#blake’s kid?
libraryofgage · 23 days
Meddling Kids
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually
Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two | Three Harley Quinn One | Two | Three 10th Doctor and Rose One | Two Scooby Gang One (you're here!) Jedidiah and Octavius (from Night at the Museum) One | Two Queen Clarisse Renaldi One | Two | Three Leverage Crew One
From the girl that brought you that silly little Spicy Six Scooby Movie post (I've been thinking of making that post into one of those social media series things on Tumblr but imma let that cook a little longer actually lmao) is a brand new Stranger Things and Scooby Doo crossover
Anyway, we're here for good vibes and fluffy Scooby gang, so definitely don't point out any typos hfjkds
Have fun reading!
People coming.
Steve freezes, looking at the possum that's scurried into the room and sidled up next to him. He takes a deep breath and forces his shoulders to relax. People have come to explore the abandoned lab before; usually, it's just older kids daring each other to stand inside for a few minutes. There's been that lady recently who likes dressing up as a weird rat-thing, but she hasn't bothered Steve or his friends. Actually, she may not even realize Steve is here.
"Is it the lady again?" he asks, his voice low as he places a hand on the possum's head. He feels its nerves flow through his palm, and it pushes its head against him, snout nuzzling against the 004 on his arm.
No. Four big ones and a beast.
Four adults and a dog, probably. Steve frowns slightly and gets up, carefully making his way across the dirty floor toward the window. He lifts the corner of the curtain and stares at the bright blue, green, and orange van parked in front of the building. Four adults are standing around with a big dog, which isn't looking too happy about being near the place. Steve can't blame it.
He slowly pushes the window open a crack, straining his ears to hear one of the adults say, "Okay, gang. Daphne, Velma, and I will look around downstairs. Shag, you and Scooby will take the second floor. We'll meet back in the lobby in an hour."
"Can't we just, like, not explore the creepy abandoned lab for once?"
Steve assumes this is the one called Shag, and he hopes the other man agrees to just leave. That would make his life so much easier. He hears the dog, Scooby, agree with the sentiment and hopes the other people can understand him, too.
Unfortunately, one of the women says, "C'mon, guys, the monster isn't real. Here, I'll give you some Scooby Snacks for the road."
And that seems to be the end of that. The man and dog accept the snacks, the people enter the building, and Steve resigns himself to hiding for however long they stick around.
He bunkers down, leaning against the wall beneath the window, and goes back to coloring the floor with markers. This entire room is covered in drawings that reach only a few feet up the wall. Steve isn't tall enough to go any higher.
Right now, he's drawing all the animals in the building. There are the ones that were there to begin with (mostly rats and rabbits) and the ones that moved in after the bad people left (possums and raccoons and cats and more rats). He doodles them marching across the floor, a relaxed smile tugging at his lips as he colors a cat purple.
He's putting the finishing touches on the final animal in the line (the very same possum that came to warn him about the people) when he hears a scream from down the hall. Steve blinks, looking up just in time to see Shag and Scooby throw open the door, slide into the room, and slam it behind them.
They lean against it, sinking to the ground, and finally notice Steve sitting against the opposite wall. "Like, Scooby, please tell me I'm imagining that kid over there," Shag says, his voice wavering and cracking near the end.
Scooby starts out looking as scared as Shag, but then he tilts his head. He hesitates for a few seconds before dropping low to the floor and slowly moving toward Steve. "Scoob, what are you doing?" Shag asks.
Not a ghost, Shaggy!
"Not a rhost, Raggy!"
Steve blinks, frowning in confusion. Scooby talked. Like, actually talked. He talked out loud and Shaggy (it makes as little sense as Shag in Steve's opinion) understood him. "There, like, can't be a kid here!"
By the time he says this, Scooby has reached Steve, looking up at him from the floor with hopeful eyes and an eagerly wagging tail. Steve holds himself back for all of two seconds before reaching out and scratching behind Scooby's ear.
The dog lights up and tries to squeeze into Steve's lap, licking his cheeks and covering him in slobber. Steve laughs, trying to evade Scooby's tongue and utterly failing. "Stop, stop!" he shouts breathlessly, still giggling even when Scooby finally gives him a break.
"Oh, man," Shaggy says, slowly moving from the door to approach Steve. When he's a few steps away, he stops and crouches. "What are you doing here, little guy?"
