#bianca frost
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a Valentine's Day Smile Shot Special:
Bedtime Stories
The alarm didn’t even get a chance to chirp before a feathery wing lifted, whacking it right off the side table. The single note it had started to belt was cut short when the clock hit the wall and fell to the floor with a sharp crack, just a little bit broken.
Pushing herself up off her belly, Donnie yawned, biting back a grin. Both wings unfurled, stretching out behind her. She waved her arm. Below her, the clock pieces reassembled and popped right back up to the bedside table, the lampshade only jostling a little bit as the clock settled back in, good as new.
Letting out an honest to god(dess) teehee, she flew off the bed and right into the ensuite, the blankets lifting up a good few inches. They fluttered briefly before a pale hand snatched them out of the air and brought them back down with much grumbling.
“What are you doinggggggggg,” the pale hand pantomimed, the only body part peeking out from the blanket.
“Getting ready for work!” Donnie giggled as the hand puppet drooped, its thumb just askew enough to give the impression of a disgruntled Muppet’s face. “It’s the BEST day of the year, after all!”
Dressed in her Cupid’s best, Donnie flew back to the bed, grabbing the hand puppet and pulling the rest of her wife out from under the blankets. She made a little meep sound as she was pulled out, her hair half thawed until Donnie wrapped her up in a big, tight, squishy winged hug, kissing her right on the lips.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Jacqueline!”
The sprite flushed, the rest of the snow in her hair practically evaporating.
“And at what time do you call this?!?!"
Donnie laughed. “Early, of course! There’s love to spread!”
“Yeah! Right here in this bed!” Throwing all her weight at the goddess, Jacqueline managed to pin her back down on the mattress, latching onto her like a koala and nuzzling into her neck.
Her chiding was gentle. She held the sprite close, gently running a hand down her hair. It was smooth, and not as crispy as she’d expected it to be post-thawing for the night, though she could still smell the cold, winter air on it.
The sprite grumbled. With another slight laugh, Donnie kissed the top of Jacqueline’s head.
“Mmm. See? That’s nice. Blankets.”
There was a pull of magic in the air as the sheet and comforter slid right back up the bed, tucking the pair in tightly.
Donnie laughed. “Sweetheart. I’ve got to work today!”
“Play hooky! I’m off all day and it’s so so cold outside. And it’s only gonna get colder, you know. I have it on good authority.”
“You’d really abuse your power to make it colder to try and stay here with me all day?”
“DUH!” Jacqueline wiggled, her head popping out from under Donnie’s neck as she kissed the goddess’s jawline. “The bed’s gonna get cold the moment you leave,” she paused for more kisses, making her way right up to Donnie’s cheek. “And how else am I supposed to be warm and snuggly on this snowy ol’ Valentine’s?!”
With one last little wiggle, Jacqueline looked her right in the eye, making sure Donnie could see the huge pout on her face.
Donnie laughed. “The sooner I go, the sooner I can come home and snuggle you all day.” Her face dropped down, nose to nose with Jacqueline, foreheads touching as she gazed into her sleepy blue eyes. “And all night,” she added, low and breathy, making sure to blow air right down Jacqueline’s neck.
The sprite made a little choked sound and flushed. Her grip loosened; grinning, Donnie took the opportunity to roll over, pinning Jacqueline down now.
She blinked up at her, flustered. “Oh.”
“Hi. Oh dear.”
Donnie laughed, eyeing Jacqueline’s lips briefly before pressing hers against them. Jacqueline immediately sighed, going limp underneath the goddess and wrapping her arms around her torso, kissing back softly. She’d like just gotten in, Donnie realized—she could taste the lip balm on her slightly chapped lips. Strawberry flavoured. My favourite, Donnie thought, slowly pulling their lips apart.
Jacqueline’s lips were still half open, the flush spreading all the way across her cheeks now. She sighed, contentedly.
“Think that will hold you over? Keep you nice and toasty until I get home?”
Jacqueline sunk deeper into the pillow. “Mm. So toasty.”
It was a nice recovery.
Unless you were Donnie, who knew her wife very, very well, and could hear that she sounded both an octave higher than usual, and sultry, which was an impressive combination in itself. She laughed, floating off the bed and straightening her chiton. Landing gently, she righted the laurel that had been passed down to her and rolled her shoulders.
“How do I look?”
“Stunning, jaw-dropping, gorgeous—” Jacqueline lay her head on her hand, propping herself up, elbow deep into Donnie’s favourite pillow as she checked her out. “Ready to kick ass, even.”
Donnie smiled, waving the compliment away playfully. “Oh, stop it.”
“Never.” Jacqueline fell back, closing her eyes, her head hitting the pillow again. “Check on the kids on your way out? Bianca was still awake when I got in.”
“One more chapter, she said. You know. Like a liar,” Jacqueline huffed, snuggling deeper into the pillow and throwing the covers over her shoulder. She pouted. “Oh, boo! It’s already cold.”
Donnie laughed, clipping her charm bracelet onto her wrist. “It’ll warm up. And if not, we’ll make short work of that later.”
Donnie did not need to turn around to know that her wife had turned very red. The squeak that came out of the blankets was enough of a tell. Laughing quietly to herself she left the room, keeping the door slightly ajar.
Across the hall, another door opened.
“Did someone say they needed some WARM?!” Robyn said, popping out of their room. He wore a throw blanket over his head, clasping it around their neck like a cape, a few stray messy white hairs jutting out from underneath.
“You know how your Mom is.” Swooping over, Donnie gave Robyn a big old hug. “The moment I leave the bed she freezes.”
“DUTY CALLS!” Saluting, Robyn rushed across the hall (blanket cape furling out behind them) and burst through the bedroom door. “CHARGE!”
There was a soft poof, pillows hitting the ground as both Jacqueline and Robyn laughed.
“Get over here you! I’m fucking freezing.”
The door beside Robyn’s burst open, Joy popping out with a small frown.
Joy huffed, the stray light brownish-reddish hairs on her forehead briefly lifting.
Donnie tilted her head. She frowned.
“Are you dressed for work?”
“Oh, this old thing?” she popped out of her room fully, clothed in Donnie’s old chiton from her Legate days. “YES. Absolutely I am!” her eyes were wide, smile big to match. She clasped her hands together excitedly, hovering off the ground, her wings fluttering rapidly. “I was just thinking, you know, it being THE day and all, that we’d better be ready to help you however we need!”
“SHE DOESN’T SPEAK FOR ME!” Robyn shouted, Jacqueline laughing loudly.
“Well, Bianca and I will—”
There was a clatter from the room beside the main. Something fell with a hefty thunk; a bang, a smash, and finally Bianca’s door burst open.
“First of all, I don’t do the Cupid thing! I do the Jack Frost thing! SECONDLY, I’m not going ANYWHERE this morning cuz I’m almost done my book, and it’s a slow burn, and they only JUST admitted their love and I am like. Only one fifty pages in!! THERE’S STILL ONE HUNDRED MORE PAGES! So I’m booked today. Literally.”
“Bianca. You should have been asleep hours ago!”
“Okay, one more chapter, Mater, then I’ll sleep,” Bianca lied.
“YOU SAID THAT AN HOUR AGO,” Jacqueline shouted from the bedroom.
“THE FUCK YOU ARE!” Robyn shouted.
“SWEAR JAR!” Joy shouted.
“I saw her tank that really thick romance last week in like, an hour. It was fascinating,” Robyn told his mom, volume as normal as it got with the kids. (Which was still pretty loud).
“It was really good! I was HOOKED! Their magic system was stupid but I couldn’t stop reading. I was like, enthralled with how unreal the mechanics are—HOLD UP. ROBYN.”
“YOU BITCH!” Stirring up a bit of a chilly breeze, Bianca dashed into the main bedroom, disappearing behind the door. There was a squeak; an oof.
“Ow! Watch it! Thas my blanket cloak…”
“You watch it!”
“Hey! Don’t make me go in between you two. I’ll roll.”
“Nooo you’ll squish us—”
The pair screamed, the screams dissolving into laughter as Jacqueline presumably made her way between them and grabbed them like teddy bears.
Joy glanced over at the bedroom door, fluttering in place with a frown.
“Joy sweetie. Do you want to go join the cuddle puddle?”
She looked up at Donnie with the most wet puppy dog pout you could possibly imagine, and nodded.
“Then go,” Donnie said softly, shooing her towards the bedroom.
“But what if you need help! As your Legate, I gotta be READY!”
Donnie laughed, gently taking the flowery laurel out of her hair and kissing her forehead. “Sweetheart. You don’t have to work today, okay?”
“But I wanna help!”
“I know you do. And if I need help I’ll let you know, okay? But you should enjoy yourself too.”
“Yeah,” Robyn said from the other room. “If you do all work and no play, you’ll turn into Bianca.”
There was a thwack and a crunch; an overdramatic ow.
“No snowballs in the cuddle puddle, Bianca. Not inside, at least.”
“But Mom!”
“No buts! Keep the snowballs outside of the cuddle puddle, please.”
“But then how ELSE is it supposed to be a puddle?”
“ROBYN! You KNOW it’s not literal.”
“Dude! I’m ENCOURAGING you!”
“Do not.”
“But Mo-om!”
“No buts! Cuddle puddle is not literal, Robyn.”
Joy’s eyes grew really, really big. Donnie laughed to herself. “Go on, Joy! Go enjoy your morning. Someone’s gotta make sure Mom doesn’t complain all day.”
Joy brightened. “So I’d be HELPING!”
“Exactly! Oh! And take this for the rest of the day,” she pulled a twenty out of the folds of her chiton.
“Swear jar?”
“Swear jar.”
Joy puffed up her cheeks. “I’m gonna say it.”
“Go ahead.”
“I’m gonna!”
“You can do it! I believe in you!”
Looking absolutely delighted, Joy took a deep breath in and yelled, “FUCK YEAH! CUDDLE PUDDLE!”
She flew into the bedroom super fast, the mattress creaking moments later, giggles abound. Donnie poked her head back into the room. Joy was right on top of Jacqueline, resting her head right under her chin and snuggling up. Bianca was curled up on her right, Robyn on the left.
“Oh. I just love you guys so much!” Vision growing blurry, Donnie shot right over to the bed and pulled all four of them into her arms. “Cuddle puddle again tonight?”
“For you, always.” Jacqueline wiped away the wet under Donnie's eyes with the pad of her thumbs, caressing her face and giving her one more kiss. She pulled away, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “And if any of the kids don’t join I’ll ground them.”
“MOTHER!” Bianca gasped, fake aghast. “That is an ABUSE of POWER!”
Joy nodded. “She’s right! If you do that we’ll have to take DRASTIC MEASURES.”
Robyn shot up, maniacal grin on his face. “WOO! ANARCHY!”
“Oh!” Joy looked worried. “Not that drastic!”
“I love you all so so SO MUCH,” Donnie interrupted, kissing each kid’s head. “I will see you very very soon, I promise!”
And, depositing them back on the bed and tucking the four of them in, Hedone cracked open the French doors to the upstairs balcony and slid through them, off to spread the love.
Jacqueline sighed, waving her hand. The balcony door slammed shut. Snuggling back into the sheets, she opened her arms.
“Alright cuddle bugs, get in here. The chill is going to get us all. I’m gonna freeze over at the rate we’re going.”
“I got this!” Hopping up, Robyn jumped into the middle. They glowed a little bit, the blankets suddenly warming up as the chill in the air disappeared.
Throwing an arm around them and bringing them in close, Jacqueline scooted, making sure all three kids had space to snuggle up with her. Not that it was an issue, of course; they had gotten a king size bed for this exact reason. Jacqueline sighed, content, as Bianca snuggled up closer to Robyn, Joy bringing up the rear.
“Did any of you sleep last night?”
“Nah. Book was too good.”
“I was too excited about today to sleep at all! I’m STILL too excited to sleep!”
“Do you think that maybe you’re like Mater and don’t actually need sleep to function?” Robyn asked.
Joy shrugged. “Maybe! But I like sleeping. It’s fun! And cozy! It sparks me.” She giggled at the pun. It sparks joy, she was Joy—hence the me.
“I actually did sleep! But definitely not enough.” Robyn yawned. “I was so cozy until Mater broke the alarm. Again.”
Jacqueline stifled a yawn of her own. “She already fixed it so no worries there.”
“She’s only gonna break it again tomorrow,” Bianca said, snuggling closer to her younger sibling to drag her sister in more.
Jacqueline smiled fondly. “I’ll unplug it so we all get a good night’s rest tonight.”
“Sweet,” Robyn said, helping Bianca drag Joy their way,
“Do you and Mater have plans for today?” Joy asked, her colourful wings giving a little flutter.
“This,” Jacqueline pulled the blankets, bringing the kids in closer and trying to squeeze all three of them in one go.
“Mom!” Bianca laughed. “Mom, you’re gonna like, strangle us!”
“You’re all getting so big and one day you’ll look at me and go ew, a CUDDLE PUDDLE?!? No thank you. I have to go be cool and hip and stuff, and I’ll have nobody to cuddle with anymore whenever your Mater is working.”
“I’ll never get sick of these!”
“Joy, sweetheart. You’re already fifteen hundred! And your siblings are getting close, too.”
“Speak for yourselves! I’m only thirteen hundred. I got plenty of time before I catch up to the two of you old far—OW! Bianca threw snow again!”
“You have no proof!”
Robyn looked down at their arms, where water sat sizzling. Jacqueline popped her head up, looked at the sizzling water on their arm, then at Bianca with one eyebrow delicately raised.
“Okay! Maybe you have some proof!”
There was a hiss as the last of the water evaporated, Robyn’s arm nice and dry.
“Well. It’s long gone now.”
“Do you guys ever do anything the two of you together? I mean. Fifteen hundred years is a lot of Valentines Days where you had us around. What about you time?”
