#bird-proofing AC
Keep Your AC Safe: Installing Pigeon Nets for Air Conditioning
Protecting your air conditioner (AC) from pigeons is essential for maintaining its efficiency and longevity. Super Fast Safety Nets Bangalore offers expert tips for installing pigeon nets:
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1. Choosing the Right Pigeon Net
Selecting the appropriate netting ensures effective protection:
Material: Opt for durable, weather-resistant netting that withstands outdoor conditions.
Mesh Size: Choose a mesh size small enough to prevent pigeons from entering while allowing proper airflow.
Custom Solutions: Super Fast Safety Nets Bangalore provides tailored nets to fit various AC sizes and configurations.
2. Professional Installation
Proper installation is crucial for optimal performance:
Expertise: Rely on Super Fast Safety Nets Bangalore’s experienced team for precise installation.
Secure Attachment: Ensure the net is securely attached around the AC unit to prevent birds from accessing it.
3. Long-Term Benefits
Investing in quality netting offers several advantages:
Cost Savings: Prevents damage to AC components, reducing repair and maintenance costs.
Efficiency: Maintains AC performance by keeping out debris and nesting materials.
Health and Safety: Minimizes health risks associated with bird droppings and feathers.
4. Aesthetic Considerations
Choose nets that enhance your property’s appearance:
Transparent Options: Opt for transparent nets that blend seamlessly with the surroundings.
Enhanced Property Value: Protect your property while maintaining its aesthetic appeal.
5. Maintenance Tips
Ensure the longevity of your pigeon net with regular maintenance:
Cleaning: Periodically clean the netting to remove debris and maintain airflow.
Inspection: Regularly inspect the net for wear and tear, repairing any damages promptly.
Installing pigeon nets for your air conditioning unit with Super Fast Safety Nets Bangalore ensures reliable protection against pigeons while preserving AC efficiency and aesthetics. For professional installation and quality netting solutions, contact Super Fast Safety Nets Bangalore today and safeguard your AC unit effectively.
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last set of tsumsitter ssr groovies 👀
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First is Pomefiore!! (Edit: The initial version of this Groovy is on the left; Rook is missing the golden Pomefiore markings on his robes. There was an update to fix this. The updated version is on the right.)
The trio is framed by a border of colorful lights, which reminds me a lot of old-fashioned movie theater signs (though not as colorful). If you look closely at the top and bottom, it seems they are posed for a candid photograph and it’s being posted to Magicam or something?? Rook and Epel look super crisp here, which I love!! I think Epel is posing with his hands held behind his back. This paired with his smile and the slight bird’s eye view of his face makes him look super cute please don’t beat me up for saying that, Epel. And Rook is being showy and familiar as usual, even putting one hand on Vil’s shoulder. Vil isn’t cringing or uncomfortable with it, which goes to show that he and Rook are truly good friends.
As for Vil, it’s rare to see him posed casually like this. Most of his cards feature him posed in very “model”-like and mature ways, so to have just one hand on hip, leaning forward slightly, and gripping his grimoire is unique for him (I mostly associate this pose with Ace, lol). His smile is quite casual too—it’s not quite the full catty smirk he has in his live2D model, it’s a lot more subtle and playful.
BahacTeHWWRVwkkwwm YHE VIL TSUM STeALS THE SHOW ThoUGH 😭 (You can tell it’s smiling despite the lack of a visible mouth) from how its eyes!! The placement of the Tsum is also funny. With Pomefiore’s peacock throne in the background, it forms sort of an angelic halo around… the sentient stuffed toy… Proof that Tsum Vil is a heavenly being/j
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Next is Ignihyde!!
The Shroud brothers return to Cyberspace, that blue void with tons of ethereal floating screens, particle effects, and code www I don’t know what those three pink balls of flame are in the background, but there being three of them is a consistent theme for Ignihyde. Three pink fireballs, three Shroud brothers, three heads of Cerberus! I wish I could say more here, but I’m basically a Malleus when it comes to tech—
Idia’s pose isn’t anything we haven’t seen before (just at different angles of it, I suppose). But!! It feels different here and adding Ortho definitely adds to it. The Pokémon trainer energy of the initial art carries over to the Groovy. Idia looks like a smug, tough trainer looking down on you with a cocky grin and his face half-shadowed.
Ortho floats almost menacingly next to his big brother, his face entirely shadowed. His aura is like a phantom (fitting) or even like a Pokémon on standby waiting for the chance to fire off a Hyper Beam. This might be me overthinking things, but I wonder if the amount of light on the brothers’ faces references the original Ortho. Robo!Ortho’s face is entirely darkened because his parallel has passed on. Idia’s face is only partially shadowed because while he was close to stepping over to the “other side”, he ultimately found hope and was able to continue living, this time for himself and on his own terms.
I LIKE HoW TSUM IDIA HAS ITS OWN sCREEN TO WORK OFF OF TOO 😭 IBRO IS MAkING A sUS FACE TOO, IT’S GLEEfUL AbOUT WhAtEVRr it’S UP TO… That makes me think that it’s hard at work… I dunno, hacking something systems fnksgwiwozlapaeb Watch out, a Tsum near you might infect your computer and then bounce away happily after ruining all your programs and files.
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The violet backlight is fantastic—it adds an interesting lighting to the illustration and highlights the green flames and Silver and Sebek’s bright eyes. And speaking of Sebek and Silver, LOOK AT THEM JUST LOOK AT THEM???????? More specifically, Sebek’s arms (they look ultra meaty somehow) and Silver’s whole face(that lopsided smile??? HELLO?????)!! On either side of Malleus like that… Peak bodyguard, I REPEAT, PEAK BODYGUARD
With Lilia bringing up the rear, the three form a perfect squad to surround and to protect their liege. cbsjsbevejwlw I like that Lilia is different than Silver and Sebek; he’s hanging out upside down (as he usually does) and bears a huuuge grin, completely having fun in the moment. (… How does his hat stay on like that when he’s fighting gravity though?)
Up front and center is Malleus of course! He’s wielding his spindle staff like a king might a scepter. This with his fierce face gives the impression of a leader marching into battle with his retainers. You get a real good shot of his teeth and reptilian eyes here which I’m sure the Malleus stans are going feral for right now—and with the limelight shining down on him, he looks almost hopeful for once instead of downtrodden or gloomy.
THE TSUM MALLEUS LOOKS SO FUNKY PLACED tHERE cnsnwveuxvDFsFjqk Just. Cheekily There on Malleus’s shoulder… Because Maleficent and Diablo is a known combination, the image of those two as master and minion comes to mind. Imagine Malleus blasting you with lightning, pausing to listen to his Tsum whispering a suggestion into his ear, and then telling you the Tsum has advised that he blast you with a second strike 💀
Aaaaaah, the Tsumsitter SSR Groovies are some of the best in this game 😭 So glad they’re finally over though, it’s stressful saving rolls for what you know would be a limited event with multiple SSR banners, lol
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luxthestrange · 1 month
OP Incorrect quotes#52 DIVORCE!?!-
Teen!Ace*Looks at You with a raised brow*So does this mean we're married now?
Teen!Y/n: Only if I get to keep the dog and pinball machine in the divorce
Teen!Ace: Well if you're already planning for a divorce-
Teen!Y/n: Alright!, Since you wanna have an attitude, I get to keep the squirrel-proof bird feeder as well~
Teen!Y/n: I was trying to keep things civil, But if you want to raise your voice too, FINE...I am taking ALL the spoons too~, Enjoy the inconvenience of not being able to eat your cereal in a normal way~
Teen!Ace: I don't eat cereal, Because im not a child
Teen!Y/n*Flips table and points at him* -AND THIS IS WHY WE'RE GETTING A DIVORCE!?
Kid!Luffy"First son"*Clapping at the act, after he convinces You, and Ace to play House with him along with Sabo*Oooh!~If you guys get a divorce maybe it's time to bring Sabo!
Teen!Sabo*Chuckling at this*"New Husband...who is also the good twin of the husband"So this would mean me and y/n would be married?~
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ventique18 · 3 months
Briar Valley's low population has me thinking. "What if Fae in general just aren't very fertile? What if they just don't like sex?" But then again they say children are very precious to them and that they are a blessing. Then again Mrs. Zigvolt with her three children in the span of 2~3 fae equivalent years (20-30 years) exists.
So in Disney fashion, it's possible that Fae might adhere to the Chosen Mates trope popular in fae fiction. Lilia has never had any bastard children even though he's travelled all around the world for centuries and is described as rather attractive in-game. Could it be that he's never been interested in romance nor intimacy after (possibly) Raverne and Maleanor? It could be that he's just Aroace of course, but it's also possible that he doesn't want to choose a mate, because Jack did mention in Ace's Groom vignette that soulmates exists in Twisted Wonderland. And we can't forget Maleficia of course. We see that the Draconias might be the last dragons in Twisted Wonderland, yet she's never shown any effort nor interest to save their dying species after her husband's death. We don't know if this applies to all fae in general, but we have one proof at least that dragon fae might bond for life.
I really find the mates trope fitting for them. In biology, while a lot of animals don't really have a concept of monogamy because they need to breed as much as possible, long-lived animals like humans do because it takes a lot of time and energy to raise their young safely. Most birds are also monogamous because eggs need to be guarded as closely as possible. So since Fae are long-lived, some may hatch from eggs, and they value children as wonderful blessings, I think it's safe to assume that they're romantic in nature and value a tightly-knit, loving family like the Zigvolts do.
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ckret2 · 1 month
Weird question, but do you think ford is/was repressed or in denial? Filbrick doesn't seem like a very understanding parent, and I notice throughout all the lavish praise Ford heaps on Bill he stops short of outright saying he has a crush, which I think hints at ford being unaware that he has feelings for Bill because You Only Get That for the Opposite Gender (and assumes a god like bill is way above his league). The "girls will talk to me" quote in particular seems very much like someone trying and failing to fit himself into heteronormative standards and just chalking it up to social awkwardness, and the way he clings to Bill reminds me very much of a first gay relationship, where the fear of being rejected is magnified tenfold by thinking that literally no one else in the world will love you. Sorry, this became a whole essay, I just have so many thoughts about billford and have spent hours combing through gf Tumblr analayzing their relationship.
