#almost forgot Sebastian’s freckles again…
myokk · 19 days
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first dada class😳✨
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zevrra · 3 days
As I play HL a scenario keeps coming to mind. Can you write something were Slytherin MC had a crush on Ominis form day one, but Sebastian ends up confessing and dating her?
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first love; late spring—
tags: a sweet request, sebastian sallow(18+) x fem!reader(18+), one-shot, pure fluff, aged-up characters, short & sweet.
creator notes: thank you for the ask!! sorry this is a little short too btw! i wanted to write more but needed to work on some other stuff as well so i might write a part 2 at some point!! also wrote this in 30 mins so i hope there’s no errors but if there are please forgive me ajshsgdkh
thanks again for the request and i hope you enjoy!! ♡
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“I like you.” 
Three simple words would turn your entire world upside down. 
It had been a year since you had first arrived at Hogwarts castle to practice your magic. Learning new spells everyday to prepare yourself for your future career. After everything that’s happened to you, from finding out you have control over an ancient magic to defeating Ranrok, you could never have expected this. 
Since that first day at Hogwarts, waking up in your common room, and meeting several of your fellow peers, you had developed the biggest crush on Ominis Gaunt. He was gentle, charming, and so very kind. Even with his lack of sight it never stopped him from being a leader. If not for his ancestry you would have almost thought he could have been a Griffindor. You had swore you’d stay by his side, even if your feelings were never reciprocated. Which they hadn’t. For a very long year.   
And here was his best friend, your friend, confessing to you. Sebastian Sallow, a complete opposite from your one-sided crush. He was confident, dashing, and a little arrogant. A true prankster at heart. And because you know Sebastian, at first you think he might be joking, trying to tease you. But looking upon his freckled face now he’s more than serious. He’s determined to convey his feelings to you while you both stand outside on this chilly spring morning. 
You can’t help but think of all the times you and Sebastian had gotten close since you arrived at Hogwarts. From every cave crawl to simply attending class together. Copying his homework when you forgot yours. Sharing meals or taking several trips to Hogsmead together where your fingers accidentally touch as you reach for the same thing. It had never occurred to you that Sebastian felt this way but now the signs were more than obvious. How many times had you looked for Ominis when Sebastian had been looking for you.
“I really like you,” Sebastian repeats in a hushed tone. His fingers gently brush against the back of your hand. Almost scared to grab ahold of your hand in fear you’d reject him. “I have for…a while now.” He adds with a blush. You didn’t have to ask to know he most likely meant since the first day you two met. “So just be mine already.”
You stare at Sebastian for a moment then. Searching his face for any dishonesty but you find none.  You’re not sure of every single feeling you’re feeling at the moment but you know just a few things; he’s not lying and your heart is beating faster than it has ever done before. 
“Okay.” You whisper with a nod of your head. Butterflies buzz inside your stomach and chest as you answer. You smile at Sebastian who slightly jumps at your response. As if he was fully expecting you to say no. To storm off and leave him alone in the courtyard. You take his hand then, intertwining your fingers with his.
For a moment he just stands, looking at you in awe. It was his turn to search your face to make sure you weren’t pranking him now. “Okay.” Sebastian mimics you quietly. Still in disbelief but the smile across his face tells you he’s excited. Especially when he finally snaps out of his daze to squeeze your hand back. 
Every romantic book or poetry piece you had ever read always spoke about how spring was the time for first love. And for once your daydreaming of this moment was coming true.
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keysoares · 2 years
all i see is you (a hogwarts legacy: video game) fic
here is the fic link!
tags: sebastian sallow/reader + mutual pining + fluff + hufflepuff/slytherin interhouse relationships + OMINIS GAUNT BEING A SAVAGE
You walk out of the hufflepuff common room with one thing on your mind. Sebastian Sallow.
Yesterday evening you both snuck into the undercroft and talked for hours. You're glad disillusionment got you guys out unscathed, but you can't help but think of how fun the two of you had together by just sharing each other's thoughts and secrets. You have enjoyed the time given to spend time with him. After all, it feels at times you're extremely busy catching up with your studies as a fifth year. However, Sebastian has been so understanding of your time and energy, never pushing your limits but that doesn't stop you from feeling inspired to explore more with him.
As you enter the main hall you see Sebastian sitting with Ominis at one of the benches. You approach him with a smile beaming on your face. Sebastian notices you coming towards them and immediately rises up from his seat to greet you.
"Goodmorning! It's not like you to be up this early?" Sebastian teases you with a grin on his face. Even though his accusation was true, you're almost always the last one to wake up from the common rooms, you wanted to wipe that grin off his face so badly. Teasing each other is what both of you guys are good at.
