#because why would they not only bring back allison but also one of the most popular villains
riceballannie · 2 years
I swear, if Hikari Zhang is not half or at least part japanese AND chinese I'm going to riot because what is this name????
Hikari - a japanese name
Zhang - a chinese surname
I sure as hell hope that they have a fucking explanation for that because it's literally Cho Chang all over again and I'm sick and tired of the mediocre Asian representation in western media
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chasing-posts · 18 days
Allison should have had a villain and redemption arc in the last season.
Now first of all let me say I do like Allison and think she's cool...but I also believe she had some negative character traits that were explored since season one and were really divulged in season 3, and could have/ should have been resolved by the forth season.
For one she did kill Harlan for stopping her child from existing, even though it was an accident and he was basically Victor's foster son. This showed the only children she tends to care for is her own.
Second, we never fully got an answer to one of her most famous Rumors, "I heard a rumor that you loved me." This one has always been speculated to be directed at either her husband, daughter or Luthor. And with how she sexually assaulted Luthor in season 3 before he got married and how he could never get over her, I think it was him.
Third, can we address that she assaulted Luthor?
Forth, she made a pack with Reginald and as such got to redesign the universe so Clair was back, and Ray was alive and possibly her father, which means she erased her last husband from existence and rearranged time and space to get what she wanted in her perfect life.
And all of this is bad stuff, add to the fact that Sloan is missing when Ben is here, and it does not paint a nice picture. In fact I always thought that the reason Sloan was missing, was because Allison could not handle Luthor moving past her, and being happy with another woman. Even if she didn't want him anymore. As such, she erased Sloan to keep her back up, even after getting married (twice) and having sexual/ romantic relationships of her own. She STILL could not handle not having a hold on Luthor.
So if I could change things, I would say let her have EVERYTHING she always wanted at the start of the season. Her daughter, the love of her life, her powers and even her carreer... and absolutely none of it bringing her joy due to the cost she had to pay to make it happen, and how BADLY it screwed over her siblings, especially Victor and Luthor, to make it happen.
Have her repent by actions. Actually have it so the siblings are a little slow to let her back into the group and only do so to protect their own (like when Victor got kidnapped and all 6 were needed to save him.). Have Luthor confront her about their AWEFUL relationship and most inportantly, what she knows about Sloan. What she did to her when she rebooted the universe, and why she's gone when cranky Ben is still here.
Finally, change the rest of her story make her face consequences for her actions. Maybe have both Ray AND Claire leave her after she went too far with her Rumors again only do it ON SCREEN so it's actually impactful and have her be all alone. Maybe have her reconnect with Klaus to help him get off the drugs the first time after her family leaves her (because honestly, I like their relationship a lot this season and her helping him stay on track was good) and that being her foot in the door with the rest of them through Klaus, before she rejoins them all against Reginald/ the Cleanse/ whatever is the true big boss this season. Finally, before she makes things as right with her siblings, try and help THEM get their powers back while she still has hers.
Because while I don't think Allison is a bad person, i think she has done bad things. And I think actually addressing it all instead of sweeping EVERYTHING under the rug like they did in season four, would be great.
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I am as disappointed as everyone else is with the final season of The Umbrella Academy, but I also have some of my own Thoughts™️. Allow me to weigh in.
We can all agree that the finale was absolute dogshit, right? I've seen a lot of commentary about the character assassination of Number Five, and the cursed as fuck crack ship that should've stayed in the deep recesses of ao3, where no one could find it. But there was also absolutely no character development for any of them in the end? Not really?
Luther still has unresolved daddy issues (why else would he be squatting in the condemned building of the Academy?). And he just, what, gave up looking for his wife? Luther "loverboy" Hargreeves. The man who chased and pined for Allison almost his entire life gave up on HIS WIFE after/within six years? No way.
Diego's character basically went nowhere. Four seasons, and he still didn't come to any kind of realisation that, hey, maybe he is enough. No. If he isn't in Luther's shadow, he's insecure about his marriage, or his powers, and being "strong enough." Everything was a competition to him, even though he was the only one competing. He deserved a little bit of self-love, but apparently, "self-destruct" is all he gets.
Allison had her ups and downs, and they let her end on a fucking down? Her arch was the most disappointing. We literally see her trying to be a better, more honest person in s1, and then a human rights activist in s2. Her powers are morally grey, sure, but she had so much potential. Then she just straight up becomes a villain and has barely any redemption for it? Her character started on a high. It was natural progression for her to hit a low. But not that low. And she never really came back up from it. In six years, it seemed like she made no real effort to make up for what she did. A couple of good decisions do not make up for a multitude of bad ones.
Which brings me to Klaus. I wasn't sold on sober, germaphobe Klaus to begin with. I thought it was just a little bit too out of character. But I'll take that any day than what happened to him this season. And to his credit, his hypochondria after losing his powers at least made sense. But he'd made so much progress, not just on his sobriety but on embracing his powers rather than being afraid. (Also, he and Allison being codependent on each other like that was not healthy).
This season made Ben, as a character, pretty much pointless. From the beginning, it seemed like his death was supposed to bring the Academy together, narratively speaking. It was his "purpose" to die and become a sort of martyr to his siblings (I mean, it didn't work, so even then, Ben kinda died unnecessarily). But in reality, his death wasn't a teachable moment, it was just murder. And without Ben, the story still would have ended the same way. Any of the children born from the marigold could have brought about the cleanse, it didn't necessarily HAVE to be Ben. And with the number of timelines there were, it was probably inevitable that it would happen in at least one of them. They all died pointlessly, but Ben's deaths were especially pointless.
Viktor was about the only character that DID have some development. He finally stood up to his father and received at least some validation for his mistreatment as a kid. Not that it ended up mattering because his relationship with his siblings was practically non-existent at this point. All he'd ever wanted was to be a part of the team, and yet apparently made no effort in six years to see his siblings and actually be a part of the family. It makes no sense for his character.
I hate that Lila was a damsel in distress for most of this season. She's a grown woman who we know is fully capable of standing up for herself, but it felt like she was reduced to just her role in the family. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with being a mother or a wife, but that seemed to be ALL her character was this season, when we know she's more than that. The one thing she got to herself was taken away from her coz it hurt "poor Diego's feelings 🥺". Grow up 🙄. And I am not touching the other thing with a ten foot barge pole.
Now, obviously, there's Five. People have already talked about how his character was completely butchered this season. No, Five of the past would not have given up so easily. Despite the jabs and the squabbling, Five loved his family. He fought hard to get back to them when he was stranded. After a struggle like that, why the fuck WOULD he stop fighting to keep his family together?
I'm not saying all of these characters had to be good, outstanding citizens by the end of the show. But they should have at least had a journey from season one. Instead, they either went backwards or in circles. And in the end, none of it mattered anyway.
This season was so fucking stupid. It completely undermined the rest of the story. What was the point in literally anything that happened in the previous seasons if it was just leading up to all of it being erased? This is some, "and it was all a dream" bullshit, and I'm not here for it.
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dennythemenace · 1 month
Everyone in season 4 was various levels of out of character.
Luther wasn't as bad. He has his previous aspect of trying to bring his family together. He cares for them and wants them to be together. But he didn't have it throughout the season. Also, considering his attitude towards Reginald in season 3, there is no way he would be that fine with being in the group to go see him. Overall, it would have made more sense if he was with Viktor in the let's go find and help Ben campaign instead of being a background character in relationship drama.
Diego would not have been an absent father. From his relationship with Stan to his anxiety of becoming his father, he would have been extremely involved. Most of the awkwardness with Stan was because Stan showed up at the age of 12 out of nowhere. Considering how he clearly had time to prepare for his children, he would have been more ready. Also, why did those twins never get named? It doesn't make sense for him to have his attitude about it with how old his kids are, and after losing Stan after just starting to get close and look after him. Also considering how forward Diego is, he should have confided in more of his siblings about his relationship issues that Five and Luther in the beginning. Which would have also induced more bonding. Overall he needed more scenes with his kids in general.
Allison would have clung harder to Claire. A big part of her character is her daughter. She spent the whole show trying to get back to her. She full ass re writes a timeline and makes a deal with her abusive father to get back to her. There is no way she would not be extremely overprotective. They also tried to paint the picture of her and Klaus always having that relationship when they did not. Sure, they were closer in season 2, but they were not always shown to have that specific Allison looking after Klaus thing. She should have also had more emotion shown about her actions back in season 3. Whether it be regret or apathy, something should have been shown. Yes, she has that minor talk with Viktor, but nothing else? Really?
