliefs,whether they were related to political activism, social reform, environmental conservation or other forms of advocacy. - at times you might have also struggle with issues related to group dynamics or a loss of individual identity we the largest social movements. this could have led to experiences of disillusionment or betrayal as well as lessons around maintaining autonomy and integrity while working towards collective goals.
- in this lifetime, the challenge for you is to find a balance between your individual goals and the needs of the collective. this might involve cultivating a deeper sense of self awareness and authenticity as well as learning to navigate group dynamics with wisdom and discernment.
✨South node in 12th house:
- sn in 12th house suggests that in your past life you might have been someone who spend a significant amount of time in seclusion or retreat perhaps as a monk, hermit or spiritual seeker.
- you may have been deeply attuned to the inner workings of the subconscious mind and spend much of your time exploding the depts of your own psyche through meditation, contemplation or others regional practices.
- you may have struggled with feelings of confusion, disillusionment or even Paranoia as you grappled with the shadow expects of your own psyche and the collective unconscious.these could have led to experiences of self undoing or essence of being lost in the vastness of The spiritual realms.
- in this lifetime the challenge for you is to find a balance between spiritual transcendence and grounded presence in the material world. this might involve integrating the insights and wisdom gained from your spiritual experiences into your everyday life as well as learning to navigate the depes of your own psyche with courage and compassion.
That's it guys,hope you enjoyed 🌜💫
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twigg96 · 5 months
Within These Walls
Pairing: Daryl x Reader
Era: CDC
Warning: Smut, Lap Dances, Thigh Riding, Clothed Sex, Hand Jobs, Cum Shots, Love Cofessions
18+ only
Summery: In the safety of the CDC you two find enjoyment of each others bodies.
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Safety was a illusion at best in this new world. The Quarry which you had spent more than a month had been overrun with walkers. Most of the people you had to know as friends had either died, run off, or went missing.
But here in the sanctity of the CDC building, you felt an overwhelming sense of serenity. Normalcy. There was a roof over your head, central air, plumbing, and shampoo. But most of all there was booze. Enough to get pleasantly tipsy and buzzed. Playfully so. Daryl had started a drinking game with Glenn who had never had a drink in his life.
You had a few with your boyfriend sharing in the whiskey you watched him down it easily, teasing your Korean friend who flushed with the first drink. Where the others went you didn't know. Nor did you care to ask. You were too happy.
You lost count of the amount you had. You knew Daryl hadn't kept score even though he promised to remember for Glenn in the morning. But the two of you stumbled to the room you shared for the night wincing at the sound of Glenn loosing the game directly into the shitter.
"Damn... I had ta piss." Daryl sighed with a chuckle, blinking at you slowly. "I'll be back. I'm goin' ta another room." He murmered hugging the wall for support as he left the room.
Shrugging you couldn't help the giggle that ripped through you. Bubbly from booze you kicked your boots off beside the bed stumbling from one side to the other as you hopped on one foot to pull your foot free. Sliding and kicking your jeans off you kicked them off your legs before you freed your body from your tank top with a resounding sigh.
The room was large with not too much to it. Two twin beds. One you'd share with Daryl, not that either of you were complaining, and the other Glenn would get to himself. A closet held extra clothing of people from the past. Pulling back the door and snooping for too long sent shivers down your spine.
A dresser in the room however held work clothes. Long sleeve button downs for men that were much too large on your slender body you giggled as you slid it over your naked frame. Flailing the sleeves around you smirked finding several ties of various colors and patterns shoved in the drawers.
"Looks like yer havin' fun." Daryl purred from behind you. Turning with a devilish smirk you watched his eyes skate down your body to what little panties peaked from under the work shirt to your plush naked thighs. "Damn girl your gonna be the death of me..." He whispered licking his lips.
With all the confidence of the liquor in your veins, you dared to bend over just enough to let the shirt ride up your thighs a little more before you wiggled your hips teasingly. “Oh. I know.” You giggled. Standing straight once more you strode over to him. A sweet sensual smirk on your lips. Reaching out a hand to his chest you circled him letting your fingers trail across his body as you did. “Your soooo tense.” You murmured. “Let me take care of that.” Turning Daryl at the same time. "Have a seat, sir." You whispered walking him back until his knees hit the edge of the bed.
Pushing him back once more so he fell into a sitting position, you started to dance for him. A dance only you and Daryl could hear the music to. Turning and dipping, he smiled as you swayed for him. "You doin' a little lap dance fer me babe?" He asked blatantly grabbing your ass with both hands. With a little gasp you nodded. "Mhm. Anything for you." You whispered. Daryl's groan went straight to your core. His fingers massaged the sensitive flesh at your hips before he let you go once more. "A'ight girl..." He murmured low and sultry. "Do your worst."
Smiling back at him you lowered yourself down onto his lap. Your arms reaching back to wrap around his neck pulling him tight to you. Spreading your legs wide you straddled him. His growing bulge pressed right to your soaked panties in such a way that sent delightful shivers up and down your spine. Goosebumps coated your skin as you gasped with the first tentative roll of your hips in the dance you had planned for him.
"Thought the dancers weren't supposed ta..." Daryl tensed fending off a moan as you ground down on him once more. "Ta enjoy themselves while they danced..." He whispered his caloused hands grabbing your hips once more. Giggling you laid your head back on his shoulder, kissing his jaw then his cheek. "Yeah... but that's with incentive of money." You cooed swirling your hips around skillfully on his clothed cock, loving the way he twitched and ground back into you. So sensitive from the alcohol. “Mmm. And you know I aint got none of that.” He purred into the shell of your ear his hot breath tickling you in the most delicious ways. “Damn straight. So just take what you get.”
His nails dug into your hips painfully. Each rotation sending a new wave of pleasure down your spine to the very tips of your toes. By the time you began to rut back and forth searching for a clothed release he had both hands securely around your waist panting like a dog in heat. "Fuck... babe." He moaned his head bowed as if in prayer watching you work him with all the admiration and love in the world.
