#blizzard of 1978
veronicaleighauthor · 5 months
Fun Facts About “The Lighthouse Keeper’s Daughters”
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In my previous post, I announced that my story “The Light House Keeper’s Daughters” was published in the latest issue of Black Cat Weekly. If you’re interested in buying a copy of the magazine for your eReader, you can do so here.
Whenever I publish a story, I try to do a Fun Facts post about the story, to share what inspired it and what I learned in my research along the way.
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Let’s begin with the two main characters – Minnie and Brenna Smith. Many, many years ago when I was a teenager, I wrote about a character named Minnie Smith. She had a younger sister named Brenna and she was an aspiring writer. I had planned to do a whole coming of age series on her. Though the stories were based in the early 20th century, Minnie Smith was supposed to be based on yours truly and Brenna was supposed to be based on my sister. A couple of years ago, I revived the characters Minnie and Brenna, only this time it was for a short mystery story that has yet to be published. And I have continued writing about them. So, after like twenty-five years of living in my imagination, Minnie and Brenna have finally appeared in print.
“The Lighthouse Keeper’s Daughters” is the start of a new series. I’m not great at titles, but for now I’ve been calling the it “The Sleuthing Smith Sisters Series.” I’m open to suggestions, if anyone can think of anything better.
The second story in the series, “A Slice of Life,” has just been accepted for publication.
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I’ve been picturing Sophie Nelisse as Minnie Smith. Unfortunately, I don’t know who I exactly picture Brenna as. Though Minnie is my literary counterpart, I didn’t look at all like Sophie Nelisse when I was in my teens. My hair was often a greasy mess, I had bad acne, and I had glasses. But hey, this is fiction, right?
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This story is based in January 1918, in Michigan City, Indiana. It was partly inspired by this photo of a mother and two daughters near the Michigan Lighthouse, after a blizzard hit. The father, who I assume took the photo, was the true historical lighthouse keeper of Michigan City. But for the sake of this story, it is Mr. Smith. I also researched lighthouses, and in the end, I had to create my own version of the Michigan City Lighthouse to fit my story. The Michigan City Lighthouse still stands today and it is a tourist site.  
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“The Lighthouse Keeper’s Daughters” is set against the backdrop of the January 1918 Blizzard. The winter storm paralyzed the Midwest and it was considered the Blizzard of the Century until the Blizzard of 1978 hit. I did copious amounts of research about the blizzard, how long it lasted, the descriptions were based on photographs and commentary of those who witnessed it.
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If you were alive in Indiana in 1978, you have a Blizzard of 78 story. To this day, no storm compares to it. I grew up hearing my parents, grandmother, and friends talk about it. Whenever we have a winter storm now, the Blizzard of 78 is referenced. When the blizzard hit, my dad lived in Michigan City, so some of the descriptions of the area and what he experienced found its way into this story.
Until next time!
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aboutoriginality · 2 years
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Syntonic Research, Inc. - Environments, disc 11, 1978
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gwydionmisha · 8 months
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dprs99 · 2 years
The Great Snowstorm of 1967: The Snow-Lover's Dream
The Great Snowstorm of 1967: The Snow-Lover’s Dream
I hear people talk about the snowstorm of 1978. I’ve seen pictures and it was pretty bad. We missed the storm because we were working for a ministry in Fort Worth, Texas, where we had moved the year before. During our first winter in sunny Texas, we had seventeen inches of snow, more than the state had seen in many years. I think God did it to say, “Welcome to Texas, ya’ll!” Texans didn’t know…
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gacougnol · 8 months
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James Ravilious (English, 1939 – 1999)
Ivor Brock rescuing a lamb in a blizzard, Millhams, Dolton, Devon, England, 1978
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I'm tempted to make a 1970s TMNT AU.
Imagine Splinter watching Mork & Mindy, Dallas, Good Times, The Love Boat, Charlie's Angels, and Three's Company every week.
Imagine Leo being obsessed with all the martial arts movies coming out, and watching "Drunken Master" so many times that Splinter has to scold him for adopting Jackie Chan's fighting style.
Imagine Don watching Martin Cooper present the world's first portable phone... then going on to make a much improved version, himself when he was just twelve years old.
Imagine Raphael going out into the richer parts of the city during the gas crisis and siphoning fuel out of businessmen's cars and putting it into cars in the poorer parts of town.
