#blast map
sanctus-ingenium · 5 months
do you use gradient maps for coloring?
Yep. I rarely leave the gradient map to the very end tho, so I am not painting in greyscale and then mapping colour onto it, I'm painting in colour and shifting those colours. About midway through first pass colours I might (if I'm not happy with my initial choice) use a low opacity gradient map (usually less than 30%). Then I keep painting, colour picking from the new palette this gives me (all my painting is on one layer so it all gets piled on top of the existing stuff). I don't like how crunchy the colours can get with the map so I always try to paint over some of that. The low opacity gradient map on the guy in my latest pic is the same one I used to fully colour the winged lion.
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mr-fixer · 4 months
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blasteffect · 6 months
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DESI Map !
A slice of the 3D map of galaxies collected in the first year of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) Survey. Earth is at the tip, with the furthest galaxies plotted at distances of 11 billion light-years. Each point represents one galaxy.
This version of the DESI map includes 600,000 galaxies — less than 0.1% of the survey's full volume.
Credit: DESI Collaboration/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/R. Proctor
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ascalonianpicnic · 9 months
legendaries with collections are just more engaging and more fun and I wish anet had made more be collections like the HoT legendaries and Aurora
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doublism · 7 months
the other day i walk into the kitchen and my roommates are all in there chatting and two of them were talking about a blood sacrifice ritual for aphrodite that they went to last night??? and they were like "yeah the woman doing it was really inauthentic she was clearly just trying to be quirky and didn't actually mean it and you know that kind of stuff probably really angers the goddess. i saw her smoke a whole joint by herself before too and then she really struggled to draw her own blood for the ritual"
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i squished together a vague map of hatchetfeild for funsies (based off of the image we get from the black book as well as the hatchetfeild wiki) and it came out pretty nicely :)
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sleidog · 7 months
Also seeing folks make comments about peitha 'leading' the show rn making me remember the anti trahearne bros who got him killed because they felt he was taking the spotlight etc etc
Its giving me flashbacks 😬
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wolfgirlfloof · 6 months
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You're about to make it to Floor 6 for the first time with nothing but reserve operators? Impressive! And with such a powerful and highly synergistic set of relics too! And 1hp 40+ shields, that's enough to survive even a boss leaking! It looks like you're on track to win this run!
It would be a shame if your command level leveled up from the fight right before Highmore, giving you +1 hp and deactivating your 50aspd king's lance and lowering your damage output and causing Highmore to leak and obliterate your shield reserves and getting you killed fighting Skadi when you could've won if you had a bit more hp to stall with.
Sure would be a shame.
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as-above-rp · 3 days
"&" Rachael looking at Riots eye.
Riot was in his own thoughts when he felt a hand touch his face. He blinked back into the present, and looked down at Rachael; she was reaching up to brush his bangs out of his face, uncovering the two long scars and glass eye that lay hidden beneath. There were chunks of scales that had been chipped, and patches of his eyebrow where the hair no longer grew in quite right.
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"Pretty sick lookin', innit?" He half smirked. "I never told ye how I got it, did I? It was back when I was still trainin' under my dad t'be a knight--think I was 14 or so. We were taught how t'deal with attempted kidnappin's an' assassination attempts on the people we were meant to protect--so it came as a real shock when this guy showed up an' comin' at me personally, as a kid no less. My guess is that he was either tryin' t' get rid o' the knights before they could stand in his way, or he was someone workin' for the revolutionaries who wanted to disband the oligarchy. I never found out fer sure.
He came packin' with these guantlet things, with two blades stickin' out over the top of 'is hand. He got me pretty good in the face with 'em, right over my eye. I still managed t'subdue the fucker an' keep myself conscious while half blind an' bleedin' all over the place long enough 'til my dad showed up. There was no way of savin' my eye - it was a big adjustment re-learnin' t' fight with half my vision gone an' my depth perception fucked, but I got the hang of it. Still passed the test on track a lil after my 18th birthday." He flashed a rocker sign with his hand. 🤟
"Normally, I don' like folks touchin' me on that side o' my face. Makes me anxious, not bein' able to see it comin'. But..."
Riot leaned into Rachael's hand. Her skin was always cool in comparison to his. It felt nice--soothing, in a way. His eyes closed a little, and he let out a soft sight through his nose.
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"Fer you, I'll make an exception. Yer allowed."
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murmuringbug · 1 month
Need a tshirt that says I joined munchymc and all I got was a crippling ctf addiction
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charonean · 1 month
Bitches will have a breakdown about their inability to process emotions and regulate them properly and then spur themselves into a massive mood swing.
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Re: you are playing half-life
1) GOOD IT'S GREAT, needs a bigger fandom outside hlvrai. Also maybe look into Black Mesa- the fan made modern remake that is *absolutely beautiful,* one of the few games that would probably actually be worth $60, but is actually only $20, and is a faithful recreation with modern technology.