You're asking me about what I actually think is true so that's the perspective from which I'm starting here.
First, let me say that I think headcanons are like dartboards. There are some "canonest" headcanons—even if they're not confirmed true, they feel like they're at the bullseye at the very center of canon-compatible possibilities, the thing most likely to be true if canon were ever to directly explore it.
And then there are the "this isn't what I think they'd actually do if canon were ever to go there, but based on what we currently know this headcanon is still canon-compatible." These are the headcanons that are on the dartboard but on an outer ring, not a bullseye.
I think the "bullseye" interpretation of Ford's sexuality is that he's aromantic. Possibly ace as well, but this isn't as firm—Ford does talk like he finds the idea of a committed romantic relationship bizarre, but he doesn't talk like he doesn't understand the idea of being attracted to someone, making me think maybe he does feel sexual desire.
And if that's what Ford is, then he didn't say he had a crush on Bill because he didn't. He was obsessed with Bill, he considered Bill the most important person in his life, he respected him and admired him and liked him more than anybody else, he'd rather spend time with him than with anyone else... but, it's a platonic obsession. It's not in any way weaker for being platonic instead of romantic, but it's platonic. Queerplatonic relationship type territory.
He talks about girls talking to him someday because, for lack of any better evidence, he assumes he must be heterosexual because he has no positive proof otherwise, so he figures he probably just hasn't met the right girl, right? And he hasn't met the right girl because he's so unpopular no girls want to talk to him. Once he meets the Right Girl, he assumes he'll Get It then—because that's what a lotta aros (and aces!) think for the longest time before it dawns on them that that's never coming. (It's possible he even has been sexually attracted to women, further obscuring his aromanticism from himself. He did date a siren at one point. But tbh I don't think it's highly likely.)
That's my "bullseye" "canonest" interpretation of Ford's sexuality.
Now, my personal "on the outer ring of the dartboard" headcanon is that Ford's sexuality is, in extremely professional terminology, demiromantic monsterfucker.
He has felt sexual attraction, he is not in denial or repressing his sexual attraction in any way, he's accepted this about himself; however, everything he's been attracted to is, like... Mothra. or Cthulhu. or a weird singing fish-bird, i.e. that siren.
80% of the time he's had sex it's not even motivated by sexual desire but by other platonic motives. If the Hide-Behind ever hit on him, he would eagerly accept just to find out and document what Hide-Behind mating behaviors are like without ever once stopping to think "but am I attracted though?" Like he'll have a fine time, he isn't repulsed, but he's not doing it out of desire.
He does have the potential to fall in love—he has the potential to fall in love with Bill—but again, I headcanon he didn't say he had a crush on Bill because he didn't. It was slowly building over the course of several years. He was like 97% of the way there...
... when Bill revealed his evil plan and started torturing Ford.
So it never quite tipped over.
Thirty years later, Ford's got enough self-insight to realize that even though he wasn't "in love" with Bill, he was 1) very close, and 2) feeling something platonically strong enough that ultimately, that slight difference doesn't really matter.
I can also see him as just not feeling, understanding, or caring about the dividing line between romantic and platonic.
In either version of my headcanons, I don't think Ford was "repressed"/"in denial" about having "gay" feelings. He's got enough issues, I'm not interested in tossing internalized homophobia on top of it—especially when from college onward he's all about celebrating outsiders and weirdness. At most he'd be a case of queer ignorance where he hasn't explored himself enough to figure out what he is.
Tbh I don't think he's any more likely to be attracted to human men than he would be to human women—and if he did fully fall in love with Bill, I don't think Bill, O Wondrous Interdimensional Muse Whose Body Is A Frigging Triangle, would ping Ford as "male" enough for Ford to feel like his own attraction is "gay."
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missladym1981 · 22 days
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Ok let’s try this again shall we? Marcus Pike kept getting cut out of my damn photo but I finally got him to stay . Again, sorry. Here once again is the damn ledger.
Top row from left to right
1. King Lear- Edmund
2. Lobby Hero- Jeff
3. Much Ado About Nothing- Don John
4. Maple and Vine - Roger
5. Sand- Ahmed
6. Hamlet- Horatio
7. Trolius and Cressida- Thersites
8. Lorenzaccio-Piero Strozzi
9. Orphans - Phillip
10. Graceland - Juan Badillo
11. Nikita- Liam
12. Red Window- Jay Castillo
13. The Sixth Gun- Special Agent Ortega
14. CSI - Kyle Hartley
15. Old Comedy from Aristophanes Frogs- Diony
16. Body of Proof - Zach Goffman
Second row Left to Right
17. The Mentalist - Marcus Pike
18. Burn Notice : the fall of Sam Ace- Comendante Veracruz
19. Wonder Woman - Ed Indelicato
20. Law and Order SVU- Special Agent Greer
21. Charlie’s Angels- Fredrick Mercer
22. Brothers and Sisters - Zach Wellison
23. Lights Out- Assyrian
24. The Good Wife - Nathan Landry
25. Law and Order- Tito Cabassa
26. Without a Trace- Kyle Wilson
27. Law and Order CI- Reggie Luckman
28. NYPD Blue- Shane “ Dio “ Morrisey
29. Touched by an Angel - Ricky Hauck
30. undressed- Greg
31. Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Eddie
‘Third row Left to Right
32. TWMT- Javi Gutierrez
33. If Beal Street Could Talk- Pietro Alvarez
34. The Great Wall - Pedro Tovar
35. We Can Be Heros - Marcus Moreno
36. WW84- Maxwell Lord
37. Bloodsucking Bastards- Max Phillips
38. Kingsman : The Golden Circle- Agent Whiskey
39. The Equalizer- Dave York
40. Prospect- Ezra
41. Triple Frontier- Frankie Morales
‘Row 4 left to right
42. The Bubble- Dieter Bravo
43. House Comes With A Bird - Nico
44. Strange Way of Life- Silva
45. Freaky Tales- Clint
46. Drive-Away Dolls- Santos
47. The Uninvited- Lucien Flores
48. The Mandalorian - Din Djarin
49.Game of Thrones- Oberyn Mother Fuckin Martell
Final row of epicnessssssss left to right
50. The Materialist- TBA
51. Narcos- Javier Peña
52. The Last of Us- Joel Miller
53. Gladiator lol- General Marcus Acacius
54. Merge Mansion- Tim Rockford
55. SNL- Mr. Ben
56. Fantastic Four- Reed Richards
57. The Wild Robot- Fink
58. Housebroken- Claude
Sorry again for the fuck up. Sometimes shit happens but they are fixed now. Thank you have a good night
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laracrofted · 3 months
baby, i'm high octane (epilogue)
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synopsis: on her 29th birthday, nora wakes up in her new home.
pairings: jake seresin x nora rogers (oc)
warnings: 18+, minors and ageless blogs dni, swearing, smut (brief oral sex and shower sex), bradley is an idiot (affectionate), nora and jake are happy and domestic and in love. (wc: 4.4K)
note: i'm saving my sappy note for the end, but if you'd like all of the vibes, listen to daylight before or while reading 🩵
previous chapter | series post
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TAGS: @theharddeck @bradshawsbitch @sometimesanalice @callsignspark @hangmanbrainrot @kandierteveilchen @startrekfangirl2233 @lostinwonderland314 @hangmanscoming @t-nd-rfoot @dempy @mlibbydp @bellaireland1981 @clancycucumber230 @kmc1989 @averagereader35 @eli2447 @filmflux @bethbunnyy @kajjaka @roosterbruiser
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On the morning of her 29th birthday, Nora is awake before the sun.
At her side, Jake is fast asleep, a pillow crease across his flushed cheek, visible proof of how early it really is because between them, Jake is usually the earlier riser. He’s such a morning person. It’s almost obnoxious. 
During the week, he gets up at the crack of dawn – sometimes before, 4:45 AM sharp – and runs the five miles up the coast to Torrey Pines. He’s back with enough time to kiss a groggy Nora good morning and shower before he has to drive the half hour down to North Island.
It doesn’t make much sense logistically for him to sleep over during the week and drive an hour to and from the base – sometimes more with the evening traffic – but when Nora brought it up to him, watching a movie with him on the couch, tucked into his arms, Jake shrugged it off and said, “It’s worth it to me,” with a sweet kiss on her cheek. 
Weekends are nicer, slower.
On a slow weekend morning – a morning like this one – Jake sleeps in. He does a shorter run with the intention of catching her still in bed after; slipping back under the covers, freshly showered with dripping hair, a clean soap smell to his skin; hoping to convince her to spend another hour in bed with him.
(She never needs much coaxing.)
But now, for once, Nora’s the one who is awake.
She rolls onto her back with a sigh, staring up at the ceiling, at the exposed wood beams that slant overhead; listening to the steady rhythm of Jake’s even breaths at her side and the faint clicking sound of the AC switching back on – because Jake runs warm and Nora lived in the city too long to be able to sleep without some sort of background noise  – and outside, the gentle sound of the songbirds, flitting between the branches of the lemon trees in the garden, chirping softly. 
Is there enough bird seed in the feeder? She makes a mental note to check. 
She gives herself a few more minutes to will herself back to sleep before she gets up.
She’s never awake this early. She shouldn’t let it go to waste. 
Nora quietly patters across the room to the dresser and digs blindly around the top drawer for a blue one-piece she knows is in here somewhere. She doesn’t want to pull out her phone and use the flashlight, not when Jake is still sleeping so Nora continues to feel around in the near darkness in the mess of a drawer. 
She’s actually been thinking about clearing it out, moving everything in it to the second drawer so…
So Jake can have his own drawer.
She’s never lived with a boyfriend before – never gotten serious enough with one to get to that stage – and while Jake doesn’t actually live with her, he has started to leave some of his clothes at her place. 
It was unintentional at first. He'd come back from a run and throw his sweat-stained shirt into the hamper out of habit and forget to grab it from the laundry room. And then, Jake asked if Nora minded him leaving a spare linen-button-up in the closet for those nights when Nora wants to put on a little black dress and blow $50 on drinks alone at some beachside wine bar in Del Mar. 
She has been finding his clothes here more and more and always ends up leaving them in the closet or folded on the dresser, but Jake should have a place to leave them, have a place here.
