#bio pro tablet
medicenpk1 · 1 year
Bio Pro Breast Enlargement Cream In Pakistan-03074915265
Bio-Pro Breast Enlargement Cream Price In Pakistan
Bio-Pro Breast Enlargement Cream helps women look more attractive and feminine by making their busts smooth, firm, and larger. It is available in Pakistan. You Can Order In Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad. It Generates A Nice Firm Bust For Women With A Natural Formulation. Breasts grow and your body appears feminine, making you look elegant and attractive. You Can Increase The Size Of Your Breasts As You Like With The Help Of This Product.medicenpk.com
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verkomy · 1 year
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Hi, my name is Kasia (she/her, ona/jej), and I'm a 2D digital artist and illustrator from Poland 🇵🇱 I love making fanarts and creating my own original characters! Thanks for checking out my blog!
🍃 website / instagram / patreon / commissions 🍃
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🍃 LINKS (carrd):
✧ twitter ✧ tiktok ✧ buy my prints on inprnt! ✧ support me on ko-fi!
other fun links:
✧ ao3 ✧ letterboxd ✧ spotify ✧ pinterest
🍃 MY ART (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
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✧ tablets I use: Huion Kamvas Pro 13 | iPad 10" ✧ programs I use: Clip Studio Paint EX | Procreate
✧ you can use my art (except my for OCs) as profile pictures/headers/wallpapers, just please ask me first and credit me in your bio. DO NOT repost my drawings on other pages, copy them, sell them or use for it NFT or AI!
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lynaferns · 11 months
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Hi, this is the first meet the artist that I do and I didn't know how to fill the page.
My blog tags:
#my art - #oc - #doodle - #ask - #others art - #pretty :] - #important - #art tip - #art reference - #fnaf -#fnaf daycare attendant - #fnaf steampunk au - #forest elves au - #biomáquina au - #beekeeper fairy au - #bat vampire au - #baker au - #fake cartoonland au - #my writing - #lyna stuff - #lyna rambles - #saving
@lyna-reblogs-pretty-stuff is my reblog sideblog for inspo and pretty images
Current banner of the blog
My AO3
DO NOT tag my art as TSAMS or Solar Lunacy. They are completely separated works, they belong to other people and have nothing to do with mines. Please respect this.
More info under cut
Social Medias beside Tumblr:
Instagram (Not very active but you can find old stuff there)
DeviantArt (Not using it anymore but there's oooold art, feel free to peek)
Art/Animation Program:
Autodesk SketchBook for pc
Grafic Tablet:
Gaomon PD156 Pro Pen Display
I'm not ready :(
Can I use your art as profile picture?
yes as long as you leave credit (just putting in your bio 'pfp by lynaferns' is enough)
Also this is my Art blog, I draw OC stuff but I have an obsession for the DCA.
About Myself:
I am very awkward and anxious about talking to people so please don't think that I ignore you or that I'm being rude, I just don't know how to approach if they aren't asking me a direct question.
I do mostly Digital Art, although I should do traditional more often.
I draw what I feel like drawing (but I open requests sometimes)
Self-taught artist. I started drawing anime but I'm trying to distance my artstyle from it, I would like something more cartoon mixed.
Been taking art seriously since 11 (it's dedication, baby)
I want to be able to do comics about my OCs and tell their stories
I learned English watching gameplays and playing games with subtitles.
I want to learn more languages.
Currently obsessing over bats.
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gbellasart · 9 months
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🎶Little kitty on the roof together with his lady 🎶🐞 here is my rooftop Ladynoir print for the Boise Comic Arts Festival! I always loved the small, Ladrien version of this that I did for a miraculous zine last year. Golden hour is my favorite time of day with all its majestic, God inspired beauty. 😭🤍 When the Miraculous movie came out, I was struck with inspiration to recreate this because it fits movie Ladynoir so well 😭
Art App: @procreate
Tablet: iPad Pro 11in
Screen Protector: paperlike matte screen protector! If you want to purchase one check out the link in my bio! 📺🩵
🩵My Socials!!🩵
Ko-Fi | Instagram
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mutantthedark · 5 months
If you're new here, let me introduce myself. I'm Mutant, a Lithuanian Digital artist and draws a lot to improve my art skills~ I'm a spring baby, born in April 27th. I'm always tired, sleepy and anxious... so please, bare with me.
I'm on Cara too. ---> Cara
✈️ HALIA "SIGMA" CONNORS ✈️(Cod Modern warfare II Reboot)
Halia "Sigma" Connors introduction. ✈️
Halia "Sigma" Connors mwiii gears ✈️
Halia "Sigma" Connors playlist ✈️
Sigma x Soap playlist ✈️🧼
Sigma x Soap all things ✈️🧼
KENDRA SMITH 🦉(Cod black ops Cold War)
Kendra Smith introduction
My interests Are :
Kingdom Hearts
Call Of Duty
Sonic the hedgehog
The Walking dead (Telltale series)
Life is Strange
The Last Of Us
Half Life
Star Wars
What program do you use to draw and what tablet?
