#before anyone asks - i bold bits i want people to focus on because sometimes it's difficult to read large sections of text
myersesque · 1 year
So I saw your HC about everyone in Mumbattan knowing its Pavitr who's spiderman, and my friend and I were planning to write a fic based on it :) I just wanted to check with you to make sure you're fine with that, we'll credit you and your idea in the ao3 notes, ofc
And if that's okay, I also had a few clarifications- If everyone knows that Pav is Spidey, wouldn't his relations be in a little bit more danger than normal? Or would you like us to figure that part out?
hihihi omg !!! u guys are absolutely allowed to do that, i'm so flattered!!! (and my ao3 is winged_reaperz, if you wanna tag me there too ;D /nf)
to be honest - i didn't really think of the specifics when i made that post. tbh it was inspired by a daredevil fic i read a few years back (there were a few iirc, but i was thinking specifically of "last to know" by whitchry9) where all of hell's kitchen knew matt was daredevil but all worked to cover it up bc they didn't want him to get in trouble, but w the additional layer that Pavitr Is A Child and therefore people would be even MORE inclined to cover for him. as such i didn't really think about the specifics, and i don't really mind what direction you take it in?
that being said, if you want my personal opinion of how i would do it (which you ABSOLUTELY DO NOT HAVE TO ABIDE BY, please write whatever speaks to you the most, i would LOVE to see different interpretations of this concept): villains knowing your identity is always going to put the people near you in danger. even then, depending on the villain, some of them might not know - like, someone who just moved there and hasn't seen spiderman in action before, or something - but that's really up to you. i think it could be a double edged sword - gayatri is in more danger of getting kidnapped or gwen stacy'd generally endangered due to her connection to pavitr, but her dad may be a little more willing to look the other way on their relationship if he knows pav is the one saving her - or maybe the opposite! maybe he'd be even MORE protective of her if he knows pav is inadvertently the reason she's in so much danger!
i really don't know - there are so many directions you could go in and i think all of them would be really fun :] so really, just have fun with it! write whatever you like the best! disregard me entirely if you want - it's not my fic, yknow, it's yours :]
thank u for asking (i wouldn't have minded if you didn't, but it's sweet of you to ask) n i look forward to reading it :D
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tarotbyopal · 8 months
Messages from Aphrodite
Here are a few messages from the goddess of love herself a few days before Valentine’s day
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🖤Piles: 1-2-3
🖤Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Calm your breath and remove all of the thoughts from your mind. When you try to focus on the reading at hand which number or image comes to mind? That is your pile
Paid readings
Pile 1
You have a very specific image of what it is that you want out of life. You may be manifesting a very specific person into your life or a very specific relationship with that one special person. You have a dream and you are unwilling to lower your standards for anything or anyone. You are soft and elegant with your mannerisms, so much so that people may not realise the struggle that is going on within.
You need to release this struggle if you are to manifest the things that you want. I know that you get down on yourself at times, especially when things don’t work out for you. Aphrodite wants you to know that no matter what things will work out for you. It may not seem like it sometimes, and it may feel like nothing ever goes your way but it will and you need to find these possibilities within the situations that you are currently in. Otherwise your limiting beliefs will get the most out of you.
Be confident and don’t let anyone tell you that things you want to manifest are not achievable because they are - and who are they to judge you anyway? Be bold, be confident and be yourself in the face of challenges. Pisces season is going to bring a lot of eye opening moments for you.
Pile 2
Aphrodite wants you to know that it is ok to be lost and feel lost sometimes. You may feel like something is missing in your life and truly money can’t buy happiness. You are being asked to take a step back right now. There will be many chances for you to find what’s missing and all you have to do is to take these chances when they present themselves to you. Be proactive but take your time with this - take inspired action!? 
Money seems to be very important for some of you - you may either have grown up with a lot of money or not enough of it. It may be a good idea to start working on your relationship with money.
You have been blessed in a lot of aspects of your life, most of these blessings have been out of your control and this is ok, but that does not mean that you can’t make your own blessings or that things are out of your hands.
Our goddess wants you to know that life is a journey and the destination is not the most important thing. Take this time to grow and self-reflect a little bit. Be grateful for where you are at and stop procrastination (especially in your professional life). You will find your way back in this world.
Pile 3
Aphrodite wants you to know that you are on the right path right now even if you have been questioning this. You are becoming the person that you are meant to be - someone with confidence in themselves, the one who shines brighter than the sun and is bold and fiery. 
As you focus on finding yourself, know that not everyone will be happy. 
You may need to open your eyes and release some people that aren’t serving you anymore. This is ok, change is not for everyone and this does not mean that you are in the wrong for “having changed” it is simply life. Instead of being sad and unhappy that these people don’t want to be part of your life anymore, celebrate the fact that you are doing what you need to do and that your life is changing for the better everyday.
The more you hold on to these people the more they will hurt you, the more stress you will have. You are someone who is very loyal. But you need to set healthy boundaries and be loyal to people who treat you the same way instead of being loyal to everyone in your life because unfortunately not everyone deserves this.
Aphrodite wants you to know that May and October 2024 will be very big months for you in terms of your career so be prepared for all of the amazing changes to come your way.
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brett-is-afraid · 3 years
k actually? chuckle sandwich boys and minor, ftm, reader is a little brother figure to them and them defending him, on the internet or irl. im thinking about that time u wrote ab ted protecting reader from a pedo :( i have no idea if this makes sense. it doesnt have to make sense 🪲
Sure thing!
Bullying strikes a nerve within Ted, it's the quickest way to piss him off.
He's the quickest to react to situations, blocking people without giving them more than one chance if he notices anything going on.
He'll always check in with you after the stream to make sure you're okay.
He gives you a safeword of sorts to use if you need to get out of a situation.
If you're in chat, he doesn't want you to feel pressured not speak up for fear of upsetting people. So, he gives you the word and he'll make up an excuse for why he needs to go.
If you two are out somewhere, he has no shame in making a scene. If someone's going to be bold enough to be mean, he's bold enough to confront the situation.
He's a physically imposing guy, so you definitely have scary dog privileges.
People in real life tend to not say anything because of Ted's size and fear of a confrontation.
Sometimes, they'll still push him online because they don't think he'll do anything and they can hide behind a screen.
But he absolutely calls people out on their shit.
He's got a lot of words that'll cause their message to be automatically held for review by mods.
Charlie gets the most worried about this kind of thing because he's seen a lot of weird and rude stuff in his time.
That being said, he would be the least likely to have a direct confrontation.
He doesn't want you to get hurt and he refuses to let people be mean to you around him.
It bothers him more when it happens online because he wants you to feel safe and happy being on the internet.
For the most part, his chat is a pretty good place where he doesn't have to worry about it too much. But sometimes stuff still happens.
If it's online, he blocks it without warning and makes sure he keeps a close eye on it.
If it's in person, he'll do his best to get you out of the situation and reassure you that nothing said was true.
If it's a situation where he can report the situation to someone, he definitely will because he doesn't want anyone else feeling that way either.
He'll focus more on if you're okay than actually confronting anyone.
If you don't see it then he won't mention it and will do his best to avoid going into details if you or chat asks.
Schlatt is probably the middle ground between Ted and Charlie when it comes to how he reacts.
It's a hard line for Schlatt when he's live. His chat and he himself makes a lot of jokes, but he always tries to make sure it doesn't get out of hand.
Because of how his chat is, you were a bit anxious to spend time there. Especially after you came out. But he makes sure his chat is safe for you and isn't going to be upsetting.
He makes it clear there are some topics that are off limits and people aren't allowed to make jokes about them.
Any trans jokes are a hard no for him and he blocks without warning if he sees any of it.
Not wanting to focus on negativity, if he has to give a warning, he keeps it short and pretty much down to just "don't be a dick."
If people keep pushing, he's quick to call them out on it before blocking them and moving on.
When stuff like that does happen, he tries to lighten the mood. He'll make so many jokes with you and try to keep the spirits high.
If it's in person, he'll be way more likely to actually confront someone than the other two. There have been times when you genuinely thought he was going to end up fighting someone for how they treated you.
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erwinsvow · 4 years
𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 | 𝐚𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬
a/n: hey everyone! hope you enjoy these college headcanons! part two can be found here! warning for nsfw in jean's, and mentions of alcohol/partying throughout!
jean kirstein
jean shows up to college thinking it’s gonna be high school part two, and quickly gets put in his place
his old antics (for both school and girls) won’t fly anymore, so he tries his hardest at both
i personally see jean as not the smartest, most gifted kid (in college!) but definitely one of the hardest workers
this man comes in pre-law and changes to sports management real quick
he definitely plays some kind of club sport, lacrosse or basketball or maybe even both and he is way too into it
like club lacrosse is his life.
he 100% has eyes for cheerleaders, because he loves idea of someone rooting for him, and if you are one, then it’s instantaneous
he notices you at one of his games, giving a shove to conny and asking if he knew who you were
which is met with “what do i look like, a phone book?”
he builds up the courage to ask you out eventually, to which of course you agree, and it’s pretty much a happy ending after that
makes for a lot of sweaty, post-match sex, with him still in his jersey and you in your uniform hiked up
reiner braun
frat bro reiner is a business major with a focus on finance
reiner is the guy who dedicates 100% of his time to school during the weekdays, and the weekends are for the bros
he’s the first in the library, last to leave lecture because he stayed behind to get clarifications, and pretty much aces everything
halloweekend, he decides to drag annie and bertholdt to a party, because they are in desperate need of letting loose
probably dressed up as something mildly douche-y that didn’t require a lot of thought: a foot ball player jersey with eye black improvised by annie
he is a heavy-weight if you’ve ever seen one, probably on his fifth cup of cheap beer and not even slightly buzzed
annie and bertholdt are sloshed, so he keeps one eye on them to make sure they’re alright
you, on the other hand, are serving as designated-driver for the night and sipping on soda
i think any kind of sweet, innocent costume (angel, fairy, woodland creature) would get his attention immediately
he goes over to you to try to make conversation, and finds himself stumbling over his words even though he just swore he wasn’t tipsy yet
but you find it cute, and given how you have seen him before around campus, studying all the damn time, you’re pleasantly surprised to find a sweet, interesting guy making conversation with you at a halloween party
eventually, your friends take off with their hook-ups, and reiner is left behind alone too after making sure everyone had a safe ride home
with no one left besides you two and his passed out friends, you offer him and his roommates a ride back to his dorm
after dropping annie off, you arrive at the dorm and help lug a blacked-out bertholdt to their room
you say goodnight and as you leave, feeling bold, you leave your number on the whiteboard hanging on their door
so that then turns into coffee-and-studying dates, and eventually a relationship before too long
armin arlert
i think we all know what armin is like in college: marine biology major and history minor
this is an effortless genius, so unlike reiner, he doesn’t have to spend all his time studying
i think armin would be the kind of guy who has school and life figured out, and he slowly realizes a healthy relationship is the one thing missing from his life
there’s honestly plenty of people who want to date him, if he had ever cared to return any of their gazes
i honestly see him being oblivious, so when a fellow classmate asks if he wants to study together, he goes “oh, sorry, i wasn’t really planning on studying, but maybe eren wants a study-buddy, i’ll let him know for you!” instead of realizing that was someone flirting
so it’s the same for you
you’re taking the marine sci class as a last resort, everything else was completely filled up, and you just had to get out of that physics class
but all this talk about oceans and sea-creatures is even worse, somehow. to put it short, you’re struggling, and armin is the kid who raises his hand at every question without so much as jotting down a note during lecture
you know mikasa through a friend-of-a-friend type situation, and ask her if armin would be willing to tutor you sometime
doesn’t matter that part of the reason you’re doing so poorly is because you’re staring at the back of his head most of class
armin and you get together to study on a saturday evening, and what began as a recap on the history of the ocean quickly turns into laughing, talking, and then “you wanna go grab something to eat?”
for someone so smart, he’s really dense
he thinks you’re being friendly and doesn’t want to assume you’re thinking this is a ‘date’ even though you’re internally screaming
it takes you leaning in for a kiss after he’s walked you back to your dorm for it to click
needless to say, he wasn’t quite so oblivious after that
eren yeager
eren was determined to get into the same college as armin and mikasa
my man is undecided, and then sociology after he’s forced to pick
not exactly a fuckboy, not exactly a stoner, just somewhere in between
procrastinates doing work and submits every thing a day late, even though he probably would have gotten full marks if it was on time
him and mikasa decide to take a marine bio class with armin, and he ends up falling asleep during lecture
i don’t see him going for a goody-two shoes type that wants to reform him, because he just wouldn’t want to deal with that
it’s not a toxic relationship, but pretty close to one
on again, off again ever since the two of you met in a dingy frat basement, absolutely hammered, and hooked up
this boy does not want to admit that he’s caught feelings, but eventually it comes to that because he is very much the jealous type
catches you engaging in polite conversation with reiner and he is seeing white in seconds
he realizes he has to make you his
marco bott
the most wholesome nursing major with a minor in english because he is a sucker for lit
i don’t think there is any shortage of girls who want to be with marco, just given how sweet and genuine he is
that being said, i feel like the few time he’s wanted to pursue a relationship with someone, they haven’t reciprocated/just saw him as a friend
which isn’t the easiest thing to deal with, but because he’s a mature angel, he doesn’t hold that against anyone
instead, he kind of succumbs to this false idea that people want to be his friend, and not his girlfriend, which he’s a little insecure about
that’s why i think you and marco would have idiot best friends to lovers, featuring everyone around you knowing how head over heels you both are except the two of you
you two meet in a particularly challenging class, and not recognizing anyone, you both turn to the friendliest face in the room to make study-buddies with
over a whole semester of late-night cramming (and talking), scribbling smiley faces on flashcards, and good luck texts before the exam, you realize how much you’re gonna miss constantly hanging out with marco
and on his end, he’s complaining to jean about how after the final, you two won’t have any reason to keep talking
“so ask her out then, you idiot”
“she probably doesn’t think of me like that…”
“are you blind?” jean says, with a roll of his eyes
after the class has ended and you’re both headed back home for winter break, you work up the nerve to text marco one last time
“let me know if you ever need help studying for another class :)”
you have no idea that he’s over the moon, and that finally brings an end to your friendship, and starts your relationship
bertholdt hoover
mister bertholdt is structural design and architecture major
there’s basically six of those total in your entire college, so he definitely gets a bit isolated/lonely sometimes
he basically came to college with reiner & annie, and figured he didn’t really need more friends than that
so when they’re busy, he’s just by himself
annie definitely makes fun of him for not spreading his wings and flying out of the metaphorical nest, but he’s comfortable with how it is
not a huge fan of the party scene, and prefers a quiet night of studying
i feel like you and him would be the last two studying in the library most nights, and sometimes walk out together after the librarian reminds you both the building is closing
so, when reiner and annie drag him to a party one weekend, he’s shocked to see you there too with outgoing friends of your own
he’s used to seeing you in the bright fluorescent lighting of the library, so this dim, hazy room after the shots have already gone to his head is hard to take in
you two eventually end up talking after your friends push you towards him
“funny seeing you here.” “i could say the same to you.”
he already has a crush (you do too, but he doesn’t want to accept that) so the alcohol inhibits his usual caution
a little bit of dancing, a lot of sitting on the pavement outside while looking at the moon, stars, and each other, topped off with a first-kiss starts your relationship
levi ackerman
teaching assistant levi is a staple of your college
almost infamous, really
you count your lucky blessings that he’s still a year or so away from graduating with his ph.d. in molecular biology and that he’s ta’ing this microbiology class
you’ve definitely heard all sorts of rumors, but you really don’t know what’s truth and fiction
he definitely hasn’t slept with a third of his students (right?) but the lingering way he looks at you isn’t helping quell your thoughts
technically speaking, teaching assistants and students are not allowed to date, interact, etc
until the semester in which you are their student is completed, at least
it doesn’t take long after that for you two to constantly run into each other
“how’re your new classes going? any hot ta’s?” he asks, sipping his tea from the bookstore cafe. you choke on your hot chocolate.
all this being said, you’re an upperclassmen about to graduate, possibly start a ph.d. or masters program yourself. i see him teaching upper-level courses exclusively.
it’s not long after that you admit your feelings to each other, since after all, there’s no time to waste
erwin smith
you’re a second year masters program in the history department. your specialization is military history, so of course professor smith is assigned as your thesis advisor.
i mean, he’s only written several textbooks on the subject
on first sight, you can’t believe he’s a professor. because certainly, this is a some cruel twist of fate. he’s closer to your age than some of his colleagues.
you both try to keep it strictly professional
at first least. this gets gradually harder and harder
there’s a certain chemistry there neither of you can deny.
having a mutual interest in the same subjects doesn’t help too much either. suddenly, you guys are spending hours pouring over topics for his next textbook and your thesis.
the conversation continues over chinese food in his office, long after the rest of the building has cleared out for their friday evenings
“well, i won’t keep you any longer. i’m sure you have much better plans on a friday night than talking military policy with me.”
“there is no where else i’d rather be.”
hope you all liked it! :)
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whosjunglejim4322 · 4 years
SMUT, collegecrush!au, tattooed Johnny agenda, bff Jaehyun! And brief mentions of him being drunk, all the yearning, Johnny is whipped for you but you didn't hear that from me, he's got a big dick, brief dry humping, finger fucking and pussy eating bc....I'm a whore, sensual fucking cause he thinks ur precious teehee ngl I have a crush on this Johnny
A month ago, if someone would have told you that Johnny Seo would be watching The Matrix trilogy with you while sitting on your living room floor under a blanket that he'd brought to the routine occasion - you would have thought them to be crazy. Insane, even.
And not because Johnny is unpleasant to be around, quite the contrary. Despite his popularity he's one of the most levelheaded, endearing frat boys - for lack of better term - you've ever met, and you also happen to think of him as a superhero of sorts, always there the moment you need him.
It had been a party, where the two of you met - sort of. Not shocking, in the least bit, but also not the first place you would have planned to be on a Saturday night. Jaehyun, being the stubborn and puppy dog eyed best friend that he is, insisted that you come along with him - that he'd keep you glued to his side all night long.
Of course, in proper Jaehyun fashion, three tequila shots in and a game of beer pong had him barely cognitive and passed out on some ones bathroom floor within two hours. The house was big, but filled with people and between trying to lift him up while he giggled about your hair smelling so good and sweet - you also feared anyone seeing him like this. Even if it weren't the first time.
His presence spooked you, at first, a light tap on your shoulder from somewhere behind you just as you attempted to lift your aforementioned best friend for what felt like the hundredth time that night. You nearly dropped him back on his head, if it weren't for quick hands and a sturdy grip on the drunk boys slumped shoulders.
He looked like sunshine, honey skin and dyed blonde hair with the dark roots growing out - a soft, comforting smile across the smooth planes of his face. Dark ink peaked out from where the collar of his shirt had drooped, appearing to be spilling from his shoulder. Your arms felt weaker than before, and embarrassment regarding the situation began to make your skin hot.
"I got him, don't worry," he'd assured with a gentle grin, lifting your bestfriend with an ease you almost wanted to scowl at. His height had been startling too, and not just because you were sitting on someone's bathroom floor. "did you guys drive here?"
You shook your head, a sigh of frustration leaving your lips and slumping your posture as you remembered that you both had walked here. Johnny slung Jaehyuns arm over his broad pair of shoulders, and jerked his chin towards the door, which you opened warily.
"I'll drive you home, it's no problem," his voice was soft, reassuring and you were taken aback. He obviously knew Jaehyun, and you'd never met any of his friends that were so...pleasant. "let's get him to my car first."
