hi harlow! i just wanna say 1st im soo glad ur back i love ur writing and im so excited for season 3 of seven!! but i just wanted to let u know that it looks like another writer on here is using your blog ur banners and parts of ur theme. idk if you make them urself or what the case is.. i dont wanna put their user here and cause drama but i just wanted to lyk and i can send their user privately if u want LOVE U💛💛
hi love! and tysm!! and I'm pretty sure I know what blog you're talking about lmao😭 I planned on messaging them about it but I'm still trying to figure out whether it's something that's actually even bothering me or not.
truthfully, as long as my actually fics aren't being stolen or copied or whatever, I don't even think there is much I can do...
I will say that even though the specific banners are just images that I sized and put a PicsArt sticker on, I still would've appreciated the specific author asking me because I did make it myself and I made it specifically for the SVN series, so seeing it somewhere else on a random afternoon was..odd. but I don't think any harm was meant by it at all!
EDIT: The person apologized. They didn't know and it's honestly never that serious. Plus, they were super sweet, just confused!
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I SWEAR I just had my pants on
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Rafe Cameron x Reader
Summary: Who knew that asking your boyfriend's best friend for help with your sex life would make your boyfriend very angry...
warnings: DUB-CON, slightly toxic relationship, Rafe is mean but what else is new, dumb!reader, bimbo!reader, kook!reader
➥ banner by @vase-of-lilies
Rafe’s groans were loud above you—as they always were—and while his satisfaction made you feel good about yourself and your efforts, the tight grip he had on your hair reminded you of your shame. Truthfully, you didn’t think you had done anything shameful—you were only trying to do something nice for your boyfriend—but as Rafe had stared you down with that deep frown on his face and the slight curl of his upper lip…
You realized very quickly that you had done something very wrong.
Rafe slightly lifted his hips off of his bed, forcing the length of his cock further past your lips. All of the saliva on his length made the intrusion smooth and easy, but it also made you feel a tad gross, but you recalled what Topper had said.
“Blowjobs are…dirty work,” he’d said while rubbing the back of his head. “The messier it is, the better.”
He’d shrugged at you, and despite the way those words made you frown, you believed him. Not only was he a guy, but he was Rafe’s best friend, and so he had to know what he liked. That was what drove you to seek out Topper for help to begin with. That and the fact that Sarah had given you a firm no when you’d initially gone to her. Something about feeling weird giving you sex advice all the while knowing it was going to be used on her brother.
“It never hurts to…spit on it,” the younger blond had advised.
Sex was already wet and sweaty and involved swapping bodily fluids, but something about spit just never…settled with you. With that being said, you took his advice and did just that, pulling your lips off of Rafe’s cock for only a moment to spit on the tip. When Rafe cursed from above you, you knew that you did something right, but it seemed that it clicked for him on how you knew to do that, and he was shoving himself back into your mouth again.
“Did Topper teach you that? Huh?” he sneered from above you, lifting his hips over and over again to drive himself between your swollen lips.
It brought tears to your eyes, not because it hurt, but because it became clear early on that this was just as much a gift for Rafe as it was a punishment for you. The sound of your mouth swallowing him repeatedly was loud in the otherwise quiet room, only accompanied by the blond’s uneven breathing. Your nose almost touched Rafe’s stomach, and you made a noise deep in your throat.
Your boyfriend heard it.
“I should make you gag on it, you know that?” he breathed. “I should break that pretty little jaw.”
His hand guided your head over him, rhythmically bobbing your head over his lap, and when you stole a peek, your tearful gaze met Rafe’s even one. As your eyes met, you felt…torn. Rafe looked so pretty with his cock in your mouth. Those blue eyes the most expressive you’ve ever seen them, his pink lips parted, and his dirty blonde hair with a mind of its own. You really, really liked him seeing like this, but…
Those blue eyes weren’t just dripping with desire for his sweet girlfriend. Rafe was also angry—pissed—and although you struggled to grasp why at first, you were slowly beginning to understand. Rafe had a habit of losing his cool if some guy even so much as looked at you the wrong way, but even still, Topper was his best friend and you were his girlfriend. You were two people he trusted the most, and that was why you’d had no hesitation in being honest with him.
“...and what were you doing at Topper’s?” was what he’d asked you less than thirty minutes ago.
When he’d asked you about your day, it had sort of slipped out without you even realizing it, and your lips had parted at the realization you’d ruined the surprise. A frown had formed between your brows, and you’d struggled to come up with a lie, pulling your lip between your teeth.
“He was helping me with something.”
It wasn’t a lie, but it was too vague of an answer for Rafe’s liking, and your boyfriend had stepped closer, his face pinched as he looked between your eyes.
“What was Topper helping you with that I couldn’t help you with?”
Your lips had opened and closed, struggling with what to say to him.
“It’s a surprise,” you’d said to him in a small voice.
