xxairchanxx · 10 months
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Anime: Idolish7
Game: Idolish7
Character: Touma Inumaru
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idolish7rabbitchats · 4 years
Nanase Riku: Birthday 2020 RabbitTV Part 1
Staff: …That’s all for “RabbiTube”s outline.
Staff: We are planning to pick a part of the video and show it in “NEXT Re:vale”!
Staff: I’m thinking they could show their other side that we can’t usually see, on TV. Please take care of us!
Momo: Looking forward to it, huh everyone!
Yuki: You can bare everything and show us this part and that part.
Mitsuki: Ahahah, please don’t be hard on us! I need to research a lot…!
Gaku: Oh right Tenn, you were watching “RabbiTube” videos that time right. Don’t you know something that would become a reference?
Tenn:  … I was just watching cat videos that time.
Gaku: What, cats huh. That’s not a reference.
Ryuunosuke: … No, cat videos could become a reference too! Like how they behave to entertain or comfort people… 
Gaku: Wait, Ryuu. Only a limited number of people can refer to that…
Yuki: …Gaku-cat, nice.
Tenn: …Pff…
Gaku: Oi, Tenn, why did you laugh?! 
Riku: Cats huh…! Like a video of Iori going to a cat cafe?
Iori: Please stop, why is it me?!
Yamato: Hold on, I don’t want to do that kind of video…
Tamaki: I want to do a pudding taste test!
Sogo: …Then I wanna do a taste test of 100 kinds of spices from around the world…
Nagi: I’ll do a Kokona appreciation gathering!
Mitsuki: That’s the usual for you guys isn’t it!
Iori: … No…. Even though it’s basic, a video of us petting animals would attract people…
Riku: Iori, d’you say something?
Iori: No, nothing.
Momo: Ahahah! Nice, a lot of ideas came out huh!
Momo: That kind of feeling is good! I want you guys to show your usual selves for “RabbiTube”!
Yuki: So then, please take care of it for a year.
IDOLiSH7&TRIGGER: Please take care of us!
[Scene Change]
Riku: This year’s birthday project is being a “RabbiTube” creator huh…!
Sogo: It’s fun to chat with everyone in Rabbit Chats so this might feel a little lonely huh. 
Mitsuki: ...Yeah. I’m happy that we can reach the fans with videos but I want to celebrate properly together too!
Yamato: Well, we’ve always done it up until now.
Nagi: ...We’ve started to get more individual jobs. I understand that it might be hard to match our times...
Tamaki: We can’t eat Mikki’s cake?
Mitsuki: We’ll definitely make a cake! Right, Iori!
Iori: Right. I’ll help.
Riku: Hmm… Celebrate… Celebrate...
Riku: Ah! Then, how about taking the birthday person somewhere? Everyone decides and we all go out. 
Riku: Actually, it might be hard for everyone to go out so… We’ll ask Manager to adjust our schedule and people who are able to go would come with us!
Mitsuki: Going outside huh… We’ve celebrated a lot in Rabbit Chats up until now so it might feel new and good!
Yamato: It’s too bad we can’t go altogether but, deciding where to go might feel like a celebration. ...For my time, I want to go to a beer factory.
Mitsuki: You already decided?!
Tamami: Then, for the people who can’t go, let’s take lots of pictures and videos. I’ll send it in the Rabbit Chat.
Nagi: OH! That’s wonderful. That would make us feel like we went there too.
Iori: Posting them on Rabitter would make people happy too.
Sogo: That sounds fun…! How about we try consulting with Manager tomorrow?
Riku: Yes! ...It seems like they’ll become fun birthdays this year too!
[Scene Change]
Riku: Uwaaah…! Cool, cute! What is this place?!
Iori: It’s a glamping facility.
Tsumugi: Seems like glamping is the trend because we can freely enjoy camping!
Nagi: Riku, did you go glamping when you were a kid?!
Riku: When I was a kid… I don’t really have any memories… 
Iori: ...Let’s enjoy today like you would’ve as a kid.
Nagi: There’s a lot of meat and fish prepared! Of course, snacks too..!
Nagi: The night is long, Riku!
Iori: I’ll allow you to enjoy the whole night. Right, Manager.
Tsumugi: Yes! I’ll support you with all my might!
Riku: Thanks, Manager..!
Riku: To be forgiven by grumpy Iori, it seems it’ll be an amazing day!
Iori: Isn’t it fine sometimes. To have a day to enjoy...
Riku: Thank you too, Nagi! Let’s eat a lot of things together!
Nagi: YES! A small party in the woods!
Riku: Right, then  it’s glamping now!
Nagi&Iori: Yeah…!
Riku: Hey hey Iori, how do you start a fire using charcoal?
Iori: Aah, I’ll do it so please sit for a bit.
Iori: Since it would be dangerous for you to breathe in the smoke...
Riku: ...Right. I’m sorry, to get in the way.
Riku: Hey, Nagi. Is there something I can help with?
Nagi: OH, right now, I’m fighting against the evil that is onions! My eyes are…! Riku, run…!
Riku: G-Got it…!
Riku: ……..
Tsumugi: Riku-san.
Riku: Ah, Manager.
Riku: Somehow, it seems it might be better if I sat down. Even though I wanted to have fun with them...
Tsumugi: Riku-san, today you have a nice coloring. Your condition has been stable lately too...
Riku: Eheheh, yeah. Right.
Tsumugi: ...Let’s do it, cooking! Something to surprise them!
