#because they thought they were gonna jump to wonderland
hello could i pls have a continuation of the octopus child who’s scared of octavinelle with Leona and 2 random characters (you pick ofc) thank you⭐️
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Octopus Merchild Reader Scared of Octavinelle (2) | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
“I’ll stay with someone else! I don’t want them eating me in my sleep!”
Crowley is taken off guard when you duck under his legs and escape through a loose board 
He thought because of your cephalapod heritage you’d be thrilled to be taken care of by those in Octavinelle 
Also if you don’t go to live with him certain students were going to release some…darning photos
You’ll take his confusion and his general disgust of the place to run back to the school
Squeezing through tiny crevices until you’re in the mirror room and jumping through the one you’re sure can stand their ground against those creepy twins
“Oi what are you doing here kid?”
Leona, exactly who you’re looking for, finds you immediately
Walking through his training dorm members right to you
“I gotta hide here! The bad guys are gonna take me!”
He already knows who you’re talking about
You both have had conversations about them before
He’ll sigh look around and quickly lead you to his room
“Keep training, if I hear any of you skipped a lap I’m beating you into the next season.”
He’ll set you down with the intentions of putting you down for a nap
But you’re  far too worked up now that you’ve made an intense realization
“Wait if they fight you…”
“But there’s two of them and only one of you…”
“What, you don’t think I’m strong enough to take them both?”
“No way! They’ll make you into fried catfish!”
So after no z’s were being had he pulls a trump card 
or maybe two
“Hishishi you hiding out with us, little cub?”
“Ruggie-senpai please don’t make light of their fear.”
“Ruggie! Jack!”
Immediately all the fear you seem to have had is all gone
Now that Jack and Ruggie+ were here
“Feeling better, brat?” 
“Of course! With Jack’s big muscles there’s no way they could beat you guys.”
“Hehe you mean alongside him right?”
“Hmm not really…Jack can turn into a big wolf so..yeah.”
“Don’t look at me like I was the one who said that.”
Eventually after a game or two you’ll doze off
Cozying up to Leona as he rests his eyes while Ruggie and Jack lay out the situation
They seem to get on the same page 
That is until something comes to mind
“Wait has anyone seen that cat?”
“Yeah…isn’t he like always with (Y/n)?”
Suddenly the phone rings
“I believe we have something that belongs to a friend of yours. Mind putting them on the phone?”
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bbina · 8 months
picture perfect confessions ── p. wonbin
synopsis: in which after a painful series of unfortunate events, wonbin decides the right time to confess is when you are caught off guard genre: fluff, fluff and FLUFF warnings: wonbin being a pussy its almost intolerable, anton being a little shit, literally based off riize-wonderland word count: 5.2k... i did not expect this at all notes: i literally got carried away what the fuck
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the long awaited trip to an amusement park planned by seunghan has commenced. the gang is all here to celebrate a long exhausting week of work and the such
"i haven't been in an amusement park for so long!" seunghan cheers as you all enter the gates of everland. twirling around to show his excitement
you laugh at his enthusiasm as sohee joins him and spins around
"hush children, let's calm ourselves" eunseok walks over to the youngsters in attempt to calm their excitement to which of course they boo and call him an old man for his lack of enthusiasm (earning a small smack from the older male in retaliation)
"soo.." you start, catching everyone's attention. "what's the plan?"
everyone gathers in a circle to discuss what everyone wants to ride first, taking all suggestions into consideration. seunghan, being the head planner of it all, firsts suggests that everyone goes to T-express which was a big rollercoaster as a little wakeup call for everyone
sungchan then suggests you guys should play carnival games first to "check gambling off the list first" so you guys could properly get rid off the feeling to waste some extra cash
but shotaro claims that carnival games should be played in between rides to keep the adrenaline going
you were just laughing along when you noticed wonbin a little quiet than usual. he usually was a big talker but for once, he was quiet. maybe a little too quiet for your liking
"you okay there, bin?" you ask, walking over to him to put your hand on his seemingly tensed shoulders.
wonbin freezes for a second before relaxing. he smiles sheepishly as he waves you off
"yeah. it's just its been a long time since i visited here" he says, a bread smile on his face as he attempts to hide his nervousness from hearing all the suggestions from the group
"well is there anything you want to do first?" you gestured to the the guys who were busy trying to one-up each other on what to do first
wonbin simply shakes his head no and keeps to himself
'weird' you thought to yourself but you simply brush it away. he was probably a little tired from the long subway ride which was totally normal
you go back to the circle who looked like they were drawing lots as a fair way of deciding.
"what are we deciding on?" you seamlessly jump into their conversation. seunghan wraps an arm around your shoulder and suddenly yells that you were gonna be the tie breaker between T-EXPRESS and DOUBLE ROCK SPIN
wonbin could feel his eyes pop out of their sockets hearing the two extreme ride suggestions but he wasn't just gonna admit that out loud. he was a pussy but he's not just gonna show that to everyone (mostly to you because the guys know damn well what a scaredy-cat he was)
"oh shit that's a tough decision" you can feel the adrenaline rush through your veins. the six guys look at you with excitement in their eyes. you can tell they were excited as you were
"T-EXPRESS all the way baby!" you cheer, jumping with your hands up in the air. everyone also cheers with your decision. "then we should do DOUBLE ROCK right after!" you continue, furthering the excitement of everyone. everyone minus wonbin who just felt like his soul is leaving his body
how was he gonna get out of this now?
you all rush to the line of T-EXPRESS but thanks to anton little treat of treating everyone to express passes, you lot were the first people in line.
as the rest of the guys were lining up, eager to get stamped on to get onto the ride, you see wonbin who seems to be kicking rocks by your peripheral vision
"binnie, you're not going?" you ask, voice laced with concern. again, he sheepishly shakes his head no
"i'm feeling a little nauseous from the subway ride from earlier. you guys can go ahead while i wait here" he says, straight up lying through his teeth.
you frown at this, expecting everyone to be hyped to ride the rollercoaster.
eunseok senses the weird atmosphere and reads wonbin like an open book. he laughs to himself seeing wonbin plead with his eyes to save his ass for now
"he probably slept for an hour again, y/n. don't worry he'll ride with us as soon as he gets over his motion sickness" eunseok asserts the situation. winking at wonbin who sighs in relief. he was gonna thank eunseok after the ride ends
wonbin does the same bread smile he did earlier and mumbles a little "sorry y/n"
you pout but let it go regardless. "okay, i understand. but could you hold my stuff for me please?" you say, giving him your purse. "i have some anti-nausea meds in my little emergency pouch inside. you can have some" you instruct wonbin who just nods and scurries you away since it was your turn to get stamped
"enjoy" you hear him say making you smile. you give him a thumbs up as you catch up with the rest of the group, leaving wonbin behind
"where's wonbin hyung?" you hear sohee ask, looking for wonbin among the sea of people. you sigh and explain that he feels a nauseous and opted to sit this ride out
at the mention of his "nausea" anton's ears perk up and giggles.
"ah wonbin's just sca–" anton gets interrupted by shotaro by clearing his throat. a little signal that you were in ear shot. he wasn't just gonna let bro be done dirty
you look at the two of them all confused. wonbin was what?
"y/n sit by me!" sohee exclaims, already claiming a seat at the cart he chose which was in the middle. to which you happily oblige. the seating arrangement was seunghan and sungchan, followed by you and sohee then shotaro and anton and finally eunseok who got to seat with a random stranger
and the ride starts briefly after
wonbin on the other hand, was waiting by the exit. your purse hanging off his shoulder as he watches the rollercoaster start to move up.
he grimaces at the thought of being on there in the first place but that thought is quickly overthrown by the thought of sitting next to you
how he wishes he wasn't such a scaredy-cat that he gets to experience something like this with you. not that he'd ever admit that though. he'd rather live through hell than to admit to his little crush he has on you (that of which the group knows about and teases him non stop)
but wonbin being wonbin, he takes the liberty of fishing your phone out of your purse and takes some aesthetic shots of the tall rollercoaster and the pretty sky blue sky. not forgetting to snap a couple of selfies of himself of course
he starts to hear the people on the ride screaming happily of joy as the rollercoaster goes on about its obstacles. he shudders at the mere thought of just being there.
after what seems like forever, the ride ends and the seven of you all walk out all jumbled up from the wind blowing everything out.
"holy fucking shit, holy fucking shit" shotaro chants, jumping up and down like a child
"you should've seen the look on eunseok's face. he was still like a stone" you double over laughing. remembering the look on eunseok's face just all straight and nonchalant
wonbin smiles at the sight of you enjoying yourself. his worries all washed away just by seeing you smile and happy
that is until, you announce that it was time to go to DOUBLE ROCK
wonbin has like 5 minutes to rack up another excuse on why he can't ride that. he was so engrossed with the thought of coming up with a plausible excuse that he didn't even hear you calling his name
"wonbin" you called, shaking his shoulder as he just stares at the ground with a blank face.
he instantly snaps back to reality a little "huh?" coming out of his lips
the rest of the guys all laugh seeing this interaction. how can he be so obvious and how can you be so oblivious
"i said sit next to me on DOUBLE ROCK" you beamed, linking your elbows together as you all walk to the next ride
wonbin can only gulp and pray to all the gods that are watching over him that he can find a way to excuse himself out of this little entanglement
by the time you get to DOUBLE ROCK, the operating manager announces that they need 7 people left before the ride starts
hearing this, wonbin can smile in complete bliss that he found a way to opt himself out of a ride.. again
"you guys can go on without me" he says abruptly, catching you by surprise.
"again? but you didn't ride with us on the first ride" you tried to reason, all you wanted to do today was enjoy the time with all your closest friends but how could you enjoy if one is left behind?
before wonbin could reply, the operating manager makes his final call for 7 people or else he was gonna find other people who are willing to fill those spots in
"i swear it's okay. i'm fine with being out here again. i'll make it up to you guys. scouts honor" wonbin reasons, looking at your face for a reaction.
the rest of the group all look at the wonbin skeptically as you begin to frown and huff
you simply sigh and leave wonbin behind as you tell the operation manager yourself that the 7 of you will take the seats. leaving wonbin behind all dumbfounded with your cold reaction
"oof that's gotta sting" sohee blurts out with you out of earshot earning a little smack again but this time by sungchan.
"sohee!" he scolds as he looks at wonbin with a worried expression.
all wonbin can do is just stand there all wide eyed with what just happened.
"how do i know if i just ruined my chances" wonbin says feeling dejected, totally not expecting that from you
shotaro, being the eldest and being the closest with wonbin daps him up and encourages him that he still hasn't technically ruined his chances with you
"i'm saying this now for good measure but you haven't ruined anything yet but if y/n is literally giving you the opportunity of your lifetime to be with her.. take it" shotaro advices, rubbing wonbin's back in attempt to cheer him up
wonbin can only wince at his advice and ushers him to get onto the ride since you guys were all waiting for him. he catches anton mouthing "man up" before the operators buckle everyone onto the ride
wonbin finds himself again alone by the exit waiting for everyone to finish. he's lowkey beating himself up for being such a pussy.
"god why am i so stupid" he cringes as the memory of you literally going past him like he was just a spectacle of dust replays in his head like a broken record
at the same time, he looks up to see where you guys were at and the ride was literally going in circles. just watching the machine go around and around is making his insides hurl
all he wants is to not embarrass himself in front of you
wonbin hears the machine go quiet indicating the ride was over and watches the crowd make their way to the exit. he waits patiently for the rest of you guys to come out
without another word, you silently grab onto the strap of your bag and sling it off his shoulder and carrying it yourself. walking ahead of the group to find the nearest food stall, completely ignoring wonbin
seunghan and sohee can only make "oooh" sounds as they watch wonbin walk miserably beside them
"couple fight.." anton comments, making eunseok and shotaro laugh.
"shut it" wonbin hisses, eyes following your frame. you had a straight face on which was a solid indicator (at least to wonbin) that you weren't in the mood to talk
seunghan then slips his arm over wonbin's shoulder, giving him a little side hug as his way of being encouraging to his friend. "it's not the end of the world yet, hyung" he says
"with the way you're saying, it probably is!" wonbin sasses, side-eyeing seunghan who just laughs loudly
"did she say anything though?" wonbin hushes, his mood turning a whole 180
sungchan who was listening the entire time butts in the conversation. "nothing. just grumbling on why you're such a killjoy" he jokes, making wonbin even feel worse than he already was
"am not!" wonbin tries to defend himself but he just looks like a sore loser. in retrospect, he kinda was a killjoy and he hated how he just ruined your good mood
after riding two extreme adrenaline filled rides, everyone was obviously hungry for some snacking. you all find yourselves in front of a food stall that sells corn dogs and churros.
you're sat next to eunseok and anton with wonbin in front of you who looks like a puppy who just got kicked. everyone eating silently with the occasional "can you pass me some ketchup?"
wonbin simply munches on his hotdog as he waits for you to talk to him. he honestly looks so miserable that it's killing everyone
anton who finds all of this hilarious has a little idea in mind.
"y/n, do you wanna share this churro with me? i'm kinda full" anton offers oh so innocently, handing you his barely eaten churro.
wonbin raises his eyebrow at this. what the fuck was anton doing
he doesn't miss the mischievous glint in anton's eyes as he smirks in front of wonbin
like a pawn being drawn in. you of course cheerily say yes and take the said churro from anton.
