#bjd outside
emilysbjds · 2 months
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My newest girl with no name!
Should I name her Azalea or Aimee?
Faceup by Bunnyforever
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nuzzle · 7 months
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today i'm welcoming home my first BJD, "lieselotte!" i would like to occasionally post more doll content (especially lolita related) on my blog from now on.. so you may be seeing her often!! ♡
lolita collaborations sparked my interest in ball jointed dolls quite a while ago, but i've only recently started researching them and have come to love all of the similarities these hobbies share. i was very lucky to be able to find my discontinued dream doll completely unopened from a secondhand sale despite this specific model being made and distributed almost 15 years ago. it gives the same feeling as a very well preserved time capsule of sorts.
to give more information on her--she is a 2010 limited release model volks super dollfie x baby, the stars shine bright collaboration from the storyline "harajuku memories"
she is absolutely everything i wanted in a doll and a perfect fit for me as a lolita and avid fan of btssb. i prefer the older faceups of her rather than the more modern ones. i intend on matching coords with her-- so far, i own the same gingham rose OP, her default dress, and the honey cross shoes and socks.. though i want to hunt down the same christina hat she wears. i plan to take her outside with me once the weather gets a bit nicer, as her storyline mentions that being her wish!
i'm quite new to the hobby and still have a lot to learn, so feel free to share any resources or tips ^_^
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rikacreature · 4 months
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Peachy wants to show you the daisies!
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stealreserve211 · 1 year
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more doll art on my blog <3
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cr0wc0rpse · 6 months
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Outside doll photo shoot :-) this is Dolores she is very pretty
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elf-friendly · 7 days
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BJD Head No. 8 from DollyPlanet
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flickrisslowasshit · 1 month
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The sitting pose I had first put him in was a bit unnatural. I sat down next to him and saw my own position and then adjusted him to sit more like me. It looked way better.
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noctishy · 8 months
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Praline photo dump
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volfoss · 8 months
Literally so hyped to get miss yucky nasty... I am going to learn SO many skills
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kruzidula · 1 year
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hope you people dont mind more wip :3
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emilysbjds · 1 year
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The beautiful Leah. 
For thought who don't understand why she is siting in a dead bush. Leah is the Angel of Death. She kills anything she touches. [I need to get her some wings]
Faceup by Bunnyforever
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rikacreature · 2 years
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made a lil garden diorama thingy for peachy!! i kinda got moss everywhere while making it, and theres a bit of exposed styrofoam on the base, but lets just ignore that
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stealreserve211 · 1 year
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Welcome to, welcome to, welcome to my house - more art like this on my blog :)
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meo-eiru · 1 month
heyy!! here I am with some more thoughts, this time about Elias.
honestly, for some reason, he seems like a very lonely person to me. you mentioned his will to change himself (and go to extreme lengths in that); also his almost paranoid fear of darling leaving him, (delete all of your contacts except for him, etc) – usually such level of jealousy is a sign of very low self-esteem. dunno if it's true, I just had a feeling that he's super insecure deep down. (he's afraid to look bad in our eyes, remember? to an unhealthy extent.)
and he's so empty. so beautiful on the outside, but so so empty. he loves you, he exists for you, isn't that enough? it isn't. you can't feel genuine affection for someone just because they look good. and Elias knows that! he's actually self conscious (unlike some elf with big tatas), but he can't offer you anything else, which must make him feel even more insecure, because deep down he knows that he won't be able to keep you by his side forever.
actually that will of his to go to extreme lengths for us is pretty frightening. how toxic it can be? depends on the darling! because if you are a normal person, you'd be patient with him, change him, and have a happy ever after and all those boring things. but what if Elias happens to fall in love with an unreasonable and possessive monster?
I feel like he'd go very well with a darling who's yandere for him too. and a stereotypical one at that, who'd want to keep him by their side like a pretty doll. get it? not a life partner, not even a human. a doll, a pretty thing to take care of. they would choose pretty clothes for him, brush his hair, but at the end of the day, he's nothing more but a pretty thing, an object.
