#birthday gift hooray!!!
ablog · 4 months
love u (yes homo)
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Holyshit a homosexual?! Not in this house hold😤 please leave- no- don't take the moon with you how could I talk to my wife
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bookish-bogwitch · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Apricot!
Happy birthday, my beloved friend @ivelovedhimthroughworse. I'm so glad you were born and can't imagine life without you. You've been my friend on tough days, easy days, all the days. Time with you was my favorite part of the past year.
Here's a story about the critters we both love. Thank you @facewithoutheart for betaing being an elf in the workshop!
Cold Blood Warm Heart, 3k, M
If you’d asked me ahead of time, I would have said I wasn't into forked tongues. Which shows an embarrassing lack of imagination.
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gentlethorns · 11 days
YAYYYY NEW PHONE TODAY. life is full of wonder and enchantment all bc i'm getting a new toy 🫶
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mystaticmind · 2 years
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HIBIKI!!! (belongs to @0046incognito)
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crownedpigeonart · 1 year
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"from a party, after everything's over and everyone's gone, and the gods are still looking on."
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alittlebitofsainz · 5 months
- he kissed me right in front of my friends -
prompt: “i threw a party, he kissed me right in front of my friends, i felt so far from the cliffs.”
pairing: lando norris x reader
summary: if you could have one birthday wish granted, it would be that you no longer had to hide your relationship.
a/n: lyrics from track #89 there it goes by maisie peters :)
masterlist | the spotify wrapped collection
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“hey, happy birthday baby!”
you couldn’t help but let your lips curve into a soft smile as lando pressed a kiss to your cheek, holding out a bag full of presents as he stepped inside your apartment. you accepted it graciously, eyes wide at the sheer number of gifts.
“lan, you really didn’t have to…”
“I wanted to.” he cut you off with a shake of his head, “for my special girl.”
he leaned forward to press a kiss to your lips, but you quickly batted him away.
“careful, lan, people might see!” you giggled, looking up at him like he’d lost his mind. it had been eight months of keeping your relationship under wraps, and while you both understood why it had to be that way, it still didn’t make it easy. it was moments like these where you yearned for a normal relationship, one where your partner wasn’t in the spotlight, one where he could give you a kiss on your birthday and it wouldn’t be plastered all over social media the next day. but it was worth it, you thought as you looked up at lando’s face, eagerly waiting for you to open your presents. it was worth it to call him yours, even if it was only in secret.
yeah, it was worth it, you thought, as you watched lando laughing uncontrollably at something max had said, the two of them stationed behind the dj booth you’d hired for the party. in general, lando didn’t go much on drinking, and he’d sworn off djing for the most part, but he was willing to make exceptions for your special day, and you smiled to see him enjoying himself. your best friend followed your gaze, noticing you phasing out of the group conversation you were in, and nudged you.
“you’re staring, y/n. you totally fancy him.” she teased, and for a moment you almost slipped up, you almost replied with yeah, I really do. but you caught yourself, instead laughing it off with a sharp shake of your head, elbowing her right back.
“knock it off, we’re just mates.” you protested, but your friend arched an eyebrow and pursed her lips in a way that suggested that she didn’t quite believe you. she opened her mouth to reply, but at that moment, the lights shut off and the music cut out. you instinctively glanced over back towards the dj booth, eyes searching for lando, confused to find him gone. but the confusion only lasted for a moment as a glow of light emerged from the kitchen; twenty lit candles pressed into a cake, held up by lando as he brought it across the room towards you, all your friends joining in and singing happy birthday to you. you grinned, feeling tears prick your eyes. god, you’d never been happier. there was only one thing that could’ve made this day more incredible, and you sighed to yourself as you watched lando bring the cake closer, lowering it slightly so you could blow out the candles. his eyes locked on yours for just a moment, and you swore you felt your heart stop.
“make a wish.” he murmured.
you blew out the candles, earning a cheer and a few hip hip hoorays from your friends gathered around you. lando set the cake down on the table, another friend stepping in to help cut and distribute it to guests, allowing you just a moment to talk whilst everyone was distracted.
“what did you wish for?” he asked, voice low, making you lean in to be able to hear him above the music which had started up again. you arched an eyebrow.
“if I tell you, it won’t come true.” you retorted, the corner of your lips curving up into a wry smile. it always gave you butterflies, flirting with lando in public. something about it made you feel like you were still in that stage where anything could happen, like you were just starting to get to know him all over again. his expression changed slightly as he reached into his back pocket.
“now don’t yell at me, but I got you one last present.”
“lando!” you protested; you’d already admonished him earlier after you’d opened all your gifts from him. you could tell he’d spent a lot of money, more than you believed you deserved, on anything you’d ever mentioned wanting. shoes, a nice handbag, a designer coat, expensive earrings. but it wasn’t just material things, he’d got tickets to than gig you mentioned you wanted to go to, taken out an annual membership for the gardens you always liked going to for some peace and quiet, donated money to the shelter your parents adopted the family dog from. it was far too much, yet lando insisted it wasn’t enough to show you how much he loved you.
“I said don’t yell at me!” he replied playfully, producing a small wrapped item and holding it out to you, “it’s not an expensive one. it’s just… well, just open it and see.”
you peeled off the wrapping paper with gentle fingers, the package feeling so delicate in your hands compared to all the other larger gifts he’d showered you with. it revealed a gold necklace, with a single ‘L’ hanging from the chain. you looked at it, awestruck, running a finger over the gold letter.
“lan, this is beautiful.” you murmured softly.