She finally finds the swimsuit and ducks into the bathroom to change.
He’s still asleep when Nora comes back out, chest rising and falling, steady like the sea, arm outstretched into the slight indent in the mattress where Nora used to be. She catches her lip between her teeth, smiling, and slips outside. 
A pre-dawn chill lurks in the late summer air as Nora locks the blue door behind her and heads down to the beach. She’s grateful for her extra layer, a faded NYU sweatshirt that’s almost long enough to cover the hem of the linen shorts Nora pulled on inside. 
She doesn’t see a single person on the sidewalks on her short walk to the beach. It’s quiet and calm, and within a few minutes, Nora kicks off her sandals and sinks her blue-painted toes into the cool sand.
Dropping her bag in the sand, Nora casts off the sweatshirt and shorts and stuffs them into the bag.
She wades waist high into the ocean and curses sharply under her breath.
A sunrise swim might sound very dreamy and all, but goddamn, it’s so cold.
“Fuck,” Nora hisses.
She sucks in a harsh breath, bracing herself, and swims deeper. 
She adjusts to the cold after a few minutes – a few long and cold minutes – and after that, Nora floats on her back, letting the waves rock her closer to the shore and back out again, always keeping an eye out to make sure she doesn’t drift too far away. 
It’s quiet out here and so still, and with sea salt on her lips, Nora lets her mind drift with the tide. 
It’s been a little less than a month since Nora decided to stay in California.
At the end of July, Charlie helped her pack what little Nora had on North Island into a suitcase and a few boxes that ended up in the back of Penny’s garage while Nora went back to New York. She wasn’t there for long. She grabbed cocktails with a few of her friends who still lived there, shipped the rest of her stuff across the country, and hopped on the next flight back to San Diego.
She hardly left the house in the week that followed, busy unpacking her boxes in the cottage-style house, settling in to this next chapter of her life. 
Natasha and Bob were kind of enough to come over and help her with some of the unloading, diligently washing and putting away the meticulously bubble-wrapped kitchen boxes, organizing the built-in shelves in the living room. Nora left Bob in charge of the latter and came back from a coffee run to find the books separated by genre and then alphabetized. She could’ve kissed him. 
Jake and Bradley rallied Javy, Mickey, and Reuben into Nora’s own personal movers, and in a single afternoon, the Daggers carried in and unpacked the couch, bed, and bed frame and didn’t complain once. She had to promise them pizza and beer, but still.
Who needs movers when Nora has Uncle Sam’s finest?
From there, Nora has started to slowly furnish the rest of the house.
She’s been searching online and frequenting the local consignment stores with a very particular vision in mind, a vision of creams and pale blues; white linen and oak; sea shells and cowboy boots and gold.
Last week, Nora picked up the most gorgeous rug for the living room, one that picks up all of the blue accents and makes the whole room look bright and open. It’s perfect. It feels like a coastal dream, like hers. 
It is hers, Nora reminds herself again.
She doesn’t have somewhere to go, somewhere to be a month from now, four months from now. It’s all on her time now. And damn, isn’t that something?
When Nora heads back, the mid-August sky is a patchwork of blues, denim clouds and fading stars and the barest thread of gold creeping over the horizon. 
At home, she quickly rinses off in the shower and pads back into the bedroom. 
She slips back into bed and snuggles into the crook of Jake’s shoulder, resting her head on his outstretched arm again, and Jake mumbles something unintelligible in his sleep and tugs her closer, breath stirring the strands of pale hair at her forehead.
She’s asleep within minutes.
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Sunlight pours into the bright room and spills across her back when Nora wakes up again. At a much more reasonable 9 AM. 
Stretching, Nora reaches her arms above her head and extends her legs in front of her, kicking into the sheets. She rubs the sleep from her bleary eyes and looks around the room. She’s alone.
A familiar shirt sits in a crumpled pile on the hardwood, like evidence, unmoved from when Jake cast it aside before bed, but Jake is gone. He even made up his side of the bed, meticulously straightening the sheets and pillows, stretching the wrinkles from the fabric. A military habit that’ll never cease to amuse her. 
Huffing out an amused breath, Nora plucks the shirt from the floor and slips it over her head.
She wanders out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, following the faint sounds of movement in there.
She’s greeted with the sight of his bare back,  ripped muscles and golden skin, rolling and flexing, as Jake moves between the pans on the stove – bacon, from the smell – and the humming espresso machine in the corner of the counter. Charlie gave her that as a housewarming present, and Jake’s made it his mission to make the perfect oat vanilla latte.
He’s humming a country song under his breath, one Nora doesn’t recognize.
It sounds happy.
She quietly crosses the kitchen and wraps her arms around him from behind, setting her cheek against the strong line of his spine, and Jake makes a startled sound like a sleeping cat that’s been unexpectedly patted on the head. She secretly grins. 
“No,” Jake protests immediately, shuffling to shield the breakfast from her view, voice comically close to a whine. "Go back to bed."
She laughs against his back. "No?"
"You heard me," Jake insists. "Get outta here. I wanted to bring you breakfast in bed."
Despite his words, Jake sets one of his hands over hers and intertwines their fingers. He has a spatula in the other hand, still pushing the eggs around the pan.
Grinning, Nora presses a kiss against a freckle on his back, against a dimple of muscle between his shoulder blades.
"I don't need breakfast in bed," Nora says. "Let's eat on the patio. It's beautiful outside."
She uses her most convincing voice, but Jake is stubborn, determined.
He gently argues – as if Nora suggested digging their breakfast from the Hard Deck dumpster – and eventually, Nora gives in with an amused shake of her head. He can win this round.
Mostly because Jake is adorably excited about the idea of bringing her a birthday breakfast in bed.
A few minutes later, Jake comes into the bedroom, balancing an iced latte and a few plates: blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon. It's delicious, which isn't a surprise because Nora's come to learn Jake is a damn good cook.
Handy because Nora is only well versed in cocktail and dessert recipes.
When Nora's finished, Jake cleans up the dishes and brushes her hair out of her face. He kisses her cheek, her temple, the corner of her lips with a kind of reverence, like Jake can't stand to kiss her just once.
He ducks his head and murmurs, "Happy birthday, sweetheart," against her shoulder.
She catches his chin and kisses him, as honeyed and sweet as the maple syrup on her lips.
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After breakfast, Nora gets a call from Bradley.
He's in the neighborhood – on his way to Penny's where, Bradley later reveals over coffee, is basically Maverick's these days – and wants to swing by and quote, see the birthday girl.
A cool breeze blows in from the coast, smelling like salt brine and sea lavender, so Nora shows Bradley to the stone-lined patio in the back and grabs a sweatshirt from the bedroom. She pulls it on over her linen dress on her way outside.
It’s only when Bradley raises his eyebrows that Nora realizes it’s a Dallas Cowboys fleece, one of Jake’s. 
“Shut up,” Nora says preemptively. 
She hands him a homemade Americano and sits next to him on the bench in the back, crossing her legs under the dress, looking out at the blue horizon of the ocean, a misty grey from the fog that lingers in the mornings.
“Didn’t say anything,” Bradley half-laughs, clearly holding back some joke about her being a born-again Cowboys fan. “Is Hangman here?” 
She shakes her head and sips her coffee through a glass straw.
"He's with Javy. They're going for a run in Point Loma." A run that Nora practically had to push him out the door for because Jake wanted to cancel all of his plans for her birthday. Both sweet and ridiculous. "He'll probably be back in an hour if you wanted to hang around and wait for him."
"Nah, I'm alright. I see him too much already." She gives him a look, and Bradley cracks a smile and knocks his knee against hers, all playfulness. "I'm here to see the birthday girl anyway."
“And drink her coffee.” 
He drops his shoulder in an easygoing shrug, brown eyes twinkling. “It’s good coffee, Rogers.” 
She grins. “Thanks, Bradshaw. You get me anything?” 
"Yeah, but I'll give it to you when I leave so I don't get punched."
He's wearing a cryptic expression, an I know something you don't know grin.
But before Nora can press him further, Bradley expertly changes the subject, distracting her with the latest gossip from the base, including Captain Mitchell all but moving in with Penny.
She still makes it down to San Diego a few times a week to hang out with Jake and see the rest of her friends. She pops down for the occasional night of cheap drinks and pool at the Hard Deck, meets Natasha for brunch at Little Frenchie, or spends the afternoon on Penny's boat with Bradley; but Nora will probably never see them as much as she did before. It's a strange and bittersweet feeling.
She's done with the documentary, and Nora doesn't miss the work, but she does miss seeing them every day.
Bradley drains the last of his coffee and sets the mug on the weathered wood of the bench. Another secondhand find from a neighbor who didn't need it anymore.
As if reading her mind, Bradley says, "We all miss having you on the base, you know? We all got used to having you around. It's not the same without you."
A faint smile as Nora says, "It's kind of weird, isn't it?"
"Don't you get bored out here?"
"So bored sometimes," Nora exhales, laughing, and Bradley chuckles, "but I really feel like I need to be bored right now. It's good for me." This is the longest break Nora has given herself in... well, ever maybe. She needs the space to recharge and breathe and feel like herself again. "It's nice to have some room in my brain to be bored for once. I felt so... scattered before."
"And I like it here," Nora continues. "I like having a place that's mine."
He goes quiet for a long and thoughtful moment, a slight scrunch between his brows.
“I’ve been thinking…” Bradley starts slowly, almost cautiously, testing the weight of the words. “I might want to move out of the apartments on the base and maybe get a house or something, I don’t know.” 
She looks at him, surprised. “You do?”
He chews on his bottom lip. Nods. “Why not? My squadron’s stationed here. Maverick’s probably going to propose to Penny soon. I won’t be leaving San Diego anytime soon, and I’m not getting any younger. I want something that feels more… grounded, you know?” 
She does know.
“Giving up on the bachelor life already, Bradshaw?” 
A cheeky grin pulls at his mouth as Bradley shrugs again. “Well, I don’t know if I’d say that. I should probably start with the house. Take it slow.”
“Sounds like a good idea to me.” 
An undercurrent of uncertainty leaks into his voice, and Nora softens. 
“Yeah,” Nora reassures. 