It wasn't nearly as painful and humiliating to push past crowds of intoxicated people with Johnny leading the way, as it would have been if it were just you. No one even batted an eye at the way he was dragging Jaehyun like a ragdoll, while the boy grumbled under his breath like a child.
People looked at him, of course. Oh, they looked at him. But not because of his human luggage, and it felt odd to see so many eyes on one person, to realize that his presence has the same effect on everyone else as it did you.
He kept looking back, making sure you were still close behind him, and it wasn't until you were outside in the open that you realized he'd been clinging on to the fabric of your jacket, making sure you didn't stray. Your heart felt like it was bursting open. Focus. You'd thought to yourself.
"That's my car over there, can you open the door for me?"
You jogged towards the sleek, onyx colored SUV that looked like a shadow against the dark bushes, and in just a split second Johnny was behind you, maneuvering Jaehyun into the backseat.
"Mmm...leather." Your best friend's giggle made you all the more grateful for the fact that you hadn't had to do this alone, his cheeks bright red and eyes crescent moons from the way he gleefully grinned. Still, you love him nonetheless.
You pulled your jacket off and prepared to drape it over his body before Johnny stopped you with a gentle hand, shaking his head. "I've got two on, let me."
His jacket probably sufficed more anyways, a heavy denim that would actually cover most of Jaehyuns body. You thanked him with a shy smile while he closed the door, and headed towards the passengers seat.
This experience had been the beginning, the car ride home that night being one full of conversations - genuine conversations, and he didn't leave once you both arrived at your apartments. Jaehyun snored in the background while the two of you talked, laughed. It was hard to look him in the eyes, to not make it so obvious - it's hard now, too.
Neo and Trinity kiss on the screen in front of you, and you wonder how Johnny sees you. Sure, he's flirty, overtly sometimes, but there's never been a definitive line to mark where the both of you really are on the friendship spectrum. If you even want to call it that.
Every time he touches your cheek or catches you staring, even when you're walking to your classes and his hand graces the small of your waist just before he waves you goodbye - you have to assume that he knows what he's doing - that the tension hasn't ever just been one sided.
His hair is a light chestnut brown now, longer than usual and flopping into his eyes from the sides. It's unfair, how he doesn't even have to try. The sharp slope of his nose, the bow of his lips, even the elegance of his neck and jaw. That awe from when you first saw him, has never left.
Not to mention that you often times forget he has so many tattoos whenever he decides to wear short sleeves, the art inky and stark against his olive skin - riveting down from his biceps like silk, cascading over his thick forearms and ending at his knuckles.
You turn your attention back to the laptop upon realizing that you've gotten caught up, heart still rattling underneath your ribcage. It makes it worse, the fact that the heat of his body is so close, that you can smell the scent of dryer sheets clinging onto the fabric of his shirt along with the natural allure of his skin.
"Why were you staring at me?" His breath is warm against the shell of your ear and you shudder, surprised by his sudden closeness and the timbre of his voice. You turn to face him with an incredulous expression, feigning innocence - but he makes it damn near impossible with the way he's looking at you - a dark eyebrow raised and a sly smile playing on his heart shaped lips.
"I was looking at your tattoos, cause - uhm, I forget they're underneath your clothes sometimes." You confess, and his knee knocks against yours underneath the blanket.
"Mmhm, so you think about what's under my clothes?" He teases, and takes pride in the way your eyes glower at him, a scoff leaving your mouth. It's hard to be annoyed when he's so vibrant, right here in front of you.
"Just the art, this one's my favorite." Eager to not have the pressure on you anymore, you reach out to grasp his wrist - not realizing how deeply of a need you've had all this time to do so, until you're tracing the flower that's decorating the top of his hand.
In hindsight, it's a bold move - but you can't go back now, not when he's staring down at you so fondly, scooting closer and placing his hand in your lap while you admire his body art.
"Yeah? Why's it your favorite?" He asks, genuinely curious. He nudges your shoulder with his when he sees the shy smile spreading across your lips, your skin hot to the touch. His comfort level has you less nervous than you were before, and the whole thing feels oddly natural, being so close together.
"I don't know, it just suits you. Your hands are so big, and the little vines looping around your knuckles really makes them look...delicate."
You don't dare look up, not when you realize his chest is rising and falling faster than it was before, just like yours is as you spread his fingers out and play with the digits, his face just inches above yours, voice warm in your ear.
"Second favorite." It's not a demand but it's not exactly a request either, and there's a safety in the energy pulsating around you both - mutual, rippling like a current through your bones.
Your eyes deliberately trail up the length of his long arm, scanning, and your fingertips press against the belly of the dragon that wraps around his bicep, sinewy tail tapering off just below his elbow. You've secretly admired this one for a long time, sneaking glances whenever you can. He turns more towards you just the slightest bit, and the closeness begins to make you feel dizzy.
"Your hands are soft."
This time, you can't not look at him, belly filled with a need to see his face, to save the memory of his features so up close in the back of your mind. However, once you do, look up at him - you almost wonder how you'll be able to handle it at all, his amber eyes boring into you as if he's trying to read your thoughts.
"So is your skin." Is what you manage to reply, willing yourself not to look at his soft, inviting mouth - afraid you'll give yourself away. You feel something stroke the side of your cheek and it takes you a second before realizing he's touching you, apparently giving yourself away isn't an issue. You feel like you're being set ablaze.
"Is it really just the tattoos, you think of?" You're not imagining things, he's definitely moving closer - you can smell the starbursts that he ate earlier still sweet on his breath, the wrappers crumpled on the coffee table next to the laptop.
It's all settling in, the realization that this hasn't been just you, fantasizing and daydreaming about someone who hasn't even realized how his natural charm has made you feel.
You're afraid to speak, so you shake your head as a response to his question, the atmosphere thickening impossibly now that he's cupping your chin between his fingers, the tips of your noses almost touching. You've placed your palm against his knee without even realizing it, steadying yourself.
"I've wanted to kiss you since the day we met," he confesses, dark eyebrows furrowed as if he's restraining himself, waiting. "is this...is this okay?" Your lower belly flutters, and you're almost afraid to move, to change anything about this moment and the way it is right now.
"Me too. I've wanted to kiss you, I mean." You breathe out, and now your lips are ghosting against each other, a moment of hesitation that feels both infinitesimal and fleeting. "It's more than okay." A heartbeat passes and he presses his mouth against yours, so pillowy soft that you gasp, surprised.
It's just a second, that he pulls away to look down at you, and your expression is so heavenly - so hazy and delicate. He kisses you again and this time your lips begin to overlap, from top to bottom, suckling and getting used to the feel of each other. He's still holding your face, but with both hands now, thumbs on your cheeks and fingers wrapping around to the nape of your neck.
You cling onto him like you've no other choice, desperate to have him underneath your fingertips, reminding you that this is really happening and that your mind isn't just creating very vivid daydreams. He pulls you closer and you grip onto his broad shoulders.
"Mm, you're so sweet," he lilts between his kisses, tone somewhere between bliss and desire. You're not expecting to be so worked up already. "even better than I imagined." His tongue slips past yours, wet and warm and it's like your body is being put on vibrate.
He senses this too, with the way you're almost in his lap, breath unsteady. His arms are around your waist before you can move any further, pulling you on top of him and locking you to his torso.
"Johnny." You strain, as the feeling within you becomes overwhelming, craving his touch, his mouth. It doesn't help that he's being so vocal, as well - the sounds sweeter, and more desperate than you'd expect from him. It has something feral igniting within you.
What shocks you the most is that he's already hard underneath you, and the thought alone is enough to have you keening further against his chest, tightening your thighs' grip around his trim waist- not to mention you can feel him snug against your ass, material of your shorts so thin it's palpable when he twitches.
So, naturally, your whine is petulant when his mouth departs from yours, his plush lips a deep blush, matching his cheeks in their hue. He's just as worked up as you if his erratic breathing and the way that he grasps onto your sides is anything to go by, and you shouldn't be as surprised as you are about it.
"You...have no idea," he pants, smoothing his thumb over your bottom lip. "how badly I've wanted you. In so many ways."
Your heart feels like it's attempting to burst through your chest in an effort to be closer to him, his sharp eyes lowly lidded but fierce in their honesty. You take this brief moment to touch his face, his soft cheeks and the smooth, taut ridge of his jaw. It all feels too real to be a dream. This must be reality.
"I'm only stopping because, well I like you," it's hard to pinpoint if the trembling of his hands is fueled from his desire or his nerves, but either way he's got your rapt attention. You doubt anyone could look away from those eyes.
"I like you a lot and...fuck, I don't want to do anything you aren't comfortable with or...sure about. Because I'm sure about you." He finishes, sincere and stoic while holding you against him. You feel like you're floating.
"I have a really big crush on you, Johnny," you kiss his mouth and he smiles against it, humming in contentment. Suddenly, your nerves are replaced by pure adrenaline. "and I like you a lot, too." When you pull back from his lips with a soft smack, his expression causes your skin to burn hot.
"So it'd be okay if I did..." he tilts your head to the side, and a flurry of goosebumps descend across your skin, his breath warm against your throat. "this?" A kiss, soft but purposeful, is placed there, and you shudder.
All you can do is nod in affirmation, heartbeat in your ears among other places. Your fingers run through the hair at the nape of his neck while his mouth begins placing warm, wet pecks against yours, and his body lurches when your thighs tighten around his torso.
It only manages to work you up further, of course, brain already high off of the fact that Johnny likes you back...in fact...he truly is as good as you've always thought, sweet and kind and nasty, groaning when you rut your hips against him.
"Baby, you're shaking." He mouths against your jaw, wondrously and laced with an undertone of hunger. His strong arms hold you tight, eyes softening when he looks down at you and realizes just how worked up you really are.
"I just want you really bad, Johnny." Your body emphasizes your point, chest pressed against the firmness of his, nipples hard behind your shirt. He can practically feel you throbbing.
It's a little fucked up, honestly.
No ones ever had him this head over heels, he feels himself melting against you, your voice sweet and syrupy, dripping with this ache just for him and he's losing it.
"Yeah?" He muses, the wide palm of his hands sliding down the curve of your back, and over the swell of your ass where it's planted so firmly atop of him - massaging you there. "Where do you want me, honey?"
The pet names have you too worked up, you really could get off of anything right now and he's tracing the back of your thighs now, swirling his soft fingertips around, leaving a wake of searing heat in their path.
"Want you everywhere, just - mmph." This kiss interrupts you, bruising in it's intensity and he cups your face softly as a silent apology despite the fact that you're letting out small coos of satisfaction, tugging at the ends of his messy hair.
For a second you feel like you're being lifted, not realizing he's just moved you both to the couch until your head is resting against the cushions, inky arms caging your body against the length of his. He groans when you palm at his stomach, touching and rubbing his sides and then the broad of his back.
All the while his free hand, the one that's not attached to the arm holding himself up, does some exploring of its own, palming your breasts through your shirt and squeezing with just enough pressure to have you arching into his touch.
Automatically, your legs wrap around his middle and your heels dig into the dimples of his back, and his hips pivot downwards to nestle right in between yours. You're both instantaneously struck by the sensation of your centers meeting, his length jerking inside of his pants, your clit throbbing in yours.
"Gonna touch you..." nimble fingertips dance over the skin of your inner thighs. "...here, is that okay?" The warmth of his hand cups your sex and now you're positive that wetness has begun to soak through your underwear, senses gone haywire from the way he's rubbing you, up and down.
"Mhm that's - yes, that's okay." You pant, desperate to feel him as well and reaching in between your bodies in an attempt to grasp at him - his height doesn't make this as easy as you thought and your pliant hands meet just his navel, the faintest of happy trails soft against the skin here.
He switches to his thumb now, instead of the heel of his palm to rub you through your shorts. He searches, for a short moment, finding what he's looking for and pressing the pad of his finger against your bud.
He kisses your whimper, shifting his hips and shuffling upwards just a smidge so that your hands can reach his hard cock. You have to maneuver your arm underneath his but it's working out fine so far, your eyes widening once you feel the twitch of his length.
"Oh." You gasp, expecting to have felt it all while you were on his lap, but missing by a longshot. He's big, bigger than anticipated and you're a bit too flustered as you follow it's bulge through his sweats. He groans your name, and you might be short circuiting.
"You're so hard...and b-big, Johnny you're really big." The incredulity of your voice only has his hunger growing, threatening to swallow him whole. In one breath your hands are pulled from him, pinned above your head with his gentle fingers barring your wrists.
"You're so fuckin' cute," he professes with an awed lilt, moving his hips in circles between yours - his shaft, heavy and thick, nudged against your lips. "wanna make you feel good...mm, wanna make you cum."
Butterflies threaten to flutter into your throat and suffocate you, his breath warm and sweet against your cheek before he's nipping at your earlobe. You feel like you're high, spinning yet completely grounded by his weight above you, against you.
"I want you Johnny, want you to fuck me." You try to turn your head, bashful of the way you're being so shameless but he's not having it, keeping his gaze on your every expression, trying not to lose his sanity when you grind yourself against him. Your voice, petulant and needy, is enough to have him at his wits end alone.
"I will baby, I will," he promises sweetly, accentuating his point by letting go of your wrists, and using one of his hands to pry your thighs open. He rolls his agile hips against you and the friction has you reaching out to grasp at his waist - trim and firm underneath your fingertips. "just gotta get you ready first."
He sits back on his haunches and you pout about the lack of content, his pleased grin a beacon as he hooks his fingers into your waistband, pulling your shorts off your hips and past your thighs - till they're at your ankles, and it feels surreal when he throws them somewhere behind the couch, too eager for his own good.
You're brought back to current reality when his big hands caress the tops of your thighs, before creeping down into the soft crease where they're shut closed in embarrassment, and pulling them apart.
He outwardly marvels and you wonder if he can see you clench, the moment overwhelmingly intimate with the way he's staring directly at the wet spot that’s soaked through the crotch of your panties. He takes only a moment to reach out and press his thumb against the dampness, balls tightening with the need to release each time you whimper or gasp.
With his cock leaking in his pants, he wastes no time, taking the flimsy piece of fabric off so fast you don't even have time to by shy about him seeing you naked and glistening in front of him. Furthermore, you don't think anyone could feel even the least but bad about themselves if he looked at them like this - slack jawed, and starved.
"Fuck...you're so beautiful," two long, inky fingers formed into the shape of a V, spread your lips open and then he's moving further away - no, scooting down onto his stomach, and suddenly his breath is a warm puff against your most sensitive parts. "so wet for me, hmm?"
You're not sure you can look away, too enraptured by the visual stimuli that's correlating with the circling of your swollen clit. You want to cry, a little bit. Scream, maybe. He's so beautiful you can't help but to reach out, running your fingers through the front of his chestnut hair and then his eyes are piercing through you like the shock of ice water.
Your body seems to register the feeling before you can process the sight by itself, back bowing off the couch, hips bucking. His hot, wet tongue licks at the hood of your clit, starting slow and picking up pace when you start to squirm. The blossoms painted across his skin decorate the arms that hold you down while his pillowy lips envelop the bud, suckling lewdly.
"O-oh, oh fu-mmm." You're already blubbering, lost and falling into the sensation of everything all at once. You've no doubt that he's had years of experience but this, you're not sure you've felt pleasure like this before.
"Feels good?" He mumbles between the flick of his tongue, hands traveling up the length of your body to grip your waist, kneading your skin. You almost laugh at the question, assuming your trembling body and the way you're involuntarily bucking against his mouth would suffice as an answer. Still, you humour him.
"Mmhm, feels- ohh, mhm feels good." Your voice is barely there, strained and whiny but he feeds off of your every utterance as if it's something he so desperately needs. The smacking between your legs becomes louder and like a magnet, you're drawn to the sight again, coil in your belly tightening impossibly.
He's a muss of hair, the dark strands tickling your thighs when his head moves from side to side. Your thighs attempt to clamp shut but then he's looking up at you again - purposeful in the way he maintains eye contact while he dives down and licks a stripe over your entrance.
You're not going to last long, and he knows this, from every twitch and squirm and whimper - he's preparing for your demise, humming in contentment while the lewd sounds of slickness continue.
He slips a finger inside of you, and then another once he realizes how soaked you are, and this proves to be the beginning of the end. You grip onto his forearms, needing to be grounded to something while he buries the digits inside of you, curling in a come hither motion.
It's all beyond what you thought pleasure could be, it's violet and red and all things euphoric behind your eyelids and the sound of his pleased groans are what finally have you giving out, melting against the couch cushions.
You're not sure if you're making any sound at all, honestly. It comes so quick, violent in it's force and you're hazy headed - tears welling in your eyes from the way he's still massaging you, licking you while your walls squeeze and contract around his fingers.
"That's it baby, mmm, let go."
The velvet voice is warm against your sensitive sex and you're still twitching as you peel your eyes open to peer down between your legs and see him there, staring up at you like you're the sun, slowing his movements while the aftershock of your orgasm seeps through you.
His knuckles are buried to the hilt inside of you and he pulls them out slowly, petal pink lips kissing your clit gently, adoringly. With your brain still foggy and embarrassment no longer present, you grab his wrist, bringing his slick soaked fingers to your mouth and wrapping your lips around them.
He moans an expletive and then he's hovering over you again, watching with a soaring heart as you suckle your juices clean from his digits, lashes fluttering when you open your eyes.
For once in his life, he's speechless. You have to pull him down to kiss you in order to breaks him from his reverie and it's now that he's realizing how excruciatingly hard he is. He doesn't remember the last time he's ever been this worked up without his dick even being touched for more than five minutes.
It's safe to say he's taken by surprise when your hand slips into his bottoms and briefs to palm him this time, and his body lurches against you while a desperate sound bellows in his throat.
"Baby." he coos, relishing in the softness of your palm, the difference in size of his own. He wants to protest when the intense bliss of it is gone, momentarily, only to feel your fingers attempting to pull his sweats down.
You're still buzzing from your orgasm but you've never been more positive about something; about someone. Your whole body feels as though it can't be satiated, not until you have all of him after having such a sweet taste.
"Please, now, want you now." You nibble on his bottom lip and he has to pull himself away or else he'll get too caught up in your mouth by itself, but he's on a mission - searching for his wallet and scrambling for it when he sees the leather square sitting on the floor.
The tips of your fingers and toes tingle with a mixture of unbearable anticipation, and nerves for what's about to come when he pulls the condom from his wallet and tears the corner of the foil.
It's just a second but it's enough to admire him silently, the twitch of his mouth, the elegance of his fingers even when they're eager and uncoordinated. A part of you feels overcome by the need to be encapsulated by his presence, for his skin to be a permanent silkiness against your lips.
He catches you in the midst of staring and it's like he's glowing from the inside out, pulling his pants down his thick thighs along with his black briefs, kicking them to the floor.
Without thinking your arms are reaching forward, gripping the small of his waist as if to still him, and he pauses at your will. He's cupping your chin with one hand while your fingertips explore underneath the hem of his shirt, and you're grateful that he's allowing you to soak this in, that he's not rushing despite the fact that both of you are like exposed lit wires.
"Here, let me take it off." His arms are reaching behind him before you can blink, biceps curling as he pulls his shirt off of his broad shoulders before discarding it with the rest of his clothing.
Your breath is audible, pupils blown wide while you examine the length of his torso and the permanent shapes that are marked there. Only patches of his honey skin peek through the array of tattoos he's got climbing his sides, over his chest, and you swear you've never seen someone so beautiful.
