#bio pro complex
medicenpk1 · 1 year
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angrysnakes · 3 months
I straight up don't trust anyone that calls themselves a leftist or progressive unless they show some actually radical perspectives. Every leftist loses the leftism from their body as soon as they see a queer person with a confusing identity or someone expressing kink or someone with a personality disorder or endogenic systems or people with paraphilic disorders. Then they turn cops that love the prison industrial complex and the death penalty and mob violence. It begins and ends with gay marriage and free healthcare. The vast majority of leftists won't ever take an opinion that could bring them controversy. They're fully ok with the status quo just slightly to the left to include conventional gay people and mental health support for mild anxiety at best. I'm sick of seeing people with Palestine flags in their bio say with their full chest it's ok to bully people to suicide because certain people just deserve it, and have no fucking critical thought in their brains. They'll never go against the grain. Leftist only for what is already acceptable. You're not a leftist if you can't support what you find gross or ugly or confusing. You aren't leftist if you can't make hard decisions that go against what you've been taught. You aren't leftist if you can't genuinely listen to others you've deemed worthless or inherently dangerous or let new scientific evidence challenge your worldview. You aren't leftist if you take the easy route that makes you feel better than others. You aren't leftist if you pander to "think of the children!!!" fear mongering. Leftism is pro freak, pro marginalized, pro outcast, pro radical compassion, pro deconstruction. Rethink what you've been taught about harm and actually get a fucking spine to take difficult positions that don't get you easy applauds for fuck's sake.
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The user pudpuppaw is a pro shipper that supports real pedophilia, I'm just letting you know, I'm neither anti or pro shipper.
Unless they're pro/neutral contact, I don't much care. Paraphilias are uncontrollable, unlike the harm they have potential to cause. You'll notice my bio includes neupara and anticontact.
Ofc, if they are pro/neutral contact or complex contact or anything except anticontact, that's uh. Yikes. Not welcome here.
EDIT: looking at their blog, they appear to be staunchly anticontact, which is 100% okay and the only acceptable answer here as far as contact goes.
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Proship guide. Includes- google definitions + examples + the emoji combos (in some bios/names on different social media accounts, there are emoji combos that tell people they ship problematic things)
Proship (Problematic Shipping)-
"...one who supports romantic pairings that are deemed problematic, as well as supports creating fanworks of this nature."
Examples- Incest, Pedophilia, Non/Dubcon, abusive, illegal shit.
Emoji combo-🍖🌈/🍓🍰
Proship ("Pro" ship)-
"...freely shipping characters together."
Can be both legal and illegal ships. Doesn't care what the ship is because they are fictional characters.
Emoji combo-🍖🌈/🍓🍰
"To some fans, darkships usually involve pairings that are taboo in some way."
Examples- Abusive, illegal, very similar/the same as proshipping
Emoji combo- 🎱🎀
Comship ("Complicated" shipping)-
Confused with Darkshipping.
"Complex ships, not always bad."
(POSITIVE) Examples- Monster x Human, Villain x Hero
(NEGATIVE) Examples- Stalker x Victim, Abuser x Abused
Emoji combo-🌸🌙
Sorry if I got any of these wrong, I tried to do as much research to spread information. I am NOT a proshipper or any of these other shippers. I just wanted to help people understand because there is a lot of misinformation out there. Have a wonderful day.
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totallypsychopunk · 2 months
The Psychopunk Concept
Work of @ayaisokay (linked here)
What is psychopunk
Psychopunk is a potential genre and that seeks to commentate on the handling of mental health and psychological disorders within society. We express this through a subset of speculative fiction we consider to be our literary genre (of psychopunk).
What makes a work psychopunk
To understand the idea of a psychopunk work, we should first break down the name. A compound with 2 phonemes: "psycho" and "punk." Both are important.
The word "psycho," is usually considered in its more derogatory form, referring to an unstable or aggressive person or behaviour. However, we're using its prefix form, denoting a relation to the mind or psychology.
Psychology is a core aspect of the genre— understanding the "sick," "depraved," or generally "troubled," and how society "fixes” them, or more often fails to. In particular, we seek to critique the over medicalisation of the individual and their affliction, when we should also be addressing the societal causes of such afflictions.
The term "punk" was chosen in relation to biopunk, and cyberpunk elements that seem appropriate for psychopunk works; however, the term punk also encompasses the anti-establishment/authority nature— being that our works are in opposition to societal norms and expectations.
