#bella x rose
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stinkymoldman · 1 month ago
Seeing people comment “I cant wait to see where this goes🥹” on a new fic when the author has 50 abandoned fics piled up will always be a little funny and heartbreaking at the same time lol
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curtvilescomic · 8 months ago
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Lady Deadpool cosplay by Bella X Rose
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helenofblackthorns · 26 days ago
wait I just saw Thais's card and was reminded her second family name is Rosabranca..... Rosewain Rosales Rosabranca why are the Blackthorns collecting the Rose surname infinity stones
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screechcat · 2 months ago
Just a big fat list of all my favorite stories/series/art on this app.
Chasing More Than Ghosts - WandaNat x Reader
Neon Lights - Nuts and Dolts comic series
A Love Lost - Natasha x Reader - Angst
Shielded 1-4 - Dimtrescu Sisters/Alcina series
You Have A Kid? - Maria Hill x Reader
A Love So Understanding - Sam Carpenter x Reader (I just have to add that this has to be one of my favorite series on this app)
Everyone But Her - Wednesday Addams x Reader (my other favorite series on this app)
New York, New Rules - Tara Carpenter x Reader
Tux/suit art help
@divinegrey Arcane Masterlist - Vanisher Series (Jinx x Reader) - Pop Rocks & Punches (Vi x Reader)
Note: I, honest to the Gods, think of both of these series multiple times throughout my year.
Road to Healing - Wanda x Reader
In Mourning - WandaNat x Reader
Can't Let Her Make That Sacrifice - Jinx x Reader (Should def read this while listening to What Have They Done to Us from season 2)
Her Heartbeat Masterlist - Wednesday x Reader (Angst) - Another absolute banger in the works
In another, another universe - Arcane art
Healing Hands - Wanda x Reader ◇
The Ghost of Lovell Hill - Cairo Sweet x Reader
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volturissideslut · 5 months ago
𝕽𝖔𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖊 𝕳𝖆𝖑𝖊
Birthday dump part 4
Cold fingers card themselves through your hair, running through with feather light touches and spreading creamy vanilla and raspberry conditioner through your hair. “Long day?” Rose asks, a gentle kiss pressed against your temple.
“Nod long, just busy” you smile, a small hum of relaxation leaving you as she begins to massage your head. “Oh my god, you’re so good to me” you practically moan, sinking into her even more - as if that were even possible. “What about you, how was your day?”
“Boring,” she rolls her eyes as she recalls her classes today, the same repetitive thing over and over from all her years in highschool. “And especially lonely without a pretty distraction,” you can feel her grin through the kiss she gives your collarbone, the now lukewarm water of the bath you share doing nothing to shield the ice cold. Not that you mind, the coldness has now become a safety to you of sorts
As if reading your mind, though that’s her adoptive brother’s gift.she turns the hot tap back on. The water hitting your bath makes more bubbles rise and grow, and so you playfully scoop some into your hand and gather it onto her cheek. She laughs, then ducks her head back under to get it off, blonde wet hair sticking to her neck and collarbone.
“Ready to switch?” you turn back again and look at her, shifting in the water “c’mon, time to shampoo your hair” the bath salts somehow aren’t uncomfortable as you scooch forward then slowly turn around, but then again, everything with Rosalie feels comfortable, feels right. 
You watch as the candles that were once behind you flicker, waiting for her to copy your movements. This had to be some of your favourite times with her, soothing bubble baths at the end of the day, playful romantic touches, light music in the air, a safe space for just the two of you.
Gently, you scratch at her scalp and relish in the feeling of her leaning back against you. You were her safety, her love, and she was yours,
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philtatosbuck · 1 year ago
"edward and bella would've never been together if he wasn't a vampire" is a crazy statement because they're quite frankly the couple that would've most likely gotten together in a modern no vampire retelling. edward and bella started as fucking lab partners or some shit to begin with. what do you mean they're the only couple who wouldn't be together without vampirism they are frankly the most likely couple???
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mr-orange505 · 1 year ago
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owlstick · 2 years ago
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some very rough sketches
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starlight-court-dreamer · 7 months ago
Casal: King Benjamin Florian x Nyaxia Badwolf (OC)
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Nyx seguiu o pai até o seu escritório. Suas têmporas começaram a latejar indicando o início de uma dor de cabeça infernal, a rapidez com que ele se movia só aumentava a dor em sua cabeça.
O pai apenas a olhava com cara de paisagem. Totalmente desprovido de qualquer emoção. Na verdade, ela pensou ter visto o resquício de emoção que havia nele desaparecer no instante em que os olhares se cruzaram. Como se a mera chegada dela tivesse acabado com todas as suas emoções.
Ou eu estou muito ferrada ou aquela lagartixa roxa ridícula fez algo realmente ruim.
Ela abriu a boca para dizer isso, mas o pai já havia cruzado o escritório e parou em frente às grandes portas de madeira que davam para a varanda e as abriu, indicando que ela passasse à sua frente. Puxando seus cabelos longos em uma rabo de cavalo improvisado, Nyx deu um passo à frente, encostando-se ao parapeito da porta, sentindo o frio da manhã na pele.
O sol nunca aparecia na Ilha dos Perdidos. Grandes nuvens acinzentadas cobriam todo o espaço aéreo do local e impediam que qualquer raio solar chegassem até os moradores. Devido a isso, cultivar qualquer alimento era praticamente impossível, e os moradores da ilha dependiam quase que exclusivamente da bondade e compaixão do povo de Auradon. Além disso, as baixas temperaturas e a escuridão quase que completa influenciavam para dar um toque sombrio e ameaçador à Ilha dos Perdidos.
– Você está perdendo a vista – disse o pai, com uma voz baixa e rouca que fez sua cabeça formigar, como o tamborilar da chuva do telhado.
– Eu sei como é a Ilha dos Perdidos – respondeu ela em tom seco, e então cruzou os braços na altura dos seios. Nyx estava certa, não importava onde ela estava, as imagens das ruas lotadas de lixo e vilões sujos eram nítidas em sua mente. Ela havia crescido ali, em meio aos ladrões e bandidos, correndo por todas aquelas ruas imundas e fétidas. Prédios com aparência de abandonados cobriam a área que rodeava a mansão, uma névoa gélida era encontrada espalhando-se pela região.