"Take mine off too." You barely manage to get out, and he's kissing your lips again with a soft sort of fondness, while his knuckles graze your skin and your shirt is being stripped from your body. He's back to kissing you and your naked chests meet for the first time, a fierceness gripping you by the throat when when when the shaft of his cock nudges your clit.
"You're sure about this?" He asks, gentle in the way he strokes your cheek with the back of his hand, pecking your mouth between glances at your nipples where they rub against him. His touch travels to your jaw and down your neck, before he's tweaking the buds between his fingers, and your legs wrap around his middle in an effort to solidify your answer.
"Yes, I'm sure," you run your fingers through his hair. "very sure."
Lips press against your cheek and then you're presented with the sight of him again, bare in front of you, just a few inches away. It's now that you really find the courage to look at him, not expecting to be out of breath and shock stricken once you lay your eyes upon his dick.
It's pretty, as pretty as you knew it had to be; curved just slightly, the tip swollen with arousal and a shade deeper than that of his lips that you've come to have photographically memorized.
You watch with probably more fascination than most while his slim fingers roll the condom onto his length, down the shaft that protrudes with a small vein right in the middle, until it's snug and securing the fact that you and Johnny Seo are about to have sex.
As always, here there right when you need him most, aiding you in forgetting about anything that isn't crucial to right now. His arms are wrapping around your thighs and pulling you closer - your small gasp doesn't go unnoticed.
And then, there's also the way he's looking at you, again. It's like he's compacted every emotion you could feel in a moment like this, and somehow managed to reflect it's opacity back at you through the glimmer of his irises.
You jerk your hips against him and he grins at your urgency, diverting his attention to the space between your legs and holding you steady by the hips with one hand while the other goes to grip his cock.
He levels his pelvis with yours and brings the pink head down to your entrance where it leaks for him, gathering the slickness and smearing it through your folds, around your clit.
His fingers search for yours and suddenly he's interlocking them while you feel the initial stretch of his dick finally entering you, a soft expletive leaving his mouth while he pushes himself into you halfway, peering down with half lidded eyes as a silent affirmation.
Your expression must be as expressive as the soft mewls that involuntarily fall from your lips, and he bottoms out while leaning down to kiss you as he's come to realize that this action is single handedly way more addictive than it should be.
You feel so full it's impossible not whine, and within seconds he's pulling himself out of you nearly all the way - mouth hovering over yours so he can watch your features contort when he sheathes himself back in with a snap of his hips.
With the need to hold on to something becoming incessant, he allows you to throw your arms around his neck while your thighs tremble around him, his hips creating a slow but steady pace that draws lewd sounds from between your bodies with every slow drag of his thick cock.
It's strange, how you provoke such tenderness within him when you shudder and pant beneath him despite the fact that he's barely done anything yet- a juxtaposition to the feral, nagging type of ache that brews in the center of his belly to have you even more a mess.
It's not that he's fairing any better, though. Even you can see that, feel it in the way he keeps his lips on your skin, trying and failing miserably to hold back his groans while your nails create crescent moons on the broad of his back.
"You - f-fuck you feel s-so good." He stutters, and if you could find your words maybe you'd even have the confidence to tease him, but right now all you can comprehend is the feeling in which he's providing, the nudge of his tip so deep inside of you.
"Faster, can you - oh yes, yes." It's like he knows what you want before you get it out all the way, and his tongue is warm against your throat while he obliges your request, furthering your haziness.
You're quick to realize that Johnny is a generous lover. Despite the fact that he's holding himself together on the edge of his coherency, he's already atuned to each tense of your muscles, the strain of sweet sounds you coo in his ear. He uses this as a guide, working his hips skillfully, circling when he pushes himself back in.
The fact that you're sopping wet helps as well, audibly soaked and your walls are taking him in so generously he doesn't know what to do with himself. Your hands are in his hair and tug at the dark strands without thinking, drawing a sweet, serene moan from the back of his throat.
"Mm, feels good?" He asks despite knowing the answer, your countenance painted with the colors of bliss. He peers down in between your bodies and almost regrets it due to the pulse it sends through his groin - threatening to send him over the edge too soon.
But it's a sight too mesmerizing, his entire length disappearing inside of you with an easy glide, his hips colliding with the back of your thighs and your clit waiting to be played with. You're just as taken by the sight, surrounded by only him, inside of you and around you like a life force. Your hands travel over anywhere and everywhere, down to his belly where the muscles flex underneath the painted skin with every thrust.
"So good, you feel s-so good Johnny." You're becoming even more petulant but he doesn't mind, not when you're clinging onto his biceps and mewling his name. He slips his tongue into your mouth while his hands cup the back of your knees, hiking your thighs up higher around his middle.
Your skin burns where he touches, his pace increasing and now you wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors knew exactly what it is that the two of you are doing, skin against skin and coos of pleasure echoing through your small apartment. You have a hard time forming thoughts that make sense.
"M' all the way up there baby," his voice is deceivingly sweet, hips dangerous and borderline ruthless now that you two are drenched in the essence of lust and desire, driven by your need to come undone. "such a sweet pussy."
He means it, too. Maybe that's what makes this all so much more enthralling. From the clench of his taut jaw, to the way his dark eyebrows are furrowed, even the crimson of his lips from the way he's been biting down on them - Johnny is nothing but honest. It's somehow stripped you of the shyness you'd normally be harboring, compelling your mouth to speak without a filter.
"It's all yours, I'm yours."
This seems to spur him on, more than you thought because now he's all but cradling you in his arms, mouthing his words against your lips, not allowing even a centimeter of space to reside between the two of your bodies. It feels whole, complete.
"Mm, yeah sweetheart? Mine. Fuck, you're all mine."
It's a growled statement and you quiver against his solid form, warmed from the inside out like a furnace and set ablaze. You're still sensitive from his mouth but that doesn't change the orb of pressure within your belly, or the waves of pleasure that spread through your thighs and up your spine from the way your clit is rubbing against his pelvis while his cock reaches new depths.
You should've known his mouth would be filthy, and it's really ticking every box you've literally ever needed to be ticked and you're sort of embarrassed by how far gone you are already, properly mewling with your fingers gripping onto his bulged biceps where he uses them to hold himself up.
His face is a sight to behold in itself, as well - plush lips parted, cheeks hot and a shade of deep, ravishing plum. If he weren't steadily hitting that sweet spot inside of you maybe you'd actually be able to keep your eyes open long enough to admire it more - but it's obvious it won't be long until you're unraveling.
He's thankful, in a way. Because you're sighing out sweet words that profess how good he's doing, and he swears that he's never felt anything as good as this. Through and through. You're made for him, wrapped around his being, tight like cellophane and it's silly but this is all he's dreamed of for months.
"Open your eyes sweetheart," his hips stutter at the same time you involuntarily squeeze around the tip of his cock as he goes to seep back into you and you're drawn to the plead of his voice. "let me - fuck, let me be yours, please?"
His voice is honey, coating you in it's sweetness and you're teetering on the edge of your release. It beckons you soothingly, like a siren in the wake of a wave and it doesn't calm when you pull him down to your mouth by the nape of his neck, your shared groans being swallowed by the other. Your thighs are a vice around his waist, keeping him locked against you as he grinds his cock into you.
"You're mine, J-John- oh, oh please." His fingers have reached down in the limited space between your shared skin to rub your clit in circles and you know this is it - mind and body completely encircled by everything he's made of, the scent of his skin and the heat of his body and even the way he says your name.
"Want you to cum for me, please, please cum for me baby." His breath is warm against your ear, a vibration that wracks through all of your senses and your body knows it's coming before you do - instantly under the influence of his begs and pleas.
You're descending, voice nothing but a gasp and an echo of an expletive when the dam inside of you finally bursts - leaving you to tremble like a leaf beneath him while the feeling threatens to consume you inch by inch, nerve by nerve. 
You've all but gone limp, bright dots of light flitting through your vision and you feel his mouth everywhere, like a soft, warm reassurance that he's not going anywhere while you spasm around him.
"Just like that, oh fuck, yeah just like that."
In this place of completeness, you bask in the rise in octave of his usually low timbred voice, in the way he's holding you so firmly in his arms, as if scared to let go and put even an inch of separation between the two of you.
You're still twitching when you feel him throb inside of you, your name a warm whisper against the side of your neck while he pumps himself into you with no real rhythm; filling the condom with spurts of his cum while your fingers gently scratch the back of his scalp, through his hair.
Your breaths are ragged and have only that in common, his weight comforting despite the fact that both of you are in such a fragile state. It all feels surreal, like maybe you’ll wake up soon even with his cock still buried inside of you, half hard. More than anything, it feels right. Apprehension nor guilt nor worry brews underneath your skin, instead overshadowed by pure elation.
Wet pecks travel across your throat like marks of gratitude and your smile is automatic, involuntary.
"I meant it, you know," he's out of breath but concise, palm cupping the side of your face as he makes his way to your mouth and kisses you there, afraid to look you in the eyes. "about...about what I want. About wanting you."
You actually do laugh this time, suddenly outrageously giddy at the words leaving his pretty mouth, mildly entertained by the fact that someone could be almost as oblivious as you are. Almost.
He looks worried for only a split second until you're kissing his face, over his nose and fuchsia cheeks, a feather against the soft autumn ground.
"I meant it too," your voice is light, airy and he swears he'd believe anything you told him, even if it weren't as absolutely resolute as it is right now; your smile against his lips like a seal of promise. He meets your gaze, and everything within him calms, settles.
"I'm yours. And you're mine."
This, he thinks to himself, is all he's wanted to hear since the day you looked up at him with all the stars in your eyes.
Completely worth Jaehyun stealing his Armani denim jacket, honestly.
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nohoney · 3 years
Tell Me (When You’re Ready) 4.4
note: whoo finally back from a much needed break from the us series. went through a little bit of a lull where i had to step back and take some time apart from the series but i’m back again. this is something of an epilogue but also not? it essentially concludes part 4.
Us Series
warnings: 18+, drugs, toxic relationships, a bit of smut but nothing too descriptive
4.1 ✧ 4.2 ✧ 4.3 ✧ 4.4
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ✧
It’s a cold autumn night when you finally say it, when you finally tell them but it’s also done as a backhand to someone.
You convinced yourself that you did it because it was time to say it, you have heard both confessions so you needed to say it back.
In truth… you said it to hurt someone but you felt it justified.
You’re not a needlessly cruel person, you can get a little snippy and sarcastic but you’re not particularly mean to anyone. You’re too nice sometimes, stretching your patience out for certain people that took advantage of your kindness and that actually includes Touya but you have a strong relationship going so of course you let it slide with him. The point is, in general you’re just a decent person that doesn’t feel it’s necessary to put negative energy out in the world.
But you make an exception just this one time.
You just had to show her because clearly she wasn’t getting the hint.
Oh hell, who were you kidding?
They weren’t hints, Touya was literally telling the bitch to fuck off.
“The fucking cunt tried to force my zipper down so she could suck me off, almost had to knock her ass out when she wouldn’t get off me the last time.” Touya is pressing an ice pack to his cheek and glaring out into the view of his balcony, a cigarette in his free hand. You stand inside the apartment, the screen door shut but the sliding glass door leaves just a crack so that you can still talk to him, not wanting to breathe the smell of cigarettes directly. Keigo stands behind you with his arms looped around your waist, also apart of the conversation.
“And what, she smacked you afterwards when you pushed her off?” you ask as you lean your weight against Keigo.
“Of fucking course, you think I’m holding this thing to my face for fun?” Touya snaps at you before taking another drag.
Keigo squeezes his arms around you when you tense up, a silent signal for you to let Touya’s attitude slide. Understandably he’s pissed but you take it personal when he gets annoyed like this, like you feel like it’s your fault even though you had done nothing wrong. But Keigo reassures you by leaning down to whisper in your ear, makes it look like he’s just giving you a kiss to your temple, tells you to just let him be upset for the time being.
An eightball sits on the table, a little crumpled in its little baggy but otherwise not a drop was spilled when Touya snagged it back from Mai.
Touya’s whole body tense, his jaw is clenched, foot tapping repeatedly, and eyebrows pinched in annoyance. He’s muttering to himself, “Shoulda’ just cut the bitch off…”
You don’t really like to be around Touya when he’s tense like this, you’ve tried to calm him down a few times but sometimes he’s just too much for you to handle. So you let Keigo take the reigns and step away to go to the bedroom to give them some space. Touya’s still too pissed but he does utter out a quiet ‘alright doll’ in acknowledgement while Keigo kisses your cheek before joining Touya outside on the balcony. It’s best that Keigo help Touya cool down, more likely they’d both come to you when the mood was better.
And as you go into the bedroom and shimmy out of the pants you wore today, Touya’s phone vibrates on the nightstand. One notification… two notifications… three— wait it’s, four.
“Geez, who’s blowing up his phone?” you ask yourself quietly before picking up his cell. You unlock the preview screen of the phone, knowing Touya’s password since he gave it to you, and you sigh when two more notifications pop up. And it’s all from the same person, the whore that Touya decided to drop not too long ago. Mai’s sending message after message, apology texts for forcing herself on him. Pleas to not cut her off from the coke she’s come to rely on to get her through some rough days, his is the best and she won’t settle for anything that’s not his anymore. Desperate texts about cocaine then shift to her trying to reel him back to the arrangement they had before. You can’t help but frown that Mai is uselessly trying to seduce your boyfriend back into fucking her.
“C’mon, he already made it clear he doesn’t want you anymore.” you mutter to yourself as you look over the messages. “Fucking bitch…”
Very unlike you to use those kinds of words, Touya is rubbing off on you.
Keigo’s admitted to you in secret that Touya is coming pretty close to blowing his lid with this chick. And with what happened today, you wouldn’t be surprised if something was done about it. Touya obviously wasn’t going to go back, this is the first time in the relationship that he’s officially winding down the list of girls he still keeps to fuck, finally choosing one and tossing her out the window so that he can eventually just focus on you.
It’s annoying and a little hurtful still that after a year Touya is just now finally starting to get rid of the whores, but it strangely makes you happy at the same time knowing that he’s finally done it. You wish you knew the reason why Touya still bothered with them but he’s made it up to you, promised you that you’re his number one and that no one else means as much to him as you do. And what can you do but believe him, doing what he says and what he wants because you honestly don’t want to be without him either. Your body still tingles at the quiet murmur of Touya finally telling you he loves you when he thought you were fast asleep. Keigo’s own bold confession also brings a smile to your face and you think how much you love them.
You frown at the notification.
It’s a nude.
You set down Touya’s phone and try to calm your nerves.
His phone notifications are suffocating and you don’t want to be in the apartment anymore, you feel like there’s something important you have to do. So you march out of the bedroom and head towards the sliding door, peeking your head out just a tad. “Hey, I’m gonna head back to my place okay?” you tell them, your heart beating a little fast in your chest and trying not to appear antsy. You can’t help thinking that what you need to do has to be done right away, that you might as well strike while the iron is hot. You have an excuse ready to use when Touya asks why but it lies useless on your tongue instead.
“No, stay here.” Touya commands without looking at you.
“But Touya, I really need-” you try to plead with him but you’re cut off once again as he says no once more. And normally you’d listen after the second time, especially considering the mood he’s in, but you’ve got adrenaline pumping in your veins and a mission on your mind that you just have to get done. “Touya, just let me-”
He doesn’t want to hear anymore, when Touya says that you stay, you stay. He pushes the sliding door open too hard, the glass rattling and startling you. He flicked the cigarette he was smoking over the railing, that same hand holding your jaw and squishing your cheeks a little roughly. Cigarette smoke lingers on his fingers as he holds you still, so close to your nostrils and you whine from it. You instantly cower and the adrenaline of determination is replaced with apprehension. You don’t like Touya’s temper, whether he’s directing it at someone else or you.
“Touya, be gentle.” Keigo says from his spot on the balcony, standing a little straighter and ready to get in between if needed.
“When I say stay, you stay. Understand?”
There’s no arguing with Touya, not when he’s got such an angry look in his eyes.
All you can do is nod your head and look down in submission. Never mind the reason why you were so eager to leave, that essentially you were being told to stay here without your permission, but in your mind you excused it. Whatever you wanted to do, it could wait, that it was better that you think about it first instead of just recklessly jumping into it. Touya was doing you a favor telling you to stay at his place without him ever knowing it.
Oh how everything Touya did change your thinking now, considering him more than your own feelings. But you think it’s okay, it’s okay because you love him and you understand him, loving someone means understanding the rough patches of who they are and knowing underneath that the things they do sometimes they don’t always mean it. You have to understand it and love it, even if it means letting your cheeks hurt from the way his fingers gripped into the tender flesh.
“I’m sorry Touya…” you whimper pitifully and look up at him.
Touya regards you quietly for a moment before telling you, “Go take a nap.”
He releases your face from his hold but it’s not gentle how he pushes you away, it almost makes your eyes water and that’s when Keigo steps in to smooth over everything.
“C’mon songbird, I’ll tuck you in alright?” Keigo’s leading you to the bedroom and gently shutting the door behind him. Touya should be the one reprimanded for treating you a little roughly but instead Keigo tuts gently at you as he brings you into a hug, “Baby, you know better than to test Touya like that. What’s gotten into you?”
Your shoulders sag in his embrace but you return it nonetheless. “I… don’t know. I’m sorry…”
His hand rubs your back soothingly and he kisses the top of your head, Keigo’s comfort easing you just a little bit. But even as he reassures you with sweet words and to just let what happened with Touya slide for now, you still think of what you were planning to do earlier if you hadn’t been commanded to stay here at the apartment. It would have to wait until you were out next time with neither of the boys with you.
And you think to yourself how much you love them, the echoes of their confessions making your heart bloom in your chest and the messages from Mai solidifying what you had to do for yourself.
It’s something you’d never done before, would never consider under the circumstances you’re putting yourself under but you needed to make a point.
Yumi is hosting another party at her house and you ask her what time the party starts, just like last time that she invited you but lets you know that your boys are welcome to come as well even though she’d like it to be just you. There’s a little bit of disappoint in her voice when you tell her Keigo and Touya will arrive with you, obviously wanting you to come alone so that she could have time with you, but you swear that you’ll treat her to brunch next time and it will be just the two of you. She seems accepting of it and cheers up at your proposal and then hints that she would like to re-up if Touya is going to attend anyway.
Touya comes into the bedroom after an hour and presses a kiss to your temple when you sit up against the headboard and asking how you feel. He doesn’t offer an apology from before, not that you were expecting it from him anyway, but he throws in ‘babydoll’ when he speaks to you, that subtle way of letting you know that he is trying to make up with you from before.
“Hey, let’s go to a party this weekend.”
“Don’t know if I’ll feel like it…”
He says he’s not in the mood but it swings in your favor when you pout at him and give him sad eyes, giving in simply because of what happened before. He’s not a social person, that much is apparent, but he’ll let himself be towed around by you if you’ll make it worth his time later on. And Keigo will be there alongside too to offset him, he’s very much included in what you plot in your mind.
And if you know the boys as well as you think you do, they’ll fall exactly into place where and when you need them.
You didn’t want to seem hasty by the time you arrived to the house, quickly greeting Yumi and a few other friends you haven’t seen in a while when you walk through the door. Keigo fits in naturally with the crowd while Touya remains standoffish with a disinterested gaze. He holds a beer in his hand and has an arm slung over your shoulders, not really used to being at a gathering and not conducting business.
He hates it but he at least came for you.
Yumi confirms for you that Mai is around and offers to act as a buffer if she were to come within vicinity of you, which you politely decline and say that you can handle it.