I use Paint tool Sai 2 and tablet I use is Veikk A15 pro.
2. How old are you?
I'm 19 y.o
3. Did you get into a art school?
Never. I wanted to draw and learn everything by myself.
4. Do you open commissions, requests, collabs, art trades, etc?
I sometimes take art requests, but I only draw for my friends and mutuals who I trust the most. I'll NEVER open art commissions and for collabs... Well, if you have any ideas, then sure, I'll collab, but if I have more time. Art trades are open.
5. Can I use your art as icons and pfp?
Sure, go ahead! but please, credit me in your bio.
6. Why are putting signatures on your drawings? You're ruining your atwork!
The signature means I don't allow for you to repost my artworks and claim as yours.
7. Can I print your art?
I'm deeply honored if you love my art, then sure, I'll allow you to. But if you want a better quality to print, you need to giveme ONLY your discord username so I can send it to you!
8. Can I draw your ocs and cosplay them?
You don't need my permission to ask, go ahead! I would love to see your fanart! And yes, you can cosplay!
9. How did you come up with character design, story, etc?
I use references and inspirations to find more ideas.
10. What is your favourite thing to draw?
Hair, gloves and shoes, although I'm always struggling...
11. How many hours does it take to draw one art?
It depends on the time when I take breaks and shade details or when I'm busy with some real life stuff too.
Easy - 30 minutes
Normal - 1 - 3 hours
Medium - 2 days
Hard - 5 days
Very hard - a week or two
But if I create references for my ocs they take me to draw 2 weeks or a month.
12. Can I write a fanfic of your oc?
Sure, go ahead! But please, don't use my character for Halia "Sigma" Connors x reader.
13. Can I draw NSFW of your characters?
Ask first, only grown up characters. If you're a minor, I won't let you do it. BUT IF YOU LIE ABOUT YOUR AGE, YOU'LL BE BLOCKED.
Haters and negativity. (If you send some nonsense and that shit messages, I'll block you, and I won't answer it.)
If you have any questions, don't afraid to contact me!
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38sr · 1 year
Meet the Artist & FAQs (2023 Edition)
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Hey everyone! Just wanted to do an updated FAQ post for those new and long time followers of this blog~
• My name is Li Cree
• My birthday is August 3rd (yes I’m a Leo)
• I’m originally from New York but now currently live in California as of 2020
• I am VERY short (barely 5ft/152cm)
• My favorite food is strawberry shortcake
What do you do? 
I’m a professional 2D animator and storyboard artist for TV animation for both American and international productions. I've recently also started working as a character designer!
What shows have you work on? 
There's too many to count now since the last FAQ haha. But you can see a more detailed list over on my website.
What program do you use?
For storyboarding work: Storyboard Pro 
For animation: CLIP Studio Paint EX, OpenToonz, After Effects, Audition
For illustration: CLIP Studio Paint EX 
What tablet do you use?
Cintiq 22HD (No Touch)
What art college did you attend?
I attended Montserrat College of Art as well as Niigata School of Art & Design.
Can I ask questions about the animation industry?
Absolutely! I want this blog to be a space where I can share knowledge about the industry to those who are interested in working in this field. So please don’t be shy and drop an ask if you are every curious about what’s like being a board artist and animator for TV animation.
Just please behave and do not ask any questions in regards to projects I am legally contracted to not talk about until the official release. As well as bringing up any sort of rumors/gossip about productions. This space is meant to be educational and not a drama stirring blog. If anything, I will delete these kind of questions with no hesitation and zero tolerance.
What does 38sr mean?
38sr is the 38th element of the periodic table, strontium. The element is actually used for pyrotechnics and gives off a red color when ignited. It’s simply my favorite element. 
Can I use your art as my dp (profile picture)?
As long as you give credit in your bio or somewhere I can see it, then yes you can.
Can I repost your artwork?
No. Please don’t ever repost my work. I will find you. It’s not that hard. 
Do you do AI or NFT work?
ABSOLUTELY NOT. Sorry, I don't wanna get into the crosshairs about this. Just know it's a nah from me.
Do you do requests/commissions (illustration or animations)?
Not really. It’s hard to explain but if you wish to hire me as an animator or artist for a project (animated productions, zines, etc), please send a business inquiry to my business email. But if you’re looking for just regular commissions where it’s more open to the general public, then no. My work schedule is quite packed so I don’t have the capacity to do commissions like I used to years ago. 
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glibribsart · 1 month
Hi this is jermie!