Ao longe, quase no centro da ilha, era possível ver o castelo horroroso onde a Lagartixa mãe e a Lagartixa filha moravam junto aos seus amiguinhos ridículos. Se olhasse para leste, poderia ver as docas onde o Capitão Gancho, Úrsula e Morgana, sua irmã, dominavam, se apertasse bem os olhos poderia ver até as velas do navio comandado por sua melhor amiga, Uma, a filha da Bruxa do Mar.
– Eu queria te afastar de ouvidos indiscretos. É um assunto muito sério.
Algo na postura dele, com o vento fazendo sua capa preta esvoaçar, fez Nyx ter um forte pressentimento.
– Tá, antes que você venha com todo esse papo de Lorde das Trevas para cima de mim, eu não matei ninguém e eu não explodi nada nas últimas vinte e quatro horas. Estive com Uma, Harry e Gil desde ontem de manhã.
Dava para sentir aquela terrível avalanche de palavras que lhe escapava toda vez que ela estava nervosa ou havia um silêncio indesejável. Normalmente, Nyx conseguia controlar esse impulso após anos de treino, mas seu pai conseguia tirar o pior dela, então ela continuou:
– Talvez eu tenha quebrado alguns ossos de alguns misóginos e abusadores de crianças. Mas eles mereceram – Agora, ela gesticulava descontroladamente, como se estivesse tentando voar.
O que tornou a situação pior foi perceber que seu pai estava se esforçando muito mal, diga-se de passagem, para não ria dela.
Uma pessoa controlada pararia de falar ao ver aquela expressão no rosto do Lobo Mau, mas Nyx não era tão controlada assim. Quer dizer, Nyx era controlada, mas parecia que o cérebro e a boca não estavam conectados. E isso sempre acontecia na presença do pai.
– E talvez, sem o meu envolvimento, é claro, as sobrancelhas da bruxa, verruguenta e obcecada por maçãs, tenham sido queimadas novamente.
Os olhos do pai brilharam e a Nyx viu algo ardendo ali, só por um momento, antes de se fecharem de novo. Ele limpou a garganta e coçou a nunca, parecendo meio irritado meio orgulhoso.
Vê-lo perder qualquer resquício de sua impecável compostura dava a Nyx uma satisfação imensa. Não era sempre que o Grande Lobo Mau saia do seu personagem impecável e superior.
– Não me importo com as suas travessuras junto aos seus amigos piratas, filhote. – O pai revirou os olhos e apoiou as mãos em cada lado dos pilares de pedra. Nyx sabia que daria para ver seus ombros e costas tensos, não fosse pela capa.
A Morada da Lua, como era chamada pelos outros cidadãos da Ilha o lugar onde morava, era uma verdadeira fortaleza. Os homens de seu pai eram vistos circulando pelo perímetro. Todos eram fieis a sua família, de uma forma ou outra.
Seu pai tinha mantido a maioria das alianças de antes do seu confinamento na Ilha. Capitão Gancho, Sr. Smee, Yzma, Hades, Úrsula, Madame Mim, Dr. Facilier. Todos eles eram aliados de seu pai. Alguns mais que outros, é claro. Isso resultou nas amizades mais próximas de Nyx: Uma Hydraviper, Harry Hook, Gil LeGume. Nyx também tinha outros amigos como: Hadie Underworlder, Yzla Cat, Anthony, Dizzy e Annabelle Tremaine.
Quando não estava treinando todos os métodos de matar com seu pai, Nyx sempre poderia ser encontrada com Uma, Harry e Gil, seja ajudando no Ursula's Fish and Chips ou no navio que Uma comanda.
– Filhote?
Ah, ele estava falando, não estava? Nyx estava muito ocupada envolta em seus próprios pensamentos para ouvir ele.
– Ah, sim, eu... concordo. – Nyx balançou cabeça enfaticamente, tentando ao máximo não demostrar que estava prestando atenção.
– É mesmo? – Ele assobiou baixinho e levantou a mão para esfregar a barba por fazer mantida à perfeição. – Pois bem, tendo sua aprovação, irei começar os preparativos para casa você com um dos goblins, para garantir mais acesso às docas onde os produtos e alimentos chegam de Auradon.
– O quê? – Nyx arfou. – Papai, eu... O senhor perdeu completamente a cabeça? Isso não pode ser sério! É loucura!
Sem se dar conta, Nyx se aproximou do pai e agarrou as lapelas de sua capa e começou a balançar o corpo dele, tentando procurar qualquer traço de loucura em seus olhos.
Mas, em vez de humanidade, ela viu os olhos se estreitarem e formarem pequenas rugas nos cantos. Nyx deu um grande passo para trás para observar melhor a expressão do pai. Os lábios estavam curvados para cima e, quando Nyx percebeu, soltou um gritinho.
O pai abriu o maior sorriso que Nyx tinha visto nele desde seu último aniversário.
– PAI!
Ele revirou os olhos e balançou a cabeça, como se não conseguisse acreditar na conversa que estava tendo.
– Agora que tenho toda a sua atenção...
– Foi a sua primeira? – Nyx interrompeu, incapaz de processar tanta informação nova em poucos segundos.
O licano alfa inclinou a cabeça para trás, surpreso, enquanto soltava as mãos de Nyx de sua capa.
– Minha primeira o quê, filhote?
– Sua primeira piada desse mês.
Ele grunhiu e abriu a bocas para falar, parecendo bem indignado, na opinião de Nyx.
– Mas não é poss... – Ele se interrompeu para beliscar a ponta do nariz. – Nyaxia, você realmente acha que sou incapaz de ter senso de humor?
– Claro que não – disse ela seriamente – Você me teve.
O pai soltou um suspiro resignado e ajeitou meticulosamente a capa escura.
– Falo com você por menos de três minutos e já fico mais confuso do que os estagiários durante meu dia favorito da semana.