Riku: ...Is that fine, I...
Tsumugi: Of course. We came glamping to celebrate Riku-san.
Tsumugi: Just don’t overwork yourself please. It’s a promise with everyone!
Riku: ...Yeah. I’ll cook something to make them happy!
Riku: ...I might fail a little though….
Iori: Nanase-san? What are you talking about?
Riku: A secret! Iori, you’ll cook something right?
Iori: That’s right but...
Nagi: WOW, Riku will also make dinner?
Riku: Ahaha, yeah! ...Hey, let’s compete over who can cook the most delicious food!
Iori: Haah? Do you think you’ll win against me?
Nagi: Fufuh…. Don’t underestimate my tongue, which I have developed for a long time.
Riku: Then the time limit is one hour!  ...Aaaand start!
Riku: ...Huh… Should I add this in like this...
Iori: Oh come on, at least peel the skin! Don’t put it in directly...!
Nagi: Oyah, Iori. Is it fine to look the other way? I can smell something weird...
Iori: ….Eh? Aaah..!
Riku: ...Hm? I smell something burning… Iori, you’re burning the meat!
Iori: Shit, what I have done…!
Iori: ...I mean, Nanase-san, you poured the sauce in while the meat is uncooked!
Iori: You didn’t even peel the vegetables… I worried so much, I couldn't focus at all!
Riku: Eh?! Iori, are you making it my fault that you burned the meat?! Isn’t that wrong?!
Nagi: OH, I thought today would be a calm glamping trip but actually it’s become lively huh.
Nagi: It’s like a BGM. Please watch me cook elegantly while putting Iori and Riku on in the background.
Tsumugi: A-Ahahah...
Riku: I did it!
Nagi: It smells really nice!
Iori: Somehow I made it something. Everyone, please introduce what you cooked.
Tsumugi: Please look at the camera to say it!
Riku: OKAY! I made stewed hamburg steak!
Nagi: Hamburg steak! That’s wonderful, Riku!
Riku: Eheheh, right? Nagi likes hamburg steak right?
Iori: It’s an elaborate food for Nanase-san.
Riku: I just stewed it, of course I can make that!
Iori: You mean you’re saying that anyone could do it...
Riku: ...Actually, I just stewed frozen hamburg steak and a ready-made sauce.
Nagi: Fufuh. It’s a bold COMING OUT huh.
Nagi: What did Iori make?
Iori: I made beef stroganoff. 
Nagi: WOW, this is quality that wouldn’t make me think of glamping.
Riku: Somehow, it’s cooking that’s more like Yaotome-san than Iori!
Iori: What even is that… It doesn’t need too much preparation, I just fried and stewed, so you can make it easily.
Riku: Nagi, what did you do?
Nagi: I made hot sandwiches with ham, cheese, and eggs.
Riku: Uwaah, it’s roasted bread! It looks delicious!
Iori: The color is also pretty huh.
Nagi: YES! I grilled the bread and put ingredients in-between. Even I can do it.
Riku: Maybe glamping makes even simple dishes look super good?!
Nagi: Fufuh. Don’t you think it’ll be the best dinner?
Riku: Yeah, the best...! Let’s eat quickly before it gets cold! 
Iori: Right. ...Nanase-san, it's a short amount of time, but the air in here is clean, so please take a rest.
Iori: Let’s call all the members next time.
Riku: ...Yeah! You two, thanks a lot for doing this for me. I can definitely never forget today!
Iori: You exaggerate. 
Nagi: Iori, Riku! Please smile your best! I’ll take a picture!
Tsumugi: I’ll do it! Okay, cheese..!
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t-zumu · 4 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR DEAR BOY QWQ,ooooooow i love him so much!!!!
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sunleth-haze · 4 years
  🐇RabbiTube list 
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nagihiko-dayo · 4 years
A ryuusou artist on twitter said that Ryuusou were acting like parents when they were all like, "Tamaki I did my best," and, "Tamaki I'll do my best". So I drew a love&game family rabbittube parody!
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xxairchanxx · 10 months
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Anime: idolish7
Game: Idolish7
Character: Haruka Isumi
75 notes · View notes
xxairchanxx · 10 months
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Anime: Idolish7
Game: Idolish7
Character: Momo
75 notes · View notes
xxairchanxx · 9 months
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Anime: Idolish7
Game: Idolish7
Character: Yuki
63 notes · View notes
xxairchanxx · 11 months
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Anime: idolish7
Game: Idolish7
Character: Tsunashi Ryuunosuke
78 notes · View notes
xxairchanxx · 1 year
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Anime: Idolish7
Game: Idolish7
Character: Yaotome Gaku
90 notes · View notes
xxairchanxx · 1 year
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Anime: Idolish7
Game: Idolish7
Character: Tenn Kujo
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xxairchanxx · 1 year
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Anime: Idolish7
Game: Idolish7
Character: Riku Nanase
76 notes · View notes
xxairchanxx · 1 year
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Anime: Idolish7
Game: Idolish7
Character: Minami Natsume
77 notes · View notes
xxairchanxx · 1 year
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Anime: Idolish7
Game: Idolish7
Character: Nagi Rokuya
62 notes · View notes
xxairchanxx · 1 year
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Anime: Idolish7
Game: Idolish7
Character: Sogo Osaka
86 notes · View notes
xxairchanxx · 1 year
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Anime: Idolish7
Game: Idolish7
Character: Tamaki Yotsuba
125 notes · View notes