yunyunrin · 10 days
daisy’s works in progress
a/n : these are wips from a while, currently getting out of a writer’s block so starting to work on them again 🩷
— chapter three of holy fool
when your guardian angel gives you a second chance at life, you vow to save every human that god will put into your care. but what happens when you run into one of the eight kings of hell one night after your human falls asleep? what will you do when you’re a guardian angel with the eight kings of hell in love with them?
— don’t stay - kim hongjoong
revenge is a dish best served cold. at least that’s what they say, but just because it breaks you doesn’t mean it was revenge. just because the universe hurt you doesn’t mean that you were no longer allowed to be happy. but everyone must learn that on their own and everyone must hope they don’t lose their true source of happiness in the process. whatever that may be.
— study buddy - jung wooyoung
academic rivals to lovers
— write us how you want us to end - choi yeonjun
popularbaseballplayer!yeonjun x writer!reader
— i know you want me - kim mingyu
experienced bestfriend!mingyu x virgin!femreader
5 notes · View notes
yunyunrin · 1 month
I want everyone to know that this is me every time someone drops a comment on something I've written:
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11K notes · View notes
yunyunrin · 2 months
Chapter Two : Holy Fool
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genre : horror, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, enemies to lovers, alternate universe, slow burn
pairing : angel!reader (gn) x kingofhell!???, other side pairings
chapter warnings : arguing, crying, flashback, panic attacks, religious themes, yandere themes, anxiety
wc : a bit over 10k
A/N : here we go!!! everything from here on out is going to be a bit more fast paced so i’m excited for that 😣 and i finally got the motivation to edit! if i left out any warnings on accident let me know!
holy fool masterlist | chapter one | next
“Glory be to God, Amen,” you recite to yourself as you finish your prayer, quickly looking around to find a familiar face.
“Angel Blossom!” Poppy shouted a little ways away from you as she walked towards you after the prayer, granted her choice of volume garnered some stares from the other Angels. Poppy didn’t seem to mind though. As long as the prayer was over, it was okay to be happy in the prayer hall.
“Hi my darling Poppy, how are you today?” you asked. Poppy seems to be in a cheery mood tonight, more so than usual.
“I should be asking you that, Blossom,” Poppy replied. You know what she is talking about, tonight is when you head back down to Earth for your first assignment. You haven’t been back down to Earth since that night all those years ago. Not even thinking about the content of that night since a day or so after you returned to Heaven after the fact. Listening to Poppy was most important to you then, and it is the same now. Although you are having much more trouble not thinking about it since Angel Zen has told you about your impending assignment a few weeks back.
“I’m doing okay, nervous,” you respond. You and Poppy have now made it back to your shared room.
“It’s okay to be nervous, it is your first assignment. You will do well. Come on, let's go wash off before we head out,” Poppy ushers you quickly out the room once you gather your clothes towards the communal showering area. You both walk in and there is no other Angel there. Everyone has washed off already, but you and Poppy are washing off again.
Poppy and Angel Zen are still the only ones who know of your past as a human. In the years since becoming an Angel, you’re allowed to be around the others now, but you choose not to be close with them. Of course, you’re cordial, but you couldn’t risk them finding out anything, so you stick to Poppy. You’re truly grateful for Poppy, you don’t know what you did to deserve her. One day, you told her that when you were alive, you would take hot showers when you were stressed or nervous and ever since then when you are nervous or stressed, she takes you straight to the showers to relax.
Initially you never thought you’d be able to get used to the new life you had, thinking that your experience on Earth would make you too bashful for some of the things that Angels are accustomed to. Quickly it became something you got used to. For example, the communal showers do not have any dividers; you’re seeing everyone the way that they were made, but it wasn’t weird. You and Poppy have had many conversations over the years as you washed yourselves like you are now, but it is no different from the talks you have when you are in the comfort of your shared room.
“Your assignment, the family has had two more kids since you have last seen them. A three-year-old and a newborn,” Poppy informs you as she walks to the mirror to get a better look at drying her hair with her towel.
This hurts your heart a bit, you know not everyone has a bad life but from what you have learned in the past couple of months from Poppy, this situation was not too good. You wish you could give the mother the strength to leave, but your focus is on the children and your only job is to protect them to the best of your ability.
“Thank you for telling me, Poppy. Where are you going for your assignment tonight?” You question because Poppy herself is also getting a new assignment tonight.
“I’m going to Cana-da-da-da,” Poppy laughs at you, “apparently they are a sweet family. The grandparents live with the family and one of them will be getting diagnosed with cancer soon. I will be there long enough to help with the blow it will bring to the grandchildren,” she drops her shoulders once the information leaves her mouth. Poppy is a very emotional Angel that always takes things to heart. That is what makes her different from many of the Angels you have encountered. The others aren’t often phased by what they see, just doing their assignments and coming back to pray. A routine they have perfected over time, but Poppy is unique. You’ve had to comfort Poppy a lot because she feels everything from everyone around her.
Once you and Poppy are done washing off, you return to back to your bedroom. “Listen to me Blossom, everything will be okay with the kids. They are strong, I wouldn’t lie to you,” Poppy stated before you both were about to take your leave. “You will be okay, I promise. You can always talk to me through your bond and I will come in a second, now go to those kids,” Poppy pats your back, and you nod at her before transporting to the home of your assignment.
It’s been four years since the air of the Earth has hit your skin. The family from four years ago lives in a new place now, as you transport yourself in the entryway you take in the surroundings of their space. It’s small, a kitchen/dining area, a small living room, a bathroom, and two bedrooms. Poppy’s words are replaying in your mind as you walk to the children’s room. “You’ll be okay Blossom,” you mumble to yourself. The room is small, a bunk bed and a crib. The kid you last saw four years ago taking the top bunk while the toddler is on the bottom bunk, and obviously the baby is in the crib. You move to get in the bed with the toddler, cradling him in your hold. Poppy told you that is what she did, as he is prone to nightmares and this is all that helps.
The children are asleep, and the house is quiet, which leaves you with one thing to do. Think. Four years ago. You physically cringe at the memory and your stupidity. You are certain that if Poppy’s hair wasn’t permanently a bright golden color that it would have grayed instantly that night.
You’ve learned a lot since then, you could understand why Poppy was worried. Even if you had brushed against the man, you would have been a fallen Angel that instant. That goes for touching any non-human unless they are an Angel or a child under the age of twelve. Also witches, even the human ones. You didn’t really understand the witches, though, you knew some who practiced when you were alive, and they were some of the kindest people you knew. But that’s the rules, and you can’t do anything about that.
You still didn’t know anything about the Kings of Hell. You couldn’t genuinely ask because to every other Angel in Heaven, you already knew. Angel Zen was not someone you wanted to talk to more than you had to, and you knew how Poppy felt talking about them. You just hated feeling ignorant, your ignorance is what put you and Poppy in danger in the first place.
Although you feared how the family would fare during your shift, you were more afraid of seeing him. You know it is not a sin to find people attractive, but is it when they are a King of Hell and you’re a Guardian Angel? His sharp jawline and the singsong voice he used when he spoke to you, “shut up Blossom,” scolding yourself for thinking of him. He has definitely forgotten you by now and if he did remember you, it is because you were a Heavenly being who didn’t know he was a King of Hell.
Morning comes quickly, and your assignment shift is almost done. The kids slept soundly, now there is one thing left to do before you go back. Pray over the children. You fall to your knees in front of the window of the room and put your hands together, “God, please protect this family, —” Cinnamon. Cinnamon fills your nostrils and your hands start to tremble. “No, not now, please not now,” you say to yourself before finishing your prayer.
The smell of cinnamon and the feeling of his eyes on you has not left since the beginning of your prayer. This can’t be happening, you think to yourself as you walk to the kitchen, hoping that their mother is cooking breakfast with cinnamon or perhaps lit a cinnamon scented candle? You enter the kid’s room defeated as neither was happening. The feeling of him is strong, but you can’t see him. But you aren’t looking, your eyes have been tightly shut since you entered the room, finding solace again with the toddler. Instead, hoping that this time your nightmare will go away, but it does not.
“I know you are there but please not today. Please — leave me alone,” you begged into the thick tension of the room. You weren’t expecting it to anything, especially for the presence to dissipate as soon as you were finished speaking. He let you off the hook today, and for that, you are grateful.
As you enter back into Heaven you find yourself going straight to the showers in hopes that Poppy has already been back and showered, but as you walk in you see that that was, in fact, not the case. Poppy looks like she has not started showering yet, but the only available spot was right next to her. It isn’t like you would rather not see her, you did want to see her. But you can’t tell her that you felt him. She still hasn’t mentioned that night even when she saw your nervousness before your assignment. Could she have truly forgotten?
You make your way beside Poppy and turn the showers on, warm water instantly hitting your skin. You aren’t sure how the Earth changes your scent, but you know that it does. Even if it is a little bit. “Blossom, how was your first night on assignment?” Poppy questions, the suds from her shampooed hair falling down the side of her face.
“It went well, they had a pretty good night, thankfully,” you answer politely, not meeting her gaze.
“I’m glad. You smell not like how I did when I came back from their assignment?” Poppy inquires. You can feel her eyes on you, and you begin to feel small under her gaze.
“What do you mean?” you ask, hoping that your ignorance will help you with the incoming questions that you know you will receive from her.
“You smell like cinnamon. How come?” her voice is noticeably down a few octaves. Shit, she is on to you. You immediately start thinking of an excuse, anything to save your ass.
“Right before I left for assignment, their father used the bathroom, I’m assuming his stomach had gotten upset from something he consumed the night before. Before too long, the whole apartment was smelling… Not good. His wife woke up a short time after and lit a candle, probably cinnamon,” you chuckle to yourself and move to rinse your hair, “I’m thankful she did, if she didn’t, I would likely smell a lot worse…” you told Poppy, hoping that your lie was enough to fool her.
Poppy nods her head and the rest of the time you and her spend showering was met with silence. After your shower ends, you go to your room to make sure you have everything you need for your prayer. Some Angels take holy books to pray, others take holy memorabilia, others take nothing. It just depends on the mood and the Angel. Tonight you opt to take a holy book while Poppy just makes sure she looks presentable enough to walk into the prayer hall. ‘You know you can tell me anything, Blossom’ Poppy shares with you through your bond. You look at her and smile, showing that you understand and that you will. Your second lie in Heaven tonight, wow you really are the best Angel, sighing to yourself at the hidden thought.
You and Poppy walk shoulder to shoulder into the prayer hall before going to your respective spots. You and Poppy cannot pray together in the prayer hall due to the difference in your ranks. You are the lowest ranked Angel, while Poppy is a few ranks higher than you are. The prayer hall is beginning to fill with Angels which means the official prayer will start soon, but that does not stop other Angels for beginning to pray earlier. You have been in his prayer hall continuously for the past few years, but you don’t think you’ll ever get used to it. The hall is long in length and width, plated with pure gold. The floors are marble and there are cushions of red velvet that act as a barrier for when you fall to your knees during prayer. Contrary to your belief beforehand, there are no statues of Angels because wouldn’t that be weird? Apparently.
The orchestra music pauses, causing you to come back to reality from your thoughts. A high ranked Angel, like Angel Zen for example would start off the prayer and then the remainder of the time Angels would pray about what you feel you needed your attention, or God’s attention. You had three things you wanted to pray on. The first was your ability to lie in Heaven, your faith itself, and —. You pause your last thought. Your prayers go directly to God, and you aren’t sure you want God to know about this yet. But if God is all knowing, then you shouldn’t have to pray about it anyway, right?
After your years of being an Angel you’d expect to be a fierce believer of God, but you are not. You took steps further than you had when you first became an Angel but probably not as much as Poppy would hope. You believe in God, but you don’t feel the need to worship him, you know he exists but is he really worthy of your worship? What makes him more worthy of it than Lord Hades or Lady Athena? This is how you were different from the thousands of other Angels in the prayer hall, you believed in every God’s existence. Your belief would render you an Omnist Pagan, which is why you could never speak of it. That’s why your best friend Poppy could never know that the Angel she worked to help become a pious God-fearing Angel, was a Pagan. During times and thoughts like this you wish you had Dina, where you could speak freely.
Although you believe this way, you have a tremendous amount of guilt. You were given a second chance by people who worship God and you could not even worship him in which others feel he deserves. Lying in a space that it was forbidden to lie, and no one was the wiser. You sat here during prayer and prayed the best way you knew how to change the way you thought, to think like Poppy. That’s what you prayed for. But year after year, nothing changes and occasionally, you don’t feel bad. You’re praying about it, so now it’s out of your hands. You know it truly is not, but that thought helps to keep the guilt from consuming you entirely.
Before you know it, the prayer is over and Poppy is making her way to you. The walk back to you and Poppy’s shared room is quiet but comfortable. You walk in first, and Poppy follows and closes the door once she enters. You sit at your respective beds, allowing your bodies to truly rest after the long night of your assignments and the prayer that followed it.
“What do you intend to do today?” Poppy asks cheerily.
“I think that I will sleep for a couple of hours, then clean for a bit, and I think that I will also read some scriptures. How about you?” you ask while glancing at the Angel.