Steve blinks, glancing at Shaggy before turning his attention back to Scooby. He reaches up, scratching under Scooby's chin and trying to ignore his nerves about talking to another human after being alone for so long. "This is my home," he says.
Your home?
"Your rome?"
"Like, man, this is not a good home," Shaggy says, looking around at the dust and the cobwebs and the possum in the corner of the room. "Don't you have, like, parents or something?"
"Not really."
Can we keep him, Shaggy?
"Can re keep him, Raggy?" Scooby asks, his tail wagging hopefully as he looks at Shaggy over his shoulder.
"Gee, Scoob, I don't know," Shaggy says, frowning slightly as he finally sits down on the floor and hunches over. "A kid's a lotta responsibility, man. We gotta feed him and clothe him and, like, make sure he doesn't get sick."
Steve looks between the two and can't help a slight smile. Shaggy is nice, and Scooby is a dog, which automatically makes him good to Steve. He doesn't mind helping them out a little. "You're here about that lady, right?" he asks.
"Like, what do you mean lady?" Shaggy asks.
"The one dressing like a rat," Steve says, wondering how they didn't make that connection themselves. Haven't they already realized it's not a real rat-thing?
"Oh, man, I guess Velma was right," Shaggy says, a relieved laugh bubbling out of him as he slumps even more. "We gotta tell the gang, right, Scoob?"
Yeah, yeah!
"Reah, reah!"
"Are you trying to catch her?" Steve asks, looking between the two once more.
"Well, like, the rest of the gang's gonna want to."
"I can help with that," Steve offers, smiling reassuringly at the concerned looks that Shaggy and Scooby give him in return.
Hawkins is supposed to be a vacation. Sort of. There's a possible mystery in the town, but even Velma couldn't confirm for sure, and Daphne had encouraged them to just relax.
Steve is inclined to agree with her, especially when she buys them a house with a pool that Scooby immediately launched himself into.
Still, he can tell that Velma won't relax unless she gets a chance to look around, so he finds her to go on a grocery run. "Oh, you're right," she says when he points out the lack of food in the house. "We'd better get something before Shaggy and Scooby start chewing on the walls."
"We'll set up the bedrooms while you get groceries," Fred says, grinning at them from across the living room. He digs in his pocket and pulls out the keys to the Mystery Machine. After making sure Steve is ready, he tosses them over.
"Please just don't put me in that plaid room," Steve tells him, catching the keys and passing them to Velma.
"I think that would count as cruel and unusual punishment, Steve," Daphne calls, her voice coming from down the hall where she's no doubt started setting up her room. She pokes her head into the hall, smiles at him, and adds, "Don't worry. We'll put Shaggy and Scooby in that one."
"Knowing them, they'd like it," Velma says.
As if he was just waiting for his queue, Shaggy leans over the second-floor railing and shouts, "Dibs on the plaid room! It looks groovy!"
Steve snorts as Velma rolls her eyes with an amused smile. "Come on, Steve, let's get going."
The drive to the grocery store is quiet, with Steve paying more attention to the town around him and Velma focusing on driving. He notes anything that looks weird, like the lack of people walking around. They pass other cars, of course, but even when they drive past what could be called Downtown Hawkins, he doesn't see anyone walking around.
He tucks that away for later, seeing nothing else of note until they park near a pile of bikes at the grocery store. "They're not locked," he says, nodding to them.
"It's a small town, Steve," Velma says, unbuckling as she turns the radio down so their ears aren't blasted when they get back. "They probably don't feel the need to."
"I guess," Steve mumbles, hopping out of the van and waiting for Velma to round the front. He walks next to her and holds the door open when they reach it. "Maybe we can get sandwich stuff."
"We'll have to wipe out their entire deli section," Velma says, sighing as she grabs a cart and pushes it towards the produce aisle. "At least we never have to worry about food waste."
Steve hums in agreement, easily falling into their normal routine of Velma calling out items and him grabbing at least five of them if there's enough in stock. "What do you think about that mystery?" he asks, placing a bag of apples in the cart.
"I think that forest out there is prime real estate," she replies, leaning on the cart's push bar. "Get a watermelon, too, Steve. Anyway, demon dogs aren't the weirdest we've run across."
"They were demodogs. Not demon dogs."
"I still think that was just a typo. Either way, I'm sure we can walk around the forest later and, you know, learn what the squirrels have seen."
Steve crinkles his nose, glancing at her as they make their way towards the deli. "You know the squirrels are too flighty. We're better off with the raccoons. Or, like, the sparrows."