A moment passes, settles, and Nora’s lips pull into a slight smirk.
Noticing, Bradley asks, “What?” 
“Don’t go too slow though. You said it yourself. You’re definitely not getting any younger.” 
He makes a face, and Nora can’t hold back a laugh.
“You need to kick Hangman out,” Bradley grumbles, good-natured. “You’ve been spending too much time with him.” 
Another laugh bubbles from her lips.
“He doesn’t even live here.” 
“Could’ve fooled me.” 
She ignores the pointed look Bradley gives her sweatshirt and continues, “And besides, I happen to like spending too much time with him. He’s my boyfriend.” 
She expects him to make a disgusted noise or fake gag like Bradley did when Nora first called Jake her boyfriend in front of him, but Bradley watches her and doesn’t say anything.
Her leg nudges into his. “What?” 
“Nothing. Just…” A shake of his head. “Hangman’s happier. You seem happier. I’m happy for you. It’s nice to see for both of you,” Bradley says sincerely. He drops an arm around her shoulders and pulls her closer to him. “I’m glad you’re here, Nora. Glad you stayed.” 
Moisture pricks at the corners of her eyes, but Nora blinks it back and swallows the rising lump in her throat. 
She leans into him. Presses her face into his solid shoulder.
“So am I.” 
On his way out, Bradley gives her a hug and her birthday present.
She sits crosslegged on the couch and slowly pulls the crumpled blue tissue paper out of the gift bag until Nora finds a messily wrapped rectangle. He must’ve wrapped it himself. She smiles to herself and carefully rips the paper away.
It’s a small waterproof camera, complete with a wrist strap so Nora doesn’t have to worry about losing it in the ocean. She can bring it on her next morning swim or the next time that Bradley invites her out on the boat. It’s sweet, so sweet that Nora’s a little confused.
She pulls out her phone.
Nora, 11:24 AM: Thanks for the camera! So sweet of you!
Nora, 11:24 AM: Why’d you think I’d punch you??
Bradley, 11:27 AM: There’s something else in there.
Curious, she pulls the rest of the paper out of the bag until she finds a rolled-up shirt at the very bottom. It’s a deep blue, a soft fabric. She lets it fall open and holds it up to get a good look at the words printed across the front.
“Oh,” Nora says out loud, reading. “You asshole.” 
Nora, 11:32 AM: Proud Navy Girlfriend???
Bradley, 11:33 AM: Do you like it?
Nora, 11:33 AM: What is wrong with you?
Bradley, 11:34 AM: Happy birthday, Proud Navy Girlfriend :) 
She sends him back a picture of her middle finger.
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A hour later, Jake comes back, and Nora’s on the phone with Charlie.
He strolls in the front door, headphones around his neck, shirtless and drenched in sweat. Sweat shouldn’t be allowed to look that hot on someone. It should be illegal… or something. His dog tags gleam from the center of his collarbone. His shorts are slung obscenely low on his hips, low enough to reveal the mole there, and admittedly, Nora has only heard every other word out of Charlie’s mouth since Jake entered her line of sight.
A droplet of sweat runs down his neck and pools in his glistening collarbone.
“Uh huh.” 
“Do you need to go?” 
Jake stretches his arms, folding them over his head, running his long fingers through his damp hair and setting his baseball cap back down, and Nora doesn’t even pretend not to watch the ripple that passes through his abs. 
“I, uh…” 
He catches her, of course, and smirks – a slow and humiliatingly smug smirk – and it’s all Nora can do not to fan herself. She coughs. 
On the other end of the line, Charlie snorts. 
“I’ll let you go. Have a good birthday.” And Charlie adds knowingly, “Tell Jake I say hello.” 
“Love you, bye,” Nora exhales and all but throws the phone across the couch, cheeks burning. “Charlie says hi.” 
“Hi Charlie.” Jake pushes the bill of his cap up with one finger, like the brim of a cowboy hat, and drops a slightly salty kiss onto her lips. His voice softens. “Hi, sweetheart. Did I already say happy birthday?” 
“A few times, yeah.” 
His eyes gleam. “A few? That’s not enough.” 
She bites her lip, grinning, and Jake presses his face into her neck, inhaling the smell of her perfume with a soft groan and also smearing sweat across her cheek. She wrinkles her nose at him and pushes him back by his shoulders.
“You need a shower. You’re all sweaty and gross.” 
“You weren’t lookin’ at me like I’m gross,” Jake drawls. He clambers onto the couch and puts his full body weight – his sweat-covered body weight – on top of her. She makes a high-pitched sound of protest, which quickly dissolves into a laugh, and Jake shakes with laughter. “You’re pretty gross now too, sweetheart.” He puts his lips to her ear, and Nora shivers under him. “Wanna join me and conserve water?” 
“You’re ridiculous,” Nora says, which isn’t a no, feeling a little breathless.
Grinning, Jake allows her to push him off the couch.
He ends up on his knees on the blue rug and looks up at her, green eyes glittering.
Jake reaches for her ankles and pulls her to the edge of the couch, begins to slowly push the hem of dress up, one inch at a time.
“What about that shower?” Nora asks, watching as Jake pulls the fabric higher and higher, exposing more and more of her bare thighs, which part slightly for him, almost like a reflex.
“In a minute, sweetheart.” 
He spins his baseball cap backwards – a move that should be douchey and shouldn’t even remotely work for her but infuriatingly, because it’s him, absolutely does – and bends down to kiss the center of her panties.
He licks at her through the fabric, drinking in the soft sounds Nora makes. 
“Jake…” Nora exhales. She knocks his hat from his head, burying her fingers in his damp hair, pulling on the strands. “We should… You shouldn’t…” Her brain isn’t doing its best work right now, and Nora can come up with is, “Guests sit on this couch.” 
“Don’t worry, sweetheart,” Jake reassures, voice low and syrupy. “I’ll get it all.” 
"Fuck," Nora breathes.
He slides her panties down to her knees and spreads his tongue over her, and Nora’s head drops back on the couch, hair fanning across the back.
His mouth doesn’t leave her until Nora’s come apart on his tongue. Twice. 
After, Jake hikes her legs around his waist and carries her into the shower, hands spread across her ass, curled in her hair. 
It’s slow and certain as Jake works her open with his fingers and pushes into her from behind, warm water misting on her face, dripping down her front; hot lips pressing lingering kisses along her shoulders and throat. He pulls her dripping hair away from her neck, slowly winding it around his fist, pulling her head to the side to lick a stripe up the side of her neck. 
And all the while, Jake is murmuring in her ear.
Words full of praise and adoration and desire, and Jake smells like coffee and lavender shampoo and sweat and him, so very him, and god, Nora likes this, likes him more than she can put into words; loves this, loves – 
It’s burning, molten hot, full of feelings, pushing through the soil like early spring flowers, and when Jake breaths her name, it sounds like three precious words stitched into one. 
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Around noon, Nora curls up in the arm chair near the front window, soaking in the feeling of the sun at her back, casting a shadow in the shape of her on the rug and the knotted floor boards. She loves the light in this room, gleaming, reflecting off the sun catcher that Nora hung in the window, sending a fractured light across the room in the afternoons. 
It’s her favorite spot in the whole house. 
She has a lot of free time now, and in that free time, Nora’s been sitting in this chair and digging through the buried files on her laptop; rereading old screenplays from college; half-written and abandoned drafts that Nora let her own perfectionism shred into something unrecognizable.
She’s been combing through the wreckage, hoping to make something new from the pieces.
And Nora finds herself coming back to the same idea – an ink-stained and half-formed whisper of an idea that’s lived stubbornly in the back of her mind for years now.
Something hopeful about losing your way and finding it again; about losing people and meeting them again; about soulmates, both platonic and romantic; about meeting someone and being absolutely sure.
She is scribbling in her journal when Jake settles into the chair within reach of hers.
He reaches for her hand to brush a kiss across her knuckles, a smile dimpling his cheeks, crinkling the corners of her eyes. He’s humming again, something happy, and Nora feels like a firework has gone off inside her ribcage.
She says his name to catch his attention.
And then, Nora says, “I love you.” 
And Jake grins in that easy and self-assured way that Nora’s come to love so much, like Jake knows her, really knows her. 
“I’ve loved you since June,” Jake says easily, so easily it steals the air from her lungs. “Just been waiting for you to catch up, sweetheart.” 
And just this once, Nora’s too happy to fight for the last word. She lets him have this one.
A year from now, Nora will be 30.
Not long after, Nora’s first feature film will come out. She’ll go to the very first screening. A small affair for her friends and colleagues and a few fans. She’ll wear a pale blue dress, and Jake will wear a suit and matching tie and pat his pocket the whole night to make sure the ring hasn’t fallen out, his grandmother’s ring.  
That’s later. This is now.
And now, Nora’s 29 and in love and for the first time in a long time, the world doesn’t feel like it’s ending. It feels like it’s just beginning. 
So Nora starts at the beginning. Starts with what she knows.
She opens to a blank page. And writes about love. 
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end note: i finished this last month and fell into a bit of writer's block – slash post-creation depression lol – and didn't want to actually edit what i wrote, my bad.
i love nora and jake and everything BIHO has become so much. i love being here with all of you, and i love you for reading it and being so generous with your words and your feedback and your attention. 🩵 i'm also hoping – please, writer's block, i'm begging – to write more in this universe so if you really want to see anything or want to know any of my random post-biho headcanons, let me know!
likes are always appreciated, but comments and reblogs make my whole day, and i'd love to hear from you.
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ryker-writes · 2 years
Small moments with them (Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, and Octavinelle Edition)
It's taking care of the hedgehogs with Riddle. Watching the little creatures run around and lightly nudge him. He holds them so delicately as he talks to them. You just watch in delight while holding your own small hedgehog. And then for a moment, he remembers that you're sitting there watching him talk to a hedgehog. His face goes slightly red in embarrassment as he looks at you. You let out a light laugh at his reaction and start talking to your hedgehog too. The embarrassment started to fade away as he laughed along with you.
