#asahi fluff
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cottonlemonade · 9 months ago
Thinking about how when you started dating Asahi you quickly realized that you had to keep extra plain black hair ties in your bag, just in case.
“Honey? My hair tie broke. Do you maybe have a spare?”
You looked up from your homework at your boyfriend’s luscious brown locks and grabbed your bag, but after rummaging through the multitude of increasingly ridiculous things found at the bottom of the backpack you regretfully shook your head.
He leaned down to give you a kiss, cupping your chubby cheek in his huge hand, thanking you for checking. As he turned to leave for practice, you stopped him.
“Oh wait!”, you said, fumbling with your ponytail, “You can use mine!”
To this day Noya and Suga had not let him live it down that he once wore a baby blue, velvet scrunchie during training. Although, in your humble opinion, he could pull it off.
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megapteraurelia · 1 month ago
azumane asahi’s hands were big, warm and heavy on your legs. 
“stay still,” you mumbled and he shuddered at the caress of your breathing on his mouth. one hand of yours held his strong jaw, moving it when you had to, the other careful at gliding the blade across his skin.
asahi’s lips opened as if to speak, but you glanced at him sternly, freezing your hands, and his mouth closed again. his hands on your thighs squeezed for a second in response, half apology, half amusement, and you softened your gaze, “sorry, handsome, i don’t want to cut you.”
a hum escaped his throat, deep and rumbling in his chest, the muscles underneath your fingertips vibrating slightly at the oscillation of sound carried over.
you sank the blade in water to clean it once the strip above one side of his mouth was finished, and this time he didn’t hesitate to disrupt the shaving process. his hands rubbed the sides of your legs as his hips flushed closer to yours, “thank you for being so careful,” a huff of embarrassed relief escaped him, “i nick myself a lot.”
“wouldn’t that be funny for people to know?” you teased and tenderly gripped his chin, pulling down his upper lip to get the most space for the other side. his gentle eyes watched you as he let you contort his face however you wanted, putty underneath your fingertips, “this huge man looking like he’s gonna pummel everyone in his way, but can barely shave without hurting himself.”
the tips of asahi’s ears burned, but his hands gave your legs a squeeze at the taunt, and before you set the blade on his skin, your legs interlocked behind his hips to trap him. his eyes narrowed at your mischievousness, amused, slightly horny, but still obedient until you finished the other side of his upper lip, too. 
he pressed into you, leaning you far back until you had to yelp in surprise and sling your arms around his neck (the sharp end of the knife very much pointed away from you both, thank you very much). 
“maybe people will think it’s funny — “ he left the sentence hanging and sank his mouth down on yours, leaving the shaving foam all over your face, kissing you wild and intense,  “ — how you shut up — “ another maddening devouring of your lips, “ — as soon as i’m all over you.”
leaving you breathless, forcing gasps through your mouth, foam wet on your cheeks and your chin, you blushed hard and asahi grinned sheepishly at the mess he left you both in, one hand of his coming to scratch the back of his head.
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buniwrite · 2 months ago
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your instagram dating azumane asahi ♡
note: first post ! kinda nervous ... felt like my man needed a bit of love so decided to go for asahi for my first small smau ♡ hope you enjoy it, it's a bit silly hehe
fem! reader × asahi azumane (uni students)
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kkiyo: you two are so cute
→ suga_0: so true they're gonna make me cry istg
→ yy/nie: thank you kiyoko ♡ suga ur so dramatic omfg
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aasahi: love you pretty
→ buzzcut: man have some compassion for us singles
→ rollingthunder: yeah man what the hell
→ yy/nie: love you too
rollingthunder: ME NEXT
→ yy/nie: GET OUT 🗣️👎
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yy/nie: worst thing is the nap just made me more tired and i fell asleep for half my class
→ suga_0: that explains why i saw you inhale a large coffee in 3 seconds
→ yy/nie: ...
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yaichiigo: my fav senior couple i want to be a maid of honor
→ yy/nie: noted!♡
aasahi: so sweet that trully is us
→ yy/nie: yay !♡
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thank you for reading ♡
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ineedhaikyu · 1 year ago
Chapter One
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Summary: How does Asahi find himself in these situations? He wasn’t the tough and scary guy everyone made him out to be. Why can’t someone just give him a chance? That’s what he thought until he met her…
Word Count: 5.4K
Warnings: So much FLUFF! Dealing with self-doubt and anxiety. I didn’t write Atsumu’s slang dialogue but maybe I’ll edit in the future.
A/N: My contribution to Asahi x Reader content. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEST BOY!! GIF credit to @akaashikoutarou
Today is the day. January 5th. Everyone’s hard work and determination will be put to the test on this day. A day where volleyball teams from all over Japan, the best from each prefecture, will meet with one another and have a chance to battle on the orange court. 
Today marks Day One in the All Japan High School Volleyball Championship. Otherwise known as the Spring Tournament.
The victor of each battle will be one step closer to reaching the summit, a place that is only reserved for one winning team. 
But until then, each team must go through the wringer and the emotional ties that come when playing the best of the best. Not only are the team members fighting for themselves to place a respectable standing in the tournament, they are also carrying the weight of their school’s pride and honor on their shoulders. The pressure that the Spring Tournament has always been great, but it’s even greater for those teams who are participating for the first time.
Teams such as the Karasuno High School Volleyball team.
A twelve member volleyball team from the Miyagi prefecture. For the past few years, Karasuno has fallen from their powerhouse status, but it seems that has all changed. Because now, here they are competing in the Spring Tournament for the first time in years.
Their methods of offense and defense were amazing to watch. It was almost too beautiful to describe but then again the concept is all the same: just keep the ball in play. 
The third-year manager tore her gaze away from the orange court to meet with the familiar brown eyes of Miya Atsumu, the second-year setter of their volleyball team. 
“Hey Atsumu.” She greeted the popular setter with a smile before scanning the area around them. “Where’s Osamu?”
“That scrub is probably stuffing his face.” He huffed as he stood next to her. His eyes peered down at the active court. “What are you even doing here?”
(Y/N) followed his gaze and smiled. “Just want to check out the competition. I’m curious as to who our next opponent will be.”
“Who’s playing?”
“Tsubakihara Academy and Karasuno High.”
Atsumu furrowed his brow at the mention of the latter school. He’s sure that Goody-Two Shoes setter came from there. 
“Are they any good?”
He waited for her answer but when he didn’t receive one, the twin looked at her. Usually the older girl always had an answer for his questions, however silly the questions were. It was something Atsumu liked about (Y/N). No matter what silly antics he, his twin, and the rest of the volleyball team partook in, (Y/N) was always there to keep them in check. It was something Aran and Kita, her best friends, valued her for and the coach couldn’t agree more. 
Of course, there were times she played along with their shenanigans. It was why she got along so well with everyone on the team. As a manager, the girl knew there were times to be serious but also to just enjoy the moments with the best team she ever had. Even the annoying moments of Suna and the Miya twins prying into her non-existent love life. Take the conversation she had with them from last week.
“You rejected another guy, (Y/N)-senpai.” Osamu commented as he ate his lunch. “How many is that now?”
His twin answered for her. “I’m pretty sure that makes him Unlucky Schmuck #5. But that guy didn’t even have a chance.”
“Oh?” (Y/N) stopped taking her notes and decided to indulge in the conversation. “And why’s that? Kenji’s a nice guy.”
“Easy because he’s boring. You don’t want to date a boring guy, do you?”
“The most interesting thing about him is that he’s on the basketball team.” Osamu piped in, reaching over the table to get some of her chips. “He’s not even on the starting line up.”
“His last post was just a picture of the ocean.” Suna piped in, his eyes showed so much disinterest in Unlucky Schmuck #5’s profile account. He showed his phone to her. “See?”
“So? That doesn’t mean he’s boring. Besides, I like the ocean. That’s why I liked his post.”
Suna rolled his eyes and turned off his phone. He leaned all his weight over (Y/N)’s shoulder. “That’s because you’re nice.”
“Sometimes too nice.” She grumbled as she jerked her shoulder so Suna could get off her and then slap the gray haired twin’s hand away from her chips. She looked back at Atsumu and said, “But I’m still waiting for the right guy to come around.”
The setter grinned. “Then quit waiting because I’m right here.”
Osamu and Suna scoffed, which irked Atsumu. “Aren’t you Unlucky Schmuck #1?”
“Am not!”
“Got the video on my phone if you want to relive it again.” Suna smirked as he taunted Atsumu with a wave of his phone. The video was pure gold. No way was he going to delete it. He needed all the memories, especially embarrassing moments of the Miya twins.
“Well, I’m glad you three are so interested in my love life but I already have my hands full dealing with you guys. I don’t need a jealous boyfriend on top of your crazy fangirls. My anxiety would not be able to handle it. Besides, nationals are literally next week. ”
The twins pouted in unison when the manager mentioned their fangirls. 
“Then get a guy who’ll understand. I’m sure there’s someone-”
“I’m right here-!” Atsumu exclaimed but was cut short when his twin hit the back of his head and at the same time Suna kicked his foot. “Quit abusing me!”
Suna ignored him and continued on. “Whoever this schmuck is, he’s going to be the luckiest guy in Japan.”
“He better be good at volleyball.” Atsumu grumbled, his head on the table. “That’s all I’m asking.”
Osamu joined his twin’s line of thinking. “Preferably from a powerhouse. The guy can’t be from a weak team. And cook some good food.” 
(Y/N) rolled her eyes at the Miya twins. Of course, they would say something like that. She looked back at Suna and asked, “Do you have a requirement for my future significant other?”
Suna thought for a moment before answering her question. “As long as he cares for you.”
“Thanks Suna.” 
“But the moment he hurts you,” Atsumu began.
“He has to deal with everyone on the team.” Osamu finished his brother’s sentence.
(Y/N) grinned at their protectiveness. “Thanks Unlucky Schmuck #1 and #2.”
“Hey!”/ “Don’t call me that!” The twins exclaimed in unison causing the middle blocker and manager to laugh once more.
End of Flashback
“Earth to (L/N) (Y/N)! Can you hear me, manager? This is future champion setter, Atsumu, speaking! Talk to me!”
(Y/N) blinked and tore her eyes away from the orange court. “Huh? What did you say?”
Atsumu narrowed his eyes and leaned close to (Y/N)’s face, causing the girl’s face to heat up. She quickly stepped back and looked away from the twin’s observant gaze. 
“What?” She asked him.
“Who were you looking at?”
“No one in particular. Just Karasuno's team in general.” 
She answered way too quickly and they both knew it. Atsumu grinned at his senpai’s poor attempt to lie. “Someone caught your eye?”
“Shouldn’t you be practicing your sets?”
“Oh no, don’t you avoid my question, (Y/N). Besides, my sets are perfect.” He turned his focus on the volleyball players that were still competing below. “Who’s the guy? Better not be that Goody-Two Shoes.”
(Y/N) furrowed her brow. “I don’t know who you’re talking about.”
“Karasuno’s #9. Kageyama Tobio.”
She looked at the roster and found the person Atsumu was talking about. She then looked back at the match that was still playing. 
“Wait a minute. Is this the same Goody-Two Shoes that you met at the National training camp?”
Atsumu huffed and nodded. His eyes narrowed at the impressive set Tobio just did. “Yeah, that’s him alright. Piece of work that guy. Always setting the ball exactly how the spiker wants it. Such a Goody-Two Shoes.”
“Oh my god, Atsumu. He’s just a first year student. Give him a break.” She paused for a moment before she asked, “Did you actually call him a Goody-Two Shoes?
The Inarizaki setter was just about to answer when he saw the familiar glare on his manager’s face. “Of course not.”
“You’re such a liar.” She scolded him as she flicked his forehead. “You always have to psych someone out and cause trouble.”