He looks over to see her smirking and realizes she was just teasing him. Steve huffs and grabs as many sandwich meats as he can, getting everything but ham since Velma can't eat it and it gives Daphne migraines.
"Well, whichever animals you interrogate, I'm sure they'll clear up this mystery in no time."
Steve hums in agreement, follows Velma into the cereal aisle, and is about to say they should consider focusing on field mice when a voice from the other side of the shelf says, "Dude, spray cheese isn't gonna help us against the demodogs."
He blinks, pauses, and looks at Velma. She tilts her head, holds a finger up to her lips, and waves off the smirk he gives her at being right about demodogs not being a typo. "Yeah, I know," another voice says, followed by the clatter of grabbing a few cans, "but I want Cheez-Whiz."
"That stuff is gross," a girl's voice says, her tone flat in a way that Steve almost recognizes. He frowns slightly, tilting his head as he silently places a few cereal boxes in the cart. "It tastes fake."
"That's the point, El."
"Shouldn't we focus on lighters and hairspray?"
"I mean, this is technically a spray, right?"
Steve glances at Velma, raising an eyebrow before gesturing to the end of the aisle. She nods once and starts pushing the cart in that direction, huffing in amusement when Steve drops in a few more boxes along the way. "You'd think we're feeding an army," she says, tone dry.
"We might as well be," Steve replies, feelings his shoulders relax at the routine exchange.
They round the corner to see three kids down the aisle, two boys and one girl. One of the boys has curly hair and a baseball cap while the other is wearing a basketball jersey, and the girl has short hair that falls to her shoulders. They're all looking at the shelf, but the girl glances over when Velma and Steve enter the aisle.
She meets Steve's eyes, and he wonders if he's met her before. Her eyes narrow slightly, more in confusion than anything else, and her gaze travels down. He feels it on his arm as she lands on the 004, and her eyes widen as she steps away from the shelf.
Steve glances down at her arm in turn, sees the 011, and feels like his breath has been punched out of him. "Eleven," he whispers.
Next to him, Velma shifts closer, placing a hand on Steve's shoulder. "I'm here," she says, her voice low and more reassuring than she'll ever know.
"Four," Eleven says, walking up to him without another glance at her companions. "Are you here to hurt me or my friends?"
Steve blinks. "What?"
"Are you violent? Kali, Eight, was violent. And angry. Are you angry?"
As she talks, the two boys move to flank her, looking between Steve and Velma with something between suspicion and confusion. "Is this one of your siblings, El?" Basketball Jersey asks.
"Yes. Four. He was...transferred a year before the Upside Down. Four, these are my friends Dustin and Lucas"
"I go by Steve now. And, uh, no, not violent. We're grocery shopping," Steve says, awkwardly gesturing to their cart.
"Steve? You can name yourself and you choose Steve?" Dustin asks.
Steve blinks and frowns. "I didn't name myself. I asked the smartest rat I knew to name me."
The two boys blink as El nods in understanding. "The rat chose well," she says.
"Dude, how many people are you feeding?" Lucas asks, seeming to finally notice the shopping cart.
"Well, one of them is a Great Dane," Velma says. "Hello, El. I'm Velma, one of Steve's...guardians, I suppose. How would you like to come by for dinner? El and Steve can catch up, and you can tell us about those demodogs you mentioned."
"Were you spying on us?" Lucas asks.
"You weren't exactly being quiet," Velma tells them.
Before Lucas or Dustin can start arguing, El cuts them off, "We will come by for dinner. I am glad we met again, Steve."
"Yeah. Me, too," Steve replies, smiling at El and wondering if they'll have to explain how Scooby can talk.
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violent138 · 6 months
While Battinson seems like he'd adopt kids upon attaining slightly more mental stability, and Batfleck is broadcasting divorced dad/dead kid dad💀, Christian Bale's Batman (balebat? Nolanbat?) gives me "has never had a fatherly urge in his life" and probably would hold a baby far away from him with his fingers, smiling uncomfortably.
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they will solve your mystery!!!
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pedroam-bang · 1 year
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Simon Stalenhag - The Electric State (2017)
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xxxregulusblackxxx · 7 months
So I'm obsessing over Hazbin Hotel like all of the internet right now, but I've been a fan since the pilot and am caught up on Helluva Boss. I have a few things to rant about here.