You may know me from my OCs, or my xiaolin showdown fanart from back then, or maybe my homestuck fanart, maybe even my Steven Universe art? 🤔
I post (mostly) commissions, my OCs, and fanart for various things. I will post gore art and non-explicit erotic art, be warned !!!
Personal blog
WEBCOMIC (discontinued) | TOYHOUSE
Please do not repost my art without my permission!
Read below for more info ( credits, bio, tag system,)
Credits : Please put visible credit on your page if you'll be using my art as an icon, blog background, or header.
To use my art in a video please ask for permission first, after I've given you permission you may put credit somewhere in the video or video description.
March 7, 2001
Philipines, I speak Filipino and English
I use Clip studio paint pro (since September 2020, previously used firealpaca). My drawing tablet is XP-PEN deco 01 v2
Yes you can draw my OC’s please just tag me in the post.
I have a job outside this, and typically have multiple commissions on queue; I take AAAAAGES to finish one commission. If you're interested in getting one you can email me at: [email protected]
Stuff I like: Jfashion, cartoons, cats, funky earrings, dolls, breakfast food, cakes, video essays, queer themes, sensuality, undead ocs, drag makeup, making lists!!!
- I tag things by character and series ! (sample: pearl, steven universe)
- NECROMIMESIS tag is for the characters I made for a webcomic idea I had when I was 16 (includes characters like tom, vince, hagne, reggie, nyc, etc.), the comic is discontinued, I’m no longer interested in making a webcomic.
- OC tag is for original characters unrelated to NECROMIMESIS, BUT.. I havent gotten around to fixing it yet so at the moment it’s clogged with necromimesis art (sorry)
I also tag general triggers like gore, blood, body horror to be safe.
other tags:
MY GIFS (short animations n such)
ORIGINAL (stuff thats not related to any sort of media, i keep forgetting this tag exists so theres only a few posts under it)
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unicornlovers10 · 10 months
♡☆Pinned Bio☆♡
Celestia Starshine~Also known as Tia
Bisexual and Proud~She/They pronouns
Virgo Sun~Virgo Moon~Gemini Rising
This is my main blog on Tumblr. I make art and post it here, along with the occasional fandom post
Other Info is under the Read More below
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~♡☆My other blogs☆♡~
@celestiastarshine - Personal blog; has more serious stuff and life updates, along with the occasional vent; I'll try my best to trigger tag stuff, but quick rebloops won't have any at first
@ravenempressau - Official Tumblr of the Raven Empress AU; will contain spoilers for Canon! TOH and this AU, which will be tagged
@fnafremixau - Official Tumblr of the FNAF Remix AU; This is an AU in the process of getting rebooted
@starshinestarlights - Official Tumblr of the Starlights Series; Still under heavy construction
@lbp-stimboards - Side blog specifically for my LBP stimboards, and archiving others' LBP stimboards; also reblooping my resources as well (Might change later)
@shittyauideas - Side blog to post and archive my shitty AU ideas, which are AUs that are intentionally bad as a joke; swearing, spoilers, and ships will be tagged; rules are on pinned
@starroadprincess - Side blog that I might use for my Mario AU, I'm not sure yet; this one is under heavy construction
@hauntedofficialgame - Side blog for a little project of mine; it's under heavy construction
(These blogs are currently under construction, so they might not look polished yet. But there is a real person running these.)
FAQ (Mobile Version)
Tags (Mobile Version)
About Me (Mobile Version)
My Socials (Mobile Version)
Current Stories (Mobile Version)
Ask Games (Mobile Version)
Pronouns Page
Quick Things (in no particular order):
Opinions are mine and don't reflect anyone I'm associated with.
This blog is pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ+, and pro-democracy. If you disagree with these, then you can leave.
If I reblooped something from a problematic person, my DNI, or a Lunt3r/Empg0ld shipper; Let me know right away. I'll try to take it down ASAP. Also linking to the post might help speed things up.
I can't realistically vet everyone that I rebloop from, but I try to avoid reblogging from problematic people as much as possible.
My ask box is open, please try to keep things PG-13 there. I might have to post rules later.
I'll try to get to asks as soon as I can. But keep in mind that they're easier for me to answer on my computer, rather than my phone or tablet.
Some of the asks might require artwork to answer properly, and those ones might take a little longer to make than some other asks. As I have to draw them, and I also have to add image IDs to them as well.
Requests are currently closed right now, but I'll try my best to get to the old ones as soon as I can.
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mossy-drawingtablet · 3 months
~~Intro post~~
Hello beloved visitors! Feel welcomed to this blog. My name is Moss and I am the artist who posts here :3
🩷 Commissions are currently closed.
🩷 Trades are open but depends on style, subject & if you're nice to me
❤️ I have other (art) blogs:
❤️ Main: @kid-a-their-blog
❤️ Furry art (safe furry): @mossy-paws-art
❤️ OC art & lore: @aveganvampire
🧡about my art🧡
🧡 I like to draw all sort of things, usually with fantasy or natural themes
🧡 my current artistic interest is "children's" illustrations of animals. There is just something so sweet about stylized nature & the personalities that can be added to the animals!