“Whatever! It’s not like I hurt his feelings. I was just telling him the truth. Ain’t nothing wrong with that.”
Just as she was about to reply, there was the familiar sound of a volleyball being slammed to the ground. Soon after, the announcer’s voice echoed throughout the stadium. “And Karasuno’s ace, Azumane Asahi, just did a flawless service ace!”
(Y/N)’s eyes searched for the mentioned ace. #3. The third-year wing spiker. A guy with long brown hair styled in a bun. He looked older than the rest of the team with his tall and strong build and with the service ace earlier, Azumane has proven himself that he’s the ace of the team.
He looked intimidating, just like how Aran would be when he was on a roll. But for some reason, Karasuno’s ace, didn’t scare her. 
‘It’s his smile. He has a beautiful smile.’ (Y/N) thought as she watched the ace high-fived his teammates. ‘It looks like he’s enjoying himself… Having the time of his life.’
The pair of students watched the match until it reached its conclusion with Karasuno winning the second set. Which means they’ll advance to the second round where they’ll face their own team. Tomorrow’s match: Inarizaki vs Karasuno. It will be an interesting match that would guarantee to excite the crowd.
“Well, at least we know who we’re going to beat tomorrow.” Atsumu’s eyes shimmered in excitement, knowing tomorrow’s match will be a battle between setters. He couldn’t wait to prove to everyone who the better setter was. “Come on, (Y/N), let’s get out of here. The team is probably waiting for us to go out for lunch.”
As Atsumu led the way, (Y/N) looked over her shoulder where her eyes landed on the members of Karasuno’s volleyball team cheering for joy. The ace’s smile was infectious as she felt her own lips smile as well. 
“Hey, Atsumu. You go ahead. I want to buy another T-shirt while I’m here. I’ll catch a bus to the hotel.”
“You sure? I can wait-” Atsumu’s stomach decided it was the perfect moment to announce its hunger out loud. 
(Y/N) laughed as the setter tried to cease his stomach’s rumbling. “Just go, ‘Tsumu. I’ll be fine on my own.”
“Fine! But hurry, will you? You know how ‘Samu gets when he’s hungry.”
The two parted ways. It always surprised her how large the crowd gets during intermission. She had to dodge and weave to avoid the hurdle of students carrying band instruments. She was successful and luckily the T-shirt stand was right there. There were so many options to consider and she was just about to make a selection when there was a sudden loud CRASH. 
The noise caused her to stiffen in fright, she looked behind her to find someone had dropped a pair of cymbals.
“Can someone pick those up?” A girl asked her bandmates.
“I got them.” A bright-eyed boy volunteered.
(Y/N) remembered to breathe to calm her nerves as she gave the worker of the T-shirt stand a wobbly smile. “Can I have-”
“Hey, you! Look out!”
While the boy meant to be helpful, everything went downhill from there. When the boy bent down to pick up the cymbals, he accidentally bumped the nearby bass drum causing it to fall out of its little wagon. The large drum began to roll away, causing the crowd to panic. 
(Y/N) looked behind her and saw that the drum was heading right towards her. She was just about to move when she felt a warm hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the way. She watched as two guys her age, one with dark hair and the other with silver hair, stopped the drum from crashing into the T-shirt stand. 
“A-Are you okay, miss?” A male’s voice, deep with concern, asked her. “Are you hurt?”
“Y-Yeah. Thanks for that-” (Y/N)’s ability to talk disappeared when she saw the face of her hero. It was Karasuno’s ace, Azumane Asahi. 
And he looked even more handsome up close. She had to step back - not because she was scared of him but because she could feel her heart going into overdrive being so close to the guy she was beginning to have a crush on.
‘He’s talking to you, dummy! Talk back!’
“Oh, um, yeah! Thanks again.” (Y/N) gave him a smile. “You’re Azumane, right? From Karasuno? I just watched your match. You were amazing, especially with that service ace.”
Asahi’s POV
A girl was talking to him. 
A pretty girl. Willingly talking. To him. 
It was enough to cause his brain to short circuit. He waited for the girl to come to her senses and realize that she was supposed to be scared of him, like how everyone else he came across. But to his surprise, the pretty girl was still talking to him. She didn’t have an ounce of fear in her eyes and the gentle smile she gave him made him feel better about himself. And to make matters even better, she was giving him compliments.
And he wasn’t the only one who noticed.
Daichi and Suga came up on either side of him and saw the girl. Asahi didn’t have to look at them to know his friends were giving each other a knowing smile behind his back.
The two introduced themselves to the girl who in turn introduced herself.
“My name is (L/N) (Y/N). I’m from Inarizaki High School in Hyōgo. I came here with my team.”
“You must be really good if you made it to Nationals.” Suga complimented.
She shook her head. “Oh no. I’m just the manager for the volleyball team. I was just telling your ace here how good your team was during your match.”
“We were nervous at first but we managed to get through this round.” Daichi told her. “The other team surprised us with that underhand serve.”
“Really? You manage to adapt to it very well.”
“We couldn’t have done it without this guy!” Suga slapped his hand against Asahi’s back. “Would you believe me if I told you he was single?”
“S-Suga!” He shouted in embarrassment. “W-Why w-would you say that?!”
“Oh come on, Asahi,” Daichi placed his hand on his shoulder. “It’s not like he’s lying. Besides, we're all single too.”
“Y-Yeah but that doesn’t mean she is.”
“Sorry to break the news but I’m single just like you.” 
He was shocked to hear that the girl in front of him was actually single. She was breathtaking. Literally. And she was so nice to him.
“My team thinks otherwise. They keep pushing me to have a boyfriend, but I have my hands full managing them and their crazy fangirls. A jealous boyfriend isn’t something I need, you know?”
“Oh, well, that’s reasonable. Maybe you need to find someone who’s understanding,” Suga elbowed his side. “Right, Asahi?”
“U-Um yeah?” What is Suga up to?
“It’s a good thing there are guys, like Asahi, in the world. He’s actually quite sensitive. The only time he feels confident is when he’s on the court.”
“Daichi, what are you doing?” He whispered, the heat from his neck began to crept onto his face. Is his face red? Can she tell?
“Oh, no. Look at the time. Daichi, we need to go.” Suga announced, grabbing the captain’s shoulders and pushing him in a random direction. “We have that meeting with the coach. Right now. Remember?”
“That’s right, Suga.” Daichi gave him a knowing smile, a smile that he knew meant trouble. “Asahi, why don’t you stay here with (L/N)? Make sure she’s safe from any more runaway instruments.”
“It was nice meeting you two! Good luck tomorrow! You’re going to need it. The boys of the Inarizaki team love a good challenge. Don’t disappoint them.”
“Right back at you.”
He watched as his friends walked away, leaving him alone with the girl who caused his anxiety to skyrocket to a whole new level. Not even Kiyoko made him feel like this.
“You're lucky to have such good friends, Azumane.” She told him, her voice bringing him out of his thoughts. “I bet there’s never a dull moment when you three are together.”
He laughed as he rubbed his neck out of habit. “Been that way since we were first years. Though the first and second years bring all the crazy.”
“I know exactly what you mean. The second years on the team love making my life crazy. I love them but sometimes they can be a bit much. Especially during Nationals. Speaking of which, is this your first time?”
“Yeah. And with this being my last year, I guess I should be grateful that I’m even here.”
He was so lost in his own world of self-deprecation that he didn’t notice what she was doing. Not until her fist punched his chest. It wasn’t gentle or strong, somewhere in between, but her touch didn’t surprise him. 
It was her eyes that surprised him. They seemed to shine with determination and, for some reason or another, inspire confidence. Even her voice was firm.
“Don’t sell yourself short, Asahi. Your team didn’t get here by chance. You all earned a spot here. You deserve to be here.”
Was it possible for a heart to beat so hard against a person’s ribs? Maybe it’s a medical condition? Because never before had he felt so anxious yet empowered. He wondered if (Y/N) could feel his heart underneath her hand. 
“I’m not saying you should just get over yourself because we all have experienced some level of negative emotion in our lives, right? And it’s not as easy as turning a page in a book. Trust me I know. So believe me when I say this, it’s okay to express those feelings. Maybe one day, you’ll find solace in someone.”
There was another feeling. He couldn’t find a label for it, but he could describe it. A warm sensation that bloomed from his chest to every cell in his body the moment she said his name. Not his surname. His actual name. Asahi. His brain felt as though it had melted inside his skull. But by some miracle, he found his voice again.
“You… You think so?” He asked her. “About me being here?”
Why was he asking her this? Just a few minutes ago, she was a stranger. She could just lie to make him feel better but he had a feeling (Y/N) wasn’t like that. 
“Are you kidding? I saw it with my own eyes.” She stepped back and mimicked a serve. The smile on her lips complimented the excitement in her eyes. “I’ve seen a lot of players these past three years, all of them possessing some kind of amazing skill. But you’re… Special.”
“Because I’m the ace?”
She smiled up at him. “That’s part of it, but if I’m being honest here I think you’re special even without the title of ace. The match from today proved it to me and I’m sure you’ll see it soon enough.”
“See what?”
“Your true self-worth.”
Normal POV
(Y/N) watched as Asahi mulled over her words and she hoped it gave him some confidence. While she didn’t know him all too well, Asahi looked like a nice enough guy. A bit self-conscious about his abilities, but hopefully she helped him loosen the strangling roots of insecurity that surrounded him.
Why did she care so much in helping him? Well, he did save her. The least she could do is give him some encouragement. She frowned at the thought. No… There must be something else she could do to give her thanks…
Her eyes wandered to the T-shirt stand and an idea was formed.
“Hey Asahi-san, let me buy you a T-shirt. It’s the least I could do since you saved me and all.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that. Really. As long as you're okay-”
She shook her head, grabbed his hand, and led him to the T-shirt stand. “Come on, please. You can choose whatever shirt you like. Consider it a gift.”
“G-Gift?” Asahi stammered and she couldn’t help but find his stammering cute. “From you?”
A small chuckle escaped her lips. “Yes from me. It wouldn’t make sense if it was someone else. Let me do this for you.”
Asahi contemplated for a moment before agreeing. The worker of the T-shirt stand, who watched their interaction the whole time, was extremely kind to them as (Y/N) picked her choice as well. Asahi stood awkwardly by, waiting for the transaction to be finished.
“You two would make a cute couple.” The worker said, quiet enough so only she could hear. “You should go for him.”
“You think so?” (Y/N) asked as she discreetly peered over her shoulder to look at the guy who made her feel all warm and fuzzy. 
“Believe it or not,” The worker handed her the two bags, hers and Asahi’s, “Before the whole chaos started, you already caught his eye. His two friends tried to get him to talk to you but I guess he was too nervous.”
(Y/N) smiled widely at this. Maybe he liked her too? She hoped so because the feeling was definitely mutual. Only one way to find out...
“Hey, do you have a pen and paper I can use?”
Turns out the two third-years were heading in the same direction. By some cosmic fate, Asahi and his team were staying at the inn right next to the hotel she was staying in with her own team. So during the whole bus ride there, they got to know more about each other.
Asahi learned about (Y/N)’s favorite foods, hobbies, and even her future dream of attending the university in Tokyo. He laughed at the stories she shared about the Inarizaki team members. And (Y/N) was happy to learn more about him. She learned that he was close to the libero of his team, he has taste in fashion, and that his birthday just passed four days ago.
All too soon, they reached their destination. They walked side by side until they reached the point where the path forked, one way led to her hotel while the other led to Asahi’s inn.
She turned to face him and flashed him another smile. “Thanks for your company, Asahi-san. It was really nice getting to know you.”
“Same here, (Y/N)-san.” Asahi replied, his voice no longer nervous around her. “And thanks again for the shirt. I’ll make sure to take care of it. I want it to last for years.”