“Your Mater makes sure we get more than enough. She’s Cupid, sweetheart; she knows how to keep things healthy, don’t you worry. Besides, your Aunts and your Uncles come in clutch when they need to.”
“And gran and gramps AND grand pater and grand mater AND our graunties,” Robyn added for good measure.
“I think Mom and Mater are okay, Joy,” Bianca reassured with a smile, rubbing her sister’s arm gently.
“Oh, I dunno.” Frowning, Joy shifted, her wings settling. “I just feel bad that you guys have us to deal with!”
“We’re not dealing with you, sweetheart,” Jacqueline propped up her elbow, resting her head on her hand. “You don’t have kids to deal with them.” Her nose wrinkled, lips curling. “Blegh. We had kids to love and nurture you guys. Not to deal with you. I love having a loud little house with three little bundles of joy that are always throwing surprises our way.”
“And a literal bundle of Joy,” Bianca said.
“THE bundle of Joy, if you will,” Robyn added, finger in the air.
Joy giggled. “You guys are sweet.” Laying back down, she turned up her own temperature.
“HECK yes! Bianca Sammy! Warm me the fuck up!”
“Swear jar,” Robyn joked.
“Oh! Mater covered us for the day.” Joy flaunted the twenty. “But I’m keeping tabs!”
“Look at you go, Joy. Personification of the concept and keeper of the tabs. God of joy and tab keeping. Hmm…I think if I was like, a proper god, it’d have to be for some kinda chaos-y domain,” Robyn mused.
“God of denim vests with tons of pins and buttons.”
“That’s not chaos-y!”
“God of Bianca Sammys.”
“I’d have to share with Joy,” Robyn pouted. “You can be goddess of bookworms.”
“I could vibe with that. Oh! And maybe also actual worms!”
“I love worms!” Joy smiled, tilting her head in delight as her ponytail grew more and more dishevelled. “They’re so squiggly!”
“Oh my god. The three of you need to rest! I need to rest! I need my beauty sleep!”
Robyn cackled. “You sound like Uncle Jack.”
Jacqueline chuckled. “Mm. Well. Maybe he’s onto something with beauty sleeps, eh? Besides, he really needs them, especially in his old age. It's double mine after all, and I’m getting up there in years, you know.”
“Gramps says you're only as young as you feel.”
“And I feel ancient,” Jacqueline groaned, fake dying—complete with tongue sticking out. The kids snorted, giggling up a storm under the sheets. Jacqueline peeked open an eye, smiling fondly. “Okay. Sleep time. What do I have to do to get you three to get some shut eye?”
“Tell us a story?” Joy asked.
Jacqueline snorted. “Sure. What story?”
“How you and Mater met!”
Jacqueline laughed. “Haven’t you heard that one enough?”
“Not nearly enough!”
Bianca frowned. “I think I’ve only heard it like, once or twice, maybe.”
“That can’t be right.”
“No, I think she actually is right!” Robyn looked perplexed. “I barely remember it.”
Jacqueline sat up. “Really? Lady above, I’m slacking! Alright, get in here you gremlins.” Grabbing the extra fuzzy` blanket off the bottom of the bed, she whooshed it out. With quick, deft movements, she threw it behind her, pulling herself up onto the headboard and gesturing the kids in close. They scooted, climbing over and around her, Jacqueline dropping the blanket once they were all propped up and cozy.
“All set?”
“Toasty as can be!”
“I hope this book is better than last week’s.”
“Well. It’s non-fiction, but at least the magic system makes sense,” Jacqueline winked. “It’s smaller, too. But I think you’ll enjoy it. It goes all the way back to the day the Legate Law was created. After the first Sandman and Tooth Fairy sacrificed themselves to banish the darkest of darkness, Mother Nature decreed that all the Legends sitting on the Council would need to delegate someone to take over for them, should something like this happen again. Everyone was given a month to choose their successor…” ❄️💕🏹 It was a big change, that was for sure; they settled, after an unnecessarily long time debating it, on calling their next in line a Legate, in official capacity. Pronounced like Leg-ATE instead of Leg-IT because they liked the sound better and wanted it to be their own interpretation.
That out of the way, the Legends began the process of choosing their Legates.
Mother Nature had quite the struggle choosing hers. All four of her children would be great in the role; heck, one already was a mother! In the end, she chose Spring. The other seasons insisted.
“Wait. Why did they insist? Grauntie Spring just seems like the obvious choice.”
“You’d have to ask your gran about that one, Bianca. She could tell the story a lot better than I could. Believe it or not, Aunt Spring was very self-conscious. She didn’t think she could do it; didn’t think she’d be good enough. I think she was pushing for Mom—Gran, that is—to get it, actually. Though Aunt Summer and Aunt Autumn would be just as good too. Better, in Spring’s eyes, than her. She insisted that she could never live up to the title, but all three of her sisters thought otherwise.”
“Even Grandma Winter?!” Robyn asked.
“Yes, even Grandma Winter.”
“Keep going,” Joy requested.
“Sure you’re not already sleepy?”
“MOM! We’ve barely gotten into the story!”
Jacqueline laughed. “Alright, alright. So…”
Father Time decided to delegate two of the other Timeless Beings as his Legates: Day and Night. They would work in tandem, should something happen to him.
Sandman and Tooth Fairy, having both just stepped in, and both titles already having a system in place for this sort of thing, chose their children: Xander and Myles.
Easter Bunny was the reason they had to wait. His most recent brood had a few more days to go before they would be ready to face combat in the Bunniseum. Once they were able to do so, he initiated the Battle for the Bunny Title and Blossom, the youngest kit of the newest brood, won. She was his choice for Legate.
“Metal,” said Robyn.
“Terrifying,” Bianca corrected.
“Shush! Let Mom tell the story!”
Jacqueline smirked. “This is the best part, after all.”
Jack Frost didn’t have much of a choice. There were only two other sprites capable of doing what he did, so it was slim pickings. But he knew right away exactly who he’d pick: his little sister, Jacqueline. After all, he’d been training her already for two, maybe three centuries, and she picked up on things fast! The pair were already nearly inseparable. She was the perfect choice, even if she was only a child. She wouldn’t be forever, after all.
And Cupid chose his daughter Hedone. She already knew how to use his magical bow and arrow; spreading love came naturally to her. She was just as good as Cupid himself at sensing matches and romantic futures, knowing exactly what a couple needed to push ahead—and knowing when a couple wasn’t compatible. Which is more important than you’d think, or so I’ve been told. She was the perfect choice.
“Did I get everyone? Me, your mater. Xander and Myles—”
“What about Aunt Liv?”
“She joined us later. Uncle Myles can tell you that tale better than I could. Let's see. Who else. Blossom, Day and Night; Aunt Spring...”
“Right! Well, he didn’t actually have a Legate just yet. At that point the clause had existed for a couple of decades? I think it was? So he had no need for a Legate, since he already had a system in place for if something were to happen. As feudal as it was.”
“I dunno, I think murdering Santa to become Santa is kinda dope. I could do it. So could B.”
“I definitely could and would. Like, would I even be Jack Frost-ing if I didn’t threaten to murder Santa just once?”
“Bianca Eira Frost, you are NOT ruining our reputation when it took me as long as it did to straighten it up...a bit.”
“A tad,” Bianca clarified.
Jacqueline nodded wisely. “Just a tad.”
“I could do it! I could murder a Santa too!”
All three of them looked at Joy, blinking.
“No you couldn’t,” said Robyn.
“You're too nice for that,” Bianca agreed.
“Definitely not capable of murder,” Robyn added.
“Maybe I want to do a murder! Maybe it’ll spark joy!”
“Joy. Sweetheart. We don’t have a murder jar. Just a swear jar. No premeditated murders just to see if you like it, okay?”
Joy pouted, crossing her arms and snuggling deeper into the blankets. “Awh. Okay.”
“Don’t worry! If Bianca and I ever commit a murder, we’ll make you an accessory.”
Joy’s colourful wings fluttered. “Really?”
“Guys! What did I just say.”
“Sorry Mom!” all three chirped in unison.
“You guys are gremlins.”
“But we’re you’re gremlins!”
“And if you don’t keep telling us your story we’re gonna turn into MONSTERS at MIDNIGHT!”
“We’re well past midnight, Robyn,” Bianca pointed out.
“How’s noon for monstering about?”
“I’ll clear my schedule.”
Jacqueline laughed. “You’re all already little monsters. BUT I don’t want you going mega-monster mode so I’ll get back into it. Did I get all the Legates?”
Bianca snuggled up against her mom. “Yep. Can confirm.”
“Sweet. So! The Legends chose their Legates, and, once Blossom became the reigning champion of the Bunniseum, the very first Legend and Legate Summit was held.”
They chose to host it in the safety of Santa’s Workshop.
If the darkness was still around, it was the one spot the darkness couldn’t touch. It was too full of wonder and high spirits and such; and Jack’s Dome kept it doubly safe. He was very proud of that, actually. He got all slushy about it. And then showboat-y, of course.
It was a very exciting day; all of the Legates, especially the little ones, were thrilled to be there. Jacqueline was bouncing off the walls she was so excited! There were so many new people to meet; so many potential new friends...needless to say, it was very hard for Mother Nature to call everyone to order that afternoon.
But of course, she finally managed to get everyone settled. They went over the Legate Law specifics, shared a rough guess of what would happen once they were all sworn in as Legates to their Legends in official capacity and finally, the proceedings started.
But before the oaths, and before the binding ties, there were introductions to be had.
They went around the table. The Legends introduced their choice of Legate, with a little explanation—many of which amounted to “who else would I choose?” and “it just made sense”. Then they let the Legates say hello and introduce themselves.
Jacqueline watched, wide-eyed, trying to remember all of the names and faces and who was Legate to whom. Her eyes were the size of dinner plates and she kept nearly toppling over, her brother catching her before she swayed a little too far.
Finally, they reached Cupid. Jacqueline zoned out, her eyes focusing on the tall kid beside him. She looked teenagery. And very pretty. Her hair made Jacqueline think of sunshine and she really liked all the pink she wore. It was one of the really nice, rare colours she sometimes saw in ice in the early mornings! Finally, Cupid gestured to the girl. “Take it away, kid,” he said.
And take it away she did.
“Hello! I’m Hedone. Cupid’s my Dad! You may also know me as Volupta. Everyone at home calls me that and I HATE it. So I decided to pick my own name! And since my grandmater was the worst for Volupta-related offences, I chose my new name with her in mind…” she grinned, looking absolutely conniving. “Aphrodite.”
The Legends BURST into LAUGHTER.
“Yeah, that’s my girl!” Cupid declared loudly and proudly. “You tell ‘em, sweetums!”
Jack chuckled under his breath. Jacqueline peered up at him, quizzical.
“I like this one,” he said, quietly.
“She’s not the best one though, right?”
“Of COURSE not!” he smirked. “That’s you.” He booped her nose, Jacqueline giggling and rubbing the tip as she stared at the girl again.
“You can all call me Dite for short.” With a quick dip, an almost bow, she sunk back into her seat, looking pleased with herself.
“I like her too,” Jacqueline decided, looking back up at Jack.
“And was it love at first sight after that?”
Jacqueline faltered, flushing a bit. Robyn snored; Bianca was passed out between her siblings. Joy’s wings had settled. She blinked, each one slower than the next as the drowsiness neared victory.
“Exactly,” she lied, Joy smiling before finally passing out.
“And the peppers are chopped!”
Bianca clicked the top of her stopwatch. “Record time!”
“Coming in hot!” Joy lifted the cutting board, taking the knife and bringing the flat of it down along the wooden grain, whooshing the peppers right off it. They hovered, a cold wind blowing them above the counter and sending them right towards Robyn, who sat on the countertop beside Jacqueline.
“Coming in cold!” Bianca pointed at Robyn with two fingers, the peppers going right towards him. He lifted a hand, tongue poking out as a warm summer breeze intercepted the peppers, redirecting them towards the frying pan on the stove.
Jacqueline picked it up, moving it away from the peppers with a silly little grin.
“Moving target! Go! Go! Go!”
Soon enough, his sisters began chanting too. Laughing, Robyn went left as Jacqueline feigned a right, the peppers landing into the pan with a nice sizzle.
“GOAL!” Robyn hopped off the counter, hands high above their head as he booked it around the kitchen, running right into Donnie’s legs. “Mater’s home!” He bounced off her legs, grinning up at her. “Hi.”
“Hell-o my devious little bicep breaker!” Donnie scooped him up, squishing him tightly and kissing the top of his fiery head. “Mwah! You seem extra feral this evening.”
“That’s because I kicked ASS at Mario Kart today,” he wiggled, breaking out of Donnie’s hug with a somersault and landing right on his feet. “Haha. Nice.”
“Yeah yeah, so cool, MOVE!” Bianca shoved him to the side. “It’s my turn to hug Mater.”
Bianca threw herself into Donnie, getting her hug and smooch now too.
“Did you finally get some sleep?”
“They all did. Cuddle puddle wins again!” Jacqueline tossed the peppers in the pan one more time, quickly wiping her hands on the towel hanging on the oven handle before hugging Donnie tightly, popping up on tiptoes to reach her shoulders. “Hi.”
Jacqueline popped down, hand roving down Donnie’s back and dipping her as she pressed her lips against Donnie’s. “Welcome home.”
Donnie laughed, letting her dip and kiss. She pulled the sprite closer, the coolness of her body a relief against her toastier than usual skin (she’d flown home fast).
“Mom told us the BEST story today!” Pressing her palms against the countertop, Joy lifted herself up off the floor, grinning at Donnie.
“The one about the penguin and the treehouse?” Donnie asked, grabbing Jacqueline’s hands and twirling her, succeeding in a complete reversal of who was dipping who. Giggling at Jacqueline’s bewildered expression, Donnie smooched her before she could make the crack Donnie sensed was coming her way.
“The WHAT,” Robyn asked.