Imagine Mike filling out those "do you want to be an artist" ads in his comic books and sending them in, hoping to get to be a professional comics artist some day.
Imagine all of the Turtles trekking out into the Blizzard of 1978, completely bundled up to both keep warm and keep from being seen, to help the locals dig their cars and homes out of the snow.
Imagine April's apartment all in shades of avocado and gold, with bean bag chairs and macrame and shag carpet; and her having pin-straight hair but trying out the Farrah Fawcett look, ultimately finding it too labor-intensive.
Imagine Casey Jones with a Tom Selleck mustache and a mullet, riding a Harley-Davidson XR750, and having a massive collection of 8-Tracks.
I mean, the 70s was a fascinating decade. It was a time of rising crime and political turmoil, television was in a state of great flux, there was a gas crisis that brought out the absolute worst in people, New York saw blackouts and arson and unprecedented weather events, the Bronx was compared to a war zone and looked like one... terrorism was on the rise, the music industry was reaching out and stretching its legs, the battle of the sexes was in full swing, gun sales were on the rise... Watergate, Vietnam, the Son of Sam...
It was a hard time, but also an interesting time.
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chronotsr · 5 months
No. 2 - G2, The Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl (July 1978)
Author(s): Gary Gygax Artist(s): Erol Otus, Dave C. Sutherland III, David A. Trampier (cover) Level range: Average of 9, preferably 5+ players Theme: Standard Swords and Sorcery Major re-releases: G1-3 Against the Giants, GDQ1-7 Queen of the Spiders, Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff, Dungeon #199, Tales from the Yawning Portal
On the heels of being more impressed with G1 than I expected, will G2 be similarly impressing? Time to find out!
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The intro blurb is mostly a repeat of the text of G1, including admonitions that running stock is for villains. Our motivation remains: figure out why the hill giants did that, no matter how fucking dangerous it is. Interestingly, the other main objective of G1 (give 'em a bloody nose) is not relevant here, because that teleport means that the frost giants aren't a threat to the villagers themselves. In fact, the room teleportation schtick kind of means G2 is filler? Like, the big reveal that the G series leads to the D series is not really impacted by the events of G2. So, oops!
Conveniently, the magical chain teleports out outside the rift so you can once again have a secret cave HQ. I feel like you have a responsibility as a GM to have a giant counterattack to at least one of these caves.
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I really like the imagery of the descent into the rift here. I mean, I don't think this illustration really does it justice, imagining the deep blue color of light barely passing through the ice and how that gives the area beneath the surface an eerie oceanic glow at all times other than noon -- that's some good vibes. Gary opts for green, which is a fair enough choice. Unfortunately, Gary is more interested in simulating the mounting climbing than vibes, which means that at least one of your party members is going to fall face first into the snow drift below. Gary "generously" caps the damage at 10d6 (avg 35 dmg) -- a level 9 fighter, to be clear, has 9d10 hp (avg 45 hp) and a level 9 magic user has 9d4 hp (avg 23), so that's not ideal. Also recall that you recover 1hp per full day of rest normally, so if you fall and survive you're probably still fucked unless your cleric has a lot of spells left. I'm also pretty sure your cave HQ is above the cliff face, so, risking the descent seems like suicide to me. You're going to lose people and even leaving to heal them back up is simply taking another chance at oblivion. Take the stairs.
If you have the audacity to slow fall down, you will be blown 75ft off course in a random direction. Very cool Gary!
Another interesting detail: monsters in classic DND have a pretty short attention span and will lose you fairly quickly if you flee around a corner. This is particularly amped up here to a breezy 4 in 6 odds of success, due to blizzards blocking chase.
Anyway, we're into the room by room, so let's do some room by room shit.
There is a kind "spiked heads of our enemies at the gates" situation, with corpses mutilated and frozen in transparent ice as a warning to not intrude. Honestly that's badass. What's not badass is if the players have the wherewithal to try and free the corpses (for loot or kindness), most routes lead to the treasure being destroyed and the roof collapsing -- probably instantly killing your squishies.
The hill giants from G1 are lolling about waiting for an audience, so points for continuity. I have to imagine they're freezing their asses off, though.