“It’s no problem. After all, you did save me.” Her fingers rubbed the plastic material of her bag out of nerves. “Well, I should get going. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Y-Yeah, see you.” 
Asahi’s POV
With her back turned, there was sudden pull in his heart, as if begging for her to stay.
“(Y/N)! Wait!”
He was surprised to hear his voice sound so firm but she brought that feeling out of him. He didn’t want her to leave. Not yet. He enjoyed talking to (Y/N). She was so understanding, kind, and ever so confident. Their time together felt so short but at the same time so long. Those moments with her… He wanted more of those moments. 
And the moment his eyes met with her hopeful ones, he knew he had to at least try to ask for her number.
“Yes, Asahi?”
Oh, god. She looked so pretty… He wondered if (Y/N) knew the effect she has on him. The initial confidence he had was beginning to fade, but he steeled his nerves and took a deep breath.
“I was wondering, i-if it’s okay with you, that w-we could-”
“(Y/N)-SENPAI!” A guy with blond hair called out to her.
Right next to him was another guy, identical to the first only with silver hair, yelled, “WE’RE WAITING FOR YOU! I’M STARVING!”
‘They must be the Miya twins.’ He thought.
(Y/N) sighed before answering back, “Give me a minute!” She turned back and offered him a sheepish look. “Sorry about that Asahi. What were you saying?”
Over her shoulder, he saw the Miya twins frowning at him all the while staring daggers in his direction. His confidence, the little bit he had in supply, disappeared into thin air. He stammered out a reply, “Never mind. U-Um… Get a good night’s sleep. T-Take care of yourself.”
(Y/N)’s smile melted. Was that disappointment in her eyes? But she quickly recovered and offered him a bittersweet smile, “Oh, um, thanks Asahi. Good luck tomorrow.”
“Bye.” She turned around and began to make her way to the twins when stopped in her tracks. “Oh, and Asahi-san?”
“Yeah?” He felt his heart hitch up to his throat when they made eye contact once again. Her eyes were a lovely shade of (E/C) filled with warmth and kindness. 
“Don’t be so hard on yourself the next few days. Remember what I said. Your team is lucky to have you as their ace. So do your best tomorrow. I’m sure you’ll do great.” She glanced down at the plastic bag containing the shirt she bought for him. “I hope you like the shirt. Consider it a birthday gift from me.”
And with that, the girl he developed to have feelings for walked away, but not before she gave one last smile that made his heart expand three times its size. 
“Asahi! You’re back!” Nishinoya’s loud voice echoed throughout the room where Karasuno's team was staying. “Is what Daichi and Suga are saying true? You met a girl?!”
Tanaka joined in his friend’s interrogation. “Yeah, Asahi! Daichi didn’t want to say anything but Suga said you saved her life!”
“Was she pretty?”
“What school does she go to?”
“What was she like?”
“What’s her name?”
“We need details!” The two second-years yelled out in unison. Their eyes shimmering in excitement as they waited for answers. 
“Uh, w-well…”
“Alright, that’s enough you two.” Daichi grabbed their shirt collars and pulled them back. “Give Asahi a break. He’s had an eventful day.”
“Yeah, come on, Asahi, let's get you a drink from the vending machine.” Suga offered, his hand already pushing him out of the room.
“I’m not thirsty-”
“Yes, you are.” Suga interrupted. “Our treat. Well, Daichi’s treat since he’s buying.”
The trio of third-years walked downstairs and true to Suga’s words, Daichi bought them a round of their favorite drink.
“Okay, spill! Don’t leave out a single detail. I want to know everything.” Suga pressed, just as Nishinoya and Tanaka were a few minutes ago.
“Suga, calm down.” Daichi told him. “You're worse than Nishinoya and Tanaka combined.”
“Oh, come on, Daichi,” Suga complained. “You want to know just as badly as I do.” 
“Ok, fine.” The captain admitted before turning to the ace. “So how did it go with (Y/N)?”
“Details.” Suga reminded him. 
So he told his friends everything that happened when they left them alone. How she raised his spirits, believing in his self-worth as an ace. How her words inspired him. How she made him feel nervous one moment and confident the next. How she bought him a new shirt as a gift.
“She sounds awesome for you, Asahi.” Suga complimented. “And if I remember correctly, doesn’t she fit your description of your ideal dream girl?”
“I mean- Yeah. She’s great but-”
Daichi interrupted him. “But what, Asahi? You're both single and you’re definitely interested in each other.”
“How do you know that? I mean she did say she wasn’t looking for a boyfriend.”
“She said she didn’t need a jealous boyfriend.” Daichi reminded him. “You’re the most sensitive guy I know.”
“Is that a compliment?”
“This time it is.”
“Seriously, Asahi,” Suga placed his hand on his shoulder. “Why do you think I highlighted your star qualities? You take other people’s feelings into account. She helped build your confidence. And you just told us, how you had a great time talking to her where it sounds like she did too. You’re literally perfect for each other.”
“You think so?” He asked, sounding hopeful. “I do like her. Do you think she likes me?”
“Dude, she wasn’t scared of you, she held down a meaningful conversation with you, and she even bought you a shirt.” Suga listed, his grin growing by the minute. “(Y/N) likes you.”
The small flame of hope in his heart, fueled by his friends’ words, began to burn brightly. He couldn’t wait to see her again. Even if she’ll be on the sidelines on the opposing team’s side, he’ll still be happy.
“So what will you do next, ace?” Daichi asked, crossing his arms. Suga did the same thing as they waited for a response. “Will you let this opportunity slip away?”
“No way.”
His friends grinned, happy to see their glass-hearted friend sound so confident.
It was nightfall. Everyone took a rain check and turned in early, knowing that the next day will be just as hard as the first. The only person not asleep was him. He volunteered to shower last as it gave him the chance to relive the afternoon.
How was he going to talk to her tomorrow? Will she want him to talk to her? His team is playing against hers tomorrow… If they win tomorrow, will she be angry and ignore him? 
Shaking his head at the thought, he finished his nightly routine. He decided to wear the shirt (Y/N) bought for him. He grabbed the bag and unfolded the shirt. Carefully as if it was woven by the most precious fabric in the world. In his mind, the T-shirt was a treasure given to him by an angel.
For some reason, he recalled (Y/N)’s words, ‘So believe me when I say this, it’s okay to express those feelings. Maybe one day, you’ll find solace in someone.’
He hoped she believed that to be true because he might have found that someone. 
The sound of paper falling caught his attention. At first he thought it was just the discarded T-shirt tags, when his eyes landed on a simple piece of folded notebook paper in the sink. He picked it up, unfolded it, and his heart stopped for the third time? Fourth? Maybe fifth?
In clean and elegant handwriting, the note displayed:
I hope this isn’t weird of me to do this, but I didn’t want to lose this chance. So this is me making the first move because while I try to play it cool, you make me nervous. (Hard to believe, right?) Anyways, this is my number: XXX-XXX-XXXX. 
We can just talk if you want. You seem like a cool guy and I still want to get to know you. If you don’t, I’ll understand. Anyways, I’ll cut this note short. Good luck tomorrow! Don’t hold back against Inarizaki. 
P.S: I hope your friends were telling the truth earlier.
Normal POV
(Y/N) ditched her cards the moment she heard her phone let out a small ding, signaling a new message.
“Hey, you can’t just do that in the middle of the game!” Atsumu’s voice called out.
She ignored him as she jumped on her bed and grabbed her phone. Her heart was racing as she quickly unlocked her phone, but then it expanded at the sight of the message that read:
Hey, it's Asahi. Is this (Y/N)-san?
Her face broke into a wide smile. Her thumbs danced over the keyboard as she typed out a reply:
Asahi! Yeah, it’s me. I’m glad you found my note.
She watched as the three dots appeared, signaling that Asahi was typing. God, he has no idea the effect he has on her.
It was a nice surprise. A bit of a shock, but it’s very much welcomed. The shirt fits by the way. I think it’s my new favorite. 
Another message appeared after the first and she felt every atom in her body seemed to explode after reading it.
By the way, my friends were telling the truth. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.
This was the first page of a story where two individuals found solace in one another.
Next: Chapter 2
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nerokoma · 4 months ago
biggest fan [a.asahi]
azumane asahi x gn!reader, fluff, angst if you squint, 656 wc
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the gym is so loud that asahi can barely hear himself think. he isn’t sure if the roaring in his ears is his own heartbeat or the crowd’s excited cheers, but it echoes throughout his head like a hollow cave. 
they’ve been in a deuce for a while. with the score 27-26, karasuno only needs one more point to take the set and with it, the whole match. 
asahi has become very aware of his body over the last couple rounds. the ache in his legs, the weight added to his arms, the sweat trailing down his face. he knows that his stamina is running out, but the match isn’t over yet. as tired as he is, he has to keep on pushing. there’s too much at stake to give up now. 
another couple of traded rounds have left him exhausted. he’s not sure how the freaks of nature he calls his juniors are still standing, but he’s about at his limits. as nishinoya receives the opposing team’s serve for what feels like the millionth time, asahi truly starts to feel the weight of everything on him. 
the world suddenly comes to a stop. asahi sees the ball floating in the air, just waiting for him to run up to hit the spike, yet his limbs don’t seem to be listening. 
come on, legs, just run! 
panic starts to set in as he sees the ball slowly start to move, all while his feet are still planted firmly on the ground. why won’t his legs just do what he tells them to? 
his heart drops as he’s hit with the realization that he’s not going to make it. everything the team has worked for, all the hours they’ve put in, all the tears they’ve shed, it’s all about to be wasted. all because of him. 
right before he’s about to accept defeat, your words echo through his mind, loud and clear. 
“just keep your eyes on the ball. you’ve worked so hard, love. i know you can do this, i believe in you.” 
asahi takes in a deep breath, savouring the cool air that enters his lungs. the cheers of the crowd are suddenly silent, replaced with the sound of your sweet, calming voice that has never once doubted him. as he listens to your words over and over again, he finds himself taking a step forward, and then another, and another. before he knows it, asahi has started running forward.
he begins his approach– 
just keep your eyes on the ball
–takes a leap off the ground–
you’ve worked so hard, love
–pulls his arm back–
i know you can do this
–and spikes the ball–
i believe in you
–right into the opponent’s court. 
as his feet come in contact with the ground, the first thing he hears is the muffled sound of what seems to be a whistle. he barely has a chance to register everything before he’s pulled up by his teammates, finally bringing him back to reality. the crowd’s deafening cheers become clear to him, as well as the celebratory yells of the team as they surround him. 
he glances over to the huge digital scoreboard, overcome with emotion as he reads the numbers. 
while his teammates continue to surround him in a deathly tight group hug, his gaze flits over to the roaring crowd, scanning over every face before eventually being met with the sight of you.
you, wearing his volleyball sweater. 
you, a huge sign in hand with the words “THAT’S MY ACE” written across in big, bold lettering. 
you, with a proud grin on your face as you lock eyes with him, and mouth the words “i love you.” 
in that moment, as incredible as the feeling of victory is, asahi realizes that there’s nothing more important to him than knowing you were there, and that no matter what, you would always be his biggest fan. 
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asahicore · 1 year ago
falling asleep with treasure !!