"I'm surprised you're not in detention this early in the morning, maybe you've been getting better at sneaking through the prefects at night." You reply, noticing a slight redness appear on Sebastian's freckled cheeks. He rubs his neck sheepishly.
"Ahem..." coughs a voice from beside Sebastian. Ominis raises his wand from his spell book he was studying a minute ago. Suddenly, you feel a bit embarrassed you had not greeted him sooner. You've been caught up poking fun with Sebastian that you almost forgot he was there.
"Back at it again with the flirting, I see. I can't say I'm surprised, I suppose." Ominis remarks.
You glance towards Sebastian, feeling your cheeks redden and see that he's giving Ominis the most evil glare you've ever witnessed. Not that Ominis could see it, of course. But you know his other senses are so strong that he's probably aware Sebastian wants to kill him right now.
You're not entirely oblivious to the chemistry you feel when you're around Sebastian but you're not absolutely positive he feels the same. You're hoping you hide your feelings well so it wouldn't jeopardize your friendship. You love your friendship with Sebastian so much- that you wouldn't ruin it for the world. Even if it means hiding your true feelings.
You say hello to Ominis and take a seat beside the two. Classes don't start for another 30 minutes. So you guys had a bit of time to chat before classes begin.
When class begins you notice how Sebastian seems to be fidgeting in his seat next to you. You don't know why, because Sebastian has never been nervous around you or anyone before. It's not like him to fidget or get flustered. So you begin to worry, but you quickly push the thought away, hoping he's just eaten something that made his stomach squirm.
You don't want to miss Professor Hecat's lecture so you regain your attention on her.
Unbeknownst to you, Sebastian couldn't pay attention to the lesson, his foot tapping on the floor and his mind wandering to this morning when Ominis had the audacity to point out he was flirting with you. You didn't seem to react or mind Ominis' clear intention to rile you guys up. Sebastian does not understand why it bothers him so much.
Perhaps he's worried if you find out he has growing feelings for you, you'll distance yourself from him completely. He's always hoped you felt the same but shooed the thought away as a mere illusion of his imagination. He loves how dedicated you are to your studies, and how loyal you are to him as a friend. You and Ominis get along so well, that he's so ecstatic to find you guys working so well as a team. He finds spending time with you to be his favorite part of everyday at Hogwarts. You're always there for him and Ominis, and your other friends here at Hogwarts. You'd do anything for them and he admires that immensely. It reminds him of how he went above and beyond for his sister.
He's figured he won't ever tell you about these growing feelings. Even though at times it can be suffocating for him, as if you've crawled into the deepest parts of his mind and set up camp there.
You're in the middle of the lecture when you notice Sebastian zoned out completely. You tap his shoulder which slightly jumps and whirls his head to you, as if he forgot you were really there.
"Are you okay?" you lip-mouth. Sebastian and you have gotten better at reading each other's lips. Especially when you want to  talk to each other in class without making any noise.
You've been around Sebastian for so long that you notice this is not the case. His eyes look lost and a bit sad too. As if he's lost in thought. You wonder if he's contemplating on what's happened in the past again.  Perhaps you need to comfort him.
Raising your hand, you say "Professor Hecat, can I escort Sebastian to the boy's restroom? He doesn't look too good."
"Wait what?" Sebastian whisper-shouts to you while the Professor gives you a curt nod. You immediately take his hand and lead him outside of class to the boy's restroom. He's giving you a string of curses. "Merlins beard! Don't drag me too hard!"
You realize you've been almost sprinting while holding his arm as you guys make your way to the boy's restroom. You loosen your grip because you guys are almost there.
"I'm sorry for hurting you! What's wrong? I know something is up." As you walk in you thank Merlin that no one's around. That you guys have enough time to talk. Sebastian can see by your expression and eagerness that you're worried for him. His expression softens. Sebastian lets out a long sigh.
"I'm sorry if I worried you," Sebastian replies, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck, "I've just had a lot on my mind today."
You look into his eyes and you can see he's not lying. Sebastian usually diverts his gaze when he lies, which he isn't doing now, so you let out a sigh of relief.
"I'm glad that's the case. I'm just so worried for you. I know you're still not over what happened to your sister...and that it plagues your thoughts at times. I understand. I'm always here for you if you want to talk."
Sebastian closes the distance between you, wrapping his arms around your waist and gives you a heartwarming hug. You quickly reciprocate his embrace. You bury your head in his shoulder while he does the same. He smells like textbooks and citrus. The scent you've already gotten used to. You smile contently into the crook of his neck.