"thanks tony. you're so sweet!" you chirp, happily munching on the churro.
wonbin just felt like he got shot. how dare anton do this to him. how dare anton tease him like that.
"jesus christ.." eunseok mutters, face palming at the whole ordeal
something in wonbin just snapped. he wasn't gonna take this shit much longer (he can't take this shit anymore)
"who wants another corndog? on me" wonbin proposes, in attempt to win you over anton and his half eaten churro.
and like a pack of wild hyenas who just preyed on some innocent animal, the group all raises their hands. all except you
"me wonbin hyung!"
"two corndogs and a churro please hyung"
"me! i'll accompany you"
"was waiting for someone to buy another one finally"
the group all talk over themselves but wonbin is fixated on you and your request (if you even had any)
hearing no response from you, wonbin decides to call your name
"what about you y/n? want anything?" he asks, hopeful you'll talk to him
but to his dismay, you simply shake your head no and motioned to churro anton gave you in hand.
wonbin just felt the remaining pride he had in himself dissolve into thin air. he just wants to air everyone in the area out to get himself out of this painfully awkward situation
"oh.. uh... okay..!" wonbin stammers, getting up from the bench and going to the stall to order the food his friends all asked to get. the worker eyes him weirdly as he shakily hands in his card to pay for the food. this day cannot get any worse than this
after he pays, he calls out for someone to get the food back to the table. sohee, sungchan and shotaro offer to help while the rest stay at the table with you
"what's up with him today?" you ask outloud, not caring who hears your question.
seunghan and anton could only laugh at your question. you make a confused sound at their reaction. what was so funny?
"just wonbin being wonbin" eunseok remarks
"that doesn't answer my question" you retaliate. not liking the feeling of the uncertainty of eunseok's answer
"i'll answer that! wonbin hyung–"
before anton can even finish, wonbin slams the tray of food at the table, startling you and anton in the process
"we're back! here's the food. enjoy." wonbin sounds like he was gritting his teeth as he glares at anton who was obviously enjoying every single moment
not up for this weird shit much longer, you shrug and drop the subject as you wait for the boys to finish up eating
after having a hearty meal, you all walk around the amusement park to let the food digest as you decide which ride to go to next.
you all pass by some little carnival games and decide to splurge a little. even having a competition on who could get you a stuffed animal from the prizes
but of course being the little losers (your losers at that) that they were. they didn't win you any big flashy prizes. it was wonbin who won you a little keychain as one of the consolation prizes
"here" wonbin says, attaching the keychain he won with his hard work on your bag. he smiles as the keychain makes a little bell sound as it jingles around.
still feeling a little upset at him for being such a killjoy and sitting out on two rides, you only give him a half-assed smile. "thanks"
you don't miss the frown that flashed on his face for a second before he walks over to sungchan to argue about something.
now you were beginning to feel a little bad for your attitude. he did say he was feeling nauseous earlier but in your defense, you just wanted to spend the day with him by your side
you were about to apologize til shotaro says he sees a haunted house up ahead and he wanted to go which excites the group as they were feeling a little bored and wanted to go on another ride
wonbin gulps and feels a little lightheaded when he stares at the haunted house ride right in front of him. now that you were all rested and ready to go on another ride, he can no longer excuse reason out on why he can't go in since all you had to do was walk through the maze
sungchan being the matchmaker he was, proposes an idea that everyone takes turns in pairs to go insde so you guys wouldn't cause much ruckus as you were fairly a large group. he quickly groups people into two. shotaro and eunseok being the eldest, him and seunghan, and of course the youngest consisting of sohee and anton
which leaves you and wonbin left to be the pair
"dude you're a genius!" seunghan pats his back, sensing the little plan sungchan had in mind
you reluctantly go up to wonbin, already expecting that he was gonna tell you that he wanted to sit this one out.
"gonna sit this one out too?" you raise a brow at wonbin, ready to hear his excuse for this one. you watch him open his mouth and you were ready to hear the words "you guys can go" but instead you were met with,
"nope. i'm joining you guys this one" wonbin declares, putting on a brave a face hearing gasps from everyone, but you. he instantly feels a little better seeing how your face lights up
"finally! i was literally gonna call you a killjoy this time if you were gonna sit this one out" you gushed, feeling excited that wonbin was finally gonna join in the fun.
with the way you said that to wonbin, he feels like he got punched in the gut but quickly dismisses the feeling. he looks around to see the knowing grins and smirks from his friends
he turns to sungchan and mouths, "i owe you big time" to which of course sungchan gives him a thumbs up. sungchan can be nice sometimes and those times are now
you guys draw lots again to see who goes first and goes last and of course you and wonbin had to go last. not that you minded, its the thought of finally enjoying a ride with wonbin that counts.
the youngests go first and you can hear anton's screams of despair inside, causing all of you who were outside to crack up. after the youngests go, it was sungchan and seunghan then followed by shotaro and eunseok and finally it was you guys' turn
"you ready?" you ask wonbin behind you who was as pale as a ghost.
"y-yeah. ready as i'll ever be" he breathes out, his heart beating faster than ever.
the guys all wish you a good luck with a little comments on how the ride is oh so scary that wonbin might carry you outside (they mean the other way around)
and thus you two enter the horror house.
not even fully inside the house, wonbin starts screaming as some air blows on his face.
"wonbin!" you laughed, totally not expecting this from him and his cool guy image he always had.
"what? oh the scream? i was just scaring the ghosts away" he says shamelessly, attempting to cover up the fact that he was 100% scared shitless right now
you guys carry on further and further into the house. you try to block out wonbin's little outbursts sometimes when the people working inside were scaring you guys
when you reached the hallway where it leads to the makeshift morgue, a scary thing pop outs and literally scares wonbin. so much that in reflex, he reaches out for you and hugs you tightly
by then you feel him shaking. you look up at him to see his eyes closed tight. you almost wanted to laugh but with the way he was quite literally trembling, you can't help but feel worried for him.
"it's okay bin. it's not real" you try to reassure him but he can only whimper in response
you took it upon yourself to guide the two of you out of this horror house.
luckily for you guys the morgue seems to be the last obstacle left inside the ride so you wrap your arms around wonbin as you guide him to the end of the line.
the boys outside were busy chitchatting on the state of wonbin inside knowing damn well what was bound to happen
"do you think he's okay in there?" sohee ponders outloud, imagining the different outcomes.
"ehh so and so" anton comments, giggling to himself
"how much are we betting that y/n is the one wearing the pants and holding him" seunghan proposes to the group, stifling in his laughter
"double it and give it to the next person" shotaro adds, making the group laugh
"i think he can manage" sungchan adds, "his pride is literally on the line"
"guys they're done" eunseok says, seeing you waving your hand with wonbin in your arms
what finally feels like forever, you find yourself out of the horror house with wonbin still holding onto you for dear life.
"bin, we're out. you can open your eyes now" you say softly as you pat his head. wonbin takes a peak and lo and behold. you two were out of that hell hole! barely even noticing your arms wrapped around him
"wonbin hyung.. i thought you were better than this" was the first thing he hears and of course it had to be from anton. wonbin fully opens his eyes and starts to register everything
you were holding him
you had your arms wrapped around him.
you, y/n, his crush, is holding him, park wonbin.
wonbin short circuits as he jumps from your touch. "woah! careful there" you say, catching his arm as he steadies himself. he can't believe that you caught him lacking. the mere fact that you had to hold him til you were out of the house sends him over the edge. he just wants a hole to swallow him whole
you watch as wonbin turn red. you could only laugh to yourself while thinking how cute he was. you never wanted to take care of him more than now
without another word (aside from the boys' teasing wonbin for being such a pussy) you all were on your way to the gift shop as the day is about to end
everyone was busy looking at all the souvenirs they wanted to buy. you were by the stuffed animals section when you feel someone next to you.
it was wonbin
you smile at him as you continue to touch the toys in front of you.
"ooh this one is so soft and cute" you comment, hugging a big black cat plush. you take a good at it before showing it to wonbin.
"it kinda looks like you" you giggle, eyeing both wonbin and the cat plush. wonbin takes a quick look at the plush and copies the face making you laugh
"do you want it? i can buy it for you" wonbin says, checking the price tag by its tail. his eyes widened at the price which was ₩20,000. seeing his reaction you shake your head no
"no, it's probably a little expensive and i can order one online" you say, putting the plush back to the shelf you got it from
wonbin mentally facepalms with the way he reacted. he shakes his head and gives himself a pep talk about money will always go back but shit like this doesn't
"no it's fine ! if you want it i can buy it for you" he reasons, grabbing the plush again to show it to you. even making it dance
you honestly didn't want wonbin spending a lot on you and you hate the feeling of owing someone something but the plush was too cute and who knows when you'll be back here in everland with wonbin again?
"i'll let you buy me that if you let me buy you something too!" you propose to which wonbin agrees with.
you two wander around the gift shop til he decides what he he wanted to get. in the end he wanted to match headbands with you. wonbin chose a bunny headband and with that you two go to the counter and pay
the rest of the guys sees this and whistles at your matching headbands and the big plush wonbin was carrying.
"hey why are you two the only ones matching?" sungchan asks, knowing damn well why you two were matching.
"bunny headbands are taken go look for something else" wonbin counters making you laugh.
"dude chill" seunghan has his hands up in defense making the rest of the group laugh.
"yeah. that's what i thought" wonbin sasses, nudging your shoulders and grins at you
the guys carry on and buys their own headbands before heading out of the giftshop
"wait can we go to that photobooth?" you suggest, seeing a big 'life4cuts' sign. the guys chorus "of course!" before you guys rush over to the empty photobooth (after paying of course)
you guys take lots of pictures before printing them out. it was 4 pics in one and you thought it was the cutest thing ever.
the group was about to move on to the last agendas inside the park before wonbin pulls you aside.
"do you.. perhaps... wanna take another photobooth picture again.. but just the two of us....?" wonbin asks, hesitating a bit as he thinks of 299792 ways this could go. you could reject him, you could call the guys again, you could–
"i would love to" you smile, feeling a little blush creeping up your cheeks.
"i'm gonna go to the bathroom for a bit. you guys can go ahead!" you yell over to the boys who had no idea you and wonbin weren't walking behind them
with that out of the way, you and wonbin sneakily go back to life4cuts to take your pictures
"so how do you want our pics to go?" you ask as you input your money while deciding on what frame you should use
"we can do a normal pic then we can do whatever for the rest?" wonbin notes, mentally preparing himself for what he was gonna do. he was gonna confess his feelings to you
you hum in response, liking the idea. you opted for the default white film strip option so you could place it on the back of your phone case.
while waiting for the machine to process your money, wonbin speaks up
"i'm sorry for being such a pussy today" wonbin apologizes. "i know i ruined your mood earlier and i feel really bad i'm just scared of the rides and i didn't want you to see that so i'm sorry"
you turn around to see him pouting. how can you ever be mad at him?
"i realized that along the way and i'm sorry too.. for ignoring you earlier. i should've known better." you also apologize which causes wonbin to panic
if anything it was him who feels the need to say sorry. he can never be upset at you too
"then we're both sorry then" he jokes, "turn that frown upside down" he says with his infamous satoori accent and pokes your cheeks making you smile and blush
"you're so cheesy, wonbin" you laugh, hiding your blush from him
wonbin suddenly feels like its hot as fuck at the moment. especially with the close proximity. this feels intimate, maybe too intimate.
the machine dings and a timer pop up at the screen meaning the photos were about to be taken.
"it's starting!" you say all excitedly as you lean closer to wonbin to take the first picture.
"say cheese!"
the camera flashes and captures the first photo. looking good so far. now it was time to take a wacky picture.
you both watch the machine in front of you for the timer to pop up but it seemed like it was lagging. wonbin takes this as an opportunity to finally confess
"i have something to tell you"
you hum, waiting for what he was gonna say
you look up at him since he suddenly turned quiet. you see him looking down at you with the softest gaze you've ever seen.
"i like you"
and you hear the camera click. that was the second picture.
"i've been waiting for you to say that" you breathed as you jump to hug him. just in time for the third picture to be taken.
"what?" wonbin says in complete utter shock. you like him too?
"yes wonbin. i like you too" you professed, pulling back a bit to look at his shocked face.
wonbin hears the timer ticking and asks, "can i kiss you?"
you smile widely and nod your head yes, without wasting another second wonbin crashes his lips against yours just as the camera flashes. taking the fourth and final picture.
he pulls away just in time for the photos to print out. both faces beet red and breathing heavily. too stunned to say anything
let's just say you two walk out of that photobooth with hands intertwined with a matching photostrip at the back of your phones.
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"what's taking them this damn long" eunseok taps his foot impatiently. they were just outside the carousel ride, waiting for the two of you to come back from the bathroom
"did wonbin hyung take a post fear clarity shit" anton wonders, earning a hefty laugh from sohee who found the way he said 'shit' so hilarious
"maybe they got lost– oh my god ARE THEY HOLDING HANDS?!" seunghan spots you and wonbin walking towards them hand in hand with the biggest smiles on your faces
you skip towards the 6 guys waiting with wonbin behind you.
"sorry we took a while. we got lost along the way" you try to lie but the smile on your face says it all. they also don't miss the little photo strip on the back of wonbin's case
"i'm taking this as a sign that wonbin finally manned up" shotaro teases seeing that you two were now holding hands
"it was picture perfect!" you expressed, showing off your phone case that had the pictures of you and wonbin. the boys all gasp and made gagging sounds when they see the picture of you and wonbin kissing.