“I think I will go down to Earth for a bit and bring the holy feel to a couple of churches. You know you don’t have to sleep, right? Angels don’t need to sleep to function,” Poppy clarifies, like you didn’t already know. Ever since becoming an Angel and after those first couple of nights, you truly haven’t been tired, but you still sleep. It helps pass the time and if you’re being honest, you hope that one day you will dream. It hasn’t happened, but every so often you wish that you would be allowed to live the way you wanted through your dreams, but you have not been granted that wish.
“Yes Poppy, I know. It is just something I miss from Earth, it’s grounding. Plus, I only do it for a couple of hours. It isn’t like I do it and then wake up to pray and go to assignment. I guess it is a guilty pleasure, you could say,” you retort back
Poppy doesn’t seem too amused with your response, but you were being honest. Sleeping for a couple of hours wasn’t hurting anyone. “Praying is grounding, Blossom. And that guilty pleasure is what we’d call a sin on Earth,” Poppy jitters, her fists clenched.
“Napping isn’t a sin for people on Earth, Poppy,” you clap back while massaging your temples, your voice beginning to sound volatile.
“It is when you nap and aren’t tired that is what God would consider Sloth, Blossom. Don’t try to tell me what is and what is not a sin. Don’t forget who—” Poppy cuts herself off before saying her last bit, looking up at you with glossy eyes at the thought of what she was about to say to you.
“Is the real Angel,” you say, finishing the sentence that she was going to say. Poppy doesn’t normally share her thoughts with you, opting to keep them to herself. But at that moment, she was too angry to keep herself in that white bubble that she finds comfort in.
“That isn’t what I meant, I’m sorry I thought that. We all struggle, we are all tempted. Every Angel is, if we were not there, would be no fallen Angels. Although what I said about the sin being considered Sloth was true, I really cannot judge you for it, as what I struggle with the most is wrath. You have seen it more than I’d have liked. Please forgive me, don’t take what I say out of anger as truth. Only you know your true intentions, all we can do is try to be better. It doesn’t all happen at once,” Poppy says with an apologetic tone. You can’t lie that what she said and thought didn’t hurt your feelings, but you knew she was sorry. You know that much. If you had seen half of what she has seen, you would likely struggle with wrath too. After the argument, you feel nonverbal, so you opt to go and give her a hug to show her that you aren’t mad. You both stay like that for a while, and for once, Poppy lays with you. You aren’t sure if she falls asleep, but you wake up in her arms. You know this is her way of apologizing and if you’re being honest, you’re grateful to have been held after what you have been through during your first day of assignment, even if she doesn’t know what truly transpired.
Once you wake up from your nap and Poppy goes to do what she had planned to do during her free time, you decide to go back to the prayer hall to read the scriptures. To anyone else, you would be just an Angel reading the Bible. Which would be true, but you’re reading for a slightly different reason. Who are these Kings of Hell. No one has told you nothing. You think it is crucial for you to know, you have learned of one of their existences, and you don’t think you want that to happen in that way again. Poppy said they don’t normally come out, and the man that night didn’t correct her, so it must be true. But what if they decide to come out one day, and you simply don’t know. You still haven’t encountered a Demon since that night. Obviously, you know how to spot one, but if a King of Hell can look like, not a Demon? Then how are you supposed to know. You felt that same man last night, but you still don’t know his name. Aren’t you supposed to know their names, and it gives you leverage over them? You think about that, you aren’t sure how true it is, but you remember it being talked about from the second Conjuring movie. You laugh to yourself, getting information about Demons from a movie that you saw before you died. Comical.
You read for hours and find nothing. Obviously, the seven sins themselves are talked about, but not the Kings who rule over them. Why are there eight Kings but seven deadly sins? This makes no sense, and you wish someone would just tell you. “Angel,” a gruff voice calls from behind you. You look behind your shoulder to see none other than Angel Zen himself.
“Yes, Angel Zen,” you reply softly to the man who seems to be in a good mood currently.
“Reading scriptures for fun?” he questions, an eyebrow raised. You don’t even know if this Angel has the capability of being in a good mood. Alas, you keep a curt smile on your face while speaking with him.
“Not for fun, but to learn. You can never read too much when it comes to scriptures,” you answer, hoping that the conversation will end soon.
“That is correct, Angel. The orchestra will start soon, so go get ready for prayer,” he instructs before shooing you away with his hand. After the interaction, you walk to your room to get clothes before walking to the showers. As you enter the orchestra, music begins to play, and Angels begin entering the showers. As the showers fill, you begin to wash off with the soap and wash rag. You know the whole point of no scent in the soap is so you will only smell like your scent, but every so often you miss being able to wash yourself with soap that smelled like cotton candy or something magical like that. As you finish your shower and are leaving to go back to your room to get ready for the prayer, Poppy comes in. She smiles at you brightly before going to the shower that you just occupied. If you see her tonight before your assignment, it will only be briefly after the prayer.
The walk to your room was short, and you didn’t really have much to do to get ready for prayer. You decided to bring a cross with you this time instead of the Bible. Honestly, you’re a bit nervous to going out tonight, so the cross will help with your fidgeting during the prayer. If you’re being honest you want answers, but you know the likelihood of you getting them is not strong, but you just wish you could know what everyone else does.
And just as quick as the prayer started, it ended just as swiftly. You’re used to looking over your shoulder to see Poppy, but she hasn’t quite made it to you yet. She’s walking your way and as you go up to meet her, she walks right past. She didn’t even look your way. You look around for the only other Angel that you know, Angel Zen. Once you find him, you make brief eye contact before he moves his gaze back to the Angel he was just speaking to.
You sprint back to your room to find Poppy. Once you enter, you see her back, as she is clawing through the drawers with an urgency that you haven’t seen in years. “Poppy,” you cried out, tears threatening to fall down your eyes. She turns around and glances at you but does not make eye contact. Without a word, she is gone. Likely having transported herself to her assignment.
You fall to the floor, your lower limbs having given out on you. Your throat feels like it is closing, and your spit is falling out of your mouth as you sob. ‘Poppy, what did I do wrong, please Poppy’ you ask through your bond, hyperventilating in the position you find yourself in. You try to get up to go to your bed, Poppy having decided not to respond to you. As you’re walking to where your bed sits, your vision gets no better. Your sight is going in and out, and your head is getting lightheaded. You feel your body give out, you come back to reality as soon as your head hits the floor, only having passed out for a few seconds. You opt to lay there because you know you are not strong enough to hold your body up right now. You think of Dina, and how she would help you during your panic attacks.
“Hey Dina, we have the same schedule this week,” you cheered, happy that you and your best friend will see each other a lot the following week. Your best friend jumps up and down with her hands cupping her face, sharing the same excitement. Working at the bakery shop was fun, especially when it was the graveyard shift. All you and Dina did was bake throughout the night, and doing light decorating. The morning shift would come in and do more thorough decorating.
“The owner said we have to bake this huge cake tonight, to not even worry about the small stuff, that he would come in and bake those later in the shift,” Dina says with wide eyes.
“Jeez, how big is the cake?” you question Dina, never has your owner came in to make baked goods. Your manager, sure. The owner? Never.
“We’ll have to see once we get there,” Dina says, and you both walk out the door with pep in your steps because you have got to see what this cake is all about.
“Dina, this is not what I was expecting,” you say with your mouth agape in shock. This cake has so much to it. It’s a gigantic house, three stories. Chocolate, vanilla, red velvet, and strawberry were the flavors that you had to use. But not one part of the cake had to be a certain flavor, but one room in the house had to be a swirl of all the flavors? What an odd request. “I feel bad for who has to frost the cake, they want eight different colors for their frosting. They also want it swirled for that one room,” you tell Dina, still in shock.
“Who even ordered this anyway?,” Dina asks while looking at the ticket, “Kang Yeosang”, Dina says while popping her tongue against the roof of her mouth.
“Well Kang Yeosang better tip us a million fucking dollars Dina,” you laugh to yourself.
“He better, he definitely has a lot of money. Now let's get to baking, the owner of the whole bakery didn’t say not to worry about anything else tonight for a reason.
You and Dina spend the next twelve hours baking the odd request, whenever it got hard you found yourself cursing the man who ordered it because truly, why did he need such an absurd cake? Alas, you have finished baking everything, now all that is left is for the other bakers to frost it and put it together. You really hope this Yeosang dude likes this cake. And will actually pay for it. It would be unfortunate if he didn’t.
As you and Dina move to leave the kitchen, you bump into the table and one of the pieces falls on the floor. You gasp and look at Dina with fear in your eyes, which has replaced the sleepiness you were feeling prior. Your legs begin to give out, and you begin to hyperventilate, and your heart is beating so fast that you fear it may fall out of your chest.
“Hey lovie, you’re okay, listen to my voice,” Dina says in a hope to calm you down.
“I fu-fuc-fucked it all up Dina. I’m going to g-get fired, and I can’t get fi-fired,” you choke out, stuttering on your words as spit begins to still in your throat. Dina rubs your back and engulfs you in a hug, making sure that the fluorescent lights of the room are out of your line of vision.
“Hey, I know it is frustrating, but mistakes happen. And what fell on the ground was sphere shaped, no one will be mad at that for falling. There is a reason why no one orders sphere shaped cakes,” Dina coos into your ear softly, still rubbing your back, “If anything, we should blame the man who ordered the cake. What was his name? Oh right, Kang Yeosang. It’s all his fault. Big ass cake for a small ass bakery shop,” Dina mocks, causing you to laugh into her chest.
“I’m sorry Dina,” you mumble, having calmed down.
Dina playfully turns her head, “Nothing to be sorry for lovie, now I’ll go tell the owner, and you can put in four more sheets of vanilla batter in the oven. The other bakers don’t even get here until another hour, it’ll be okay,” Dina says soft but clearly before leaving the room.
The owner wasn’t mad, but made a mental note to put the spheres into a container so they wouldn’t fall again. The cakes are ready before you and Dina leave for the day, so you take them out of the oven so they can cool before leaving with Dina after clocking out. You and Dina walk together with your arms interlocked on your way home, ready for the sleep that you are about to have.
“I miss Dina,” you sigh to yourself. The memory is a fond one and it helped you calm down after your panic attack. You haven’t had one in a while, but when you did, Poppy was the one who helped you through it. Now, she caused it. But you don’t dwell on the thought for too long, you know you’re already late to your assignment. You just wish you knew what you did wrong.
The kids appear to be sleeping soundly in their beds. “It should be a good night,” you think to yourself before situating yourself next to the toddler. You opt to sit on the floor and just play with his hair instead of laying with him, you hope this will keep his nightmares at bay just as well.
You wonder if he will come again tonight. You sigh and roll your eyes to yourself, still not knowing what name to put with that man you saw four years ago. “Why can’t I just know his name?,” you mumble to yourself quietly. And like he knew your thoughts and could hear that whisper the scent of cinnamon began to fill your nostrils. You close your eyes and try to ignore it. It is hard, the scent has gotten strong in a short amount of time. You wonder if the kids can smell it? Surely, they have to. After a minute or so, you’re hoping that he — or at least the scent, will go away. The noise of poking at the window startles you, causing you to look that way. The same man from all those years ago is situated on the other side, you meet his gaze, and he smiles cheekily at you.
“Come see me Cherry, it’s been a while,” he urged. You think about it, you have been wanting to know more about him, but you aren’t supposed to speak to him. You could call Poppy and tell her a King of Hell has found you again, but she definitely does not want to talk you right now. “Please, Cherry,” the man begs, asking again. You get up and walk to the window, being mere inches away from the man, the only thing separating you was glass that you knew he could break if he really wanted to. You look at him, but he doesn’t make eye contact, he’s studying you, taking in your features after all these years.
You can see he is about to speak, about to ask you a question and fear suddenly envelops you. He pokes at the window to get your attention, nodding his head to the side to ask you what’s wrong. You break the eye contact suddenly feeling embarrassed. “Hey Cherry, let me—,” you shut the curtains in his face before he can finish his statement, “Come on,” the man shouts in shock. The man’s reaction causes you to laugh, and you can’t seem to control your laughter either, replaying what you think his face would’ve looked like in your mind. “Cherry, you think this funny, but I have been waiting to see you for years,” the man stumbles over his words, obviously shocked that you closed the curtains in his face. “So you can come over to see me, but you can’t speak?,” the man inquires, hoping that you will answer. He doesn’t know that you’ve already situated yourself back with the sleeping toddler, but his continues efforts to converse with you do make you chuckle. “Okay you may not answer me, but I’m not leaving,” he says one last time before going silent.
He stays true to his word, the longer the night goes the more sparse his attempts at talking to you are. He does, in fact, not leave, the smell of cinnamon fills your nostrils until you transport yourself back to Heaven. He doesn’t even leave when you pray over the children throughout the night, he was one persistent Demon.
Once you are back in Heaven, you go straight to your room to get ready for your shower. You don’t expect to see Poppy, and you are correct. She isn’t there and neither are her things. Not even your bed. You contemplate being sad for a second, but it isn’t worth it. You shrug at the sight before going to the showers to wash away the smell of cinnamon that you know lingers on your skin.
