#big city cop Adam
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nervouslittlewreck · 7 days ago
Wisst ihr, sie hätten aus Adam auch so einen richtigen Großstadt-Cop machen können. So einen der im langen schwarzen Mantel die Anwärter*innen zum Kaffee holen schickt. Der dann ganz klassisch Rom-Com-mäßig zurück ins Saarland geht weil da bald ne Stelle mit Aussicht auf Beförderung frei wird. Und dann steht da auf einmal sein Kindheits-Freund / crush vor ihm, steht seiner Beförderung und Seelenruhe im Weg. Und auf einmal ist es gar nicht mehr so einfach, lässig rauchend großkotzig neben Leichen zu stehen. Da ist auf einmal Leo, der mit seinen Sarkastischen Sprüchen mithalten kann und irgendwie fühlt es sich an als würden sie flirten? Dabei wollte Adam doch nur seine Beförderung abgreifen und wieder zurück in die große Stadt wo sein Sozialleben auf ihn wartet. Aber irgendwie hätte er auch ein schlechtes Gewissen Leo von seinem Posten zu stoßen. Und wenn er dann doch länger bleibt als vorgesehen geht das wohl auch keinen an außer ihn.
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echotunes · 1 month ago
hey! What is Tatort Saarbrücken and is there English subtitles for it? (Also where can I watch it?)
hi anon! so. bear with me here,
First you must understand that Tatort ("Crime Scene") (Wikipedia) is the German cop show. A lot of German television is cop shows, but this is the one - it's been running every Sunday since 1970 (making it the longest-running German TV drama), in the prime time slot at 8:15pm on public-service broadcast organisation ARD's TV channel Das Erste, right after the evening news program Tagesschau. Murder-of-the-week style, every episode deals with a homicide case that the characters then investigate and eventually solve (and it's all very dramatic, as crime shows tend to be). So you understand Tatort is very mainstream. The mainstream. Your parents watch Tatort. Your grandparents watch Tatort. It's a Thing. (it's also obviously all copaganda we're aware of this)
(This makes the fact that it trends on Tumblr every year very funny to everyone involved. Because it's, y'know. Tatort. Half the reason people (including me) get into it is because they go "why is Tatort of all things trending on Tumblr what is all this about")
There's different versions of Tatort, set in different cities and all produced by the public-service broadcast services of that region - each focusing on different characters (but all of whom are cops because that's what the show is about). Each location only gets one to three episodes a year, so it switches through every week. There's Cologne, Münster, Berlin, whatever; and then there's Saarbrücken. Saarbrücken is the capital of Saarland, the smallest German state after Bremen, Hamburg and Berlin (all of which are city-states). It's... unremarkable. You never usually hear anything about Saarbrücken. Or Saarland in general really (sorry Saarland). So you wouldn't expect its Tatort to be remarkable either.
Except! This particular set-in-Saarbrücken Tatort has been running since 2020, and people on Tumblr got interested in it because the two main guys have a Dynamic(tm) going on. After episode 3 they also officially added the two women to the main team because they forgot about them the first time around or something (thank you mainstream tv). but anyway our four characters are Leo Hölzer (the buff guy in the holster, kind of the glue of the team), Adam Schürk (dishevelled blond man who is really bad at his job and Angsty(tm)), Pia Heinrich (workaholic in the sports jacket), and Esther Baumann (big football fan, seemingly the only person on this team who actually takes her job seriously).
Tatort Saarbrücken is also affectionately known as "Spatort" (Spaten (spade) + Tatort), because a lot of Leo and Adam's Dynamic is about the fact that they knew each other as kids when Adam was being physically abused by his dad, and Leo eventually hit the dad over the head with a shovel, putting him in a coma (which, spoilers, he wakes up from at the end of the first episode). And then Adam went missing (left the city) for like 15 years but now he's returned to Saarbrücken for mysterious reasons (it was Leo. Leo was the reason). and now he and Leo are work colleagues and they have queer-flavoured tension going on and this backstory is still very much relevant in between the usual crime-solving. they are honestly not very good at their jobs but well that's part of the appeal. and people enjoy gay shipping them because of course they do. (is this queerbaiting? maybe! but again the fact that this is all in Tatort is very ???-inducing to many)
Pia and Esther were only officially added to the "main team" in episode 3 because I guess the writers forgot about women for the first two. which is unfortunately not surprising but well they're here too now! until last episode they felt like they might have had some sort of queer thing going on too but then in the 2025 episode Pia had a suspiciously-het-romance-teasing scene with Adam (they do not have romantic chemistry this was a weird choice we all agree on this) and Esther was flirting with a previously-unseen French colleague (who was a woman though so win for queer Esther enjoyers) so who knows. but we like them too! even though there's less dramatic backstory for them both, there's still things hinted at (like Pia's sister having gone missing years ago. knowing this show this will be relevant at some point)
Also as you may have already gathered there is only one episode of Tatort Saarbrücken released every year. So basically every January we all come together and tune in to watch our annual 90 minutes of cop show episode, liveblog together, make gifsets about it, trend on Tumblr, and then go back into hibernation until the next year. It's a beautiful event for the German tumblr community
As for watching it: It's public television, so it's available for free online in the ARD Mediathek. The six episodes there have been so far are, in order:
Das fleißige Lieschen (named after the codename for the V-3 cannon (Wikipedia) - 2020)
Der Herr des Waldes (The lord of the forest - 2021)
Das Herz der Schlange (The heart of the snake - 2022)
Die Kälte der Erde (The cold of the earth - 2023)
Der Fluch des Geldes (The money curse - 2024)
Das Ende der Nacht (The end of the night - 2025)
As for English subtitles - there's no official ones, but you can check out this post for info on fanmade ones!
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nostalgiabug · 5 months ago
Billy Batson/Cap. M headcanons AKA something you didn't ask for but we are doing
Flossing Marvel jumpscare!
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Billy is homeless by choice. Mostly due to being almost constantly adopted into bad families (boy just has the worst luck). Billy prefers to remain homeless out of the fear that at some point he won't be able to get away from an abusive family. And is absolutely terrified of cops because they tend to take one look at him and toss him in the system or call him a lost cause and try to send him to juvie. Billy does work for Wiz Radio mostly as a result of magical shenanigans i.e Wiz is run by the magical community of Fawcett City. Oh, Billy isn't a big fan of being Cap, I don't know how else to describe it as other than Uncanny Valley for the kid and the fear that he'll end up like Black Adam.
He and Freddy aren't even remotely related familially! Freddy is just some random kid his age that he became close friends with due to mutual loneliness and love of causing problems. Freddy's disability was a result of parental abuse were one of them broke his leg and it was just never properly handled so it just didn't set right. A teacher noticed this and had him placed into her protective custody until his parent was arrested and he had to be placed in foster care due to her inability to meet his needs. He currently lives with Victor and Rosa's family. The other family's backstory remains mostly the same.
Tawky Tawny is a fae trickster two pulled a prank on the wrong person (Titania) and as a result was cursed into the form of a stuffed tiger keychain. Currently he's Billy's familiar as a sort of parole/attempt to prove he's learned his lesson. He was a close friend of The Wizard for a few centuries and is teaching Billy the ins and outs of his inherited role as the Champion of Magic.
Magic lore
The Shazam acronym is as follows:
Sovereignty of Hera
Guidance of Hecate
Council of Athena
Power of Zeus
Fury of Ares
Momentum of Hermes
I always thought it was weird that Capt. Marvel got his power from multiple theological origins unlike Black Adam who was exclusively Egyptian. It was also weird that The Champion of Magic didn't have Hecate as one of his patrons, given her authority as the goddess of magic. I also like the idea the that Billy is beloved by the gods and has multiple blessings outside of the Champion. Like Artemis gave him an understanding of wild creatures and Dionysus making his mind harder to read. Billy is essentially a cryptid due to this, but with magic and a desire to start shit for the hell of it. I have this idea that each member of The Council of Wizards had their own champion and pantheon to draw from. Shazam obviously has the Greek pantheon, but the others had the Norse, Egyptian, Shinto, ect.
Capt. Marvel's duty is less about fighting bad guys and more along the lines of diplomacy, fixing what Black Adam caused. Helping magical communities to coexist and preventing magical threats that could potentially harm both the normal and mystic communities. Also the whole custodian of the Rock of Eternity thing. The Rock itself being a multiversal conduit for all magic does possess a limited form of sentience and will send members of the Shazamily to different realities for various reasons. The Rock tends to send them to those that aren't magically inclined often so a problem gets solved before they are able to return. It's next to impossible to open gates to The Rock in a reality that isn't magically inclined it becomes more difficult at best to return. The same it true for attempting to enter any other dimension i.e The Fae Wilds. I've always enjoyed the nuance of 'my job isn't to punch people, it's to help them.'
The Council of Wizards imposed rules on the Rock's interference;
1)The Rock is forbidden to speak.
2)The Rock is forbidden from taking physical form.
3)The Rock is forbidden to reveal any knowledge unknown to The Champion in any form.
4)The Rock is forbidden from most forms of physical interference (No moving doors)
This can only be rectified if the Council no longer holds control over the rock. Disbandment, forcible removal, or death without an heir.
Physical appearance HC
Billy has lichtenberg figure scars that are weirdly localized, the entire Shazamily does, Billy just has the most. The largest one is on his back starting from the nape of his neck and spreading out at his shoulder blades, he shares this scar with Mary. Freddy and Billy share a scar on Freddy's bum leg, this one going up from the foot to the knee. Darla's scar is on his right hand rising from the palm to the elbow. Pedro's is the left, it starts at the shoulder and ends midway to the hand. Eugene's is on the right leg starting at the mid thigh and ending at the achilles heel. The first scar Billy got is a circle around his heart that spreads across his chest like tree roots, it has no match.
The Champions all share variants of the same costume design (with one exception). Togas with pants, golden braces and boots. They still have the capes (I like those) and the togas match the color scheme with some extra personalization (sans Billy). Mary has the favor of Athena so her's is more armored than normal (and white). Freddy has Hermes so he has sandals instead of boots and his cape is smaller. Eugene is in full on spartan battle armor (Oops all Ares). Darla has a tiara and a longer skirt section. Pedro has the favor of Zeus so his outfit has streaks of charring similar to lightning. They all still have the thunder bolt thing in their chests it's just more obvious that it's a physical part of them.
Now on to my personal fav. Billy is transmasc. I don't know why but I like it. Additionally, Billy is pansexual and has had a lot of boyfriends and girlfriends none of them ended up being what he wanted, leading to a feeling of something being wrong with him. Freddy is gay but thought he was straight for the longest time. I'm just gonna preface this by saying Billy and Freddy being foster siblings is new and they used to just be friends and that is more interesting to me than just siblings. I don't have any strong feelings about the ship, it's fine, I think the potential of a close friendship developing into a close romantic relationship is much more interesting than enemies to lovers. So that's my standing.
Mary is lesbian, she just has the vibes. Darla is to baby to care. Pedro is a bi king. Eugene is the ace icon.
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tirsynni · 5 months ago
So there's a fresh wave of Benford hatred in the Resident Evil fandom again, and I wonder how much of it is purity culture nonsense, how much of it is based on Krauser's changed and updated motivations in the RE4 Remake, and how much of it is not understanding how Leon's story arc differs from the Redfields'.
A quick recap: Adam Benford was the one who forced Leon to become a government agent at the end of RE2. Leon was given a nasty choice: become an agent or Sherry Birkin, the child under his care, dies. Not much of a choice. From that point on, Leon was an agent for the same government who blew up Raccoon City and everyone hated Adam Benford. The problem came up in RE6, when it became clear that Leon and Adam were friends. People were damned unhappy about that and there have been comments that when the inevitable RE6 remake comes out, they wanted that portion wiped out.
By doing that, though, a significant portion of Leon's plot also gets wiped out.
A major theme in the RE series is that the BOWs weren't the real monsters: corporations were. Leon's arc makes it clear how entrenched the US government is, too, in this mess. Chris's arcs tend to be simpler, as he focuses on clear-cut enemies. RE1 makes that pretty clear. The incident at the mansion was a planned incident, orchestrated by the clearly evil Albert Wesker. Raccoon City was far messier: a deal gone bad, a corporation trying to hide its mess, and the US government not only wiping out a threat but also destroying evidence of their hand making that mess. The destruction of Raccoon City was because of an evil corporation and the US government: both of their mistakes, both of their deals going badly, both of them hiding evidence.
We aren't given too many details in Benford's portion of things. I think people see him as the one handing Leon the ultimatum and treat him like they treat Piers in RE6: acting like this individual is the one with the ultimate power to make decisions. Just like Piers Nivans didn't have the independent ability to order Chris Redfield back into the field in RE6, Adam Benford wouldn't have had the ability to independently offer Leon that ultimatum. He was the mouthpiece. We don't know his view of things. It isn't given. What we are given is that over a decade later, he is in a position to make independent decisions, he has become friends with Leon, and he has decided to go public about what happened in Raccoon City. That's a pretty big deal.
The anger at Benford's and Leon's friendship makes sense given what we see at the end of RE2, but it also misses the point of Leon's arc. Leon's arc rarely focuses on cackling villains. Leon's story is messy. He is enmeshed since the beginning in corrupt entities, and he fights alongside good people (and morally gray people) within those corrupt entities while he's trying to fight for justice.
