#jackson genrette x reader
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justabigassnerd · 2 days ago
In Another Life pt. 4
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Pairing - Jackson Genrette x reader (Kook!JJ AU)
Word Count - 3,637
Series Warnings - swearing, smoking, angst, fluff, violence, weapons, blood, injuries, death, canon divergence (it's an AU innit?), drugs, alcohol, verbal & physical abuse
Summary - In another life, JJ Maybank was known by the name Jackson Genrette. The son of Larissa Genrette and grandson of Wes Genrette, making him the sole heir of Goat Island. Instead of being associated with surfing and smoking. Jackson was associated with the country club and yachts. Yet despite his unending wealth and Kook status, Jackson found himself intrigued by the adventures of the Pogues and found himself dragged along on an adventure he never could’ve anticipated.
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A/N - another week, another part of one of my two JJ series (did anyone cheer)? anyways I'll save you a ramble and keep this author's note short. as per y'all please send in requests, feedback, and enjoy!!!
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The next morning, you were startled awake by the door slamming, making you sit bolt upright, your heart hammering in your chest at the loudness. You sat still, listening carefully for any footsteps coming towards your room. Your eyes flicked towards your door, your breaths barely audible as if they would protect you from being noticed when you heard the heavy footfalls stop outside of your room.
“Are you in there you little shit?” You hear your dad’s angry voice as his fist pounds against your door, making you scramble out of your bed, hurriedly changing your clothes and throwing shoes on before grabbing your phone and beelining for the window, scrambling out onto the cool morning air and bolting away from your house, running until you were sure you were far enough away to avoid detection. Once you were clear, you hunched over, bracing your hands on your thighs as your burning lungs cried out for air. You took a moment to catch your breath, swallowing thickly as you glanced over your shoulder in the direction you had just come from, tears once more springing to your eyes at the events before you shook your head, turning to walk to the Chateau. When you made it to the Chateau, you were greeted by John B who was pacing anxiously, running a hand through his hair and now sporting a black eye courtesy of Topper.
“What’s got you like this?” You ask, plastering on a smile as you approach the Chateau’s porch.
“Peterkin.” John B mutters, barely acknowledging you as he paces.
“What did she do? She’s not taking you to foster care is she?” You ask worriedly, looking around for any police cars waiting for John B.
“No. Not yet. But she warned me about the marshes, told me to stay away from it. If we do she said she’d help me with DCS.” John B says, briefly halting in his pacing as you fall silent, thinking for a moment, your eyebrows furrowing in thought.
“And you believe that? Come on, John B. A cop? We know she ain’t gonna help.” You scold, watching John B as he leans against the wall, defeated.
“All she’s asked is that I stay away from the marshes for a few days. I’m not exactly in the best situation after you pulled that gun out last night.” John B says with a shrug.
“Hey, I saved your ass man. Don’t turn this around on me. Look, does this not sound suspicious to you? We find a shipwreck and suddenly the police want us to stay away from the marshes? I think they’re hiding something.” You say, folding your arms across your chest and looking over at John B pointedly as he sighs, silently debating your words for a moment before looking over at you.
“What’s your plan, then?” He asks, taking you aback for a moment as you ponder, thinking of what you could do.
“Why don’t we just… get there before they do? Dive down and see what we can find.” You shrug, crossing to the bannister and leaning your arms against it.
“Dive? With what equipment?” John B asks, looking at you as you roll your eyes.
“Who do you work for?” You question.
“Who do I-? Ward?” John B says, confusion in his tone.
“Oh my- you’re stupider than I am. Ward Cameron has diving equipment on his boat. You can totally snatch it and return it before he even knows it’s gone. You and me, we got nothing to lose.” You say, turning to look at John B, raising an eyebrow as his eyes widen in realisation.
“You’re right. We have nothing to lose.” John B says as you grin, relieved to have convinced him to join in on your plan.
“Look. I’ll call the others, see if I can rally the troops and all that while you head over to Tannyhill and grab that gear.” You say, patting John B on the back as he nods, jogging over to the HMS Pogue and getting on the boat. As John B drives away, you text Kiara and Pope, telling them to come and meet you at the Chateau.
It didn’t take too long for your friends to show up, and you greeted them all with a small smile from where you were sat on the porch.
“Where’s John B?” Pope asks, glancing around in search of your friend.
“He’s gone to get some scuba gear. We’re going back to the marsh.” You say, folding your arms across your chest as you look from Pope to Kiara.
“Back to the marsh? For what?” Kiara questions.
“Peterkin apparently warned John B away from the marshes. I think she’s hiding something so I suggested we go and look.” You say, leaning back slightly as you talk.
“If the cops catch us-”
“You could lose your scholarship I know Pope. But I told you that I won’t let that happen. If I go down I’m making sure you guys are as far away from it as possible. Hell, neither of you two need to come if you don’t want to.” You say, suddenly getting up from your seat.
“I’m not leaving you two alone. You two would die without our supervision.” Pope says as you move to rest your hands on his shoulders.
“Trust me, Pope. If something happens, no one’s going down other than me. I’m destined for jail one day, ain’t that right?” You say softly, patting Pope’s shoulders before turning and walking away, not giving him the chance to respond. You make your way down to the dock, sitting down and allowing your legs to dangle above the water that gently laps against the bank.
“Hey, y/n/n. Are you okay?” You look up at the sound of Kiara’s voice, smiling softly as she sits down alongside you.
“What makes you think that I’m not?” You ask with a light laugh.
“I can tell you’re acting tough.” Kiara points out.
“Kie, I promise I’m fine.” You insist, wishing she’d stop pushing the topic.
“You know you can talk to us, right?” Kiara offers softly, her gentle gaze never leaving you as you refuse to take your eyes off the waves.
“I’m not really in the sharing mood right now, Kie.” You say, a slight edge to your voice as you turn to look at Kiara. You hated being snappy with your friends, but sometimes they tried too hard to check in with you and it ground your gears.
“Well, if you change your mind. You know where to find us.” Kiara says, getting up and crossing back over to the Chateau while you wait quietly. It didn’t take John B long to return after that, making you smile slightly as you rose to your feet.
“He returns.” You say, holding out your arms in an exaggerated welcome as John B laughs, throwing his head back.
“I got the stuff let’s go.” John B says once he’s finished laughing, mooring the boat near enough to the dock as you wave the others over.
“I told you it would be easy. I bet the Camerons have so much crap on that boat that they won’t even notice a suit missing.” You say with a laugh, hopping on the boat and clapping John B on the back.
“Well, Sarah Cameron did catch me, but to her knowledge, I’m just topping up the tanks.” John B says with a wink.
“I knew you could do it.” You say proudly as Pope and Kiara join you both at the boat, hopping on as John B starts up the engine again and drives back to the marshes where you had first discovered the wreckage.
The tension between you and Pope was clear as day and you knew it. John B kept shooting looks over at you before his eyes flicked over to Pope before focusing back on you with a confused expression. Usually, you loved to joke with Pope, seeing how much you could jokingly annoy him until he threatened to throw you overboard. Now, you were sat as far apart as possible and you didn’t even glance Pope’s way for a second.
“Yo, what’s going on?” John B then asks, his voice a whisper as he leans as close to you.
“What?” You respond, looking up at John B with a look of confusion.
“You aren’t acting like normal. Usually, you’re bugging Pope but you’ve been acting weird since the kegger. What’s wrong?” John B asks, his eyes displaying his concern as his eyes flick between you and watching where he’s steering the boat.
“I’m fine. Just had a shitty night but what’s new?” You say, folding your arms across your chest as your eyes flick to watch the water. As you silently watch the waves, John B starts to think about what happened the night before and his eyes widen slightly before he speaks up again.
“Was it what Pope said last night? You know he didn’t mean that. He was just stressed and-”
“He still said it. He’s my friend and nothing can change that. But what he said hurt.” You admit quietly, not letting your gaze drift over to where Pope was sitting, chatting with Kiara.
“Talk to him. I bet he feels bad for what he said. We were all pretty amped up after what happened with Topper.” John B says, his gaze gentle as he watches you.
“I can’t. Not yet.” You say, shaking your head as you dip your hand down, allowing your fingertips to skim loosely on the water, sending up a small spray.
“Suit yourself. But it’s better if you talk about it sooner rather than later.” John B says with a shrug, knowing he can’t force you to do anything if you don’t want to.
“This is the place.” Kiara points out as John B cuts the engine, allowing the boat to slowly approach the channel before Pope drops the anchor. You then watch as Kiara checks the tanks, your expression becoming more dejected each time she announces that they were empty. When she got to the third tank, you noticed how she perked up.
“Okay, this one is a quarter full. That means it’s only enough for one of us. Does anyone know how to dive?” Kiara asks, looking around at everyone. You all glance around at each other and mumble quietly.
“Great, someone’s going to die,” Kiara mutters to herself, bringing her hand up to massage her temple.
“Is it really that hard? You put that little mouth thingy in and breathe.” You say, gesturing towards the equipment.
“If you come up too fast you can get nitrogen in your blood and you could get the bends,” Pope mutters, and you couldn’t help the snigger that slipped past your lips at what Pope said.
“The bends? Man, whoever named that really thought he was being funny.” You say as Pope rolls his eyes.
“You know the bends kill you, right?” Pope says, quickly sobering you up as the smile is wiped from your face.
“I can dive.” You turn around at the sound of John B’s voice, an eyebrow raised in concern as you look at him.
“Since when?” You question.
“Since… right now.” John B says, shrugging as you clench your jaw, exhaling softly as Pope stands up.
“I’ve done some calculations. Since the boat is roughly thirty feet down, it should take about twenty-five minutes at most at that depth and when you come back up, you need to stop at ten feet for three minutes.” Pope explains as he crosses to John B.
“Ten feet for three minutes. Got you.” John B says, nodding along to what Pope had just said. Without warning, Kiara walks onto the prow, pulling her shirt and shorts off before diving into the water.
“What was that all about?” Pope questions and he and John B exchange a look.
“Close your mouths.” You say with a roll of the eyes, all too used to the way they would watch Kiara as it was no secret to you that they had both openly crushed on Kiara.
Before too long, Kiara reappears, swimming towards the boat as you extend a hand out towards help her back onto the boat, hauling her back onto the boat as Pope and John B continue to gawp.
“I’ve tied my t-shirt to the anchor chain. It’s ten feet down, that’s where you’ll do your safety stop.” Kiara says as she sits down, watching John B nod carefully. As John B pulls on the various parts of diving equipment, you move to talk to him.
“Hey, John B. You better be careful down there.” You then say, turning to look at John B who shoots you a thumbs up.
“I’ll be fine.” John B says, checking his oxygen tank as he speaks.
“Hey, take this with you. Chances are you could find a hole in the floor that this could fit. My old man used to use hatches like them all the time to move shit around.” You say, pulling the small key-like object and hanging it around John B’s neck.
“Got it.” John B replies, nodding as you fall silent, thinking quietly before speaking up.
“Maybe I should go down there instead.” You offer, moving to grab the gear before John B manoeuvres himself in front of the gear, shielding it from your hands.
“No way. You don’t know the first thing about diving and I can’t risk this equipment getting damaged.” John B says firmly, watching as you huff slightly.
“And you’re such a diving expert. Look Ward Cameron wouldn’t even notice if anything happened to his equipment.” You say with a roll of your eyes.
“He would. And it would be my ass paying the price when it happens.” John B says, continuing to put the equipment on himself while you pace anxiously, running a worried hand through your hair.
“Fine. But if you don’t come up when you’re supposed to I’m going down there to get your ass.” You instruct, pointing at John B.
“You won’t need to do that. I’ll be quick.” John B says assuringly as you nod, moving once Pope approaches John B to let him finish giving him instructions on the dive. After Pope finishes giving John B the instructions he needs, Kiara then approaches and after she speaks, you watch as she presses a quick kiss to John B’s cheek, making your eyebrows shoot up in shock before you wolf whistle, earning yourself a joking glare from both Kiara and John B as you shrug innocently. As Kiara steps away from John B, you all watch as he puts the mouthpiece in, shooting you all a small thumbs up before falling back into the water. The second John B is submerged and barely visible, you turn and face the others.
“Wanna smoke?” You ask, retrieving your blunt and lighter from your pockets.
“No thanks.” Pope immediately dismisses you as you move to sit next to Kiara.
“I know you’d never turn down a smoke.” You say teasingly flicking your lighter on and lighting the blunt, taking a drag before offering it to Kiara.
“You know me too well.” Kiara says as she takes the blunt from your hand, her gaze drifting to the cheap lighter in your hand, her eyebrows furrowing slightly.
“Where’s your lighter?” She questions, taking a drag from the blunt as you wave the lighter loosely in front of her.
“Right here?” You say, as Kiara rolls her eyes before taking another drag.
“You know what I mean. You never use that piece of crap.” Kiara points out, handing you back the blunt as you stare at it for a moment, watching the burning end.
“Must’ve dropped it yesterday at the kegger. It’s either on the beach or in the ocean.” You shrug, trying not to let your emotions show about the loss of the item.
“Why don’t we all go look for it after this?” Kiara offers as you shake your head.
“This is more important. We gotta figure out what those cops are trying to hide.” You say, taking a drag before Pope sits up.
“Speaking of cops. Look who’s coming.” At his words, you turn to see a sheriff’s boat approaching, making you swear under your breath as they approach before slapping on a confident smile and waving over at the boat as it approaches, grabbing the rope held out to you and tying it onto the HMS Pogue.
“What’s up, Shoupe?” You say with a grin as the older man watches you with an unimpressed expression.
“You know the marsh is closed, right?” He questions, making you exchange looks with Pope and Kiara, all of you frowning and shaking your heads, acting innocent.
“No. We had no idea.” Kiara says as Pope nods.
“Why’s it closed?” You question, leaning back against the side of the boat from where you were sitting, watching the smoke from your blunt rise in the air.
“We’re looking for something. A boat went down somewhere around here. You guys haven’t seen any shipwrecks or anything recently, have you?” Shoupe then asks, looking pointedly at you as you shake your head.
