#because they didn’t finish the game??
ghostradiodylan · 1 day
I really love that I've now been called misogynist AND racist for shipping Rylan, in subtweets (subtumbls?) from people I've never even interacted with. I genuinely do find it hilarious because, to paraphrase the immortal words of Fall Out Boy, I typically don't care what you think as long as it's about me. :3
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But this is getting kinda weird and personal and if you think I won't hear what you say about me just because you've blocked me specifically then you must be new.
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I'm sorry, who was unnecessarily nasty? Because I haven't seen anyone be nasty in this very oblique conversation until now.
For what it's worth, in case anyone with two braincells to rub together was confused (not that they would be), I don't 'have a fetish for gay men' (which is something I feel like only a homophobe would say, but I tend to try not to call names until someone does it to me). I just feel the chemistry between those two characters that's very clearly intended in the script and performances. The arc of their relationship is deeply wholesome and sweet, and that kiss at the campfire is one of the cutest things I've ever seen in a video game. Also Dylan and Ryan sparked something in me that I honestly thought was dead, reminded me that I was full of stories when I was in a very, very dark place in my life and I will love them for that forever. And I've already promised another 100k of fic about them so anyone who has a problem with that can die mad I guess stay tuned for that.
This is a silly thing to fight about and I should be above getting heated over internet shipping wars and responding to insults from unserious people. But when they turn into personal attacks for no good reason? I guess I'm not. I don't want anyone to change what they ship or what they write, I only want them to stop being so smug and superior while willfully misinterpreting the canon and accusing others of the same and so much worse.
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myokk · 1 month
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first dada class😳✨
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phaedrinthefaire · 6 months
anyone else reload their first Tav’s epilogue sometimes just to feel something
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bxriles · 19 days
I gotta be honest, the ending of JJK isn’t doing it for me. It feels underwhelming. And before anyone freaks tf out and tells me that I “can’t read” or that I “didn’t understand the point of JJK” I can promise you that I did. I understand and I can read between the lines and make inferences. I can also promise you that I know just because the ending isn’t my cup of tea, does not mean that the ending is objectively bad. I get all of that.
And yet, I still think the execution was fumbled and I think that’s a bummer. In a desperate need to be *different* from the rest of Shonen manga, I think the last 10-15ish chapters have felt incredibly similar to the rest of the genre. At least, in my opinion they have.
Argue with the wall if this post pissed you off. I’m allowed to post my opinion on my blog.
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chimerahyperfix · 5 months
You’re looking for something— no, someone, too, aren’t you?
(I can’t comprehend how you understand what’s going on, with your lifeless shell. Craft as you are.)
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#isat#in stars and time#live a live#isat loop#cube live a live#RAHHHHHH [COMBINES MY FIXATIONS]#behold my crack fic au. tiny robot in dormont#I’m cooking let me cook. cube has the little guy little dude vibes#and is also canonically like. a baby?#their chapter in the game happens the day they were finished#so. a baby.#cube is so <3. their chapter is a space horror#I would 100% recommend at least watching a video of it#IT GOES CRAZYYYYYY#pov flicking a card that says die child die at the floor. so#anyways. this au makes no sense to anyone but me#this is MY funny house and I’m going to play in it#worlds smartest baby [a robot] figures out timeloop shit before the party more at 2#if you ask I WILL ramble abt the concept of this au I will#<- trying desperately to get away from working on my other au post#[I need to draw smth for it and I’m struggling lollll]#sitting here like ughhh I don’t wanna draw this imageee [puts off entire au post]#ANYWAYSSSS#LOOP WOULD HATE THIS KID. the fuck is a robot.#the fuck is this damn thing and how has it read me literally immediately#how dare you be made of craft. be artificial. and be able to read my despair like a book#how dare you; a fake being made by someone else. be more human to me than the people that once were my party#how dare you want to help me when I dont know you because you didn’t EXIST in my loops#…but. uh. thanks for the coffee. even if I can’t drink it I recognize the sentiment. or whatever#falls to the floor dramatically. oughhhh loop and cube ougughhh
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spittyfishy · 10 months
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I love the Sun and Moon games with all my heart, all the characters and Pokémon and locations are so lovely I absolutely adore all of them!
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Things I scribbled Over two months ago to Celebrate a year since my Cohort and I first Cursed ourselves with Dual Destinies . Featuring : The Inside Jokes We Made
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sweetandglovelyart · 8 months
It’s a little bit late for Valentine’s Day but here’s the reveal of my cursed Kirby crack ship as promised: it’s Dyna Blade/Captain Vul and I envision their relationship dynamic as being like Donkey and Dragon’s relationship dynamic in the Shrek movies.
