resdis · 10 months
230908_1701 Exploring Spiritual Relationships
Simple mammals have an unevolved spiritual notion with regard to their blindness to the nature of the relationship they have with what they might call God. They're led and guided by God and rely on him to deal with things that go against their intrinsic nature as simple mammals. Aliens, on the other hand, if they were to have a God, would be able to see him and develop a rapport that doesn't make them have to be unwittingly blind to the goings-on and the interactions between God, their God, and them. For instance, cattle seem to carry a cloud that follows the herd. This cloud is almost undoubtedly invisible to them.
But there is a relationship between those simple animals and that God that guides the animals, in ways that they do not perceive. For example, a cow doesn't turn its head to see its God because it doesn't know it's there, but there is some relationship that they are dependent on between this cloud, this fog, and themselves.
ChatGPT Outline
1.1 Simple mammals and their spiritual understanding
1.2 Dependence on God for guidance
Perception of God
2.1 Simple mammals are described as blind to the nature of their relationship with God
2.2 Aliens are contrasted, suggesting they could see and interact with their God directly
Relationship with God
3.1 Depiction of a cloud or fog surrounding cattle
3.2 The cloud is invisible to the animals
3.3 Despite a lack of awareness, there is a suggested relationship between the animals and God
Dependency on God
4.1 Simple mammals rely on God to handle things against their intrinsic nature
4.2 Aliens, if they had a God, would have a more conscious rapport with Him
5.1 Overall, the text explores the perceived spiritual connection between simple mammals, aliens, and their respective Gods
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