It's baking sweets with Trey. Following his instructions for what to measure and add to the batter carefully. Filling up cups of flour and watching it spill out of the bag and float into the air. Taking multiple pans of baked goods freshly out of the oven and him reminding you not to burn yourself. He hands you the first piece for you to try and watches patiently for your reaction. The warm sweetness of the freshly baked treat fills your mouth and you hum in delight. He smiles as you cheer about the perfectly baked treat. Both of you decide to ignore the mess of flour clinging to your clothes and the floor.
It's posing for photos with Cater. He wraps his arm around your shoulders and pulls you closes to him. Holding his phone up in front of you two as he tells you to smile. He hold up a peace sign with his hand around your shoulder and snaps a bunch of pics. After taking all the photos he shows you some of the best ones and asks what you think. Only posting the photos you approve of, he tags them all #cutest besties
It's playing cards with Ace. He's won at least the past three in a row, and you're sure he's cheating somehow. But without proof you can't really do much. Still, you continue playing and watch his movements carefully. A few more turns pass when you finally see it. His hand reaches across the table to point something out to you when one of his cards magically disappears. He had a smug look on his face until you told him to roll up his sleeves. Protest after protest of his wouldn't stop you from catching him. Eventually, he sighed and rolled up his sleeves. A few cards fell onto the table and you started laughing. He pouted, but accepted his defeat that round.
It's going on late night rides on a blast cycle with Deuce. Felling the cold wind against your skin as you hold onto Deuce. He drives quickly, but you still feel safe. The scenery flies past you making the colors blur together. Moving so fast like this fills you with a feeling of freedom. Holding onto him tighter, you moved even closer to him. You're here, free, with Deuce.
It's being lazy with Leona. You both sat by the Savanaclaw pool. Neither of you doing anything, just relaxing. The warmth of the sun mixed with the sound of the water was the perfect environment for doing nothing. You looked over at the lion stretched out on the ground next to you. His eyes were closed but he wasn't sleeping. A bird landed on a chair nearby and chirped. Leona's ears twitched at the noise and you let out a small chuckle. He opened his eyes and stared at you with a confused but tired expression. Seeing that, you couldn't help but smile.
It's shopping with Ruggie. Browsing Sam's store for anything that interests either of you. He's already grabbed whatever it was Leona wanted, and is now looking around with you. Occasionally he'll point out some piece of clothing and comment on the price. Together you two also laugh at weird designs or ask for each others opinion on one's you like. When you pick out something you like he's already expertly haggling with Sam over the price and paying (using Leona's money).
It's being active with Jack. He's the best person to work out with. Always encouraging you to push yourself, but never further than you can take. Jack is there to spot you as you lift your weights. He's helping you keep count, giving you encouragement, and watching in case you need his help. His enthusiasm is contagious and you can't help but feel motivated to keep going. When you're done he's already handing you water and praising how you did. You may be tired and completely out of breath, but he's proud of you.
It's playing board games with Azul. He typically like's playing more strategic games, but after some convincing he could play a game that involves some random chance. As long as you tell him strategy is also involved. Still, he's won most of the games you two have played and you can tell his confidence is rising. That is, until the small element of random chance favors you. When you have the upper hand he is baffled and scrambling for some strategy to outplay you. You win the game, and he just sighs and curses his luck. Still, he congratulates you and asks if you want to play again.
It's making terrariums with Jade. He helped you gather the materials and plants you want in your terrarium. Together, you carefully set in the layers of gravel, charcoal, and soil. Then it came to the plants. Jade told you a little bit about each plant and even offered you some mushrooms to put inside. When the terrarium was complete, he proudly placed it upon a shelf in his room. Both of you smiled proudly at the new addition to the shelf. He offered for you to come with him to collect materials from the mountain next time. Of course, you accepted.
It's random hugs with Floyd. He rushes towards you the moment he sees you to give you a hug. No matter when, no matter where. The only warning you have is the call of your name when he spots you. You can't out run him if you tried because he is full on sprinting in your direction. Once he wraps his arms around you he is giving you the tightest hug you've ever felt. This is him being careful with his strength to not break your bones. Floyd does this every time he sees you, but if he's really happy he'll slightly lift you off the floor.
It's these small moments with them that makes everything in Twisted Wonderland more worth it.
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piglii · 8 months
thinking about the time I was around 9 years old and I'd decided I was sure Santa Claus didn't exist because I'd had this nefarious scheme - on my Christmas List for that year I'd added a thing I knew Santa could not reasonably provide - a creature I'd made up in one of my drawing books. I don't recall at all what the name I used for it back then was, but for the sake of convenience now let's call it a "Squirg."
"Squirg's" looked like this (artist's recreation)
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(It was kind of just a little ball with and had a bird beak, and a very long tail it could use to coil up and shoot like a spring, bouncing around from place to place)
So on my Christmas Wishlist when I was 9 years old, I'd added that I wanted a real, live Squirg. And what's more - I didn't include this wish in my actual full wishlist for that year - I'd detached it. I'd hidden a small bit of this torn writing above a piece of tall, wooden furniture, figuring that if Santa was as real as my parents were claiming, surely he'd simply be able to find this hidden addition to my wishlist and deliver it to me. At 9 years old my doubt had really begun to grow as to whether Santa Claus was real. I considered this my personal Ace in the Hole for figuring out that question, and once I'd had definitive proof that it was just as I thought, I could set my mind at ease. In my mind, seeing that Santa couldn't do this thing for me was the shattering of the illusion. I'm sure Christmas went really well that year and I got all sorts of things that made me happy, but the realization that Santa Claus was a make believe thing definitely dampened my spirits at the time.
It'd be months later, (perhaps for my birthday but I'm not sure), that my step-grandmother showed up with something which at the time I didn't think very much of.
She'd stitched together a whole recreation of a Squirg by hand and given it to me as a present. Now at the time I was just 9 turning 10 or so and I was at exactly the age where I didn't want to be given stuffed animals as a present. I didn't appreciate the time put into it or the love to do something like that. It wasn't something I concerned myself with when I was a kid, but looking back on it my parents must've handed her the drawing and the little scribbled wish to Santa Claus, and she still gave her best possible human effort to give me that wish as best she knew how.
Of course, she couldn't have known that I wanted a real, live cute animal companion that I'd made up. Little kid me at the time was not very satisfied with the Squirg plush and ended up stuffing it away in my closet for years. At some point unknown to me it became completely lost, probably when my family was moving from house to house.
I wish I still had it. It was a really nice gift, not even taking into account the excellent craftsmanship. I was just very struck today by what a sweet gesture that was. To be a grandparent seeing her grandkid be disappointed by the world and trying to give me what she thought I wanted, even though I was an imaginative little kid who wanted impossible things.
it was a gesture made with a lot of love and even though the plush itself has been gone for a long time, there's a bit of Squirg-shaped love out there for me.
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weridpersonhelp · 2 years
Description: Kyle invites Y/n to Casa Bonita, and muck around.
warning; Swearing, fluffy. cartman being cartman. not been proof read
"Hey Y/n."
"Oh, hey Kyle! how are you doing?" Y/n asks him, somehow Y/n always manages to make Kyle smile.
"Pretty good actually, I aced my math test and cartman hasn't made and well I have awesome news!" Y/n chuckles a little at him, her smile made his smile. bigger.
"Nice job, mine's tomorrow. what's this awesome news?" She starts walking Kyle follows her lead.
"Well, my birthday this weekend on Saturday and my mum said I could take 4 friends to Casa Bonita! and well... I wanted to invite you! that is if you want too." Y/n gasps slightly she stops in the middle of walking.
"Wait so you'll come?!" Y/n hugs Kyle happily he was a bit taken back he felt Awkard and didn't want people to see, but he still enjoyed it.
"Yes of course I'm going! is there anything you want for your birthday then?" she asks pully away from him, he missed her warmth already.
"What? Oh, you don't need to get me anything!" Y/n rolls her eyes at the boy playfully.
"Okay, okay I won't get anything. but what have you been interested in lately?" Now it was Kyles turn to playfully roll his eyes at the girl they both chuckle.
"Wait who else is coming."
"Oh, stan, Kenny and butters this Saturday at 5:30"
"No cartman? she asks.
" What no, why would I invite that asshole?" he raises his voice at even the thought of it. she chuckles at the boy's anger calming him down instantly as she pats his back.
"Good, I was worried for a moment you'd let that guy come on your special day." the two continued to talk as they entered the dining hall and walked up to chef.
"Hey Kyle oh I see you made a new friend here."
"Oh yes this is Y/n " Kyle says.
"Hi chef it's nice it be properly introduced."
"Nice to meet you too Y/n now what can I get you love birds- I mean friends." Chefs give Kyle a wink.
"Chicken nuggets with fries please!"
"Chicken nuggets with fries please!" the two say at the same time.
"Jinx! now you can't talk till I say your name three times!"
"Haha, she got you there! Kyle, anyway here's your food ids. Rember to let him go of that jinx before his birthday now Y/n." Chef says they both leave, but Kyle was playfully glaring at her slightly.
"What? do you want me to say your name?" the boy nods furiously almost flipping his hat off.
"Oh, hey guys, what's up?" stan asks them.
"Hey stan, nothing much." Kyle stays quiet and stand rises an eyebrow.
"what's up with Kyle?"
"Oh Kyle? well Kyle here just got jinx and I need to say his name three times until he is unjinxed or he gets bad luck." at this Cartman laughs at Kyle.
"s-" "you can't talk dude unless you want bad luck," stan says Kyle gives the girl a glare and she rolls her. eyes.
"Fine as your birthday present, I'll unjinx you Kyle-" "SHUT YOUR MOUTH FATASS!" Kyle shouts at cartman.
"Y/n come on already, bebe showing us her new nails!" Wendy pop in out of no were.
"oh, hi stan!"
"Hi Wendy."
"Okay, okay, I'll talk to guys later. bye!"
"Bye Y/n!" Kyle says waving the girl goodbye.
"Dude you're so red-" "oooh KYLE BLUSHING!"
yall want part 2? where they acutally go? or
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corvusspecialartist · 7 months
Beautiful Caged Bird:
You were an esteemed fighter pilot. You have served the Imperium well, ever since you were inducted in the Imperial Guard years ago. Coming from semi noble birth, this would have been one of the few ways, you could gain glory for your house. Ever since you were young, and on your home planet. You have always enjoyed the flight patterns of hunting birds, and even kept some as cherished pets. You always thought that they were the most perfect predators, just beautiful. Unfortunately, as you grew older, and life taught you a few things… you were wrong. The perfect avian predator that you knew of, was the Lord Primarch Sanguinius.