Once you enter the showers, there are only two open. One next to Poppy and another next to another Angel who you do not know the name of. You had always showered next to Poppy because you aren’t allowed to be friends with any other Angels, but if she can be petty, then so can you. You walk right past Poppy, and you can feel her eyes on you, but you don’t pay her any mind. ‘What are you doing, Blossom,’ the nerve she has, speaking through to you through your bond. You don’t reply or give any indication that you even heard the thought, continuing to wash your hair and your body quickly. Once you are finished, you walk back to your room. You’ve decided to bring your Bible and your cross with you to prayer today. Your cross to squeeze in your hand and the Bible to remind you that you are, in fact, in a prayer hall.
You walk to the prayer hall, taking your normal spot. You actually try to pray with everyone else today because if you don’t, you think you may blow up. ‘Blossom,’ you hear through your bond with Poppy. It takes everything in you to not whip your head around and look in your direction, but you don’t. You keep your composure in the prayer hall, you hope that prayer is done soon because you feel like you need to scream into the void of the Earth. ‘Angel Blossom to you, only speak to me if it is important,’ you reply through your bond.
Once the prayer ends you book it straight to your room, you definitely need to scream into the pillow. Once you enter your room and shut your door, it is being reopened just moments later. Poppy is standing in the doorway, where she stays for a few seconds before fully coming in and closing the door behind her. “We have to talk,” Poppy exclaims, taking a few steps towards you.
“No fucking shit, Poppy. Of course, we have to talk,” you bite back, venom lacing your voice.
“You don’t curse in Heaven, Angel,” Poppy replies, her forehead creasing with anger.
“And you’re in Heaven too and that hasn’t stopped you from acting like an asshole, so that’s that, Poppy. Nice talk,”
“Don’t be like that,” Poppy replies, her face having became softer in the past few seconds.
“Don’t be like what? Be forced to be someone’s friend that someone isn’t allowed to have more friends besides you. Hmmm.. What else? Oh! Out of nowhere, stop talking to them and move out of your shared room for the past few years in less than twenty-four hours after ignoring them! Yes, let’s not be like that, Poppy,” you hiss, not caring for who could hear you at that moment.
“You got too comfortable, and my rank increased. I had to move,” Poppy says, glancing at the floor.
“Too comfortable? I live uncomfortably in here,” you whisper this, just loud enough for Poppy to hear.
“I’m sorry. We still have our bond, so call if you need. I couldn’t answer today due to being in a meeting, but don’t call for me unless it is urgent. And for God’s sake, tell that Demon to leave you alone. Don’t fall because of him,” Poppy says with urgency in her voice.
“You weren’t in a meeting. I saw you leave. Don’t lie to me, and what Demon are you talking about” you question Poppy.
“Don’t play stupid, everyone can smell his scent on you. He’s the King of Hell for crying out loud, his scent lingers even if you don’t touch him. And I needed to go to an important meeting, excuse me for having misspoke,” Poppy retorts.
“Whatever Poppy. Maybe if you actually talked to me before assuming stuff you would know I haven’t talked to nor felt that Demon. The reason I smelled like cinnamon today was because the kids mother made a homemade cinnamon inspired dish and their father got mad, and he threw them at the kids because the two youngest started to cry,” you respond, the lie easily falling from your lips. You glance at Poppy, and she is believing it. “And I stepped in front of them so they would have time to move out of the way so they wouldn’t get burned by the hot food. Of course, it still went through me, but it distorted time just enough to give them enough time to get out of the way. So excuse me for doing my job as a Guardian Angel, Poppy. You can tell anyone that story who doubts me. They know just as well as you do that Earthly scents linger. So stop projecting your worries onto me, I can handle myself,” you say to Poppy in a mocking tone, laughing to yourself as you speak.
“You can handle yourself so well, very funny coming from the one who killed themselves,” Poppy hissed.
“Get out,” you shout at the Angel before throwing the wooden cross in your hand at her, she teleported just in time to not get hit by the cross. You aren’t even sad at her statement, but just angry. You feel betrayed, she knew how much that fact about yourself haunted you, but she used it against you in a moment of anger anyway. If you knew better you would say that wasn’t her at all.
During your leisure time between assignments you didn’t have to stay in Heaven. You opted to do so because of the dangers that you had been warned of, but now you don’t really care. So you decide to go out to Earth during your spare time, albeit you find yourself on the peer. You lean against the new wood that was used to fix what you broke all those years ago.
“Cherry,” after hearing the nickname that you have come a bit to accustomed to when you ventured down to the Earth, you whip your head around towards the voice. The man leans against the peer with you, his body is turned towards you and not the water. You look back out the water instead of answering him, taking in the smell of the sea. “Still not talking to me pretty?,” questioning you softly.
“I would, but you’re a bit mean,” you exclaim, still not moving your gaze towards him.
“I am not!,” he says in a surprised tone, which makes you look at him. You giggle at his reaction, his mouth opened in shock at your statement. He definitely was offended.
“A King of Hell isn’t mean? I should talk to the other seven to let them know you aren’t doing your duty of being a big bad wolf?,” he rolls his eyes at you dramatically, turning to look at the water.
“Okay now you know that is not what I meant,” he retorts.
“How else was I supposed to take it then?,”
“I am not mean to you my little cherry blossom,”
“I feel flattered,” you say sarcastically
“You should,” the man says before taking a couple of steps, “what are you even doing down at Earth when you aren’t on assignment?,”
“It isn’t forbidden for me to come down to Earth during my free time you know?,”
“Yes, I know. But it is odd, coming to this space in specific,”
You know why it is odd, the peer is empty when it would normally be full of people. “How come?,”
“You really don’t know?,” he questions you. You shake your head no to him in response.
“A few years back, someone drove off the peer. The city fixed it but no one ever really comes besides paranormal investigators and teenagers who decide it’s cute to do a Ouija board,” the man explains.
“That’s so sad,” you say sorrowfully, “Does that person ever answer their calls? You know the teenagers and paranormal investigators?,”
“No,” he sighs, “they were always an enigma,”
His words pique your interest, you had never really talked about the surroundings of your death before. “How so? If you don’t mind me asking, of course,” You question.
“Well to me, they were an enigma from the start. I wanted to see the body because when someone dies they have a marking that shows if their soul went to Heaven or Hell. For Hell, it’ll have that marking with a number, the number showing which ruler you spend eternity with,” he pauses to look down at the ocean, “the person who killed themselves had the marking of Hell with an infinity sign and the sign of Heaven,”
The revelation that he makes to you makes the blood in your body run cold. You’re glad that he was not looking at you, and you were not looking at him because the look on your face would have given you away instantly.
“That is really strange, did you try looking for them?” you question, thankful that the anxiety you felt could not be shown in your voice.
“We never tried, Heaven is quick to come to find the people who are meant to go there. I just wonder what they said when they saw the symbol of Hell with an infinity sign next to us. None of us Kings could ever figure out what that meant,” he sighs, “Did you ever see them?,” he questions.
“No, if I’m being honest I don’t think any Angel has,” they definitely haven’t, no one knows your true story. “But for something like that, I don’t think it’d be made known,”
“You’re right. They have a memorial plaque at the entrance of the peer. Did you see it?,”
The man gestures you to follow him down the peer towards the entrance. The plaque has a picture that you and Dina had taken together a couple of months before your death’s, both of your names, with a simple “Rest Easily” engraved on it as well.
“I thought there was only one person who passed away in this tragedy?,” you ask while looking at the plaque.
“There was only one, but both of them died that night. They were best friends. The dispatch call was made public, I just don’t think they could live without her,” his words sting, but they hold true. “You know, their dad got on the television crying over their death,” he states, voice having now gone monotone.
What the Hell. What in the actual Hell. “I just think that, if you’re a good dad, your child wouldn’t disown you, you know?,” He looks at you after he stops talking.
“I agree, did he say they didn’t talk?” you question.
“Yes, the whole interview was a bit bizarre. I just know Hongjoong will be the one dealing with him once he dies,” he grumbled.
You look up at him, a bit confused about what he means by the name. Who is Hongjoong?
“Hongjoong is the King of Kings when it comes to Hell. Although seven of the eight of us rule over specific sins, he rules over them all. He’s the most important one,” You nod at his explanation, deciding not to ask more questions. He will tell you if he'd like.
“Where did she go?,” your curiosity getting the better of you once you focus back on the plaque.
“Her death was something different, difficult to explain. But let’s not talk about it,”
This saddens you, he wouldn’t have a problem telling you she went to Hell, so you don’t understand why he is being so secretive now.
“May I ask you a question, Mr. King of Hell?,” He chuckles at the name you gave him, but nods at you nonetheless.
“Still don’t know my name?,” he asks, and you nod, looking away as the embarrassment creeps up on your cheeks.
“Can you take me to where she is buried?,”
“Which one?,”
You weren’t expecting him to ask that question. “Dina,”
“Yes, we’ll have to walk through since I cannot teleport you there,”
“You’re right about that, I’d have nowhere to go if I became a fallen Angel,” you joke.
“You’d come to Hell with me,” he remarked like it was obvious.
The rest of the walk is spent in silence until you come upon a cemetery. Once you get to her grave, your body almost becomes too much for your feet to handle. You hold your composure, you really wish the Demon wasn’t with you right now so you could cry.
“I don’t feel anything,” you whispered. You sit down at her grave, before your feet end up failing you.
The Demon sits down next to you, but far enough away that you wouldn’t be in danger of touching him. “You don’t usually feel anything, Cherry,” acknowledging what you whispered to yourself.
You get up quickly, the feeling of the cemetery becoming too overwhelming. “I need to go, thank you for today,” you muttered quickly before transporting yourself to back to Heaven. You didn’t even give him a chance to speak back, but you really didn’t feel like crying in front of a Demon today.
You arrived in Heaven right on time, the orchestra having started mere moments after transporting into your room. You didn’t realize how long you had been out, but at least you weren’t late. You do your usual routine, no Poppy in site. Not that you really cared too much, but you still looked for the familiarity. She also hasn’t graced the prayer hall with her presence either, which is odd.
If you’re being honest, you really do miss Poppy. Being bonded with her means that you miss her subconsciously, as she to you.
“Everyone listen up,” Angel Zen announces, “I want to make sure everyone is paying attention today as God has a message that, I think, would be crucial for some of you to hear,” he makes eye contact with you as he says it which causes chills to run up your spine.
“Everything you do, God knows. Every conversation you have, God hears. Everything you feel, God feels. Everything you see, God sees as well. Every single Angel in this room is privileged to be an Angel. Don’t forget it. Don’t be reckless,” Angel Zen commanded.
The rest of the prayer goes by as normal, but you can’t shake that feeling that you get when you think about the words that Angel Zen said to begin the prayer. It’s a reality check, you can’t keep doing what you are doing. After finding out the information that you did earlier, you truly think you’d be fucked. The symbol of Hell with an infinity sign? You’d surely be in the deepest pits of Hell right now if it weren’t for your Guardian Angel.
Once the prayer ends, you walk to your room to retrieve your cross and your Bible to take with you on assignment, you can’t take any more risks with that Demon. Although you’re nervous, you have a job to do.
Once you arrive at your assignment, you find the baby is awake. You have always had a soft spot for kids, so you are grateful that you are a Guardian Angel for them. You don’t want the baby to cry, so you do your best to help the baby girl fall asleep quickly.
The knocks on the window shock you, almost causing you to scream. Your energy is enough to wake the kids up if you are not calm, so it is really irritating when that Demon scares you. Seriously, you have to ask him what he did with his scent. You didn’t smell it when he was with you earlier. At least you knew he was coming then. You ignore it, but his knocks do not pause. Eventually, you walk up to the window.
“Go away,” you ordered, trying your best to sound serious.
“Let me in,” he requested.
“After everything I did for you today?,” he asked with a pout.
You hate that he was right, he did a lot for you today. But you did bring a cross and a Bible… so maybe he can’t come near you anyway. You flash the Bible and the cross at him, to which he rolls his eyes. Now that was rude, you thought to yourself.
“That doesn’t bother me. I’m not a vampire,” he says matter-of-factly.
“Fine, come in,” you mutter under your breath, instantly he is in the room with you. He smirks at you after getting his way.
“What are their names?,”
“The kids? I’m not telling you,” you stated.
“And why not?,”
“Because you still haven’t told me yours,”
“Wow, you would think they would’ve told you our names, or at least mine after I scared the living daylights out of your friend,”
“You’re telling me,”
“Take a guess, you could get it right,”
“Hmm… You want to know what you look like?,”
“You look like a buffoon,”
“That’s mean,”
“You asked me to guess,”
“You’re not like any Angel I’ve ever met Cherry,”
“For my sake, please don’t elaborate,”
“I won’t,”
For a while, the two of you don’t continue the conversation. You sit in the silence for a while, you hold the hand of the toddler while the Demon sits by the crib, watching you.
“Which sin do you think I rule over?,” the Demon asks.
“Well, you said that all of you don’t really come out often, but out of the seven sins it would make the most sense for gluttony and lust to come to Earth. And you’re a bit of a flirt, so I’d say you rule over lust,” you answered, not expecting to be correct. One thing you have learned over the years is that not everything is as it seems.
“Correct,” he said happily.
“Wow, I wasn’t expecting to be right,”
“You’re smart Cherry,”
His compliment makes you blush, and you’re glad that he doesn’t tease you. “Their names are Eric, Sebastian, and Ariel. Like The Little Mermaid,” you say to distract from your nervousness
“It fits them perfectly, don’t you think?,” he questions, looking back at the crib.
“Yes,” you whispered.