2) siren pups are called houndeyes! Headcrabs are probably p obvious, but also, the squid face dogs are bullsquids, and the three-armed aliens are vortigaunts!
3) pleas don't slander my boy Barney Calhoun like that he's just a security guard not a cop and in fact is canonically, actively anti-cop/anti-facist in HL2 please he doesn't deserve to have his game rejected like that PLEASE LOVE MY BOY-
Ok im sorry that's all I'm done I'm just passionate about these games I hope u enjoy them ok bye <3
!!! Oh bro you’re so good!! I absolutely LOVE people talking about things they’re passionate about and have a bunch of facts to share!!!!
I KNOW THE NAME OF THE HOUNDEYES NOW!!! Today is a good day :)
I shall play Blue Shift then fuck yeah!!! Was just about to start Half Life 2 so I’m glad I found that out beforehand and play everything in series! I’m absolutely gonna check out that fanmade game that sounds so cool!
As a kid I was pretty much fully isolated from video games as a whole and honestly it’s been a BLAST playing games that are spoiled or well known for many but completely unknown for me! I finished playing the Portal series a few weeks ago and MAN I now know why it is on such a high pedestal!! The games are wonderful and the characters are absolutely iconic. Currently going through well known earlyish PC games, the Doom games, Portal, Half-Life, and slowly chugging my way through chronologically so I can see how video gaming as a whole progressed and evolved! It’s so neat! It’s really hard trying to play a few games though, lots of games expect you to know a lot of stuff so I have to watch lots of videos to make sure I’m not forgetting a Super Important button that does a Super Important Game Mechanic. It’s so cool tho!!!! I’m having such a great time!!!!!!! Thanks for the ask my guy!! :D
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bluebudgie · 8 months
Your video game song of the day:
Just a nice and chill battle theme. Which of course is a re-orchestration of the original theme from March of the Black Queen:
I love both versions.
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bisexualshanks · 2 months
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found--family · 1 year
so i'm relistening to Bridgewater season 1 and i was looking at the real Bridgewater Triangle wiki page and the map of the area and out of curiosity i cross-referenced the area with this travel map of Supernatural and noticed that while Dean (and Sam) never ventured into the triangle they got close when they visited Providence, Rhode Island which is just over 10 miles away from the closest corner of the triangle on the other side of the Massachusetts state line, and why were they in Providence? well, the episode was 2x13 Houses of the Holy ie. the very first angels ep where Dean (a seasoned supernatural hunter) didn't believe in angels even though they later turned out to be real. meanwhile Bridgewater focuses on a seasoned folklore professor living in the Bridgewater Triangle who doesn't believe in the supernatural even though it later turns out to be real and is played by the actor who plays the angel Castiel who is the first real angel Dean meets.
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Thoughts on the new tf2 maps?
well, i can't give my thoughts on all 12 maps that were added, as my experience with them has been queuing through casual, and bots are absolutely ruining the fun of trying to play these maps, so i'll try and provide my thoughts with just the ones i've done.
Spineyard: i think ive only played a few rounds of it, but i like the maps looks and layout. the mafia skeletons are neat, although i couldn't figure out what the piles of money they dropped did. overall, pretty good payload map.
Lava Pit: it's gravel pit with a lot of lava pits, it's alright, i don't have much to say about it.
Mannsylvania: so, player destruction and king of the hill maps are kinda my least favourite gamemodes, but from what i played of the map. it's neat, i like how the map looks.
Slime: only actually got to play this map for one match with 5 players on both teams, since every other time was just flooded with bots. i like it, despite my disliking of king of the hill. the salmenn are fun skeleton replacements, i think i like them better than the other skeleton reskins. they've got fun designs too.
Perks: really liked the map, though i always do kinda wish valve would add more modular support for arena mode, so map makers don't have to resort to using other gamemodes like koth and player destruction just to simulate arena. i only played like three whole matches, with like 4 players on each team. wish i had played with more cause i did really like the concept.
Murky: im conflicted with the idea of a zombies mode in TF2, mostly just from a design standpoint. each class has their own zombie perks, some work fine, others feel lacking. with 9 classes, i think you eventually spread yourself thin with trying to come up with unique abilities that are useful for taking out the survivors. the map itself is fine. mostly had to deal with a lot of bot rounds before i could enjoy the map.
Atoll: the visual design of the map is really nice, though with how open the map is, it's tough to play as zombies, as humans have the high ground. playing as a sniper zombie, who can shoot acid, sucks a lot since you can't really get a read on how far your projectiles drop. engineer zombies have a similar problem, though with them, it's nearly impossible to see the travel arc of your pipebombs.
every other map, i've just not had enough time playing them. both due to bots and also because im doing my halloween contracts in the order it gives me.
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