“Nope. Not seen a single thing.” You say, the lie slipping past your lips as if it were as easy as breathing.
“And your friend. The one you’re always hanging out with, he here too?” Shoupe presses.
“He’s working,” Kiara says quickly, drawing Shoupe’s attention to her.
“I’m gonna check your little boat out,” Shoupe says with a nod, stepping over to your boat as you roll your eyes, moving to hand Kiara a towel, all too aware that she’s in her bikini.
You watch anxiously as Shoupe surveys the boat, inspecting every inch as you try not to let your gaze slip to the ocean. You had no idea how much oxygen John B had left but you hoped Shoupe would move on before it was too late. As Shoupe stares out across the water, you begin to debate ‘falling’ into the channel just to draw his attention away from where the wreck was before Shoupe suddenly straightens up and hops back onto his sheriff boat.
“If you see anything on your way out, let us know.” He says, nodding over at you. You shoot him a mocking salute while untying his boat from the HMS Pogue.
“You got it, boss.” You say, watching as Shoupe starts up the engine and drives the boat off. As you and your friends let out a collective sigh of relief, you hear the water break and a gasp of air, making you turn around to see John B.
“Yo, are you okay?” You ask worriedly, carelessly stubbing out the blunt and discarding it in the boat, ignoring Kiara’s tut of disapproval as you stick a hand out for John B to take.
“I ran out of air.” John B groans as you help him into the boat before moving to pull the anchor up.
“Did you find anything?” You hear Pope ask as you glance over your shoulder.
“Of course I did.” John B says, holding up a black bag as you grin, hauling the anchor onto the boat before crossing to John B to clap him on the back. As you make your way through the marshes, you hear another boat engine.
“Is that Shoupe, again?” You ask, turning around to see who is following you but when you see unfamiliar faces you quickly turn around.
“That’s not Shoupe.” You mutter, your eyes flicking between each of your friends.
“And they’re definitely following us.” Kiara points out as John B ups the engine power, trying to speed away. Suddenly, a gunshot rings out and you all drop to the ground, your heart pounding in your chest.
“John B get down!” You yell at your friend as you cover your head while more shots ring out. You glance between your friends, wondering what was going to happen. You knew there was no chance the HMS Pogue would outrun the boat chasing you so all you could do was accept your fate. You watch as Kiara crawls over to one of the hatches, opens it and pulls out a net, tossing it into the water. You glance over the edge of the boat and watch as the other boat stalls, the net clearly successful in its job.
“Let’s get the hell out of here,” Kiara says, as you all begin to sit up, trying to process what had just happened. The whole journey back to the Chateau you were trying to slow your rapid heartbeat, hoping that what John B had recovered was worth the chase.
When you finally docked back at the Chateau, you all got on the dock, watching as John B fumbled with the bag.
“Will you just open it?” Pope exclaims, making everyone look at him with shocked expressions.
“That’s a rare outburst of emotion from you Pope.” John B says, before focusing back on the bag.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that we almost died getting this.” Pope apologises, all of you focusing as John B opens the bag, extracting a metal cylinder and opening it, pulling out a small item, all of you but John B sighing when you see what it is. A small compass sat in John B’s hands, nothing worth what you had just been through.
“Is that it?” Kiara asks, looking to you with a confused expression as you watch John B, who has the smallest of smiles on his face.
“Dude, this isn’t worth anything. What are you so happy about?” You question, eyebrows furrowing as John B turns to look at you, his eyes hopeful and bright.
“It’s my dad’s.”
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@imsiriuslyreal @marleymarleymarleymarley @sarahmaybank @bee-43
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they-call-me-whiskey · 1 month ago
In another universe
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summary: in another universe Larissa Genrette didn't die. instead, she divorced Chandler Groff and gave her child the life he deserved.
warnings: kids fighting; English is not my first language.
author's note: honestly, I don't like the fourth season, but I love the idea of JJ being raised in loving family. also, I have no idea how to write headcanons.
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· his full name is Jackson John Genrette.
· everyone calls him JJ, except for his mom and grandpa—they call him Jack.
· his mom sometimes calls him Jacky, which he claims to hate (though he secretly doesn’t; he’s just trying to maintain his reputation).
· JJ’s relationship with his mom, is the cornerstone of his life.
· Larissa is JJ’s rock—the person who has always been there for him, no matter what.
· she uses humour to cope with life’s challenges, something JJ inherited from her. they’ve always shared a playful, sarcastic banter that keeps them close.
· despite being busy managing her family’s business and charity work, Larissa always makes time for JJ, whether it’s a late-night chat after a rough day or cheering him on at school events (even when he doesn’t want her there).
· JJ respects his mom more than anyone, but he struggles to show it. he’ll roll his eyes at her lectures and act annoyed when she’s being overprotective, but deep down, he knows she’s his greatest ally.
· his relationship with his father, is far more complicated.
· as a kid, JJ idolized Chandler. he made him feel special, calling him his ‘little man’ and claiming they were a team.
· he manipulated JJ into stealing money from his mom, and his grandpa, saying things like: “your mom and grandpa don’t understand what it’s like for us, Jack. we’re in this together. you’re helping your old man out, and that makes you my hero.”
· when Larissa and Wes found out, there was an explosive argument. JJ overheard everything and realised that his dad had been using him. this shattered his trust and left him deeply betrayed.
· after the incident, JJ kept seeing his dad out of obligation, but as he grew older, he began to resent him. their relationship became strained, and now they barely speak.
· that also affected his relationships with people his age.
· JJ knew everyone—from the Kooks to the Pogues, kids and adults alike. he could interact with them all, but he only called a few people his friends.
· the first lucky person to earn that title was Sarah Cameron.
· JJ and Sarah became friends in first grade. it all started when a boy in their class kept annoying Sarah by pulling her hair. JJ, fed up with the boy’s behaviour, stepped in and pushed him hard enough that he fell and scraped his knee.
· when the principal called JJ’s mom to school to discuss his ‘aggressive behaviour,’ Sarah intervened. she called her dad and told him everything.
· Ward showed up immediately, demanding to speak to the boy’s parents and thanking JJ for standing up for Sarah, even if he admitted JJ’s actions were ‘a bit much’ (and said this right in front of the principal and Larissa).
· that day cemented JJ and Sarah’s friendship. over time, their bond grew stronger, becoming more like a sibling relationship, with JJ always having Sarah’s back no matter what.
· even though their friendship was strong, it didn’t stop him and Rafe from going at each other's throats every time they crossed paths.
· Wheezy on the other hand, loves JJ. being the youngest child with troubled brother and a perfect princess as a sister, she struggled with lack of attention, which JJ happily fulfilled.
· now, you're probably thinking, “what about the Pogues?” well, let me tell you:
· John B and JJ met when they were around ten, at some charity event JJ's mom had organized.
· John B and his dad were there to help carry things—well, mostly his dad; John B was just kind of tagging along.
· their friendship began when John B accidentally bumped into Sarah (who had also come to ‘help,’ but in reality, she and JJ were mostly just getting in the way, so the adults gave them busywork).
· JJ, watching from a distance, didn’t hear the apology or see John B offering to help Sarah up. all he saw was Sarah on the ground and some boy standing in front of her. naturally, JJ did what he always did in situations like this—he attacked.
· JJ tackled John B to the ground, proud of himself and ready to check on Sarah, but John B wasn’t having it. he got up quickly and hit JJ back.
· the two of them started fighting, rolling around on the ground, completely ignoring Sarah, who was yelling at them and trying to break it up.
· thankfully, the adults stepped in before either of them got seriously hurt.
· they both ended up grounded for a week, but before that, they were forced to work together on the event decorations (actually helping this time).
· while decorating, they somehow managed to clear up the misunderstanding, get to know each other, and eventually become friends.
· not long after, they met Pope, and then Kiara, who happened to already be friends with Sarah. this was before the tragic incident at Sarah’s birthday, which caused a fallout between the girls.
· after the fight, the boys had two choices: reconcile the girls or choose between them. (spoiler: they chose the first option.)
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prettybabywhowrites · 1 month ago
𝐁𝐞 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐦
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You knew JJ was hurting, his face usually marked up by his father. Those bruises had to make his body ache, but you didn't push him to open up, he preferred to keep it inside, hidden from view because that was what he learned to do, what he grew up doing.
You never expected him to let you in, so you did your best to be there for your precious blonde best friend. Making sure he had something in his belly, made sure his injuries were taking care of, keeping an eye over him without overstepping. Little did you know that this only made him want more, your soft touches went straight to his heart.
You, Kie and Pope were heading home after a frustrating day, JJ stormed off earlier, John B had gone god knows where with Sarah, and you guys decided to call it a night, all tuckered out from brainstorming ways to get the gold out of the well. "When did John B. have time to do this..?" You asked, motioning towards the LED lights stringing from the many trees surrounding the Château. Pope and Kie looked equally confused as you guys pulled up beside the house.
You turned off the car, pulling the car keys out as Kiara and Pope began unloading the truck, holding some supplies you guys had acquired for your gold getting. You heard the faint sound of a generator humming and your eyes fell to a familiar face. "JJ?" Pope asked. The three of you stood in front of the boy sitting in a hottub, confusion spread on your faces. He smiled at you, strands of his damp blonde hair stuck to his forehead. "Cmon guys get in the cats ass" he said smugly. "The what..?" Kie questioned, her tone soft as her confusion grew. "The cats ass" he responded, smirk on his face. "JJ, what happened to the money?" Pope asked referring to the money JJ had stolen from Barry earlier. "Well... with the generator, the lights, hottub, and speed delivery.. pretty much all of it.." He said, champagne bottle in hand.
"You spent all the money in one day.." Pope says harshly, the frustration evident in his voice. He sighs "You could have used the money to pay for restitution-" "Or given it to any charity" Kiara adds, equally frustrated. JJ pinches the bridge of his nose, rubbing it softly.
"WELL I DIDN'T DO THAT... I BOUGHT A HOTTUB FOR MY FRIENDS.. No screw friends, I bought a hottub for my family.." His voice going soft as he stands, revealing angry purple bruises littered over his sun kissed body.
The silence was loud, JJ's frustrated breaths being all audible. "Oh JJ.." was the only thing you could say before dropping the supplies in your arms and rushing over to him. Kiara and Pope in shock at his battered state, gave eachother a knowing glance, JJ had gone home.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, not pressing yourself too roughly against him to avoid hurting him any further. He clung onto you as sobs racked through his bruised body, burying his face into your neck as hot tears ran down his face. You felt yourself getting emotional at the sight of him, feeling such pain for your usually fun loving, goofy blonde boy. Stroking his hair gently, placing soft kisses to his head, you whispered to him, "I'm so sorry baby.." your voice pained. This just caused him to press his body into yours more, desperate for your care. Once his sobs were reduced to sniffled, you pulled away slightly to look at him. Though hesitant to let you go, his grasp on you relaxed and he looked at your eyes. "How about we go inside? Get you cleaned up?" you asked gently. "Yeah" He whispered softly.
You took his hand in yours, glancing back at Pope and Kiara who had decided to give the two of you some space, both giving a sad sympathetic smile. You pushed the screen door open, JJ following you into the house. You took him into John B's spare room, practically JJ's room due to him crashing there so often after a rough time with his father. You both just sat on the bed, the room silent but not awkward. You turned your head to face him, watching as he fidgeted with the rings on his fingers, scooting closer to him to wrap an arm around his broad shoulders. He tensed but softened at the feeling of your touch soon after, resting his head on your shoulder.
"I'm sorry.." He choked out, his voice barely audible. You shook your head, holding him tighter "You have nothing to be sorry for." You traced lightly on his arm as he spoke again "Yes I do, I got my ass beat and I went and blew all the money" his voice pained. "JJ.. we'll figure out something to do about the money, but that's not important, okay?" "Baby your black and blue, money is replaceable, you aren't" you stated, looking back to him. You watched as his face softened and tears filled his lash line, he quickly hid his face into your shoulder, shifting closer to you. You stayed like that for about 10 minutes, allowing him to calm down. He looked up at you before breaking the silence "Can you- do you mind staying with me?" he asked visibly nervous you would say no. You nodded quickly in response "Wasn't planning on leaving you" you admitted with a tender smile. He visibly relaxed, a soft sigh of relief escaping his lips, head still resting on your shoulder.
He pulled his head off of you, hazily stepping to his feet. You watched him as he searched through the dresser for something to change into, he settled on a T-shirt and some sweatpants, grabbing one of his shirts and shorts for you as well. You accepted great fully, "thanks" you said as your hand reached for the clothing he offered. He nodded as he pulled the shirt over his head, you turned away from him to give him privacy and change into the clothes he lended you. When you were both changed into fresh clothes you crawled into bed, both physically exhausted. He looked at you as if wanting to ask something, you assumed what it was and opened your arms which his instantly crawled into. His body weight heavy but you didn't mind, his hair was still slightly damp from the water but you didn't care, you ran your fingers through it anyways, his head laying in the crook of your neck, content sighs leaving his lips. You had never seen your bestfriend this way, but it didn't make you think any less of him, didn't make you see him differently, just made you care about him even more than you already did. His grasp on you tightened as if he was scared to let go. "Not leaving you, okay" you whispered. "Better not" he said, feeling the smile on his face against your skin.
This is what JJ maybank had been wanting, yearning for, for so damn long. This is what he had been needing. Your body pressed against his, holding him in your embrace and whispering sweet nothings into his ear. You were the first person to ever be gentle with him, to treat him like he was worthy. He never wanted this to end, shamelessly wanted his bestfriend to keep calling him sweet names and rubbing his back, holding him as if he was the most precious thing in the world. For the first time in his life, he didn't feel like he needed to run, he couldn't bring himself to ruin this, he needed you more than he needed to protect his pride and build his walls sky high. For the first time in his life, someone had called him baby and been truly gentle with him. He wasn't sure he could ever get enough of it.