Speaking of Klaus, where was his eccentric personality? Even when previously sober (majority of season 2), he still held onto his personality. If they were going to go the route they did with his characterization, they should have had a moment where he reminisced on the people he lost or something. He needed more to put him from point A to point B. Additionally, his separate side plot was ultimately useless. A thing about Klaus is that whatever odd side plot he has always ends up ultimately tying into the plot in a big way. He accidentally is productive. He finds the kugelblitz, he is the first sibling to meet Ray, he is half of the possession plotline which eventually leads to stopping the apocalypse, he's accidentally the reason the journal gets into Harold's hands, but how was his side stuff tied into the plot this season? Also, his relationship with Ben was completely un mentioned. With how Klaus is trying so hard to bond with him in season 3 while mourning his brother, there is no way he just has like no scenes with him in season 4. He wasn't there to remember Ben's death and there wasn't even a conversation about it.
Dear fuck, Five. Why did they give him a romantic interest in the first place? Not only does his character not need one or even close to needing one, his age makes any sort of romantic relationship just flat out weird. Between him being 18 or 19 physically, he's also mentally in his sixties. After the weird mid-season time skip, sure, he's physically in his mid-20s, but he's mentally 70. A relationship with anyone is weird. Let alone with Lila. It's also odd because Lila is arguably one of his only friends. They were a good duo because they were efficient and entertaining. Most of their screen time being shared is because of the commission, and they built a complicated friendship off of it. Key word friendship. Five has given so much time and time again for his family. He loves them and cares for them, even if he doesn't outright show it. He hides it beneath snark, but it's always been visible. He would not have a relationship with his brothers wife, especially knowing she did have a family back home. If anything, they would have become extremely co-dependent on each other, but not romantic. Also, Five would not be dumb enough to go travel back to go try and mess with the original Jennifer incident. He should have put up more of a protest against it, or have him agree to try when things are more desperate.
Ben after being re-introduced in season 3 is shown to be bad at being an antagonist, a part of a quote unquote family more dysfunctional than the Umbrellas and that deep down, he does want a family. In season 4, he claims to not be part of the Umbrellas family over and over again, yet is still getting together with them. He claims his family is dead, despite the fact that he did not view them that way in season 3. Also despite the fact that they tried to explain it away with the Cleanse messing with his mind, it was extremely weird how obsessed he got with Jennifer. They should have had them already met and having a pre established something in season 4, other than just straight up meeting that week. He should have also mentioned any of the Sparrows at least once if he was so insistent that they were his family. He had the perfect opportunity to at least mention one or two of his siblings at various points, but he didn't. Or maybe have him mention trying to look for them at some point in the time skip before he went to jail, something. With his desperation for family, there is no way there wouldn't be something.
It was odd how Viktor was so set on little to no contact, and then wanted to see Ben's death to be part of the team. He states to Allison how they are not friends. He is trying to establish a lack of relationship due to everything that went down without having any sort of actions or anything to fully indicate it. He should have gone fully one way or the other with whatever feelings about his family or have shown to have the more complex feelings about it. Also, if they were going to have him trying to be the one to save Ben, they should have brought up his conversation with him or something from the end of season 2. Something in general.
Lila had complicated feelings about being pregnant back in season 3 and her worries about being a bad mother. They should have had her in more scenes with her kids. Also it felt odd for her to be a stay at home mother. With all the childcare help she could get from her family, they should have given her at least a little side job. It was even weirder how she was stated to hate bracelets after the importance of the bracelet between her and Diego. She also would have known how dangerous it would be to mess with the timeline and would not have suggested it as an option unless things were more desperate. She WAS with the commission, after all. Diego and Lila should have had more conversation about the break in their relationship, especially considering what follows. She stated that her relationship with Five was for survival, but then later it was extremely hinted that she loved him, which was weird. Did the writers also forget about he did in fact kill her parents? There was no mention of it whatsoever, nothing on her feelings about it.
Honorable mention: Ray. He would not have walked out on Allison. If anything to not have him be in this season, divorce, or maybe just have him die again, idk. He would not have walked out and it's extremely insulting to him to have that be what happened
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buckybarnesss · 11 months
Even the framing of that shot fucking kills me: the nogitsune confidently staring at Chris, almost amused, and then Derek comes into frame and he's visibly frightened
And he's not looking at Stiles. He's scared of what Chris is going to do TO Stiles. This is really his biggest fear, what he's been worried about this entire time. And what can he do??
the whole thing is just a masterful stroke on the nogitstune's part. it's torturing everyone in that scene including stiles.
like, of course it's obvious how these events hurt the sheriff. that's his child being tortured by an ancient creature and forced to do terrible, terrible things and also who is clearly becoming more like a walking corpse every minute. it used claudia's illness against both him and stiles to make them lose hope. how he maintained any composure i don't know. i'd be a fucking wreck of a human seeing my loved one worn like an ill fitting suit to prom.
for chris? this is a guy who we've seen intimidate teenagers for no real reason other than because he can. he's held scott at gunpoint for daring to be with allison and nothing else but he hesitates here. he hesitates despite hedging with derek earlier about what he would do.
this moment such an inverse to season 1 going all the way back to that confrontation in code breaker between chris and stiles.
i can guarantee chris was recalling it.
argent: let me ask you a question, stiles... have you ever seen a rabid dog? stiles: no. i could put it on my to-do list, if you just let me go. argent: well, i have. and the only thing i've ever been able to compare it to is seeing a friend of mine turn on a full moon. do you wanna know what happened? stiles: not really... no offense to your storytelling skills... argent: he tried to kill me, and i was forced to put a bullet in his head. the whole while that he lay there dying, he was still trying to claw his way toward me, still trying to kill me, like it was the most important thing he could do with his last breath. can you imagine that?
and allison? allison's already made the horrible decision of harming boyd and erica that started the dominos that led to erica and boyd being taken by the alphas and erica being killed.
now she's confronted with this monster wearing her friend's face toying with their emotions. she tries to subdue it but all that does is piss the nogitsune off and annoy him.
she's been manipulated by both kate and gerard to see her friends as being enemies when they weren't only to be faced with the reality of it here.
allison wants to save her friends so badly to make up for her mistakes but with this she might not be able to.
derek's position is just heartbreaking. this is really his greatest fear and failures playing out again.
we don't often see derek express fear. he usually expresses anger rather than let anyone know he's afraid but here? here derek is afraid.
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3A set up that derek and stiles had become friends, that stiles had been working with him over the summer to look for eric and boyd, that derek trusted stiles so much it broke jennifer's magic over him ---
and the nogitsune brings itself to derek's loft for protection because it knows derek will do anything to protect stiles.
he's already lost so many people. he's had to mercy kill people he cared about before. again stiles is one of the few who know about paige, stiles witnessed what happened with boyd and peter and jackson. he knows all of this about derek which means the nogitsune does too.
i'm not really sure what kind of derek we would've seen if stiles had died due to the nogitsune.
of course the person often lost in the psychological warfare of the nogitune is stiles.
stiles had to watch all this. had to see his knowledge used against the people he cared about over and over. his hands and body used for terrible things. the nogitsune fed off that more than anything. stiles's fear and confusion and pain. stiles was dying.
it's why the nogitsune was the best villain lol
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kseniaallis · 2 years
I just watched tw movie trailer, and it says a lot about my “excitement” that I just watched it. And of course I knew what’s happening because… fandom. But looking at it with my own eyes, book writing experience and participation in teen wolf fandom since I was 14, it just doesn’t make any sense.
I understand why they use Nogitsune as a main villain for the movie - it’s the most popular, loved, if you can say that, plot line of the entire show. Because if you ask fandom “what is your favourite season?” most of them will answer 3b.
What I don’t understand is how they’ll use this storyline without two major characters - Stiles and Kira. The whole reason why Nogitsune appeared in the Beacon Hills was Kira’s family history. And the reason why Nogitsune is so popular - DOB acting. Because I swear to God, if it wasn’t for him, it wouldn’t be just as enjoyable.
I won’t start on Derek’s son that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, that Derek purposefully raised in the town that gave him, his family, friends so many traumas? Make it make sense.
I won’t judge Hikari because I don’t know her plot line, but what I hate and what is heavily implied is that the part of her story is being the love interest. Why won’t you let female character just be in the story, without making them important just because they are someone’s love interest. It's 2023, not 2014 (but we stayed there, ig, and made it worse). And I still don’t like how her being kitsune sounds a lot like Kira’s replacement.
And I hope, hope that even if they pursue Liam and Hikari, please, please don’t let it happen with such a big age difference.
I also have no idea how having a romance with a character that appears just in the movie is a good idea. In all honesty, I don’t give a f about this character because I don’t know her and having this character have a romance with a beloved fandom character just for one movie is ridiculous. Especially, after setting up the whole Thiam heavily implied story line. Because, you see, the only reason why anyone even talk about the movie is fandom. And fandom loves when things they love at least appear, give them breadcrumbs and they’ll be happy. We are not picky.