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pairing. bf!treasure x reader genre. established relationship, fluff <//3 and crack (??) word count. 1.7k author's note. this has been sitting unfinished in my drafts for so long omg.. thank u to that one anon for remembering it existed and sending me an ask about it lmao! i had gotten this idea randomly thinking about clingy junkyu and then boom... this mess of a reaction slash headcanon slash idk thing came to life. hope u enjoy! it was also an excuse to use those photos of doyoung cz hes so cutie pie in them
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fall asleep cuddling, drift apart while sleeping, wake up, notice you’re not cuddling, start cuddling again, and repeat - hyunsuk
hyunsuk gives off healthy mature long-term relationship vibes to me okay. i feel like a lot of couples that have been together for a while end up not cuddling while sleeping but rather get into their own comfortable sleeping positions, and then throughout the night, even though you’re so sleepy you’re barely conscious, when you realize that you’re not cuddling, you scooch back into each other’s arms. he always hits snooze on the alarm at least once in the morning just to get ten extra minutes of being with you before having to get up.
you both wake up stinky and sweaty every single time - jihoon
and it's because the two of you fall asleep in your cuddling position (usually you as the little spoon or resting your head on his chest, but you force him to let you spoon him sometimes), and then you don't. move. not an inch. if it gets too hot, one of you throws the blankets away, or gets rid of their pajama pants, or regains enough consciousness during the night to turn the fan on, but under no circumstances will you break away from your cuddling position - unless it is to get into another cuddling position, of course. it's quite nice, but it means that morning showers are obligatory, because you both smell atrocious after a night of being stuck to each other like glue on paper.
you’re not his partner, you’re his personal pillow - yoshi
you know those anime body pillows? yup. that's what you become when yoshi wants to cuddle. he gives me major cuddler vibes, so you’ll have tried every position in the book, but his favorite is definitely the one where he gets to use to your chest as a pillow and you graze your fingernails against his scalp. he’s got a leg hiked up over your hips and has his arms circling your waist and holding you tight. you can’t move. nothing will have him falling asleep as fast as that. your voice is like a lullaby to him, so he especially likes it if you talk to him in a low voice while he drifts off to sleep. he’s so happy he could fall asleep with a smile on his face. he’s so cute i’m going to off myself
you can’t escape the death hold he has on you - junkyu
a big portion of your time hanging out with junkyu is spent napping. something that surprises you every time is how even though he isn’t the touchiest of boyfriends, if you fall asleep cuddling, you literally cannot move unless you wake him up and make him let you go. forget going to the toilet when you wake up in the morning or getting a snack during your afternoon nap: if junkyu has you in his grip, you cannot escape. he doesn’t even seem to notice: he just wakes up with an innocent smile on his face, saying “oh, you’re awake, y/n?” even though you’ve been trying to discreetly untangle yourself from him for the past thirty minutes. 
*cutely drools on you* - jaehyuk
now i could NOT tell you why but jaehyuk gives me like… snorer and drooler vibes 😭 but like in a cute way okay… once he falls asleep he’s just out like a light, he can’t help it. he’s like those cartoon characters that sleep with their mouths wide open and there’s a bit of saliva at the corner of their lips. and they’re very light snores that are fun to record and embarrass him with. if you didn’t love him so much, it might give you the ick. but anyways, in terms of cuddling i see him as a mix of everyone above in a way; he loves both holding you close to him and being in your arms, he loves both rubbing your back or you playing with his hair, he loves falling asleep while cuddling but he’s also happy if you need more space and just have, like, your feet or hands touching. as long as you’re next to him he knows he’ll sleep well <3
wakes up every time you so much as move a finger - asahi
any asahi lore expert such as myself will know that asahi is a very light sleeper. i think for him cuddling is more of an activity than a way of falling asleep if that makes sense? like he’ll do it when you’re watching something, or when you’re talking and want to be physically close at the same time, but he just can’t fall asleep while cuddling. he also sweats easily, so the added warmth would just make it not fun for him 😭he’d do it for you if you really wanted it, but he’d rather just hold hands while sleeping or something like that. you’d also feel sorry for him with how often he woke up during the night, even if it was just for a few seconds, everytime you moved around too noisily or snored. he also always wakes up before you, and you’d need to have a conversation with him about how you’d rather wake up with him next to you rather than wake up without him, only to find him in the kitchen making breakfast for you :( he just wants to do something nice for him, but you’d rather be able to kiss him first thing in the morning!!!! sorry my bias is showing a bit
watches you while you sleep for so long it becomes creepy - doyoung
oh this boy 😭 if he falls asleep after you or wakes up before you, you just know he's going to be propping himself up on his elbow, gazing down at you with soft eyes and a fond smile because you're just the prettiest person in the world to him, and there's nothing else he'd rather be looking at. and he isn’t rattled in the slightest if you catch him doing it, too. he'll just smile wider and say "hey, baby" or "sleep well?", that fucker. it's lowkey creepy, but it's doyoung, so it's okay. it’s a bit jarring at first, locking eyes with someone right when you wake up, but you get used to it. i see him as similar to jaehyuk in the sense that he’s happy to fall asleep, cuddling or not cuddling, in whatever way you prefer. he’d probably like to fall asleep facing you so that he could see your face right as he woke up (in a lovely, enamored way, not in a creepy way!) 👍
keeps you from falling asleep but grumpy when you try to wake him up - jeongwoo
jeongwoo seriously gives me tired all day until it's time to go to bed vibes, like he'll usually be chill with bursts of energy here and there but in the evening he's like a cat with the zoomies. it's like 11pm and you're just trying to fall asleep because you have class or work the next day but your boyfriend is bouncing all over the room and talking a hundred words a minute, keeping you awake way past your bedtime. it's kinda cute sometimes, but most of the time, you want to suffocate him with your pillow. usually, though, he'll calm down if he sees you're really tired, or if you force him to stay in your arms and start threading your hands through his hair or rub patterns against his back - that really calms him down. he becomes super quiet instantly and can even fall asleep like that. but dear lord, when that alarm rings the next morning, you do not want to talk to him for the following fifteen minutes. he is so grumpy and sleepy in the morning, i just know. it's impossible to get him out of bed and you've just learnt to get up yourself and wait for him to wake up - although it's better to check that he hasn't fallen back asleep (which he usually has). he just keeps groaning for five more minutes and buries his head in his pillow to block the light out, but if you press a kiss to his cheek or forehead, that usually gets him to open his eyes and start smiling, then ask for a proper good morning kiss on the lips. this kid is annoying as hell, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
forgets his size and rests his whole body on you - haruto
haruto is like those big dogs that have no idea they're so big and wonder why they can't just lay on top of you. “it's because you're suffocating me, ruto! you're too heavy to rest your whole weight on me.” when you'd told him that, he pouted so hard and had seemed so genuinely upset that you apologized, took him back in your arms and simply neglected your need to breathe for a little longer. he is also one hundred percent that guy who will deny wanting cuddles or any sort of skinship, but if you don’t give it to him, he will be mad at you. if you do give it to him, he’ll pretend he doesn’t like it. you just have to be a mind reader, i guess. all this to say that even if he doesn’t tell you outright, haruto definitely wants to cuddle to sleep. sure, you can fall asleep in his arms if you really want (he loves it), but he’d rather fall asleep on you like yoshi does, even though he’s way too heavy for that.
you fight every time you have to decide who gets to be the little spoon - junghwan
my son.. do you guys know that “thank you myson!” jimin meme… anyways… junghwan might have buffed up over the years but do not get him wrong, that man is a little spoon until the day he dies. if you are also the little spoon, you will have to fight. simple as that. you can decide if it’ll be a tickle fight, an argument where you try to prove why you defend to be the little spoon more, or an actual fist fight (you might lose though), you’ll have to settle it one way or another. no matter how much both of you try to deny it, you love it either way anyway. as much as you love the feeling of his arms around you, there’s something about holding such a big man in your arms like he’s half the size that he is. 
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permanent taglist: @k-ingzo @bbujiikseu @sunghoonmybeloved @lalalalawon @sd211 @w3bqrl @raikea10 @wntrnghts @moonlighthoon @4imhry @rikisly @loves0ft @iamliacamila @theboingsuckerasseater9000 @chaechae-23 @baekhyuns-lipchain @hyuckslvr @vernonburger @amorbonbon @fluerz @bucketofhiros (ask to be removed/added!)
treasure taglist: @mosviqu @nunoozi
© asahicore on Tumblr, 2024. please do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works. feedback and reblogs always appreciated!
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cvnt4him · 2 months ago
guh- azumane asahi the man that you are
js thinking ab asahi holding you in your bed, the lights off and soft music playing. It's absolutely freezing in your room but it's quite fitting, your big strong lovable boyfriend behind you, his long voluminous brown hair up in a messy bun as his face is buried in your neck the breath he exhales from his nose causing a pool of warmth to appear at your neck warming your entire body causing you to shiver in his big strong arms. He hums beside you the vibrations of his chest against your back buzzing behind you.
“ ..‘vrything alright?”
his voice was low and deep, slightly groggy due to the lack of talking. You nod in confirmation with a hum scooting yourself back into him more. Azumane hooks his big arm around your stomach squeezing it tightly before sighing with a small grunt, he always made you feel so small given how big he is. It was a fun little dynamic. He lifts his head momentarily to place soft kissing against your forehead, you feel the slight scratchiness of his stubble against your skin. Azumane had this very distinct smell to him and an accent as well, he grew up more in the 'country' rather than the city of Japan. It was nice to hear the thickness of his accent blending so well with his naturally deep voice. The smell that radiated off of him was so comforting and familiar it lulled you to sleep. Feeling his body rise and set behind you warmth traveling throughout your body with his next to yours. You could feel his breath in the back of your neck, it was a comfortable feel.
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tsxkkis · 2 years ago
# random relationship stuff w/ haikyuu
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a/n = i finally have more time to write and i'm gonna use it as much as i can before school starts
with = karasuno 3rd years (daichi sawamura, sugawara koushi, asahi azumane, kiyoko shimizu)
warnings = a teeny tiny bit suggestive for daichi, like one swear word? nothing else.
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daichi sawamura
"haven't we forgotten anything, love?" daichi's voice echoed from inside the bathroom, hurriedly brushing his teeth as he tried his best to button his shirt at the same time.
he was as stressed as ever at this moment. you planned this trip together almost two months ago now, and yet it felt like he left everything for the last minute.
he loosened up when he felt you wrapping your arms around him from behind, a sweet kiss left on the back of his neck as you drew small circles with your thumb, calming him down.
"we still have an hour till the train comes, daichi." you whispered, gently smiling at his reflection in the mirror. "the train station is a five-minute walk from here. no need to rush, sweetheart."
daichi's heart almost melted hearing the nickname fall from your lips. unlike him, you were never big on using pet names, but you would do it from time to time, especially if it was to make him calm down. and, to no surprise, it always worked on him. this time was no different; a big, warm smile crept onto his face as he turned to face you, his hands swiftly finding their way to your waist.
he leaned in, gently pulling you closer to him, with little to no space between your bodies as his lips captured yours, and you could feel the tension leaving his body with the kiss.
"there's no need to panic." you murmured between kisses, your right hand going up to cup his cheek, giving it a gentle squeeze. "i love you, daichi, but we need to find a quick solution to relieve your stress sometimes."
an idea popped into daichi's head, one that he definitely shouldn't think about, and you quickly caught up on what he was thinking, slapping him on the shoulder.
"hey! i didn't mean it that way. weirdo."
the boy laughed, planting a quick kiss on your cheek and smiling at you, a sight that always made your stomach full of butterflies, no matter how long you've been dating him already.
"i know, love." his hand reached out to gently ruffle your hair, gaining a huff from you in response. "it'll be hard to recover from the amount of stress kageyama and hinata gave me over this past year."
a chuckle left your lips as both of you exited the bathroom, sitting down on the edge of his bed, your eyes roaming around his room, tidy as ever. of course, it would be. daichi would never leave his room dirty before leaving for a longer time. he loved when everything was shiny and clean, and his room was a perfect depiction of that.
"we can go there earlier if that'll help calm your nerves more." his head turned towards you as he heard your suggestion, nodding quickly as an answer. "i'll buy us something to drink before we get there."
he gave you a knowing look, and you were ready to hear what he was about to say, his taller figure standing up, fingers intertwined with yours as he gently helped you get up, his other hand already grabbing your suitcase.