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jetblack4realz · 3 months ago
better - jj maybank
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summary - in between season 3 & 4 when they're building their lives with the gold and jj wants to get his act together for you
word count - 1.9k
you were an artist. you always had been - whether it was drawing random doodles on the side of your worksheet in class, or sketching out the boys' names in fancy calligraphy, or coming up with a new layout and decorating scheme for the chateau when you deemed it bland (after john b refused to let you paint all over the twinkie), or even reworking furniture to flip and sell to make a few bucks, you were always artsy. it had begun to work out really well for them.
you designed the surf shop and all of poguelandia with the help of your uncle, who was a contractor by trade. you carefully curated the indoor and outdoor decor, picking out pieces unique to your friends and your story and making it a homely, pseudo-trendy little shop. only when that was finished and you had it running did you turn your attention to your guys' home.
jj loved watching you work. at the moment, you had sarah helping you finish up the paint for the main living room as you put a final coat of white on the shiplap accent wall you'd had jj install for you. you had him put a similar one in your shared room upstairs, but had yet to paint it, claiming that you'd rather have everyone's space finished before focusing on your own.
john b walked in the kitchen and spotted the boy seated at the bar, his fingers typing away at the laptop you had gotten from your parents when you were sixteen - you know, before you'd jumped ship and left home to find treasure with your friends. he grabbed a can of lemonade from the fridge as he furrowed his brows, coming up behind his best friend. he squinted his eyes at the screen.
"job listings? what are you-?"
the lid slammed shut on the computer, jj spinning around with a shake of his head.
"it's nothing, bro, okay? don't worry about it."
john b stared at him incredulously. "j you have a job here. we literally own a business now, what are you-?"
"outside," jj said shortly, standing and walking out the back door quickly, john b following after. you looked up from your spot in the living room, glancing back at sarah with a shrug once the boys slipped outside.
once they stood face to face again, john b gestured for him to go on. "so?"
"look," jj said with a sigh. "i know we've got this shop, and it's so great. but, i just keep feeling like it's all too good to be true. like, we have this money now, but it's all gonna be gone in a second."
"it will be if you're the one in charge of it," john b said offhandedly. jj sighed, running a hand through his hair.
"and i know that too, alright? which is why i need more," he answered.
"why? what's going on that you need more money - and money that's separate from us?" john b asked, staring the boy down in pure curiosity. jj's eyes weren't on him though, instead going through the sliding glass door that separated them from their girls right to where you were painting once more, bobbing your head to the rhythm of the music sarah had turned on. "oh."
jj let out another heavy breath. "you and sarah are like, married now, right? and i can hear you guys when you're talking about starting a life together and me and y/n have started talking about it too recently... just, when the time comes i want to be able to provide for us. i want to be able to go out and buy her a ring and a dress and marry her and never have her worried about finances ever again. we've both had to deal with too much of that."
"wow, jayj," john b breathed out, a soft smile pulling at his lips as he rested a hand on his shoulder. "i'm impressed. you're really pulling it together, aren't you?"
"i'm trying," he said with a sigh. "i've worked a lot of jobs before and i'm willing to do it again. anything to make sure she's happy."
"she'll be happy with you no matter how much money you make," john b promised as he smiled at him. "and we'll all always have each other's backs. even if when y'all decide you want to be together forever you don't have all the money you want, we'll help you buy that ring and that dress and get it done."
"thanks, jb," jj breathed out, but with the lack of a smile and the tenseness in his shoulders still, john b knew he wasn't going to be accepting handouts anytime soon. even if it was still shared money between friends and not just handouts.
you'd recruited him to help finish up a few things in your bedroom, managing to finagle a thrifted and refinished dresser up the stairs and below the tv you'd stolen from your old bedroom. jj began hanging curtains as you put both sets of y'all's clothes away, giving yourself one extra drawer for your extra clothes. he finished before you did, watching you with a smile as you tucked his shirts into the top drawer all organized by color, finally shutting it to be done with the task.
"last thing to do is the bed," you hummed as you turned to him with a smile. you moved to begin pulling the white sheets on, jj tucking the corners before you grabbed out the blue comforter with a simple white stripe pattern that alternated thicknesses. "i nabbed this from my grandparents - my nana always buys them when they're on sale for christmas and never does anything with them."
"i know," he said with a light laugh, grabbing the opposite edge from you and helping you pull it over the sides. "she gave one to me for my birthday once. didn't exactly know why."
"because that's what she had and she probably felt bad," you answered, laughing softly with him. you tossed the throw blanket kie had given you for your birthday a few years back onto the corner to add dimension to the look, finally placing the two throw pillows you'd let yourself splurge $30 on at kohl's at the center. you smiled, glancing around the room before looking back at jj. "there. our room is complete."
he sauntered around the bed with a grin, taking you in his arms and leaning in close to your face as he met your eyes. "our own room, with our things, in our house with our friends, on our land, with our business down the road by our boat."
"our boat?" you asked with a teasing smile, hands wrapping around his neck as he held you close to him. "it's mine too?"
"what's mine is yours, princess," he told you, pressing a short kiss to your lips.
"even the dirtbike?" you asked, a brow raised in jest as a teasing smile tugged one corner of your mouth up.
"well, sure. it's yours too, but that doesn't mean you get to ride it, sweet thing," he answered with an amused grin, pressing more kisses to your lips and jaw.
"our next purchase should be a car. or a truck. an old truck. i like old trucks," you told him as his lips trailed to your neck. he paused, bringing his head back up to meet your eyes again, though his grip tightened on you.
"me too," he mumbled. "but, i think there's something we need to buy first."
"what?" you asked, tilting your head curiously. he glanced his focus between your eyes, a soft smile pulling at his lips.
"well, actually... i already bought it," he hummed. you sighed.
"and how much was it?" you asked, raising a brow.
"does it matter?" he asked, raising his brows as his smile grew.
"jay..." you groaned, head falling back in exasperation. "we talked about budgeting-"
"hey, hey, hey, hold on," he said, pulling you closer to him and catching your eyes again. his smile was mischievous as ever as he turned slowly, turning you with him. "you don't even know what it is yet."
you sighed, a small smile sneaking its way onto your lips. "alright. what is it?"
"well, my first paycheck just came in from working with your uncle, and i thought i might as well get it now," he said, dragging his words in the suspense as you continued to eye him. he looked you up and down, his smile still wide as he winked. "have i told you how good you look in that dress?"
"every time i've worn it," you laughed. "reckon that's why you bought it for me."
"damn right," he said, pressing a quick kiss to your lips. you giggled against him before pushing him back, raising your brows.
"what is it?" you asked, almost eager now. "what'd you buy?"
surprisingly, he released you, stepping back as he shoved a hand in his pocket. his smile was wide, but his eyes softened as he brought his hand out in front of him. he breathed out his next words nervously; "i really hope you like it."
and then he was on his knee, and in his fingers was a dainty, gold ring with a small circle diamond on top. right there, in the room you'd just finished, the room you shared, in the house you and your friends rebuilt, with the shop you owned just down the beach - he was proposing.
"i really want to marry you," he breathed out with a nervous laugh, his fingers squeezing the ring tightly. "you're the love of my life, y/n. i really don't know what i'd do without you. being with you has been the easiest and best damn thing i've ever done and i want to be with you for as long as you'll let me. so, will you please marry me? i promise to provide for you and be there for you and-"
"yes," you said, beaming as you took his face in your hands. you laughed lightly. "absolutely yes, jayj."
he kissed you quickly, standing and wrapping his arms around your waist as he leaned into you. when he pulled back, he was laughing, causing you to let out a few giggles, wiping away a small tear at the corner of his eye. he kissed you shortly before bringing the ring to you, slipping it on the proper finger with a certain look of pride in his eye.
"it's uh, it's not much, it's not even a real diamond but i-"
"i love it," you cut him off, holding his hand as you glanced between him and the ring, beaming. "i love it, jayj. thank you."
he smiled, a breath of relief slipping past his lips as he gathered you in his arms again, spinning you quickly. he pulled back and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips again before stepping back away from you. he let out an excited whoop, grinning at you. he grabbed your hand and pulled the door open, dragging you with him down the stairs.
"she said yes!"
thanks for reading! leave a request in the comments or message me privately! i love writing, so if you've got an idea you need fleshed out on paper i'd love to be the one to do that for you
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gorgeousgirl222 · 1 month ago
JJ Maybank Headcannons
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The biggest softie when it comes to his loved ones
Struggles with anxiety and panic attacks, gets triggered by glass breaking, just aggressive/violent sounds ifyk what I mean
Heavy sleeper, could sleep through a hurricane
Protective, my man gets territorial when it comes to his people, ESPECIALLY his girl
Would melt if you made him anything like a friendship bracelet, necklace, etc. He would never take it off
Doesn't like feeling vulnerable and helpless so, he suppresses his feelings until he crashes out
Such a sucker for head scratches and back rubs
Gives the best, warmest hugs in the world, especially with those strong arms
Could drift to sleep hearing your soft humming
Fidgets when his rings/holds his chest when he's anxious
Human version of a golden retriever
"Casual" cuddles with his girl "best friend"
If you guys were dating, this man would be CLINGY
Loves music, it comforts him after having a not so great run in with his dad
Always calling you cheesy nicknames just to make you laugh
Would destroy him to see you hurt or crying
If he caught feelings, he would be absolutely insufferable, never failing to bring you up when hanging out with John B and Pope
His hands would be warm, calloused, and a bit on the clammy side
Human furnace, perfect for the winter ;)
Definitely one of those guys that randomly starts twitching when they sleep or sleeps like a victorian child with the plague
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itsthecline · 3 months ago
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ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ in which your friends have a tradition of going on vacation with each other every summer , and this summer is already feeling different
warnings smau / second person chapters , profanity , kook!jj , male!oc brother ,mentions of terminal illness , mrs. cameron is alive , cheating ( ward ) , friends to lovers , sexual innuendos and content ( will be marked * ) , use of alcohol and marijuana , and i think that’s it for now…
a/n kinda based off of tsitp in a way but i will be posting when i come back from hiatus!
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crookedteethed · 3 months ago
Welp, I did it. I made a Toxic Kook JJ fic—yes, it is very toxic and unhinged.
(the fic in question: here)
Rewatching obx season 4 for the second time, and I feel like if JJ was raised by Groff/as a Kook, that boy would be such a ruthless dog—like that mfer would be such a fuck boy toying with the hearts of Kook and Pouge girls all over😭😭 why tf do I want to make a toxickook! JJ fic now?
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justabigassnerd · 1 month ago
In Another Life pt. 1
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Pairing - Jackson Genrette x reader (Kook!JJ AU)
Word Count - 5,222
Series Warnings - swearing, smoking, angst, fluff, violence, weapons, blood, injuries, death, canon divergence (it's an AU innit?), drugs, alcohol, verbal & physical abuse
Summary - In another life, JJ Maybank was known by the name Jackson Genrette. The son of Larissa Genrette and grandson of Wes Genrette, making him the sole heir of Goat Island. Instead of being associated with surfing and smoking. Jackson was associated with the country club and yachts. Yet despite his unending wealth and Kook status, Jackson found himself intrigued by the adventures of the Pogues and found himself dragged along on an adventure he never could’ve anticipated.
In Another Life masterlist
In Another Life playlist
A/N - hey y'all! I am proud to be gifting y'all the first part of my Kook!JJ AU! I truly hope this is something y'all enjoy because I've put a lot of time into crafting this story and keeping it somewhat faithful to the main plot while adding my own twists into it (these better work out or I fear I may hide away out of embarrassment). anyways I won't ramble. as per y'all, please send in requests, feedback, and enjoy!!!
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Jackson awoke to the sound of his alarm, forcing his eyes open as his hand flailed for his phone that sat on his bedside table, eventually managing to pick up the phone and turn off his alarm. Lying on his back with a groan, Jackson stares at the plain ceiling above him, mentally preparing himself to get out of bed.
“Jackson? Are you getting up? Your grandfather wants to be out of the house within the hour.” The gentle voice of Larissa, Jackson’s mother, floats through his door as he props himself up on his elbows.
“I’m getting up. Tell him I’ll be down soon.” Jackson calls back, pushing himself up into a sitting position and stretching his arms above his head. After stretching, Jackson forces himself up and heads into his en-suite bathroom, showering and then changing into some nice clothes to wear to the Island Club, the country club. It was not unusual for Jackson and his family to go to the country club on Kildare at the weekends. Wes enjoyed catching up with his friends over a drink or two while Larissa enjoyed seeing her friends and Jackson would play some golf. He occasionally hung out with the likes of Rafe Cameron and Topper Thornton but to say he enjoyed their company was an exaggeration of the highest degree. They mostly hung around him because they wanted to make themselves look good. It was no secret that the Genrettes were among the wealthiest of the Kooks. Rafe and Topper had attempted to use Jackson as a way to boost their own social status, something Jackson despised. He had been raised to respect everyone regardless of their status, Kook or Pogue, they were still people at the end of the day so Jackson wasn’t going to treat anyone any differently, something that Rafe and Topper frequently disapproved of.
After he finished getting ready for the day, Jackson made his way downstairs, smiling as he greeted his mother and grandfather as they sat at the table eating their breakfast.
“Good of you to join us, Jackson,” Wes says, his voice teasing as Jackson sits in his chair, plating up some food and digging in.
“I like to keep you on your toes, Grandpa,” Jackson replies with a joking wink, making Wes chuckle and roll his eyes. The three eat their breakfast quietly, stopping only to converse once in a while and once they all finished, they grabbed their things and made their way to the front door.
“Jackson, are you okay to drive the boat?” Wes asks, his smile already telling that he knows the answer.
“You know I am,” Jackson replies, grabbing the keys to the yacht from the box and heading over to the dock. The three board the boat and Jackson is quick to untie the rope before heading up to the wheel to start the engine and drive the yacht over to the docks of the Kildare country club. When they docked, Jackson helped his mom and his grandfather disembark the yacht before following them to the small restaurant, smiling as Wes went to greet his friends and Larissa spotted her friends.
“Are you going to play some golf or are you going to hang around here?” Larissa asks, turning to look at Jackson who shrugs lightly.