You were on campaign when you had met… you and your regiment were fighting a wild Eldar Host To be honest, you never truly liked them bastards, but you were the closest thing that was optimal air support that could be done. You were flying high in the air, approaching certain doom. You flew in formation, but soon you both would break. From previous experience, you knew, despite the thought being mere disgust in your mind… that the Eldar had better flying tech.. but no matter. You were only meant as cannon fodder no more, no less.
Then, as the Eldar came, before your eyes, your comrades were shot down in planes, almost as if a group of falcons were feasting on herd of ducks. But, no matter what, you held firm. Gripping the well-worn controls, you bobbed and weaved, avoiding most of the fire from the enemy craft. You knew the cockpit of your plane as if it was new limb. You swooped down noticing a large robot thing… instinctively you patted the plane purring to it. "Lets do this old girl" maybe, this was a way for you to soothe the machine spirit. You went and started to fly down.. applying as many G's as you could handle bumping up the speed into a dive bomb. The robot thing, turned and almost seemed to face you, but you turned your controls over trying to spin it over. It was no matter, you were a certified ace in the field. You had the trophies as proof.
However, things did not go to your plan. The robot thing moved with lighting speed and soon you noticed that you were loosing altitude quickly. You had to eject. After whispering a quick goodbye to the plane, you ejected from the plane. Honestly it pained you…watching as the plane flew and crashed. It gave you some form of pleasure that it landed in the center of the Eldar. Still… you adjusted trying to get your parachute out. Feeling, the blood go towards your head.. you noted that your parachute wasn't working and you felt the heated air as you started to fall and fall… You turned and closed your eyes, hopefully, at least you took some of the bastards with you.
Honestly, you were expecting brief pain, and oblivion until you felt wind and you started to move in a different direction. Nervously you opened your eyes… it was him.. the Great Angel,Lord Sanguinius. He was almost as perfect and even more so in the pictures… but honestly.. him.. just saving you like that… why you? You tried your best to not to look down. However, he was holding you in the crook of his arm, while holding his spear in the other hand. As you looked up at him, he was moving back to try and place you back in your regiment, at least you thought.
Now, you were in a golden gilded cage, screaming your head off and throwing the priceless art and trinkets at Sanguinius. It bounced off of him with almost a contemptuous ease, he seemed to stand there, just absorbing the hit.. almost as if he was he waiting for this latest tantrum to end. You continued to move quickly, just barely out of the reach of the serfs. Truly, you didn't want to be here, you wanted to be out on the field. The stagnant air within the room, the watchful eyes of both man and machine readying the alarm if you stepped out of the chambers. To add insult to injury, you swore that would could hear beautiful rare bird calls, as they flew down and called the sky their own.. like you used to. You walked up the Sanguinius and tried to push your way past him, but he moved to block you, and soon he quickly scooped you up. In that move you struggled and beat down on his back. He started to hum and soothe, moving you back and forth. His voice, it was so sonorous and beautiful…it knocked you out within a minute.
In your dreams, you were flying your plane… and you were just soaring. Until you saw the Sanguinius appear floating in front of the window. Instinctively you turned and tried to avoid him, but he pulled out the spear and sword and chopped the plane apart. Now you were falling and falling, as Sanguinius flew down and caught you. You pushed away and tried to fall back into the ground. You were at peace in the dream, until you woke up, smothered in Sanguinius' wings. It was comfortable but despite them being placed gently, it felt crushing… you felt your heart racing, as you moved in varying directions trying to push them off." Sanguinius, almost as if he were sensing your distress lifted his wing. You let out a sigh of relief, and let out a small welp as he grabbed you and started to preen over you.
He gave a softening grin. "What's wrong darling?… I heard you scream and freak out.. and are you alright?" You opened your mouth, trying to keep your heart rate consistent. But it would be hard to lie to him, since his abilities.. but he promised to not to read your mind. "It was just a nightmare…. my beloved." You gave a wide mouth smile, trying to sell the lie. Maybe you were trying to convince yourself. Sanguinius got up and pointed to a red dress. It was tailor made with hundreds of jewels and it fit your figure well. "We will be going to an event tonight… many dignitaries are coming. Our ship will be landing on the planet soon…" You nodded dumbly, as he got up and left.
As soon as he shut the door… you swore, but then you stopped… maybe… just maybe with Sanguinius being distracted you could escape. And it is not like he would miss you… You got dressed and started to prepare. Soon you would escape.
At the party, the host went and announced the arrival of Lord Sanguinius.. and with a small snide jab. "And his current consort." You gave a polished smile as you stood near barely hip height with him, and to be honest... he looked almost mythical.. his wings were decorated with finely golden strands with rubies inter spaced which made small noises as he walked. He wore a more Baalite fashion style, which many of the party goers tried to imitate. He wore beautiful embroidered robes with silken golden thread. His hair was curled into perfection, and you could even smell rare perfumes and spices that irradiated from him. It seemed to change depending on the light from black to blonde, he was smiling a warmly as you both went to the place of honor. You on the other hand compared to him, dressed very modestly and seemed to a speck of dirt. But, it didn't matter at the moment. It was a crucial moment... Sanguinius would naturally be distracted throughout the whole party.
It would come to pass, when you were rudely shoved aside, as a group of Navigators came by to Sanguinius trying to curry favor. You noticed his face turn into a light frown. But no matter, you gave a gentle grin to the primarch to try and soothe his temper. While, he had the good grace to not indulge his Thirst, he had to tendency of drinking more blood wine when under stress. In the meantime, you slowly moved away to the peripheral from the crowd, but not so far...You had to be careful, for moving in such a way could attract a knife in your back. But your outfit had come with the most finely protection, worthy of a favored consort.
"It is my turn to speak to the Great Angel! You had your chance!" A haughty nasal voice came out of the crowd. Some poor petty nobleman had tried to shout his way over to gain a rare audience of Sanguinius. But, given how contemptuous.. the party would probably begin with a brawl. Shaking you head, you started to run... you were out of practice sure, but you could find a place. You were dressed too nicely to be apart of any Underhive origin , but maybe you can commission a fighter jet to escape.
Hours upon hours had pasted... based on the way that the noises had become more quiet. You were at least leagues away from the party. You have been trying to stay out of the range by taking dark pathways and trying to avoid servants. You sat down to take a brief break... you were tired and feeling very thirsty... you dared to not drink any of the planet's water. But, you need a place to hide, and so you decided to crawl into a large vent, it was dusty.. long abandoned and based on the older stained.. it was used for servitors. Maybe you could take a brief rest.
You were shocked out of your rest as a loud alarm came out of nowhere. It was
' voice... and it filled you with dread.. yet it sounded so sweet and kind, he tried to call your name and try to bribe you out of your hiding spot. Internally, you just couldn't, you were so close... freedom.
Cursing, you thought about not changing your clothing... but just your luck.. a female servant was walking by your hiding spot. Immediately you grabbed her and put her in a headlock. After a good struggle, she was unconscious. Immediately you stripped off the party goer's clothing and replaced it with the servants clothing. It was mostly clean.. but no matter... as long as you kept quiet. You could at least escape.
A large thumping noises, and soon a large horde of noblemen was running down the same hallway all screaming their heads off. One of them went down the same hallway and took a deep breath. He was murmuring about how the Great Angel went mad. Based on the rambling mess, one of the noble ladies had said within earshot that in no certain terms that you had been assassinated, and that "an ugly peasant bitch isn't worthy of the Great Angel's love" Soon he fell silent as the masses ran by... but your heart started to drop... you heard the beating of wings. It was coming your way.
"Where is the nearest ship-port?" you whispered. The partygoers face twisted as if why would a mere serf ask that, before his face started to grin and opened his mouth. Before you could subdue him. "She's over here! " You immediately started to run full sprint. Your throat rubbing in raw... the beating your heart started to increase faster and faster as you heard the frantic wing beats.. only to collapse. No matter, you could at least crawl. Sanguinius appeared in front of you, white feathers falling as he stood, his hair askew and his wings still flapping despite him standing completely still... You started to weep. No... no... why? He picked you up and purred. "My little Bird where did you go?" "You weren't trying to escape? Were you?" You remained quiet. His mouth opened and now you noticed the heavy smell of blood. "WERE YOU?" he let out a shout, which causer your ears to ring. At your wince in pain, his face started to soften as he cradled over to you. "I'm sorry... I thought that you were dead... and I just cannot live without you." He pet your hair giving you a gentle kiss on the forehead.
That was a year ago.
Currently you were laying in bed, you needed the rest after all... you were preparing. Soon the door opened and your beloved entered the room. He was carrying a tray full of the finest of food, drink and wine. Sitting down he started to stroke your belly. "Have you come up with a name?" You shook your head as you slowly started to eat the food. As if you really didnt have anything to say, you had to keep the rest. You chewed the food and ate it in the fancy way, and even took the supplements! After all, they tended to even you out! You gave Sanguinius a kiss on the cheek and soon he left.
A/N: This (terrible) one shot is a result from the winner of the poll for the poem inspired for "Caged Bird" by Maya Angelou. Read it here: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/48989/caged-bird
I will try and write out Corvus' one and soon and write out Part 3 of the Party Planning bit. This is my first time attempting to write Yandere Sangy.
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blacklegsanjiii · 6 months
Your thoughts about Marco x Sora are so good omgggg (<- the anon who asked you about them)
I can't stop thinking about Sora being a pirate after some time, because she's already living on the Moby Dick and married with the First Commander, so why not? (Marco loves loves loves see her fight, actually)
And if the acesan happens would be very funny, and the StrawHats reaction about this?!
Welcome back and I'm glad you like it, truly i am obsessed with Sanji having good parental figures and Sora getting the love she properly deserves. Sora became a pirate in NBL so I don't see why she wouldn't here. Even if she played a more behind the scenes roll there.