🧡 when drawing digitally I draw either on an Ipad 6 with procreate and apple pencil, or on a wacom intuos pro large with krita or gimp (I'm still learning gimp but I like it thus far!) Result wise I really prefer an actual drawing tablet over ipad, but sometimes I'm lazy and wanna see my drawing directly under my pen lolol
🧡 when drawing traditionally I like to combine many materials. This includes watercolor, collage, scrapbook kinda stuff, markers, oil pastels, colored pencils, stickers etc etc etc.
🧡 I go through phases of different art styles & interests :3
💛about me💛
💛basic info is in the bio
💛 I am about 3 years on T and about 2.5 years post-op from top surgery
💛 I love being non-binary & my medical transition has made me a bazillion times more happy in life! Yeah, it still gets difficult & dark sometimes, but I can say now that I am mostly content and that I am able to connect, love, enjoy. This is not oly because of my transition, also many other things including a lot of therapy
💛 I have autism & (undiagnosed) adhd. I am also chronically mentally ill (doing way better than before but bad times still sometimes come) & chronic pain.
💛 I have 2 cats, the youngest one is evil & the oldest one is a fool (I love them)
💛 I collect rocks, crystals, shells & fossils.
💛 with friends I like to do grandparent activities like going for a walk of making a puzzle or sorting out beads.
💛 listening to music is a very important coping mechanism to me & I am currently saving up for better headphones & streaming!
💛 art/illustrating/creating is also one of the things that is super duper important to me! I have done it for as long as I could hold a pen & I cannot imagine myself without it.
💚reblogs are honestly gifts to artists like me!💚
& spam reblogs/likes etc are welcomed too <3 . Reblogs are a very important way on tumblorb dot com to help artists be seen & appreciated !
🩵 Some recent works I am proud of will be added here:
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novidadez · 3 months
🚨 BioLean Review ⚠️⛔ BIOLEAN NEW UPDATE!! ⛔⚠️ BioLean Reviews B...
✅WEBSITE: https://bit.ly/biolean-ofifcial-website
✅WEBSITE :https://bit.ly/biolean-ofifcial-website
🌟 Welcome to our latest update on BioLean! Are you curious about BioLean and its effectiveness? Look no further! In this video, we'll dive into an honest review of BioLean, covering everything from its ingredients to its price.
💊 Whether you're considering buying BioLean or already have it in your hands, this video will provide valuable insights to help you make informed decisions. Don't miss out! Click the link in the description to visit the official BioLean website and get started on your journey to weight loss success.
Let's uncover the truth about BioLean together! 🔍
#BioLean #WeightLoss #Review 📈
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🚨 - BioLean Review - ⚠️⛔ BIOLEAN NEW UPDATE!! ⛔⚠️  - BioLean Reviews - Biolean Honest Review
🚨 - BioLean Review - ⚠️⛔ BIOLEAN NEW UPDATE!! ⛔⚠️  - BioLean Reviews - Biolean Honest Review
🚨 - BioLean Review - ⚠️⛔ BIOLEAN NEW UPDATE!! ⛔⚠️  - BioLean Reviews - Biolean Honest Review
 #biolean  #BioLean #WeightLoss #Review 📈
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gertlushgaming · 1 year
Dungeons & Dragons Dark Alliance Review (PlayStation 5)
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For our Dungeons And Dragons Dark Alliance Review we show how the world of Dungeons & Dragons comes to life in an explosive action brawler filled with real-time combat and dynamic co-op. Play as iconic D&D heroes and join up to three other friends to battle legendary monsters, earn powerful gear, and unlock new abilities to take on even bigger challenges.