Sebastian didn't know how perfect this moment could be. The girl he cares about deeply being with him is almost enough to forget what he recently went through. He knows he hasn't told you how he truly feels and he never planned too...at least- before now.
Sebastians raises his head and unlocks the embrace. It felt like so much time has passed while you guys were holding each other that Sebastian guesses classes were almost over.
"However, I haven't been completely honest with you lately." Sebastian says with his gaze upon the floor. Your eyebrows shoot up.
"Go on, you can tell me anything." You reply.
Sebastian thinks to himself that: this is it. He's going to tell you how he truly feels. He prays that it won't mess up what you two already have, if you don't reciprocate his feelings.
"I've been growing feelings for you for some time now," Sebastian begins, "You've always been there for me, even when I let you down. I think you're the most beautiful, kind, loyal person I know. Every day I spend with you makes me feel like I've known you my whole life. I think, somehow, we were destined to meet. And if you feel the same, then I know it's true."
You're feeling a ton of emotions in that moment. Some you can't recall but they make you feel like you're a firework waiting to pop. You feel so happy you take Sebastian's face in your hands and give him a heart-shattering kiss. He kisses you back. Placing his hands on your back and pulling you closer to him. Kissing you with so much vigor. And so much love.You melt into his arms.
Sebastian finally releases you from the kiss and rests his forehead against yours. You are still catching up to your breath from that kiss. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Sebastian asks you. Your smile could take down an army of goblins of how big it was.
"Yes! Of course!" You reply eagerly, not even becoming embarrassed by how joyful you sound.
You hear footsteps coming from outside the bathroom, and the both of you know someone's heading in here. Hoping it's not one of the professors. The store opens to Ominis, and you both let out a sigh of relief of not being sent to detention.
Classes are over, doofuses. I don't even want to know what's going on, but I know it's you guys." Ominis' eyes narrow. "I hope this means you losers finally admitted your love for each other."
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aceyxyl · 1 year
Sebastian Sallow Oneshot (Sebastian x fem!Reader)
I was sitting in the library, I studied hard to not fail my exams. It was hard being new at Hogwarts, studying, taking part in classes AND maintaining social contacts. I looked at my potions book, I felt dizzy and like I forgot how to read. I sighed and laid my head down in the wood desk, I was almost alone in the library, most of the other students were having fun and I’m learning some stupid potion receipts. It was late, I knew the library would close soon but on the other hand I knew I couldn’t study in my dorm with my annoying dorm mates. But I was so tired… I closed my eyes for a split second before raising my head and sitting straight, looking at my book in front of me. „You got this Y/N“ I thought to myself and tried to read again, but all those fuzzy words doesn’t seem to make sense. I closed my eyes again, but I didn’t open them this time.
Some time later, I don’t know when I woke up, I stretched my limbs and yawned, I was still tired and the wood chair on which I slept was really uncomfortable. I looked at my potions book before I noticed a light source on the table, next to my book. I didn’t took any with me so I looked to my right and saw him, Sebastian sallow. His hair was messy as always, the light hit his skin and his freckles looked magnificent I blinked a few times, „what is he doing here“ I asked myself before he spoke up
„What’s up, sleeping beauty“ Sebastian said with a amused grin, I don’t know how long he was sitting there, looking at me while I was sleeping but I couldn’t help but find it creepy and romantic at the same time.
„What are you doing here?“ I asked curious, raising a brow.
„I could ask you the same thing. But I was searching for some books as I found you, you know it’s not allowed to be here past curfew“ he explained, with the same amused grin. I couldn’t help but smirk.
„oh? Then why are you here?“ I asked, really wondering how he found me since the place I sit wasn’t the most obvious one, I mean the librarian didn’t found me… or simply didn’t searched for any students left.
„I heard from some students that you fell asleep here“ he said, his stupid amused grin turned into a softer one and he stroked my hair with his veiny hand.
„Youre quite beautiful when you sleep“ he added.
I couldn’t help but blush a little at his words, I smiled back and leaned into his touch as I stared into his brown, charming eyes.
„Well thank you Prince Charming“ I responded ironically, he just grinned amused again
„What’s wrong princess?“ the boy asked and began leaned in to kiss me with his eyes closed. At first I was shocked, we both had weird relationship, we both knew we were in love with each other but both of us were to shy to admit it so I didn’t expected the kiss, after a brief moment I kissed him back and closed my eyes as I felt his dry lips against mine . After a few moments we distanced us from each other and I looked lovely into his brown eyes, as he did the same. He smiled and hold my hand as he leaned in to kiss me again, but this time more passionate, I felt his tongue against my lips and opened my mouth a bit, he instantly took advantage of that and shoved his tongue in my mouth, exploring it. After some moments we distanced us again to breathe and kissed again, this time I was brave enough to kiss him back, using my tongue. My hand roamed trough his messy brown hair, leaving it even messier as his hand slid down my waist.