RE2: Raccoon City Police Department was corrupt. There were some good people in it, absolutely, but it's an amazing example of police and local government corruption. Leon becomes a cop and wants to help people, and he learns while trying to save Raccoon City just how corrupt everything is. Maybe things would have been different if he was aware of the ACAB thing, but all he knew was he wanted to help people and instead, he became an asset for the people who destroyed Raccoon City.
Darkside Chronicles: Krauser's portion of it reveals quite clearly the corruption of the government and military. He's being used and he knows it. He knows he is nothing but an asset, only important for what he can offer, and he knows his own powerlessness. I think changing his motivation from "I want power, I want to be strong" to "my team was killed" weakens his point and his character. Krauser wasn't viewed as a person: he was viewed as a weapon, and he knew at the end of the game he was going to be discarded because of his arm. When he encounters BOWs, he is introduced to a new form of power, one he can possibly control, and sees a way to become powerful, too. Definitely not a Good and Pure reason but it's a damned understandable one, especially from his POV. He didn't get Leon's intro to BOWs. He had a completely different perspective which meant he came up with a completely different solution, and much of that was fueled by the corrupt and heartless US military and government.
RE4: Yes, you have the obvious threat of Los Illuminados, but Krauser and Ada make it clear that there's more to it. It's not a clear-cut situation. It isn't just save the girl from the bad guys. It is dealing with everything Ada represents: someone who is clearly a liar, someone who is clearly a threat, someone who is clearly working for the bad guys, and someone who helps Leon, anyway. Krauser's introduction is a reminder of how the government and military can't be trusted, how when Leon goes home, he is going back to another threat. The lien between friend and foe is blurred.
Leon's movies repeatedly feature the government and its people as a major threat. While he's fighting against BOWs, he is being betrayed and used by his government. He's being used and set up and he knows it. The people who should clearly be his enemies aren't, and he ends up fighting alongside and saving them. Things remain blurry. He's being used. He's being lied to. The government knows Leon and they know how to use him. For all of Leon's good intentions, he is absolutely a government weapon with limited power of his own.
So we come to RE6. Over a decade has passed since RE2. Leon's come a long way. He's still a government agent, but he's definitely gained more power. For the first time, it's introduced that he and Benford are friends.
This is introduced while Leon is killing him.
In the decade since Benford was last seen, it's clear some things have changed for him. He went from using Leon as an asset to being friends with him, enough to discuss his rather controversial, dangerous plan with him. Benford was a part of the RC mess, and now he wants to bring it to light, a decision which ends with his death. He's one of those questionable people Leon put his faith in, and it paid off. Over a decade later, the truth about Raccoon City is going to come to light.
Benford dies for this, with Leon being forced to pull the trigger. Benford tried to bring about some justice. His own portion of things would inevitably be brought to light, too. To silence him, an entire city was wiped out, showing once again how dangerous Leon's enemy was. Leon faces an enemy with a thousand heads mixed in among a million more, an enemy with the power to assassinate a president, an enemy who has wiped out two American cities.
Leon isn't facing an individual like Wesker: he's facing the American government, with his enemies tied deeply within it, and many of his foes don't even realize they're foes or what they're doing. They are cogs in the machine, not realizing what's going on until it's too late.
RE6 and Benford shows that redemption is possible, shows the possible price of redemption, and shows how dangerous Leon's is. Leon ends the game by cutting off one head, and it's clear that there are many, many other heads which need cutting off. On the surface, going public about Raccoon City was definitely the Good and Right thing to do, and it ended with Leon needing to shoot his friend in the head and an entire city getting sacrificed.
Leon's arc is messy. His enemy isn't clear cut. It focuses on justice, it focuses on extending a hand to people, it focuses on how just because a BOW is easy to shoot the manufacturing of those BOWs is damned hard to stop. Many of the characters in Leon's games and movies aren't bad people: they're people who are trapped or think they're doing the right thing or people who weigh their options and think this is the best one for them. His stories are filled with people who try to kill him one minute and try to save him the next or are involved with BOWs but have limited options, too much desperation, or too little knowledge until it's too late how the BOW situation is going to end.
Leon's ultimate enemies can't be killed by a single bullet. Leon's problems can't be solved in one dramatic climatic scene. The people surrounding Leon aren't 100% good or 100% evil. As such, he extends his hand to people who aren't morally pure, to killers and traitors. He continues to work for the government even after he can possibly use enough of his political power to escape. Leon's story is messy and he remains stubbornly, painfully optimistic, anyway.
It's discouraging how many people see characters like Benford and go "Nope. You sinned and you are a sinner for life. There is no redemption. You made this awful mistake, and you are damned forever." Not only does that lessen the impact of RE6, but it also indicates that half of Leon's mission is pointless. There's no point in him offering his hand, there's no point in him offering mercy, and there's no point in them accepting if this viewpoint is right. Once a filthy sinner, always a filthy sinner, and that viewpoint sounds more horrifying than most of the RE content.
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valorianknights · 5 months ago
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"You are far too nice, mercy has a price...
Trina messed up. She wasn't supposed to get attached. She wasn't supposed to care. She wasn't supposed to make friends... But she did. And she kinda liked it.
Then father found out. At first he was proud that she seemingly gained the young genius' trust. Even more so when she also befriended both the Chief of Police and Professor Sato's daughters.
So many useful connections, useful pawns for his plans. What a brilliant outcome. Two possible proteges and a strong bargaining chip if the police try to interfere with his plans.
He didn't think too much about how much time Trina was spending with these children. Or how many times she accept their invitations to lunches, dinners or game nights. Why would he? After all, it's one thing to gain someone's trust, it's another if you make yourself seem reliable and strengthen that trust to ensure that you would never even be considered a suspect of suspicion or doubt.
So, he allowed it. Obake saw her actions as a means to an end. None of it mattered. At least...that's what it started out as.
He molded Trina into exactly what he wanted, no, expected. A completely obedient, loyal, intelligent and diligent daughter (acolyte). She owed him her life, everything she was, everything she is. Is because of him. Because he allowed it. How could she not be grateful?
He was brilliant, a genius, limited only by a world full of limitations. Limitations created by those who are incapable of vision or ambition. Those who try to make excuses due to the "Danger" or "Mortality".
And yet... it's these very same people that allow a broken system to continue, even though it's been proven to be faulty. How many people have to suffered? From small crime like, shoplifters or purse thieves that were just given a slap on the wrist and then a week or a day later, they're back on the streets doing the same thing unless they want to aim higher. Or what about the bigger criminals? The ones that go under the radar. The gangs that have entire cities in their pockets, from the cops to the politicians, like The Double Jade Clan and Big Yama here in San Fransokyo.
People that are so adamant that things like "law and order" keep us safe and yet law hasn't always aligned with what is right.
Segregation was legal, the Jim Crow laws were legal, slaves and indentured servitude were legal and the Japanese internment camps during WWll were legal.
This entire system is broken way beyond repair and the only thing left to do is to start again. Cleanse the sin from world in order to save it.
No, not save. Improve.
A better world. That's what father always said.
He'll make a better world. A world where the guilty won't walk free, the politicians won't be safe from consequences due to their deep pockets or connections... A world where there are no underground criminal organizations, a world where genius can run free from the chains of limitations and "morality", a world that harnesses the power of a star instead of slowly killing the planet.
A world where the Double Jade Clan will never kill another family, leaving a sad orphaned girl with nothing but a thirst for vengeance justice.
"It's okay. We'll show them."
"We will show them all."
He found her. He took her in when he didn't have to, didn't need to...and yet he did it all the same.
He taught her everything she knows, he helped her understand how to be clever, guided her hands when she didn't grasp mechanical engineering at first, trained her in the art of adaptation in order to become almost chameleon-like in any situation.
At first she didn't understand his grand plan, his life's work, when told her in the beginning.She thought it was scary, it was dangerous, it was wrong. Like a plan that a bad guy would have in comic books. She was wrong. She was young, susceptible to what the world wanted us to believe is right and wrong. He helped her understand that she was just corrupted by a system that wanted to keep people away from the truth. To make people weak and force them to never be able to truly thrive.
The illusion of freedom.
And yet...
After all these years, after everything that he's done for Trina, she can't help but feel a tinge of doubt creeping into the dark corners of her mind sometimes.
She never really left her father's lab too often, unless absolutely necessary, like to retrieve something for a device, keep an eye on Yama so he doesn't step out of line, and most recently, creating a diversion to keep the police (and now these self proclaimed "heroes") busy while Obake can do what he needs to without outside interference.
She knew that Obake wanted some help. To have a protege to take under his wing and to help him usher in his utopia of progress and freedom.
Trina after the first few years of living with him she thought that maybe it could be her. She could help him just as he helped her. But, this was just the folly of a then 9 year old child, because, yet again she was wrong. While she may have been smart, especially with Obake teaching her as much as he could of robotics and engineering.
He just didn't have the time. He was busy working towards a better tomorrow that there was only so much time he could devote to her existence. He cared of course, she knew that, but she also knew that he wasn't thrilled that she wasn't grasping everything as quickly as he would've liked. So, she stopped following him around like a second shadow and started studying and learning as much as she could about mechanical engineering, then robotics and chemical engineering. Though try as she might, she just came up short.
She understood that she was smart, she definitely wasn't average intelligence by any means, in fact she's sure that she could have gained admission to any college she wanted with the arsenal of knowledge she was equipped with. It's just... Not enough. Not for him. Not for utopia.
She's intelligent, she's clever, but not genius. Trina just isn't what he needs. It wounded her pride, but she could understand that sad fact(even if didn't like it). He never told her this outright, but he didn't have too. She could read the signs. So she did what she always did.
Find a different perspective, a different angle and she realized that she was exactly what he needed. Just not in the way she wanted originally.
She could befriend his prospective proteges, while also making sure that they're what he needs. She already knew their names, where they spent their time, one of them even was apart of a vigilante group.
Hiro Hamada
Mary Sato
They were teenagers just like her. They didn't know each other but if she could befriend them both and then get them to meet the other... Then they would become friends and make things easier for father.
She would gain their trust and then when the time's right she would get them to understand her father's dream, then they would of course, understand and help to make it a reality.
Sure, an entire city would be destroyed, but hasn't it already been broken and stained with the wrongs that we allow to exist? Why should it stay like this? Big Hero 6 wouldn't even need to exist if this world and it rules actually worked.
The world can't go on like this! It can't. Someone has to do something. It may seem wrong, but sometimes there's a base level of violence that is necessary for change.
Every war ever fought all had casualties that were all simultaneously necessary and needless. Necessary in the sense that humans have to be shown the worst things imaginable in order to actually understand that they are in the wrong. No one will change their mind when they believe they are right, not until they see the consequences of their actions right in front of them.
And Needless due to the same reasoning. The inability to admit or to see the obvious. No hindsight. Just sit and talk. But noooo. Everything must be done the hard way.
Like always.
Like now.
Trina always thought of the people in this city as a means to an end. Numbers on a screen to be calculated and plugged into the advanced equations that Obake would work on to get his calculations right. But... now she's confronted with the doubt that has been creeping into her mind like a bottle of syrup that got knocked over on a table and is slowly but surely covering the area. You could try and wipe it off but it's sticky nauseating sweetness will not be easy to get rid of.
Trina thought that she was right, that father was right, but... she can't see numbers on a screen anymore. She can't see a city that is scheduled for a long overdue demolition. She sees faces, people, families that live here. She even recognized the strange/sweet old blind lady, Joan, who feeds the birds at the park on Sundays, on one of surveillance cameras in the lair.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
When did this happen? When did she begin to doubt the one who gave her everything she had? The one who made her who she was?
When did it start?
Was it when she was at Good Luck Alley trying to keep Hiro from discovering her sending not only the police, but him and his team on a wild goose chase?
Was it when he caught her? And she immediately turned the situation in her favor by explaining that she never stole anything (other than the police's time and attention) and that she was using Kohakutou that was meant to trick the authorities. Weaving a story of half truths and making herself seemingly the victim. Pinning the blame on Yama ( Obake saw no use for him anymore anyway), and gaining not only sympathy but guilt from Hiro who felt terrible for assuming the worst in her (He was on the right track).
After all, he didn't know her very well.
Was it when she was invited to hang out at the arcade with him?
Playing round after round of Robot Monsters VI: Lost Galaxy?
Listening to Megan complaining about the unreasonable amount of homework she got assigned?
Watching as Megan came to life when she was investigating a case behind her father's back?
Listening to hiro vent about a bully he has deal with seeing at school?
Karmi, she later learned her name and made sure she would keep her distance from Hiro after an incident that left Trina banned from the campus (but totally worth it).
Joining Mary and her father, Professor Makoto Sato, for one of their family game nights?
Failing at Roller skating, but laughing anyway with Mary on girl's night out?!
When did it happen? When did their friendship start fill an emptiness that she never knew she had inside?
When did the thought of anything bad happening to Hiro, Mary or Megan begin to fill her with anger and annoyance?
Why wouldn't it stop?
Why did she suddenly care so much about them?!
Why does she not want this feeling to end?
' I want to stay like this forever. '
Oh, no.