"love, if you think you're paying for anything on this trip, you're very wrong."
sugawara koushi
"honey, i think you messed the recipes up." sugawara stopped in his tracks at your words, a terrified look on your face as he turned towards you, his smile dropping in an instant.
he wanted to do something nice for today. after all, meeting your parents for the first time is a very important situation; one that requires a lot of effort from him to make himself look good in their eyes, so that when he leaves they can congratulate their kid on how good of a partner they found for themselves. so, to appear as a great boyfriend material, baking a cake for your family would be the right think to do, right?
"what do you mean?" he mumbled the words, the bowl of cake batter in his hands, ready to pour it into the form. you smiled at him, taking a few steps towards him, your hands gently grabbing his and putting the bowl down on the kitchen counter.
"koushi, how many eggs did you add to the cake?" your question echoed through the kitchen, and he felt a wave of embarrassment go over him as he realized just how big of a mistake he made. his face turned a bright shade of red as he looked down, an awkward smile finding its way onto his face.
"four." sugawara whispered, just loud enough for you to hear, a sigh escaping your lips right after. he didn't expect to hear you laugh right after, a short, rather quiet laugh escaping your lips as you leaned in towards him, ruffling his hair.
"you messed up the proportions, suga." your words sounded gentle and warm, no signs of disappointment or annoyance in your voice, which he greatly appreciated. "it was supposed to be two eggs for that amount of cake batter."
a frown appeared on his face, a wave of sadness hovering over him as he realized that his best attempt to impress your parents had just failed. he took a deep breath, exhaling loudly before looking up at you, his expression making your smile drop.
"i just messed up my chance for your parents to like me." he mumbled, both of your hands resting on his arms as you slowly rubbed circles with your thumbs. "what am i supposed to do now?"
"honey, they already love you."
you laughed softly, hand caressing his hair as you smiled at him, a questioning look on his face as he waited for you to explain just what you meant exactly by your previous words.
"they had to listen me talking about you so many times, i think they know more about you than you do about yourself at this point." she giggled, seeing as his eyes slowly lit up hearing her explanation. "i even showed them pictures from some of our dates. they're amazed by how much of a gentleman you are, and i had to listen to my dad blabbering about how he finally has a future son in law material. you don't have to do anything to make them like you, believe me."
relief washed over him like a wave of fresh air as sigawara let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding in, a sweet smile appearing on her face. he leaned in to press a quick kiss to your forehead, a silent thank you for helping him with his overthinking, very simple but also very meaningful for the two of you.
"i'm glad to hear that." he said, his signature smile back on his face as he ran his hand through his hair. "i am still buying flowers and chocolates for your parents on our way there, though."
you laughed, your hand squeezing his.
"alright, mr. gentleman."
asahi azumane
"here, let me help you with that." asahi popped up on your side the moment you entered his house, the sweetest smile ever gracing his face as he quickly took the bags from your hands, carrying them towards his room.
his mom let you in a few minutes ago since the brown-haired boy was currently occupying the bathroom at that time, and she knew that if she hears the doorbell on a weekend afternoon, the only person who could be standing behind the door was you. it was a tradition of some sort; every weekend you would stay over for the night, preparing a list of movies to watch with sugawara until you're too tired to keep your eyes opened.
"what genre are we watching today?" his voice reached you from behind the doorframe as you walked towards his room, grabbing a piece of your hair that just wouldn't stop falling down in front of your eyes. seeing the big grin on your face as you entered his room, the list of movies you chose opened on your phone, he already knew what the answer was.
horror movies.
they were your favorite, of course you'd use every possible occasion to watch them with your boyfriend. except that meant that asahi had to pretend like he definitely isn't scared of whatever is happening in the movie.
he was good with slasher movies. they didn't scare him almost at all, only making him jump a bit here and there if there was an overly bloody scene with too much gore. but paranormal horror movies with ghosts and demons? that was a whole different story.
and as if he just ran out of luck, that was exactly what you chose for today.
both of you were sitting down on his bed, asahi's head resting on your arm as he did his best at pretending that the happenings in second installment of the conjuring franchise didn't scare the absolute shit out of him. your eyes were focused on the screen, laughing when a very obvious jump scare happened in the movie.
you turned your head towards your boyfriend only to find his face absolutely pale, the color of his skin reminding you of that of a dead body. reaching for the remote to pause the movie, your hand went down to his to give it a gentle squeeze, a concerned look on your face.
"you know, i would laugh at how scared you got, but you genuinely look like something just sucked the life out of you." your words were quiet, a hint of humor in your voice as you gently smiled at him. "we don't have to watch it, if you don't want to."
asahi quickly shook his head.
"i know you really wanted to watch it with me." he said, an awkward laugh escaping his lips as his hand went up to scratch his neck, his hair getting in the way as he decided to let it loose for today. "i'll survive it for your sake."
"you're the sweetest, azumane." you leaned in to gave him a quick peck on the top of his nose, his cheeks flushing a bright shade of pink. "if you get through this movie with me, i'll get you a thousand kisses."
his eyes lit up at your words, a big smile growing on his face, as he suddenly seemed to be very determined to watch it.
"let's continue the movie, then. i can't wait to get my reward."
kiyoko shimizu
"can you give me your hand for a second?"
kiyoko adjusted the strap of her tank top, which seemed to fall from her arm when she was focused on her work, a small yet genuine smile on her face as she turned to face you. her hair was tied up in a high ponytail in an attempt to make the hot weather a little less unbearable.
you stood up from the bed, putting your laptop down as you walked over to her, sticking your hand in front of you the whole way, even though she could only grab it once you were already at her desk.
it was something that you always loved about shimizu; the two of you didn't have to necessarily do something together to enjoy each other's presence. of course, there was no end to cute dates like picnics or going to every single cafe around town between you two. but sometimes what you enjoyed most were the moments where you two could just sit in silence, both occupied with your own things, yet still deciding to find a way to do them together.
"what're you up to this time, hm?" your voice sounded soft, your eyes roaming around the black-haired girl's desk which was full of different charms, beads, and whatnot. even though it all seemed to be a mess, you managed to distinguish the two color stories that she chose for her next craft.
her free hand picked up what seemed to be a bracelet, one she hasn't finished yet, her other hand grabbing the other end carefully so as to not let any beads fall off. you observed closely as she put it on your hand, wrapping it around to measure if she got the length correctly. you didn't miss how her smile grew just a tad bit more as she realized she measured it perfectly, a satisfied huff coming out of her lips.
"give me two minutes, and i'll be ready to show you." she adjusted the glasses on her nose, hand gently squeezing yours for just a second before she turned back to her work, grabbing a few additional things from the desk. you smiled, leaning over her chair to watch what she was about to do, eyes carefully scanning her every move. normally, kiyoko would hate if someone just stood over her like that and interrupted her peace, especially if she was busy doing something.
but it was different with you.
a bright smile appeared on your face as you saw the finished product, eyes sparkly at the sight in front of your eyes.
"i wanted to make them for a while already, but i never had enough time for it." she explained, carefully putting one on your hand, and one on hers.
the bracelets were beautiful. she specifically picked beads in your favorite color to make them, using similar ones for hers so that you'd be matching. it was only when your hand got close to hers that you realized the best thing about them; a heart charm, which both of you had half of on your bracelet, magnetically coming together whenever your hands were close enough.
if shimizu thought your smile couldn't grow more, you proved her wrong, smiling so much that it almost hurt your face. so close to each other that she could feel your breath on her face, you quickly closed the gap, planting a quick, sweet kiss on her lips.
"you're the best girlfriend i could ever ask for, you know?" you whispered, resting your forehead against hers. kiyoko smiled at you, nodding slightly.
"yeah. i know."
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taglist: @ox1-lovesick @moonswolfie @wyrcan
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cottonlemonade · 9 months ago
I have this headcanon about Asahi that his parents are quick to volunteer him for any kind of work around town. I imagine someone needs a job done like chopping wood or fixing a fence or a town grandma twisted her ankle and can’t tend to her garden that week, the Azumanes just say “oh, Asahi can do that”. Obviously he never complains, because it’s Asahi. And he is actually quite grateful when a new family moves to Miyagi and he is tasked to go help carry their furniture. The family’s daughter is his age, as his mother had informed him with a strong hint in her voice, and the chubby girl blushes as soon as she sees him. Asahi almost drops the couch on his feet in his hurry to bow Hello to you.
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megapteraurelia · 17 days ago
azumane asahi’s huge body twitched in a comical way, a full on shiver, completely rendered useless from its usual quick reflexes. a choked sound escaped him, and you couldn’t help but have your own snort join the panicked noises escaping this giant of a guy. 
“s—” his breath hitched at another one of your poking and wandering fingers, “stop that!”
you prodded his side again, and asahi’s hand came to catch yours, but you were fast and nimble, your hand having flitted over his abdomen to tickle his other side, and another hysterical giggle escaped him even though he did not look like he was having particularly lots of fun. but the way he writhed underneath your fingers had you glee with sadistic delight, your fingers wiggling to send down another wave of hellish punishment at him being so impossibly bashful! (and because the softness of his hair was so incredibly unfair, your own rage at the universe having favourites needing an outlet, too.)
until one of his flailing limbs smacked you right in the face with force he usually reserved for the court. 
“oh, god, i’m so sorry, oh heck,” he immediately leaned forward, all playful interactions forgotten. his hands hovered over your head, slightly trembling with shock, as you pressed your covered face into the sheet of your bed you were fooling around on just now. 
his big shoulders were pulled up to his ears, his thighs bulging at kneeling right next to you, and he was so close to checking on you that the tips of his hair strands were brushing your ears, “a—are you okay? do you have a concussion?! i think…i made your brain jump in every possible direction. okay, wait — ” he took a deep, shaky breath; the warmth of it reminding you of a lover’s caress, “— i need to call the ambulance, yeah, the ambulance, of course…”
despite the run of his mouth into nonsense, he stayed frozen, soul inching to vacate his body with every second that he watched the tremble in your shoulder grow. oh god, now you were crying, and it was his fault and oh my god, he is a monster, and— 
you laughed. 
a burst of giggles from you that had been building up silently over the last seconds, and asahi thought that this time, his soul truly did leave his body. because even though you laughed, even though your face was not contorted in pain and, if anything, more a portrait of joy than of agony, the smear of blood above your mouth, leaving your nostril, was the only thing he could focus on. had his mind go blank with concern, gaze zeroing on the droplets.
“sorry, sorry, sorry, i’m so sorry,” with one hand so big, he could engulf your entire jaw with it, he gently wiped away the blood; his thumb carefully collecting the runny red, “i mean, i did tell you to stop! i didn’t wanna hurt you!”
“so, you’re a wife beater now, eh?” you sniffed and smiled up at him, eyes crinkling at his worry. your cheek felt safe, hugged, like it was made to sit right there in the palm of his hand.
asahi’s face contorted into panic at the term, his brows pulled together, “hey! don’t make these kind of jokes! i’m not that kind of pers— wait, wife?” 
something in his brain seemed to click, and the next second had his expression deepen even more into mortification (“is this the concussion speaking? w—was that a proposal?”), though nothing could make you miss the hidden hope in his eyes, the glint of positive surprise, the almost imperceptible rise of his chest. asahi’s hands still cradled your face, his high cheekbones dusted in a light pink, fingertips warm, thumb gliding down a little to your cupid’s bow, sweet light pressure.
“i kind of do like the sound of that.”
then, at realisation of what came out of his mouth: “not the beating part!!”
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“you know you can stop rubbing my nose? it’s already stopped bleeding.”
his hands decidely didn’t let go of your face, anyway.
