#bepo told him it was a great idea
buggyandthebartoclub · 11 months
YES LMAO Luffy's like a big dog who gets really excited and runs and Law is not expecting so he just gets ripped off his feet
I used to have a big pit mix (he passed away in July 😭💕) but yes omg same energy same energy
He gets out the harness and Law is immediately more concerned w the surroundings than anything NO DONT GO OBER THERE THERES CARS LUFFY NO
Don’t worry law it’s only you who gets hurt in this process and yes he will be grumbly about it for the next two weeks
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simpleeindulge · 9 months
It's A Work in Progress.
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Context: This takes place after a few months of Law setting sail for the first time with Shachi, Bepo, and Penguin. They are a new pirate crew finding their way to the Grand Line. Desperate for funds, Law’s crew resort to kidnapping.
Info: fem/readerxLaw, kidnapping, 1st time meeting, slow-burn romance, multiple parts, cursing, mild threats of violence.
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Chapter 1. The Kidnapping
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Law paced his office as he waited for his crew to get back. Those fools! What are they thinking? Law fumed as he thought of the dressing down he would give to Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo.
The ship needed repairs from their recent escape from the Marines. Bepo had safely navigated the crew to an island where Shachi and Penguin could repair the ship.
The problem was that the parts needed to repair the ship took much of their savings and left the crew scheming for ways to make money fast. Someone mentioned kidnapping as a joke, which Law did not find amusing.
He thought he had made it clear that kidnapping and ransoming was a stupid way to get funds and the perfect way to get caught.
I am going to kill them after I torture them!
Law thought violently in his head as he paced his office. He couldn't leave the ship because he didn't fully trust the two newest members of his crew just yet. They had only been sailing with him for a month and a half.
The only thing the trio thought about was not to stage a kidnapping till they had successfully made most of the repairs on the ship and were in a different location. Still, it wouldn't be enough to keep their heads from rolling!
"Five more minutes." He muttered to himself. Law would give the trio five more minutes, and if they weren't back yet...
"Captain! Hey, Captain!"
Law took a deep breath as he heard both Penguin and Shachi's voices calling for him in unison. He didn't bother replying as he sat on his desk with his arms crossed. The pair entered the room with wide grins on their faces. They were so wrapped up in their success that they didn't notice the glare on Law's face.
"We did it! We actually pulled it off, and it was easier than we thought it would be!" Shachi said with pride.
"Yeah! I thought kidnapping a nobleman's daughter would be hard, but kidnapping a princess-"
Law didn't need to yell or raise his voice. As much as he despised Don Flamingo, he had learned habits from him that he found useful. One of them being tone of voice. Law didn't need to yell or raise his voice because that "what" was enough to show his displeasure.
Shachi and Penguin froze instantly and then noticed the glare Law was giving them. Law stared at them as they sweated and rethought their "great idea".
"Please tell me that you two did not just kidnap a princess just three days after we managed to escape the Marines and made repairs to the ship."
Shachi and Penguin both paled as they stayed quiet. Law sighed and thought quickly about how to make the situation work. If they already have the spoiled brat, then maybe they could try demanding money, or they could just dump her somewhere for her father to retrieve her.
"Where is she?" Law asked as he dropped the glare.
Shachi and Penguin instantly unfroze and realize that Bepo had not yet entered the room. Penguin ran to poke his head out the door and waved from Bepo to come in. Law sighed and rubbed his forehead. Obviously, they had planned to make a show of kidnapping a princess.
Penguin moved aside as Bepo hurried in with a woman kicking and making muffled screaming. If there was another reason why Law disliked kidnappings it would be the noise and dramatics of the victims. He watched patiently as Bepo set the woman on her feet and turned her to face him.
She was certainly dressed like a noblewoman, but something in her eyes and demeanor told him that he wasn't dealing with royalty. Okay, I might be able to work with this, Law thought to himself.
“Look, we're both not in an ideal situation here so I am giving you a chance to behave and cooperate with me. If you do, you might see your family again.”
The woman glared at him and internally Law rolled his eyes.
“Our polar bear will ungag you so you can answer my questions. If you scream, I will have you held underwater till you pass out. Don't test me on this.” Law’s eyes hardened as he said his threat.
Penguin and Shachi looked at each other uncomfortably but didn't say a word. The woman held her glare but seemed to understand the threat given to her. Law nodded to Bepo and the woman didn't scream (to Law’s relief) but she did express herself in a colorful way.
“You mother fuckers messed with the wrong noble family.” She said in a calm and eloquent voice.
Law’s skepticism seems to be correct. Most definitely not a princess.
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Chapter 2
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analogwriting · 7 months
Chapter 5: Cuore
Donquixote Rosinante x gn!reader word count: 3.2k a/n: mio tesorino = my little treasure, ciao papi = hello, dad. again, i just used google translate for these lmfao it's supposed to be italian cause i said fuck it let's just go whole hog on this mafia idea.
On your way to the cafeteria, you ended up being called away on another business ordeal. You knew you couldn’t just leave Rosinante to fend for himself, not when you told him you’d be back. You spotted Shachi at the corner of your eye. Perfect!
“Shachi!” He jumped, looking over at you with wide eyes. He scittered over to you. “Y-Yes?” 
Your eyebrows furrowed together as you watched his behavior. “Shachi, you’re not in trouble.” All of the tension left his body and he visibly deflated. 
“Oh, thank heavens.” 
You narrowed your eyes, folding your arms across your chest. “Why? Should you be in trouble?”
His eyes widened once more and he shook his head quickly. “N-No, doctor, I- uh-”
“I’m joking. I just need you to go and grab Rosinante some food from the cafeteria. He’s in my office. He lost a lot of blood during his fall earlier, so see to it that he’s good to go, alright?” You smiled at him with a nod.
“What happened?”
“You can ask him. I have to go. Thanks!” You smiled at him again and took off towards your next task.
The next day you were in your office with Marco, planning out how the day was going to go for the newbies. There were certain areas you wanted them to work on, so you had to specifically plan out their schedules. You were going to do the planning yesterday, but you had a bit of a setback with a certain clumsy man. Threw your entire afternoon out of whack.
“I think Law could practice bedside manners a little more. Sometimes he’s a little too blunt.” You pinched the bridge of your nose. It wasn’t his lack of trying, he just wasn’t one to sugarcoat things. Which could be a good thing, but sometimes people didn’t take to it well. 
Marco nodded, chuckling. “I’ll have him stick with me. I’ll watch over him today. We’ll get him to interact a little more with people. He’s going to absolutely hate it though.” He snorted. “He’s gonna think you’re holding something against him.” 
You frowned. “Well, that’s not the case,” you mumbled, folding your arms, but shaking your head. “No matter, it’s something he needs to work on. He’ll be fine.” You moved on, looking at your list.
“And Bepo could…use the opposite.” You let out a long sigh. “He’s doing great with the kids, but he needs to put his foot down just a little bit more. They are definitely using his niceness to their advantage.” 
“What if we put Law with the kids and had Bepo work with all the grumpy patients?”
You looked at him with wide eyes. “I think that might put them both into a culture shock that I don’t want to deal with.” The both of you burst into laughter as the images popped into your mind. “But it wouldn’t hurt to try it out.” 
“True. Maybe for, like, an hour.”
Before you could get any further, you were called to the front desk. You sighed, grumbling. “I swear if it’s another stupid thing I’m going to absolutely lose my marbles,” you said, setting your clipboard down. Marco stood up from his perched spot on your desk. A position he took so often that there was a slight indent on your desk from him. You’ve had the same desk for years, so it’s had plenty of time to warp.
“Well, I’ll get everyone started on their new positions, you go check out whatever is going on up front.”
You nodded, smiling at Marco. “Thanks, you’re the best.”
“I know. What would you do without me?”
“Die, probably.”
“More than likely.”
As you headed towards the front desk, you saw a very amused looking Law standing at the end of the hallway. He saw you, nodding in greeting before dipping out. What was that all about? What was he doing out here? Wasn’t he supposed to be-
“Y/n!” As you turned the corner, your thought process was cut off as someone said your name. Your eyes landed on the tall man that just keeps coming into your life. You opened your mouth to say his name when you remembered that Law always called him ‘Corazon’ not Rosinante. So, technically, you wouldn’t know that name. You’ve never officially treated him, after all.
“Corazon.” It was weird on your tongue, but you rolled with it. You saw his cheeks turn a little pink. “You know my name?” he asked.
“I work with your son. Of course I know your name.” 
You folded your arms, studying him for a moment. You tilted your head to the side as you took the man in. He seemed nervous and his hands were behind his back, which automatically put you on edge because of past experiences, but at the same time you felt he wouldn’t do something like that. He squirmed under your gaze.
“What’s going on? Are you the one who called for me? You look nervous.” You raised your eyebrows. “How are you feeling?” You walked over to him, examining him closer. You took his arm gently looking at the stitching before looking up and taking his head in your hands gently to pull him close so you could examine the small cut on his face to see how it was healing.
“I-I’m fine!” He pulled away as he squeaked, stepping back a little.
You blinked in surprise, looking at him. “Then what…?”
“I-I wanted to formally apologize for yesterday. And also thank you for being so nice. And Law mentioned you really liked coffee so…”
He held out a bag of your favorite brand and something clicked in the back of your brain. Law wouldn’t have known your favorite brand. Motherfucking Marco. They had to be working together. What the hell was going on? No, no. Don’t get ahead of yourself. Just a simple gesture of thanks. That’s all. Corazon probably asked Law who asked Marco. You’ll let it slide this time.
“Take this as my token of gratitude. I-If you want,” he said, mumbling the last part. As he spoke, his face grew more and more red. The receptionists were watching you like they were watching a live soap opera. They were hanging on to every action and word with bated breath.
Your own eyes were wide though as the gears turned in your head. You felt your face slowly start heating up as your own brain began to short circuit. 
“Uh, y/n?”
“I think you broke them.” One receptionist chimed.
“Yeah, they’re not too good with tokens of gratitude or compliments. Humble as they come, that one. Give them a minute to restart.”
Corazon looked at them, nodding before looking back to you as concern spread across his face.
Just like that - you were back online.
“Oh, thank you.” You resumed as if you hadn’t just stood there rebooting for the last minute and a half. Corazon seemed to jump a little as you just…came back to life suddenly. “You really didn’t have to do it and I can’t really-”
“I will give it to you off the clock if I have to. Say it’s a present from one friend to another. Then it doesn’t have to be a weird ethic thing.” 
You looked at him as he seemed to read your mind. Your eyes narrowed slightly. Usually it was Marco the one doing that; and that made sense. It was weird when it was someone else. Someone you’d only met a few times. 
“Doctor, you better take it!” You looked over at the receptionists with a droll expression before sighing. “Okay, okay.”
You looked at Corazon, taking the bag of coffee and smiling at him. You bowed your head slightly. “Thanks.”
“No, no. I’m the one thanking you, remember?”
You snorted, shaking your head. “Yeah, yeah.” You rolled your eyes with a small smile and a wave of dismissal. You let out a silent sigh, feeling your brain going back to normal.
A chime came from your watch and you groaned. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’d love to stay and chat, but I have a stupid meeting.” You looked at Corazon and smiled at him. “Thanks again and I’m sure I’ll see you around. Fate and all,” you teased. You winked at him and turned on your heel, speeding off.
Corazon just watched as you left, his face turning a bright red. 
“Oooh, boy. You are smitten.” The receptionist chimed with a large smile. 
“And I think the sentiments returned. I think that’s the longest they’ve ever taken to reboot.” The other mused. The two burst into laughter.
Corazon quickly turned and hightailed it out of there, working very hard not to break anything on his way out; all while his face was on fire…figuratively.
About a week went by where you didn’t see Corazon, not that he had a reason to come to the hospital and you weren’t exactly going out. You were working more as it was beginning to grow cold outside, so cold and flu season was upon you. The hospital was busier and you had to step in to help ease the load of your doctors and nurses. You weren’t the type of boss who just watched your people struggle, you always lent a helping hand, wanting to make things easier for your employees.
However, you were surprised to see him in the front area talking to Law. He happened to see you, face brightening as he waved at you. Law glanced over his shoulder at you - a glint of something in his eye. He was definitely up to something. 
“Y/n!” You offered a small wave. “Corazon. What are you doing here?”
“Well, Law texted me saying that he had forgotten something, so I came to bring it to him!”
You looked at Law, eyes narrowing slightly. He looked at you with an innocent expression. “Well, that’s unlike you. I hope you’re not catching a cold,” you said to him, looking him dead in the eye - almost challenging him. He looked at you right back, accepting whatever challenge you had in store for him.
This shithead. He was like a mini-Marco in the making.
“I’m feeling just fine, doctor. A simple mix up is all.”
“Mhm.” You looked at him for a moment longer before turning to Corazon. “Well, it’s nice seeing you. Keep an eye on Law at home. Just to make sure the poor thing isn’t sick.” You looked back at the younger man. “And I’ll keep an eye on him here.”
Corazon was completely oblivious to whatever silent war you and Law were currently having. “Oh, okay. I suppose it is that time of year. And he does have a habit of overworking himself. I’ll make sure he’s getting plenty of rest.”
You looked at Corazon once more, smiling and nodding. “You’re a good father, I’m sure you’ll look out for him.” The words escaped from your mouth before you could stop them, a softness to your voice that you didn’t have often.
You froze for a moment, watching as Corazon turned a bright read and your own mind short circuiting. A large shit eating grin spread across Law’s face as if he had won the lottery. 
“I have to go. Stay safe.” You turned on your heel, hightailing it out of there. Fuck. 
After that embarrassing blunder, you noticed Corazon at the hospital a couple times a week. Law always seemed to be ‘forgetting’ something or the man was bringing him lunch of some kind, as per Law’s request. Or he was bringing something for one of the other three boys. And Marco seemed to always happen to bring you in that way when he showed up too. They were all working together. Hell, you wouldn’t be surprised if the receptionists were in on it.
They were all as little matchmakers and you were going to fight all of them if you weren’t so damn busy. Everything was honestly getting to you. Between the stress of long hours, you pushing yourself, these stupid, pointless meetings that wasted your time. Honestly, Corazon’s little visits did give you some reprieve, it was like a breath of fresh air. He was a breath of fresh air. Fuck.
You ended up snapping in one of your board meetings with the other doctors from other hospitals. They were talking about something trivial, boasting like usual and you just…snapped.