Dungeons & Dragons Dark Alliance Review Pros:
- Decent graphics. - 2.68GB download size. - Platinum trophy. - Action RPG gameplay. - Colorblind support. - The controller has two presets. - An opening tutorial section that teaches you how to fight and loot. - Four characters- Drizzt Do'Urden (Ranger), Catti-Brie (fighter), Wulfgar (barbarian) Bruenor Battlehammer (fighter). - Hand-drawn animated cutscenes mixed with in-game scenes. - Online and offline support. Set your option in-game and change it on the fly. - 3rd person perspective. - The Camp is your hub space - the map is used to select campaigns, reward chests, merchants to buy, sell and upgrade loot, and a trophies room. - Campaigns have 3 acts with the final one being shorter but a big boss fight. - Combo counter. - Damage numbers pop on the screen. - Six difficulties that tell you the recommended combat score. - Your combat score is calculated on gear and stats. - Loot has rarity levels. - Fast loading times. - Some seriously cool-looking armor. - Combat has combos, ranged, melee, and an ultimate move along with a handy lock-on. - Defensive moves include dash, dodge, block, and parry moves. - Can skip cutscenes if you so wish. - Break mining points up for crystals that come in rarity levels. - Acts will have the main objective with a few optional ones. - People will interact with you and call you by your character type. - Funny animations for the enemies like ass-hitting and having them run away. - Short rest- once you clear an area of enemies a fire will spawn for a limited time. Use it to replenish health/stamina or don't use it to increase loot rarity level rewards. Using fire for healing will also respawn all enemies. - Areas in the game are big and allow you to go multiple ways and find secret routes and rooms. - Elite enemies are tougher bigger enemies. - If you listen to the enemies they actually call you out by name or race. - Enemies react more and can run away or gang up. - A hot and cold mechanic that allows you to get warm so you can go through ice fields unscathed. - Death resets you back to a checkpoint (fire if activated) or back to the level start. - Stamina is in use for combat, Evasion, and using abilities. Enemies get exhausted and can be beaten easier. - End of a level breakdown of performance and unlocks rewards. - Skill tree to buy new passive abilities. - The Journal menu gives details on enemy bios, paintings, relief, tablets, and tomes. - Skins act like transmogs and allow you to change the appearance of your gear without adding any stats or bonuses to it. Cosmetic only. - Set bonuses are where you get X amount of the same set to activate additional buffs. - Gold is used to buy skills in the tree, upgrade equipment, and buy new gear. - In-game loot is displayed as a type of gear and rarity level and isn't revealed until you get back to the camp. - Can replay levels. - The camp has a test dummy that gives feedback on your attack and damages. (Pro-tip- you can earn the combo achievements here) - Excellent voice work. - Crystal along with gold is used to upgrade your gear, you need the correct crystal rarity to do so but you can pay to upgrade or downgrade collected crystals. - You can replay levels and upgrade to take on harder enemies. Dungeons & Dragons Dark Alliance Review Cons: - Cannot change characters' names, races, roles, or anything. - Lock-on only works with enemies you are facing not where the camera is facing. - The first few acts are actually the worst ones of the lot and quite the slog. - You are forced to do the tutorial yet the very first level then have you reading all the tutorials again. - Hard to see loot especially coins on the floor. - You can't equip and use loot in a game and have to wait until you finish the level or return to the camp. - Tries to add Dark Souls-like mechanics and it doesn't really fit. - Enemies will repeat lines and layouts. - Combat can get very messy with large numbers especially as lock-on breaks so regularly. - Can get stuck in a loop as fire choices are permanent for that level run. - Hard to always judge blocking and parrying. - Combat is fast but lock-on and fighting movements are slow. - The ending is just a cutscene, No credits or congratulations instead you just go back to the hub and carry on. - Quitting back to camp loses all earned progress and loot. - Combat always feels the same. - Levels are very long and you cannot quit out. - Everything is heavily scripted meaning you never miss anything and constantly feel guided rather than exploring.   Related Post: Fantasy Empires Review (Steam) Dungeons & Dragons Dark Alliance: Official website. Developer: Tuque Games Publisher: Wizards Of The Coast Store Links- PlayStation Read the full article
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imagene1 · 1 year
An Overview of the Gel Documentation System
A gel documentation framework, likewise called Gel Doc, Gel Picture Framework, or Gel Imager, is utilized in sub-atomic science labs for imaging and documentation of proteins suspended inside polyacrylamide or agarose gels and nucleic acids. The gel is stained with ethidium bromide or different types of nucleic acids such as SYBRTM Gold, SYBRTM Green, SYBRTM Safe, Gel StarTM, Texas Red, Fluorescein for DNA/RNA location, and Coomassie Splendid Blue, Silver Staining, SyproTM Red, SyproTM Orange, Pro-QDiamond, Deep Purple for Protein Discovery. The gel documentation incorporates an UV light transilluminator and a hood that functions as a darkroom, shielding the client from UV exposure.
The pictures are caught by the CCD camera. High-level, low-light cameras are likewise being integrated into the framework for intense accuracy. Cooled cameras permit longer openness, preventing sensor overheating. These produce faint groups and spots in gel pictures that would ordinarily escape the unaided eye. Highlights like fluorescence and chemiluminescence at cooling camera temperatures of -28 to -60 °C are greatly liked. Moment printing and Wi-Fi control for cell phone or tablet tasks are also supported in modern applications.
What is the guideline for gel documentation?
A fluorescent substance bound to nucleic corrosion is set off by bright illumination, making it discharge glaring light. Ethidium bromide is related to the nucleic corrosive. The sub-atomic weight and the convergence of the nucleic corrosive decide their holding, with a larger atomic weight resulting in a more brilliant sparkle, while a smaller atomic weight results in a more vulnerable sparkle.
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What are the uses of the Framework?