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taglist | @takes1 @screamin-abt-haikyuu
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A/N ::: I'm fucking out of gas and runnin' on E when it comes to my TokRev stuff and I'm super sad. So I watched this today and fell in love with it a little bit more. To my besties out there, I'm sorry 😭😭😭 for tagging you in something you probably don't even CARE about. But thank you if you read this, anyway. Ilygsm <3
C/W ::: NSFW Headcanons. Just MDNI UNDER THE CUT, please.
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Asahi Azumane HC’s
This man is the type you want to bring home to have dinner with your parents and then throw down on your childhood bed after dessert.
His favorite parts of his body are his eyes and his hands. He says he likes them because they help him win games and they helped him win your heart.
He. Is. Sappy. Fairly often.
His favorite parts of your body are your eyes, lips, hands, ass and thighs. He likes to stare into your eyes and look down at your lips before he kisses you. He likes that he can cover a good portion of your thigh with his hands and leave a huge handprint on your ass when he's in the mood to do so.
He used to sleep on his side until you started sleeping over. Now he sleeps on his back so you can cuddle up next to him under his arm and rest your head on his chest.
Has written you secret poetry. Nothing epic, but just like 5-10 lines about how you remind him of the most beautiful and exotic flower. 
Secretly hopes you find the stash he has of these papers so he can quit living the lie about how he writes poems for you. 
L-o-v-e-s it when you let him lay his head on your lap while you're just sitting around watching a movie or at a picnic on the hillside overlooking the city. He says it relaxes him (but if you do it for too long he gets to feelin' it and then is like - "Hey, *raises his eyebrows a couple of times* ... you wanna uh, go for a ride with me?"
Gets along with moms and dads. Moms can't get over how handsome, charming AND nice he is. Dads are always impressed with his professionalism and drive when it comes to practice, game days and his education.
Your friends like him because he treats you like his own private queen. But like, low-key. He doesn't want you to get all arrogant because that's such a gross character trait. He loves you and he lets you know. And that's good enough for you both.
Doesn't love you unconditionally - which is refreshing. It's an equal partnership and you've both never been in something like that before. You both say it’s your first ‘adult’ relationship with someone else.
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He's so big that you can actually climb him like a tree (he not only lets you, but encourages it).
Will kiss you so softly and sweetly until he starts to get into it. Then he's a moaning big little mess over/under you - wherever he happens to be at the time.
He likes it when you're on top, though, so he can sorta be face to face with you. He's so damn tall that his head is either banging against the headboard or his feet dangle off the edge of the bed. So if you're on top, then he has all kinds of leisurely positions at his disposal.
His hips are wide and his thighs are too. (But not in a weird way - in a strong fucking hot ass athletic man way)
Likes it when you ride his thighs - doesn't have a preference about which one - is just happy when you're dragging your wet pussy across his muscular leg until you're cumming all over it.
His cock. sigh It's so fucking gorgeous: Cut, 7"L x 2.25"Diameter, goes straight up against his abdomen - has been bigger on occasion, depending on how pent up/turned on he is.
Kisses your neck a lot, whenever, wherever.
Gives you a lot of back hugs when he's horny. He thinks it's funny how his cock presses into your back. Jokes that if you just stood on a stool to do the dishes or cook things, it'd be so much easier to just have you.
Into spanking, but not hurting you. It's more like foreplay for him or in the heat of the moment. He has spanked you harder than at other times, but you never say anything to him about it because you like it and don’t want him to stop.
He likes to fuck you after games. Whether he wins or loses. It's just become a sort of tradition.
Blushes when you suck his dick. He thinks it's so lewd and so sexy that he has trouble looking you in the eye but FUCK HE LOVES HOW YOU LOOK WHEN YOU'RE BETWEEN HIS LEGS so he forces himself to maintain eye contact - not for extended periods of time, but throughout. He found it was easier to break up the intensity rather than face it all at once.
Has a breeding kink but doesn't even know what that is/won't admit it. He. Loves. To. Cum. Inside. Of. You. He says things through loosely gritted teeth, "Ohhh yeah? 'M g'na fill y'r cute li'l hole, angel. G'na be so full from this ... mmhm. Geh ready, cum-cummin'!"
Is shy about saying "cunt" and "pussy". You're working on it w/him.
Has cum before from just eating you out. Was NOT embarrassed about it. 
He likes to watch your pussy twitch after he makes you cum on his tongue.
Likes to tease you about your kinks. He's always like, "Ooooh, you're such a ... s-slut - wanna get fucked by your dad, huh? I knew you were a little dirty brat - you like to take it in all your holes, baby girl?"
Is absolutely ruined and humiliated when you say "Asa," you slap your forehead with the palm of your hand, "NO ONE wants to be fucked by their - oh god. It's 'daddy', ok babe? D-A-D-D-Y."
Vows to never tease you about the filthy shit you like so long as you don't remind him how he said that to you one day.
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Taglist ::: @arlerts-angel @kazutora-kurokawa @katkitkats @viburnt
@mackenziebrooks (hope it's ok to tag you in this! i think we talked about it at one point, yeah?)
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tired-kitten · 11 months ago
How would haikyuu characters react to someone flirting with their partner at a party?
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Kageyama :
He would be so furious. Like he would go to his partner immediately and barks at the person who was flirting. He would also be angry with his partner afterwards (doesn't know why himself)
Ushijima :
He would think they're a friend that they're just talking so he wouldn't interrupt until he sees his partner uncomfortable. Then he would politely ask if there's any problem or what's wrong with his partner.
Asahi :
He would politely ask them to leave their partner alone if they ignore him he would ask again but if they still continue the action he would take his partner's hand, say they belong to him while they look at them in a scary way. (He would feel guilty afterwards)
Kuroo :
He would go to his partner while he take their waist and say "there you are love missed you already". He would continue his move by kissing or touching his partner if they don't leave. So they better be gone by then until Kuroo hasn't fucked his partner.
Iwaizumi :
He would rest his arm on their shoulder asking : "And what do you think you're doing? They already belong to someone". Most of the times that would scare them and they leave but if that didn't work, Daddy Iwa would hit them~
Tsukishima :
Tsukishima would be so angry but he would hide it blaming himself why he isn't enough until he sees his partner not being so good. So he would go to them threatening the person quietly in their ear 'till they run away.
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ineedhaikyu · 9 months ago
Inspirational Drabble
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Summary: The match between Inarizaki and Karasuno is about to start! The crowd was buzzing with excitement, ready to cheer their hearts out for their favorite team. As everyone prepared themselves, one person couldn't help but torment himself. Luckily, Asahi didn't have to drown in his self-deprecating thoughts as someone became a lifeline.
Word Count: 2.8K
Warnings: Spoilers from the manga, especially chapters 248 and 249! A lot of fluff. Inspired by the picture above!
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Asahi tried his best to breathe as normal as he could. He had to stay calm, not just for his sake but for his team’s sake. All of their hard work paved their way all the way to Nationals.
Out of habit, Asahi traced the kanji of person (人) on his palm before swallowing it. It might look like a silly routine but it helped. Though for some reason, he wasn't as nervous as he usually was. They're playing against Inarizaki, one of the top favorites to win this whole thing.
Yet, here he was hoping to catch another glimpse of his opponents before the match officially started. Specifically, the girl that brought a storm of warm emotions inside his stomach. (L/N) (Y/N), Inarizaki's manager, the girl he met just yesterday but already made her way into his fast beating heart.
The eagerness to see her again began this morning when he woke up in the very shirt she gifted him. It wasn't just the fabric that kept him warm but the feelings he had for (Y/N) as well. It almost seemed to good to be true but once he replayed the conversations and read their texts from yesterday, Asahi could honestly believe that (Y/N) wasn't just his dream girl... She's the girl he wanted to be with.
But would she go for someone like him?
He hoped so and if not... Well, a guy could dream, right?
"On a different topic entirely," Suga began as everyone finished changing into their alternate uniforms. "I saw a girl carrying an Atsumu fan earlier. Is he an idol now?!"
"Actually, he pretty much is for high school volleyball. The Inarizaki team garners a different kind of popularity than Itachiyama." Coach Ukai explained. "They have a solid core of talent and a wide array of spectacular, crowd-pleaser plays. That makes them the ultimate contenders."
"We do see them getting interviewed on TV a lot too." Suga pointed out.
Asahi confirmed with a nod. "(Y/N) mentioned yesterday how they're always being interviewed by multiple reporters and journalists."
"Oh?" Suga smirked up at him. "Was this on your date yesterday?"
"N-No. We were just talking." He defended though he couldn't do anything to hide the stutter in his voice. "She even told me she once got interviewed."
"Woah, really? That's cool! I guess that's the advantage that comes with being a part of a high class powerhouse school. I mean, have you seen their cheering section? It's huge."
"And that means no one here... Not a single person in this whole crowd, thinks we have a chance."
To his and Suga's surprise, it was Daichi who voiced this sad fact. Asahi wondered if he was in an alternate dimension. Ever since last night, his friend has been wound up.
"Gah! Daichi, what's gotten into you?!" Suga shouted. "Pull it together, man!"
Asahi was just about to say something similar when he saw Daichi lips turn into a smile. His eyes gleamed with determination as he said, "Now I'm fired up!"
The two third-years sighed in relief, knowing they had nothing to worry about as their captain was back to normal.
"It's about time you snapped back to yourself, Daichi." Suga commented.
Asahi nodded in agreement. "Yeah. You've been awfully quiet since last night. Meek, even."
"H-Hey! I-I was focusing."
The moment Daichi opened the doors to the main arena everyone was blown away at the sheer intensity the crowd produced. The lights of the gym shined like mini suns above his head. The gleam of the laminated floor looked untouched, almost spotless. It was enticing, begging to be played on.
Then there was the crowd. Asahi can easily see their supporters standing behind their signature black banner, sporting their signature orange colors. It was a welcoming sight.
The warm reassuring feeling quickly left his body when he looked at Inarizaki's section. They had triple the amount of fans Karasuno had, not to mention they even had cheerleaders and a marching band. It almost made Shiratorizawa cheer section tiny in comparison.
Asahi clenched his fist tightly and took another deep breath to calm down his nerves. Though the Inarizaki's marching band wasn't helping his case at all.
Suddenly, the crowd cheered loudly and Asahi took this as a sign that their opponents have made their appearance. Which means-
(Y/N) walked next to Inarizaki's coach, looking unbothered by the amount of fans cheering for her team. The smile on her face was enough to calm his nerves from her intimidating teammates. Even from the other side of the court, his eyes met with her (E/C) ones. The connection was instant as they smiled at one another.
"Okay." DU-DUM! "Let's go." Daichi's voice could barely be heard over the marching band's drums.
So he tried again. "I said, let's-" WAAAA!!
This time it was the cheerleaders' collective cheering.
Asahi watched as Daichi grew frustrated with the crowd's interference. So much so that the captain yelled from the top of his lungs, "LET'S!! GO!!"
Official Warm-Ups
(Y/N) felt her heart lurch against her chest when she saw Asahi again. She felt a bit silly with how happy Karasuno's ace makes her, especially when they spoke to each other just a few minutes ago.
She shook those thoughts from her head. Now was not the time to daydream about Asahi.
'Focus! Your team needs you!' Thought her brain. 'Don’t get distracted!'
'But Asahi's so cute. He’s such a gentle giant.' Her heart argued. 'Omg, his biceps look amazing! Just imagine having those strong arms wrapped around you and having him lean down to kiss-'
'STOP! Now is NOT the time to think about that! At least, wait till AFTER the match is over.' Her brain tried to reason.
'Fine…' Her heart relented to her brain’s demand but it only took one more glance before crumbling once again. 'Those broad shoulders though… Asahi is literally hot guy status.'
“Yes, Coach?”
“It’s the twins' turn to warm-up and you know how superstitious they are. You know what to do, right?"
"Yes, sir."