“Mm!” Jacqueline pried her lips off of Donnie’s. “We don’t need to share that one.” She flushed, pushing herself upright. “Maybe when they’re a bit older.”
Donnie giggled. “Sure thing, sweetheart.” Bringing her back up, Donnie made sure she was steady on her feet before checking on dinner herself.
“I think maybe we DO need to share that one.”
“No, Robyn. We really don’t.”
“Okay, alright, fine. But! I’m filing it away for later! I WILL remember this and bring it up when I’m ‘older’, which could be anywhere between like, two minutes from now to like, two centuries.”
“If you even remember.”
“If you even remember,” Robyn mocked and, blowing a raspberry, launched a little fireball Bianca’s way.
A snowball met it halfway. They collided midair, hissing and spluttering out, dropping to the floor a half melted, watery, snowy mess.
“Nice one, B.”
“Guys. Not in the house. Especially not in the kitchen when it’s an active battleground! Seriously.”
“Sorry Mom!”
“My bad!”
“Whoosh it away, please.”
Bianca lifted a hand, the slush flying up to her palm. She walked over to the sink, dumped it in and ran the tap, slush dissolving down the drain. Robyn simply stepped on the wet spot and turned up their temperature, the puddle evaporating very fast.
“Thank you.”
“No worries mom!”
“T’was our pleasure indeed.”
“They don’t speak for me.”
Jacqueline laughed to herself, rolling her eyes fondly.
“Okay, don’t mind me! Just gonna back track a little…Mater! You have to guess again! Come on! It’s like, right up our alley!”
Joy grinned, hovering in place now. “Yeah! Yeah! Come on! Guess! Guess!”
Donnie glanced over at Jacqueline. “Any hints?”
“Joy just gave you a very good one.”
“Oh! Was it when we—”
“FIRST MET! YES! IT WAS WHEN YOU GUYS FIRST MET!” she was hanging in the air now, hands still on the counter, body floating up as her wings worked overtime in her excitement. “When you were just wee lil’ Legates and how it was love at first sight—”
“I’m sorry. It was what now?”
“Love at first sight?”
Donnie couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh HELL no!”
Joy looked crestfallen. “Wha-what?”
Robyn smirked. “Swear jar, MATER.”
“Already? You used up the entire twenty?”
“We played Smash after Mario Kart. And maybe Mario Party between there. And you know how Bianca gets.”
“I am THE superstar and I can’t help it if you are all so bad at the minigames.”
“Bianca. Nobody likes sore winners.”
“MOM! Don’t change the subject! It wasn’t love at first sight?” Joy looked between her parents, devastated.
“Oh, sweetheart. No, not quite.”
“Oh! Was it enemies to friends to lovers? Was there like a weird Legate betrothal thing? Was there drama? Was there GOSSIP?”
“DID PEOPLE DIE?!” Robyn shouted, he and Bianca looking equally delighted.
“No! Nobody died!”
“Only my ego.”
Donnie giggled. “A casualty that bounced back remarkably fast!”
“And is now once again experiencing attacks on its LIFE. Can't we just say it was love at first sight the end? Please?”
“Wha-what happened? What did. What—” Joy was tearing up and beginning to blubber a bit.
“Oh, Joy sweetheart, nothing bad! Nothing bad, I promise,” Donnie made her way around the island and grabbed her Legate out of the air, squishing her tightly and stroking her hair. “Your mother was just incredibly oblivious for about, oh. Three hundred years, give or take.”
Jacqueline groaned by the oven, turning around very overdramatically and throwing her head into her arms, and her arms onto the nearest countertop. “Almost two thousand years and I will NEVER live this down. NEVER.”
“So,” Joy sniffled. “So, so if it wasn’t at first sight what happened? How did it happen? When did you guys fall in LOVE!”
“A couple centuries later, I’d say.”
“And Mom just didn’t notice?” Bianca looked confused. “Like at all?”
“HOW did you miss THAT.”
“I don’t KNOW, Robyn! Goddess above, why must we focus on that? I EVENTUALLY realized it!”
“When?” Joy asked.
“Oh, about three hundred or so years after it happened,” Donnie explained, smiling to herself as the colour on Jacqueline’s cheeks darkened.
“As much fun as it is to roast Mom about it, how did you not notice, Mater? Love is like, your THING.”
“Well Robyn, there are some downsides to being the love expert! I couldn’t see my own romantic future. So it was always a fun surprise! But I had my suspicions.”
“Okay, well now you gotta tell us the proper story! Please? Please please please?”
Donnie laughed. “Okay! Okay. I will. You’re going to hit the ceiling, Joy. Get down here.”
“Do you HAVE to?” Jacqueline whined, pouting over her shoulder.
“I’ll be nice about it!” Donnie pulled Joy down a bit. “Don’t worry, sweetie.”
“I worry. CONSTANTLY. Donnie, I have a delicate, fragile ego, and it simply cannot take so much stress—”
Donnie giggled, cutting her off with a smooch. “It’ll bounce right back!”
“So how did it happen?” Joy asked, seating herself on one of the island chairs.
“Slowly and all at once. See, here’s the thing about relationships in general. Or at least, my thing. They take time; they build up over time. They take work; there are good times and bad times, but you work through them together and you build yourselves up together and that’s what love is! Just being together with someone you care for so much that you work through things together! You support each other and communicate openly and help each other and just love each other!”
All three kids sat at the island, completely enthralled. Jacqueline smiled, her face filled with love as she watched her wife talk about the thing she loved most: love. The peppers sizzled amongst onions, the delightful aroma wafting through the air as Donnie began her version (aka the accurate one) of their tale.
They hadn’t exactly gotten to know each other right off the bat on day one. In fact, Dite only saw her maybe a handful of times before she and her Legend seemingly dropped off the face of the earth. They were both absent at summits for a solid few centuries. She didn’t know what had happened; in fact, Dite was pretty sure none of the Legates knew.
But the Legends did. They knew something, all right; she had heard about something happening with them at home. Hushed whispers between her parents on the days they got to be together. Hints the Legends dropped during summits. The way the older Legates looked with concern at Jacqueline’s empty spot. It was disconcerting.
Maybe four hundred years after their absences, Jacqueline reappeared, much to Dite’s delight. She paid exactly zero attention the entire time the meeting dragged on, staring her down instead of listening, until finally—
“Why are you looking at me like that.”
“Hmm? Oh! I’m just happy to see you.”
The sprite looked confused.
“What? It’s just. It’s nice to see you back.”
“That’s it?”
Dite smiled softly and nodded very enthusiastically.
The sprite blinked. “Oh.” She seemed to soften. “Well. Thank you. It’s. That’s nice to hear.”
“That’s it? You were just happy to see her?”
“Robyn. She’d been away for nearly four hundred years, sweetie. Of course I was happy to see her alive and well!”
“I’m sure she was also just enthralled by my beauty.” Jacqueline flipped her hair, snowflakes floating off gently as the timer on the oven beeped.
Donnie snorted. “More like cuteness. She was very round. You just wanted to squeeze her lil’ face!”
The kids laughed at that.
So the years went on, meetings kept on coming, Dite always going out of her way to talk to the sprite. She just seemed so lonely; it made Dite sad. Love was her thing, you know? And she could tell that something (or someone) she loved very much was missing. So she did what she could to help Jacqueline as best as she could! And it sorta worked!
Little by little the sprite opened up. The day Jacqueline FINALLY approached her first Dite was over the moon! She was really coming out of her shell, and Dite was really feeling the friendship vibes. It was exciting!
“But you had lots of friends, didn’t you, mater?”
“Oh, not really. Nobody really close, you know?”
“What? Why?”
Donnie looked thoughtful for a moment. “Some were toxic; some were superficial. A lot of them didn’t like that I wasn’t their idea of the aspect I embody, as a deity. People can be really mean to people they think are different—especially gods.”
“I’ve been reading all sorts of mythologies and yeah! Holy heck! Gods are really, um. I have a word for this. Hang on. It’ll come to me.”
“We can take a break if you need a moment, Bianca.”
“A break? A BREAK? MATER! YOU JUST STARTED TELLING US THE STORY!” stray hairs poked out of Joy’s ponytail.
Robyn and Bianca giggled.
“Nah, it’s okay, mater. I will simply blurt it out when it comes to me! Besides, I think if you stop, Joy’s gonna pull a wing.”
They all glanced over at the eldest. Over and up. In her excitement, her wings began fluttering very fast; she was floating well above the counter, starry eyed.
Dite’s efforts had not been in vain.
They always managed to catch one another post-meetings; Jacqueline excitedly recounting her “marvellous misadventures”, as Dite had dubbed them, to her goddess friend. And she had been around!
She grew more and more animated with each passing century. Dite listened, absolutely enthralled, when she was covered in grime and soot and smelt like fire on a cold winter’s day. She explained everything she had learnt about blacksmithing, including interesting clientele—she had met the lady of the lake herself, the blacksmith she had been apprenticed to being the one who had made the swords she had given to the King. Dite took notes when Jacqueline explained how the different castes and nobles and princesses and politics of the land worked as she worked her way up the ranks, dating knights and ladies and princesses and even becoming a knight herself for a brief moment!
Soon enough, the post-meeting chats branched out. Running into each other while on the job resulted in quite a few working evenings spent chatting about what had been going on. Dite listened fondly as Jacqueline told her all about what ordibeings were up to these days, what with the renaissance and the exploring and the absolutely wild decade the folks of Crystal Springs spent panicking about potentially being discovered.
And she in turn, had asked Dite what she’d been up to.
Dite had been taken aback. She hadn’t expected someone to ask her what she had been up to; nobody ever did, and if they did, they tended to zone out soon enough.
But Jacqueline was earnest; she did not zone out. She was just as enthralled with Dite’s stories as Dite had been with hers. Excitedly, Dite had found herself opening up about everything she had done—from weapons mastery to her favourite love matches while on the job, and things she had done and tried and explored that had given her immense pleasure. She had opened up about her job and what being Cupid’s Legate was like, and had told Jacqueline all about her crazy bonkers family over many snack sessions as they took a break from their work the times they ran into each other.
“So you guys were just. Friend-ing it up?”
“What do you MEAN huh, Robyn?! It’s cute! It’s SO cute! They helped each other GROW!!! Look at that relationship developing I’m—” Joy’s eyes grew watery, her mouth resembling the letter “S” as she thought about the beginnings of her parents’ love story.
Donnie giggled, pulling Joy in close and squeezing her tight. “Let it out sweetheart.”
“And while Joy does that, sauce me your plates! The steaks are ready! Well done for you, Robyn—” he appeared beside Jacqueline with a plate faster than you could blink, tips of his white hair flickering a bit. His steak hit the plate with a nice thunk, veggies following suite. He licked his lips, Bianca immediately hip checking him out of the way with a stack of three plates.
“Medium rare for you, Bianca—” the steak plopped, juices coming out. Bianca held out the next plate. “Medium wells for your Mater and Joy—” all three of them glanced over to the winged pair.
Joy was still blubbering a bit, Donnie gently rubbing her back with warm there theres. “I think one more minute?”
“Cool.” Jacqueline placed both the steaks on one plate, Bianca placing them on the island and holding out the last plate. “And medium for me! There we go. Is the table set?”
Robyn looked up from their seat at the table, swallowing a mouthful of steak. “Yeah! Got everything! ‘cept the mash.”
“I’ll bring it over.” Shifting so that Joy hung off of one arm, Donnie grabbed the pot of mashed potatoes with the other arm, bringing them both to the table. Setting down the mash, she dropped Joy in her seat as Bianca and Jacqueline sat at their spots, helping themselves to sides and drinks. “All good now, Joy?”
“Yes! I’m fine, I’m cool, I’m totally chill—”
“Great! Because we’re getting to the good part now.”
“That WASN’T the good part?!”
“Nope!” Donnie sounded chipper, settling into her spot beside Jacqueline. “The good part is the part that embarrasses your Mom.”
“Oh no, we’re there? Already?”
Donnie giggled. “Yep!”
“Lady above,” Jacqueline said, pouring a bit more wine into her cup and taking a deep sip.
Donnie laughed. “Your mother was a very good influence on me! Seeing her adventures made me decide that maybe it was about time I had some of my own. SO, I spent a few decades looking into the Amazons.”
“Like the warriors? The all-female warriors? On the magical island?” Bianca’s eyes grew wide. “WONDER WOMAN?”
“That’s the one!”
“Did you find them?!” Bianca’s piece of steak fell right off her fork, the food forgotten completely in her excitement.
“I did! I had everything ready to learn from them, except for one thing.”
“Really cool warrior outfit?”
“Nope! My confidence. So I went to find your Mom. And you’ll never guess where I found her.”
“The alps?”
Bianca and Joy turned to look at Robyn, equally perplexed.
“What? Mom likes to go to sunny places too! It’s the summer sprite blood. We crave that vitamin. D. From the sun.”
Bianca and Joy shared a look amongst themselves; a raised eyebrow, a shrug.
Jacqueline looked amused. She laughed to herself. “Funny how Robyn’s actually right.”
“I AM?”
“More or less! Your mater found me in the middle of the end of my piracy career.”
“Middle of the end?”
“What do you mean middle of the end—”
“Shush!” Joy put her finger to her lips, eyes narrowed at her younger siblings. “Let Mater tell the story—I’m sure it’ll answer all our questions!”
“Did you want to—”
“Nah. You’re telling this bit. I want to enjoy my steak and ogle my wife while she tells tall tales.”
Donnie laughed.
A little low on confidence, Dite had decided to bring someone with her to learn from the Amazon warriors. And there was only one person she could think of that’d be the perfect partner to bring on the trip.
Tracking her down hadn’t been easy, and Dite had worried when she heard that piracy was coming to a swift end, and all roads led to her being there. But thankfully, when she finally found the right ship (scaring the absolute crap out of the crew when she popped over the rails, wings and all, with a cheery little “hello!”), she was okay.