The core characteristics of psychopunk (in literature) can be regarded as such:
Dystopia: a world in ruin; a false utopia. Or perhaps a world that seemed perfect but began to collapse. Regardless, the nature of this ruin should be in relation to psychology and the medical approach towards mental health and conformity.
Advancements: settings should have a sense of technological advancement, especially concerning mental and (perhaps) physical health. In fantasy settings, these advancements may be achieved through a form of magic rather than science and technology.
Mental health: The protagonist and/other key characters should possess some degree of mental disorder or other complexity— this should ideally be relevant to their respective character arcs and primary plotlines.
Failure: express the failure of an established mental health system, namely highlighting the pros and cons and implications of the societal solution, while demonstrating its failures, and ethicality.
Trauma: The resurface or acquisition should be a core aspect of the work's inciting incident— the story covers the effects of that trauma and its resolution— or in some cases, the result of failing to resolve said trauma.
What does psychopunk look like
The aesthetic and feel of psychopunk is expressed through the distorted perception of the mentally afflicted. Take inspiration from psychotic, paranoid, and dissociative disorders. Contrast vivid clarity and saturation, with numbing desaturation, brightness, and blurriness.
Psychopunk Stories
In an ideal psychopunk settings (with a more sci-fi focus than fantasy), the world may feel traditionally cyberpunk, with subtle or emerging bio punk elements. Though, there's a fair amount of space for freedom.
Psychopunk stories should have an inciting incident that revolves around the awakening of repressed trauma or the creation of new trauma— the resulting mental turmoil should play apart in subsequent plotlines and be resolved or concluded by the story or main plot’s end. Characters are generally complex, possessing backgrounds and core experiences which visibly impact their flaws and behaviour. Settings are dystopian in nature, societies lack or suppress idealism and individual autonomy or freedom may be brought into question.
I'm currently managing a WIP proof of concept called Today We Learnt to Feel / kyō watashitachi kanjiru osowatta (今日私たち感じる教わった). I plan on creating a dedicated blog for the work and updates surrounding it (as it will be released for free if/when it is completed). If that plan changes, I will provide an update here.
Psychopunk Music
Psychopunk tracks make use of distortion for beats and rhythms or melodies. Their soundscapes are complex, rapid, and intense (or rather, emotionally loaded); however, it may at times become calm and quiet or even empty. Some tracks may make prominent use of glitch effects and noise— reflecting psychopunk’s aesthetic of distorted realities and emotions. Reverb, delay, and ambient sounds create disorientation in tracks— this could be implicative of altered perceptions and trauma. Additionally, tracks will likely make use of synths and industrial samples/sounds for a dystopia or futuristic atmosphere.
Psychopunk songs employ contrasting structures that cycle between moments of high energy and melancholy. The varied structures can convey emotions instability and the volatility of emotions (both the highs and lows). The effect could be achieved by contrasting densely layered sections against minimalist sections— this can be applied to vocals too. Switch between soft clean vocals and harsh vocals and/or selectively layer only some vocals sections.
Psychopunk lyrics should focus on or imply mental health issues and trauma: personal and/or societal struggles, identity, etc. Tracks or albums may critique societal norms, technological control, limited individuality, and oppressive systems. Tracks or albums might also explore existential questions/themes— like the nature of reality, consciousness, knowledge, and/or personal autonomy.
Vocalists performing for a psychopunk song may experiment with an abstract and fragmented lyrical style, soft, strained, or broken vocal style, and/or vocal chops and loops. Lyrics can be personal and introspective— seeking to address personal experiences and emotions in a raw and unfiltered way.
Breakcore may be considered psychopunk adjacent due to its fast and chaotic beats/rhythms. Rory in Early 20’s track De Kieru exemplifies the intense, emotionally charged sound of psychopunk. Dystopian themes and harsh mechanical sounds create a relation to Industrial genres. Nine Inch Nails can be referenced for the use of industrial-rock sounds and social critiques. Thematic elements, glitch effects, noise, and electronic manipulation can feel inspired or derived from glitch/glitchcore— look at Aphex Twin for an idea of this. You can also listen to Crystal Castle to gain inspiration for potential applications of chaotic synth-driven sounds and elements of emotional distress.
Existing Psychopunky Artist
Look into the works of Lightningo, namely their album "ALL YOU HUMANS ARE THE SAME." I personally found that "NUMB" and "APATHY" came especially close to my idea of the genre.