Mason being a deputy? Okay, perfect. The boy was smart as hell and could go miles away from Beacon Hills to learn science, but no-no. He could have been emissary to the pack and it would work perfectly, but still it’s a no for them.
Malia and Parish's situation is so confusing, like even Lydia and Parish made more sense (age difference is still bad here). And they just decided recycling her relationship with Scott for the sake of Allison's return?
And why does she? Her arc was complete in such a perfect way. It was sad, but it was perfect. It brought reason for the pack to keep fighting, taught them lesson that they weren’t invincible. Bringing her back makes it all go in flames. She died young, saving her friends and it was beautiful in the way, because it brought the whole new meaning to her arc. But no, let’s bring her back and make Argent’s life even more tragic and painful. Let the poor man rest.
And I hope they didn’t kill Theo’s character off screen. But maybe him not being in the movie is a good thing. They can’t fuck up his character after completing his arc perfectly in the tv-show (still surprising, tbh, but I LOVE how they made it).
I remember founding out about the movie. How exciting it felt because I just returned to the fandom, reading all these thiam fics (because fandom recommendations on Tumblr made me, and I was never more grateful to learn about Theo character from the perceptive I have now as an adult. I hated him when I was young and now he is one of my favourites). It felt exciting because it had meaning. And we had hope for it to be at least a decent thing. A continuation of the story that made sense. But now they ruined almost half of the characters and removed the other half for the sake of two hours (how long is it exactly?) movie we won’t even watch.
At this point, I just wait for fix-it fics on ao3 that’ll make more sense than the plot jd came up with his writers.
Thanks for listening to my TED Talk.
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genesis-king · 2 years
Teen Wolf: The Movie released in 2023 should NOT exist and is an ABSOLUTE ATROCITY. Here’s why:
Not only was it absolute bullshit that Jeff Davis killed Derek the same way his family was killed, by burning him alive! But he also had Derek’s 15 year old son WATCH him die. JUST LIKE how Derek watched his family die from a fire when HE was 15!
Where the hell is Stiles, a key character to the series? So major of a character that when he didn’t appear in the beginning of season 6 of the original series, views decreased SIGNIFICANTLY. And when he returned in season 6 episode 11 (with Derek, might I add), views SKYROCKETED like crazy.
A majority of the movies plot points don’t line up with the original show. For example: Chris Argent and Isaac Lahey took the jar containing the Nogitsune with them when they went to France. So why is it on a shelf, let me repeat: a GOD DAMN SHELF, in Japan?! Another thing is that in the original show Derek (as an alpha) was able to survive a wolfsbane bullet wound for almost, if not, 24 hours. While in the movie Chris says Scott (also an alpha) only has a few hours to survive before the poison kills him.
Stiles would never abandon not only his Jeep, as stated in season 4 episode 1: The Dark Moon, but ALSO Scott and Lydia, his two best friends.
There’s so many other things that just don’t line up but it would take way too long to explain and that’s not the reason I’m posting this. The reason for this post is up next. So moving on…
Since Jeff Davis HAS decided to give us this movie with its OUTRAGEOUS plot line and BULLSHIT ending (no offense to Davis entirely, he did very good on the original series but he honestly should have left it there), I have decided (as I’m sure others have as well) that there needs to be a sequel to fix it. Here’s some of the things I think need to happen in said hypothetical and much needed sequel:
Eli’s the main character (not Scott McAsshole) and we learn who his other biological parent is (most likely Kate because even if everyone hates it, it would serve as a very interesting plot).
Stiles comes back because the show is absolute SHIT without him. AND he’s pissed about Scott & the pack not calling him for his help, resulting in Derek being DEAD! He’s also mad at Scott because he, an ALPHA, allowed one of his betas to SACRIFICE himself. In front of his KID no less! The TRAUMA the poor pup will have now. (Can’t there be ONE Hale generation that DOESN’T have life altering trauma and hogwash happen to them!)
Isaac should also return so we can see his reaction to Allison being resurrected and Derek being dead. His reaction is so important to me because when Allison died they were dating and Derek was his original alpha & took him in after his dad died.
In fact, since we’re bringing Stiles and Isaac back, let’s bring EVERYONE that was still alive at the end of the original series and were still part of the pack (or once was) back. Let’s have them make a major debut for an amazing kick ass battle against some new big bad. (Possibly “Captain America: Civil War” style. ✨SCOTT vs STILES✨ …That’s actually not a bad idea. I’ll post about that next, but first we got to continue with what else needs to happen.)
Derek isn’t ACTUALLY dead! Yay! He should be in bardo because 1: he’s a stubborn, self sacrificing pain in the ass who has been wronged in SO many ways. And 2: he has realized his mistake of sacrificing himself (while needed in the movie, it could have easily been prevented if Stiles was there) causing him to leave his son and outright REFUSES to fully die. PLUS, right before Derek died we saw his eyes turn RED, meaning that he is now a True Alpha. That changes a LOT of things! I don’t care if there’s no body and he can’t logically return to this plane of existence physically. He’s in bardo. Plain and simple. The show has already broken so many perceived supernatural rules, what’s one more?
Stiles has ✨magic✨ (as hinted on by Deaton saying he has a Spark MULTIPLE times throughout the series) and brings Derek back from being almost-dead-but-not-quite-dead.
And finally, what a MAJORITY of Teen Wolf fans (myself included 😌) have been waiting for *drumroll*: STEREK!!! FINALLY it happens! *jazz hands*
BOOM! DONE! STORY FIXED! Your welcome!
Feel free to comment what you think is wrong with the movie and what should be added to the hypothetical & desperately needed sequel.
Until next time…
Genesis. ✌️
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heroictoonz · 4 months
So, I finished Red vs Blue. Just now like not even a few seconds ago as of writing this post. It was, well to say it bluntly it wasn’t great. I didn’t agree with pretty much most of the endings for these characters and I wish the final season had been longer than less than an hour an a half. Most movies are longer than that these days. But, I will say, that I cried. I cried and sobbed and am still crying writing this because even if I didn’t like how it ended it didn’t end horribly and I can tell it ended in love. All the characters, the ones they had in the season at least, got their emotional 15 minutes of fame. Maybe Tucker didn’t get much at all but, I dunno. As the guy whose only personality trait is liking Tucker RvB I weirdly didn’t mind all too much. Donut wasn’t in it either but he did great in season 17 so I also don’t mind that too terribly.
I will say, I don’t think there was any hope of RvB having an ending that I, personally, would think was ‘good’ or ‘satisfying’. Not perfectly at least. And I don’t say this to be mean. But, this was clearly the kind of show that was meant to run on till it was forced to die. They probably weren’t planning on ending it when they did and it took the company getting taken to pasture for it to be over. With as much random bullshit that they crammed into this show I never much expected for it all to be focused on or tied up in the finale. And this show didn’t start as something that took itself very seriously, but the ending was clearly taken with so much heart and care in mind and that’s all I can ask for from this show, I think.
They ended the show where it began. In a box canyon. They ended the story with Allison and Leonard. The people who unknowingly started all of this in the first place. They did what they could to tie in other loose ends and bring in some really cool ideas to make the ending interesting and still it’s own fun story. It made me sad to watch, honestly. Most the characters I have spent so many years loving just didn’t get the best endings. And I was always afraid of that but, hey maybe I’ll write a fic to give them a better one. Maybe it’s the endings that the RT team thought was most fitting for all of them, and I can understand why. I just, personally, enjoy happy endings. This one wasn’t as happy. But, it had hope in it. Especially Carolina and Wash’s last part. I hate the idea of some of these characters being dead and never coming back. I hate the idea of Grif leaving and never seeing any of the others again. But I get it, I understand the ending and I’m content with it. As weird as that might seem, honestly.
Whenever I finish something I’m always reminded of this Doctor Who episode I watched as a kid where he talks about how much he hates endings. How he will tear the last page from books he reads so they never have to end. It’s funny that without fail I think of that episode, that scene. Because in that episode the Doctor is forced to face an ending. One he doesn’t want but accepts anyways. This is me rambling but, I think every time I finish something I love this much and have loved for this long, whether the ending it good or bad, I think I understand that random Doctor Who episode more and more each time.
Did I like the ending season of Red vs Blue? Not fully. The ideas were cool but as with most of this show the execution wasn’t the best in my opinion. But, maybe I’m just a hard ass lol. But the ending did make me laugh, it made me cry, it made me smile and stim and feel. The ending made me feel. And it was a pretty good send off to a pretty great show. And hell, they got an ending. That’s harder to come by these days. Maybe that’s all I can ask for from it. Maybe that’s why even in my tears I’m content more than any other emotion.
But, it’s also weird. Like a really long chapter of my life is closing. I think this is also where I have to officially accept what happened to RT. As someone who’s followed RWBY, RvB, and Camp Camp for a really long time not to mention the lives and their gaming channel and all of that, it feels weird? Kinda bad, honestly, to see it end. I’ve, admittedly, been avoiding it. Avoiding talking or thinking about it. And I doubt the guys told all the stories they had for this show, but I’m glad they got to end it. I’m glad they got at least that much.