What happens now?
'What do I do?!'
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beardedmrbean · 3 months ago
New York City officials are reacting to a bombshell new report by The Post that shows an alarming 58,626 migrants with felony records or facing criminal charges are freely roaming the Big Apple, with some 670,000 in total across the country.
Out of the 759,218 illegal border-crossers who now call the five boroughs home, 7.7% were either previously convicted of crimes or had criminal charges pending, according to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data.
But instead of rounding up and deporting tens of thousands of known criminals, critics say the city has rolled out the red carpet with its asylum policies, providing free lodgings, money for food and even one-way plane tickets anywhere in the world.
Meanwhile, politicians told The Post they’re reaching their breaking point with the generous giveaways and lax enforcement taking place under NYC’s sanctuary city policies, and laying blame at the feet of state and federal officials.
“Kathy Hochul said she’d be the first one to call ICE if a migrant broke the law — she has over 58,000 phone calls to make,” Rep. Mike Lawler — who’s weighing a run for governor — told The Post.
“Kathy Hochul must immediately end New York’s sanctuary state status and fully cooperate with ICE to ensure the safety and well being of all New Yorkers.”
Hochul, for her part, stood by existing policies in the Empire State.
“Governor Hochul will continue enforcing State policy, which protects law-abiding immigrants while ensuring violent criminals are held accountable,” spokesperson Avi Small said.
Mayor Eric Adams has frequently called for sanctuary city rules to be loosened so migrants “suspected” of serious crimes could be turned over to ICE.
However, Hizzoner has thrown his hands up claiming he lacks the political support of the City Council that would be needed to change the controversial laws that prohibit NYC law enforcement from cooperating with immigration officials’ investigations.
“The number of migrant criminals is astronomical and frightening,” said New York Conservative Party chairman Gerard Kassar, a Dyker Heights, Brooklyn resident.
He said “enough of this crap” about New York’s sanctuary rules that coddle criminals and refuse to cooperate with the feds.
“Sanctuary policies are counterproductive and make New York and America unsafe. We need to end this insanity of the Biden years. New York City and New York State have propped up these failed policies,” he told The Post.
This sentiment wasn’t limited to those on the right politically.
Rep. Tom Suozzi, a Democrat whose district encompasses parts of Nassau County and Queens, was forthright about the problem and seemed amenable to working with Trump and incoming border czar Tom Homan to solve it.
“I support the deportation of criminals and will work with the incoming administration to accomplish that goal. We must also secure the border, fix the broken asylum system and modernize the legal immigration system,” he told The Post.
The burden of the status quo is being unevenly borne by members of the NYPD, who have grappled with the sudden influx of unknown migrants — some with violent criminal histories — flooding city streets.
“The majority of the people we arrest. It’s even more frustrating because a lot of them are repeat offenders and they just get let out of jail to commit more crimes and victimize the hard-working people who live in the area,” a Queens cop told The Post.
But migrants themselves shared a different story.
A migrant man who sells food outside The Roosevelt Hotel — which has been turned into a shelter for asylum-seekers costing the city hundreds of millions of dollars — declined to give his name, but said from his perspective the new arrivals get a bad rap.
“There are thousands of people in this city and thousands of them commit crimes. There are many migrants who commit crimes too, but anything bad that happens here they blame it on the migrants,” he said, claiming he and his cohorts are often turned into “scapegoats.”
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bigbangsanvers · 5 months ago
Operation Unmask the Masks
written by @segfaultfault
Rating: Teen and up audiences
Warnings: None
The NCPD has had it with vigilantes. Supergirl… Fine, they could put up with her on her own. But now there's the Martian Manhunter, Guardian, Valor, Dreamer, and Sentinel too? Where would it end?
To shut down the entire vigilante underground, the police target their identities. As the department's most adamant voice against vigilantes, Maggie Sawyer goes undercover as National City's newest masked hero, B—
"Hey! Who are you, and what the hell do you think you're doing?!"
Additional tags: AU, They're all still superheroes, Alex is Sentinel, Maggie is a cop, who goes undercover, as a vigilante, vigilante hijinks ensue, secret identities all over the place, reveal eventually…, Canon-Typical Violence, Sanvers Big Bang 2022
With art by @marseptica
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These works were part of Sanvers Big Bang 2022 and were revealed on November 15.
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blackbat05 · 2 years ago
Know you better
Adam Warlock x Reader
Plot: It’s moving day and you meet a handsome stranger due to unexpected circumstances. Shenanigans occur that ultimately get the two of you closer.
Genre: PG-13 (Neighbor, Modern Day AU)
A/N: I did not write this till 2am😂 Might as well capitalize on these influx of ideas while I can right? I intended for this to be a meet cute kind of thing, so hopefully it looks that way to you readers?😅 Reblogs and feedback always appreciated!💜
Shamelessly tagging my partner in crime for Adam🤡: @tom-whore-dleston
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You had your very own living space. Amidst skyrocketing rentals and weird landlords, you managed to get a decent space beside the train station. That will earn you a few minutes of extra sleep in your battle of commuting to work. You set the last of your box in the room.
Making sure that everything was accounted for, you went back down to settle the bill with the moving company.
Heading back up, you see a shadow at the entrance of your door. You shouldn’t have cursed your luck. You spot the communal potted plant beside the lift and decide that would have to settle as your weapon of choice.
As you control your breathing, you take tiny steps forward, hoping to get a glimpse of which idiot was dumb enough to commit a house burglary at two in the afternoon. The shadow starts to move and you prepare for the worst…
“Excuse me?” Someone pipes up from behind, nearly sending you into cardiac arrest. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” You turn around to see a male with curly brown hair, listening to a cassette tape. “I was wondering if you saw a friend of mine? He’s about 6’3, golden hair and eyes if you stare hard enough.” The male chuckles at his own description.
“Quill?” The supposed burglar steps out of your house, looking at the two of you in confusion.
“Adam, what the hell? You can’t just enter a stranger’s house?” The male frowns, rushing to pull his friend out of your residence. “I’m so sorry, I think he must have gotten the numbers mixed up. We’re having a party today for one of our friends.” He extends a hand. “The name’s Peter Quill.”
You can’t help but to feel relieved, any easy smile etched on your face. “Thank goodness. For a minute there I thought I would have to call the cops. It’s nice to see you neighbor.” You move towards the other man, extending your hand for a shake. “Sorry for wanting to throw a plant on you.” You apologized sheepishly. “Nice to meet you, Adam..?”
“Adam. Adam Warlock.”
Six months later,
Each day was the same, familiar routine. Work, home or the resident gym that you probably frequented the most out of all the residents. Except for Peter who would occasionally engage with you in small talk. Then one day, you stopped seeing Peter.
You don’t blame the guy. Gym routines are notoriously hard to keep up with while trying to survive in this bustling city. It was a Friday evening and you were glad to be able to leave the office on time. Walking to the gym, you see that the lights are on. Curious, you push the doors open to see who else has decided to work out a sweat along with you.
You see a familiar muscular back lifting weights at the corner, oblivious to your entrance. He breathes out once more, earning a well deserved water break.
The man turns around, initially alarmed but happy when he finds out who it is.
“Evening. Working out?” He sets the weights neatly back to their original position. Grabbing his bottle, Adam walks over to you, taking big gulps. You find yourself looking at how his sleeveless shirt had accentuated his arms. Focus. You harshly reprimanded yourself.
“Yeah. Was cramped up in office all day. Thought it’ll be good to sweat it out.” Your tone was a little higher than usual. “Hey, do you where Peter is? I haven’t seen him in a while.”
“He’s moved out. Found a place nearer to his grandfather. Peter didn’t want to sell this place to just anyone and I needed a place.” Adam tells you. You couldn’t deny but a part of you was delighted at the news.
“So… we’re neighbors now?”
“Neighbors.” He confirms with a boyish smile. “Oh, if you don’t mind, I think I should return back to my weights. Shouldn’t rest for too long.”
“Of course. I should get going too.” You make your way to the treadmill, not before giving one last quick glance at his shaped rear as he started to perform a series of squats.
“That hot guy you tried to take out with a plant?” Your best friend and colleague in crime squeals. “Girl, you have to tell me more!”
You sighed. “I wish I could Liz, but I barely see him except when he’s in the gym! Not that I’m complaining though, you should see him at pull ups.” Your brain goes into overdrive, thinking about last Friday’s gym session.
As usual, it was only the two of you. It was kind of an unspoken agreement, going around quietly to get the endorphins going. Instead of the boring treadmill, you opted for the dynamic rower machine, having a first hand view of Adam’s behind in full glory. It certainly did not help that the gym was surrounded by mirrors, giving you a sneak preview of his toned stomach.
“I need the photos.” Your friend insists. “All this talk and I would think you’re talking about a Greek god!”
You open your mouth only to close it shut. She did have a point. If you knew better, Adam was probably sculpted in the museum before being gifted to mankind. Room suddenly feeling much warmer, you decide to move out to the small balcony, still holding up the phone in front of you.
“He is! Too bad I can’t say anything else but ‘hi’ and ‘bye’ because I almost took him out with a plant! I know he thinks I must be crazy.” You groaned. “I guess I can still continue to dream about my unattainable, utterly sexy, Greek god right?”
You notice that Liz has went silent on the other end, eyes widened. You whip around to find that Adam was also at his balcony, reading a novel that was now abandoned at the side as he stares at you curiously.
Oh. My. God.
Your new and very hot neighbor had just overheard your entire conversation with Liz. About him.
Kill me now. Your brain freezes and time has paused. Instead of walking back like a dignified woman your mother always trained you to be, you scramble back in, knocking over your plastic yellow IKEA stool in the process.
Locking the sliding door, you draw the curtains before landing flat on the sofa, shocked into silence. Liz breaks the silence first, as she burst out into raucous laughter.
“Girl! You did not just did what I think you did!” She’s out of breath and you can almost see the tears threatening to spill from the corner of her eyes.
“Is there anyway to be wiped from Earth? At least until he forgets.” You whined, resulting in a cackle from your friend. How wonderful. Within a span of six months, you’ve managed to colossally embarrass yourself twice.
“It ain’t too bad.” You frown at Liz’s attempt to be serious. “Personally, I would be flattered. Maybe a little creeped out but flattered nonetheless.” She gives a mischievous grin. “Especially when you tried to bonk him with a pot on your first meeting.”
“Liz! Not helping!”
Thankfully, the next couple of days weren’t as bad as you expected. You didn’t run into Adam in the hallway or the lift while going to work, and you found yourself staying in the office to complete last minute tasks.
Friday came around and you took longer than usual to change into your gym gear. As much as you prayed for Adam to magically not be there, you were sure that a guy like Adam would not skip his regime unless he had a very good reason. Rounding the corner, you see the lights on, confirming his presence.
Here goes nothing.
The gush of cool air greets you as the door opens and you thank your lucky stars. Adam is on the treadmill this time, and with wired headphones plugged into an iPod. You were remotely amazed that people still had such an old device. Then again, you weren’t too surprised seeing that Peter had a cassette on your first meeting.
You decide that trying to avoid him wasn’t going to help you. Instead, you chose to play it cool. Catching his sight from the reflection, you give a small wave that he returned, indicating that you were going to start your workout.
Pressing the play button on your phone, you started your own routine, pushing out the thoughts of your embarrassing encounters with Adam to get the most out of your exercise.
The continuous feminist anthems that you prepared for times like these worked its magic, as you were engrossed in completing your abdominal exercises on the reclining bench. Finishing your final set, you slowly lie back down, hoping to catch your breath before taking a quick break.
You certainly did not expect yourself to be upside down, facing Adam’s crotch in close proximity. Giving a loud gasp, you fall on to the mat, landing ungracefully.
Why did the universe conspire against you? You see Adam’s mouth moving, a concerned look on his face and you realized you’re still wearing your headphones . “Hi!” You squeak, once you removed them.
“That’s fine. Are you alright?” Adam asks. “Sorry I scared you. That was a pretty hard fall there.”
“Yes, I’m fine! Do you want to use this? I’m sorry I took so long.” You rattled off, not giving him a chance to speak. You stumble from standing up a little too quickly. Adam rushes forward to help you but you reassure him while dusting yourself off. You don’t need another accident today.
“Go ahead! It’s all yours.” You bend down and fumbled for your things, deciding that maybe you had enough exercise for today and that it was time to retreat when Adam holds you by the wrist, hesitant to start. “Have I offended you in anyway?”
You blink at the sudden question. “No. Of course not.”
“Then why do I feel like you’re avoiding me?”
You wince at the sharp question, hearing your heart crack a little at the sight of Adam looking like a puppy who had just been disciplined. That’s the thing, he didn’t do anything wrong.
How do you tell him without revealing your growing crush on him and not look any more weirder than you made yourself out to be?
“Well…” You start, suddenly finding your trainers to be very interesting. “I thought you would have been freaked out by what I said the other time.” Adam cocks his head slightly in confusion and you mentally kick yourself. “You know, about how you look like a Greek god.” You mumble the last couple of words.
“I’m sorry?”
Was that deliberate? You could feel your face turning redder than they already were from your workout. You gathered your courage to stare at him straight in the eye, desperately trying to ignore the faint freckles across his cheeks.