It does require a bit of liquid courage, a few shots of liquor to dull your nerves and seek her out.
Not that you had to look very far anyway.
Mai kept a respectable distance watching you and Touya from afar.
So she’s surprised when you approach her, your glazed eyes that tell her that you’re just a little drunk, that it hides the truth that you know why she’s bitter and directing it towards you. That it already hurt to know you were chosen by the man she still wanted but to see it right there in front of her was salt in her wound. But you told her that you could soothe her, that it doesn’t have to be like this, if she really wants back in then just play nice with you and maybe he would reconsider her again.
You instill a hope that maybe she can be able to reach out to Touya again, that in the way Keigo and Touya share you, that you’re willing to share him with her.
So you kiss her, your first kiss with a girl, a girl that hates you but cups your cheek as she leans into the kiss.
A girl who’s feelings you’re about to crush.
Touya and Keigo always have eyes on you, you know that ever since that party where you mixed for the first time and ran off, they don’t let you stray very far. Surprised doesn’t even begin to describe their shock when they find you lip locked with Mai, with the first whore that Touya decided to drop and was trying to get away from. So he approaches and turns your head towards him, his voice low as he asks you, “The fuck are you doing?”
“Makin’ out, s’okay yeah?” your words are a little slurred but you reach one hand to his shirt to pull him closer. “Make out with us baby?”
A beat of consideration.
Even Mai waits apprehensively but you have no worries because you know that Touya will say…
“Room, now.”
Keigo naturally falls in too, the four of you led up to Mai’s room in the house, heavy breaths and little moans from her that grate on your ears. You push it out of your mind that she’s made those sounds for Touya before you came along, been on his dick after buying buying a gram or two off him, but that she won’t be around again. It occurs to you that possibly what you’re about to do might piss off Yumi because this will definitely go around and you might potentially lose her as a friend but…
This is more important.
It annoys you a little too much how Keigo kisses Mai, seems a little too comfortable with his hands going up her shirt while Touya’s sucking a bruise onto your neck. Unlike Touya, he’s been faithful this entire time so it irks you to see your other boyfriend kiss her with just a bit too much energy. It bothers you but you know that you’ll get his attention with just a call of his name, “Keigo… Kei… kiss me.”
So he does, still groping at Mai while he leans towards you and tenderly presses his lips to yours. Under the impression that you were switching off to Keigo, Mai attempts to make her way towards Touya but you pull him towards you before he can even turn his head towards her when she whines out, “Dabi…”
Dabi… it’s almost foreign to you that a few months ago that’s what you called him.
No one else would ever get that privilege.
It’s just you that gets it.
Just you and them.
And it slips out earlier than you had expected but it falls naturally, “I love you…”
It stuns them for a moment but the boys know that they don’t have to fight over who you said it to because it was meant for the both of them.
It stuns Mai too, caught off guard to be apart of an intimate moment. To witness how Touya utters his own devotion to you, kissing you deeply and pushing her away and she knows that you set her up to look like a fool when you peak your eye at her with intention. And it’s not just one person you say it too, Keigo voicing it aloud as well and leans in to have his turn while she still stands stunned. It’s the most cruel thing you’ve ever done to someone else, right there in their own space too where she sleeps, reads, and does god knows what.
She gets the picture now.
Back off.
If you really wanted to be even more cruel and drive a stake through her heart, you’d kick her out her own room and let the boys have their way with you in that moment, you know she wouldn’t be able to overwhelm all three of you. You mildly entertained the thought of tainting the space that belongs to her and tarnish it even further with your bodies on her bed.
But you’re not looking to do that, you just needed to let Mai know that she would never get Touya back.
Well not that she ever had him in the first place but the message was sent regardless.
“Wanna be in our bed.” you whine to them.
No further instructions needed, you leave the party with a quick goodbye to Yumi who gives you a questioning look when she sees you coming from the bedroom hallway but says that she’ll see you later.
Keigo’s place is the closest to reach and it’s all a blur as you’re undressed by both boys and push you on the bed. You’re not quite certain where your body starts and theirs end when they join you, but they fuck you with a sentiment that was completely different than all the other times before. Better than the first threesome, better than when you all rolled together to fuck, it felt different and it felt right.
“Love you, fuck I love you.” Keigo hisses behind you, one hand coming up to hold your throat while the other pets your clit.
“Fuckin’ love you…” Touya whispers, his nails digging light crescent marks into your skin as you squeeze around him.
It was always in the atmosphere but unsaid, not until everyone was ready to voice it out loud.
And you were finally ready to say it back.
“I love you.”
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Sick - Tanaka x reader
Warnings: none
Words: 2282 
Summary: You and your neighbor walk your dogs at the same everyday, but what happens when he stops showing up 
A/n :! I am so so so so sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth, college is hard man and then it’s partially online and COVID and things and the depression really hit and I have started a new self care book and it is adding one thing back in my life at a time that I am passionate about and last week was French and this week it is writing because I really do miss it! I threw this together last night based off of a request I got forever ago and I hope it is liked <3 
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You’ve lived in the same apartment for years and people always come and go, in and out, it feels like you see a new face everyday. In your three years there, you’ve only had one consistent fact, and that’s your bald neighbor who goes on walks with his dogs at the same time as you twice a day. At first you only saw him occasionally and now the two of you go out at 7:30 am and 6:30 pm on the dot. You have no idea how it started but now you get kinda excited to run into your neighbor on the stairs everyday and hopefully make a comment about how good his two big dogs are looking or even jsut the smallest acknowledgement with him.
   Speaking of your neighbor, he wasn’t out this morning before work, and you didn’t think too much of it because he works kinda funny hours and some random days misses the times. (Though he always tells you about it in the afternoon or the next time you see him) and because you’ve learned he’s a personal trainer he has finicky clients and sometimes is up wayy too early or way too late. It bugged you all day that you hadn’t seen him and no matter how hard you tried to focus at work you couldn’t imagine why he wasn’t out on a Wednesday. All of your explainations could make sense but you really don’t feel right about any of it. And when you got home and took your two babies out and he wasn’t there you were sure something was up. Tanaka loved his dogs more than anything and says that their routine keeps them together and that it keeps them well behaved. Something had to be wrong. Maybe he got a new girlfriend? Or he forgot? But he didn't forget and he hasn’t been with anyone ever, and if he was his dogs would still come first. You had no idea what you were thinking but when you came back up the stairs you kept walking and knocked on the door of the man you knew so completely and not at all. You quickly realized what you’d done and your heart was racing as you silent prayed that no one was home and that you could creep back to your door before anyone heard you.
   This was a great thought, except you forgot what happens when you knock with dogs. They bark. And unfortunately for you Tanaka doesn’t get a lot of guests so his dogs barked a lot. Like they could wake the entire neighborhood a lot. You had to grin and bear it and face the consequences of your irrational actions.
   After thirty or so seconds the door creeps open and there he is, Takana Ryuunosuke, in his pajamas and a beanie opening the door. He looked like a walking corpse and by the way he sniffed out a weak “hello” as he opened the door told you everything you needed to know. He was sick. Very sick, and you had just knocked at the door and now have to figure out what to say to him.
   “Oh, hey,” you stutter, “I was just checking on you to see if everything was alright, you weren’t out with your dogs and I was wondering if anything was up, or if you needed me to take them out for you because of their routine and everything,” you ramble on, hoping that somewhere your logic connected and this made sense.
   Takana stared at you blankly and you couldn’t help but mentally smack yourself because that was exactly what a stalker would say and you now seemed like his stalker.
   After a few more seconds of blank stares his expression caught up to your words and he broke out the goofy smile you love so much.
   “My dogs? Walk them?” He asked. Maybe they hadn’t caught up after all.
   “Well yeah, they weren’t out at their regular time and i wanted to make sure they were still going out and I have my two out and they are so well behaved and you clearly don’t feel well so it would really be no problem,” you rambled on again.
This time he was closely listening and nodded along with you before smiling once again. “No no no,” he chuckled, “ I can take them out” though he was laughing you could hear that he wasn’t feeling well and his energy was lower than you had ever heard.
   “Let me do this one favor for you, I can take them out, no big deal, okay?” You smiled.
   After you smiled it was a done deal for Tanaka, he grabbed the leash and thanked you about a hundred times. His dogs are fantastic and took you less than five minutes to walk before they’d used the restroom and were ready to go back inside. You took them back and he thanked you once again and you headed back to your apartment to make some dinner.
   You settled on a sun dried tomato soup with grilled cheese and happened *wink* accidentally *wink* make more than you could eat on your own and you’d hate for it to go to waste and you do have a neighbor who is sick and could probably use a hot meal right about now. So, you packed up a container for him and wrapped the sandwich in aluminum foil so that it would be hot for him and put some tea in a thermos and headed out your door once more. This time though, you were a little less bold and just rang the doorbell and ran back to your room. You did however, leave a little note saying “hope you feel better soon - room 420” on it and you hoped that it would at least help his night a little bit.
   Little do you know, Tanaka was so shocked to see this from you that he almost dropped the hot soup onto himself in a panic because this not only meant you paid attention to him but you cared for him. This was the best thing to ever happen to him. He finished every last bite and washed the container and thermos and placed them back by your door with a note of his own.
   When you got up the next morning and went to take your dog out you couldn’t help but beam when you saw your tupperware back in front of your door. You picked up the two items before seeing the little note on top of the container.
‘Best Soup Ever! -Room 419’
You beamed and did a little happy dance before deciding to go knock and see if he needed your help with his dogs again today, and boy are you lucky that you went. WHen he opened the door he somehow looked worse than yesterday, you could have swore that he had snot dried to his face and he was a total mouth breather and the bags under his eyes as well as tripled overnight. There were no arguments when you asked if he needed help with his dogs, because truthfully he really did.
   The walk was quick and the morning was over before you knew it. Another distracted day at work, you found yourself wondering how you could help him feel better, especially because he lived all alone and his closest family was something like an hour away last he told you.
You had a brilliant idea and decided to go to the store after work and make him a ‘get well’ basket. You filled the basket with cough drops, tissues, teas, chocolates and other little goodies that help him feel better and put him in a better mood. You got the groceries and were right on your way, practically skipping with excitement.
   Once again, you accidentally made an extra soup after you’d taken care of the dogs and happened to leave it with the basket later that evening.
   In the morning however, none of your dishes were by your door, which was no big deal, especially because he was feeling so under the weather, but what was even more strange is that he didn’t answer the door and the last thing you wanted to do was wake him up. So, you headed to work wondering if he liked what you did for him or if you’d crossed a line or if he was allergic to chicken noodle, or if he was too much of a health nut and you’d offended him, or if he’d… you had no idea, maybe died. This was not good for you and you could feel the stress starting to get to you when you got off work the sprint back home was exhausting and anxious. You rounded the corner of the stairs when you saw
You saw nothing.
That was fine, everything is fine. You are fine. Life is fine. If he doesn’t feel good you can’t expect him to do dishes or even leave his room. That’s best for everyone, no one wants a walking germ contaminating everything around, there were probably old ladies on this floor, you hadn’t seen any, but they were there, probably, so he was just doing the world a favor.
Again, he didnt answer the door for his dogs and you couldn’t force your kindness onto him so you had a night to yourself and went to bed way earlier than usual. You couldn’t help but wake up earlier than usual and instead of looking for things that weren’t there you got out and went to work early and got busy right away. You had a full day and worked until almost 8pm, hurrying back to hopefully get home before your local take away had closed. You made it, but just barely, and got your favorite meal to bring home with you to watch something horrible with.
   You got home and plopped on the couch completely exhausted. Immediatley you started eating and got about halfway through when you heard a knock at the door. Oh shit. You had no one in your life that would ever knock, well almost no one. THere was one person you were really hoping wasn’t on the other side of the door. You were in a t-shirt you got 10 years ago and a pair of crappy shorts from the general store, there was nothing remotely nice, or even tame about your appearance, you looked to be frank, crazy.
You creeped the door open and saw exactly who you were hoping not to see, Tanaka Ryuunosuke standing in front of your door beaming.
   “Hey?” You question nervously.
   “Hey, I noticed that you didn’t take your dogs out earlier and was wondering if you needed me to take them out for you?” He questioned genuinely, smiling from head to toe, clearly feeling better.
   You had no idea what to say or do but he just smiled as your dogs trotted out the door with him, without you saying a word. You awkwardly closed the door and stood there in shock. That was horrible. An embarrassment to you, an embarrassment to your family name and even worse an embarrassment to society. The shock still hadn’t worn off when you heard a second knock at your door, and well that was the man with your dogs and you couldn’t just leave them outside.
   This time when you opened the door you couldn’t help but gasp. Tanaka has a giant bouquet of red roses and a giant blush on his face.
   “Y/n, I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but I have had a crush on you since I first met you, and I never knew how to tell you, every time I got close to you I just freeze and I started taking my dogs out when you do to try and get to know you and I could never make myself do it but you have been unbelievably kind to me and I can’t wait any longer. I want nothing more than to have a chance with someone as stunning as you are. Y/n, will you go on a date with me?”
   This time it was you standing there dumbstruck for longer than you should have. You heard every single one of his words and your heart was fluttering out of your chest. You’d had feelings for him for as long as you can remember and here he was with a bouquet of flowers standing in your doorway asking you to go on a date with him. You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything so you just grinned and nodded at him enthusiastically, hoping he understood just how much this means to you.
   He beamed right back and handed you the bouquet of flowers, “perfect, then I’ll see you Friday at 7, I’ll pick you up.” He winked.
You were still dumbstruck and nodded again, and right as you were about to close the door for the night he stuck his foot in the doorway.
“One more thing y/n,” he pushed the door back open and had a basket of little goodies for you, as well as a homemade meal in the containers you’d given him with a little note that says ‘your soup warmed my soul, and my heart’. You couldn’t help but absolutely beam with happiness. You set the basket down and threw your arms around his shoulders and pulled him into a big hug, repeatedly thanking him for his kindness. You two parted ways happier than you could have imagined and both in great anticipation for Friday.
   The next morning, you were both out at 7:30 on the dot, excited to see one another.
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binniedeactivated · 4 years
if you’re not busy can i request a smut where like yeonjun is super jealous and he like fucks his name into y/n’s skin??
I can’t stand you. || yeonjun💦
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╰─▸🖤❝ @[𝒃𝒖𝒈𝒔𝒃𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒚𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈.. ]  ✎𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝒚𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒋𝒖𝒏 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓  ✎ 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: 𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒃𝒍𝒆¡   ✎ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕; 640
[@𝒃𝒖𝒈𝒔𝒃𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒆] 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒇𝒇...
“so how long have you been in korea?”.
soobin asks you from across the table while taking a sip of his drink. 
“I actually just moved here not too long ago. I wanted to be english teacher at first but I enrolled in university just because I’m not too sure anymore”. 
you answered honestly, all the while hugging yeonjun’s arm. He set up a double date tonight, he thought it would be a good idea for everyone to get acquainted that way. 
“english teacher? that’s adorable”. soobin smiles and you smile back of course. you weren’t nearly thinking about that job again. 
“yeah, i love kids I thought it would be fun to teach english you know?”.
“i can see you as an english teacher to be honest. you have the personality for it”.
“what does that mean?”. you ask, pretending to be insulted. Soobin could only laugh seeing that you might’ve took it the wrong way. He puts a hand up in defense. 
“No I mean, you’re bright and beautiful. I’m sure the kids would’ve loved you”.
you curl your lips in awe. 
“aw well thank you soobin. I think you’re an amazing leader”.
yeonjun rolls his eyes while he pretends to read the menu. He couldn’t focus on what he wanted to eat while hearing the both of you flatter each other to death. Soobin turns to his girlfriend, asking her if she found something to eat. You thought it would be a good idea to turn to yeonjun as well. 
“baby do you know what you’re getting?”. you ask innocently. he ignores you though until the waiter comes to the table and takes the orders and the menus. After you all were finished ordering you hug his arm tighter, hoping he’d at least look at you. 
“so have you thought about anything while you’re in University?”. soobin continued.
“not exactly. I’ve been trying though. There are just so many options with so little time”.
“if you’re struggling you know I can work out a spot for you at the company”.
yeonjun’s eyes bulge out of his sockets. soobin barely gives the homeless people he meets opportunities like that. so what the hell was he doing giving you one?
“really? oh no i couldn’t!”. you blush. 
“you can be a hair stylist, makeup artist, lyric writer. Just tell me”. 
“nah. I’m sure yeonjun wouldn’t want me to interfere with his work”. soobin laughs. 
“i wouldn’t mind though”. 
yeah, of course you wouldn’t. yeonjun thought. He stood to his feet and glared down at you. 
“come with me for a minute”.
he ordered. You thought nothing of it as calm as he was. He probably wanted to get you a drink at the bar or something. you gave soobin a small whisper assuring him you’ll be right back. you tried your hardest to follow yeonjun but he was walking way too fast and he even passed the bar on his way.
“jun slow down! where are we going?”.
you called out. he stopped at a door and waited for you to approach him. Once you did so he grabbed you by your wrist and pulled you into the bathroom with him, locking the door behind him. 
“jun what the hell is wrong with you?”.
he snarkily points his finger in your face while your back laid against the door. 
“oh you’re real bold right?”.
“just flirt with my best friend in my face? As if i’m not sitting at the table with you? how stupid are you?”.
“no one is flirting with soobin. He sparked up a conversation so I joined. what’s the big fucking deal?”.
“oh so him calling you beautiful and you blushing like a single woman doesn’t ring a bell to you?”.
“He can’t call me beautiful? So no one else gets to think I’m beautiful because I’m dating choi yeonjun?”.
“you know that’s not what I mean”.
“no i don’t care about what you mean! You’re just a jealous piece of shit. What is it? you think soobin looks better than you or something?”.
“I’m not jealous”. 
“then what the hell are you yeonjun? you got me against a fucking bathroom door yelling at me because your best friend called me good looking. This is as jealous as it gets”. 
“what did I just say?”.
“no what did I just say!? You’re a jealous piece of shit”.
yeonjun steps closer to you with his jaw clenched. 
“call me that one more time”.
“you’re a jealous. piece. of. shit”. 
and it was just like yeonjun to never show his anger in his face much but much more through his actions. He grabbed you by your wrists like before and threw you over the bathroom sink. he immediately wraps his hand around your throat and presses his dick against your ass. 
“take your panties off now”.
he snarls, and not being able to do much under his grip you do as you were told. He shoves you further allowing your ass to perk up, pressed perfectly against him. He unzips his slacks and shoves himself inside you. you watched it all unravel through the mirror in front of you. you looked helpless and his hand was beginning to make marks on your skin. 
“you’re a fucking slut don’t you know that?”. 
he hisses picking up a rhythm while fucking you. you closed your eyes in bliss. sometimes you didn’t know how bad you wanted yeonjun until he was already inside of you.
“yeonjun i didn’t flir--”.
“shut the fuck up”.
he hisses once more and slaps your ass while he was at it. The more his dick delved through your hole the wetter you became. you didn’t want to with the way yeonjun was talking to you but he was always so sexy while he was angry you couldn’t help it. you bit your lip and mewled at the dirty looks he gave you through the mirror. 
he grips your waist and plunges into you deeper and rougher than before. you grasped the bathroom sink in hopes that you wouldn’t hurt yourself. yeonjun honestly couldn’t care less. 
“you probably think soobin can fuck you like this don’t you?”. 
“mmmph--noo jjun”. 
“you’re a liar”.
he said so harshly it felt like he practically spat on you. he grouses in a low tone, snatching his lower lip up with his teeth. 
