#blue bay
in1-nutshell · 4 months
Hey again sorry if I'm spamming your ask box but I would like to see old Predacon buddy interacting a bit more with the animated series bots like how would they react to lockdown and wreck gar I feel like old Predacon buddy would be like this is my grandchild and just picks him up by the scruff like a cat and possibly interacting with megalodon buddy (also sorry if I didn't specify from my last ask it was old Predacon buddy meeting the Lost light)
Haven't seen Megs Buddy in a while.
...But I've officially came up with a Canon name for them!
Read on or look at the list of 'established Buddy names' to find out!
Hope you enjoy!
Steel Mauler meeting Lockdown, Wreck-Gar, and...
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Steel Mauler was at the Plant with Sari and Bumblebee then evening Lockdown arrived.
The pair was grounded after a reckless act during a mission that led to the elder Predacon nearly having a spark attack.
The two thought that they would get away with it with Steel Mauler there.
They didn’t expect them to side with Prime to ground them.
Even more when they insisted that they stay with them to make sure they served their punishment.
Bumblebee and Sari on the couch watching a historical documentary with Steel Mauler.
Bee looks at the Predacon.
“You know—”--Bumblebee
“No.”—Steel Mauler
“You didn’t even get a chance to hear what he had to say!”--Sari
Steel Mauler looks at both with an unamused face.
“You are going to use the same tactic My Bumblebee did once back in my dimension.”—Steel Mauler
They flick their tail making a snapping sound.
“Never fell for it again.”—Steel Mauler
“And how do you know I was going to do this supposed thing anyways?”--Bumblebee
“I can see it in your optics kiddo. Something that most Bumblebee’s share.”—Steel Mauler
That’s when the call came in from Prowl.
Lockdown being back in town and had captured Ratchet and Prime.
Steel Mauler was up and ready to fly, before they remembered the kids.
They huffed and told them to get on.
The pair quickly got on their back before they took to the skies at great speed.
Thank goodness they had insisted on getting the team magnetic seats for their back, the pair would have been flying off if it weren’t for it.
Steel Mauler flying through the sky.
“Bumblebee, tell me a bit about this Lockdown.”—Steel Mauler
“You don’t have him in your universe?”--Bumblebee
“Maybe. He may have gone offline at some point in the war or in hiding. Still, what is this Con about.”—Steel Mauler
“Well, he and Prowl have some sort of history.”--Bumblebee
“Good or Bad?”—Steel Mauler
“Bad, like really bad.”--Sari
Steel Mauler huffs a bit.
“The first time he came to Earth he kidnapped Optimus to try and get his mods.”--Bumblebee
The pair feel the metal underneath them get warmer.
“And?”-Steel Mauler
“… Ratchet mentioned that he met Lockdown during the war when he was trying to get some bot named Arcee to safety. They ended up getting captured, Ratchet managed to escape after Arcee…”--Bumblebee
Steel Mauler felt part of them go stiffer.
“What happened to Arcee?”—Steel Mauler
“We don’t know. Ratchet hasn’t told us anything else.”--Bumblebee
That was it.
This Con was going to regret ever looking at their interdimensional team.
They managed to get in contact with Prowl again who told the three that Lockdown wanted an exchange.
Some modes for the bots.
Steel Mauler tells him to agree to it.
When asked why, they just tell him that they had a plan.
They all meet outside a football stadium.
The older Predacon drops the pair in front of the stadium and flies away.
The pair didn’t have time to call them out before Bulkhead and Prowl had arrived.
Lockdown was waiting for them in the center with a beat up looking Prime and slightly bruised Ratchet.
Both were tied up and angry.
Prowl tosses a mod in front of Lockdown.
“Theirs your mod, now give us back our teammates.”--Prowl
Lockdown picks up the mod, but not before kicking Prime in the back.
Everyone had to restrain themselves as the bounty hunter examen the mod.
“While this is nice and all… its gonna cost ya extra for the other one.”--Lockdown
He kicks Optimus to the group leaving Ratchet still by his side.
“We had a deal!”--Bulkhead
“Give us Ratchet right now!”--Bumblebee
The bounty hunter snickered while dragging his hooked servo under Ratchet’s chin.
“Maybe get me a new mod and maybe I’ll give you back your field tech in one piece.”--Lockdown
No one.
No one had enough time to register what had just happened.
One minute Lockdown was standing on top of Ratchet, the next he was getting pummeled into the ground by Steel Mauler.
“YOU!”—Steel Mauler
“WILL”—Steel Mauler
“NOT!”--Steel Mauler
“TOUCH!”--Steel Mauler
“HIM!”--Steel Mauler
“EVER!”--Steel Mauler
“AGAIN!”--Steel Mauler
Steel Mauler stood on top of the beaten and unconscious frame of the bounty hunter venting heavily.
After a few seconds they spoke.
“Call Sentinel, let him deal with this filth.”—Steel Mauler
Once Sentinel finally does his job is when they finally go to the team, worried for all of them.
They are especially worried about Ratchet and Prime.
Those two will be having a Predacon guard for most of their visit.
That was also the last time the group ever encountered or saw Lockdown again.
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The elder Predacon weas just having a stroll by the dock when some garbage flew into their face.
When more started flying their way, they went to go see who was throwing the trash.
They are confused to see a bot playing in the garbage.
“Umm. What are you doing?”—Steel Mauler
The bot turns around and smiles widely, waving his servos in greeting.