You’d given him a small smile, but Rafe hadn’t returned it, and that was the first inkling you felt that something was wrong. Rafe’s house was empty—his entire family out—and he’d moved closer to you, tilting his head.
“...and have you ever known me to like surprises?”
You’d thought about it for a few moments before eventually shaking your head, shoulders sagging a bit.
“No…but you will like this one,” you’d answered, perking up with a smile and gently tugging on his shirt.
Again, Rafe hadn’t returned it, and you’d started to think that he wouldn’t like your surprise, after all, but he was a guy, and Sarah said that all guys loved getting their dicks sucked. Besides, it was among the many things you’d come across on Rafe’s laptop one day, links and videos full of people—women—doing things that you’d never done with him, things he’d never even brought up with you.
While it wasn’t like you thought he’d leave you over whatever you didn’t do for him, it still left a bad taste in your mouth. Sure, Rafe told you all the time that he loved what he loved about you and that he’d kill for you—something that made you a tad uncomfortable actually—but there was something about knowing Rafe desired much more than you were actively giving to him.
Did he not think you’d want to? Or that maybe you weren’t capable?
“Well, where is this surprise that you had to go to my best friend for?” he wondered, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Here?” you’d wondered, to which he nodded. “Now?”
Again, Rafe nodded, face stony, and you gave him a soft okay.
It was clear that he hadn’t been expecting you to kiss him, gently pressing your lips to his before parting them. As you coaxed his tongue out of his mouth, you reached for his folded arms, slowly pulling them apart before letting your hands drift to the waistband of his pants. At that, Rafe stopped you, and you pulled back slightly with a frown.
You were in the kitchen, but it wouldn’t be the first time you and Rafe did stuff in some place other than a bedroom, so you didn’t think that was why he stopped you. You found out that you were right.
When your eyes met Rafe’s, he was frowning at you with a different kind of frown now, and he slowly looked between your eyes as he studied your face. Excitement buzzed through your body as he just looked at you, but when his hands tightened on your wrists, your brow twitched, and you blinked.
“I don’t care about the surprise anymore—fuck the surprise, actually. What exactly did you and Topper do this afternoon?”
His tone and his voice had you shrinking in on yourself, and this was the moment that you realized Rafe was mad. Your lips parted as he stared down his nose at you, and when his hold grew tighter, you winced.
“I… I wanted to learn how to give you a good blowjob.”
It was the first time you were sure you’d ever seen Rafe just…freeze. The kitchen grew completely silent, and the air between you felt oddly off. Your boyfriend just stared at you for what felt like a long time, and for a moment, you started to wonder if he’d even heard you. Like you, he started to open and close his mouth a few times before eventually deciding on just snapping it shut. You watched Rafe’s jaw clench, and when he swiped his tongue between his lips, his chest was brushing yours.
“Topper…taught you…how to give a good blowjob.”
He said the words slowly, and you nodded in confirmation of the statement.
“I know that’s what you like, and-.”
“So, you gave Topper a blowjob?”
The word came out so loud that it startled you, but Rafe’s question had startled you even more. Your eyes were wide as you looked at him, and as his own words hung in the air, you realized the cause for his sour mood. The thought actually made you chuckle, because Topper had been terrified of the same thing when you first went to him.
“We didn’t do anything that you and I would do,” you sweetly told him. “He just told me and showed me what to do.”
It was practically the same words you’d said to Topper when he also misunderstood you, but oddly enough, it hadn’t seemed to calm him down. He’d still been jittery and nervous, forcing you to basically beg him for his help. Even weirder, the clarification didn’t seem to calm Rafe down either, and you watched him press his tongue to the inside of his cheek.
His gaze briefly landed on the ceiling as he nodded.
“He just…told you and showed you what to do,” Rafe repeated, and you’d been dating him long enough to notice certain patterns with his tone.
You felt yourself shrinking a bit—deflating—and tears had kissed your eyes.
“I feel like you’re mad.”
Rafe had let out a laugh, but you struggled to find the humor in the situation. When your boyfriend looked at you again, he was stepping towards you, forcing you back. He was shaking his head at you—in that way that didn’t make you feel good—and you were suddenly reminded of the times when he wasn’t so nice to you and even made you cry.
“I know…I know that it takes you a little bit longer than everyone else to catch up sometimes,” he whispered, letting your hand go to gently take your chin between his fingers. “I know that.”
You struggled to piece together what he meant by that, and when you finally did, he was already insulting you again.
“...but you went to another man to help you learn how to go down, and you’re wondering if I’m mad?”
Rafe just stared at you, brows raised, and you slowly realized that he was expecting you to say something. With the knowledge that he initially thought you cheated on him, you were starting to see how Rafe might not see this from your eyes. Both Sarah and Rafe had repeatedly told you that everyone didn’t think like you did, but you hadn’t cheated on Rafe, so you were really struggling to understand his anger, right now.