“I said, you would have been weirded out by your neighbor lusting over you because of your stupid good looks!” You raised your voice, not realizing the damage you just caused yourself until the words had spilled out of your mouth.
It was Adam’s turn to digest what you had just said. That did not stop him from breaking out into a dopey grin that only caused your heart to beat faster.
“Thank god for that. I was starting to think otherwise.”
What did he mean by that?
Adam appears to have read your mind and chuckles, the deep vibration creating butterflies in your stomach. He scratches the back of his head and if you weren’t mistaken, he was… nervous?
“I was hoping I could get to know you better, outside of this gym that is. You see, I couldn’t forget about you since our first meeting.” He laughs sheepishly at the thought of almost being charged for breaking and entering. “I never seen someone look absolutely threatening yet adorable while holding a plant as a weapon.”
You can’t tell if he’s being serious but you let him continue. “I wanted to talk to you, but I figured after that first meeting it probably wasn’t wise to suddenly appear at your doorstep without any reason. So when Peter was going to move out, I jumped at the opportunity.”
At Adam’s revelation, you can’t help but to smile. He takes this as a sign of encouragement and goes on. “I was waiting for the right time to ask you out and I must admit, I had cold feet on certain days. So when I heard that conversation with your friend, I was… glad.”
If Liz saw you now, she would have been gleaming with pride at her accurate assessment of Adam’s reaction to your feelings towards him.
“Maybe, we both got on the wrong foot. A shaky start. How about we try again? My name’s Adam.” He offers a hand and you giggle at the familiar scene. You extend yours to meet his. “My name’s Y/N. It’s very nice to meet you.”
You can’t believe how fast the night changes, how lucky you got with the move six months ago. You swore that he held onto your hand for a few more seconds before letting go. Adam grins.
“It’s nice to meet you too. Would you like to join me for dinner tonight? Say, to get to know each other better.”
“I would love that.”
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leatherneck-70-blog · 3 months ago
The Leatherman was a dark brown handsome Mexican man from Mexico City. He had the most beautiful black eyes. His features were amazing. His black leather was so shiny. It was thick leather. Even his gloves were tight but thick. His boots were long motorcycle cop boots. His adams apple was pointy and shiny. As he walked as fast as he could to get to his penthouse elevator, pressing to go up he unzips his frontal leather pants but keeps it buttoned so his dick sticks out area and being as hard as his big long dark dick it pops out with no help from him. Throbbing with his veins popped out. Seman dripping out and on the elevator floor and on his black leather boots. Stroking his dick. He has his mouth open and his tongue popping out with a leather creak from deep inside his throat coming out of his mouth. Stroking and Stroking. His leather creaks loudly from his movement. His leather skin lives through him and it feels the same hornyness he does. His eye lids squint and his black eyes roll back lightly from his horny feelings. His neck and adams apple swallow and bobb as you hear his throat gulp hard and deep. This is his way of coming home from being at the leather bar. Being around other Leathermen get him horny and excited. At the bar he did get a good blow job. But just thinking about his night gets him going again. As the door opens to the elevator he runs to his black leather bed to fuck on it. The loud clumping of his boots and the deep breathing from his leather lungs are heard echoing through the penthouse. Jumping on his leather bed. He lands on his stomach and starts in on fucking the bed. The wet seman and wets the leather comforter as he humps crazily breathing hard. His leather skin creaking loudly on the leather comforter. His living leather skin feels the sexual feeling the Leatherman feels. The Leatherman builds up alot of saliva drool and drools it out his mouth on the spot where he's been fucking. He goes back to fuck the leather bed. His leather dick hard as a rock as he moans deep from his throat his leather creak from his leather mouth. He starts to lick his leather pillow sucking the leather flavor and swallowing it down into his leather life. The taste is fantastic! Humping and and humping hearing his breathing his dick sliding in from the wetness of his leather bed. Getting more excited he feels it cumming!"He moans out "LEEEEAATHER!!" and shoots his cum all over his leather bed. His black leather comforter now white wet leather cum. His dick still hard and throbbing he flips over and pulls himself up to the back leather head board. As you hear his leather creak. He grabs his dick and strokes more. Strokes and strokes. He heart racing and his full leather body feeling his cum shoot again. 2,3,4,5,6 times out of his leather dick. He yells and out comes leather creaking from his mouth loudly. His leather life shooting his leather reproducing cum all over his leather pants and leather jacket. He can feel the burning of the cum. Moaning leatherly from his mouth. He lays back and swallows. He's beautiful neck and Adam's Apple Bob's and he closes his eyes and falls asleep
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trumai-jpg · 1 year ago
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Pairings: Gwen Stacy/Em Jay Watson
Characters: Gwen Stacy (Earth 65), Em Jay Watson (Earth 65), Betty Brant (Earth 65), Glory Grant (Earth 65
Words: 7014
AO3: link
NSFW 18+
It's like any other day for the four members of The Mary Janes. Of course, Gwen Stacy is late as usual, and after a lacklustre performance on the drums, Mary Jane Watson takes it upon herself to confront Gwen on some suspicions she's been having lately,
Being a workaholic vigilante isn't always the most convenient. Don't get me wrong, it's one of life's greatest pleasures to fly high above the city you and hundreds of others call home. To battle against eight-limbed physicists and electronic engineers with wingspans the size of her apartment, it was all so thrilling for the one and only Spider-Woman! Otherwise known as the beautiful punk-rock Ms. Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy. I'm sure you know the rest - a grizzled old cop always one step behind catching her, a normal school life at the luxurious Midtown High, and of course, her band; the Mary Janes. Well, to say it was Gwen's band wouldn't exactly be one-hundred percent honest, but as a co-founder and drummer, she had found quite a home with the quintet, when not narrowly escaping death in spandex of course… Oh well, it's not like she could complain all that much, after just a few more months she would finally be out of the prison called highschool, she was just finishing up her last year actually. What that meant for the band was up in the air, but maybe that was for the best, y'know? She had missed- ah, how many practice sessions now? Five- no, six! To say she didn't occasionally catch the dirty looks sent her way by the three wardens of punk would be… a lie. Look, it's not like she wanted to quit- things were just complicated. Gwen Stacy adored being in a band, it's been one a huge dream since she was tiny! But- with great responsibility, and yada yada, so…
Gwen Stacy was often late.
Just as grass is green and the sky is blue, these are facts of life- even on a day like today, where well after school hours have ended, The Mary Jane's had reserved the gymnasium for practice- better acoustics and all. Even from outside across track and field the sounds of Mary Jane's ear-bursting choir echoed out. After arriving more than twenty minutes after she was supposed to with bruises aplenty to show for it, Gwen had made her appearance and was half-heartedly playing along the beat of the song; sometimes late, sometimes dragging- to any of the others it was clear she was just somewhere else. Platinum blond hair bouncing up with each smack of sticks against cymbals, her foot nearly breaking the pedal being forced down in a syncopated rhythm. It was truly a testament to the quality of a group like The Mary Jane's if even like this, they still kicked complete and utter ass! The group's drummer would be given no break for her lacklustre performance, however. Even before the sounds of her cymbals faded out, Glory's sigh seemed to cut through it all. Both she and Gwen hadn't ever really spoken outside of this whole band thing, and as you can imagine that left things awfully tense from time to time.
"Should we go again?" Big bad Betty was the first to speak up after the echoing silence of the band's less than stellar performance, with a choice of clothes like that of Adam Sandler and a… strange choice of women - Gloria, of course - She and Gwen got along well enough, even sharing a glance as a droplet of sweat found itself just passing the side of her eye, finding herself a but too into her own drumming- no matter how kick-ass it may be.
Glory's eyes shifted to that of her beloved whilst the band's voice of reason leaned down over her own keyboard. "I don't know." She stated cynically, glancing over to Gwen with deep maroon eyes. "Especially when our drummer is dragging every other note." Was that a jab at her? Gwen thought. "I mean, dude." The pair's eyes made contact across the stage facing an empty crowd. Gwen's lips trembled just as they started to ready a response. As if she could talk, right? Luckily for the two girls though, the fourth member of their quintet decided to join.
"Hey, what did we say about arguing?" There she was, Mary Jane Watson. Who was once the prettiest, preppiest girl in school had now become an utter sensation in the rock scene… she's also one of Gwen Stacy's very best friends. With a twirl of her fiery scarlet afro, catching glances at both the vigilante, as well as the group's guitarist. "Gwen." Mary Jane, or Em Jay as she was called by the others leaned in on her mike, staring into the Spider-Woman's shining sapphires with matching jades for a moment that felt to drag on for hours. "You alright?"
While Gloria was annoyed, their lead vocalist seemed more concerned. It made sense at least, she was always late- sometimes coming in with bruises across pale white arms, black eyes, usually out of breath… Em Jay didn't think she was on drugs or something, did she?! The Hero thought to herself, swallowing a wad of spit before speaking up again. "Yeah- yeah, of course." Gwen cleared her throat, shuffling her stool further forward into her drumset with both hands occupied by the matching sticks. "I'm feeling Great." This was obviously a lie, even to Em Jay, who didn't say a word; at least not at first. The redhead simply let out a little scoff, smile included, as those glimmering emeralds turned away from the Spider-Woman, all with a slight sly smirk. "Let's go again-" the drummer spoke with a tinge of worry in her voice, both eyes darting around the stage to the trio of others.
"Appreciate the enthusiasm, but let's take five."
Mary Jane breathed a hearty sigh, turning to the rest of the band; Glory, Betty, and of course, Gwen. The last of which was sitting awkwardly on that uncomfortable hard oak stool that the school had been so generous to let them use during practice. Gwen felt a tinge of sweat run down the side of her temple, keeping both hands close, sitting still over her lap. Speaking of which, Gwendolyn Stacy was never one for- let's say overly dressing up, especially not for simple little rehearsals and practices. Between a tartan plaid skirt, black leggings stretching high and low- hell, the woman was basically made of legs - and a simple long-sleeved grey top - one decorated with the logo of a licensed brand over her left breast. It wasn't much, sure- but you try having some hella stylish outfits when doing a job like hers! She needed something easy to slip in and out of.
"Hey Gwen?" Once more, Em Jay spoke up, stretching out in an azure tank top, well- it was made as one from how she twisted and tied it to reveal her stomach, as well as a pair of well-fitting hot pink pants… god, Gwen wished she could be as confident as that. These thoughts were interrupted as the lead voice of the band continued on. "You mind grabbing a towel for us?" The group's namesake asked with visible sweat sweeping down her face. It seemed like Gwen wasn't the only one. That was good.
"Oh, uh- sure." She did feel a tad like a towel-boy for obvious reasons, but it's not like Gwen was going to take it personally. Standing up from the oak seat, it grinded against the stairs causing an echoing creek. When it came to Midtown High's gymnasium - just to the left were two changing rooms - one for the boys, and one for the girls. At this time of day, it hardly mattered very much. The only ones still at the school were faculty and of course the four of them. That being said, there shouldn't be any trouble with her going into the girls changing room for this, right? I mean, why would there be? With a small huff from jumping down the stage, Gwendolyn made her way towards the two rooms, unbeknownst to her with a pair of eyes following each step.
The walls were covered in a peeling pink paint, the ground covered in small drains and a number of showers lined up past some lockers. Typically there was always a couple of clean towels left on these hooks typically meant for bags and blazers. This was routine for Gwen- or the group at the very least. If it wasn't her going to get them, then it was Betty or sometimes Gloria… Gwen had to wonder though. Was she really spending her time wisely here? Spending her time practising with girls that didn't seem to like her all that much, well- other than Em Jay. Right now, while they were relaxing and talking she could be out there saving lives! For every moment she's not Spider-Woman, there's someone who needs saving- and who's gonna be the one to save them, The Avengers? Please, when did they ever care about what happened to the people in the city? Felicia was hardly the most heroic, so who was left? The police?! Against mad armies of lizard-people and ninja-army mafias? Gwen didn't think so… after grabbing the least damp towel in the room, she was about to make her way back to the others, all up until…
The entrance creaked open, and thusly shut and like any normal person would, Gwen moved away from the many hooks and lockers to get a view of the entryway only to see herself greeted by someone. With crossed arms and freckled golden skin, Mary Jane Watson stood between Gwen Stacy and the door back to their temporary set up out in the gym hall. Gwen clutched the towel with both hands as the pair stood in silence for a moment or three. Giving a small wave, greeting her friend with a lighthearted and yet curious, "Hey?" only to clear out her throat with a small grunt, staring the… surprisingly tall woman in the eyes once more. "Is everything-... Alright?" After all, what possible reason would she have to come speak to her alone in here? She was gone less than a minute.
What Gwen didn't notice straight away was that in crossed arms, Em Jay was clutching something by a long strap. "Well, you tell me." To Gwen's confusion, the vocalist threw the item towards Gwen, and what was it, I hear you asking? Well it was a backpack- one a sort of camouflage-ish green- a few different compartments, all packed with who knows what, and some pins too. One for the Mary Janes, a pastel pin with coloured columns of pink, white and blue, and finally one of a little black cat- a symbol of Ms. Felicia Hardy and her pop-funk career, when she wasn't out stealing valuables. This is when it dropped on Gwen, staring down at the packed bag at her feet…
This was hers.