To summarise, psychopunk music is characterised by 3 key tropes/features:
Emotional Intensity
Cathartic energy
Raw and unfiltered
Technological Influence
Blend of synthetic and organic sounds
Technological motifs and sounds
Experimental Approach
Non-traditional song structures
Niche or innovative sound design and composition
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s-ephiroth · 12 days
not to start anything mean intended because i'm not that kind of person, but
i can't for the life of me understand people who claim to be sephiroth fans/have sephiroth based ships and go on and slap a capitalized "proship dni" somewhere in their bios/profiles
never understood this and never will, (for reasons i shall elaborate below) though i may get the potential reasons for it and just... it absolutely baffles me how misused the term proship is
that word literally means "in favor of shipping", that's what the "pro" part of the word is for. it doesn't mean you have to necessarily ship every ship that exists ever (that would be 1. insane and 2. not very feasible), just that you understand people will have different ships, you respect that others' preferences exist and mind your lane
it is basic fandom etiquette, it's literally old school "your kink is not my kink and that's ok". it's blocking folks with ships you dislike (notp) instead of trying to regulate what people do with narrative tools (characters) in a fictional space
sometimes other people are eating shrimp and you're allergic to shrimp. it doesn't mean the other people are immoral for eating shrimp
some people use proship to mean "problematic ship" (aka ships with dark thematics that wouldn't be ok irl) when 1. it doesn't mean that, and 2. you can dislike a thing without misusing a word
no, someone who's proshipper won't force you to ship their ship you may dislike, if you're wondering. that's not what the word implies at all
enter sephiroth
oh, you know him. sephiroth who took part in a genocide when young. sephiroth who took part in a war and very likely killed people. sephiroth who got betrayed by humanity so much that he chooses to torch down a small village and choose to become cosmic horror instead and haunt a twink
this is not a wholesome character!
like, i do believe that sephiroth has the potential to be cute/do good/work well as a slice of life protagonist if you frame him just right, but by canon definition, where he goes, someone dies
he's not fully good and not fully evil, he's a morally grey character reacting to the only life he knows and having multiple instances of terrible decisions. he's a victim as much as he's propagating evil
he's a very complex character and loving his character is understanding that not all that does or that happens to him is ideal. and that's ok, his very birth/conception alone is full of dark/taboo themes
and see, here's what i don't get: people who use "proship dni" in their bios, aside from the obvious performative flavor to that, (it's the internet! a sign won't stop people who are particularly mean!!) presumably don't want to interact with one or more of the following:
- people who ship anything in general (if going by the literal definition of the word)
- people who ship anything with dark/"problematic" thematics (by going by the misconception of the word meaning "problematic ship")
- people with a different ship that would be a notp or people who aren't into yumeshipping (oc/self insert x canon) (i'm not gonna get into my horror stories from twitter about this one but it exists, i was attacked once for trying to run a sc event)
if it's for the first reason, fair, but why only list one side of the discourse instead of just putting you're not into shipping? it feels like trying to bait people into a fight
the second is the one that baffles me the most. any ship you put sephiroth in has potential to have dark thematics, because sephiroth, as a shipping component, brings all these dark themes into it. unless you're redoing his whole life from scratch, he'll still have the history of having killed people, having fought a war, having been experimented on from pre-birth, etc. and if you have to redo this character's whole life to avoid dealing with his thematics entirely... do you even like him at all? are people who enjoy dark thematics forbidden from engaging with potentially wholesome thematics as well?
and the third is just hypocritical pettiness, really. you're not morally superior for shipping sephiroth with yourself or your oc or a different character that you prefer over some other character. sephiroth is still sephiroth, regardless of who he's with. he'll still do sephiroth things, whether positive or negative. you can dislike other ships without being morally performative about things. you can have notps!! you can dislike a ship for hitting you with the wrong vibes or because you like that other ship better
but in the end it all just boils down to it having the same vibes as antis using ao3: you're making use of the most proship thing out there is and saying proshippers shouldn't interact with you
i don't get it
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jomindraws · 6 months
Hi! I am a fellow spec worldbuilder and am wanting to dive ever deeper into what i make because spending months on a singular world is not enough apparently lol. Any chance you could share what resources you use in your worldbuilding?
Sure thing! I've fallen into my own, convoluted system over time, but I can give you some resources to start! You don't need a subscription to a complex program-- just using Docs is good enough to organize! For complex organization, I like to use Obsidian which is also free ( and very very helpful).
If you're looking for some basic guides to start the geography of an Earth-like planet, I would look at Artifexian's tutorials... he has a sort of follow-along guide for a lot of tectonics etc, but its not necessary to follow exactly to the tee.