"i'm expecting a big meal after this" sungchan rubs his tummy to which wonbin rolls his eyes and mutters a string of "yeah yeah i know now all of you shut up!"
"we didn't even say anything!"
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wisteria-lotus · 6 months
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Written by: Wisteria and Lotus
Warning!!: NSFW!, groping??,18+!!!!, unprotected sex, nipple play, rough sex, Rafayel being a little prankster(?) (tell us if we missed anything!)
(around 1k words)
(srry for the wait!)
⋆.˚ ☾ 18+ only ☾ .⭒˚ minors dni ⋆.˚ ☾ 18+ only ☾ .⭒˚ minors dni ⋆.˚ ☾⋆.˚ ☾
You could see a bright light shine upon your eyes as your eyes glinted towards beautiful purple hair. You awoke from a short nap and found yourself on a soft cushioned couch in Rafayel’s art studio. You rubbed your eyes and squinted at the bright sunlight pouring out the vast windows of the studio, showcasing all of Rafayel’s masterpieces that were scattered around the floor. You continued looking around, marveling at his work, when you spotted Rafayel on a high stool, painting away at yet another piece of art. It was a beautiful sight to behold, as the glints of sunlight created a majestic aurora around him and every delicate stroke of his paintbrush was well thought out. He looked behind, to see you awake, as you rub your eyes because of the blurry vision you had when you woke up. As if he had some radar, a radar to see if you were awake, you suppose. He started grinning, like the Cheshire cat in Alice and wonderland, always with something up his sleeve. “You should come paint with me,” He suggested, noticing you gawking at his painting. You looked at him suspiciously, It was a surprise to be asked to do something with him instead of being ordered around as Ms. bodyguard. “I’m not very good at it..” you mumbled, trying to hide that you couldn’t paint even as good as a little 3 year old. “It doesn’t hurt to try,” he said with a big, cocky grin on his face. You predicted he was gonna rub his artistic talent while you were trying to paint with him. And you were right, the moment you tried to paint on the small canvas, he had already made a masterpiece, and he showed it off to you with that cocky face you hated. 
You sighed and attempted to paint something simple when suddenly Rafayel leaned back a little too much and toppled over, losing balance. “Woa-WOaaHHhhhh!!” He yelped and grabbed on to anything he could reach, which happened to be the hem of your shirt. Your eyes grew wide as you fell back with Rafayel, who was still gripping your clothes tight. “THUD!!!” Your eyesight was hazy as you tried to move your body when you realized you weren’t lying on the floor. You felt a firm yet soft surface under yourself. You were in a faze and looked down when you spotted a set of chiseled abs beneath you. “Owww…” Rafayel groaned, rubbing his head. You realized you landed on Rafayel and jumped up in response. Rafayel’s frown was replaced by a smirk. “Where do you think you’re going?” He grabbed your waist before you could get off him and swiftly flipped you over onto your back. Your mind was still processing everything that was happening and then, you met his alluring purple eyes. “Rafayel?” He was on top of you, and you had a perfect view of him. His soft, messy hair drooped right above his brows and his eyes were big pools of a purple galaxy. Your eyes made their way to his soft, pink lips. You couldn’t help but to admire this man. As his eyes met yours, he slowly leaned in closer. He couldn’t resist anymore, even when you were sleeping he wanted to give you a light kiss. He wasn't going to miss his chance again, and he leaned in for a kiss on your lips. Your eyes widened to the surprise of his lips meeting you. His tongue slipped into your mouth, your body soon heating up from the intimacy. He was addicted to your lips, how your tongue swirled around his and the strawberry scent that ignites in your mouth each time you breathed out. You could feel his hand tuck inside your shirt and up your chest. Everything about you was like a drug to him. In just a blink, your clothes were spread across the room along with the paintings. His hands are still wet paint, roaming around your body, leaving a trail of colors to where he touched. The paint soothing your skin, the colors being so vibrant. He admired you as if you were the prettiest painting he had ever seen. His lips trailed across your neck to your collarbone and all the way to your stomach. You felt shivers going down your spine from the cold marble floor of his art studio and his warm saliva along your body. The pants and huffs you two were both making filled the room up. Your body felt as if it would melt by his touch.  
His slim hands roamed around and started inching upwards towards her chest. You felt the tips of his fingers rub your soft skin as the hands rested on your chest. Rafayel gently touched your breasts and kneaded them more firmly. His touch was still soft and gentle and he brushed a thumb over your perked up nipple, making you gasp in surprise. He smirked slightly as he looked down at your blushing face. He continued rubbing his thumb in circles on your hardened nipples and slid one hand down to your hips, and it lowered and lowered until his hand was on your inner thigh. As his fingers outlined your panties, he grazed his fingers near slightly. You could feel the warmth of his hands as you felt one of his fingers slip into your folds. “Ah-Ahh~!” You whimpered. Unfamiliar noises spilled out of your mouth the moment his fingers slid through your folds, the welcoming feeling of his fingers inside you making you jolt. He slipped another finger in making you arch your back abruptly ,from the pain that you were addicted to. Thrusting into you slowly as his other hand, still on your breasts, his fingers flicking your nipples making it even harder than it already was in the beginning. The wet noises were satisfying his ears. 
He flipped you over to her stomach with your back facing him abruptly. You heard a faint rustle and a zipping sound behind you, and then suddenly you could feel his hard length press against your folds, not yet entering you. As you kept urging him to make you feel good, as you saw a glimpse of his face, he smirked once again like the Cheshire cat, teasing your aroused entrance. He slowly started to slip his length into your clit and he quickly shoved himself into you with one big push. You let out a big moan and Rafayel took it out, and then thrusted it in again, creating a steady rhythm. “Mpmh.. you're so tight y/n…” For once, you didn't see the smirking face on him, instead his mouth was slightly parted, and his skin gleamed with sweat. Thrusting into each second passing by, not even knowing how many times you called out his name to not go so rough with you, yet not listening like the personality he has of teasing you. “You're doing so good… Be still and be a good girl for me,” He said with a raspy voice, yet it was still soothing. Maybe it had been an hour since you guys started, or maybe even less, but that was only an assumption, as last time you checked the window the sun had been up, now the sun slowly going down the horizon through the big window he had in his studio. He fisted your hair with his big hands and continued thrusting. What felt like the thousandth time, he finally took his length out, you didn't know how many times you came since you guys started but it felt like a dream.  Unless it really was a dream… You woke up to the morning light shining on Rafayel's pale and perfected face. It was as if God created him with his own bare hands, making Rafayel. Comfy on his bed all cuddled up, but also tense for some reason. You turned around to check the time on the antique clock he hung on his wall, but your eyes led to the direction of the mirror, as you slowly sat on the bed, looking at your reflection. One, you naked with hickey marks all over, and two, your body had strokes of paint on it. “I look like a complete mess...” you thought to yourself as you also noticed the pain in your whole body after the long hours spent with him. You sat on the edge of the bed and glanced over to him, and a sudden drowsiness fell upon you, your lack of sleep finally catching up on you. You moved your body close to Rafayel and leaned on his chest when your vision went dark and you fell into deep sleep dreaming about Rafayel…
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Okay SO. Everyone has some thoughts on this one for sure as I have seen. A lot of people are saying they took a lot from Wonderland and that it's a disappointment as an adaptation but here's the thing: I have viewed the books as separate canon from the podcast since around Crystal Kingdom. I don't necessarily see it as a faithful adaptation but as a cool way to get more people into the story without giving EVERYTHING away in case they decide to listen. However, that being said, I have some things to say. I'm going to start with the negative first because even though I LOVED this book I so have some things I will miss about it (but please understand that I LOVED THE BOOK SM GUYS, I will ofc be adding what I loved after this part)
My Issues/Things I Wish Were Included:
Magnus trying to find his own answers with the voidfish. I was really looking forward to how they would show and represent that!
"I'm afraid no one else will have me" was such a good scene, I really liked the vulnerability Taako showed then because aside from his scene in Petals we haven't seen a whole lot of that from him in the books (again, I veiw the books as separate canon, but it would be nice to see)
CAM! I missed Cam so much he was delightful
No Boss Rush
I don't like that they basically forced Magus to decide if he wanted to lose Julia and never mention Gov. Kallen at all. That was such an impactful moment and they kind of side stepped it unfortunately
Trust or Forsake is missing which is also unfortunate
A lot of what made Wonderland interesting is either spedrun or absent so they kind of took the Wonder out of Wonderland
Taako giving up his beauty is also gone! Which sucks ass! My only true issue with this book that I genuinely was heartbroken over. I understand it can be a hard thing to show, especially when it runs the risk of someone in real life looking at the design and going "ow, that looks like me!'. So like. I get it. I really do. But they cut so much of Podcast!Taako's growth in Book!Taako's character that it was a sore spot for me personally.
If they let Johann live in the next book I will be very upset
SPEAKING OF NEXT BOOK!! Now that I have all my negative out of the way ohohoh boy I'm gonna share the positives I have with it. Given that, again, I view the books as separate story than the podcast, I thought they did a wonderful job overall. Solid 8/10 for me! Here are the things I am still screaming about
Things I adore about this book and will be living rent free in my head forever
Merle's kids 😭😭😭
I love the redesign of Wonderland looking like a circus instead of a roulette wheel, I liked that a lot
Kravitz calling Taako to tell him to be safe,,, the call getting cut off,,,, pain
I loved the wheel it looked so cool
Edward and Lydia were giving Velvet and Veneer and I am HERE FOR IT
Heart Attack my beloved 🥰
Seeing the umbra staff (*cough cough* Lup) BEAT THE SHIT out of Edward was lovely, no notes
The Umbra Staff jumping into Barry's arms 😭😭😭
Taako having STATIC IN HIS EYES seeing the staff and Barry together CAREY PLEASE
GOD THE BOOK ENDED WHERE I WANTED IT TO AND THEN SOME ACTUALLY (I thought it would end with the line "Lucretia, what have you done???" BUT MAN I'M NOT MAD IT WENT ON A BIT LATER)
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beneathsakurashade · 4 months
why did my favorite game turn into a dating sim? twst x gen reader (crack fic) CH: 2 me. u. church. in wedding outfits. rn
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CH: 1
The two of you sit across from each other on opposite sofas.  Enjoying a pleasant late afternoon meal of tea and various cakes, it felt like a scene from a fluffy fanfic.  “Man, I remember one time I had a birthday party at a cafe or something and we got served lemonade and cookies” you smile, serving yourself another small cake.  “Lemonade and cookies? I haven’t heard about that before, processed sweets and drinks are forbidden in my household” Riddle remarks taking a small sip of tea.  “Damn, that’s crazy, is that why your fave food is strawberry tarts?” You reply.  “Yes, the tarts that Trey makes are my exception to that rule.  In fact, Trey bakes all of the desserts for our dorm.” he explains.   
    “Wait Trey makes these? Like ALL of them? Dang, bro’s a great baker, I’m banned from the kitchen in my household for some reason” you say “Banned from the kitchen? H-how did that happen?” He sighs nervously and you shrug in response “I think it was because of that one time I microwaved a mozzarella stick for like a minute and almost burned down the house.  Or that time I gave my family food poisoning the first time I cooked dinner.  Wait maybe it was that time I cooked a pizza and it fell down to the bottom of the oven from the rack and we had to buy a new oven… Dunno, tbh they're prob just being haters”.  Riddle chokes on his tea and coughs “Uh-I-I see…I suppose then I’ll have to be the one cooking in the relationship”.
“Speaking of this relationship, am I gonna take your last name for a month?  Or are you gonna take mine?” You ask “I thought about this, and while I would like to keep my name.  I don’t mind taking yours, it is only a month after all”. “Hmmm, Y/N Rosehearts or Riddle L/N…” you sigh “Quite the conundrum” “Indeed…”     The door is flung open by two students who you recognize as Ace and Deuce.  You jump in surprise and drop the cookie that you were holding.  “Housewarden Riddle! Is it true that you’re gonna get married?” Ace exclaims and Riddle stiffens “Y-yes that’s correct, but only temporarily! A month at most”.  You pout and pick up the fallen cookie “Rip soldier” you mutter and turn to the two “What have you to say for killing my cookie?” Deuce bows “Our deepest apologies!” Ace groans “No need to be all proper Deuce, its not like they’re a celebrity or something” he smiles “The names Ace Trappola, and this here -he points to Deuce- is Deuce Spade”.  You sigh “Erm actually, I have three hundred and sixty seven followers on hoyolab, so yes, I am a celebrity. Also I know, Riddle complained about how you’re among the worst students that he’s seen in all his twenty years.  Btw I’m Y/N L/N, professional failure and yapper, with rizz”.     “I feel bad for ya’ to be honest.  With all the rules here n’ stuff” Ace sighs and sits down beside Riddle on the couch, much to the other’s chagrin.  You shrug in response “I know, but that’s the price you pay for love I suppose.  I don’t mind it if I can be married to my husband here for a month”.  Riddle turns red and Ace laughs “We better get used to seeing a strawberry red housewarden Deuce!” Deuce responds confused “Okay!” You smile “You two are silly, I like it, but stop harassing my pookie”.  Riddle turns an even darker shade of red if that was possible and collars Ace.  Deuce watches on in confusion, unsure of whether to defend his friend or his Housewarden.  You liked Ace, he reminded you of a childhood friend that you had back home, though said friend always pretended not to know you at school for whatever reason.  That’s probably what drew you to his character in Twisted Wonderland.  Deuce reminded you of yourself, though not the whole middle school gangster thing, your mom would kill you if she ever found out that you used to ditch school and joined a gang.  But the whole working hard and it never being enough, nothing ever sticking in your head no matter how many times it was drilled into you, staying up till ungodly hours in the night to get a good grade to impress her. 