“Wait, hold up. You didn’t even glamour?”
“You just. Appeared over like, the starboard side, fluffy wings and all like HELLO! All. Smiles and junk?”
“And you didn’t even think that would cause problems?”
“She definitely did not,” Jacqueline teased. “Thankfully the more religious crewmates had already been resettled so nothing too crazy happened! And given my reputation on the seas, this was pretty par the course for everyone.”
“A big, fluffy angel appearing on your ship?!?!”
“My first mate was honestly surprised it hadn’t happened sooner.”
“Okay are you done with the questions, B? I wanna hear the rest!”
“Girl chill. I’m good. For now. OH! BOISTEROUS!”
“What?” Robyn put down their fork to serve Bianca with the most confused face he could muster.
“Feel better?”
“Tons! Okay, now go. Tell us more! Storytime!”
“So! I found your mother on her little ship—”
“Hey! It was big! It was a galleon! Those are decent sized ships! Multi-level and everything!”
“Mom!” Joy pouted. “The story!”
“I wasn’t aware I’d have a peanut gallery,” Donnie joked, folding her hands together and resting her chin on them.
Jacqueline looked appalled, placing her hand on her chest, fingers splayed. “It’s armour for my ego!”
“You’re really sounding like Uncle Jack now, Mom,” Robyn teased.
“Don’t make me ground you.”
Robyn cackled.
“Mom. Mater. The story. My little heart can’t take these frequent banter breaks!” Joy’s wings gave an impatient flutter.
The parents shared a look amongst themselves. Jacqueline quirked an eyebrow; Donnie shrugged, tilting her chin towards Jacqueline. The sprite nodded.
“Your Mater found my ship, found my crew, and they grabbed my me and up I popped to talk to her.” Jacqueline took a sip of her wine, picking up some potato and having a quick bite before continuing. “We were running a bit of a skeleton crew; steamships had crept their way into the navy, and the golden age of piracy was coming to an end. The moment I heard about the demise of Blackbeard, my crew and I made plans to settle everyone on shore, retiring the ship and saving ourselves from the noose, or whatever terrible way they were going to punish pirates, given what happened to Blackbeard.”
“What happened to Blackbeard?” Joy asked.
“Who’s interrupting Storytime now,” Robyn teased.
Joy frowned, blowing a raspberry at her errant sibling; he cackled, doing the same back.
“They shot him a bunch. A CRAZY amount. And stabbed him a bunch, too. Apparently, his body fell overboard, swam laps around the ship and came back up. Then they finally killed him dead, chopped off his head and put it on their figurehead as a warning to all.”
“Bianca. Why do you know that.”
She shrugged. “I dabble in non-fiction. I’m surprised YOU didn’t know that! Pirates kind of give Robyn vibes.”
“Ou! I can see it!”
“Really? BOTH my siblings?” He shook his head. “Unbelievable. Can we get on with the story please.”
“Sure thing, hotshot. So, your mater finds me, we chat, and I am so down for a badass warrior queen adventure—after we get everyone settled.”
“So we did that!”
“And then we hung out with the Amazons and learned some badass fighting techniques and yes, Bianca, tons of history.”
“Then you got quiet!”
“I did, yeah. I retired to the Azores for a bit, and then hung out in London and that was a whole. THING. Century of my life I will NEVER get back. Then I moved to Canada.”
“And we did run into each other there! I was hunting down a hate for your grand pater. I was in disguise as a soldier over at the Fort and on leave one day, I ran into her in town! We fought the hate together. Then got caught together! And we had to get fake married about it.”
“YOU GUYS DID A FAKE MARRIED!” Bianca held her face, squishing her cheeks. “I love fake married stories. I’m always like, haHA, you LOSERS, you’re gonna be REAL MARRIED by the END OF IT! Case in point—” she gestured towards her parents with a sly grin.
“You got us there.”
“Mm. We BOTH forgot about that one! It made for a good laugh when your mom found that licence a couple of centuries later.” Hand in front of her face, Donnie giggled.
“Apparently obliviousness runs on the winter sprite side of things,” Jacqueline mused. “Your Uncle Jack is as much of a dumbass as I am.”
“Well it’s a GOOD THING I only LOOK like a winter sprite.”
“Although, if you ask your Gran, she’ll say that Gramps was the slightly oblivious one when it came to them. He of course has other thoughts.”
“Ou, so many stories! We should make a list for later!”
“Don’t even worry about it, Joy!” Bianca scribbled furiously in a small notebook. “I am already on it.”
Robyn squinted. “When did you go grab that?!”
“I didn’t! It’s always on my me.”
“In her hair!”
“Yeah! Joy’s right! That’s why it’s so snowball shaped. It’s full of notebooks.”
“And snow!”
“And colourful ice, usually.”
“Not today, I noticed! Are you feeling okay, sweetie?”
“Hmm?” Bianca looked up, blinking slowly. “Oh! Yeah. I’m fine, Mater. T’was the Mario that did today’s doo in. I got a lil’ heated. BUT! It was pink. Cause Valentine’s.”
Donnie smiled. “Awwh. That’s so cute.”
“It was a nice shade, too,” Jacqueline mused. “She’s getting really good at colour pulling.”
“And there! I think I got all the ‘you should ask so-and-so’s’ written down.”
“And while we’re on break, pass down the plates if you’re done with them, please,” Jacqueline said. “We need to make space for the cupcakes.”
Donnie shot up. “The cupcakes?!”
“Yeah! We made cupcakes today! Made with LOVE. We did it before Robyn and Bianca got spicy about Mario Everything, so there’s lots of love in them,” Joy said.
“And icing all over the counter.”
“But it’s okay cause mom took care of it!”
Jacqueline smiled. “As best as I could, yes.”
Dishes were stacked and cutlery piled on top as Jacqueline grabbed them all, popping open the dishwasher. Joy fluttered around her, grabbing the tray of freshly frosted cupcakes and bringing them to the table. Everyone settled in to enjoy their cupcakes, the story paused—but not for long.
“So fake married. That was a thing. And then what?”
“Well…I moved to Canada, then went back to Frost Manor up until I remembered about the Kingston house. I did briefly have a stint in the States proper, during prohibition. Ages ago now, at this point. Gran and I were bootlegging. We ran a speakeasy and everything. That’s where your Grandpa got really into bartending.”
“But the LOVE. When did the LOVE bit happen!”
“Slowly and all at once, just like your Mater said this morning.”
“Okay well. OBVIOUSLY. But like, I think what Joy’s asking—and also me—is when did the confession happen?!?!?” Bianca asked. “When did the realization happen?!?!”
“Critics are raving! We NEED to KNOW!”
“Ah! Robyn! You spat sprinkles all over me!”
“Sorry B.”
“Oh gosh. That’s a loaded question,” Jacqueline tapped her nose, frowning in thought. “Um…I really didn’t realize it. Not until the return of the darkness. Turns out there was a bet.”
“No way.”
“Shut! Up!”
“Way. I had no idea about it, of course, but it was on your mater’s radar.”
“Mhmm!” Taking the time to swallow her cupcake, Donnie jumped in. “I think Xander and Myles were the ones who started it? Maybe with Night? It spiralled from there and I joined in for fun! Everyone had different theories, of course, and though I contributed, I didn’t guess the outcome. I knew she was oblivious, though! It was very obvious.”
“Thank you for the pleasant reminder, dear.”
“Any time! Now. When Charlie joined the team, he took a more human approach to it all. And I think it was thanks to him that your mom finally clued in. He gave her the confidence to ask!”
“He inspired confidence in all of us during the resurgence. I’m not sure we’d have been able to face our fears and save our predecessors without him.”
“Okay. So. I almost want to guess, but I think the reveal will be way funnier without guesses.” Robyn paused for a beat, building anticipation. “When did Mom do the thing.”
“In the MIDDLE one of the most LEGENDARY battles in history! There we were, down in the crypts and tunnels and shifting rooms of the old Undercity, well below Roseterra. Darkness was swarming. Us Legates-turned-Legends were fighting for our lives. Balance teetered on the edge. And in the middle of it all, your mother turns to me and blurts it out, loudly, in one go. Just. BLARGH! Word barf in the middle of a huge battle.” Donnie smiled. You could almost see hearts radiating off of her as she recalled the moment fondly, a wide smile on her face. Eyes crinkling as they closed, she squished her face. “So ROMANTIC!”
“I didn’t know if we’d survive and realized Charles was right; this may be my last chance. So in the middle of the fight I turned to her and I think my almost exact words were DITE I’VE BEEN IN LOVE WITH YOU FOR CENTURIES AND ONLY REALIZED IT RECENTLY, IF WE SURVIVE CAN WE GO OUT ON A DATE or something akin to that.”
“And I squealed, blew up a few shadows, turned to her and said I thought you’d NEVER ask. And now, here we are!”
“My timing is impeccable to a fault.”
“Ou. I’m writing that down. That’s good phrasing.” Tongue poking out of her mouth, Bianca did just that, her purple gel pen sparkling on the page. Beside her, Joy’s eyes were the size of dinner plates, her mouth open in a wide grin, wings spread wide.
“Joy? You okay?”
“Okay, Joy, you’re gonna hit the ceiling and bonk your head! Down we go. Come on.”
Donnie climbed her chair and reached across the table, gently grabbing Joy and pulling her against her chest. Landing on the floor, she placed Joy down. She floated for the briefest of moments before Donnie placed a hand on her head, holding her in place.
“So who won the bet?” Robyn asked.
“Charlie did,” Jacqueline replied. “So there were some talks of how he had maybe cheated given his direct influence in the outcome.”
“Did he?! Did SANTA CLAUS cheat?”
Jacqueline threw back her head and laughed. “No! Goddess, no. We were a little stuck, right? And we started chatting and he made a comment about how I had it real bad for your mater and I went what? No I don’t and he went yes you do and then I died of embarrassment on the spot.”
“Hmm.” Robyn tapped their chin. “So it wasn’t really cheating. He didn’t purposely make you not oblivious to mess with the outcome for his own personal gain.”
“Exactly. But Myles argued that it still sort of counted. Xander said it was a technicality, Day thought it was hilarious—it was a whole thing. Anyway, he gave me the little nudge I needed and yes, I confessed in the middle of one of the most legendary battles in magibean history. Your uncle would probably say that’s called style.”
“Which one?”
“Both of them.”
The kids laughed, Bianca shoving the notebook back in her hair and taking away the dessert plates.
“That’s so sweet. That’s lovely. I love love.” Joy sighed happily, sinking down into a chair and holding her face. “This morning I was all concerned that you guys never really got you time, you know? But you do have each other, and we’re fun little bonuses too! Everyone has someone. And sometimes that someone is just themselves! And that’s lovely! Isn’t that lovely? It’s so lovely, I—OH. OH NO!”
Literally every single Frost stopped and got into defensive stances, looking around.
“What? What is it? I’ve got icicles and I am NOT afraid to use them!”
“Do I gotta light a bitch up?! I’M READY!”
Free from Donnie’s hand, Joy shot up. “AUNT FIERA! SHE DOESN’T HAVE NORM ANYMORE!”
A collective, drawn out oh rang out as everyone relaxed. Donnie’s longbow disappeared; the light blue glow hovering around Jacqueline’s fists dissipated. Robyn and Bianca shared a look, their elemental projectiles disappearing as well.
“Can we go see her? Please?! Me and Bianca and Robyn?”
“Did all three of you want to go?”
Joy’s eyes got all big and watery. “YES!”
Bianca shrugged. “I’d be down.”
Robyn nodded. “Yeah, sounds like a fun way to pad out the day!”
“Let me make sure it’s okay with your aunt. She may not feel up for company.” Turning around, Jacqueline pulled her arm up. Dropping her hand, a snowball appeared in her palm. “Fiera Frost, please.”
The snowball glowed fuchsia, growing a bit slushy. It pulsed for a bit before Jacqueline finally got an answer.
“Ou. You look like trash. Why is it so dark?”
“Oh. I’m lamenting. One sec.”
All three kids peered around Jacqueline, watching as the snowball lit up, a very extinguished Aunt Fiera appearing. “I hope my face looks okay.”
“It looks fine. Listen, are you okay? Do you need anything?”
“Oh, I’m okay. I’m taking it as I go.”
“Have you been alone all day?”
“Uh, I guess? What time is it?”
“Dinner time.”
“Ah, shit. I thought it was earlier. I should get some food.”
“Are you up for company?”
“Well, that depends. Are they okay with pizza?”
“Pizza?” Robyn’s eyes grew big. “HECK YEAH!”
“Can we get a supreme?” Bianca asked.
“You guys!” Joy frowned, hands on her hips. “We just ate!”
“They’re fine with pizza, yes. My kids want to come see you.”
“NIBBLETS!” Fiera’s hair lit up, her buns furling into existence and once more burning bright. “Yes, of course they can come by!”
“Are you sure.”
“Duh! I’ve got all the time in the world for those little guys! When can I expect them?”
Before Jacqueline could reply, Joy squealed, grabbing her siblings’ hands and poofing.
“Right now immediately, apparently.”
There was a kerfuffle behind Fiera. The image started spinning as three cotton candy-coloured blurs shot into frame, knocking her over.
“Guys! Be nice to your Aunt! She’s going through it!”
“It’s okay! I’m okay! Hey guys. Ou Robyn, you are toasty.”
“I’m trying to get as hot as the SUN!”
“You’ll get there!”
“Are you sure you’ll be okay with them, Fiera?”
“Positive! You enjoy your night,” she winked, coming back into frame. “I’ll take care of these knuckleheads. And get the pizza for my me.”
“Don’t worry mom! I’m already ordering it for her!”
“Oh, Bianca, I can do it—”
“Don’t bother, Fi. Once she sets her mind to something it’s as good as done. I’m around if you need me. Whether it be to pick up those wayward children of mine or lend an ear.”
Fiera smiled. “I know, Jacquie. Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Okay. Enjoy your night, Fi.”