“My name is Wooyoung,” his voice trembled as he spoke, like he was afraid that his name would steer you away. His name was beautiful, and you couldn’t hide the grin that plastered your face once he told you his name.
“You have a beautiful name,” you reassure him.
“Are you afraid to say it?,” Wooyoung quips.
“If I say it three times will you show up?,”
“No,” the man chuckles, “I can show up when you say it once, if you say it with the intent of wanting me to show up,” Wooyoung informs you.
“That is nice to know, no one really tells me anything,”
“Do they really keep Angels ignorant on Hell and its beings?,” Wooyoung questions.
“Yes, at least me,” you tell him, not caring about the cons of doing so.
“May I ask you a question Cherry?,”
“Why do they keep you ignorant, if they know a King of Hell is out to get you?,”
“They probably want you to take me away,” you say before realizing the words that have fallen from your mouth. You put your hand over your mouth like it would’ve taken back what you said, but it wouldn’t. The tears fall from your eyes before you can stop them.
“Cherry, please don’t cry. Why would you think Heaven doesn’t want one of its Angels?,” he says, trying to comfort you.
“I can’t say,” you whisper, looking up at the man who is now a lot closer to you than he previously was. “I’ve already told you too much,”
“You can tell me anything and everything,”
“I can’t,”
“Why can’t you?,”
“Because, you’re a King of Hell, and I’m a Guardian Angel. That isn’t a good combination,”
“It doesn’t have to be that way,”
“What do you want with me anyway,”
“Do you remember what I told you the first time we met,”
“That you were searching for the love of your life?,”
“Yes, what does that have to do with me Wooyoung?,”
“Just listen to me, the eight other Kings and I are destined to have the same lover,”
“You are all dating each other?,”
“No, we are all destined to be with the same person,”
“Like a poly relationship?,”
“So eight people dating one person?,”
“Yes, Cherry,”
“Well I am happy for you, but I’m still confused on how I am involved, do you need me to help you look for them? I figured you’d have enough people who’d be willing to do that for you anyway,” you scoff.
“Cherry, it’s you,” his words leave you baffled. There is no way you are a soulmate to a King of Hell, let alone eight.
“Get out,” you hiss.
“Let me explain,”
“Get out,”
“If you wish, but I’ll be near, you know that,”
“Get out,”
—“Cherry, please don’t cry. Why would you think Heaven doesn’t want one of its Angels?,” he says, trying to comfort you.
“I can’t say,” you whisper, looking up at the man who is now a lot closer to you than he previously was. “I’ve already told you too much,”
“You can tell me anything and everything,”
“I can’t,”
“Why can’t you?,”
“Because, you’re a King of Hell, and I’m a Guardian Angel. That isn’t a good combination,”
“It doesn’t have to be that way,”
“What do you want with me anyway,”
“Do you remember what I told you the first time we met,”
“That you were searching for the love of your life?,”
“Yes, what does that have to do with me Wooyoung?,”
“Just listen to me, the eight other Kings and I are destined to have the same lover,”
“You are all dating each other?,”
“No, we are all destined to be with the same person,”
“Like a poly relationship?,”
“So eight people dating one person?,”
“Yes, Cherry,”
“Well I am happy for you, but I’m still confused on how I am involved, do you need me to help you look for them? I figured you’d have enough people who’d be willing to do that for you anyway,” you scoff.
“Cherry, it’s you,” his words leave you baffled. There is no way you are a soulmate to a King of Hell, let alone eight.
“Get out,” you hiss.
“Let me explain,”
“Get out,”
“If you wish, but I’ll be near, you know that,”
“Get out,”
It’s been an hour or so since you kicked the man out, and you should feel bad. You just couldn’t grasp how he came to that realization. He didn’t know you and you didn’t know him. You haven’t even known his name for a full day yet, and he’s telling you that you’re destined to be the soulmate of eight Demons? As a Guardian Angel? He is out of his mind.
You begin to cry out of frustration, you knew his interest in you was weird, but you didn’t expect this. You are glad he found you when you were an Angel and not a human because had he found you earlier, he likely wouldn’t have hesitated to take you back to Hell.
He surely didn’t think it through, he could end up hating you. Or the other Kings. Then what? Do they kill you? Torture you for eternity? For someone as old as him he should know better. He should have known you would never go with him.
As soon as the sun comes up, you know it’s time for you to go back. You hope he will leave you alone, and you hope to put this behind you.
As soon as you reach Heaven, you go to find Angel Zen. As much as you hated asking for help, you knew you needed his. You go to the prayer hall, not even bothering to shower yet. You see him talking to another Angel towards the front of the prayer hall.
“Angel Zen, I need your help,” you shout, causing the other Angel to run off somewhere.
“Why are you in here unbathed?,”
“I apologize, but I need your help,”
“What do you need?,”
“I need a new assignment, I need something else to do, please believe me,”
“Why is that?,”
“Please, I have already lost everything,”
“Once you start playing with fire, you need to learn how to hose yourself off,”
You fall to your knees as sobs begin to fall down your mouth, you didn’t know what else to do. You don’t know how to save yourself, you’re alone in this battle.
“I will see what I can do, it is challenging to find an Angel to take your spot. Every Angel has its purpose. Angels fall every day, so it makes it harder. But you are strong, resisting lust’s charm. I will try since you are such a strong little Angel. But next time, don’t mess with something that you know you can’t handle,”
Relief fills your being as you hear that Angel Zen will help you. Although he was still his same unkind self, he was willing to help you. A human quality of stubbornness helped you in a time of need, which you are grateful.
“Now go shower. Never come in the prayer hall with the smell of Earth on you ever again,” Angel Zen commands as he points to the exit of the prayer hall. You are out instantly, going straight to get your clothes and going to the showers. You wash off the contents of the day before going back to the prayer hall with your Bible in hand.
Once you enter the prayer hall, you sit down in your assigned spot. You begin to read the Bible to pass the time before the actual prayer starts. You have to become more serious with this — more believing. Or Angel Zen’s help would have been in vain. If anything, you know when to be grateful. Even though you are sure that your relationship with Poppy is irreparable, her faith in God is admirable as an Angel. You aspire to believe in the way she does, maybe if you did you wouldn’t have gotten in this mess at all.
Once the prayer ends, you feel empty. Poppy is still nowhere to be seen and instead of her walking up to you, it is Angel Zen.
“I have been able to find a replacement but not for tonight. Can you handle one more night on your assignment?,” Angel Zen questions.
“Yes, sir, I can handle one more night on assignment,” you answer honestly.
“Okay. Don’t let the Demon become any of the wiser. Come to me after you finish the assignment,”
“Yes sir,”
After your conversation with Angel Zen, you go straight to your room to recuperate. Perhaps now, you can become more focused on what is more important. Maybe you can see Poppy. But at least you know that after tonight, you will no longer have to see that Demon again.
@multifictionx @pre1ttyies @hecateslittlewitchling @adorawritesalot @unlikelysublimekryptonite @loumin908 @kirbrary @sunasmoke22 @ylak @yoonshiiu
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yunyunrin · 2 months
all i need to do is edit chapter 2 .. ive had it done for the past week but once i edit it i will post it </3 ive been so busy but now i have a bit of free time so look for it this week 🩷🩷
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yunyunrin · 3 months
ateez bf headcanons
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a/n: hi y’all ! here with bf!ateez headcanons! hope you enjoy! if this looks familiar just know that i’m moving a couple of pieces from my old blog to this one and i’m not stealing anyone’s work! it’s mine :D so just wanted to put that disclaimer here just in case!
content warnings : seonghwa, yunho, yeosang, san, and wooyoung’s all have food mentions! if i missed something please let me know.
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seonghwa would be the sweetest boyfriend ever i just know it
he’d call you so many pet names like babe, baby, sunshine, etc
if you were working late he’d have a full meal cooked for you even if he worked that day and was tired because making sure you have eaten is way more important to him
you definitely have him wrapped around your finger
like all you need to do is pout and he will do like whatever you want
would tease you all the time because he loves seeing you blush
would coo at you calling you his pretty baby while pinching your cheeks to see you blush
would ask you to build legos with him, would ask you every once in a while if your future home could be built of legos
he says he is joking but you aren’t too sure
cuddles and kisses all the time, he’d definitely let you know how much he loves you every chance he gets
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hongjoong would be a relaxed boyfriend
he would do things with you, but definitely would rather be at home with you
hongjoong to me seems to be a really domestic person when it comes to a relationship
since you know he likes to work a lot you spend most of your time just being around him while he works
whether he is at the studio or at home he would always be inviting you to stay with him whether you sit in his lap while he works or watch a show on the couch
although if you needed hongjoong to not work and to spend time with you outside of the usual quality time he would definitely not hesitate
although hongjoong doesn’t tend to be the touchy-feely but he would always hold you to sleep
whether you fall asleep in his lap while he is working or he spoons you in the bed, if he’s home he’s holding you to sleep
would definitely fall asleep with you on the phone while he’s on tour if the timezone permits it, and will always find the time to call you when he’s away on tour
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yunho boyfriend is the best boyfriend
he would do anything you wanted because he wants you happy
always touching you
so you would never be in need of backhugs, regular hugs, kisses, cuddles
can’t cook but he’d learn how for you
matching outfits, jewellery, etc. wants people to know you’re his partner
if anyone would be the jealous type it would be this man right here
he does not want anyone to even THINK about being with you because you’re his partner
would always have his hand on the small of your back in public
he’s gonna be goofy with you because your laugh is his favourite sound
very protective over you because he doesn’t want you to get hurt
communication is key to him so he’d always be asking your feelings about things
would try his best to never hurt your feelings
you could ask him to try soup and put salt in the spoon and cover it with soup and he’d taste it and tell you it was the best soup he’s ever had
loves you so much and will always make sure you know
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yeosang would be your clingy bf
he would always be around you
“yeosang you do not need to come to the bathroom with me”
would make sure you are fed!! orders you takeout from wherever you want
wants to watch tv with you in a pillow fort
wants to hold you all the time
doesn’t want to leave where you both live because he can’t hold you outside of your home
will pout at you when you have to leave
in public i feel like he’d walk behind you instead of the side because he can see you better
would always protect you like if you were walking by a group of people who made you visibly uncomfortable he would be either behind or to the side of you
his love languages with his partner would be physical touch and acts of sevice
will do anything for you if it meant that your life would be easier
bestest boy ever
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i feel like san would be really mischievous as your bf
he would be the one to steal your food when you aren’t looking
would also be the one who will say he doesn’t want fries but then would steal yours
would love to cuddle you whenever he could, in any way he could
you would find out of so many new cuddling positions with san
san would be really attentive to your needs and emotions
he likely would know if something is wrong without you telling him
may know if something is bothering you before you know it is bothering you
he would love to hold you while he’s playing games
he’d be playing on his console and he’d have you sit in his lap while he plays
your face would be buried in his neck or his face in yours depending on if you want to watch him play or if you want to fall asleep in his arms
TICKLE FIGHTS !!! this man loves your laugh and will tickle you when you’re least expecting it so you can’t get an advantage
this man loves you so much and thinks of you very highly
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dorky boyfriend!!!!!
this man would love to tell you random facts he knows
he’s just so smart and it would make him feel so appreciated when you listen to his random facts even if you aren’t too educated on the topic
would also love to hear random facts about things you’re interested in even if he doesn’t know much about the interest
this man would love to have dance parties with you at like 3am when you’re both sleep deprived
would be the one to put things where you can’t find/ reach them so you have to ask for his help to find/ reach stuff
loves to give you forehead kisses
would ask you to slow dance to love songs in the living room at random times
would always make sure he calls you everyday while he’s away on tour because he misses you
he’d ask you to record him messages so he can listen to them while he’s away when he isn’t able to call you
you have him wrapped around your finger he would do absolutely anything for you
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such a proud boyfriend
he is ALWAYS showing you off
like he wants people to know you’re his
makes sure he tells everyone
“look, that’s my baby”
definitely calls his mom and talks about how much he loves you to her
he thinks you’re the best thing that has ever happened to him
is always cooking for you or with you if you’re cooking
would be the one to back hug you the whole time you’re in the kitchen
he would love to cook and bake with you as dates
always giving you kisses
would wrap around you when y’all are sleeping you’d have to wake him up if you had to get out of bed
would ask if you REALLY had to get out of bed
y’all would have karaoke nights and he would always say “you win” and doesn’t take any complaints even when you tell him that he’s literally the professional singer
he thinks you’re absolutely perfect
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jongho is such a sweet boyfriend you are SO lucky
i feel like he’d be really clingy in a relationship
he’d help you with whatever you needed
i think he’d love knowing that you needed his help with carrying things and if you needed his help doing even regular things
he would back hug you A LOT
he would love for you to come on walks/runs with him
he’d definitely litter your whole face with kisses
would probably bite you because he is like a cat and gets cuteness aggression
would sing you to sleep if you were having trouble falling asleep
would love to hold you to sleep and would definitely caress you sometimes because he thinks you’re pretty
would hold your chin when he gives you a kiss
he would give you a lot of piggyback rides
communication is very important to him i think he would be the one that would rather talk about the problem right then instead of waiting for a bit
very soft for you he would be putty in your hands
102 notes · View notes
yunyunrin · 3 months
this ^^
There’s a fic on fanfiction(.)net that I’ve kept tabs on for years to see if it’s been updated or not. While I’m no longer even in the fandom it’s written for, it just has one of the greatest storylines I’ve ever read. Last time it was updated was 2011.