“to remind you how much I love you, even if I can’t always show it.” he explained softly, and you felt a lump form in your throat. it was so bittersweet, you thought, as he took the necklace from your hands and instructed you to turn around so he could fasten it round your neck. the necklace was like some sort of twisted metaphor for your relationship, always there but often hidden. you turned back to face him, glancing down to admire the jewellery for a moment. if people saw this, it wouldn’t take them long to join the dots, to make the connection, especially if you were next to lando. you sighed, reaching to take the ‘L’ between your fingers and tuck it under your top, to hide it away. but lando’s hand was on yours in an instant, holding it in place, his fingers clasped round yours, clasped round the golden letter. you looked up in surprise.
“don’t hide it.” he said softly, “fuck it. I want people to see it. I want them to know.”
the confidence with which he had said it startled you, but in the best way. you barely had time to process the words before his hand had snaked around your waist, pulling you to him, his lips on yours in an instant. it wasn’t a gentle kiss; it was a kiss that let everyone know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you were his, and he was yours.
you pulled away for a moment, eyes on him, but in your peripheral vision you clocked a few of your friends watching the two of you, mouths open, slices of cake forgotten about. your best friend had a smug grin on her face, one that said that she knew all along. you saw max begrudgingly slip pietra a ten pound note. lando saw it too, and laughed. and then you laughed. and then you kissed him again.
“happy birthday.” he murmured, resting his forehead on yours.
“I got my birthday wish.” you murmured in reply.
a/n: and thus concludes the little ‘just friends’ mixtape! check out the previous tracks below:
told her you were just a friend | just don’t want your friend to see
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mysteryshoptls · 6 months
2024-2025 Player Birthday Login Message Lines
These are all the messages that you get from the boys when you log in on the birthday that you set in-game from 18 Mar 2024 to 17 Mar 2025! For those that want to hear them, you can find them in the Archive, under the tab その他 → 監督生バースデー④. (This will not be in your game archives until the birthday you set passes.)
You can find the 2021-2022 Birthday Login Message Lines here! You can find the 2022-2023 Birthday Login Message Lines here! You can find the 2023-2024 Birthday Login Message Lines here!
Happy Birthday, [Yuu]. Thanks for always looking out for those two dorm students of mine. Actually, we're planning on hosting a reception this weekend at our dorm. I would like to invite you, as part of your birthday celebration. Heh. My apologies. Looks like that has caused you a little anxiety. No worries, I'll be beside you teaching you the proper manners the whole time.
Yo, [Yuu]. Happy Birthday― Mmkay, so let's get started on the birthday party. I'm just gonna pop on over to this one restaurant in town and nab some tasty-lookin' stuff! Just chill and wait here at Ramshackle... Hey, c'mon, I ain't tryin' to pull anything over on ya. Sometimes I just want to have a normal celebration too, y'know!
[Yuu], Happy Birthday! Let me take you to go buy a prese... Eh? You're saying that I've already given you a present because I fixed the broken lights in Ramshackle the other day...? No way, you don't gotta hold back like that! I want to go all out for my pal's special day. That's what makes me happy.
[Yuu]-chan, Happy Birthday―☆ Did ya post on Magicam that it's your birthday? Oh, not yet? Then, let Cay-kun here with all his power and wisdom write a post for you! We'll attach a cool photo and some slammin' hashtags... Whaddya think? A perfect gift from me, or what?
Happy Birthday. So, about your present... I do have one. It's just... I was asking around for what to gift you and in the end, I couldn't really figure out what I should get... So in the end, after being at a loss, I ended up getting you this shirt. I look at it now and wonder what possessed me to pick this pattern... Yeah, I know, it's just laughable.
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Yeah, yeah. Your birthday's come 'round again, hooray. ...What're you doing, setting up a chessboard on the floor like that? You practiced just to win a game against me? Oho, so you're challenging me, then. Look at the pluck on this herbivore. So, what're you willing to bet, then? No way you're gettin' away with just a simple game after throwin' down the gauntlet at me like this.
So, it's your birthday today. Have you set up any new goals yet? What, you're going to surpass me in our classes? Heh, that's a hilarious joke. You really think you can beat me? But I'll take you on. If you get a better score on our next test, I'll get you some kind of present.
Happy Birthday―! 'N that means, I got you somethin' that's fittin' comin' from an upperclassman like me. Ta-da! A homemade fishing rod~ ...Ah, you totally just thought it's a cheap gift, didn'tcha! But this totally works! I know what it's like to go hungry too, y'know~ You're probably always goin' through things, so if you're ever in a pinch, make sure you use this!
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A very Happy Birthday to you. Have you thought of a gift you'd like to get for yourself? Please, allow me to procure it for you... ...Oho, you have a keen eye to request something of that caliber. It may be considerably difficult to just anyone to acquire. HOW-EV-ER! If I were to handle it, that is a different situation altogether. I shall definitely make sure to retrieve it for you. Please wait expectantly.
Happy tidings for your birthday. I do hope this year will be another fruitful year for you. By the way, [Yuu]-san. Have you eaten yet? Oh, not yet, how wonderful. As a matter of fact, I thought I would treat you to something in my own little way. I only offer this with the best of intentions, of course. Fufu.
Oh hey, Shrimpy-chan. It's your birthday today, huh. Mmkay, then I'll give you some snacks. I got these strange tastin' gummies, these wicked hard cookies, and some squishy jerky. Awesome, right? I got a ton, but all of them expire today, so. These are my presents to you, so you better eat them all without wastin' any, 'kay?
