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zios-plotbun-farm · 10 months ago
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I found this fantastic One Piece comic by the amazing @lostuzumaki and just had to make a comic cover for it.
I don't really draw comics or covers for them usually so I tried to get inspiration from actual OP covers.
Not sure if it worked but this is as good as I could get it ^_^ I hope you like it!
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artscape-studio · 1 year ago
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Pumpkin King Wei Wuxian aka a MDZS/Nightmare before Christmas crossover lol I have LWJ as Sally and A-Yuan as a child ghost. Jiang Cheng is the Mayor while Yanli and Wen Qing are witches. Lan Qiren is the scientist that made LWJ and LX. While the juniors are the mischievous trio of kids but in this Au they don't help boogie. And that's all I got for this AU.
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demonitized-cultivation · 5 years ago
Hello! I found your MDZS incorrect quotes posts and wanted to know if it was ok if I made them into a comic and a lil animation video on Youtube? I'll make sure to credit you as the original poster both for the comic and in the video. >_< I also wanna know if its fine if I use your other posts too? I'll properly credit all of those I use from your blog. Thanks and hope this doesn't seem rude.
omg yes please, that would be amazing. I’d love to see it when you're done and link to it on my blog as well if that's ok 
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ao3feed-harleykeener · 6 years ago
by Ziohime
IronStrange fanfiction ideas that I'm probably never gonna write because I'm more artist than writer and am horrible at using words. (Why brain why do you do this to me? TwT)
So here I posts these to see if anyone is willing to adopt these plot bunnies of mines or get inspired by them. (I'm not picky with which one you choose I just want more ironstrange to read lol)
So come see these if you're looking for an idea or prompt to write or something to get out of writer's block. :D
Words: 781, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Iron Man (Movies), Doctor Strange (2016), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Riri Williams, Christine Palmer, Wong (Marvel)
Relationships: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark & Stephen Strange, Peter Parker & Stephen Strange, Christine Palmer & Stephen Strange, Stephen Strange & Wong
Additional Tags: Tumblr, Social Media
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zios-plotbun-farm · 5 years ago
@incorrect-wangxian-quotes I finished the video its pretty short but I did my best (even though I was using my phone and apps that I never used before for animating lol) I post it on both my Tiktok and Twitter which both have the same username[ziohime]. I hope you like it and thank you again for letting me use your posts ❤ https://twitter.com/Ziohime10/status/1254261050792448002?s=19
Hi! So I love your incorrect quotes posts and I was wondering if it would be alright if I animated them to post on my tiktok & YouTube? I'll be sure to clearly credit you both in the description and in the actual video. Thank you for the great wangxian content and I hope you accept this request of mine. 🤗
Of course it is alright! Feel free to use them!
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zios-plotbun-farm · 8 months ago
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Ok, Just so everyone knows. I'm so freaking happy with how this turned out! TwT Especially the lighting, cause usually I don't do lighting at all. So the fact this turned out as good as it did is amazing to me. \(*w*)/
Anyway I did a redraw of a scene from this wonderful comic here by the fantastic @lostuzumaki its the last scene on the 4th page.
Reason for why I did it? I was bored since I couldn't find any lawlu fics to read and went browsing on Pinterest. I then started seeing all these reeeeally cute drawing of them together as kids ugh. So I had the strong urge to draw them together as kids.
But I had just finished drawing this icon banner and didn't have the energy/motivation to draw some more at the time. So I went to check if LostUzumaki's comic had updated recently as a way to give myself a bit of a break. But then I reread it and saw that scene and I couldn't help myself TwT So I hope you don't mind LostUzumaki for redrawing a scene from ur comic but they were too cute to ignore.
Oh yeah I actually had planned on drawing & coloring it in manga style to make it easier on me, but I couldn't help coloring in Law. Then when I saw how good the lighting and coloring was on Law. I felt I had to have with Luffy & the bkgd match. So yeah.
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zios-plotbun-farm · 2 months ago
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First Manga style Lawlu comic that I have made and finished :>
A higher resolution version is available to view on my Ko-fi with possible fully colored pages posted on there as well in the future.
Will also be posting it on AO3 to better archive it and keep future comics in order. So subscribe there to not miss future updates. ^w^
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zios-plotbun-farm · 2 months ago
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Here I give you cute colored chibis that came from my lawlu comic cover. Hope you like it.