Also we didn't really set a time frame for them? So like Sanji could be eight when they join the Shirohige. Sora and Sanji both freaked out by Marco flying them in his talons but they need to make a quick escape from the Navy and animal brain went 'mine' when he saw them. Marco's only explanation is to quite literally look at White Beard and go 'my bird brain went "oo shiny" so i had to bring them' which makes the man laugh so hard the Earth shakes. Vista starts calling him a crow and Marco sets him on fire with a singular look. Marco is so thankful Sanji and Sora are in the infirmary so they didn't see that.
Marco explaining his fruit to them and his place and job in the Shirohige fleet. How his fruit helps because it allows him to treat more than one person at a time or give enough time for back up to come. It doesn't always work. Marco uses it on Sora a lot first mostly because the poison is still affecting her and it's like a god send almost because his fire over time basically cures her. They also use the time to get to know each other and start "dating" because it's really hard to date as a pirate, or a doctor, or a fleet commander. All of which Marco is. They tell Sanji first and he approves of Marco and Sora and Sanji have already joined the crew so ya know, they just gotta tell the crew. The party is extravagant.
Sora makes a comment that she wants to be able to help defend the fleet and the family and Marco agrees and says they'll talk to Jozu and some others about training for her. Sanji is probably already training his kicks and everything because Thatch insists on protecting the kids hands and Jozu has been doing well with him. So them taking on Sora to train is nothing and Vista finds she does very well with a sword and his eyes light up as he looks at Marco and damns him for getting to her first. Marco says he better watch it and they scuffle.
Sanji has to set himself on fire at like thirteen. Marco is watching him and Sora train with Jozu and Vista only to then see his kid set his legs on fire and be thrown into the ocean. He flies out to collect his son and then laughs his ass off at Sora wailing on Vista and Jozu screaming about the dangers of throwing a child off a ship. Marco says she has that covered and checks Sanji over and yep, that's his over abundant(sensitive) haki. Marco says Sanji might be a good candidate for learning to sky walk which is like flying but not really. Sanji is fucking excited. Marco is also so thankful all the god damn time that he and Sora have their own room and they sound proofed it because Marco fully believes Sora hung the moon and the stars and pulls the sun up each morning. Sora has it just as bad back and thinks Marco makes the waves and sea foam. THEY ARE SO GROSS I LOVE THEM OMG
Also could you imagine Ace rocking up to kill the old man and is then held hostage and thinks that blondie around his age is super cute? Too bad he's in the shirohige and Ace fully plans to demolish the fleet until he's forcefully adopted with love and care. Like Ace has no clue what's going on at first because he looks at Marco and then the woman he knows is the guy's wife and just how draped over her he is, like they have to make everyone sick all the fucking time. They have some the highest bounties in the New World. Ace starts flirting with Sanji without a clue to who his parents are and Sanji just gives him that "oh darling" small smile while he leans on the railing and smokes.
During one of these flirting sessions Marco strolls up and is like 'Hey, Thatch said you're in charge of shopping this time, you can head to the island if you want' and Sanji nods and sky walks to the land mass. Marco laughs at that and takes Sanji's spot and gives Ace a smile. When he asks Ace what his intentions are with his son Ace goes pale and sinks to the deck as Marco fucking loses it. Marco pats his shoulder and says he takes after his mom just like Sanji takes after Sora and they approve of the relationship.
Sanji ends up joining the Straw Hat crew on the hunt for Teach and absolutely flirts with Ace in Alabasta who flirts back way harder. Like they are the remix of Sora and Marco and clingy flirting and draping okay? Marco said that's a Roger thing and White Beard 100% agreed with that assessment and said Marco is a bird that mated for life and Marco couldn't argue because his fruit some times overwrites his human nature.
Back on track: Ace and Sanji flirt so fucking hard no one on the ship can believe it. Despite the fact they've been dating for a while, Sanji probably never mentioned he had a boyfriend(or parents) to the crew and just went along with whatever they thought. When they meet Rayleigh he and Shakky look Sanji over with a very high interest because he looks like that one brat's wife. Sanji is like 'yeah, Marco took me and mom to the fleet and we joined and they're married and he's the man I consider my father' which makes Rayleigh blink because why the fuck is he in the Straw Hat crew? He's a White Beard brat? Sanji just shrugs and is like 'idk seemed fun, bonding with my bf's little bro' which makes the Strawhats fucking lose it. They are sent to another plain of existence except Luffy who is like 'cool, we're brothers'.
Then like Marineford happens and Luffy is there, Sanji isn't, Ace is about to be fucking merced and then Sora and Marco are there like 'can't kill the son in law fuckers' and like yeah, White Beard dies but Ace doesn't. That wound is a mortal wound and so is Luffy's but Marco is a bird brained doctor and he has absolutely 'oo shiny''d his son's bf so like he's in the family in the family, ya know? It's fine if not and we can go deeper in that later need be.
Also could you imagine Marco coming up as an Emperor in this? Like the battle against Black Beard is more a draw than anything else so they are both brought to the status of Emperor and damn those bounties are fucking HIGH. Of course parental sin bullshit means Sanji and Ace's bounties also fucking go astronomical, more so than before. Like holy shit the straw hat crew is looking at Ace and Sanji post ts and how fucking gross they are but they are still two of the most wanted men in the new generation and should be feared.
Would you guys believe I got a normal amount of sleep?
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“Crowley is Malleus’s long lost father” theory is popping off right now in like every twst social media community so I wanted to know what your thoughts on it were?
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I briefly discussed this theory in the final paragraph of this post (although it is full of spoilers, so please be cautious of that). To reiterate (and to add more details), the main pieces of evidence that come up when discussing this idea are:
Malleus’s dad is confirmed missing, but we never saw a body or have confirmation of his death so we can’t 100% trust that.
Crowley’s past and motives remain a total mystery. (The crow mask he wears is also highly suspicious; why does he never remove it? Why does it resemble the masks worn by Briar Country soldiers? Because Malleus would recognize his father? Because Lilia might recognize his old friend?)
The name of Malleus’s dad may be romanized as Levan/Revan (we don’t have an official English localization for book 7 yet, so we don’t know for sure how it would be written). (Edit: EN has confirmed that his name is "Raverne".) The former looks like the word “raven”, just with the vowels swapped around. And you know who else is a black bird?? Diablo, Maleficent’s crow and right-hand man, similar to how Levan/Revan was Mallenoa’s right-hand man. Who else do we know that’s a crow? Crowley.
Levan/Revan is described by Lilia as someone who “always dumped their work onto others/him”, which is something that Crowley also does to his own students.
So I guess the conclusion is that Malleus’s dad went into hiding to protect himself (especially if we assumed that his wife got killed off shortly after his disappearance; his own life may be in danger as well)?
I think the idea is definitely… interesting??? It would also be a big rug pull since players have been joking since day 1 that Crowley gives the vibes of a deadbeat/absentee dad or someone who went off to buy milk and never came back 😂 But in terms of how likely I think it is to become a reality??? I think it’s definitely kind of shaky if we’re going with only what we know right now.
The problem I have with this theory is twofold. Firstly, it’s counting a lot of omission of information as proof rather than details present as proof (which really could be spun any which way you like if you tried hard enough). Secondly, the main thread of logic here is basically the same as “Ace traitor” theory. We’re drawing conclusions from… a name (in Ace’s case, the fact that his surname isn’t “Heart” like the other card soldiers but is “Trappola”), which isn’t a lot of solid evidence in of itself.
I don’t know if I totally buy that Malleus’s dad would go MIA for literally 400ish years either? Like… he was the princess’s confidant, right? So he must have cared for her very much. Why would he up and abandon his wife (rather than coming to her rescue), his friend (Lilia), his country, AND his unborn child who NEEDS his love magic to be hatched? Why wouldn’t he return once the war was over?? Why would he run off to Sage’s Island and become the headmaster there??? If he doesn’t want to be a present father figure, why have a child at all or put himself in a position where he now has to monitor several hundreds of children every year instead of the one child that is actually his? (I know that Lilia started off not wanting kids and then became more open to the idea over time (ie people can change), but I don't think we can conclude the same happened to Crowley given how dismissive he still is in present day and how little we really know about Malleus's dad's true personality.) And surely if Crowley was Malleus’s dad, he’s not so ignorant as to not know Malleus is his son, right…? But then why forget about his existence 90% of the time and forget to invite him when he knows Malleus is on campus and he had not been there for him all his life???? Why actively be such an asshole???
The mask thing on Crowley is suspicious as heck, yes, but I don’t know if Malleus would be able to identify his father on sight since he never saw him or got to know him before hatching. On the flip side, how would Lilia not immediately notice his friend by voice??? Or by the mask if it is, indeed, his friend’s trademark or a custom from Briar Country? Are we arguing “characters made dumb for the sake of plot”? 😭 (Believe it or not, this is actually the most credible piece of evidence to me just because of how often TWST has employed cases of mistaken identity for the sake of convenience; I wouldn’t put it past them.)
Lilia does describe Levan/Revan as someone who dumps work on others, but he says Mallenoa does the same thing. Yet there are other aspects to Mallenoa which we also learn about. Shirking work is not the entire personality of Malleus’s dad and while his overall character may be inclusive of that, there are tons of traits unaccounted for; we barely know the guy. The Crowley = Levan theory feels like taking a conclusion and working backwards/retroactively changing the interpretation of other details to prove the conclusion we began with, instead of taking suspicious details and synthesizing a conclusion from it.
Anyway! You can see that I’m hesitant about this theory. I’d like more concrete details before I get on board with it because there isn't enough to implicate Crowley specifically—but hey, that’s not to say the idea isn’t interesting or funny 🤔 I’d personally love to see Malleus’s reaction to Crowley Darth Vader-ing him, haha 😂
Side note: It’s also sort of funny how people don’t believe Crowley is Malleus’s dad simply because they think Mallenoa is “too good/hot” for a man as bumbling as Crowley www
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hp-abandonshipfest · 3 months
Abandon Ship Fest Masterlist
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Ahoy there! Our voyage is now at an end, and we, the mods, are delighted to announce that we have 23 spectacular gen works for your perusal! Thank you to everyone who engaged, commented, reblogged, and followed along. Your support means so much and we are so grateful! Without further ado, here are our entries ⚓
Fine Print by nocturn Marietta's maxims for a life well-learned and well-lived.