“For the love of god, is there anything fucking important for today’s meeting? Unlike the rest of you, I have a hospital to run. I don’t fucking have time to fluff your egos.” 
You glared into your camera with a twitch in your eye as everyone entered a stunned silence. “I’m so fucking tired of these meetings. I’m not going to attend anymore. If you have something important for me, fucking email it.” Then you slammed your laptop shut, letting out a loud, exasperated sigh.
“I was honestly wondering when you’d do that.”
You looked up, seeing Marco leaning against the doorframe with two cups of coffee. “I suppose it was a long time coming,” you mumbled with a sigh, taking the mug as it was offered. 
“You put up with it longer than I would have. They’re also probably going to call me later and ask me what’s got your underwear in a bunch and if I can talk you down.” Marco laughed, shaking his head. They had done it a few times. You had been curt with them before, cold. Every time, they called Marco to ‘get you in line’ basically. Every time the both of you just laughed about it. It was stupid. They were stupid.
“I suppose that freed up a lot of time though. That’s…a lot of meetings less a week.” They had all just been calling for the most stupid shit and most of it on the fly. “I swear, none of them actually work.”
“And that’s why their hospitals aren’t the top,” your best friend mused, making you snort. He wasn’t wrong.
You stood up with a stretch and a sigh. “Alright. What’s on the agenda now, then?” you mumbled, taking a swig of your drink. Marco shook his head. “You need a moment to cool down so we’re going to go and do a lap.”
You just stared at him. “Marco. It’s literally cold and flu season, we don’t have ti-”
“We have time. I have it covered. Everyone knows you need a break. Let’s go.” He began to usher you out of your office. “But we have-”
“No. We’re taking a lap and then you can worry, okay?”
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. He was right. You couldn’t operate like this; well, you could, but you shouldn’t. You wouldn’t let anyone else do this. Marco is doing what you would do. He always looked after you like that, just as you did with him. Though, he was better at taking it easy than you were. You were always stretching yourself thin for the sake of making sure no one else did it.
Finally, you gave in, walking by his side and listening to him prattle on about whatever was going on in the hospital currently. You knew of what was happening on the medical side, but you were never up to date on gossip like he was. He was a social butterfly that knew everything that was going on in that realm of things. He always kept you up to date. You personally didn’t care what your employees did or who they associated with and how as long as they did their jobs. And they all did, so you saw no issues.
“Y/n!” You looked up, coming back to the real world as you heard a voice say your name, and it wasn’t Marco. A wave of calm washed over you just like every other time you’ve been seeing him lately.
It was only then that you realized you were in the front area. Marco had led you right to Corazon. You gave him a look, making him put up his hands in surrender before looking at the giant man before you. “Corazon.” You offered a tired smile.
“Are you okay? You look exhausted.” The man frowned, looking at you. “You need to be taking care of yourself too, you know. Weren’t you just telling me to make sure Law didn’t overwork himself?” You looked up at him, feeling your cheeks heat up.
You were used to Marco’s fretting but when it was someone else it always made you flustered. Were you that obvious to read? “Just a shitty meeting is all,” you mumbled, which wasn’t exactly wrong.
“Oh.” He frowned, seemingly not believing you. Which he also wouldn’t be wrong.
“Why are you here?” you asked. “Did Law forget something again? Should we get his head checked?”
“I’m…actually here for you this time.”
You blinked, looking at him as your brain was not computing. “Me?” You tilted your head to the side. “Is it about Law? I mean, you shouldn’t worry. He’s doing just great an-”
“Not that.”
You stopped, looking at him incredulously. If not for Law, then for what? Was he also interested in working here since he was always here? “Is it about one of the other boys then? They’re doing just fine too. T-”
“Also no.”
“Then wh-”
“Well, let me talk and I might be able to tell you.” He chuckled in a way that made your chest hurt and your face went hot.
“O-Okay,” you squeaked out, your brain coming to a full stop as you had no idea what was going on. You were about to go into full reboot again.
“Well, I wanted to ask you-”
“Mio tesorino!” Your eyes went wide as a new voice rang through the front area. A voice you knew well. Not one you hated, but one you didn’t want to hear right now at this moment considering who was standing in front of you.
Corazon saw your face. “Y/n? Are you okay? Who-” He turned around, seeing the owner of the voice. You felt the man stiffen next to you. His entire demeanor changed in an instant. It resembled the one that he had on the night that you met him. He stepped in front of you, almost as if defending you. It made sense given the circumstance. Of course Corazon would recognize the man before him. He was well known both above and below. 
“My, who do we have here?” the voice almost taunted. For fuck’s sake, he was enjoying this far too much. What the hell was he doing here unannounced? He never did this! You told him not to do this. You needed to stop this before he got out of hand.
You felt Corazon step forward but you grabbed his shirt, pulling him back and walking around him. You felt his eyes on you. 
Your eyes fell to the man who was currently walking in with two other men next to him. They were all wearing wild print button ups with slacks and loafers. You sighed, knowing this was going to kick you in the ass later. “Ciao, papi.”
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zios-plotbun-farm · 3 months
One Piece Fanfic Crossover Idea [includes LawLu]
Alright. So recently after having binge-reading a lot of Lawlu fanfic, and falling back into the rabbit hole that is One Piece. I have managed to brew up a really silly lawlu storyline that honestly is more law-centric than anything. Although it has a lot of romance elements, probably more than it should. But uh, it's not entirely focused on Lawlu? That’s what I get for thinking throwing in my past 3 OTPs from my previous fandoms and 1 very old one would be a great idea. =w=;;
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And if that got your attention then buckle up this is gonna get slightly cracky and very long. Not much plot but plenty of detail lol
So the story starts with the Blackbeard battle on Whipper Island which still goes the same as canon. The only difference is that somehow Bepo, Shachi, Penguin and Ikkaku were the only ones in the crew to have survived the attacks. All of them escape with Law as in canon and regroup at a further away barren island or something. Not very detailed here.
Anyway, let’s just say a passing benevolent godly entity who favors Law (me lol) sees his situation, and decides to meddle as a way to help him out. They send Law a vision as a way to explain what will happen and why some random people will be suddenly appearing in front of them. That explanation being that they are sending possible new crewmates that will definitely be strong enough to survive the New World and help Law on his new quest for revenge against Blackbeard. Obviously Law protests against this at first but is unable to refuse since all these people were already being transported from outside their universe's domain  and can’t be returned because of their own universal rules. The Entity was just kind enough to nudge them on the path to the One Piece universe. When instead they could have continued hurling into the void between universes.
So after his forced agreement, various types of portals opened up, dropping off a whole bunch of confused people. A few of which were injured. A list also happened to appear that conveniently had information on them with their previous occupations and abilities. After everyone was done panicking, being suspicious, and first aid was administered. Law explained what the Lady Entity told him about their situations. He then asked them how they all got transported outside their universes. Here follows their situations:
[Naruto] SasuNaru
Naruto and Sasuke were sealing Kaguya away when she was able to get one last shot in that was a dimensional portal that had sucked in the two ninja while they were exhausted. They weren’t able to dodge it and Sakura was barely saved from being sucked in like they were since she was less exhausted and farther away from the portal.
[SVSSS] Moshang
LGJ got the drop on MBJ during the accession ceremony and SQH was able to distract him enough to get to MBJ. He used his return to home function while gripping MBJ as a last attempt to escape LQJ since MBJ was heavily injured. When Law arrived, Strange and Naruto were able to heal him enough not to die. Also during their explanation SQH realizes that he isn't bound by the system any more and has essentially been freed. Which means he can reveal his past life secrets if he wants too.
[MDZS] Wangxian
Their group had been ambushed by masked men during a very suspicious night hunt. They were caught in an array that had Wei Wuxian try to use a prototype transportation talisman to help escape or counteract it. Instead it made it into a very unstable dimensional travel array. The array that was used had something to do with time. [Include Wen Ning & Lan Sizhui]
[MCU] StrangeIron
All three were thrown out of their universe by the infinity stones themselves because the space/soul/time stones convinced the others to let them leave since they really liked Strange/Tony/Peter and didn’t want them to die. Initially only Tony was gonna use the stones but Peter joined in to help him and Stephen joined in to try to keep either of them from dying from power overload. So now they are banned from returning to their universe since they are supposed to be dead. That's the price for saving their universe. Also in this universe Tony had used a very low dose version of extremis to survive chest surgery after Siberia which is why he was able to survive the snap with the help of the other 2. This has Tony looking like late thirties.
After hearing their various situations, with all of them sounding very outlandish to the Heart Pirates, Law is both amazed and dreading having them all as possibly future crew members. But still Law throws out the offer of them joining his pirate crew and explains why it's a good idea. While explaining he also informs them about what this universe is like. Which includes devil fruits, the marines, the world government, the pirate era and the most famous pirates currently.
This in turn leads to Law’s bounty and infamy which also reveals Law’s newest quest for revenge against Blackbeard for killing most of his crew and destroying the Polar Tang. Sasuke, Wei Wuxian, and Mobei jun can relate to wanting revenge. Collectively they agree to join Law since the Heart pirates were the only ones that knew about their otherworldly situations and abilities. Plus none of them had any interest in being recruited or kidnapped by the Marines for their powers. Also not one of them would have been able to live normally without attracting some sort of attention, besides maybe SQH on his own.
After this Law goes over the list that Entity gave him. Which also included the tip of rejoining the StrawHats as an Ally again. Since they are eventually going to have a run-in with Blackbeard. Plus they needed time for his new crew to figure out how they fared against the fighters here. As well as get over the culture shock they're gonna have being in a new world. And possibly learn how to sail a normal boat and not a submarine. At least until they buy or steal a new one.
Crew Positions/Roles? Bepo = Navigator/First Mate Shachi =Doc assistant/Swordsman? Ikkaku = SubMechanic/Sniper Penguin =Doc assistant/Cook/Staff user? Naruto = Helmsman?/Scout/Fighters Sasuke = Lookout/Scout/Fighters MBJ = Fighter/Assassin/General SQH = Treasurer/Quartermaster/Spy Tony = Mechanic/Inventor/Fighters Stephen = Doctor/Sorcerer/Fighters Peter = Mechanic/Cabin boy/Fighters WWX = Fighter/Inventor/Musician LWJ =Cook/Fighter/Musician LSH =Fighter/Cabin boy/Musician WN =Fighter/Watchman/Pharmacist?
Extra Story Elements
Inventor group= Tony, Peter, WWX, Ikkaku Doc group= Law, Stephen, WN Inhuman= MBJ, WN, Bepo, honorary members Naruto & Peter Swordsmen= Law, LWJ, WWX, LSH, Sasuke, Shachi Lit Club= WWX & SQH, Shachi, Pen + editor Naruto Avoid Docs group= Tony, Peter, Naruto, WWX Kids Club= Peter, LSH, Naruto, Sasuke Sanity Group= LWJ, SQH, Law, Bepo Cooks= LWJ, Penguin, Naruto
Luffy becomes super jealous of Law for having 2 ninjas on his crew and tries to convince one of them to join his crew. Naruto doesn’t want to separate from Sasuke, and Sasuke would rather die than join a crew with 2 Narutos.
Franky & Ussop are amazed by the stuff that Tony and Peter make considering they do not use cola and are untraceable to the Marines. Tony was horrified by the fact that Cola could be used essentially like oil and that their phones were living organisms. Created various devices by hand and maybe recreated the Arc reactor to power their new Boat/Sub?
New Boat/Sub was made by a combination of Tony, Peter, Ikakku, Franky & Naruto who used his clones as workers.
Stephen gets his hands fixed with the help of Law and Naruto. Law with taking the pins out and attaching the nerves. And Naruto helped to regrow them and heal them. [hand wavy medicine]
On the boat when people are having relationship problems they go to wangxian since they were the only ones in a relationship and technically married with a son. MBJ is the first one to ask LWJ about how to court a cultivator since they are both introverted.
People confuse Tony & Steph as a couple because they parent Peter and think he is their son. This is before they actually get together.  
Peter, LSH, Naruto, and Sasuke are seen as the Kid group. Although Law does treat them as adults when needed. Everyone tends to be protective of them. MBJ & Law are Sasuke’s favorite crewmates because they are all cat-like.
Have a whole thing about trying to revive WN back to life since his body is in a state of stasis and his soul is bound to his body by force. Get his body to work again like Frankenstein. Group project between WWX, Law, Stephen, and MBJ. Possible outcome that WN turns into a Demon since he is saturated in Resentful energy.
SQH and Peter are the only ones to have an idea about the One Piece and Naruto worlds. SQH had his OTPs SasuNaru and LawLu while Peter had his favorite characters aka Sas, Naru, Law and Lu. Decide together to try and help the couples along with SQH taking LawLu and Peter getting SasuNaru. Peter has no clue how to, so just suggests ways to hang out.
Law while an introvert and masking as a Stern stoic badass. Is very much a secret chaotic dumbass when provoked by Luffy and others. Also he can’t seem to seriously fight Luffy without a good reason otherwise it turns into a slapstick fight lol. Is willing to wear stupid clothes/costumes although some might be in his eccentric style.
Shachi is a swordsman but only because Law needed someone to train and spar against while growing up and traveling through the North sea before they took on the grandline. He's a lot more comfortable with fighting hand to hand like a brawler/street fighter. Although he's also pretty good at using blunt weapons [bats, knuckles]. Possibly have him learn how to use armament haki to coat his fists and weapons. Maybe learn with Naruto and Peter to fight better with hand to hand techniques and parkour techniques aka move around larger opponents like Peter. [All the flipping and jumping] Possibly learn how to use advanced armament haki techniques with the help of Naruto and Sasuke. Similar to Sage techniques and Sakura’s strength techniques.
Penguin joins up with Shachi to learn better hand to hand combat. Can't seem to get the hang of using a weapon so at some point asks Stephen if he can learn his magic? Stephen gives it a try at teaching him. Penguin can only use a few magic spells since he isn't a genius like Stephen but tries to be creative with them. [Portals, Mandala shields, Eldritch whips, Energy sword, pure energy saw blasts, possible water element?] Help with MBJ, and Peter somehow, learns to water bend using magic.
Ikkaku gets trained by Tony, SQH, and surprisingly Sasuke. She focuses on hand to hand combat, gun/sniper training, using daggers, and figuring out how to use observation haki. She focused on presence sensing and intent sensing that she wishes to develop into future vision. Trains to make sure her concentration can't be easily broken, plus to increase her endurance and stamina. Possibly ask Stephen to teach her how to transmute items so she never runs out of bullets or without a dagger and some mild telekinesis to throw them/manipulate them. 