The framework is intended for critical use in academics, research, and business lab research that require less expensive equipment that achieves greater effectiveness. Generally liked by pharma labs, they are furnished with numerous client accounts alongside access consent, directed security, and a controlled workplace. The Uv Gel Documentation System can uphold normal protein gel strains and normal DNA that fluctuate from Coomassie to Bio-Rad Strain-Allowed to silver stains alongside blue volatile stains. The framework recognizes immunoassay, compound protein recognition, post-translational change portrayal, and 2D electrophoresis protein quantitation, as well as affinities of monoclonal and polyclonal immunizer restricting, smear and gel imaging, state distinguishing proof.
What makes the GelDoc framework a favored decision?
The framework is available in a reduced size that takes up the least amount of lab space. Its effectiveness is exceptionally adjusted for the work process it upholds. There is no apprehension about example spillage with its picture-perfect procedure, and its minimization adds to the simplicity of work. The framework has been given instinctive application-driven programming, which can assist researchers in narrowing down their trials and allowing innovation to take care of itself. The advanced pictures can be traded effectively through USB drives. Geldoc's innovation is feasible with sans-strain technology, which distinguishes proteins without staining step partition. A total imaged catalog is led for no stain gels, fewer reagents, and, if time permits, greater prominence in the wet work process.
What are the various parts of the Gel Doc framework?
UV Illumination source
The transilluminator is the light source that detects the DNA groups. In the most recent innovation, ethidium bromide is used as a fluorescent example label obtained from agarose gel electrophoresis. Assuming there is no activity at the source, the programmed shut-off clock actuates. The gear further down the line does not require UV light warming and operates on momentary exchange. The white light-driven option gives appropriate power a wellbeing cutoff that keeps the example and administrators safe. The fluorescent labels should be compared to the lighting source because it offers cost savings without sacrificing execution.
Base Plate
An example plate that holds the gel for examination and has a dark, non-receptive surface
acts as a darkroom to keep the client safe. Especially useful for fluorescence, chemiluminescence, and visible light applications. The automatic door lock prevents overexposure to radiation and captures images. The overlay-down and side-to-side entryways offer the least obstacles.
The imaging framework
A high-res camera with a camera regulator and printer of 104 MP to 8.3 MP with a CCD (charge-coupled device) camera and flatbed scanner with a PC-controlled, engine-driven focal point, self-adjusting, following vertical and descending example development consequently. Pictures are caught with a camera over the hood. The camera is equipped with photon signal transformation, offering profound cooling innovation with a wide focal point gap that boosts light responsiveness.
PC controlled
A touch screen and a regular screen are included, as well as built-in software for image enhancement, examination, and acquisition. Picture alteration is likewise conceivable. It can peruse colorimetry, gels, western smudges, plants, attention plates, province blotches, fluorescent colors, and infrared colors. The framework can create synchronous imaging of smears and gels for gel-to-gel correlation. The hard circle drive can store massive amounts of data. Enormous amounts of information can be shared through Wi-Fi or Ethernet association right away, and it can be presented in an easy-to-understand window rendition.
For More Info:-
Shop Gel Documentation System India
Uv Gel Documentation System
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metsakuur · 2 years
Face Recognition AI Solution suitable for various conditions l METSAKUUR
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METSAKUUR is a company that specializes in face recognition AI solution. Its original face recognition technology provides amazing accuracy of 100% and processing speed of 0.06 seconds. Even at this moment, the experts of Metsakuur are constantly focusing on R&D to improve face recognition technology and discover various AI application technologies for image analysis. Metsakuur aims to become an essential AI solution partner for your business with its independently developed face recognition AI technology and various businesses IT experiences.
 Metsakuur’s UFace
UFace is a brand of Metsakuur’s face recognition AI solution that can be provided in any form of SDK, on-premise, or SaaS by identifying the method that is most suitable for the customer’s condition of use. Depending on the various situations, customers can choose any solutions to use from UFace Lite, UFace Pro and UFace Middleware, for optimum effectiveness and efficiency.
 ✔️UFace Lite: UFace Lite is a local-type face recognition engine that can be operated independently on the customer’s edge device. This shows accurate performance even in offline environments and on devices with low performance specifications. By providing the SDK, UFace Lite can be used for terminal applications such as smart phones, tablets, PCs, and access control devices.
 ✔️UFace Pro: UFace Pro server system can be provided on-premise or in the form of an API. This is a server-type face recognition engine suitable for building a large face recognition service connected with multiple terminals. It is developed with an architecture optimized for multi-channel/platform interworking with mobile/PC/O2O, and the user can utilize all the functions with maximum performance.
 ✔️UFace Middleware: UFace Middleware is a dedicated optimized middleware for the face recognition server system. This manages the registration-storage-verification process of bio information and supports the distribution process of large-scale transactions. As a centerpiece of UFace solutions, UFace middleware guarantees the highest performance, even for large services with tens of millions of users.