I really like the doll metaphor for Elias. (I'm a huge doll lover, I ever have one of that super expensive bjd) dolls are beautiful, but aren't alive. they can't be someone you'd open your heart to; under their shiny porcelain skin, they're hollow.
unlike Silas, Elias is a more tragic character in my eyes. he's willing to carve his bones to whatever shape you desire, because if he isn't validated and noticed by you, he has no value. and you (if you are a normal person) will grow tired and bored of him, sooner or later. he wants to be loved, when there's pretty much nothing to love in him.
unlike Silas, his love can ruin only himself.
(I swear it's not like I want to see him suffer in particular. I'm open to all kinds of despair, pain and sadness, whether it yan's or darling's!)
(also I tried to find his colour scheme, but all I found was you mention his hair, so it's just how I think he looks like.)
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I love you thank you god I love asks like yours.
You’re very on point, Elias is like a pretty doll. Beautiful on the outside but completely empty inside, and that beauty is the only thing that gives him any kind of worth. He’s aware of this more than anyone.
He’s not rich, he doesn’t have an amazingly successful career, no hobbies, no specialities, no interests. He’s extremely pathetic and all he can do is pitifully attempt to pull you down to his level.
That’s why committing self harm comes so easily to him even if he doesn’t yearn for it. Endangering himself, his only value, his body, is the only way he can keep you with him. He doesn’t have any power over you he can use against you. He only has this disgustingly and pathetically beautiful body.
He wants to be loved by you, he wants you to be obsessed with him as much as he is with you, but deep down he knows he doesn’t have any qualities that could deserve such love. That is why he leans into his appearance so hard, since the moment he was born that face of his was the only thing that gave him any sort of value.
If you find any part of him ugly he’ll have no choice but to try to fix it even if it completely ruins him. Because he thinks that’s the only way for him to keep your eyes on him. He’s just through and through pathetic. Extremely pitiful.
He would indeed roll well with a yandere reader who treats him like a living doll. Because Elias wants to be values by you, even if it means getting stripped of the little sense of identity he had. He wants you to keep your eyes on him and see him as an object who exists for your satisfaction. Because at the end of the day that is what he is. An empty shell who was unfortunate enough to be born with the ability to love.
Elias’ existence can’t handle his own love. He’ll start breaking from inside out like a doll under pressure. That’s why he needs your reassurance, he needs you to reaffirm his worth. He can’t exist for himself so he needs to exist for you. He might be a beautiful shell of a human but he too can have some sort of value if he’s being used like a tool by you.
But watching you also makes him feel extremely jealous and frustrated. Because you have everything he doesn’t have. You have hobbies, things you enjoy, things you do for yourself, people who stay with you not for your outer shell but for who you are inside. Everything Elias never had and never will.
That’s why he tries so hard to ruin your relationships and threaten you to stay with him, to keep you at his level like a pathetic bug. Because you’re not like him. You can abandon him any day of the week and continue your life like you lost nothing, but Elias isn’t like that. If he loses you he truly will have nothing left.
So please love him, ruin him, break him, treat him right, use him, make him feel alive, give him some sort of value. Please be kind to Elias. He needs you more than anyone on this world
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parrythisucasual · 11 months
no pressure ofc but may i request a jax x reader where the reader is basically a ball jointed doll with some of the parts made of a soft playdoh material that can be shaped? i have no idea if that makes sense lmao. if not feel free to just do a normal bjd! as for story specifics ive been on a hurt/comfort kick tonight so maybe reader has joint pain or smth?
feel free to put your own spin on things! ive loved basically everything ive seen of yours in the jax x reader tag so im sure itll be great.
Jax x Doll! Reader
You were tossing and turning in your bed. No matter how you lay, your joint always managed to get caught on your sheets or blankets. It doesn't seem bad, in theory, but it was terribly painful. You finally settle in a spot, sighing happily. 
“SH(boing)T!” you yelp, jerking so hard you nearly fall out of bed. Your knee had pinched the blanket. You throw the sheets off, tears of anger (and probably pain) pricking the corners of your eyes. You swing your legs off the side of the bed, deciding to go for a mid-sleep walk. You’d say midnight, but there isn’t exactly a night here.
Trudging from your room, you walk up the halls. Your joints, your annoying burdens, click with each step. You feel a pang of jealousy; the others in the circus didn’t have any problems with their new bodies. If you really had to be a doll, why couldn’t have you been a plush one, like Ragatha? Instead, you’re stuck with stupid ball joints and silicone. It sucks.