Not only was it hers, but one of the zippers was open… and in Em Jay's show catapult of the item - not only did her notebooks and pens make contact with the damp floor - but a bug-eyed mask did too, one with hot pink outlines and a uniquely solid white mask, staring straight back at Gwen. Her eyes now wide with a look of urgency, turning back towards Mary Jane. "I thought something was up…" Em Jay's words cut through the air like a knife, taking long, echoing steps towards the much shorter superpowered girl, looking up with dilated pupils. "Spider-Woman though-... Well, that's something else." She scoffed, acting all high and mighty to little Ms. Stacy.
"That's- that, that's not mine." Gwen stammered, forcing her gaze away from Em Jay. Either the room was beginning to heat up or the stress may have started to set in on her, sweat falling down just past her ear while her voice stuttered trying to get out an explanation. "It's just a-"
"Oh- Bull. Shit, Gwen." Em Jay rolled her eyes, causing a more visceral reaction from the panicked vigilante.
"Wh- What the fuck are you doing?!" She snapped quickly back. "Going through my stuff like this!" She took a step closer- maybe to try and achieve some kind of intimidation or advantage here- but as it would seem… Gwen was around 5'6" give or take a couple of inches depending on the day- while Mary Jane was… somewhere over six foot. This tactic of intimidation was turned back on its head as without even a pause, Em took a step towards her too- immediately causing Gwen to back up into the pink-painted wall next to sets of bacteria-filled tiles, Em Jay's legs standing between the bag revealing all of Gwen's secrets.
"Shhh…" The redhead replied quickly after, holding a finger up to Gwen's mouth. "Don't be too loud… Glory and Betty are just through that door, you know." Was she… smiling? What kind of enjoyment could this girl possibly be getting out of this?! Still- as smug as she was, Em Jay was right about that. She would need to keep her voice down. "Calm it, Stacy." Gwen's heart was beating faster than it ever should be, and that worry was reflected in her facial expression.
"No! You think I'm just gonna be cool with-" In a flash, Gwen was interrupted. Warm hands with decorated crimson nails took hold of her cheeks, not even letting the girl finish before Em interrupted once again.
"Oh face it, Tiger…"
Her words were quiet, methodical. Like she had rehearsed all this- yet someone like Em Jay wouldn't need too. Her mystique comes so naturally, she's so cool without even trying, and with a grasp around Gwen's face, the de facto leader of the band held Gwen up till she was standing on her tip-toes, and pulled her in close. Gwen hardly even understood what was going on until her lips were drenched with the redhead's saliva. Her eyes bulged wide, and groans were made for moments while Em Jay held a tight grip on Gwen. She didn't want to say that she kissed back but that would be hard to say. Their mouths were open wide while this act was committed, the Spider-Woman's face turning a nasty shade of red, all the while breaths were hard to get in, while Gwen's groans and moans became all the less frequent while Em's curious tongue explored the recesses of her mouth, forcing her lips apart and slobbering over her top. It could have lasted hours, or it could have lasted seconds - but nonetheless, as Em Jay separated, Gwen breathed in deep- still with trails of spit and saliva keeping the two connected, all until Mary Jane wiped them away. Gwen's mind was utterly filled with questions and confusion- her heart rate off the charts and breathing infrequent. She was finally allowed to stand on her own two feet normally, but not before Em kept that firm grasp around her chin, forcing the vigilante to stare up at a disgustingly beautiful woman licking away the Spider-Woman's own spit from her own lips.
"You just hit the jackpot…"
Em Jay looked so proud of herself, all the while Gwen stayed in shock, staring up at the redhead with such a firm grasp around her chin. She was utterly frozen even after they separated, feeling Mary Jane's fingers run past her cheek and move onto her hair- sliding some behind her ear. Gwen was… confused. She hardly understood what had just taken place. Gulping, not just her own spit - but the vocalists too. "Wh-... What?" God, Gwen sounded absolutely exasperated, and from just a kiss too? Gwen was certain she wasn't imagining it anymore, the air must have gotten hotter, right? Why else would her face be so blisteringly red hot… still with the fresh taste of Mary Jane on her lips.
Em scoffed again, actively shadowing Gwen all the while. "What's the matter?" Was she being rhetorical?! Gwen thought to herself… "First kiss?" She laughed, saying it as a… joke?
There was silence between the pair, Gwen utterly unable to keep any sort of eye contact anymore - especially after being called out like that from a girl as… tall and- pretty as Em Jay. "...Sh- Shut up…" Gwen mumbled. Fuck, what was her probelm?! She was supposed to be a crime-fighting badass! Not crumbling to a kiss! Felicia's advances never made her feel anything like this- even if they were more playful but-... This lit a fire in Gwen, one she couldn't at all describe.
Em's face turned to genuine surprise, letting out a gentle and short laugh. "Aw, I'm sorry…" That hardly sounded genuine. "Did I steal the Spider-Woman's first kiss?" Gwen was ready to crumble from her voice. The low tone, how quiet she kept herself, the gaps between words… What was this feeling?
"Fuck you…" Gwen clearly wasn't all that good at this. Leading only to Em's laughs to transform into a crescendo of embarrassment for the young hero.
"You wish." Mary Jane managed to push Gwen further and further back- all until her entire body was up against a back wall. Her shirt stained with spit and face absolutely pink all over. Even her mouth was covered in Em Jay's own maroon lipstick, standing out like a sore thumb. She leaned in close, Gwen's face covered in the giant fluff of red hair, and the smell of strawberries, all the while Em spoke quietly into her ear. "C'mon, don't get pouty with me…" A hand with indents from years playing guitar made its way down to Gwen's covered thigh, one protected with a thin layer of black leggins, slowly making its way up and raising Gwen's skirt. "I bet superhero-ing doesn't leave a whole lot of time to yourself, huh?"
Gwen let out a sigh, trying her best - and struggling - to keep her cool through all of this. "It's- part of the job…" She sniffled, her flushed face becoming a deepening red whilst Em made her way further up her thigh.
"Aw… well, I guess I can excuse it if you're late every now and then." Her teasing was relentless, though that did make Gwen feel a little better, leaving the two to share a small smile… god, what was she doing? Gwen could've stopped this all at any point but she didn't. She's been staying here and letting Mary Jane touch her absolutely wherever she wants… all the while in the room just next to them were their two bandmates. It felt wrong, and yet she chose not to stop it. "God, I own merch of you, y'know." Em chuckled, trailing circles around Gwen's thighs - getting higher and higher up.
As it so happens, any merchandise of Spider-Woman is not endorsed by Gwen - nor does she receive any financial compensation at all, which… stung. "I'm honoured." Gwen mumbled out sarcastically, feeling Em's warm breath on her face as the two stood inches apart… When she was so up close like this, it was hard not to acknowledge not only Em Jay's height- but her strength too… She wasn't exactly ripped, but the girl had plenty of muscle, something Gwen took a very apparent mental note of, even if she still struggled to look Em in the eyes.
Em Jay let out a light scoff. "As you should be." She responded playfully, giggling along as her gentle grazing up Gwen's leg turned into a firm grasp in her upper thighs - causing an audible squeak from the poor girl. Her skirt was halfway covering Em Jay's arm as the vocalist held tight. Any sort of control that Gwen found through her comments of sarcasm became null and void the second her body squeaked from getting grabbed like a dog's toy.
"Okay-" Gwen stuttered out. "Okay, okayokayokay-" She hardly got out through such constant and heaving breaths.. Em's smug smile was a constant. She thinks that just because she's beautiful that she can get away with this?! Oh… Gwen may have been acting reserved, but with something like this, her heart was bursting out of her chest. Em Jay and her had been friends since-... Hell, diapers. They all went to the same preschool, and with Em being Pete's neighbour that's sorta just how their friendship came to be… though, Gwen has always known Em to be reserved. Maybe a little spur of the moment, but never something like this! What if Betty or- god forbid Gloria come to check on them?! Yet if she was so concerned why was she sat here with trembling knees, allowing the free hand of the adusk-skinned girl to move her neck to the side, lean in deep; covering Gwen's face with the neverending scarlet locks, all scented with strawberry, and allow her to bite deep into Gwen's sensitive, porcelain skin. Whimpering with shaking legs, both of Gwen's arms had to wrap around the taller girl for support, shutting both eyes and becoming lost in her scent while the itching pain and pleasure of her teeth mixed into one. "Em-..." Gwen barely muttered out, almost slobbering from just a few little bites.
"God, you bruise like a peach-"
Well hell, it's not like she was wrong. With a complexion like Gwen's, it's to be expected. Em Jay's bites stood out like raspberry marks over her sensitive-skinned neck. From the looks of it, that was a particularly sensitive spot for Gwen- who at the moment was trying her very best to keep her cool, staring into Em's seafoam eyes, the sort that put the poor girl under a spell. Maybe it was the atmosphere of this-... Highschool changing room? Or all the more likely it could just be Em Jay. She was able to push every single one of Gwen's buttons like this… she leaned back; getting a view at the heavy-breathing drummer and her beautifully marked neck, smiling at her work- still with a hand beneath her skirt… etching… further and further towards Gwen's-
She froze once again, a shock running up and down her body as the callous hands of Em Jay finally made contact. It throbbed through her leggings and pants, desperately begging for the redhead's attention, whilst her thumb ran up and down the double-layered womanhood of Spider-Woman. "That's- that's not-" Whatever desperate excuse the young woman was trying to come up with for this member of hers was ultimately useless as Em's smile only widened. Keeping herself only inches from Gwen's own lips.
Gwen, even now - was literally under her thumb - both hands still clutching tightly onto Em Jay's arctic top. She was shaking from the way Em's toughened hands travelled up and down in such a rhythmic fashion. Her heart was in her mouth while this took place. Not wanting to say a word- just in case she stopped- god, don't stop… those thoughts echoed out loudly in Gwen's head as she thrust her thighs forward only a few inches, bringing them back in after… all for just that bit more of sensation - whilst fabrics kept her utterly trapped. She thoroughly messed around with Gwen for longer than she had any right to - knowing full well just what she was doing, with each finger trailing its way down the side of this pointing growth, Gwen becoming ever more desperate while only letting out small whimpers for the broad singer all the while.
"You're cute." Em joked, keeping the shorter woman clutched on for dear life as she teased her through those leggings… speaking of the leggings; both of Em's hands wandered up near the top of her skirt, getting a grip around the set of dark stockings and slowly revealing Gwen's pretty-pink pants. They were frilly- matching with her bra of course, and believe it or not excellent for tucking… though that aspect didn't shine through, as her entire member was almost all visible up till Em forced those down too- revealing a leaking, throbbing manifestation made from all of Gwen's love and lust poking and grinding against the denim of Em Jay's hot pink chaps, leaking herself on the larger woman. She pulled down both layers till they reached the floor, a spot Em would take too. Gwen didn't quite realise exactly what was happening until Em was on her knees in this damp changing room, sitting before Spider-Woman and her utterly desperate prick. Just a few minutes ago Gwen was berating her and now this?! The perversion of it all and just how natural it was for Em, she had to wonder just how common of an occurrence this was… maybe it's best left not to think about- especially as her perfectly methodical hands began to run up and down Gwen's dripping shaft, fit with hearty breaths from the pierced hero. "Jesus Christ…" She seemed surprised, her eyes moving from the desperate shaft up to a desperate hero. "You seriously are a virgin, huh."
"Th- THAT is not what I said!" Gwen's blossoming pink cheeks flourished once again, her pale hand making contact with the comparatively much more tawny skin of Em.
"Yeah, but it's what you meant!" The vocalist laughed out, having to stop herself under the worry that their bandmates would hear, covering her own mouth under stifled laughs, her teasing hand perpetually leaving the vigilante wanting so much more.
"Still, it's surprising…" Em's low tone was heard once again, as her hand stopped pleasuring the pleading member of the drummer, only to lean in beneath it - shadowing over her face as she allowed Gwen's womanhood to cover one of her own eyes - taking in everything about it - the size, texture, smell… even pecking the underside, leaving to an understandable reaction of twitching. "You'd think everyone would be lining up to get dicked down by Spider-Woman…"
Fuck! Fuckfuckfuck, Gwen couldn't deal with this. She had to cover her mouth out of the pure shock of hearing that. Sure, Em could be a little profane sometimes but… nothing like that. It was as if she knew just what to say to hit deep into Gwen's soul. "Well, it sounds dumb if you say it like that-" Gwen pouted in embarrassment.
"I don't think it's dumb..."
She smiled wide, her voice barely audible, clearly in this almost entirely for Gwen's reactions… or maybe she just had a thing for superheroes. No matter the reason, Em Jay ran her tongue over her maroon lipstick, whilst a little over five inches of Gwen lined itself up with her mouth - all the while they kept eye contact, the sensual, seductive, tempting eyes of Mary Jane staring deep into her own soul as she lunged down like a predator onto its prey, overtaking all of the poor girl till there was absolutely nothing left. The sounds from Gwen could hardly be contained - forcefully covering her own mouth as a harmony of pleasure made its way through, muffled to hell and back.