You’d done it for him.
“I just wanted to make you happy,” you’d whispered.
At those words, you watched as Rafe’s eyes glazed over, and he stared you down with a look you couldn’t place. You watched the corner of his lips curve upwards ever so slightly, and when he let you go, the blood rushed through your arm again. Your boyfriend took a step back before raising his arm in a gesture towards the stairs.
“Well, let’s go…”
You’d straightened at the shift in his demeanor.
“Show me what he taught you, and make me happy.”
That was how you found yourself on your knees with Rafe’s cock in your mouth, and his hand on your head. He was rough, but you’d expected it because Rafe often was. However, you also accepted that there was an added layer to that because he was pissed off. You’d genuinely gone to Topper for help and to do something for your boyfriend in return for all he’d done for you.
Yes, Rafe could be mean sometimes, but he always told you he was sorry and made up for it by putting a gift in your hand. He wasn’t perfect, no, but neither were you. You knew how imperfect you were, how frustrating you could be—something your parents had never failed to be honest with you about—and so you didn’t expect from him what even you yourself didn’t live up to.
Besides, Rafe was always looking out for you—at parties, at the mall, and even in your own home when you had another near miss. He was always buying you any dress you wanted, and he was more sweet than he was mean. At least, you thought so. He often ran you baths and detangled your hair and helped you pick out what blush or lipgloss to put on. He enjoyed dressing you up, and you enjoyed letting him.
Your life just seemed to flow so much easier and smoother since you started dating Rafe.
…and you’d always known you weren’t the brightest person in the room, so whenever Rafe expressed his frustration with that, you tried not to let it get to you. This time was different though. This time you’d gone out of your way to try and do something nice for him, to try and be a better girlfriend to make him happy…and he wasn’t happy.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Rafe snapped when you pulled away, letting him fall out of your mouth.
He sat up and looked down at you as you knelt on the floor, arms crossed over your chest. With one look into your eyes, your boyfriend huffed, and you bit your lip in an attempt to keep it from trembling.
“You’re being mean,” you tearfully told him.
“No shit,” he bit out, reaching for you, but you reared back.
“I just wanted to do something nice for you!”
“By going to my best friend and asking him to teach you how to suck my dick, are you crazy?”
“How else was I supposed to surprise you, Rafe? Was I supposed to take notes from all of those videos on your computer?”
A silence descended over you, and you avoided his gaze. You could feel him staring at you, and you continued to look at the wall behind him.
“Is that what this is about?” he eventually sighed.
“You like it, otherwise you wouldn’t watch it. Any of it…”
A blowjob seemed the easiest barrier to cross, but you had worried yourself a bit on how you’d ever hype yourself up into doing any of that other stuff. You’d told yourself one step at a time, but who knew that what you thought would be the easiest would cause all of this. You angrily wiped away a stray tear.
“Come here…come here,” Rafe repeated himself when you didn’t budge, reaching for you and pulling you between his knees again.
He took your face into his hands and forced you to look at him. Rafe didn’t look as angry, now, eyes softer, and he brushed his thumb along your mouth.
“If I wanted to do everything I watched then we’d be in trouble.”
He chuckled to himself, but you didn’t laugh.
“Then why watch it?” you whispered, and your boyfriend rolled his eyes.
“It’s like putting on a football game.”
“Rafe, I saw some woman getting fucked by three men at once. No way you’re comparing that to football…”
“I’m just saying…” he started, leaning in and kissing you. “It’s not a big deal and especially not enough to where you need to go running to Topper for help on our sex life.”
His hand found it’s way to your throat.
“You want to know how to make me happy then you come to me,” he lowly said against your lips. “That’ll make me happier than any surprise, you understand?”
You nodded at that, and his hand moved to your hair again as he leaned back.
“Now spit on it, baby, just like you did before.”
You did, and soon after, Rafe was in your mouth again.
His hips wouldn’t stay still as you sucked in your cheeks around him, a sound leaving your boyfriend that you were sure you’d never even heard before. The groans that left him were animalistic, and you were shocked by how much it turned you on. You didn’t think that focusing on pleasuring Rafe would be so exciting, but it filled you with something that made you feel proud.
“Use your hand,” you heard him breathe.
You recalled Topper mentioning that, and you brought your hand up to wrap around what your lips couldn’t. Rafe lifted his hips again, one hand on your hair and the other on your wrist. When he softly told you to bring up your other hand, you didn’t quite understand why until he took it and placed it under his shaft. You played with him there, and Rafe’s satisfied moan reached your ears.
You bobbed your head over him for a while, taking in the taste of him and every sound he made. He sucked air through his teeth when you flattened your tongue against his cock, dragging it along him as you continued to suck him. All the while, you progressively grew wetter and wetter, enough to almost make you feel embarrassed. When Rafe started to sit up—albeit with difficulty—confusion filled you. It only grew when he pulled you off of him, completely standing now.