Electricity flowed through your veins and sweat began to bead on your skin. The white shirt you put on for Daryl quickly became transparent at the top of your breasts. Teeth skated down the side of your ear to your neck as Daryl's hands slid from your waist to your thighs with a bruising grip spreading your legs wider allowing you to get a better angle on your pussy for a while. But his soon his selflessness ran dry, stilling you for a moment.
Whining you wiggled in defiance, but as two thick fingers slid past your gusset, moving it to the side your whines turned to closed eyed whimpers. Two calloused fingers rubbed sweet circles into your swollen clit. Bucking your hips to meet him your fingers wound into his short hair pulling at the short stubble on the back of his neck. Drool dripped from your lips and chin to your exposed chest, your eyes closed in bliss. “Bet that feels better than my thigh…” He whispered sucking a hickey onto your collar bone.
But before it could truly get good it stopped. Whining as Daryl pulled his hand away the coil in the pit of your belly that started to build disappearing. "Turn" he ordered, motioning in a circle with his free hand. "Yes, sir." You cooed turning in your boyfriend's lap, reveling in the mess you made of him.
He was hard and pressing against his jeans but mostly you had stained them beyond repair. So much so he was soaked through down his legs looking as if he had pissed himself. Straddling his thighs once more you stared down into his lust blown blue eyes. “Now.” He whispered. “Now we can keep going’.”
Smirking at him you pushed back on his shoulders laying his body back gently against against the sheets. Trailing your fingers down his body you hummed licking your lips. Daring to slip your fingers under his tank you stopped in your ministrations feeling Daryl tense under you. Sitting on your knees you leaned down over him, your hair curtaining you both in a veil of feigned privacy. “Don’t worry. I’ll leave it on.” You whispered, your lips brushing over his.
Daryl hummed under you, relaxing once more under the warmth of your love. Closing his eyes he palmed your hair crashing your lips together. Teeth clattering. Tongues fighting you gapped for breath when you finally pulled away. A long string of spit connecting you both as you sat back up.
Unbuttoning his jeans you giggled at the hiss you earned in reward. The pressure released his red tip sprung to the surface to greet you over the band of his boxers. Taking him into your hand, you freed him of the binds of his jeans and boxers shoving them down just enough. “Awe babe.” You cooed. “All this for mee…?” You hummed swiping your thumb over his red tip beading with pre-cum. Throwing his head back against the bed Daryl hissed through his teeth his hands reaching for you but only finding purchase in the scratchy sheets. “Mmm. Fuck babe.” His eyes squeezed shut, his hips desperately tried to buck up to meet you but the weight of you sitting on his legs kept him from going far.
Taking mercy on him you interlaced your fingers with his lifting your other hand to your mouth. Using your pointer finger and thumb you played with it a moment. Letting it string, catching Daryl’s curious gaze before sucking it up greedily. “Mmm.” You hummed smirking into your fingers as Daryl’s jaw fell slack his dick twitching between your thighs. “Fuck me babe.” He groaned as you released your fingers with a pop and licked a strip down your palm.
“That’s the plan.” You hummed grabbing his dick with your slick hand you began pumping him nice and slow at first. The gasp and groans he made were sinful at best. But you knew somewhere deep down he could make better sounds. He was holding back. Squeezing ever slightly tighter you moved faster using the cum that pooled at the tip to help slick your hand you watched his eyes roll into the back of his head. His breath caught in his throat and the hand holding yours squeezed so tight you were certain he would break your fingers. A single high pitched needy desperate whine escaped his throat before he pulled you hard by the hand he held.
Falling flat onto his chest you barely had yourself propped up before he was rutting blindly into you’re exposed pussy. “Need ya.” He whimpered. “Now. No-not gonna last.” He whined once more.
Nodding you kissed his lips your entire body tingling not only from the need you shared with Daryl but the love you shared with him. Reaching between you both you stilled his hips with a touch. Grabbing him once more, he hissed over sensitive. Guiding yourself down onto him you gave him a look. One asking for consent that he gave freely before you placed him against you pushing him into you.
The bliss that over came you at being full of him. It was all you had ever craved while in the Quarry and more. A need while on the road you couldn’t reach with others around. Silent quickies weren’t always enough. Not when you had the whole of a bedroom to your disposal. You felt both hot and full of electricity at once. Tossing your head back with a wonton moan you bounced carelessly on him. His hands found your bruised hips adding more to your collection. Arching his back he rutted desperately into you. The whine was back. High pitched desperate and needy he cried out your name like it was the last day on earth. With every movement he became louder. But so did you. Your cries of pleasure echoed the walls and bounced back into your ears carelessly. His name like a prayer to you as you neared your climax.
“Gonna… where do you want it?” Daryl bit out his sweaty arms slinking around your waist. You couldn’t think. Every thought was of him. This moment. You never wanted it to end. Before they blurred into pudding and you moaned. “D-Don’t care.” You whined clinging to him, nails biting so deep blood pooled under the skin. “Just… Oh God!… Don’t you dare stop!”
Gasping your breath caught in your throat. Your vision blurred and turned white your hips stuttered and then stilled as your body tensed. Head back in ecstasy you felt Daryl pumping into you pleasure so intense like a drug it hurt the coil that built and built inside your core before it bust.
Screams of admiration escaped you as you came. Certain everyone in the damned CDC could hear your scandalous sin you didnt dare stop. Skin slapping skin, nails dragging, teeth biting, the sounds you made became your new favorite song. Ridding your high and your boyfriend you basked in the stars he made you see.
Pulling you tight to his body Daryl stilled his hips jerking wildly. Grunting like a wild animal. “Gonna…” He whined. “Fuck.” He whimpered pulling you off of his cock desperately by your hips, rolling you both to the side. You watched in a hazed bliss as he clambered to his knees beside you taking his cock in his hand move so fast you were sure it would rip from his body. Strings of cum painted you. Or rather the work shirt you ‘borrowed’ staining it in a pattern you realized you rather preferred over plain white. Before Daryl collapsed beside you on the bed.