For spec bio/evo, Biblaridion has a FANTASTIC spec evo series which should get you a rough grasp on spec mechanics. Atlas Pro also has some good videos for following along Earth's paleontology and animal evolution to give you some ideas as well.
As for programs, like I said Docs works fine, although some form of Excel/Sheets/etc is good for calculations. I cannot recommend Obsidian MORE, it is a lifesaver. As for drawing maps and such, GPlates is OKAY for tectonics, but its not intuitive whatsoever. Although I make my maps on Clip Studio Paint, there are free alternatives like Krita you can use (or you can try Adobe Illustrator if you're feeling frisky). (For research, a lot of aforementioned ones should cover your back but I do recommend searching your local library for any books about ecosystems, phylogenetics, tree of life adjacent things, etc.) A lot of spec worldbuilding is pretty much a stone's throw into a dark chasm, so you have to use your own intuition and logic for a lot of it. Remember that the farther you stray from Earth-like, the less hard-science materials you will have to firmly go off of - BUT, the less boring and more """alien""" your life can get. So by all means, make your system life on an ice giant orbiting a dead pulsar !... but be ready to fudge some numbers.
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ng-scanlations · 7 months
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Bloody Roar 2 V-Jump book bio: Yugo
Something worth protecting
I wonder if I went overboard— just a tiny bit. I jumped in there then insisted to them “Lemme spar!”, hit my partner with a knockout blow (dammit, really didn’t mean to do that), and more than likely ruined the boxing gym’s reputation. But hey— if there was anything that could be considered the quickest way to gauge my true strength— well then, this was it, heheh! In any case, I just need to earn some money fast. You probably know by now that I’m not exactly a regular human being. And I get it, I’m not fit to be a parent; don’t have the biggest brains or whatever the hell you’d call “familial relations” either. Still…. While looking for my old man, I met this guy. He’s just a little kid who was being kept by those people so they could find ways to abuse his zoanthrope abilities. I couldn’t just leave him there— in that place. Now that I’ve decided to take him in, I gotta keep him well fed.
It didn’t suit the kind of guy like me to simply work a part-time job for a measly wage— at least that’s how I felt. By going the pro-boxer route instead, I figured I’d be able to make a killing in no time. No offense those guys but, when it comes to fistfights, I don’t like losing even though it’s mean of me not to hold back. I know that if anyone ever finds out I’m a zoanthrope, someone might cause a commotion. But… I honestly couldn’t care less about that; it’ll probably be fine. Doesn’t really matter right? I mean, it’s not like I’m actually gonna morph into my beast form to fight. Wouldn’t make sense showing off my fangs or claws considering I’d be fighting with gloves on after all. I wanted to take on the challenge for the title of champion immediately, but I heard that there’s tons of complex procedures you have to go through to actually become a pro— tests and all that tiresome stuff. Guess I’ll have to start from the beginning as a trainee for now. Argh, it’s pretty annoying— though, you know what they always say— no pain, no gain. Sorry little guy, but it’s gonna take a while to get my boxer’s license. Until then, just leave everything to me okay? Once I become a pro, I’ll buy and feed you all sorts of good food with my fight money…..
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multifictostalker · 11 months
Olive's Intro
٩(๑>◡<๑)۶ Hi and welcome to my blog! I’m very happy to have you here, maybe stick around? Just don’t land a hand on my beloveds!
Tag Guide
⦅ About this blog ⦆
I plan on using this blog to post fantasies, talk about paraphilia, and post fiction relating to selfships!
Currently my primary beloveds and f/os are Squirrelflight, Scolipede, Spiderleg, Flick (AC), Scorpia, Mammon (OM), Gumball, Peril, Star Tracker, Denki Kaminari
[ Current hyperfix/obsession , married , partner , crush ]
I am supportive of all/most good faith identities! I consider myself radqueer to some extent, more primarily I am radinclus, pro-ship, anti-harassment, pro-para, and ANTI-CONTACT.
This is not a discourse blog. It is for my own euphoria purposes and fantasizing.
For now I’d consider this blog 14+, but it could become 16+ or even 18+ in the future…
Please note that I’m not a huge Tumblr user so there might be some things I don’t know.
⦅ About me ⦆
Hello (灬ºωº灬)♡ I go by Olive or Ollie, but some people know me better as Golden. My pronouns are She/he/neos with fluctuations pronoun preferences. The best thing to do when you don’t know my current pronouns is to default to she/her. I will keep my bio updated with my current pronouns. Also I’m currently 18 :>
I have some more complicated and complex stances and opinions that I should probably make a Rentry on, but here’s the gist! I am radiclus, pro-para, anti-contact (gtfo if you’re pro-contact!) , radqueer*, pro-ship, pro-fic, anti-harassment, pro-kink, and punk! I also consider myself to be ancom, but I’m not super into politics.