“It seems pretty quiet right now, I might see if I can get some time on the course before everyone else shows up,” Jackson says with a soft laugh.
“Okay. I’ll be here and so will Grandpa. Come back whenever you’re ready.” Larissa says, watching as Jackson nods with a smile.
“Got it. No different to any other week. I love you, Mom.” Jackson says, hugging his mom, and both of them smile ear to ear.
“I love you two, Sweetie. Now have fun.” Larissa says softly, gesturing loosely for Jackson to head off which he does. Jackson makes his way to the country club's golf building, heading to his own locker to grab his gold clubs and golf balls before making his way out to the course to set up his first tee.
“Yo, Genrette!” Jackson couldn’t help but sigh when he heard the familiar voice of Topper call out, turning to face both him and Rafe with a forced smile on his face, hoping his sunglasses would mask the fakeness of the emotion.
“What’s up?” Jackson says nonchalantly, fist-bumping Topper’s outstretched hand and nodding curtly towards Rafe.
“Just wanted to get some time in on the courses.” Rafe shrugs as Jackson nods, eyeing the pair cautiously. He didn’t recall seeing them when he made his way through the country club, yet he was unsurprised they’d popped up mere seconds after he arrived at the course. Knowing he now didn’t have a way out of the situation, Jackson was forced to allow the two to tag along with him, making their way around the various courses. Eventually, all three decided they wanted to buy a drink after spending a few hours playing golf in the hot Kildare sun. After returning their clubs to their lockers, they made their way to the small restaurant and bar and it took Rafe less than two seconds to be an asshole.
Jackson was semi-familiar with you. He knew your name, he knew that you worked the bar and restaurant at the country club, and he knew you were a Pogue. But other than that, you were a complete mystery to him. You were friendly enough to the Kooks who were polite, but you bit back with fierce venom if someone was ever rude or demanding of you.
“Hey, grab us all a drink.” He demands as he approaches the bar, completely ignoring that you were in the middle of doing something.
“It would be helpful if I knew what it was you wanted.” You reply, not even lifting your gaze to look at him as you talk, still focused on what you are doing.
“You know exactly what we want,” Rafe says, his hands turning into fists at your attitude.
“I’m not a mind reader, Rafe. How do you expect me to know what you want?” You then say, abandoning the task you were doing to address Rafe properly, not caring about how you were pushing his buttons. Jackson couldn’t help but admire your attitude towards him, most tiptoed around Rafe but you, in typical Pogue-like fashion, were not afraid to stand up to him.
“You piece of shit,” Rafe says, suddenly lunging and grabbing a fistful of your shirt, pulling you closer as you slam against the bar. 
“Rafe, back off.” Jackson suddenly says, stepping forward and ripping Rafe away from you, shoving him towards Topper and keeping himself firmly in between you and him.
“You’re choosing to defend that bitch?” Topper asks, astounded as he helps steady Rafe.
“Don’t call her that,” Jackson replies, his jaw set as he stares down the two.
“Come on man. She’s a Pogue.” Rafe says loudly, not caring about the attention he is gaining from the rest of the people in the restaurant.
“So? It doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole.” Jackson says firmly, his glare hardening by the second.
“Look, let’s go and sit down. Since Genrette wants to be so nice to the Pogue, he can get our drinks.” Topper says, attempting to quench the tension between Jackson and Rafe that has been building up. With a scowl, Rafe storms off with Topper in tow before Jackson turns around to face you.
“I’m so sorry about them. They’re assholes.” Jackson says apologetically, resting his arms on the bar, leaning a little closer as you shrug.
“It’s typical Kook behaviour. I’m used to it.” You say, your hand lightly rubbing your stomach where it had been slammed against the bar counter.
“Did he hurt you?” Jackson asks quietly, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as he watches you.
“I’ve had worse.” You reply nonchalantly, dismissively waving a hand.
“That doesn’t make what he did okay.” Jackson insists, watching as you shake your head, far too used to the behaviour you’ve been on the receiving end of for many years.
“Look, there’s nothing anyone can really do about it so I just suck it up. What do you guys want to drink? If you wait any longer they’ll get pissed.” You say, smoothly changing the subject.
“I’ll just take a water,” Jackson says, already digging in his pocket for his wallet.
“And for the others?” You ask, grabbing a glass and filling it with water.
“They’re not having anything. At least not from me with the way they just treated you.” Jackson says, looking over at you.
“You know when they realise that you haven’t gotten them their drinks they’ll just come back over here, right?” You reply, placing the glass on the bar counter as Jackson extracts his wallet from his pocket, pulling some dollar bills from the wallet and holding them out towards you.
“Jackson, you got a water. That’s free here, you know that.” You say, raising an eyebrow at the wad of bills in his hand.
“Consider it your tip for dealing with those assholes all the time,” Jackson says, not dropping his hand.
“I can’t accept tips. They go in the jar and get divided equally. Besides, I couldn’t take your money just like that.” You say, gesturing loosely towards the glass jar that already had a sparse handful of bills inside. With a small sigh, Jackson shoved the bills back into his wallet before formulating a plan.
“Hey, have you taken your break yet? You look like you could use one.” Jackson says, watching as your eyebrows furrow.
“I don’t see what taking a break has to do with this.” You say, confused as to what Jackson was trying to say to you.
“Just trust me, okay? I know somewhere we can chat in private. Rafe and Topper will have no idea where you are and by the time your break is finished, they’ll have found something else to do.” Jackson says, watching you as you study him silently. One of your number one rules had always been to not trust Kooks, but Jackson seemed different, he had never treated you badly while you were at work, and he seemed to be genuinely trying to be nice.
“Okay, I’ll take my break. I’ll meet you by the staff exit. Rafe and Topper shouldn’t see us there.” You say, keeping your voice low as if Rafe and Topper were going to appear out of nowhere. With a nod, Jackson quickly downs the small glass of water as you head to talk to your boss about taking your break. Once Jackson saw you get the nod of approval from your boss, he made his way out of the small shack, avoiding Rafe and Topper and waiting by the staff exit, smiling as you emerged from the door.
“Come on,” Jackson says, gesturing for you to follow him which you do. You had never really been able to walk around the country club much, you were only expected to go straight to the building you worked at and then go straight home. You let Jackson lead you to the trees surrounding the golf course, finding a secluded spot and sitting down, gesturing for you to join him.
“You’re not about to murder me are you, Genrette?” You ask with a light laugh as you settle down on the ground, leaning against the tree behind you.
“I promise I have no murderous intentions. I just wanted to chat.” Jackson says softly with a laugh of his own. You had always been a mystery to Jackson. He’d only really interacted with you through your job at the country club. You went to the public high school while Jackson went to the private high school. You hung out with the likes of John B while Jackson was stuck with Topper and Rafe. You ran in completely different circles, yet Jackson couldn’t help but be interested. You weren’t afraid to fight back if someone disrespected you. To Jackson, you were the definition of a Pogue.
“Chat about what? I feel like we covered everything about the Rafe and Topper thing. I’m fine. I’ve dealt with worse. Trust me.” You say, looking at Jackson whose gaze flicks down to his lap before looking back up at you.
“I guess I just wanted to try and get to know you a little better. I know you’re friends with Kiara right?” Jackson asks, recalling how Kiara spent one year at the Kook private school, and how you had always, without fail be waiting for her outside the building with a smile when school ended.
“Yeah, Kie and I are friends. Did you hang out with her during her Kook year? She only ever mentioned Sarah Cameron.” You ask curiously, wondering if Jackson had spent any time with your friend.
“Honestly, not really. We spoke a little in class but I just never really got the chance to get to know her.” Jackson admits, hanging his head slightly.
“Your loss, Kie is awesome.” You say, leaning your head back against the tree and admiring how the sunlight filtered through the leaves.
“I’m sure she is.” Jackson agrees, glancing over at you.
“Something tells me you wanted to talk about more than just whether I was friends with Kiara or not.” You say teasingly, glancing over at Jackson as he smiles slightly.
“I already said it. I just wanted to get to know you better. I see you working here all the time and I’ve never offered you a decent conversation.” Jackson shrugs.
“I don’t often see you encouraging employees here to hang out with you for a chat.” You say with a laugh, arms folding across your chest.
“You got me there. I just think you’re interesting, that’s all.” Jackson says, making you tilt your head in confusion slightly.
“How so?” You ask curiously.
“You’re very sure of yourself. You don’t take shit from anyone. That’s really cool.” Jackson says, watching as you shrug lightly.
“Yeah well, when you grow up on the Cut you kinda have to learn how to stand up for yourself. No one else will do it for you unless you have a really good group of friends.” You say, a small smile on your face at the thought of your friends, the ones who fearlessly stood by you no matter what.
“You seem like you’ve got a good group of friends,” Jackson says, thinking of all the times he’d gone to bonfires and beach parties and seen you hanging out with your friends, always smiling and joking with them.
“I wish I could say the same about you. Why do you hang out with Rafe and Topper? They’re assholes.” You ask, curious as to why someone as kind as Jackson was regularly seen hanging out with Rafe and Topper.
“It’s not through choice, believe me. They like the social boost it gives them to be seen talking with me. I’m pretty sure Rafe is trying to use me to get close to my grandpa. He keeps talking business with me so he probably wants to try and strike some sort of deal between his dad and my grandfather. Topper… he’s just wherever Rafe is.” Jackson explains with a shrug, propping his arms on his knees.
“That sucks. You can’t just tell them to leave you alone?” You ask, glancing over at Jackson as he stares ahead of him.
“I’ve tried. They don’t listen. If I get too pushy I might make my family look bad. I can’t do that to them. I’d rather put up with them than risk anything happening to my family.” Jackson admits, letting out a small sigh as you study him carefully.
“You really love your family, huh?” You ask quietly as Jackson nods.
“Yeah, I do. It’s just been me, my mom, and my grandpa, since I was born. We’ve always been close.” Jackson says, a small smile on his face as he thinks about his family.
“That’s nice.” You say softly, bringing your knees to your chest and hugging them closer. Sensing your shift in tone and demeanour, Jackson glanced at you sadly, wondering if what he said had upset you. Without warning, you pull your phone out of your pocket, checking the time and then scrambling to your feet.
“I gotta go. My break’s nearly over.” You say quickly, shoving your phone in your pocket as Jackson also stands up, confusion written across his face.
“Hold on, it’s surely not been long enough for your break to be over,” Jackson says, confused as you begin to back away, checking the time on his own phone and discovering it had barely been twenty minutes.
“My boss hates when we take long breaks. I can’t afford to lose this job.” You say hurriedly, barely even glancing Jackson’s way as he watches you.
“Maybe I could vouch for you if your boss is upset. I can cover for you.” Jackson offers, a kind smile on his face.
“No!” You say abruptly, feeling guilt grip you at Jackson’s slight shock.
“Sorry. I just can’t let you vouch for me. I should’ve been paying attention to the time. It was nice to hang out with you. I’ll see you around, Jackson.” You say quickly and apologetically, offering Jackson a quick wave before rushing off in the direction of the bar as Jackson lets out a sigh, his shoulders sagging in defeat before trudging along to where he knew his mom was.
“Jackson, are you all done for today?” Larissa asks as Jackson approaches, where she and her friends are all sitting conversing.
“Yeah, the courses were beginning to get busy so I called it a day early.” He replies with a shrug, standing alongside Larissa’s chair.
“You have to start getting in early if you want the courses while they’re quiet.” One of Larissa’s friends muses, sipping on her drink.
“You hear that Jackson? You need to start getting up earlier if you want the courses to yourself.” Larissa teases, looking up at Jackson as he rolls his eyes lightly.
“Surely the weekend is a good excuse to sleep in, Mom,” Jackson replies, his voice light as he talks.
“Jackson, I hear you got into an altercation with Rafe and Topper earlier. Whatever happened?” Another one of Larrisa’s friends speaks up, glancing up from her phone as Larissa turns to look at Jackson with a look of shock.
“Jackson Genrette, what did you do?” She says quickly as Jackson glances over at her friend, wondering how she could’ve heard about it already when she wasn’t even present when it happened.
“I didn’t do anything. Rafe was hurting y/n and I just couldn’t stand there and watch. Yeah, I pushed him but it was to help y/n.” Jackson says, defending himself quickly as Larissa’s face slowly shifts to one of realisation as she softens.
“Oh, Jackson,” Larissa says empathetically, getting to her feet and leading Jackson away to somewhere they could talk in private as he follows her, head hanging as he wonders what she wants to say.
“Mom, I swear I wouldn’t have done anything but Rafe grabbed her and-”
“Sweetie, stop talking for a second. You know I raised you better than to pick fights.” Larissa says, cutting Jackson off as he squeezes his eyes shut, his head hanging even lower in his guilt.
“I’m sorry, Mom.” Jackson begins to apologise before Larissa cuts him off once more.
“I may have raised you not to pick fights. But I’m proud of you for standing up for that girl. I don’t like that Cameron boy, he treats everyone badly. He needed someone to tell him to back off and I’m so proud it was you. My sweet boy.” Larissa says, cupping Jackson’s face in her hands, gently tipping his head up so he can look at her. She smiles softly at him as he forces a smile onto his face.
“I just wanted to help,” Jackson mutters softly, leaning into Larissa’s hand, soaking up the comfort he so often received from her growing up.
“And you did. If anyone tries to accuse you of anything I will protect you I promise. While I don’t condone you using violence, you did what you needed to do and I won’t tell you off for it. I’m sure y/n won’t forget it.” Larissa says softly, her smile not fading.
“Thank you, Mom,” Jackson says, softly, yet the appreciation in his voice is clear, relief setting in that his mom would have his back should anything backfire on him.
“You don’t need to thank me, Jackson. Look, I’ll say my goodbyes and then grab your grandfather. We’ll head home in a moment. If you want to say your goodbyes to anyone now’s the chance. Maybe check in on that y/n.” Larissa says, smiling at Jackson as he nods.
“I might go and see how she’s doing. I’ll meet you by the boat.” Jackson says, nodding slightly as Larissa steps back.