Catching your breaths as if you had both just outrun hordes of walkers you couldn’t help but smile cuddling close despite your rancid smelling sex you burrowed your head under his kissing his Adam’s apple and sternum. “I love you.” You whispered. Daryl hummed his fingers skating your spine. “Love you too.” He whispered. It was the first time either of you had admitted the fact though both of you knew it was true.
Sleep came easy that night. You wish it came so easy every night after but your luck in the facility would soon run out.
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boykisser4 · 1 month
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Tangled Souls
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pairing: demon!Shōta Aizawa x male!reader, nsfw/dc so minors begone
warnings: male reader, smut, monsterfucking, biting, slight blood play, tailfucking, multiple orgasms, male masturbation, breeding kink, creampie, degradation, reader is a virgin but it's not central to the plot
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ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ: your mother has always told you to be wary of the woods. Boys get lost in there, only to wind up dead, their bodies and faces twisted in pleasure and agony. you've followed that rule diligently your entire life—only to find that belief shaken when a beautiful demon appears on your doorstep in need of your help.
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In the quiet town of Shibuya, nestled between the bustling neon lights and the whispering whispers of the ever-expanding urban sprawl, there was a rumor as old as the cobblestone streets themselves. It spoke of a set of ancient woods that lay just beyond the outskirts, a place where the line between reality and the supernatural grew as thin as a thread. The townsfolk had long ago learned to keep their children close and their doors locked when the moon was high, for it was said that the forest was a playground for creatures that were better left to the imagination.
You, a young man on the cusp of adulthood, had heard the stories countless times. Each time, your mother's voice grew a little more tremulous, her eyes a shade darker with fear. Yet, as you grew older, the whispers of the woods grew louder, beckoning you with secrets and promises of adventure. One evening, as the sun dipped low, casting long shadows that danced with the sway of the autumn leaves, you found yourself standing at the edge of the forest, your heart thudding a rhythm that echoed through the trees.
The demon that appeared before you was not what you had expected. He was not the monstrous creature of your nightmares, but rather a being of such ethereal beauty that it seemed as if the moon itself had taken human form. Shōta Aizawa, a man with sharp, angular features and hair as black as the abyss, emerged from the shadows with a grace that seemed to defy the very fabric of reality. His eyes, piercing and red, bore into yours with an intensity that made your knees wobble and your breath hitch in your throat.
He spoke to you, his voice a velvety caress that seemed to wrap around your very soul. "I am lost," he said, his words tinged with a hint of desperation. "Can you help me find my way?" There was something in his gaze that made you feel as if you could trust him, despite the whispers of your mother's warnings. Without a second thought, you nodded, and together you stepped into the enigmatic embrace of the woods that had called to you for so long.
The journey was a blur of moonlit paths and whispers of leaves that seemed to carry secrets of their own. Aizawa walked with purpose, his tail swishing gently behind him as if it had a mind of its own. You couldn't help but feel drawn to him, as if there was an invisible thread connecting the two of you. As the night grew deeper, you began to feel a warmth building in your loins, a need that you had never experienced before. It was as if the very air was thick with a scent that called to your most primal instincts.
You stumbled upon a clearing, the light of the moon casting a silver glow upon the dewy grass. Aizawa paused, his eyes scanning the area before they settled on you, a smirk playing upon his lips. "You're brave," he murmured, his voice a low purr that sent shivers down your spine. "But I require more than just your guidance." He stepped closer, his tail curling around your leg, sending waves of pleasure through your body. "I need...companionship."
The air grew thick with tension as he reached out and cupped your cheek, his thumb tracing the line of your jaw. You felt yourself lean into his touch, your body betraying your mind's attempt at rational thought. He leaned down, his breath hot against your neck, and whispered, "I can give you what you've been craving, if you let me." His teeth grazed your skin, and you felt a sharp sting followed by a pulse of exquisite pleasure that had you gasping. It was then that you realized the extent of your folly—you had entered the demon's domain, and now you were his to claim.
The smirk on Aizawa's face grew wider as he stepped closer, his body pressing against yours. You could feel the heat emanating from him, a stark contrast to the coolness of the night air. His tail slithered upwards, coiling around your waist before it dipped lower, teasing the fabric of your pants. Your cheeks flushed with both arousal and embarrassment as you felt yourself growing hard against his thigh. He chuckled darkly, his hand moving to cup your erection firmly, his claws digging into your skin just enough to make you wince.
"You're so eager," he murmured, his breath hot against your ear. "But before I give you what you want, you must do something for me." His grip tightened, and you whimpered, the pain adding to the confusing mix of emotions swirling within you. "You must accept me—all of me," he continued, his other hand moving to the base of his tail, revealing the swollen tip. It was then that you understood the full extent of what he was asking for—what he needed.
With a flick of his tail, he unzipped your pants, pulling them down along with your underwear. The cool breeze kissed your exposed skin, making you shiver. He knelt before you, his eyes never leaving yours as he took you in his mouth, the sensation so foreign yet so intoxicating that you couldn't help but moan. His tongue danced around the head of your cock, teasing the slit before taking you deeper. You watched, entranced, as he swallowed you whole, his eyes fluttering shut in pleasure.
The demon's tail slid between your legs, the tip probing at your entrance. You felt a moment of fear, but it was quickly overwhelmed by the all-consuming need that had taken root in your core. He pushed in gently, the sensation of his tail entering you unlike anything you had ever felt before. The pain was there, but it was muted by the sheer ecstasy that flooded your body with each thrust. His mouth never left your cock, sucking and licking as he claimed you, his tail moving in rhythm with his mouth.
The pleasure built, wave upon wave, until you could no longer hold back. You came with a cry that was part pleasure, part fear, your seed spilling into his eager mouth. Aizawa pulled back, licking his lips with a satisfied smirk. "Now," he purred, his tail still buried deep inside you, "we are truly connected." He began to move again, his tail working in tandem with his mouth, pushing you closer and closer to the edge of another orgasm.