It’s 2am and I have work in about 14 hours. I think I’m gonna go read fanfiction.
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simplylove101 · 1 month
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2024 Horror Challenge: [28/?]
↳“I think you're looking for me.” Trap (2024) dir. M. Night Shyamalan
Plot: A father and his teen daughter attend a pop concert only to realize they've entered the center of a dark and sinister event.
Starring: Josh Hartnett, Ariel Donoghue, Saleka Night Shyamalan, Hayley Mills & Alison Pill (and featuring Kid Cudi & Russ)
Last catchup review for the day (even tho I definitely have other horror movies I watched lately) since these were the big four that I wanted to type up on here. I saved this review for last because I actually went to go see this one in the theater. Yeah, a M. Night movie, me, in the year 2024. Who would have thought? Mostly because as I previously stated in my reviews of Old, Knock at the Cabin & The Visit (and his daughter's The Watchers), my track record with him is, quite frankly, not the best. lol But hey, I love Signs. I was mildly amused by The Visit. Split, while problematic, is pretty entertaining imo. And I've actually never properly watched The Sixth Sense in its entirety (I already knew the plot twist so lol) but hey, that's considered a classic. So, I don't hate M. Night. Just not all of his movies are my cup of tea BUT I was actually pretty excited for this one. The premise intrigued me, despite there not seeming much elsewhere for the story to go based on the trailer. And a chance to see Josh Harnett as a villain, hello??? Sign me up! Also, I just really love the idea of a horror movie at a concert. Now, while I didn't hate this... I gotta get into the negatives. lol Overall, it is kinda mid. BUT it's because while there are some twists near the end in typical Shyamalan fashion, most of the first half was already spoiled for us in the trailer, so that's a bummer. Basically trailers these days suck because they think we actually want the whole story told to us before we see it when um, no. We want to be surprised. Now, as I said, there are some surprises later on, but those do seem a bit contrived as well. But also, the movie itself felt incredibly longer than it needed to be. We're at the concert quite a while considering plenty of the movie takes place outside of it in the second half. Not to mention, there's actually a good portion of it dedicated to the musical performances instead of plot. Now I will say, the music was good ngl, at least to me. lol So, that part is a positive. But that also brings me to one of the big negatives: This is a definite nepotism movie. XD The focus on M. Night's daughter's character grows in the second half in a way that had me go, hmmm interesting because it's not remotely believable. Partly because, sadly, Saleka's not a very strong actor imo. She tried her best but making her have a bigger part in the story was definitely a choice (not a very good one) Now, to the biggest positive of the movie: Josh. HE CARRIED THIS THING ON HIS BACK. Like, he was soooo good. He's very much why I can't say I hated this watch. He's what makes it work at all. Definitely my fave performance by him I think. Just deliciously evil. I will say, Allison Pill was really good with what she had to work with too. And you know, props to Ariel Donoghue really being dedicated to playing up the fangirl role as much as she did. She committed. Also, shoutout to Kid Cudi. He's really just a cameo but he def ate his small role. I love him. lol So, at least, acting-wise, there were positives. The concept was cool, it's just the execution (kinda as per se usual why M. Night's movies tend to be a miss for me because they're slightly off in a way that isn't always my thing) but it is decent. I didn't even mind that I paid money seeing it in the theater since it was enjoyable enough. Also, I watched it with an interactive enough audience that it felt like a pleasant experience. Now, I just gotta know, that ending... is M. Night just being silly or is he hinting at a sequel?? Because honestly, it did keep feeling like he genuinely didn't know how to end the movie because it just kept going. There were certain beats where it felt like we reached a conclusion and then, nope. And then we got that. Like, what??? LOL okay. Anyway, this one was interesting. I still have thoughts. So, yeah. That's all.
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ambrosia-ghostie · 1 month
i am so upset.
here are my real-time thoughts from tua series finale, i guess:
- is gun control not a thing in this timeline? jeez
- i don’t even know where i’d get a gun lmao
- this is giving MAGA… yikes
- i love meghan so much. national treasure. AND she can sing. EGOT, please.
- lila isn’t the only one hiding stuff from her husband 👀
- diego talking about lila with a new lease on life 🥺
- awh this is very “it’s a wonderful life”
- lila’s family is fab. the spinoff we need.
- i love how many actors get to perform as other actors performing another role on this show
- the whistle !!! call him out dr. jean !!!
- dr. jean deserved better !!! 😭
- i love the fast food lady (featured extra). she understood the assignment.
- “it smells so nice in here!” why are me and klaus the same person but completely different?
- call back to viktor drawing the umbrella tattoo as a kid !!!
- holy shit, ben is the fly
- body horror is so cool
- oh hey! they’re seeing each other and it’s neither a wedding nor a funeral
- klaus still eating because he deserves it - just give him all the nourishment, please
- why do they always wait to tell each other the most important thing ??? one brain cell - i stg
- “not during christmas” - oh, diego. for those of us with chaotic families, it’s always on christmas
- klaus scooping up five’s empty seat is such big family/sibling energy
- “i didn’t see that one coming!” klaus, luther, and allison look just as confused as i still am
- time travel is wild. five was right in s1 - i am not smart enough for it.
- “do you love him?” 🥺
- cronenberg would love this. i wonder how much of the virus effect is practical vs. cgi
- klaus’s clothes make a lot more sense for the final showdown since he probably borrowed from one of lila’s relatives
- luther’s borrowed clothing is a bit too luther to be believably borrowed tho
- this is my favorite van 🚐 set piece since little miss sunshine
- allison pulling the emergency brake is the ultimate mom arm 💪
- i too, like five, always end up in the subway (as a new yorker)
- oh shit, i just realized that no one probably told klaus how ben really died - ugh
- but, you know what, allison probably didn’t want to overwhelm the poor guy with more trauma so i’ll let the lack of communication slide this time
- “i can fly now! oh it hurts”
- aim for the tanks… like jaws… the… 🦈 ?
- sigh, five and diego beef is just really not necessary - i’m annoyed
- “my hand is stuck in its ass” !!!
- WHO CARES ??? this romance is not that important, dude. you’ve been trying to save your family for decades, my guy 😭
- oh damn - is five going to find the right subway station now?
- if they all forget everything like fucking dorothy in kansas, i’m going to be so mad
- holy shit - PET CEMETARY, but like PET SEMETERY !!! you can’t bring someone back, not really… that’s the show 😭
- netflix loves their stephen king
- this is also the lesson in 11/22/63… JFK… yeah
- i could write a thesis on this rn
- we got our coffee shop AU ?!?!
- can i be “cheesecake five”?
- oh… oh no
- no no no
- don’t make my children not exist 😭
- i’m sobbing… out of hurt and anger, tbh
- the children/family are on the lifeboats 💔
i’m not going to be ok for a while
klaus didn’t find out how ben died ???
wouldn’t ghost ben have been able to tell him ???
they really did borrow from stephen king because the alien reginald plot was pointless (i’m looking at you, under the dome)
all in all, i’m glad i got to spend time with these characters… we could have gotten even fewer seasons based on how netflix operates. but this ending could have been written/executed so much better.
i would have even smiled if the last scene was with everyone in the void. but no. we get the original ending of the little mermaid with the marigolds instead of sea foam 😫
there were parts of it i did like - especially the cleanse - but i feel like we all deserved better…
i dedicate this post to the memory of dave, sissy, ray, and every other beautiful character who ultimately became disposable. 💔
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artistnamedlg · 7 months
For context, the garages were a band who wrote songs based off a game called blaseball, mainly rock but not confined directly too it. I am assigning some of their songs to fantasy high characters for the very small subset of people who are interested a.k.a mainly me. Most of these are based off season 1 but there is influence from the others. 👍
-Pyschoacoustics: Very loud but also kinda team based! (The bigger the garage/ the better the sound/ we’re just so glad you came around)
- Vanessa tables, the cheesiest love song ever. I can totally imagine fig singing this.
- ALBUMS: either Underground (its heavy metal) or Short circuit (psychoacoustics esque, it’s so loud!!!)
- CHARACTERS THEY WOULD LOVE? Probably Betsy Trombone or Allison Abbot. Or Jaylen HotdogFingers. Big Garages Fan probably.
- so mediocre, it’s about not being good enough and being told your not good enough. Yeouch.
-Sidelined, same album same reason but this one ends happier cause people do believe in them :)
- the entire Kansas City breath mints team failed the bar exam,
- won’t strike out, it’s about a frog kicking ass. For everyone who doesn’t know blaseball google chorby short right now.
- ALBUMS: either unstable (the first two songs are from it) or, while not a album, The Mike Townsend Trilogy because she would one hundred percent understand the looked down on for not being good enough vibe.