There are yetis here? Which, going on the graphic and the listed intelligence score in the MonMan, I have to conclude are sentient bipedial apes but like, NOT like the Frost Giants. Actually apparently the average yeti is smarter than the average frost giant, so I guess it's a Diogenes situation where they choose to live in a shitty cave when everyone else has a nice cave?
The 5 hill giants visiting the Jarl have 1k to 6k gold fur cloaks, which like. Imagine a 6,000 gold cloak. Not only is it got to be huge (Hill Giants are 10.5ft tall), for it to be worth 6k to a vendor that's got to be a one-piece fabric cloak off a particularly rare and good condition animal. I guess the players could use it as the world's fanciest comforter?
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The official appearance of a Remoraz! These are awful creatures. They swallow you whole and then superheat their insides to cook you. Nasty side effect: its outsides become furnace-hot and destroy nonmagical items and burn people to death. Look at this horrible thing! And of course it's guarding the swankiest loot to date -- a +2 Giantslaying Sword and a 3 Wishes Ring. It's been a weird trend lately that the best loot is, not owned by the leader of the Giants? The best hoard seems to always belong to Some Guy. Naturally this awesome loot "sinks into the ice" if you use a fireball, because this adventure has an addiction to telling the wizard to fuck off. Note that the sword being lost punishes the fighter for the magic users' decision. Note also that the Remoraz going into superheat mode doesn't do the same thing? It sucks. This clause sucks. Cut it. The actual room itself is kind of neat, the implication is that the Remorhaz melted a spherical hole into the ice to make a den, which is awesome.
Another iconic Garyism: ". They have had audience with the Jarl, and after a special wassail to be held on the morrow they will depart for home with a treaty scroll." Translation: They're goin to have a drinking party tomorrow to celebrate a treaty signing.
And like, one room later, we get "leman", which means lover, and "durance vile", which means long imprisonment. The text implies that basically, she's a hot butch storm giantess being held in chains until she agrees to fuck the Jarl. Gary, simply ask a tall woman out. You don't have to be weird about it.
Rather than torches, the feast hall is lit with jarred fire beetles, which is kinda cute
There is a thick iron bar that "transports whosoever is standing on the floor to the entrance of Snurre's Hall [G3]". The iron bar is a lever, obviously, but is this a lever-operated teleporter? An elevator that goes straight down? G3 eliminates the elevator theory, since apparently you can arrive here via pegasus and there are caves one can access overhead. So it's a literal teleporter, and at least how I'm reading it makes it sound more science fiction than magic. Weird.
On the whole, G2 is a massive step down from G1. G2 lacks the factionalism of G1, punishes players for damn near anything attempted, and is broadly less imaginative than G1. It's a pity, really, because it's a far more interesting locale on paper, but the reality is that you could generate a cave like this by scribbling randomly. Meh. Next time we poke G3, and hope hope hope that it's more like G1 than G2.
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whispering-about-loki · 11 months
For my NaNoWriMo novel this year, I have settled on Tom Hiddleston and Owen Wilson as the faces and voices of my main characters. They are not necessarily going to be expies or AUs of Loki and Mobius, though Owen's character (Grady) is a bit like Mobius in that he is a tired businessman that starts off looking something like this:
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Then ends up looking more like this awesome Mobius art by @wolfpup026!
Tom's character, Michael, is more based on this look:
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And his personality is somewhat like James Conrad from Skull Island, but without the military skill or experience.
Anyway, the story takes place in Massachusetts in 1978, and involves a blizzard, forgotten secret World War 2 technology, elderly spies, inconvenient superhuman "abilities", a very small town with a very big secret, and... people blowing up on occasion.
Wish me luck!
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thexnormalxstuff · 1 year
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September 28, 1978 marks 45 years since the release of “Never Say Die!” by BLACK SABBATH. It would be the last album with Ozzy on vocals for quite a spell. From what we know today, it’s a miracle that Ozzy lasted long enough to complete it. I always say that the firing of Ozzy after the “Never Say Die” tour was in retrospect a good thing. It would lead to the birth of two of the greatest albums, not just in 1980 but of all-time, in “Heaven and Hell” and “Blizzard of Ozz.”
Of course, the tour in support of “Never Say Die” had an opening act that featured a little backyard party band from Pasadena, California that you may have heard of… VAN HALEN. $7.00 tickets.
