#blue bear boi
the-fuzzy-bean · 1 month
“Kawaii!” Hikari giggled and hugged 5.0.5.
Heeheehee! Baw! *He hugs back*
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build-a-stim · 2 months
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sugar scent hearts kitty (2018) for @ramthesillyram
X | X | X || X | X | X || X | X | X
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sleepystarb0y · 1 month
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30 day agere moodboards :: 14) teenre/older kidre themed (10+)
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squash1 · 1 year
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[the good place / greywaren / the bear / trb / ted lasso / greywaren / the west wing / bllb / dead poets society / mister impossible]
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milaisreading · 5 months
I will kms!
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fuckmeyer · 1 year
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girl please, Charlie Swan is Team Werewolf and you know it
#it's like Bella has no conception of the socioeconomic symbolism attached to these monsters!!#girl why on earth would the middleclass police chief of a tiny rural town in Washington#choose the wealthy murderous parasites?????#OK besties as i'm typing that out i see why charlie might side with the wealthy murderous parasites#yes he IS an american cop so siding with the parasites does make sense#but think of all the paperwork he would have to do when the cullens kill someone! i mean. come on.#also it aint like cullen out there paying off the pigs so really what is Charlie getting out of this relationship#it's no bribes all paperwork? i don't care how American this cop is he is Anti Vamp and that's that on that#WEREWOLVES on the other hand......... besties let's review the cold fax ok#they're a blue collar blue jeans blue skies all day baby kinda monster. crack open a cold one with the boys kinda monster.#pull over on the road to lend you some spark plugs kinda monster. bring a dairy-based dip to the charity softball game kinda monster#big plus: they're on the DL. neat & tidy cover story. no killing. protect & serve yeah baby. no parasites here my boys WORK for a living#the boys are 0% paperwork (no killing) and 100% bribes (dairy-based dips)#Charlie's deffo Team Werewolf at best and turning a blind eye at worst#as far as this man's concerned the werewolves are the Olympic Natl Park rangers' problem#bear who???? don't know em#twilight#twilight renaissance#bella swan#the twilight saga#jacob black#charlie swan#eclipse read
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guerrillla · 9 months
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we can't abandon tradition
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backformores · 1 year
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230313 ✶ happy beomgyu day!
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coffee-at-annies · 3 months
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"Poem" by Langston Hughes x x x x x x x x x x x x x
For @podcasts-8-my-heart who said "DO IT" when I said a poetry edit of this poem would murder someone. Pls enjoy being murdered. Special thanks to @reavenedges-lies for sourcing a tweet for me. Alt version at podcasts-8-my-heart’s request
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the-fuzzy-bean · 1 month
Rawr, baw rawr brr baw rawr. *Tranlation: I know Momma loves me. He has to.*
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justa-lil-guy · 4 months
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Roloduck from MapleStory
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24-guy · 2 months
Max being all scared and being comforted by Richie (they're watching a horror movie. Probably saw, knowing you)
In Max’s defence, he mightn’t have been so scared if Richie hadn’t infodumped about how all the traps could theoretically kill someone if they were real.
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lesbianjudasiscariot · 9 months
*vote only based on canon not fandom
*explain why in the tags
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orange-sodazz · 2 years
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family goals
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squash1 · 1 year
i present to you, trc x the bear :)
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looking-for-orion · 11 months
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