Gwen's legs were shaking as the band's vocalist drooled on the marble floor under her… a hand found itself in the endless abyss of Em's hair, holding her eyes up to make contact with her all the way through this. She sounded like a pornstar and looked like a goddess, knowing exactly what would turn Gwen into a complete mess. You could tell the confidence boost that the redhead was getting from this, down on her knees giving head to Spider-Woman? It's hardly something that most people could say… actually/ she's the only one that could say it. Em kept both hands firmly grasped on Gwen's sides, pulling her skirt up the way so it wouldn't get in the way at all. She must have become tongue-tied with the way each and every part of Gwen's member was tasted, wrapping her tongue around the Spider-Woman's member and taking it deep into her throat. If not for the support of the painted-pink bricks just behind her, Gwen would have rightfully lost all balance, breathing hot breaths as her fingers twirled around strands of Em Jay's hair, her bewitching gaze speaking in languages far beyond those of Gwen Stacy.
This changing room had become their lair of filth, the ongoing sensation leading Gwen to complete ecstasy. Em's lips teased her shaft in unspeakable ways, as cardinal lipstick covered Gwen with inconsistent thickness, clear marks of Em Jay's work up and down her drummer's frenzied prick. "Em Jay…" Gwen could hardly speak - finding true beauty in the utter smut displayed before her. The sensations of pleasure raised, and thus so did the muffled sounds of ecstasy, if you could make it out past the vocalist gurgling on her own spit, gagging herself on the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Woman, all until…
She stopped.
Even with the pleading sounds of Gwen, Em Jay allowed Gwen's soaking love to sit idle whilst she breathed warmly against it, licking around her now smudged lipstick as she savoured the taste, wiping away any spit still connecting her mouth to Gwen's twitching affection. Still, she pleaded, both hands running through Em's afro of scarlet, being met only by a smile in return. "Wh- why-" She begged. "Please- Em…"
This everlasting affection Gwen was overtaken with threw reason out the window. Mary Jane stood back up on her own two feet, shadowing the hero once more. She was still a little exasperated, swallowing wads of spit without speaking a word. Even she looked a little embarrassed. Messier hair, warm cheeks, and ruined lipstick drooling down past her perfect lips. Gwen's hands trailed behind Em once more - holding onto the back of her shirt just as she had done prior, pushing herself up against her - her sodden cock ready to burst with utter lust, grinding against the pink denim covering Em's crotch. Gwen looked utterly desperate… Well, Em Jay made this mess, didn't she? Wouldn't it be her job to clean it up?
"Have a little patience…"
Through Gwen's euphoria, she could hardly follow her bandmate's words, pleading sapphires staring up at Em, complete desperation taking over. All interrupted by the echoing sound of a belt unbuckling. The strip of leather fell to the floor as the space between the pair became null. Em didn't leave the poor vigilante with any room to breathe, their bodies moulding into one another which left Stacy in complete ecstasy. "I appreciate the enthusiasm, believe me-" Em gripped Gwen's collar tight, pulling her up to stand on the ends of her feet, pulling her in close- both of their red hot cheeks making contact. With full lips, she whispered to Gwen. "But you gotta calm down, tiger."
God, it was hard to keep it cool when she was this close… Gwen's head was completely clouded by thoughts from a girl who just a little while ago she was pissed at… what was her goal here? Gwen wondered to herself. This couldn't be blackmail- Em was hardly that type of person… or did she just… want to do it with a hero? Or was it more like-... she wanted to do it with Spider-Woman… Did she want to see what made Spider-Woman tick? What made her squeak, squeal, scream? N-No, that couldn't be it! Gwen needed to calm down, she wasn't Felicia! Ugh, thinking about this was useless while her head was spinning like this. Everything about Em, her looks, her smell, her voice. The marks on her neck still stung with pleasure- while she listened to the sounds of Em stripping off her bottom half, licking off the pink pants into the same pile as Gwen's own bag and suit. To say Em Jay was skinny would be a lie. She didn't have the so-called perfect body, yet she looked absolutely stunning no matter the day. Whatever rolls she had or stretch marks making their way up her sides she had only made Gwen love her further. On top of that she was particularly… gifted in certain aspects, far more than Gwen, much to the blonde's dismay.
She positioned her body just adjacent to Gwen's. The warm embrace of Em's inner thighs covering the drummer's leaking womanhood. The vocalist placed a hand on Gwen's cheek, her palm practically sizzling from the heat. "Let's see just how spectacular you are, hm?" she laughed, leaving a small peck on the girl's forehead.
"You're not funny…" Yet Gwen couldn't help but smile, she sighed and shook her yet, but still smiled. Those more petite and pale hands moving to Em's revealed sides, staring up while their bodies yearned for one another - the two seconds away from jumping on one another like savage dogs. Mary Jane's hands trailed all the way down to a thin piece of fabric keeping her damp entrance from Gwen's own desperate sex, taking two hands, placing her head on the hero's shoulder as they dropped to the floor, staying between her ankles as Gwen's member bore witness to a small taste of Mary Jane's dampening flower, her miraculous fingers keeping her entrance bare and open… she had dark red hairs springing up all the way to her stomach, getting progressively thinner the higher up it all went… wait, did she not shave her body hair? Ugh, for some reason that left Gwen wanting her even more! Maybe it was something about the attitude of not caring what others think of you, or maybe the addition of this ginger hair springing up over her body was just intoxicating to her in it's own right… m-maybe it's not worth thinking about. Not when Gwen felt her head tinge with the sticky substance… "God… you're- you're really not funny…" she swallowed her spit, shaking hands making their way to the bottom of this crop-top of Em's, and etching it's way up… while Em Jay lowered her hips down, completely engulfing the desperate girl.
To say that the sensation was pleasure wouldn't be doing it justice, Gwen's hand rushed up Em's shirt, every touch of skin sent tingles down Gwen's body - all while she managed to take a shaking grasp of-... Huh? Wait- was Em Jay not wearing a-... Well, it's on track at least. Stacy was hardly complaining, not when her hand was filled with such a soft piece of Em, while Gwen's member was slowly used by the group's singer at her own pace. Both of their breathing combined into one- Em making sure to get a firm grip of Gwen's hair, towards the back of her head, only encouraging her slow and methodical hip movements, the both of them overtaken with lust for each other, staring deeply into each other's eyes with Gwen's thrusting keeping the both of them in a constant state of sensation.
"Is that really all you got, Stacy…?" Her breath was torrid against Gwen's skin. "I'm disappointed." Obviously she was enjoying herself, but was she hoping for something else? Gwen gave her a small glare while Em just continued on, caressing Gwen's hair all the while. "I mean, I get it's your first time and all but this isn't exactly the mind-breaking experience I was hoping for." She giggled, leading to yet another look of annoyance from Gwen, and a smug one from Em in return. "You're not just gonna waste me like this, are you? C'mon, don't you just want to let loose and fuck me~?" The shorter of the two looked unamused, scoffing as the speed of her thrusts was increased, leading to Em Jay laughing quietly, all the while being groped by this girl she was provoking.
"Y-You're an asshole…" Gwen retorted, scoffing at this entire ridiculous conversation.
"Oh yeah?" The redhead leaned into Gwen's ear, still slowly allowing the girl's love to push into her, all the while ridiculing her for this performance. "I might as well just call for Betty and Glory-"
"Try it-" Even filled with such pleasure, the drummer still managed to give Em what she was looking for- a retort, leaning in closer, their their lips making short contact for seconds at a time whenever one took a breath, the two of them caught up in each other completely.
"You think I won't?" Em laughed. "You think I won't yell for them- so they can see what a fucking limp-dicked loser Spider-Wom-" In only a moment, Gwen's member pulled out - covered from head to shaft in Em's love, still strings connecting the two. The reason for the interruption would become far more apparent as both of Gwen's hands moved down- down to the back of Em Jay's thighs - taking a firm grasp and completely effortlessly picking the larger girl up. Her hands sunk deep into Em's legs, keeping this eye contact of love and annoyance as Mary Jane - for the first time today - seemed genuinely surprised. "Woah- hey, Gwen-" The feat of picking this girl up was one that no typical woman Gwen's height could accomplish. Em Jay was a ridiculously tall girl, and she weighed a good amount too. Yet it didn't even break a sweat for Gwen to get her feet dangling from the ground. All in a flash, she took steps forward to push Em against an opposing wall, hard. For the first time in the evening, it seemed that Gwen finally decided to show a little of those powers of hers, and not for no reason too.
Em wrapped her hands around Gwen's neck for dear life whilst her entrance dripped along the marble floor. Gwen pushed her entire body into Em's, moaning out in pleasure while the redhead couldn't even place her feet on the ground. She was perfectly set up for Stacy to thrust deep into, moulding out her insides with quickening speed, and for another first time today - Em Jay gave up that sense of superiority. She couldn't act above all of this while literally being taken off of her feet. Whatever confidence boost that the drummer received seemed to be doing an awful lot for the both of them. Moaning and squealing out in pure ecstasy. Mary Jane wrapped her legs tightly around Gwen- forcing Spider-Woman's body into her own as her pleading came to the forefront. "G-Gwen~..." She could hardly get it out anymore, the pair entirely having switched places. "Fuck, Gwen- what the f-fuck…?!"
"Shut up-" Even Gwen herself was shocked- either Felicia was rubbing off on her or this has caused Gwen to discover something about herself. With the pair's infatuation growing by the second, the drummer leaned into her singer, their lips colliding once more as saliva dripped down both of their chins, this kiss turning into something more primal, animalistic - not a single care in the world except for one another, their bodies moving in sync purely for one another's pleasure. This kiss was visceral, a mix of love and lust indescribable in any other context. The two were reaching their complete limit. Gwen could tell by the way Em's body moved, the speed of her sounds, and by just how high her voice got, moaning into Gwen's own mouth, tongues wrapping around each other while Em Jay kept a firm grip on this superpowered girl, the pair becoming one for but a moment as during this long, uninterrupted kiss - Gwen's love throbbed in anticipation - taken over by thie Lust she had felt towards Em Jay for god knows how long now - all of this stress from the band coming to a forefront as it's founder was practically begging Gwen for her to-
Their sounds were out of this world, holding onto one another until they bruised. Em dug those nails of hers into the vigilante and Gwen just not knowing her own strength as the pair echoed out in a melody of pleasure, liquids dripping from the pair down onto the ground below. Gwen's clear, sticky love melded together with Em's as it dripped down their legs… their grip on one another tight even now, not wanting to let each other go while they soaked the floor with a symbol of their lust. With all the smudged makeup along each others faces, the obvious bite marks along Gwen's neck, and the soaked spots on one another's clothes, how could they ever hide what happened here from the others but… oh, who gave a shit? These two certainly didn't, not right now…
"Sooooo…" Betty smacked her lips, leaning up against the side of this large stage the group had been allowed to use for tonight. "Those two sure have been gone a while, huh?" Her words were of course directed to Glory, who was sitting by the front of the stage - facing an imaginary crowd as she quietly tuned the strings of her guitar.
"Mhm…" She replied in a monotone fashion, her auburn eyes moving to see the pianist clearly, using both hands to keep herself upright as she leaned back.
"You think they're banging?" Betty asked this as if it was an entirely normal question and, to be entirely fair she was correct, so it would be a little hard to get mad at her for this.
"Oh, definitely." Gloria smiled at Brant's comment, crossing both legs as her second-hand guitar was placed down across her lap. The guitarist would've continued on, if it wasn't for the sound of the the changing room doors opening, leading her to mumble out, "Oh, here we go."
The two girls exiting the changing room looked… rough, to say the least. Gwen was obviously trying to hide her right side, and though any smudging had been wiped off with many of the towels, their actions prior had still been left quite obvious. The only major difference was that finally, Gwen had her backpack on - and of course, Em Jay had an arm wrapped firmly around Gwen's side - keeping her close even now. Now Gwen, she… seemed more reserved than Em after what had just occurred, her face red and quiet while Glory gave a wave to the pair.
"Oh… Jesus Christ…" Betty snorted, climbing atop the stage to get a clearer view as she began to giggle quietly to herself, only to be joined in by Gloria, laughing along until it echoed out, with any chance of an excuse well off the table for the Spectacular Spider-Woman and Mary Jane Watson.
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soullessjack · 1 year ago
what saw movie do you dislike and why?
Spiral (2021).
There’s movies that are so bad they’re good, and then there’s movies that are so bad you feel like you’ve lost years of your life during its runtime. Spiral is the latter.
// obligatory spoiler warning, but genuinely it’s not worth watching //
Firstly, there’s a jarring shift in aesthetic and tone between this and the first 6 Saw movies. It’s hard to explain with words alone, but the other movies all have this claustrophobic atmosphere to them. Between the traps and other environments, everything is typically dark and dim and cluttered and confusing (John’s warehouse lair, the various traps, Adam’s shithole apartment, Tapp’s office, etc). More brightly lit and clean environments like Gordon’s home and hospital are distinctly cold and empty, and the various shots of the outside world are largely kept in such small tight frame that you still feel confined.
As such, the characters themselves feel suffocated by their own environments too, even if it’s just within their everyday lives. Tapp is suffocated by his obsession, Adam is suffocated by his seedy job, and even though Gordon’s environments are fairly large and bright and spacious, they lack any warmth or welcome; both home and hospital are sterile. This constant sense of confinement is what I think lends immensely to Saw’s unique flavor of horror.