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“aa4 feels incomplete” yes because it was meant to get a proper sequel to finish it off and capcom fucked those up
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dragonsdendoodles · 10 months
Concept: a MPHFPC Pokémon game where Miss Peregrine’s house just happens to be the first gym in the region and all the kids are desperately trying not to let you know they have peculiarities to varying degrees of success (Millard) and you’re just over here like “I just want a gym badge man”
Totally not a needlessly dialogue-heavy Word document I’ve been sporadically working on for like six months what do you mean I would never
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sucharandomwolf · 2 years
🦇Final Antasma🦇
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abelas · 4 months
I beat honour mode 🥲
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whumpy-wyrms · 10 months
yk i was having trouble writing tllr chapter 12 because Dew is sick with a fever in the beginning and i just,, idk felt uninspired or something because im not the biggest fan of sickfics or whatever
well now i’m sick with a fever and it’s helll so sorry Dew im gonna have to put you through this now my bad 👍👍 at least i am now inspired
if this post makes no sense it’s because my brain hurts and i’m tired 👍👍👍
#i’m fine it’s just kinda funny#like last night i was writing ahead to chapter 14 because i was stuck on chapter 12 cuz i didn’t know how to write it#and now i’m sick with a fever just like Dew hahahaha sorry buddy but we’re in this together now 👍👍👍 and it’s 105 idk if that’s normal#at least it’s giving me inspiration and i am no longer stuck on it#but i’m too sick to fucking write it!!!! i wanna write uhhgjjfjdjd#ok im done#well actually i had the craziest dream last night#it was about this new animated movie that doesn’t exist and i was watching it/ acting it out as the main character and it was so fucking#cool like i was flyingggg!!! i was a weird purple creature with wings and was flying just like dew it was fucking awesome#like there were so many really cool characters with really creative designs and the antagonist was a weird giant bug who could also fly#so he was chasing me around in the air and it was so cool i was so fast flying around like in a minecraft elytra course#i love vivid dreams like that that feel real and like after the movie was finished i posted on tumblr about how much i loved this new#netflix animated movie and my mutuals were there and also thought it was cool#anyway it was fun i love flying in my dreams i feel so free.. unlike Dewey oopsie sorry buddy#deweyeyeyeye ur so silly i love him SO MUCH#ok im gonna shut up now#wyrms says stuff#fever#fever dream#if i tagged this as irl whump would i also have to tag it as minor whump hahahhaha#idk i wanna play roblox with my mutuals again#mutuals if ur reading this u can literally bother me to play video games all day every day because the answer will always#be an enthusiastic YESS!!!!#i should watch nightmare time today#no dumbass i should REST dumbass ehehheehe#i’m being so annoying again sorry everyone 😼😼😼😼#dreams#wyrms lore
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velvetjune · 6 months
judging people who played alan wake 2 solely on if they loved the musical sequence or not
#alan wake 2#im joking around but also not#such a unique gaming experience that was incorporated w so much love and care#ive seen confusion here and there on why there’s even the musical chapter in-story#mostly when they performed at the game awards lol#but imo it was a great way for Mr Door to work together with the Old Gods and their mode of storytelling/communication (rock and roll!)#to try to tell Alan what’s happening to him to help him rise from the spiral#and of course there’s everything with how much Alan often restrains himself based on rules he imposed on himself#the dark place has its own power and rules with artists work but this was one way of#Alan essentially going ‘I know what’s happening here. I know the rules and I HAVE to do all this to save myself and my loved ones’#to which Mr Door/Old Gods go ‘you absolutely do not [throws Alan in musical]’#something something about how it helped put him in the mindset he was at the end of the game#to realize he could work w saga and not sacrifice Logan or Casey. that he’s not in a hopeless loop of destruction#but in a spiral with hopes of ascension and change#(basing this off the initial ending — haven’t finished the Final Draft)#alan wake#I don’t know if im making sense but that was my interpretation#my other explanation for the musical is that it’s there because it’s fucking awesome and creative#reminds me of the starkid ‘guy who didn’t like musicals’ with the confusion of the main character#(although hilariously it seems like Alan is proud of the musical even if he lives in a state of ‘wtf is happening’)#before my essays in the tags end want to say that the dark ocean summoning also deserves this love and I found it equally fun to ‘We Sing’
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spacetrashpile · 2 years
i’ve been watching my friend play p5 royal for a bit now and i’ve decided that it’s the ideal way to play p5 not because of any story changes or what have you, but because you can unlock isanagi-no-ookami (the god final persona from p4) for basically free at any level and then just myriad truths your way through the rest of the game and it’s the funniest thing in the world
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kathybluecaller · 6 months
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kept having ideas for Martha March but have been too busy to actually draw them so might as well do them now :p
doodle batch 1/?
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