– Metaforicamente falando, claro, já que não estou atirando flechas em você. – Nyx lançou-lhe um olhar penetrante para reiterar o quanto “reprovava”  o treinamento de autodefesa do pai com as pobres almas que vinham para “estágios”. Filhos de vilões menores e pouco relevantes, pessoas com dívidas de jogo e outros malfeitores se candidatavam ao cargo o tempo todo.
O Dia da Caça é o melhor espetáculo que ocorre na Ilha dos Perdidos. O evento acontece no final de cada semana de trabalho dos estagiários do Grande Lobo Mau, a menos, é claro, que o pai estivesse tendo um dia ruim. Aí, poderia ser no início da semana, no meio da semana, de manhã, durante o almoço, ou... Bom, a lista continua. Pelo menos era consistente, já que todo Dia da Caça consistia no pai mandando os estagiários para fora para que fugissem de algo.
Desde que nascerá, ela os vira tentar escapar de uma besta, de um arco com flechas em chamas e de inúmera criaturas mágicas e não mágicas, até dela mesma quando o pai achou que Nyx já tinha idade o suficiente... Detalhe: Nyx tinha apenas 11 anos quando começou a participar ativamente do Dia da Caça. Mas, sem dúvidas, os dias preferidos de Nyx são aqueles em que o pai estava tão farto das palhaçadas de seus funcionários que começa a perseguir pessoalmente eles pelo pátio dos fundos... às vezes, se ela tivesse sorte, alguns dos funcionários de seu pai conseguiam fugir, e ela e os amigos continuavam a caçar eles por toda a ilha.
Foi o mais rápido que ela já viu os estagiários correrem. Nyx sempre morri de rir nesses dias.
E daí que eu me divirto com o desesperos deles? Quem não se divertiria com um bando de machos, correndo e gritando por suas mamães, mais perdidos do que cego em tiroteio?
– Vale lembrar que não mato um estagiário há muitos meses.
Nyx revirou os olhos tão forte que quase conseguiu ver o seu crânio por dentro.
– Papai lindo do meu coração, odeio diminuir seus sucessos, mas existem pessoas que passam a vida inteira sem matar ninguém.
Ele permaneceu sério.
– Que chato.
– Me poupe, né? Não foram “meses”. Você arrancou a cabeça de um dos trolls da Lagartixa Sênior semana passada.
– Bom, ele mereceu.
Nyx deu de ombros, concordando.
Todos sabiam que aliados da Fada das Trevas não eram bem-vindos daquele lado da ilha. E aqueles que tentavam... bem, eles rapidamente sumiam e nunca mais eram vistos novamente.
– Se eu tivesse esse privilégio, a Mal já teria ido parar em uma cova rasa há muitos meses. – Nyx fez uma pausa contemplativa. – Na verdade, pai...
– Não.
– Mas e se eu fizer uma lista oficial e bem-organizada de prós e contras? – suplicou.
De repente, o pai fechou a cara, tão do nada que Nyx ouviu a própria respiração acelerar.
– Sempre mantenha os inimigos por perto, filhote. A vida é mais interessante assim.
O sorriso que ele lhe deva naquele momento não tinha alegria, apenas promessas cruéis.
Nyx suspirou, cansada. Seu pai nunca lhe explicara o motivo de não acabar logo com essa guerra fria entre ele e Malévola. Até onde ela sabia, esse conflito já durava quase um século. E mesmo tendo todas as oportunidades agora, o alfa do clã Badwolf ainda não tinha decepado a cabeça da fada lagartixa ou arrancado seu coração.
– Falando em inimigos... Podemos discutir o assunto que me fez trazer você aqui para conversar antes que os outros comecem a acreditar que vou jogar você por cima do parapeito? – perguntou ele.
Nyx revirou os olhos e gesticulou para que ele continuasse.
– Pode falar.
O lupino fez cara feia e virou de costas para ela, voltando o olhar para a vista da Ilha.
– Uma carta chegou hoje para você.
Nyx tentou não demonstrar, mas a alegria era palpável. Fazia meses desde que a última carta da sua mãe tinha chegado, quase um ano. Essas cartas vinham de tempos em tempos, nunca de forma constante ou rotineira. Seus pais eram muito cuidadosos quanto a correspondência... todo cuidado era pouco, nunca se sabe quando uma de suas cartas poderia ser interceptada.
– Mamãe está bem? Cadê a carta? Ela mandou mais alguma coisa...
– É do palácio de Auradon. De Vossa Alteza Real, Príncipe Benjamin, para ser especifico.
Palácio Real de Auradon
À Ilustre Senhorita Nyaxia Badwolf,
É com grande distinção que, nesta primeira proclamação como Rei dos Estados Unidos de Auradon, tenho a honra de dirigir-me a vossa pessoa.
Como parte de meus votos solenes de estabelecer um reino de inclusão e progresso, venho por meio desta carta oferecer-lhe uma oportunidade singular: juntar-se ao corpo docente da Escola Preparatória de Auradon.
Esta proposta não apenas reflete os valores fundamentais de minha monarquia, mas também inaugura um novo capítulo de promessas e esperanças em Auradon. Sua presença na Escola de Auradon será de inestimável valor, contribuindo para a construção de um futuro mais brilhante para nosso reino.
Em reconhecimento à sua grande e histórica família, é com grande esperança e antecipação que aguardamos sua resposta afirmativa.
Os meus guardas estarão lhe aguardando amanhã pela manhã nos portões da Morada da Lua caso aceite a minha proposta.
Com distinta estima,
Príncipe Benjamin
Em nome da Família Real de Auradon
– Você só pode estar brincando com a minha cara. Por que, em nome de Ártemis, eu iria querer fazer isso? – Nyx zombou secamente, erguendo uma sobrancelha para o pai.
– Isso não é uma brincadeira, Nyaxia. Mas sim uma oportunidade. Você ira para Auradon, filhote. – De repente, a voz dele ficou mais baixa. Um tom letal que ela já tinha visto fazer os homens mais corajosos se tremerem de medo. Por algum motivo, Nyx achava reconfortante... talvez seja porque ele era o seu pai. – E isso não está em discursão.