My paras are zoophilia, fictozoo, autozoo, MAP, fictoMAP, objectum, autoplusho, phasmophilia, and autobiastophilia, and more!
I have a lot of genders and sexualities. I am Abrosexual, meaning that my sexuality changes. I mainly consider myself to be a Abro Vincian, but I’m not exclusively a vincian! I enjoy collecting queer identities and have a whole hoard. I am Bigender, Genderfluid, genderqueer, agender, and xenogender- the best way to explain my gender would be fluffy and soft, but sometimes more punk! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
I am disabled! I have Cerebral Palsy and chronic pain. I also self-ID as autistic! I also have body dysmorphia.
I have a few different trans-ids. I plan on making another rentry to explain my reasonings behind my trans-ids. Of course I’m transgender, but I’m also transyandere, transstalker, transMDD, transOLD, transSeverity, transTruama and more!
Some fandoms and interests of mine are Warriors, Wings of Fire, Pokemon, The Amazing World of Gumball, The Amazing Digital Circus, She-Rah, DSMP/MCYT, animals, paraphilia, queerness, fantasy, dragons, fanfiction, My Little Pony, and Anime/Manga.
I’m not sure that there’s much more to say! I have two other accounts, @just-goldens and @pastel-golden
*I more often than not consider myself “Hesitantly radqueer” or “Critically radqueer.” I will make a rentry soon that goes into more detail as to my opinions. Please keep in mind that no matter my opinions, I am anti-harassment and don’t have any intention to harass or harm any radqueer individuals.
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underlust-revisited · 7 months
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-🩵💛Sub to Temmie’s ✨✨OnlyMons✨💛🩵
-HOI 🔞 Adults only‼️
Minors DNI/ Pro-Shippers DNI
Have Age in Bio or BAN
- She/Tem/Flak
-Watch my hot tub streams
Ahem… Anyways
- They know of nothing but the deep complex Temmie History
- College Student that streams for money
- She/ They/ He
(Aroace but 20 g is 20g)
-She doesn’t fight you, their simps do
For lore check link:
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witheredoffherwitch · 11 months
Find it very funny how someone with a handle that shows they very clearly can’t stand Aemond as a character replied to tumblr comments made from a YEAR ago claiming that the showrunners can’t do anything in adapting alysmond’s relationship or add any sort of complexity that takes away from the fact that their relationship is not consensual and he is a r*pist. “No amount of pet names or cute moments will change that.” They are so unbelievably incapable of critical thought towards fiction. It’s unbelievable how they attack anyone who sees a FICTIONAL DYNAMIC as compelling and interesting. They had the audacity to accuse someone of “victim-blaming” for thinking Alys genuinely wanted to be with him of her own free will. You can absolutely recognize their circumstances were problematic but that does NOT mean people who enjoy dark pairings in media condone r*pe and to insinuate that is honestly disgusting. They even have “alysmond shipper? go kys” in their bio 💀 Imagine going that far because someone enjoys the possibility of a haunted romance. Just insane.
OMG 💀💀
I haven't seen this blog yet but there's a good possibility that I am already blocked by this individual... since my own blog doesn't shy away from showcasing my explicit biases for certain characters and their ships lol.
That being said, how FUCKING sad?? I totally get not liking a popular character or one of their ships, but to go out and make an entirely new blog dedicated to posting/reblogging 'anti- X' tags is so beyond ridiculous! It's a work of FICTION we're talking about here; how can another person's opinions really affect your own well-being? Asking people to KYS over a ship/character is the epitome of LOSER behaviour. I do consider myself a TG sympathizer, but I CANNOT imagine myself enjoying a fandom without my lovely moots who certainly don't align with my tastes or biases. That's why I try not to use anti- tags in my posts, opting instead for pro- ones which better represent my stance on a topic/discussion.
Anyway, I would just ask y'all to let them be! It's everyone's right to curate a fandom experience to their own liking. While I don't like my own experience to be this isolated, I can't fault anyone else looking to have their own 'exclusive' fandom experience.
That's all! 🤗
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tamelee · 9 months
Hello, I wondered what you think of the proshipping/anti shipping debate, and maybe where you position yourself?