“Don’t take too long,” Larissa warns, her smile teasing and revealing that Jackson was not under any time constraint. With one final nod, Jackson backs off and begins to cross back over to the smaller building you worked in, unable to stop his smile from widening when he catches sight of you behind the bar.
“Hey y/n.” Jackson greets, approaching the bar once more as you straighten up, locking eyes with him.
“What brings you back here?” You ask, wiping down the counter as you speak.
“Uh- my family was about to head out so I just wanted to swing by and make sure you were okay before I left,” Jackson says, leaning against the counter as you roll your eyes.
“I don’t need a protector if that’s what you mean, Genrette. I can handle myself.” You muse, eyes flicking up from the bar counter to look at Jackson.
“I’m sure you can. I just wanted to check in, that’s it.” Jackson says, holding his hands up in mock surrender.
“I’m fine, I promise. I can handle Rafe if he tries anything again.” You say, a slight boasting tone to your voice, proud of your ability to protect yourself if needed.
“I don’t doubt it,” Jackson says with a laugh, reaching out and grabbing a napkin and the pen you had clearly abandoned on the counter, scribbling something down before handing it to you.
“What’s this?” You ask with a raised eyebrow, eyes scanning the numbers scribbled down on the napkin.
“It’s my number. If you ever wanted to hang out outside of your working hours, I’d be down.” Jackson says with a shrug as you fold the napkin up and shove it in your pocket.
“Maybe I’ll take you up on that. If you’re not afraid to be seen with a Pogue.” You say, your lips turning upwards in a slight smile, trying to hide your worries about Jackson’s potential embarrassment at being seen with you.
“I wouldn’t have offered if I was afraid. I don’t care what people think.” Jackson says, an unbothered expression on his face as he watches you carefully.
“Thank you.” You mumble, a sudden shyness sneaking into your voice as your gaze flicks to the bar counter.
“I should probably head out but if you need anything, don’t be afraid to ask,” Jackson says quickly, shooting you a friendly wink as he heads out of the building, leaving you standing there, bewildered at the kindness shown to you by the Kook.
Jackson made his way back to the dock he had moored the yacht at, smiling at his family as he boarded the boat, pulling the keys out of his pocket and heading up to the wheel.
“Did you get to check in with y/n?” Larissa asks, following Jackson up to the helm as he nods.
“Yeah, I made it quick so she wouldn’t get in trouble. I gave her my number if she ever wanted to hang out when she’s not at work.” Jackson says with a light shrug, checking the controls of the boat, and making sure everything looks good.
“That’s sweet of you,” Larissa says sweetly as Jackson smiles softly, wondering if you’d reach out to him.
“Jackson! The boat’s untied. We’re good to go, boy! The sooner we get back home the better.” Wes calls up to him.
“He’s right. There’s a hurricane watch going on so we better be careful.” Larissa agrees as Jackson nods, noticing the dark clouds in the distance. He had known there was a hurricane risk like there usually was this time of year so he started the engine and began the journey back to Goat Island.
By the time the end of your shift rolled around, you had received a text from John B, letting you know that he was waiting for you and you quickly made your way out of the country club, locating the familiar van and crossing to it and climbing in the passenger seat, noticing the grey clouds growing closer.
“Yo, how was work?” John B asks as he begins to drive.
“It was normal. Same old Kooks.” You shrug as John B scoffs, shaking his head.
“Of course. Are you crashing at the Chateau tonight?” John B then asks, glancing over at you as you nod.
“If that’s okay with you.” You say in response, looking back at John B as he nods, focusing back on the road.
“My Chateau is your Chateau. You’re welcome anytime and you know my Pops would say the same if he were here.” John B says, trying not to let any upset sneak into his words as you soften. Big John had been missing for about nine months now, and John B was now dealing with the threat of being taken into foster care.
“I appreciate it. We’ll find your old man, you know? He’s a tough son of a bitch, he’s gotta be out there somewhere.” You say reassuringly, reaching over to squeeze John B’s shoulder. Big John had always been a positive father figure in your life, he opened his doors to you when he and John B learned of your familial situation and you wanted to help John B find him more than anything else.
“Looks like Aggie is really picking up.” John B says suddenly, noticing the wind beginning to pick up.
“Looks like it, yeah.” You agree, leaning closer to the window to look up at the sky.
“Me and Pope are probably going to try and catch some waves before she hits properly. You want in?” John B asks, looking over at you with a smile.
“Not this time, I’m pretty exhausted from work I just want to crash. Next time, I promise.” You say, feeling a yawn slip past your lips after you speak.
“That’s fair. Dealing with Kooks is exhausting.” John B says with a laugh as you let out a small scoff of your own.
“I mean you only have to deal with Ward Cameron. I have to deal with every Kook on this island.” You joke as John B reaches out to swat at you with a laugh.
By the time John B had pulled up outside his house, the sun was setting and it was becoming more and more obvious to anyone who was paying attention that a hurricane was due to hit.
“There you are! Are we heading out or not?” You hear Pope call out as soon as you and John B exit the Twinkie, eyes squinting against the lashing rain.
“Give me a minute to change, I’ll be quick.” John B says as the two of you rush towards the Chateau, greeting Pope as you reach the porch.
“You not coming, y/n?” Pope asks as you run a hand through your hair, pushing the wet strands out of your face.
“Not this time Pope. Is Kie not going either?” You ask, tugging your jacket off and laying it over the back of a chair to dry.
“Her parents wanted her home while the storm came in.” Pope shrugs.
“Makes sense. Their house on Figure Eight could withstand Aggie way better than any Pogue house.” You say, glancing over at Pope as he nods in agreement.
“Hey, the Chateau can survive anything. Don’t talk about her like that.” John B teases, tossing a crumpled-up piece of paper in your direction as you dodge it with a laugh.
“You two better be careful.” You say as the two head for the door.
“When are we not?” John B asks with a smirk as you roll your eyes.
“Pope, make sure he doesn’t get himself killed, will you?” You then ask, looking at Pope who nods.
“Without you to endorse his ideas I’ll have a much easier time keeping him in place.” Pope laughs as you flip him off with a roll of the eyes.
“Get out of here.” You say jokingly, chuckling as the two leave, leaving you alone in the house for the time being.
As the evening progressed, the storm got stronger and by the time John B entered the Chateau, the power had gone out and you were in the middle of lighting some candles as he burst through the door.
“Power go out?” John B asks as you nod, striking another match.
“Just a few minutes ago.” You reply, lighting a candle and then blowing out the match.
“Great. How long do you think our side of the island is going to be powerless while the Kooks live it up?” John B asks, collapsing on the sofa with a sigh.
“Hopefully it won’t be too long. Worst comes to worst we can nab a generator from somewhere.” You suggest with a wink as you sit down alongside John B, laughing as he shoves your shoulder slightly.
“And that’s what we’re not going to do.” John B says, getting up from the sofa as you chuckle.
“Aw, c’mon John B it’s a great idea.” You tease, leaning against the doorframe as he enters his room.
“Good night, y/n/n.” John B says with a laugh, closing his bedroom door in your face as you laugh.
“You know you love me, John B!” You call through the door, smiling as you hear John B chuckle behind the door before moving to make your way to the room that was unofficially yours, changing into the comfy clothes you left at John B’s house for the nights you stayed and settling into the bed. As you curl up under the covers, you face the window, watching the rain lash against it aggressively as the wind howls. You loved when storms and rainy weather hit the Outer Banks. You often would surf with John B and the others when the weather was like this or you’d stand out in the rain, dragging the other Pogues out into the downpour to relish in the weather. Hearing the rain against the window was almost comforting, reminding you of the fun times you’d have with your friends as you closed your eyes, allowing sleep to claim you as your thoughts went back to the Kook who had offered you kindness earlier in the day.
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papercranesandinkstains · 3 months ago
papercraneandinkstains SMAU Fic Rec List:
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Otherwise known as my personal section to write love notes to all of my favorite authors..... Will be updating frequently because I am chronically online and I use the word OBSESSED a lot. Be warned...
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REMINDER: You are responsible for your own media consumption! If you don't like an aspect of a fic, feel free to move on QUIETLY! Sending hate to authors who make FREE content is insane and you will be treated as such!!
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Heartbreak:Live/Offline- @zyafics (Rafe Cameron x Reader) Complete
Have you ever read something and you were so obsessed it was all you could think about? That is this SMAU for me. I have made a few SMAU’s in the past for Marvel, but never posted them because I was too anxious, but when I read THIS fic????? I genuinely have read it probably 20 times, I am so obsessed. It gave me the push to make my own SMAU’s for OBX, but to also post them! This girl makes such incredible work and graphics that I genuinely am so in awe of her! She is literally the sweetest, and if you haven’t read this, I genuinely can NOT recommend it enough. I spend hours talking about it with my sister because I am SO obsessed with it. I could write an entire book of love letters to this writer because she genuinely has put her heart in this fic and it really does show! It’s literally perfection! In my mind we are genuinely best friend's, I am so obsessed with quite literally anything she does!!
Kildare Split- @ghostofwriting (Rafe Cameron x Reader) complete
This???????? You're going to see a few Band/Musician AUs in this list and this was the start of my obsession! The relationships? The music? The longing??????? Don't even get me started. this fic is literally a MASTERPIECE and should be treated as such!
Lay all your love on me- @kimoralov3 (JJ Maybank x Heyward!Reader) in progress
This fic is sooooo special to me because I love love love the relationship between Reader and Pope as their brother. Anytime I see the Heyward!Reader tag, it’s an immediate click for me, but this fic is absolutely everything!! I’m talking poor JJ is down in the trenches for this girl to the point he’s cleaning fridges….
Salt &&. Secrets- @sematarygirls (Rafe Cameron x Reader) in progress
This fic is another one of my favorites! Reader is venting on an online blog about Rafe and he is going OUT of his mind trying to figure out who it is! Kelce and Topper are such instigators in this that I find myself laughing every time I see a new part! There are some really cute and different graphics that this writer does a really good job of creating!
Rhythm & Revelry- @darlingchronicles (Reader X JJ Maybank) in progress
Okay, this fic???? Every time I see an update I am giggling and kicking my feet. JJ is fighting for his life against the allegations that he has a crush on Reader/Blue, but the man has been down bad since they were kids and EVERYONE knows. This is a fake dating trope and it is so cute! I am so down bad for this fic! 
Summer Lovin’- @murdockcastleslut (Jackson Genrette x Pogue!Reader) in progress
A Kook obsessed with a Pogue is a guilty pleasure of mine and this fic is EVERYTHING. The interactions between JJ and Pope are my absolute favorite, but he is SO desperate for any kind of attention from Reader that you can’t help but fall in love! I love love love this story so much, I will drop everything the second I see an update!
Off Limits- @whorelaud (BFB!Rafe x Reader) in progress
This one is a mix of SMAU and written fanfic and it has me on my knees. The interactions between Rafe and Reader, but also Reader and everyone else have me rolling on the floor every chapter! This is such a cute story and the dynamic between Reader and her brother really takes it over the top!
Off Topic- @murdockcastleslut (Rafe x Reader) in progress
Okay, so you are definitely going to see this author quite a few times and I’m not even sorry about it! She is literally so sweet and she creates such amazing work that there’s no way I’m ever going to shut up about her! Rafe is so down bad all I can do is giggle and kick my feet at every interaction! Sarah in this fic has me obsessed!! 
Meddle About- @murdockcastleslut (JJ x Reader/ Rafe x Reader) in progress
A band AU that has me in a chokehold already and it has just begun! I genuinely am obsessed with this story already and it only has a few chapters! Then again, I think this writer could post blank posts and I would still eat it up because she is just that good! 
Bed Chem- @lolxdswag123 (Rafe Cameron x Reader) in progress
Okay this story is so amazing, I don’t even know where to start! It’s a story of Reader falling in love with Rafe while also wanting to return to college after the summer is over. She and JJ have a complicated history, which has its own twists and turns. This fic is literally so amazing!!
Riding the Edge- @ghostofwriting (Rafe Cameron x Reader) in progress
Motorcycle content creator Rafe and Bookstagram poster Reader are literally everything to me! The graphics on this story are so cute, but the story itself just blows me out of the water! They fall so in love so fast, and then Rafe Cameron does indeed fumble the bag… BUT there’s hope guys! I love this story so much!!
Ocean Blue Eyes- @softspiderling (Rafe Cameron x Reader) in progress
Okay but musician Reader is always everything to me and this fic????? I literally am so obsessed with it! The fan theories? The literal threads the audience ties together time and time again?? Literally obsessed!
Summer Sun Forever- @l6ndry (Rafe Cameron x Reader) in progress
Band AU’s have my heart in case you can’t tell…. But a celebrity falling for their biggest fan??? The delusional girl in me will EAT it up every time! This story is literally so cute! Reader and their friends are such cuties, but Rafe and his band mates? I have to laugh every time they have a conversation… This is SUCH a great read!
Poor Un-American Girls- @greyswaren (Rafe Cameron x foreignexchangestudent!Reader) 
This is such a cute and original idea that I have been eating up like crazy! Reader’s friendships with their friends back home?? Their new friendships with the OBX community?? Rafe being a down bad fella (as he should be).... I am obsessed with this!
Gossip Girl- @maybejj (JJ Maybank x pogue!reader)
Don't even get me started on this..... Literally so full of fun and drama and ANGST.... Literally prepare to have your heart ripped out and stomped on and be ready to want to rip out someone else's (I'm looking at you Adam and I'm coming for you buddy....) It literally feels like a movie every time I see a new part!!
Criminal Love- @maybejj (Rafe Cameron x college!reader)
You want a COCKY SMUG Rafe Cameron who just so happens to be a killer in every universe????? Look no further! I am literally so obsessed with this series it's not even funny! The banter, the little comments online, the HANDWRITING FONTS.... I fear I too would fall for a criminal.... This author is literally fantastic! She could put out a post of watching paint dry and it would be ART!