You felt yourself being filled, the pressure inside you growing unbearable. His tail swelled, and with one final, powerful thrust, he released his own essence deep within you. The sensation was unlike anything you had ever felt before—a mix of pleasure and pain that left you trembling and gasping for air. As he pulled away, his tail slipped out of you with a wet sound, leaving you feeling both empty and utterly claimed.
Breathless, you looked down at him, his eyes gleaming with triumph. "You are mine now," he said, his voice a dark promise. "And together, we will uncover the secrets of the night." With that, he rose to his feet, pulling you along with him. The woods seemed to close in around you, the whispers of the trees growing louder as you took your first steps into a new, darker chapter of your life.
The moon cast a cold, pale light over the clearing as Aizawa led you deeper into the woods. The sounds of the night grew more sinister, more alluring, with each step you took. You were no longer the same person who had ventured into the forest; you were now a part of it, bound to this demon in a way that transcended simple companionship.
The demon's hand was a vice around your wrist, guiding you through the underbrush with a sense of urgency that sent your heart racing. His eyes gleamed with excitement, his sharp teeth bared in a predatory smile that made your stomach twist in anticipation. You knew that there was no turning back now—you had made a deal with the creature of the night, and you would see it through to the end.
As you stumbled through the woods, the air grew thick with the scent of lust and power. It was a heady perfume that seemed to coat every leaf and branch, making your head spin. Aizawa's grip on your wrist was the only thing keeping you grounded, a reminder of the bargain you had struck.
The clearing grew wider, revealing a hidden grotto bathed in an eerie blue light. The walls were slick with moisture, and the ground beneath your feet was soft and yielding. Aizawa pushed you against one of the damp walls, his eyes burning with desire. His hand snaked down to your now-bare cock, stroking it back to life with a skill that seemed otherworldly.
"You're mine now," he whispered, his breath hot against your neck. "And I will take you, in every way imaginable." His tail slithered around your waist again, this time with more urgency, the tip grazing your throbbing member. "But first, you must learn to crave it."
With that, he sank to his knees, his eyes never leaving yours. He took your cock in his mouth once more, sucking and licking with an intensity that had you bucking your hips against the cold stone. His claws dug into your thighs, leaving trails of fire in their wake, but the pain only served to heighten the pleasure. His tongue flicked against your slit, tasting the pre-cum that beaded there, and you couldn't help but moan his name.
The demon's tail grew more insistent, sliding between your cheeks to press against your tight hole once again. You felt yourself opening up to him, your body betraying your fear and welcoming the intrusion. He pushed in, the feeling of fullness making your eyes roll back in your head. His movements grew faster, his mouth and tail working in perfect harmony to drive you to the brink of insanity.
The walls of the grotto seemed to pulse with an ancient power, the very air vibrating with it. You could feel it in your bones, a call to the darkness that now lived within you. The demon's eyes glowed brighter as he brought you closer to the edge, his tail swelling even more within you.
You came again, your body convulsing with the force of your climax. Aizawa's tail pumped into you, filling you with his essence as he swallowed down your seed. The world around you spun, colors swirling and colliding as the power of the woods claimed you fully.
As the aftershocks of pleasure subsided, you slumped against the wall, panting and spent. Aizawa's tail slid out of you with a wet sound, leaving you feeling both violated and oddly satisfied. He stood, his own arousal evident in the bulge of his pants. "Now," he said, his voice a low growl, "it's time for you to truly understand what it means to be with a demon."
Without another word, he tore open his own pants, revealing his engorged cock. It was monstrous, a twisted mix of human and demonic, and it throbbed with an unnatural hunger. You stared, both terrified and fascinated by the creature before you.
He stepped closer, his claws digging into your hips as he lifted you off the ground. "You will take me," he growled, his eyes never leaving yours. "And you will scream my name as I claim you."
You had no choice but to comply, your body responding to his command even as your mind rebelled. He positioned you, your legs wrapped around his waist, and with one powerful thrust, he filled you completely. The pain was exquisite, a scream ripping from your throat as he pushed deeper, stretching you beyond what you thought possible.
His movements were relentless, his hips pistoning into you as his claws raked down your back. The demon's teeth grazed your neck, the promise of a bite that would seal your fate hanging in the air. The pleasure and pain melded together, creating a symphony of sensation that had you begging for more.
With each thrust, you felt yourself slipping further into the abyss, the boundaries between reality and the supernatural blurring. The whispers of the woods grew louder, echoing the chant of your name on Aizawa's lips.
And as he claimed you, as his teeth sank into your flesh, you felt a transformation begin. Your vision swam with the taste of iron as your blood mingled with his saliva. Your nails grew sharp, your skin prickling with the beginnings of a furious power that seemed to resonate with the very earth beneath you. The demon's cock filled you to the brim, each movement sending shockwaves through your body. You could feel yourself changing, evolving into something more, something primal and dark.
The bite grew deeper, and the pain subsided, replaced by a white-hot need that consumed every part of your being. You bucked against him, desperate for more, for the release that only he could give you. His hips met yours with a ferocity that had you seeing stars, his claws digging into your skin as he held you in place. The demon's breath was hot and ragged in your ear, his voice a snarl as he whispered sweet, dark promises of eternal pleasure and power.
The ground beneath you trembled as your climax approached, the trees around you seeming to lean in closer as if to witness your fall from grace. The creature inside of you grew stronger, its hunger matching that of the demon who claimed you. Your body was no longer your own, a mere vessel for the dark desires that now ruled you.
With a final, brutal thrust, Aizawa came within you, his seed mixing with the power of the bite. You felt it, a fire spreading through your veins, setting your very soul alight. You howled, the sound echoing through the woods, a declaration of your new allegiance. The demon pulled away, his teeth releasing your skin, and you slumped in his arms, panting and trembling with the aftershocks of your transformation.
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homestylehughes · 4 months
kiss me
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pairing(s): luke hughes x fem!reader
summary: luke and his pretty girl spend a summer day in central park
warnings: none. pure fluff and cuteness.
wc: 647
an: hiiii loves!! i kept having this thought about luke last night and i decided to write it LOL. i'm a sucker for cute and soft luke. it's a short little baby fic but i love it. i hope you all enjoy it!! like and reblog if you do!! as always much love <3.
happy reading <3
The warm summer breeze moves past Luke and I as we walk through Central Park, enjoying a soft summer day. 