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zios-plotbun-farm · 3 months ago
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zios-plotbun-farm · 3 months ago
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Lawlu version
Law only / Luffy only
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zios-plotbun-farm · 3 months ago
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zios-plotbun-farm · 3 months ago
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Here is the Law version for this art style
Luffy Art
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zios-plotbun-farm · 8 months ago
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A little something I made a while back that I had realized I hadn't posted yet. ^_^;; So here's Idol Luffy where he can actually carry a tune and sing decently well lol
I made this cause I was inspired by all the ai cover songs that had Luffy sing. T_T I'm sorry but I was starved of Lawlu fanfic content and I tided myself with Lawlu song covers at the time. At least until I finally went looking for more lawlu fic on wattpad & FFN.
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zios-plotbun-farm · 9 months ago
One Piece Fanfic Crossover Idea [includes LawLu]
Alright. So recently after having binge-reading a lot of Lawlu fanfic, and falling back into the rabbit hole that is One Piece. I have managed to brew up a really silly lawlu storyline that honestly is more law-centric than anything. Although it has a lot of romance elements, probably more than it should. But uh, it's not entirely focused on Lawlu? That’s what I get for thinking throwing in my past 3 OTPs from my previous fandoms and 1 very old one would be a great idea. =w=;;
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And if that got your attention then buckle up this is gonna get slightly cracky and very long. Not much plot but plenty of detail lol
So the story starts with the Blackbeard battle on Whipper Island which still goes the same as canon. The only difference is that somehow Bepo, Shachi, Penguin and Ikkaku were the only ones in the crew to have survived the attacks. All of them escape with Law as in canon and regroup at a further away barren island or something. Not very detailed here.
Anyway, let’s just say a passing benevolent godly entity who favors Law (me lol) sees his situation, and decides to meddle as a way to help him out. They send Law a vision as a way to explain what will happen and why some random people will be suddenly appearing in front of them. That explanation being that they are sending possible new crewmates that will definitely be strong enough to survive the New World and help Law on his new quest for revenge against Blackbeard. Obviously Law protests against this at first but is unable to refuse since all these people were already being transported from outside their universe's domain  and can’t be returned because of their own universal rules. The Entity was just kind enough to nudge them on the path to the One Piece universe. When instead they could have continued hurling into the void between universes.
So after his forced agreement, various types of portals opened up, dropping off a whole bunch of confused people. A few of which were injured. A list also happened to appear that conveniently had information on them with their previous occupations and abilities. After everyone was done panicking, being suspicious, and first aid was administered. Law explained what the Lady Entity told him about their situations. He then asked them how they all got transported outside their universes. Here follows their situations:
[Naruto] SasuNaru
Naruto and Sasuke were sealing Kaguya away when she was able to get one last shot in that was a dimensional portal that had sucked in the two ninja while they were exhausted. They weren’t able to dodge it and Sakura was barely saved from being sucked in like they were since she was less exhausted and farther away from the portal.
[SVSSS] Moshang
LGJ got the drop on MBJ during the accession ceremony and SQH was able to distract him enough to get to MBJ. He used his return to home function while gripping MBJ as a last attempt to escape LQJ since MBJ was heavily injured. When Law arrived, Strange and Naruto were able to heal him enough not to die. Also during their explanation SQH realizes that he isn't bound by the system any more and has essentially been freed. Which means he can reveal his past life secrets if he wants too.
[MDZS] Wangxian
Their group had been ambushed by masked men during a very suspicious night hunt. They were caught in an array that had Wei Wuxian try to use a prototype transportation talisman to help escape or counteract it. Instead it made it into a very unstable dimensional travel array. The array that was used had something to do with time. [Include Wen Ning & Lan Sizhui]
[MCU] StrangeIron
All three were thrown out of their universe by the infinity stones themselves because the space/soul/time stones convinced the others to let them leave since they really liked Strange/Tony/Peter and didn’t want them to die. Initially only Tony was gonna use the stones but Peter joined in to help him and Stephen joined in to try to keep either of them from dying from power overload. So now they are banned from returning to their universe since they are supposed to be dead. That's the price for saving their universe. Also in this universe Tony had used a very low dose version of extremis to survive chest surgery after Siberia which is why he was able to survive the snap with the help of the other 2. This has Tony looking like late thirties.
After hearing their various situations, with all of them sounding very outlandish to the Heart Pirates, Law is both amazed and dreading having them all as possibly future crew members. But still Law throws out the offer of them joining his pirate crew and explains why it's a good idea. While explaining he also informs them about what this universe is like. Which includes devil fruits, the marines, the world government, the pirate era and the most famous pirates currently.