    The two of you, yourself and Riddle, head back to his room.  “Did we miss a few chapters?” You tease and Riddle turns to you confused.  “Pardon?” You sigh “Of course you wouldn’t get it…” he still looks confused while opening the door “Guests first” he smiles and you walk in.  “Woooah, aw man, there’s only two beds” you mutter “Is there something wrong?” Riddle inquires. “Nah, just a fanfic reference, iykyk” you shrug and sit down on the twin bed near the wall. “Fanfic?” “Yea, y’know, fanfiction?” You lie down on your back and turn your head to face him. “Fanfiction? Oh, Cater mentioned something about that…” he nods and sits down on his bed “Is your bed comfortable, Mx. Y/N?”. “Its nice, but it would be better if you were here with me” you sigh dramatically.  To which he blushes and sighs in mock annoyance “Y-you’re certainly quick to act like a married couple Mx. Y/N”.  You turn and set your chin on your palm “Call me Y/N, we’re more than a married couple less than lovers correct?” He sighs softly “I suppose that’s a rather accurate description, forgive me for acting incorrectly at all during our time together.  This is the biggest thing that I’ve done without Mother’s permission…besides that one time I got fast food with Cater”.  The teasing look vanishes from your face “Your mom doesn’t let you get fast food??” You gape.  “She considers it extremely unhealthy, saying that fast food is the beginning to a short and poor life.”    You blink and finally say “So…she’s an almond mom?” He looks down “Cater said something like that once…I researched the topic and it isn’t an incorrect description of my mother.  But she’s a good woman! She is a doctor so she knows all about what she is talking about! Mother wouldn’t lie to me…she wouldn’t…”.  You sense the saddening gloom that's starting to settle in the room.  Riddle's mom was a sore subject for him, most of the fandom, (his stans especially) absofuckinglutely hated her guts, you couldn't blame them though, she was a real daughter of a nice lady... “Welp, usually I’d say listen to your parents.  But I have an idea, how about we go to a fast food place for our first date as a couple?  You guys probably have a McDonald’s or something like it here right?”.  He brightens up at your enthusiasm “Are you sure about that? Aren’t first dates usually more classy?”.  You respond smugly “That’s what the tv shows say, but my broke ass says otherwise! Don’t worry pookie, I’ll make our first date the best that you’ve ever seen!”
AN: hiii everyone its me, also random thing but I remember the time I was reading a twst fic on wattpad and there was a comment that I found so goofy and what made it extra memorable for me was that the user of the commenter was theevilfoodeaterbanica or something like that and it made my Evillious Chronicles fangirl heart happy. Anyways hope you all are doing great! (つ≧▽≦)つ⊂(。・ω・。⊂)
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tiyoin · 10 days
OK SO first of all, i think figure skating would've been a good way for reader to clear their mind and express their emotions. I see them as a great skater not only in athleticism, but in theatrics as well. When they're on the ice their emotions are no longer theirs, they're feeling what the character they're portraying feels, and so they put on a hell of a show (/pos). On the ice everything you feel is amplified, whether you're nervous or excited IT'S GONNA SHOW, and so their coach has taught them to use their sensitivity in their favor.
As for the athletic side of the sport (duh), there would be days reader would be or the sharpest skater there is or a deer-legs beginner. They really have to concentrate on their movements and their body. Generally, concentrating on your body could be a good way to deescalate from anxiety attacks, but it could also be sensory hell if they're more sensitive. If they hyperfocus on their movements, then they could be an Olympic champion (which we know they won't be…).
Search for Yuzuru Hanyu's programs, that dude represents what i'm picturing.
Now, while it isn't a confrontational sport, the competitive side is TOXIC. Weight expectations, skipping school, jealousy between competitors, the pressure of having to be young and strong, etc. I don't think reader would survive more than their local competitions and once-in-a rainbow-moon a national. I see reader practicing their sport in a small rink in their city, with their coach being by their side since they first started skating (maybe reader and Yuu met on the rink but Yuu didn't care to progress on the sport?? Or what if they've practiced pairs??), maybe the coach sees their potential but knows reader won't get there.
I don't think reader would skate in pairs with other students because for one, you REALLY NEED trust in your partner and reader doesn't even trust themselves, not to mention how often the student would have to touch them in their program. Second, they also have to learn new techniques, which they can do but it's hard when you've been skating a certain way all your life.
Also, you can buy generic skates but you really need boots adjusted to you that give you the support you need. It would be funny if Sam really had your exact measures, bro truly has everything in stock. Though, skates are expensive as fuck. Maybe not in Twst?
In modern competitions, ladies need a quadruple jump and/or a triple axel to stay competitive, this is mostly due to the Russians treating skaters like plastic cups.
I imagine the competitive sports would be different in Twisted Wonderland since they have magic and all, but i don't think it would affect this one more than the endurance. I think using magic would be considered cheating as would doping be in our world.
So, i think reader would be ahead of the game in Twisted Wonderland. If they've prepared as they would for competitions in our world, they would easily win the money XD if only their anxiety lets them…….
SORRY FOR THE RANT, i ended up making this a figure skating au (sobs).
(BTW, ice dance and figure skating are different competitions. Jumps are not allowed in ice dance).
im not a figure skater but every time I go on the ice all my mental chatter ceases and I just... glide, race, focus on the cold nipping. it def helps me which is why im so fond of the idea of reader being an ice skater in her old life.
I like to imagine the first time someone saw 🌀 reader ice skating, they thought they were hallucinating. because what do you mean the usually hunched over, shaking with nerves, barely making eye contact vice house warden of ramshackle just did a triple axel as graceful as a gazelle jumping in the safari. WHY IS SHE TWIRLING LIKE A DRADEL WHEN SHE TRIPS OVER AIR???
I hate the trope 'badass clumsy assassin' sm... but quite literally, the moment mc steps on the ice its like she's a new person. ofc there's days where she's like a newborn fawn learning to walk for the first time, and other days where she's ripping up the ice like a professional- but all her worries go away as he blade slices the ice.
as someone who was in HIGHLY completive soccer (tooting my horn, but I went to an elite training facility for a few years before my mental health really effected me. and was on a showcase team where our only goal was to get into AMAZING colleges via soccer) I want to think that mc was at one point super gong-ho about ice skating. eat, slept breathed it. everything had to be perfect and if it wasn't she would have a breakdown. she didn't care for others because she had a GOAL. until maybe she accidentally hurts yuu (if they're pair skating) and realizes what she's become. and she has a love hate relationship with the ice and will only practice solo as to not hurt anyone. and practice alone because now whenever there's pressure/ someone who she cares about watching her she gets really anxious, self sabotages herself, or even snaps back into her perfectionist mindset.
maybe she's good enough to BE a nationally ranked figure skater if she goes solo but she only wants to do pairs with yuu. or if she is solo she doesn't have the confidence to go national. always finding a way to sabotage herself because of her fixed mindset.
yoi concept where yuu and reader are given a concept to skate to (eros) and the cast gets jealous seeing them EROS ON ICE???/ or imagine the yurio skate with the black haired guy at the end of the series AHHHHHH
and I actually had no idea ice dancing was different from figure skating!😲 that's actually really interesting ngl, I just thought ice dancing was a fancier way to say figure skating 😭
no cause at this point twisted wonderland figure skating au is... starting to infest my brain....
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hezekiahwakely · 6 months
After spending literally multiple days and nights listening to hours of new music, here are my thoughts on what the Protocol playlists might tell us about the characters. I'm gonna break it down by large themes and I'm putting it under a read more bc I don't know how to not ramble about this. its SO MUCH
Gwendolyn Bouchard 👁️
Hers is the most self-explanatory. Girlboss is girlbossing and paying for it. But I did pick up several nuances.
Gwen is: Cold, power-hungry, and ambitious (you should see me in a crown, Are You Satisfied?, Severance theme). Suffering from her own hubris (Oh No!, Gasoline). Resentful and envious, especially about family, wealth, and power (Family Jewels, 24 hours, Warriors). Touching the dark and being supernaturally influenced (Mr. Bonzo theme, Evil Eye, We Don't Talk About Bruno, Making Love to the Dead).
Special mention to the 'daddy's money' reference in 24 hours.
Samama Khalid 😶‍🌫️
Sam makes ridiculously long playlists, like me, so this entry is gonna be long, but the emotional vibes were pretty easy to pick out once I got through it.
Sam is: Straight chillin' to some lo-fi beats, desi hip hop, and melodic bops (literally too many to list but, Remind Me, Forgive the Mess, 93 'Til Infinity, Magpie, Fire Sale, Iniesta Flow, I Guess, Prarthana, Hai Hai, etc., etc.). Rebellious (The Adults Are Talking, Reptilia). Bonded with someone (Halo Flip, soulboy). Yearning, romantic, and playful (Girl Like You, Mr. Sandman, New House, Meteor, You Only Live Once, Be Your Girl, Dear Jean, Say The Word, My Girl/Hey Girl, Smiley, The Real Sugar). Reminiscing about a break-up (Oui, Afterparty Lover, Last Nite, Stick Season, Turn off the Lights, Jessie (i miss you), WONDERING, Afterthought, I Love You, I'm Trying). Full of regrets, pain, and melancholy bitterness (Seasons, Can't Call It, Let It Go, nightmares, Pretty Insane, different tomorrow..., Cigarette Daydreams, CABIN FEVER, Self destruct, Go Back, Stuck Here With Me, Bliss City). Alienated, yet wanting to be alone (uh-oh) (Creep, Alone, Stone cold., Paint it, Black).
Special shout-out to all the implications about the old Sam/Alice relationship. And I'm especially worried by the potential meanings of Downside Up, Let It Go, Go Back, and Stuck Here With Me.
Also, interesting that there's a lyric-free track just called 'drained' at the end of his playlist. I'm sure that's fine.
Alice Dyer 🌀
Oh my girl. What is going on with you. She has impeccable and predictable taste, at least. But... then there's the Ominous Implications again...
Alice is: Rebellious, anarchic, and irreverent (Underclass Hero, Toxicity, Tribute, Buddy Holly, Dragostea din tei, Feel Good Inc., Piss Off, Rebel Rebel, Ghost Town, Brimful of Asha, Surrender, Uncle Walter, United States of Whatever). Blasting high-confidence power anthems (Material Girl, Therefore I Am, Jump, Bad Reputation, The Middle). Depressed behind a mask of high energy and false cheeriness (SugarCrash!, Mad World, Bathroom Floor). Yearning after someone's love (A.M. 180, Zombie Love Song, Nearer Than Heaven, Save Tonight, Ms. California, Because I Love You, Fell In Love With A Girl, Take Me Out). Reminiscing about a break-up (Ciao!, Built This Way, Kidz 'N' Stuff, FRIENDS, Free Fallin', Not In Love, Who Knew, Song for the Dumped, When It All Falls Apart, Laid, Complicated). Feeling crazy and overwhelmed (uh-oh) (Basket Case, In Too Deep, Bonkers, I'm A Robot, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, 19-2000, Wonderland, High, Undone, Cosmic Castaway). Creeped out and brushing up against the supernatural (Walking On Air, The Blue Wrath, Pet Sematary).
Oooh. Oh, the implications. The Sam/Alice break-up. The potential for feelings that remain. I HAVE to know what happened between them.
Also, here are some select lines from five Alice songs presented without comment: "Yeah, I'm a zombie, baby," "I'm a robot, I'm a robot/I don't have any feeling in my heart," "I don't wanna be buried in a Pet Sematary/I don't want to live my life again," "Take me down, six underground/The ground beneath your feet," "Walking like a zombie, like a zombie."
I'm sure that's all fine.
Celia Ripley 🕸️
The most mysterious new member of the OIAR, her music choices are appropriately enigmatic. The Vibes make me excited to see what she's hiding under the surface.
Celia is: Raring for a fight (Seven Nation Army, Rumble, know your place, Run from Me). Fed up with the system (Blood//Water, Run You). Bold, sexy, headstrong, and self-confident (Creature, Took A Trip, River, Do It For Me, Aerials, Uber). Struggling against supernatural influence, feeling trapped and helpless (Mama! There's a Spider in My Room, Where Is My Mind?, I Feel Like I'm Drowning, Closer, Space Dementia, Rain)
So we've all but confirmed the theory that she's from the OG Archives timeline and that she has continuing ties to the Web from passing through Hill Top Road. I think we have hints here that she's manipulating the others, but I also think there are signs that she's fighting her own battle against an evil trying to take her. There also seems to be an overarching theme of water in many of her songs for some reason 🤔
I can't wait to get more of Celia. Even if she is lying, I'm rooting for her (<hoping this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass)
In conclusion, I love them all already your honor, and I want to thank the cast for putting such loving care into crafting these for us. Thank you for such great food to feed our wild theorizing.