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prettybabywhowrites · 1 month ago
Stay Away From Her - JJ Maybank
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Tonight was the night of the annual bond fire, the one time each year where Pogues and Kooks hung out together.
However.. more often than not this brought along big problems..
"Hey baby" you drunkenly said to your surprisingly sober boyfriend JJ "Hey there pretty girl" he responded, pulling you into a hug. You guys stayed that way for a bit just enjoying the night. "'m gonna go grab you some water, stay here baby okay" he said before helping you sit on a large rock.
He walked over to a cooler, reaching inside to grab a water bottle, looking back over to where you were, you were being harassed by some kook.
He was pissed. He ran over to you, "Get your hands off my girl!" he spat at the guy, shoving the dudes hands off of you. "She was asking for it wearing that, not my fault your girls a slut" The guy responded smugly as he shrugged.
"What did you just say about her?" JJ responded angrily being sucker punching him in the jaw. "You don't know shit about her you hear me!" JJ yelled as he continued beating the living crap out of him, his knuckles slightly bloody and purple.
"JJ cmon baby" you said, causing his head to turn, punching the boy one last time "I never wanna see your face again, you stay away from her" he said before getting off of him and walking over to you.
"You okay?" he asked tenderly, "you laughed slightly in your drunken state, "never better, your the one who just got in a fight." you slurred. With that, he took you in his arms, wrapping your legs around his middle and breathing in your scent.
He carried you to his bike, placing on your helmet before his own, taking you back to the château to rest.
Authors Note - Don't love this, might edit! Leave requests please!! Happy blogging Lovies!
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obxcc · 2 months ago
bigsister!reader . . . organized
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⋆✴︎˚。⋆ in a world where larissa left her husband and raised her perfect son on her own , he meets you. coming from very different walks of life , jj still thinks you were meant to be.
pairing . . . kook!jj ( jackson genrette ) x bigsister!reader
author’s note . . . very much giving shameless house activities i fear but a lot to come!!!!
index . . . ꩜ smut , 𝜗𝜚 fluff , ⟡ angst
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ daydreams
dancing it out.
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ blurbs
meet the family!
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justabigassnerd · 2 months ago
In Another Life
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(Kook!JJ AU)
Jackson Genrette x reader
Summary - In another life, JJ Maybank was known by the name Jackson Genrette. The son of Larissa Genrette and grandson of Wes Genrette, making him the sole heir of Goat Island. Instead of being associated with surfing and smoking. Jackson was associated with the country club and yachts. Yet despite his unending wealth and Kook status, Jackson found himself intrigued by the adventures of the Pogues and found himself dragged along on an adventure he never could’ve anticipated.
Series Warnings - swearing, smoking, angst, fluff, violence, weapons, blood, injuries, death, canon divergence (it's an AU innit?), drugs, alcohol, verbal & physical abuse
In Another Life playlist
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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justabigassnerd · 30 days ago
In Another Life pt. 2
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Pairing - Jackson Genrette x reader (Kook!JJ AU)
Word Count - 4,829
Series Warnings - swearing, smoking, angst, fluff, violence, weapons, blood, injuries, death, canon divergence (it's an AU innit?), drugs, alcohol, verbal & physical abuse
Summary - In another life, JJ Maybank was known by the name Jackson Genrette. The son of Larissa Genrette and grandson of Wes Genrette, making him the sole heir of Goat Island. Instead of being associated with surfing and smoking. Jackson was associated with the country club and yachts. Yet despite his unending wealth and Kook status, Jackson found himself intrigued by the adventures of the Pogues and found himself dragged along on an adventure he never could’ve anticipated.
In Another Life masterlist
In Another Life playlist
A/N - it's time for part two of this series y'all! I truly hope y'all are enjoying this because I'm absolutely loving writing it and I just want to make you guys happy because you guys mean the world to me. as per y'all, please send in requests, feedback, and enjoy!!!
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The next morning, you awoke to John B rapping his knuckles on your door before he opened it.
“Hey, come on, we’ve got a whole lot of nothing to do.” John B says, quickly dodging the pillow you hurled in his direction as it bounced off the wall.
“Give me a minute.” You reply, your voice muffled by the pillow as you tug the covers over your head.
“Alright, just hurry up, we’re picking Pope and Kie up when you’re ready.” John B says before closing your door to give you some privacy. Once John B shut the door, you sat up, rubbing at your eyes before forcing yourself out of bed and heading to the shower. To your displeasure, the water was coming through cold which meant the power had still not come back on. Once you finished your shower, you changed into some shorts and a crop top before heading out to the living room, unsurprised to find John B was missing. Taking the chance you had, you dug your hand into your jacket pocket, extracting the napkin Jackson had handed to you the day before and pulled your phone out of your shorts pocket, thumbs hovering over the ‘add new contact’ button as you stared at the number. You debated on texting him to ask if he wanted to join you and your friends or to see if he wanted to hang out at a later date.
“What’s this?” John B says, announcing his return as he snatches the napkin from your hand, holding it up out of your reach as you attempt to reach it.
“Give it back, John B.” You say, reaching for the napkin as John B laughs.
“Hang on I’m trying to see what all the fuss is about.” John B says, eyes squinting to read what was scribbled on the napkin.
“John B-”
“Wait have you got someone’s number? Who is it?” John B asks as you finally manage to wrench the napkin from his grip.
“It’s none of your business.” You say, folding the napkin up and shoving it back in your jacket pocket.
“Come on, y/n/n. You’re practically my sister, I need to make sure anyone trying to flirt with you is good for you.” John B insists with a groan.
“Firstly, this person wasn’t flirting with me, they were being friendly. Secondly, I can look after myself if anyone tries anything.” You say firmly, shoving your phone back in your pocket as you turn to face John B.
“So, if they were just being friendly, why can’t you tell me who it is? You know I won’t stop bugging you until you tell me.” John B says slinging an arm over your shoulder as you roll your eyes, debating on whether you tell John B about what had happened the day before.
“If I tell you, you have to promise not to freak out.” You say as the two of you leave the Chateau, making your way towards the dock where HMS Pogue is moored.
“You have my word, I won’t freak out.” John B says as the two of you walk down the dock, hopping on the boat as you move to untie the rope.
“Okay, fine. It was Jackson Genrette’s number.” You say with a sigh, not missing how John B’s eyes widened slightly, turning to stare at you, shock written all over his face.
“Jackson Genrette… as in the Kook who lives on Goat Island?” John B asks incredulously as you step onto the boat, nodding slightly as you sit down, discarding the rope in the boat.
“Yeah. His family are at the country club most weekends. He helped me out of a situation with Rafe.” You explain, leaning back against your elbows as John B starts the engine.
“A situation wit- wait what did Rafe do?” John B asks worriedly, looking over his shoulder as you get to your feet, moving to stand alongside him.
“The usual. He demanded drinks and when I asked him what drinks he wanted he got pissed that I couldn’t mind read or some shit and he grabbed me by the shirt so I slammed against the bar. Jackson stepped in and got Rafe and Topper to back off. Even tried to give me some cash as an apology.” You explain, watching as John B processes what you’ve said.
“Rafe is such an asshole. You’re not hurt are you?” John B asks, looking over at you.
“Nah, just a little sore after it happened but I’ve had worse. Jackson hung out with me on my break, showed me a pretty good spot to hang out, and I guess you could say we’re somewhat friendly now.” You say, your hand subconsciously winding around your middle, silently thankful that you didn’t bruise from the interaction with Rafe, not that anyone would’ve noticed or cared if you were.
“Damn, moving up in the world, aren’t you? Going after a Kook like Jackson.” John B muses with a laugh, reaching out to ruffle your hair as you swat at his hand.
“Jackson and I are friendly, that’s it. Besides it’s not like you haven’t been eye-fucking Sarah Cameron every chance you get. Sometimes I think that’s the reason you took the job working for Ward.” You retort, finally swatting his hand away and then deciding to ruffle his hair in retaliation.
“Sarah Cameron? You think I want Sarah Cameron of all people?” John B asks, shoving your hand away as his mouth gapes open.
“It’s obvious. You definitely have a thing for her. Shame she’s with Topper if you ask me.” You say, folding your arms across your chest.
“Oh, and I bet you don’t have a thing for Jackson Genrette since you were so eager to spend your work break with him.” John B says with a raised eyebrow, ignoring your scoff.
“There is nothing between me and Jackson Genrette, we’ve barely had one conversation.” You say, still insisting that John B is wrong.
“Did he or did he not give you his number yesterday?” John B asks, looking over at you pointedly, smirking at your silence.
“Exactly. Even if you haven’t got a thing for him, he’s clearly interested in you. But you’re better than that, I know you’d never date a Kook.” John B says, focusing on driving the boat towards the dock outside Pope’s house and family restaurant. Not wanting to dwindle on the subject any more, you notice Pope and quickly stand up, calling over to him with a smile.
“Yo, Pope!” You call out to your friend, noticing him sweeping the dock with his dad nearby.
“Hey guys,” Pope replies, smiling over at you as John B kills the engine so the HMS Pogue can slowly sidle up alongside.
“You coming?” John B asks, gesturing for Pope to come and join you.
“No, he ain’t.” Pope’s dad, Heyward says quickly, staring over at you and John B.
“Aw come on Heyward. The day after a hurricane is a free day, that’s the island rules.” You say with a shrug, grinning over at Heyward as he folds his arms across his chest.
“Yeah, come on Pope, a day out on the water. We’re picking Kie up too. A Pogue day.” John B says, both of you trying to convince Heyward to let Pope join you on the boat.
“I’m sorry Pops. I promise I’ll do my chores later.” Pope says apologetically, hopping on the boat the moment it passes by the dock as you cheer, hugging Pope while Heyward, rolls his eyes, getting in one final scolding towards Pope before you continue in the direction of Figure Eight.
“Kie said she’s bringing food for us.” You say, your eyes fixed on your phone as you read the text from Kiara.
“Good, because all we’ve got are beers.” John B says with a laugh, gesturing at the cooler he had loaded onto the boat before you’d even woken up.
“That’s better than the blunts I got in my pocket.” You laugh, pulling out the couple of blunts you had rolled after getting ready for the day.
“I’m glad Kie has some common sense because we’d be struggling if we got stuck on an island somewhere with your priorities being beer and weed,” Pope says as you all laugh. Before too long, you’re pulling up by the dock outside the Wreck and helping Kiara into the boat, taking the cooler from her and placing it alongside the beer cooler as John B continues to drive the HMS Pogue away from all the houses and restaurants and towards the marshes. You pull your lighter out of your pocket and light one of your blunts, taking an expertly trained inhale, exhaling the smoke and offering it to Kiara who takes the blunt happily while John B tosses you all a beer. The journey was fun, filled with laughter and smiles until the boat caught on something, sending you all lurching forward, making you lose balance and almost end up in the water.
“Holy shit, what was that?” Kiara asks as you all straighten up, all of you glancing into the water to see what the boat could’ve gotten caught on.
“The channel must’ve changed,” Pope mutters as all of you stretch, easing your muscles from the sudden throw.
“Wait, what’s that?” You point out, noticing something in the water and everyone moves to where you were stood and looking in the direction you pointed.
“Is that a boat?” Pope asks as you all stare at it. You quickly exchange a look with the others before pulling your clothes off, exposing your swimwear before you all dive into the water, submerging beneath the waves and down to the boat, studying it carefully before returning to the surface.
“Shit, that’s a Grady-White. Those things aren’t cheap.” You say as the four of you make your way back over to the HMS Pogue, hauling yourselves back into the boat.
“That’s definitely the boat I saw when we were surfing the surge.” John B says, glancing from Pope to you and Kiara.
“What idiot would take their boat out in a hurricane?” You ask, glancing over at the water again, wondering who the owner of the boat was.
“That’s what I’m going to figure out y/n.” John B says, retrieving the anchor from one of the boat's compartments as you cock an eyebrow.
“You cannot be serious,” Kiara mutters.
“You better not die Routledge I swear.” You say, trying not to let any worry seep into your voice. With a salute in acknowledgement to your words, John B stepped backwards into the water and quickly submerged, leaving you and the others to anxiously wait.
“He’s going to be okay, right?” You ask, glancing over at Pope and Kiara, before fumbling for your shorts, digging in the pockets, grabbing the spare blunt and your lighter, lighting the end, and taking a drag to ease your worries.
“He’ll be fine, y/n/n. He’s a good swimmer.” Pope says assuringly as you nod, trying to force your brain to believe his words. You took another drag of your blunt as your eyes anxiously scanned the water, searching for any sign of John B. You weren’t usually anxious when it came to you or any of your friends exploring the water, after all, you and your friends were practically raised on the water. You had all grown up using boats, surfing and swimming in the channels and the ocean but after Big John had disappeared at sea you couldn’t help but worry whenever your friends did dangerous things in and around the water. You didn’t want to lose anyone else you cared for.
Before your worries could get more intense, John B returned to the surface, inhaling sharply as his head broke the water. Pope rushed to haul the anchor in while you and Kiara moved to help John B climb back into the boat.
“Damn, on the second blunt already?” John B jokes as he swims closer, not missing the blunt sticking out of the corner of your mouth.
“I was worrying about your dumb ass.” You retort, offering him a hand to help him into the boat.
“Did you find anything that could lead us to the owner?” Kiara asks as John B climbs into the boat.
“No, but I did find a motel key.” John B says, holding up the key in his hand.
“Well, now what?” Pope asks, glancing from person to person.
“We take it to the police I guess? I mean what are we supposed to do?” Kiara says with a shrug as you take another drag of your blunt before offering it over to Kiara.
“You know they won’t be happy if you show up high,” Pope mutters as you roll your eyes.
“Luckily I don’t give a shit if they’re happy with me or not. We’re reporting a shipwreck, they should be happy we’re doing that in the first place.” You mutter grumpily, taking the blunt back from Kiara. The police gave no shits about Pogues and you knew it. You never bothered to make a positive impression on them because you knew they viewed you the same way they viewed your parents and you quickly learnt it wasn’t worth trying to prove to them that you were any different.