From what I’ve seen, pro-shipping is usually people saying that you can ship everything you want since you have to "separate reality and fiction"… and most of the time it sounds like an excuse to create/consume incest fanfictions or child porn without guilt
On the other hand, in the anti-shipping side you have people who are treating some media as "irredeemable" for literally nothing… Like, "oh, this story is saying directly into your face that what thing one character has done is bad? So that means the story is not spreading awareness of this harmful behavior"
I think there are wrongs on both sides, but in general I disagree more with the proshipping community, because most proshippers I’ve interacted with are just people who don’t want to accept that there can be consequences to their actions, what they create, and what they consume. I’ve seen a lot of them saying that fiction has no impact on reality, which isn’t true at all. Most of the times proshippers handle sensitive and "problematic" subjects carelessly, sometimes even while spreading misplaced ideas, but don’t want people calling them out on the matter… (by calling out I don’t mean harassment of course, harassment isn’t and never will be a good solution to those problems)
The subject can be pretty complex, I’m curious to hear your thoughts about it! If you want of course, I would understand you not wanting to talk about it… And I’m sorry if expressed myself badly, since I don’t speak english very well
Take care, you’re doing amazing art pieces💙
Hi ^^ it is expressed very well, dw!  And thankyou so much 🧡!!
Well, you specifically talk about shipping, which I think is completely fine. But the debate itself claims so often to be more than just that, using ‘shipping’ for something much too broad to define through these two terms which meaning is questionable. 
The debate is only interesting to me because of the whole fiction=/=reality aspect (at least I personally think that is an enjoyable debate, especially reading the arguments.) The most famous and skilled literary theorists and scholars can’t agree on this matter even today because there are too many variables and barriers like culture for example. A lot of opposites are both deemed true and false at the same time and it often lands on a slightly disappointing “it depends”. You say it yourself also. As well as you “leaning more toward one side” because it’s impossible to put a term on it unless someone would write down a bunch of guidelines to which they then commit to. But then you’re more defined by that than by your own thinking or even preferences. 
It isn’t so black and white that you can just.. idk, simply throw it all into two terms to define a preference that includes your entire life-experience and gain a Universal agreement by what it even means in the first place with everyone else on the internet, as if that’s how it works with this topic y’know? As if suddenly a shipping-filter will shame our literary masters out of any logic “because a fan/shipper wants ‘x’ to molest ‘y’ through non-con sex in fanwork’ and to say whether that’s okay or not in general depends on which of the two terms you used to define yourself in your bio and literally nothing else. And I don’t see how that logic connects when it is used like that and so often in this case. 
I know, this is an exaggeration, but I hope you know what I mean regarding the debate. This isn’t about your ask directly. The “it depends” is kinda frustrating for me too, because I’m always searching for an answer that makes sense for anything >< But what doesn’t here is as I said before, that people don’t even agree with each other either about the meaning of ‘pro/anti’-shipping’. Even the general definition is (or used to?) different and has literally nothing to do with reality/fiction just.. shipping. Whenever another popular post shows up people share that as ‘the next truth’ or even I receive it for clarification for an older post, but then another says something along the lines of “maybe that’s true for them, but to me it means....” 
So, where would I position myself? Well, “it depends” on who asks and what it means to them. Nah, I don’t think a single term about shipping can define how I think about the relationship between fiction and reality, what is right/wrong/acceptable/etc which you’re right- is very complex. At least, I refuse to do that if I can help it. I’ve seen enough misunderstandings and the harassment that you’re talking about to think that this isn’t going about it the most efficient way despite some parts being interesting and definitely topics worth talking about whether it is about shipping or something much broader.
“On the other hand, in the anti-shipping side you have people who are treating some media as "irredeemable" for literally nothing… Like, "oh, this story is saying directly into your face that what thing one character has done is bad? So that means the story is not spreading awareness of this harmful behavior"
And you’re completely right about people using ‘whatever/however/whomever’ as an excuse to justify anything, but that itself is kind of common human behavior and I genuinely don’t know what to say about it. Though you bring up something that (and similar extreme views) is why I would definitely lean more towards a separation of fiction and reality. Not to justify anything, but if anything else... I’ve always rooted for the freedom of expression/creativity whether I agree with it or not because censorship has always been tricky and sometimes outright dangerous. Who's going to decide what exactly? The fact that no one will agree with each other remains regardless. (And yes, I think there are definitely things I don’t want to see either of course, but discussing all that is a whole different topic.) 
“I’ve seen a lot of them saying that fiction has no impact on reality, which isn’t true at all.”