The other day, I decided to reread the entire thing and leave a very in-depth review of what I thought of each chapter. I also mentioned how I started reading it when I was 13 and am now 21, but always came back to see if it was ever finished because I loved it so dearly.
Today, said author sent me a private message saying that her analytics showed that the story was still getting views even after all these years, but no one ever bothered to leave reviews other than “update soon!!!”, so she never felt motivated enough to finish it. She said that me reviewing every single chapter with lengthy paragraphs made her cry and meant the world to her. She also mentioned that she felt encouraged to write the two remaining chapters needed to complete the story and that she would send me a message the night before she updates the fic.
I’m literally sobbing. I’m so excited :’)
Please always remember to leave a review when reading fanfiction!!! It means a lot to a writer.
206K notes · View notes
yunyunrin · 3 months
Chapter One : Holy Fool
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genre : horror, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, enemies to lovers, alternate universe, slow burn
pairing : angel!reader (gn) x kingofhell!???, other side pairing
chapter warnings : arguing, crying, flashbacks(?), mentions of drunk men, assertion of dominance, light cursing, mention of insecurity, pushing stuff under the rug, religious themes
wc : around 6.4k words
A/N : here we go! i know this has been long awaited so i hope you all enjoy! as always feel free to leave feedback and suggestions but be nice! :D also would recommend reading the prologue to understand this chapter a bit better!
holy fool masterlist | prologue | next
You aren’t sure how long you’ve been asleep, but you wake to two voices conversing in a whisper around you. One sounds like that of a male and the other of a female, you don’t open your eyes right away to not alert the two others in the room with you.
You don’t know who they are and why you are there with them. The last thing you remember is being in a car that was sinking in the ocean, there is no way that you were saved that night. But you don’t feel dead? The topic of conversation between the two other individuals catches your attention, you weren’t paying them much mind, but now you seemed to be their topic.
“This,” a male voice said, “wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“Well, it did happen.” The female said, walking towards the area that you were laying in. “They’re awake. Can’t you feel their uneasiness?”
You’re suddenly jolted up from your fetal position, now stuck in the air with the eyes of the people who were talking about you moments before. You can no longer hide in the comfort of sleep and the attention is overwhelming you. Closing your eyes is what you manage to do in a try to comfort yourself because you cannot move any other part of your body.
“Open your eyes now. Do not make me angry.” The male hissed.
“Angel Zen, you’re scaring them. Don’t show so much animosity to someone you have just met.” The younger woman takes a couple of steps backwards so she could see your face better, “I think they are pretty.” Her words fluster you instantly, not used to having someone compliment you. A sound you would describe closely to a mixture of a groan and a grunt vibrate the room, leading you both to look towards the older male angel.
“Do you understand what is going on?” The man asks while pointing at you while looking you up and down simultaneously, with a look of disgust painting his features.
“No, sir,” you reply. He clicks his tongue at you and looks elsewhere around the room. “Can you please let me down? I promise I won’t run.” He chuckles and puts his face in his hand while sighing at your question, leaving you with a puzzled look on your face.
“Angel, you cannot leave if you tried. I know this will likely worry you, but please let Angel Zen and I explain. More so me because Angel Zen can not manage his anger currently.” She says to you, although her words leave you with anxiety, you know she won’t be the one causing you harm.
“Angel. Pfft.”
You aren’t sure why he is so angry. He certainly knows more than me? Right? You don't understand why they are here. You were so sure you were dead, but did you just happen to be saved by people in a cult? Why is everyone being referred to as Angel? Your thoughts begin to consume you, but a step towards you brings you back to this reality you’re in.
“Angel, I can hear your thoughts,” your eyes open in surprise. There is no way that Angel Zen will ever like you now. “Only I can, Angel. Not him, although you are likely correct in your assumption. But what you’re saying in your mind is not the cause, he has decided that was what he wanted to feel before you woke up.” Angel Zen looks at you both, then locking eyes with the nicer Angel, obviously asking about what was going on inside your mind. “No, I’m not telling you what they were thinking. It wasn’t for you to know.” She says while looking at you, gently smiling as though to ease your nerves.
“Please tell me what is going on,” you meant for your voice to come out louder than it did, but you only managed to conjure a whisper.
“Oh right. I completely forgot to tell you, you must be questioning everything right now.” She says with a worried look on her face, almost afraid of what will happen once the truth leaves her lips, you look up at her with pleading eyes as she hesitates. She sighs out and looks at your face, but not directly into your eyes, “You’re now an Angel.”
You wake up with a presence beside you, feeling a dip at the end of your bed where your feet lay. You hesitate to open your eyes, not wanting to face the rude Angel, or whatever he was. You still find it difficult to believe that an Angel can be that mean.
“He isn’t here anymore, just me. Now open your eyes Angel,” she chuckles, standing up from where she was just seated. You open your eyes, moving into a sitting position still on your bed.
“I never got your name?” You said to the Angel in front of you. You knew the other male was Zen. Angel Zen, but the lady never told you what she wanted to be called. You aren’t sure why you have the need to have to be close with her, but you think that if she was to be cross with you right now, that you’d break down. You are just now realizing how fragile you feel at this moment.
“My name is Poppy, Angel Poppy. We are bonded. That is why you have an intense need to be close with me.” Poppy tells you like it is the most normal thing to say to someone. You both awkwardly stare at each other, not knowing what to say next.
“Pop- Angel Poppy,” you move to sit at the edge of your bed to look at her more clearly. She has tan skin, golden eyes, blonde hair, and she looks around five foot six. She also smells distinctly of lemons with sugar. You aren’t really sure how you didn’t notice it before, the smell so potent that it fills up the room easily.
“I don’t mind if you call me Poppy, but if we are in front of another Angel, I would advise you to add Angel in front of it. It is a respect thing, we only call other Angels by just our name with other Angels we trust. Moreover, every Angel has a significant smell attached to them, all good smells, though. You smell like cherry blossoms.”
“What happened to me Poppy?” You could no longer keep your curiosity at bay, and you deserve a right to know what has happened. Are you dead? Why are you surrounded by Angels? Are you in Heaven? Surely, you would've gone to Hell after death right? You were never religious?
“To answer your questions,” Poppy sits beside you before continuing, “You died, but you aren’t dead. Well, you are, you’re surrounded by Angels because you’re in Heaven, a part of it. But you weren’t sent to Heaven. Well, you were but not in the sense you would assume. And you’re right, due to your lack of belief in God, you probably should be in Hell right now.” Poppy’s response leaves you more confused than before, all of her responses seemingly contradicting each other every time she spoke.
She sits up, and straightens her skirt out with her hands. She looks at you again, you forgot that she can hear your thoughts, being reminded once you saw the worried look on her face. “Allow me to clarify, my apologies. You are an Angel now. Your Guardian Angel had you consume their blood in the process of you dying. That’s why you aren’t dead, but you died. Basically, you’re a born again Angel. You aren’t in the part of Heaven where believers go after they pass away, but where every Guardian Angel and Guardian Angel in training reside. Your Guardian Angel from your human life is the reason you are here and not in Hell.”
“I still have some questions if you don’t mind, Poppy.” You look at her, waiting for her approval for you to ask your questions. She nods, prompting you to go ahead. “I’m a Guardian Angel, how can I be if I’m not religious? How come you can hear my thoughts, but I cannot hear yours? Where is my Guardian Angel? I don’t remember consuming anything besides water before I died?”
“Well, you’re not a Guardian Angel yet. But you will go through the training. Before you can be a Guardian Angel, you must believe in God. Every pious Angel must put God above everything. You will worship him and believe, it is a non-negotiable.” Poppy firmly says. You had forgotten that she is an Angel before your friend, if you could even call it that, feeling slightly less comfortable than you were before. “I can hear your thoughts because we are bonded. You could also hear my thoughts if I was not blocking them from you, which I will teach you to do. Everyone needs their privacy, even Angels. But, only Angels who are bonded can hear each other’s thoughts. So don’t worry about your thoughts around anyone else. Just remember that I can always hear them, until you learn how to block the thoughts you want to keep to yourself from me. As for your Guardian Angel, no one knows where she is. No one has seen her, she dropped you off in Angel Zen’s office and then vanished. Even he does not know where she is.” Poppy stops for a brief moment to take a deep breath before continuing, “as for you consuming your Guardian Angel’s blood, since you were drowning, she likely cut her finger and put in your mouth. Her blood likely entered you during that moment, as the water was consuming you.”
Tears brim your eyes. All you wanted was to die, but you got the opposite. All you wanted was to hug your best friend, Dina. “Is she around? Dina?” Poppy refuses to look at you, and you just let out all your tears that you have been holding in, you aren’t sure how you’re going to do this. Whatever your new life entails, you know you are not strong enough to do it. Poppy embraces you and for a while, you cry into her arms. She is all you have at this moment, and maybe for the rest of time.
“There is a lot we have to do to start this process, and it won’t be easy, but I will be here with you every step of the way. I will never let anyone hurt you, it wouldn’t be fair. Get some rest tonight, and I will tell you everything tomorrow. You’ve consumed a lot of information tonight, dwelling on it right now won’t help,” Poppy reassures you. Poppy lets you out of her embrace, helping you to lay down on your bed. “I will see you tomorrow, Angel.” Poppy disappears from the room, leaving you alone. Sleep consumes you quickly, not previously realizing how tired you were. Although your anxiety battles your exhaustion, in the end your exhaustion wins.
You wake up to the sound of orchestra music playing, leaving you groggy and confused. A couple of minutes of listening to the music playing throughout where you are staying, and a familiar face appears in your room. “Hi Poppy,” you get out of bed and wave to the Angel. “Thank you for coming to see me, but you should knock next time. What if I was doing something indecent?” You playfully questioned to her, trying to be cheery despite the annoyance of being wakened up abruptly.
“It is not possible for you to be doing something indecent, you are in Heaven, Angel.” Poppy exclaimed, having missed the playful lilt to your question.
“I know Poppy, I was joking! But what if I was changing? Would that not be considered immodest?” You questioned the Angel genuinely, not knowing how Angels really work yet.
“I see now, being without dressing would only be immodest if you were outside of Heaven. Even if you were outside of Heaven, it’d only be immodest if you were in a state of undress in front of non Angels. Otherwise, in Heaven, being in a state of undress is not considered the same. Nothing impure can be thought here.” Poppy exclaims, while handing fabric to you.
“The orchestra music plays every morning and every night to make sure everyone knows to start getting ready. Angels have a very specific routine, but it is something you will get used to with time. After the orchestra is done, the Angels go to pray in the main room.”
You look at the fabric in your hand and then look back up at Poppy, “Do I have to go?” You mumbled, not really thrilled with having to pray after being woken up in a way you were not used to.
“No, there is a lot I must tell you and what we must get done. The music plays for a couple of hours until the Angels must go to pray, but you will stay here while I go. Don’t worry. Although, I would like to ask you to start reading the Bible today. You can’t think of God with anything apart from love, so please, don’t act so uneasy about having to worship him.”
“Poppy, you have to realize I’m not like you, I wasn’t meant to be an Angel. Angel Zen was right. I don’t even fully understand what this entails,” you replied, “why can’t I just be sent to Hell?” you scoffed out the last words to exit your mouth, forgetting that Poppy was in front of you.
“Don’t speak like that. I will be patient with you, but please respect me and my beliefs. You will grow to hold them too, you will grow to be pious like me. I promised Angel Zen.” Poppy scolded you, causing a pout to form on your lips. “Now, there is a lot we must do,”
“So basically, there is no Angel who knows of your existence right now. Besides Angel Zen and I. It must stay that way, no one can know.” Poppy moves to face you, looking at your new look. Apparently when you had been turned into an Angel, not everything changed that was supposed to. All Angels had to have golden eyes and golden blonde hair, although the shades could vary for the hair. You and Poppy had been going back and forth before deciding on the shade of blonde that you both thought complimented your skin tone and features well. “Heaven to Angel… Hello?????” Poppy quietly shouts at you to gain your attention.
“Sorry, got distracted. What was that?” You replied to Poppy, feeling bad due to your inability to focus. You had always had trouble with focusing with people speaking with you, a coping mechanism you developed due to the harsh words from your father and others growing up.
“It’s okay, don’t worry. You don’t have to hurt anymore, I’m here for you. Now, as for what I was saying. You need to choose a new name, no one can know of your Earthly name,” Poppy replied. You aren’t quite sure what to think if you’re being completely honest with yourself, you were never called anything besides your name or nicknames that weren’t derived from your name.
“Poppy, didn’t you say my scent was cherry blossoms?” you questioned Poppy, your memories from the first night still being a bit clouded. She shakes her head yes, inhaling to smell your scent more thoroughly. “Then, I think my name should be Blossom?” you question her again, not knowing if that name was good or even fit you in the slightest.
A huge grin plasters Poppy’s face, “Angel Blossom…. Hmmm… I love it,” she responds back, almost singing. She begins to frolic around the room, she is definitely much more excited than you are over this name.