– Oi? O senhor está ficando louco? Você sempre disse que Auradon é horrível e uma perda de tempo terrível.
– Mas com a minha filha lá, pode deixar de ser.
– Pai! Auradon não dá a mínima para nós há duas décadas! – rosnou Nyx enquanto se aproximava de seu pai, com as presas afiadas a mostra. – Eles jogaram você e todos os outros vilões em uma pilha de lixo flutuante sem dar a ninguém uma chance de redenção. Claro que a maioria não teria se redimido de qualquer maneira... mas mesmo assim, eles não se importaram com ninguém.
O pai olhou para ela com uma emoção indecifrável.
– E então, quando nascemos, eles decidiram que seríamos tão ruins quanto nossos pais. E nunca, nunca, pensaram em nós novamente. Então me perdoe se estou tendo dificuldades de em acreditar que, depois de vinte anos, a família real decidiu milagrosamente que talvez vale a pena pensar em nós.
Elijah Badwolf a fitou por longos minutos em completo silêncio, sem nunca desviar o olhar. Seus olhos lentamente começaram a se tornar de uma cor dourada, quase tão reluzente quanto ouro derretido.
– Nyaxia, você irá para Auradon. Não existe outra opção para você. Eu e sua mãe já decidimos, você irá para Auradon – disse o Lobo Mau em voz baixa.
Nyx respirou fundo, porque ele se erguia imponente e sombrio, prometendo destruição. Ela sabia que nunca teve chance contra seu pai, mas saber que sua mãe também o apoiava... bem, isso mudava as coisas, e ela só conseguia pensar...
– Quem mais vai para Auradon?
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iobsessoverfictionalmen · 1 year ago
Midnight Roses (1)
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AN: This fic contains canon-typical violence and behaviours, manipulation, mentions of death, murder, orphans, pain, blood, blood drinking, torture, memory manipulation, prison, and criminals.
Chapter 1
“Some things will never change,” Rosalie thought with a mental shake of her head after Edward and Bella had left the Cullen’s house.  The family’s return to Forks had been anything but peaceful especially since Edward, Bella and Alice had just returned from Volterra.
Rosalie was mature enough to admit to herself that she was partially responsible for sending Edward to Volterra to face the Volturi.  However, she was also calm enough to realise that Alice and Edward were the main ones to blame for that situation.  Had Alice contacted Edward directly (and Rosalie knew that she could because the two had been in contact during their time away from Forks), this entire situation may have been avoided.
Rosalie knew that some of her family didn’t believe her apology to Bella and Edward was genuine.  That annoyed her.   Rosalie wasn’t one to behave thoughtlessly or recklessly, especially when it came to her family.
All she had been trying to do was remind Edward of the Volturi and their rules when it came to vampires and humans yet it seemed that her adoptive brother had been all too willing to ignore those rules.  Now not only were the Volturi aware of Bella’s existence, but they had also ordered that she be changed into a vampire or face death.
The blonde vampire wasn’t naïve enough to think that if Edward ignored the Volturi’s ruling that Bella’s death would be the only one that the Volturi would seek.  The Volturi would destroy the majority of her family, leaving only the repentant ones.
In this instance, repentant was code for vampires that had a gift that Aro wanted.  While Rosalie knew she was beautiful by human standards and even by vampire standards, she didn’t have a gift that Aro would want to possess which meant that she would be one of the vampires that was killed because of Edward’s disregard of the Volturi’s rules.
Physically shaking her head this time, she walked out of the front door.  The air outside was warm but Rosalie paid it no mind.  She came to a stop twenty metres away from the Cullen house and as she leant against a lush, ancient tree, she closed her eyes.
“I tried to show Bella that being a vampire isn’t a goal she should fight to attain but she chose not to listen to me.  Please, somebody out there, show her that being ‘in love’ with Edward isn’t a good enough reason for her to become a vampire and throw her life away.  Help me.”
Rosalie smelt the change in the air before she felt it.  her eyes snapped open just in time to see a green orb appear in front of her.  She blinked in order to confirm what she was seeing and the orb exploded outwards before she even had a chance to think or yell.
Caught in the grip of the orb, Rosalie was dragged through the air at speeds she didn’t think were possible.  When the orb let her go, Rosalie felt dread curdle in her stomach.
She and her adopted siblings along with Bella were standing in the middle of the throne room in Volterra and the Kings of the Volturi along with the guard were staring at them.  Rosalie’s feeling of dread grew stronger as she noticed the two wives, Athenodora and Sulpicia, were also gazing at the Cullens.
Rosalie had a very bad feeling that the Volturi had been discussing the course of action that they were going to take after Edward’s dramatic actions in Forks and Volterra.
“We did not expect to see you again so soon.”  Marcus intoned gravely, “I am certain however that your arrival has to do with the unexpected appearance of this book.”  Marcus held up a book with a black background and two pale hands cupping a red apple.  Rosalie could easily make out the title of the book from where she was standing.  She had no idea why a section of the day was the book title but that wasn’t her most burning question.
“Great King Marcus,” Rosalie began.  “When did that book appear?”
Aro inclined his head at her polite address of his brother, “It is splendid to see that my old friend Carlisle has taught one of his children how to behave.  To answer your question, this book arrived mere milliseconds after Bella, Edward and Alice left.  It is such a fascinating book.”
Movement caught Rosalie’s eye and she noticed Jasper’s posture change.  “Why do you believe that King Aro?” Jasper asked formally.
Aro smiled, “Because this book is about our dear young friend Isabella Swan of course!”
“You mean that book contains my thoughts and feelings and you intend to read them out loud?!”  Bella gasped.
Rosalie was grateful she didn’t shriek with outrage.  If Bella had, it could have ended very poorly considering where they currently were.
“Oh no, Bella,” Caius stated with a mocking note in his voice.  “You misunderstand.  All of us have already read the book and we have more than a few questions about the content of it.  You have been brought here to answer those questions.”
Emmett moved to stand next to her and she looked into his eyes, which was easy to do because of the heels she was wearing.  Due to their history and the amount of time they spent together, they were easily able to read each other’s body language.  Emmett was curious about this turn of events and Rosalie could tell that he was also curious about the orb that had brought them to Volterra.  Admittedly, Rosalie was curious about that too.  It must have taken a tremendous amount of power and intent to control energy like that.
