445 posts
haha sorry it's been years hopefully if you're here with the new movie you enjoy it and forgive my unedited mistakes lmao
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
volleyball-dontknowher · 9 months ago
I had this blog during covid and haven't written on it in forever but with the movie out I figured I'd reshare my work for those in the fandom
there's a TON more on my page
enjoy ❤️
updated 8/20
I am going to try and update this often (This is a lie, I like to think that I do and I don’t! Please use tags on my blog to find more of characters!! I don’t delete it from here because I want to believe that I will write something then put it up but I DON’T) and if you read something and want a longer version or it with a different character please let me know 
Keep reading
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volleyball-dontknowher · 4 years ago
Hello! I hope you're doing fine~!
Okay so to be honest I came across your work looking for headcanons of Tsukki as a dad, and I literally love your writing style. I was wondering if you had any tips for a beginner writing like myself, to maybe find my own writing style. If you do and you don't mind can you please share them! I would appreciate it so, so much!!!!
A Certain weeb, <3
Dear Certain weeb,
I have 0 idea when this was sent in and I am so so so so so sorry about that, I have been getting back to things slowly that make me happy and this has been daunting for a long time but I hope you still see this and get a little bit out of this!!
My first piece of advice to someone just starting out is to be bold and just do it! It’s kinda scary and kinda weird to put yourself out here like this but trust me we are all here to support and love you and no one is going to be mean to you and if they are they are just blind internet bullies that get a kick out of being an ass.
Next, I would say that you should take it from the heart and from how you normally talk and think about things, I am a very goofy and a little unpredictable as a person so my writing goes that way and I do a lot of word vomit and then wait a day or so and go back and edit it to make it better (or sometimes I don’t, I write and I post it because I literally hate editing so sometimes I don’t)
Which pulls into my next point, It is your blog, do what you want, write what you want
no one can tell you what to write and requests are just suggestions and if you dont like it you dont have to do it, dont feel bullied on your own page
Also!!! Please find a way to make it enjoyable for you and write as a hobby and a passion and a form of release and dont let it feel like a chore! The more fun you have writing the more fun people on your page will have reading it!!!
I wish you the best and I love you!!!!
Please feel free to message me if you need ANYTHING! I am a message away and I am always here and happy to help with and everything!!!
<3 Nat
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volleyball-dontknowher · 4 years ago
Sick - Tanaka x reader
Warnings: none
Words: 2282 
Summary: You and your neighbor walk your dogs at the same everyday, but what happens when he stops showing up 
A/n :! I am so so so so sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth, college is hard man and then it’s partially online and COVID and things and the depression really hit and I have started a new self care book and it is adding one thing back in my life at a time that I am passionate about and last week was French and this week it is writing because I really do miss it! I threw this together last night based off of a request I got forever ago and I hope it is liked <3 
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You’ve lived in the same apartment for years and people always come and go, in and out, it feels like you see a new face everyday. In your three years there, you’ve only had one consistent fact, and that’s your bald neighbor who goes on walks with his dogs at the same time as you twice a day. At first you only saw him occasionally and now the two of you go out at 7:30 am and 6:30 pm on the dot. You have no idea how it started but now you get kinda excited to run into your neighbor on the stairs everyday and hopefully make a comment about how good his two big dogs are looking or even jsut the smallest acknowledgement with him.
   Speaking of your neighbor, he wasn’t out this morning before work, and you didn’t think too much of it because he works kinda funny hours and some random days misses the times. (Though he always tells you about it in the afternoon or the next time you see him) and because you’ve learned he’s a personal trainer he has finicky clients and sometimes is up wayy too early or way too late. It bugged you all day that you hadn’t seen him and no matter how hard you tried to focus at work you couldn’t imagine why he wasn’t out on a Wednesday. All of your explainations could make sense but you really don’t feel right about any of it. And when you got home and took your two babies out and he wasn’t there you were sure something was up. Tanaka loved his dogs more than anything and says that their routine keeps them together and that it keeps them well behaved. Something had to be wrong. Maybe he got a new girlfriend? Or he forgot? But he didn't forget and he hasn’t been with anyone ever, and if he was his dogs would still come first. You had no idea what you were thinking but when you came back up the stairs you kept walking and knocked on the door of the man you knew so completely and not at all. You quickly realized what you’d done and your heart was racing as you silent prayed that no one was home and that you could creep back to your door before anyone heard you.
   This was a great thought, except you forgot what happens when you knock with dogs. They bark. And unfortunately for you Tanaka doesn’t get a lot of guests so his dogs barked a lot. Like they could wake the entire neighborhood a lot. You had to grin and bear it and face the consequences of your irrational actions.
   After thirty or so seconds the door creeps open and there he is, Takana Ryuunosuke, in his pajamas and a beanie opening the door. He looked like a walking corpse and by the way he sniffed out a weak “hello” as he opened the door told you everything you needed to know. He was sick. Very sick, and you had just knocked at the door and now have to figure out what to say to him.
   “Oh, hey,” you stutter, “I was just checking on you to see if everything was alright, you weren’t out with your dogs and I was wondering if anything was up, or if you needed me to take them out for you because of their routine and everything,” you ramble on, hoping that somewhere your logic connected and this made sense.
   Takana stared at you blankly and you couldn’t help but mentally smack yourself because that was exactly what a stalker would say and you now seemed like his stalker.
   After a few more seconds of blank stares his expression caught up to your words and he broke out the goofy smile you love so much.
   “My dogs? Walk them?” He asked. Maybe they hadn’t caught up after all.
   “Well yeah, they weren’t out at their regular time and i wanted to make sure they were still going out and I have my two out and they are so well behaved and you clearly don’t feel well so it would really be no problem,” you rambled on again.
This time he was closely listening and nodded along with you before smiling once again. “No no no,” he chuckled, “ I can take them out” though he was laughing you could hear that he wasn’t feeling well and his energy was lower than you had ever heard.
   “Let me do this one favor for you, I can take them out, no big deal, okay?” You smiled.
   After you smiled it was a done deal for Tanaka, he grabbed the leash and thanked you about a hundred times. His dogs are fantastic and took you less than five minutes to walk before they’d used the restroom and were ready to go back inside. You took them back and he thanked you once again and you headed back to your apartment to make some dinner.
   You settled on a sun dried tomato soup with grilled cheese and happened *wink* accidentally *wink* make more than you could eat on your own and you’d hate for it to go to waste and you do have a neighbor who is sick and could probably use a hot meal right about now. So, you packed up a container for him and wrapped the sandwich in aluminum foil so that it would be hot for him and put some tea in a thermos and headed out your door once more. This time though, you were a little less bold and just rang the doorbell and ran back to your room. You did however, leave a little note saying “hope you feel better soon - room 420” on it and you hoped that it would at least help his night a little bit.
   Little do you know, Tanaka was so shocked to see this from you that he almost dropped the hot soup onto himself in a panic because this not only meant you paid attention to him but you cared for him. This was the best thing to ever happen to him. He finished every last bite and washed the container and thermos and placed them back by your door with a note of his own.
   When you got up the next morning and went to take your dog out you couldn’t help but beam when you saw your tupperware back in front of your door. You picked up the two items before seeing the little note on top of the container.