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[Yuu], Happy Birthday! Here's your present, from me to you. Ahaha, did that surprise you? I tried making a pop up birthday card just for you. I also tried making a ton of paper flowers that we use during celebrations back in the Scalding Sands. Don'tcha think they came out real pretty?
Happy Birthday, [Yuu]. It isn't much, but here's your present. Ramshackle is a fairly old building. I'm sure there are bugs that will find their way in and try to settle down here. However, if you use this, you can rid yourself of all of them in an instant. I can vouch for its effectiveness. Use it as soon as you can.
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Happy Birthday, [Yuu]. ...You wish for me to come to your party here, at Ramshackle? And to top it all off, you've prepared a healthy menu just for me... Heh, how considerate of you. Very well. I suppose I can make an appearance out of respect for your enthusiasm. I do hope you're honored that I'll be there to celebrate with you.
Happy Birthday! I put in a lot of thought picking out a present for you. Here ya go, fingerless gloves! Nice design, right? Makes using your phone a lot easier, too. It'll make you look super cool, and the more you use it, the more comfy it'll feel. I hope you use it tons!
I've been waiting, Trickster. Waiting, that is, to celebrate your birthday with you. A spectacular day requires a spectacular memory. That is why I've come up with a wonderful plan of my own. First, we watch two back-to-back theater performances, then attend a poetry reading, and finally, watch a movie in the evening. There will be no time to rest. Come, we must quickly fly towards the theater!
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Kk, time to pretend we all get along and celebrate a birthday again... Eep!? D-Did you hear that just now...? Uh, so... Happy B-day, I guess... Soz, I don't have a present for you. Didn't even know it was your birthday... What, you're seriously just happy hearing me wish you a happy b-day? [siiigh] Nah, I'll order something small online and have it shipped to Ramshackle sometime later.
Happy Birthday! Here's your present. Go ahead and open it! Hehe, you see what I did? I used a laser to engrave a birthday message on a glass tumbler for you. It was a little difficult fine tuning the power adjustment for the more detailed parts, but it came out pretty good, don't you think? I really hope you like it!
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Child of Man, I see today is your birthday. ...Hm? What's the matter? You look a tad glum. Ah, I see, you are struggling to carry all your presents. Well, allow me to deliver them to Ramshackle with magic in your stead. No need to protest, this is an effortless task for someone like me. You should enjoy your special day to the utmost.
Happy Birthday. You're curious about this braided cord? It is your present. Lilia-senpai explained it to me thusly... If a string wrapped around your wrist or ankle snaps off on its own, then your wish will be granted. I strung this cord together in hopes that you may have your wishes come true. It may be a tad ill-shaped, but if it pleases you, it is yours.
As I recall, today is your birthday... Hm? You want me to come to your birthday party? What poor semblance of a joke. I don't have the spare time to waltz into some human gathering like... WHAT!? MY LIEGE HIMSELF WILL ALSO BE THERE!? THEN SAY THAT FIRST! For goodness' sake, humans like you are just... so thoroughly thoughtless. Hurry and provide me the location and commencement time!
Ooh, nice. So today's your birthday. Just look at how big you're getting. ...Khee hee hee. Don't look so downtrodden. It's just me pretending to be a doting gramps. The other guys in my dorm don't ever let me joke with them like that. And so, I have a present for you. Here, a CD of my performances, specially made! Take this and enjoy my raging screamo music with your whole heart and body.
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Crowley and Rollo do not have new lines. Theirs are repeated from last year's.
Today's your birthday, huh. Happy Birthday to you! ...Huh? Do I got a gift for ya? What're ya even saying? Shouldn't ya be happy enough that you're my number one favorite henchie? Fiiine. Guess I can use my paws to pad you a massage sometime. Wouldn't want to hafta sit in a hard and uncomfy lap, after all!
Ta-daaa! What do you suppose this could be? That’s correct, it’s an exchange coupon for use at the Mystery Shop! You have been a consistent helping hand, so… This is a special gift for you. Happy Birthday. Incidentally, that is only worth 500 madol (5 Thaumarks). It cannot be exchanged for something pricier than that. Please don’t hold it against me.
It seemed rather rowdy in here, but now I see it was just you, pup. Are you excited simply because its your birthday? I see, well, in that case, I have a special present just for you. As for what it is... It is a special alchemy homework assignment. You should be happy; you'll be able to improve your skills even further with this, don't you think? Haha, Happy Birthday.
Whatever is the matter, [Yuu]-kun? There is a strange glimmer in your eyes… ...Ah, I see. Today is your birthday. A present? Hmph. I hardly think that it should be something you request of others… But no matter. Indeed, birthdays should be treasured. However, what would be an acceptable gift…? I am afraid I’m rather unaccustomed to this. I would hope I do not disappoint you with a poor gift choice.
Oh, my, hello there, my learned scholar! I've been searching, and finally, I've found you! I was fervently hoping to wish you well for your birthday. Here, your present. ...As fellows lacking in magical abilities, we should get along together, don'tcha think? Happy Birthday! Fwahaha!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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angelicguy · 1 year
all the toons of toonville USA quickly gathered for my funeral. this was the first death that toonville had ever had within its borders, so the processions were brief and crass. many of them did not know what had happened to me, and arrived jovial with gifts and favors to share with one another.
a whole line of red and blue convertibles filled the one lane street that led to my body. since everyone in town knew each other, they engaged in bright lively conversation about all the sweet memories they had of me. my birthday, my bris, my several rushed visits to the toon hospital were all discussed among the townsfolk who shared their popping candies and hot sodas that they had prepared for the celebration.