Fiera cackled. “You too!” She flashed her sister a devious look before closing her fist, the flame sputtering out.
Chuckling, Jacqueline closed her fist, the slushy remains of the snowball freezing in the palm of her hand. With a quick and precise little wave, the frost curled onto her jacket, resting on the coattail. “Whew.”
Strong arms wrapped around her waist. Donnie sidled up behind her, resting her chin on Jacqueline’s shoulder, poofed sleeve crunching in protest. Her breath was warm on her cheek; she turned around, kissing Jacqueline softly and slowly, hands roving down to her stomach.
“You smell like strawberries. Did you steal my lip balm?”
“I did, yeah. It’s very dry out there, you know.”
“Comes with the territory.”
Donnie giggled, ceasing her kisses for a brief moment. There was a snap; Jacqueline looked down. Donnie had unclasped her jacket.
“You work fast.”
“I know! I’m a pro. Besides, I promised someone I’d warm them up, didn’t I?”
“You did, yes. And I suppose my fancy jacket will just get in the way, won’t it?”
“Oh, big time.”
The sleeves were halfway to Jacqueline’s elbows. One of her tank top straps slipped down. She turned her head, about to kiss Donnie’s soft, plump lips when—
“ACHOO. Oh, gross! Sorry, hun.”
Donnie laughed. “It’s okay! Dodged it.”
Jacqueline shivered. “Why am I sweaty. ACHOO.”
“Bless you.”
She sniffled, wiggling her arms out of her jacket. “Thanks. Ugh. What on Earth did they do, it’s been like, two minutes—” she sneezed once more, flourishing her hand and conjuring a snowball. “Hello?”
“Hey girl! Me again. Ou, you look red.”
“What?” Jacqueline frowned, hoisting herself up on the island counter. “No I’m not.”
Donnie poked her head up between the snowball and Jacqueline’s chest. “Hmm. Yes you are.”
“Hi Donnie!”
“Hi Fiera! Did our gremlins cause trouble?”
“No! No. Not yet, at least. But we have plans! That’s why I’m calling, actually. Um. They’ve cheered me right up in the five minutes they’ve been here, and I just wanted to let you know I’m stealing them for the night.”
Donnie wiggled back out, folding Jacqueline’s jacket neatly and draping it over her chair.
“Sure, if you’d like! What’s the trouble? Will I have to bail you all out of jail?”
“No, not this time! They came up with this great idea—” Fiera grinned maniacally, shifting her fireball and bringing the kids into view. They were yelling, covered in glow bracelets and waving glow sticks around as they chanted.
Jacqueline snorted. “Shut up.”
“For real!”
“Is that allowed??”
“What the caretakers of the Graveyard don’t know can’t hurt them. Besides! It’s after hours!”
“And if the after-hours guy gets you?”
“They can rave with us too! Jacqueline. Don’t worry! If anything happens I will use my super awesome warlock talents to get us out of here SO fast, I promise. They will be okay.”
“And you?”
“Yes! Me too. You worry too much!”
“You’re my little sister! And you have a penchant for trouble! Of course I’m going to worry!”
“Everything will be okay. Promise. Besides! It looks like you were in the middle of something…spicy.”
Jacqueline coloured; laughing, Donnie decided to make it worse. Placing her hands firmly on Jacqueline’s knees, she pulled them apart, wedging herself right between her thighs and sliding right up against her. She moved her hands slowly, deliberately, up Jacqueline’s thighs, spreading her palms wide, thumbs rubbing her thighs back and forth.
“I’m sure the four of them will be fine, blue eyes.”
“Anything happens I’ll let you know. But yeah, we’ll be good!”
“Okay—” it came out squeaky. She cleared her throat. Brushed some slush off her forehead. “Okay. Just one more question.”
“Hit me with it.”
“Where are you staying the night? I know you like to couch surf—”
“Nah, I’m. Actually at my own place in the south. They’ll have cozy little beds with a beachside view tonight.”
“Okay. Good. Take care of them, and take care of yourself, Fi. I love you.”
“Yes please!”
“Hi Mom! Thanks for letting us stay!” Joy grinned at her through the flame.
“Yeah! We’re gonna be so good—” Bianca said, popping up below her.
“Pictures of sophisticated grace, even!” Robyn added, popping up beside Bianca.
“Don’t worry, Mom! I’ll keep my eyes on them! And Aunt Fiera, too!”
“Thank you, Joy. Be safe, all of you! And don’t give your aunt too much trouble, okay?”
“Okay!” said Robyn.
“We won’t!” promised Bianca.
“Goodnight! We love you! And Mater too!” Joy added.
“And we love you guys too. Goodnight!”
The flame dipped, the kids rushing off and Fiera coming back into view. “They’re such goobers. I’d kill for ‘em.”
“That makes two of us. Anyway, I’ll let you go. Night Fiera! Have fun tonight.”
“Oh. I will. And from the looks of that flush, so will you. Heh.”
And with a devious little smirk, Fiera snuffed out the flame.
“Well.” Jacqueline flattened the slush ball against the countertop. It billowed, shifting from slush to frost to pure magic and drifting off the counter and down the hall. “Guess the house is ours for the night.”
“Mm.” Eyes half lidded, Donnie lifted her palms, deftly, nimbly pressing her index and middle fingers into the softness of Jacqueline’s thighs. She walked them right up to her hips, gently caressing her. “Time to make good on that promise to warm you up, I think.”
Scooping her up by the butt, she pulled Jacqueline right off the counter and into her chest. She held the sprite close, forehead to forehead, nose to nose. She was very, very warm. Hot in some places, too. Donnie smirked.
Jacqueline laughed. It was low and heavy; she reached up, arms dangling loosely over Donnie’s shoulders. “Not if I do it first.”
Her legs grew tense; she locked them around Donnie’s waist, bodies pressing together, curves twisting with muscles as Jacqueline tightened her arms and pulled Donnie’s head closer to hers, eyes practically burning the pilfered lip balm off of Donnie’s full, pink, lips. She tilted her head, and their lips finally met, Jacqueline going limp as Donnie tightened her grip, kiss deepening.
Jacqueline pressed harder, hands roving up into Donnie’s hair and pulling out the hair ties, the blonde tresses cascading down her back and over her shoulders, curtaining around them. Her hands fell to Donnie’s face, fingers twining in the hair around them and throwing it back as the two finally broke for air. Heart racing, cheeks flushed, and hair once more thawed, Jacqueline’s chest heaved as Donnie reached up, pulling out the pins and ties keeping Jacqueline’s hair up out in three swift, deft motions.
“There. Now we’re even.”
“Yes. But I’m not done yet.”
She pushed herself back up using the counter, kissing Donnie once again, with far more ferocity than before. Donnie’s lips twitched, smiling as she kissed back, her hold on Jacqueline’s bottom tightened.
“Let me—mm.” She stopped for more kisses, turning her cheek to continue undaunted, without interrupting the fluttery little ones Jacqueline began to plaster all over her face. “Let me take us somewhere more—” Jacqueline’s little kisses had reached down Donnie’s cheek and tickled her neck. Her heart fluttered; her wings, too. She let out a sharp breath. “Let me take us somewhere a little more…comfortable.”
Squeezing Jacqueline tightly, Donnie took hold and flew them up the stairs, Jacqueline laughing as the wind blew her hair back and she found herself tossed onto the bed, pinned below the love of her life.
“Now. Let’s do something about that chill of yours, shall we? There’s just a few things in my way…”
“Oh. We can make short work of that, I’m sure.”
“Oh. Of course.”
And that’s just what they did.
Hours later, Donnie lay on her belly, wings tucked behind her, trailing off the bed. Curled up underneath her, right against her chest, skin touching skin, Jacqueline’s eyes slowly shut as she drifted off, very, very loved and very, very naked.
They had made very short work of their clothes; Donnie’s chiton sat in a heap of material at the base of the bed, the pins neatly sitting on her bedside table. Jacqueline’s clothes were littered all over the base of the bed, crumpled and rolled and slowly sliding down onto the floor, accessories thrown about the room with reckless abandon.
Donnie watched her grow closer and closer to sleep, deep in thought as she traced her collarbone.
“Are you asleep yet?”
One bright blue eye peeked open. “Almos’. Why?”
“Oh, I was just wondering…”
The other eye opened, her brow creasing as she flipped onto her side, squishing her breasts as she pressed even closer to Donnie. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh, nothing! Nothing. Everything is perfect.” Donnie looped a hand underneath Jacqueline, propping her up for a soft, sensual kiss. “So perfect.”
“Oh, good! Good. I like…I like hearing that.” Jacqueline’s head dropped, laying in the crook of Donnie’s neck. “What were you wondering?”
“I was just wondering…when did it happen? For you? When did you fall in love…with me?”
Jacqueline wriggled out and onto her side, propping up her head. “Do you remember that day on the beach? When we were with the Amazons. We were watching the sunset.”
“Of course I do.” Donnie shifted, managing to place both hands around Jacqueline and bring her in close (which was impressive given how close they lay already). “I asked you why you were so alone.”
“But there was something else you asked me. Something…that really meant a lot to me? Nobody had ever wondered or bothered to ask before, and then you asked me if—”
“—if you missed Jack.”
“Yes! And nobody had ever asked me! Nobody. But you—you did.” She smiled up at her softly, kissing the underside of her chin. She caressed her face, her soft, cool hand rubbing circles on Donnie’s cheek. “Of course you did. And that’s when I feel in love with you. Because…you saw me.”
“Oh! Oh, Jacqueline!”
“Oh, don’t cry hun! It’s—” Jacqueline laughed, feeling her own eyes well up a bit. “It’s—oh, goddess above. Now you’ve got me going!”
Donnie laughed through her tears. “Oh, it’s okay! They’re happy tears! I just…of course I saw you! I’ve always seen you.”
“I know. And that’s why I feel in love with you.”
Smiling big enough to fill her entire face, Donnie propped them both up again. Pressing themselves together, chest to chest, legs getting all tangled up with one another once more, Donnie kissed the top of Jacqueline’s head over and over and over again. Below her, the sprite laughed, curling up, pressing her lips very softly all over Donnie’s neck. The kisses were light; they were slowing down as the sleepiness wormed its way back, Jacqueline only just managing to fight it off as she gently pulled Donnie back down to the pillows with her.
“When did I?”
A sleepy nod.
Laughing, Donnie settled in on her side, bringing the blankets over the both of them. She looped an arm around Jacqueline, pulling her in tight. Holding her close. Breathing in that cool, wintry scent peppered with ice cream and citrus.
“I don’t know. What I said earlier was true. It happened slowly, and all at once.”
Donnie laughed. “Yes, my love.” She kissed her once more, lips lingering, breath warm against her cheek, the word whispered softly as Jacqueline dozed off properly.
#dani writes#crystal springs#smile shots#cs posting#valentines#valentine's day#smile shots valentines day specials#YOU GUYS I THOUGHT IT'D BE TOO LONG FOR TUNGLE BUT IT IS NOT! THANK GOD!#i'll reblog tomorrow with notes lmao but THIS IS IT! THIS IS THE DONNIELINE KIDS ONESHOT THAT HAS BEEN IN THE WORKS FOR TWO YEARS NOW! YAY!#so happy to finally post it#diteline#donnieline#donnieline kiddos#diteline kiddos#bianca frost#robyn frost#joy frost#ocs#my ocs#happy valentines day my loves! please enjoy the second gen frosts!!!! 💕💕💕💕💕
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Here’s Jack’s daughter Bianca.
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Homer The Iliad // 呪術廻戦 Jujutsu Kaisen (2018-2024) cr. Gege Akutami // Mitski I'm Your Man // Alien Stage (2022-) cr. VIVINOS & QMENG // Wisława Szymborska The Onion // Fear Street Part Three: 1666 (2021) dir. Leigh Janiak // Mitski Once More to See You // Arcane: League of Legends (2021-2024) // Ethel Cain Wrestling in Dirt Pits // 怪物 Monster (2023) dir. Hirokazu Kore-eda // unknown // Banana Fish (2018) dir. Hiroko Utsumi // Bianca Stone Artichokes // Portrait de la jeune fille en feu Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019) dir. Céline Sciamma // Robert Frost Nothing Gold Can Stay // NANA (2006-2007) dir. Morio Asaka // Coldplay Sparks // 刻在你心底的名字 Your Name Engraved Herein (2020) dir. Patrick Kuang-Hui Liu // Julia de Burgos That You Love Me In Green // Moonlight (2016) dir. Barry Jenkins // Margaret Atwood Significant Moments in the Life of My Mother
#on love#on heartbreak#on falling in love#web weave#web weaving#poetry compilation#poetry parallels#homer#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#mitski#alien stage#satosugu#mizisua#wislawa szymborska#fear street#fear street 1666#arcane#league of legends#ethel cain#monster#monster 2023#banana fish#asheiji#bianca stone#portrait of a lady on fire#robert frost#nana#coldplay#your name engraved herein
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"We hold these truths to be self-evident,"
#blight/blur#my art#artblock has been bad so. i draw what is easiest to me. girls#the items are just the dreamwold art but grayscaled + crystalized + frosted#this is inspired by mait's lltu piece of bianca! check it out <3#sorry for schuyler sisters reference in the caption. could you tell what i was listening to when making this.
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Ok, because I'm bored at work with nothing to do and I'm still by myself, I'm gonna bug you with a random question. What are your Top 10 favorite headcanons. No specific fandom, just top 10 favorite.
This is too broad actually, E. xD Please limit me to a fandom next time this nearly broke my brain, first to find any at all (twas as though I had Never Had A Single Headcanon In My Life) and then to move on from a fandom, like, once I remembered a headcanon, my brain wanted to latch onto that fandom and I would have gladly given you my top 10 Disney headcanons or sth... this was near impossible lol
You will realize that most of my heacanons are next gen related.