‘Best Soup Ever! -Room 419’
You beamed and did a little happy dance before deciding to go knock and see if he needed your help with his dogs again today, and boy are you lucky that you went. WHen he opened the door he somehow looked worse than yesterday, you could have swore that he had snot dried to his face and he was a total mouth breather and the bags under his eyes as well as tripled overnight. There were no arguments when you asked if he needed help with his dogs, because truthfully he really did.
   The walk was quick and the morning was over before you knew it. Another distracted day at work, you found yourself wondering how you could help him feel better, especially because he lived all alone and his closest family was something like an hour away last he told you.
You had a brilliant idea and decided to go to the store after work and make him a ‘get well’ basket. You filled the basket with cough drops, tissues, teas, chocolates and other little goodies that help him feel better and put him in a better mood. You got the groceries and were right on your way, practically skipping with excitement.
   Once again, you accidentally made an extra soup after you’d taken care of the dogs and happened to leave it with the basket later that evening.
   In the morning however, none of your dishes were by your door, which was no big deal, especially because he was feeling so under the weather, but what was even more strange is that he didn’t answer the door and the last thing you wanted to do was wake him up. So, you headed to work wondering if he liked what you did for him or if you’d crossed a line or if he was allergic to chicken noodle, or if he was too much of a health nut and you’d offended him, or if he’d… you had no idea, maybe died. This was not good for you and you could feel the stress starting to get to you when you got off work the sprint back home was exhausting and anxious. You rounded the corner of the stairs when you saw
You saw nothing.
That was fine, everything is fine. You are fine. Life is fine. If he doesn’t feel good you can’t expect him to do dishes or even leave his room. That’s best for everyone, no one wants a walking germ contaminating everything around, there were probably old ladies on this floor, you hadn’t seen any, but they were there, probably, so he was just doing the world a favor.
Again, he didnt answer the door for his dogs and you couldn’t force your kindness onto him so you had a night to yourself and went to bed way earlier than usual. You couldn’t help but wake up earlier than usual and instead of looking for things that weren’t there you got out and went to work early and got busy right away. You had a full day and worked until almost 8pm, hurrying back to hopefully get home before your local take away had closed. You made it, but just barely, and got your favorite meal to bring home with you to watch something horrible with.
   You got home and plopped on the couch completely exhausted. Immediatley you started eating and got about halfway through when you heard a knock at the door. Oh shit. You had no one in your life that would ever knock, well almost no one. THere was one person you were really hoping wasn’t on the other side of the door. You were in a t-shirt you got 10 years ago and a pair of crappy shorts from the general store, there was nothing remotely nice, or even tame about your appearance, you looked to be frank, crazy.
You creeped the door open and saw exactly who you were hoping not to see, Tanaka Ryuunosuke standing in front of your door beaming.
   “Hey?” You question nervously.
   “Hey, I noticed that you didn’t take your dogs out earlier and was wondering if you needed me to take them out for you?” He questioned genuinely, smiling from head to toe, clearly feeling better.
   You had no idea what to say or do but he just smiled as your dogs trotted out the door with him, without you saying a word. You awkwardly closed the door and stood there in shock. That was horrible. An embarrassment to you, an embarrassment to your family name and even worse an embarrassment to society. The shock still hadn’t worn off when you heard a second knock at your door, and well that was the man with your dogs and you couldn’t just leave them outside.
   This time when you opened the door you couldn’t help but gasp. Tanaka has a giant bouquet of red roses and a giant blush on his face.
   “Y/n, I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but I have had a crush on you since I first met you, and I never knew how to tell you, every time I got close to you I just freeze and I started taking my dogs out when you do to try and get to know you and I could never make myself do it but you have been unbelievably kind to me and I can’t wait any longer. I want nothing more than to have a chance with someone as stunning as you are. Y/n, will you go on a date with me?”
   This time it was you standing there dumbstruck for longer than you should have. You heard every single one of his words and your heart was fluttering out of your chest. You’d had feelings for him for as long as you can remember and here he was with a bouquet of flowers standing in your doorway asking you to go on a date with him. You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything so you just grinned and nodded at him enthusiastically, hoping he understood just how much this means to you.
   He beamed right back and handed you the bouquet of flowers, “perfect, then I’ll see you Friday at 7, I’ll pick you up.” He winked.
You were still dumbstruck and nodded again, and right as you were about to close the door for the night he stuck his foot in the doorway.
“One more thing y/n,” he pushed the door back open and had a basket of little goodies for you, as well as a homemade meal in the containers you’d given him with a little note that says ‘your soup warmed my soul, and my heart’. You couldn’t help but absolutely beam with happiness. You set the basket down and threw your arms around his shoulders and pulled him into a big hug, repeatedly thanking him for his kindness. You two parted ways happier than you could have imagined and both in great anticipation for Friday.
   The next morning, you were both out at 7:30 on the dot, excited to see one another.
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volleyball-dontknowher · 4 years ago
I adore this more than you can imagine
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just a thought...
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volleyball-dontknowher · 4 years ago
Everyone else + One direction songs as boyfriends
Okay so this is a part 2 to literally the second work I had posted to tumblr and that’s linked right below here (you’re welcome, I scrolled through 440 posts to find it) 
Karasuno Boys as boyfriends based on One Direction songs 
It is super cute and it includes
Oikawa, Iwa, Bokuto, Akaashi, Kuroo, Kenma, Ushijima and Tendou 
One Thing
This is one of my favorite songs and it fits oikawa so well because he is so confident in himself and he knows how hot he is and expects people to fall for him so when he fell head over heels with you he was so shocked and it was all that he could think of over and over. He started by doing that asshole smirk and flirting that got him all of the girls but you were different and he worked so hard to get you like he could not let you reject him. (Not in a creepy way like you definitely have the choice to but he knows that his typical douchy ways deserve to be rejected and you are too good for that anyway so he needs to do something better) Turns out he does and asks you out in the cutest way with a rose and some really cute compliments and he is so blush and shy that he stutters through it but that’s totally okay because you say yes. He is totally obsessed with you like he is always checking in on you and trying to make himself better for you but still snaps on accident and stuff because he isn’t used to being actually vulnerable with people and he knows that won’t get away with you. Every time he sees you his eyes light up and he will say something sarcastic but then pull you into the sweetest heart filling hug ever that really shows you how much he loves you even though outsiders really might not see it.
What Makes you beautiful
Iwa was so sick of telling girls that he did’nt know where Oikawa had gone that he automatically dismissed you when you approached him but when you said that you needed to give the paper to him he was so shocked that he had been so rude and had to take a step back, even worse you were absolutely gorgeous but so shy. He is the boyfriend that is really nervous to do things because he doesn’t know girls but he knows girls way better than he thinks because when he texts oikawa and he gets a dumb answer from him he knows but himself that it is a dumb answer and that he should not try and carry you places because you wouldnt like that. You take turns planning dates and choosing where to go but it is never an argument and he is a total gentleman like classic gentlemen, the whole opening doors for you, meeting your parents first and everything like he cares so much about what you think about him because he just thinks you’re amazing and he just finds himself looking at you and just high five-ing himself mentally. He dishes out his fare share of sarcasm but always with love like you’ll ask if he wants to hangout later and he tells you no, like flat out no and of course you get sad about it all until you realize that he wants to hangout now and literally was walking the way back to your house with you and you didn’t realize because you were sniffling and being dramatic.