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softpine · 1 year
hi brandi!! i might be wrong but i have a half memory of you writing up a text post or an ask reply that detailed everything we know about finns case/the timeline leading up to his death so far - would you be able to relink it or pin it somewhere please!! i'm trying to cross reference the dates of the journal entries to prev things finns said etc hehe
ahh i feel like i remember this too, but i can't find it for the life of me!! i'm wondering if maybe i was just talking about the wiki? because i wrote up a giant article for finn's page in the wiki (which is still unfinished i'm sorryyyyy) but i don't know if i ever posted it publicly?
either way, here's a timeline of finn's whole life so i won't spoil anything by telling you what is or isn't important :P
1963 - donald atwood, richard's father, dies. he was an abusive man, particularly to his wife, bessie.
april 19, 1970 - finn is born to richard and lucy atwood.
1973 - due to financial struggles, finn lives with his grandma bessie for a year. she would've been happy to take care of him longer, but richard finds a better job at the factory and takes him back.
1974 - the atwoods start renting the house we've seen finn grew up in. it was split into four units. the atwood family were on the bottom left floor, the porter family (chris, his wife, and their son steven) were living in the bottom right half. the two units above them were frequently cycling through tenants.
1975 - with richard and chris being neighbors and working together at the factory, they become close friends. they were both heavy drinkers before they met, but it escalates into addiction. this is also when the abuse begins. it starts as neglect rather than purposeful violence (such as finn being locked out of the house during a blizzard).
1978 - grandma bessie dies. she left finn an expensive cross necklace which he wears hidden under his shirt so it won't be stolen. due to a combination of richard's grief over losing his mother + no longer having her around to keep him in check and watch out for finn, he loses his temper more often and this is when the physical abuse begins.
1980 - finn starts formulating a plan to run away. he wants to live with his aunt & cousin (on lucy's side) in new york, and he thinks if he can just get away, his parents won't care enough to take him back. he finds a boy scout's uniform and starts going door to door selling chocolate, running errands, doing odd jobs, and stealing money when he can get away with it.
july 9, 1981 - chris hits steven for the first time. no one knows it at the time, but this is a turning point not just for steven, but also for finn. this is around the time when they make promises to each other that they're never going to drink, never going to have kids, and as soon as they leave home, they're never coming back.
october 31, 1981 - finn describes this halloween as "the last good day".
early november, 1981 - chris porter gets a better job and moves his family to the suburbs, where steven starts making friends with the other kids. he's cruel to finn at school because he wants to distance himself from the reputation they shared.
december 23, 1981 - officer tim andrews arrests richard for a few small charges like public intoxication. he's very familiar with the atwood family and has been looking for any opportunity to arrest him for a while now. finn thinks he's creepy and hates how andrews is always getting involved in his business and trying to act friendly with him. finn bails his dad out of jail with his secret money (but what he doesn't say in his journal is that he stole that money from his upstairs neighbors while they were moving out).
january 6, 1982 - finn gets into a physical altercation with steven and another classmate. in reality, the two boys jumped him while he wasn't paying attention, and he calls it "fucking bullshit" that he got suspended for fighting back. even the teacher who broke up the fight wonders if this was a "coordinated effort" between the boys, but finn still gets punished.
this is around the time when paint it black takes place.
january 29, 1982 - after a month of listening to officer andrews offer to help him, finn decides to accept and ask him for a ride to his aunts house. notably, he calls him "tim" in his journal entries, which could be to disguise his identity or because he's gotten more comfortable with him. he writes that he'll do whatever it takes, "even if tim wants money or something else" (finn genuinely thought he was a predator, in case you didn't pick up on that), but we know the only thing tim asked for in return was for finn to never tell anyone that he was the one who drove him away. he agrees. (we also know that in an alternate universe, officer tim andrews did drive finn to new york, which is how NYC griffin survived.)
february 3, 1982 - finn writes in his journal: "I'm sorry Dad, I'm sorry to God for what I did" next to a blood stain. this is the date asa was looking for, so clearly something traumatic happened here which we'll see soon. it's also the last time finn writes in his journal.
march 8 through 11, 1982 - a red or black truck is seen circling the area of l'eau state park. this is only reported much later, so eyewitness accounts are conflicting. the truck may have been painted black after the crime.