“And one vanilla cone for a pretty lady” Luke dramatically says from beside me, handing me the sweet treat on the cone. 
“Thank you kind sir” I giggle back, before wrapping my tongue around the sweet treat, internally moaning at the taste. 
“Good?” Luke asks, chuckling at me, as he watches me eat the desert. 
“Mhm!” I mumble back, mouth full of ice cream. Luke replies with a smile, grabbing his warm hand in mine as we begin to walk further into the park. 
The bright sun litters over the vibrant green trees that litter all around the park, the slight breeze causing them to sway as if they're dancing. Flowers of all types add color and more life to the park, the scene around us is beautiful, like something out of a painting.
I'm not really sure how we ended up here today. Luke wanted to take an impromptu trip to New York, and now we’re here, and I'm not complaining.
Luke looks so amazing in the sun. The way it highlights his chestnut brown curls. Seeing how his mussels contract under the white shirt he chose to wear together is enough to make my mouth water. He's a sight I'll never get used to seeing. 
“Are you okay over there pretty girl?” 
Luke asks beside me, breaking me out of my daydream.
 “Yeah I'm fine” I say beaming up to him, flashing him a sweet smile. “Just thinking about and how lucky I am” I follow. 
“Oh, who knew my pretty girl was such a sap for me” 
“Hey now, don't be mean. I was trying to be cute and admit my love for you and you just bullied me." I say turning on my heel to throw away my cone wrapper. 
“I was jokinggggg, come here '' Luke says, grabbing my wrist, pulling me back towards him. “You better be,” I say with a small pout on my lips. 
Luke chuckles at my face, “you're so cute” he says before leading me down the trail again. We walk in silence for a few moments, taking in the view around us. 
“It's so pretty out here today” i say looking at luke, “thank you for taking me here today”, “you're welcome pretty girl” he says looking at me 
“I feel like I haven't, we haven't seen each other a lot recently, and I wanted to take my pretty girl to a pretty place.” 
Luke's words have my face heating up instantly, he never fails to make me feel loved and special. “Now who's the sap?” I say playfully, nudging my elbow into his side as we continue walking. 
“Wowwwww. Okay i see how it is' ' he says with a dramatic sigh.
 “You know I'm kidding” I say, pulling his arms, so he's now standing in front of me. 
“I love you” I softly say looking into his eyes.
“I love you more” he counter,
 “impossible.'' I say looking back at him with narrowed eyes. 
“Shut up” Luke laughs at me. 
“No, you shut up” I sat tilting my head to the side, waiting for his next move. 
“Oh really?” he says, taking a step and half closer to me. 
“Mhm, what are you going to do about it?” he says, tilting his head down closer to my face. 
“Kiss me” I say, not even a beat later, I feel his warm hands cupping my cheeks pulling me into a sweet kiss. My arms circled around his neck, pulling him closer to my body. 
Luke pulls away from my lips softly, “I'll never stop talking if you always shut me up with a kiss.” he says in a teasing tone. 
“Oh shut up” I mumble back, 
“oh I will” is all Luke says before pullin me back for another kiss. 
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mwahmimi · 18 days
Telling secrets, there on the mattress. 💋
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Taking another sip of the Merlot that Emily had kindly poured out for you into your lipstick-stained glass, you felt dizzy. You were somewhat seeing double in your inebriated state, but you didn’t mind, what’s better than one Prentiss? A second, obviously.
Tenderly she leans forward, you gaze into her eyes, each coffee coloured iris just sparkling under the big central light. Her lips pin up into a smirk, exposing her dimples on either side. Intoxicated and confident, you match her movement but let Emily lead the way. She was always the one in control, every time you met up, she took care of you.
It’s a dance the two of you have done for years, she takes to dinner, douses your stomach with too much red wine and pasta, shyly holds your hand down the street as she brings you home. It’s always the same excuse; “come and see how much Sergio has grown!”
In all fairness, you do get to cuddle with Sergio every time. But he lays between the pair of you, both of you, exhausted and nude, with the light from the cheap nylon curtains peeking through and gracing your bodies in sunlight.
This evening was no different, her crimson nails trailing up your wrists leaving your arms decorated with goosebumps under her fingers.
“You look so gorgeous tonight.” Emily all but purrs her compliment into your ears, her breath tickling over your neck causing you to shiver. She always knew how to get to you, her touch made your body ignite, no matter how little or gentle it was.
Her hands find your thighs, squeezing softly and skittering her nails in between them, feeling the pudgy flesh under her fingers and your conscious collapsing underneath her. Her smirk only grew wider with the knowledge you were hers, putty in her hands once again. With her lips marking your neck, biting heart shaped bruises into your porcelain complexion, you shuffle closer. Tearing her lips from your throat, crashing your lips into hers.
She tastes like the wine you shared and your fondest memories, no matter how much you try to deny her, you can’t deny the hold she has over. Pushing the thoughts of what your mother would think of you right now, your tongue makes its way into her mouth. Oh you could never resist her, and with her kiss she calls for you like a siren song. Every single brush of her tongue more sensual than the last.
“You missed me?” Emily teases, letting her knee push against your heat when she notices you squirming. Holding you closer and undressing you like you were the best present on Christmas morning. Watching her pupils widen as she glances over your now-bare breasts, she shakes her head and chuckles, leaning down to suckle over your rosebud nipples.
Unable to escape the pleasure, you rut yourself against her knee like a bitch in heat for as long as you’re allowed before Prentiss pushes your back to the mattress. Pinning you down with her hips as she plants gentle, wet kisses over your belly. Taking her time to tease around your belly button, twiddling with the piercing that resides there as you gasp and groan. With each kiss she travels further and further south, before her mouth meets your underwear-clad cunt.