I pulled back from my kiss to breathe but instantly got pulled on the table, where I studied a few hours ago, by Sebastian, his strong hands lifted me up while my skirt fell a bit down, exposing my thighs. I looked up at Sebastian, I saw lust and desire in his eyes, but also love and affection.
„I will do anything to make you happy, darling“ he said finally, his amused grin disappeared, his mouth was slightly open to breathe better, his hands were on my waist and suddenly he started to kiss my neck, I bit on my lip, trying to suppress the moans that would come out. My hands grabbed the back of his head while he nibbled on my skin, leaving soft hickeys.
After a moment I spoke up „I love you Sebastian“ I finally said in a whisper, the unspoken words that wanted to come out for so long. He stopped kissing my neck and looked up to me
„I love you too y/n..“ he finally said and kissed me passionately again.
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mammonspeanut · 4 years
Sweet syrup
This one is quite long, I went over it a few times but I think at the end I just kinda brain farted. Anyway if you are bored enjoy some fluff?? I guess. Take a shot every time you read the word giggle/chuckle or laugh. 
The sounds of velvet brown heels melodically clacking on the marble floor, the macaron cream fabric of your dress with Merlot red cherries swaying back and forth as you practically danced. Your Chocolate brown hair with almost peanut and cinnamon high lights bouncing on your caramel brown skin. Clicking your teal colored nails you peeked around the corner, a silk cherry speckled bow neatly bound adorning your head as it hid between the flood of curls threatening to drown the tiny piece of fabric. 
“Barb, B, Barbatos, Barbadooos,” you called out, hoping that one variation of your lover's name would lure out a response as you continued your search in the palace. Giggling in excitement as you rounded the corner into Diavolo’s office, he would surely know where your mysterious time bender was. 
With a smile so bright you shut your eyes you held onto the doorframe as you swung yourself into the room “ BAR-BAE -,” you froze, confusion started spreading throughout your body as you took in what you saw “Tos,” you ended the last syllable nothing more than a whisper as the two men looked at you. 
“W-Why are you in your uniform?”, you asked, your nails digging into your palm as you stood in the middle of the doorway. You knew you had no right to demand attention from him yet. Seeing him in his uniform stung. You knew what it meant. 
Barbatos shifted uneasily on his feet as he approached you, the room silent you felt your heart clench in your chest. 
“Hello, love,” Barbatos whispered unsure as he gently took your hands. You wanted to pull away, but your body felt numb from the disappointment.Painting a smile to conceal the feeling you didn’t felt allowed to have you squinted your eyes, hiding the tears welling up behind. 
“Hey Barb,” you chimed listening to the sound of Diavolo placing a pen on the desk. 
“I’m sorry I have to work today. I probably should have told you earlier, but, but I was so wrapped up I forgot. I know how you-”, Barbatos explained as he gently squeezed your hands, his eyes filled with sorrow. 
“Oh, don’t worry silly. It’s okay,” you giggled, your smile not wavering as you tried to control your breathing. 
“I know how much you wanted to go today, I am sorry. Maybe another time?” Barbatos apologized, his gloved hand pushing one of your curls out of your face. 
“Ahh, It’s fine I know you are a busy man. Don’t worry. It’s all good,” you laughed off, removing one of your hands out of his grasp to wave an imaginary fly away. 
Wiping the palms of your hands onto your dress Barbatos watched as you continued to smile “You look gorgeous by the way,”
Fighting through your body tensing up and the feeling of wanting to burst out in tears you look down on yourself giggling. 
“Oh this thing, I just remembered that when we were shopping, you noticed this dress and thought it was cute so I bought it for a pleasant occasion to wear. Lucky me, a dress holds longer than one wear,” you joked before turning around to leave. Approaching the door, your mask fell for a second as you inhaled deeply before looking over your shoulder with a smile. 
“Have fun boys and don’t work yourself too much, BYE!” you giggled before rounding the corner once more. 
“She's hurt, isn't she?”, Diavolo asked as the last tip of your flowing dress disappeared around the corner. 
“Yes,” Barbatos answered as he straightened himself out. 
“I’m sorry B but I really need you,” Diavolo apologized as he watched his butler take his side again. 
Slightly bowing before standing beside Diavolo, Barbatos sighed, “It’s okay.” 