1. ALEX BRIGHAM AND HIS OBSESSION WITH DEMONS. He's Beetlejuice in the broadway musical, he's Fizzorolie or however you spell his name in Helluva boss, he's Sir Pentious and ADAM THEE GOD DAMNED ADAM THE FIRST MAN In Hazbin hotel.
2. Husks voice actor is Keith David aka DR. FACILIER IN THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG!
3. Jack Kelly from Newsies on Broadway, filmed and put on Disney plus, Varian from Tangled the Series is Played by Jeremy Jordan, now if you're a theater kid you know who he is, you'd also be interested in knowing that he's LUCIFER that's right Lucifer Morningstar THE DEVIL HIMSELF
4. HUSKERDUST. I love this ship. Yes they are romantic and Vizzy has confirmed they are a slowburn relationship so if Anyone who interacts with me says they're platonic or found family I will be sending you to hell yourself
5. Alastor, first off he's canonical Aro Ace, just so ya know. Secondly he's such a good manipulator that he's manipulating fans into thinking he's not trying to fuck over the hotel and that he's not a villain. Which he is but he's still lovable. ALSO Alastor is Creole, he may have been white passing when alive but he's Creole and from Louisiana (I love Louisiana born men, my obsession with Leo Knut is proof of that) So just keep that in mind when drawing him. The transatlantic voice is something he would have learned, it's called All American speech and was used in Radio and TV, that's his voice under the radio affect.
6. The V's. Love them and hate them. I absolutely loth Val but at the same time Vox's screen brightens when he's trying to get Valentino's attention and that's really cute
7. Lute's Voice Actress played Elphaba in Wicked and her part in You didn't know is the absolute best part ever.
And Remember they're all in hell for a reason Sir Pentious is the only one who's truly good out of the Sinners
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blake-ritson-love · 4 months
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Blake Ritson as Morgan Ward in Interview with the Vampire - season 2, episode 1
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ohdeedraws · 10 months
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"you were a wonderful experience"
Not Meddling Kids related (or is it ;]) but I watched Alien Invaders last night and I couldn't stop thinking of them <3 This is also inspired by that one bus stop scene from Fiona and Cake that broke my soul.
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Ruby: Hey Yang!
Yang: Yeah Rubes!
Ruby: Want to see my impression of Mom?
Yang: Sure!
Ruby: *Is Gone*
Yang: Ha Ha!
Nora: I can do the same thing!
Nora: *leaves*
Jaune: Are you Guys-
Ren: *Family Guy Death Pose*
Weiss: ... Yang, Could you please look up a therapist?
Weiss: ...
Weiss: Yang?
Yang: *Is also Gone*
Weiss: Huh. *Pulls out a Wine Glass* Might as well-
Jaune: *Slapping the glass out of her hand* NO. I am NOT supposed to be the Mentally and Emotionally Stable one of the Group!
Blake: Hey. I'm Right here, My parents are Great.
Jaune: Hey! My parents are great to! They just wanted to protect me from the worst of being a huntsman. I can't blame them for it given everything that's happened.
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universe12 · 10 months
So something just occurred to me.
Shaggy and Daphne have arguably the least amount development about their relationship. And yet Daphne appears in just about every series along side Shaggy and Scooby, even if Fred and Velma are absent.
It’s also not like they don’t have moments together. When any amount of focus is put on the two of them they actually work really well with each other. For instance a moment that comes to mind is when Daph made Shaggy his own type of Scooby snacks made specifically for him, which is actually really cute.
Yet we really don’t have an established relationship between them, and in any origin stories more emphasis is put on his relationship with Velma and Scooby and her relationship with Velma and Freddy. Honestly I kinda hope a future installment puts more focus on these two, think they could have a really cool dynamic and it’d help make the hang seem more cohesive.
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rickybaby · 2 months
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Blake is back this weekend!!
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infamous-if · 9 months
the way i just know blake will not have a good ending 💔
I guess you know more than me because I have no idea ❤️
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behindthescreamz · 9 months
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behind the scenes with the cast of “scooby doo” (2002)
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danelloevee-sky · 3 days
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Happy birthday Blake and Alexis!
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mythic-rose · 3 months
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❝ — "Velma, here's the only thing you ever need to know about boys: they are stupid"
rose's 100 favorite female characters — 2/100: Daphne Blake
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strqyr · 1 year
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it's blake's turn for a messy sketch (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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seaquestions · 3 months
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blake lets him keep it. this is a dire lapse in judgement on his part but they're just gonna have to live with it. (ids in alts)
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