 If you are looking for a best face recognition AI solution, you can find it at METSAKUUR.
 Click here to contact METSAKUUR.
 View more: Face Recognition AI Solution
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kel1com · 2 years
19 17" 21.5 Inch Industrial Computer All-in-One Tablet PC with Capacitive Touch Screen Flush Mount for Win10 Pro/Linux WiFi 17 19 21.5 inch industrial computer Intel Core i7-8565U capacitive touch screen with built-in WiFi ("Only monitor": Indicates that what you have purchased is just a monitor with VGA+HDMI+touch USB+DC interface capacitive touch screen.) Industrial computer parameters Brand:Balahome Aterial:Metal Memory: 2GB/4GB/8GB/16GB DDR3 System Memory Storage:Optional 32Gb/64Gb/128Gb/256Gb/512Gb/1 TB System: WIN7/WIN8/WIN10/Liunx optional(Win10 pro is installed by default) BIOS: AMI BIOS Graphic: IntelHD Graphics Weight: about 4-10Kgs System Parameter: Configuration :Intel Core i7-8565U (quad core, 8MB cache, main frequency: 1.8-4.6 GHz, TDP power consumption: 15w) Memory Type Dual Channel DDR3/L/-RS 1333/1600 Integrated Graphics Intel HD Graphics 4000 Parameters of LCD Touch screen: Brightness:250-350cd/m2 Contrast Ratio:1000:1 Viewing Angle:Horizontal(left/right): 150°(75°/75°) Vertical(up/down): 150°(75°/75°) Response Time:30 (Typ.)(Tr+Td) (ms) Frame Rate:60Hz Color system:PAL/ NTSC Interface:1 x VGA + 1 x HDMI + 2 * COM (default 232 protocol interface) +1 x RJ45 + 4 * USB + 1 x audio power requirement of system:+ 12V DC power input Power adapter:input:AC100〜240V,50 / 60Hz 1.5A MAX Output:60W Adapter(DC12V -- 5A) Working temperature:-20°C〜60°C Relative humidity:0%〜90%relative humidity, no condensatio Plug:AU,EU,USA,UK plug available Menu Languages:English,,Francais,Italiano,Deutsch,Espanol,Russian,Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese,etc VISA Hole distance:75*75mm Delivery Time Sample:1~5 working days. 10~100pcs:2~7 working days. More than 100pcs :5~15 working days ★★★ SPECIAL REMINDER ★★★ LOGO/Product Model/Case Material/Add Touch Function/Add Built-in Speaker/Add Remote Control Function/Base Style/Screen Size/Interface Type/Power Type/Installation Mode(Wall-hang/Embedded/Open-frame),etc.,can be customized for you(But need to meet the requirements of MOQ). If you have this demand,please contact us,we will provide you with timely and thoughtful service! Product interface (support customization) Backplane I/O interface: 4*USB2.0 interface, 1*HDMI interface, 1*VGAinterface,1*RJ45 Gigabit network interface, 1*Line out (green), 1*Mic (red), 1 *DC 12V power Remarks: Support customized interfaces: such as DC24V power interface, aviation power interface, 6 Com interfaces, dual LAN network ports, etc. Please contact us for details, thank you. High-performance motherboard dual-core CPU Using industrial-grade motherboard CPU, it has high computing efficiency, fast response, strong performance, low power consumption and power saving operation, saving time and effort. If you have any other questions or need other motherboards or sizes, RAM, SSD, please contact customer service, thank you Product Size Size:17 inch Resolution:1280*1024 ppi Size:19 inch Resolution:1280*1024 ppi Size:21.5 inch Resolution:1920*1080 ppi Aluminum alloy material, pure screen panel, front panel is waterproof and dustproof Sensitive touch On the verge of The sensing accuracy is higher, the response speed is faster, and the surface has a smooth or matte surface treatment, which supports more refined industrial operation and touch without blind spots. Runs 24 hours a day Using industrial-grade motherboards, imported full-solid capacitors, the power consumption of the whole machine is
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Xiaomi Poco X4 Pro 5G 128ɢʙ ⚡️ El Xiaomi Poco X4 Pro 5G es el nuevo smartphone de la serie X de Poco. Con una pantalla AMOLED de 6.67 pulgadas a resolución FHD+ y tasa de refresco de 120Hz, el Poco X4 Pro 5G está potenciado por un procesador Snapdragon 695 con 6GB o 8GB de RAM y 128GB o 256GB de almacenamiento. El Poco X4 Pro tiene una cámara triple en su posterior compuesta de lentes de 108MP, 8MP y 2MP, con una cámara selfie de 16MP. Completando las características del Poco X4 Pro 5G encontramos una batería de 5000 mAh de carga rápida de 67W, lector de huellas lateral, parlantes stereo, y resistencia al agua IP53, corriendo Android 11. 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒂 𝒎𝒂́𝒔 𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒐́𝒏 𝒚 𝒑𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒅𝒐𝒔 👇🏽 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚́𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐬‼️ - - - - - 📲 6030-8067 🔹 ᴛᴡɪᴛᴛᴇʀ: @MᴀʏʀᴀAᴍᴏʀᴇɴᴏ29 📩 [email protected] 🌐 msstorepanama.com 🔹 Link en Bio: Web Page | WhatsApp Link | Telegram | Twitter | Youtube Channel Link | LinkedIn | Panabuyss E-Commerce . . . #celulares #tablets #ipad #apple #appledevice #televisores #emprendedora #emprendedorespanama #productoyservicio #panama #electronica #tecnologia #electrodomesticos #tiendadeelectronica #celulares #electronica #creditopanama #ventas #ventaspanama #technomarket #technomarketpty #pocox4pro #xiaomi #mixiaomi #redmi #poco (en Techno Market Pty) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjoXk9tO8-V/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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polarsdirect · 2 years