Reaching up you pulled on the tip of your bow, unraveling the knot that held it in your hair. Sighing, you suddenly walk into something soft. 
“Yare,Yare. You should look where you are going,” Lucifer chuckled 
“Oh... I’m sorry,” you apologised quietly
Placing a finger under your chin, Lucifer tilted your head upwards, inspecting your sad face as his facial expression quickly softened. 
“How come my ray of sunshine is all dull today,” Lucifer asked tenderly raising  his eyebrows, his thumb resting on your chin. 
“Well, I have some friends and they own a cafe and a bar. Since I haven’t seen them in a while Barb and I thought why not combine their introduction with just spending his day off together? You know just the two of us.”, you explained adverting your eyes. 
“I know he is a busy man with his job and I am no way entitled to his time. But we have had this planned months in advance and... not only not seeing my friends and their significant others but also not spending time with him stings. You know. Maybe I am too demanding.,” you added your words bubbling out of you in Lucifer’s calm presence. 
“It does sound like a dilemma but I doubt that you are demanding in any kind of way,” Lucifer cooed as he slipped your silk scarf out of your hand. 
His slender fingers quickly slipping the fabric under your curls he hummed “Well, I may not be Barbatos but what if I accompany you to your friends cafe?” 
“Really?”, you asked your eyes growing big, you looked up to the tall demon smiling as his fingers swiftly made a bow. 
“Really, how about it? You and I and some cake and maybe a cocktail or two?”, Lucifer chuckled as he looked down at the new bow adorning your curls. 
“Oh, Yes please!!! I’d love that!”, you begged your hands folded in front of you as you managed to put on the biggest puppy eyes you could. 
“Well then, let’s go,” Lucifer chuckled, offering you his arm as he smiled at you. 
"This is it, this is the cafe and right across is the bar. They'll definitely have something for your taste," you smiled up at the tall demon as he let his hand glide over your back to your waste.
"Oh, look who has descended from heaven to visit us," a man with white long hair called from across the street as he pushed a piece of fabric into his pocket.
"Love!" you squealed, waving him as he made his way across the street.
"Look what the stray cats have brought us Neko," a muscular dark-skinned man hummed behind you as he held a black cat in his hands.
Startled by the deep voice, you swung around giggling as you recognised the man behind you. 
"Don't scare me like that. Uhh hello Neko have you stolen any good fish lately?" you cooed at the plump cat as it crawled into your arms, the golden bell around its neck jingling with every movement.
"Wanna pet him?" you asked, turning so the cat could look at Lucifer who just stood across from you. 
"Cats don't necessarily like me," Lucifer chuckled nervously as the posh white-haired man came to a stop next to him.
"Nonsense that fur ball loves everyone, he just won’t crawl into everyone's arms that thief," the white-haired explained, tapping the cat's nose with the tip of his finger before scratching its chin. 
"Neko can Lucifer pet you, hmm?" you cooed, cradling the cat which pressed his head against your cheek. Unexpected to Lucifer, the cat let out a happy ~MROW~ as an answer. Confused by the fact that the cat had just answered you, Lucifer gave it a shot and leaned towards you to pet the cat.  Unbeknownst to him the cat had a different agenda and quickly crawled into his arms purring loudly as he made Lucifer his new bed. 
"Well, look at that traitor leaving me for a different handsome man," your dark-skinned friend sighed as he dramatically wiped his non existing tears away from his cheeks, making everyone laugh.
"I hope I'm not too late," a blond man with freckles giggled intertwining his fingers with the white-haired man's before leaning in for a kiss. 
"No, not at all, Neko has just found a new friend in Y/N 's boyfriend.", the white-haired man explained, nodding in Lucifer’s direction, the purring cat still in his arms.
"Ohh I never seen Neko crawl into someone's arms that fast!" the young blond man swooned before greeting the cat.
"Eh guys he..he isn't my boyfriend, this is Lucifer. My boyfriend couldn't come and Lucifer offered to accompany me," you explained, crossing your arms behind your back as you watched Neko jump out of Lucifer’s arms.
"Well then, any friend of Y/N is a friend of ours. My name is Sam, a pleasure to meet you," your dark-skinned friend said stretching his hand out to shake Lucifers.
 You shot your white-haired friend a look as both men seemingly tested out their strength while shaking their hands. Little did Sam know Lucifer was a demon and his strength would far surpass that of a human, even one as strong as Sam. 
"I guess I'm next, I'm Momo and this is my boyfriend Sebastian, he owns the bar across the street," the blond-haired man said cheerily scrunching his nose as he hugged the white-haired man's arm.