He looked down at you and you looked up at him as he rested his hands on the sides of your head.
“Open your mouth for me,” he purred. “Keep it open just like that.”
On instinct, you reached out to grip the back of his thighs as he began to thrust himself into your mouth. Something about it turned you on even more, and you didn’t know why. Maybe it was the look in his eyes? You could certainly see them better from this angle, and the blue of them looked so much darker to you as Rafe watched his cock disappear into your mouth.
Maybe it was the way you could see his chest heaving, quickly rising and falling as he struggled to breathe from how you were making him feel. His button down was open, and your eyes took in the slight glisten on his chest from the sweat. Your eyes traced his skin in the low light and then eventually his hair and how it hung along his forehead, kissing the skin there.
Or maybe…just maybe…you liked the feeling of Rafe using you.
You were completely still as he fucked your mouth, keeping your lips parted and your tongue flat for him. You liked being on your knees and letting Rafe use you as a means to an end, letting him use you to chase his high that would no doubt end in him spilling himself down your throat. You could tell that Rafe liked it too, your boyfriend not taking his eyes off of you once.
The choked gasps and groans from his mouth got louder and louder, and even if he wasn’t holding your head in place, you were sure you would’ve still remained there to let him come in your mouth, ropes of warmth hitting the back of your throat and tongue as he continued to fuck your mouth through his orgasm.
Rafe stroked your cheeks as he came, his breathing slowly becoming even again, and when he moved your head, you slid your lips along his cock one last time, tongue sliding against his length and swallowing anything left behind.
“Good girl,” you heard him murmur from above you.
When Rafe bent down to kiss you, you lifted yourself a bit to help him, smiling against his lips. His hand twisted into the hair at the nape of your neck, and you moaned into the kiss.
“You were just trying to be a good girlfriend, huh,” he whispered into your mouth.
You frantically nodded at that, happy that he wasn’t mad at you anymore.
“I guess I can’t fault you for that,” he hummed. “...but I’m still going to have to kick Topper’s ass.”
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The House Always Wins | Part 1
PAIRING ‧₊˚ jj maybank x fem!reader
CHAPTER WARNING(S)‧₊˚ swearing, invasions of privacy
A/N‧₊˚ lmk how y'all feel about this first chapter, this series was planned out super quick so there may be some errors and the plot may be obvious lmao but i just thought it was fun and something to post in between SVN chapters (new one coming 3/3!!)
˗ˏˋ series masterlist ˎˊ˗ | next part >
#jj maybank x reader#THAW#jj maybank#jj maybank imagine#obx jj#jj maybank x you#jj mayback x reader#jj mayback imagine#jj maybank x y/n#jj maybank x fem!reader#jj maybank x kook!reader#jj maybank x pogue!reader#social media au#smau#jj maybank smau
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was re-reading SVN to finally go back & fix the grammatical errors and saw this🧍🏾♀️.
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This is just a small smau to keep y'all here while I write SVN. The last Poguelandia chapter should be out within the next few days, possibly even sometime tomorrow if I feel like proofreading. Season 3 is fully planned out, so things should work their way out quicker and after this semester is done I will be all yours xx
The House Always Wins
OBX GossipGirl!SMAU | JJ!Maybank x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS‧₊˚ Seven months away saved you from the public eye of Kildare Island. But when summer's over and school is back in session, the island's gossip blog makes it their mission to find exactly why you and up and left.
WARNING(S)‧₊˚ STORY SPOILERS (more detailed warnings for each individual chapter), swearing, unestablished relationship, cheating/infidelity, domestic violence, abusive relationship, toxic relationship, several OC characters, pregnancy/pregnancy complications

PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | More soon...
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The House Always Wins
OBX GossipGirl!SMAU | JJ!Maybank x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS‧₊˚ Seven months away saved you from the public eye of Kildare Island. But when summer's over and school is back in session, the island's gossip blog makes it their mission to find exactly why you and up and left.
WARNING(S)‧₊˚ STORY SPOILERS (more detailed warnings for each individual chapter), swearing, unestablished relationship, cheating/infidelity, domestic violence, abusive relationship, toxic relationship, several OC characters, pregnancy/pregnancy complications

PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | More soon...
#THAW#jj maybank x reader#social media au#obx jj x reader#jj maybank#obx jj#jj maybank smut#jj maybank x you#jj maybank imagine#jj maybank fluff#jj maybank x y/n#jj maybank x fem!reader
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Hey do you know when the next chapter of svn will be out? No rush I was just curious 🫶
Within the next few days! I've been working on a small SMAU to keep y'all occupied in between chapters, so this one took a little longer xx
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Y’all ever be adding smut into your fics cause you know it’ll perform better?…Just me?