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olivia091108 · 11 months
Human popsicle
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Summary:y/n is apart of wildboyz and thsi epsode they’re shooting in Antarctica
Word count:1245
Pairing:steve o x reader
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The travel was worth it once we got off the boat I looked around and I saw white mountains it looked like a winter wonderland it was gorgeous. While we’re here we’re renting a small house 10 minutes from the town.
We all go and find our rooms I chose one with a huge window obviously and started unpacking when I first packed I thought that these clothes would keep me warm but I might need to go into town and get some warmer clothes.
After unpacking me and Chris go into town to get some things. I go to a shop and get this really cute outfit of white earmuffs and a white puffer jacket with matching snow boots and a couple more clothes while Chris got some food for us.
We all had some food before sitting around and getting told the plan for tomorrow. We aren’t filming tomorrow so we are going to ski and probably just chill before we have to do the crazy stunts the following day.
I was getting pretty tired so I said goodnight to everyone and went up to my room and tried to get a good night sleep.
Yesterday I was boiling i layered my clothes so I was wearing a vest a top a hoodie and the jacket and even after taking off my jacket and top I was still hot so today I just decided to wear just my bra and knickers underneath.
We are going to the beach wich I didn’t even know they had here and we were messing about and then we saw some penguins that were so cute but I did get a bit scared when they got too close. Steve o got bit on the thigh by one of them for a stunt wich looked like it hurt and it was probably worse because of the cold.
We were on the boat and It was my turn for my stunt where I jump into the water and swim for as long as I can.they checked the water and it was 4 degrees. Normally Chris would be wearing his life guard bikini but it’s too cold he said so I guess if I drown then I won’t be saved by him.
I got my scuba goggles on and took off my clothes so I was wearing just my underwear and I immediately wanted to run and sit by a fire but I had to do this first. I put on some flippers and went to the edge of the boat and the safety manager started to explain what could go wrong and what I would do.
I tried to listen and I know I should of but I couldn’t keep my eyes off Steve o he was wrapped up in his coat and had a cigarette hanging from his lips and every now and then he would bring his shakey hands up to it and take it out.
“Y/n we need to get the cameras right and Steve o fix her Camera while we get ready.”Jeff said passing him the small Camrea to clip on to my bra.
“God y/n I don’t know how your not an icicle already I’m cold just looking at you”
“Oh believe me I am but I’m gonna just get in and just try and get it over with.” Steve o clips on the Camera easily even with his shakey hands. He then started to run his hands up and down my arms in a sweet attempt to warm me up.
“Ok ready y/n?”jeff asked “mhm” “ok go on” I slapped myslef round the face to amo myslef up before turning to the Camera
“I’m y/n and this is human popsicle” I pull the goggles over my face and fall backwards off the boat and at first you didn’t really feel the cold until it felt like little needles going into me and before I could even register anymore cold something out the corner of my eyes swam past.
I thought I was done for and a whale was going to swallow me whole but when I turn around I see a seal and it swam towards me and circled my left leg I would have lived to stay down there forever but I needed some air.
I break the surface and lift my goggles up So I can see properly and Jeff and everyone is peering over the side of the boat.
“You alright y/n”jeff asks looking worried
“I’m doing great I even made a friend down there” as if on cue the seal swam up and rested itself on my chest and having a break from swimming
“Your like a seal whisperer” Chris says excitedly
“I want to keep it” I stroke its wet fur and keel myself up before the cold hits me like a moving truck. I start swimming over to the ladder and the seal slowly gets off my chest and floats on the salty water.
As soon as I’m standing on the boat Steve o rushes over with a thick towel and wraps it round me and pulls me into his side. And one of the cameras come right up in my face
“How was the swim?”
“Cold”I manage to say with my chattering lips. We start driving the boat back and I stay close to Steve o and use him to get warm and Chris on the other side of him. Just as we’re getting closer to shore I slip on my jacket and trousers which help to cover me up.
“Omg look at my hair.” I shout out as I walk back over to Chris and Steve o.
“What’s wrong with it?”
“Its fucking frozen”I flip my head around and my hair stays stuck in the same position like Lego.
Chris leave over and scratches it and it sounds like a weird asmr thing and after a while he starts trying to make music using my hair as a drum. As soon as we get into the house I run to the shower and have a boiling shower and hope that my hair won’t fall out.
I don’t know how long I was in there but I heard banging on the door but their voice was all muffled. I turn off the shower wrap myself with the towel and unlock the door and the first thing I see is Steve o staring down at me.
“I get you swam in like freezing water but I had to wait in the freezing cold and your gonna waste all the hot water y/n”he whines and he’s still wearing his coat but I still feel really cold.
“Then join me” his face drops and he then starts to laugh “wait your not serious are you?”
“Im dead serious Steve you coming or what?”i walk back into the shower dropping my towel and climbing in to engulf myself in the warm water.
Steve o then slides the shower curtain open before staring down at my body then back to my face and steps in behind me. I turn to face him and god he looks hot for someone who is complaining about how cold they are
“Did you lock the door?”
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Sorry I didn’t post for a few days I’ve been really busy and also I’m running out of ideas I’m always here for a request
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Congrats on the 900!!! I would like to request okuyasu👀 from jjba. I don't have a prompt in mind but I love fluff and romance!
if you haven't already, I hope one day you play twisted wonderland, the fandom would totally thrive with you❤❤❤
Again, congrats!! 🥳🥳
Falling - Okuyasu
notes: AHH OMG THANK YOU!! You are so amazing and supportive and super talented thank you for being nothing but kind <333 I loved writing this and I really hope you enjoy it!! And I will totally look into playing twisted wonderland because ive seen a lot about it and all of the characters are chefs kiss, so you'll be the first to know if i play it <3
word count: 670
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When you met Okuyasu, it was a funny moment. You were taking your dog on a walk and nearly dropped his leash when you saw an open garage. He was in a sweat covered tank top, doing bench-presses. The way his biceps would flex every time he pushed up the bar, you couldn't help but stare. He nearly dropped the weight on his chest when he saw you staring and you jumped.
"S-Sorry," you told him, starting off with your dog.
Okuyasu stopped you, jumping up. "No! It's fine. Uh..." He didn't know what to say now that the two of you were standing nearly feet away from each other.
"No," you finally spoke up, your face heating up. "I was staring, I'm really sorry."
"You don't have to apologize," Okuyasu rubbed the back of his neck, his voice soft. "I'm Okuyasu."
He stuck out his hand and you took a step forward, shaking it. "I'm y/n."
"Cool... y/n.... Uh... Are you usually walkin your dog around here?"
You nodded.
"Sick. Well, see you around!" Okuyasu waved at you and ran back into his garage.
You honestly thought that would be the end of the two of you interacting, but you always found yourself back at the garage whether just to visit Okuyasu or just walking by with your dog. You would never fail to stay for a drink at least.
Then meeting Okuyasu led to you meeting his friends too. You became very close to Josuke and Koichi. They were a funny crew.
But the more the three of you hung out the more you realized that you were actually developing feelings for Okuyasu. You wanted him to know, but at the same time, you didn't want to ruin anything if he didn't feel the same way. You were too scared to say the least.
But Josuke quickly caught on.
"Hey, y/n?" He finally was able to pull you aside while Koichi and Okuyasu were ordering some food for all of you.
"What's up?" You asked, your eyes never leaving Okuyasu.
"Are you gonna tell Oku?"
"Tell him what?!" Your eyes finally got off of Okuyasu and met Josuke's.
"That you like him?"
You froze. You knew it was obvious. "I can't." You sighed, putting your hands in your lap.
"Why not? He's totally into you!"
"What if he isn't?!"
Josuke gave you an unamused look. "Really, y/n? Oku talks about you ALL THE TIME!"
"I'm not gonna rush you, but honestly, you look like you need to get it off your chest."
You thought about what Josuke said all day. He was probably right, even though you were terrified. The rest of the day went really well though. You all got food and hung out at an amusement park. It was really late when you all decided it was time to get heading home.
"I'll walk you," Okuyasu said as Josuke and Koichi went seperate ways. "It's on the way and pretty damn late."
He locked his arm with yours and you had fun giggling about the day and getting excited for whatever everyone would do together next.
"What about..." your heart was pounding and your cheeks were dusted pink. "What about next time we hang out, it's just the two of us. Without Koichi or Josuke."
"What do you mean?" Okuyasu tilted his head, his blue eyes locking onto yours.
"Like..." you were definitely shaking, but you pushed through. "A date... or something,"
"Me and you... a date?!" His eyes lit up.
"Yeah. We could uh... go bowling or something?"
"A date?!" He threw his arms around you in a big hug, your feet lifting up off the ground.
"Only if you want." You giggled as he put you down.
"Of course I want to go on a date with you!! You're like the prettiest and coolest person I know!!" He gave you a big kiss on the cheek.
The bright red face you got from the question was totally worth it.
jjba masterlist (2) | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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little-teacupss · 22 days
The trapped Fairy.
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Note: To be clear, this is a darker fic because this had yanderes. Now, if you're uncomfortable with reading this kind of thing, don't read it. I want to give a special thank you to @brokenmilkcrates for helping me build up this story and contributing!
Warnings: Kidnapping, implied drugging, manipulation, Hook, and Morgie are actually villains in this story and not just angsty teens.
Note 2: I hope to start writing the finale to "Their good Fairy" soon, but it's not gonna be posted for a while still gathering ideas and getting ideas from @giveityourworst, my co-founder for the ship and the reason I'm even posting in the first place, so a special thank you to them and go show them much love and support they are amazing and are an amazing creator!
Summary: After a year of dating Fay, Hook and Morgie decide it's time to bring her home to Neverland.
Note 2: Part two here
Morgie watched Hook pace around his cabin on the ship while running his hands through his hair clearly having a breakdown after Fay had told them she no longer thought they were right for each other and that she was tired of them constantly threatening people and driving her friends away, which they thought was completely absurd as they believe those people were the ones in wrong for always hanging around Fay and taking her attention, she spent so much time with the AK's she barely found time for Harriet anymore.
Hook let out a sigh as he sat on his bed and began tapping his foot, trying to come up with an idea to get Fay back to them, Morgie who'd been more reserved about how he felt about Fay leaving them, pitched in. "What if we stole one of Merlin's cookbooks like we did two years ago to prank the wonderland girl, if they have a spell to turn a girl into a beast, then they have a spell to make someone go into a long slumber?"
The shape shifter suggested as he thought back to two years ago, around the time they're obsession with the fairy had started when she had countered the spell after Bridget had gotten turned into an old hag at castlecoming.
He heard another sigh come from Hook before he said. "That's a good idea, I'll call Uliana and the others."
The Sea Captain was visibly still processing what had happened, but it got even worse when they heard little pitter pattering come into range before a little girl ran into the room excitedly jumping up and down while squealing. "Where's mama, I have a drawing I want to show her!"
She waved the piece of paper around like a flag on a ship while looking around frantically for Fay, Morgie being more level-headed at the moment squatted down to Harriet's level and gently said. "You see mommy's playing a little game, of hide and go seek, but when you find her she gets a prize, but we have to wait a little while before we can go find her okay?"
James' hands tightened before he let out a breath and walked over and ruffled Harriet's hair and said. "Don't worry, she'll love your drawing once she gets found."
Harriet smiled and playfully pushed her dad's hand away from messing her hair up before she let out a shrill squeak before running off shouting. "Grandpa Smee, I have something to show you!"
The two watched her run up the stairs and out of view before turning to each other, Morgie continued. "I'll get all of her things on the ship, you and the others just worry about getting that spell ready."
Hook nodded as the two went up the stairs and to the top of the ship before going down the ramp and going separate directions, Hook met up with Uliana, Hades and Maleficent who all stood with crossed arms outside of Merlin's office.
After about thirty minutes of fighting and defeating Merlin's traps, Uliana grabs the cookbook as they head to the schools baking class and get to work on a brownie to give to Fay.
It took a ridiculous amount of time baking brownies. First, Hades dropped the flour all over himself, and Uliana, Hook dropped three eggs. The only one who did a decent job was Maleficent after she made them step aside and did it herself after all the chaos, came in Morgie while he held Harriet's hand and stepped into the baking room and saw the three covered in flour, while Maleficent was spotless.
"Don't ask." .Was all Uliana said as she continued to pat flour off of herself. Finally, the timer dinged, and Maleficent quickly took out the pan and brought the book over to Harriet, who looked at the book curiously, while Hook encouraged her. "Me, Hearty, open the book. We need it opened to get Mama back."
Harriet's eyes lit up when he mentioned Fay quickly she opened it to a random page meaning they could freely flip through it without worrying about being frozen in place, Morgie lifted Harriet onto his shoulders as they looked for the right page.
Finally, Maleficent tapped her nails against one as she lifted it up close to read each word very carefully, so she knew she had the right spell in mind before turning to Hook and Morgie to ask. "Are you sure, this is what you want?"
The two look to each other before giving a firm nod in her direction. The sorceress grabbed her staff and began to chant what the book said, waving her hand over the pan of brownies. The group watched as a green mist appeared before dissolving into the brownies that looked the exact same as before, Maleficent carefully cut a corner piece off and put it onto a plate, before handing it over to Hook.
"Well, see you guys around?" .Uliana asked as they walked out of the academy and made their way towards the Fae Dormitory.
Morgie smiled at them as he added a bounce to his step to entertain Harriet, who was riding on his shoulders as he explained. "Eventually, yeah, but right now, I think we just need to get away from everything, I think it's made Fay a little stir crazy."