Live while we’re young
Kuroo is such a worry wart like he wants you to be happy all the time and whenever he messes up he doesn’t know what to do like he is just so obsessed with you. He comes with his own warning label because he is going to be absolutely wild. He tells you that he has an idea and twenty minutes later you two are going cliff diving or going three towns over to try some new restaurant. He is the one for you. Everything seems spontaneous with him but he really wants to just surprise you because he loves your smile and how you get so shocked, secretly he looks for things to go take you to do that you haven’t done before because he likes being the person with yo for all of these firsts in your life and he hopes one day he can be that person forever. He would literally never put this much effort into things if he didn’t love you with his whole entire heart and whenever you are out on these dates or going somewhere he always does the cliche thing where he looks down at you and is like “hey, I love you, you know that right?”. The smile when you get when you go out together is the smile he secretly gets when he thinks about you. He also gets really sappy and sentimental but would never let you know that.
Night Changes
🥺 This one makes me a little emotional because I see the two of you dating after being friends for a while first like he just one day sees you in a different light and just can’t help but ask you out on the spot and little does he know you’ve liked him forever. It was such a spur of the moment thing but he couldn’t imagine anything else and just the idea of things changing so quickly and you dating someone else just made him blurt it out. It’s a nervous relationship for the both of you because you haven’t dated very many people yet and you want things to be ‘right’ like they are in all of the shows and stuff but your relationship is different. It’s less big surprises and actions and more listening and nights in and small things together. Kenma shows his love in so many different ways that are so uniquely him, he likes to bring you with him places, or have you by his side and even asking if you need anything like he does little things for you or sees things and thinks of you in public and sends them to you. It’s nothing huge but he makes sure to make you smile and that you know he’s thinking about you at least everyday. It takes forever to tell each other that you love them but when it finally happened it was just right like no other word but right. He changes his phone background to a dumb picture of you and just adores you so much like you get to see his little smile more than anyone else ever.
One Way or Another
Boy if this isn’t the two of you I don’t have any idea what it would be. The two of you are chaotic and fun with each other and are always supporting each other but he also does weird shit too like the first time he comes over he definitely walks by like four times to make sure it is actually your house (he has picked you up from here before and knows it is your house but he still is nervous okay). Once the two of you are dating more he gets so clingy that he will pull a Twilight and crawl through your window just to sleep next to you and then he will parkour jump out the window in the morning so the two of you don’t get caught. He is also really really loud when he introduces you as his girlfriend because he is so happy and excited that he could just scream it to the world in fact he has just screamed it to the world before because he just is so excited and loves you. He always finds a way to make things work, one way or another, like when he starts training more for nationals he comes and sees you wayyyy early in the morning or will carry your bag for you between classes because he wants to show you that he cares every single day. He’s forgetful but he tries really really hard so you can’t even get mad at him for forgetting things like anniversaries because he treats you like everyday is special together.
Drag Me Down
Akaashi has always been so level headed but talking to you like he has no thoughts in his head and he hates it. YOu are just so perfect and he tells you all of the things he loves about you in such little ways like you’ll be doing things and he will just randomly compliment something about you, he is so good about knowing what you’re insecure about and literally complimenting it away like you have no idea how but you’ll be nervous about wearing a crop top or something and he sees you and immediately just tells you how beautiful you look in it. And when you do the same to him he always tells you something dumb like “i know” but really does take all of your compliments to heart and just thinks about I forever like you really called him pretty and told him that his eyes were beautiful like he gets so happy like no one ever compliments him He is so caring and listens to every single word you say and always knows how to make you feel better even if you don’t like he’s learned that when you’re so stressed you end up crying you need a snack, a walk and then to go to bed and it always helps so much. He is your rock and you are his like you two are so strong and as long as you have each other no one can drag you down.
They don’t know about us
DUDE this is 100000% your sons because like the two of you just have such an unexpected relationship and everyone just makes assumptions about it and things about your relationship but they have no idea how sweet his is behind closed doors and how he never forgets anniversaries or anything and knows you better than you know yourself. But what is super annoying is when people tell you that he is more into volleyball than you and that you are going to just hold his career back and you can’t even understand why because those are two separate things and he wants to do it forever. In public he is typical Toshi but that’s who you fell in love with so that’s okay. But as your relationship gets stronger he slowly starts showing more affection but like how he has seen in movies so first it is holding your hand, then kissing the back of it as you walk and you have to tell him that it’s sweet but he is perfect the way he is and he doesn’t need to change or be someone he’s not. Besides he is a big touch deprived baby and he is super affectionate when you’re alone like kisses and cuddles and just constantly has some part of him touching some part of you like it could just be your legs laying over his lap as you watch something but it is something and he finds himself mindlessly doing the same.
Best song ever
Tendou is such a happy go lucky guy and the most positive boyfriend ever like he sees you one day in the hall and just was like “yep, she’s the one” and no one believed him and he was actually serious. He asked you out without even getting to know you first at all and saying yes was the best thing ever. He is the let's go get McDonald’s and ride in circles kind of boyfriend where dates are so frequent and most people don’t call them dates but it is so fun just being with you too. He always surprises you and dresses nice and takes you out somewhere nice for anniversaries and holidays and stuff but that’s not who you fell in love with. You fell in love with the dork who takes you to Walmart with him to get things to try and home make some crazy recipe he found on the internet. Or you two just laying together watching TikTok with each other just laying around together, when you two hangout you have more fun with no plans. But do not get me wrong he is going to show you he cares and makes sure you feel his and he surprises you a lot and stuff but he doesn’t care about the superficial things. He buys you both so much food but he doesn’t count that as actually getting you things, he gets the most thoughtful and kind gifts ever like he will keep secrets from you for weeks so he can get it right.
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volleyball-dontknowher · 4 years ago
pls, take care of yourself ❤
Thank you so much!! You too!
This first week of classes has been good! I have a good schedule and have been adjusting nicely!! I'm hoping to write some this weekend while I sit at a coffee shop or something!!!
Also fun news I'm thinking about getting an embroidery machine and doing haikyuu and anime merch but I wanna know what the interest would be from people first but I seriously am thinking about it
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volleyball-dontknowher · 4 years ago
Guys 🥺 I just moved back into college and I’m nervous/excited for this semester. Last semester I was in too many classes and my mental health was horrible but I am trying to keep on top of it this semester and really push to be both happy and successful! My work load seems lighter so I hope that means I get to be on here a little bit more and find more time for the things I love!
Please stay safe and stay happy
❤️ Natalie
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volleyball-dontknowher · 4 years ago
🥺🥺 only .001% of my followers responded I see how it is my friends damn be my friend
Hi I need help
I am writing a beach episode because I have to and I am going to write a beginning that works for everyone and then write what happens when you get to the beach with the different boys and I need second opinions
1. What teams will be there? Like who do you want to see and who would make the cut?
2. What boys do you want to have a beach trope with
Also feel free to send me your headcanons and what you think they would be like too!!!