Peeling away your already soaked thong, she brushes her finger over your clit, her touch featherlight and teasing. Noticing the way your head falls back in ecstasy as she taunts you with what you were both wanting.
“Tell me you want me.” She husked, twirling her fingers either side of your heart, just touching so close to where you wanted her most. The sensations were maddening, your core clenches around nothing as if it was asking for her fingers itself. You mewl out a few sweet nothings about how you’ve waited for this since the last time, how you can only get yourself off if you think about her standing at the end of your bed. With her hair tied up and her makeup a little messy, her strap-on tied tightly around her hips as she orders you to suck her dick. How the only thing that can make you cum alone anymore is the thought of looking up at her through your lashes and reminiscing of the feeling of her hand scratching your scalp as she praises you.
“Then you can have me, all of me.” The taller girl cooed before her fingers find your pussy once more. She traces circles over it softly, knowing how much you enjoy the build up and how much it drives you crazy when you get needy and beg for more. Your hips jerk up, searching for more of her, needing all that she could give you. She complies, making herself comfortable between your thighs before she tilts her face forward and passionately begins making out with your pussy. Each gentle stroke of her tongue flickering over your bead makes you beg. Thighs wrap round her head like a spider caught in a web, but Emily is not the prey and you are not a spider. For as long as you’ll let her, she’ll eat you out until you cry for mercy. You belong to her.
Emily flattens her tongue and licks stripes up to your clit, swirling her tongue around it with every stripe, completely unfazed by the bucking of your hips up into her face. They crash and collide like waves in the ocean and you were desperately to ride that high, your orgasm approaching quicker and quicker. When it hits it’s a tsunami, the mental memories flash before your eyes when the fireworks go off inside your belly, rutting your hips into her lips begging for more whilst your hands tug at her hair and caresses the back of her hair as gentle as you could be.
“P-Please.. Em please.. Again… Need to so bad.” You choked on your own words, sobbing in pleasure as you clench your thighs around her. Her hands make their way to your waist, pushing her thumbs into the depths of your hipbones, forcibly restraining you with her strength. Looking up at you through her eyelashes and nodding her head, you let go.
Coming undone on her tongue like it’s what you were born to do. You groan and writhe on her bed, soaking into her sheets you feel paralysed in pleasure. And she just won’t. Let. Up. She knew your maximum was two, you were never able to reach a third peak, by the end of your second orgasm, especially with Emily, you were exhausted.
Prentiss sucks on your clit through your orgasm, pushing your limits to see if she could get another one out of you. Over sensitive and now over tired you lay back, defeated. Letting her toy with you, using you as her very own sex you, you feel it. That familiar, wobbly feeling deep inside. You shriek, “N-No more, it’s too much.” Your demands fall on her deaf ears, lapping over your heat and suckling on your clit harshly.
Lightening strikes inside you again as you orgasm a third time. Convulsing, arching your back high off of the mattress you practically scream out for her. “Oh fuck Em! Yes! Right there!” With each word your pitch gets higher and squeakier, your thighs go limp underneath you and shaking through the after-shocks. You look down at the wet patch you’ve made on Em’s bed sheets, peeking through your squinted eyes, you examine her. Her lips now plump and swollen but still oh-so kissable, pussy drunk on the mix of her own saliva and your juices. Pulling her in for a gentle, you taste yourself on her breath.
Still blissed out, you fall back onto the mattress beside her. Her arm sneaking around your shoulder, pulling you close to her chest and letting your face rest on her breasts. Giggling softly with your noses rubbing against each others, all because you called her breasts your pillows. Taking turns being the little spoon to each other because how can you not want to hold her after she’s given you everything. Emily flutters her eyelashes against your cheek, butterfly kisses under the moon light with her would bring world peace, you thought silently.
You slip your hand into hers once more, interlocking your fingers and turning off the light. You sleep in her arms, her musky scent filling your nostrils and you just wish you could bottle it to keep forever. When you wake up, she’s gone.
A post-stick note on the bedside table reads, “Called into work early, I’ll be home around 6. Make yourself at home.” With a badly drawn love heart underneath the emergency contact number, you smile. This time, you’re not her’s for one night.
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moonlitdesertdreams · 4 months
Skip the small talk
Request: None A/N: Again, I just want to thank everyone for supporting my stories and liking/commenting/reblogging/etc. It means the world to have such great reception to these one-shots. So please, enjoy this lil' story about the reader being a badass :) Tags: Fallout, Cooper Howard, Cooper Howard x F!Reader, Cooper Howard x You, Ghoul x Reader WARNINGS: Canon-Typical language and violence, drug use, decapitation Summary: You really weren't looking for trouble. All you wanted was something to eat, but of course things go awry. This is the Wasteland, after all.
Word Count: 2.6k+
(Gif Credit to @acecroft)
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Thunder booms across the Wasteland, combining with the sound of heavy rain on metal rooftops. 
It continues in tandem with its partner Lighting, who illuminates the hazy green poison that hangs low in the air tonight. The storm has been raging for hours, and doesn’t seem to be on the verge of letting up anytime soon. 
After hours of tossing and listening to the howl of the storm, you decide to give up on sleep for the moment. The inn room you’d acquired is small but cozy, lit only by a couple candles that burn bright orange on the side table. You untangle yourself from Cooper where he lies half-naked beside you, scarred skin on display while in the security of your arms. As per usual, he crankily grumbles curses at you for causing a disturbance, but there’s no malice behind the words. His eyes blink open and lock on to you, immediately more alert at the prospect of you venturing away. 
“What’re y’doin’?” His question is thick with sleep, forced through the haze by this codependency you’ve developed on each other. 
You’re sitting on the edge of the bed, and reach a hand back to brush his arm gently. “Thunder’s keeping me up. I’m gonna go see if the saloon downstairs has anything in the way of food.”
Cooper opens his mouth to respond, but a cough cuts him off. You pluck his inhaler from the nightstand and press it into his waiting hand. The cough wasn’t unusual, but you’d been traveling for days on end in search of a bounty and knew Cooper was putting on a facade of toughness. Everyone needed rest, and The Ghoul just didn’t know when to admit it. 