march 12, 1982 - richard and finn had planned to go on an overnight hunting trip l'eau state park, but lucy had the day off work, so she decided to come with them. she started inviting their friends and it suddenly became "the worst kind of party". if things had gone according to plan, finn would have waited until his dad was asleep, then taken his bag (with all his saved money inside) and ran to meet officer tim andrews, where he waited in his (red? black? neither? truck). but everyone was still awake and partying at this point. the last thing finn remembers is leaving his bag & money behind, and making a run for the woods.
late at night on march 12, 1982 - chris porter, who attended the party at the camp site, arrives home drunk, soaking wet, and covered in mud. he gets agitated with steven, who later says that his dad was never the same after this night.
noon on march 13, 1982 - lucy atwood wakes up to find that finn is missing. she finds his bag still in the tent, so she assumes he's gone wandering. hours later, when he still hasn't come back, she and richard find the nearest payphone. first, richard calls chris porter, hoping finn had gone to see steven, but no one answers the phone. lucy calls her sister, etta, because she knows if finn ran away, that's the first place he'd go. etta doesn't know anything about finn's escape plan and urges lucy to report him as missing immediately. however, lucy and richard decide to search for finn themselves for many hours first. they're afraid they'll lose custody of finn if anyone knew their child ran away while they were drinking and doing drugs. they hide any indication of the party. in the evening, when they haven't found any sign of finn, they finally call the police.
march 14 - 18, 1982 - search teams are sent looking for finn. he never shows up at his aunt's house. officer andrews, of course, does not tell anyone about his and finn's plans – we have no idea what he does or doesn't know about that night. he could've driven away after finn was a no-show, he could've been the one who killed him, he could've seen someone else killing him, etc. no one knows. after only a few days, searches are called off due to weather (a mix of rain and snow). richard and lucy continue to do public appeals for their son, though they're quickly becoming the most hated people in the state.
march 27, 1982 - finn's body is found by a fisherman at l'eau state park. finn's parents are informed of this while live on tv. due to the cold weather, finn's body is not badly decomposed, but he was beaten so extensively that he was unrecognizable. this was not an accident. his body almost appeared to be posed, with his legs straight but his arms spread open like a cross. this is why he was given the nickname "angel of the bay" while they awaited confirmation of his identity. additionally, the cross necklace he wore was upside down on his chest. this, in the climate of satanic panic, lead many to believe he was the victim of a satanic cult killing. a lot of evidence was either never collected or was poorly preserved or outright lost/destroyed, especially once the case started to go cold.
(we know that 90s griffin survived the attack because he jumped off a cliff and played dead – this is the advice that time-traveling asa gave him, and it worked. he was unable to move, so he remained there for days before being rescued. he doesn't know / doesn't want to remember who attacked him.)
april 1982 - the police finally start conducting interviews with anyone finn knew. the problem is, it's been weeks since finn was killed and everyone's memory has gotten fuzzy. for instance, they want to find out if any of finn's classmates were absent from school and/or visibly injured the day after his death, but no one can remember. investigators have no idea about the party, and none of richard or lucy's friends are saying anything at all. steven lies and says his dad was home all night. basically no one is telling the truth, and even if they think they are, there's a huge chance they're misremembering things. the case goes cold. lucy and richard move away.
around this time, finn "wakes up" as a ghost. it's too painful for him to stay around his parents, so instead, he follows his cousin liz around in new york. it frustrates him that he can't talk to her, so he starts acting out, throwing things, etc. liz begins hearing his voice, then seeing glimpses of him, then seeing full blown apparitions. but it wasn't just finn; she started seeing other ghosts too. it scared her so badly that she told her mom about it, who encouraged her to seek help. finn felt bad and decided to leave her alone at this point. he got lost in "the nowhere" and took a nap for like... 30 years.
2006 - tim andrews is now the sheriff. he announces that finn's case will be reopened with the hopes of using new technology to find the perpetrator. it seems promising at first, as finn's name is all over the news, but it doesn't take long for the case to stall again. so much evidence is unusable by this point.
2020 - chris porter is brought in for questioning once more. he says nothing new, but it clearly shakes him. he reaches out to his son, steven, one last time, to apologize for everything he put him through. then he drives to the nearest railroad tracks, sets his truck on fire on the road, then lays down in front of an oncoming train.