There was a faint clang that disrupted the silent conversation between Rosalie and Emmett.  Her enhanced senses registered another heartbeat and the soft thudding of footsteps.  Rosalie knew that the Volturi would have been able to detect these new sounds as well yet they didn’t seem bothered by them.
Rosalie saw Bella turn towards the doorway as the unknown individual moved closer.  A young man appeared in the doorway.  Rosalie estimated his age to be around twenty-four at the most.  He was tall although Rosalie observed that he was noticeably shorter than Marcus.  The stranger had calculating green eyes and brown hair that had been neatly styled.
“Alabaster!”  Aro cried joyfully, “Welcome home!  I trust your journey was an eventful one?”
Alabaster had a small smile on his face, “I am glad to be home.”  He commented as he moved toward the dais.  He greeted each member of the Volturi guard individually and Rosalie saw a soft look sweep across his face as he gazed at Felix.
“The Cullens, I assume?” He asked once he had reached the dais.  The brunet stood with his back to the Volturi as he gazed at the guests standing in the throne room.  “I’ve heard quite a bit about you.”  He remarked, clasping his hands behind his back, and fixing the family with a shrewd gaze.
Something warned Rosalie that there was more to this young man than met the eye and she chose to hold her tongue.
“Alabaster, you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting young Bella Swan yet, have you?” Aro questioned.  “She is a new addition to the Cullen family.”
Rosalie tensed. 
Alabaster nodded in understanding, “It’s not the first time I’ve heard of a human thinking they’ve fallen in love with a vampire.”
“I am in love with him!” Bella replied heatedly.
“I do love her!” Edward retorted immediately.
Alabaster focused on them.  Edward glared back at him in response.
The staring contest ended a few moments later when Alabaster shook his head dismissively.
“Do you bring news Alabaster?” Marcus demanded.
Alabaster turned to face the King.  “My apologies.  I was distracted. Your mate is tying up a few loose ends and then she will return to Volterra.”
The effect that Alabaster’s words had on the occupants of the room was instantaneous.  The guard stood up straighter and Marcus shifted in his seat.  Rosalie noticed that even the two wives had content expressions on their faces.  The mood in the room changed from a tense one to a relieved, happy one.
“Who are you talking about?” Edward demanded, “Marcus doesn’t have a mate.”
The mood soured again and Jane bared her teeth at the vampire as she stepped forwards, “Be grateful you have been granted awareness of this information.  Few are privy to it.”
“Jane,” Alabaster sighed.  “My father taught me that there is nothing to be gained by arguing with someone ignorant.”
Jane clenched her jaw but stepped back to stand next to her brother.
“Is she…?” Bella asked tentatively.
Alabaster raised an eyebrow, “Ask the question on your mind or remain silent and wonder for the rest of your days.”
“Human.  Is she human like you?”  Bella finished her previous thought and red coloured her cheeks.
“Not that it’s any of your business but she and I are not simply human.”
“You have a heartbeat!”  Alice protested.
“And a heartbeat is an indicator that an individual must be a human?”  Alabaster challenged. 
“As amusing as this interaction is, perhaps we should return to the matter at hand?” Caius prompted.
Alabaster inclined his head and sat down on the steps of the dais.  He grinned up at a beautiful brunette vampire who glided forwards and came to a stop at the foot of the dais.
“Unfortunately Bella the last time you were here we were not introduced.  I am Sulpicia.  Are you aware that you are not Edward’s mate but his Singer?”  Sulpicia questioned.  Her voice was melodious.  Rosalie had never met a vampire who didn’t have a melodious voice and she guessed that was a way to lure their intended prey.  There was something else in her voice though, something old.
Bella looked at the Cullens, mainly focusing on Alice and Edward before she looked at Sulpicia.
“No.  I didn’t know that.”  Bella replied, “What is the difference?”
To Rosalie’s surprise, none of the Volturi snarled in response to her question. 
“Maybe they understand that it’s a genuine question and their anger lies with Edward.” Rosalie thought.
Sulpicia tapped her hand against her thigh.  “It’s a very important difference.  A vampire can never harm their mate because the idea is too repulsive.  However, a Singer has enough power to constantly cause the vampire to crave their blood.  The vampire is at risk of losing all self-control whenever they encounter their Singer.”
“Can a vampire grow to love their Singer?” Bella asked.
“There are instances where that has happened in the past,” Sulpicia admitted.  “Many Singers have been transformed into vampires because the vampire convinced themselves that they loved the human.  Believe me when I say the relationships fizzled out after a short period of time following the Singer’s transformation.”  Sulpicia’s voice held a note of sadness as she finished her sentence.
Bella’s leg twitched like she wanted to step away from Edward.
“My turn.”  Demetri announced.  “What do you like about Edward, Bella?”
“His hair, his eyes, the way he smiles.  My favourite smile of his is the crooked one that he has.”  Bella answered instantly, looking up at Edward.
“Let me rephrase that,” Demetri scowled.  Clearly he was dissatisfied with Bella’s answer.  “What personality traits do you like about Edward?  I know you’re not that shallow that you simply focus on an individual’s appearance.”
The throne room was quiet as Bella tried to find an answer for the tracker.  “He’s a good listener.”  She answered eventually, “He remembers things that I’ve told him.”
“I disagree.”  Felix stated.  “We read that you told him you didn’t want to go to prom long before the two of you encountered James, Victoria, and Laurent.  Following James’ attack and your release from hospital, Edward ignored your wishes and took you to prom.”
“Yes but…”
“But what Bella?”  Alabaster prompted.  His voice was slightly muffled due to the fact that his chin was now resting in his hand. 
“He didn’t want me to miss out on any human experiences because I was dating him.”
“But you told him that you didn’t want to go to prom.”  Alec retorted harshly.  “Weren’t you angry with him for ignoring your wishes?”