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Where the Heart is by silver_fish - a Podfic by @cailynwrites After the events at the Department of Mysteries in June—and all that came after—Harry finds himself once again stranded at Number Four Privet Drive. With only his own thoughts to keep him company, he takes to writing letters to the only person he thinks can help, if only he were still alive to do so.
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Collected Correspondence by Artemisaki, jtimu Correspondence between Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy regarding publication of novel findings in magizoology and wizarding space. 
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Maybe this is enough by Patriceavril Scattered moments throughout a doomed friendship.
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All The Whys To Map The Stars by @nogenrealldrama  Sometimes Astronomy feels like the least magical subject at Hogwarts. But while the influence of the planets can seem subtle, it’s also ever-present. This fic is a short narrative exploration of how Astronomy might affect magic in the Wizarding world.
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Eat Your Death, Draco by @sillywives Draco's first dinner with the Death Eaters isn't what he expected.
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The Ostentation by @lumosatnight, @nanneramma Lucius Malfoy: the boy, the man, the bird.
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[ART] Never Been in Love by @okeydokeylackey Little piece of art/gif of Voldemort with an aro/ace flag 🧡💛🤍💙🖤
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The Winds Forbid by @dodgerkedavra The third letter Petunia receives from Albus Dumbledore simply can’t be right.
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The Sacred Blood We Spilled by @bunnieblair Her sisters were her ever-present companions in life. Their presence at her side firm and unyielding. Years of treasured girlhood, of never being alone. A lifetime spent fighting, learning and growing together.
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Between Truth & Repose by @caitriona-3 Lily figures the assignment is as good a chance as any to ask her question - why are the three curses unforgivable?
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Aniseed by @poljupci The Art of Identifying the Things which No Longer Serve You
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These Dreams That Deepen Our Desires by Clueless Anxious Ghost of Hayhay (ShadowfoxFreyja) Narcissa finds herself in Azkaban, unwillingly dwelling on her past experiences.
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The Diary of T.M. Riddle by @midnightstargazer On a visit to the Malfoys, fourteen-year-old Sirius insists on sneaking off to explore. What happens when he and Regulus find a blank diary hidden deep within the Malfoys’ library?
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Ollivanders and Potter: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C. by That_Dark_Forest_Witch The wand may be the one to do all the choosing, but wandmakers are needed to help the pairs find each other. The getting-ready-for-school rush in Diagon Ally is one of Harry's favourites now that the shop is his.
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A Good Place (Believe Me) by SquibNation10 Five-year-old Harry's idyllic summer in Godric's Hollow takes a dramatic turn when he meets Tom, a troubled boy. Tragedy strikes: Harry's sister, Luna, is missing. Can Tom and Harry solve the mystery together?
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The boy and the dogfather by HadrianPeverellBlack Trouble is very protective of the young boy.
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The Secrets We Keep by sky_watcher_rose Minerva knows who the black cat with the brown eyes is, but she never says anything. After all, as she keeps telling herself, she has no proof.
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Learning to Unlearn by @offthemap A Pansy Parkinson character study. Over the course of a year and a half, Pansy starts to become more open-minded about the world she lives in... though at first not on purpose. A series of vignettes.
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My brothers, my boys, my twins by @lucigoo Percy was unintentionally parentified at a young age. Now, on his first birthday without Fred, he finds himself with George and Harry. Reminiscing about the boys he all but helped raised.
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Missing Pages by @nightfalltwen Something isn't right with Monica Wilkins' life. It's like reading a book with the pages torn out and she doesn't know.
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Unbreakable bonds by x_manga_Bleach_x Bill was Ginny's favourite brother. She'd never tell Ron though. He'd pout and sulk for days.
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our house in the middle of our street by daniko A neglected orphan, a former and future spy, and a convicted felon take up residence in a grim old place.
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truebluewhocanoe · 10 months
assigning a Pokemon to every Doctor Who
Because I Want To(TM)
Gonna do this within the specific Pokemon/Doctor Who crossover AU framework of: 1. Pokemon exist everywhere in the universe and 2. The Doctor's partner Pokemon is actually connected to the TARDIS. It's like a little part of her personality that she sounds out to accompany the Doctor and help them out.
Also, I'm choosing first-stage Pokemon, mainly so that there isn't imbalances in strength between choices. Let's just say that this TARDIS partner Pokemon can evolve on the fly when needed but prefers to be small and cute.
Okay, with that out of the way, let's go!
First Doctor: Eevee It's a classic that's full of potential, not quite done cooking but already iconic.
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Second Doctor: Zorua Crafty yet adorable. I can just picture Jamie and Zoe cooing over it and lapping up all the adoration. Illusions are very, very handy in a pinch!
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Third Doctor: Pichu It can power his gadgets! It can nibble on wires to foil villains' plans! It matches the color scheme of his sonic screwdriver!
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Four Doctor: Cottonee Extremely fluffy- I like to think it hides in his hair. Insert grass-type-weed joke here.
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Fifth Doctor: Fomantis It rides around on his lapel instead of the celery! Also, its evolution Lurantis has matching baconpants.
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Sixth Doctor: Litten It's a cat, it's a fire type, I shouldn't really need to explain this one. (It uses Sunny Day to help give Peri's plants sunlight!)
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Seventh Doctor: Murkrow Clever, shady, and has a nice hat. (I also headcanon Ace with a Combusken, so Seven & Ace both have birds.)
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Eighth Doctor: Litwick Ghostly candle matches his gothic edgelord vibes. Probably won't steal your soul.
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War Doctor: Lucario Making an exemption to the first-stage rule because the Warrior doesn't have time to mess around. Despite joining the Warrior in full-on combat, Lucarios have an in-built sense of right and wrong. Proof, perhaps, that the Warrior hasn't entirely lost his way...
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Ninth Doctor: Houndour A bit intimidating, a bit prickly, but deep down, it's still a good dog at the end of the day.
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Tenth Doctor: Shinx Keeping with the canine themeing but this time upping the cuddly. Don't think too hard about how dangerous electricity can be.
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Eleventh Doctor: Rowlet Okay, this one's just cuz it has a bowtie.
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Twelfth Doctor: Noibat It's a living boombox! I like to think that the Noibat holds a guitar sound cord in its mouth to amplify the Doctor's guitar playing through its ears.
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Thirteenth Doctor: Swablu Similar typing and evolution line to the previous, but this one takes the joyful exterior to the max. It even matches her color scheme!
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That's all I've got for now, if you have different ideas for partner Pokemon, or for other Doctors that I didn't tackle, please tell me about them!
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thebrickinbrick · 4 months
What Is To Be Done In the Abyss if One Does Not Converse? Part 2
About two o’clock in the morning, they reckoned up their strength. There were still thirty-seven of them.
The day began to dawn. The torch, which had been replaced in its cavity in the pavement, had just been extinguished. The interior of the barricade, that species of tiny courtyard appropriated from the street, was bathed in shadows, and resembled, athwart the vague, twilight horror, the deck of a disabled ship. The combatants, as they went and came, moved about there like black forms. Above that terrible nesting-place of gloom the stories of the mute houses were lividly outlined; at the very top, the chimneys stood palely out. The sky was of that charming, undecided hue, which may be white and may be blue. Birds flew about in it with cries of joy. The lofty house which formed the back of the barricade, being turned to the East, had upon its roof a rosy reflection. The morning breeze ruffled the gray hair on the head of the dead man at the third-story window.
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“I am delighted that the torch has been extinguished,” said Courfeyrac to Feuilly. “That torch flickering in the wind annoyed me. It had the appearance of being afraid. The light of torches resembles the wisdom of cowards; it gives a bad light because it trembles.”
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Dawn awakens minds as it does the birds; all began to talk.
Joly, perceiving a cat prowling on a gutter, extracted philosophy from it.
“What is the cat?” he exclaimed. “It is a corrective. The good God, having made the mouse, said: ‘Hullo! I have committed a blunder.’ And so he made the cat. The cat is the erratum of the mouse. The mouse, plus the cat, is the proof of creation revised and corrected.”
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Combeferre, surrounded by students and artisans, was speaking of the dead, of Jean Prouvaire, of Bahorel, of Mabeuf, and even of Cabuc, and of Enjolras’ sad severity. He said:—
“Harmodius and Aristogiton, Brutus, Chereas, Stephanus, Cromwell, Charlotte Corday, Sand, have all had their moment of agony when it was too late. Our hearts quiver so, and human life is such a mystery that, even in the case of a civic murder, even in a murder for liberation, if there be such a thing, the remorse for having struck a man surpasses the joy of having served the human race.”
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And, such are the windings of the exchange of speech, that, a moment later, by a transition brought about through Jean Prouvaire’s verses, Combeferre was comparing the translators of the Georgics, Raux with Cournand, Cournand with Delille, pointing out the passages translated by Malfilâtre, particularly the prodigies of Cæsar’s death; and at that word, Cæsar, the conversation reverted to Brutus.
“Cæsar,” said Combeferre, “fell justly. Cicero was severe towards Cæsar, and he was right. That severity is not diatribe. When Zoïlus insults Homer, when Mævius insults Virgil, when Visé insults Molière, when Pope insults Shakspeare, when Frederic insults Voltaire, it is an old law of envy and hatred which is being carried out; genius attracts insult, great men are always more or less barked at. But Zoïlus and Cicero are two different persons. Cicero is an arbiter in thought, just as Brutus is an arbiter by the sword. For my own part, I blame that last justice, the blade; but, antiquity admitted it. Cæsar, the violator of the Rubicon, conferring, as though they came from him, the dignities which emanated from the people, not rising at the entrance of the senate, committed the acts of a king and almost of a tyrant, regia ac pene tyrannica. He was a great man; so much the worse, or so much the better; the lesson is but the more exalted. His twenty-three wounds touch me less than the spitting in the face of Jesus Christ. Cæsar is stabbed by the senators; Christ is cuffed by lackeys. One feels the God through the greater outrage.”
Bossuet, who towered above the interlocutors from the summit of a heap of paving-stones, exclaimed, rifle in hand:—
“Oh Cydathenæum, Oh Myrrhinus, Oh Probalinthus, Oh graces of the Æantides! Oh! Who will grant me to pronounce the verses of Homer like a Greek of Laurium or of Edapteon?”
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