Law trains with his new crew mates to better use his devil fruit and his own body. Possibly have him unlock his own Conquerors haki like Luffy. Maybe have WWX give him some tips on using Jiang techniques since they were more adaptable while he spars LWJ & LSH to learn proper sword fighting. While also learning how to fight either bare handed or with only his fruit abilities with Strange and Sasuke.
WWX totally treats Law like a little brother since his tsundere tendencies remind him of JC. While WN likes him since he reminds him of WQ and his harsh bedside manner but caring actions for those he loves. Peter, Naruto, and Sasuke are new ducklings to teach and protect in WWX’s eyes. LWJ respects Law's authority and experiences, and at times acts like an advisor for battles [war experience]. Naruto/Peter = cool older friend while LSH treats him like a senior disciple. MBJ is willing to follow only because of SQH but watches Law like a hawk and forces him to grow stronger to be worthy of following him [demon stuff]. Stephen treats him as a colleague because both are genius surgeons and Protectors. Tony likes to mess with him and treats him like a youngsters aka Peter. Same with the other OG heart pirates although gives slightly more respect to Ikkaku for withstanding their bullshit [Sees Pepper/May in her]. Sasuke and Law at times butt heads because Sasuke isn't good with authority figures, and while Law understands that, it can be frustrating since he is the authority for this crew.
MBJ was the one to push Law to train to get stronger. Reason 1) cause it the demon way to only be the subordinate of someone if they were stronger than them. Reason 2) sees that Law needs to be pushed after having fallen into depression for failing his previous crew. So decides to motivate him by fueling him with Anger, Revenge and Spit like any proper demon would. Sasuke and WWX help at this point because they understand. This also causes the other OG hearts to also start training which leads to others offering their help for training.
While shopping for clothes SQH and WWX go ham looking for clothes. SQH convinces WWX to try on these great form fitting black coats and pants with low heeled boots. Also tells him that they aren't obligated to wear multiple layers so they can experiment with fashion now. WWX is very excited by this both from not having to be so formal and to tease LWJ. Tony and Peter go and decide they want to look the part of actually being pirates and drag Stephen along. They give Stephen the full pirate look with Levi turning into an overcoat. MBJ decides to wear the least amount of clothes since the seas are very hot and he can't be bothered to wear layers here. LWJ on the other hand struggles to find clothes that he is comfortable wearing. Gets help from SQH after he and WWX are finished with their choices. Sasuke and Naruto go and try to find the best reinforced clothes they can buy but choose to alter the few clothes they had to fit in.
Shang Qinghua: System gives him the ability to have a RPG game system interface to use in real life for completing PIDW storyline. He gains unlimited inventory space, Analysis ability, Spotify, Library, Map, Internet.
KARAOKE/DANCE NIGHTS SQH goes ham with the Spotify ability because it has modern songs which has Peter and Tony joining in. Everyone gets curious about the different music which ends up with them having Karaoke/dance nights where they sing or have dance offs to different songs. Even Law finds songs that he enjoys and is willing to sing to although rarely. Shachi and Penguin during those times are always his back up dancers or singers by force.
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firstdivisiongirl · 1 year
(Killer x Fem Random Kid Pirate Reader) That Fateful Day for @sadjackie’s Birthday
So it’s technically 7/26 but tomorrow is my sister @sadjackie’s birthday and she’s been wanting me to write another part to my original Kid x Random Kid Pirate Reader story (I made the reader female this time too). So for her birthday, I decided to write it! I hope you like it @sadjackie and happy birthday sissy! 💙 And here is your story
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(Killer x Fem Random Kid Pirate Reader) That Fateful Day
You and Killer were sitting in the crow’s nest of the Victoria Punk.  The sky was clear with no cloud.  The ocean was calm as you two shockingly sat in silence, only the sound of the ocean waves crashing into the ship.  Killer looked at you with only admiration and love in his eyes.  You looked back at him and smiled.
“Do you remember the day we met Y/N?” he asked, looking into the sky.  You grabbed his hands now sitting on top of him.
“Of course, I remember Sabaody Archipelago!  It was the best day EVER!” you exclaimed.
It was a sunny day on Sabaody.  The kid pirates had arrived on the island to see who was being sold at the slave auction.  Maybe they could find someone who was worth their money.  You arrived on the island, too.  However, you only went to the auction house because you wanted to know what it was all about.  Sadly, your easy day of people watching turned to chaos when the marines arrived.
Kid, Luffy, and Law were all fighting marines.  You were in awe of how cool they all were.  You walked in between them and the marines.
“Wait, is that Lucky Y/N?” one marine said.  “I thought she’d be dead by now? You know, with no crew or skills,” another said.
You walked right up to that marine that insulted you.  You stared right in his baby blue eyes and wound your right fist up.  When your fist made contact with his face, you let out a battle cry.  He fell to the ground with a soft thud. “ALRIGHT!  I always wanted to punch a marine!” you yelled.  Everyone just looked at you in bewilderment.  Who is this chick, Killer thought.  Your celebration abruptly ended when something or more like someone caught your eye.  “OMG!” You exclaimed, eyes wide, “you’re so cute!  Who’s friends with the polar bear?” You ran up and gave the polar bear mink a big bear hug, no pun intended.
“That’s Bepo,” Law answered, “and he’s my crewmate.”
“Well he’s adorable.”
Kid looked right at Killer.  “Can we keep her?”  the red haired captain asked.
Killer shrugged.  He was opposed to the idea.  He thought you were unique, and another crewmate was never a bad thing.
Once everything died down.  Kid and Killer walked up to you.  “So lady?” Kid asked.
“I have a name you dumb troll!”
“Shut up bitch!  I think you're interested and we could use another crew member.  How would you feel about joining my crew?”
“What’s the magic word?” you asked sarcastically.
Kid just rolled his eyes, it was a good thing he didn’t find you too annoying.  “Please,” he answered.
“Great!  What kind of skills do you have…what’s your name?”
“It’s Y/N and none.  I’m literally surviving on luck, sarcasm, and pure recklessness.”
The fiery captain and his masked best friend looked at each other.  “What?” they said in unison.
“That was the best day ever, wasn’t it?” Killer said, “but do you know what else is a great day?”
“The day my bounty went from 1000 berries to 1000.50 berries?” you answered.
Killer looked at you, puzzled under his mask, “Yes, but no.  Today silly, it’s your birthday!  It’s your first birthday that we are a couple.”
“Oh yeah it is,” you said excitedly.
“I got you something great, but you’ll find out later.  Happy birthday Y/N,” he told you.  You sat up so you could reach his face and placed a soft kiss on his lips.  Your sweet moment was interrupted by a familiar lipstick wearing, violent man. “Get a room,” Kid said, rolling his eyes.  You and Killer started to laugh before you kissed one more time to annoy your favorite captain.  Both you and Killer were happy for that fateful day you met.  Because without that day, you would have never had moments like these that you would cherish forever.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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livwritesfics · 1 year
I saw that your requests are open so I thought I'd make one, don't feel obligated though, I know myself that it's hard to write an idea that you don't really feel.
Anyway, I want to request a LawLu where Law is really insecure if Luffy likes him or not and if he really wants a relationship or not and he successfully resolves it ❤
Have a great day/night and I hope you get your AO3 account soon
A/n: Thank you for your request friend!! I hope you like this oneshot :) Also, I am not caught up with One Piece (yet I read fics with spoilers anyways cause I don't care anymore) so bare with me here! Also, most of this is taken in Law's POV.
Law sighs dreamily as he looks at Luffy sitting on the Sunny figurehead. Leaning on his head on his hand he has a small smile on his face as he just watches him.
"Law? Law!"
He immediately get's snaped out of his daze and looks up in surprise. It's the cook of the Strawhats. Sanji.
Sanji frowns as he cleans his hands with the handkerchief. "Law you need to stop this and make a move."
Law sighs. He's heard this millions of times from the Strawhats. No. Billions. If he had a dime for every time he got told by one of the Strawhats to make a move on their captain, he'd be rich!
"I can't do that eyebrow-ya." He lamented looking back at Luffy.
Sanji sighed and went back to doing the dishes.
For months this has went on, ever since Law had met Luffy at Sabaody, he's been shot with an arrow of love. He's fallen hard for the Straw hat boy. His crew and now the Strawhats found it hilarious and teased him relentlessly for it.
The Strawhats felt bad for Law though. Their captain was very oblivious so he didn't understand how much he affected Law.
Law always got so flustered around Luffy. Luffy would hug him, he would blush and gap like a fish. Luffy would compliment him, same effect. Whatever Luffy does really, gets him all flushed and wordless.
At night, Law slept in Luffy's captain's quarters because Luffy never uses it. He makes up scenarios in his head about what it would be like to be with Strawhat-ya.
He knows it'll never happen, he knows he'll never be good enough, that Luffy will never feel that way. Or even want a relationship. That doesn't mean that he can't dream. And boy does he dream (a/n: wink wink).
He sighs sadly as he crawls into bed that night. It all seems like an endless loop now. Him silently pining over Luffy and Luffy always never getting the message.
One day, the Thousand Sunny finally gets to Zou. They made it! Law's crew greet him and welcome their captain back. Hugs and sobs take place while the Heart captain puts up with it, secretly thankful to be back with his crew. He missed them very much.
But he would have to part from His Luffy. Right. Not his.
Law's smile falters and he glances to the ground.
"Are you okay captain?" Law looks to Bepo who had asked the question.
"I'm fine Bepo, don't worry."
Later that night, after dinner the Strawhas and the Heart pirates had a meeting. Minus their captains.
"So we all agree that we're here because of our captains, right?" Zoro started the meeting.
"AGREE!" everyone shouted.
"Okay, we know that Law is going nuts over your captain so that's why Nami and Robin made a plan. We slipped a note underneath the door to Law's Captain's Quarters saying it was from Luffy and you guys gave Luffy a note saying it was from Law." Shachi explained.
"Right!" Chopper exclaimed, raising his hooves in the air in excitement.
"Okay, so they know to meet at a flower field for a date, correct?" Ikkaku asked.
They nodded. Everything was set.
He was in his office reading a Sora comic when he heard a pair of feet in front of his door.
He turned in his chair and headed to it. As he was about to open the door, a note slipped through it.
It. Read. Luffy.
Luff sent him a note!
Law quick threw open his door to try to talk to him, but much to his dismay, he was met with nobody.
He went back into his room and opened the note.
Dear Torao,
I really like spending time with you! Let's meet at the flower field and spend time together!
Oh! And dress nice! It's a date.
Law gasped as he read the last part. He pinched himself to see if this were real or not. Nope! Real, real, real.
He quickly went to his closet and started picking out what to wear.
Law went to the flower field and waited excitedly. He has dreamed of this day since forever. He never pictured it would happen though. He never thought that Luffy would ever like him like this. Ever since he met him he always thought he wouldn't be good enough to be in a relationship with Straw hat. Luffy's so special and Law's so... meh. Nothing special.
Then Law saw him. Luffy. He looks so beautiful. Law thought. Once Luffy found him he jumped and started waving at him. Law and Luffy both giggled gleefully and started running for each other.
"Hey!" They both greeted each other at the same time.
They both blushed and looked away. "Thank you for inviting me out for a date," Law looked back at him, trying to hide his blush beneath his hat.
"What? Law I never asked you out? You asked me out!" Luffy stated confused.
"But... But I got a letter that said you wanted to spend time with me here!" Law explained to him, holding out his letter.
"I have a letter too," Luffy took his letter from his pants' pocket.
They looked at each other in confusion before Law realized what was happening here.
"Oh, I see. Luffy-ya, our crews set us up" Law told him, sad that this entire thing was fake. He knew that Luffy would never like him. It was too good to be true.
Law bowed his head in despair before Luffy grabbed his hand. He looked up. "Well, let's not let them ruin our night. I still have a hot date here, so let's have fun!"
Law gapped like a fish and turned red fervently. "You still want to?" Luffy nodded. "You like me?" Law continued. Nod again.
"Okay," he whispered, a growing smile on his face.
The rest of the night they talked and talked, walking through the flower field. They later went out to dinner and started walking back to their ships. Holding hands.
As Luffy was swinging their hands, he looked up at Law and studied him. Mine. He's mine.
Law caught Luffy staring at him and stopped walking. "yes?" he chuckled.
"Tonight was fun. We should do that again."
"Yeah?" Law smiled, "I'm glad it was enjoyable. I had fun too."
All of a sudden their faces came closer and closer to one another.
They ended their night kissing underneath the streetlight.
A/n: I hope this was okay, I know it's long and drags on but whatever, it's cute lol
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mimi-ya · 3 years
burden ~ trafalgar law x reader
1,400 words | m!reader
a/n: @wheres-mystogan i really hope you enjoy!! your ideas and characteristics for the reader were so fun and unique to write!
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Trafalgar Law loved his crew. Truly, he did. But sometimes…
“Heh, hey captain!” Your cheeks splits with a smile, “I was hoping you’d show up!”
Law glares down the bridge of his nose. You’re quite happy for someone shackled behind bars.
But let’s round back to how you got into that position.
The Polar Tang had docked at a bustling island that morning. Law had made it very clear the purpose of stopping was only to refill on supplies, and he wanted to be gone by the evening. But that didn’t stop you from stripping out of your jumpsuit the second your feet hit the sand.
“Captain! The water is so warm!” He watches as you dunk your head into the salt water before popping back up, “Come in!”
Law scoffs, not even bothering to comment on the fact he can’t join you before turning to Penguin, “Make sure he doesn’t drown.” Law waves at Bepo, “Let’s go.”
The two make their way into the large city off the coast. It didn’t seem like they were the only pirates in the area, but Law wasn’t looking for trouble. It had already been a long week of dodging Navy ships almost every other day and the last thing he needed was to start something on land.
Bepo was always Law’s first choice for supply runs. The mink had great strength to carry the boxes of medical supplies and bags of food without the complaining he would receive from other crew members. And Law was happy to realize they had crossed off every needed item from their list much earlier than expected.
“Think we have time for a drink?” Law nods at the tavern across the street.
“Please captain.” Bepo says, sweat dampening his fur “I think I’m going to overheat.” Law rolls his eyes fondly at the same excuse the mink always has.