In no particular order because holy shit that'd kill me.
Let's start with an easy one. Shadowhunters. I headcanon Jace Herondale as ace. Even in the fanfiction where I don't make it an explicit plotline, I think of him as ace. I just think that he doesn't know. Doesn't know the term for it, hasn't thought about it really. I don't think I've ever had an ace headcanon I was as fiercely attached to as I am with Jace. Which is funny considering the character himself is a... actually, no, he's not really that sexual. We see others making jokes about his book club, we see him hook up with a random girl once. And then with Maia. And then he's in his relationship with Clary, where we actually see him pulling the brakes and wanting to slow things down. He's not as promiscuous as the talk of the other characters would like to make us belief, is what I'm saying. He has a normal sex life. Still, usually, ace headcanons are born from a "oh this character has never shown any interest in sex????" notion, so this is still an outlier.
PJO: If Bianca di Angelo had lived, her powers would have been most aligned with darkness. We know that Nico struggled with that, that shadow-travel in particular drained him extremely. It's a power he has, but one that never came as easy to him as summoning or controlling the dead. And I always liked the idea that the three kids of Hades/Pluto split his three realms - darkness, death and riches. Tapping into the other realms too, but having most domain over one each.
My headcanon that Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians is actually the god Jökul Frosti who had his memories taken and was "punished" to spend a lifetime as a human, but something went wrong when he died too early, that's why he has the full amnesia. It just, it never really clicked why the guardian of fun got the white hair and snow powers, or why the wind would carry Jack and allow him to fly (the god of the wind is the father of Jökul Frosti), or why the saying of "Jack Frost" would exist in our human world if Jack Frost is a spirit that nobody can see and born from a mortal who died only 300 years ago.
Disney: Princess Aurora and Prince Adam (aka the Beast) are cousins! I don't know, I just think that's neat. They look very similar, there's the French note to Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast.
DCMK: Kudou Shinichi and Kuroba Kaito naming their son Conan, as a reminder of how they first met and what Shinichi's time as Conan really meant to him. I think that'd be very poetic and I also think that kid would be the devil incarnate.
Deep dig TLK headcanon that will actually mean absolutely nothing to people who aren't deep into it but I headcanon that Kovu is the biological son of Malka and Kula, I think that Kula's dark fur is a good match for Kovu's while he'd have Malka's dark mane (and I headcanon Malka's eyes to be green, they're not really... seen. they look pitch-black, which might as well be green like Kovu's), plus I did always like Malka. I know most people ship Kula with Chumvi but honestly they have a near identical design so I always clocked them as siblings and headcanoned them as such. But yeah, Kovu as the lost son of Malka and Kula, which would add such a near tragic element to things, if Simba knew he was Malka's son.
If Cole and Phoebe's son on Charmed had lived, his name would have been Parker Benjamin. Parker was the name she later picked for her second born daughter, but I have no qualms moving that name up to the older brother, since I'm already changing the oldest daughter's name too because I am fiercely possessive of my OC daughter of Phoebe and Cole who has to be the firstborn daughter. The only kid of Phoebe whose name I'm keeping is the youngest. Plus, middle name Benjamin after Cole's father, since we do know that Cole cared deeply for his father. I always liked the idea of the sons being their own Charmed Ones; him, Wyatt and my Andy/Prue son Phillip Trudeau.
In the greater scheme of things, BtVS is full of magic shenanigans so why in the world should Angel be the only vampire who can have kids, right? I like the idea of Willow and alive!Tara using magic to create children of their own and that magic also being applicable to Spike and Buffy. I'm thinking fully-formed-baby creation magic here, not magical pregnancy. Because I... don't see Buffy pregnant, she's too much of a fighter, out there, not benched due to different circumstances. And they'd have twins, named William, since Spike's not using that name, and Joanne, as a combination of Joan and Anne, the two big aliases Buffy ever went by.
A headcanon I cherish a lot a lot is from Sailor Moon and it's that the Ayakashi sisters (Koan, Berthier, Calaveras and Petz) all also get a second chance and get reborn, just like the inner senshi did after the first season because fuck that the girls were good at the end they deserved better than to die for men's mistakes, and that they are, ultimately, the mothers of the Asteroid senshi (Pallas, Juno, Vesta and Ceres). I have a very big, very mapped out family tree for my Sailor Moon headcanons. This fandom has been with me for decades. But I want to only pick one headcanon per fandom, so.
DC Comics' Stephanie Brown becoming the Huntress, I just think that would be so neat, the purple color scheme fits her so, so, so well, plus I'd love for Helena Wayne to take up the mantle from her, looking up to her auntie Steph with adoration. I've latched onto that hard.
#Jace Herondale#Shadowhunters#Jack Frost#Rise of the Guardians (2012)#PJOverse#Bianca di Angelo#Disney#Princess Aurora#Prince Adam#DCMK#Kudou Shinichi#Kuroba Kaito#KaiShin#The Lion King: Simba's Pride#The Lion King: Six New Adventures#Phole#Charmed#Cole Turner#Phoebe Halliwell#Buffy the Vampire Slayer#Spuffy#Tillow#Sailor Moon#DC Comics#Stephanie Brown
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Hello arcade! Hope you are doing super well today after knowing what’s going on.
Just out of curiosity, I was replaying fia’s night out again cause she’s my second favorite character next to Embry lol and I wanna know if fia’s mother has a first and last name, like maybe Snowflake or Frost!
Funnily enough their family name is Frost!
Fia's Mom is Bianca Frost!
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𖹭 ꣑ৎ Winter ID pack 𐔌✝︎ ͡꒱
NAMES ; Ebony / Snow / Nevada / Blanche / Eira / Winter / Pine / Bambi / Sarah / Aspen / Elsa / Frost / Jack / Lumi / Neve / Lynx / Alpa / Alpian / Crystal / Dementia / Dimitri / Anastasia / Ella / Gwen / Gwyn / Nova / Aira / Iira / Mary / Bianca / Fynn / Jarilo / Violet / Eternal / Clara / Seele / Bronya / Natasha / Pela / Ivory / Vanilla / Powder / Chiffon / Cream / Moon / Luna / Orion / Opal / Pearl / Dee / Divinity / Dollett / Furina / Focalor
PRONOUNS ; shx / fern / frost / snowflake / shi / vi / teddy / hx / hymn / carol / muse / shiver / fluff / cotton / ice / star / cloud / sy / soft / porcelain / ivy / shell / che / chm / bell / ding / coco / chocolate / nutmeg / chestnut / parch / silk / vanilla / sugar / hym / hyr / di / doll
#can you tell i was running out of ideas#snow#white#soft#winter#aesthetic#npt pack#id pack#npt list#npt ideas#npt suggestions#mogai#liom safe#liomogai#liom#liom term#mogai term#system terms#mogai terms#terms#names#pronouns#pluralgang#carrd inspo#rentry inspo#did system#plural community#plural system#plurality
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sweet calamity | ch 9
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Series Summary: It was something people described as the sweetest pain, the feeling of when the soul that’s destined to find yours is closer to you. Wednesday saw it as a curse, promised herself she would hate whoever was chosen for her; but it’s easier said than done.
A/N: Softest Wednesday ever and I hope she's not too out of character lol (but cut her some slack, girl's in love c'mon). Was listening to this while writing. <3
Masterlist | Read ch 8 here
"So here's something interesting that happened last night," Enid started, teasing hinting at her tone.
You gripped a little tighter onto the straps of your backpack.
"I get back from my date with Ajax, and Wednesday greets me with a goodnight, even asking if my date was enjoyable."
You hummed at her words, kicking a pebble from the stone path you were walking on. Last night's snowfall left its mark on the gardens, white snowflakes were still clinging to some of the trees around you; there was frost on the grass; mist in the air. The scenery was worthy of a painting.
"Why is that interesting?" You eventually asked.
"She never asks me about my dates," Enid exclaimed, "like ever." Taking hold of both your arms, the werewolf stopped you in your tracks and came to stand before you, forcing you to look up at her.
"She looked happy. Unusually happy," Enid narrowed her eyes at you, wolfish grin on her lips, "did something happen while I was out?"
Sometimes, Enid was too smart for her own good. You wanted to share her enthusiasm, tell her all about last night — how hearing Wednesday play gave you goosebumps, how her lips left you breathless — yet you found yourself hesitating. Everything felt too fragile.
You chuckled humourlessly, squirming under her hold. You could feel your face heating up, "nothing happened, we just hung out for a while."
Enid audibly groaned as she rolled her eyes, "come on, I saw you two dancing at the Rave'n, didn't you finally admit your obvious love for each other?"
You frowned, lips hovering open as you connected the dots, feeling your stomach lurch with apprehension. You answered her question with another, that you felt you already knew the answer to; "was that your doing by any chance?"
"Of course," Enid told you animatedly, "Wednesday was giving me her usual 'I don't do feelings' speech and hurting both you and herself in the process, I had to talk some sense into her," she scrunched her brows, taking on a serious tone, "don't tell her I said that though."
"Oh," you breathed. You're not sure why it bothers you. To think Wednesday would do something against her will was foolish, at best; but the last thing you wanted was for her to feel like she has to be with you.
"So," Enid dragged the word, pink cheeks molded by her pinkier snood, "no special moments last night?"
"W-well, we-" you stumbled, "I mean, she-"
You closed your eyes and breathed out a sigh of relief upon hearing Wednesday's voice. She walked up to you and Enid with haste, backpack held by one shoulder, scarf snug around her neck, and her black beanie pushing down her bangs. She looked worthy of a painting too.
"Wednesday," Enid turned to her best friend, bouncing on her heels with glee, "we were just talking about you."
"Thrilling," the Addams girl deadpanned, glancing between you and Enid before settling on the latter, "I'll need my partner back now."
To say Enid lit up like a damn Christmas tree would be an understatement. Your heartbeat skyrocketed at the words too, before you remembered what exactly she was talking about.
Enid emitted some kind of excited noise — undoubtedly already planning your wedding; "your partn-"
"We're partners in fencing," you cut her off before she could create a scene you probably wouldn't be able to escape too soon. After your little incident with Bianca, Wednesday made sure no one but she was partnered up with you in fencing. How she accomplished that, you preferred not to know. And if anyone as much as whispered about her going easy on you when sparring, they'd receive the complete opposite treatment.
"Yes, and class started two minutes ago," Wednesday said, pointedly raising an eyebrow at you and your lack of time management.
You mouthed a sorry to her, offering a soft smile.
"You guys are no fun," Enid mumbled to herself, hugging her sweater closer to her body.
Cold air bit at your fingertips and you stuffed your hands in your pockets. Part of you could sympathize with Enid's frustration, you and Wednesday have been dancing around each other for a while, and then she finally kisses you and… and now you find yourself holding back, afraid to let your guard down.
You're still not sure what to call what she is to you. It's not like you and Wednesday are the epitome of healthy communication.
It's almost like she feels your discomfort, "let's go, I don't like waiting," Wednesday grumbled, half extending her hand out for you, giving you the chance to choose whether to take it or not.
The way you were so quick to reach for her was second nature, softly taking her hand in yours. "See you later, Enid."
"Bye lovebirds," the werewolf sweetly said, starting to walk in the opposite direction, "don't forget what we talked about yesterday, Wednesday."
"How could I? You've hammered the idea into my brain," Wednesday huffed, but Enid was already out of earshot, which left only you to grin at her words.
It was new and fragile, but maybe also just the way it was supposed to be. Maybe it was simpler than your overthinking self made it out to be — you were focused on your feet, trusting Wednesday to lead your way with her hand securely around yours.
The comfortable silence stretched for a few moments, until you reached the end of the gardens and walked inside Nevermore's walls. It felt nice to feel normal for a change; two normal girls too shy and too in love to meet each other's eyes.
"Your hands are frigid," Wednesday broke the silence, absentmindedly brushing her thumb along your skin.
You chuckled under your breath, feeling the familiar swelling of your heart, "I keep forgetting my gloves."
You refrained from groaning when the doors to the fencing arena came into sight. Before you could push them open, Wednesday pulled you to a stop. You glanced up at her curiously; only to see her cheeks an unusual shade of pink, her jaw set tightly in place, eyes strangely a tad too wide. It's rare the times that you can visibly tell what she's feeling.
You curse the way your heart automatically expects the worst, and hold your breath.
"I was-" Wednesday tried, before averting her gaze from yours and inhaling deeply, "I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me this evening."
She spoke so quickly you almost didn't catch the words fully, but you did; and it sure felt that simple. "I'd love to."
Wednesday nodded stiffly at your answer and all but burst through the doors.
It takes some getting used to. Sometimes the turmoil of emotions that you make Wednesday feel gets her nauseous; she thinks she resembles a babbling idiot whenever she tries to mimic what she sees the other couples do — to say she's inexperienced in the area is a huge understatement; she's trying though, in her own way, but she is.
After a day of classes that kept her mostly away from you, Wednesday was making her way to the greenhouse, the place where she knows she'll find you. And she could feel that sensation — pumping through her body with each frantic beat of her heart the closer she gets to you — the tightness on her chest, the turning of her stomach. It's nearly painful. Dangerously addicting.
The evening sun had made its appearance, soft rays seeping through the glass walls as Wednesday pushed open the door. It was quiet, eerily so. No students were around, thankfully. She realized you liked your own dose of solitude too, it's not the first time she's found you hidden away all by yourself in the greenhouse.
Wednesday was quiet as she made her way inside, preserving your space.
You were standing in front of one of the tables when she found you, eyes focused solemnly on the flower pot in front of you as you hummed a song unknown to Wednesday. Blissfully unaware of her watchful gaze on you.
Your hands were delicate with their movements, making life bloom from your fingertips; there was a ray of sun casting over your cheek and lips — Wednesday envied the pesky thing.
You pushed back a strand of loose hair, smiling faintly when you got on your tip toes to put the flower back up on the shelf, a sea of green and gold around you.