Like imagine Asahi + Noya vs Daichi + Suga playing chicken against each other and Suga getting uncharacteristically competitive
I am literally so stoked pleaseeeeee interact! There are enough of you that at least a couple of you can respond and I promise I will not judge a thing!!
I have been sick so I can’t promise a timeline but good ideas make me move faster 😉😉
❤️ volleyball-dontknowher
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volleyball-dontknowher · 4 years ago
Hi I need help
I am writing a beach episode because I have to and I am going to write a beginning that works for everyone and then write what happens when you get to the beach with the different boys and I need second opinions
1. What teams will be there? Like who do you want to see and who would make the cut?
2. What boys do you want to have a beach trope with
Also feel free to send me your headcanons and what you think they would be like too!!!
Like imagine Asahi + Noya vs Daichi + Suga playing chicken against each other and Suga getting uncharacteristically competitive
I am literally so stoked pleaseeeeee interact! There are enough of you that at least a couple of you can respond and I promise I will not judge a thing!!
I have been sick so I can’t promise a timeline but good ideas make me move faster 😉😉
❤️ volleyball-dontknowher
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volleyball-dontknowher · 4 years ago
Tell me you love me, Bokuto x reader
Words: 2.4k 
Warnings: none, fluff, this is not angsty it is fluff please don’t take the title wrong 
Summary: How does one ask the love of their life out when others hope to do the same thing 
A/n: Guys this took me a couple days because I didn’t know how to write it then I had my sisters birthday and I spent a whole day lost downtown and so here it is lol sorry 
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^^NOt my gif 
‘Everyone always hopes for a love at first sight type of love, and for Bokuto it was. The moment he walked into the class and saw you, the new girl, sitting at a desk talking to the girl next to you his heart instantly sped up and his cheeks flushed. He couldn’t stop looking over at you during class and the rest of the day all he could do was think about you and hope that you would be in one of his next classes. He was so excited to see you a couple more times throughout the day, like so excited he didnt know how to properly handle himself, or speak for that matter so when the teacher put you next to him all he could do was stare at you.
You outstretched your hand, “hi, I’m Y/n Y/l/n” you told him with a bright smile. With this bright gesture Bokuto also forgot how to breathe, all he could do was stare at you unblinking as he attempted to remember his own name. Lucky for him you saw another hand reaching over Bokuto’s desk.
“Akaashi Kenji,” he said with a tiny smile, “and this idiot is Bokuto Kotaro, nice to meet you.” He greeted before asking questions about where you were from and what classes you were in. Throughout this whole exchange Bokuto kept looking between the two completely awestruck at your beauty and completely jealous of Akaashi’s ability to have such a natural conversation with you. Before your conversation with Akaashi got too far the teacher promptly started class. The sigh of relief from bokuto was almost unreal, he was so thankful that he could now stare at the board and daydream instead of trying to act natural around you.
Bokuto was dumb, sure, but he also knew that you were absolutely gorgeous and that the other boys in the school would have to be blind deaf and stupid to not realize it. But he’d never felt this way so he had to make you his and he knew just what to do- write you a letter.
Bokuto spent all of practice muttering to himself trying to figure out what to say in his undying love letter. No one really paid him much mind because it isn’t unusual for him to mutter to himself and get really excited over absolutely nothing so it was just business as usual but when he got home was really when he was starting to make the magic happen.
Dear Y/n,
Hello Y/n, I’m Bokuto
The pretty girl next to me
I think you’re really pretty
“No no no no no,” Bokuto muttered to himself, he had been working on it forever and had made no progress and was now frustrated enough that he decided to give up.
Bokuto continued this cycle of trying to write to you and absolutely  finally before he turned to Akaashi for help.
“Maybe actually talking to her will help,” he shrugged, not giving it very much thought.
Bokuto however took this as the most brilliant advice he’d ever heard. He immediately began treating you as though you were his absolute bestest friend and quickly got to know so much more about you. He even invited you to hang out and study with him and Akaashi without even realizing it until afterwards and he just sat in his chair in the library for another twenty minutes just thinking about how he had just spent time with you. He was so happy but so nervous because he thought that you might not have had fun but when you saw him the next day and told him it was fun his heart fluttered.
Everything was working out for the two of you but still Bo had no idea how to ask you out. He kept trying with the stupid letters and didn’t know how to say something actually impressive to you and at this point others had started looking at you two and this was the one time he didn’t want to seem like an actual idiot in fear of being rejected. So he continued writing.
Y/n, I know this seems weird to get a letter, but I just wanted to tell you that I think that you are absolutely gorgeous. Your eyes are like stars and I would love to stare into them all day, and hold your soft hand in mine as we go through life together.
What I mean to say is, Y/n will you go on a date with me.
Hi Y/n, This is Bokuto, I think that you are super pretty and super fun and I love being your friend, but since the moment I saw you I just knew that you aren’t
‘No no no’ Bo sighed frustrated that he kept making himself sound like a freaking creep, he just wanted to tell you that you are super cute and he just wants to kiss your face.
The days with you at school were always fun and filled with laughter but when he got home from practice he could only find himself missing your smile and your touch and just craving it like he’s never craved anything before. Bokuto wants nothing more than to kiss you goodnight and to cuddle on the couch and watch some horrible show that neither of you care about and just the idea of you coming to his games and cheering for him makes him want to work even harder. Then the possibility of you ever wearing one of his jerseys to a game gets him so excited he can hardly control himself- until he remembers that it’s all in his head-for now.
The worst day of the year was approaching, well according to Bokuto who just decided this on his own. He was not ready to ask you out because all of his letters had been horrible and he just knew that all of the boys would flock to you this Valentine’s Day and just the thought of it broke his heart. He just wanted to be as perfect as you deserved but he wasn’t and it was devastating.
Well he still couldn’t figure out the right thing to say and today was the day. He was dreading coming to school because he knew that your locker would be filled with perfect letters from other dumb boys and he was just hoping that they would say or do something stupid so you didn’t even acknowledge them. When he turned the corner and saw your desk covered in chocolates and flowers that had been placed there even before the first class had started and he was fuming. You however came in and smiled as you looked at the little to from notes and enjoyed a chocolate or two. You offered a couple to Bokuto because you know how much he loves them but he refused all of them and huffed as he stared straight forward the whole class, pretending to ignore you. Truthfully Bokuto had spent the time thinking about how he could do something grand to win your affection but he kept drawing a blank and mentally beating himself up. The rest of the day seemed to pass just as such, every class he entered had you sitting there with a new set of something from boys desperate to get your attention and Bokuto entering to a few gifts here and there that he quickly hid from you so you wouldn’t think that he has anyone interested in him.
You, Bo, and Akaashi studied in the library after school today for some big math test that none of you were ready for and you ended up doing a couple of problems before sitting there and talking for almost half an hour before the librarian got mad at you and kicked you three out. Slightly discouraged the three of you headed to a coffee shop for just a little bit before heading your separate ways.
When Bokuto got home he angerily dumped his bag on his bed and plopped down beside the pile of chocolates and letters that were gifted to him, unwilling to look at any of them. Little did he know that you did the exact same thing. You both ended up laying face down on your beds for what seemed like an eternity before you gave in and texted him first. You didn’t want to seem like a creep but you had been checking your phone nonstop and wanted to know the answer.