It’s clear the tavern has seen better days, but the crowd seems lively and pleased enough with the service. Finding a table in the back corner, Law and Bepo take a seat, signaling for a couple of drinks from the server.
He had hoped the secluded corner would drive away any unwanted company, but it seemed that didn’t work when people knew your face.
“Trafalgar Law.” The large imposing man cast a shadow over the table, “Thought I could smell trash on this island.”
“Eustass-ya.” Law smirks at the little eye twitch he gets in return for the casual greeting, “Mind fucking off? You’re ruining the taste of my ale.”
Kid growls, hands clenched into fists. It looks like he’s about to lunge over the table but is pulled back by his masked crewmate. Law scoffs, smiling into his drink at the sight.
But a smirk grows on Kid’s face that makes Law a little weary, “Quite comfortable for someone who’s crew was just dragged through town by the Navy.” Kid’s eyes widen with glee when he sees Law’s confused look, “That is unless there’s some other dumbass running around with your shit jolly roger.”
“Captain!” Bepo cries, Law already flying out of his seat and charging towards the door before Kid could finish his taunting.
It wasn’t uncommon for you to find yourself in quite the precarious situations that other Heart Pirates had to help you out of. But Law had explicitly told the rest of the crew to stay out of town. Not to mention he tasked Penguin in looking after you, who will definitely be getting his ass kicked as soon as Law is through with yours.
It wasn’t hard to locate where the Navy was keeping you, especially after spotting Shachi and Penguin in the alley, in what looks to be an intense hand game to decide who would going in to save you.
“It hasn’t even been three hours.” They both freeze at the sound of their captain behind them.
“Captain!” Penguin cries, “It wasn’t my fault, really!”
“Tch. I don’t want to hear it.” Law readjusts his sword slung over his shoulder, “Go help Bepo with the supplies and have the Tang ready to depart when I get there.”
Law doesn’t even bother to wait for their response before he shambles inside. He makes quick work of the marine grunts who are sitting at desks, doesn’t even have to ask for the key when someone is offering it in exchange to be put back together.
Law leaves most of the marines in pieces as he makes his way into the basement. He can’t help but grind his teeth when he hears the familiar humming coming from a cell at the end of the hall.
“Heh, hey captain!” Your cheeks splits with a smile, “I was hoping you’d show up!”
Law glares down the bridge of his nose. You’re quite happy for someone shackled behind bars.
“Care to explain how you found yourself in this mess?”
You scramble to your feet, trying to get closer but are held back by the cuffs connecting you to the wall, “I swear captain! I didn’t leave the beach, I don’t even know how the Navy knew I was with you!”
Law raises a brow, eyes flicking down to your bare chest with the Heart Pirates jolly roger inked into your skin on proud display.
“Oh.” The chains rattle as you rub the back of your neck, embarrassment heating your cheeks, “Guess I forgot about that one.”
“You’re on bathroom duty for a month for this one.” Law mutters, throwing up the blue tint of his room.
A whine escapes your lips, “But that puts me at four months straight now!”
“Then quit getting yourself into shit like this.” And then you feel the familiar woosh accompanied with Law’s ability, the sun’s harsh beams suddenly blinding your eyes as he’s freed you from the cell.
The others were so glad and relieved to see you had been rescued. An overdramatic reunion if you ask Law, but he let them indulge in their hugs and tears for a moment before pulling you into his office.
“You get hurt at all?” Law asks, pulling on a pair of gloves.
“Ehh, I might have bumped my head a bit.” You rub the smarting bruise that’s forming on your forehead.
“Sit.” Law directs you to the examination table, finally putting the two of you at eye level. And at this angle, Law can see the slight discoloring. He gently runs a thumb over the tender flesh, “Why didn’t you say something earlier?”
You shrug, “Didn’t want to be too much of a bother.” Your eyes follow Law’s form as he grabs a bottle from the cabinet, dipping a finger in and pulling out a dollop of ointment, “Tried to stop the marines.” You mumble, feeling very aware of your presence as Law leans in closer to apply the mixture.
“With what, your head?”
And you think it might be some attempt of a joke from your usually stoic captain, but he isn’t far off, “Heh, well. You know I’m no good with my hands.”
Law pulls back, slight surprise and worry in his eyes, “Don’t do that (Y/N)-ya. You know you’re not a fighter.”
Your shoulders slump slightly, and you stare at the floor, “I just don’t want everyone to think I’m a worthless crewmate or some kind of burden.”
Law places the jar on the table beside you, his free hand gripping your chin to meet his stare, “You’re not worthless, and you’re defiantly not a burden. We all have our strengths.” Before letting go and returning the ointment to the cabinet.
You heart skips a beat at the seriousness of his tone, eyes wide as you watch him pull off his gloves and toss them into the wastebin.
You jump to your feet, coming up behind Law to wrap him in a hug, “You’re the best, Captain!” Before leaning down and planting a kiss on his cheek.
Law barely has time to process it before you’re out the door with that humming echoing down the hall. His hand brushes where your lips burned into his skin, and he’s sure his entire face is flushed red with his mouth hanging open a little.
“Tch.” Law mumbles to himself, praying he’ll have a few minutes of solitude to regain his composure before the next crisis, “I just meant you’re good at cleaning the bathroom.”
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myonepiece · 3 years
The kid when his s/o's ex comes to stay on the shi for a bit is just immaculate tbh. Was kinda wondering how zoro, ace, and law would react to that situation lol
Have a great day bub!❤😘
yess i was already thinking of how others would react 😂☺️ and thank you! 💕
zoro, ace, law when their s/o's ex comes to stay on the ship for a bit
description: zoro, ace, and law (separate) when their s/o's ex comes to stay on the ship and he still has feelings for s/o
warnings: really mild/implied sexual harrassment (not really but just in case)
*[e/bf/n] = ex boyfriend's name
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-he tried to come up with an excuse as to why your ex couldn't stay on the ship, but nothing worked so he had to watch from the. side with. his eyes narrowed and mouth set in a scowl, arms wrapped firmly around your waist, while your ex moved his stuff onboard
-he's kind of annoyed with you for telling your ex boyfriend he can stay onboard..when your boyfriend is right there and you didn't even consult with him, soyou'll have a very small argument the first night but then it's settled and zoro's back to being grumpy because of [e/bf/n]
-he'd actually shorten his naps or even take less because he doesn't trust your ex at all and he wants to be awake so he can keep an eye out
-when zoro passes your ex or goes to get you and drag you away from him, he'll. give a last glance to your ex like "stay away" or "back the hell off", might even do that thing where he fakes a swing just to see your ex flinch
-when you're just talking with [e/bf/n], zoro will come up and pull you against him kissing you passionately until your ex either leaves, or if he weirdly doesn't he'll at least know you're zoro's
-being the observant man and boyfriend that he is, he notices all of the touches, stares, comments, everything that let's zoro know [e/bf/n] is still harboring feelings for you
-so when zoro is napping in the kitchen and just happens to wake up as your ex is cornering you trying to get a second chance, he's suddenly behind him and grabbing him by the back of his shirt throwing him across the room
-he looks back at him saying "stay away from _____ for the rest of your stay or jump overboard."
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-he was suspicious from the beginning, didn't trust your ex one bit
-he's polite enough during the introductions, but there's still a certain glint in his eyes and a certain hidden aggressiveness towards your ex boyfriend
-ace is actually fairly annoyed with you, why did you tell your ex it was okay to stay on the ship without even checking with ace? didn't you know he would feel bad
-so he's sort of passive aggressive with you, but he still is constantly touching you whenever [e/bf/n] is around, his arms around your neck hugging you from behind, holding you on his lap, kisses hello
-the rest of the crew can see his jealousy and they tease him about it... until they see how your ex boyfriend acts towards you- the lingering touches, lustful stares, glares at ace, even. a few comments about you (and ace) to the crew
-so together the crew keeps an eye on [e/bf/n] making sure he's not trying anything because obviously they care about ace and you and your relationship
-meanwhile, ace is still being passive aggressive, he still sleeps with you at night and cuddles, and he still does pda, still says i love you, still does everything except he's not really around you or talking to you unless [e/bf/n] is and his cuddles and affection all have. a hint of anger or annoyance or displeasure when he says/does anything
-eventually your ex tries to make a move but marco sees and goes to get ace, who is immediately hurrying down the hall with his hands blazing
-he bursts into the room while you'retrying to reject your ex and ace pulls you against his chest hugging you while glaring at your ex- it's that if looks could kill then he'd be dead look
-ace intimidates tf out of him and the only reason he's not beating him up is because he's busy hugging you then apologizing for being such a jerk
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-hated the idea, hated it. and hated even more that you were the one who invited him without asking law, so yes law is pretty angry with you but he's strictly passive aggressive (similar to ace in this)
-law would prefer to stay away from you because he's so annoyed, but he doesn't trust your ex with you so of course he has bepo, shachi, and penguin keep a close eye on him- like literally over his shoulder (bepo did that)
-you and law have a few rude exchanges at night before bed or when it's just the two of you somewhere, he still sleeps wwith you there's just less cuddling
-there's a little less pda, he doesn't initiate any unless it's because [e/bf/n] is hanging a little too close (this is how he is whenever he gets mad)
-he's extremely skeptical of your ex and is always noticing the way he looks at you and touches you
-he tries telling you your ex. still has feelings for you but you either say no and law is just being ridiculous, or you assure him nothings going to happen
-so law is intimidating just by standing there, and he uses that to his advantage- he'll stare at your ex from across the room and when [e/bf/n] notices law doesn't even break eye contact
-he's in his office one night when bepo and shachi run in babbling about [e/bf/n] trying to kiss you so law is up and right to the room where penguin was told to wait and watch just in case
-law separates your ex's limbs and crouches down whispering "if you find a way to escape i'll let you go, if you don't, then hope no one steps on you"
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fireflykaizoku · 3 years
Hello! I really loved your Killer body swap fic. If you could do one for Law with a gn reader that would be great. No pressure tho! I hope you're having a good day
Hii anon! Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it! ❤ I hope you're having a good week! i got too carried away with this, so it's a bit long :')
You woke up very excited, it was finally your 23th birthday, and your captain would stop teasing you for being the youngest of the crew, just because he was a few months older. It was also your first birthday with them and the members kept saying they were organizing something to celebrate the whole week, but said it was a secret.
When you went to the kitchen to have breakfast. That’s when you saw everyone waiting for you, holding a cake. You also noticed a sign saying Happy Birthday. They seemed happy, even the captain who was always grumpy.
— Happy Birthday, brat! — he said.
— Thank you, Kid! — you smiled, even feeling a little emotional. They actually planned everything. — Thank you so much, guys. It means so much to me.
They even had presents, some homemade, which made everything more meaningful. And the rest of the day was full of celebrations, singing happy birthday, and having a special dinner. It was late when you finally fell asleep, still excited about the celebrations and wondering if that would be the year you’d meet your soulmate. Maybe they were older. Or perhaps they were younger and you’d have to wait.
When you woke up, you felt uncomfortable, your back hurt and it felt like you barely had any sleep. Opening your eyes, you realized you were sitting on a chair at a place that looked nothing like the Victoria Punk. The room looked clean and even smelled like disinfectant, the lights also made your sleepy eyes hurt a little.
Your first thought is that you were kidnapped, but you weren’t handcuffed and that’s how you noticed it wasn’t… Your body, since the hands and fingers had tattoos. Tattoos you remember seeing somewhere.
Getting up, you saw it looked like an infirmary or a doctor’s office. There was some papers all over the desk too, nothing with a name or anything that could give any hints. So you opened the door, trying to find a mirror. You spotted a bear wearing an orange jumpsuit with a Jolly Roger.
Oh no.
The bear, the Jolly Roger, and “death” written on your fingers. You could recognize all those elements anywhere, and now it made sense.
You were in your soulmate’s body, and your soulmate was Trafalgar Law, the Surgeon of Death.
Your captain wasn’t very fond of him, and now you could only imagine what would happen when Law woke up and noticed where he was. But now you had a bigger problem: the man was a doctor, with a powerful devil fruit, and he was a captain.
You gulped, and noticed the bear was looking at you with a smile.
— Hey, bear. — you said, trying to look serious. — I’ll… Be in my office, working on… That thing.
You went back to the office wondering how you’d find your crew and switch back. You didn’t even know where you were! The den den mushi on his desk started ringing, and for a while, you wondered if you should answer.
— It’s me, it’s Law. — he sighed, not hiding the fact he wasn’t pleased with the situation. — I guess we have this soulmate thing going on, and apparently you’re part of… — he got interrupted by your angry captain.
— (Y/N)! Get your ass back here, I don’t want to be around Trafalgar! You two better find a way to fix this right now!
— As I was saying, don’t worry. We’ll switch back somehow, just follow my instructions. I’ll give you my location now, and my navigator will take care of the rest. Just find Bepo and tell him you need to go to this place. Don’t say anything else and just go back to my office or to my room. We should be able to meet tomorrow first thing in the morning. — he paused. — And don’t eat bread.
He gave the location of the Victoria Punk, and you went looking for Bepo, which you found out was the bear you greeted this morning. Gladly, he didn’t ask any questions. After walking around, you found his bedroom. You decided to stay there as much as possible, reading one of the books that were in his room.
It was finally morning, and Bepo knocked on the door to announce you had arrived at the destination. You could see Law, in your body, arguing with Kid. They stopped as soon as they saw the submarine.
You were now in Law’s office staring at each other, while the some of his crewmembers were trying to hear what was going inside wondering who was this mysterious person the captain just brought from Kid’s crew.
— So, apparently we need to kiss to switch back? — he raised an eyebrow, you nodded.
— Not just a kiss. It needs to be a kiss when we fall in love, or else it won’t work. — you shrugged. — It can’t be a “let’s get over with this” kiss, I’m sorry.
— That’s nonsense, what if people never fall in love with each other? They’ll have to be like that forever? — you nodded again, not knowing if he wanted a real answer. Law didn’t seem happy. — Let’s try anyway.
You widened your eyes, not expecting this answer. He moved closer, and with a hand on the back of your neck, he pulled you for a kiss. It didn’t feel magical, it didn’t feel like kissing your soulmate. And when you opened your eyes, you realized nothing had changed.
He sighed and started thinking. The doctor had the idea of making you stay with his crew until you could switch back somehow. Your captain cussed and complained, but had no other choice. The Heart Pirates also didn’t ask any questions.