You’re right again, but to quickly note; fiction=/=reality or fiction having impact on reality isn’t the same thing. Storytelling has always shaped beliefs and perspectives all over the world. In fiction especially, morals and ethics are often explored. Almost always a story is a problem in some form or another that needs to be solved because that’s satisfying, but how are you going to do that? And how will you write it in a way that people root for your character? And how else can you do that than involving the encouragement of a readers’ own reflection of their values and beliefs while simultaneously sharing and possibly influence them with your own? 
No one can deny this though? And if they do I wonder about the argument tbh. 
If a story can inspire it can also do the opposite. It’s not one or the other. 
Storytelling is such a powerful tool and imo it should be used wisely which means something else in every case because... aaahhh “it depends” >< 
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valcaira · 2 years
About me
Hello folks! you can call me Cyrus or Cy. I'm 20 years old and I blog about many kind of things including disability, queerness, art, fandom and politics.
I'm transmasc bigender nonbinary butch faggot man and use he/him pronouns. I'm also german-belaruthian and practice witchcraft.
I am vehemently kink positive and will tag posts where i'm lusting over blood, cannibalism and guts as #bloodthirst so filter out that tag if it makes you uncomfortable.
If you use Zionist as an insult, to categotize Jews into "good" and "bad", only get your sources from antizionists and refuse to listen to Jewish people who keep telling you it's a complex ideology with many facets and doesn't mean what you think it does - you are both wrong and stupid.
I won't post donation asks. They will be reported as spam.
Further information under the cut:
Instagram: @/valcaira_art
Other Socials:
AO3: valcaira
NexusMods: valcaira
My blog is a MOGAI friendly space.
I'm disabled and chronically ill. I have rheumatoid arthritis, POTS, FND with hemiparesis, a tic disorder, BPD, NPD, dpdr, psychosis and CPTSD. I'm also autistic.
In terms of political stances I consider myself left wing and a democratic socialist. Democracy is non-negotiable. I'm pro-European Union. Anti-authoritarianism. The lives and wellbeing of humans stand above all else, especially capitalism. If you're a western tankie or Russia lover don't even attempt trying to "convince" me of your ideology. I'm Belarusian. I know more than you.
If your support for minorities stops at Jewish and Romani people you might as well hurl yourself into the sun while you're at it.
I'm also an artist and have tons of OCs. If you want to talk about them and yours go ahead!
While I do allow minors to interact with my blog, I wouldn't call it strictly SFW since I make sexual jokes and make the occasional "hell yeah penis" post. I have a sideblog for hornyposting, although visit it with care as it can be very distressing to a lot of people due to it being gore centered. @bleeding-aorta
If I'm on your dni and you interact/follow me first I'm going to ignore it. I'm still open to chill with people who have different stances.
- anti TERF, anti TIRF, anti radfem, anti bioessentialism
- pro democracy, pro european union, anti facist, anti tankie
- "narcissistic abuse" isn't a real thing and just reinforces ableism
- Transandrophobia exists
- pro mpec lesbians and gays + contradictory labels, radinclus
- professional transmed/truscum hater
- anti radqueer, anti transid
- pro para anti contact paraphile
- pro fiction. Don't harass people over what they consume in fiction. Thought crimes are not a thing and you don't automatically endorse in reality what you enjoy in fiction. Antis are free to interact but do behave please. I have horrible experiences with your group (including being sent death and rape threats).
- the Hammer and Sickle is a genocidal symbol just as much as the Hakenkreuz and thus I treat people who put that shit in their bios the same way as I treat Neo-Nazis. Tankie punks fuck off.
- pro Zionism (not a Zionist because I'm not a Jew yet), pro two state solution
- pro Jewish self-determination
- Kahanists and Islamists get blocked on sight
- If you identify with the term "Asperger's" I am very likely to block you.
- attacking people for creating Harry Potter fanworks isn't helping anyone. Don't give money to JKR, enjoy your fanfic and ships. I still like reading Snarry fanfic despite not engaging with the source material anymore.
Twerking Sombron gif for personal archiving reasons:
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some-pers0n · 10 months
You do realize Ao3 is inherently a proship space, right? Like one of the people who created it was an incest shipper. I'm not even saying you HAVE to like all content that's on ao3, but getting upset when people on ao3 related forums are talking about the things that ao3 was built for and refuses to censor is nonsensical
Okey now on my PC so I can actually respond to this in a coherent manner. General TW here for talking about pornography relating to minors and sexual topics.
I've seen this argument countless of times from pro-shippers. I do understand it. I know about the history of Ao3. It's mostly a space used because of areas like FanFiction.Net censoring 18+ works and generally leaving way for sexuality of any kind being censored for being deemed too mature, including same-sex couples at some point.