“Angel Blossom, there are a couple of important things I must go over with you. The most important things, in due time you will learn the rest.” You nod at Poppy, letting her know that she has your undivided attention. “So… Firstly, all Angels shower at least once a day, usually before they go out for their shifts with the humans. Showering with any kinds of scents is prohibited, so is brushing your teeth with any kind of flavoring, and although you don’t need to use deodorant, if you choose to do so, it must be unscented.”
“Why?” you question Poppy, not really understanding why that was such an significant rule.
“Because, any of that can interfere with your scent as an Angel. Your scent is essential to identifying who you are around, and once you start working with humans, they can smell your scent too. Not as well as other Angels or non-human creatures, but it would be confusing for everyone. Plus, a lot of the Angel’s scents are the usual ones for soaps and stuff, so it is just easier for everything to be unscented. So, when you go back to Earth, don’t try to sneak anything back.” Poppy stated to you with a smile which contracted from the serious tone of her voice.
“Anything else I should know, Poppy?” you inquired. The rules so far you thought had been a bit… You can’t particularly find the right word. Weird maybe?
“I’m not going to acknowledge that thought… but I will be teaching you how to hide your thoughts after this. But the main thing for Angels is no cursing, no sexual relations, show grace to everyone you run into, staying clean, and praying. Although praying is most important. Every Angel must pray a minimum of two hours a day. Once before your assignment after you have washed your body and once after your assignment after you have showered and washed your hair. You have to pray more once on an assignment, but don’t worry about that now because that will be a while,” Poppy explained to you.
You must have been talking about the inner workings of how to be an Angel for hours by this point. Poppy had been to prayer and back. Overwhelmed isn’t enough to explain how you feel, you don’t know what happens if you fuck up. “Mess up, Angel Blossom. You don’t know what will happen if you mess up. Don’t worry if you do, I’ll be the only one who knows unless it is so terrible that I have to alert a higher up, but I won’t do that unless completely necessary,” Poppy replied in response to your thought.
“To protect your thoughts from me hearing them, you imagine yourself in a circle of light. Kind of like being trapped in a bubble of light while you think your thought. It gets pretty easy to do once you get the hang of it. Try it.” Poppy shoos you to the mirror in the room, seeing the reflection of your new look and Poppy behind you smiling, hopefully. So you try.
You close your eyes and envision yourself being engulfed by light, almost like God himself was purifying you before you entered the realm of your mind where your thoughts lingered. Your whole body is now in a bubble of light, so this must be it. ‘Poppy, do you ever wish you weren’t an Angel? I would rather not be an Angel, I wanted to be dead,’ you open your eyes and still see Poppy in the reflection of the mirror with you, her face still plastered with the same smile from before. It worked, she couldn’t hear your thoughts.
“Now Blossom, please don’t abuse it. If your thoughts become unkind in any way, please come to me and we will get through it together. Okay?” You nodded in response to her. You can learn to be as pious as Poppy, if that is what helps you get through the predicament that you find yourself in.
“Blossom, I will have to go on an assignment soon,” Poppy pauses and looks around, “and between me and you, I think this person will likely be your first assignment when you’re ready.” Poppy whispers the second part of her statement, you assumed you likely weren’t supposed to know that yet, which earns a nod from Poppy. Being able to read each other’s thoughts likely won’t be the worst thing in the world.
“May I ask you a question before you leave?”
“Yes. What is it?”
“Have they found my body yet?”
“No, I think they actually are tonight.”
You look at Poppy and softly grin, ‘can you please take me with you? I’ll do whatever, can I see myself one last time? My old self.’ Poppy turns away to in front, her mouth slightly agape. She turns back towards you, putting her finger to her mouth in an usher to stay quiet, even though you know she will tell you with her thoughts anyway. ‘Yes, but you have to do as I say. You have to be quiet, okay? You can go anywhere with me so we aren’t breaking any rules, but I don’t want anyone telling me it is too soon because then I cannot take you.’ You perk up instantly, going to freshen up. Your excitement causes Poppy to giggle, who then follows you promptly to freshen up as well before her assignment. Your future assignment.
You and Poppy are sitting on the railings on the edge of the peer, there is a gigantic boat which holds a crane. The men on the boat are talking among each other, likely figuring out where exactly the car sits on the ocean floor. Poppy moves to hold your hand, the vibe surrounding you both becoming a solemn one. Flashbacks of your past life flood the forefront of your mind, which causes you to look focus at the scene right in front of you. It isn’t really that big of a deal, no movement has come from the crane. You’re grateful that Poppy taught you how to hide your thoughts, you aren’t sure what Poppy knew of your human life, but if she didn’t know, you didn’t want her to find out.
The sound of the crane moving makes you come back to reality. It positions itself before falling into the water. The process of the attachment of the crane entering the water and for the car itself to emerge from the ocean takes a bit longer than you thought you would. Once the car is safely placed upon the boat, a man goes to look inside. “There are human remains,” The main yells in a monotonous voice. The tears fall from your eyes before you can stop them, your body falling into Poppy as you sob. You aren’t sure why it is affecting you so much, you knew you were dead. You wanted to die. Poppy holds you until you calm down, comforting you with kind words while playing with your hair.
“I needed you when I was alive,” you choke out to Poppy. Maybe life would’ve been manageable with you as my Guardian Angel. You don’t bother to hide your thought, it’s the truth. You wished you had someone by your side when you were alive, but what it is already done. ‘Angel, you have a second chance and with me by your side forever now. Please don’t cry, you will always be at peace when I am with you,’ Poppy nudges your head into the crook of her neck and sways you for a few more minutes. You have completely calmed down now.
“We need to go check on my assignment now, are you ready?” you nod in response to her question and before too long you are in the room of the young child who lays there twiddling their thumbs looking at the ceiling. ‘Can they see us Poppy?’ you ask and Poppy shakes her heard. ‘Only when we have out our wings,’ she replies. You watch the child for a couple of hours until they fall asleep.
“I have to stay here until the morning, Blossom,” Poppy whispers while motioning at the child.
“What can I do?” you ask, now twiddling your thumbs like the child was earlier.
Poppy moves to sit by the child, her head resting on the side of the bed where the child was sleeping.
“There is a park out in the front, with some benches. Keep a look-out for if a man comes stumbling, if you do, please let me know. Otherwise, just sit and relax,” Poppy answered. You move to leave, being able to teleport is something that you quite enjoy now that you are an Angel.
“Before you go, don’t talk to any Demons. Isn’t worth the risk. All of them have horns of some sort and a long tail. They are required to show at least one when they are on Earth. Remember, they have really telling scents, something you would likely consider masculine. Call me if you sense any danger, no matter how small it seems.” Poppy muttered to you, like your voices would somehow wake up the child.
The park is not too far away from the building. As soon as you got to the bench, you hid in your thoughts. You’re able to do it while your eyes are open now, which makes you happy. You have hours to think to yourself about whatever you want, void of responsibilities apart from making sure you tell Poppy of a stumbling man, likely drunk, entering the building.
“Penny for your thoughts, Angel?” the voice of the man startles you, not noticing him walk up to you.
“You can see me?” You ask the man, while taking in his features. His jawline is sharp, his eyes are a dark brown, and dark brown hair adorns his face. He smells like cinnamon, which instantly takes you back to the coffee shops you and Dina had visited to when you could.
“Yes I can see you, Angel. What are you doing out here this late at night? Assignment?” He asks, his voice almost lulling you into more comfort than you likely should have been feeling. His voice was higher pitched, but charming indeed.
“Something like that, what are you doing out here?” you ask back, wondering why a sober man is walking around this late at night.
“Looking for the love of my life,” his response catches you off guard, you look at him with shock in your eyes, which causes him to laugh.
“I wish you the best of luck,” you look in front of you as to not mess up the one thing you were told to do. You were oblivious to the smirk he had worn across his face.
“What’s your name?” the man next to you trying to make conversation with you.
“Any guesses?” you say in response, the man now biting his lip. How come you couldn’t have come across him when you were alive? You quickly dismissed the thought, as you knew nothing would ever come of it anyway.
“Cherry,” he answers. You shake your head no in response, the man now dramatically pouting due to his incorrect answer.
“You were close. It is Blossom, why did you guess Cherry?” you ask before remembering that, you do, in fact, smell strongly of cherry blossoms. You facepalm at your stupidity at that moment.
“I see you realized the answer to your question, Cherry. But I think I’ll still call you Cherry, though. My little cherry blossom.” The pet name quickly brings a redness to your cheeks, looking away so he doesn’t see. And it works, he says nothing about it. If he did notice, he gave you the luxury of not having to deal with teasing.
“What is your name? Something cinnamon related?” you tease. The man beside you looks at you a bit confused, like maybe you should have known his name. Did he tell you already? Wow! you really are stupid today. He doesn’t say anything but shakes his head and chuckles. You nod in response, knowing you’ll probably think of the interaction for a while after this.
“An Angel typically already knows my name Cherry,” the brown-eyed man responds. If you’re being honest, you have no idea who this man is. He seems to think he is important?
“I’m sorry,” is all you manage to say in response. You both are now quiet, he hasn’t left, still very much there when you look through your peripheral vision. You are trying to be subtle with your glances, not even turning to him. He, on the other hand, is looking right at you, studying you. He keeps a studious expression on his face until he notices you sneaking glances, when he sees you looking he smirks at you, causing a red tint to appear on your face every time.
‘Blossom, is that man next to you talking to you?’
‘He was, but we are not talking anymore,’
As soon as the thought was over Poppy appeared in front of you and the man. She stood firm and confident, but her hand was trembling at the sight of you and the man on the bench. Her mouth is parted, but no words are coming out, only getting the courage to speak once she shows her wings to you both.
‘What did I tell you to do before you came out here Blossom,’
‘To watch for a stumbling man enter the building, I promise he didn’t come’
‘You did that part right, that isn’t the problem’
“Stop speaking with your minds and speak with the mouth your God gave you, Angels,” his tone scolding the both of you. You suppose it was a bit rude, but you didn’t see why it was such a big deal.
“Angel Blossom, what did I tell you before you came out here besides watching for a man?”
“Not to talk to Demons and how to spot one?” you spoke barely above a whisper. The man beside you chuckles at the answer you give to the Angel who is raising her voice at you, but somehow softly.
“How do you spot a Demon?”
“Strong masculine scent, horns or a long tail, or both?” You aren’t sure why she is asking you this, the man beside you doesn’t have horns or a tail? Why is she so scared.
“What did I say the main sign of one was?”
“What kind of scent?”
“Earthy and strong,”
“What does he smell like?”
“Where does cinnamon come from?”
“A tree”
“Where do trees come from?”
“The Earth”
You still don’t quite understand the conversation. The man beside you has one of three of what Poppy told you. Poppy begins stomping towards you and grabs your arm, dragging you from the bench to stand next to her. “So why can you not notice once a Demon is next to you? Was his smell not enough to tell you? Was his evil aura not enough?” Poppy shouts. You haven’t heard her voice get that loud before, and you begin to cry, everything is too much for to you handle.
“And you, why are you not in your true form. You know as well as any other Demon that you have to show your horns or tail so why are you not!?” venom laces Poppy’s voice, and if did not know she was an Angel already, if you saw her at this very moment you would not put her as one. The anger that has permeated her voice since she has spoken tonight is not that of an Angel.
“Angel, The Kings of Hell don’t have to obey the rules of a lowly Demon.” He stands up, taking a couple of steps towards you both, which causes you and Poppy to take steps back. “And Angel, watch your tone when you’re speaking to a King. I may not be your God, but that doesn’t mean I’m not close to it. And be nicer to your little friend. She was being mean to you, wasn’t she Cherry? Dragging you like that.” He matches Poppy’s energy in his response, his eyes flickering a shade of red.
“You let him give you a nickname?” Poppy asked in a whisper, to which you nodded. Poppy looks towards the man again while holding your hand. “Sir—”
“You are not my King,”
“No I am not, but I am one. So refer to me as such when you are speaking to me,”
“K-king, I apologize for my outburst. I was only worried for Bl-Blossom. The Eight Kings of Hell don’t usually wander on Earth often. It is what we are taught, anyway. I simply thought that someone below you was not doing what they were supposed to do. Please do not fault me for not trusting a Demon. Please,” Poppy trembles as she responds to the male, her grip on your hand was now strong enough to break the bones that find themselves under her grasp.
“You want the forgiveness of one of the Kings of Hell?” his voice is more gruff now than it was when he first spoke to you, which causes chills to run through your body as he speaks.
“Yes, if that will keep us safe from your wrath.”
“Luckily for you, I am not the ruler of wrath,” he walks closer to Poppy and gets in her face, only inches away. “Beg.”
“Beg for my forgiveness if you want it so bad, tell me what you want. I’m known for being a bit nicer than the others. If you don’t, I can always call them, no? Eight Kings of Hell who can figure out what to do with two scared Angels. Your call, Angel” he enunciates every syllable of Angel clearly, as to mock Poppy.
Poppy is the most devout Angel you know. She loves God. Albeit she is the only Angel you know, you can almost for sure say she is the most pious. You look at the Demon and he’s smirking. He is having fun scaring you both.
You don’t expect Poppy to beg, you are for one wondering why you haven’t teleported out of there. But sure enough, Poppy falls to the ground. She lands on her knees in front of the male, having now let go of your hand.