For the next weeks, you stayed on the office with Law, trying to find another way to fix that. He even tried to teach you using his devil fruit powers to switch back, but apparently, it didn’t work. You fell asleep on his shoulder many times while he was studying something, only to wake up and see you were covered in a blanket that wasn’t there before.
During the days, he told you to get something to eat, anything except bread, if he noticed you’ve been too long without eating anything. He also brought you a bottle of water often whenever he wasn’t working. You smiled when you realized how he seemed to care.
Law was very unpleased when he couldn’t reach things from the shelves now that he was in your body, so you had to help him often. Meanwhile, you used to hit your head many times a day, after all, you weren't that tall before.
Although he didn’t seem to be patient with many people, he was patient with you, answering your questions about something you read on his medical books. And when you got tired of staying in the room or his office, you went to take a nap on Bepo. The polar bear didn’t understand why his captain was very affectionate out of the blue, but it seemed to help him with his low self-esteem.
You had time to get to know your soulmate well. He told you about his goals, and about his past, which made you hug him right away. He was caught off guard that time. You also shared your story and why you joined Kid’s crew. Sometimes, you were able to see him smiling when you said something funny, or getting embarrassed when you complimented him.
— Law, are we going to stay like this forever? — you asked, a bit concerned. It has been long enough.
— I don’t know (Y/N)-ya. I’m sure I’ll find something… We’ll just keep trying. — he looked at you, noticing your sad expression. — What’s wrong?
— I miss my crew… They felt like my family, I feel… A bit lonely without them. I know they’re chaotic, but they felt like home somehow.
— Hey, don’t be like that… — his voice sounded unusually soft and he wasn’t furrowing his eyebrows anymore. — You have me, okay? You’re not alone.
You didn’t reply nor looked at him. But you felt him hugging you, the first time he touched you for a reason other than checking your health or to try to switch bodies again. When your gaze met his, as if something was attracting you both, he kissed you again. And this time, it felt different. It felt right, as if you were both… In love. As if you two had been waiting to kiss each other one more time.
When you opened your eyes, you saw that it worked. After studying, after researching, the solution was clear. You didn’t need devil fruit powers or any scientific idea to switch back. All you needed was time.
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dxvilmanlev · 3 years
12th Day of Christmas: Christmas Tree Decorating
this is the final of my christmas event, i really enjoyed this and i hope you all did too! <3
Law x gn Reader
Word Count: 403
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“Y/n-ya, I made us some hot cocoa.” He said, walking into the ship’s living quarters.
“Ah, perfect for such a cold day.” You smiled, taking the hot cocoa.
You took a sip, setting it down to lift the tree.
“What’s this?” He asked.
“I thought it would be fun to surprise the crew with a Christmas tree.” You smiled. “Me and you will decorate it and you can’t say no.”
Law sighed, and helped you set the tree up. He cut off the strings holding it together as you carefully fixed it up, making it look nice.
“So what are we decorating it with?” Law asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Uh, I may have forgotten ornaments. But I did get garlands.” You said.
“I’ll go look for stuff we can decorate it with.” He said, walking around the room, picking up a few things.
“Random decorations that Bepo bought? Really?” You laughed, as you started wrapping the garland around the tree.
“It’s what we have.” He said, bringing the random decorations, setting them in the tree.
“You know if they fall and break he’ll be upset.” You pointed out.
“I’ll just buy him new ones.” Law mumbled.
You both decorated the tree, adding some lights to it. Stepping back once you were finished, you looked at your work.
“It’s missing something.” You frowned.
“A star.” He spoke, looking at you with a soft smile.
“Hmm I didn’t buy one of those either.” You said looking around.
You spotted a picture of the whole crew, smiling to yourself, you walked over and grabbed it. Law watching you as you walked back over handing him the picture.
“How about this? It's better than a star. It’s our little family.” You smiled brightly.
He handed you the picture back and before you could frown he lifted you on his shoulders, allowing you to place the picture atop the tree.
“It looked great.” Law smiled as he set you down.
“What’s happening here?” You both hear Penguin speak.
“Is that a Christmas tree!?” Bepo excitedly asked, bouncing over to admire it.
“It’s definitely something.” Shachi said, walking up to the tree.
You and Law stood back as the crew gathered around the tree. Smiling at them messing around and Bepo yelling to be careful.
“I guess this was a good idea.” Law smiled at you, kissing your temple.
“I told you.” You said, sipping your hot cocoa.
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rukia-writes · 3 years
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Gold Event: Trafalgar Law
Law x (fem) reader
Warnings: pet play, jealous Law (just a little) , 18+, rough sex, dirty talk, breeding kink
“You’re so cute!”
“Not the ears!”
Law was currently playing black jack at Gran Tesoro while his crew were spread out all over the casino, except for his crew mate Bepo who was being swooned over by a familiar “casino bunny” that Law had just recently started falling for.
The crew had been there currently for a week and everyone was having a great time.
Looking over his shoulder he could see (Name) playing with Bepo’s ears by gently pressing on them with a innocent smile, a smile that Law liked and wanted all to himself.
“Cut it out, (Name). Why do you come over here?”
Law pulled out a chair for (Name) to sit in while he continued playing black jack, (Name) obliged before giving Bepo a little pat on the head making the polar bear turn rather bashful. None the less Bepo left his captain and (Name) alone, Law’s jealousy had seemingly disappeared seeing as how (Name) was giving him attention now.
The past few days the two had been filled with flirting and gambling, Law wouldn’t admit it but he liked the casino bunny outfit of the famous strapless corset teddy, bunny ears, black sheer-to-waist, a bow tie, a collar, cuffs and the fluffy cottontail.
The cottontail and Bunny ears were Law’s favorite part of the outfit as he would often pet (Name)’s ear and fluffy tail. Believing that it brought good luck.
Today would be a little different than the rest.
“Sorry, I have to go now. I have other customers.”
Law heard (Name)’s apology as she rushed over to the bar to help pass out drinks, it was a spur of the moment so it caught Law off guard when she abruptly left. Watching as other men looked at her in awe as she helped with passing drinks out. Law in a passive way offered for her to join him a few days ago and she had to refuse.
Law didn’t know why until that night when Bepo told him that were people on the island that made a debt for themselves. Law was able to deduce that (Name) must have had a debt to Tesoro, thinking to himself what other reason did she have to turn him down and having a hefty debt would do it.
It was rather late when (Name) was able to leave the casino, however (Name) was making her way to the luxury hotel and arriving on the VIP floor.
Earlier before Law left he gave her a small folded note that invited her to his room, free to choose to come to his room or not however he did mention that he would make it worth her while.
(Name) had an idea of what Law meant by that and that was the reason why she was In Law’s room on her hands and knees taking his cock from behind while moaning his name shamelessly much to Law’s delight as he pace was harsh yet precise. Still wearing her bunny ears Law gave them one last rub before his hand slapped her ass instead, a rather loud slap followed by (Name)’s whimper.
Law moaned a bit himself as he felt (Name)’s cunt tighten around his cock, having his cock deep inside the casino bunny cunt was stirring feelings inside him that he didn’t know he had as his pace came to a crawl much to (Name) displeasure but Law on the other hand was enjoying the way she whimpered his name for him to continue, even looking back over her shoulder with a pleading look.
“You like how my cock feels, huh?”
“Yes-I do.”
Law watched her move her hips a bit desperately wanting that pace once more, smirking Law kept his pace still but he his cock was still deep inside (Name)’s cunt, so much so (Name) was losing all restraint she had as she could feel Law’s balls hit her pussy. A feeling that was still sending her over the edge.
“Look at you, so desperate for my cock. You want me to fuck you? Beg.”
Law then proceeded to slap her ass once more and this time gripping her ass harshly, the moan that left (Name) was so pleasing to Law’s ears he almost gave in but he steadied his ground as listened to (Name) plea for more. Not caring if someone heard or if she seemed desperate in his eyes, all she cared for was that mind numbing orgasm that was building up.
“Now tell me who you belong to, little bunny.”
“You-I belong to you.”
A quick “Damn right you do.” Left Law as his pace started to pick up while muttering under his breath “You’re mine.” And “Fuck Tesoro.” Until Law gave in to his desire and made her lay on her back with her legs on his shoulders as he resumed his pace from before, watching as her breasts bounced to his harsh and fast rhythm.
(Name) could feel her orgasm arriving as Law’s cock constantly hit her g-spot over and over again while saying the most dirtiest of things.
“I’ll pump your sweet cunt good with my cum. You’ll have to my babies.”
“You’re my sexy little cum bunny.”
(Name) heard it all as her toes curled from Law’s cock and his filthy dirty talk that she loved more than anything, agreeing that she would she was all his and that she would be his cum bunny.
Just his.
Looking above her at Law’s tattoos and his face that was writhing in pleasure as he was also getting ready to have his own orgasm (Name) thought it was truly a wonderful sight, his muscles were also welcome to her sight as she watched them tense and soon enough both reached their orgasm that made both think of nothing but how each other felt, (Name) gave one last whimper as she felt Law’s cock twitch excitedly inside her and pulsate while draining all the cum he had inside her cunt as well. Law had his head tilted back as he enjoyed the adrenaline in his veins now while muttering a “So good.”
Law had no intentions of leaving the island with out her.
The next day (Name) was in Law’s submarine amazed at everything, While Bepo was following his captain around asking questions and finally finding out that Law didn’t pay the debt. Instead he got her wet with sea water, had her change and off the two went.
Bepo was less the pleased, nervous Tesoro might come after them but Law reassured him that wouldn’t be the case and if he did then he wouldn’t have a problem fighting Tesoro. Bepo still insisted that Law should pay but Law responded only with
“Pirates don’t go around doing good deeds.”
Smiling (Name) muttered under her breath now.
“..okay but your dick was good.”
“Nothing, nothing. Don’t pay me any attention.”
Smiling at Law he pretended he didn’t hear what his “bunny” said but he heard what she said and he would show her how good his dick was later.
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tsunderedoctor · 3 years
What the OP Boys Would do if You Have a Bad Day
Part 1 for now 
Part 2 in the foretold future (aka when I get the time to use my laptop-)
Monkey D. Luffy
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Boy struggles with his self-hatred on important dates in time. Remembering past friends and family who passed is one of his biggest self-hatred motivators. So he does understand when there are times when you are down too! However, he also knows his way to cope might not be the same as how you cope, but it doesn’t mean he can’t try!
Will start by sniffing out the area thinking your feelings are coming from some unknown danger to him. If nothing on the outside around you seems off he concludes it’s something on the inside! After this he will began to come up with his own reasons why you are in a sad/sour mood: stomach ache, motion sickness, boredom, things that usually would resonate with him. If it’s none of those he will just point blank ask you at this point. 
“Want some meat? You can wear my hat if you want. I can do an impression on whoever you want!” 
Literally just naming out things he knows cheers people up and if none of them work he is stomped! Baby literally cannot process how to help you, will mostly just bug the hell out of you the entire time until you tell him how to help you-
So just tell him.
Roronoa Zoro
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He can be observant when he wants to be (a man only motivated by alcohol and swords-), unfortunately he sucks at people skills-
He knows you’re upset/angry/sad, he just doesn’t know how to fix it. Would offer if you want to spar with him since that’s how he copes, if you are weaker however or don’t prefer fighting he would ask if you want to watch him. Would not offer you alcohol (both due to not wanting to lose his precious and not getting you used to coping this way-).  
If he sees you cry the dude will lose it a mixture between “Who hurt you?!” and “Stop it!” Truly hates it when you cry because he feels he is failing at his job to protect you (even if you never told him to-). If you want him to do something for you, use this time wisely cause he will do whatever he has to in order to get you to stop crying.
Not the best at giving comfort, but will lend you an ear to listen to you rant. Would also give you advice to cut whoever hurt you. If you are having more self-hatred he would understand and embarrassingly admit his favorite parts about you in order to help you see how people care about you.
Vinsmoke Sanji
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Would spoil you (more than usual) to make your day better! Compliments, gifts, food the whole galore! He can sense the moment you wake up that you were off mentally (Vinsmoke senses? Who knows-), will bust through the door and begging you to tell him how to fix it. Honestly you might not even realize you’re in a foul mood until he tells you-
Tells everyone not to mess with/tease you constantly- “They’re having a down day, so Luffy stop talking.”
Will make your favorites and force everyone to eat it/say how good it is- Will also tell you every reason why he loves you (even if they make no sense) and gets you flowers, chocolates, hugs just everything.
The man is like the king when it comes to comfort due to the fact he will legit do whatever you ask of him. “Tell me I’m pretty.” Done. “Am I a good person?” The best in the world. “What if I turn into a worm?” You can have a worm themed wedding-
Just a good puppy trying to please his master-
Trafalgar D. Water Law
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The best (worst-) at handling you when you are having a bad day. Will totally doctor nag you the entire time. 
“Did you drink water? No? That’s why you’re depressed.”
“Did you get enough sleep? You didn’t? That’s why you’re agitated-” 
Will not feel sorry for you if it’s due to your own health neglect; however do not be surprised if after he lectures you, you find some onigiri left out for you or just a randomly placed hoodie you can take a nap with.  
If it’s something more mental (as in someone hurt your feelings or you hurt your own feelings) he will just listen to you rant while wearing his usual grumpy facial features. In the inside he’s annoyed at who hurt you (even if you did it yourself-) and is contemplating on how to handle the situation. He won’t try to cheer you up and will give you some sound advice in the end, he won’t force you to take it either, you have to make your own decisions on that.
Is a sucker for tears though; oh boy it’s downhill now. Just in complete shock and can’t talk. Unlike Zoro though, he won’t do anything to make you stop crying. Will just throw a hoodie/Bepo at you and leave- baby can’t handle that-
Eustass “Captain” Kid
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Comfort? Him? Okay maybe just a little-
A tsundere where it matters, but deep down cares about you, he just sucks at showing it (and without insulting you first-). Will mock you for letting things get to you, and let’s all be fair here; was probably the cause of your bad day.
Boy just loves to fight, gives him a rush to see you all pissed at him over something stupid he did or said. However, he will shut up completely once he sees even a shine of wetness in your eyes. All that adrenaline is out the window and guilt has overtaken his system. 
IF by some chance it wasn’t him who hurt you and it was someone else; please expect to see them get their ass beat. He doesn’t give a shit who the person is either, if they made you cry, they lost all respect from him (which wasn’t much so-). Might have you watch him beat them too, or if it’s too much/you are in a state where you can’t handle it, will bring you a bodily souvenir.