- CHARACTERS THEYD LOVE? Mike Townsend, Chorby Short, maybe Sebastion Telephone cause underperforming sibling vibes. I can see her being a big Hawaii Fridays fan or more accurately Yellowstone Magics
- And I mean all gods, the first line is “I need to email god because I have some issues”. Kristen would say that, 100%.
- solar eclipse, this one’s a little bit of everyone but it feels especially Kristen because of the direct callouts to god in it. She’d very much understand this one I think.
- ALBUMS weirdly enough, no clue. She would probably like the garages kill gods cause of the title and maybe pathetic/spineless cause repressed rage.
CHARACTERS THEYD LOVE? Most of the like goofy ones I think. She’d see pitching machine (a player who is an actual honest to god pitching machine) and start cheering. She would actually maybe enjoy the monitor who is a god but is also a pushover and eventually anticapitalist. Shed like Randall Marijuana if only cause he’s called “Randy weed” She’d also be a big Fridays person but I can see her being a Hellmouth Fan.
- operation plasma (swing and a miss) it’s a song by the spies about how they want a spy to bring them stuff, riz core.
- beautiful day, I don’t know why I can very much see riz in this, half of it cause shit canonically hits the fan even harder after beautiful day.
- the unremarkable ballad of Derrick Krueger, I can’t explain this one but I think it does have slight riz vibes of like overlooked underdog at the beginning of season 1
- Albums, be my valentine cause some of the songs are very sweet and a decent amount are not even romantic in like partner partner way or percolate or lofi hip-hop brews to kill siesta/kill gods to.
- Players he’d love? Parker McMillan, he’d love the insane complexity of trying to piece them together and like interrogating their socials. He’d be a big Houston Spies fan as well, no surprise, but he’d also be a data witch or something similar on the side, just digging round in the code.
EDIT: he would also love one of my fav players, Evelton mcblase 2, a trans mad scientist who is evil and also occasionally a eel.
- heart full of love mouth full of blood, it’s a little romantic but also about killing to protect your friends
- Mike Townsend is back, I can see him vibing to this, especially with the goofy “I learned how to solo!!!” Part
- hurt people, it’s about desperately not wanting to hurt those around you but being unable to.
- Albums I don’t know! Maybe encore cause some of those are very hard hitting and he’d like that I think but also maybe lofi as well cause chill out vibes. Potentially Immaterial Shores which is a bunch of like sea shanty’s.
-Characters they’d like? Jaylen hotdogfingers as well, he’d understand the tradgedy. Also Theodore Duende. Definitely Nagomi McDaniel because she’s a buff as hell mother , maybe the dad versions of Lenny Marijuana. Generally the strong ones who have hearts of gold. He’d be a Dallas steaks fan (their joke is that they’re all dads or dad adjacent, they do cookouts)
- Top ten Tillman Henderson moments that actually happened, dude I cannot describe it but he would love Tillman, shitheel player who does the silliest shenanigans.
- Rise, I can’t really explain it but the extreme confidence mixed with the knowledge that Jaylen actually deeply regrets her revival and fame feels very Fabian.
- Betsy trombone (+ r - s version) I can’t explain it but specifically this version has Fabian feels.
- Albums. Uhhh maybe just straight up discipline, it’s super long but he’d like it I feel. Something shorter would be Caught in the Reverb I don’t know why but I think he’d like it a bit.
-Favorite Characters? Tillman Henderson, he’d love how much of a shitheel he is. I can see him also liking Nagomi McDaniel and Jessica Telephone. I can also seeing him being part of the Jaylen resurrection efforts and just supporting her girlbossing murder spree. He’d actually care if they’re good at the game, similarly he’d be a crabs fan since they’re pretty consistently good, if not the crabs then the hades tigers cause they’re sick as hell. I can also see him really really enjoying York silk because it’s a 12 year old with a gunblade who’s unironically super strong.
- Well suck forever
- A horrible Mistake we will make again and again
Gilear (special edition!!)
-on fatherhood, im adding this just cause it reminds me of him. If you didn’t know people died in blaseball! That was a key thing! While figs alive this does give that vibe with how much she gets into.
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timingmatters · 2 years
My villain origin story is that there’s legitimate issues with the teen wolf’s movie’s writing (apart from a race issue by the movie revolving around Japanese lore and no Japanese character) yet everyone shuts it down by saying “you are just a stiles fanboy shut up” (which btw i think someone purposely misgendered me???? But idc) or “the writing of the show was never top tier anyways” bc like
1) idc for dylan that much tbh???? Of course i wanted stiles but the movie could have been fine without him. He is however still a core character. They fucked up all his dynamics and it felt more like a punishment to his character for dylan not coming back rather than good writing. Because why did scott, his brother, the MAIN relationship of this show, never even addressed him????? Why are we expected to believe he let lydia go even tho she still loves him?????? How does he not know derek and his child when his dad still lives there, he just never visits his dad????? Thats fucking ridiculous ???? They could have just said lydia told him to focus on work and not come back in order to avoid getting his possessed again and not relive his biggest trauma. And that would have been good enough??? And have eli know him because is such bs that stiles doesn’t visit his father???? And have scott simply saying “i just talked to stiles on the phone. Told him we were good. Didn’t want to worry him” like BARE MIN THEY DIDNT NEED DYLAN THERE. But fucking up ALL his dynamics and relationships when he is a core character in order also kinda fucks up all the other characters and is BS???
2) the og show was never top tier writing, but if the potential was always at a 50% then the movie has to have that or more. Not less. And it gave less. It was a mess so obviously ppl will have critics of it regardless of Dylan’s character being there or not.
3) character wise no one benefitted from this movie except scott and allison, and not even because scott WHO IS THE MAIN CHARACTER barely touched on any other dynamic that wasn’t allison. Which is ridiculous.
4) whole thing is on Japanese lore on a character that ON THE SHOW comes from a concentration camp and created by kira’s mom, yet kira is never mentioned, and there’s absolutely no Japanese character or kitsune being relevant to the story. Which is bs??? Like Liam’s gf is there for 2 seconds and not relevant whatsoever.
5) which brings me to, liam and mason??? Why are they there??? Both of them and liam’s gf are literally so irrelevant???? They are just there to say they brought them back????????? Which is a shame bc so much could have been done???????
6) malia is literally stuck in life and that wasn’t even a plot????? She wears the exact same outfits from high school and in a relationship with a grown man who has known her since she was a minor and he wasn’t (side eye) and her character never goes through any sort of arc to realize she wants more???????????? Her character was already done dirty in s6 and this even more????? Girl came to the world in s3 after being stuck as an animal and never grew out of HS and thats!??? Never addressed??????
7) derek’s arc was shit??? All he did pass down his family trauma (seeing them burn) to his son. And why is eli’s happy ending that he got adopted by scott and allison??? WHERE IS HIS MOTHER??? HIS AUNT CORA????? Allison just came back to the world she should barely get in a relationship when mentally she doesn’t know life outside of HER JUNIOR YEAR OF HS. LET ALONE BE MOTHER TO A HIGH SCHOOLER????!!!?????
I could literally keep going????? It feels like character wise this movie was a set back and a fuck up of all characters and all dynamics rather than something to push the story forward. So yes. It was AWFUL writing. Regardless if Dylan was there or not. They could have done amazing without dylan still but they didn’t. They focused more only of the allison x scott ship and punishing dylan by fucking up his character.
All that said the acting (of most) is still really good!! So it makes sense some people enjoyed it. There’s angst, fave nostalgic characters coming back, and good chemistry/acting between them. But for people (like me) that wanted something for the characters it wasn’t good. Its stupid to try shutting down valid criticism by saying “you are just a dylan fanboy” because that also implies ignoring the whole issue with kira and racism too.
Reminds me of a post i saw here saying “the teen wolf fandom kinda deserved better but they have also always been super racist so maybe they don’t” the day the movie came out and shdjjdjd sad bc i want better but is kinda true😭 y’all either completely ignoring the real life issue with arden and the show taking japan culture while simultaneously fucking up their asian characters to benefit the white ones, or completely ignore the real issues with writing and say “fuck scott” to put stiles in a pedestal when in reality lil brown scott is as essential to the franchise as stiles. BOTH are the core of the show. And you can keep the core without the actor by at least addressing him, not trying to push him out like the movie intended. Aaaah i have so much shit to say and complain about but whatever. Shit is not canon to me either ways. Just gonna hope for better for wolf pack bc it looks promising. Altho kinda hesitating about wanting to give jeff davis my coins tbh.