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i was just listening to your power by billie eilish and it reminds me sm of TR’s past with rafe since she was only 15 💔💔. i desprately need more blurbs of their past.
also yall can request blurbs for svn🫢
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Helloo, I love your seven rewrite, and I was wondering if I could be added to the tag list?
of course love! taglist form is in the pinned post for future reference 💕
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Kiara wouldn’t mind being in love with a girl if it didn’t mean being in love with TR. TR wouldn’t mind being in love with Kiara if it didn’t mean being in love with a girl.
Why did you word this is a way that broke my heart and I wrote the damn story😭
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Rafe & TR's First Time
swearing, mentions of death, mentions of child abandonment, loss of virginity, smut, age gap (TR is about 15 & Rafe is recently turned 19)

YOU SHOT AWAKE IN A COLD SWEAT, the fuzzy blanket Sarah had given you to sleep on her floor not doing much for you. Your heart pounded and rattled in your chest as you held a weary hand against the left side of it, feeling the organ calm under your palm. Looking around the room, you found Kie’s sleeping figure on the floor, curled up peacefully on the floor next to you before letting your eyes drift to find Sarah on her bed facing away from the two of you, her blanket pulled up to her neck.
It’d been a couple months since your dad died and they’d found his body on the beach — the gory details of seeing his dead body that day only serving as nightmare fuel for your brain. Maybe you should’ve listened to the officers on scene and stayed behind the tape.
Every night, the same slurry of horrifying images graced the back of your eyelids, never failing to scare you awake between the hours of three and six AM. If you were lucky, it was at three — still leaving you enough time to at least try and go back to sleep.
And no matter how often this had been happening, your level of fear remained all the same. You still woke up feeling like you had just died and came back to life.
Looking at the digital clock beaming on Sarah’s nightstand, the time read 3:00 AM on the dot. You sighed exhaustedly, letting your head roll on your shoulders as you quietly pushed the blanket down to your ankles and stood quietly in the expanse of the large bedroom. The house was full but everyone was asleep and you’d feel terrible to disturb them.
You figured getting a glass of water might ease your nerves at the very least. So, tiptoeing towards the bedroom door, you turned the knob slowly and carefully, slowly opening the door and cringing when it made a small creaking noise. You managed to open it enough to squeeze through, shutting it behind you but leaving a small crack in order to re-enter much quieter.
The soft light outside the large window illuminated the empty hallway, allowing you enough light to see and make your way down the steps. You went slowly, taking featherlight steps down each stair until you reached the bottom before weaving through furniture to make it to the kitchen.
When you did so, you squinted your eyes as your fingers touched the light switch, preparing to be met with a blinding beam of light against your tired eyes. When you flipped the switch, a groan rang out, startling you.
“Gah-jesus!” The voice rasped. “Turn the damn light off...”
“Sorry! Sorry….” You said, tone hushed but frantic. Peering your eyes open, they landed on Rafe who was leaning on the kitchen counter — shirtless and in a pair of blue sweatpants, tips of hair swinging over the steaming mug in his hands as he let his head hang down. “I didn’t think anyone else was awake.”
The boy turned his head, his piercing eyes landing on you. They seemed to stare you down before softening, the boy letting out a tired sigh. “No, it’s fine. I thought it was Wheezie or Sarah, I didn’t mean to curse at you.” He apologized, voice heavy with sleep as he turned his head back to the mug in front of him. “Why are you awake?”
“Couldn’t sleep.” You said simply. During your friendship with Sarah and these frequent sleepovers at Tannyhill, you hadn’t interacted with Rafe much. You saw him in passing and made awkward, prolonged eye contact on a few occasions but this is the first time he’s ever spoken directly to you. He was quite intimidating, you’d admit. Something in his eyes always looked troubled to you.
“...Sorry, if I scared you-”
“No, it’s my fault. I didn’t mean to disturb you.”
He simply dismissed you with a wave, standing to his full height and turning to face you, leaning against the counter. “You’re not.” He said simply, sipping on whatever hot liquid was sloshing around inside the ceramic dish. “...You apologize a lot.” He chuckled tiredly, swallowing down the beverage. A small smile edged its way onto his face when you almost apologized for apologizing.
You ended the conversation there, attempting to give the boy the space you’d assumed he come down here for. You grabbed a glass from the array of clean dishes beside the sink, going over to the fridge and filling up the glass, unbeknownst to Rafe’s curious eyes that were studying you.
“...Have I seen you somewhere?” He asked, causing you to turn and face him. You made a face at his question.
“Um, here, probably?” You replied lightheartedly. But the boy just shook his head, still deep in thought. Bringing a hand to caress his jaw as he continued thinking. As far as you knew, Rafe knew you simply as one of Sarah’s “annoying ass friends”.