Ps2 emulator iphone
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Controller overlays are able to be skinned.Download to the ROMs directory within the app!.Therefore, in the nearest future, you will be able to play any PS4 or Xbox One games on your device without any need to buy an additional console. Besides, modern computers, mobile phones, tablets, and other devices have new, up-to-date software versions. WiiMote support via BlueTooth capable devices! An emulator can easily reproduce the functions of any working machine.The next iOS emulator to run iPhone apps on PC comes in the form of Xamarin TestFlight, the first official Apple emulator that is made for testing the apps developed for iOS. You can still win, games on the emulator card.This currently on the iPhone and iPod Touch General 3GS supports 3 of the first or second generation of devices with this emulator because it requires a newer version of OpenGL, either acceleration controls ES.Controls screen or release by connecting via Bluetooth to the Wii Remote by Nintendo and its own accelerometer, such as nes4iphone. The iPhone Simulator is easy to use, and happens to be very convenient for both advanced, and intermediate users. Everything is included only on the level and nature of the display in landscape mode to save. This is a first version, but not everything is finished. ZodTTD is finally available as of 22 December. The current version 0.7.0 improves performance and sound quality. Some Ps2 emulators are compatible without jailbreak and while some require a jailbroken device.N64iphone publish updated versions. Is there a Ps2 emulator for IOS? ANSWER: YES, there are lots of Ps2 emulators for iOS available for gamers to play Playstation games on their iOS devices (iPhone and iPads). PS2 Emulator for iOS How to Get PS2 Emulator on iPhoneLooking to Download PS2 Emulator for iOS aka Play Emulator In this video tutorial I'm going to tea. New games can support 20 games and some games(which will release later) will support only PlayStation 4 and 5. Originally Answered: Is it worth buying a PlayStation 2 in 2020? No don't do it.
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Is the PlayStation 2 worth buying in 2020? However, as of Decem, the PlayStation 2 has been discontinued, and the servers for most games have all since been shut down. However, the gaming experience on all PS2 emulators is. How do I play PS2 on Damon PS2?Ġ:463:55How to play games in damon ps2 pro after installing it | BIOS in DescriptionYouTube How much RAM do I need for PS2 emulator?ĭirectX 10 or OpenGL 3.x supported GPU and 2 GB VRAM.ĭirectX 11 or OpenGL 4.5 supported GPU and 4 GB VRAM. PlayStation 2 (PS2) is one of the most successful and widely used console platforms by game lovers. But first things first: you need to download the actual game ISO file (usually large depending on the game), download the PPSSPP app from the Play Store, then load it. Playing PS2 games on your Android device is pretty simple with the PPSSPP emulator. What games can play emulator run?īest games on Bluestacks Android emulator: Some emulators require a jailbreak while some are available on non-jail break devices. Is there a ps2 emulator for IOS? Yes, there is a ton of ps2 emulators are available to play PS games on iPhone and iPad. The last version of the disk was network startup disk 5.0, which was included with the newer SCPH 90004 model released in 2009. The PS2 emulators have excellent graphics and some emulators run fast while others slow. PlayStation 2 supports almost all games on Android smartphones. You can use any of the PS2 emulators to enjoy your favorite PlayStation 2 games on your smartphone.
Open your emulator and find the ISO file that contains the game.
Transfer the downloaded BIOS file to the "Data" folder of your PS2 emulator.
What is Play! ? Play! is an attempt at creating a PlayStation 2 emulator for the Win32, Linux, macOS, iOS and Android platforms. Open the emulator app and tap the menu icon on the top left corner and tap "Unsorted" to list all games. Copy the PS2 ISO file to this directory on your android smartphone "Internal storage>Play data files". Download and install the Play app, PS2 emulator for android.
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