I am not anti-censorship. Not in the slightest. I think there should be sites like Ao3, where people are allowed to post whatever the hell they want. It's the site full of Freaks and Weirdos. It's the place where Freaks and Weirdos made to host their own freaky and weird content because everywhere else was censoring the word "dick". Censorship is a slippery slope and I think it's bad to simply say: "We should ban this" since it leads way to loopholes that our oppressors would want to exploit.
That being said: it's still disgusting to see people making and posting writing of IRL children who had been forced into the limelight have porn made of them. "Oh it's the internet of course it's going to be there" IT'S STILL FUCKED UP THAT IT'S THERE TO BEGIN WITH AND SHOULDN'T BE ENCOURAGED OR CONGRATULATED. It's like seeing somebody make deep-fake porn out of a picture of a child and being like: "Well I mean it's not really being done to an actual child, only a picture of it, and besides it's the internet what can you do :P" THAT IS CHILD PORN.
I'm not sorry for thinking it's hysterical and absolutely pathetic to come whining to a bunch of people that your fic where you wrote a child being raped and turned into a sex toy for a 50 year old man is getting "mean ol' antis" telling them that it's disturbing and gross. Holy shit please find a better way to cope with your trauma than to make writing that is designed to titillate and arouse people with this stuff happening to teenagers.
Not to also mention that Ao3 itself can censor stuff too! Recently that one volunteer got kicked off because they had "from the river to the sea" in their bio because it ""promoted violence"". So it's perfectly okay to have people post about nazis and racist pedophilic shit on there, but to have somebody have a message in their bio??? Shut it down folks.
I respect Ao3 on some level for its insitance on censorship (most times)(unless you support Palestine and don't want an entire culture wiped out then apparently that's bad), but I still find it disturbing and incredibly disgusting how its normalized and how these people have a victim complex. I've seen how they act whenever they're called out for writing gross stuff.
Self-proclaimed proshippers will make antis out like they're moronic teenagers who send death threats to people over writing enemies-to-lovers. Obviously, no, you shouldn't harass people over fictional ships. You shouldn't harass people in general. Harassment over something as simple as a person making a kinky smutty oneshot is dumb. Sending death threats is worse.
It's a mentality that antis are just hysterical and can't think for themselves, brainwashed by sex-negativity and can't just let people be people. Yeah, obviously that's bad. Anybody who sends hate, death threats, and harassment to a person who's just writing normal smut with nothing really bad about it (ie, no children, no incest, nadda nothing), is just stupid. It's ESPECIALLY moronic when it's a ship that is only a smidge problematic. That's stupid.
What isn't stupid is being upset over extremely taboo content being hosted on the site and people just being like: "Well you're just a snowflake anti for saying the author is weird for liking this". I don't think you should deliberately seek content like this out just to hate (again, harassment dumb), but it's so disgusting to act like it's completely fine and dandy for smut of real children to be hosted there and just be like: "Eh, what happens happens".
I'm here on those subreddits just to talk about fanfic and tropes. I like being silly and doing the funny little stuff. What exhausts me more than anything is when people will come whining about getting a hate comment when, surprise surprise, their fic that is mostly children being raped is being hated on for being a fic about children being raped for the sake of sexual pleasure.
Write as much as it as you want, just don't act all surprised and like you're the victim here when people think you're vile.
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kissflowers · 2 months
why did you like a post by a pro-c pedophile who supports rape.
Thanks for letting me know, I had no idea. I don't check the bio of every person who appears on my for you. I don't enjoy interacting with users that have a pro contact stance, I blocked one of my friends for being complex contact last night. If you wouldn't mind, I'd appreciate having that person's url so I can block them too
You shouldn't use pedophile as an insult, by the way. Pro contact is bad enough. Maybe the pro para you sent this to would have been more appalled if you hadn't morally condemned having involuntary attraction
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screamingfromuz · 1 year
Take “pro-Palestine” out of your bio, you’re obviously lying about that. You’re a colonizer on their land, and posting horribly cruelly about them fighting for their freedom from you
No. You don't get to tell me to stop supporting Palestinians because you don't like the fact I think the entity that leads them commits war crimes. I can love and support my fellow humans despite their shitty government, it's an art I recommend practicing.
And you should really stop embarrassing yourself with the whole "Jews are evil white colonizers" thing, it's honestly sad. I recommend reading this post to more about the complexity of who is native to the region.
Good luck with practicing critical thinking and deconstructing biases and propaganda!
Also, donate:
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