Wednesday suddenly felt the back of her eyes burning faintly; because she refused to blink or something else, she was not sure.
But she's looking at you as if she just realized what love is.
And she could love you if she wanted to. If you allowed her to.
She thinks she already does anyway.
It's unlike anything she ever expected or wanted to feel — it's pain and bliss altogether — because she had the sudden need to be closer, to hold you, touch you; otherwise she'd spiral into madness.
And so she did.
You jumped when you felt two hands grasping at your waist, sharply turning around to see whoever thought had the right to touch you like that; yet any unkind words that were ready to leave your tongue disappeared when you were met with a pair of twin black braids you were all too familiar with.
Your skin is instantly littered with goosebumps. Wednesday's hands were firm on your waist, her thumbs barely sneaking under your shirt and grazing the skin there.
Before you could even try to speak, she was shutting you up with a searing kiss. It was different from last night; she pushed herself to you, desperate in the way her lips moved with yours — as if you hadn't seen each other in six years instead of six hours.
You took only a moment to recover, grasping at her blazer with your hands and embracing anything she'd be willing to give you.
Her lips were still as plush and warm as you remembered them, as you knew you'd never be able to forget.
Wednesday pulled back when air became an annoying necessity, all soft eyes and swollen lips. Her hands still gripping your waist, gaze darting to the mouth she'd just kissed only to see you gulp and look at your feet; away from her.
"Is this acceptable?" Wednesday found herself asking, voice raspier than usual, puffs of air coming out shallow and ragged as she regarded you with worry.
"Yeah," you were quick to breathe out, bringing one hand up and hesitating only a second before gingerly touching Wednesday's cheek, your thumb tracing the lines of her bottom lip. "More than acceptable."
"But?" The raven-haired girl raised a brow.
"I just-" you could feel your heartbeat, and wondered if she could feel it too, "I don't want to force you into anything, Wednesday." You gave her a melancholic smile, "I want to make sure you don't feel like you have to be doing this," you motioned with your hand between you and her, and she was so close you could barely breathe at all.
Wednesday's eyes shuttered with a sudden blankness and nothing could prepare you for the utterly adorable look of confusion on her face that followed; eyebrows pinching together and lips turned down at the corners as she pulled back only to look at you better.
"Never in my life would I do something I do not want to do," she said matter of factly.
You bit into your lip, one hand taking hold of Wednesday's braid so you had something to fidget with.
Straightening her posture, Wednesday gulped back her pride; "I'm not… good at this," she shook her head softly, her sudden fragility surprising you, "any of it."
And you finally see it; you see it in the way her eyes lose their sharp edges, how impossibly darker they are, shining under the fading sun; you see it in the way she insisted on holding your hand even when curious glances were thrown at you; you see it in the way she doesn't let anyone else spar with you in fencing or the way she always has an extra set of notes whenever you miss a class; you see it in the way she came after you and didn't give up even after you pushed her away. You see the way she's been loving you from day one, even if both of you didn't admit it.
"And I hate the fact that you make me want to try it anyway," Wednesday whispered, bringing you back to reality.
You huffed a chuckle, sliding your hands behind her neck to pull her closer, "you hate it?"
She rolled her eyes endearingly, "take the win," she said, before stealing another kiss from your lips.
Wednesday lingered close to you, her nose bumping yours. She didn't dare open her eyes when she asked the one thing she needed to hear you say; "so can I call you mine?" She choked out, upper lip grazing yours as she spoke.
There was a beat of silence and the Addams girl was almost already considering her early grave when you didn't answer right away.
Until you did, and she could feel your cheeky smile, "only if I can call you mine too."
Wednesday's lips twitched with the treat of a smile. It was an easy bargain.
With her hand in yours, Wednesday walked out of the greenhouse; her destination being the Weathervane, where she'd buy you a hot chocolate, and a coffee for herself and do whatever couples do together.
You wanted to stop by the quad first though.
The weight of Wednesday's hand was pleasant in yours. You took her to the middle of the quad, to where stood your finished project, at last; the big maple tree was the star in the center, surrounded by countless flowers with colors that complemented each other beautifully. Two stood out amongst them, a couple of black dahlias just by the foot of the tree, their dark color unmistakable.
"You remember I was renovating this flowerbed, right?" You asked softly, stealing a glance at your girl.
Wednesday hummed, "yes, I recall."
"I think it's finally done, what do you think?"
You watched as Wednesday's dark eyes skimmed over your work, they lingered a little longer on the black-colored flowers and your lips twitched with a smirk.
"It's nice, I'm sure Enid loved the multitude of colors," Wednesday commented, "the dahlias are a nice touch," she timidly admitted eventually.
"I thought you'd like them," your cheeks warmed up you raised both your joined hands to your lips, planting a kiss on the back of her hand before pulling her along to the main gates.
Before, you didn't understand why soulmates bring each other pain whenever they're near. But now, you can see there's something magical to it — it's the fact that, even with the pain, you won't abandon the one you love, and it's a kind of love that comes without warning, burns itself into your soul and marks your heart in the best possible way.
You admire the boldness of the universe; to create something so potentially tragic yet so delightful, so blissful.
Wednesday's shoulder bumped yours as you two walked, personal space forgotten. You could feel your heartbeats mingling.
Her hand warmed up yours.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Read ch 10 here
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keep me motivated to continue posting here, so I'd appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment if you want. <3
Wednesday’s taglist: @milkiane @bookfrog242 @heelaechan @imagine-reblog @simp4wanda26 @sakurarukas @bluetreecloud20 @the-night-owl-blr @imlike-so-gaydude @user284747 @dreifhraniquo29 @emeraldevan @simp4nat @boobabietch @impossibleliv1031 @deadpool-in-a-snood @rainbow-love4ever @maria-403 @pompompuri @halleest @wandaromanova @marveloussimp @rainbow-hedgehog @left-and-right-up-and-down @get-the-fuck-outta-here @awolfcsworld @elduster @alexkolax @georgi-salva @imdumbhi @youralphawolf72 @reginassweetheart @justyourwritter69 @yangsroboarmm @8e-h-e8 @irish-piece-of-trash @femalehomosexual666 @wol-fica @wednesdays-woes
#wednesday addams x reader#wednesday addams imagine#wednesday addams x fem!reader#wednesday addams#wednesday#wednesday addams x you#wednesdayedit#imagine#fanfic#fluff#angst#wednesday addams fanfic#jenna ortega#wednesday x reader#my story
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Title: Youth
Pairing: Bianca Moore (f!OC) / Sephiroth
Other Character: Professor Hojo
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 1591
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII, Ever Crisis
Setting: AU: Redemption
Warnings: Abuse, body horror, combat violence, cold & hypothermia, death, emotional distress, experimentation, fear, isolation, manipulation, paranoia, psychological trauma
Summary: In a stimulated combat scenario, Bianca and Sephiroth confront the powerful summons Bahamut and Shiva to prove their abilities to Professor Hojo.
Squared Filled: Youth
Created for: #SephirothWeek which is hosted by @week-of-silver-winds
Note: This is from my redemption!AU where the timeline becomes very canon divergent. Also, for anyone who is following along with my passion project, Sephiroth and Bia meet very young in this AU.
In it, Hojo is the primary antagonist. This fan fic takes place during Ever Crisis before the First Episode of the First SOLDIER. So, Seph is 15; Bia, 13.
In a cry of agony, tendrils burst forth from her back, surged towards Shiva, and pierced the summon’s defenses.
Still, the battle raged on. The sound of steel and the crackling of frost echoed across the virtual world. Shiva moved weakly as they continued to carve into her. Sephiroth knew they couldn’t waste anymore time. Drawn-out displays wouldn’t satisfy Professor Hojo.
Thump. Thump. Thump. His heart beat. The young man held onto the military saber and slowly lifted the blade parallel to his head and shoulder as he eased into his combat stance. He looked at his companion: the young girl that had been a constant in his life for five years now, the only one he was allowed to converse with.
Their environment flickered and glitch before them. Solid powder-blue boxes swayed, pivoted on their axis, rose, and descended. From the west, a warm breeze blew across the stimulation, waving his shoulder-length silver hair and her waist-length midnight locks behind them like banners welcoming warriors home from a battle. He looked at the force before them.
The battle was yet to be won. He didn’t scowl or have much emotion, other than looking at their foes before them: Bahamut and Shiva.
“On my mark,” he said.
Bianca nodded, as she curled her right hand into a fist and slammed it against the silver habaki and ebony tsuka, gliding her hand to the left and pulling Noctemaris from the void between dimensions. The black and dark gray blade emerged behind her fist, sparkling and glimmering with star dust. “Which one first?”
They had to preform above expectations or Hojo would take Bianca from him and return her shaken, bruised, and broken. Even if that meant endured their training, he had to protect Bianca.
“Shiva,” he replied. “She’s the most threat to us, as you’re delicate around ice and cold.”
Without another word, Sephiroth surged forward. His eyes fixated on the ice goddess who loomed ahead. The air around Bianca and Sephiroth was already thick with frost. The chill clawed at his skin, but he pressed on. His determination was unyielding.
If I hesitate, he thought, it would mean failure. Failure would mean Hojo’s interference with Bianca once again. This was a thought he would not tolerate: her experimentation.
Nameless flashed as he closed the distance to the scantily clad summon. His movements were precise and deadly. The ground beneath him cracked with each step forward, as the frozen ground protested his advance.
Without breaking stride, he launched himself into a serious of rapid slashes. The rapid successions of strikes aimed at childing away at Shiva’s defenses. Her green hair flowed around her as she tried to defend against Sephiroth’s graceful brutality.
Bianca darted to the side, using his assault as cover. She moved with a grace that belied the dark power coursing through her veins. Her wings unfurled and cast a shadow over the battlefield. With a single, powerful beat of her wings, she lifted herself into the air. The surrounding shadows deepened and obscured her from Shiva’s gaze.
Sephiroth knew they would have to finish this quickly. The cold gnawed at Bianca, lining her flesh with ice crystals. If they didn’t end it quick, there was a real possibility for her to develop hypothermia.
He glanced up for a moment as darkness oscillated around her, concealing herself from both Sephiroth and Shiva’s view. As he continued his relentless assault, Bianca descended from above and plunged downward with Noctemaris.
In a cry of agony, tendrils burst forth from her back, surged towards Shiva, and pierced the summon’s defenses.
Still, the battle raged on. The sound of steel and the crackling of frost echoed across the virtual world. Shiva moved weakly as they continued to carve into her. Sephiroth knew they couldn’t waste anymore time. Drawn-out displays wouldn’t satisfy Professor Hojo.
“Now, Bianca,” he called above the din, signaling her to finish the summon while he intercepted Bahamut. Sephiroth spun on his heel. The dragon’s roar shook the stimulator.
With a surge of shadows, Bianca’s blade plunged into Shiva’s chest. The dark energies expanded from the blade, as the star-drench blade glowed now: a crimson nebula surrounded Noctemaris, the arms spinning wildly around the length of the blade.
Shiva shattered in a explosion of crystalline shards and darkness.
“Move!” he commanded Bianca. With a swift leap, he launched himself toward the dragon, ready to engage their next challenge before Hojo ended the stimulation.
Sephiroth now leapt at Bahamut. His saber poised to strike as the air seemed to crackle with the dragon’s raw, untamed power. The beast’s eyes glowed red as it inhaled the surrounding air. The very air sizzled around Sephiroth as the dragon prepared to unleash a burst of Mega Flare.
There was no time to hesitate. He pushed forward, leaping up into the air again and bringing down Nameless with a downward strike. The ground beneath him split into a pentacle. The impact sent a tremor through Sephiroth’s arms, but he didn’t relent.
Bahamut recoiled while Sephiroth concentrated. A large fireball hovered over his hand, which he immediately threw at the dragon’s large silvery leathery wings.
As Bianca still soared through the air, her tendrils quivered and writhed around her. The darkness emanating from her wings intensified, casting blackness over the entire stimulation. With a fierce cry, she dove before the dragon’s belly and jabbed at it with the tendrils. They lashed at Bahamut’s underside.
The dragon roared in fury. It swatted at Bianca with its colossal claws, but she weaved and bobbed out of reach, siphoning blood from the creature through her appendages. As she danced through the air, Sephiroth struck from the ground. A rapid sequence of eight quick thrusts and slashes severed the joints of Bahamut’s massive limbs. His blade moved like a flash of silver.
With a surge of dark energy, Bianca unleashed her fury. Her movements became a blur as Noctemaris carved through the air and Bahamut. Each stroke left behind a trail of shadow, sapping the dragon’s will and strength.
Bahamut’s once-mighty form wavered. With a last thrust from Nameless, the giant beast collapsed. Its form and energy dissipating into the air.
Silence fell across the stimulation as Sephiroth reached into his coat and retrieved his flip phone. With the press of the downward arrow, he scrolled through the options and hit ‘Mission Successful’. The screen flashed in confirmation. Before the stimulation collapsed around them, he took one look at Bianca and ensured she was unharmed. Tiny cuts and bruises lined her arms, but nothing severe.
After they removed their V.R. headsets, they were met by the calculating gaze of the Head of Research and Development.
“You both need to be faster. Train harder or you’ll never unlock your full potentials.” The mad scientist, a Shinra board member by the name of Professor Hojo, held the clipboard in his hand. He was shorter than the teenage boy, but he still held power over Sephiroth.
In his other hand, Hojo held a pen and scribbled down notes on the sheet of paper clipped to the board. “Especially you, Bianca. You have barely tapped into your potential abilities."
Sephiroth’s brilliant cyan gaze flicked towards Bianca. Her indigo eyes widened, blowing out her feline-like pupils. The string looping around their separate wrists pulsated an angry red, allowing the anxiety and fear running through the strings to settle deep within his own stomach. It amplified the fear, sending it back to the small girl.