“Please forgive my outburst. Don’t take unkindly to Angel Blossom, they didn’t do anything. If you must do something, take it out on me. Please don’t hurt us. I won’t say anything I promise, please believe me,” Poppy sobbed on her knees in front of the man who now looks at her from where he is standing.
“Why can’t an Angel not spot a Demon? Why can’t they feel my aura? Angels do not come within ten feet of me whether I am in my form or not. Why did my little Cherry Blossom not know who I was? I know they tell you all about the Kings of Hell,” he asks, crouching down to Poppy’s eye level before she responds to him.
“They are not an experienced Guardian Angel, t-they were an Angel who stayed in Heaven to help out with the others who have passed on. An Angel for the non-living so to say, not the living. They have never encountered a Demon before, and there was never any need for them to do so. Please excuse their ignorance,” Poppy manages to choke out. You can tell she is scared out of her mind.
“Don’t worry, I never intended to hurt you or Cherry. I never would’ve called on the other Kings,” he whips his head over to you, “and before you ask why I have graced you from punishment of speaking ill to a King, ask Cherry why. All you have to do is think” the man vanishes as quick as he appeared to you earlier that night, once he is gone, you fall next to Poppy.
“I didn’t know Poppy, I promise I didn’t know. I apologize for my language in advance, but I’ve only been doing this Angel shit for two fucking days. I was just being nice, he was being nice to me. I’m sorry,”
“It’s okay Blossom, I’m not mad at you. You and I, we are going to go back up with the child, and we are not going to speak of this ever again. Do not ever speak about me falling to my knees begging to a King of Hell for our lives, don’t ever speak about talking to him, don’t talk about him, don’t think about him, don’t ask me why I did what I did. When we get back to Heaven, we’ll share a room because it wouldn’t be wise for either of us to be alone anymore, and we’ll forget this ever happened,”
“But what about—”
“No buts, listen to me. Do not even ask me through our thoughts. Just forget about it and it will be as if it had never happened. For me, please. And you’re never leaving Heaven again until you fully believe in God, unless another higher - up Angel commands it. That’s final.”
You both nod in understanding before going back up to watch the child that you both were supposed to be watching. You both went into action of not acknowledging what just happened, so much so that you never noticed that King anymore on your trip to Earth.
You didn’t notice when he watched you go back to the child, and you didn’t notice when he watched you transport yourselves back to Heaven. Who cares that the last thing he said to you was not a suggestion, but a warning as to what was to come? Surely, it won’t matter when you forget it ever happened, right?
A/N 2 : so which king of hell do you think appeared 👀 let me know in the comments or in an ask, i’m curious as to who y’all think of when you read! and dont worry, y’all will find out who it was in chapter two 🙏
@multifictionx @pre1ttyies @hecateslittlewitchling @adorawritesalot @unlikelysublimekryptonite @loumin908 @kirbrary @sunasmoke22 @ylak
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yunyunrin · 3 months
I don't think fic writers know how much they matter
Do you know how many times you distracted me when I was hurt or lonely? Do you know how many times a line or a scene from fanfic marked me so much that I remembered years later, even though I can’t recall my own phone number? 
Even if the fic isn’t perfect or popular or multi-chaptered… Sometimes there’s just one sentence that changed me.
You, miles and miles away, changed me.
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yunyunrin · 3 months
"there are too many things to boycott"
yeah there are. and isn't that fucked up? isn't it fucked up that so many companies, restaurants, brands, clothing stores, etc care more about money than people? care more about profit margins than people dying or the planet being poisoned?
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yunyunrin · 3 months
Pool Play(date) — Yunho
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genre : smut
warnings : sex in public, no prep, sex in a pool (wouldnt advise doing this), unprotected sex (pls dont do this), soft dom(?) yunho, reader has a vagina and breasts but there are no pronouns used towards reader, jongho makes an appearance
wc : right under 2.1k
a/n : this is the first smut i’ve written in years!! so it may not be the best but it was proofread by a close friend <3 so if you have any suggestions dont be afraid to give them i just ask you be nice! also, im working on holy fool i’ve just been so so busy but it is in the process of being written and chapter 1 should be out this week!
a/n 2 : this idea came from yunho’s story… thoughts were thought and i had to write them out LOL!!!! user yunou._.u u will be dealt with …
The sun’s rays beat heavily on your skin as you lay down on the chair by the pool. Although you put a lot of sunscreen on before you came on and even reapplied a couple of times since coming outside, you can still feel the twinge of red that the sun decided to lay upon your cheeks.
Your sunglasses mask the sun, and before you know it, you’re drifting off to sleep. You were enjoying your nap until you felt a splash of water hit you. This caused you to look up to find the cause of the disturbance of your nap.
It doesn’t take you long to find Yunho propping himself up on the edge of the pool looking at you with a mischievous grin. “Yunho, that wasn’t funny. I was taking a nap,” You fake an annoyed tone with him, but ultimately, your face fails you when you smile. You quickly turn away, but it is too late for Yunho already saw you smile.
Yunho gets out of the pool and comes to you and sits on the pool chair next to you. “I’m sorry that I annoyed my pretty baby,” Yunho says as he puts his hand in front of your eyes as you’ve taken off your sunglasses by this point since the splash of water got on them earlier.
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t interrupt the love of your life when they’re taking a nap,” You tell him, looking away from him to keep your ruse up a bit longer.
“Perhaps I should make it up to the love of my life then?” Yunho quips as his other hand begins to trail up your leg, goosebumps appearing once his hand moves from one spot to another.
“Yunho, not here.” You tell him while holding back a whine. You cover your face with your hands, your reaction to his light touch of your leg at the pool embarrassing you.
“Why not? Don’t you want something besides the sun to warm you up?” Yunho asks you innocently, but when you look at him a smirk is plastered across his face. His hand has moved to your hips, massaging the area around your waistband.
You blush at the comment, knowing that if the sun didn’t cause your face to be red then it definitely is red now. “Yunho, I would love for you to warm me up. But someone could walk in at any time.” You say nervously, looking around at the entrances that are near the pool.
“Baby, no one has been here all day. I promise no one will show up, but we don’t have to do anything. Plus, I can do a lot more in the comfort of our hotel room anyway.” Yunho says, and you know he means it.
But the thought intrigues you, if you’re being honest. Having to be quick so no one sees, Yunho having to cover you in case someone comes in. That thought alone is enough to make you squeeze your legs together, always loving that Yunho was so much taller and muscular than you that he could hide you with ease.
Your reactions to the thoughts wandering around in your head don’t go unnoticed by Yunho. The sexual tension so thick that you think that if anyone did happen to walk in, they would walk right out anyway. “So what do you say?” Yunho asks, breaking the silence that you and him had been sitting in.
“Yes, but on one condition.” You say, watching his face go from looking surprised (likely because he never expected you to say yes) and lust.
“What is your condition my love?” He asks you, his breathing starting to get a bit heavier than normal. You can see his boner pushing at his shorts, and you decide to tease him a little before answering. By this point, Yunho’s pool chair is right next to yours. You take advantage of the closeness, turning around to face him. You interlock your fingers with him and move your upper knee to slowly graze against his bulge, earning a grunt from the male.
“My condition is that we do it in the pool, you can’t kiss me, and you can’t take my bottoms off,” You accentuate the last word of your sentence with a pop. Yunho hates not being able to kiss you during sex and typically he hates the barrier that your bathing suit bottoms gives you.
“Can I kiss you underwater?” He asks you, and you nod, partially because you wanted to know what he’d do and how he’d figure something like that out. Next thing you know, you’re being picked up, and you’re in the water. Yunho took the liberty to jump in the deep side with you. You’re glad he knows how to swim because you don’t. Even if you did know how to swim, you think you’d fail yourself at this moment.
You and Yunho are under the water, he’s holding your waist close to him, and he is connecting your lips under the water. Before too long, you and him are back to the surface.
“Put your arms around my neck.” Yunho instructs you, his voice lowers a few more octaves than his normal voice. You wrap your arms around his neck, you look around and see that you’re both in the middle of the pool. “I was the one who was supposed to pay attention to the surroundings, no?” Yunho quips, as he grips your thigh and anchors your left leg around his waist.
Yunho has pushed you both to the very end of the pull, your back is touching the cool concrete of the edge. Your body tenses up with nervousness and excitement. This whole experience of the pool is new to you, but your insecurities are starting to hit you all at once.
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m not going to let anyone see you. Relax with me, please?” Yunho says to you, beginning to massage your hips again. Your hips were always really sensitive to you, Yunho often using it to his advantage in a multitude of situations. Luckily in this one, it had you calming down and squeezing your hips against Yunho’s waist as much as you could.
One of Yunho’s hands is holding on to the concrete to keep you afloat at the top, the other now rubbing against your clothed core. You put your face into Yunho’s neck, muffling the moan that escaped you at the initial touch of his hand.
His hand starts to move agonizingly slow causing you to move your head towards him. “Look at me while I touch you,” Yunho says to you before you can ask. His pointer finger hooks in the center of your bathing suit bottoms causing your breath to hitch.
His hand starts massaging your clit, using his abdomen to press into your lower stomach. “Yunho, stop” you say to him and he stops instantly. Worry fills his face as he looks at you trying to figure out what’s going on, looking around the outside of the pool, mentally cursing himself thinking that he had somehow missed someone walking in.
You pull his head back to look at you, wanting to ease his insecurities. “You did nothing wrong Yunho, I just need you inside me, now.” You practically beg him, the ache in between your legs growing.
“Baby, I haven’t even prepped you yet.” Yunho tries to reason with you, knowing that it is already a tight fit even when he has prepped you.
“Yunho I don’t care. I can take it. If you are not inside me within the minute I swear I will ban you from playing Valorant for a week after we get home from vacation, and if I catch you playing I will not suck your dick for a month.” You tell him, but before you can blink he has you turned around, with your back now touching his chest and your hands holding on to the concrete edge around you.
He pushes his swimming trunks down just enough to let his cock spring free. He quickly pulls your bottoms to the side, the opening only big enough for him to put his cock inside you. He begins to push inside you, paying attention to the signs you give him.
Although you told him that you could take it, he still worries. You clench around his cock, a moan falling from his mouth. He slowly pushes the rest of his cock inside you until he bottoms out.
You and him stay like this for a little, enjoying the feeling of being full. “Thank you for giving me the courage to do this with you, Yunho,” you tell him while interlocking one of his hands with your’s. His free hand massages your breast, you bite your lip to muffle a moan. The stimulation he was giving you wasn’t any more than usual; the combination of the cold water against your body and with the thrill of being in an entirely new place is ticking you in ways you haven’t been ticked before.
You hadn’t realized that you had zoned out until Yunho pinches your nipple, causing you to yelp, now completely coming out of the trance you had been in before. You could tell Yunho was getting a bit antsy, you could feel his cock throbbing inside you, aching for more stimulation. Deciding to clench around him and grind on his cock to tease him.
He gives a quick kiss to your neck before slowly pulling himself out of you a little just to push himself back in. “Please go faster,” you whimper out. Yunho’s pace quickens, the water beginning to splash you both. You try to muffle your moans, but they end up just coming out as whimpers. Yunho’s cock has always been able to reach depths that you couldn’t get to by yourself, the fullness always there no matter how many times you and him have sex. You can feel the tingly feeling rising in your stomach as Yunho’s thrust gets a bit sloppier, signaling that he is also close.
“Such a pretty baby, so cock drunk that you’re willing to take it in the pool where someone walk in and see you. Is that what you want, people to come in and see you full of my cock?” Yunho whispers into your ear.
“Baby, I’m going to cum soon,” Yunho says, almost whining now that he is close to his release.
“I’m not there yet, almost,” you tell Yunho. He quickly moves his hand to your clit, massaging it at a quick and steady pace. The chillness from the water and the heat from your arousal are quickly aiding you to your orgasm as Yunho works you up with your fingers. Your impending orgasm having arrived quickly.
“I’m so close Yunho so close,” you are practically begging him for release now. Yunho bites your shoulder and pulls himself almost fully out of you, which causes you to whine at the lost contact, but then he thrust fully back into you deeply and quickly, which tips you over the edge. Yunho has also cum, his hand gripping your thigh as he catches his breath into your shoulder. You and him sit against the edge of the pool for a couple of minutes, regaining your previously lost composure.
Yunho pulls back from you to pull his swimming trunks up and you rearrange your bottoms as well. “I think that was some of the best sex we’ve had in a while,” you say to Yunho, to which he nods in agreement, still catching his breath.
The entrance to the pool opens and Jongho walks through the door. “How does the water feel?” Jongho asks the both of you. You and Yunho look at each other, giggling.
“Water feels great Jjong,” Yunho replies before giving you a peck on the lips.
Jongho side eyes you and the taller man, causing you and him to both bust out laughing. “You all are n a s t y” Jongho says, making sure to spell out the last word to enunciate his disgust at the public display of affection.
“Be glad you walked in now and not ten minutes ago” Yunho yells to Jongho, which earns him a kick to the knee. “Ow!” Yunho looks at you for a bit before laughing at you and Jongho’s reaction to his previous comment.
“I’m leaving,” Jongho exclaims before dramatically leaving the pool area. Leaving you and Yunho alone once again.