“What do you want me to say?” Bella erupted.  “Yes, I was angry with him after he ignored what I said!  My leg was broken in two places and in a cast because of a vampire that attacked me!  I nearly died in that attack!  Maybe that’s why I didn’t protest like I normally would when I realised that Edward had ignored me!”
Edward looked at Bella as if she’d grown a second head.
“They’re not trying to be mean or aggravate you.  Sulpicia, Demetri, Alabaster and Alec are trying to make you understand that your relationship with Edward is not a good one.”
At the same time, Rosalie and Bella spun around to see the new person that had spoken.  Rosalie had that feeling about there being more to the person again when she gazed at the new arrival.
Demetri sped to the newcomer’s side and the two of them had a rapid conversation in Greek. 
Rosalie pivoted around and she saw Alabaster lift his chin out of his hand and smirk at the new arrival.  Marcus’ face looked gentler and kinder as he gazed at the new arrival.
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livingdreams97 · 9 months ago
Emily Junk - "The New Bella." (Part 2)
Emily Junk x fem! reader/oc
Summary: Emily is a newcomer to Barden College and her dream is to be a part of the group acapella the Barden Bellas. She entered the house of the acapella group in order to fulfill her dream, but she ended up falling in love and living an experience that she had never imagined.
Words: 2.392
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We've been at the Treblemakers party for a while and Beca still hasn't come home from work. Which means that Chloe is asking me every time she sees me about her and if she has responded to any my messages.
Which I deny, saying I don't know anything and escaping the situation as quickly as possible. I just hope that Beca tells Chloe about the job sometime soon, because it's her first day at the production company and I can't take the stress of keeping the secret anymore.
Stacie: It seems like the new one is flirting already.- she says, shouting close to my ear because of the music, pointing to a place at the party with her finger.
I look amused at where she points, seeing Benji move very strangely and talking to the new Bella.
Amy: They would make a good couple, they are just as weird. - She laughs, joining our conversation.
Cynthia: I don't know.- she denies with a grimace on her lips. -I feel certain vibes from him, you know what I mean.- she comments with an amused smile.
Y/n: I think they would make a slightly awkward couple.- I laugh imagining it. -Besides the fact that we're talking about Benji, I doubt he could even tell her his name, much less ask her out without getting stuck every two words.- I assure them and they all laugh in agreement.
Stacie: You know that from experience, right? - she asks me amused, moving her eyebrows suggestively.
Y/n: Shut up.- I growled, embarrassed, hitting her on the arm. -That was the most uncomfortable moment of my life and I prefer to forget it completely.- I admit sincerely.
Amy: It's true, the weirdo asked little Mitchell out.- she remembers laughing, putting her arm around my shoulders and bringing me closer to her.
Y/n: Amyyyy! - I complain like a little girl when he continues with the topic.
Cynthia: That's why I'm gay.- she assures us proudly.
Stacie: I couldn't be gay.- he shakes his head. -I can't reduce the hunter's prey in half and there are times when a good cock cures everything.- she explains to us without any shame and we all look at her with some disgust.
Y/n: Stacie, too many details.- I say with a disgusted face.
Amy: As far as I know, little Mitchell here doesn't have a dick. - She reminds her with curiosity and amusement at the conversation.
Stacie: She don't need it.- she assures her winking at me. -Besides, the toys are there for a reason.- she comments amusedly and I open my eyes in surprise.
Amy: Wait, what? - she asks with surprise and trying to suppress a laugh, putting on her evil smile. -Does little Mitchell have a harness?- she asks, looking at me completely amused.
Y/n: No, no, no. - I deny quickly, getting out from under the blonde's arm and practically fleeing the place listening to the laughter of my aka-sisters.
I see Jesse sitting alone and decide to go with him. On the way I pick up a glass of pineapple with alcohol inside and take a sip, noticing the strong flavor of gin.
Y/n: I come to keep you company.- I tell him, when I sit next to him and he looks at me funny.
Jesse: To keep me company or to run away from the girls? - he asks me with amusement, pointing with his head where my friends are and where I came from.
Y/n: I can do both at the same time.- I reply amused, taking another sip of the drink.
Jesse: What was it this time? - He asks me, amused.
Y/n: They were embarrassing me.- I respond with a pout and crossing my arms.
Jesse: Were they messing with little Mitchell? - he asks, amused, hugging me by the shoulders. -Do you want me to take care of them?- he asks again, but this time with a fake Italian accent and feigning seriousness.
Y/n: After the competition, right now we need all the bellas.- I answer him and he bursts out laughing at my answer.
Beca: Hello! - she exclaims, appearing out of nowhere and scaring us.
Jesse: Hey, you've come.- he says while they kiss and I pretend to vomit.
Beca: Are you jealous? - she asks me amused. -Don't worry, I have kisses for you too.- she assures me, sitting on my lap and leaving several kisses on my face.
Y/n: Stop, stop, stop! - I exclaim, amused, trying to push her face away, while Jesse laughs at our attitude.
Jesse: Well, how was internship? - he asks when my sister stops still.
Beca: Very productive, yes, they are not up to fooling around.- she tells us, taking my glass from the small bar and taking a sip.
Jesse: Chloe asked where you were.- he tells her.
Y/n: Many times, I have been asked about you MANY times.- I say looking seriously at my sister.
Jesse: Why haven't you told her? - he asks his girlfriend, confused.
Beca: She's very busy with the competition and all that, it wasn't the right time.- she responds, moving her hands nervously.
You see, when I'm nervous or hiding something, I scratch my eyebrow and my sister gesticulates excessively with her hands. So it's very easy to tell when Beca is nervous or hiding something, because her hand movement during a conversation increases by 80%.
Y/n: Beca, you have to tell the girls, I can't hide it anymore and it's only been one day. - I plead to my sister, scratching my eyebrow for the first time all day and feeling some relief.
My sister, seeing my action, sighs with some guilt and grabs my hand so I don't scratch myself anymore.
Beca: I promise I'll tell her soon.- she assures me, placing a kiss on my right eyebrow and hugging me by the shoulders.
Y/n: By the way, we have a new member.- I told my sister, hugging her around the waist.
Beca: But the dean said that we can't do auditions.- she comments with confusion.