Cowboy Frito and Juliet Juniper (one of toonvilles hottest couples) brought a boquet of my favorite treats in apparent memory of me. Dr Lollipop and his beau Beauty Bee were especially excited to witness my body, flayed and broken, as they had never seen one before. Fashionista Frida Frizzlemeister was dressed from head to toe in the most dazzling outfit she had, with a black and white photograph of my own head featured as the centerpiece to her famously glitzy bouquet.
gathered in thousands of seats surrounding my thick, red, plastic coffin, the show was finally on the road. despite being delayed a half hour (the felt arms of the pallbearer made it difficult to actually get the dang thing near my ready grave!), the mood was light, as everyone in attendance were best friends. scattered lines of conversation quickly concluded as Pastor Paisley cleared his throat to begin his eulogy- at least he tried! pranks were all the rage in toonville, and who else but Scoots McBuzz would spit a hot wad of greasegum right at him. Paisley, experienced from his many sunday school classes over the years, grabbed his toupee and ducked down-causing the gum to stick right onto my fisher price brand tomb.
a long pause filled the air, followed by bright laughter at such a farce. in fact, all of toonville decided to cover my final resting place in bits of chewed paper, bottlecaps, smile stickers (the lowest form of their complex currency) and all kinds of knick knacks while hollering with laughter. and what could cap off such a good time like a hearty meal? Chef Al LaRonge had prepared a veritable feast for the hungry attendees, who stuffed their mouths with gooey, cheesy pizza, hot pepper patties and classic peanut butter chocolate superbars.
as the sun set, Mayor Megamouth of toonville declared their first funeral a complete success and thanked everyone for being a part of such a touching event. "he knew every one of you, and would have loved to know he caused such a record turnout among the toontopians!" after cheery "hip, hip, hooray!" and a final goodbye towards my flesh, the now urine-soaked coffin was marched straight into the freshly built mausoleum, the only gravesite to be found in the brand new toonville boneyard.
given the limited use of the land, it was eventually folded into the soda treatment plant. over time, my final resting place became stained with the colors and smell of sarsaparilla, caramel, and beetroot. the foundation eventually buckled beneath the sagging heft of the pop-drenched wood that surrounded my now bleached bones on the fourth of july, the sounds of creaking and splintering masked underneath the no-expenses-spared fireworks show. shapes of cakes and pies filled the air as my remains were carried out to the stinking sea.
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romanpaulov · 1 year
Manul Timofey's childhood in Novosibirsk zoo. A retrospective.
Today, June 11, is the birthday of Timofey (Тимофей) - the star of the Moscow Zoo, and his brothers and sisters: Chip (Чип), Earl (Эрл), Emma (Эмма), Lolo (Лоло) and Pepe (Пепе)! They turned 3 years old today! Hooray! 🎉
To make this day even more special we got a special gift for all manulovers and fans of Timosha! We took out our archive footage to show you some moments of Timofey's childhood, funny games with his brothers and sisters, and, of course, their strict but very caring mother Lastochka (Ласточка).
Fluffs are only 3 months old on this video!
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pushing500 · 1 month
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Kwahu working hard on a birthday gift for Kristy!
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She gets a whole new outfit made of pure sheep's wool (aside from the cloth hat) to replace the ragged old ensemble she arrived in. Hooray! She no longer looks like she's cosplaying the Little Match Girl.
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We have tinctoria to spare, and if it makes Kristy happy, Kwahu would let her get away with murder.
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saline-coelacanth · 3 months
Oliver and Wyldfyre Saga Part 9
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Hooray! I got this finished by the deadline I made for myself! This is my birthday gift to myself lol
But anyway, this is another comic that was too long when I sketched it out so I gotta split it up into 3 parts this time rather than 2. Yeah, it's a long one.
Side note: But I love how quickly Oliver can go from scary guy back to silly little doofus (affectionate)
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puhochi · 9 months
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what a coincidence!! not only today is World Braille Day and National Spaghetti Day in the USA, but it's also my birthday!!
and what can be better as a gift if not the repost of my works 🥺🥺
two hoorays for that!!
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saikira999 · 5 months
For Kira's Birthday: what is their favorite flavor of cake? Would they like gifts that are more sentimental or practical/have utility?
Hooray, I was asked a question to which I want to draw something! I'm sorry I didn't answer right away :)
Kira is basically omnivorous. She could even eat a cake with salt, but she would only notice it when there was less than half left in the plate. But she is especially in love with chocolate.
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Kira appreciates any gifts, even if they are small and stupid. Of course, it will be more convenient for her if someone gives Her an interesting book, dough molds or a sketchbook for drawing, but she will equally accept even a silly stone with eyes glued to it.
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"Lil cute silly stone? For me???"
Thnks for question ;)
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mimis-memes · 2 years
🍎  。:*• ─ FUNNY BIRTHDAY SENTENCE STARTERS.    ›    ( a compilation of funny quotes taken from various birthday cards.  feel free to adjust them to better fit your muses !  )
it’s my muse’s birthday !  what would yours say to them ?