"Nice to meet you, Lucifer," Sebastian chuckled slightly blushing from the affection of his boyfriend.
"Aahhhh I'm not late, I'm not late!!" A voice yelled as a crimson red-haired man approached the group running.
Everyone except Lucifer groaned out before laughing, "He is always late," you whispered explaining everyone's reaction.
"Hey, whew, so you must be her boyfriend. Damn Y/N you got one of a hunk right there. Look at you. You didn't go fishing, you went for a whole ass hunt right there, others bring back a fish, you brought back a bear, " the red-haired man babbled as he ignored everyone trying to interrupt him.
Bursting out in laughter, Lucifer stroked your back, pulling you a bit closer to him.
"James this isn't my boyfriend, he's just a friend. My boyfriend couldn't come, so Lucifer offered, " you tried to explain between your laughs as everyone watched the red-haired man’s tan face turn as red as his hair.
"Nice to meet you James, though I must say, in my lifetime I have never been called a hunk," Lucifer laughed wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes as James shook his hand. 
"I think now you have learned why we tell you not to be late hmm?" Sam chuckled, pulling his boyfriend close and pressing a kiss onto his cheek.
"Yeah, he he. Sorry, by the way,"
"I've already set us a table right here so take your seats and we can start taste testing our new creations that might make the menu," Sam said rescuing his boyfriend before he embarrassed himself even more. Sam pointed to a large table with fresh spring flowers and a white tablecloth with tiny gray dots on the sidewalk. Swooning over the flowers, Momo quickly sat down at the table to inspect what Sam had found. 
Time quickly passed as your friends filled Lucifer in on all of your insider jokes and embarrassing stories. His hands always ever so gently touching your knee, thigh or arm as he once again had to burst out in laughter.
"No, No Lucifer you don't understand she, she literally stood there like - so am I supposed just take this and leave or- you should have seen her face," Sebastian laughed.
"It wasn't my fault, who does that," you chuckled standing up from your seat your movements followed by Lucifer’s eyes, " I'll be back in a minute James wanna join me?"
"Sure, I know how you can't live without this face," James replied before wrapping his hand around your waist as you both entered the small cafe.
"I'm sorry your boyfriend couldn't come today, but Lucifer seems to really like you and he is enjoying himself," James said as he stood next to you washing his hands.
"I'm glad you all get alone with each other, it really does seem so, I have never seen him laugh this much," you giggled as you removed some paper towels from the dispenser for you and James.
"Can I be honest, love?" James asked, his eyes gazing over you as he tried to figure out the correct words for what he was about to say.  Noticing the sudden shift in his tone, you threw the paper towel away and focused your attention on him.
"Sure? You know I cherish you for your honesty,"
"I- You know I love you and all I want to do is see you happy. I may not know your boyfriend but I'm kind of glad you brought Lucifer along, he seems to do wonders for your soul. I haven't seen your cheeks his pink and your eyes sparkle this much in years," James said cupping your cheeks with his hands
"I know and I love you too and the others as well. To be honest, I'm glad I brought him along today, thanks for welcoming him with open arms. I know how intimidating his first impression often is," You smiled as you went in for a hug.
"Love, if he is with you how intimidating can he be? I missed you," James sighed, hugging you even tighter.
"You dummy, I missed you too," you mumbled into his cheek as you pressed your lips against him.
"Look at these to love birds. Watch out Lucifer and Sam or else you'll be standing alone soon," Sebastian laughed as you and James joined the group again.
"Shut up, Sam is looking at me like he will poison my tea any second now," you joked, rubbing your arms as a cool breeze hit you.
"Are you cold?," Lucifer asked as he leaned in close, draping his coat over your shoulders. Furrowing his brows as if he wasn't satisfied enough he pulled you closer wrapping his arm around you.
"A little," you replied, feeling your cheeks grow warm from how close he was.
"Saaaaam why don't you do something like that with me," James whined pulling dramatically on Sam's arm.
"Don’t do it Sam. James, you can freeze to death for all I care, I can find a new Barkeeper," Sebastian teased as everyone giggled from James dramatic sobs and declaration of how mean his boss and his boyfriend were to him.
"How about we move on to the bar, it will get dark soon anyway," Momo suggested into the round.
"Fine by me I need a drink," Sam replied before taking James hand and gently kissing it while Sebastian nodded in agreement. Looking at Lucifer, you noticed him already smiling at you. Scrunching your nose as if you were to ask of what he thought about the idea, Lucifer patted your head before nodding in agreement. 
"Guess that's all we need guys let's pack up and go to the bar," Momo chimed excitedly.