2021 - steven dies of liver failure due to alcoholism. finn was able to be there for his last moments. steven tells him he named his son (who passed away years ago) after him.
2023 - asa and elaine speak to the atwoods about finn's case.
and that's all for now! i say as if this wasn't an ENTIRE podcast script fjskdjs if you read this far, here's a cookie 🍪
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doraemon-facts · 2 years
Nobita aging himself up to “save” Shizuka, who gets separated from her companions on a mountaineering trip 14 years in the future, famously didn’t go as he planned... But has Nobita ever saved Shizuka for real?
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Source: 雪山のロマンス, 1978 (manga)
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Nobita takes Shizuka skiing in the “Box Garden Ski Resort” (はこ庭スキー場). To keep Shizuka from finding out that they’re in a scale model and not a “real” ski resort, Doraemon starts a blizzard, but this knocks her out cold and Nobita has to carry her to safety.
Source: はこ庭スキー場, 1974 (manga)
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When the steel troops invade, Nobita shows up just in time to take out a robot that had been about to attack Shizuka.
Source: Nobita and the Steel Troops, 1986 (manga, Doraemon Long Stories)
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Nobita strands the two of them on a deserted island with the “Robinson Crusoe Set” (ロビンソンクルーソーセット). In truth, Shizuka is never in any real danger, as the “Robinson Crusoe Set” creates a castaway experience for entertainment purposes. Still, Nobita has no trouble using the gadgets in the set to provide them with clothing, food, and shelter. Shizuka is even impressed by how reliable he seems in a crisis.
Now, it could be argued that Shizuka would not have been in any of these circumstances without Nobita... But at least he’s good at cleaning up his messes?
Source: ロビンソンクルーソーセット, 1983 (manga)
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Actually, Nobita has saved Shizuka from some situations he didn’t create. When Gian threatened her, Nobita scared him away with his teeth, which he’d strengthened with the “Good Toothbrush” (すてきな歯ブラシ). He even bites Gian’s baseball bat to bits!
Source: 歯みがきで強くなろう, 1970 (manga)
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Another time Nobita found Shizuka and her mother tied up in their own home by a robber, and he used the “Opposite Flute” (コベアベ) to make the robber hand himself in to the police.
Source: コベアベ, 1972 (manga)
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Nobita tamed an escaped lion that was chasing Shizuka by using the “Cat-ifying Pet Food” (ネコみたいになるえさ).
Source: ネコみたいになるえさ, 1973 (manga)
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When Nobita paused time with the “Time Stopwatch” (タンマウォッチ), he froze Shizuka while she was falling down the stairs and brought a pillow to break her fall.
Source: 時間よ動け~っ!! (manga)
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And when Shizuka was being harassed by a hooligan, Nobita used a missile to drive him away.
Source: 設計紙で秘密基地を!, 1980 (manga)
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The anime adds more examples of Nobita saving Shizuka. Here he pulls her out of the way of an oncoming car.
Source: わびさびゴザ, 1993 (episode from 1979 anime)
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How about the other way around: has Shizuka ever saved Nobita? Yup! When Nobita dives into the water to “rescue” Shizuka, forgetting that he himself cannot swim, she is the one who pulls him to the surface.
Source: 水たまりのピラクル, 1985 (manga)
(This story was first printed in 1982, but Shizuka’s part was changed significantly between the original magazine run and volume release. That should be a topic for another post, however!)
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bobdylanhater1965 · 2 years
i was tagged by @oldlovecassette (thank u we need to do another beatles movie night soon!)
the game: tag 10 people u want to get to know better
relationship status: single :(
favorite color: maroon or forest green!
last song i listened to: waiting around to die by townes van zandt (self titled version)
song stuck in my head: pleasant street by tim buckley
three favorite foods: probably bolognese, pho, and chicken sandwich <3
last thing i googled: Northeastern United States blizzard of 1978
dream trip: i think im going to try to go to either germany or denmark next when i save enough but i hope to do a weekend in quebec this year maybe
anything i would like right now: a chicken sandwich </3
@elastica1995 @muirneach @talkshowhost1996 @a-la-rascasse @flowersforroadkill @petermonkeebff @folksingers @redrhodes @aphextwinpeaks ive run out of people to tag 9 will have to do
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aryburn-trains · 1 year
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LIRR 155, Port Washington, NY
The LIRR yard at Port Washington is full as it is on most weekends, but this Saturday is a little different, as a blizzard has dumped enough snow to paralyze the third rail operation. An equipment run with and MP15AC #155 on the r/e departs town with hopes of clearing the drifting snow from the top of the 3rd rail. A push-pull set of equipment covered revenue runs on the branch that day, which was the only time I caught a GP38-2 and FA in Port Washington. 