“No, no…” He muttered. “Somewhere else. You look really familiar…” He pondered, eyes looking you up and down before something seemed to click. “You���re the girl whose dad killed himself.” He realized, his choice of words causing every ounce of courtesy in you to vanish. You huffed, turning away from him and removing the glass of water from the dispenser.
“Wow.” You said, mostly to yourself — scoffing and bringing the glass up to your lips. The chatter surrounding your dad’s case had died down as the days and weeks passed, but you figured nothing was ever truly forgotten. The media wasn’t allowed to release your name or picture considering you were a minor but it only took most people two seconds to connect the dots. The island was small.
You could see Rafe drop his head and shake it, coming closer to you.
“Sorry, that was really dick-ish.” He apologized, you looking at him in the corner of your eye. “I don’t always think before I say things, as my father would say.” You just hummed, tracing the rim of the glass with your finger, unmoving. “...I’m sorry about your old man. That must suck.”
You just scoffed. “You have no idea…” You trailed off, taking another sip of water.
“You can stop me if I’m getting too personal but…” The boy drawled, licking his lips before speaking again. “Did you see it coming?”
You just sighed heavily, turning to fully face the boy now, only just registering how much closer he’d gotten as you leaned against the fridge. “No, I didn’t.” You said bluntly, voice cracking with sleep. “And I still don’t believe it, either.”
“Believe what?”
“My dad didn’t kill himself. I don’t know what happened but it wasn’t that.” You said, shaking your head, glancing down at the floor for a brief moment. “Call it denial, you wouldn’t be the first. But…I knew my dad. He wouldn’t do that. Even if he wasn’t as happy as he seemed, that’s not the way he would choose to go. Ever.”
Rafe hummed, coming even closer and leaning on the fridge as well, leaving less than a foot of space between the two of you now. “Sometimes, you’ll never understand things. No matter how hard you try. And maybe he pretended to be happy for you. It’s not hard to pretend to be something you’re not.”
“You don’t get it.” You dismissed his statement. “I wouldn’t expect you to. But I knew my father. And I’m telling you that the police are wrong.” You stood firm, eyes welling with small tears at the topic of conversation. “He wouldn’t do that…”
“Hey, don’t cry.” Rafe cooed, setting down his mug and walking towards you and pulling you into an embrace as you set down your own glass of water. You never expected something from the Cameron boy — not with the way Sarah talked about him. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you cry.” He said softly, large hands rubbing your back as you sniffled into his chest. “I’ve been told to mind my manners. And that I’m a bit of dick…” He informed, mindlessly leading you out of the kitchen and to the nearby living room, guiding you to sit with him on the couch, still rubbing his hands up and down your frame.
You let out a small, watery chuckle at his words. “Yeah, I’ve heard…” You choked out, removing your head from his chest to look at him. The boy was already looking at you. “I just don’t know what to do. My dad dying…it ruined so much. My mom is acting like nothing happened, I can’t sleep at night…”
“I kind of dealt with the same thing after my mom left.” Rafe threw out, hand slung over the back of the large couch as he maintained eye contact with you. “I don’t…talk about her often. Or at all. Nobody in the damn house does. I don’t even think Wheezie knows what she looks like…” He trailed off, rubbing his free hand down his chin. “But it’s weird, y’know? Going to sleep with a mom and waking up without one. You don’t know what went wrong. You don’t know why.”
You just nodded, letting your eyes dry as he spoke. You’d never heard much about Sarah’s mom. She never talked about her, no one on the island knew much of her — she was like a ghost. A myth, almost.
“Still…” Rafe started, planting a hand mindlessly on your thigh — the action causing you to look between his hand and his face. “I’m sorry about your dad.”
“Yeah…” You breathed, eyes trailing the outline of his lips as you licked your own. “..Me too.” You whispered before abruptly crashing your lips against Rafe’s. The kiss was quick and fleeting, lasting no more than five seconds before you were pulling — jaw dropped and eyes wide.
“...I’m sorry.” You quickly apologized, fingers touching your lips. “I did not mean to do that.” You said, shaking your head.
“It’s okay.” Rafe tried to calm you, taking your hand into his.
“No, it’s not.” You told him. “This is, like, illegal. That kiss could put you in jail. Oh my-”
“It’s fine.” Rafe concluded, calming your worries. “...I didn’t mind.” The Cameron boy smirked before both of his hands gripped both sides of your waist, pulling you so close to the point you were nearly on his lap.
“Rafe…” You whispered, hands instinctively going to his shoulders. “This isn’t legal.” You tried, trying to ignore the pulsing in your bottom half.
“Who’s gonna tell?” He said, voice just as low and breathy as your own. “Hm? You gonna tell on me?” He asked, brushing a strand of hair behind his ear.
You just wanted to get out of this situation before you made any more bad decisions. “...Sarah’s my friend.”