After cleaning up and bringing the chairs and table inside you all crossed the street in pairs, Lucifer and you were last of the group. 
"You have a new perfume?" you asked as he held you close, protecting you from passing cars.
"Yes indeed, you remember when we were out shopping and you wandered off into the perfumery? There was this specific scent you fell in love with and I thought it was quite nice too so I bought it," Lucifer replied smiling, his eyes still on the traffic.
"Well, I think it suits you very well," you giggled as he held the door open and guided you into the bar before taking his coat and hanging it on a hook.
"The bar looks phenomenal," Lucifer swooned as he helped you onto a bar stool.
"Would you like to sit? I can get another one," Sebastian offered, noticing Lucifer standing behind you as he turned on the radio to play some jazz. 
"Oh no, I'm fine, thank you I'd rather stand," he replied as he gently straightened your bow.
"So boys and gal, whatcha like? ", James asked, the sound of ice clinking in his cocktail mixer as he prepared a cocktail for Sam.
You felt Lucifer's fingers gently squeeze your waist, allowing you to go first.
"Hmmm.... I haven't had anything in so long," you mumbled looking up at Lucifer.
"Maybe a Virgin Island," James teased with a wide grin on his lips as he pushed a glass filled with a red drink towards Sam. Laughing, you grabbed a napkin and threw it at him. 
" She'll have a vodka on ice and I'll have a whiskey on the rocks, please," Lucifer said stunning your friends into silence.
"Oh, he knows she likes vodka?" Momo asked, surprised as he took a sip from Sebastian’s drink.
"That's a rare sight, it took me forever to find out she drinks vodka pure as if it is water, " Sebastian pouted setting the drinks in front of the both of you.
"Lucky guess," Lucifer shrugged, earning a shocked gasp from Momo.
As the hours became later Lucifer leaned in as you covered your mouth while giggling, “You shouldn’t cover your mouth like that, your smile is cute,” he whispered as you felt yourself turn a darker shade of red. Not sure if it was the alcohol or his words making you blush, you whispered back ” Thank you”
"I'm done for the night," Momo sighed, laying his head onto the bar.
"Look at those two still sober as when we started," Sebastian noticed .
"Well, we don't drink as fast as poor Momo did over there," Lucifer replied pointing his third drink at Momo.
"Oh yes, I'm still on my second one," you giggled as Lucifer pulled you close to his chest.
"Master minds those two, making us drunk so they can rob us and run away together," James joked.
"You don't even have anything, what are they going to take from you," Sam teased leaning closer to James behind the bar.
"My innocence," James sighed dramatically as he pressed Sam's hand against his cheek.
"I think someone else already stole that," Sebastian commented, nodding in Sam's direction.
"You two look so cute together, the perfect couple," Momo mumbled pointing in your direction
Feeling yourself suddenly blush again you replied "I-I think it's time for everyone to go to sleep poor Momo back there, just look at him,"
"That is true indeed," Sebastian agreed as he gently kissed Momo's head.
After helping your friends clean up Lucifer and you said your goodbyes, still hugging Sam as he whispered encouraging words into your ear Lucifer opened the door. The sound of rain filling the room as everyone turned towards the door.
"Well, that is quite unfortunate," Sebastian said, a slight frown appearing on his lips.
"Wait, I have an umbrella you two can have somewhere," James chimed before disappearing behind a door.
After hugging your friends once more and saying your goodbyes, you both made yourself on your way home. The calming sound of rain joining you as cars periodically passed while you walked down the sidewalk towards a nearby portal. It didn't talk long for Lucifer to pull you in closer, his arm wrapping around your waist and resting there. 
“So how did you like it?” you asked into the silence, your arm wrapping around his waist as you felt him squeeze you.
“I haven't laughed this much in centuries, you are quite a wild bunch together.”, Lucifer admitted as he noticed you slowing down. 
“Oh yes, that’s why we have so much fun together, they mean the world to me. They practically demanded that I bring you along next time,” you laughed. 
“Everything all right?” Lucifer asked concerned as you stopped walking. 
Feeling annoyed from sliding around in your now soaked heels and the pain of walking around in them all day long, you swiftly slipped out of them, sinking your swollen feet in a cold puddle of rain. 
"Sweet baby JESUS, this feels so much better, you do not understand. " you sighed dramatically leaning against Lucifer who chuckled at your performance. 
Looking up at him a sly smile appeared on your lips as you undid your bow with your free hand. Tying the fabric around Lucifers wrist you ran out into the pouring rain giggling as it soaked you.