Hey um
Hey Bo, I just wanted to know if you got the love letter I wrote you
Sorry to bother you but did you happen to read the letter I wrote
Hey, does this mean it’s a no if so I can leave you alone
Well shit none of these worked, so there was only one choice.
You: Hey I like you, now read the letter I left on your desk 
The moment his phone buzzed Bo popped right up and saw your message, he had no idea you wrote him a letter and this means that you had no idea that he did either. Bokuto had shoved all of the letters in his bag so quickly that he realized he never actually checked to see if one was from you, he just assumed that you were getting way too many things to possibly have been thinking of him and boy was he so wrong, but now he hoped that you had said the same thing that he had. 
Bo: Read what I wrote you, in your backpack
He was grinning at this point and haphazardly threw the things one by one off the bed until he saw your messy handwriting on the front of a little piece of paper.
Hey Bo, I know it’s cheesy but do you want to go on a date with me? _ yes _ No ❤️ Y/n
Bokuto stood there in absolute shock, you had given him almost the exact same letter he had given you. You had no idea what he meant about it being inside your backpack but you didn’t care, you dumped your whole bag out only to find the paper the two of you had been doing problems on with his note scribbled on the bottom and tucked in your bag before you realized it. Little did you know that Bokuto had done another thousand stupid drafts in his head today before realizing your time together was almost up and he was too scared to ask you in person so he just settled for scribbling something quick down when you went to the bathroom and hoped that you found it eventually. It was one of those moments that only fate could have led you to and it was something that you were thrilled about.
Bokuto luckily messaged back first and you two set up a date two weeks later (he had a match this weekend and even though he wished he could skip it you refused and pretended you were busy as well) and the date went absolutely perfectly. The two of you just get along so well that there is little work ever needed in your relationship especially because Bokuto has gotten good at the one thing he dreaded most, writing love letters. Literally any time he thinks about you now he writes you a little letter and either gives it to you or sticks it somewhere for you to find later. At this point he has become a full poet and is writing you the most complex and emotional things that he didn’t even know he had the ability to do.
Dear Y/n,
Here I am on the bus to Nationals thinking about my darling love. You never fail to astound me with your brilliance and your uncanny ability to light a room up with just your smile. As I feel the nerves attacking my insides I am able to push them away at the thought that you are going to be there and cheering me on. Nationals will be over by the time that you read this but just know that you are my light and you keep me going every single day and I am going to bring a part of you onto the court today so I am able to be the best me because you truly are the better half of me.
With love,
Sometimes they are long and sweet but other times you now get little notes like this,
I farted here an hour ago and you just walked through its ghost cloud. Don’t forget I love you, Bokuto
Other times you got just what you needed,
Y/n, I love you so much and I hope you have an amazing day, I noticed that your lunchbox just happened to be emptied so I am taking it upon myself to bring you lunch at work today. 
See you soon, B❤️ o❤️ k❤️ u❤️ t❤️ o
I love you 
You never know what to expect from him but it always makes you beyond happy and you begin doing it back to him and you can always tell when he finds one of your letters because he either leaves it on the counter so it can dry from his tears staining the paper or he goes and finds you with the letter in his hand with big eyes like 🥺 “y/n, do you think this?” As he begins tearing up again and every time you reassure him that you love him more than you could ever put into words and he just lays his head in your lap and sobs because he is so happy and doesn’t know how to handle it.
Bokuto keeps every single letter from you and puts them in a scrapbook with his favorite pictures of you and little things from all of your dates and puts everything in time order even adds a new note to the end that you have to flip through the whole thing to see and gives it to you as a personal gift on your wedding night, his only regret is that he didn’t ask you sooner. 
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volleyball-dontknowher · 4 years ago
that kenma fluff almost made me cryyy asjbsdbdsjvsduvb it was so cute omfg🥰🥰and also idk if you do emoji anons(idrk what to call it but you prob know what im talking abt ahaha) but could i be🍄anon??(its the same one that sent the tsukki+exchanging gifts request btw tehe)
Posted now my little mushroom 🍄 anon!!! Enjoy!!!!!!
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volleyball-dontknowher · 4 years ago
Tsukishima + exchanging gifts
Words: ~900
A/n: I accidentally started this months ago and never posted the final results so here it is now :) enjoy lovies! 
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The two of you were so dorky and weird with how you gave each other gifts. Instead of wrapping them and giving them to each other like normal people did you would hide them in plain sight and do something stupid like leave a note on the table saying something cheesy like “i got you something ❤️” or better yet not leave a note at all and wait until they found it. This whole thing started almost a year ago when Tsukki put your present on the counter and you literally walked past it three times before realizing what it was. The amount of shit you got was unimaginable but now he has decided that is the only way he is going to give you surprise gifts (he still wraps them all cute and stuff but instead of handing them to you just waits until you find it). It took you a week once to find a thing of chocolate he got for you but in your defense it was on the top shelf that you can’t see and he was just being a jerk for that one.
You unfortunately cannot give him gifts like this because he is so damn observant that he notices everything right away and you might as well just hand it to him because it takes the same amount of time. Like you seriously can think that you are being sneaky but you aren’t I promise, it is like the scene in tangled where she is like you’ll never find the satchel and he guesses it right immediately, he just knows you so freaking well and that also makes hiding Christmas and birthday gifts from him damn near impossible because he just happens to stumble upon all of your hiding places so you keep them at a friends house or in the back of your car and only let him drive so he doesn’t see them. The worst part of it is that you can never ever find where he hides his things for you like you are convinced he keeps it at a friends house or something but he swears that he doesn’t and tells you that you are way over thinking it and that it is way too much work.
Surprisingly Tsukishima gives you a lot of little gifts and constantly leaves things around for you because he isn’t great with words but he does think about you a lot so he gets you a lot of little things when he goes out because he knows you would like them and he can’t be a jerk all of the time. He HATES it when you make a big deal about it because he does have a heart but he doesn’t like acknowledging it and the attention to him feels completely unnecessary because you show your love for him in other ways too and he doesn’t praise you for it but he really does enjoy the smile, hug and kiss that comes with it though. He gets you super thoughtful gifts for holidays but with literally 0 effort, he just thinks about what you would like and the perfect idea just comes to him naturally and it is always perfect. Except Tsukishima never gifts clothing to you because he is a wiser man than to ever do that because if it doesn’t fit right then you might be offended or you are going to drag him back to whatever store it is he got it from and make him help you choose something else and that all sounds hellish. He did one time however get you both matching pajamas because you’d “been going on about it forever and I wanted to shut you up”.
You on the other hand have no idea what to get him ever because he doesn’t care about a lot of material things and he just gives you attitude every time you get him something (even though he secretly loves it and cherishes everything) you can’t help but feel like you got him the wrong thing. So far the best things you’ve gotten him are sweatpants, sunglasses, shoes, some things for his car and some really niche things that you have no idea what it is for but he uses it frequently so idk. He literally could hate whatever it is but would never ever tell you and would grow fond of it just because you gave it to him but most things you hit on the head (only because you do hours of research and any time you go out and Tsuki looks even remotely interested in something you write it down in your phone and come back to it later) but he is always thankful and so happy for you. He doesn’t say much when he opens gifts from you because he doesn’t know what to do with his emotions but for just a second there he cracks a smile and always always always thanks you for it and he pulls you into one of the warm hugs where he just holds you and kisses the top of the head for a minute before letting you go and going back to whatever he was doing before but with a little more cheer than before.