“fuck--your pussy feels good”. 
you whimpered which only made him go faster. he loved hearing you hopeless. he loved hearing you sound like you were on the verge of crying. He loved hearing you sound like you couldn’t take his dick at all. 
yet he drills you hard. each time your body shifted you whined, your pussy throbbing wet and swollen. with his grip on your neck and him fucking you in a public bathroom you truly felt like a whore. you felt like you deserved to feel like this. maybe you did flirt with soobin. maybe you did blush when he called you beautiful. 
maybe you had thoughts about him fucking you like this. yet you knew he never could. 
“jjun--fuck jjun!”.
you sob, feeling your eyes clog with tears. those sensational butterflies in your stomach ate at you with so much pressure it felt like torture. you wanted to cum but you felt stuck. yeonjun bruises your ass again, 
“I don’t want you flirting with anyone else do you fucking understand me?”. 
“yes! yes jjun!”. 
you cry with his dick overloading you with ecstasy. you wanted to explode. and to make matters worse he was hammering you harsher than before. 
“because what?”.
tears frenzied down your hot cheeks. He bruises your thighs and ass with his hand again and again. 
“bbbecause I have a-- fuck! junn oh my god”.
“because what?”.
“because I have a bboyfriend!”. 
“good girl”. 
he smirks while groaning. He drapes his body or yours just to kiss you on your tear stain cheeks. you never understood how nonchalant yeonjun could be when he was fucking the hell out of you. 
“is my good girl crying?”. 
you nod your head slowly wailing his name. your ass claps on him hard. he bites your neck with his teeth, leaving another bruise for everyone to see. 
“jjunnie! I’m going to cum”. 
he fucks into you harder until you’re squirting all over him, and also until he was filling you with his hot fluids. he relieves you of his grip and breathes heavily, zipping his pants back up. and poor you, your mascara was smeared and you were fucked out and all bruised up. you just wanted to sleep. 
yeonjun could execute rough sex pretty well. but he was also a sucker for after care. he takes a couple of tissues and wipes your face; even pulling your dress down passed your thighs to hide the bruises he made. he kisses the ones he created on your neck just before he plants one on your lips. it was a disaster, what he’d done to you. and he knew it. 
“I’m sorry baby. I guess I am a jealous piece of shit aren’t I?”.
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homeformyheart · 3 years
As I said, 12 - "don't put me in this position" from that one angst prompt list i pointed you in dms, with whoever 👀👀👀
thank you @mepheesto for the request! this mayyyy still be too angsty for most peoples’ tastes (no happy ending). sorry in advance!
author’s note: i thought M would be a better fit for this scenario than N; i know i’m leaving a lot to the imagination but i wanted to keep these prompt fills relatively short. this takes place during the deep romance part of their relationship. hope you all enjoy! copyright: all characters, except the oc detective, are owned by mishka jenkins @seraphinitegames. series/pairing: the wayhaven chronicles – mason x f!detective (ria knight) rating/warnings: 14+; major character death, angst based on/prompt: OTP angst prompts // 12. “Don’t put me in this position.” (in bold) word count: 1.3k summary: ria makes mason promise the unthinkable.
mason stood in front of the wrought-iron gates of the wayhaven cemetery, his thick boot-clad feet sinking in the mud as the remains of the summer storm danced on his freckled skin.
it wasn’t supposed to end this way.
she was supposed to be here, by his side.
not buried six feet below a mound of dirt.
she promised to come back to him.
not go somewhere he couldn’t follow.
she was supposed to live.
not die by his hand in his arms.
3 weeks earlier
ria reached for mason’s hand as she sat on a gurney in the small, sterile room with nothing but white walls and a small, beeping monitor on a side table.
“you nervous?” he asked, holding her hand tightly in his.
his grey eyes softened as he studied her, trying to memorize the exact blue of her eyes and the way her pale skin radiated warmth that seeped through his clothes.
the corner of her eyes seemed to lift in an attempt to put him at ease. she should be terrified, but for some reason, she was trying to reassure him. the thought made him frown.
“hey, i need you to promise me something,” she said quietly, wrapping her other hand around their intertwined ones.
“anything,” he murmured, leaning in to give her a soft kiss on the forehead.
“if something were to go wrong—”
“it won’t.”
he needed her to focus all her energy on surviving.
she tugged his hand toward her. “i know the risks and there is a chance. if something does go wrong and i am no longer in control of myself…if i go feral, i need to know that you’ll handle it.”
he just stared at her in disbelief. “that won’t happen.”
“mason. if i am not myself and am capable of hurting people, i need you to make the call, you understand? for the good of everyone. i wouldn’t trust anyone else to do it.”
the pale blue of her eyes reminded him of the way seeing a sliver of blue on an overcast winter sky sometimes made the cold feel worse. the way the light reflected in them, waking his senses softly most mornings, now pierced his vision until the image of her blurred.
the frown on his face deepened and he pulled his hand away, tucking it into his pocket and reaching for a cigarette. “don’t put me in this position.”
“mason, i’m so sorry,” she said quietly, putting a palm to his cheek and turning his head toward her. “i hope you know how much i love you.”
he put the cigarette in his mouth and bit down hard, crushing the paper between his teeth until it disintegrated. the broken remains fell to the floor, the dark brown filling contrasting with the white tiled floor. the entire room was blinding and blurring.
“ria, i—”
a knock on the door, followed by agent chana peeking out from adam’s large stature drew their attention away from each other.
“ready? the agent who will perform the turning will be here shortly. you all can wait outside,” chana said sharply.
ria met adam’s piercing gaze, holding it for a full two seconds before he gave her a small nod. mason glanced back and forth between the two before adam left the room, the frown on his face deepening.
she slowly intertwined her fingers with his again and kissed the back of his hand.
“i won’t hurt you,” he said quickly, tightening his grip on her hand.
“i need you to keep me from hurting the ones i love. and i am sorry that by doing this, i am hurting you.”
he paused and looked at her for what would be the last time while she was human. how could she ever understand how losing her might destroy him?
his strength, stamina, and keen senses were of no use to him now. none of it would help keep her with him.
“come back to me. that’s an order,” he murmured, capturing her lips with his.
he focused on the feel of her lips, the taste of her contented sighs, and the warmth spreading throughout his body, memorizing every fiber that she seemed to touch before pulling back. he watched as the color of her eyes seemed to tremble before realizing that he was actually seeing the reflection of his own tormented grey ones.
“i don’t answer to you, sunshine,” she retorted cheekily.
mason ran his thumb over her cheek, feeling something unfamiliar lodge itself in the back of his throat. “please,” he whispered, his voice strangled and hoarse.
her eyes widened slightly. the word was as unfamiliar for her to hear as it was for him to say.
“i’ll try,” she said, squeezing his hand one more time before nudging him toward the door.
mason reluctantly left, looking over his shoulder back at her as agent chana began securing her to the bed, the gnawing pit in his stomach growing as he took in a rare expression of concern on adam’s face.
“what did she ask you to do?”
adam gave him a long, stoic glance before reaching into his pocket. mason already knew that it was a vial of dmb before adam had even removed it from his pants. he stared at the glass container, the color of the liquid inside confirming its purity and potency before meeting adam’s gaze again.
the feeling of dread in his stomach seemed to match the fear reflected in adam’s face. mason turned back to face the window to the room, hoping for once in his life that his instincts were wrong.
as promised, nate and felix kept rebecca as far away from the room and the process. they all knew things could go south and rebecca was better off only knowing the final result once it was all over.
despite her willingness and determination to turn, it seemed that ria had expected the worst to come true. it bothered him more than he wanted to admit that she hadn’t confided in him, even if it was because she knew he’d want her to call off the whole thing.
and as promised, adam and chana did their best to control the situation. the agency tried every known tactic to temper and lock away her feral side after she was turned. but the way she was turned, probably because of her mutated blood, was unlike anything the agency had ever seen before.
she was too strong, and it was all too much.
he watched as the woman he loved faded away a little more each day. every physical and psychic attempt to subdue her seemed to tear him apart inside tenfold.
after a week, he knew the blue-eyed person scratching and snarling at everything in sight was no longer the person he had hoped to spend eternity with.
so when the time came and the forms were handed to him, mason didn’t hesitate.
he signed the order and held on to her as tightly as he could during the procedure, despite her thrashing against him and the restraints. he held her for as long as he could even after her body stilled and her breathing had stopped.
he held on to her even when rebecca stormed in and cradled her child’s head in her hands, weeping hysterically for hours. his grip tightened even as adam and nate repeatedly murmured that he needed to let her go.
he knew they were right, at least, in that particular moment. funeral arrangements would have to be made and her body would need to be prepared. so, he let them take her body.
but he knew he’d spend the rest of his immortal life holding on to her.
from these OTP angst prompts (always accepting)
* * * * * taglist:  @kelseaaa; @kat-tia801; @anotherbeingsworld; @crackerdumortain; @pearlsandsteel; @gloynporslen; @sosolenoo; @alyssalauren; @wayhavenots; @gingerbreton; @takemyopenheart; @writer-ish; @fhauvilles;
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et-lesailes · 4 years
iron crush
pairing: tony stark x reader
word count: 1952
summary: you’re a college student as well as roommates/best friends with peter parker, but you’ve developed a bit of a crush on his world famous, superhero mentor tony stark.
themes: age gap, smut
taglist: @evanstush​​​, @tanyam93​​​, @bval-1​​​, @wonderwinchester​​​, @patzammit​​​, @rohaintahquil​​​, @deidrashouseofpain​​​, @sammyslonglostshoe​​​, @jadedhillon​​​, @bohemian-barbie​​, @whysparker​​​, @sebastian-i-stan​​​, @sebabestianstan101​​​, @lille-kattunge​​​, @teller258316​​​, @peach-acid​​​, @allsortsofinterests​​​, @xoxabs88xox​​​, @heyiamthatbitch​​​, @cptn-sgrogers​​​, @heyyouwiththeassbutt​​​, @bangtan-serendipity​​​, @troublermalik​​​, @beardburnsupersoldiers​​​, @bookish-shristi​​​, @kind-sober-fullydressed​​​,  @gingerninjaprincess16​​​, @straightforwardly​​,  @denisemarieangelina​​​,  @frencchfries​​​, @xlanawriter​​​, @littlemoistcarrot​​​, @pottxrwolff​​​, @arianatheangelworld​​​​, @southerngracela​​​, @nsfwsebbie​​​, @rororo06​​​, @savemesteeb​​​​, @raveviolet​​​​, @hurricanerinwrites​​​​, @captainamerica-is-bae​​​​, @shaddixlife​​​​, @tessa-bl​​​​, @marvelouspottering​​​​, @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc​​​​, @thegetawaywriter​​​​, @dwights-new-plague​​​​, @rynabarnesrogers​​​​, @fckdeusername​​​​,  @doloreschanal​​​​, @ssworldofsw​​​​, @la-cey​​​, @buckybarnesplumwhore​​​, @hevans-angel​​, @chuckbass-love​​, @stardust-galaxies​​, @smyfmj​​
notes: in this story, peter and reader are 18! I know the opening scene is literally from civil war where peter is a minor in high school but shhh just pretend :))) also sorry if you’re tagged and don’t care for tony, i haven’t really been separating my permanent taglist and my cevans only taglist because it’s a lot of work gjfjdjg so just ignore if you don’t want to read, no worries! also as always, graphic creds go to @thewritingdoll​ !
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You first met him that fateful day he was waiting for Peter in his apartment itself, casually chatting with Aunt May while pretending to enjoy her walnut date loaves. Being Peter’s childhood friend, you’ve known of his Spider-Man secret ever since he became the masked hero, and it hadn’t been difficult for you to figure out that Tony was there for Avengers related reasons. You remember the piercing eye contact you made, the way his brown eyes lingered over you in surprise and approval; you had felt flattered beyond belief that you were even noticed in such a way when you were in the same room as Peter’s abnormally attractive aunt. 
Fast forward a few months later, and you, Peter, and your other friend Ned now have an apartment of your own. The three of you have always been inseparable; you see them as brothers and you can trust them to have your back, just like you and Ned have Peter’s whenever he’s called to save the neighborhood (and, lately, many areas outside of it).
You’re on your belly on your bed in a tank and shorts, taking notes while skimming through your psychology textbook when you hear a knock on the door. You roll your eyes- Ned always forgets his keys, which is why you tend to leave the door unlocked whenever it’s just you at home. It’s difficult to worry much about crime when you literally live with a world famous superhero. “It’s open!” you call, eyes still scanning the words on the pages before you. The door opens and you hear footsteps, louder and louder until they’ve come to your doorway. “Have you just, permanently lost your keys or something?” you ask in amusement, not even bothering to look up at your roommate.
“Didn’t get any to begin with, actually. Got a copy for me? Would be pretty helpful considering the kid never answers his goddamn phone.”
Your head immediately snaps up, your eyes widening slightly as you stare at the grown man at the entrance of your bedroom who is very clearly not Ned. “Tony!” you exclaim in surprise, moving to sit up on your knees as you gaze up at him somewhat embarrassed- and suddenly feeling much more naked. You’re comfortable with limited clothing around Peter and Ned, you’ve known them practically your whole life- but Tony is someone you’ve seen all over television, only met once… and have the slightest crush on. You’ve always loved a man with confidence, and while Tony has too much of it, you can’t help but find it appealing. You clear your throat, trying not to blush from his amused expression. “Uh, yeah, Peter’s not home right now… do you want me to text him? Maybe he’ll reply to me?”
“What? Reply to his cute best friend he drools over on a daily basis- over replying to me? No way.” Tony smirks slightly, his voice dripping with sarcasm, and you find yourself blushing deeper- though you arch an eyebrow, more than happy to confront what he’s just said. “Cute?” you repeat, and he shrugs nonchalantly, leaning against the doorframe as he takes your appearance in. “Yeah. Cute. What, haven’t heard it before? Because I highly doubt that.” 
“Not from a man twice my age, no,” you tease, suddenly feeling a little more confidence as you sit up a little straighter, remaining on your knees, “and Peter does not drool over me. Trust me, our relationship is not like that. We’ve known each other for too long.” Tony keeps his eyes on you for a few moments before suddenly nodding towards your textbook. “Whatchya working on?” You blink, glancing towards your notes. “Psychology. It’s my major.”
“So how do you read me?” he asks, and you assume he’s being some type of smart ass- after all, whenever you tell someone your major is psychology they immediately bring out the “so you can read my mind” joke- but when you look up at his expression, he actually seems genuinely curious. “Lonely.” You reply candidly, eyebrow lifting slightly. “Bored, always running out of things to do so you focus way too much on work.”
“Uh, yeah, that’s because I save the world for a living. Kind of has to be on my mind 24/7, doesn’t it?”
“Yikes, getting a little defensive, hm, Tony?” you tease with a smirk, knowing he can handle it. “That’s never a good sign in counseling…”
“Oh, are you my counselor now?” he scoffs, but the corner of his lip is tugged slightly upward, clearly able to banter just as much as you. “Alright. I’ll bite.” He comes into your room and sits down at the edge of your bed right next to you, looking at you expectantly. “Tell me, O Mighty Therapist, what should I do to alleviate my pain?” he questions dramatically, and you laugh, reaching out to nudge him. “Maybe stop being a pain in the ass to other people? Let them in for once?”
He listens thoughtfully and you're expecting a snarky comment, but instead, he replies bluntly in a low murmur with a raised brow, “What if I want a certain someone to let me in?” It takes you a few moments to realize the innuendo, your blush immediately returning once you do. “Tony…”
He leans in, his eyes focused on yours. “I won’t tell anyone…” You stare up at his features, your breath slightly heavier. You feel a bit of guilt but the desperate want is overpowering it- come on, he’s Tony Stark, and he’s here in your bedroom asking you to fuck. Maybe it’s not for the best reasons, but you decide you don’t care. You grab his face and pull him down, kissing him fiercely in response.
Everything happens so fast. His lips move against yours in intense synchrony, his hands grabbing your waist to tackle you down onto your back on the bed before he reaches out to shove your textbook and notebook off the mattress entirely. You gasp but continue to kiss him, your legs naturally moving to wrap around his waist to keep his body pressed close against yours, already feeling turned on from the friction between you. Judging by the bulge currently pressing against your inner thigh, it’s safe to say he feels the same. 
Neither of you even realize how absorbed in this kiss you are- you’re moving, practically rolling all over the place, until you roll off the bed itself. A squeal escapes your lips as both of you go tumbling onto the ground- thankfully carpeted- and you laugh breathlessly as you stare up at him, still underneath him. “Oops,” you whisper, but he just smirks and leans down to kiss you again, muttering huskily against your lips, “That’s alright, sweet cheeks, I can fuck you just as good on the floor too.” Your smile fades slightly, but only because of how aroused you’ve become just from hearing him. You’ve only ever slept with one guy before, and he was nowhere near as experienced or bold as Tony. You definitely needed this. 
He notices your expression and smirks, staring down at you as he moves one hand down to rub his fingers against your shorts. “What’s up, Y/N? You like that idea? Me fucking you into the floor of your bedroom, with your door wide open?” Your lips open into a needy moan, though you completely forgot about the door situation. Fuck. You glance to it nervously, but he only applies more pressure to your clothed entrance, his eyes twinkling mischievously. “You’re adorable, sweetheart. Think of it as a little adrenaline rush, hm? You have to take some risks sometimes, right?” He slips his fingers into your shorts and panties, rubbing your clit directly as he breathes out, “That’s my therapeutic advice to you…”
“A-ah…! Tony!” you moan lewdly, arching your back and staring up at him with wide eyes. “Please… I need more…”
He gladly obliges, his smirk growing wider as he eyes you hungrily. His fingers pump you skillfully, sliding in and out of your entrance and stretching you out, his thumb simultaneously teasing your clit. You’re a breathless mess of whimpers and whines, your head rolling back and your eyes shutting from the pleasure. The boy you were with before definitely didn’t know how to use his fingers. Tony, on the other hand, moves at the perfect, steady pace, actually listening to you to understand what you like and what’s working. The way he slightly crooks his fingers and expertly maneuvers them in subtle but hard hitting gestures inside your tight entrance is slowly making you uncoil- when he feels you tighten around his digits, he grins triumphantly. “Go ahead,” he commands breathlessly, “cum all over my fingers so I can taste you already…” 
You obey with a gasp, coating his fingers with your release- he withdraws them and places them in his mouth, looking at you with a hungry little smirk. “Delicious,” he growls, his devious eyes filled with lust. 
“Take off your clothes,” you breathe out suddenly, and he blinks before chuckling, pulling back slightly and obediently starting to unbutton his shirt. “For the record, I’m the one in charge here, but I also wanted to strip anyways,” he tells you playfully and you laugh, taking your own tank off feeling thankful you didn’t wear a bra that day. That would have been way too much work- you need him now. He stares down at you amazed, biting on his lip. “Damn. Your body is something else.” You widen your eyes upon seeing his cock when he removes his pants, clucking your tongue as you mumble, “I could say the same about you…”
He smirks and presses his throbbing erection against your sensitive entrance, his breaths heavy from anticipation. “I’ve been thinking about this for a while, doll. Think I’m already addicted to you.” 