1.     ❝ Congrats on not being dead yet ! ❞ 2.     ❝ One year closer to granny panties ! ❞ 3.     ❝ Free cake !  I mean, happy birthday ! ❞ 4.     ❝ I’ll always be younger than you. Ha ha ! ❞ 5.     ❝ In whiskey years, you just got more delicious ! ❞ 6.     ❝ For the record, you’re not old. You’re a classic ! ❞ 7.     ❝ A late birthday card is better than a late period ! ❞ 8.     ❝ Candles aren’t the only thing getting blown tonight ! ❞ 9.     ❝ Happy anniversary of your umbilical cord separation ! ❞ 10.   ❝ Another 365 days since you fell out of a vagina. Hooray ! ❞ 11.   ❝ This is an annual reminder that I’m super glad you were born ! ❞ 12.   ❝ The older you get, the better you get !  Unless you’re a banana... ❞ 13.   ❝ I’m really glad your parents had unprotected sex !  Happy birthday ! ❞ 14.   ❝ Today we celebrate the only time you won a race. Happy birthday ! ❞ 15.   ❝ I’m glad you were born, my life would be pretty boring without you ! ❞ 16.   ❝ Age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying you. ❞ 17.   ❝ Happy birthday to the love of my life, and the biggest pain in my ass. ❞ 18.   ❝ I wanted to give you something amazing, but I didn’t fit in the gift bag. ❞ 19.   ❝ Thanks for being born !  It’s a great excuse for us to get drunk and eat cake ! ❞ 20.   ❝ I wish you happy birthday with all my butt !  I’d say heart, but my butt is bigger. ❞ 21.   ❝ You suck... at aging !  Can you at least try to look older ? Happy birthday, anyway ! ❞ 22.   ❝ Happy birthday !  We’ve been through a lot together, and most of it was your fault ! ❞ 23.   ❝ Let’s celebrate your birthday the way you came into this world — naked and screaming ! ❞ 24.   ❝ Birthdays are good for your health. Studies show that people who have more birthdays live the longest ! ❞ 25.   ❝ Happy birthday to the funniest, prettiest, classiest bitch I know... other than myself, of course ! ❞ 26.   ❝ Happy birthday !  Always remember that if you fall, I’ll be there to pick you up... after I finish laughing, of course ! ❞ 27.   ❝ Happy birthday to the smartest, funniest and most beautiful person in the world !  Wait, did I say “to” ?  I meant “from” ! ❞ 28.   ❝ This is not a birthday card !  Because if it was, then it would be late. But it’s not a birthday card, so it’s not late ! ❞ 29.   ❝ I think me being your [friend/girlfriend/boyfriend/etc...] is enough of a birthday gift. You’re welcome ! ❞ 30.   ❝ Good things take time, just like me remembering your birthday. Happy belated birthday ! ❞ 31.   ❝ I didn’t get you anything, but I thought about it. They say it’s the thought that counts ! Happy birthday ! ❞ 32.   ❝ I wanted to send you something sexy, but the postman told me to get out of the mailbox... anyway, happy birthday ! ❞ 33.   ❝ Happy birthday to a [brother/boyfriend/husband/etc...] that has the world’s greatest [sister/girlfriend/wife/etc...] !  You are so lucky ! ❞ 34.   ❝ There’s two things to remember on your birthday. First, forget the past, because you can’t change it ;  second, forget the present — I didn’t buy you one. ❞ 35.   ❝ For your birthday I wanted to give you something that was both funny and charming, but then I remembered you already have me in your life. ❞
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spacesapphi · 28 days
"Moving Forward and Spiraling Downard"
GUYS... first multichapter SDV fic has been started, chapter 1 is on AO3!
This one is mostly a Shane-centric fic (hooray!!) and follows his life leading up to the main events of the game, from the time when his best friends had passed and left him to raise Jas (not hooray!!)
CW for this chapter specifically lays in a lot of talk of death, funerals, and hospital settings
AO3 link is here:
Moving Forward and Spiraling Downward - Chapter 1 - SapphiresStars - Stardew Valley (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
Tumblr version below the cut:
Hell was the only proper way to describe where Shane was now. But even still, that felt like too weak of a word for what he was going through. His 25th birthday should’ve been the best night of his life. It was the best night of his life, at least it was until one selfish, stupid person stole it all away from him. His best friends in this world, Jason and Amelia, gifted him tickets to go see the Tunnelers in the last game before finals. They were going to go as a group, him, them, and their little girl Jas. The game was perfect by all measures, a historical 22-1 win for their favorite team, and in the semi-finals no less! The four of them were absolutely bursting with adrenaline and joy, nothing could’ve made the night any more perfect!
For a moment, everything was just right, and for once Shane didn’t feel some kind of looming sense of dread. He was with his friends, his family, and everything was good. He was happy. But on the ride home, one selfish act destroyed all of it. None of them had enough time to react. Before they knew it, the heat of a truck's headlights was upon them, barreling into their car at a grotesque speed. The last thing he could remember was instinctively lunging over to protect Jas's car seat, then it all went black. The next thing he knew, he was waking up in the hospital, his aunt Marnie at his side, and his life was changed permanently. His drea, of going pro at gridball was dead now, an injury he sustained to his knee made sure of it. He would never play again, the biggest passion in his life torn from him. But even worse, the absolute nightmare of it all, was that Jason and Amelia were gone.
Now, everything was completely upside down. It was wrong, it wasn’t fair. If Yoba was real, though Shane was now certain they weren’t, they didn’t care about him. They didn’t love him. Aunt Marnie raised him to believe in a “kind and forgiving” deity from a young age, but any god that would do this didn’t deserve to be seen as kind.The last shred of his belief had withered away, and was replaced with an unrelenting anger. If Yoba existed, he hated them.