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volleyball-dontknowher · 4 years ago
Money Troubles
Kuroo x reader, Bokuto x reader
Words: 1,8k 
Warnings: none
Summary: Reader has money troubles and the boys are so sweet about it 
A/n: Y’all this hits so close to home like I grew up really poor for a long time and if that is where you are right now, please know that things do get better and it is all going to be okay :) 
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You and Kuroo had been friends forever and just recently made the jump from best friends to lovers and it honestly didn’t change much, except how often the two of you went out. Kuroo was always taking you out places and spoiling you rotten but you knew that you couldn’t do the same. There was no way that you could afford half of the things that he can but you have no idea how to tell him that. Every time he spends money on you you feel super guilty and bad because you can’t spend the same amount back on him and you had got him a nice gift for Christmas but that is just because you saved every last dollar to spoil him as best you could. He was your best friend and you didn't want him to have to worry about any of this but you also didn’t want him to think that you were cheap or taking advantage of him.
   The issue dwelled in your mind for weeks, you were unsure of what to say or do because you both had never gone out this often before. Tonight was your turn to choose what your date would be and you had made the easy decision, the only decision.
“So what will it be, princess?” Kuroo smirked at you from across the kitchen as he made himself a glass of water.
“Can we stay in and watch the show, Bridgerton, I’ve heard the most amazing things about it,” you smile at him trying to be convincing.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go out?” He questions as he refills his glass. It was almost a week before your next payday and you had $6 left so you really couldn’t afford to go out.
“I think staying home sounds like fun,” you lie, it’s been a stressful week and you knew he could see right through you so you avoided his curious gaze.
“Y/n, love, what is it?” He questions, unsure of your reasoning, “it was your pick and if that’s what you want to do we can go to the store and get snacks and make it a hell of a date night” he reasons with himself.
“No Kuroo that’s really okay,” you barely whisper.
“Hey, what is it?” He now is right by your side giving you the biggest puppy dog eyes.
“It’s nothing Tetsuro,” you shy away.
“If it was nothing you’d be looking at me and told me that you wanted to go try that new Indian restaurant down the street, please y/n,” he says in a calm, loving way.
“You’re right, I would like to try it, but I can’t afford it Kuroo.”
“Why would you think that you’re paying?” He asks, smiling at you.
“Because you always pay, and I always feel bad because I don’t ever pay, and it’s not fair,” you huff at him.
“Y/n Y/l/n I pay because I can pay and because I want to pay and because I know you would never treat yourself to a nice meal even if you did have the money, which by the way is not something you should be embarrassed of. I spent the first two years of our friendship absolutely broke at all times, I slept on Bo’s couch for god sake and you have to be really desperate to do that. Trust me when I tell you that it’s okay, it gets better and once it does then you can bet your ass that I’m still paying for our dates because I have been waiting years to date you and now that I am I am going to spoil the shit out of you, okay? Okay. So get your ass dress we’re getting indian, end of discussion.”
You had no idea what to say or do, he really just said to hell with it and left the room to get ready so you were stuck sitting there alone with your thoughts. ‘How the hell did he know?’ You panicked, worried that this was why he decided to ask you out and date you and that he was going to get sick of you and sick of paying and want to leave.
“I am ordering two meals with or without you so get your ass ready or I’m gonna eat them both” Kuroo mumbles as he brushes his teeth.
You get ready and go out to dinner with him and have an amazing time laughing and eating together. A couple weeks after Kuroo gives you a little wrapped box with your name on it. It was a key to his house with your initials engraved on it.
“Y’know if you ever want to come over, or even” he is blushing a deep red, “or even, I know it’s early, but I’ve known you forever and I can’t see us ever I don’t know, breaking up, so unless you do, I mean, it would be kinda cool if we lived together.”
You sat there in complete shock, did Kuroo just ask if you wanted to move in with him?! You gave him the biggest smile ever as you nodded at him completely speechless.
“But you have to bring your furniture, it’s wayyy nicer than mine and we had our first kiss on that couch so it has to come too.”
And little did you know not only did you move in now mean that you live with your best friend 24/7 but you also don’t grocery shop and your rent is way cheaper because he’s lived there forever. He never once judged or made you feel bad for not being able to pay for things and if he was ever strapped for cash as well you had the best stay in movie nights ever.
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Bokuto was a smart guy, sometimes. He may have his dumb moments but he always knew how much he spent and kept a good and accurate budget so he got to live a pretty care free life (it also doesn’t help that he got a volleyball scholarship that paid for his college and you have $500 a month payments) , you on the other hand weren’t as fortunate. It seemed as though all of your money was gone before you even got your check, between food, rent, phone bill, loans, and everything else that came with being alive your little paychecks seemed to dwindle down to nothing. It was something you wanted to change, and luckily you only had a couple months left on your loans because you chose to aggressively pay them off but you wish you didn’t sometimes so you could have a little bit more to spend on life and on Bokuto, you’re adorably loving boyfriend.
It was a day like every other, the two of you out and about doing dumb things around town when you decided to go to Starbucks together. You were extra excited to get apeppermint mocha and Bo was practically vibrating with excitement-and that’s before you give him caffeine. You get up to the counter and order before inserting your card… ‘decline’ the screen reads. You have no idea what to do and your face blushes a bright red.
Without hesitation Bo steps in front of you, orders his drink and pays for your drinks before you can even process anything. He turns and smiles at you and gives you a little kiss and wraps his arms around your shoulders as you go to wait for your drink to be done.
“Bo, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize-“
“Shhh look she’s adding the whip to your drink,” he bounces excitedly hoping that means his drink is next.
You get your drinks and go sit in those giant brown chairs that are the best and most comfortable spot in the entire place and you once again try and thank him for paying for your drink and explain but he stops you again.
“Y/n, lovey, it happens to all of us, okay? Don’t worry about it, seriously. I know you overthink things like this and I don’t want or need you to. We all do it sometimes and it is okay, hell I did it last week at the store, it happens, I’ve got you now and always, so don’t stress yourself out about it. You have a lot to pay for and a lot going on so I don’t want you worrying about the small things when there are lots of bigger things that need your attention, like me. I need your attention  and so having you focus on other things is bad for me and my ego, okay?” He smiles at you after one of the most uncharacteristic moments from him ever.
You just stare at him completely in shock that he just said all of those things to you.
“Ummm helllo earth to y/n,” he repeats two or three times as he waves his hand in front of your face.
“Sorry bo.”
“Can I pleaseee have a sip of your drink? I asked like four times but you were in outer space thinking about the stars or something, but that’s okay, you’re back on earth now, please can I have a sip, it looks so good,” he smiles at you, knowing that you were worrying about it and doing the perfect job of pulling you out of whatever trance you were in.
You let him have a sip of your drink and you get a sip of his (which was even more delicious than anything you’d ever had there). Bokuto continued the conversation and pretty much held up the whole thing and made you laugh the whole time.