He thrusts into you roughly at that moment, letting out a groan of pleasure as he pins you down against the floor. You cry out in happiness as you arch your back towards him, rocking your hips upwards against his and holding onto his back tightly. You don’t even care that you’re on a rug right now- comfort is the least of your concerns when he’s stretching you out so nicely, his brown eyes filled with hunger as he stares down at you in arousal. “You look so pretty underneath me, Y/N,” he murmurs huskily, grunting with eyebrows furrowed in concentration, his dick entering deeper and deeper inside you with each thrust. “And you feel… mm… better than words can even describe…”
“Tony…! Oh, God, Tony- mm…!” You’re at a loss for words; the sensation is overwhelming, pushing you over the edge, filling every crevice of your mind with euphoria and delight. Your body’s beginning to quiver, your walls tightening around his cock- he smirks weakly in satisfaction, knowing you’re close. “Fuck. I’m gonna cum deep inside you, beautiful, I want you to cum for me… God… damn…” 
Just as promised, he releases inside you, the feeling adding to your pleasure- you gasp in delight as you cum, your head rolling back and your eyes wide as you stare up at the ceiling. He lays on top of you for a bit before slowly lifting himself off, looking down at you with his signature smirk. 
Before he can say anything, though, a voice belonging to a certain web-slinging eighteen-year-old boy standing at the doorway with a wide open mouth screams:
“What the fuck?!”
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fayeimara · 4 years
Meant To Be Series || One For Every Billion
1. Operation: Meet Shiratorizawa
*Both written and SMAU parts this epsiode*
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You hear the familiar sound as you open the door and look inside the gym. The Shiratorizawa campus is definitely impressive but nothing feels more familiar than walking into a strange gym filled with mostly strangers. Back home or a world away, volleyball is the same, perfect sport.
You're smiling wide before you even lock eyes with your favourite redhead. "Tendou!"
Your greeting is muffled in a bear hug to beat all bear hugs and you can't help but laugh as you wrap your arms around your cousin's best friend.
"I am glad you could make it." Toshi is standing behind Tendou with a small smile and you pull away to give him a hug too.
"Let us introduce you to coach first, and then you can meet the others."
"Sounds good!"
The three of you walk over to the side where a small elderly man is scowling at the players on the court and when Toshi introduces you, you follow what you know of polite customs here and bow at the waist in greeting, "Thank you for having me!"
"I hear you play as a setter for a premier league."
Yeah, Tendou and Toshi weren't lying about his intimidating demeanor, but you're unfazed. You've dealt with some like him and they're good leaders in their own way.
"Yes, sir."
"You're quite short for your age."
You blink. You're pretty sure you're the average height for girls your age. You're definitely on or above average in your league even though you're not as tall as your hitters. Okay, cheeky, it is.
"Yes, sir. I hear that sometimes from opponents before we play. Not so much after a game, however, if at all." Tendou starts chuckling only to muffle it when the coach's sharp gaze locks onto him for a moment before focusing back on the court.
"Is that so." He finally looks over, making eye contact and drawing out the silence for a few quiet seconds. "Well, height isn't critical for a setter, though it's an asset."
"Yes, sir." You have to bite the inside of your cheek so you don't push it. You're aware of his status and tenure, after all. To someone like him, kids your age with a little cheeky boldness and confidence can be surprising and impressive. Too much is disrespectful and you're still a guest here at the end of the day.
He looks back at the team and you do startle a bit when he barks out, "Did I say it was time for a break?!"
Looking over to the court, you finally realize the practice game has all but stopped. You meet several wide eyed, disbelieving stares before they jolt back into motion.
Tendou and Toshi leave you there to rejoin their teammates with a grimace and a nod, respectively. You just smile blandly and take a seat next to their coach.
By the time Coach Washijo blows the whistle for the end of their practice, you've got a clipboard on your lap with notes and the begrudging respect of the ornery man beside you. Yes, you know your shit when it comes to volleyball and you didn't hesitate to use your knowledge to impress. You have a feeling he'll be taking a look at the link you wrote down to your national games at some point given the observations you pointed out. Mission: Success.
As the boys are grabbing water and towels and gathering around, Coach locks eyes with you once again to study you as you smile politely back at him, waiting for what he's chewing over. "You can visit again."
And then he stands to address his team before heading over to his office and leave them to clean up.
You look away from his retreating figure and, oh my, that's a lot of eyes on you. Why do athletes look so pretty? You smile wider and stand to introduce yourself, "Hello. I'm L/n, Y/n, Toshi's cousin. Nice to meet you all and thank you for having me here for this practice."
You bow and they start stuttering and speaking over each other while Tendou laughs, knowing you're also teasing a little. They're clearly flustered so it takes the edge of your own nerves and your smile relaxes into something a little easier.
"Wow.. that was.. different. I've never seen anyone interact with Coach like that." You look over to an ash haired boy, oh hello- "I'm Eita Semi. Nice to meet you.”
He sounds a little brusque.. hmm. He's their setter and knowing Toshi and Tendou...
"Semi-san, your sets... they really show your love for volleyball."
His mouth drops, hopefully in surprise, but you also hope you didn't say anything too forward? You know it's pretty different here and some things like feelings aren't used as carelessly in conversation but.. he's blushing. Oh no.
You try to correct, just in case, "I mean, I hope it's not presumptuous or inappropriate to say! I'm lucky to call myself a setter too, so from one to another, I just wanted to say I can see how much fun you have and it's inspiring!"
Okay, now Tendou is literally dying of laughter, bent over grabbing his stomach but you can see his face and yeah, he literally looks like the emoji that's crying with laughter. And- what?! Even Toshi is smiling a little, he knows that under your calm and playful exterior there's an impulsive, reckless storm.
Semi raises his hand up to the back of his head and you swear he's full on blushing. Okay, yeah, no, you're good. It might sound cruel but when you see people more embarrassed or flustered than you, usually, you find your own equilibrium steadies in response.
"That's- uh- thanks! I hear you're incredible. I mean, as a setter. I- Thanks."
The rest of the team has been looking on and slowly amusement and excitement is like a wave that slides across their features. One of his teammates hits Semi across the back, knocking him forward a bit, while teasing him about compliments from a pretty girl. But you politely pretend not to hear and focus on some of the other members as they start asking you about yourself and answering your return questions about each of them.
I think we can call Operation: Meet Shiratorizawa a success, you think, happily satisfied with the people your dear cousin has to call his teammates and friends.
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Behind The Scenes!
-Toshi is not directly related to Y/n but they might as well be brother and sister for how close they are
-He’s actually her (bear with me, please) dad’s brother’s sister-in-law’s son : Her uncle’s wife is an Ushijima - so her aunt by marriage is sister to Toshi’s mom.. I’m sorry, am I making any sense?
-Their mutual cousins will appear in the story, you’ve already seen their profiles in Family Matters: Kazuya, Akira, and Akari
-Tendou has known Y/n as long as he’s known Toshi and treats her like a cross between best friend and older brother, which means he’s sometimes mean, always teasing, and he will smack, cut, bury a bitch if they hurt her
A/N: Two things.. 1) I absolutely love Ushijima, I find he's seriously underrated. Although I guess I’m guilty here too because he’s Y/n’s family instead of a love interest 😔 If anyone ever wants to see a Toshi fic, let me know, I’ll do my best to work on his characterization 2) CHARACTERIZATION... guys, I’ve wondered this with all the HQ characters I’ve incorporated so far, but.. I don’t know if I’m hitting anywhere close to what they might actually be like in the scenarios I put them in?? So I apologize in advance, and profusely, for all the HQ characters that turn out not quite.. the way they should lol. The writing kinda sorta maybe gets away from me all the time 😅
I lied, there's a third.. I know I've made several posts on days that I've posted so far, and while I do hope to be consistent with a steady couple posts a week (particularly concerning this fic, or rather, not including other fics and stuff I might decide to post as I get more comfortable here), I may not always be able to deliver the same amount of content as I a) am still slowly getting a handle on the social media aspect and how to smoothly deliver it; and b) catch up to where I'm at in the story. So I just want you all to know, I really appreciate your patience with me <3
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dented-nado · 4 years
Well since you specifically asked: Twiddler
“Yah I like Eddie but he’s straight // BAD LUCK, HUH?”
“No he’s not”
I’m dying right now, the ol’ Harv(ey) stubbornly thinks that Edward fucking Nygma is s  t r a  I g ht love it.  Still one of my fave convos we’ve ever had.
Eddie’s POV
It had been about a year since he had joined the sort of halfway home that Bruce Wayne had opened up for Ex-Rogues. However Eddie was somewhat convinced the billionaire he now realized had been Batman the whole time (pfft, he totally could have figured that out… he just… hadn’t…) rather liked having he, Harley, and Harv(ey) as a sort of odd band of roommates. And well… a literal mansion wasn’t a bad place to stay in by any stretch of the imagination.
He certainly had expected (and been quietly and not so quietly jealous) that because Harv(ey) and Bruce had apparently been close as far back as when they were children, Wayne would certainly be ecstatic to have Two-Face hanging around. He still was a little bit taken a back that well… anyone would want him around.
But he really was trying to reform. Maybe part of it was because the routine had gotten boring and he’d started finding more quiet and less destructive games and puzzles more entertaining these days. Besides, he realized he could have more fun with such things when he wasn’t being hauled back to Arkham because he’d taken things a little too far so often.
That being said, he had a new focus, a new goal.
And that was the previously mentioned Harv(ey) Dent. The giant, the absolute unit that towered over him.
Two souls for the price of one. Harvey was quietly intelligent (though sometimes a little bit delightfully oblivious), kind, and soft. Then Harv, he was bold, had a wonderfully fun fashion sense, and had a gravelly voice that admittedly caused Eddie’s mind to pull a blank at times.
They were a man that could have half their face burned to a crisp with acid and still be the only man that had been in Arkham (in Edward’s opinion) that could really get it.
He still remembered the first time “two-face” had been escorted into Arkham, the sight of them had knocked the wind right out of him, completely stopped his plotting for his next attempt to outsmart Batman.
Sure, perhaps he had heard and sort of seen images of Harvey Dent, the famous distract attorney that had been nicknamed Gotham’s “white knight” on the tiny, crappy TV they were occasionally allowed to watch when they were let out of their cells. But that never did him justice.
Seeing him here? Up close?
What a man. A handsome man, carved by angels and blessed by the devil
Now if only he could get Harv(ey) Dent to notice him.
Since that day he’d tried time and time again under the hope that maybe just maybe… this giant of a man would consider a relationship of sorts.
He tried to impress them with his vast intellect, sitting close to him and going off about any fact or subject he happened to know. He then tried to drill Harvey about his knowledge as a lawyer (which he thought also might just be interesting to know). They were certainly a good listener… and Harvey warmed up to talking about legal jargon and the pains of law school with Eddie eventually.
He was able to talk to Harv about their mutual love of fun patterns and bright colors and agreed that anyone who dissed it just didn’t understand fashion. He also realized soon that Harv loved to talk when he was acknowledged, and Eddie was more than happy to encourage him to and lightly swoon at that voice.
However, they were still only on a ‘good pals’ basis.
Which maybe Eddie could have accepted, except he caught Harvey staring at him at times, smiling slightly whenever Eddie would talk about what interested him. And Harv, he had gotten Harv to laugh a few times.
There was something there, he knew it, but for some reason he couldn’t puzzle out, Dent wasn’t acting on it.
It continued to this day. Harley had suggested to Edward he simply outright tell Harv(ey) Dent he was interested in them. But that wasn’t fun or interesting, and certainly not as romantic as Eddie would like.
So, after years of frustration now, he decided he’d go to the one person who had known Harv(ey) Dent their whole life for advice.
Bruce’s POV
“So, that’s my dilemma.”  Edward finished, pushing up his glasses in a very matter-of-fact way.
Bruce sighed. The only person who had ever rivaled his own stubbornness and… stupidity when it came to others having an romantic interest in them, was in fact Harv(ey) Dent. This would no doubt be difficult.
He wasn’t even sure how he managed to get into a relationship with Clark and Diana, so he wasn’t sure how much of a help he’d be trying to get Harv(ey) and Eddie to pair up.
“I’m decently sure he’s interested in you.” He replied.
“I’m quite sure too, however nothing I do seems to get them to do anything.” Eddie expressed, looking completely exasperated.
“hrrn....” Bruce grumbled thoughtfully. “What have you tried so far?”
“Well… I’ve given them gifts, flowers seemed like a sure-fire method- yet he seemed to somehow take them as a platonic gift.”
Bruce stared at Eddie for a long moment. “Who gives flowers platonically?”
Eddie shrugged.
Bruce sighed. “Dammit Harvey… Harv…” He mumbled under his breath. “I could try talking to them, get some better idea of what’s going on their head, could be Harvey and Harv keep arguing on how they want to respond.” He suggested.
Eddie nodded thoughtfully. “That may be the case, that is a possibility I had not considered… thank you for your assistance batma….. ah… Bruce…” He corrected with a slight grin.
Bruce half smiled back.
Batman was on the case.
“So… Harv…. Harvey…” Bruce began wandering over to where they were sitting.
They were seemingly switching between drinking a hot coffee and a Frappuccino.
Harvey had complained more than once that because of their disagreements Harv ended up making them consume way too much sugar. Too much caffeine in this case it seemed.
Their eyes flicked over to him.
“Hi Bruce.”
“What’s up Pretty Boy?”
Bruce sat down across from them. “Eddie seems to be interested in you.”
Never hurt to be blunt with a lawyer.
Harvey snorted. “That’d be nice… he is really cute but…”
“I’m sure Eddie is straight, just our luck, right?”
Bruce had never been so shocked in all his life.
Straight?! E d  d I  e.
Str a I ght, Edward Nygma E Nygam s t ra ight
The two concepts being put together caused a complete error in Bruce’s mind that was slowly beginning to fry.
Who could possibly conclude that Edward was s t r aight?
The riddler…. The riddler who for a while greeted Batman like he was lowkey interested in a literal love-hate relationship
Str a I ght.
“Are you… fucking kidding me?” Bruce ended up stammering before he even realized it. “He’s not… at all!”
Harvey blinked at him a few times in surprise.
“What do you mean?”
Bruce gaped at them. They couldn’t be serious.
“Harvey… I… Harv… he… he’s not exactly subtle about it. In fact he’s very open, very much out and proud, flaming even. I’m sure he’d agree.”
Harvey looked at Bruce through squinted eyes. “Are you sure Bruce?”
“Sure, maybe he’s a bit more flashy than your average guy, but that doesn’t mean gay.” Harv added with a shrug.
“He calls you handsome at least 3 times a day.” Bruce said still staring at Harv(ey) like they were absolutely insane.
“Lots of people do.”
“Have you ever seen him even flirt with any women??” Bruce asked in disbelief.
“No but… well there’s always been more men in Arkham, and when do you even have time for that?”
Bruce was somewhere in-between wanting to laugh at them and slap them.
“He’s given you flowers.”
“Pretty sure he’s just being friendly.”
“Friendly…” Bruce wheezed.
This conversation was taking years off his life at this point. He shook his head and texted Edward.
“Get in here (the living room downstairs) It’s important”
Edward slid in and sat peppily down on the couch with Bruce within a few minutes, causing Harv(ey) to look between Eddie and Bruce in confusion.
“You rang Mr. Wayne~?” Eddie asked with a cheeky grin as he leaned his head against his hand.
“You know what these men just said to me?” Bruce began folding his hands together.
“Bruce nooo…” Harvey pleaded.
“No no, I think he should know.” Bruce insisted.
Eddie raised his eyebrows comically high. “Well don’t keep me waiting, what’s the tea?”
Bruce cleared his throat. “They said… they’re sure you’re straight.”
Eddie stared at Bruce for a minute, eyes widening.
“Me?” He asked completely baffled.
Bruce nodded.
Eddie threw back his head and laughed until his face turned red and he had trouble breathing.
Harv(ey) looked on stiffly, feeling as if they had made a mistake somewhere as the dawning realization slapped them in the face.
Harv(ey)’s POV
It was bad enough they had put themselves in denial so far they had missed out starting something with the small bean-pole riddle-man much earlier…
But now because they had convinced themselves Eddie was straight and therefore could have no interest in them… Eddie and Bruce were refusing to let them live it down.
And Bruce seemed to have gotten literally everyone in on the joke. Anyone Bruce hadn’t told between his partners and his massive family, Eddie had told.
Harley had begun kissing Ivy in front of them while they both traded off saying “no homo tho” between kisses until Harv(ey) groaned and left the room in a huff, leaving them both laughing maniacally.
Eddie had begun dramatically entering a room with a flourish announcing “Ladies and Gentlemen, Guys, Gals, and Non-binary pals, the straightest man alive has arrived, you may all start the party.”
Even when they first slept together, Edward had started quietly laughing and mumbling about “how straight, and very much not gay at all this occurrence was.”
Bruce hadn’t been able to look at them in weeks without breaking out into a full on belly laugh at his expense, mumbling something along the lines of “The Riddler, st r a I ght, good lord...”
On one hand they were happy Bruce was laughing more but god dammit…
They felt a bit dumb about it to say the least.
“How did we ever think Eddie was straight?” Harvey thought to himself.
“I don’t fucking know. I really… really… don’t.”                                                                                          
Well… maybe giving everyone a little levity while still being able to date a cute red-head that seemed to know the strangest facts about almost everything that they could enjoy listening to him babble about for hours happily…. Was all worth it. Even if they were embarrassed by their comically stupid brand of denile.
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gusu-emilu · 3 years
To Sit Outside Your Door
Ship: Jiang Cheng / Wen Ning
Rated M, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Non-Explicit Sex, Feelings of Inadequacy, Demisexual Jiang Cheng
read on AO3 or on Tumblr below
* * *
The progress of Jiang Cheng and Wen Ning's relationship has been slow.
Too slow, Jiang Cheng is afraid.
Despite the time that has passed, everything still feels new. Jiang Cheng still feels uncertain of himself every time he sees Wen Ning, still struggles to believe that despite the mistakes he made in the past, Wen Ning actually...cares about him.
And although nearly everyone knows Wen Ning is living near in Lotus Pier and has been gifted his own personal garden, Jiang Cheng and Wen Ning have made no public display of their status. Jiang Cheng would feel less guilty about that if he could just manage to be more affectionate privately.
It seems like Wen Ning is always the one initiating, and it eats at him.
Wen Ning will slip into Jiang Cheng's quarters while he is standing at his bookshelf sifting through the titles, and Wen Ning will give him that look that means he's waiting for approval. So Jiang Cheng will blush and nod, and Wen Ning will wrap his arms around him, rest his head on Jiang Cheng's shoulder and smile smugly while Jiang Cheng tries and fails to continue sorting through his bookshelf.
On walks together at night, when they stop to look out at the lake and no one is around, Wen Ning will give another of those looks, and Jiang Cheng will let him intertwine their hands. Suddenly it'll be hard for him to start a new conversation, so Wen Ning will just mumble softly about what he's done during the day.
Even when they sleep together, it's always Wen Ning who comes to his room, always Wen Ning who asks, always Wen Ning who is the first to slide off a layer of clothing or lean over to kiss or huddle close for them to rest in each other's arms.
And despite all of Wen Ning's asking, spoken or unspoken, he seems to know not to ask to have sex.
After all, Jiang Cheng can barely initiate the small things. He just...freezes up. Gets nervous. Wen Ning must know not to push him.
But it's not like Jiang Cheng isn't trying. And he does get better at it eventually. The first time he is the one to suddenly lean in and kiss Wen Ning during a lull in the conversation, and Wen Ning is so surprised he can barely stammer out a response, Jiang Cheng swells with pride and warmth and, dang, maybe he's been missing out. He could get used to this. Normally it's Wen Ning making him speechless and then gently teasing him about it. It's...kind of nice to be on the other end. Not easier. But nice.