“Go back to sleep.” You murmur, “I’ll only be a minute.”
He relents, but points a finger in your direction. “Fine. But they got anythin’ good, you bring me some back too, huh?”
You snatch the hand out of the air and press a kiss to his palm. “Yeah, yeah. Go to sleep.”
And since the Wasteland’s most fearsome bounty hunter would rather live through ten more atomic bombs than not have the last word, he scoffs. 
“Bossy fuckin’ woman.”
You giggle at Cooper’s tough love as you tug thick tights and a long gray jacket onto your body. Out of pure habit, you look around for a weapon. Yours are stashed on the other side of the bed, but Cooper’s shotgun is propped against the wall by the door. You opt to grab it, slinging the gun onto your shoulder and making sure the strap is secure before cracking open the door. 
The old clock hanging in the hall reads one thirty in the morning, but the sounds from the saloon downstairs continue as normal. Perhaps a bit more toned down than the daytime, but voices still mingle and dance together up the stairs. You trail after them, patting your pockets to ensure there’s enough caps to pay for a hot meal. Cooper’s half-canister of Jet and the wrinkled bounty poster sure ain’t going to pay for anything.
Eyes flicker towards you as you step onto the main floor, but they return back to their own tables soon enough. Everyone’s clad in raincoats or hats, outfitted for the weather. The town was a central point for a few settlements which popped up around it, and a major trade destination. The frequency of armed caravan guards passing through proved to be a rather decent deterrent for the unpleasant types, and most people had been nice to the point of frightening. 
At the bar, you pull out a rusty stool and settle onto it. All the other patrons but one are at tables closer to the door. The same man who’d rented the room to Cooper and yourself is down the bar chatting. 
“No surprise there. They’ve got some questionable folks runnin’ cargo these days.” The bartender is saying. He drops his hands on the bar. “But they take what they can get.”
The other man at the bar is older, just like the bartender. Dressed in dirty clothes, hood up with heavy gloves next to him, you figure he might be a lead farmer. You give a brief nod his way before focusing back on the bartender as he slides over. 
“What can I do for you, ma’am?” For someone out in the Wasteland, his face is kind. Weathered and probably suffering from radiation poisoning like the rest of you, but kind nonetheless. 
“Got anything hot to eat back there?” You ask, but think better of it. “Or anything to eat?”
“You’re in luck. One of the trade caravans left us with an old brahmin yesterday. Fresh brahmin steak if it tickles your fancy?”
You toss the caps onto the bar. “Sign me up.”
He busies himself at the cooking station for a few minutes, and eventually delivers a steaming steak in front of you. He checks on the other bar-goer and floats back over to you after a few minutes. 
“So, I have to ask.” He starts, “You came in here with that ghoul, yeah?”
You pause, mouth full and one hand instinctively freeing itself for a weapon if necessary. He must have caught onto your bristling, as he holds both hands up in a placating gesture.
“I’m sorry. It’s nothin’ bad, I was just curious. We don’t get a lot of ghouls around here, let alone people traveling with them.”
Hell, there was no need for him to tell you that. Cooper and yourself brought stares everywhere you went, discounting the cities you frequented that knew you both by reputation. You’d been called every name in the book in small communities like this, from chem-head, to ghoul-fucker and anything people could come up with.
“Yeah, we travel together. Easier to stay alive and make money when there’s two of us.” You saw off another piece of steak. 
“Bounty hunters, then?”
You shrug. “Sometimes. We do whatever needs doing most of the time. If the price is right.”
If Cooper was next to you, he’d be spewing threats of dismemberment and cutting out tongues for all the questions, but you didn’t mind. It was nice meeting someone who wasn’t immediately training crosshairs on your body. 
“Fair enough. I’m Clint, if you need anything.” The bartender wipes his hands with a rag and moves about his way, readjusting liquor bottles and carrying beers out to tables that are hollering for them. 
You finish your steak and gulp down the water Clint had set in front of you at some point. It washes away the gamey taste of mutated beef. You wait for him to return, as you were sure that fresh brahmin steak qualified as ‘anything good’ in Cooper’s eyes. 
“This seat taken?” 
You barely glance over your shoulder at the question, but give a half-hearted shrug. There was a whole bar and whoever this idiot is wants to sit next to you?
The stool scrapes against the uneven wood floor, and you look over at the man that’s sat himself beside you. He’s younger than you expected, but vaguely familiar as if you’ve passed by him before. Brown hair slicked back close to his skull and shaved on the sides,  and a distinct pale discoloration on his chin. There’s a valiant attempt at beard growth but it’s patchy at best. 
You stare for just a moment before returning to the drops of water left in your dirty cup. 
“Now, I can see you’re not from around here.” His tone is boyish, almost conceited. 
Narrowly resisting an eyeroll, you set your cup back down. “Aren’t you just a right scholar?”
“I know a few things.” He waves his hand at Clint as he returns, and a beer is set in front of him moments later. “I know that you rode into town tonight, looking for a bounty.”
Lightning illuminates all of the cracks in the building. Thunder rolls. 
It takes a moment, but hits you as a smile is breaking out across the man’s face. You hadn’t passed by him before or traded. Your hand ghosts over the folded-up bounty poster in the pocket of your coat. 
“Name’s Spade, by the way.” 
Fuck. You’d never forget the name of a bounty. Especially the one set to inherit an entire Gunner outfit that had been threatening caravans for miles in every direction. 
“Spade, huh? Named after a shovel?” You prod. “No wonder you ain’t good at making friends.”
Spade calmly sips on his beer. “Neither are you, I hear. Though that might be due to your choice in company.”
Turning your head all the way towards him, you entertain the banter. Trying to avoid the subject of having a partner. You didn’t doubt if the shooting started that Cooper would come running down the stairs, but surprise is always an advantage. 
“Yeah, I’m starting to question it myself.” 