Spiral doesn’t have any of that. It focuses on a big-city police department, full of wide open spaces and warm colors. There are plenty of environments that could’ve been used for the claustrophobic feeling, like the police department or the opening kill train station—but then, the department is large enough to fit 20+ officers at a time, and the train station is fucking huge. There’s also a lot of traveling around with the main character, Zeke, as he investigates the latest Sawpycat, so you never get the same suffocation or confinement feelings as before. But now let me get to Zeke.
He’s a cop in the department that’s currently being targeted by Sawpycat, and his backstory is that a few years ago he saw another “brother” shoot a witness who wanted to testify against another cop, and when he tried to confront the corruption, the department turned against him (we’ll get to the police corruption part later, but holy shit is that possibly the worst part of the whole movie). It’s not very important, but Zeke is also played by Chris Rock—as in, Marty the Zebra from Madagascar Chris Rock. I’m sure he’s a talented guy, but he does not have the range, and I don’t know if it’s just because of his voice or that he isn’t usually a horror actor, but he just cannot land the role. This being the opening dialogue for his character doesn’t help either:
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This is another example of the tonal shift being completely thrown off, and it being said by Marty the Zebra isn’t exactly an improvement. One of Adam’s lines in Saw 2004 is literally “I wouldn’t care if you covered yourself in peanut butter and had a 15-hooker gang bang,” and that alone tells me more about his character and dynamic with Gordon than whatever this is supposed to. That’s cinematic poetry to me. But the dialogue throughout this whole movie is so..empty. So devoid of substance. It definitely registers as words on a paper being read aloud, but not as genuine thoughts or feelings from the characters. Not only are wokeness jokes completely unfunny, they’re also completely out of place for a Saw movie.
Now, I will say that Saw is a franchise that focuses on various social-political issues before; police corruption & brutality, drug addiction, poverty, the justice system, prison conditions, the healthcare system, etc are all elements that tie directly into its’ main story and lend to the uniqueness even more. I mean, for all intents and purposes Jigsaw and his apprentices are technically vigilantes working outside the law. Spiral itself focuses on police brutality and corruption and goes all-in with it through Zeke’s story and the serial targeting of various precinct officers (I kind of liked the tie-in to cops as pigs and Jigsaw’s pig symbolism but that’s about it).
See, as odd as it may sound, the point of Jigsaw’s games and the qualifications of his targets is redemption. It’s intended to be a second chance for people who don’t value life, be it theirs or others. Eric Matthews from Saw 2 is a crooked cop who framed and sentenced Amanda Young and other people for false drug charges. But he’s also a father struggling through a divorce who wants to be there for his son, Daniel, and will do anything to save or help him. You can and should hate him for falsely ruining numerous peoples’ lives, but you can still sympathize with the pain and fear he feels for his son.
There’s nuance to him, as there’s nuance to the other various victims throughout the movies, and that nuance allows you to care for the fact that these people are victims at all, because the driving point that makes you root for the victims’ survival and care about their situation is that they ultimately deserve to live and redeem themselves despite their wrongdoings. With Spiral’s victims, there’s no nuance whatsoever. Every targeted cop is targeted for past corruption that went unpunished, and every one of them deserves what they get, full stop. One of the cops literally shot a teenager to death for flipping him off (and he has what’s probably my favorite kill of the whole movie). What makes it even worse is that the Sawpycat killer is a fucking victim of police brutality. Remember Zeke’s origin story as a witness to another cop murdering a man to protect his crooked buddy? Yeah, the killer is that man’s son, having witnessed his father’s death and vowing revenge on the whole system by destroying it from the inside out, and he wants Zeke to be his boy best friend taking down more evil cops together and yada yada.
Shockingly, he gets away with it in the end instead of dying like you’d expect for an anti-cop vigilante, but even still the entire story just feels so poorly executed and contrived. I don’t feel any of the stress or emotional weight of these peoples’ deaths because they wholeheartedly deserve it. I don’t even sympathize with Zeke as “one of the good cops” because 1) his personality is bland, and 2) there’s a scene where he goes undercover to a drug dealer’s for information and proceeds to not only break this man’s legs till the bone sticks out, but then makes a long winded joke about posting it “for the Gram” and pouring whiskey on it. The end credits song is also a rap song that still feels so unfitting for the tone of the franchise (at least, compared to the other movies’ ending with primarily metal songs. I guess it’s a product of time deal).
So, yeah. Spiral is undoubtedly the worst Saw movie, and honestly I can’t even call it a Saw movie because of how far removed from the franchise it feels.
I will say, tho, that I do not blame Chris Rock and Samuel L Jackson (yes, he’s here too as Zeke’s dad; it’s more believable casting than Chris but still not great) for their movie failing as it did. They’re both incredibly talented actors, and horror movies (and movies in general) with black leads are very lacking in Hollywood, but I truly think this movie was doomed to begin with. and whether that’s poor writing or Hollywood dooming a black-lead narrative as usual I can’t say. They did their best with what they were given, and considering how little that was, they have all my respect.
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thewintersoldierdisaster · 5 months ago
I’m a fellower long islander and it always blows my mind how close I live to a lot of the players. have you ever seen Mat or any other players out in public? I feel like the possibility of seeing any of them just casually hanging on 7th street is quite high since it’s such a popular spot loll
hi neighbor! 😁 long island is like the smallest big community lol
i’ve actually never seen mat out and about, but i’ve seen a ton of the other guys:
anders - lives within 5 mins walking distance, saw him walking around with his wife and daughter, saw him at starbucks lol
casey - lives like a 5-7 min drive from me in the same town, also saw him at starbucks, saw him at the practice rink with his wife and kids during the littles’ hockey practices
brock and bails - saw them with their kids at the practice rink for the kids’ hockey games (varly’s kid also plays goalie but i’ve only ever seen his wife there)
noah - saw him and ryan having lunch on 7th on my birthday two years ago lol
adam - lives in the same town as me, saw him walking sir duke
pager - also lives in the same town as me, saw him and his wife walking the babies and then also chatting with the town cops and taking pics with the car in the parking lot by the grocery store
scott - lives like a 7 min walk from me (spitting distance from anders’s house), saw him getting chip city cookies, saw him getting bagels another time
bonus nick leddy - saw him getting a smoothie in town right before the bubble lockdown
also barry used to live extremely close to me
oh also bonus, last spring i saw conor bedard and two other blackhawks walking 7th the day before they played at ubs lol
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hausofmamadas · 1 year ago
| Chasing ghosts and choices |
Pairing: David Barrón x Enedina Arellano Félix x Claudio Vásquez
For @narcosfandomdiscord NarcOctober Fanworks collection - Day 13
Prompt: Day of Life - create a fanwork in which a character avoids their canonical death.
Word count: ≈ 1.7K
TWs: Canon-consistent violence, angst in only the way my boi does I mean just look at that face in the first gif, he’s so not a happy camperksjeb
They’d known each other too long, loved each other too much, and hurt each other too intimately and too many times to pretend they were better than exactly who they were. Okay on my life, I did not mean to do the same exact setup as @drabbles-mc fic for today. I just like am super back in my Barrón feels in a BIG fuckin way rn thanks to Bobby Soto ruining my life in A Million Miles Away skdjflsk but like weirdly and accidentally, this could be kind of a sequel to Adamant skjsldkj imsorryforeverything anyway enjoy Barrón lowkey kicking himself for saving Claudio and also being like, "aight, fine. It was the right call" bc he would never do his lady love so dirty as to purposely let her new husband die SKSKS
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At the sliding glass doors of the Arellanos’ place, Barrón stood, watching the predawn fog diffuse over houses on the streets below, making itself at home in the cracks of alleyways, like the city of Tijuana was an abandoned crypt, the casitas, its tombstones, and struggled to remember the last time he’d saved someone.
Being a sicario, he didn’t have much occasion to save people. Or at least, not without tipping the scales in death’s favor in the process. And yet, reminded in a flash of memory—some fake cop’s hat flying in the air when one of his bullets sinks in the guy’s forehead and drops him almost comically like his body’d turned to lead—in this case, he’d delivered plenty to death’s door. He was nothing if not a professional, right.
Maybe it was who he’d saved that made this feel more significant than past jobs. Less delivering to death’s door, more delivering life, delivering a future with one she loved, back to her. That felt as big. Bigger even. Particularly when it ensured his own future would be the same as it ever was. Chasing ghosts and loving in silence. Playing not the fool, but a tool. A weapon. Incredibly useful if only for a precious few tasks. And in the end, who could really blame them when he was so good at it? That’s right. Nothing if not a professional.
With any luck that’d be his ticket out though, what with Mín going off the grid until things cooled down and the family figured out the next moves to make. Hopefully, he’d have a new post to look forward to, a change of scenery. If not the places then the people. Or some of them.
Because no doubt there’d be some kind of political fallout, Claudio being a district attorney and all. He was affable enough to massage it over with the public but his own family was another matter. They were probably furious, already skeptical about the match from the get. So, the Arellanos would have to measure their response carefully. And that’s just what it would have to be: a response, not a retaliation. The inconvenience of legitimacy now rearing its ugly head with such urgency, Barrón didn’t even have the fight left in him to manage a glib, ya te lo dije.
He wondered idly if maybe that was part of Chapo’s plan or just an unhappy accident, forcing the Arellanos in the public eye at such a precarious time. Not yet legitimate enough to be installed in the untouchable chilango upper class where they could retaliate with impunity, but still beholden to the higher standards of a “real” business in the eyes of the people.
As of now, it all seemed like just the most fucked game of Cat’s Cradle. Too much for a pocho from Logan Heights to untangle. It wasn’t even that strategy wasn’t his strong suit, it was more political machinations like these never much held his interest. Maybe the attempt on Claudio’s life would be enough to draw Dina back in. Give her back what she gave up. That was how Barrón had known it was real with them to begin with. She stepped back. No longer lived and breathed for the thrill of realizing the potential of the family business like she’d envisioned. Envisioned since she was a kid, a fact she’d revealed in one of their little warehouse chats when he first got there. Years ago. Back when they were– ah, fuck it. He’d chase that ghost later.
The funny thing was she did that all giving up and stepping back in a bid to keep things separate, shield Claudio from the less savory aspects of things. A bullet to the shoulder is about as good as that plan went.
Maybe this would be Dina’s time. The prospect filled him with pride. Hope. It’d be a thrill to see if it didn’t hurt so bad. And truthfully, given the choice, Barrón would rather fight back boredom-induced sleep, watching little Ruthie play with Lincoln logs in a safe house somewhere, than sit around here watching the future that he’d sacrificed his own for blossom before his very eyes. He did what he did but he didn’t have to like it.
He fished for a porro he’d rolled earlier from his pocket and removed the few stray, leafy bits of weed that had escaped out one end, before popping it between his lips and lighting up. He usually didn’t smoke in the house but considering he still hadn’t changed his shirt stained with Claudio’s blood, setting into the fibers more and more with each passing second, courtesy of a bullet that sailed clean through the guy’s shoulder, he figured he’d earned a pass from his employers. That wasn’t even the best excuse he had. Just the simplest one. What a weird fucking night.
And fuck, he was tired. The noise of the drawers of the credenza opening and closing behind him wasn’t enough to make him turn around. Shit, he might stand here forever. Five hundred years from now, they’d find him, all petrified wood, in this exact spot still staring out the window. Exhausted. Since before he could remember, exhausted.
Her voice broke the reverie and he tried not to resent it too much. He failed.
Ugh, they’d talked about this. No first name. He hated it when she called him by his first name. Too close. A flash of red out of the corner of his eye took full shape as Dina joined him at the window, in her red silk robe, arms crossed, hair wild and free like she was the first woman.
A few tendrils of smoke curled out of Barrón’s nostrils and glided down his chin, moving lazy and listless as he felt. The question hung in his throat, thick with smoke, “How is he.”
Dina dropped her shoulders like she’d been holding her breath. “The doctor says he might lose function in his thumb and forefinger on that side, but otherwise,” she exhaled deeply, clenching her jaw to fight back tears of relief, “it looks like Claudio is going to be fine.”
“Heh,” Barrón nodded, half coughing, half chuckling, “I meant Pancho. But uh, no that’s good.” It was sincere and the most he could manage. Frankly, he was impressed he managed that much.
Head dipping forward, her shoulders shaking gently, she laughed self-consciously down at the floor. “Mi brujo, tu compa, sí se pondrá bien. Ese gatito tiene un chinga más de nueve vidas. No te preocupes.”
At that, he smirked and nodded with more heart this time.
They didn’t say anything else to each other for a while. Just stood there watching the purples of the sky brighten, the marine layer fog cooked orange by the rising sun. Down to a sliver of his joint, Barrón sighed, wishing he’d rolled another one, and cracked the sliding door to flick the butt outside. He closed it and stepped back inside to reassume his place as petrified wood but before he got both his hands in his pockets, Dina caught his wrist and slid her hand down into his. It was so stealthy and quick, Houdini’d be proud. He couldn’t place his finger on why, but it filled him with relief that she hadn’t looked at him. Merely held his hand firmly and continued staring out the window, one arm still held tightly across her chest. Yeah, that was easier.