The following couple of weeks you noticed that Bo was super helpful and sweet about everything financial and when you finally paid off your student loans he threw you the biggest “college is too expensive” party and celebrated life with you so much. Even after things got better for you he still was happy to pay for a lot of things and even admitted to you that he has been super duper broke too and it is just what happens in life, it happens to all of us and if he finds out that you have been worrying about it than he is going to come and cuddle you to death because he can’t stand the idea of you getting upset over nothing. (Even though he does it all the time, you are different because he wants you to always be happy)
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volleyball-dontknowher · 4 years ago
Soft Tanaka
Words: 1381
Warnings: Fluff only 
A/n: Guyssss I missed this so much and I love you all and I needed some fluff 
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Tanaka always seems like he is the type to care about his reputation-which he does- but boy does he care for his girl more
He really cares more about what you think of him and how you are doing than what anyone else in the whole world thinks about him
If you ask to hold his hand he is going to argue with you and tell you that there is no ay he could do something so uncool before reaching over and lacing his fingers with yours and giving your hand a little cheeky kiss as he holds your hand in the most tender and loving way
Tanaka shows his love a lot through actions so he constantly grabs you cups of water or little snacks and just hands them to you while you are watching shows “just in case” or “because I know you like them” which also means that he gets the snacks from the grocery store like he specifically walks down those aisles thinking of you
And boy if you do that back to him and get him a snack or drink his heart literally melts and turns to goo like he is going to for sure pull you onto his lap and just kiss all over your face as he tells you how much he loves and cares about you
Tanaka is super health conscious and loves to cook for the two of you and make you both really delicious foods that he always makes left overs of so he can pack you both homemade lunches for you to have the next day, but if you wake up before him and sneak a little treat in for him he will never complain and will cherish it the whole day
Tanaka keeps a little trinket from every date you two go on so that he doesn’t forget a single one and he is always coming up and taking dorky selfies with you so that he can have a new screensaver and see your face all the time, and if you ever aren’t feeling up to it or tell him that you feel ugly he gets so sad and goes through the album on his phone that has his favorite pictures of you and tells you why he loves every one of the pictures and why he put them in the folder
When he is tired all he wants if cuddles, on the couch, in bed, while you are brushing your teeth or making dinner like seriously by the end of the day you cannot get him off of you like he will have his arms wrapped around you all night and loves holding you close to him and that carries all throughout the night like Tanaka loves to keep a hand on you when you go to sleep together and if you get up to go to the bathroom he is up with you to make sure that everything is okay and that you didn’t have a bad dream or anything
If you do have a bad dream he pulls you into his lap and strokes your hair and tells you a happy story until you drift back asleep in his arms and he waits until he knows you are fully asleep before letting himself fall back asleep
If he has a bad dream and you do the same thing he is going to be so happy, especially if you rub his shoulders and back -though you have caught him pretending just so you would give him a massage
Speaking of massages he is excellent at them and can always tell when you are stressed and loves to have you sit between his legs and rub your shoulders as he asks tons of questions about your day
He is not a great morning person so you always let him have a couple mixtures to himself but once he has woken up he is always ready to go and gets a big goofy grin
He takes forever to get out of the door every single day like he has to plan ten minutes to leave because he keeps wanting to kiss you goodbye over and over again
Tanaka thinks that doing laundry is the most domestic thing ever (don’t ask why he does, but he does) so he does laundry for you both at least once a week and he even folds and puts it all away for you both sometimes even before you realized that he has done any at all
Tanaka runs a fitness Instagram which has gained a lot of followers because lets face it, he’s buff and he’s hot so girls and guys listen to what he has to say and he is always asking you to take pictures and film for him so that he can get more clients and because you always make him “look like the hottest man alive” but he makes sure that isn’t one sided because he goes back and does the same for you, Like he will stop and say that you are looking super hot and take about 1000 pictures of you with 990 of them being absolutely stunning your your instagram
And I made a whole post about this but he is going to be the sweetest baby to work out with like he is going to be so encouraging and magical that you actually find yourself enjoying working out spending the time with him
And after a workout with him he loves to shower with you and wash your hair for you while he presses gentle kisses on your neck and shoulders
He is so thankful for everything that you do for him I like he is going to stop and thank you for anything like he will tell you thank you for closing a cabinet behind him like sometimes there are even things that you don’t even realize that you did but he thanks you for that
Going shopping with him is a new level of amazing like he is going to be so sweet like he will want to split time between the two of you (and he holds all of your clothes so you can shop but wont let you hold his clothes) and he always makes you shop first so that he can find outfits that match yours and he plans those things out
He wears a lot of workout clothes (duh) but loves street fashion and loves hearing your opinions on his choices and will take it to heart
The two of you fall asleep on the couch together way more than you should like you both curl up together and watch some dumb show and end up asleep on top of each other at least a couple times a week
Most of the time Tanaka falls asleep first as he lays on top of you and you rub his back like he is out in an instant but if you fall asleep first he will carry you up to bed and tuck you in because he wants you to be comfortable
He comes up with every nickname he can think of for you and you have learned to just respond when he is looking at you and says something dorky and even though you blush and tell him to stop you secretly love it and find yourself doing the same thing back to him and he lovesss it and will refer to him as whatever the nickname is for the rest of the day
“No no no I’m your baby cakes, try that again”
“Who? I don’t know a Tanaka, I only know stud muffin”
“I heard you, I’m your hunk”
“Cmon baby I thought I was your kingggg”
He is going to always drive when you go out and makes sure that you never ever ever have to get the door for yourself and he is going to call you “m’lady” every time and is going to smile at you
He is a huge dork and loves to play old music and sing horribly at the top of his lungs and dance around in the car (so much so that he could be hazardous)
He is your biggest fan and you are his like it is so cute together
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volleyball-dontknowher · 4 years ago
Size Kink + Asahi
Words: ~700
Warnings: Starts fluffy then gets naughty 
Requested by @pupack07
A/n - I am going to delete any requests I got after they closed, I have gotten 8 when everything says they are not an option, I am so sorry if this impacts you personally but I am a pushover. 
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^^^ Not my gif 
Asahi was a big guy, anyone anywhere could have told you that and he never thought much of it, it has always just been who he was. He was a big guy, so? So… he now has you, who is considerably smaller than him in every way that he can’t seem to get enough of. The way your hands intertwine with his and his whole hand covers your little one, or the way that he can put his arm around your shoulder and pull you into his side, just gives him butterflies. Never in his life was big a good or bad thing but now it’s his thing. He is big and you are little and he cherishes everything that comes with that. The way your little shoes sit next to his giant ones and the way you fit so perfectly in his lap, all of it just clouds his mind constantly and brings a smile to his face. Asahi loves that he is big because it makes him feel like he can protect and take care of you.
Asahi also loves how giant one of his hoodies sits on you and how when you wear it it looks ridiculous and blows his mind that it fits you, and he just smiles and thinks about it for days, like if you ever ever want to wear his clothes then he is all for it and even will dedicate a drawer for old shirts that you can wear anytime without complaints. 