As you pass by his room, you find you’re not alone in your restlessness. The sound is faint, but you can hear the floor creaking in Jax’s room. You pause outside his door, wondering what he could possibly be up to. 
The creaking passes from left to right as if he was simply walking back and forth in his room. As if he was pacing. You frown, debating whether or not you should knock. Maybe something was bothering him?
You shake your head, turning away. Jax wouldn’t talk to you, what are you thinking? You’d ask him if hes okay and he’d gaslight you into thinking he’d been asleep, into thinking you’d interrupted his night. He wasn’t the kind of guy to admit to his problems, not the type to care about yours.
You start up the hall once more, mind settling on the digital lake. At very least you could relax to the Lake_Ambiance.mp3 and watch the digital water move.
You let out a sharp yell, falling to the ground. Your knee had locked up, twisting at just the right angle the joint wouldn’t move anymore. God, it felt just like a sprained ankle. You hiss, gripping your knee in your hands. The tears really do come now, rolling down your cheeks in an oddly realistic fashion for this digital realm. Well, at least your night couldn’t get any worse.
“What, you forgot how to walk or something?” Dear god, it got worse. You glance behind you, the familiar smug grin staring you in the face. Jax’s confidence falters, very plainly, when he sees your tears. He raised a brow, “Oh, come on, you just fell. Are the waterworks really necessary?”
You try to stretch your knee out, yelping when it doesn’t budge, “It’s not just a fall you ignorant little- AUGH!” you give up trying to move your leg, resolving to simply lean back, giving yourself room to breathe.
Jax trots over, bending down and inspecting your knee, “How’d you manage this?” he reaches out and your stomach drops, “No, don’t!” He freezes, the surprise plain on his face, “Why not? I can snap it back into place easy as-”
“You stupid rabbit, it hurts!” you practically wail. He sits back, “Don’t be stupid, (Y/N), we’re digital now. Can’t get hurt. Can’t die.”
You turn your face away from him, growling slightly, “Clearly, I’m different. Not like you’d care, right? Too busy shoving your head up your own a(honk).” Jax doesn’t react to this, much to your surprise. Instead, he silently stands up, walking up the hall, one hand on his hip.
“Wait, where are you going? Jax?” you regret what you said immediately, you really didn’t want to be alone with this right now. “You won’t let me help you, I’m going to find Caine.”
“You’re… huh?” you blink, confused. Jax shrugs, “If it hurts that bad, why would I leave you like that?” You aren’t sure whether or not he really was going to find Caine, but with the lack of arrogance about him, you decide to trust him, “Alright… thank you.”
He doesn’t respond, merely gives a dorky salute as he rounds the corner. As the minutes pass, you begin to wonder whether or not you should have believed him. Just as you were about to give up hope, Caine appeared at the end of the hall, flanked by Jax.
“Oh, dear, oh dear! Would you look at that!” Caine’s annoying grandeur made your head hurt, but you couldn’t have been more relieved. With a simple snap of his fingers, your leg righted itself without pain. “Now then, anything else I can do for you, my dear (Y/N)?” the eccentric ringleader asked. You shake your head, a relieved sigh escaping from your chest.
“Excellent! Well, off to bed with you!” he zipped back into the air, “I was busy, after all.” Caine darted away, leaving you alone with Jax once more. He seemed off, not grinning as he usually did. You’re not sure what to say, until-
“Are you okay now?” he asks, looking anywhere but your face. “Um… yeah, now I am,” you start to sit up, and Jax rushes to your side, grabbing your hand and practically lifting you to your feet himself. “Are… you okay?” you ask, “you’re acting way different.”
Jax finally looks at you, “Why wouldn’t you tell anyone you were in pain? Are you really that thick? Any of us would’ve helped you! Any of us would be there for you!” he snapped, seemingly angry you’d hidden this.
“I… I didn’t want to burden anyone…” you admit, a bit shocked. “Burden us? Are you kidding?” his voice grew louder, making you wince, “you think your health is a burden? You moron, you’re-” he stopped suddenly, noticing your expression.
“I-I’m sorry… I-I…” He sighed, interrupting your shaky apology, “Next time, come to me. Okay? I don’t want to see you get hurt. (Y/N)...” he hesitated, “I just… I really care about you. Please, don’t hesitate to tell me you’re in pain.” He gathered himself, then placed a quick kiss on your forehead before darting into his room with a final, “Night.”