She caught the ball with ease and made her way to where Atsumu and Osamu were waiting for her.
Ever since the Miya twins joined the club, they began a silly little routine of her tossing the ball for Atsumu to set to his brother. The first time was during the twins' first appearance playing for Inarizaki. Usually, the coach or assistant coach would do the tosses during warm-ups, but at the time they were occupied which led her to do the toss for them. Atsumu was perfect with his set and Osamu effortlessly spiked the ball. From then on, they demanded, Atsumu more than Osamu, for her to toss for them in future warm-ups, claiming she had the lucky touch.
(Y/N) smiled to herself at the memory. She didn't believe in luck but she went along with it. For two years, she tossed them the ball in each official warm-up and now that this was her last year with them... Well, they weren't going to change tradition now.
"You guys ready?" She asked them, tossing the volleyball up and down.
"Heck yeah!" Atsumu answered excitedly. He held up his hand for her to high-five. "No way are we going to lose."
(Y/N) laughed as her hand connected with his. She turned her attention on Osamu, the small pout on his lips was enough to know what was on his mind.
"The faster we win the match, the quicker we can go out to eat. I'll even treat you to dessert. How does that sound, 'Samu?"
With the promise of food, the twin straightened up and high-fived her. His eyes sparkled with joy. "Let's show these guys what Nationals is all about."
With both twins looking eager to start, (Y/N) stepped back and stood next to the net as the twins also went to their positions. Without meaning to, she looked over at Karasuno's players and internally smirked when all eyes were waiting to see the twins in action.
After counting to three, (Y/N) tossed the ball in a beautiful arch as it made its way to Atsumu's waiting hands. Not surprisingly, the ball was set perfectly for Osamu to spike strongly.
"Nice kill!" She told them, her chest swelling with pride.
"One more!" Osamu called out.
(Y/N) raised a brow and was about to ask why when she saw both twins sharing a look.
"Alright, last one!"
Tossing the ball one more time, (Y/N) watched as the twins jumped in unison and her smile grew when she witnessed Osamu displaying his setting skills for Atsumu to spike.
"Ha! Ha! Super body and soul switch time delayed spike!"
'If only they could find a better name for that move...'
Despite the move they just did wasn't a delayed spike, it still made the crowd go crazy, screaming several compliments.
After the twins waved to their fans, they made their way to her.
"How was that, (Y/N)-senpai?! It looked cool, didn't it?!" Atsumu bombarded, looking for her praise more than anything (as if the crowd's praises weren't enough for him).
"Amazing as always, Miyas!" She complimented them as she clapped both of their shoulders before making them lean down to her level. "What's your reason for doing that move?"
Atsumu looked smug while Osamu answered her. "We have to prove the other team what we're all about."
"Uh-huh..." (Y/N) raised a brow looking unconvinced with his answer. "Now give me the real reason."
The twins looked at each other and (Y/N) wondered if twin telepathy was real because a few seconds later Atsumu sighed before replying, "To intimidate that crush of yours. He kept starin' at you when you weren't lookin'. It's creepy."
Osamu lifted his head for a second before crouching back down. "He's still starin'."
"Oh my god, you guys. I appreciate you caring for me but focus on what's important, okay? Right now, in your eyes, Asahi is your opponent so just view him as that and nothing more."
And with that, (Y/N) gave the twins another pat on their shoulders before making her way to the bench. Unbeknownst to her, the twins didn't take her advice to heart. Instead, they focused on something else.
"Did ya notice how she's on a first name basis with that guy, 'Tsumu?"
The twin nodded as he placed his hands on his hips, his eyes narrowing on Karasuno's #3 from across the net. "They literally met yesterday, 'Samu! How did that samurai guy make an impression on our manager?!"
Osamu shrugged his shoulders because the answer was a mystery to him as well. "You're just jealous that (Y/N) likes him."
Atsumu whipped his head to glare at his brother. "AM NOT!"
"Are too."
"Am not!"
Osamu sighed, not wanting to continue this argument. "Whatever. We still have to beat them."
"Without question. If he can't beat us then he has no right to even talk to (Y/N)-senpai." Atsumu declared.
The twins took one more look at Karasuno's ace, making a mental note to pay special attention on the guy… and crush him.
National Spring Volleyball Tournament, Round 2
Hyogo Prefecture Rep: Inarizaki High School (3rd Appearance Straight, 31 Appearances Overall)
Miyagi Prefecture Rep: Karasuno High School (1st Appearance in 5 Years, 9th Appearance Overall)
It was time. Both teams stood on either side of the court, every member held a sense of seriousness as they tried to make themselves as imposing as possible.
At the sound of the referee's whistle, every emotion seemed to jump to another level. Asahi's hands fidgeted anxiously. Call it paranoia but he felt like he was wearing a large target. It looked like everyone wearing a black Inarizaki uniform were glaring daggers at him. He hoped it was just his imagination.
Then there was (Y/N) by the sidelines. Even from afar, he could see the excitement in her eyes. She looked so angelic with that smile of hers. He felt a wave of relief when he recalled how much support she gave him the day before.
"I’m not saying you should just get over yourself because we all have experienced some level of negative emotion in our lives, right? And it’s not as easy as turning a page in a book. Trust me I know. So believe me when I say this, it’s okay to express those feelings. Maybe one day, you’ll find solace in someone."
Asahi felt his spirits lifted when he thought about (Y/N)'s words. Solace... She didn't know it but that was what she became to him. Her words gave her comfort and alleviated all the strangling roots of anxiety that surrounded him. He smiled to himself at the memory. It was enough to fall for her all over again.
After mentally counting to three, both members of the Karasuno and Inarizaki team bowed down to each other and yelled, "Here's to a good game!"
Asahi's feet moved automatically to where the coaches were standing. His heart was still beating like crazy. His nerves were still going crazy because in a few seconds they were about to play a high caliber team that were the people's favorite to win this whole thing.
That's when Takeda-sensei came to the rescue and provided the much needed words of wisdom. Asahi listened as his head coach spoke, "You know... Two months ago, during the qualifier finals, no one thought we could beat Shiratorizawa either." A bright smile accompanied as he continued, "What say we surprise everyone again!"
"YEAH!!" They shouted in unison with Hinata and Nishinoya jumping with joy.
It was time for the announcer's to present to the crowd the starting lineup. Asahi took a deep breath as he waited for his name to be announced. Not wanting to look any more nervous that he actually is (and to hide away his fidgety hands), Asahi crossed his arms and tried to look brave.
Physically, he looked intimidating. Mentally... Well, it went something like this:
'Daichi's right. Nobody's paying any attention to us. I don't have to be nervous. Nope. Nuh-uh. I'm not nervous at all. Nobody's looking at me. That means I effectively don't even exist!'
With a furrowed brow, Asahi quickly shook his head at the thought.
'Wait, no. Now that I think about it, that was going too far. Heck, it was pretty sad!'
And of course his friends noticed how quiet he became.
"Asahi. Get over here." Daichi called, his voice full of authority and masking the slight anxiety he had. He didn't need his ace player to go down the rabbit hole before the match even started.
Suga couldn't help but laugh as he said, "I don't have to be a mind reader to know there's something laughable on your mind right now."
Daichi narrowed his eyes at Asahi. "Whatever you're thinking, stop it! That's an order!"
It was scary how frightening Daichi can get.
"I-I wasn't thinking a-anything bad." He defended through stutters. "At least... Not anymore."
Before Daichi could reprimand his ace, Suga cuts in with a slap on his shoulder and said, "Hey, don't make it obvious but (Y/N)-san has her eyes on you."
All the thoughts from a moment ago disappeared instantly at the idea of his crush paying attention to him. It gave him a new sense of motivation to play the best that he could. Volleyball was something he was good at, like really good, and (Y/N) took notice of his skills from yesterday's match. If he could impress her even more then maybe... He has a chance.
"Let's win this match and then win some more!" Asahi declared as he made his way to his assigned position. His aura was slowly but surely glowing with confidence.
Daichi and Suga sighed in relief as their ace finally looked mentally ready to play.
"Tell me the truth, Suga, was (Y/N)-san actually looking at Asahi when he wasn't looking?" Daichi asked his vice-captain.
Suga grinned. "Come on, Daichi. Just like I don't have to be a mind reader with Asahi, I don't need to be a psychic with (Y/N)-san. Those two are perfect for each other. Just you wait, a confession is going to happen in the future. Mark my words."
Daichi could only sigh at his friend's words but he didn't say anything against Suga's prediction. Even he could see the effects the pretty Inarizaki manager has on his gentle giant of an ace. He wouldn't be surprised if they kept in touch after all of this is over.
Little did anyone know, this wasn't going to be the last day for Inarizaki's manager to be a part of their lives, especially in Asahi's.
Next: Chapter Four
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nonranghaes · 7 months ago
"are you sure this is all you want this year?"
asahi's eyes are still shut, his head resting in your lap while you play with his hair. this morning, he went out with his friends to celebrate his birthday. hours later, he came to your place, and this is the third movie you've started since then. his hand rests on your thigh, just in front of his face, and he nods without looking at you.
"it's perfect," he says, voice soft. he sounds like he's about to doze off right here and now. after a moment, he peeks up at you, glasses slightly askew. "... are you uncomfortable? i can move--"
you just gently push him back down, toying with one of his earrings for a moment. "you're perfect," you hum. "i just... felt bad i didn't do more for you, i guess."
"you do enough." he settles back in. "i like being here with you. that's all i need this year, okay?"
with a sigh, you relent. asahi's always been the kind of boyfriend who's up front with this kind of thing, a blessing in its own way when you're feeling particularly anxious. you just pat his cheek, only for him to reach up, grabbing your hand before you can go back to playing with his hair.
all too tenderly, he draws your hand to him, pressing a kiss right at the base of your palm where it meets your wrist. and then he lets go, smiling to himself as you go back to playing with his hair, snuggling back in for the third movie of the night.
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zyxelia · 25 days ago
Eternal Promise — Asahi Azumane x Fem! Reader
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Starring: Asahi Azumane x Fem! Reader
Summary: After your marriage, you and your husband have your own drawer beside the bed. One day while cleaning, you see something on the drawer that looks like... A love letter? Oh, how could it be? You thought you already read all his love letters for you! (Spoiler: Curiosity gets the best of you!)
Word Count: 465 Words
Things To Note(s): -
Estimated Reading Time: 2-3 Minutes
a/n: It's almost March already?
Main Masterlist | Haikyuu!! Masterlist | Main Series Masterlist
Asahi Azumane, at your service!
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My Dearest Darling,
I never truly understood the will to live— perhaps because, for so long, I was merely existing. It may not sound poetic, but it was not meaningless either. Yet, the beauty of a fleeting moment was something beyond my grasp, something I never thought to cherish— until I met you. 
Little did I know, ours is not a tale pulled from the pages of a fairytale, nor a love written in the stars. And yet... perhaps, in some quiet way, I had always been wishing for it. As if the universe itself had conspired, turning the gears of fate ever so gently, weaving the unseen threads that bound you and me together.
Over and over, again and again, I find myself drawn to the warmth of your existence— not as a fleeting longing, but as an undeniable truth, a quiet certainty etched deep within my soul. It is not mere yearning, but a willing surrender, a silent promise to carve my path just to reach you.
Veiled in the hush of midnight, I find myself seeking the warmth of your presence. Not as a desperate longing, not as something fleeting, but as a certainty— a quiet, unwavering pull that calls my soul home. It is not just desire but devotion, not just admiration but an unshakable truth. With every breath, I carve my way toward you, drawn in like the moth that instinctively seeks the light. And yet, you are not a fire that consumes, but a glow that welcomes, that warms, that gives me reason to return, again and again.