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yunyunrin · 3 months
(just for a minute)
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i don't think any reader will realize how disappointing and upsetting this actually is...
writers are tired of bitching about it, just please.
and system runs on reblogs, not likes. if you reblog, tag it. it's the least you can do.
feedback again is very anticipated. it's disappointing and upsetting when you get excited getting a reblog notif just to see there's no comment under it.
we're not asking for millions of notes, we're asking for interaction though. liking isn't doing anything good. and spam liking actually gets us shadowbanned (!)
to those who actually and properly interact, thank you!! you make all the while better and the lengthy writing process worth it. you're amazing. ♡:♡.•♬✧⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾*+:•*∴
and blank blogs, please (!) change your pfp at the least, it's the least you can do to help us know who's a bot and who isn't. it saves us from being worried and you from being blocked!!
— 𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡𝑠 ♡
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yunyunrin · 3 months
Prologue: Holy Fool
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genre : horror, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, enemies to lovers, alternate universe, slow burn
pairing : ot8!demonateez x angel!reader (future chapters) (gender neutral reader)
chapter warnings : mentions of the following: abandonment, sexual assault, harassment, murder, alcoholism, abuse. side character death, slight descriptions of drowning. main character death (reader, but you come back to life don’t worry) suicide
WC — around 2.3K
A/N — please read at your own discretion!!!! the prologue contains so so many heavy topics so please read the warnings!
A/N 2 — thank you so much for the love on the original masterpost! it gives me a lot of motivation to write this and bring my idea into fruition! feel free to send an ask if you have any suggestions or would like to be tagged! if you’re leaving suggestions please be kind! i have experience in writing but it has been a while since i’ve written a story like this. thank you so much and i hope you all enjoy <3 i can’t wait to show you all what i have in mind for this story!
The ache in your feet from standing for the past twelve hours is slowly being replaced by the harsh cold air hitting your body as you speed walk back to your shared apartment with your best friend Dina. You will likely regret that when you get back to your apartment, but currently, you just want to get out of the dark city.
Your apartment isn’t in the safest part of Seoul, but it is what you and your friend could afford. You went straight to work, something you often regret. Now that you’re the age you would have graduated with your bachelors had you went to university, you know it is too late. You chose your fate, and now you just have to live your life.
You’re back before you know it, your daydreaming seemingly making your days go by faster than they should be. Furthermore, you fumble with your keys due to the chilliness that has now settled in with the night. You walk in to your apartment, the eerie feeling settling in.
“Dina,” You say with your regular voice, hoping that your cheery best friend would walk in from her room. She never appears, so you call her name again, louder with a sense of urgency.
“Dina,” Again, your friend gives no answer. You walk to her door, it is cracked but not enough for you to see fully into her room.
You knock on her door a couple of times, holding the door knob, so your knocking wouldn’t fully open the door. “Dina, if you don’t do anything that indicates you are here, I’m going to come in.”
You slowly open the door, your eyes widening at the scene in front of you. Your friend is laying on the ground, pale, with her mouth ajar. Like something had sucked the soul out of her.
You rush to her immediately, holding her head in your lap as her name falls out of your lips with an urgency. You’re feeling for a pulse around her wrist, to which there is none. “Dina, please wake up,”
You pick up your phone to call the emergency services, your pleas from earlier having fell on deaf ears. Thinking to yourself, this is one of the worst things that has ever happened to you.
“Hello, this is Jenny with the emergency services, what is going on?” The voice of the women on the other end of the line seems to wake you up out of the sort of trance you have been in for the past couple of minutes. “Hello?” She says again, waiting for you to speak.
“Hi, yes. I need you to come to this address. I just got home from work to my roommate passed away on the floor. I checked for a pulse, she didn’t have one. I need you to send emergency personnel as soon as possible.” You say, in all but one breath, your impending panic attack is settling in.
“Are there any signs of an intruder? I’m sending someone over now.” The lady on the other end of the line says to you.
“No, there isn’t.” You respond back to her, your voice becoming faint.
“Stay there, the medical responders will be there in 15 minutes.” The lady says to you, asking you other questions that you can’t register in your mind.
“I’m sorry. This is the last thing that I can handle. I will leave the door closed, but unlocked. I’m leaving.” You say to the lady before hanging up the phone, not giving her the chance to convince you to stay. A lot of the times you were easily gullible, this is one of the times you don’t need to be.
“Goodbye Dina, I love you. Thank you for everything, also I’m going to take your keys for a little while.” You say to your friend before putting a pillow under her head and leaving the apartment to go to the parking garage, with Dina’s keys in hand.
You start up the car, a peer is about twelve minutes away according to the GPS. The first responders will be too worried to think about you when your dead friend is why they are there.
It is pretty late, so no one should be on the peer, you think to yourself. Putting a plan in action for something you have wanted to do ever since you were twelve years old.
You begin to drive, going where the GPS takes you. You have come to realize that you have heavy feet, getting to the beach where the peer is located in eight minutes instead of twelve.
You hesitate to put your foot on the gas pedal, having put the car in park. Not only that, but you get a surge of flashbacks from your early life.
You’re walking home from school, as you make your way to your driveway you notice something strange. Your mother’s car is not parked there, and she definitely should be home by now.
You walk into your home to see the whole house a mess, and your oldest sister, who was freshly eighteen, laying on the floor with your dad on top of her, with his hands around her throat. Immediately you run over and pull your father off her, knowing that if you were just a minute later you would have been too late. As the hands of your father leave your sister Mimi’s throat, you see the life that was just exiting her reenter her body.
“The bitch left.” Your father mutters before walking off, the smell of alcohol is permanent on his breath. You look at your sister with desperation in your eyes. You didn’t want to believe that your mother had left you both with your monster of a father. Mimi nods at you, confirming your fear. Your mother left you with a monster.
The rest of that night is spent staying in your room to escape the wrath of your father. You didn’t eat that night, you were lucky that your room was connected to Mimi’s by a bathroom so you didn’t have to wait to use it. Your sister had kept her side locked, you craved her company at that time. You were scared out of your mind, but you understood.
You then woke up to more things breaking, you walk out to see that your father had just exited your sister’s room. Walking into her room and you see no sign of your sister. Drawers opened, ransacked closet, piggy banks emptied and an open window. Your sister left during the night, likely when the alcohol had finally put your father to sleep.
Not wanting to be subjected to your fathers' wrath, you run out of the house and go straight to school. No fear in mind of being scolded due to your lack of a uniform, no fear in mind of being made fun of for your messy hair or bad breath because you skipped brushing your teeth that morning. The only thing you feared at that moment was your drunk and angry father.
Every day since your sister and mother had essentially abandoned the home, your life was hell on earth. He was drunk and if he wasn’t drunk, he was at work; if he wasn’t at work he was drunk.
You had gotten into a routine, you knew your father’s schedule. You’d make sure he was fed, you’d eat a little yourself, and then go to your room to do anything else you needed to do.
Ever since that day, the house has been cleaned and reorganized. You tried to make it as similar as it was before. Something about it just eased your mind, hoping that you’d wake up from your nightmare. That you’d wake up twelve years old, with your mother and sister still in the house.
That was never the case. You catch yourself more often than not finding solace in your sister’s room. You used to go into your mother and father’s room. That room had been abandoned since she left.
You had come to regret doing that, though. One night your father had woken up while you were laying down on her side of the bed, trying to feel close to her.
The alcohol had not worn off his system, and that night, at that moment you had realized you had grown into the looks of your mother. No matter how much you begged, no matter how many times you screamed that you weren’t her, no matter how many times your name left your lips in a hope to snap your father out of his trance, it never worked.
For years, it went on like that, as you got older you found ways to get out of your house so you couldn’t be near him. Faking your age so you could get overnight shifts then going to school the next morning, barely sleeping, but it was better than being home with him.
You have seen many things since working at a convenience store in a bad part of town, you’ve seen people get harassed, you’ve seen car accidents, you’ve seen people get stabbed.
Occasionally, you wonder to yourself if it is bad that you’d rather watch them go through that than go home.
You had grown to resent your whole family during that time for different reasons. You resented your sister for leaving you alone, your mother for not taking you and Mimi with her. Both of them for not trying to contact you. Your father for hurting you in ways no father should.
All of that you had bottled up once you turned eighteen. The only light in your life had been Dina. She kept you afloat. Made sure you finished school, she’d do your homework to make sure you’d pass classes. She’d bring you food because you often forgot to eat.
Dina didn’t have the best life growing up either, you had come to find out. She would regularly stay with you during your shifts at the convenience store, and you can’t count on your hands how many times you and her would sleep in her car so you both could escape everything.
Perhaps that is why Dina and you had bonded so closely. You knew what each other went through and you had never judged each other.
When you and Dina turned eighteen, you both moved away and got jobs. You found a roomy apartment that was cheap. Sure, it was in a bad part of town and not the prettiest, but it was the apartment you shared since the day you both abandoned your previous lives.
Nothing about it had changed until today. You have gone through the worst things imaginable, but never without Dina. You can’t fathom living without her. So now you are here. In her car at the beach, about to drive through a peer.
You put the car into drive, your foot still on the break. “If I don’t floor it now, I am never going to get the courage to do it again.” You say to yourself.
During your flashbacks, tears had started falling down your face and your nose had begun to run. You wiped your eyes and your nose with your sleeves and floored the gas pedal.
No one was on the peer and if they were, they had moved to the side. Everything happened instantly. The sound of the wood of the peer breaking on the car as you went through the peer was enough to bust your eardrums. The impact of falling into the water was enough to break every bone in your body.
You had passed out on the impact, only waking up once you tasted the salty water of the sea enter your mouth. You’re struggling for air, but you know that in a couple of seconds there will be no space to try to breathe that last bit of oxygen anyway.
A light with a golden aura shines beside you, but the rising water level has caused you not to care. Your last thought was wondering why the hell you drove off a peer when you are so afraid of big bodies of water. You guess it is because there is no escape.
You feel something like entering your mouth that is not water but quickly that feeling is replaced with the salty water from the ocean. At that moment everything goes still. Death must have taken you now.
It feels a bit weird. Not being able to move, and you can’t open your eyes but in a odd way you can breathe. Death feels so peaceful at this moment. Although, you can hear and that seems to be the only sense that you still have.
There is rustling next to you, and then humming. It sounds similar to that of a lullaby. After a couple of minutes, the humming stops.
“Y/n, you aren’t dead.” A soft voice says to you. You want so badly to open your eyes and look at whoever just said that to you, in your mind thinking that there is no way you are alive right now.
As if whatever told you that you weren’t dead could read your thoughts it says something that eases your mind a bit, “Just rest for right now, everything will be explained later.”
You never liked being in the unknown, so this comforted you. Whatever — or whoever was with you is holding you and rubbing circles on your arms. You slowly drift into sleep, wondering if death was playing tricks on you.
@multifictionx @pre1ttyies
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yunyunrin · 3 months
Can you tag me when the episodes of the series come out please??
yes i can 🫶
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yunyunrin · 3 months
holy fool masterlist
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When your Guardian Angel gives you a second chance at life, you vow to save every human that God will put into your care. But what happens when you run into one of the eight Kings of Hell one night after your human falls asleep? What will you do when you’re a Guardian Angel with the eight Kings of Hell in love with them?
Genre : Horror, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Smut, Enemies to Lovers, Alternate Universe, Slow Burn
Pairing : Demon!Ateez x Born-Again-Angel!Reader
Warnings : Suicide, Death, Violence, Alcoholism, Abusive Father, Abandonment, Heavy Swearing, Torture, Eventual Smut, Yandere, Religious Themes, Religious Trauma, Sexual Trauma, Overall just very heavy themes
A/N : This story will contain SEVERAL triggering themes and topics!!!! Please use caution when you’re reading. There will be individual warnings with each chapter so please read with discretion.
Also huge thank you to @msstrawberri for reading everything and helping me brainstorm ☹️
# holy fool thoughts for everything holy fool related with the exception of chapters being posted !
Start — 06/22/24
chapter one chapter two
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yunyunrin · 9 months
🌼 daisy’s navigation !
♡ welcome to my page ♡
Tumblr media
daisy, 20, she/her
atiny, moa, carat
requests are open
minors should not interact with the nsfw stories and content on my blog.
daisy’s wips
fics i love
personal tumblr
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yunyunrin · 9 months
MINORS should not interact with the nsfw content on my blog. i ask that minors only react with sfw content on my page. if i see that minors are interacting with my nsfw content, you will be blocked. please respect my boundaries.
i only have a tumblr account, if you see my work posted on any other sites please inform me as soon as possible!
do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my work on any platform.
i do not tolerate any kind of discrimination, any asks sent that harbor beliefs such as homophobia, classism, transphobia, sexism, pedophilia, and similar things will be instantly deleted and you will be blocked.
be direct in your requests. if you have something specific wanted in the request (ex: pronouns for reader, setting, etc) mention it in your ask. also make sure you are looking at the things that i will and will not write before requesting.
please be kind in requesting, if you are rude in my ask box i will delete your request.
i have the right to refuse any request ! if there is something you are wondering if i will write or not and you are unsure, please don’t hesitate to ask.
i only take requests for ateez, seventeen, and txt. i do stan other groups that i may write for but i do not take requests for them.
i will not write :
incest (includes step relations)
non-con [ i will write CNC (consensual non-con) ]
anal play
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yunyunrin · 9 months
ateez masterlist
seventeen masterlist
txt masterlist
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