And hearing all the empty platitudes from those around him, oh how it made him want to snap. He didn’t want to hear another person talk about how this was “Yoba’s plan” or tell him that they were in a “better place”. How could any deity worth worshiping plan to steal away the lives of 2 innocent people, and let the bastard that killed them live? What place could possibly be better than sitting at home, raising their daughter and being his friend?
It had been a week now since it all happened, and today was Shane’s first day home from the hospital. The pain, both emotional and physical, was still unbearable. He could barely look at himself now, avoiding any mirror he could to ignore the haunting way he looked now. His long hair that he was so proud of had been cut incredibly short, deep gashes on his head stitched and throbbing in pain. Marnie had done her best to shape it up, keep as much hair as she could while making the style look intentional, but he still hated it. It wasn’t him. Just one more thing the accident took, he supposed. Why stop at taking his friends? Take his dream, his identity, his pride, along with it. He didn’t care anymore.
Before the accident, Shane’s apartment was always very bare bones. Only the most necessary furniture was inside, not much decoration besides the occasional piece of gridball memorabilia, and the folk art Marnie insisted he take with him so he “wouldn’t forget his roots”. But now, the little studio flat was stuffed from wall to wall with baby items. He had taken everything he knew Jas needed when cleaning out Jason and Amelia’s place this morning, her furniture, clothes, toys, and dishes. Every counter and spare space was filled with her belongings, and he was still in awe with just how much one baby could need.
The poor thing was curled up on his chest, wailing pitifully as he tried his best to comfort her. Nothing Shane did seemed to calm her down, her cries only getting more piercing by the hour. He was growing frustrated, fighting back the urge to cry himself. He had no idea what he was doing, as much as he wished he did. Maybe it was a mistake for those two to have trusted him to be a godfather. How good of a guardian could he be if he couldn’t even get her to stop crying? How good could her life be, living in this tiny apartment? He could feel his mind begin to spiral, the self doubt and anxiety bubbling over, until a gentle hand touched his shoulder.
“Let me see her, schatz, you look tired,” Marnie spoke, voice soft and sympathetic. She took the fussing baby, listening to her cries for just a moment, then holding her so she was laying on her side. Like magic, Jas seemed to calm down almost instantly, her shrieks replaced by discontent whines.
“Holy shit, how did you do that?” Shane sighed, leaning back into his seat. He looked frustrated, and incredibly embarrassed. He couldn’t calm her down to save his life, but here his aunt was, doing it in seconds. Marnie smiled sweetly, looking down at the baby in her arms, “There’s different sounds babies make when they cry, it’s slight but it’ll help you know what she wants. That little “owh” sound means she’s just tired, holding her like this helps.”
“How did you even figure that out?” Shane questioned, “I've been trying everything and she just… kept crying.”
“Raising you, mostly… Learned a lot that way,” Marnie mused, “You’ll catch on fast, I promise.”
“What if I don’t?” Shane mumbled, wringing his hands, “I have no clue what I’m doing, aendi… what if I mess this all up?”
“No one does at first…” Marnie assured, “But you’ll both be just fine, I know it.”
Jas finally closed her eyes, face scrunching as she yawned and finally drifted off to sleep. It was the first time in hours that she was resting, and both Shane and Marnie were relieved beyond measure. Getting everything brought to the apartment and setting up was already difficult enough considering Shane’s injuries, and even harder with how fussy Jas had been. It was a miracle they were able to get everything they needed done today.
Shane just hoped she wouldn’t cry too much tomorrow. He would be doing enough for the both of them, that was for sure. It was the day he had been dreading all week, the day of the funeral. Preparations had been a nightmare. His friends were a lot like him, little to no family, all either passed on or estranged, so all planning fell square onto his shoulders. Having to fill out all of that paperwork, choosing the final resting places for the closest thing he had to siblings, all while hospitalized no less, it was too much. This shouldn’t have happened now, they were all in their 20’s, they were so young. Too young.
Having his aunt here helped, though. Marnie had been his saving grace through it all, helping him get everything set up for Jas, showing him how to do things like make bottles, watching her when he needed a break, she was an absolute angel. Most importantly though, she let him talk about everything. Every moment he needed someone to lean on, someone to listen, she was right by his side. After all, she had been through nearly the same thing 20 years ago when his mom passed. If anyone understood what he was going through right now, it was her.
“I think it’s time we slept too. You’ll need the rest…” Marnie mused, looking out to the dark night sky through the window, "I'll need to be back at the hotel soon."
Shane nodded slowly, rising from his spot on the sofa. He winced as a shock of pain ran through his knee, nearly making him stumble, “Yeah… I’m sorry I don’t have a room for you to sleep here…”
“Don’t you worry about that, the hotel’s been just fine,” Marnie assured. She handed Jas over to him, both of them praying the shift wouldn’t wake her.
“You’re coming to the funeral tomorrow, right?” Shane questioned, a sense of unease in his voice.
Marnie nodded, her expression turning solemn, “Of course… I would never make you go through that alone, schatz,”
She hugged the two of them tight, not wanting to let go. He didn’t want her to let go either. Marnie knew she’d have to leave after tomorrow, go back home to her lonely house in the valley, leave Shane here alone to figure everything out. Oh, how she wished things were different, that they had left the game just a few moments earlier that night. If they did, maybe all of them would still be here. But they didn’t, and they weren’t. Nothing would ever be the same again, for her, Shane, or Jas, and that’s the part she mourned the most. No matter how good the future could be, this event would loom over them for the rest of their lives, casting a shadow over even the happiest moments. She reluctantly pulled away from the hug, giving Shane one last empathetic look before turning towards the door.