This in turn leads to Law’s bounty and infamy which also reveals Law’s newest quest for revenge against Blackbeard for killing most of his crew and destroying the Polar Tang. Sasuke, Wei Wuxian, and Mobei jun can relate to wanting revenge. Collectively they agree to join Law since the Heart pirates were the only ones that knew about their otherworldly situations and abilities. Plus none of them had any interest in being recruited or kidnapped by the Marines for their powers. Also not one of them would have been able to live normally without attracting some sort of attention, besides maybe SQH on his own.
After this Law goes over the list that Entity gave him. Which also included the tip of rejoining the StrawHats as an Ally again. Since they are eventually going to have a run-in with Blackbeard. Plus they needed time for his new crew to figure out how they fared against the fighters here. As well as get over the culture shock they're gonna have being in a new world. And possibly learn how to sail a normal boat and not a submarine. At least until they buy or steal a new one.
Crew Positions/Roles? Bepo = Navigator/First Mate Shachi =Doc assistant/Swordsman? Ikkaku = SubMechanic/Sniper Penguin =Doc assistant/Cook/Staff user? Naruto = Helmsman?/Scout/Fighters Sasuke = Lookout/Scout/Fighters MBJ = Fighter/Assassin/General SQH = Treasurer/Quartermaster/Spy Tony = Mechanic/Inventor/Fighters Stephen = Doctor/Sorcerer/Fighters Peter = Mechanic/Cabin boy/Fighters WWX = Fighter/Inventor/Musician LWJ =Cook/Fighter/Musician LSH =Fighter/Cabin boy/Musician WN =Fighter/Watchman/Pharmacist?
Extra Story Elements
Inventor group= Tony, Peter, WWX, Ikkaku Doc group= Law, Stephen, WN Inhuman= MBJ, WN, Bepo, honorary members Naruto & Peter Swordsmen= Law, LWJ, WWX, LSH, Sasuke, Shachi Lit Club= WWX & SQH, Shachi, Pen + editor Naruto Avoid Docs group= Tony, Peter, Naruto, WWX Kids Club= Peter, LSH, Naruto, Sasuke Sanity Group= LWJ, SQH, Law, Bepo Cooks= LWJ, Penguin, Naruto
Luffy becomes super jealous of Law for having 2 ninjas on his crew and tries to convince one of them to join his crew. Naruto doesn’t want to separate from Sasuke, and Sasuke would rather die than join a crew with 2 Narutos.
Franky & Ussop are amazed by the stuff that Tony and Peter make considering they do not use cola and are untraceable to the Marines. Tony was horrified by the fact that Cola could be used essentially like oil and that their phones were living organisms. Created various devices by hand and maybe recreated the Arc reactor to power their new Boat/Sub?
New Boat/Sub was made by a combination of Tony, Peter, Ikakku, Franky & Naruto who used his clones as workers.
Stephen gets his hands fixed with the help of Law and Naruto. Law with taking the pins out and attaching the nerves. And Naruto helped to regrow them and heal them. [hand wavy medicine]
On the boat when people are having relationship problems they go to wangxian since they were the only ones in a relationship and technically married with a son. MBJ is the first one to ask LWJ about how to court a cultivator since they are both introverted.
People confuse Tony & Steph as a couple because they parent Peter and think he is their son. This is before they actually get together.  
Peter, LSH, Naruto, and Sasuke are seen as the Kid group. Although Law does treat them as adults when needed. Everyone tends to be protective of them. MBJ & Law are Sasuke’s favorite crewmates because they are all cat-like.
Have a whole thing about trying to revive WN back to life since his body is in a state of stasis and his soul is bound to his body by force. Get his body to work again like Frankenstein. Group project between WWX, Law, Stephen, and MBJ. Possible outcome that WN turns into a Demon since he is saturated in Resentful energy.
SQH and Peter are the only ones to have an idea about the One Piece and Naruto worlds. SQH had his OTPs SasuNaru and LawLu while Peter had his favorite characters aka Sas, Naru, Law and Lu. Decide together to try and help the couples along with SQH taking LawLu and Peter getting SasuNaru. Peter has no clue how to, so just suggests ways to hang out.
Law while an introvert and masking as a Stern stoic badass. Is very much a secret chaotic dumbass when provoked by Luffy and others. Also he can’t seem to seriously fight Luffy without a good reason otherwise it turns into a slapstick fight lol. Is willing to wear stupid clothes/costumes although some might be in his eccentric style.
Shachi is a swordsman but only because Law needed someone to train and spar against while growing up and traveling through the North sea before they took on the grandline. He's a lot more comfortable with fighting hand to hand like a brawler/street fighter. Although he's also pretty good at using blunt weapons [bats, knuckles]. Possibly have him learn how to use armament haki to coat his fists and weapons. Maybe learn with Naruto and Peter to fight better with hand to hand techniques and parkour techniques aka move around larger opponents like Peter. [All the flipping and jumping] Possibly learn how to use advanced armament haki techniques with the help of Naruto and Sasuke. Similar to Sage techniques and Sakura’s strength techniques.