They progress a bit more, privately and publicly, and now sometimes when they go to the night market in the town near Lotus Pier, the villagers will see them with their shoulders touching, or see Wen Ning place his hand on Jiang Cheng's arm (one time it was the small of his back, and Jiang Cheng blushed so hard and shot him such a look of panic that Wen Ning had to hold in his laughter and decided not to try that in public again).
So, although it's going slow, Jiang Cheng thinks he's getting better at this whole...relationship thing. He still feels utterly inadequate, but maybe a bit less than before. And Wen Ning doesn't seem to mind the slow pace. In fact, he insists that he doesn't mind, says that he never expected to have a relationship like this because of what he is now (and then Jiang Cheng grumpily reminds Wen Ning that he is a who, not a what), so Wen Ning is already beyond satisfied with anything Jiang Cheng has to offer.
Of course, that doesn't stop the nagging voice of inadequacy.
In fact, Jiang Cheng is growing frustrated with himself recently. He's started having thoughts he hasn't had about anyone before. Urges, even. He is sure Wen Ning has them too, but Wen Ning has not asked to do anything more than sleep together half-naked, and Jiang Cheng is still not at the point where he can ask for even that much, despite wanting it every time anyway.
More days pass, and finally Jiang Cheng feels like he might be ready. He wants Wen Ning in a way that is more than just someone to talk to about sect politics and nephews and childhood stories, or someone to kiss in a boat on the lotus lake, or someone to curl up next to at night. For once, he will be the one to ask for a new step in the relationship.
He just needs to work up the courage.
Surprisingly, he gets it from the juniors, of all people.
It happens on a night hunt when he overhears one of their conversations. Jin Ling is absent, as he has some clan business to deal with, and Wen Ning is off visiting Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, so Jiang Cheng is left by himself to watch over the remaining three juniors. (After all, Lan Sizhui is now just as much Jiang Cheng's kid as Jin Ling is, although Jiang Cheng would never admit that beyond a few words.)
From what he overhears, apparently Lan Jingyi has a girl he is interested in and is looking for relationship advice. Why he is asking about something so frivolous on a night hunt, Jiang Cheng has no idea, but the hunt has been boring enough that he lets it slide. Besides, he's not supposed to be hearing this anyway.
Ouyang Zizhen immediately goes into romantic mode (he read a poem about this exact situation!) and tells Lan Jingyi that he should find out what the girl likes and ask her on a date full of things that will make her happy.
"But what if I get it wrong?" Lan Jingyi complains. "It's all just guesswork!"
"If she returns your feelings," Lan Sizhui tells him, "she'll appreciate your effort, no matter whether the date is perfect or not. If the relationship is meant to happen, it will be you she truly cares about, not what happens on the date. She would be happy that you've decided to come forward with your feelings."
Upon hearing that, Jiang Cheng just...sinks farther into the underbrush and tucks the words away for later, furiously denying to himself that he is taking advice from children.
The next day, Jiang Cheng finds some time in between his work to do a bit of...ahem...research. This isn't something he's thought about before. But if he is going to do this, then goddammit he's going to do it well. By the time he's finished his surreptitious research session, his palms are a bit sweaty and his face is a bit pink, but he might have a handle on how this is all supposed to go.
Then he sees Wen Ning carrying cargo for a villager and looking incredibly sexy while doing it (he's just carrying crates, why does he look like that?), and Jiang Cheng is sent hurtling back to square one.
Didn't Wen Ning used to be awkward and nervous when he was younger? Why does he always seem so steady and sure of himself?
Jiang Cheng decides to focus on what he knows he can do right. He knows which stories from his childhood make Wen Ning laugh (he's an awful storyteller—they always come out stilted and unembellished, but for some reason Wen Ning likes them), he knows which candles Wen Ning thinks are pretty (those stupid ones shaped like flowers), he knows which of his night robes Wen Ning thinks look best (he wishes he didn't, but Wen Ning is a bit too bold about sharing the little things he enjoys and it drives him insane).
He also knows that he can catch Wen Ning at sunset in his garden where he usually checks on the plants before going inside, and that if he follows Wen Ning to his quarters and hesitates in the hallway before letting him close the door...he will definitely come to Jiang Cheng's room later that night.
So Jiang Cheng gets all of those things ready.
And sure enough, Wen Ning shows up at his room. A bit earlier than usual.
What Jiang Cheng doesn't know is how to stop his nerves from jumping at every movement, but Wen Ning is nothing if not a calming presence (when he wants to be), so it's...okay. So far.
Wen Ning is in the middle of telling an animated story about a ghost sighting during his visit with Wei Wuxian, and there is one part that is apparently so important that Wen Ning needs to stand up and act it out. He's in the center of Jiang Cheng's room, smiling and making stiff, oversized gestures, and it's such a bizarre combination of endearing and awkward and attractive that Jiang Cheng can't focus on the story anymore.
Suddenly Jiang Cheng realizes that he's on his feet. Wen Ning stops and blinks at him questioningly.
And Jiang Cheng just...stands there. Staring at Wen Ning. Heart racing. He looks like an idiot, he's sure of it.
By some grace of the gods, Wen Ning doesn't seem to find it weird. Instead he steps forward and wraps his arms around Jiang Cheng and gives him a kiss that is much too short. "You interrupted me," Wen Ning says.
"...I know that." Wen Ning gives him a smirk that is just barely teasing, and it ignites something inside Jiang Cheng. "Got a problem with it?"
Wen Ning grips him tighter. "I do." He gives one of those looks, waiting for approval, and once he finds it he kisses Jiang Cheng again. This kiss is much longer, soon becomes much rougher. Jiang Cheng matches it, and suddenly everything feels a lot easier. This is like he has something to fight. He knows how to fight.
They kiss until Jiang Cheng is short of breath—which isn't fair, because Wen Ning never gets short of breath—and soon they wind up on the bed, Jiang Cheng on his back and Wen Ning straddling him.
Once Wen Ning pulls away and looks down, his hair slightly messy and falling onto Jiang Cheng's chest, where his hands are now wandering and sending shivers through Jiang Cheng's body, suddenly everything feels a lot more difficult again.
The farthest they usually go after this is to take off some of their robes and kiss longer and eventually settle down to cuddle.
How can he ask for more?
Can he even give more?
Wen Ning leans down and kisses him again, this time soft and slow and gentle, like he has a secret he is passing through Jiang Cheng's lips. When he pulls away, his expression becomes hazy, as if he is lost. His eyes focus on Jiang Cheng's lips.
He cups the side of Jiang Cheng's face, the pressure from his fingers unsettlingly light, sending a tingle all the way down Jiang Cheng's neck. Slowly, he traces his thumb over Jiang Cheng's lips.
By the time he lifts his thumb, Jiang Cheng wants to melt into the mattress and disappear. Or maybe jump up and run away.
Actually, he wants Wen Ning to do it again.
And Wen Ning does, gently brushing his lips a second time. Heat surges through Jiang Cheng, and he catches Wen Ning's thumb between his teeth.
Wen Ning's eyes widen. He freezes.
This is—this is—holy shit why did he do this Wen Ning's fucking thumb is in his mouth—
In a split second, Jiang Cheng's mind functions enough for him to realize he has two choices: let go, or do something more. It does not seem like he is going to be able to rely on Wen Ning to take the next step this time, because Wen Ning actually looks broken. He's staring down at Jiang Cheng with a mixture of terror and amazement, his lips twitching, his free hand pressing firmer into Jiang Cheng's chest, his fingers starting to dig into Jiang Cheng's robes.
A voice at the back of Jiang Cheng's mind tells him that this next move might very well get him killed—if not by Wen Ning, then definitely by his own heart malfunctioning—but he can't stop himself. He runs his tongue over the pad of Wen Ning's thumb.
A short gasp escapes Wen Ning. "Don't do that," he whispers.
Maybe the months of Wen Ning's gentle teasing has finally gotten to Jiang Cheng, or maybe he has a death wish, or maybe he is just possessed, but he runs his tongue over a longer path this time.
Wen Ning jerks his hand away. Jiang Cheng's heart is pounding. This feels like the calm before the storm, as Wen Ning glances back and forth between his hand and Jiang Cheng, his expression beginning to harden.
"I said not to do that." Wen Ning's voice is shaking.
Jiang Cheng swallows.
A sharp jolt as Jiang Cheng's back is shoved deeper into the mattress. Wen Ning has him pinned by the shoulders. "Tell me to stop."
Jiang Cheng bites his lower lip in as he stares up at Wen Ning, their gazes locked. There is a hunger in Wen Ning's eyes he has never seen before. He doesn't know if he is enough to satisfy it.
"Tell me to stop now."
"I'll decide when you stop," Jiang Cheng says through his teeth.
Wen Ning's eyes round, and suddenly his expression softens, the pressure on Jiang Cheng's shoulders lightened. "You...you will?"
Jiang Cheng's gut sinks. This is the part he didn't want to get to.
A strained tension returns to Wen Ning's face as he grips Jiang Cheng's shoulders tighter. "Then...then ask me start."
"Do I look like a beggar to you?" Jiang Cheng's nerves are at the point of snapping, adrenaline coursing through him. He would rather try to strangle Wen Ning than ask for this.
Wen Ning leans farther over him. His voice is stern. "If you don't tell me to start, I won't do anything."
Jiang Cheng was already hard before this point. Now his cock is throbbing. His breath is heavy. "Fuck you."
The curtain of silky black hair slowly falls on Jiang Cheng's chest and neck as Wen Ning lowers, drawing close to the side of Jiang Cheng's face. His lips just barely brush in front of Jiang Cheng's ear, softly stroking his cheek as if Wen Ning is mouthing words, but no sound comes out.
Finally, his voice a tangled breath, he whispers into Jiang Cheng's skin, "What does that mean?"
There is no way out. No alternative. He knows how stubborn Wen Ning can be.
He shuts his eyes tight. "...Fuck me."
With a sudden force, Wen Ning grabs Jiang Cheng's wrists and pins them to the bed, then buries his face in Jiang Cheng's neck, scrapes his teeth all the way down to his collarbone. Climbs back up to Jiang Cheng's lips and kisses him while fumbling with his robes, beginning to open them.
They've barely started, and Jiang Cheng is already overwhelmed, each touch sending a rush through him. Wen Ning seems to want to do everything at the same time, and Jiang Cheng feels a pang of guilt as he wonders how long Wen Ning waited for this.
That thought is wiped away when Wen Ning lifts up from Jiang Cheng and begins carefully untying his robes, glancing into Jiang Cheng's eyes once in a while as if to check that he can continue. Meanwhile Jiang Cheng does his best to avoid Wen Ning's eyes.
Once Jiang Cheng is fully naked, his already-obvious erection plain to see, while Wen Ning is still clothed, he realizes that this really was a death wish. His entire body is burning.
Wen Ning strokes his cheek, trails his hand all the way down his torso, comes to a pause. "I'll be right back." He hesitates, then gets up from the bed and disappears.
The wait is agonizing. If Jiang Cheng's body was on fire before, now he feels like he is slowly freezing into ice as he lies on his back, alone, mind racing.
When Wen Ning returns, there is a small bottle in his hand, and his robes are...gone.
Well, fuck.
It's not like Jiang Cheng hasn't seen Wen Ning shirtless before. He has.
But now he can see how the black veins stretch over his lower abdominals, over his hips, like dark trails begging Jiang Cheng to dig his fingers into them, and he can see how Wen Ning is bigger than he expected...
The rest goes surprisingly smoothly. Wen Ning tells Jiang Cheng exactly what to do (which sends Jiang Cheng's thoughts wild with the implication that Wen Ning might have experience?), and Jiang Cheng manages some garbled noise of assent at each step.
The one problem is that they're facing each other, and Jiang Cheng doesn't know if he can handle being this seen for much longer.
"You feel so good," Wen Ning murmurs.
Jiang Cheng's breath gets stuck in his throat, and he makes a noise that definitely does not sound like a sect leader.
Wen Ning runs his hands along Jiang Cheng's sides, his chest, his hips. There is a deepness in his eyes, and Jiang Cheng feels like he is being pulled into it. "I...I like how you feel."
He sounds so sincere that it sends a rush of warmth from Jiang Cheng's face to his fingertips to his cock and nearly sends him over the edge.
He instantly flushes with embarrassment. He can't come already, they've barely even started—
Wen Ning slows his movements, almost pausing, and opens his mouth as if he is going to say something else.
"Shut up," Jiang Cheng snaps.
"Shut up."
"You're so perfect—"
Jiang Cheng's cock throbs. His face is on fire. "Shut up and get on with it!"
Wen Ning does not get on with it. Instead, he just stares at Jiang Cheng, the corners of his lips turning up into a smirk.
"Don't fucking smile at me!" Wen Ning's smirk grows wider, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Jiang Cheng can't take it. He hides his face in his hands. "Goddammit, Wen Ning!"
He feels Wen Ning dotting kisses over his stomach. He presses his hands harder against his face and shuts his eyes tight.
The rest is...fucking good. Sometimes Wen Ning says a few more things that make him want to go hide at the bottom of the lake, but thankfully he only uses them sparingly, and at last both of them are spent.
They lie on their sides facing each other, long-held tension released from Jiang Cheng's muscles and his eyes beginning to close with the lingering weight of release. Wen Ning tucks a strand of hair behind Jiang Cheng's ear. "I like seeing you this way, when you're tired. Relaxed."
"Stop looking at me."
A soft laugh. "Okay." He scooches closer and places his hand behind Jiang Cheng's head, gently guiding him forward to curl up in Wen Ning's arms.
"...That was...nice."
"I think so too." Wen Ning hugs him tighter. "I'm glad we could share this."
Jiang Cheng melts farther into his embrace and closes his eyes.
"You know...I'm happy whether we do this or not."
Jiang Cheng pulls away to meet his eyes.
"Really." Wen Ning's gaze is gentle. "Even if we never did, I'd still be happy."
A smile tugs at Jiang Cheng's lips. He buries his face in Wen Ning's chest to hide it. "We...could do it again. Maybe. Sometime."
"Only if you want to," Wen Ning says softly. "Just holding you is more than enough already."
He pulls Wen Ning closer.
He might not feel this way tomorrow, but right now...he might believe it.
* * *
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this story, you can be a supportive sibling like Jiang Yanli by visiting me on AO3!
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Summary: You can always count on your coworker and friend Yuko to help you short out your emotions while giving some good advice as well. After your little phone call it was time to have a heart to heart with Kai. The night is winding down. This is your last night here for a little bit after all. Why not open up?
Chapter: 15
Warnings: None
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You tried to focus while in the shower but a feeling of guilt came over you for a split second. This was the first real time you managed to make Kai sad in the relationship. For someone as stoic as him, he always managed to show you his real side occasionally when alone together. You had never seen him more disappointed than tonight when at the dinner table. However, a part of you was threatening to smack yourself over it. Why should you have to give up this job you got in Japan and your entire apartment just to move in with him? He should move in with you instead! Suddenly the thought of Kai being cooped up in your little apartment while you were at work made you laugh. He’d probably be in there cleaning everything from head to toe until you’d come home from work. If he learned how to cook better, maybe he’d make dinner. Yeah...maybe it wasn’t a good idea if he lived with you. Still, you can’t just up and leave everything for him. Knowing him, he’d literally buy you a car to travel to and from work with. but that wouldn’t do much good either because he’d probably complain about not seeing you enough anyway. Pops would be ecstatic at the thought of having you here! The old man already welcomed you with such open arms that he left you alone with Kai in the house for 2 days straight. He speaks so highly of you so you know he really feels for you. It wouldn’t be so bad now that you thought about it, but you didn’t want to let go of that sense of independence so soon. What would Yuko think? You immediately finished your shower, dried off, and changed into pajamas before peeking out the doorway and seeing Kai not in the room. You shuffled to quietly close the door of the room before heading back into the bathroom and closing yourself in there too. You quickly picked up your phone and dialed up Yuko’s number, She picked up on the second ring as usual. “Calling your coworker on vacation? Wow, you really are a workaholic!” She didn’t waste her time in teasing you. “Oh hush up and listen! Okay so I’m at Kai’s house right now and-” Her loud excited squeal damn near busted the speaker AND your eardrum. “Oh my God, OH MY GOD! TELL ME EVERYTHING!” 
“I would if you’d stop screaming in my ear!” You laughed lightly. “Okay listen, things have been going great so far. I met his father and all of that when suddenly, get this. His dad bounces off on this random trip and leaves me to housesit by myself...with Kai.” 
“Ohhhhh you know he did that on purpose right?”
“Stop, cut it out.”
“No think about it! I had this ex girlfriend in high school and when we were together, her parents would leave us alone for the most bullshit reasons. Like one time they had to run errands at like 12:00 a.m while I was there. I think it’s pretty clear they just wanted us to have privacy at the time. I’m telling you, he’s definitely doing this on purpose” Yuko said. You sighed and thought about it for a second. “Okay yeah that’s probably why he suddenly had to go. Anyway, that’s beside the point! So me and him are eating tonight and he literally just randomly brought up that I should move in with him. Then he starts talking about how he can support me and I don’t have to work and-”
“So why didn’t you say YES?!” Yuko interrupted and you groaned. “Y/N it’s like a dream if I could just move into a nice house instead of my shitty apartment and never have to work again. Like why wouldn’t you want that???”
“Because I don’t want to have to depend on anyone whether he wants to give it to me or not! I mean I literally just moved here months back and got the job! I like having my own sense of achievement. I mean I love him and I’m not against the whole job thing but we haven’t even reached some of the important milestones in our relationship and oop-” You mentally slapped yourself when you realized you fucked up by telling her this. Yuko would hound you until you fessed up what you meant so you might as well come clean now. “I...what I mean by that is we just had our first kiss earlier today.” You waited for the pause and Yuko laughed. “Big deal! A lot of couples don’t kiss until a few months of dating!” 
“No Yuko...I mean this was his FIRST kiss in EVER.”
“Y/N...how uh...how old is he again?” 
“It doesn’t matter! Listen, the whole reason is because he a germaphobe I guess. I think for the most part I’m surely his first girlfriend/boyfriend/partner. But when we kissed today I felt like we could’ve gone further. That’s beside the point. Tonight will be the first night we sleep in the same bed together NOT SEXUALLY before you bring it up.” You paused to hear the huff in her voice. “Anyway, like I said. It’s too fast to jump from the first kiss to moving in together.” Yuko sighed over the line and waited before she replied. “I’m going to give you this last bit of advice before I get off the line because I need rest and I’m covering Sosuke’s shift tomorrow. Every relationship moves at it’s own pace when it comes to different people okay? While another couple could be on the other side of the city waiting 2 years before moving in together, there is another couple that dated for half a month and are already unpacking boxes in their new home. It’s all about communication, understanding, and compromise. You don’t have to do things because it’s the stereotypical thing to do. Just because its more common for the first kiss to come before moving in together doesn’t mean it applies to everyone. Besides, he is a germaphobe after all, so your relationship is unconventional to begin with. At the end of the day, it’s okay to stand your ground when you feel your independence is at stake, but don’t do it out of fear of losing something you can maintain just the same if you moved in with him. Whether that is tomorrow, 3 months from now, or 4 years.”
“...Thanks Yuko.”