Marnie left quietly, whispering a soft “goodbye” and leaving for the night. He’d been dreading this, the first night fully alone. When Marnie was helping with Jas, or just listening to him, he could distract himself to some extent. He could think of something besides the medical bills on their way, his injury, and the fact that he had no one else in this city. But now there was nothing to distract him from his thoughts, nothing but the siren call of sleep. He turned off the lights, leaving only the little lamp on the coffee table lit, and made his way to Jas’ crib. Holding his breath, he carefully lowered her down onto the cot, fearing any sudden movement would jolt her awake. He let a relieved sigh escape him when she didn’t.
Climbing into his own bed barely a foot from the crib, he stared at the ceiling with a vacant expression. Everything had been moving so fast, but felt like it was slow motion all the same. Being discharged, cleaning out the apartment, making all the preparations, and now raising a baby. He remembered just how honored he was when Jason asked him to be Jas’ godfather, just how proud and excited it made him feel to be that important to them. It was a beautiful sentiment, and he had hoped it would just stay that way, just a sentiment. Never in his life would he have wished for this role to be fulfilled .
He had always thought it would be the three of them, staying together through it all. They were a strange, ragtag bunch but family to him nonetheless. Hell, even Marnie doted on them. She saw Jason and Amelia as family by extension, offering her home on holidays and special events when they had nowhere else to go, no one else to turn to. There was a gaping hole in their hearts now, a piece of themselves and their family that they could never get back. Good things rarely stayed in his life forever, it was a fact he had come to accept, but it didn’t make it hurt any less.
As he drifted off to sleep, images from the night of his birthday kept invading his mind. He couldn’t tell which parts were memories, which ones he made up. No matter how much he wanted to, he just couldn’t wake up, continuing to live the moment everything was destroyed over and over again. He kept dreaming of different scenarios, ones where they all survived, or at least one of them surviving with him. But the scenario that gave him the most peace, for a reason he couldn’t quite place, was the one where he was the only one that died. Shane didn’t feel grateful or glad for surviving. He felt guilt, overwhelming, soul crushing guilt. He felt his dream was a way to atone for it, a necessary pain to suffer through as the price of living.
Getting ready the next morning was surreal to say the least. Shane had exactly one suit, the one he inherited from his grandfather. It was entirely ill-fitting and out of date,  but it would have to do for today. Looking into the mirror made him grimace. What a sight for sore eyes he was. His face was pale and gaunt, dark circles already forming beneath his eyes. He looked nothing like himself, and he felt disgusting. The only thing worse was seeing Jas dressed for the funeral, a black dress with little puffed sleeves and buckle-up shoes. She was so young, just under a year, she shouldn’t have to be here, sitting at her parents’ funeral. Just seeing her made him want to sob. It was yet another cruel reminder of just how unfair, how fucked up, this entire situation was.
Then seeing everything put together, the funeral hall decorated, soft hymnals playing on speakers, and the mourners shuffling in, it made him sick. The caskets were closed, not even allowing him to see the faces of the people who had made life worth living one last time. He didn’t even want to begin thinking of why it needed to be closed casket, and a part of him selfishly was relieved that it was. Maybe they weren’t even inside, maybe this had all been some awful, despicable joke, and any moment they would walk out to greet him like nothing happened. He would be angry, furious with them, sure, but it would be better than the absolute soul crushing reality he faced.
Two bouquets sat cradled in his arms, one for each of his friends. It was a sappy gesture, and one that wouldn’t be expected coming from him, but he felt he needed to. It was the one thing about all of this that felt right.
Jason loved daffodils. Shane remembered back to a day when the two of them were at practice, resting for a lunch break. Jason had excitedly shown him a small patch of the flowers underneath the bleachers in their college’s gridball arena, a little patch of sunshine where there was only darkness. It was a lot like Jason in that way. Shane had visited the patch one last time on the drive over, sneaking in to pick the best and the brightest of the bunch to send off his dearest friend.
And for Amelia, an arrangement of fairy roses. She absolutely adored them, talking at length about the old folk tales about them attracting fairies, Junimos, and all sorts of mythical creatures. Amelia loved a good fantasy, and saw everything in life through a beautiful, magical lens. He remembered staying over at their place for the night, listening to her read off little fables and fairy stories to Jas to get her to sleep. She had the brightest, most excited, voice when it came to storytelling. Shane was going to miss that so much.
He placed the bouquets on their respective caskets, looking upon them with a pained expression, “I’m going to do right by you… I’ll make sure Jas is taken care of, don’t you worry.” he whispered. There was only silence in response. Deafening silence.
He turned back to look at the seating area, seeing how pitifully empty it was. In the front there was Marnie, dressed in a dark gown, holding Jas on her lap. She was trying her best to keep the baby distracted for now, bouncing her up and down, and speaking in a silly, quiet voice to get the baby to not fuss. Further back were a handful of old teammates from his and Jason’s varsity gridball team, men whose faces he barely remembered now. They looked shaken, speaking in soft whispers amongst themselves. Shane wasn’t the best of friends with them, falling out of touch after graduation, but he knew Jason was close with quite a few. Unlike him, that man was always the social butterfly. Two girls had shown up for Amelia, some highschool friends she sometimes invited to hangouts. He didn’t know them too well but appreciated them coming even still. It was pitiful how little they had though, how few people were in their lives that the hall could be this empty. They deserved so much more, they deserved the world.
There was a sudden tap on his shoulder, making him jump. Shane turned to his left, looking up to see the director standing just beside him.