Rafe just hummed. “Does this make you any less of her friend?” He inquired, lips next to your ear as one hand trailed the length of your thigh.
“...It makes me a bad one.”
“Mmm…you don’t strike me as a good girl, anyway.” He seduced, dragging you fully onto his lap and bucking his hips up underneath you.
You were all out of excuses and your resolve was slowly crumbling.
“Rafe…” You whined, pushing lightly on his shoulders. “You don’t even know my name.”
At this, the boy pulled his face from your neck where he was trailing the tip of his nose against the skin. “Then tell me.” He breathed, looking deeply into your eyes. “Tell me right now and I promise I’ll never forget it.” He spoke, hands moving to caress your ass.
You took a moment to think, but it clearly didn’t do much good as you found yourself leaning down, connecting your forehead with his own and whispering your name for only Rafe to hear. You didn’t miss the small smile that broke out on his face before he tilted his head upwards, connecting your lips with his.
The exchange was heated and frantic, but Rafe seemed to know exactly what to do to drive you crazy. You’d never felt this way with any guy and you could tell this night might go a lot further than you ever intended. You’d never touched that third base…with anyone.
Rafe’s hands were ever-wandering — your waist, your thighs, your face, your neck. Within five minutes, the boy had managed to canvas your entire frame with the tips of his fingers. And you were craving so much more.
It only amplified when his lips made contact with the skin of your neck — kissing, licking, grazing, biting. The moan you’d been holding back managed to slip its way out, the boy immediately pulling away and eyeing you, lips red and swollen with his hair tousled.
“You sensitive or somethin’?” He chuckled, swiping his thumb across your hot cheeks. “That was loud and you’re riding my thigh.” He pointed, raising a cocky eyebrow.
“...I’m a virgin.” You whispered to him, avoiding eye contact. “I’ve done stuff but…never the real thing.”
“Oh.” Rafe said, eyes going wide. “...Are you scared?” He pressed, index finger of his free hand trailing the hem of your waistband.
“Are you?” You countered. “Have you slept with a virgin before?”
The boy shook his head, pulling you in closer. “No, I haven’t.” He told you, licking his lips. “So, why don’t we both help each other check some things off our lists?”
“...A one time thing?” You asked, making sure.
“A one time thing.” Rafe nodded, standing up from the couch with you still on his lap, transitioning to carry you up the stairs.
“Where are we going?” You asked, legs and arms wrapped around the older boy.
“My room.” He grunted, reaching the top of the stairs and lightly pushing his door open with the tip of his toe. “Did you wanna fuck on the couch?” He joked, a deep chuckle reverberating from his chest.
“No, I guess not…” You mumbled, staring remorsefully at Sarah’s cracked door down the hall before Rafe dropped you on his bed, kicking his door shut behind him.
The boy grabbed your ankles, dragging you to the edge of the bed — leaving you splayed out. You didn’t say anything as the boy hooked his fingers into the waistband of your bottoms and underwear, dragging them down your legs and tossing them to the side, leaving you half exposed.
“You’re fucking dripping.” He sighed, eyes glued to your core. “...Have you ever been eaten out before?” You angled your head up to look at him, shaking it side to side. It was hard to find words. Rafe looked in between your legs and back up at you before sighing. “I wish I could but…” He trailed off, eyeing the clock on his nightstand, signaling the time issue. “My dad wakes up soon for work and I don’t feel like hearing his shit if he sees you walking out of my room.”
“I understand.” You shrugged. “It’s fine.”
“Don’t worry, I got you next time.” He assured, your brows furrowing at his words.
“Next time?” You pondered. “What happened to this being a one time thing?”
Rafe sighed. “Yeah…” He proceeded to grab the end of your shirt, tugging it over your head to reveal your bra-clad chest. “I’m starting to reconsider the terms of our agreement.” He breathed, reaching under you to unclasp the material, threading your arms through and tossing it somewhere.
He then moved to remove his own articles — article — of clothing, removing the pair of shorts he had on to reveal his dick — hard, leaking, and fucking huge. With both hands on your waist, he pushed your frame further up the mattress until your head was on the pillows and he could climb over you.
There was no doubt in your mind that this was gonna hurt, and you don’t know if you were starting to get extremely turned on or go into a panic.
Rafe grabbed his length, stroking it a few times to spread the precum from the tip, using it as lubricant before shuffling and lining it up with your entrance. “Try to be quiet, okay?” He requested, eyes briefly flickering up to yours. He circled the entrance for a few moments, spreading the slickness that was leaking from you around before slowly pushing the tip in. It didn’t hurt…at first.
A few more inches had you letting out a harsh gasp. “Shh,” Rafe reminded, hand coming up to cover your mouth. “Grab something if you need to.” He groaned, never stopping in his movements. Your hands mindlessly went two different ways — one grabbing the sheets and balling them into your fist while the other grabbed the arm that was holding him above you.