After you got off the phone you left the bathroom and bedroom to find Kai on the couch. He was currently pretty invested in reruns of the show you watched together for sometime. “Rerun huh? Are you finally done poking holes in the plot?” You teased him and he suddenly turned his head to look at you. He smiled and nodded. “I figured I’d get caught up again before the new season comes out. Are you ready for bed Angel?” You nodded at him and silently went to the room. He turned the phone off and followed behind you. While you got settled into bed, he headed to take his own shower. When he finally came out, you turned to look at him in the dim light and smiled softly. “Kai you don’t need to force yourself for this.” He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Oh please, it’s about time I took advantage of having an angel in my presence. Besides, I want to see what all the fuss is about when it comes to this cuddling business.” He spoke as he slipped under the covers and into bed with you. “Take it at your own pace.” You reassured him and he nodded. You turned so your back faced him, that way he didn’t have to possibly feel any pressure from having you look at him. Slowly but surely he carefully crept over to you. He cautiously closed the gap between you two and placed an arm around you as his face slowly fell onto the top of your head. The smell of his soap never really piqued his interest but it was different when you had showered with it. He took a long quiet inhale of your scent and hugged you a bit tighter. After a moment of blissful silence you finally spoke up. “Kai I’m uh sorry. Ab-about earlier I mean. It’s not that I don’t want to live with you or anything. I just don’t feel like right now is the best time. I don’t want you to have to jump at giving me an entire car to go to work or even supporting me if I quit. I’m not saying I won’t change my mind, but if you give me time to think on it then I know I’ll come to agree eventually.”
“You don’t need to apologize. I took some time to think about how my decisions and actions affected you as well. Ever since I was younger I had a thing about me. I always take things a bit far sometimes and I tend to get carried away. Even Pops says this is true. I just got so excited with idea of being able to see you everyday that I couldn’t help but to ask. My mind doesn’t change however, I’m still hoping you’ll agree. But if you need time then so be it.” He became bold for a moment and laid a loving kiss on the back of your head. “Wow, you really like me enough to want to see me every day?” You teased him and he laughed quietly. “Oh absolutely. I can’t wait until that day comes.” You smiled to yourself and rolled over to face him. The way his eyes seemed to shine brightly even under the dim lighting of the room really made your heart skip a beat. There wasn’t a doubt in the world when you looked in those eyes that he loved you. You snuggled into his chest and the both of your were out like a light. 
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sumire-bride · 3 years
Sumire and shuu’s route (demo) maniac 4
((Please read the hashtags before proceeding))
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I’m not sure how to make friends.. actually..
I’ve never made one before.. I never needed too.. when he was my only one
I don’t think I want to anymore.. He was right.. I don’t need anyone else but him..
Because everyone else will hurt me..
I hate it here..
Scene is in the infirmary
Sumire- … (…I do not understand… I do not know what I did to make people so mad… I am so confused… father.. can you make me understand…?)
(…I forget your not here sometimes… so you can’t answer my questions…)
*sumire is bandaging her arm*
(…I was only trying to look for Shuu-sama to do to class…. I did not mean to upset anyone… I should say sorry when I see them again…)
Sumire- …oh… where could he be…? (…Shuu-sama must you try so hard to hide away… I need to bring you to class..) haah…
Female student- hey..! You! Your missing class you know! What are doing anyway?
Sumire- ..hm..? Oh..! (…It was that girl who called me… a whore…) hello.. I am sumire…
Female student- see what I told all of you.. she’s totally stupid
Sumire- …I did not hear the bell… so I did not realize class had started… forgive me… but I was just trying to look for shuu-sama… I will only be a few minutes…
Female student- you really don’t listen do you? I told you to back off did I not!?
Sumire- ..back off…? I am not sure what that phrase means… but I have been a good listener all my life….
Female student- apparently not.. your still hanging around Shuu.. I told you to leave him alone!
Sumire- …?…
But I live with Shuu-sama… and we go to the same classes… I have no choice but to interact with him… if there is something else I can do to make you happy and your other people… then please tell me…
2nd female student- she’s like a robot… it’s creepy..
Male student- at least a robot can talk without pausing every few seconds
Female student- well even so I told you before stop, as of recently I’ve noticed that you’ve been giving him that look
Sumire- …look..? I am confused… I do not remember giving him any type of look…
Female student- tch.. you look at him with such admiration and love it’s honestly disgusting if I have to say so myself.. you’ve started to fall in love with didn’t you?
Sumire- …love…? I am sorry but.. I do not understand… please tell how I can understand your words…
2nd female student- she’s totally a robot reminds me of Siri on my phone.. *the girls pulls out her phone* ne ne Siri do you want a friend? I’ve got one for you right here! *the girl pulls sumires arm closer to her*
Sumire- ah…!
Siri- I do not understand can you please repeat that
2nd female student- hahahaha..!! See what I mean there like twins!
Male student- pfft…
Come one say something back to your knew friend..!
Sumire- …friend…? I am not sure what a friend is… uhm… hello.. I am sumire…
Siri- hello sumire how can I help you?
Sumire- this strange object spoke back…! Woah.. so amazing…
The four students- pfft… ahahahahahahaha…!!!
This so funny.. I wish I got that on recording.. ahaha…!
2nd male student- come now your guys are so mean.. haha.. to a hopeless girl no less.. haah.. but.. She does smell nice don’t you think? Like sugar mixed with spice.. I like it
Male student- yeah I kinda like the smell.. say give us a taste won’t you? You won’t mind
Female student- I’m sure she wouldn’t, she does everything and anything anyone wants her to so I’m sure she’ll oblige
Male student- that seems fun.. say let us have some fun with you *he steps closer then grabs sumire*
Sumire- uh… please do not touch me… I am not comfortable with you touching me… please stop that…
2nd male student- were only trying to have some fun with you.. I don’t see the big deal with it.. now.. Er.. stay still and let us have a drink I don’t think I ate enough for lunch
Sumire- please unhand me… let go… (…I do not like this… I do not want anyone to drink me at all… unless it’s… shuu-sama…)
*they don’t stop the two girls hold her laughing*
Sumire- … (..too many people are close to my body… I.. I.. uu..) I said… let go…
Male student- haah..? What was that? I can’t hear you
Sumire- …let go.. let go… stop… let go…
Female student- come on speak louder for the boys, they said they hear you! *the girl grabs sumires face roughly*
Sumire- gr… (…ow… I.. do not understand… what did I do..?! What do I do…!?) I said… let go…!!!!
*sumire hits the two boys in front of her escaping the two girls hold*
Sumire- haah.. haah…
Male student- gah.. fucking bitch.. she scratched my face..
2nd male student- she scratched my chest..
Oh your in for it now you bitch..!
Female student- tch.. and I thought you were some tamed dog who would Neal before there masters! I guess I was wrong.. go ahead do whatever you want with the fucking whore! Geez she ruined nudged her elbow in my face..
Sumire- Er… forgive me.. I.. I did not mean.. (…I do not… what.. what did I do…?)
Sumire- …. I am so confused… I simply just wanted to find Shuu-sama… (..that’s kinda how I got here though… but even so… I am not very happy how Shuu-sama missed his classes…. But..) mm…
(…maybe I should… find them and ask them what I did wrong… I want to fix my mistakes…)
*the door opens*
Sumire- ah…!
Oh.. hello Shuu-sama… I do hope you are doing good… it was not be good if you weren’t…
Shuu- ah.. why is it whenever I think something is wrong it’s either you or something with my brothers..? Haah.. why do I always seem to bump into you?
Uh.. hey.. what the hell happened to you? You look like shit..
Sumire- uh.. oh..! This.. I seemed to have made someone mad by a mistake I made… I am trying to figure out what that mistake was… I can’t seem to figure it out… but… it resulted in this…
Shuu- oh.. well that’s what you get for acting so stupid.. you reek of weak vampires though.. it’s burning my nose..
Sumire- …I am sorry… I did not mean to burn you nose…
Shuu- .. whatever.. I just came in here to take a nap but since your hear and injured I’ll just help you I guess..
Sumire- … really…?! Oh.. thank you very much Shuu-sama… I fixed up most of them… so you could help with my cheek and knee.. and-
Shuu- what? What are you freaking out for? I said I’d help you didn’t I? Be grateful
Sumire- ..but.. you licked.. my wrist… I do not think that will help it… at all..
Shuu- it should help a bit.. vampires heal fast and our saliva helps our wounds heal fast so I’m honestly helping you..
We’re you thinking something lewd..?
Sumire- …I was not thinking anything lewd at all…! It just surprised me is all… (…I did not know that… what a cool fact… I’m learning things everyday.. fufu.. amazing..)
Shuu- your face says other wise
Sumire- …my face can not talk unless I am using my vocal chords and mouth… hmph…
Shuu- getting feisty I see, not that I entirely dislike it
Sumire- ..mm… (…although… it does feel weird… it tickles a bit…)
Shuu- move you knee closer to me
Sumire- ..mm.. (…this is kinda of… I do not know how to explain it… but.. my heart is racing…)
*rustle rustle*
Sumire- there…
Sumire- …epp..! (..that feels so cold…)
Shuu- haah… heh.. what a cute expression your making, are you aroused?
Sumire- ..no not at all…! It just feels cold… nothing more…!
Shuu- sureee.. *he continues he goes higher*
Sumire- ah… h-hey… please do not go any higher then that..! It seems as though you are finished…! *she pulls her leg back*
Shuu- heeh look at that face.. it seems like you want me to do that again
Sumire- …I do not…
Shuu- lewd girl
Sumire- …mm…
Shuu- what I don’t get “I am not lewd I am sumire” thing you say? Heh.. what the hell has gotten into you
Sumire- ..uh.. (…I do not know.. but you have been making me feel very strange as of late… and your teasing seems to making it worse Shuu-sama…)
..it would not be like this if you would stop doing that thing… you do all the time to me…
Shuu- hmm..?
Sumire- …uh.. (..I did not mean to say such a thing… sumire.., get yourself together..)
Shuu- you know.. I’m starting to sorta like this bold side when you let it out.. it’s sorta less annoying to deal with haha..
Sumire- ..mm… forgive me…
Subaru- oi..
Sumire- …ah…! Oh… hello Subaru-sama…
Subaru- tch.. both of you hurry up in here.. reiji is all over my ass and we’re about to leave if you don’t hurry up
Shuu- wow.. following that stuck ups orders like a dog.. amazing..
Subaru- shut your ass up! Lazy ass..
Shuu- yeah yeah..
*subaru leaves*
Sumire- …already..! Goodness… I did not notice the time… (…I seemed to have gotten distracted…)
*scene is outside school*
Reiji- both of you! Missed class once again! Seriously how do you think this does to me when you- what on earth happened to you..?
Sumire- …hm..? Oh..! I made people mad today��!
Reiji- don’t say that like it’s a good thing.. haah…
Laito- ah..! Poor bitch-chans beautiful face is all scratched and bruised..!
Reiji- whatever the case.. get in the car.. geez you really are a hassle
*walk walk*
Sumire- … (..hmm… I guess I could say sorry tomorrow..! I can not find her and those others at all… so tomorrow…! For now.. I just need to focus on getting these healed by tomorrow at least…
——to be continued——
Maniac 3– maniac 5
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idolish7rabbitchats · 4 years
Nanase Riku: Birthday 2020 RabbitTV Part 1
Staff: …That’s all for “RabbiTube”s outline.
Staff: We are planning to pick a part of the video and show it in “NEXT Re:vale”!
Staff: I’m thinking they could show their other side that we can’t usually see, on TV. Please take care of us!
Momo: Looking forward to it, huh everyone!
Yuki: You can bare everything and show us this part and that part.
Mitsuki: Ahahah, please don’t be hard on us! I need to research a lot…!
Gaku: Oh right Tenn, you were watching “RabbiTube” videos that time right. Don’t you know something that would become a reference?
Tenn:  … I was just watching cat videos that time.
Gaku: What, cats huh. That’s not a reference.
Ryuunosuke: … No, cat videos could become a reference too! Like how they behave to entertain or comfort people… 
Gaku: Wait, Ryuu. Only a limited number of people can refer to that…
Yuki: …Gaku-cat, nice.
Tenn: …Pff…
Gaku: Oi, Tenn, why did you laugh?! 
Riku: Cats huh…! Like a video of Iori going to a cat cafe?
Iori: Please stop, why is it me?!
Yamato: Hold on, I don’t want to do that kind of video…
Tamaki: I want to do a pudding taste test!
Sogo: …Then I wanna do a taste test of 100 kinds of spices from around the world…
Nagi: I’ll do a Kokona appreciation gathering!
Mitsuki: That’s the usual for you guys isn’t it!
Iori: … No…. Even though it’s basic, a video of us petting animals would attract people…
Riku: Iori, d’you say something?
Iori: No, nothing.
Momo: Ahahah! Nice, a lot of ideas came out huh!
Momo: That kind of feeling is good! I want you guys to show your usual selves for “RabbiTube”!
Yuki: So then, please take care of it for a year.
IDOLiSH7&TRIGGER: Please take care of us!
[Scene Change]
Riku: This year’s birthday project is being a “RabbiTube” creator huh…!
Sogo: It’s fun to chat with everyone in Rabbit Chats so this might feel a little lonely huh. 
Mitsuki: ...Yeah. I’m happy that we can reach the fans with videos but I want to celebrate properly together too!
Yamato: Well, we’ve always done it up until now.
Nagi: ...We’ve started to get more individual jobs. I understand that it might be hard to match our times...
Tamaki: We can’t eat Mikki’s cake?
Mitsuki: We’ll definitely make a cake! Right, Iori!
Iori: Right. I’ll help.
Riku: Hmm… Celebrate… Celebrate...
Riku: Ah! Then, how about taking the birthday person somewhere? Everyone decides and we all go out. 
Riku: Actually, it might be hard for everyone to go out so… We’ll ask Manager to adjust our schedule and people who are able to go would come with us!
Mitsuki: Going outside huh… We’ve celebrated a lot in Rabbit Chats up until now so it might feel new and good!
Yamato: It’s too bad we can’t go altogether but, deciding where to go might feel like a celebration. ...For my time, I want to go to a beer factory.
Mitsuki: You already decided?!
Tamami: Then, for the people who can’t go, let’s take lots of pictures and videos. I’ll send it in the Rabbit Chat.
Nagi: OH! That’s wonderful. That would make us feel like we went there too.
Iori: Posting them on Rabitter would make people happy too.
Sogo: That sounds fun…! How about we try consulting with Manager tomorrow?
Riku: Yes! ...It seems like they’ll become fun birthdays this year too!
[Scene Change]
Riku: Uwaaah…! Cool, cute! What is this place?!
Iori: It’s a glamping facility.
Tsumugi: Seems like glamping is the trend because we can freely enjoy camping!
Nagi: Riku, did you go glamping when you were a kid?!
Riku: When I was a kid… I don’t really have any memories… 
Iori: ...Let’s enjoy today like you would’ve as a kid.
Nagi: There’s a lot of meat and fish prepared! Of course, snacks too..!
Nagi: The night is long, Riku!
Iori: I’ll allow you to enjoy the whole night. Right, Manager.
Tsumugi: Yes! I’ll support you with all my might!
Riku: Thanks, Manager..!
Riku: To be forgiven by grumpy Iori, it seems it’ll be an amazing day!
Iori: Isn’t it fine sometimes. To have a day to enjoy...
Riku: Thank you too, Nagi! Let’s eat a lot of things together!
Nagi: YES! A small party in the woods!
Riku: Right, then  it’s glamping now!
Nagi&Iori: Yeah…!
Riku: Hey hey Iori, how do you start a fire using charcoal?
Iori: Aah, I’ll do it so please sit for a bit.
Iori: Since it would be dangerous for you to breathe in the smoke...
Riku: ...Right. I’m sorry, to get in the way.
Riku: Hey, Nagi. Is there something I can help with?
Nagi: OH, right now, I’m fighting against the evil that is onions! My eyes are…! Riku, run…!
Riku: G-Got it…!
Riku: ……..
Tsumugi: Riku-san.
Riku: Ah, Manager.
Riku: Somehow, it seems it might be better if I sat down. Even though I wanted to have fun with them...
Tsumugi: Riku-san, today you have a nice coloring. Your condition has been stable lately too...
Riku: Eheheh, yeah. Right.
Tsumugi: ...Let’s do it, cooking! Something to surprise them!
Riku: ...Is that fine, I...
Tsumugi: Of course. We came glamping to celebrate Riku-san.
Tsumugi: Just don’t overwork yourself please. It’s a promise with everyone!
Riku: ...Yeah. I’ll cook something to make them happy!
Riku: ...I might fail a little though….
Iori: Nanase-san? What are you talking about?
Riku: A secret! Iori, you’ll cook something right?
Iori: That’s right but...
Nagi: WOW, Riku will also make dinner?
Riku: Ahaha, yeah! ...Hey, let’s compete over who can cook the most delicious food!
Iori: Haah? Do you think you’ll win against me?
Nagi: Fufuh…. Don’t underestimate my tongue, which I have developed for a long time.
Riku: Then the time limit is one hour!  ...Aaaand start!
Riku: ...Huh… Should I add this in like this...
Iori: Oh come on, at least peel the skin! Don’t put it in directly...!
Nagi: Oyah, Iori. Is it fine to look the other way? I can smell something weird...
Iori: ….Eh? Aaah..!
Riku: ...Hm? I smell something burning… Iori, you’re burning the meat!
Iori: Shit, what I have done…!
Iori: ...I mean, Nanase-san, you poured the sauce in while the meat is uncooked!
Iori: You didn’t even peel the vegetables… I worried so much, I couldn't focus at all!
Riku: Eh?! Iori, are you making it my fault that you burned the meat?! Isn’t that wrong?!
Nagi: OH, I thought today would be a calm glamping trip but actually it’s become lively huh.
Nagi: It’s like a BGM. Please watch me cook elegantly while putting Iori and Riku on in the background.
Tsumugi: A-Ahahah...
Riku: I did it!
Nagi: It smells really nice!
Iori: Somehow I made it something. Everyone, please introduce what you cooked.
Tsumugi: Please look at the camera to say it!
Riku: OKAY! I made stewed hamburg steak!
Nagi: Hamburg steak! That’s wonderful, Riku!
Riku: Eheheh, right? Nagi likes hamburg steak right?
Iori: It’s an elaborate food for Nanase-san.
Riku: I just stewed it, of course I can make that!
Iori: You mean you’re saying that anyone could do it...
Riku: ...Actually, I just stewed frozen hamburg steak and a ready-made sauce.
Nagi: Fufuh. It’s a bold COMING OUT huh.
Nagi: What did Iori make?
Iori: I made beef stroganoff. 
Nagi: WOW, this is quality that wouldn’t make me think of glamping.
Riku: Somehow, it’s cooking that’s more like Yaotome-san than Iori!
Iori: What even is that… It doesn’t need too much preparation, I just fried and stewed, so you can make it easily.
Riku: Nagi, what did you do?
Nagi: I made hot sandwiches with ham, cheese, and eggs.
Riku: Uwaah, it’s roasted bread! It looks delicious!
Iori: The color is also pretty huh.
Nagi: YES! I grilled the bread and put ingredients in-between. Even I can do it.
Riku: Maybe glamping makes even simple dishes look super good?!
Nagi: Fufuh. Don’t you think it’ll be the best dinner?
Riku: Yeah, the best...! Let’s eat quickly before it gets cold! 
Iori: Right. ...Nanase-san, it's a short amount of time, but the air in here is clean, so please take a rest.
Iori: Let’s call all the members next time.
Riku: ...Yeah! You two, thanks a lot for doing this for me. I can definitely never forget today!
Iori: You exaggerate. 
Nagi: Iori, Riku! Please smile your best! I’ll take a picture!
Tsumugi: I’ll do it! Okay, cheese..!
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