“I’m sorry sir, but if you’d like to give some final words, now's the time,” the director motioned a hand over to the decorated podium standing just in front of the caskets. Shane swallowed, nodding slowly before making his way up to the podium. He grasped the solid wood frame with clammy hands, looking out onto the small crowd. They looked at him, expecting expressions upon their faces. But he had nothing planned, nothing written. Where would he have found the time? All he had was what he felt in his heart, and that would have to do.
“I couldn’t say enough about Jason and Amelia. They meant the world to me… I don’t know how I would’ve survived moving here if it weren’t for them. Being their friend changed my life for the best, and I wouldn’t be the man I am now without them. They made life worth living. Amelia was so smart, she was going places… Jason too. They were amazing people, and even better parents. Every day’s been awful without them. I hope they knew how much they were loved. I never had siblings, but I think they were the closest thing to it. They were good people, great people, and I’ll never stop missing them. ”
Shane took a shaky deep breath, feeling the heat of embarrassment rise on his face. He knew that was no good, no proper way to send off some of the most important people in his life, but he couldn’t do this. He couldn’t bring himself to say another word. Giving a short nod, he stepped down from the platform, returning swiftly to his seat next to Marnie, bouncing his leg anxiously. She gave him a sympathetic smile, taking his hand, “You did great…”
“Be honest, that was awful,” Shane whispered bitterly, “I-I didn’t have time to prepare anything..”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, you did your best,” Marnie’s voice was sweet, that motherly tone that always seemed to calm his nerves. It didn’t help much now, though.
Tiny hands grabbed at his sleeves, Jas making babbling noises as she reached out for him. Her purple eyes were focused on him, a little smile on her face. He forced a smile back, taking her in his arms. The baby babbled away, waving her hands around excitedly. It was adorable, but just so jarring. The poor girl had no idea what was going on, what scene was laying in front of her. Maybe that was for the best, but looking behind her to see those caskets laying there, her parents inside, was such a hard blow.
In just a few moments, workers shuffled in, ushers speaking to the other guests. It was just about time to go, to head to the final resting sites. Oh, how he dreaded it. The car ride there was hell, and so was the ceremony that accompanied the burial. It was so… wrong. He just couldn’t shake the thoughts of their faces, their laughs and excited chatting in the car. They should be here now, hanging out with him at their apartment, sitting around the tv and putting on the finals, cheering on their favorite team with him. But that wasn’t possible, not anymore. Seeing that final bit of dirt being packed on top of their gravesite pulled him out of the denial stage. It felt completely real for the first time, and that little glimmer of wishful thinking that this was all a nightmare was snuffed out. He stood close to Marnie, feeling her wrap an arm around his back as they looked upon the site. It was just them and Jas standing there now, the other mourners long gone at this point. His leg was killing him, an ache growing from standing so long, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave the site.
“I can stay longer, if you need me to.” Marnie offered, looking at him earnestly.
Shane shook his head, “No, you’ve got the ranch at home, they all need you there…”
“Then come back to the valley! Everyone misses you, especially Emily. She was heartbroken when she heard what happened, she’s been asking about you.”
Shane furrowed his brow, “You told Emily?”
“Not on purpose… She was around when I got the call that…” Marnie trailed off, shuddering at the memory of that night in the hospital, “Just come home, Shane…”
He opened his mouth to respond, but quickly closed it, grimacing. He wanted nothing more than to take up the offer, to run into her arms crying like he was a little kid again and go back home. But what was there waiting for him? He had debts that were slowly piling up, expenses to be accounted for, and there wasn’t exactly a surplus of jobs back in the valley. Marnie had told him all about how local businesses were struggling with some fancy new corporation trying to encroach on the area. He wouldn’t be able to survive there, and he sure as hell wouldn’t take a handout at his aunt's expense.. He shook his head, mumbling softly, “I’ll think about it…”
“You know my door is always open…” Marnie gave him an encouraging look, “If you change your mind, just come home.”
Shane nodded solemnly, finally letting tears escape his eyes. He tried so hard today to keep himself together, so hard to be the strong person that could handle this. The reality of his situation finally fell square on his shoulders, the weight crushing him
“It should’ve been me…” he choked out, “I wish it was…”
“Schatz…” Marnie started, a slight scold in her voice, “Don’t say that, please.”
“I just…” Shane took a deep, warbling breath, wiping the tears off his cheeks with his sleeve, “If it was me, Jas would still have them.. She needs them, I can’t replace her parents.. They’re her only family…”
“You’re my only family too.” Marnie reminded him, “Do you know how devastated I was when I got that call? I was so scared you’d be gone by the time I got to the hospital. I already lost your opa and your mom, I can’t lose you too.”
Shane’s face was stoic, face still wet from tears, “How did you… How did you get yourself back together after she died? How did you get over it?”
“Well, having 20 years to process it helps,” Marnie mused, “But I never got over it, and I don’t think I ever will. And as much as it hurts to tell you, you’ll never get over this either.”
Shane scoffed bitterly, “Well thanks, that’s good to know…”
“What I’m trying to say is, it won’t go away, but it does get easier... Your life won’t be the same anymore, but one day you’ll be okay.”
Her nephew turned to her, his bright green eyes glossy and red, “What do I do until then?”
Marnie pulled him into a tight embrace, feeling tears bite at her eyes, “You cry….”
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If I was to produce my own generation of ponies…
It’s the springtime party pony gift set!
Little gift, decorations and hip-hip-hooray gather to celebrate a special springtime birthday; with their special tinsel manes and tails they’re ready to party!
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