“Pope’s not wrong y/n/n, ditch the blunt.” John B says, making you roll your eyes, stumping the blunt out on the side of the boat.
“When did you get boring?” You ask, side-eyeing John B as he shoots you a glare.
“I’m not- look the police might take us seriously if we take it seriously, you know?” John B says with a shrug, making you exhale sharply before finally nodding.
“Fine.” You concede, deciding it wasn’t worth arguing any more and just spending the rest of the journey listening in silence to what the others were discussing.
When you eventually dock near the triage area the police had set up, you all get off the boat and make your way into the building, John B clutching the keys in his hand as you all follow him.
“Hey, we found a boat.” John B says, all of you approaching the officer who was mid-conversation with a woman clutching a dog leash.
“You wanna hear this.” You try to interject, attempting to get the officer's attention when he holds a hand up suddenly.
“Look, whatever it is you kids are up to, we’re not falling for it.” He replies sharply, glaring at each of you in turn.
“We’re not messing around, I swear. We found a sunken boat and-” John B starts, suddenly cut off by people beginning to get rowdy, annoyed by you and your friends jumping the line.
“Just get outta here kids,” the officer says, shooing you all away as people surge forward, pushing you and your friends back as you make your way out of the area.
“What did I tell you? They don’t give a shit about us.” You mutter as you all exit the building, making your way back over to where the HMS Pogue was moored.
“I could do without the attitude, y/n/n.” John B says, glancing over at you as you shrug unapologetically.
“What’s our next move?” Kiara asks as she and the others board the boat while you untie it from the dock before hopping on yourself.
“Let’s check out that motel room. That could give us some answers.” John B then says, shrugging as he studies the key, looking for a name and room number.
“And that’s the exact opposite of what we should do.” Pope tries, looking between you all.
“Aw come on, it’ll be fun. I’ll be lookout.” Kiara says, smiling sweetly as Pope looks to you in a last-ditch effort to get at least one person on his side.
“Screw it, I’m in. But I’m not going on lookout, that’s boring.” You say, teasing Kiara as she rolls her eyes, punching you in the shoulder lightly as you laugh. With a plan now set, John B starts the engine and begins heading off in the direction of the motel.
When you begin to approach the motel, you can’t help but grimace at the appearance of the building, seeing all the damage the hurricane had caused.
“And here I thought the Chateau got the worst of it.” You mumble, surveying the damage that the hurricane had caused to the area.
“Is this a motel or a meth lab? That’s the question.” John B replies, making you chuckle slightly as you moor the boat on land.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Pope mutters as John B joins you on land.
“All you gotta do is make sure no one catches us.” You say, reaching over to pat Pope on the shoulder.
“Exactly, it’s the easiest job. Just chill out here with Kie, we’ll be back.” John B says, slinging an arm over your shoulder as you both grin innocently at Pope before backing away and making your way towards the motel.
“Imagine we get up here and we find someone having a dirty affair or something. Ooh! Maybe they faked a shipwreck so they could run off with their affair partner?” You say as you make your way up the stairs with John B, checking each door number as you walk.
“I think if someone faked a shipwreck for the sake of running away with an affair partner, they wouldn’t still be in the OBX.” John B replies, lightly slapping the back of your head.
“Hear me out. Fake a shipwreck, hide out in a motel and wait for your affair partner to come and meet up with you, and then you run off into the sunset together. Is that not a master plan?” You ask, turning to look at John B as you both walk.
“To you, it’s a master plan. To anyone else, that’s too much effort. They’d just up and leave.” John B replies, rolling his eyes as you huff lightly, both of you stopping short in front of a door.
“This is it.” John B says, checking the number on the key before glancing up at the door. You take a step forward, knocking sharply on the door.
“Hello?” You call out in a sing-songy voice before knocking again, waiting for an answer. When you get no response, you exchange a look with John B.
“No one’s in.” John B mutters, deciding to use the key. You wait, tense, as John B unlocks the door, preparing for someone to jump out at you. When the door is pushed open to reveal an empty room, you both enter, immediately scouring for any sort of information that could point you in the direction of the mystery shipwreck owner.
“Hey, there’s a safe here.” You point out after a couple of minutes of searching and opening a door, noticing the small box, immediately trying to open it, unsurprised to find that it was locked.
“Okay, you look for a code. I’ll try some combinations.” John B says, patting your shoulder as you nod, moving to search the room. You flick through pieces of paper, offering random possible codes to John B and sigh when you’re met with a shake of the head. After shuffling some more papers and maps wondering if the co-ordinates written down had any significance, you catch sight of a scribbled-down sequence of numbers, making your eyebrows furrow.
“Hey, John B.” You say, crossing to your friend and handing him the piece of paper. With the paper in hand, John B inputs the code into the safe, and both of you light up when the safe unlocks, allowing you to see the contents of the safe.
“Is that?” John B questions, pointing out an object in the safe and you immediately reach for it, extracting a gun from the safe.
“Holy shit. Whoever was staying here was nervous about something. Probably something to do with the stacks of cash.” You say, admiring the gun, flipping it over and over in your hands as you fiddle with the weapon.
“y/n,  can you please be careful with that?” John B warns, wary of how you were handling the gun.
“C’mon John B I’ve never held a gun before. Shit, this is so cool. I mean my old man has one but you know he’d never let me go near it.” You say, dismissively waving a hand towards John B as you cross to the safe, grabbing stacks of cash.
“y/n, will you just-”
“Chill out. I’m just looking. Besides with how much money’s in here I’m sure they won’t miss a stack or two.” You cut John B off, leafing through the bills and counting how much money you were holding in your hands. As you continue to search for something that could point you in the direction of the owner of the boat, you hear a faint tapping against the window. You turn to John B, both of you confused as he approaches the window, ducking under the blinds before rushing over to the other window.
“What? What is it?” You question, concerned by John B’s sudden movement.
“Cops.” John B mutters and as if cued perfectly, a sharp knock rang out through the room as you and John B dart away from the door. Without thinking, you shove the gun into the waistband of your shorts and stuff as much of the cash as you can into your pockets while John B shuts the safe.
“Kildare County Sheriff’s Department.” Your eyes widen at the all-familiar voice of Shoupe and your eyes flick around the room, searching for a way out.
“Window.” John B whispers, shoving you in the direction of the window and you quickly scramble to open it, climbing through it and tucking yourself against the wall as John B does the same, closing the window behind him as you both exchange a worried glance. The closed blinds concealed your presence but you both knew Shoupe liked to be thorough in his searches and the chances were he might look outside. You glanced over in the direction of where the HMS Pogue was docked, noticing Pope and Kiara waving madly at you, attempting to get you both to come down but when they noticed you weren’t moving, they sat down on the boat, impatiently waiting.
You and John B listen anxiously as Shoupe enters the room with Plumb by his side, both of them pulling on gloves as they begin to investigate the scene. You continuously peek through the gap in the blinds, anxious as to whether they’d consider looking out the window. You watch as Shoupe discovers the safe, opens it up and holds up some money for Plumb. As you shuffled to try and hear them better, your hand bumped against the gun that had been haphazardly shoved into your waistband, sending it clattering across the roof and landing with a thud on the large trash can below.
“Shit.” You mutter quietly, pressing yourself impossibly further against the wall, John B mirroring your actions as you hear the blinds open, meaning that someone is looking out the window. You wait with bated breath, anxious as to whether you’ll be discovered or not.
“Come on, let’s go. There’s no one here.” Shoupe says and you let out a quiet sigh of relief when you hear the two packing up and leaving the room.
“That was too close.” John B scolds you as you climb off the roof, lowering yourself onto the large trash can, scooping up the gun and bolting over to the HMS Pogue with John B by your side.
“What the hell were you two doing? Shoupe could’ve caught you guys.” Pope asks, exasperation clear in his voice as he starts the boat.
“But he didn’t, did he?” You ask, voice oozing with confidence as you settle on the boat, sitting alongside Kiara as you admire the gun in your hand.
“No thanks to you dropping that gun.” John B says, making you roll your eyes.
“I didn’t do it on purpose. Besides, now we have protection and some cash.” You say, pulling the stack out of your pocket, and showing it off to your friends.
“You took money from the room? We can’t keep that!” Pope exclaims, his eyes wide as he notices the money in your hand.
“Why not? It’s not like anyone was there to stop me.” You shrug, admiring the bills in your hand.
“You know I’m up for a scholarship, right? I can’t have this ruining my chances.” Pope says, watching as you stand up, crossing over to Pope and patting him on the back.
“This ain’t going to ruin your chances. No one will know you were there. Trust me. I’m the one who took the cash so if it comes to it, I’ll take the fall. But no one will find out about this money.” You say assuringly, your smile confident as you watch Pope sigh heavily, his shoulders sagging as he exhales.
“Just… don’t let people find out I was involved.” Pope pleads, watching as you salute.
“You got it, Pope. No one will know a thing.” You say with a wink.
As you and your friends reach land, you take the gun and money, tucking them somewhere safe. Soon, you and your friends start to discuss what you could possibly do with the money and while you are mid-conversation, Kiara’s phone buzzes, making her pull her phone out of her pocket, her eyes widening as she reads what’s on the screen.
“What?” John B asks, looking over her shoulder.
“They found a body down at the beach,” Kiara says and all of you scramble to your feet.
“Do you think that could be our guy?” You ask as you all make your way over to the Twinkie, climbing in as John B gets behind the wheel.
“Would it be wrong if I said I hope so?” John B asks, glancing over at you as you shrug.
“It might get us some damn answers if it is our guy.” You mumble, settling back against the chair as John B drives the Twinkie to where the body had been discovered. You all got out of the Twinkie once you arrived, crossing to where some other Pogues were gathered, and sitting with them.
“Do you know who it is?” You ask, settling in between John B and another Pogue, everyone’s eyes fixed on the body as both police and medical personnel study it.
“Scooter Grubbs. Wanna see a picture?” The girl replies, unlocking her phone quickly and showing you and your friends a picture of Scooter’s body. At the mention of Scooter’s name, you couldn’t help but let your eyebrows furrow. If Scooter was the owner of the boat you and the others had discovered, it was beginning to raise questions and you could see it on John B’s face too. Eventually, the police ask you all to move on and you make your way back to the Chateau, itching for answers to the multitude of questions that had now erupted in your mind after discovering the identity of the body.
“Okay, is it just me or is it completely wild that Scooter Grubbs is the owner of that brand-new Grady-White?” You ask, glancing between your friends.
“No, I’m with you. Scooter was the definition of a marina rat. I’ve caught him begging so many times.” John B agrees, nodding over at you.
“My old man used to see him begging along the docks. He’d tried to steal from him once. He never tried it again after that.” You say, recalling the stories you’d heard your father tell your mother.
“So how did someone like that get a boat like a Grady-White?” Pope questions, glancing from person to person.
“Someone must’ve given it to him,” Kiara says, shrugging as you pace, trying to think things over as the puzzle pieces begin to fall into place slowly.
“Why would someone give him a boat? And why would he be out in a hurricane?” Pope continues to question.
“I think you can answer that one y/n.” John B says, pointing over to you as you fold your arms across your chest.
“Smuggling.” You reply bluntly, all too aware of the situations smugglers put themselves in in order to move their cargo.
“Okay, so a guy is dead. y/n stole a shit ton of cash from said dead guy's motel room, and a gun. We have actual evidence pointing to us now.” Pope then says, pointing at you as you roll your eyes.
“Well, we could just use the money. Then it’s gone.” You shrug.
“Use it on what?” John B asks, watching you as your lips turn up in a smile, exchanging a look with Kiara.
“Beach party?”
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@imsiriuslyreal @marleymarleymarleymarley @sarahmaybank
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justabigassnerd · 16 days ago
In Another Life pt. 3
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Pairing - Jackson Genrette x reader (Kook!JJ AU)
Word Count - 2,793
Series Warnings - swearing, smoking, angst, fluff, violence, weapons, blood, injuries, death, canon divergence (it's an AU innit?), drugs, alcohol, verbal & physical abuse
Summary - In another life, JJ Maybank was known by the name Jackson Genrette. The son of Larissa Genrette and grandson of Wes Genrette, making him the sole heir of Goat Island. Instead of being associated with surfing and smoking. Jackson was associated with the country club and yachts. Yet despite his unending wealth and Kook status, Jackson found himself intrigued by the adventures of the Pogues and found himself dragged along on an adventure he never could’ve anticipated.
In Another Life masterlist
In Another Life playlist
A/N - another part has arrived y'all! this is one of my favourite parts I've written so far so I really hope y'all enjoy this part. as per y'all, please send in requests, feedback, and enjoy!!!
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After Kiara suggested a beach party, you and the others quickly began to plan on what you could use the money for. It took you little time to decide you were just going to spend it on kegs and various other things you wanted for the party. As you bought the things you wanted, you made sure to spread the word of the party to any Pogues or Tourons who might’ve been interested. You knew Kooks would end up at the party but you couldn’t help but wonder if the one Kook you’d want to show up would.
When you got back to the Chateau to get ready for the party, you found the napkin you had shoved away in your jacket and hurriedly added Jackson’s number to your phone and hurriedly typed a message out to him.
‘Hey, it’s y/n. My friends and I are holding a kegger down at the boneyard if you wanna come?’
You couldn’t help but cringe slightly as you hit send on the message, wondering if you came across as weird or desperate in some way. You shove your phone in your back pocket, your eyes drifting to where you had hidden the gun and debating on whether you should bring it to be safe. After a few silent seconds of debating, you grab the gun, tucking it securely in the waistband of your shorts and throwing your jacket on to conceal the firearm. As you went to leave, your phone buzzed again, making you pull it back into your line of sight, studying the text that popped up on your screen.
‘Man, I was beginning to think you lost my number. I’d be down to come to the party. I think word spread and that Topper is coming too but hopefully he’ll be too distracted with Sarah so I can actually hang out with you.’
You couldn’t stop the smile that crossed your face as you read the message. You weren’t surprised to hear that Topper was coming to the kegger, but you had extended invites to practically the whole teenage population of Kildare and it was common for Kooks and Pogues to mix at these particular types of beach parties.