“Hello there!”—Wreck-Gar
Steel Mauler, a bit surprised, but waves back.
“I am Wreck-Gar! And I dare to be stupid!”—Wreck-Gar
The older predacon is now questioning if something in that trash had something in it.
The orange bot shoves a mangle looking statue in their face.
“You want to see my art?”—Wreck-Gar
“Umm…”—Steel Mauler
The bot is already looking through his subspaces looking for more ‘art’.
“Welp, might as well get comfortable…”—Steel Mauler
The next 20 minutes are spent with Wreck-Gar showing Steel Mauler all his bit of trash art.
The Predacon doesn’t have anything else to do and just sits there.
Soon enough they do decide to go back to the plant.
Wreck-Gar hugs them and gives them a paperclip with bottle caps on it before driving off to the next garbage ship.
Steel Mauler is still confused but decides to keep the gift and goes to wash themselves.
There was defiantly something in the trash.
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Blue Bay
Once again, Steel Mauler was walking by the docks. This time it was at night, fully taking advantage of the cool breeze that contrasted the humid day.
That’s when they heard someone say call to them.
Steel Mauler looks around for whoever called them.
“Hello? Is anyone there?”—Steel Mauler
“Down here!”
The Predacon is surprised when they see a mechanical shark in the water smiling warmly at them.
“What…”—Steel Mauler
“I’m Blue Bay!”—Blue Bay
Steel Mauler blinks.
“Blue Bay?”—Steel Mauler
They nod.
“What’s your name? Are you another Optimus?”—Blue Bay
“No, I am Steel Mauler. How do you know Optimus?”—Steel Mauler
“He’s, my friend! Will you be my friend?”—Blue Bay
“… I don’t see why not.”—Steel Mauler
The shark splashes around happily.
New friend gained!
The two spend much of the evening flying/swimming through the bay telling stories of their time on Earth.
Turns out the pair had an interest in human films, especially the older ones.
Blue Bay had insisted that the Predacon perch on them, claiming to be able to hold their weight.
The shark was later seen picking out seaweed from their new friend’s joints.
This was going to be a pain to explain to Ratchet when they came back.
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lepetitlugourmand · 1 year
La Table du Royal - Hôtel Royal Riviera - Un duo de Chefs en parfaite harmonie Geoffroy Szamburski et Lucas Simoncini
C’est un duo hors pair et en parfaite osmose qui orchestre avec passion et sincérité La Table du Royal, la partition gastronomique du très élégant hôtel Royal-Riviera à l’allure balnéaire chic et So Riviera.  Le Chef Geoffroy Szamburski et le Chef Pâtissier Lucas Simoncini, qui se sont rencontrés en 2011, ont tous deux un parcours prestigieux, notamment au Monte-Carlo Bay où ils ont appris une…
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montereybayaquarium · 3 months
Have you heard? It’s World Ocean Day! 🌍🌊
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Let’s raise our voices and seal-ebrate all the wonders the ocean provides. From regulating our planet’s climate to the incredible wildlife it supports, the nourishment it offers, and the calming solace it brings us. We can't shell-ebrate—or protect—our Blue Planet's ocean enough. 🐋💙
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bluerosefox · 2 years
Wrong Number AU
-sent by Unknown Number
When Jason Todd woke up that morning to check his texts. He wasn't expecting this.
When Danny sent that rant text to what he thought was Tuckers number (his old phone got smashed in a recent ghost fight, Sam gave him a new one she wasn't using, and Tucker was out of town for a while so he couldn't help Danny transfer his data yet) he wasn't expecting a rather cyptic response
"Wrong number kid. But just for my own curiosity and concern, who is and where can I find this Fruitloop? I just wanna have a chat with him."
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goryhorroor · 2 months
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cainhowlett · 7 months
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nottodayjustin · 3 months
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I will not be commenting on the Panthers parade discourse at this time because it seems pretty heated and I don’t want anyone to get mad at me, thank you for your understanding 🫡
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horrorcitos · 5 months
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ijustdontlikepeople · 5 months
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lepetitlugourmand · 2 years
Festival des Étoilés Monte-Carlo - Édition 2022 - Marcel Ravin - Shaun Hergatt
Festival des Étoilés Monte-Carlo – Édition 2022 – Marcel Ravin – Shaun Hergatt
Pour le second dîner du Festival des Étoilés Monte-Carlo, le Chef doublement étoilé Marcel Ravin recevait le Chef moderniste new-yorkais Shaun Hergatt pour un quatre mains en toute amitié créative. C’est au sein du très méditerranéen Resort monégasque, le Monte-Carlo Bay que s’est déroulé au Blue Bay, le dîner qui réunissait les deux chefs amis. (more…)
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✨🦐Behold the brilliant blue blasts of barf that best baddies in the black of the bay!🦐✨
Okay, it’s technically not barf… This vibrantly vermillion little deep-sea shrimp, Acanthephyra sp., is a savvy spewer that spits up a sparkling secretion to outsmart sneaky shrimp snackers.
That glorious glowing goo is a special fluid it creates in its hepatopancreas (kind of like an all-in-one liver-and-pancreas combo organ), which lights up upon contact with oxygen in the surrounding seawater. By blasting a predator in the face with bioluminescence, it distracts them long enough for the shrimp to make a swift escape! 
🎥: Shoutout to our fronds @mbari-blog for the first three clips!
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parallaxaview · 3 months
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neapolis-neapolis · 7 months
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