 Is the type to suggest you take out your anger in some violent way whether it’s breaking vases or faces, he doesn’t care. “Get the bat babe, we’re going out.”
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He’s the Teddy Bear troupe kind of guy, fight me on it-
Is worried about you the moment you show any low level cues you are having a rough time. Will suggest things you have mentioned in the past that have helped you relax. If you can’t do any of those things or is too down to do anything he will suggest things he knows help him (usually cuddles-).
Will let you play with his hair while you rant about your feelings and how they came to be in that place. Isn’t as bad as Kid, but does imagine what it would be like to show you that you don’t have to worry about a person who upset you because they are dead (if you suggest it though, I mean he ain’t gonna say no).
Babe just wants you to know how much he loves you and needs you in his life; you helped and accepted so much of him he can’t even imagine what it would be like to lose you. So if you are having any negative thoughts, please be honest and tell him, cause he will make them go away in no time. 
Also please tell him if Kid says anything mean to you because he has no problem kicking his captain-
Portgas D. Ace
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A sweet pup who just loves to love you. Has no problems if you are having a bad day and honestly same boo, it be like that sometimes. I feel he is the most normal (well close to it anyway) on handling your bad day. Will suggest a few ideas and let you decide. If none sound good, then he wants you to think of something. 
Will make jokes with you and try fun things to distract your mind. The type who doesn’t like to sit in the past and would rather see the future. So makes plans with you on random things to help clear any stress out of you. 
If you are crying would throw his hat on you without saying anything and find the asshole who hurt you to talk to them. If it was something you personally feel will wait to you’re done crying and have the talk with you (Dateline meme “Take a seat”-).
By the end of the day, you honestly forgot you were even upset and that’s his main goal. He wants you to remember all the fun and great things in the world, rather than think about the negative parts we can’t control.
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hela-avenger · 3 years
To the Stars Who Listen- Part 14
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Author: hela-avenger
Word Count: 1480
Summary: When Loki desires to never fall in love, he casts a spell to prevent such a thing from happening. Except, well, in the matters of love and magic, you never know the result it may have in the end. Loki x Reader
A/N: Once again, apologies for the delay! And more apologies for what’s to come. 
Tags are open! (Send me an ask/message/response.)
TTSWL Masterlist
It’s only Natasha, Steve, and you in the lab. Everyone else was told to stay away for the meeting with Doctor Strange. He should be seeing you any minute now but you had yet to hear word from FRIDAY of his arrival to the tower. His incoming tardiness only served to amplify the tense silence in the room. 
Natasha and Steve were under the impression that you had no idea of the secret they were keeping when in reality you knew the real truth for Doctor Strange’s involvement. You had yet to tell them that you knew and you had already resolved not to confess that to them knowing their guilt would be too much to bear at the moment. 
Late or not, you just hoped that this doctor would be able to reverse the damage done and allow you to go back to the life you had. 
You were over the random confessions you pulled out of your friends and the constant fear of this power potentially killing you. You just wanted to return to your life as an Avenger who only had the power of your own human body to face the world. 
You were content in being normal. 
Yes, people lied to you and spoke half-truths. Yes, they kept secrets and withheld information. None of that was new, but being a lie detector… being able to sense all of that now was taking its toll. 
You longed for the days in which you were blissfully ignorant of all that. 
The clock strikes twelve and Natasha lets out a sigh.
“For a highly awarded surgeon, I would have sure hoped he knew the importance of being punctual…”
As the last words left her mouth, a gold ring starts to appear at the end of the room and a figure steps out. 
The man is donned in a red cape, blue robes, and a glowing amulet laid on his chest. 
“Agent Romanoff,” he greets. “I’m Doctor Strange. I believe we spoke on the phone.” 
Natasha smiles politely swallowing back her recent words, “Yes. Thank you for coming. We have a special case and we’re hoping you’ll be able to help us.” 
Doctor Strange glances at Steve who offers a nod in greeting before turning to look at you. He takes a step closer and you straighten up on your seat. He looks at you from head to toe with a calculating gaze.
“May I look at your hands?”
You offer them to him and he takes them into his own. You notice the array of scars and the slight tremble of his palms. 
The question burns in your mind of the story untold on his skin and he takes notice. 
“Car accident and multiple surgeries,” he answers as if he read your mind. “A lot of nerve damage. Not much could be done on the medical side.” 
“But the mythical had a solution?” you ask. 
Doctor Strange stops his inspection and looks into your eyes. For the first time since he’s appeared, he dons a small smile. 
“Yes,” he answers. 
You wish you could smile back. Doctor Strange seemed like a closed off character that held a hidden warmth. The makings of a good friend and future ally if need be. Except, you weren’t in the best of moods since Loki’s revelations the prior night. 
Doctor Strange releases your hands soon after. 
“When was the last time you used your siphons?” 
“Yesterday morning.” 
“And the stones haven’t been overcharged yet?” 
You look down at the palm of your hands and frown when you realize that the stones were sitting normally. Loki had warned you that you had to use your siphons daily to avoid overcharging and breaking them. 
With everything running in your mind, you hadn’t realized that alarming detail that laid so blatantly in your hands. 
“I- I didn’t notice,” you stammer out. “They should be lit up by this point…” 
Doctor Strange frowns. 
“What does that mean?” Steve asks. “Is her power fading away?” 
“Not at all. In fact, I would say it's the opposite,” Doctor Strange answers. “You were right, Agent Romanoff. It seems like her body has evolved to the point in which it is able to retain the power of Veritas. The siphons are still helpful but they will no longer become necessary for her.”
A silence accompanies his statement as Natasha and Steve turn to look at you. The secret they were keeping is out and it was obvious from your tired expression that you already knew about it. 
“That’s uh… That’s great,” you mumble. “Any way I can reverse what’s been done?” 
Steve and Natasha call out your name.
“We should talk about this…” 
You ignore them. You didn’t need to hear their explanation. You just wanted to hear a solution from the local expert.  
“Doctor Strange,” you speak again. “Is there any way I can go back to how I was?” 
He hesitates and you knew then that the answer would be no. 
“Had I been consulted earlier, perhaps something could have been done or at least the risks would be minimal, but as your body has been impacted and changed by this power any kind of reversal would wind up killing you. The power of Veritas is ingrained in your DNA now and if I were to remove it, I would remove your life essence too.” 
You block out the rest of his explanation. Not as if it was directed at you anymore seeing as Steve and Natasha were still asking questions and attempting to find a cure elsewhere. 
They’re all so focused on scrapping up a solution that you’re able to slip out of the lab without them noticing. 
You don’t know where you’re going. You blackout for a few minutes until your mind clears up enough to find yourself on Thor’s residential floor. Specifically, right in front of Loki’s room. 
You knock and Loki is quick to answer. 
“Little mortal,” he greets. “Meeting cut short?” 
You look up at him and a burning anger starts to burn deep inside you. 
“Tell me you didn’t know.” 
His amusement falters. His true feelings revealed now that the mask has fallen. Concern laced his features but you don’t care about the truth anymore.
“Didn’t know what?” 
“Tell me you didn’t know that this could have been reversed,” you tell him. “That I could have been back to normal had we consulted other sources. Tell me you didn’t know.” 
Loki remains silent and the mask rises again. You are quick to tear it down as you push him back. 
“Tell me the truth!” you yell. “Did you or did you not know?!” 
Loki glares down at you but you weren’t afraid of him. Your body was evolved to the same kind of strength and power that he had. You were equals now as much as you hated it. 
“So what if I did?” he asks in return. “You were presented a gift and look how blessed you are now. Your skills as a warrior are amplified by strength. You are immune to illnesses and mortal weakness. You are a truth-seeker and can pull out secrets and confessions from anyone.” 
Loki peers down at you.
“Thanks to me, you are a Goddess among men.” 
Your anger turns to rage. 
You don’t know if it’s because of the credit he’s handing to himself or that he admits to turning your life around for his own amusement.
No, it takes a second to realize that it’s because he’s lying to you.
He’s lying about everything. 
Loki knows that he is and you can’t comprehend why he would still do it when he knows you’ll sense it.
“You’re selfish,” you tell him. “And you’re cruel.” 
Loki feigns indifference but you can tell the damage you’re inflicting. You’re better than this but Loki has damaged you enough and you are done playing his game. 
“You used my situation to broker a deal, but the deal is done,” you tell him. “My body has evolved to the point that I will no longer die from this power. I will no longer need the siphons nor your guidance. From this day forward, you and I… we are no longer friends.”
You think you see fear in his eyes but it’s quickly gone and it intensifies your fury. 
As much as you hoped, Loki could not release himself from the role he’s chosen to play. 
You wanted him to fight. You wanted him to rip off that mask he’s always donning. 
Loki had never been a villain to you. Not until recently. 
He had always been honest with you but he’s stopped. You had no idea what changed and why he started to lie to your face so blatantly. 
It hurt and with this pain, you decided to wield it against him too. 
“Forget my name. Forget everything. We’re strangers again.”
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TTSWL Tag: @catsladen @manyfandoms-marvel @mejusttryintogetby @illogicalfangirl @islinglivesinshire @musicconversedance @missmadwoman @smaranshakthi @adaydreamingdragon @poetic-fiasco @like-a-wildfire @jasminecalia @ha-tep @charbokbok @setsuna-meiou31 @ms-blvck @country-cowgirl-101 @bepo-is-sorry @hufflautia @waitforthehurricanrose @fictionalhoomanofnowhere @sanniegirl1214 @telenari @anonymouscastiel12 @ddaeing @kanemilove @casualdreamerdreamer @dark-night-sky-99 @nickkie1129​ @mischiefmanaged71​ @help-i-need-a-social-life​ @moncheriemoony​ @citrineasguardian​​
Loki Tag: @unicorniorosacomefrutillas @thesilentbluesparrow-blog @oddly-drawn-muse @josiehosiedaninja @hp-hogwartsexpress @sadwaywardkid @wolf-lover74 @sizzlingbarbarianglitter @sigyn-nightshade @aoirohi @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @just-a-donut-who-reads @day-dreaming-fox @heykathchuu @is-it-madness​ @writingletterstothefire​ ​@nonsensicalobsessions​
All Works Tag: @jmb959 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @hellocookiecutter @steve-rogers-personal-hell @buckybarnesyard @not-zari-tak @strangersstranger @thefridgeismybestie @moonlightprime @badhollandfluff @what-a-flammable-heart @fandoms-allovertheplace @polireader​ @hufflautia
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vintagedaydreams · 4 years
TLNRS-Part Six (Marcus)
Without further ado- part six!!
Warnings: some cursing, brief illusion to panic attacks, low self esteem
@kettnerjanea @jelly-fishy-babie @the-graceful-ace @amwolowicz @batsdothings @waxingmoonstone @littlebabybatthings @mauvette268 @katsav17 @batsuperflashmartianwonderman @imyourapocalypse @chubbybbt @bepo-is-sorry @raindancer2004 @artaxerxesthegreat @bethanymccauley @bloodsweatandsnapple @kawaiipoplover268 @legithraclya
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The next morning found you down in the kitchen for breakfast, a silly grin on your face and a happy song on your lips.
Last night’s date had been...amazing. You didn’t know anyone could be that attentive and sweet and Marcus had blown even the Queen’s expectations out of the water.
You gave a happy twirl and goosebumps erupted over your skin as you remembered the hooded look in his eyes and the gentle way he had wooed you over the course of the evening.
It was way too soon for Love and you were still a bit wary and skittish of anything remotely romantic, especially with Vampires, this soon after the whole Carlisle debacle, but oh, did you wish and want whatever this was to come to fruition.
It was so nice to be appreciated and feel as if you were sought after.
“Sounds like someone had a good night,” Edward’s sudden voice came from behind you and you jumped with a yelp.
“Eddie!” you scolded, holding a hand over your heart, willing it to stay within your rib cage, “Don’t do that!”
To your surprise, Edward lifted his hands in the air, a serious look on his face.
“No harm meant, Y/N.”
Your brow furrowed- what the heck was his problem? It wasn’t like you thought he meant to scare you into an early grave.
Edward’s head tilted a little behind him and you looked over his shoulder to lock eyes with Jane.
“Oh, hello,” you said with a small, uncertain smile. The Volturi has all been incredibly welcoming and helpful, but the Witch Twins had been more standoffish than the rest.
Which you could understand. After all, you were a human, and an Unwanted Mate at that.
Edward’s eyes narrowed in your direction and you gave a small sigh.
Honestly, you loved Eddie like a brother but the mind reading thing was a bit tiresome at times.
And it wasn’t like you were wrong!
You were human and you were an Unwanted Bond Mate.
Simple as that. No amount of positive thinking or good self esteem was going to change that.
You turned your attention back to Jane as she shifted and stepped further into the kitchen.
“You are okay?” the blonde vampire asked emotionless, ruby eyes darting from you to Edward and back again.
You tried valiantly to tramp down the warmth that blossomed in your chest at her question.
It was nice to know that she cared, even if she was just asking out of what was probably duty to one of her Kings.
You were suddenly grateful that Jasper didn’t like you enough to hang around like Edward.
One invasive-talented vampire was enough.
A gentle throat clearing reminded you that you had yet to answer, so with a very red face, you assured her that you were fine.
Jane stared you down for a few moments, long enough for you to start fidgeting, before giving a single nod and disappearing.
You turned wide eyes to Edward who just shook his head with a chuckle.
“I have no idea,” he smirked and you rolled your eyes.
Uh huh. Sure.
“Where’s Bella this morning?” you asked curiously as you continued to make your breakfast.
“Packing for our return trip,” Edward said quietly after a moment and you froze, all happy thoughts of Marcus disappearing as it dawned on you.
They were returning to Forks.
You probably should too.
Your mind started to race. What was it going to be like, back in Forks with the Cullens? Could you even stand to see them every day? Would their sudden apologetic and sad demeanors make you give in when you should stay strong or would their attitudes change back to how they were once you were out of Italy? Did you even want to stay in Forks? What if you didn’t have your job when you got back? What if you never recovered from being an Unwanted? What if—
A cold hand was suddenly on your shoulder and you were drawn back into a gentle, brotherly embrace.
“Breathe, Y/N,” Edward murmured into your hair. “Just breathe for a few moments, okay?”
You nodded as best you could with your head tucked into his chest, but dutifully took a few deep breaths.
Why were you like this?