‘I’ll see you down at the boneyard then :)’
You reply to Jackson’s message before heading out of the Chateau and reconvening with your friends, helping them make sure that the Twinkie has all the kegs loaded inside before you all head down to the beach. You couldn’t help but grow excited as you get closer to the beach. You loved to throw parties during the summer with your friends, and you couldn’t help but be excited that Jackson would be coming too.
“You’re very happy y/n/n,” Kiara says with a smile, watching you from where she was sat opposite you in the Twinkie.
“It’s summer and we’re going to throw the best kegger this island has ever seen. Of course, I’m happy Kie.” You reply with a laugh, pulling your new pack of cigarettes out of your jacket pocket and sticking one in your mouth as your free hand digs into your other pocket for your beloved lighter.
“Hey, not in the Twinkie.” John B warns, catching a glimpse of you in the rearview mirror as you hold your hands up in surrender.
“Damn, eyes like a hawk up there.” You mutter, shoving your lighter back in your pocket while the cigarette continues to hang from your lips.
When you arrive at the beach, you help unload the kegs, set up the large barrels and stacks of cups, and finally get a chance to light your cigarette. As the sun began its descent, people started to arrive, the Pogues showed up in full force, along with Tourons who, in desperation to fit in with the rest of the island, accepted the drinks John B offered them and joined the party. There was a growing number of Kooks that arrived and you were silently grateful that they were staying on the further end of the beach, only daring to approach for a drink before retreating back to their side. You couldn’t help but feel your heart sink when you couldn’t catch sight of Jackson. You had figured he wouldn’t be afraid to be seen on the Pogues side of the beach but he was nowhere to be seen.
“Looking for someone?” John B asks, sidling up alongside you.
“Nah, I was just seeing which Kooks dared to show up. Oh look, your girl Sarah Cameron is here. Maybe you’ll be able to make a move.” You joke, attempting to act as nonchalant as possible as you point out Sarah from across the beach, taking a drag from your cigarette after speaking.
“I’ve told you I want nothing to do with the Kook Princess.” John B says, shoving your shoulder lightly as you scoff, trying not to let your eyes wander again.
“The eyes don’t lie, bro. I’ve caught you staring many times.” You reply with a laugh, moving to stub out your cigarette on the ashtray Kiara had insisted you bring to prevent your cigarettes from being discarded on the beach.
“You keep telling yourself that. Hey, maybe you’ll find a nice guy here at this party and you’ll finally stop bothering me about whether I am crushing on Sarah Cameron or not.” John B says, laughing as you roll your eyes.
“If it’s not Sarah you’re crushing on then it’s Kie. Either way you lose because you refuse to date a Kook and you know the rules, no Pogue on Pogue macking.” You say with a laugh, patting John B on the back.
“And who do I have to thank for that rule existing? It sure as hell wasn’t me.” John B retorts, making you fall silent for a brief moment before sighing slightly and moving to walk away.
“And on that note, I’m going to go and mingle. See if any Tourons are up for some drinking games so I can make a little extra cash.” You say with a wink, grabbing a cup and filling it with beer before crossing the beach to mingle with the other people present. A lot of the Pogues acknowledged you and you had brief conversations with them as you passed by. You mingled amongst the Pogues and Tourons, drinking, smoking, and laughing as you talked with everyone. You still couldn’t help your wandering eyes as you continued to search for Jackson, hoping he’d show up.
“Lost someone?” You couldn’t stop your head from whipping around at the sound of Jackson’s voice, smiling as you locked eyes with him.
“I was beginning to think you weren’t going to show up, Genrette.” You say, cocking an eyebrow as you fold your arms across your chest.
“And miss out on all this? Never.” Jackson says with a laugh.
“Come on, I’ll grab you a drink.” You say, gesturing for Jackson to follow you, heading to one of the nearest keg to get a drink without your friends seeing before retreating to a quieter area of the beach.
“So this is your hideaway then?” Jackson muses as you both sit down, being careful not to spill the drinks in your hands.
“Nah. But it is one of the best views on Kildare.” You say, glancing over at Jackson who nods, his gaze briefly flicking to the view of the open ocean.
“So you do have a hideaway then?” Jackson asks, an amused tone to his voice as you laugh lightly.
“Don’t expect me to tell you where it is. John B doesn’t even know where it is. I’m taking that secret to my grave.” You say, tapping your temple as Jackson nods with a soft chuckle.
“Fair enough. So, how’s the party been so far? You guys drew a pretty large crowd.” Jackson replies, lifting his drink to his lips and taking a sip.
“Yeah, word spread pretty quick. It’s been alright. Kooks have been keeping their distance and Tourons have been trying to blend in with both crowds. It’s rather amusing to watch really. They’re also pretty easy targets for drinking games.” You say, watching as Jackson’s eyebrows furrow briefly before he lets out a laugh.
“Not a bad way to make some cash,” Jackson says with a laugh.
“Don’t get any ideas Genrette, this is my hustle.” You retort with a laugh, nudging Jackson slightly with your shoulder.
“I won’t try anything. Promise.” Jackson replies, holding his hands up in false surrender.
“I’m holding you to that promise.” You reply, shooting Jackson a joking wink. You continue to spend a good few minutes laughing and chatting with Jackson, finally getting to know him a little bit better. Just as you were finally beginning to get comfortable with the conversation, a commotion broke out across the beach, making you and Jackson shoot to your feet and immediately search for what was causing the commotion. To your horror, you saw Topper and John B fighting. You stood frozen in place for a brief moment, but when Topper began to hold John B’s head under the crashing waves of the ocean, you had to step in. Without a word, you barged through the crowd and rushed to John B’s aid, tackling Topper roughly, and sending you both crashing into the ocean.
“Oh, you want to get involved too? Didn’t Rafe teach you enough of a lesson?” Topper asks with a laugh, getting to his feet as you mirror his actions.
“I’ve been told I’m a slow learner.” You shrug, shifting to stand in between John B and Topper. You studied Topper’s movements carefully, trying to predict his next move. But when he lunged, your body worked quicker than your brain and before you knew it, Topper was stopping in his tracks, eyes wide as he stared at the gun you were now holding up at him. It was soaking wet from the ocean, more than likely unusable at the present moment but it was enough to get him to stop.
“You better back off.” You say strongly, your finger drifting to the trigger to further threaten him.
“You’re insane,” Topper says, taking a step back and holding his hands up.
“In fact. All of y’all need to leave. The party’s over!” You call out to the gathered crowd, your crazed waving of the gun sending people screaming and rushing off.
All except one.
You locked eyes with Jackson who was frozen in place, occasionally being jostled by people rushing past and you couldn’t help but feel your heart plummet to your stomach as you remembered the weight of the gun in your hand.
“y/n, come on! We have to go!” John B says, grabbing your arm and tugging you away from the chaos and towards the Twinkie. You and your friends all pile into the familiar vehicle as John B drives off.
“y/n, what was that? If word gets out about this you could be in so much trouble.” Pope exclaims, his eyes wide as you hold the gun, your gaze fixed on the firearm.
“Pope’s right,” Kiara says, watching you carefully as you shake your head.
“I saved John B’s ass. That’s what I did. Hopefully, I taught Topper not to try and mess with us again.” You say bluntly, running a hand through your soaked hair and shuffling in your seat.
“You could’ve helped John B without the gun,” Pope says, his arms folding across his chest as he speaks.
“Well, my body moved quicker than my brain. Maybe I wanted to show those Kooks we can’t be messed with any more.” You retort, eyes narrowing as you stare over at Pope.
“You’re going to get your ass thrown in jail someday.” Pope then mutters, shifting his gaze away from you as you tense, your grip tightening on the weapon in your hand.
“Maybe I will.” You mumble to yourself. You knew your future didn’t hold much. You were a Pogue from the Cut, destined for a rough life no matter how hard you fought. Your parents were frequently in and out of jail cells like it was a game to them so most of the island viewed you with the same lens they viewed your parents. And you never did a thing to prove them otherwise. The rest of the ride back to the Chateau was silent, and when you all climbed out of the vehicle, you grabbed your phone that you’d left in the Twinkie during the party, noticing the abundance of notifications, ignoring them before turning to John B.
“I’m gonna head home for the night. I’ll see you around.” You say, eyes flicking between each member of the group before moving to walk away.
“Hey, you don’t need to do that. You know you’re always welcome here.” John B says, concern written across his face as he jogs over to you, catching you by the arm.
“You know what they get like if I’m gone too long. I’ll be around if you need me.” You say, gently prying John B’s hand off you before walking off, fighting back the building tears as you make your way back to your house.
As you walk down the familiar roads, you feel that familiar craving for a cigarette and instinctively reach for your pocket, digging out the now soggy packet of cigarettes and squeezing your eyes shut in frustration.
“Waste of fucking money.” You mutter angrily, throwing the packet aside as some tears roll down your cheeks. You felt silly, getting so emotional over a packet of soggy cigarettes, but all you wanted was the familiar comfort of the smoke and nicotine but you couldn’t even have that. Your hand then drifts to your other pocket, panic gripping at your heart when you can’t locate your favourite lighter, stopping you in your tracks as you hurriedly search yourself.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You whisper, more tears pooling in your eyes. The lighter was special to you, it had been one gifted to you by Big John and John B a year prior to Big John’s disappearance. The lighter had never left your side since you received it and now you had no idea where it could be. Now frustrated and upset, you continue to make your way back to your house, preparing yourself for what may be on the other side of the door when you open it. To your surprise, the house was quiet, not a single shred of evidence that there was anyone else in the house.
“Mom? Dad?” You carefully call out, your feet stepping subconsciously in the spots you knew wouldn’t make the floor creak.
“Should’ve known.” You mutter to yourself after conducting a quick investigation of the house and discovering that it is completely empty. You then retreat to your room, digging through your bedside table drawer for a cheap zippo lighter you had bought for emergencies and finding a blunt you had tucked away. You then opened your window and climbed out onto the porch roof, sitting down and looking up at the moon and stars as you light the blunt, and take a drag.
You loved nights in the Outer Banks, the skies were often clear and you could sit and watch the stars to your heart's content. However, this time, your mind was muddled with thoughts. All you could think about was what Pope said on your way back to the Chateau. You knew Kooks looked down on you and figured you were destined for a lifetime in prison. Their words didn’t bother you because you heard it from them day in and day out. However, hearing it from one of your friends was hurtful. You never thought Pope would view you in such a way, nor make such a comment about you. It made you wonder if your other friends held a similar viewpoint, and if they could think that about you, then chances were that Jackson was also thinking the same, especially after your stunt on the beach.
After a few hours passed and your blunt was long discarded, you decided to head to bed. You climb back into your room, changing into some pyjamas and flopping on your bed. You checked your phone one final time and saw a bunch of missed calls and texts from Jackson but you couldn’t bring yourself to open them, too haunted by the way he was watching you from across the beach. You were sure you saw some distaste in his expression, disgusted by your actions. You felt more tears burning your eyes as you closed them, allowing them to seep past your closed eyelids as you attempted to fall asleep, wondering how you’d face the next day.
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@imsiriuslyreal @marleymarleymarleymarley @sarahmaybank
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prettybabywhowrites · 1 month ago
𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤 - "𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐲 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧"
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You were ready to head to bed, freshly showered and in fresh Pj's. *Tap Tap* You turned around, seeing a wobbly JJ tapping at your window.
"JJ?" you walked over to your window to let him in. Taking his face in your hands, noticing his split lip and swollen cheek that was slightly tinted purple. He hummed softly at the contact of your cool hands against his face. " It's nothing that hasn't happened before, no need to worry princess" he slurred.
You shook your head, light frown on your face as you helped keep him upright. You began to lead him over to sit on your bed, wrapping a blanket around him. "Gonna grab you some clothes and then we'll get you taken care of" you said as you walked over to your closet, to the designated spot where your friends tend to leave clothes in just in case something happens and they need a place to crash.
You grabbed one of JJ's t-shirts and a pair of his shorts, walking back over to hand it to him. "Thanks sweets" he said hazily as he attempted to strip off his shirt. You sighed, small smile forming on your lips as you watched this adorable scene unfold. "Okay, arms up" you instructed. He obliged, his arms going up above his head, you pulled the shirt off of him and pulled the clean one over his body. "Think you can manage your shorts?" you asked to which he nodded in response.
"Okay then, i'm gonna grab some things, be right back" you stated as you walked to your kitchen to grab some water and a snack, JJ's favorite, a box of cheez its.
You walked back to your bedroom, walking into your connected bathroom before going back over to him, reaching in your cabinet for your first aid kit.
As you walked back into your bedroom, your eyes flickered to JJ, bundled in your blankets, getting cozy. You couldn't help but smile at the adorable blonde.
"JJ" you rubbed his arm gently to not startle him, he groaned in response, grumbling against the comfort of your bed. "Cmon JJ it'll only take a few minutes and then you can go back to sleep," he didn't budge.
"I'll give you a head massage if you let me clean those cuts," this time he perked up a bit, "until I fall asleep?" You laughed softly, "Sure." He sat up quickly, "You've got yourself a deal" he said, face pulled into a smug, cheeky grin.
You made quick work on his cuts, cleaning, bandaging, and repeating the process. "There we go, all done!" He let out a content sigh as you placed the first aid kit to the side, joining him in bed. Instantly, you felt your hand being pulled to the blondes head. You just giggle, "I was getting there."
He huffs sleepily, content sigh slipping from his lips as he feels your hands massaging his temples. "Thanks for being my person" he says, drunken state making him sappier than usual. "Course" you respond.
As the night went on, JJ subconsciously moved towards your warmth, laying on top of you, his face against your neck. You simply basked in the silence, the only sound audible was his heavy breathing as he drifted off to sleep.
"Thanks for being my person" his voice rang through your head, you couldn't help but feel a little giddy. Arms holding him close to you as you began to nod off yourself.
Side note - Just a quick little fic, don't love it but it is what it is. Please comment any requests you may have!! Happy dreams lovelies :)
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