Even vows may be spoken, yet the silent promise of you lingers within me, entwined with the very essence of my soul. I do not love you merely to feel whole, nor to seek greatness or purpose— no, my love for you exists simply because it must, because the universe itself would feel incomplete without you by my side. 
Your presence is like a dream— one so achingly beautiful, that I never wish to wake. You are the hush of midnight when the world quiets, the golden glow of dawn spilling gently over the horizon, the moment between breaths where everything feels right. 
One lifetime would never be enough to love you the way you deserve, nor two, nor three. If fate should weave our souls together once more, if I should glimpse you again across the expanse of time, I promise— I will find you, and I will love you, just as fiercely, just as endlessly as I do now. 
Up until my final breath, and far beyond it, I will choose you— choose us. In every moment, every heartbeat, every whispered prayer, again and again, our souls will find their way back to each other. Because your soul is the one that fits perfectly in mine.
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©️ zyxelia, 2025. Please do not translate, modify, or repost my work on any other platforms without asking. Thank you for understanding.
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etherrreal · 9 months ago
"good growing"
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Pairing: asahi x fem!reader Genre: fluff Summary: asahi walks into a plant shop and gets more than he bargained for. WC: 2,410 Warnings: reader's favorite color is pink A/N: I want everyone to send me guesses on how many plants you think I have 🥰 if anyone gets close enough (+/-5), I'll drop a picture of my plant set up 🌱 -Luna
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I think this Monstera adansonii cutting can be repotted, you think, wiggling it free from the propagation station it was growing in. The roots are well past two inches long, and it's already spitting out a new leaf. You plop it into one of the empty nursery pots you have lined up on the counter behind you, having it join the Neon Pothos and Red Maranta waiting to be potted into new homes.
Potting up cuttings is probably your favorite chore at the plant shop you work at. Something about tucking the little stems into some dirt and preparing them for new homes made your heart happy. That was after you learned that naming them wasn't the best idea and only ended in you mourning little Millie the Watermelon peperomia after you handed her to a very young child who no doubt watered it to death.
A hand slaps against the doorway to your right, making you nearly jump out of your skin, muttering expletives under your breath. Your coworker Eri's head soon pokes out, a grimace already on her face. "Heeey, so, I have good news and bad news."
"Oh no. Good news first?"
"Okay, the good news is that our order of Calathea zebrina came in two days early!"
"That's great! Did some of them get damaged from the cold?" She shakes her head. "Did they tip out of their pots and get smooshed?" She shakes it again. "Then what's the bad news?"
"…They're already infested with spider mites."
You close your eyes, gathering what little strength you still have after working 6 hours already and being 2 hours away from closing. You open them to see your coworker staring at you with hands clasped in front of her chest and eyebrows pinched with worry.
With a deep sigh, you raise your right fist over your left open palm, ready to play a game of rock-paper-scissors with your coworker to decide who's going to do the easy job of writing and sending the email to the parent company to complain and who's going to shove on some gloves and deal with the mites. You're halfway through 'paper' when the bell above the front door rings signaling a customer's arrival.
It's a race between the two of you to slide in behind the register, but you win it, shooting a smug look at your coworker knowing the manager will ask her to be on pest control while you're working up front. If she glares any harder as she stomps to the back, you're pretty sure you'd be dead.
"Hello, welcome to Plant Parenthood! How may I help you today?" you call out to the man who walked in. He is incredibly tall, dodging many of the hanging trailing pants from above like he was walking through a jungle. Once he gets a few steps in, he stops and looks around frantically, looking a mix of lost and overwhelmed.
His dark brown eyes finally land on you, wide and desperate. "Um, I was looking for a small plant for my office."
"Okay! Does your office have any windows for natural lighting?" You ask, already sifting through your mental catalog of plant species.
"Yes, actually, I face an entire wall full of windows."
"Do you know what direction they're facing? East, West?" You both stare at each other for a bit when you realize that was definitely too complex of a question for a beginner. "Can you see the sun rise or set from your windows?"
"Oh, yeah! I can see it rise in the morning, sometimes."
Alright, we're getting somewhere. "So, you probably have an east-facing window which gets really good morning light and indirect light all day."
He cautiously nods, agreeing with you but also not quite knowing how that's important. It didn't matter, you were already roaming the store for the potential match.
You continue spitting out questions for him as you hover around the Calatheas. "Do you think you'd be more likely to forget about a plant and under water it or obsess over it and over water?"
"A mix of both, actually," he says, embarrassed. "I'll obsess over giving it the right amount of care that I'll hover over it every single day and be afraid of watering it in case I water it too much."
You pat the pot of the Calathea ornata, mentally wishing it well on living to see another day. "So you probably need something that can take a bit of healthy neglect?"
"'Healthy neglect?' How can neglect be healthy?'
You chuckle, looking through some well-established Golden Pothos plants. "Some plants can't take the constant babying. They'll sense your fear and keel over just to spite you, like Calatheas. You need a plant that can go a bit without watering and can sit nicely on a table and just /be/."
He hums, and that's when you tense up, realizing he's standing right behind you, looking over your shoulder at the plants on the table in front of you. He smells absolutely delicious. "What are those? Are they easy?"
He's close enough that you can almost feel how his deep voice rumbles. "Yes, and normally I'd recommend these to beginner plant people, but I think I want to find something that'll stay more upright and looks nicer on a surface."
You spot a potential option on a high shelf and start setting up the step ladder to grab one. You only get to take one step up when you see him easily grab one off the shelf without even having to try.
"Something like a ZZ plant. We have two kinds in right now, the classic green that you're holding or the Raven. Which fits more with your decor?" Reaching towards the back of the shelf, you grab a full planter of the Raven foliage and offer it to him.
He psychically weighed the two plants in his hands before handing back the green one. "I think the black one will look better in my space."
"Just so you know, when new stalks come in, they'll appear to be a pretty bright green. That's completely normal. They'll slowly become black as overtime," you ramble on as you're setting the plant back and climbing back down the ladder.
"We also sell cover pots if you want to put him in something more aesthetically pleasing?" You gesture to the table of handmade ceramic pots and saucers sorted in pastel rainbow order.
"Which one do you like?"
"My favorite color is pink, so I'd usually go with that, but what—"
"I'll get that one then."
Is he attempting to flirt? Or have you been single for too long?
You have to catch yourself before you stumble too far down that road. He could simply be too overwhelmed by choice and wants to just go with whatever choice is easiest. Or he's just one of the rare, nice customers who truly trusts your judgment and doesn't mansplain your line of work to you.
"Can I interest you in anything else?" you ask, to which he shakes his head and says 'no thank you.' You type in the product names and begin the checkout process before pausing for the customer information. "Can I grab your name for our system, please?"
"Yes, uh, first name is Asahi, last is Azumane."
"Mmhm, and your phone number?"
He lists off the digits of his number and you can't help the nefarious thought of coming back to his profile to grab his number and shoot him a text. But you must remain professional, and also, you really need this job to pay your bills.
You fill out the rest of the profile and tell him his total, flipping over the payment pad to have him pay. You turn around and busy yourself with writing a care card, not liking the fact that your boss allowed the option for people to add a tip when you only just do your job. It's created some unsavory reactions from people as if you're the one who decides what your POS system is and all of its features.
When you hear the beep from the pad indicating he paid, you turn back around to finish the card as to not be rude. "So, I'm creating a care card so you can have just some basic facts about watering and light needs. A ZZ plant practically takes care of itself since it has rhizomes built into its root system so it doesn't need much besides good light in front of your windows."
"And if I need to come back and get more advice?" You pause to look up at him, eyebrows scrunched in mild confusion. "I can come back and ask you?"
His apprehensive smile is sweet, and his eyes are so gentle and warm as they look at you. It trips you up expeditiously. "Y-yeah," you answer, flipping over the care card to the back and scribbling your name and number onto it before handing it to him, along with the bag his plant was in. "Or you can call or text me directly? You'll get a quicker answer that way, in case of emergencies."
"E-Emergencies?" He stutters, eyes widening like he may have overstepped boundaries. "Y-Yeah, of course. Emergencies only."
Ah fuck. You didn't mean to make it so formal. "Or if you have any questions. Or if you need to know if I'm going to be at work before you swing by. Or just—" you check for anybody at the doorway behind you. "—want to talk, I guess. I wouldn't be opposed to that."
You shoot him a bright smile, hoping to let him know that you reciprocate his interest. His growing smile tells you that he does get the hint, his hand purposefully brushing against yours as he takes the bag from you with a gentle 'thank you.' He wishes you well and makes his way out of the shop, not without glancing over at you once more with a smile so wide it makes you flustered.
With a hand holding your warm cheek, you take a quick moment to look at his client profile, trying to familiarize yourself with his number just in case he decides to call later instead of text. Curiosity gets the better of you and you pull up his order, eyes nearly falling out of your head when you see that he tipped you $20.
There's suddenly snickering coming from behind you and you turn to see Eri standing there with her hand over her mouth as if that'll disguise it. "Oooh, I'm telling your boss you were flirting with a customer."
"What's he going to do? Fire me? I'd love to see him try. There are only three employees here." You turn back to the propagations, grabbing the bag of soil lying on the ground to start potting. "Not to mention, I'd just tell him you used the system to get that one girl's number last month."
"Whoa, hey, let's not get too serious here. I was obviously just joking and will be getting back on spider mite duty while singing your praises to our employer," Eri says, backing out the doorway with her hands held up.
Asahi's face stays stuck in your mind for the rest of the work day, and you find yourself in between tasks cracking a smile at your interaction from earlier. You try not to hover over your phone too much—mostly because you don't want to get scolded by your boss—but you're feeling antsy.
The text doesn't come until later that evening once you arrive home from work, chiming as you set down your backpack and have one shoe kicked off. You grab for it desperately, face ID quickly opening up your phone so you can click the message notification.
[XXX-XXX-XXXX]:: Hello, this is Asahi from earlier. Just wanted to say thank you for all your help today :)
Then a photo comes in and while it loads, you're having a mini heart attack, hoping it's nothing inappropriate. Your feelings are quelled when it finishes loading and reveals a picture of the ZZ plant he purchased today, nestled in its new pink pot on what looks like solid wood desk. The view in the background is stunning. What looks like it could be floor to ceiling windows overlooks the city, the lights of buildings and advertisements blurred in the background.
[000-000-0000]:: It's settling in well! Can't wait to see it in the morning. Got any name ideas?
The smile on your face is so wide it starts to hurt. You jog over to your Raven ZZ plant that's sitting on your living room console table, holding up the green planter in front of your plant covered shelves lining the wall to snap a picture to send to Asahi.
[you]:: I named mine Morticia after the goth queen herself 🖤
[000-000-0000]:: That's a great name! I could name mine Gomez?
It's a bit embarrassing how the implication of your plants being a married couple that makes you plop yourself down on your couch and squeal into your hands, but there's nothing more attractive than a man who can flirt using your interests.
Once you've gathered yourself, you type out a response that hopefully doesn't give away how frazzled you are, and you spend the next 15 minutes exchanging messages with Asahi. It consists mostly of him asking about the plants he saw in the background of your photo and how you got into your hobby. Metaphorically, you're laying on your stomach and kicking your feet, feeling like a teenage girl again.
Although you don't want to stop the conversation, you feel like there's a layer of literal dirt on you along with a sprinkling of spider mites. You keep the conversation going while you put some leftovers to warm up on the stove and into the bathroom while you start getting ready for a shower. It vibrates once more before hopping in, and you decide to check once more.
[Asahi 🌱]:: Maybe we can grab some coffee and you can show me your favorite plant store? I have a lot of empty space in this office to fill and I need an expert to help me choose :)
[you]:: I'm in love with you
[you]:: wanna move in and fill OUR space??
[you]:: I'm an expert in other things, too 😉
[you]:: I'd love to! When are you free 😊
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