His friends nodded as he explained why they'd be leaving soon to Neverland, as they made their way inside of the dormitory and down the hallway, before stopping in front of a one that had the name "Fay Godmother" written on a paper on the wall, Morgie gently set Harriet down as James went down to her level as he gave her the plate with the sweet treat on it and explained to her. "Now Mama has to eat all of it for you to win the game, but be carefully she may go to sleep, we don't want either of you getting hurt now."
He lovingly ruffled her wavy dark hair before gently knocking his hand against the door that led to Fay's dorm. Quickly, he made his way to one of the walls and pressed against it so Fay wouldn't see him when she opened the door for Harriet.
The door cracked open, and a nervous fairy poked her head out before looking down and smiling as she said. "Harr', hey sweety, what are you doing here?"
Harriet squealed and wrapped her arm around Fay's legs before showing her the plate and saying. "Look! Look what I brought you mama."
Fay giggled at the little girl as she carefully took the plate from her, Harriet looked up at her waiting for her to bite into to the brownie, letting out a tired sigh, Fay picked up the brownie and bit into it, making the little girl squeal excitedly and clap her hands, as she watched Fay eat the rest, who's eyes began to flutter the more she stood, before bringing a hand up to her mouth and saying. "Sweety, what- what's in this?"
The fairy asked as she began to uncontrollably yawn before dropping the plate and leaning back against the door, all the while little Harriet was unaware of what was really going on as she squeaked. "I won! I won!"
Fay furrowed her brows as she let out another yawn before asking. "What did you win, Harriet?"
Finally, after trying to regain her composer, Fay clasped. She fell rather quickly if it hadn't been for Hook coming out in time to catch her she would've banged her head against the floor. He looked at Harriet and smiled at her while whispering. "You did such a good job, I'm so proud of you, my wee duckling."
Hook signaled for Morgie to come carry Fay, seeing as he was missing a hand to help carry her himself, Harriet quickly ran over and held onto her father's hand as they made their way back to the Jolly Roger, Morgie carried Fay bridal style as they got closer to the dock they could see James' crew loading the last of the stuff they'd bought from the market to their trip to Neverland.
Carefully, he walked up the ramp of the boat and then made his way into James' cabin, where he laid Fay onto the Captain's bed where he pulled the sheet up to her chest, gently tucking her in before grabbing the piano bench and bringing it over to where Fay was laying, he took a seat and gazed at her sleeping form, she'd still be out for hours, but Morgie wasn't going to take any chances after the stunt she'd pulled yesterday, breaking up with them infront of their crew and some of her friends.
Meanwhile, Hook walked around his ship, giving orders. "Hands onto the canons! You work on haul wind, Jack Tar stop listing around and belay the lines!"
He shouted random orders as he was set in his environment before making his way to the helm and shouting. "Pull the anchor! And direct the main sheet! The Jolly Roger sails tonight!"
The entire crew worked in tandem as they listened to their captain's every word. They all had a mutual fear, trust, and love for their captain, for he held power with a firm hand but cared for every one of them. "Hands, one of you lots go up to lookout!"
Captian James shouted another command to one of his subordinates as he turned the helm of the ship before pulling his compass out of his pocket.
"Back to Neverland, we sail!" .He shouted as before letting out a deep chuckle as the wind changed in the perfect direction they'd need to travel.
Meanwhile, as Morgie watched Fay slumber in the Captain's bed, he heard a tiny knock against the door before a small pitter pattering came closer to him, looking down Harriet held the drawing she'd made for Fay as she excited look to where Fay was sleeping, Morgie smiled at her before saying. "Mommy's asleep right now, but I promise the first thing she'll see when she wakes up is wha you made her."
He gently patted her back and placed the drawing on Hook's nightstand where it'd wait for Fay to awake and see, Harriet climbed up to the bed, and laid next to Fay as Morgie fixed the sheet over the two of them, he gave her a smile as he tilted his head at the pair, and watched as Harriet fell asleep cuddled up to Fay.
- 7 hours later, Thursday 8:20 am -
Fay awoke and basically jumped into a seated position, as she looked around her surroundings, Harriet was laid on the side of the bed pressed against the wall next to her asleep, but as she looked to her right she was met with Morgie who had a rather crazed look in his eye now as they turned to an amber like color and slitted, as he smiled at her and said. "Good morning, Fay."
Fay gulped before frantically asking. "Where are we what happened!"
He gave a dark chuckle as he looked down before looking back up at her, reaching a hand up the caress her cheek before letting his fingers ghost over her jaw and chin as he spoke. "We're going home to be a proper family."
Morgie smiled at her as he took his hand away as he reached over, handing Fay a piece of paper and said. "Harr' made it for you, remember to smile, love."
He leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on her the corner of her lips before heading to the door and calling for James to come down.
"Aye! Me Corsair, how was your wee nap?" .She heard as he came down the stairs before appearing in the doorway with crossed arms, but his hook raised close to his face, as he gave her a similar sickening sweet smile that Morgie had given her early.
He marched over to her, leaning close to her. A part of him enjoyed seeing the fear circle in her eyes as he ran his hook from her jaw, down to her collar bone, but he paused when he saw tears begin to well up in her eyes, gently he brought his hook up and brushed them away, but as he did so she jerked back, her breath becoming slightly uneven as her eyes dilated.
James' eyes narrowed at her into a firm glare before he stood back up and made his way to the door before slamming it, making the walls shake as they heard loud stomping from the stairs till it began above them, Morgie let out a sigh before he looked back at Fay and said. "Now all he was trying to do was comfort you, Fay, like any good boyfriend would."
He crossed his arms, giving her a pointed look before letting out a sigh, Fay's gaze locked onto him fearfully as his eyes were still a brilliant amber color and slitted to needle pins in an almost animalistic manner, but it only added onto the crazied look, Morgie reached over and twirled a lock of her hair, before his eyes met hers again and he gave her a dangerous smirk that told her that this was only the beginning of entirety.
After a while of simply watching Fay, Morgie left the room not before locking it, of course, and back up to the deck of the ship where he saw James listed against the railing of the ship.
James looked up at Morgie and jerked his head, beckoning him over as he asked. "Is she still overreacting?"
Morgie let out a small laugh before nodding and leaning against the railing himself and said. "She'll figure out we're only doing it for her own good eventually. If she stayed there any longer, who knows what crazy stunts she would've pulled, hopefully soon she'll learn being with us is the safest option for her in life."
The two talked about how they could get her to calm down or come to reason. Before the wind began to pick up and rain began to pour down, James jumped back into being the Captain as he began to shout out orders to the crew. "Reef the sails, we don't want to go off coarse!"
The boat rocked as it strained against the roaring waves that battered it back and forth, then one wave flooded most of the top of the ship as James exclaimed. "Shiver me timbers! Mr. Smee, get all the gun powder to amidship."
He shouted out the command as he ran up to the bow of the ship and took control of the helm, stirring it in a better direction, but it seemed harder now as if the helm was now weighted as he directed it in a new direction, while Hook fought the forces if nature, Morgie made his way back inside to the Captain's Cabin where Fay was laying on the bed in shock holding Harriet close to her, she let out a small scream when a wave crashed against the windows of James' room, they didn't break or even crack, but it was jarring nonetheless.
"Hey! It's alright, just a little rough turbulence." .He said to Fay and Harriet as he came to sit on the bed next to them and rested a gentle hand on Fay's shoulders, even though she was still angry with him and she had no clue if she could ever look at him the same again, he was all she had as a source of comfort along with little Harriet, so she crawled closer to him and gently placed Harriet between them, Morgie put his arm around Fay's shoulders bringing her closer to him, as they road out the storm for what could be hours or days.
Fay rested her head against his chest as she laid against him on the bed, with Harriet cuddled up to her side, as she fought with herself that she should be pushing Morgie away, but in this moment it was almost like he was the boy she fell in love with all over again before they changed.
After a few hours, the door opened, and in came Hook, who was completely drenched. He took his hat off and put it on a random hook as he approached the bed and began to let out a wolf whistle.
Fay nervously looked up at him as he kneeled down close to the bed and ran his hand along Harriet's sleeping face and tucked her head to the side before his gaze traveled up to where Fay was rested against Morgie, who's hands were firmly wrapped around her waist daring her to try and escape, while her arms were wrapped around little Harriet who was dozed off, James brought his hand up to Fay's face and gently caressed her cheek, she shudder a little, but didn't want to anger the pirate like she had last time he'd touched her, so she leaned into a little which brought a smile to the crazed pirate who whispered to her. "We'll be home soon my love."
He then leaned up and gently pecked her lips before giving her a mocking smirk as he gazed down at her and continued. "You can't leave after all once a pirate bride always a pirate bride."
Morgie chuckled behind her and turned her face towards him, but he simply smiled at her and played with her hair and said. "Would you really leave Harriet?"
The two continued to give taunts and asked questions that'd make her look bad if she answered them a different way, but this was only the first day of the trip, can't wait to see what happens next.
Thank you, everyone, for reading this. It's not my usual writing it's not as fluff driven, but I hope you like it! Anyway, big thank you too, @brokenmilkcrates, truly a big inspiration. A lot of his ideas and headcanons went into this go show Milkc some love! There will be a part two to this!
If you want to be on the tag list, just put mail in the mailbox!
Anyways, till the next story! Ba bye!
Tag list: @giveityourworst, @brokenmilkcrates, and @skellseerwriting/ @skellseer!
@jupiterisaroace and @saturnisaroace
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protectingtulpas · 1 year
How do I know if I'm doing *the right things*? For system creation I mean.
Like I know forcing is like spending time with your tulpa but how do I know if I'm doing it right? What if I'm doing it wrong and am not like... Activating the right parts of my brain...
Yo this is a bit late but I wanted to say a lot!!! OK so first, ya gotta knock off the paranoia - and I say that lightheartedly but I mean it. If you keep worrying so intensely about "doing it wrong", you're gonna make mental walls for urself and your new tulpa that'll be hard to break down later.
It's not about specific "rules". A lot of tulpamancy when you start out, ESPECIALLY for singlets, is about habit-building. Learning to sense their presence, learning to communicate, learning to let go of ur own thoughts and experiences. That's not something you can turn into a habit overnight, or even in just a few sessions. You have to build the instinct, and yeah, sometimes that'll come with feeling like an idiot talking to "nothing" for a while. That's just the reality of mental work of any kind, it takes a while for results cuz it's cumulative and hard to notice at first
Instead of worrying about if you're "getting it right", try focusing on your tulpa instead. It's less about doing the right things and more about making sure you're building a basis with ur tulpa, a foundation that they can totally jump off of to become themselves. So to do that, start by directing your attention to them instead.
> When you interact with ur tulpa, are you focusing on what you say, or on how they'd take it in and respond? You wanna pay attention to any instincts, gut feelings, etc that pop into ur head, accept em, even respond to em- it'll feel wonky for a while, because this is quite literally the point when they r becoming separated from u, so it's totally normal to feel like some things "might have" been you or whatever. Trust ur gut, not your over-analytical stuff.
> What kinds of stuff are you doing with your tulpa? How are u going about it? For example like, if you're not using many inner visualization methods, I definitely recommend those. My host started visualizing my mindform from the moment I started being forced, so I ended up able to like react and do things nonverbally waaay before I first spoke to them. (your wonderland is your FRIEND, learning to be in it and in ur mindform trains similar skills) Other ways you can switch it up are like, use other senses: visualization not working? Try sound! See if there're any songs that feel like 'em or if you get any pull toward any! Maybe make a playlist; your tulpa can always remove songs they don't like later, so don't be afraid to stick stuff in there. Or like, even their environment - is active forcing not yielding much? Try passive forcing by focusing on your tulpa while showing them something in the physical space! Ask em questions and probe for opinions, even if they don't respond.