Y/n: Apparently she is an heiress and we are obliged to let them audition or something like that. - I explain, shrugging my shoulders since I do not understand the situation myself.
Beca: Okay.- she says, shrugging her shoulders like me and changing the subject.
The three of us talked about everything for a bit, before getting up and joining the rest of the people on the dance floor.
Emily POV
We meet at the car show, where the Bellas are supposed to perform and because of Amy's issue with the president, they gave it to a German group.
Flo: Explain to me again what we do at a car show? - she asks with confusion in front of me on the mechanical stairs.
Chloe: There is a reason and it is very obvious: study the competition. - she answers seriously her.
Emily: Knowing who we are facing will help us win. - I support the co-captain of the group by understanding her point of view.
Chloe: Okay, let's find out where those tour stealers are.- she says confidently, when we reach the end of the stairs. -Stacie!- she calls her when she sees where our aka-sister is.
When we get off the stairs, we all notice Stacie who is perched on the hood of a red car posing and some guys are taking photos of her.
Beca: Don't be a cock-warmer.- she says amusingly to our partner.
Amy: Stacie!- she exclaims, approaching her and causing her to get up from the car. -I bet that made you horny Y/n.- she accuses her evilly.
Y/n: Oh my god! - She exclaims, hitting her forehead in embarrassment and begins to walk faster and  away from the group.
I just watch as she gets ahead of everyone, feeling how breakfast stirs in my stomach at the blonde's comment and knowing that the two have some kind of relationship.
When we get to the performance room, I don't realize that I am between the two Mitchells.
During the performance, I can't help but focus on the warmth radiating from the body to my right and the smell of pear with something floral that I can't make out.
Emily. You smell very good.- I whisper to her without thinking, opening my eyes mortified and she looks at me with confusion.
Y/n: Excuse me?- she asks, approaching me.
Emily: That they seem good.- I say quickly, feeling my heart beating wildly and my hands starting to sweat.
Y/n: Yes, they are.- she nods agreeing with me and returning her attention to the performance.
I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding, trying to calm the fast beating of my heart and wiping the sweat from my hands against my pants.
I take a deep breath, focusing on the performance and trying not to think about the interaction I just had with my bandmate.
When the performance ends, we applaud politely and look at each other without really knowing what to do. None of us imagined that they were going to be so good and that they were so synchronized.
Kommisar: The Bellas of Barden, have you come to see us? - she asks us when they approach us. -Is it because you are a little... as they say to American children? .... in heat - she says and I open my eyes surprised at the comment.
Chloe: We're not in heat. - She denies with her lips together.
Kommisar: We should thank you for giving us this tour, you know, with your clumsy inaptitude.- she tells us seriously. -Should we send them something, something like a fruit basket?.- she asks the boy next to him.
Pieter: Yum yum.- nods agreeing.
Kommisar: Or would you prefer some sweets? - she asks us this time with a smile.
Beca: Hey, we haven't come to fight with you, we just wanted to see you before the championship where we're going to crush you.- she assures the Germans with a smile.
Kommisar: You? - she asks, approaching the brunette co-captain. -Are you going to crush us?- she asks, amused, remaining a few centimeters away from her.
Beca: Well yes.- she answers, moving in her place with some nervousness.
Kommisar: What little thing, like an elf or is it a fairy, a little fairy? - she asks before saying something in her language to one of her companions.
Pieter: Troll.- he responds with a strong accent to whatever she is asking.
Kommisar: That's it, you're like a troll.- she says and I feel how they gently pull me aside.
Beca: And you are physically perfect, and I don't like you at all.- she assures her and we all look at her confused.
Kommisar: Thank you.- she thanks you with a smile.
Y/n: What you really are is a poorly educated bully. - She responds to her sister's insult by placing herself in front of the blonde, who looks at her with a raised eyebrow.
Kommisar: And you are? - she asks with a more defensive posture.
Y/n: I'm the one who will kick your German ass if you insult her again.- she assures her seriously and I can't help but bite my lip at her authoritarian tone of voice.
Chloe: You don't scare us, because when we step on stage we're going to rock it. - she assures them with a smile, changing the subject and trying to lighten the tension in the atmosphere.
Pieter: With what? - he asks sarcastically. -Showing flabby Abby's rabbit.- he says, looking at the blonde with disgust.
Amy: That's not my name. She denies something uncomfortable.
Pieter: I don't know your name, but I can improvise.- he assures her with amusement. -Malena the whale, Lisa the plump one, the bale cow...- he begins and with each name I can see Y/n's body tense up more.
Amy: My name is fat Amy and I have salchichem like you for breakfast. - She says, approaching him in a threatening manner.
Pieter: Your team is like a chicken coop without a rooster, and without a rooster you are poor untied chicks who, as soon as a rooster crows, another rooster crows at them. - he says with that horrible accent.
Kommisar: Girls, follow my advice, don't try to beat us: you can't, we're better. - she assures us with an evil smile, staring at Y/n. -And now I have to go rest my neck, it hurts to look at you from above.- she says, looking this time at Beca with superiority.
I see how Y/n is about to jump on her, so I grab her arm and pull her hard towards me, avoiding any type of altercation.
Beca: Okay, just because you make me feel sexually confused doesn't mean you scare me! We have nothing to lose! Literally nothing! - she exclaims, moving her hands and watching them go. -Aka-fidersen bastards.- she says goodbye, moving her hands above her head.
Chloe: Leave it.- she asks her friend, placing a hand on her arm.
Beca: Oh what's wrong with me? I can't control my hands.- she growls nervously, brushing her hair out of her face.
Once the Germans have disappeared, the atmosphere relaxes a little and I realize that my hand is still gripping Y/n's arm.
I let go immediately, feeling the heat flooding my face and my heart starting to beat fast again.
Chloe: Okay, after this whatever it was.- she says referring to Beca, moving her hand around the brunette. -It's time to get our act together and rehearse until we bleed if necessary.- she says intensely and I look at her surprised.
Amy: Don't get too extreme redhead. - she stops her with a hand in the air. -I already have plans for today.- she tells her, raising an eyebrow.