You were pretty sure that normal people wouldn’t be freaking out over a sentence as simple as, “She’s packing”.
Then again, what exactly was normal anymore? Since apparently vampires existed and had their own version of the Mafia.
Edward snorted and you gave a somewhat shaky smile.
Well, at least you were entertaining to someone.
“You are not going to be forced to go back with us, Y/N,” Edward said softly after a few quiet moments. “I am sure that Aro would welcome you here.”
You raised your head to frown at the vampire. “I am not going to be a charity case.”
To your surprise, Edward actually rolled his eyes.
“Aro thinks many things about you, Y/N, but charity case is not one of them.”
You blushed at the slight reprimand and burrowed your face back into Edward’s chest.
A gentle hand ran through your hair and Edward added quietly, “There are a lot of people who care for you, Y/N. Never forget that. And those same people would do everything in their power to make sure you were taken care of and provided for. You have a way of endearing yourself to people quickly and we vampires are no different. Those that want to take care of you do so because of you and who you are, not because of any sort of pity.”
That warmth was back, unfurling in your chest like a flower blooming on a warm spring day.
You squeezed the vampire in front of you in a tight hug, mentally sending your thanks.
You needed to hear that.
“Anytime,” came Edward’s murmur and then you found yourself suddenly seated at the table in a rush of wind.
Your forgotten breakfast was placed in front of you with the order to eat.
“You’ll feel even better when you have something on your stomach. And then you can decide if you want to stay or come back to Forks.”
You weren’t exactly sure what epiphany Edward thought your food would give you, but by the time you had finished eating, you still were no closer to figuring out what to do.
Should you stay or should you go?
What really was waiting for you back in Forks?
But then, what was really waiting for you here?
You gave a soft growl, a pathetic sounding one compared to the ones the vampires could produce, but it made you feel marginally better.
Maybe you could just go...live in England on your own. No vampires, no Mates, no supernatural.
Just the English countryside, horseback riding and rain.
You smiled big, this was a great solution!, and turned back to Edward who was looking at you in a mixture of both amusement and disbelief.
“Y/N,” he started after a moment, “what on Earth makes you think that’s going to be an option for you?”
Your jaw dropped.
“An option for me?” you parroted. “I’m a grown ass woman! Why wouldn’t it be an option?!”
Edward snorted in pure amusement now and took a seat across from you at the table.
“Y/N, there are too many vampires interested in your well being to let you go off on your own somewhere. And,” he continued, holding up a hand when you opened your mouth to interrupt him, “English is very wet, very rainy and very cloudy. Not the ideal place to try and get away from creatures that thrive in the shadows.”
You snapped your mouth shut.
The man had a point there.
Which kinda sucked. What a good excuse to move to the UK.
“Why don’t you come back with us, Y/N?” Edward suggested when your thoughts didn’t leave England.
Your eyes locked onto tawny gold.
“At least for a little while. That will give you a chance to get everything in order if you don’t decide to stay.”
You studied his face while you thought it over.
It would be good for you to go back. Get back to the familiar and comforting.
And maybe even get on with your life.
“I know it sounds kinda crazy, Edward, it being so soon and all, but I’m going to really miss everyone here.”
The mind reader picked up on exactly who you would miss the most and he gave a gentle smile.
“I can assure you the sentiment would be returned, if he wasn’t going along.”
You blinked once. Twice. Three times.
And then, “Wait, what?”
Edward leaned back in his chair, an air of smugness radiating from him.
“Marcus. King Marcus. The one with the beautiful eyes and the amazingly kind heart you haven’t stopped thinking about?”
You blushed red at that.
“He decided to come along with us to Forks,” Edward continued, “if you had decided to join us.”
“But why?” you asked in genuine confusion. Why would he want to go to Forks of all places?
Edward leveled you with a look that said, ‘Really?’
You leveled a look right back at him.
“He’s known me for a few days, Eddie. And we’ve had one date- if you can technically even call it that. Seems a little premature for him to go galavanting across half the globe for someone he just met.”
Edward leaned in, elbows on the table and face serious and close to yours.
“Y/N. Listen and listen good. You are worth it. Whatever my sire has said and done, however my coven has treated you, forget about it. I told you- you endear yourself to people quickly. The Volturi are no different. What they feel for you is true and all because of you. Bonded or no, Unwanted or no, they care for you. As do I. Don’t be so hard on yourself or surprised that Marcus would travel with you to Forks. There are more that would come if they could.”
“Young Edward is right,” a low, gravelly voice said from the doorway and you snapped your head over to see Marcus standing there, Volturi robes blending in with the shadowed doorway.
“You sell yourself much too short, Cara Mia. I am going with you to Forks because I wish to. Because I do not want you to have to face Carlisle and his coven alone. And because I very much want to see where this attraction between us may lead.”
Marcus stepped into the room and slowly made his way to your side before lowering himself elegantly to his knees.
“However,” he continued quietly, “should you wish me not to go, I will remain here in Volterra.”
You blinked dumbly at him.
“You mean, I have a say in this?” you asked in surprise.
Edward made an odd sound and Marcus looked stricken.
“Y/N,” he said earnestly, “you will always have a choice.”
You looked between the two of them and then your eyes went wide.
“No, that’s not what I meant! I mean it was, but not necessarily like that! Just...it is surprising to me that I would have a say in whether you went to Forks or not, because...well, of the obvious.”
“Why would you think you wouldn’t have an input into whether I accompanied you to Forks or not?” Marcus asked quietly.
You rose a brow. “You mean other than the fact that you’re a King? A Vampire one at that? You can go wherever you want- why would my opinion matter? I’m just me- human and decidedly not a royal.”
“But perhaps I am just Marcus- a man trying to woo a woman he’s beginning to care very deeply for. A man who wouldn’t want to press his luck and go anywhere he wasn’t welcome.”
Silence reigned in the kitchen. Marcus was looking intently at you, you were gaping probably quite unattractively back at him, and Edward was pretending to be engrossed in the ceiling to give you two the illusion of privacy.
“Y/N,” Marcus whisperer, cold hand lifting to gently cup your cheek. “May I accompany you to Forks? And act as your Protector?”
Edward’s attention was now focused intensely on the two of you, but you paid him no mind, your own attention captivated by the King kneeling at your feet.
“Yes,” you finally managed to murmur. “Please.”
A soft smile curled the edges of the Vampire King’s mouth and he smoothly stood.
“Then I have preparations to finish. I shall see you when we depart tonight, Y/N. Until then.”
With a kiss to the back of your hand, he was gone in a swirl of robes and a gust of wind.
Dazedly, you wondered if Aro’s flamboyance was contagious.
After a few minutes, you snapped out of it and looked over to see Edward looking at you with an unreadable expression.
“...What?” you asked cautiously.
“King Marcus,” Edward started, before stopping, his expression warring somewhere between joy and caution.
“King Marcus what?” you finally demanded when it seemed he wouldn’t say anything else.
“He asked to be your Protector.”
“Yeah? And?”
“And you agreed.”
“Yeah? And?!”
Edward’s honey gaze met your own.
“And he has formally claimed you. He is your Protector and you are his Charge. Your battles are his battles, your enemies are his enemies. He wants nothing more than your safety and happiness.”
You gaped as Edward leaned forward to add lowly, “He would now die for you.”
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tangsakura · 2 years
One Piece 1046 Reaction
More like best moments reaction
DO NOT INTERACT if you haven’t caught up with the manga, and/or an anime-only fan
The cover page shows that there are two intruders in Chocolat Town on Cacao Island. We don't know who it is, but I'm betting it's either the Blackbeard Pirates or Reiju and Ichiji. Blackbeard Pirates because Big Mom and majority of her children are not there; Reiju and Ichiji to save their brothers. I'm excited to find out in the next cover page story.
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Then we get to Luffy vs. Kaido, where Luffy is chilling and thinking about what he should name his attack from previous chapter. Kaido ask Luffy who he really is and Luffy declared that he is Luffy, the man who will be the King of the Pirates! Man I love how Oda dispelled the doubts about Luffy not being Luffy anymore since Joyboy or Nika has taken over him.
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And more fighting between them. LUFFYTUNES ANDABFOFNO
As Kaido has mentioned to Luffy in the middle of their fight, the castle is on fire. But man, he also acknowledged that his subordinates (I assumed he was implying the Lead Performers and Tobiroppo) has been defeated and he's the only one standing - to that think he would! Of course, Luffy left it to his allies and friends to extinguish the fire. And they continue their battle. I love Luffy's determination and trust, and the fact he didn't fall for Kaido's attempt to sway his mental state. Also I love how Kaido has admitted he's lost his subordinates and his castle - showing how much damage Luffy and the alliance have done to Onigashima and the beginning of the end.
Of course let us not forget Raizo. My man has been keeping a scroll full of water from Zunesha's bath and please the flashback on that day the Oden castle fell and his determination to be prepared in case a big fire happened again. Our Mizukage (forgot which Redditor had this idea of calling him mizukage ;--; let me know if y'all know and I can put them as credits) Hokage UmU. Don't forget Jinbei, too, who was responsible in spreading the water throughout the building.
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(I love the respect they have for each other, as well)
I love Yamato reprising the role of a mentor to Momonosuke, reminding him to create flame clouds because Kaido is almost at his utmost limit and this time around Onigashima will come falling down. I mean I couldn't blame Momonosuke since the fight between Luffy vs. Kaido has been so amazing and ridiculous, you can't keep your eyes away xD
And my most favorite page of this chapter as Yamato told Momonosuke that Onigashima is about to fall:
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Look at Luffy holding a thunderbolt while looking down at Kaido. He looks godly. THESE PANELS LOOK SO COOL ASDHFKDFJALDLADJLADJAD ODA YOU GOAT!
BONUS: Many readers, including me, have also noticed how Oda showed the vice-captains or #2's being carried by their crew. Please Bepo one was so funny xD And the one with Killer was adorable, how the crewmates would copy his laugh just to make it feel like he's not left out or anything of the like. The one with Zoro is concerning since he's at a very critical condition.
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Overall, the chapter was great. I hope next chapter will have Kaido's flashback or defeat. Luffy also has to rest.
Next week is chapter 1047. See you then.
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
You » Part Two
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Fuck Tumblr and it’s stupid maximum word count .-. Here’s PART TWO to that special fic idea, hope you enjoy it! :D
Can you tell me what you think of this? 🥺
Summary : Arriving at an island you’ve been longing for, Law discovers some truth about you and himself. not good with summaries
Part One Here!
To say that the Heart Pirates were shocked would be an understatement.
Following after you, they stood still at the sight of you in the center of the plaza, the whole area covered and lit up by the lights and torches that were lit around.
You were facing away from them, speaking with some other women who were wearing similar dresses to you and different colored flower crowns.
You seemed comfortable around them, talking and laughing while other people nearby were either setting up the area or standing/sitting around to watch, waiting for the entertainment to start.
Law watches you carefully from where he stood. The crew stood afar but had a decent enough view of the center of the plaza.
“Is that [Name]?”
“Is this the special performances and entertainment that tour guide was talking about?”
“I wonder what’s going on.”
Law didn’t say anything as his crewmates chattered amongst themselves and just kept his eyes on you before seeing you make their way over to them.
“Glad you decided to come! Sorry I just took off, but I had to check in for a brief minute for something.” You laugh sheepishly before smiling at the crew and waited for them to say anything.
But instead, the announcer spoke into his mic.
“Alright everyone, it’s reaching midnight! Before our special entertainment and show performance, we must celebrate our yearly traditional festival of the lights! Does everyone have their lanterns ready?”
You look down at the lantern in your hand and hum, turning to the others and seeing them hold them up, besides Law.
“You ready, Law?” You hum and Law clicks his tongue. “What’s the point? These don’t actually work..” he mutters and you frown.
“Of course they do. Just give it a chance, and your wish will come true.”
Law didn’t respond as the announce came back on and yells with excitement. “One minute left!”
You turn to Bepo, Shachi and Penguin and grin eagerly. “Ready, you guys?” The trio only nod, also as enthusiastic about the festival as you.
“3, 2, 1! Let them go!”
And all at once, everyone held up their lanterns in the air and released them into the sky.
You turn to Law and watch his reluctant before smiling and bringing his arm up, making him release his hold onto the lantern and let it fly.
Exchanging glances with the doctor, you only beam with joy at the sight of the lit up lanterns all following each other in the night, along with the bright sky and it’s beautiful stars.
“Look, it’s flying!”
“Wah... the stars really are beautiful!”
“It’s amazing! I hope my wish comes true.”
Many similar shouts were heard from the crew and other islanders and visitors.
Law kept a close eye on his one lantern, watching it fly off slowly and mix with the others into the night, the smallest smile on his lips.
He was enjoying this night with you. Seeing your delighted and overjoyed expression made his chest warm.
All of his worries and stressed seemed to go away and he felt at peace.
But that soon faded away.
“Okay, everyone! Please gather around and sit in silence as we begin our performance! Ladies are up first! Ladies, you have the stage.” An another announcer / host spoke into a microphone, gesturing over to you.
You smile, giving a silent thanks to the host before walking away from the surprised group.
Making your way towards the center of the plaza once more, you put on a earpiece microphone and adjusted it so it wouldn’t slip off.
Looking around the crowd, you met eyes with Law and gave a small shy and sheepish smile before speaking.
“Thank you all for coming! Make yourselves comfortable. The show is about to begin! Please enjoy!”
With that, you readjusted your headset mic again and the native men began to beat their bongos and drums, whilst others were playing acoustic guitars.
Gripping your own guitar, you made sure the others were ready to go. After giving a nod of approval from the other women and men, you smile and turn back.
Taking a scan of the audience, your smile softens and you started to strum your guitar in sync with the others and the women behind you began to dance with a sway of their hips.
Parting your lips, you began to sing out a gentle tune, moving side to side with the dancers and held a bright cheery smile on your face as you did so.
“E-Eh? [Name] is singing and dancing!”
“I didn’t know she could play the guitar.”
“Wow, her voice is so great when she sings!”
The others gawked at you, mouths gaped at your movements and angelic voice singing to their ears.
Law watches with surprised eyes as you sang and danced with the women, as if you had done this many times before.
But he couldn’t help the secret, small, amused smile that formed, hearing you sing. It was nice, soft, melodic and you sang with ease.
That’s when it clicked to him.
Law’s eyes gazes onto you as you continue to sing out to your hearts content, the crowd swaying to your voice and enjoying the beat of the drums and the dance of the women.