“David. No sé como agradecerte, pero lo que has hecho por Claudio, la familia,” her voice dropped low as if she knew it should be left unsaid, “por mi,” all the while squeezing his hand. “Nunca lo olvidaré.”
He ran his thumb along her palm to let her know he was there, then hummed softly, “Pues, qué otra opción tenía?”
Echoes of the panic he’d felt when he rounded the corner, seeing Claudio crouched in a shower of broken glass, bullet exploding through his shoulder, blood dark red on his crisp blue shirt, hit Barrón like a grenade. What could’ve happened. What almost happened. If he’d gotten there just a second or two later … they both knew.
A dark and inconvenient truth of operating in a world as wild, wild west as theirs made it impossible not to consider. His job, his very nature, made it impossible to ignore: just exactly how easy it would’ve been for him to drag his feet a bit, move just a little slower, lag behind ever so slightly. That one bullet to the shoulder, turns into two in the chest, then three, then four– until. And how easy it would’ve been to play it off like a whoops, unfortunate happenstance, he’d done his best, just couldn’t make it in time, a tragedy.
The fucked thing too was ... for a fraction of a second?
He had thought about it.
He was pretty sure she knew that too or at least considered the possibility. They’d known each other too long, loved each other too much, and hurt each other too intimately and too many times to pretend they were better than exactly who they were. But that’s not how things went. Not the choice he made.
Instead, Barrón whipped around that corner, hammering Chapo and Arturo’s position so relentlessly, the gun felt almost an extension of his own arm – bullet hoses, right – while Claudio was slumped under the bar, clutching his shoulder. Instead, when their path was clear, Barrón yanked Claudio up to his feet by his good arm and offered a shoulder for him to clumsily toss the bad one over. Instead, Claudio bled all over his shirt, as he dragged them both up the steps, down the hallway, into the back kitchen where the Arellanos were waiting, and shot out the windows so they could all make their escape. Instead, he dragged Claudio, once again, to the getaway car and sat him next to his poor Panchito. Best to keep the mess in one place. No use getting blood all over the seats of two different cars.
Some would call it a choice. Then again, with her the foremost thought on his mind, the instant that first bullet ejected from the barrel of his gun into the face of a phony cop, did he really have one to begin with?
taglist: @narcosfandomdiscord @narcolini @ashlingnarcos @drabbles-mc
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fenikorg-talks · 10 months ago
Angel was a model and a part-time actor when he got himself in big debt and met the wrong people and said the wrong thing in front of a mafia leader without noticing, and now to pay for all the horrible things he had done in the past he becomes Valentino’s little whore.
His latest mission was to infiltrate Alastor’s domain, another mafia leader whom Valentino’s been fighting with for longer than Angel has been alive. With his disguise expertise and flirting abilities he climbs to the top very fast, but before he manages to get closer to Alastor, he’s sent to the 1st division, under Alastor’s right-hand man and hitman Husker. Husk is very wary of him and Angel decides to win him over to finally meet Alastor, spoiler: he ends up growing feelings for him. 
Husk had always been on the wrong side of the law, and he’s found by Alastor one rainy night after offing an entire gang, Alastor pulls a few strings and somehow Husk owes him his life, so he becomes his most loyal dog. He’s the first to know about his plans and the one to decide who’s loyal to Alastor and who's not. He also has a lot of liberties that no other division captain has, such as Nifty or Frank. They’re ruthless but reckless, and Husk finds himself nannying children. 
Alastor took control over the gang after former mafia leaders Lucifer and Lilith Morningstar disappeared without notice, and has been climbing his way to the top at light speed. He and drug dealer Rosie go way back and she provides for his gang, she’s very impartial when it comes to business, but she will always have a space in her heart for Husk, so Alastor most of the time sends him to deal with her since he has so much work to do. He has a grutch on Valentino just for the sole reason he doesn't like how he dresses.
Valentino is the owner of countless whorehouses, warehouses, and menageries, he’s also a source of money laundering. He has a lot of deals going on with Rosie and Carmilla. Currently, his gang is the most influential in town, and he wishes to keep it that way, but Alastor keeps taking control of a lot of terrain.
Vox and Velvette are cops working under Adam’s command, but they have a contract with Valentino, this is the reason he always comes clean. Unbeknownst to the others, Valentino constantly thinks about offing them any time, Velvette has a reassurance contract with Carmilla and works for her as a spy in the police, and Vox is being blackmailed constantly by an unknown force that holds him back from pulling strings and actually shot down every gang in the city. 
Carmilla and Zestial work together as leaders of their own gang. They do a lot of things in the outskirts and deal with weaponry, drugs, and poisons. Also torture. Vaggie is under Carmilla’s protection and is a killing machine without emotions. She’s feared by everyone in the city, and Alastor tries to buy her every time he gets the chance. 
Adam is the captain of the police district but he doesn't do his job right, so the commanders and officials don't know what the fuck is happening in Hazbin City. 
Lute is lieutenant, she’s Vaggie's cousin but will never admit it and Vaggie doesn’t know this, so on Lute’s search of clues about the gangs, they fight a lot. 
nahhaha this is what i got
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mythicandco · 2 years ago
tw for the same stuff as the last post
basically, as an excuse to get Polonium out of her way because Po-210 is a threat to her power balance, Cyanide sends her (with Arsenic and Foxglove to supervise) on a wild goose chase after a rogue poison- Tetrodotoxin. the plan was to either punish TTX if they found it, or punish Polonium if they didn't. win-win situation either way.
and things go exactly as planned! for a while. the trio get into shenanigans while they experience human society (they live in a big gothic mansion somewhere in Italy Adam Family-style I think), Cyanide finally has Polonium out of her hair for a bit, etc.
and then they actually run into TTX.
it's using a different name - Mika - and is disguised as human like the others, but they're just... living. a regular life. they've got a boyfriend (he's trans and his name is a reference to undertale btw). why would they do that? what poison in their right mind would abandon everything just to live such a... boring existence?
Mika of course realizes that these three are actually its "family" and immediately tries to evade them, with... mixed results. in a scuffle at some point, Polonium gets separated from the rest of the group and lost. they meet a girl and ask for directions ("This city's so fucking big. It's more of a maze than the old mansion! A-and the traffic- I didn't even know what traffic was until I ended up stuck on this stupid-" She claps her hands over her mouth, realizing what they almost just revealed, but the other girl just laughs. Her eyes sparkle like radioactive particles in the early rays of dawn. "You're not from around here, then?") and on the way back get acquainted with her. her name's Anastasia, she lives around the block from the apartment where "Pheobe" (the human name Polonium's using while undercover as one of them)'s staying, so come visit sometime?
and by the time they reunite with Arsenic and Foxglove, it's too late. Polonium's been poisoned by Anastasia's laugh. it rings like pleasant bells rather than air raid sirens. and her touch is intoxicating- it's awful. it's horrible. Polonium wants nothing but to sit under a tree with her and infodump (she called it "infodumping," didn't she? Cyanide always found it annoying, but Ana thought it was charming-) about little-known assassinations and Anastasia can listen and ask questions and all Polonium wants to do is be near her, to savor that sweetness that radiates off of her, nothing like the way particles radiate off of a piece of uranium.
and so Polonium finds more and more excuses to avoid Arsenic and Foxglove and more and more excuses to hang out with Anastasia. she falls into a rhythm. they run into Mika again, and this time understand a little bit of why they chose to leave the family. but Arsenic and Foxglove don't, they don't understand it, and they take Mika back to Cyanide and Polonium can't let them do that.
so she manages to help the other free and they escape together and Mika calls her sister like it actually means it and they go into hiding so the family doesn't know where they are and things... things are okay.
Ralsei, Mika's boyfriend, knows about their secret. he figured it out pretty quick, actually, and the craziest part is that he's okay with it. (his main reasoning is "Fuck the cops" and "it's not really your fault that polonium the element's been used to kill people, doesn't mean you ever directly have. and, well, even if you did, you wouldn't now. also I don't think the government could keep you locked up if they tried." and he's right, of course.) but Anastasia still doesn't know. Polonium can't tell her- Anastasia is light and warmth, and Polonium is that, too, but in such a different way. it'd break their friendship.
and then it stops being a friendship. somewhere along the way, Polonium fell in love. because of course they did.
but that's okay. Anastasia love her back, and her kisses are the world, and it's okay.
note because I didn't get to fit it anywhere else: Polonium's nickname for Anastasia is "Taser." like, Tasia, Taser, get it, right?
and that's Most of the Anastasia arc!!
cyanide is a fast-acting poison.
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Polonium's character development is everything to me. she and Cyanide are such foils to each other it's not even funny anymore
Cyanide is bitter because her girlfriend killed her. she doesn't trust humans, she doesn't even directly interact with them- she has others do it for her. she's power-hungry and needs to control everything, and believes wholeheartedly that the ends always justify the means.
Polonium is bitter because she died alone and scared as a means to an end. she doesn't trust easily, and now she's being sent out into the world to test that and to get out of Cyanide's hair, because she's threatening the delicate balance the older poison has put in place and because one of their own has defected. she hates it at first, and thinks humans are annoying and stupid, and then she meets Anastasia by chance and then everything changes.
and then Cyanide finds out and kills the only person Polonium ever really cared about.
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beardedmrbean · 8 months ago
The anti-Israel protester who allegedly stormed a Big Apple subway car and demanded that “Zionists” raise their hands was arrested Wednesday following a weeks-long manhunt, cops said.  
Anas Saleh, 24, of Staten Island, turned himself in with his attorney at around 9.30 a.m. after the NYPD released a wanted poster last week with his face splashed across it in the wake of the hate-filled incident at Manhattan’s Union Square station.
Saleh was spotted wearing a face mask as he left the NYPD’s Transit Bureau District 2 in Lower Manhattan — flanked by several people who attempted to shield him from press photographers using scarves and black umbrellas.
He was charged with attempted coercion and released with a desk appearance ticket, authorities said.
Saleh, who is believed to have worked as a research tech at Weill Cornell Medicine’s Rhee Lab, was quickly outed as the alleged perp on social media, with Jewish activist groups also circulating his image on social media in a bid to track him down.
The school’s dean, Robert Harrington, addressed the antisemitic subway saga in a letter fired off to Cornell employees – but stopped short of mentioning Saleh by name or his arrest.
“We condemn antisemitism in the strongest possible terms. Hate speech or actions of any kind, whether anti-Semitic or Islamophobic, are not tolerated by our community,” Harrington said in the statement Wednesday.
“We are fully cooperating with the NYPD investigation, as well as conducting our own internal review, in the incident. If any employee is confirmed to be involved in this incident, appropriate action will be taken.”
It wasn’t immediately clear if Saleh was still employed there as of Wednesday, but his biography page on the lab’s website appears to have been deleted.
Saleh also appeared to have scrubbed his own social media presence last week before turning himself in to cops.  
The saga unfolded back on June 10 when Saleh allegedly entered the southbound 5 train at Union Square and started chanting, “Raise your hands if you’re a Zionist, repeat after me, this is your chance to get out.”
Mayor Eric Adams on Wednesday decried the ordeal as “vile.”
“Mayor Adams has been clear: New York City will always protect the right to free speech, but we will never allow our city to descend into lawlessness,” a City Hall spokesperson said in the wake of Saleh’s arrest.
“Threatening New Yorkers based on their beliefs is not only vile, it’s illegal and will not be tolerated. Let this be a lesson to all those who think they can act illegally and then hide: The NYPD will find you and charge you in accordance with the law.”
Saleh was ordered to go to court on July 1 to face the charges, according to the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office.
“The Manhattan DA’s office and NYPD have been actively investigating this incident since it occurred. We encourage anyone with additional information to call 212-335-9040,” a rep for DA Alvin Bragg said in a statement.
He faces up to a year in prison if convicted on the attempted coercion charge.
The incident allegedly involving Saleh unfolded the same night a mob of anti-Israel protesters swarmed an exhibit in downtown Manhattan that memorialized music festival-goers who were slaughtered and kidnapped by Hamas during the Oct. 7 terror attacks.
Protesters later descended on Union Square Park and brandished a banner with “Long live October 7” scrawled across it, while one screamed that he wished “Hitler was still here” to “wipe out” the Jews.
“Harassment and coercion are crimes. We are thankful that the NYPD is acting to hold this perpetrator accountable for his actions,” Liora Rez, executive director of StopAntisemitism, one of the groups that posted about Saleh, said in a statement after his arrest.
“It will now be the responsibility of the district attorney to ensure that this antisemite is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, which all New Yorkers expect will be with the vocal and visible support of Mayor Eric Adams and all duly sworn officials of the City of New York,” the statement said.
“The public antisemitism we are seeing on the subways and streets of New York City does not only affect Jews. antisemitism degrades the lives of all Americans here in New York and is antithetical to our values as a nation,” she added.
Meanwhile, those who live near Saleh’s family home on Staten Island expressed their shock following his arrest, telling The Post on Wednesday his parents were “nice” people.
“All I know is they’re really nice and I find it hard to believe,” one woman, who declined to be named, said. “Any of them will walk right over to help you out.”
Another neighbor, who also didn’t want to be named, agreed.
“They’ve been here for less than a year. They’ve been nice,” he said. “They always wave hello.”  
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