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dolly-birdi · 3 months
Ok so I feel like the best way to combat the deluge of recasts is to promote more affordable doll brands, so I'm gonna give it a shot!
Here's a list of some more affordable legit bjd brands, their general price ranges, and where to buy them! All of these are complete dolls (body+head). The lowest prices listed are from their smallest sizes no faceup, and the highest prices will be largest with faceup if they offer it. Prices can vary between dealers. (Please add more if you know some, especially for outside the US!)
Also some of these upper prices seem insanely high because they include any 70cm beasts they have as well, but I mainly judged these based on the 1/4 dolls being under or around 300 with faceup, since that's typically the most popular size.
Qianhe ($70-116) 1/6, 1/5, and 1/4 male and female resin blind box bjds. Realistic style. Available on Janesdolland, and until 8/02 you can choose the head you want from the blind boxes.
Sprouting Dragon ($68-138): 1/6 and 1/4 female resin bjds. Anime style. On Janesdolland.
UFDoll ($56-155): 1/6, 1/4, and 1/3 PVC bjds, both male and female, both anime and realistic available. The 1/6 fullset blindbox dolls are available on Kikasgoods and Janesdolland. Others are on Janesdolland and LegendDoll.
Evantasy ($125.80-412.05): 1/6, 1/4, and 1/3 resin bjds, all female but 1. Anime style. On Janesdolland and LegendDoll.
ImomoDoll ($15-145): 1/12, 1/6, and 1/4 vinyl mjds. Both males and females. Anime style, good sub for MDDs and Puyoodoll. On Janesdolland, New Clover Singing, and LegendDoll.
SweetyDoll ($110-217): 1/6, 1/5, and 1/4 female resin bjds. Anime style. On Janesdolland. Also look like Puyoodoll.
BonBon Galaxy ($49-259): 1/12, 1/6, and 1/4 male and female resin bjds. Both anime and realistic. On Alice's Collections, Janesdolland, LegendDoll, and the tinies are on Kikasgoods.
Guard Love ($169-285) 1/6 and 1/4 resin bjd. Both males and females. Both anime and realistic. On Alice's Collections, Janesdolland, New Clover Singing, and LegendDoll.
Xaga Doll ($152-504): 1/8, 1/6, 1/4, and 1/3 resin bjds. Both males and females, both anime and realistic. On Alice's Collections, Janesdolland, and LegendDoll.
Asleep Eidolon ($198-554): 1/6, 1/4, 1/3, and 70cm resin bjds. Both males and females. Realistic style. On Janesdolland and LegendDoll.
Tinyfox ($168-289): 1/6 and 1/4 PVC mjds. Gender neutral and females. Anime style. All come as fullsets. On Janesdolland, New Clover Singing, Kikasgoods, and LegendDoll.
FairyCastle ($169-669): 1/6, 1/4, and 75cm resin bjds. Both male and females. Realistic style. On Janesdolland and LegendDoll.
True Love ($159-305): 1/6, 1/4, and 1/3 resin bjds. Both males and females. Realistic style. On Janesdolland and LegendDoll.
Resinsoul/Bobobie ($85-330): 1/12, 1/6, 1/4, 1/3, and 70cm resin bjds. Both males and females. Realistic style. Specializes in fantasy parts and skintones. On Denver Doll Emporium.
Doll Leaves ($149-510): 1/6, 1/4, 1/3, and 70cm resin bjds. Both male and females. Realistic style. On Alice's Collections, Denver Doll Emporium, and LegendDoll. Somewhat artsy doll vibe.
Gem of Doll ($155- 560): 1/8, 1/6, 1/4, 1/3, and 70cm resin bjds. Both males and females. Realistic style. On Alice's Collections, New Clover Singing, and LegendDoll.
Huajing Doll ($120-495): 1/8, 1/6, 1/5, 1/4, 1/3, and 70cm resin bjds. Both males and females. Realistic style. On Alice's Collections, New Clover Singing, and LegendDoll.
Myou Doll ($138-428): 1/8, 1/6, 1/4, and 1/3 resin bjds. Both males and females. Realistic style with 1 anime doll available. On Alice's Collections, Denver Doll Emporium, and LegendDoll. Similar look to Volks SDs imo.
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