‘How could I have not noticed sooner?’
Feeling a hard gaze, you turn discreetly whilst singing and saw Law, softening your smile as you knew what he had just discovered about you.
Closing your eyes and letting him know that you knew he discovered the truth, you only just sing.
‘He knows.. but it’s okay.. it was time and it was bound to happen anyways.’ You told yourself, before finishing up the song and gently stopped the chords of your guitar from making further noise.
Once you finished, the announcer returned, applauding your performance, the audience and most of the crew doing the same.
“Wasn’t that wonderful, everyone? Thank you ladies and gentlemen for that beautiful performance, and most of all, to our special girl [Name]! She just returned home after having gone overseas, and she’s still as talented as ever!”
Cheers and whistles could be heard and the loud shocked noises from the Heart Pirates were simply ignored.
You shyly smile at the crowd and waved to some people before turning away, making the announcer laugh.
“Looks like someone’s gotten shy over the years. That’s our dear, [Name]!”
From this point, Law was no longer listening to the announcer and just had his eyes on you, watching you take off the headset microphone and head off quickly, away from the plaza.
And he took off after you.
“You’re a native islander here.”
Pausing in your movement, you smile softly at the familiar voice and slowly stood straight, turning to the door and found him leaning against the frame.
“So I am.. it wasn’t that hard to figure out.” You hum and Law narrows his eyes. “If you had just told me this was your home island-“
“Would it really matter?” You cut him off, a sad smile now forming. “Would you have kicked me off the second we arrived?”
Law didn’t say anything, waiting for you to continue which you did.
“That’s right.. I’m not an orphan.. and I’d be lying if I said I’m not happy that I’m back home..”
“but I was perfectly fine with skipping past this island and continuing to venture the seas with your crew.” You mumble, bringing a hand up to pull a strand of your hair behind your ear and fidgeted a bit.
“Is it so wrong of me? Am I selfish for wanting to be with you and the crew, because of the great memories I’ve made? Even though I’m not a pirate, but some random islander?”
You continue to just question yourself and your thoughts, a frown slowly replacing your smile.
Law continued to keep quiet, but had entered himself into the room and shut the door, making his way over towards the couch.
“Tell me, Law.”
Law looks up at you and finally takes notice of your few tears forming in the corner of your eyes.
“..Am I so selfish, to want to be with you and the others?.. Even if it hasn’t been long.. I’m so happy with you all..”
Law lowers his hat to cover his eyes as he slowly spoke. “I can’t answer that.”
You smile weakly at him and nod, wiping your tears and inhaled deeply before relaxing with a heavy sigh. “Right. I knew the answer already anyways.”
You look back to what you were doing, seeing your all too familiar room from when you lived here years ago and smile softly.
Though it was your old room, the room happens to now be Law’s for the time-being of his stay.
You then found your guitar from your earlier performance and went over to grab it, Law’s eyes following and watching you carefully.
“How was the performance?”
“It was alright.” Law admits, making you smile softer and nod. “That’s good.. glad you liked it.”
Gliding your fingers across the chords so it played a string of noises, you quickly pressed your hand against them to stop it.
“Have you sang before?”
Knowing what you were insinuating, he closed his eyes. “I don’t sing.” You chuckle and smirk playfully.
“Everyone has tried singing before, whether they’re good or not is another story.” You tease and he hums in slight amusement, unknown to your walking towards him.
It was only when you were right in front him, did he open his eyes, a bit startled to see you.
You reach up a hand to your head, grasping onto the flower crown that laid delicately on top and lifted it, you pull off his white hat and replaced it with the crown.
Giggling a bit at the sight and the very faint blush of Law’s cheeks, you lean down since he was sitting and hum.
As you brought a hand up to caress his cheek, you gave a soft grin, your gentle voice filling his ears.
“Why don’t you sing with me, mister pirate? It’ll be fun.” You whisper and Law grimaces a bit.
“I don’t sing.” He repeats and you faked a pout.
“Come on, Captain Trafalgar Law, of the Heart Pirates. Do me this last favor?”
Law’s stoic expression slowly falters and fades before a small defeated but annoyed smile spread his lips.
“Fine... only this one time..” Only for you.
Victorious smile brought onto your lips, you went over to the seat across from him and sat.
Bringing the acoustic guitar to your chest, you began strumming a gentle tune for him to start off.
Even though he agreed, Law glared small daggers to you before he parted his lips and began to sing.
“Good little girl..”
Your eyes widened just a bit, surprised at how soft his voice was, despite it being deep.
Whilst he sang, he stood up and walked around the table over to you, Law brought his hand up and glided his index finger towards your chin, lifting it up to pull you closer.
“Always picking a fight with me.., you know that I’m bad~”
He walks around behind you and carefully wraps his arms around your waist and lean towards your ear. Leaning dangerously close, Law lets a smirk take over as he tilts his head, continuing to sing softly.
“But you’re spending the night with me~”
He then pulls away and turns, bringing his hand down to his sides and sits back down in his previous seat.
“What, do you want, from my world? You’re a good little girl~”
You smile warmly and close your eyes, parting your lips to begin singing after him, continuing to strum.
“Bad little boy~”
Law watches amusingly at your words, actually enjoying himself and listening to your angelic and melodic voice.
“That’s what you’re acting like, I really don’t buy..”
You open your eyes and tilt your head, leaning forward and let a wider smile spread across your mouth.
“That you’re that kind of guy~”
You stand up, walking over towards him and this time, you knelt down by his side and leaned into his ear, your breath fanning his face.
“And if you are.. why do you still hang out with me?..”
Leaning back a little, your strumming slowly came to a stop and you stare at Law for a moment.
Smiling softly, you began to pull back to stand up but Law was quicker.
Instantly, you suddenly felt a pair of lips pressed onto yours.
Your eyes widen slightly but you didn’t waste any more time to kiss him back, closing your eyes and relaxing as Law deepens it.
Relaxed, you lean closer and brought a hand up to his face and caressed his cheek, smiling slightly through the kiss.
He opens his eyes to stare at you, before he pulls away and let out a smug smile.
Law’s eyes seem to constantly linger from your lips to your eyes for a few seconds.
Still just inches apart, your smile softens as you look up at him, lovingly. Warm eyes met his and your cheeks began to pinken.
“..I really like you, Law.” You whisper out and Law couldn’t help the small chuckle that slipped from his lips. “It’s apparent.”
Giggling, you sneaked a glance to his lips before looking back up at his eyes and playfully shake your head. “Well? Do you plan on saying it back?”
Law rolls his eyes before smirking and tilting his head and connected your lips with his once again.
This lasted much shorter than the previous one but it still held the same warmth and love.
“I believe that answer is sufficient enough.” He says and you smile wider before standing up to stretch your legs. “Yes it is.” You mused.
“Quite the singer.”
“In my blood.” You respond cheekily, shrugging it off nonchalantly and he chuckles.
“You know, you weren’t too bad yourself.” You complimented and he cocks his head to the side.
“Too bad it’s the last time you’ll be hearing me sing.” He spoke matter-of-factly, making you giggle, lifting the guitar and setting it aside.
“Yeah, that is unfortunate. You’ll be gone before I have any other chances to tease and annoy you anymore.” You hum and Law rolls his eyes a bit.
Silence overtook you as your expression softens despite your smile faltering.
“...When are you leaving?”
“..First thing tomorrow.”
Nodding, you dust your clothes off, bringing back a small sad smile and turn to Law.
“I see... well.”
Staying quiet for a moment, you inhaled deeply. You then bow your head before bowing a complete 90°.
“Thank you for taking care of me all this time and bringing me back home.. I will never forget your kindness and hospitality. I truly enjoyed my time I spent with you and your crew..”
You relax your body, ignoring the aching pain in your chest that kept punching you.
Telling you to stop saying goodbye.
To tell him what you truly wanted.
You didn’t want Law to leave.
You wanted to stay with him.
Stay by his side and his crew.
You wanted to be with Law.
“Is this your decision?”
Law stares at you, bowing before him as you finally straighten yourself up and forced a wide smile and cleared your throat.
You only ignored his question and close your eyes softly.
“I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay, and have a good night.”
Picking up your guitar, you began heading towards the door and brought your hand to the knob, opening it up.
Turning back to face him, you stare at him a bit, expression softening before a strained smile came out. You then turn, facing the exit again.
Why are you leaving him?...
“Goodbye, Trafalgar Law.”
Law stares at your leaving figure, the slightest frown noticeable on his lips as he accepted your decision, regardless of how he felt.
He didn’t want to leave you either.
Despite all your annoyances you brought to the crew, he secretly loved every second he spent with you.
And the growing feelings rising in his chest.
He wanted you to stay with him.
It’s only you that can make him feel so warm and loved.
He wanted to be with you.
Reaching up to touch the flower crown that you had given, Law felt his heart breaking piece by piece, a sunken feeling in his chest as he closed his eyes.
Did he deserve this?..
“Goodbye, [Name] [Last Name].”
And the door shut closed.
Was this the consequence of becoming a pirate?
Was he being punished for even having the slightest bit of hope when he finally found someone he could say he was in love with?...
Was Law in love with you?
Law wasn’t clueless, he knew the exact cause of his heartache, his burning pain in his chest.
He just chose to disregard it. To push it away, because it wasn’t his choice if you stayed or not.
But he could only wish in his next life, maybe life would be a little nicer to him. Maybe he would be lucky enough to live a better life, and maybe end up with someone like you.
“You should really quit being so negative, Law. It’s not good for your skin, you’ll get wrinkles.”
Law’s eyes widen a bit as he looks up, expecting to see you within his line of sight but saw nothing but the empty dock on the coast of the island.
‘Did I imagine that?..’ Law frowns a bit, closing his eyes again and tried to relax.
His mind then wandered over to the lanterns from last night, exhaling inaudibly. ‘I already knew that stupid wish wasn’t coming true.. so why am I so disappointed?’
“We’re all set to go, Captain!.... Captain?”
Bepo blinks at Law’s stilled state and walks over, placing a paw on his shoulder. “Captain.” He called out and Law opens his eyes.
“Right. Let’s get going then.”
Bepo nods as the crew all began climbing on board the submarine to get going.
“Is [Name] really not coming with us?..” Shachi mumbles and Penguin frowns disappointedly.
“This is her home. You can’t expect her to just drop everything and become a pirate, after being gone for so long.” He explains but that only dampened the others’ moods.
“It was her choice.” Law simply says, turning away and began to board onto the submarine, when a sudden shout was heard.
Everyone froze at the sudden shout, nearly tripping over their own two feet.
Law turns at the sound of his name, looking into the distance and saw an all too familiar figure running towards him.
“You asshole, you better not be leaving yet!” You shout from afar, nearly stumbling but caught your balance and continued to run.
Bepo’s eyes widens and Shachi and Penguin gave wide grins.
“It’s [Name]! [NAME]!” Penguin and Shachi calls out excitedly, waving their arms.
Law sweatdrops at your running form, mixed emotions running through him as you finally came closer into their line of sight.
Though, just a mere few feet away, you tripped over a rock and fell face first onto the ground.
They were taken back but jumped when you snapped your head up and stood up with a huff, securing your big bag onto your back before continuing to run.
Your face and body were aching from having ran so far and literally having just fallen but you didn’t care, lunging yourself right into Law’s arms.
Clearly not having expecting that, nor with the amount of force you put in, Law ended up falling onto the ground, you on top and hovering over him.
“Captain!” / “[Name]!” The crew shouted in surprise, sweatdropping and much worry and concern over the two of them.
You ignore them and huffed, looking down at him and supported yourself up with your hands on either side of his head while sitting on his waist.
“Trafalgar Law!”
“Stop yelling..”
Law widens his eyes at your sudden exclaim before immediately feeling a pair of lips press onto his.
His crewmates all gasped in shock at the sight, a few flushing at the sight while others smirked at their captain.
You shut your eyes tightly and cupped his cheeks, deepening the kiss by the tilt of your head and slowly, hungry lips kissed back.
Smiling softly, you pull away after a few seconds and look down at him, scratches and small cuts on your face from your fall.
“Let me join your crew. As a pirate. Part of the Heart Pirates. And...” A faint blush spread across your cheeks but you still held a grin.
“I want you! Okay? I’m in love with you. So be mine!”
Law stares at you, bewildered and stunned before a small smirk came across his face, his cheeks a soft pink.
“You really are troublesome..” he mutters before relaxing his body and closed his eyes.
“Fine. You’re now part of my crew. And as my first order as your captain, I demand you get the hell off me and onto the ship.”
You pout at his harsh words before smiling and pecked his lips, much to his dismay. Then getting up and dusted your clothes off, you stood holding out your hand for him.
“It’s a pleasure to be in your care, Captain.”
Law takes your hand to help himself up as he smirks amusingly. “Of course. I’m glad you decided to join us.”
You giggle and pull him up before securing your bag. “After memories like that, I can’t just suddenly leave. I have a new home now. With you and the crew.”
Before Law could respond, Bepo’s cries of joy was heard and him, Shachi and Penguin all ran up to you, tackling you into a hug.
“[Name]! We’re so glad you’re staying!”
“We were so worried you were going to leave for good!”
“It’s about time you got with the Captain!”
You could only laugh at them, taking in the hugs and shouts from them and just smiled brightly, clearly feeling overjoyed at being with them once more.
The doctor stares at you from where he was, feeling the warmth of your lips against him still as the smallest ghost of a genuine smile formed.
Law’s never felt so much relief and secret joy in his life, at the thought of spending his life with you, even as a pirate.
Only you, can make me feel this way, [Name].
It’s only you.
“Oi, let’s get going already.”
“Yes, Captain!”
Meeting eyes with Law, you share a warm smile to him, Law giving his own small pure smile, the sense of love and warmth evident in both yours and his eyes.
Realizing just how much you meant to him and how secretly glad he was to see you once more, maybe his wish did come true. He was happy.
And he knew one thing for sure too.
I’m in love with you [Name]-ya.
a/n : ahhh, hope you enjoyed this!!! :DD I stayed up to a bit over 2AM to finish this, even if I had class. :p 🥰🤍 and ended up being late for it-
So, clearly, I’m sure it’s not what people expected.
What did you think? :D it’s so rushed in the beginning of this part— DOES IT SEEM RUSHED?
And yes, before anyone asks, the song is from adventure time. It may not fit but I like it. Mostly the cover song made by Ashe.
not edited.
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