“This separation will make both of you stronger,” Hojo said, as he gripped onto Bianca’s right bicep. His spindly fingers bit into her soft knitted turtleneck.
Although he didn’t show it, his heart galloped as he watched Hojo lead Bianca away. He had to shelter her from Hojo, and he would. Thump. Thump. Thump.
tagging some fellow mutuals: @themaradwrites @littleshopofchaos @serenofroses @megandaisy9 @watermeezer
@nightingaleflow @seastarblue @prehistoric-creatures @creativechaosqueen
#sephirothweek#seph-week2024#seph-week: fwc#seph-week: fwc: ff#oc: bianca moore - ff#character: sephiroth#sephiroth#character: professor hojo#final fantasy vii fan fiction#ff vii fan fiction#bardic-tales#bardic tales#fic: memories from the lifestream#seph-week: day 2: youth#au: canon divergence#au: redemption#flash fiction: fwc: ff
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NAMES︰ alaska. alba. alban. alina. amara. andri. aneira. angel. angelina. angelo. apricity. aquila. aquilo. arctic. aspen. aster. aurelian. aurora. ayden. balthasar. bane. beir. beira. beiron. bell. belle. bianca. blanc. blanca. blanch. blanche. blanchesse. blanchette. blaze. blizzard. blizzardette. blu. blue. borea. boreal. boreas. boris. brea. bree. bylur. carol. caspar. caspian. cedar. chandler. chione. chióni. chris. christina. christmas. clara. claudia. cloud. cloude. coco. cocoa. colden. cole. cozy. crimson. crystal. december. dew. dewdrop. dewey. dewy. diamond. douglas. edur. eira. eirlys. eirwan. eirwen. elitsa. ella. elowen. elsa. ember. emmanuel. emmanuelle. eryi. estelle. euria. everest. everett. everette. evergreen. fannar. faye. fionn. fir. fjolla. flake. frediano. freeze. fritz. fros. frost. frostette. frostine. frosty. fuyu. fuyuko. gale. garland. ginger. glace. glacia. gloria. gwen. gwyneira. hail. hala. hazel. hika. holly. icario. ice. icee. icelyn. icicle. icidia. icie. iclyn. icy. iris. isarr. isbert. ivor. ivy. jack. jaki. january. janus. jasper. jolly. joseph. josephine. joy. juniper. kalt. kari. khione. kirsi. kit. ledi. ledia. loden. lucas. lucien. lucina. lumi. mafuyu. mafuyuko. mary. melchior. merry. mira. miyuki. natalia. natalie. natasha. nevada. neve. nicholas. nick. nieves. nix. noel. noella. noelle. north. november. oak. oakley. olwen. orin. pepper. peppermint. perla. permafrost. pine. poinsettia. polar. polaris. quinlan. rain. raina. raine. rainer. reign. reyner. robin. rory. rudolf. rudolph. rudy. sally. scarlett. scrooge. silvia. sioc. snow. snowdrop. snowe. snowesse. snowette. snowine. snowstorm. snowy. solstice. soren. spruce. star. stella. stellan. storm. stormy. taiga. talia. theron. tundra. vail. vega. viola. vixen. warrin. weiss. whittaker. whyte. willow. winny. winter. wren. wynn. wynter. wyntr. yuki. yukio. yule. yulia. yves. yvette. zane. zanna. zarina. zephyr. zuko.
PRONOUNS︰ arc/arctic. arctic/arctic. aura/aura. bear/bear. bleak/bleak. bli/bliz. bli/blizzard. bliz/blizzard. blizz/blizzard. blizzard/blizzard. blue/blue. chi/chill. chill/chill. chilly/chilly. christ/christmas. christ/mas. clou/cloud. cloud/cloud. co/cold. coat/coat. cold/cold. cool/cool. cri/cryst. cry/cryo. cry/crystal. crys/crystal. crystal/crystal. drip/drip. drop/drop. fir/fir. fla/flake. flake/flake. flu/flurry. flur/flurry. flurry/flurrie. flurry/flurry. fre/freeze. freeze/freeze. frig/frigid. fro/frost. fros/frost. frost/bite. frost/frost. frostbite/frostbite. froze/frozen. gla/glace. glacier/glacier. globe/globe. glove/glove. gust/gust. hai/hail. hail/hail. hx/hxm. hy/hym. ice/ice. ice/icicle. icicle/icicle. it/it. ix/ix. mitten/mitten. pine/pine. plunge/plunge. polar/polar. rain/rain. rain/rainy. scarf/scarf. seal/seal. sharp/sharp. she/shiver. shiver/shiver. shx/hxr. shy/hyr. sky/sky. sle/sleet. sleet/sleet. slip/slippery. slush/slush. sno/snow. snow/flake. snow/snow. snow/snowflake. so/snow. spire/spire. sto/storm. storm/storm. storm/stormy. stormy/stormy. tha/thaw. thxy/thxm. thy/thym. tundra/tundra. water/water. wi/wint. wi/winter. win/ter. win/winter. winter/winter. zero/zero. ❄️. 🌌. 🌨. 🌨️. 🌲. 🐻❄️. 🗻. 🧊.
#pupsmail︰id packs#id pack#npt#name suggestions#name ideas#name list#pronoun suggestions#pronoun ideas#pronoun list#neopronouns#nounself#emojiself#seasonkin#winterkin#winter
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Frost and Snow ID Pack
[PT: Frost and Snow ID Pack].
[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom. End ID].
[PT: Names].
Alina, Aurelian, Aurora, Bane, Bianca, Boreas, Caspian, Crystal, Eira, Elowen, Everest, Faye, Frost, Glace, Glacia, Gwen, Hail, Hala, Icy, Icario, Ivor, Iris, Jasper, Kalt, Loden, Lucien, Lumi, Mira, Neve, Noelle, North, Orin, Perla, Polar, Quinlan, Silvia, Snowe, Soren, Storm, Talia, Theron, Tundra, Vail, Wynter, Yvette, Zephyr, Zanna, Zarina
[PT: Pronouns].
Bli / Bliz / Blizzes [Blizzard]; Chi / Chill / Chills; Cri / Cryst / Crys [Crystal]; Cry / Crys / Crystal; Fla / Flake / Flakes; Flur / Flurry / Flurries; Fro / Fros / Frosts; Frost / Bite / Frostbites; Frig / Frigid / Frigids; Glae / Glace / Glaces; Hai / Hail / Hails; I / Ice / Ices; She / Shiver / Shivers; Sli / Slip / Slipperys; Sno / Snow / Snows; Tha / Thaw / Thaws; Wi / Wint / Wints [Winter]
[PT: Titles].
The Arctic Phantom, The Blizzard’s Whisper, The Frozen Fate, The Frostbitten Monarch, The Frostweaver, The Glacial Guardian, The Icemist Warden, The Icy Embrace, The Keeper of Cold, The Silent Blizzard, The Snowbound Wanderer, The Winter’s Chill, [Pronoun] Who Brings the Frost, [Pronoun] Who Commands the Storm, [Pronoun] Who Shivers the Earth, [Pronoun] Who Walks the Tundra
[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom, end ID].
Requested by @luxdraconia!
Also tagging: @pronoun-arc @id-pack-archive
#id pack#npts#npt pack#npt#npt list#names pronouns titles#name suggestions#pronoun suggestions#title suggestions#- ✨
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Perfumes to smell like a bakery
Vanilla 28 by kaylali
Mod vanilla - Ariana Grande
Black opium le Parfum - YSL
Signature - Montblanc
Cheirosa 62 - sol de janeiro
Dama Bianca - Xerjoff
La Belle le Parfum
Fresh cream warm cashmere
Vanilla milk
Vanille - outremer Paris
Chocolate greedy by montale
Choco musk by al herab
Eilish by Billie Eilish
Hot cocoa - Bath and body works
Prada candy night
Yes i am delicious - cacharel
Egeo choc - o Boticário
Nebras by lattafa
Cinnamon bun by Demeter fragrance
Angela’s share
Lost wonderer by peosym
Oajam- Parfums de Marly
Ambré eccentrico by Armani privé
Amouage Crimson Rocks
Forbidden games - killian
Brown sugar
Floriental Brown Sugar
Vanilla 28 by Kayali (again)
Crystal noir - Versace
Alien goddess intense - Mugler
Utopia Vanilla coco 21 - Kayali
intense cafe by montale
Ristretto intense cafe by montale
Black opium - YSL
Amore café by mancera
Pound cake
Burberry her
Frosted cream - Zara
Burberry her elixir
Strawberry poundcake by bath and body works (also heard it smells like white chocolate)
Kate spade by Kate spade
Mukhallat- Montale
American cream by lush


115 notes
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winter id pack
names - alaska, amara, aspen, bianca, coco, crystal, eira, everest, everette, evergreen, frost, icee, jack, nicholas, noelle, north, robin, viola, winter, wren, wynter, yule
pronouns - blizz/blizzard, chill/chills, cry/cryo, flake/flakes, flur/flurry, freeze/freezes, fros/frost, froze/frozen, ice/icicles, shiver/shivers, snow/snow, win/winter
titles - prn who brings snow, prn who is frozen, prn who makes snow angels, prn with a frosted heart, prn with a heart of ice, the (royal title) of snow/ice, the bringer of winter/snow/ice, the frozen one
lables - icelexic, snowborn, snowgender,
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winter rain and snow — id pack
this id pack is centered around winter, rain, and snow. if they are not directly related to winter, rain, or snow, they feel or look similar to that which would be, such as dew being related to the remnants of rain and being related to rain by proxy or blanche being related to the color white as opposed to snow.
note : the bold italic crossed out names are considered to be from closed cultures (especially Japanese in this case because it has the most winter-related names i already know).
[or alternatively, the closed names listed below include mafuyu, hika, yuki, yukio, fuyu, and fuyuko]
system names — the winter raindrops , winter snowfall collective , snowy rain system , winterstorm collective , mafuyu collective
*of course any of these could have sys, coll, plurality, multiple or any other title added or an existing one dropped duh :3
names — raine , rain , dew , dewey , dewy , dewdrop , cloud , cloude , euria , rainer , raina , reyner , claudia , snow , snowy , ice , aspen , january , frost , noel , noelle , blanc , blanch , blanche , blanca , bianca , lumi , alba , alban , aquilo , boreas , aquila , borea , bree , brea , eira , yule , yulia , hika , isarr , ledi , ledia , winter , wyntr , wynter , viola , yuki , yukio , fuyu , fuyuko , kirsi , beira , beir , beiron , storm , stormy , mafuyu , mafuyuko
pronouns — snow/snows , rain/rains , shiver/shivers , clou/cloud , cloud/clouds , rain/rainy , drop/drops , water/waters , cold/colds , winter/winters , win/ter , sky/skys , sky/skies , drip/drips , storm/storms , storm/stormy , stormy/stormys
genders — frostbleu , rainexploric , angelirainic , mistrainix , frostmasc / frostfem , snowmoonlic , snowgender , rainic ,
titles — [name] of the winter rain , [prn] who is of snow , [prn] who slumbers in snow , [prn] the midwinter's [son/daughter/child] , [name] of midwinter's rain
dividers by cafekitsune
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Here is my personal list of young characters who, from my perspective, suffer from parentification or play parental roles, whether for their siblings or even their own parents. Some cases are more obvious than others, and in some cases it is necessary to analyze their history and context to fully understand their situation. There is no specific order, I just list them as they come to mind. Maybe at some point I'll go into more detail about why I selected each one, but for now, this is simply a list. Some may even be half Headcanon, so don't despair:
Fiona Gallagher (Shameless)
Lip Gallagher (Shameless)
Katara (Avatar)
Bianca Di Angelo (Percy Jackson - Rick Riordan)
Hylla Ramírez-Arellano (Los Héroes del Olimpo - Rick Riordan)
Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins)
Beth March (Little Woman - Louisa May Alcott)
Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Thalia Grace (Percy Jackson - Rick Riodan)
Tyler Galpin (Wednesday - Netflix)
Luke Catellan (Percy Jackson - Rick Riordan - pero al principio, antes de llegar al campamento)
Lord Anthony Bridgerton (The Bridgerton - Julia Quinn)
Sirius Black (Los Merodeadores - Fanon)
Lord Ned Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin)
Dick Grayson (Batman - DC)
Elsa (Frozen - Disney)
Tadashi Hamada (Big Heroe 6 - Disney)
Nani (Lilo & Stitch - Disney)
Brandon Foster (The Fosters)
Tory Nichols (Cobra Kai)
Ruby Matthews (Sex Education)
Maeve Wiley (Sex Education)
Matilda Wormwood (Matilda)
Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)
At this moment I can't think of more, I will continue adding as I think of more characters.
#shameless#fiona gallagher#lip gallagher#avatar the last airbender#katara#riordanverse#bianca di angelo#luke castellan#hylla ramirez arellano#thalia grace#the hunger games#katniss everdeen#little women#beth march#teen wolf#stiles stilinski#supernatural#dean winchester#the marauders fanon#Sirius Black#a song of ice and fire#ned stark#batman#dick grayson#frozen#elsa#big hero 6#tadashi hamada#lilo and stitch#nani lilo and stitch
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all my kandi bracelets so far! (not all of them were made by me, most are made by friends so far <3)




Ones I made: Elias Gallagher bracelet, Uzi bracelet, Unpleasant gradient "ffs" bracelet, Aphrodite bracelet, "dick" bracelet, "fuck off" bracelet
One my friend @misslillyflowers made: Tate Frost bracelet
Ones my friend Vic made me: Infected bracelet, genderfluid flag bracelet
Ones my friend Bianca made me: pronouns bracelets
Ones a middle school friend made me: purple nature bracelet
#regretavator roblox#regretavator infected#elias gallagher#the groom of gallagher mansion#tate frost#frostbite#uzi doorman#murder drones uzi#greek gods#greek mythology#hellenic pagan#hellenism#kandi#kandi bracelet#scene kandi
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