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didiash · 1 month
*Takes the leaf from my mouth*
A: BETTER MOTIVATION FOR THIS END CHOICE (why didn’t we spend the the season with them realising they missed their powers and were better off with them and actually (ACTUALLY) hated their life without them, subsequently realising that because it would inevitably lead to the end of the world, they’d actually prefer giving up their life to save the world. Just change the choice (Sake) at the start to all of them voting to get their powers back and then it’s an ACTUAL tragedy)
B: HAVE A SCENE WHERE THEY (at least (at FUCKING least)) LAY THEIR LOGIC OUT, about their end.
Also: the world is grim enough as it is. I don’t need a blob swallowing the heroes, without them getting bare minimum a semi-happy ending.
(Why didn’t anyone (Viktor/Allison) believe Klaus when he talked about how Ben died??? Why were they all apparently clueless? Cuz RH could’ve messed with Klaus’s white matter, but Klaus has been hanging out with Ben ever since)
Also, also: how tf does the family exist without them? Like… that doesn’t track at all? How? And why/how is Reggie the voice-over, for the end?
Furthermore: I don’t necessarily agree with the read that Lila and Five would not have started a relationship. What I don’t get is
1) why it would’ve taken them so long (Lila and Five have had a whole Enemies/Lovers thing since she showed up) (In my opinion this should’ve occurred during the time-skip (I don’t agree with Lila/Five, but the “sub”text has been there))
2) Why Five would’ve withheld the fucking map. Like. Why? It makes no f*cking sense. (AND WHY WOULD HE NOT JUST HAVE LOGIC’ED IT HIMSELF. THEY WERE THERE FOR SEVEN. YEARS. If we were gonna have a betrayal, make it his own work that Lila then finds, for crying out loud.)
Also what happened to the Ben on the tube in Japan? Or is that me just having a Mandela effect memory?
Adding: If you wanna give me a tragic ending, give me one. But then you gotta make it so that it is all of (or bare minimum, most of) the heroes choice, that we end up there. Like… The simple quick fix here is that a way back in time is found, to stop Ben with the sake, and subsequently everything else.
(If you wanted to make Abigail Hargreeves an Anti-hero/villain type, then make her “adopt” all of them, the second they came to this timeline. Would’ve made the twist WAY better.)
Which brings me to my last point:
2 ways the series could’ve ended, that would’ve been way more interesting/dope:
1: Everyone (semi-)unanimously vote to get their powers back. The season follows much of the same plot, except they’ve all SELECTED it. It becomes a tragedy, about heroes so unwilling to let their powers go, that they would rather not live at all/end the world, than be without them.
2: Abigail is the “mastermind” in the “true” timeline. This still leads to the Umbrella Academy, but the Jennifer Incident does not play the same:
A) Reggie is killed before ‘89, leading to Abigail (who honestly seems WAY smarter and more caring than Reggie), to not lead them on the Jen mission, but something else, way more juicy happens (cue ep 7 & 8, a)
B) She “instructs” Reginald to only kill Jennifer, since Jen&Ben do not touch skin to skin. The Durango is still loose (cue ep 7 & 8, b)
I will come back to my to proposed 7&8’s soon. Promise.
Also what’s up with good series f*cking up their endings recently? The hells going on???
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rebelumbrella46 · 2 years
Rewatching TUA - 3x07 “Auf Wiedersehen”
Let's talk about Allison vs. Viktor
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Alright, Viktor arrives, worried but still docile, I mean he could have blown up the place, but since he thinks Harlan might still be alive, he won't risk his actions prompting the Sparrows to hurt him. 
He asks about Harlan and Allison proceeds to say the worlds that really made her cross the line into the antagonist this season.
“I killed Harlan…” She doesn't seem to feel guilty or even satisfied. Her tone and her body language scream "Dare!" She is daring Viktor to react.
"Because he didn't deserve to live..." Now this sentence is bullshit, Harlan was an autistic kid, who was bullied for it, lost his mother to cancer and was isolated his whole life. He felt guilty about the mothers, he never intended for that to happen. He apologized to Allison and even then, after he was released from power and at his most vulnerable, Allison attacked him.
"Why? Because they said so?" Of course, Viktor, even after Allison admits that she killed him, doesn't think she's capable of doing something like this unless someone had talked her into doing it.
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Allison spills the truth in front of the others, making Viktor the target of all the anger and blame.
(This scene particularly made me feel like we were watching the Academy vs The White Violin again)
Viktor argues Allison could have talked to him and they would have worked together and figured something out. But it's somewhat hypocritical of him, since he did the exact same thing to her and the rest of the family. He didn't tell them about the mothers and decided to take Harlan regardless of the consequences or what they all agreed to.
"So what you could lie to us again and side with him?" True, Viktor sided with Harlan, which is understandable. And, of course, it also makes sense that he wouldn't trust his siblings, since they've done him wrong in the past.
“If you want someone to blame? I'm here" "What makes you think I don't…"
Finally some truths... what happens with Allison and Viktor is that they carry a score, of all the shit they've done, to each other and to others.
Allison rumored Viktor to think he was ordinary (Reginald made her do that, but Viktor still blamed her in 1x08).
Viktor slashed Allison's throat, nearly killing her and rendering her voiceless (didn't mean to kill her, but still hurt her)
Viktor caused the end of the world in S1. Killing Claire in the process (I feel like this is something we tend to forget)
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During S2, we put a pause on the conflict because of the Viktor's no-memory plot, which I didn't like by the way. Allison argued nothing because, one: they were happy to know everyone was alive and reunited. And two: there was no point fighting over something Viktor couldn't remember happening. Did Viktor apologize to Allison? Not.
And now, in S3. Allison is on a self-destructive path. a lot of anger. And she takes the time to help Viktor against the family, and she takes Harlan away, but Viktor withholds information from her. What could have happened if he had told her the truth…? Allison would have been angry, yes. But she wouldn't have felt betrayed. And they could have dealt with it, before Harlan was left unprotected.
“It wasn't about saving the world, it was about hurting me” Yes, Allison wanted revenge for probably all of the above reasons.
They proceed to confront each other about Claire, Harlan, and even Sissy. Because yes, Viktor killed Claire and Allison in return killed Harlan, who was almost like a child to Viktor. It was a personal and low blow.
"I didn't kill anyone!" Maybe not in the previous timeline, Allison, but...
When Allison argues that Viktor tried harder to protect Harlan more than he ever tried to help bring Claire back. That's rage talking, since Viktor was the only one who actually tried to make a deal with the Sparrows to get the briefcase and fix everything by going back to Dallas.
“I was there for you… I tried. I was…" The same feeling of betrayal starts to sink in...
"What? Help me grieve? This whole family is quick to tell me to suck up my pain and so worried about fixing yours!"
It's true that no one could sympathize with Allison on a deeper level, because none of them have known the pain of losing child, except now Viktor, who lost Harlan. And everyone is going through their own thing, but it's always Viktor's problems that everyone always focuses on. And that's not because they particularly care about Viktor the most, it's probably because they're all traumatized after he has caused the apocalypse twice.
“Someone has to pay because you never seem to…” This was a great line. Pogo died during S1, and then Ben in S2. So its true, but it's still wrong coming from her after what she did. 
"I'm sick of it" And this line made me wonder, when will it stop? Does Viktor have to die for the apocalypse to stop happening? But I guess now that the powers are gone. That problem has been solved.
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The next thing that happens is Allison rumors Viktor into shutting up. Without saying the words “I heard a rumor”, this moment really got me excited, not because of what was happening, but because it made me believe that we were going to see an upgrade to Allison's power: The Reality Warping.
Finally, someone (Luther) steps in and stops the fight.
“We should have let you into the basement…” A line was crossed. And then Viktor hits Allison.
And Allison looks pleased that she managed to get under Viktor's skin. I would have preferred Viktor to say something like “You did… I got myself out…”
Because at the end of the day, there is something that always separates Viktor from the Team, not from the family, from the team.
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This scene was like watching a good tennis match, both throwing truth after truth, making very valid points, you don't know which side you're on. But both are right and wrong at the same time
I'm not saying they don't love each other, I just think they have a very toxic relationship, probably the most toxic among siblings.
Personally, in S1, I didn't care much for Viktor and his story, and now in S3 I didn't care much for Allison's story... I just didn't feel her pain, I felt more of her anger and it was hard to sympathize with her after episode 2 (and after the SA to Luther and killing Harlan), especially is hard to sympathize when we haven't seen much of Claire so it's not like the grief of not having Brelly!Ben, I just don't know Claire so i don't care if she comes back or not, I think i was more excited to see Ray again by the end... 
And then Five threatening Viktor in this episode really caught me off guard, it was a good hint to the Comic where Five actually tries to kill the White Violin. And then him saying, “You know what they call a superhero who works alone and doesn't listen to anyone? A villain..."
And then Allison proceeds to make a deal with Reginald...
I feel like this season finally addresses the issue with Viktor and facing accountability for his wrong doings, so i need to see the same for Allison in the next season... 