Basically, variety and a focus on giving them foundation and freedom will help u get out of that worry ur stuck in, and will probably help your new tulpa a bunch too. You've got this! It took my host two and a half months to create me to the point they were sure of my responses, and they were a plural egg for other reasons. AKA, if it takes a while or it's slow going, don't get discouraged. You're literally retraining ur brain for a completely new skill rn. U got this
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becomingpotatoes · 1 year
my opinions on the project sekai redesigns
our kids are growing up and entering a new year in high school, which means that they now have completely new designs because thats how idol gacha rhythm games work!!! woo!! and i have Thoughts
im gonna talk about my opinions on all the redesigns from least to most favorite. note that these are not my rankings of the groups themselves lol, thatd be
vbs -> n25 -> mmj & l/n (they’re tied for second) -> wxs
(from least to most favorite)
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ohhh my sweet girls, my precious girls, what did they Do to you.
the blue looks So bad on them. it clashes with minori and airi and feels too samey with shizu and haru. i like their shoes, tho, and i like how airi keeps her trend of her outfit straying just a little bit from the norm.
these outfits just feel so boring and lifeless, compared to their og ones that had a lot more personality and a lot more charm. i dont think the dresses themselves are ugly, in fact i find them quite pretty, but i dont think they suit the girls very well.
also what the fuck is miku wearing lmao (i like her hairstyle tho)
i like all the girls hair accessories tho they’re cute
i hate ranking them last because i love mmj so much but yeah im very disappointed and i honestly prefer their canon outfits that they wear while performing not in the sekai (the ones that their fans helped design in the metamo re:born event that i forgot the name of)
#4 - Leo/need
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firstly i wanna say im so happy that honami gets to be pictured with her instrument like the others, and i really like how they positioned saki’s keyboard
i dont hate these designs!! i quite like them actually. they seem more unified and professional, which fits because leo/need is SIGNED with an AGENCY now oh yeah im so proud of them
im sad that ichikas wearing her tie now rip ichikas tie around her wrist you will be missed by me and me only
i really like their new outfits!! the girls look and feel older. im not really vibing with the shade of gray used tho, i wish their uniforms were black or white or a different shade of gray. i also love the pins and buttons on mikus jacket (i actually prefer the shade of gray on the jacket why couldnt the leoneeders be dressed in that shade)
#3 - Wonderlands x Showtime
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mizuki POPPED OFF with these designs (assuming they made them again)
i really love wondershos new look, i just like the other two groups better. nene’s in particular is my favorite (but im biased). i love how professional they look, these new outfits really display this new step that the kids are taking into the world of theatre
so proud for rui for comjng out as nb can he turn around now my artist friends are crying
i adore all of these designs they’re so cute and fun and i really love the new vibe for wondersho as of recently. it seems like colorpale and the fandom are taking them so much more seriously
#2 - Nightcord at 25:00
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KANADE HAS BEEN FREED FROM THE CHAIR (but now miku has it. lol.)
guys. guys the - the symbolism. their dresses progress from pure black to gray showing how they’re slowly healing and bettering themselves and miku’s hair is begining to regain its green and the kids have different flowers that have symbolism that other people know way bettee then mine but MAFUYU’S IVY MOTIF AND ENAS NARCISSUS MOTIF ARE BACK BABY real missed chance to give kanade carnations tho. i dont have much to say but WOW i love the new look for the nightcords and i think they’re stunning. will accept zero hate for these guys they look great
also miku has shoes!!!! yes!!!!
#1 - Vivid BAD SQUAD
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yeah, i was surprised too at how much i like the vbs designs
i like vbs, sure, but they’ve always been the group that has piqued my interest the least. and ive never been super keen on the designs of the characters
but these designs??? i really like them. a lot. it feels like the kids are really coming into their own, with kohane and toya finding their personal styles, akito refining his, and an paying homage to nagi in hers. they’re becoming the young adult creators and musicians that they’re striving to be. i can really see vbs’s growth in their new designs, and i hope that i can grow to really love them and their story : D
(also mikus design is kind of. all over the place. lmao but i kinda love it)
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Is this Real?
This world is unlike Charles had ever seen. On the sign behind the gate, it was called the Xavier School of Gifted Youngsters, then morphed into Xavier Mansion. Even the mansion is constantly changing, growing larger and making the mansion look older but filled inside with modern technology far from when Charles is in. The floor was scattered with comic books and superhero toys, and the walls were decorated like a family fridge of school pictures of students Charles didn’t know.
“What is this place?” Charles wondered, walking through the school and checking every corner.
The X symbol is the one constant this ever-changing world had. No matter the type of costume the people in the pictures wore, they held the symbol like a badge of honor.
Then the thought hits Charles: where was everyone? He was with Erik and the Shigiraki brothers before he woke up in this wonderland madness of a world.
His telepathic abilities came up with two other mutants when he searched the school. However, it wasn’t the familiar minds he memorized well.
‘Better than no one,’ Charles shrugged, pushing his anxieties to the back of his head.
Running through the halls, Charles searched for the two minds. Around him, the hallway blurred, changing into a sitting room. He felt sick. His eyes couldn’t look straight. Breathing heavily as everything slowly came to a halt, Charles heaved. His face felt sweaty, yet he had a chill up his spine.
“Are you okay?”
Looking up, Charles found the two minds he had been searching for.
The man who inquired about Charles's health was a decade older than him, bald, and sitting in a wheelchair. The only hair the man had was his eyebrows, which were sharp and dark. 
“Don’t worry, this happened many times before to myself,” Another man jumped in. What he wore made Charles raise his eyebrows.
Standing beside the room, the older man wore an all-black bodysuit and a helmet like Charles Cerebro's headpiece.
The two older men had a benevolent aurora to Charles, who looked the youngest of the three men. Charles doesn’t even know their names yet knows he is standing among men who have seen and learned far more than what Charles had. Although they also felt familiar to Charles, like he was looking at a mirror.
“Another one, welcome Charles Xavier,” The costumed man greeted, giving a small smile. 
‘It's like he's reading my mind,’ Charles thought, switching from looking at the man in the wheelchair to the one wearing the costume.
“I am. You should really train yourself. I could suggest training exercises I created myself and students,” Charles froze while the costumed mutant chuckled lightly as if Charles was too young to understand.
“Am sorry, who are you?” Charles retaliates, pushing back his blush.
“Charles Xavier, from Earth-616, or better yet, Professor X,” Professor X replied, smiling lightly.
I haven't even completed one part of this au and created other versions of it with different media of the X-Men from the movie and the comics. Because not gonna lie I was just really interested in how different versions of Charles Xavier raise the Shigaraki brothers. I talked to @blightwritesfic on discord about it and we decided it would end something like this if all the Charles were together.
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Honestly, it ends in a disaster because I want it to end that way. Charles is always too calm for me, time for him to fight himself on how to raise Yoichi and Hisashi. Because only one version of Charles is a good dad or decent dad to Yoichi and Hisashi.
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azar-rosethorn · 1 year
5 Robots 2 Humans - A Dysfunctional Family (A Post-SB FNAF Peaceful Au)
Season 1 Episode 1 - The Dawn of a New Era
Summary: A "Pilot" to set the stage. The Pizzaplex and the Animatronics get rebuilt, Gregory gets adopted, and Vanny is disposed of or is she.
Rated T for swearing and typical FNAF violence
AO3 Fic
Episodes 2, 3, 4
Vanny and that melted demonic rabbit were gone. The virus was gone. The Pizzaplex was free. The animatronics were free. Gregory was free.
So, what now?
First of all, this calls for some very well deserved screaming.
"FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCKKKKK!" Gregory screamed at the top of his lungs. He couldn't care less about Freddy scolding him for his language in the background. That child has been hunted, bruised, burned, and has seen stuff you could not even dream of. Gregory will scream whatever he wants, as long as he wants, because he is tired of this bullshit.
"Gregory!" Freddy reprimanded, "Watch your language, young man! I-" Freddy cut himself off when Gregory gave him a look of 'Really? That's what you're worried about?' And Freddy got the point, given what the kid has been through.
"Uh, you know what? I'll give you a pass for today." He patted Gregory's head. "You deserve it, Superstar, after…" The bear slowly turned to look around the lobby of the Pizzaplex. Just seven hours ago, it was a wonderland of lights, music, and joy. Where did it all go so, so wrong? How did this safe haven for children become such a rotten hell?
Okay, I wasn't actually expecting an answer for that, Freddy thought.
Vanny burst into the lobby, looking burned up in some places. She was holding a large knife in one hand and some sort of remote control in the other. Instinctively, Freddy jumped in front of Gregory to guard him and readied himself for a fight. Gregory mimicked the animatronic's combat stance to defend himself.
Vanny's threats were cut off as she was knocked out from behind. As the woman fell to the ground, Vanessa came into sight, holding her heavy flashlight like she just swung it. The security guard sat on Vanny's legs and pinned her hands behind her back to keep her from getting away.
"Freddy, use your emergency comms and get the police over here!" Vanessa ordered. Freddy obliged. "Gregory, who is this woman?"
"I…." Gregory was shocked. Vanny and Vanessa were two different people? "I thought she was you! Y-you guys m-messed with th-the robots and you were g-gonna…" Gregory couldn't take it anymore. He crouched into a little ball on the floor and broke down sobbing. Freddy knelt down beside the little boy and reached out an arm to pat him on the back.
"Shhh… shh… let it all out, Gregory. It's okay, I'm here, Superstar. You're safe, now." Gregory cried even more, leaning into the bear's touch and practically falling onto his shoulder. Freddy and Vanessa exchanged a sympathetic glance.
After about 3 minutes, Gregory pulled himself together and stood up. "I'm okay now, Fre-"
Everyone cocked their heads to the sudden call. In the same entry way that Vanny came in, three broken and busted up animatronics limped through. Well, two did. Monty was being carried on Roxy's shoulders due to his lack of legs.
"What the- ARE THOSE MY HANDS!?!?" Monty added, looking to the claws that Gregory put on Freddy. "AND ROXY'S EYES?!?!"
Chica also yelled something incoherent, but it was probably something to do with the fact that Freddy had her voice box.
"YOU TOOK MY EYES??" Roxy shrieked, "WHY I OTTA-" Chica and Monty had to physically restrain Roxy from turning Freddy to scrap metal.
"Okay everybody settle down!" Vanessa interrupted. "Now, Freddy, Gregory, what the hell happened??"
"So, ma'am, you're telling me that this woman," The cop pointed to the backseat of the police car where Vanny was glaring at the Pizzaplex, handcuffed. "Kidnapped all those missing people, brought them down underneath this place, and killed them. Is that right?"
Vanessa nodded. "That's correct, officer."
The cop turned to Gregory. "And you were gonna be her next victim?"
Gregory nodded. "Vanny broke into the animatronics' systems and made them go after me. Well, except for Freddy. He helped me! But, with the others…" Gregory pointed to the Pizzaplex entryway, where the Glamrocks were sharing hugs and apologies. "I was able to defend myself."
The cop stared at the animatronics wide-eyed, and leaned over to Vanessa. "He did that?"
The security guard nodded. "Check the cameras if you don't believe him."
"Might just have to do that. Do either of you need medical attention?" Vanessa shook her head. "Good. Now, we just need to ask that you two come downtown so we could ask you just a few more questions." They both agreed and stepped into a separate cop car from Vanny.
Freddy gave Gregory a wave as he saw the child enter the car. Gregory waved back and sent a message to Freddy through his Fazwatch.
"Don't worry, Freddy. I'll be back by tonight. No matter what."
Freddy chuckled. Mostly because he knew it was true. That kid was quite the stealthy one, and if he wanted to be somewhere, he'd get there.
"So uh… are we gonna get repaired anytime soon?" Roxy asked, "Because I really would like to start seeing again."
"Roxy, I'm over here," said Freddy, "You're talking to a street lamp. And, yeah, I haven't heard anything from the company or the STAFF bots yet, so… Come on, I'll take you guys down to Parts and Service and give the workers a head start."
"I still don't know why Vee decided to get the cops instead of just letting us deal with that Vanny gal," Monty commented as they headed inside, "I woulda shown her for makin' us hurt a kid and gettin' my legs chopped off." He muttered something else under his breath that nobody could quite make out.
"Monty, if we had killed Vanny, we wouldn't have anyone to place the blame on, and the company would most likely scrap us," argued Freddy. Monty growled and mumbled in response.
"That kid, Gregory…" said Roxy, "Do you know who he is? Where's his family?"
Freddy shook his head. "His guest profile was unrecognizable, and when my systems tapped into the internet, he was a complete ghost. That kid's just as much a mystery to me as he is to you. He's a good kid, though. I hope he gets back to his family safely."
"Okay, we have your statements, you two are free to go." Vanessa and Gregory exited the police station and they called a taxi back to the Pizzaplex. The ride was awkwardly silent until Vanessa decided to break it.
"Gregory, where are your parents?"
The boy took a breath, avoiding eye contact before answering.
"I don't have any. I've lived at an orphanage my whole life."
"I see. So, how exactly did you get into the Pizzaplex?"
Gregory turned to her and gave her a small smile. "If I tell you, I won't be able to do it again."
Vanessa laughed at the little gremlin. He must've worn the orphanage workers out. Gregory joined in on the laughing.
"Hey, Ms. Vanessa?" Gregory asked when the laughing died down.
"Do you think… maybe Freddy could adopt me?"
Vanessa didn't know what to say. Gregory had found a home in Freddy. Hell, that bear had probably given him more love than any other adult he'd ever met combined. But, Freddy was an animatronic. He was property of Fazbear Entertainment and the Mega Pizzaplex. He wasn't a human being with legal documents and legal rights to adopt a child.
But… who was she to deny such an extraordinary child of a home and a parent?
"I'm afraid not, Gregory," she answered, "You can only be adopted by a human, it's impossible for Freddy to adopt you."
Gregory's head turned to the ground. "Oh," was all he said, staring at his shoes. "Well, I guess I'll just have to keep sneaking back in, huh?" he joked.
After a quick moment of thinking it over, the conclusion of which being Eh, fuck it, what could go wrong? Vanessa put her hand on Gregory's shoulder and gave him a wide smile.
"I said it was impossible for him." She said, giving Gregory a wink.
It took Gregory a minute to realize what she meant, and when he did, the boy waved his hands gently. "Oh, no! I didn't mean that, Vanessa! You don't have to! Especially after all the trouble I caused last night."
"Gregory, you were a child that had to be in fight or flight mode the whole night against a possessed serial killer and her robot army! I hold no grudges whatsoever. Plus, I could give you an entry pass to the Pizzaplex in the daytime and you could come to work with me at night, so you'll probably see Freddy more than me. I'll just give you your basic necessities and unless you'd like me to do some, Freddy could do all of the parenting stuff."
Gregory's eyes and smile widened as he nodded vigorously and kicked his legs. "Really?! You'd do that, Vanessa?!?!"