But hear me out here, Asahi also loves it because it gets him riled up in the bedroom. When he can use one hand to pin both of your arms above your head, or when one of  his large hands can completely encapsulate your breast he loses his mind. He loves how he can squeeze them both completely at the same time and how you have no power when he does. 
 He even loves how his chest completely covers yours when he is laying on top of you. Just thinking of these small things gets him instantly hard but then seeing his massive cock entering your little body is something euphoric he can never get enough of. Watching as you gasp his name while his thighs have you pinned to the bed is a sight that he could never dream of forgetting.
And when your little hands and pink lips wrap around his length and begin bobbing only to be unable to reach the base as he enters the back of your throat makes him moan louder than anything.
And boy when he learned that he could pick you up and pin you against walls, doors, counters, anything it completely changed his game, he went from bedroom sex only to picking you up and pushing you against the walls and fucking you right there as you cling onto him desperately whenever he can. He loves how his hips and chest capture you against the wall and how every part of him is larger and stronger than yours.
Asahi also loves teasing you in bed about it, one of his hands will have your arms pinned above you and his leg squeezes your thighs apart and he leans in close and whispers “what are you going to do about it princess?” Before capturing your lips with his in a passionate kiss. 
He also loves how large his handprint is when he smacks your ass and grows fond of leaving one large handprint on your ass after you were a bad girl. When he is done with the scene he loves to squeeze and kiss on your ass to help make it feel better. 
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volleyball-dontknowher · 4 years ago
Hungry - Kenma Kozume x reader
Warnings: None
Words: 1185
Summary: You wake up in the middle of the night hungry only to find no food in the pantry and Kenma decides to step in and help 
Requested forever ago by: @i-eat-glass
A/N: This is a request from so so so long ago and I feel bad but here it is!!! I love you all, stay safe and stay well  
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Well shit, you were watching Kenma play games on the couch one minute then you fell asleep with your head in his lap and now here you are, laying in his lap still half asleep  with your stomach growling. You had eaten dinner so you had no idea why you were so hungry but you couldn’t deny that you were starving.  You tried to ignore it and mentally passed it off as gas so you could drift back to your happy dream but you weren’t that lucky because the ‘gas’ was rumbling your entire torso and yelling at you loud enough you swore Kenma could hear it too.  Annoyed you sat up, much to the surprise of Kenma who only pulled his eyes away from his game for just a second before you got off the couch and made your way into the kitchen. You rummaged through the fridge only to find food that you weren’t in the mood for or took way longer than you wanted to make.
“What the hell?!?!” You kept thinking to yourself “was I feeling extra skinny at the store this week? Why don’t we have any snacks?” You wished you were joking but you seriously bought no snacks and got supplies to make elaborate meals that sounded delicious but would take at least an hour.
 You were going through the last of the pantry hoping to find just one snack when you saw it, your holy grail- nutter butters - the perfect snack. It was as if the world had listened to your desires and perfectly placed this here for you. You grabbed the box and knew instantly that something was wring, the box was empty.
“Kenmaaa” you whined at him from down the hall before you even realized it.
Kenma knows that once you go to bed you are a rock until the morning so seeing you get up and go anywhere but the bedroom was already shocking enough but now you just whined his name in the most adorable way he’s ever heard. He instantly stopped his game and made his way into the kitchen where he watched you throw the box angrily into the trash can as you huffed grouchily. You wanted nothing more than to have a snack and go back to bed but now you were wide awake and annoyed. When you saw him enter the kitchen all you could do was pout at him.
“I-I’m hungry” you just barely whisper at him as your eyes meet the floor.
Kenma didn’t know what he was expecting but this really wasn’t it, you weren’t ever hungry at night, he’d know because that’s when he got hungry. He’d come in and offer to make you both food and you would always tell him that you were okay (he’d still make enough for you just in case you changed your mind and would save the rest for leftovers when you didn’t want it. But the sight of you with your tired eyes and messy hair standing in the kitchen put a little smile on Kenma’s face for a brief moment before he quickly wiped it off knowing that you would grouch at him if you saw it.
Without saying a word Kenma left the kitchen even faster than he entered it which left you pissed.
“Where are you going?” You just barely whispered as you made this face at him 🥺worried that you had just scared him off.
Kenma didn’t answer your question and you followed him out of the kitchen down the hall where you saw him tugging on his jacket as he slipped his feet lazily into some slides.
“What?” You ask as your brain struggles to put anything together.
Kenma doesn’t acknowledge that you said anything and instead grabbes out your jacket from the closet and opens it up so you can slip your arms in. Then he zips you into it and grabs a pair of slippers for you to throw on. After you’re dressed to his liking Kenma smiles at you just a little, “you’re hungry Y/n, so lets go get food,” he shrugs.
“Babe” you whisper at him as he grabs the door for you both and leads you to the car. He gets in and turns on the seat warmers and moves all of the fans to blow warm air at you before he sets off down the driveway.
“What do you want to eat?” He asks, not taking his eyes off the road.
“I don’t know,” you barely whisper, knowing how much that annoys him.
“Okay,” he simply responds and glances over to check on how you are doing before resting one of his hands on your thigh.
Before you know it Kenma has pulled into a drive through across town that he wasn’t particularly fond of but you loved. He pulled up to the first window and ordered everything perfectly without even asking what you wanted to eat. Kenma knew that if he would have asked you would never have given him an answer so he just ordered your favorite and dessert.
You were only half paying attention to what he was ordering so when he handed you a bag followed by a milkshake you were in complete shock.
“Kenma, what’s this?”
“Well I got a chicken sandwich, fries and a chocolate shake for you and I got a burger and some cookies, do you like it?” He asks, looking a little worried because he was so confident in himself.
You simply nodded as Kenma drove you both back home before backing into the parking lot. You reached for the door before realizing that Kenma wasn’t moving.
“Lets eat here, where it’s warm and where we aren’t distracted by other things,” he looks over at you with a little blush. You couldn’t object, you were just hungry (even after you ate fries on the way home) you both sat and talked while you ate together in peace. It was nice having time together where you both weren’t distracted and the world was so quiet. After you finished, Kenma collected the trash and you both headed back inside. He set the bag on the entry table and quickly helped you unzip your jacket and take off your shoes before doing the same to himself. Then he scooped you up (with a strength you didn’t know he had) and carried you down the hall to the bedroom before placing you down on the bed with a little kiss.
“Go to sleep,” he cooed at you.
“I haven’t brushed my teeth or-“
“That didn’t stop you earlier, now let me go clean up and I’ll join you in a sec, okay?” He starts boldly but then he lowers his voice and asks the last part in a hushed quiet tone, hoping you will let him have this one.
You curl up under the covers and nod at him with a little smile before he leaves the room.
The next time you wake up your head is resting on Kenma’s chest and the only noise filling the room is his little snores.
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volleyball-dontknowher · 4 years ago
Hi my sweet, lovely baby! How are you? It's been so long, I wanted to check up on you. Are you taking care of yourself? I miss you! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💗💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Oh my goodness miss raccoonstuffington I missed you so much!!! I have been so so so stressed but now that my semester and Christmas is done at my job so I am wayyy less stressed and hopefully get to completely destress in the three weeks left of my break, how have you been?!?!? I've missed youuu
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