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Unspoken and Unseen
My brain told me the first part while i was driving home from the grocery store.  🤷‍♀️ I didn't intend on it being so long or doing what it did. Oh well. Garvez 16x6 retellingish wc: 2,052 ao3
It’s that smile. That breath stealing, lung crushing, heart shattering, smile- that she’d miss the most. The one that for the briefest of seconds disarms her and so she shoves up reinforcements because that smile lies, he could never love her like that, would never love her like that. But he did and he had and she knew it and that’s the part that hurts. She’s changed that smile, it’s a bit softer now, it’s guarded. She’s muted it and she hates that. She hates that she’s hurt him, because she loves him. So she notices when they’re walking through the door how he instinctively turns towards her, but she also notices how he kind of stops…kind of leans away, giving her respectable space. But she can’t let him. She can’t let him give up, and she feels terrible about it, she wants to let him slip away, she needs to let him slip away, because she can’t give him what he wants, even after all these years and the knowledge of that hurts her heart even more, she feels wicked and evil and awful. A villain in his love story.
But she can’t, something in her won’t let her, so she pulls them both in and god she misses him so much. His heart is on hers beating together, knocking on the ribs of the other, begging to be let in. His arm around her, she’s holding him so tight, and JJ, she’s there but not really, not in this moment, all she feels is Luke. So she lets herself slip, she slips instead of letting him slip, her whole body leaning into him, her head resting against his shoulder, a sigh of relief. He groans in protest, too tight, too much, but she finds his hand on JJ’s back and holds it with her own. He's alive.
The bomb scare confirmed why she wouldn’t be with him, but it didn’t alleviate anything, in fact it exacerbated it. Digging up old and polishing off to make new again.
Tyler’s free, she watches him go, too preoccupied with her own feelings to be cognizant of the situation. She realizes when it’s too late that he might need someone too. But he’s stubborn and she only grudgingly likes him. Under different circumstances, given more time, she could have befriended him, would have gotten along very well with him. They were like peas in a pod deep down, two sides of the same coin; Tyler is who she used to be. She watches as the doors close on his angry face knowing it won’t be the last time she sees it. She’s not surprised when she gets the call a few hours later. So she goes, because she’s a helper and a fixer. She knows what it’s like to find out the person you love has died. She also knows what it’s like to find out they haven’t died. She’s experienced that one far too many times. Somehow, the knowledge of them being safe doesn’t entirely wash away the fear and grief your body starts the process of digesting even while you still consciously cling to hope.
She picks him up. He’s drunk. He comments on how Esther looks just like her, he shouted as they were leave the precinct “OH don'ttellme I know whossyours” It was slurred and silly. She glared at him irritated at the dig and rolled her eyes because the corner of his mouth picked up. He was teasing her. She kept the window rolled down the whole drive and kept shoving his shoulder to keep him pointed out of her car, there was no WAY he was puking in here. His fingers curled over the rim of the window frame and he twisted his head just so, cheek resting on the cool metal, “I loved her you know,” She thinks he's talking about Allison, so she tries to be courteous and listen, “The Black Queen.” he clarifies. Penelope glanced at him, eyes leaving road, then back. She wishes he wouldn’t bring it up, wishes he’d leave it. “My friends and I, we’d meet up for LAN parties, but the games would get boring after a while and we’d end up going places we shouldn’t, trying to find people we couldn’t. We’d find the message boards talking about what they’d done, logging it all in awe. All of us had a crush on her. But I found her.” He ends sing-song.
She didn’t like this. She still valued what she did back then, it felt meaningful, but she was a hurt person letting another hurt person control her. She wouldn’t ever do that again, she wasn’t her anymore. “There’s nothing to find. She’s gone.” She’s still thinking about Luke. A hurt person, hurting someone else. She was the Shane in this situation. But, no, that wasn’t really right. She thinks about how she told him he can’t just show up anymore, even though she knew it would crush him. But he couldn’t because, really, he could, it would be a welcome intrusion any time.
She can’t let him be alone, she’s sure if he had anyone else near by he would have called them instead of her, so she takes Tyler to her house. She thinks he’ll make some comment about how cluttered and immature it is like he did her cat screensaver, instead it’s more flattery, he likes the colors, likes the vibrancy. He’s not so bad, Tyler Green, he’s even a color, she like’s colors. He’s like a hurt puppy, she thinks, a stray she’s taken home. Shouldn’t take stray home, no telling what they’ll do. She leads him to her couch and he promptly slumps over, head still spinning. She gets him a bucket, because well, he hasn’t thrown up yet, but she’s sure it’s only a matter of time, and a little green froggy icepack for his face. They talk. He tells her what happened. He wasn’t out for revenge, he wasn’t out to cause trouble. But it found him. She knows that feeling.
He sleeps for most of the day. While he’s resting she video chats with the team letting them know what she’s found, and runs pictures through facial recognition to help find the man in them. Their theory is the man locked up, Silvio, chose to stay locked up, take the blame for the murder to protect the man he loves. He’d rather them be apart thinking Juan was safe than together knowing it could lead to death. She knows that feeling too.
Tyler wakes up, his face or head or both making him moan out in pain while she’s on with the team, nearly blowing it- she needs to keep it quiet that he’s here, that she’s taken him home. They wouldn’t understand, they’d tell her it was dumb and unsafe. Luke even asks her if she’s safe. He plays it off as a joke, but she knows he knows, it’s why she lies. Tyler makes her tea, very sweet of him, and he only shows up at her side once he sees the computer close. No chance to be discovered. He’s sober now, he tells her about Allison, tells her about his pain, about how he thought it would make it all better- the knowing. And how it hasn’t. Again, a feeling she’s not unfamiliar with. Something she’ll never get used to.
But this script is comfortable, familiar, it’s one she’s been a part of for years, decades. Someone tells you their pain, you reciprocate, tell them your story so they know they’re not alone. She goes through the motions, the same lines she's said year after year in her grief group. The tears still well up, because even after decades to accept it, and therapy to adjust to it, she still feels guilty and she still misses them. But they meet on some plane, her and Tyler, understanding met, and he’s looking at her, and she can’t look away, the pain, the confusion, the realization that someone knows exactly how you feel, he’s leaning in and she starts to lean in before,
“Gahh!” Not right! Not right! Danger! This is why we don’t bring stray home!
Gut knotting, she pulls away in terror, rambling, putting physical and emotional distance between them. This place is too charged, this place is too small, out, they need out. She ushers him out, for a walk. Walk it off, Garcia. But while they’re out they continue to talk and it’s so nice, she’s missed having someone to talk to, someone to talk with. He’s talking about nothing, and she’s wondering what’s wrong with her, when she became so broken, when she became so isolated. With Luke it was the job, right? It was so obviously the job…but Tyler, he’s passionate, and caring, and sweet, and guarded, and dumb, and she pulled away. She won’t let herself get wrapped up with him either. Why? There are no charges being pressed, he’s free, he’s in the clear, he’s not a suspect anymore, he understands what she’s gone through, she understands what he’s feeling, and she wants to be there for him, through all of it. But she also knows she can’t. She knows it’s not right. But she doesn’t care, she’s not part of the FBI, right? And she’s been so lonely and he gets her…He's kind of comforting and comfortable even in the short amount of time they've known one another. If I feel so much now, what could it be like with time for more?
He’s talking about how he hasn’t been where they are in a while, it’s near Delilah’s, which despite wanting to figure out the personal conundrum she was in, sends her work-brain whirring. It hits her, it’s here, it’s this place, that’s the connection. His subtext is that he hasn’t been there because it reminds him of his murdered sister and oh god this was a terrible place to take him, but she needs to tell the team, she needs to go.
She rushes away, calling a cab. This could be it, she could have it, and then they could have him, and then she could just go back. Go back to her lonely life filled with platonic interactions to help distract from not having him. But Tyler, she thinks…and she turns back. She can’t leave him in this state a second time, here of all places, so she gives him her key, telling him she’ll meet him at home and runs away again. Running away. Again. She owes it to him, she owes it to herself- to see, to find out. She’s filled with hope and excitement and an overwhelming bubbling at having got it. The rush. It’s lucky, maybe this will be lucky. She runs back, stopping herself short, hands planting for balance as she brings her lips to his, a little sound of surprise trapped between their pressed mouths. She kisses him goodbye and it’s
She pulls away, looking at him, almost sad that it’s nothing, but can’t help the smile that spreads. It’s nothing and she knows what a something kiss feels like. And all the kings horses and all the kings men can’t save her or put her back together again.