“I heard you were funny.” Spade chuckles, and withdraws a bulky device from underneath his coat. It crackles and pops like a geiger counter. “But I know you didn’t come here alone.”
You listen to the device pop, but don’t recognize it. 
“Say, how much Rad-Away do you go through? Traveling, eating, sleeping and whatever else with The Ghoul must really fuck with your health. His radiation signature is all over you.” Spade tucks the device away. 
“Don’t worry, I wear lead-lined panties.” You pat your thighs and stand. “And I don’t have time for this.”
Just as you make it to your feet, you notice the rest of the patrons do the same. They all shrug off their raincoats and reveal standard Gunner clothing, and you pause. Betraying nothing, you simply stare. Counting eleven opponents including Spade. Too busy thinking about how you grabbed Cooper’s shotgun and no extra ammo because you’re apparently a fool. The one combat knife in your boot is a viable choice, but tough to handle so many. You note Clint’s swift exit out the back door of the establishment.
“All this firepower for me?” 
Spade follows suit, and stands. He towers over you. 
“Don’t play dumb. I know they want me dead, and I’m not keen on letting that happen.”
You nod. “Understandable.”
And it’s then one of his men gets twitchy, and you’re diving behind the bar at the cocking of a gun. 
Spade hollers something at the men that sound suspiciously like “kill her”, but the thunder drowns him out. You press your back up against the bar for cover, and whip the shotgun into your grip. You feel at the knife in your boot, and brush past the Jet in your pocket. 
“Fuck it.” 
You draw out the inhalant and put it between your lips. Bracing for the adrenaline rush, you squeeze the Chems into your mouth. Not much of a frequent user, you resist the urge to cough and waste the effects. 
In just a few seconds, the world around you feels as if it’s moving in slow motion. You leap up from behind the bar, aiming and popping off the two rounds you have into the groupies that Spade brought along. One slug crashes through two of them while the other blows another’s head to pieces. 
Three down, eight to go. 
You sling the gun back over your shoulder and draw the knife. In your peripheral, you notice Spade reaching for his waistband. On pure instinct, you whip the knife in his direction. It finds his mark in his right eye, and he goes to the ground wailing. Just as the Jet begins to wear thin, you hop over the bar towards the crowd. 
“Fuck her up!”
You bend down near Spade’s writing frame, and rip the knife out of his eye socket with a wet squelch. Leaving him for last, you twirl the knife around and beckon at his cronies. 
You lunge towards the closest, thrusting the knife at his throat. He catches your wrist and twists it away, but you’re quick to jam your elbow upwards into his chin. It stuns him just enough that you can stab the knife into his guts and rip sideways. Entrails spill, and you reach through them to grab the pipe pistol at his hip. 
The next few go down via bullet, and you’re eventually left with only Spade alive. He’s clawed his way to his feet as you finished off his gang, and now has an automatic pistol pointed at your head. It wavers dangerously, as he’s half-blind and still spurting blood from the wounded eye socket.
You drop the pistol that’s been occupying your right hand and hold up the knife. 
“Wanna get reacquainted?” 
Spade bares his teeth at you. “And here we brought all the guns for The Ghoul.”
A shrug. “I’m sort of offended that I was underestimated.”
“I’ll make a note of it.” 
Spade pulls the trigger as soon as you duck. His intentions were given away by the fractional squint of his good eye, struggling to aim properly. You charge towards him beneath the rounds, colliding with his knees. The bullets fly upwards, blasting holes in a narrow column up the wall. It sends splinters flying near the staircase. 
About fucking time Cooper decided to show up.
You straddle Spade’s body and knock the pistol away. One boot keeps his wrist pinned down, and you bring the knife to his neck. 
“Next time,” You growl, tracing the blade along his Adam’s Apple, “Skip the small talk.”
Blood sprays as you apply pressure, puncturing through his carotid. You drag the knife to the side, leaning away to avoid the spray as best as possible. Until he stops twitching, you keep him pinned to the ground. 
“Well goddamn baby, next time invite me to the party.” The Ghoul, as Spade had referred to him, swaggers over to you.  His honey-soaked eyes survey the carnage. “I thought you was gettin’ something to eat, not takin’ out our bounty so soon.”
You wipe your bloody hands on Spade’s coat and huff indignantly. “And I thought your old ass would move faster when you heard gunshots.”
Cooper holds out a gloved hand to help you up. “Thunder blocked out the sound.”
“Excuses, excuses.” You grumble, allowing him to pull you up. 
The world spins, thanks to the adrenaline fading and Jet withdrawals. You stagger into Cooper, and he grips your arm. 
“You ain’t shot, are ya? Left the stimpaks upstairs.”
You shake your head and let him steer you onto a barstool. “Nah. Jet.”
Cooper whoops. “My girl! Well shouldn’t we just be celebratin’ this momentous occasion.”
“Fuck you. I’m not doing anything but going back to bed.” You press your forehead into his chest. “Fuckin’ Chems.”
The Ghoul chuckles and uses two fingers to hold and lift your chin. He kisses your lips, already dry from licking at them. You hold the lapels of his coat to keep upright and only pull away when another pang of dizziness wracks you. 
He steps away for a moment, and gets to work removing Spade’s head from his body to return for the money. 
“Damn.” You rub your temples. “How the hell do you use that shit all the time?”
“Years of practice.” Cooper hums, and finds a burlap sack behind the bar to package the head. “Sure worked good for you, huh?”
You hop from the stool, using the bar as a crutch to stay upright. “Uh huh, right up until it didn’t. Now I wanna go to bed. Desperately.”
“Fine, fine.” Cooper relents, bloody sack in hand. He follows you to the stairs, free hand ghosting over your hip. 
The Ghoul hovers behind as if you’re going to start cartwheeling back down, and herds you back into the rented room. You strip and crawl back in bed, hiding away from the cool air beneath the blanket. Cooper takes his time, but eventually blesses you with his body heat. You cozy up, letting it burn away the symptoms of Jet withdrawals.
“Did you ever get somethin’ to eat?”
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thanks for reading, much love ❤
Read More: Fallout Masterlist
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