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scottwbeattie · 1 year
Review: Iron Man Epic Collection 14: Return of the Ghost
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Tony Gets His Groove Back
Tony Stark has never been cooler than he was during Bob Layton and David Michelinie’s first run on Iron Man. Denny O’Neil then used the alcoholism that they introduced (and had Tony quickly overcome) to take the character to rock bottom before building him back up again. When Layton and Michelinie returned to the title, it didn’t make sense to undo O’Neil’s excellent run by immediately returning to the 1978-1982 status quo, so they instead spent 2 years having Tony rebuilding his company and reintegrating some of the supporting cast who O’Neil had written out of the book. Sobriety had also given the character righteous fury, and he went after both friends and enemies who were using his technology. Having accomplished his mission, Tony was now able to settle in and return to something like his old self.
Iron Man 14 begins with the original graphic novel, Crash. I already reviewed it in a separate post, but to recap: it’s terrible and can be skipped. However, once you get into the meat of the Epic with the regular issues, Return of the Ghost quickly becomes a top-tier Iron Man Epic.
The issues themselves are mostly one- or two- issue self-contained arcs. Other than Tony’s complicated romantic life (he may or may not be simultaneously sleeping with 3 different women, all of whom seem to know about the others), there aren’t any running subplots. There’s a breezy tone to them, as Tony switches from yacht dates to corporate meetings to battles with some classic foes like the Mandarin, the Grey Gargoyle, Blizzard, Whiplash, and the titular Ghost.
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Layton and Michelinie also devote a lot of screen time to Tony’s large supporting cast. One of my favorite parts of their runs is that Stark Enterprises feels like a real company rather than just a plot device to explain why Tony has enough money to build his Iron Man suits. Mrs. Arbogast, Felix Alverez, Marcy Pearson, Ant-Man Scott Lang, Clay Wilson, and, of course, Rhodey are all individuals with distinct personalities, and they help flesh out Stark Enterprises by representing different viewpoints and goals for the company.
The art looks great for most of these issues as well. Jackson Guice provides most of the layouts, but even when he’s away, Bob Layton almost always does the finishes, which gives the book a consistent look. There’s only one issue that is finished by Barry Windsor-Smith (a fantastic penciler in his own right), and it doesn’t look nearly as good.
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The collection finishes with three issues of Marvel Fanfare starring Iron Man. They’re just okay (especially in comparison with Crash) but also feel very inconsequential. Granted, this is par for Iron Man Epic Collections, and I always say that suffering through filler is our lot in life.
Return of the Ghost is an odd collection. On the one hand, these issues are about as good as the title has ever been, and I’d highly encourage anyone who likes Iron Man to check them out. That said, it also feels odd recommending an Epic where more than a quarter is, to be honest, not very good filler. At the end of the day, I do think that the regular series issues are more than strong enough to justify this Epic, but I also wish that Marvel would take it easy on Shellhead fans for a change.
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ao3feed--reylo · 2 years
the blizzard of 1978
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Ab3Zcz7
by lemonflirt
“We won’t get a signal on the TV during a storm like this.” Ben says, “We’ll have to entertain ourselves… Luckily for you… Daddy has an after dinner surprise.”
Ben was a good father like that. He was always spoiling her with last minute presents and promises just so he could keep her smiling or make her happy. Rey knew how fortunate she was, and she loved her father very much.
But, thanks to a certain development in their relationship, Rey couldn’t stomach being in his company for long.
Her reluctance wasn’t due to anything her father had done, the blame was entirely on Rey.
Words: 1326, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Rape/Non-con Elements, Underage Sex, Statutory Rape, Drug Use, Incest, Parent/Child Incest, Father-Daughter Relationship, Marijuana, 1970s, Loss of Virginity, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Ab3Zcz7
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