On the cab ride over she thinks about Luke, about her, about Silvio and Juan, even Tyler and Allison and her parents to an extent. She realizes it doesn’t matter about trying to save someone from the hurt that might get them, because we can all get hurt regardless. Action, non-action, involvement, abandonment, carefully placed distance. Wasting time, that's all it was. Wasting time you could be with them, could be happy making the other happy, she didn’t want to do that any more. She wasn’t going to feel for anyone like she did Luke, even someone as weirdly fitting as Tyler didn’t fit, only Luke fit. But she’d hurt him in the process, he restrained himself and held back because he thought it hurt her, smile tarnishing, his heart tarnishing. She wanted to restore it, she wanted it to shine for her again, she needed it.
She was done not seeing that smile every day.
After this was over. She'd tell him, when it was over.
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buckybarnesss · 2 years
okay okay so teen wolf the movie happened (and it was bad). i haven’t seen it but i have some thoughts from what i have read about it. what is teen wolf but the fans taking the concepts and trying to make them work?
here’s my wish basically:
the nogitsune is a trickster. it thrives on chaos, pain and strife. so it coming back one has to ask: what is the game? what is the trick?
i will be referencing this fantastic meta series because it brings up a great point. the entire possession of stiles, the entire gambit of the nogitsune was an attempt to use stiles to get to the power of the nemeton. 
that is what the nogitsune always wanted. a motivation i believe remains true. however, i think now it also wants revenge on stiles and his pack for defeating it but very specifically it’s target is stiles.
when we see stiles playing go with the nogitsune it is about the concession of territory. what territory you ask? the territory of stiles’s body and also that of beacon hills. the nogitsune of course was cheating and stiles was an inexperienced player. 
15 years later though? that is a different animal. things will have changed. 
here are the ground rules for the state things as i think they likely would be:
most of fandom agreed that stiles was a something. that he was magic. a spark. like many things it was all there in the subtext of the show. if i had my way stiles would be the emissary of scott’s pack. scott and stiles always came as a packaged deal.  (one reason i don’t buy the movie is because there is no way come hell or high water stiles abandoned beacon hills, scott, or derek or his father for any extended period of time. davis was salty dylan said no. period. the sitles and scott friendship is the very heart and soul of teen wolf. i know there is a large section of fandom that doesn’t like scott. i think they’re wrong and that’s that.)
allison is dead dead. there is no cheap resurrection here for her. her death was a cataclysm in the teen wolf universe. bringing her back would make it lose it’s impact. scott and lydia’s arcs would have been better served on letting allison go, and for chris to show how allison changed him and how he honors her memory. 
stiles is still with the fbi and is gone from beacon hills for extended periods but he has not abandoned anyone. however, him coming and going from beacon hills conveys that stiles is running away emotionally from things (ie: failed relationship with lydia, his remaining guilt over events, and a jeep metaphor with derek)
allison’s supposed resurrection is a ploy by the nogitsune to distract scott, lydia and chris argent as them scrambling to figure out if it’s real and if allison is actually allison gets them out of the way for the real game.
stiles and the nemeton. 
if i had my way scott would call stiles pretty much immediately because he has the good sense that melissa mccall gave him.
the wrench would be stiles doesn’t answer because he’s busy on an important case or what not. it doesn’t really matter the why i guess what is important is that he doesn’t answer the call from scott initially. 
as i said i think it works if stiles is emotionally running away from beacon hills and his friends so he buries himself in work. he’s refusing the call of being a hero and losing those precious moments to ignorance costs him and the pack later.
scott does leave a voicemail along the lines of dude allison’s back and so is the nogitsune get your ass here.
since in my version allison is dead dead the nogitsune is using a facsimile of her to fuck with everyone and cause pain, strife and chaos to feed off. this can only work for so long though and it’s real target hasn’t come yet. so with stiles not there and allison only being a distraction for so long the nogitsune has to raise the stakes. 
enter the hales. 
the hales are the old guardians of beacon hills and therefore a problem/nuisance to the nogitsune’s plans. in more ways than one. it also knows derek and stiles are close as derek worked really hard to protect stiles during his possession and prevent him from being killed. 
despite it being over a decade later the nogitsune would still use what knowledge it has of stiles to continue to exploit his relationships to create pain and as a lure.
as for derek i think that we can keep a lot of the same. derek having hale auto (good for him), having eli (also good for him) are nice things and derek hale deserves nice things. 
using allison to go after eli and derek the nogitsune not only tries to resurrect the tensions of old but brings in another element to lure stiles back once he finally gets involved. 
an aside because this is really just me rambling: 
over the fifteen year gap scott and derek probably eased into a friendly relationship. they aren’t best friends but probably talk casually, eli does lacrosse and scott is the coach, they talk werewolf business and keep beacon hills safe.  
malia and derek were finally allowed to build a familial relationship and she’s like a cool aunt to eli. peter is still peter and the man always had a complicated relationship with derek so he’s sort of peripherally around. cora is probably around being awesome somewhere but her and derek talk regularly and she visits her brother and nephew frequently bringing cool gifts from her travels. isaac sends postcards that go on the fridge. 
naturally being the shipper trash i am i would make sure to be clear that stiles and derek have a relationship. that in the fifteen year gap their friendship grew and flourished as they supported each other through things. that derek really got to actually start to heal from his trauma and even though stiles isn’t quite there derek’s been there for him too. they developed a close bond. stiles being there for eli? give it to me. stiles teaching eli to drive in the jeep? i want it. which would be why eli’s always stealing the jeep. to be closer to stiles and annoy his dad.
but this is all set up for the real meat of what i have been thinking:
derek still dies BUT
it’s not eli he dies in front of. it’s stiles. he does not take it well.
stiles eventually gets scott’s message and books it to beacon hills. the facsimile of allison the nogitsune is using digs into that guilt he has over everything that happened with not just the nogitsune but will allison’s death, with claudia and with what happened with donovan. it rips into stiles’s psyche wanting back in. it wants to use stiles to not just cause pain but to use his magic like a battery to feed off stiles’s connection to the nemeton. 
because i have always believed that when stiles, scott and allison did the ritual sacrifice at the end of 3A they became tied to the nemeton, they became it’s champions and protectors. 
anyway, derek once again keeping his track record of saving stiles sacrifices himself with parrish assisting. 
the delay in stiles getting scott’s message cause them not to have a plan that would give stiles time to prepare to face the nogitsune and prevent derek’s death. 
it’s a gambit by the nogitsune. it thinks it wins no matter how it shakes out.  remember derek was set up as the king on stiles’s chess board way back when. it has removed not just a hale from the board but someone important to stiles. someone he’d go through great lengths to save. that’s a play. that’s the trick. 
derek dying causes stiles pain just as much as it removes him off the board and if stiles tries to bring him back he has makes himself (and the nemeton) vulnerable. it is a gambit
how does it end? i don’t know. i like the idea of stiles having to confront himself and descend into his own personal hell to save derek. he has to overcome his fears and guilt. has to open himself up to derek to save him. you know what i mean. 
i have this idea of stiles meeting paige in the inbetween place. she’s tied to the nemeton too as it’s where she died. it was her death that powered the nemeton enough to save julia/jennifer when kali tried to kill her. she’s representative of derek’s own guilt. stiles has to confront not just his trauma but derek’s too. 
he would also meet allison. the real allison argent. allie a who saved the day. she’d tell him to stop blaming himself for her death that it wasn’t his fault and she went to save lydia and him. 
derek gets brought back of course. stiles stops running and finally decides that he wants to come home. and you lets just heavily imply he means home with derek and eli. his dad is thrilled. 
all in all: the pack saves the day and allison is finally, truly laid to rest. 
other points i didn’t lay out but also not a comprehensive list.
kira comes back because of course she does she was the other half of the nogitsune plotline and this is my version. her and scott are awkward at first but maybe by the end there’s hints towards a reconciliation because they were cute as hell and this is a story where people grow and come back together 
scott is a vet and is working with deaton
deaton shows up to talk cryptically with stiles about the ritual to bring derek back and have a nice moment with scott because deaton was more of a father to him than rafael ever was.
hale👏 family 👏 lore
the sheriff being eli’s grandfather for 120 minutes
scott treating derek like his brother in law
lydia and stiles broke up over different life goals and desires not a stupid premonition. 
stiles and scott get a crying, healing hug for 15 minutes
liam’s mom gets a name (this has always bothered me okay)
liam and mason being dumbass best friends and mason trying to get liam to help him with his work. it works 45% of the time. 
they actually say that stiles is derek’s anchor out loud
the sheriff and sitles having a conversation where the sheriff isn’t sure stiles should try to bring derek back because it could go badly and stiles bluntly asks if the sheriff would bring claudia back if he could. 
i want peter to talk about talia. if peter is going to be there i want mr unhinged to be absolutely spitting mad that derek died in hell fire and helps bring him back. 
stiles and derek talk about their relationship in the most convoluted way possible. hence: the jeep. 
stiles tells derek “what you thought death was going to get you out of this relationship?”
me: teen wolf the movie but what if stiles was there like he was supposed to be and it was pretty gay. 
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