Penguin joins up with Shachi to learn better hand to hand combat. Can't seem to get the hang of using a weapon so at some point asks Stephen if he can learn his magic? Stephen gives it a try at teaching him. Penguin can only use a few magic spells since he isn't a genius like Stephen but tries to be creative with them. [Portals, Mandala shields, Eldritch whips, Energy sword, pure energy saw blasts, possible water element?] Help with MBJ, and Peter somehow, learns to water bend using magic.
Ikkaku gets trained by Tony, SQH, and surprisingly Sasuke. She focuses on hand to hand combat, gun/sniper training, using daggers, and figuring out how to use observation haki. She focused on presence sensing and intent sensing that she wishes to develop into future vision. Trains to make sure her concentration can't be easily broken, plus to increase her endurance and stamina. Possibly ask Stephen to teach her how to transmute items so she never runs out of bullets or without a dagger and some mild telekinesis to throw them/manipulate them.��
Law trains with his new crew mates to better use his devil fruit and his own body. Possibly have him unlock his own Conquerors haki like Luffy. Maybe have WWX give him some tips on using Jiang techniques since they were more adaptable while he spars LWJ & LSH to learn proper sword fighting. While also learning how to fight either bare handed or with only his fruit abilities with Strange and Sasuke.
WWX totally treats Law like a little brother since his tsundere tendencies remind him of JC. While WN likes him since he reminds him of WQ and his harsh bedside manner but caring actions for those he loves. Peter, Naruto, and Sasuke are new ducklings to teach and protect in WWX’s eyes. LWJ respects Law's authority and experiences, and at times acts like an advisor for battles [war experience]. Naruto/Peter = cool older friend while LSH treats him like a senior disciple. MBJ is willing to follow only because of SQH but watches Law like a hawk and forces him to grow stronger to be worthy of following him [demon stuff]. Stephen treats him as a colleague because both are genius surgeons and Protectors. Tony likes to mess with him and treats him like a youngsters aka Peter. Same with the other OG heart pirates although gives slightly more respect to Ikkaku for withstanding their bullshit [Sees Pepper/May in her]. Sasuke and Law at times butt heads because Sasuke isn't good with authority figures, and while Law understands that, it can be frustrating since he is the authority for this crew.
MBJ was the one to push Law to train to get stronger. Reason 1) cause it the demon way to only be the subordinate of someone if they were stronger than them. Reason 2) sees that Law needs to be pushed after having fallen into depression for failing his previous crew. So decides to motivate him by fueling him with Anger, Revenge and Spit like any proper demon would. Sasuke and WWX help at this point because they understand. This also causes the other OG hearts to also start training which leads to others offering their help for training.
While shopping for clothes SQH and WWX go ham looking for clothes. SQH convinces WWX to try on these great form fitting black coats and pants with low heeled boots. Also tells him that they aren't obligated to wear multiple layers so they can experiment with fashion now. WWX is very excited by this both from not having to be so formal and to tease LWJ. Tony and Peter go and decide they want to look the part of actually being pirates and drag Stephen along. They give Stephen the full pirate look with Levi turning into an overcoat. MBJ decides to wear the least amount of clothes since the seas are very hot and he can't be bothered to wear layers here. LWJ on the other hand struggles to find clothes that he is comfortable wearing. Gets help from SQH after he and WWX are finished with their choices. Sasuke and Naruto go and try to find the best reinforced clothes they can buy but choose to alter the few clothes they had to fit in.
Shang Qinghua: System gives him the ability to have a RPG game system interface to use in real life for completing PIDW storyline. He gains unlimited inventory space, Analysis ability, Spotify, Library, Map, Internet.
KARAOKE/DANCE NIGHTS SQH goes ham with the Spotify ability because it has modern songs which has Peter and Tony joining in. Everyone gets curious about the different music which ends up with them having Karaoke/dance nights where they sing or have dance offs to different songs. Even Law finds songs that he enjoys and is willing to sing to although rarely. Shachi and Penguin during those times are always his back up dancers or singers by force.
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zios-plotbun-farm · 5 months ago
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Drawing #1 for October [ Oct. 2]
cause I missed October 1st by 1 1/2 hours, lol 😆
Download for umarked ver. Here Ko-fi Shop
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zios-plotbun-farm · 7 months ago
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