The stretch burned but the feeling of his dick settling inside of you made up for it almost instantly. You watched as his eyes rolled back into his head above you, veins in his arms protruding viciously. “Fuck…this is gonna be harder than I thought.” He moaned, voice dangerously low.
Subconsciously, his hand dropped from your mouth to fist the pillow beside your head. Your breathing was heavy and continuous, trying to ignore the slight burning sensation. It quickly vanished as Rafe pulled out, only to push himself back in, all the way to the hilt, causing you to yelp.
His head dropped onto the pillow next to your head, his voice in your ear. “I know this probably hurts…” He moaned, slowly stroking. “But please, be fucking quiet.”
Trying to regulate your breathing and voice, you stared up at the white ceiling as Rafe’s thrusts grow quicker and deeper and harder, making it ten times harder to keep quiet. The sounds of skin slapping only served to make your eyes roll back with every thrust, eventually finding both of your hands on his back, scratching at the skin there.
Moments pass and you feel an unfamiliar tightening in your lower abdomen as your legs tense, the feeling growing and growing and before you know it, you’re arching into Rafe, moaning uncontrollably — prompting the Cameron boy to kiss you to silence your cries as his thrusts grew remarkably fast.
He was whispering curses into the kiss, biting down on your bottom lip as, with one final hard thrust, he stilled — releasing inside of you.
After a few minutes of laying on top of you, he seemed to have gathered himself — looking at the clock as he lifted his head and cursing. “My dad will be up soon. You gotta get back to Sarah’s room.” He said mostly to himself, getting off of you as you sat up, putting your clothes next to you on the bed for you to grab and put on you.
You had on your bra and underwear and he was tying his shorts before he stopped in his tracks, realizing something.
“You said you’re a-” He stopped himself, chuckling. “You were a virgin, right?”
“...Before five minutes ago? Yeah…”
“So, you aren’t on anything? Like…birth control?”
“...No. I’m not.” You realized, dropping your head into your hands. “Shit. I’m so stupid.” You cursed yourself.
“Hey,” Rafe started, pulling your hands away from your face and handing you your shirt to put on. “It’s cool. I can buy you and Plan B.”
“I can’t ask you to do that.” You said, sliding your shirt over your head and reaching for your bottoms.
“You’re not.” Rafe reassured. “I’m offering. Just, uh…here,” He started, grabbing his phone off his nightstand and unlocking it before handing it to you with the keypad open. “Gimme your number and I’ll put it somewhere in the house and text you to go get it. And don’t save it under your name, Sarah and Wheezie are nosey as shit.”
You did as he said, typing in your number and saving it under your first initial before handing the device back to him and pulling your pants all the way up your legs. Rafe closed the phone and turned back to you, pulling your hair out of your sweatshirt and straightening out your clothes.
“...Thank you.” You said. “For letting me talk…and the sex.”
Rafe chuckled, shifting on his feet — a hand on your back guiding you towards the door. “Anytime.” He winked playfully, opening the door carefully as you took it upon yourself to walk out. “Hey,” He stopped you in your tracks. “You, uh, you should pee. After you have sex, you should always pee.” He informed, semi-awkwardly.
“I will.” You smiled nervously, walking lightly back to Sarah’s room.
“And save my number.” He told you, a small smile on his face as you looked over your shoulder.
“Okay.” You laughed, sleeve-clad hand coming up to muffle the sound.
“I’ll text you when I have it.” He said from his place down the hall, your hand on Sarah’s door handle.
“I got it. Go.” You shooed playfully. “Goodnight, Rafe.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He bid farewell before softly closing his door.
As you softly closed Sarah’s door behind you, the smile on your face fell as your eyes found her sleeping figure — guilt and shame immediately overtaking you.
What the fuck did you just do?
#Spotify#svn#rafe smut#rafe x you#rafe imagine#rafe fic#rafe x reader#rafe cameron x you#rafe cameron smut#rafe cameron x reader#rafe cameron#rafe cameron x fem!reader#rafe cameron x pogue!reader#rafe cameron x kook!reader#jj maybank x reader
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glad to say i clocked tf outta my roommates, them bitches had yet to learn that i am in fact not the one but they learned today. bitches had me fucked up but they ain't gon do it again i know that much
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Do you have a tag list for seven?
yes love i do, there's taglist form in my pinned post for future reference but i can add you if you'd like😚
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lmao, now the bitches got attitudes as if i give a fuck😭 like i have an actual life girl bye i cannot wait until this semester is over, i got a cruise coming up🥱
really am starting to hate my roommates.
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the realest thing i’ve seen all day, you never realize how inconsiderate ppl are until you start living with roommates
and then they have the actual nerve to act like me and my other roommate are the ones being bitches like ??? (theres 4 of us in total) get a fucking grip dude
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