Vanessa nodded. "Also, Gregory, call me Vee."
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, the one, the only, Freddy Fazbear!!"
It's been 3 months since the Vanny Virus, and things couldn't be better. Vanessa had full legal custody of Gregory, the animatronics and the Pizzaplex had been repaired, and there wasn't a frown in sight as the music played and everyone, human and animatronic alike, were rocking out and having fun at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex!
Well… almost everyone…
You know how I said there wasn't a frown in sight? Well, there definitely was one out of sight. A big one. An angry one
A vengeful one.
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constantvariations · 2 years
Got that post-workout bliss and a plate of pizza rolls, so I’m raring to go!
Post Ep: whoever decided the rusted knight “twist” should step on a lego every five minutes for the rest of their lives
Wait why is Ruby running? The last episode ended with the caterpillar being dropped through the floor by the cat, so are they running from the cat? Was the growth yogurt ready, and if so did they grab it ($50 on no)
“I’m so glad the four of you are still the four of you.” Is this excluding Little because they didn’t get hit with the Character Arc tm dust? (Now that I think about it, why didn’t Little have a vision? Did we just not see it or are they immune somehow?)
“You’re the one who ditched us in the first place” okay, Weiss, firstly Ruby stopped following the cat so that’s mostly on her. Secondly, why are you being antagonistic to the one creature you can’t afford to offend because it’s the one creature who can get you to the tree?
“...someone return to the Ever After.” How can you return to a place you’re already in? Is there a reprogramming center or something? If you veer too far off from your role you get reset? Reminds me of the re-educators of the Dragon Age Qun
They’re really laying on thick the whole “Everything is what it isn’t, and what it is, it wouldn’t be” (shout out to that one Shinedown song from the live action Alice in Wonderland)
All this talk of what happened to the caterpillar just sounds like a shitty mishmash of the Ship of Theseus, Schrodinger’s cat, and a reset button
So the Red King underwent the Ever Again program (I’m just gonna call it that, roll with it) and came out a kid? Was that by design or does everyone basically get reborn? Does that mean the racoon hasn’t been Agained since Alyx?
Oh they call it Ascension? How Devil May Cry of you. Also I ain’t calling it that. I like my Agained verbage
“Nose hair from a leprechaun.” I am half expecting a Rocket Racoon bit here
Straight up ditching someone you know is acting off because ~ew nose hair~ is... something else. And there goes Blake trailing after Yang’s coattails again because we! need! that! bee! bait!
This cat is far too lenient with these assholes. They just straight up jumped on his head without asking because who needs to respect people’s autonomy amiright fellas?
Goddammit bring the cat back right now I can’t stand Little’s voice and cOmEdY
Okay all the lights going out one by one is hella creepy gg
“I thought this was lost forEVER” why does Ruby sound like a highschool girl complaining about drama this deadass made me burst out laughing Also, is that the same sword from the Red Kingdom or a different one?
Okay the android is cool as shit I will admit that. The chain as hair is absolutely fantastic
Was that Summer in the axe blade? An axe is not what I would have expected of a Ruby clone. Those are hard-hitting and slow, usually used by the tanks, while Summer and Ruby’s figures suggest more agile approaches. If it were more of a hatchet size, I could see that, especially as a dual-wield
Pocket dimension blacksmith shop? Sign me the fuck up please
I think I’m going to strangle Weiss. You literally just saw her standing in the middle of the road, staring at and talking to nobody, and you fucking whine? I hope someone stabs her with her own tiara jfc
“We do not ascend” oh you mean die? That thing you said didn’t happen here? Dying? Was there even a second reading of the script or did yall just smoke with the originals?
Yes Ruby go right past the hostile creature instead of literally any other direction. Yall deserve whatever hell you make
Why is Ruby carrying everyone constantly? Their legs aint broke girl. Go be a distraction while they go for the yogurt goddamn
The giant jackrabbit’s cool ngl
Like how one scoop only grew them to doll sized but whatever was left after it was splattered grew them all to the right size
The jackrabbit’s name is Juniper. Both cute and cringe
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Allison Chapter Seventeen
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Allison was forever going to be stunned by this small cat she swore. Chesire kept his word and repaired the stone wall he destroyed, as well as magically levitated the doors he blew off. The two guards also groaned and managed to stumble and wobbled to their jello feeling legs and blinked their tired eyes. Gasping and drawing out their swords as soon as they saw Chesire floating towards them with two doors right behind him and Allison walking slowly a little ways behind him and smiling. They were about to swing at the smiling cat with scowls on their faces and Chesire still didn't flinch. For a moment Allison thought he was gonna get sliced into minced meat until they were stopped by a woman's familiar voice.
"STAND DOWN AT ONCE!!" Both stopped and looked up at the Queen who walked by Allison and sighed. Chesire didn't even blink at them or anything and just continued to floating along humming to himself. "He is not our enemy..Not any more."
Both guards looked completely confused, but dared not disobey their queen and slowly sheethed their swords, still absolutely confused as she walked past. Allison jumped when someone chuckled behind her and she snapped her head around and up to Fortune. The giant moth had picked back up his smoke pipe and more of that sweet smelling pink smoke whirled around him as he looked to her and gestured ahead to them. Chesire was already narrowing his eyes and rubbing his chin as he tried to maneuver the doors back into place to fix the hindges. Veveteen stopped to look at Chesire for a moment, not that the cat noticed at all and if he did didn't acknowledge her, giving him a worrying look real quick....before hurrying walking ahead, her two guards walking behind her.
"Change is not never easy." Allison blinked and looked back up to the moth who blew out more pink smoke with a patient smile. Without looking at the small human girl, started walking forward casually. Allison blinked and hurried to catch up with him, stopping to walk beside the taller male. "It's going to take a LONG time for my dear Velveteen to fully accept and conform to the new truth she's faced with, and your friend still has to face the tall bump in the road in your friendship. But all changes for the better start somewhere.....You might've done Wonderland a great job today Miss Allison. I applaud you for your determination.~"
Allison blinked. "Me? What did I do? All I did was get angry because she hurt people. Even if she was trying to be good, it was bad."
He side eyed her. "Don't lie to me. I'm too wise for that.~ I saw that determination and passion in your eyes. You beat her through the love and concern for your friend, and the realization of your own self worth. I wouldn't say that was just getting angry wouldn't you?"
....Allison shook her head and gave a small smile. "Y-Yeah...Well, Chesire means a lot to me." She turned ahead of them and giggled and the funny expression of Chesire having narrowed eyes, frowning, stroking his chin, and his tongue sticking out doing a blep as he tried fixing the other door. "I..Guess we're even now."
He smiled wider as they approached, "Well you have my thanks for finally getting through my beloved's hardhead and setting her on the right path. She'll need more guidance, but she has me for that now."
Allison rose a brow. "Yeah. No offense but what do you see in her?"
He fully looked to her and chuckled. "No offense taken my dear. A lot of people wouldn't understand but where most see a terrifying, tyrannical Queen...I see a hard working, independent woman who's trying to make the best of a hard life and situation she was thrown into by past family and fix her life around. After all-" He gave a wink and chuckle. "We both know how it is when you're thrown into a completely new situation thanks to family and have to piece back together things. Don't we?"
Allison stopped in the doorway by the door Chesire was still fixing and stared at him. "How did you-"
"I didn't I just guessed. ....But if you really want to know, I find Velveteen a woman who loves me for who I am and banned people to let me have the privacy I always loved. How many lucky men can say a woman did that for them, eh?" He talked and waved his free hands behind him as he continued walking away from them, his voice echoing throughout the halls. "And it also doesn't hurt she has a nice figure.~ Hmhmhm."
Allison rolled her eyes and shook her head before looking to Chesire as the door finally snapped magically back into place and he smiled again. Sighing as his work was done and he looked back to Allison with his same usual grin. " WHELP!! That seems to be everything!"
"Well not exactly everything." Allison started walking and Chesire floated right beside her as they walked along, and she looked at him. "You still haven't told me why you turned the old king and queen to ashes? I mean..Y-Yeah. I know they did really horrible things but why did you do something terrible back?"
Chesire went quiet for a moment as they walked along. Servants and guards giving the two worried expressions and peeking behind doors as they passed but didn't dare approach the mad Chesire and Human who fought the queen and one. .....He slowly blinked back to her with those mitch matched eyes and gave a sorry, sad look. "Remember when I said my magic gets stronger with each new generation? When I was younger and first came back, I only seeked vengeance for my family....I did not think it would be this important later in my life...But we all have to live with that fact I suppose.....I really am sorry for not telling you, Allison. I only wished to protect my friend from my world, as you took me in and protected me from yours."
She smiled wider. "Well then I guess we all have things to apologize for. But now...Let's just go home. Me to mine, and your home away from home."
He laughed at the statement. "Agreed. You've adventured long enough."
They walked along almost aimlessly through the castle's checkered floors and expensive furniture-d hallways not caring about the glances they were given as Allison just really followed Chesire's lead as he seemed to know which way they needed to go and soon enough had stopped floating and pushed open a door to a room to the left and went in, and of course Allison followed. And paused at what exactly she was seeing. The Queen and Fortune Teller were there too, the room was completely empty and devoid of anything except a giant reflective mirror built into the back wall which showed all of their reflections as the two already in the room turned to Allison and Chesire floated up to the mirror with that smile. His tiny paw reached out and tapped the surface making the reflective surface ripple like if you threw a rock into a lake. He then giggled and looked back to Allison as the other two and gestured excitedly for her to come in. She hesitated for a moment before slowly walking towards it and stopping just three feet away, still staring at it.
"Is that-"
"Yes," the queen nodded her head and pointed to it, "This will take you directly back through the way you came, the way back home. You...You deserve to go back."
Allison smiled and stepped towards it but stopped when something red flashed in front of her face. The Fortune Teller was holding out her umbrella, she had completely forgotten about that back at the arena. More pink smoke swirled around his antennas. "You'll need this to transport you back, otherwise you'll fall back down here and who knows where you'll end up."
She slowly took it from him and smiled. "Thank you.." Then back to the mirror. "So how do I make it work?"
"The same way you did it before. Just open your umbrella and jump right in!," Chesire excitedly announced happily. "And don't worry. I'll be jumping in right behind you so you have no need to worry! You finally get to go home!"
The umbrella unfurled by itself and Allison blinked. Walking closer to the reflection and smiled. Casting one more look to the ones around her and saying, "Thank you."
Before she-.....
WHOOSH!! It was like a giant gust of wind just forced her forward and back into the air. Her sore arm hurt from the giant yank on her arm sand on instinct she clutched the handle for dear life. Her body being swung back and forth like some ragdoll and she was scared she might be flung off to who knows where again for a moment. Her hair whipped behind her freeing her face and she gasped as a giant grandfather clock flew passed her, her head twisting to follow it as it went down...Wait. A CLOCK?! She looked up and wmiled when she rapidly blinked at the absolute spiral of BRIGHT orange-pink funnel stared back at her while she was falling up it- She yelped and moved aside as a teacup. A TEACUP!! Of all things flew past her next. Followed by another, then a matching teapot, then a matching tea tray, silver tea spoons, and the rest of a whole tea set. Oh yeah. She remembered those. In the distance more objects started to whizz past her as she continued to free fall up to whatever this thing lead to, which was hopefully back home. A book, thankfully not a very thick one, hit her forehead before continuing on past her. Her red eyed looking around at the now clutter of things as they whizzed by her. Chairs, tables, tea sets, books, paintings, hourglasses, watches!! You name it, it was there. Just like when she first fell down this tunnel, her umbrella whooshing her back up the way she came she hoped. She got her answer when a giant gust of wind just forced her forward and faster and faster and things whirled past her. As she drove deeper and deeper into the unknown, all of a suddenly things were starting to spiral out of control. The random clocks, tea sets, and other things were starting to whizz past her faster and faster. And she was spinning and spinning faster and faster out of control as her surroundings became nothing but swirls of bright colors that was making her head hurt and her arms REALLY hurt from the amount of strain they were using to hold on! So she closed her eyes as soon as the bright light became too much! Her stomach felt like throwing up and she only spun faster and faster. Her fingers finally loosening their grip slowly.
She screamed when her body was flung down like she was fired flom a slingshot down into the center of a bright light upwards, and she slammed her eyes shut. Until with a final smack, she fell to the ground face first like a limp ragdoll.
A hand slowly came to shakily clutch at the ground she was flopped against and Allison's head slowly lifted itself from the ground and coughed again. The ground beneath her was soft with a scruffy rug like feel. She blinked her still blood red eyes and looked around the familiar room. The dark room had just enough light for her to see that it was....Her granny's old meditation room!! She smiled and quickly pushed herself to her knees, looking around the room and jumping when a flash of lightning flashed outside. It was STILL storming but not as badly as she remembered. Allison looked down spotting her phone by her grey lap.....GREY LAP!? She blinked and looked down at herself. The tacky red dress and stockings were gone, replaced back with her old sweats and shirt! She smiled wider and grabbed her phone and sighed, looking around the quiet home and taking it all in as the rain poured outside. She was home...And she had gotten here. She didn't think she'd miss this place even more than she already did but this proved her wrong. A giggle made her pause and look up, and Allison couldn't help but smile back at what she saw. A pair of mitch matched eyes blinked down at her as the blue cat waved his tail from side to side.
"Welcome back from Wonderland, Allison.~ I hope you enjoyed your stay.~"
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