Ashley/Jessica: Us too.- they say at the same time with one hand in the air.
Stacie: I'm meeting a boy for a class project.- she comments, looking at her nails.
Cynthia: And what is the job? About anatomy.- she asks letting out a laugh.
Stacie: Anyway, I'm leaving.- she says goodbye to everyone. -See you all at home!- she exclaims when he walks away from the group.
I watch her walk away, not understanding how she prefers to go with a boy when she has Y/n. That is, from an objective point of view and not at all personal, I would choose her.
Because I don't know what the boy will be like, but between the eyes full of life, the perfect happy smile, the silky long hair, the abs, the butt, the way she dresses and her personality, I will stay with Y/n a hundred times.
But all this from an objective point of view, I don't like girls and she is also my groupmate. But just because I don't like girls doesn't mean I can't appreciate them.
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stinkymoldman · 5 months ago
Im begging yall… Please just update your abandoned long burn 😫😫
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curtvilescomic · 1 year ago
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Emma Frost cosplay by it'sbellaxrose
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blacksapphicguide · 6 months ago
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Pitch Perfect (movie)
2012 movie. Streaming on Netflix and Apple TV. Drama, comedy.
Plot points:
Collegiate a cappella
Friendship drama
Taking risks
Diverse characters
Predatory lesbian trope
Normalized fatphobia (://TW)
Off-screen relationship (ex-relationship pre-movie)
Black lesbian (tertiary).
Black sapphic characters:
Cynthia-Rose (Ester Dean)
Cynthia-Rose x Denise (interracial lesbian: black x white)
Sex & Nudity - Moderate
Characters noticeably implied naked in the shower.
Mention of frequent engagement in sex
Sexual innuendos
Jokes about character's breasts
Performance with hands running down groin and thighs
Suggestive dancing for a performance
Performing sex-centric songs: Like a Virgin, S&M, Let's Talk About Sex, etc.
Shirtless men
Cleavage shown
Character in tight, exposing swim trunks
Characters kiss
Violence & Gore - Mild
Character says 'go kill yourself'
Threat of choking another character
Vomiting (character is prone to projectile vomiting)
Conversations about defecation
Profanity - Mild
Censored but obvious profanities
Use of 'fuck, shit, ass', etc.
Name calling 'bitch, nerds, lame, step-monster', etc.
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking - Mild
Social drinking
Wine used as an initiation ritual
One acapella group implied to be under the influence
Drug references both casually and inside insults
Frightening & Intense Scenes - Moderate
Misogynistic comments
Trophy smashes a glass window
Family arguments
Character constantly whispers strange statements
Homophobic comments made against a lesbian character
Fatphobic comments, normalized
Predatory lesbian comments
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queenofglassbeliever · 1 year ago
I haven't checked, but I'm fairly certain that anytime Bella mentions or thinks of Rosalie it's almost always coupled with how beautiful she thinks Rosalie is. Even when Bella is intimidated by Rose she can't not comment on how breathtaking she is.
Bella has low key been in love with Rosalie the entire time. The epitome of enemies to lovers, but one of them has been in love all along.
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volturissideslut · 6 months ago
I saw that you wanted Rosalie requests so here I am 🙇‍♀️
Could you do general relationship hcs with Rosalie? Either gn or fem please 🌹
𝕽𝖔𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖊 𝕳𝖆𝖑𝖊
Yes I do, absolutely I do!! Roll in requests for the girlies of anything i write please please please. I wrote this as more of a random day in life with her
During her human life Rosalie was definitely wishing for that American dream life with a white picket fence and a husband and kids, maybe even to be able to holiday on boats and abroad. But when all is said and all is done she could not be more happy with her life than she is with you right now.
Your hair is a little messy, coming loose from the plaits she had put it in just that morning, but you look just as gorgeous as ever. With a smile she watches on as you ask her questions from under the car, holding back laughter as she answers.
"Yes yes dear, that's the one to change the oil"
"Are you sure, Rose? You're not even looking" you huff and she can hear the pout in your voice, and knows the way your tongue must be poking at the inside of your cheek the way it always does in mock irritation.
"I'm sure darling. I've been working with cars like this since they came out" she's sure you can tell she's holding back a smile as well, having been together long enough. Still, her teeth find themselves gently biting into the inside of her mouth to stop her widespread smile from appearing. "now pull already, would you?"
And when you do she can no longer hold back her laughter, the back of her hand rushing to cover her mouth. You squirm and shriek from under the the car and immediately pull yourself out from under. A deadpan stare is thrown your girlfriend's (soon to be fiance, not that you know yet) way.
And she breaks, practically folding in half as she stifles her laugh. "We all have to do it once!" is her excuse as she takes in the oil patch stain on your right shoulder, smearing itself up to your cheek. "I'm sorry I'm sorry" she lets out between laughs, completely unapologetic.
With playful vengeance in mind you let your expression sweeten. "That's okay darling. Kiss and make up"
You stand from the floor and watch Rosalie's face drop in realisation. "No! No! I said I'm sorry!" she please as you step towards her menacingly, fully intent on giving her a big cuddle and a sloppy kiss. Gotta spread the love (oil).
"C'mon baby, thought you loved me" you give clearly fake and menacing puppy eyes as you back her into a corner.
"You can love me from afar " she says, still laughing. But you know she doesn't care really. She's a vampire and could easily stop this and step away if she wanted to. She could walk away or stop you in your place. Instead she resigns to the corner, still grinning in mischief as you close in on her with a hug.
"Awhhh share the love!" you say in playful enthusiasm, rubbing your oil-covered arm and shoulder over her to transfer as much as possible. Meanwhile, Rose pushes herself against the wall laughing like a fearful girlfriend who has been tickled and shrivels in laughs.
With a final unladylike laugh from her she gives in, giving you a big fat wet smooch on the lips which smears more oil onto her cheek than there even seemed to be on yours.
"I think we ought to shower" her voice is quiet in its place near your ear.
"I think so too" and just like that you're whisked away. Mess be damned, Rose has a girlfriend to tend to and she can sort that out later. Maybe actually change the car oil too.
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