"Catch me if you can!" you giggled, running through the reflection of the neon signs and lights in the night rain. Hearing Lucifer chuckle behind you, he let you have a head start before quickly catching up to you.
Pinning you against a wall, he looked into your eyes. The light reflecting in your caramel pools as the rain dripped from his wet hair onto your rosy cheeks.
Holding your breath as you locked eyes with the avatar of pride, you stood there as his warm hand cupped your cheek. His fingers finding their way under your chin, he pulled you on the tip of your toes. Licking over his lips, he watched yours slightly parted as he leaned in.
"Lu..." you sighed only for him to whisper your name as cars passed by.
"We- We shouldn't," you mumbled, almost transfixed by his gaze as you felt his thumb caress your bottom lip. 
His free hand sliding down to the small of your back, he pulled you closer, your toes almost leaving the ground beneath you.Your hands on his chest you felt his breath became quicker with every second that passed.
"Let me have just this one kiss," he whispered, leaning in as you closed your eyes. 
"Just...this....one...," he repeated slowly, his words almost like syrup dripping onto your lips. 
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solli · 4 years
“i sent a selfie of myself to the wrong number but you responded and you’re really hot” AU (x)
mentions of smexy pictures and suggestive imagery. also I now have a drabble spree collection on ao3
Blaine is about to die.
He would like not to, but he can see the life he yet has to live slipping right through the fingers of his cold, clammy hands.
“Fuck.” he mutters under his breath. He’s surprised he still has breath to waste.
“What’s wrong, Blainey Day?” Tina asks from the other side of the breakfast table.
“Fuck.” he says again.
He has no idea how he’ll say anything different ever again.
“Blaine?” Tina asks, more worried, looking up from her own phone.
He shuts down his phone and shoots on his feet.
“I forgot I had a capoeira lesson.”
“You have those on Mondays and Wednesdays.”
Fuck Tina and her obsessive knowledge of his schedule.
“I have an extra one. It’s a seminar. That’s why I forgot.”
She doesn’t seem particularly convinced, but he doesn’t wait around to answer any question. He picks up his messanger bag and runs out of the apartment. He has no idea were to go, he just knows that he should probably avoid river banks.
He ends up holing himself away in a Starbucks, because nothing says millenial misery like crying over a missent selfie in a coffeehouse chain.
He can’t bear the thought of taking his phone out of his pocket.
His thigh buzzes. Then again.
He’s supposed to tell his mother how many of his friends he’s bringing to the housewarming of their new vacation house by the lake.
He tentitevely takes out his phone.
He’s got a text from his mother and two more for the stranger he sent a photo of himself kneeling on a bed. Thank God he had underwear on. White boxer briefs he was pulling down on one side so low that some hair that shouldn’t be seen were in fact showing, but still. At least he isn’t butt naked.
Curse the day he decided that there wasn’t much difference between a bathing suit and underwear anyway.
He’s terrified of opening that chat. How did he even think that sending Eli a selfie was a good icebreaker to go from instagram DMs to texting he has no idea.
Okay, he has a few. Thank God he didn’t send a back pic, he tends to take those naked. Tended. Past tense. He isn’t sending another risque pic in his life.
He takes a deep breath. It’s better to just rip the bandaind off. He knows it’s pics already, he’s looked at them long enough to realize it surely wasn’t Eli he texted.
All of his blood rushes to his dick. He doesn’t feel his feet anymore, nor he has enough circulation in his brain to think. He can just stare.
One of the photos is a bird’s-eye view of a lean, pale guy lying on white sheets, hips up, white skin scattered with freckles and beauty marks. He’s got a hand just above his bully button, at least six rings stacked on three fingers, and God those are abs, just defined enough that Blaine could lick through the ridges.
All of which he takes in in the corner of his eyes because nested next to it is a shot clearly taken balancing the phone of said lickable abs, framing black briefs pulled down on one side (smartass), a rather snug buldge, and very very long legs, one raised to show a lean slim thight that Blaine just bets would feel incredibly firm if he was to, say, dig his fingers into it as sucked him off.
Whomever he was.
The dick hasn’t included a face pic. Which is extremely unfair since Blaine’s is completely visible- which might have been a grave mistake but it wasn’t like his mirror selfie was that bad. He wasn’t tecnically showing nothing.
He’s aware of the extreme irony of this trail of thoughts, but he can’t help shifting on his chair and reading the texts below the pics.
It occured to me that my spontaneous photoshoot might have contribuited to the growing archive of a ring of nudes trading and not, as I originally thought, to give something back to a misguided hot guy who happened to have a wrong number.
In that case, I’d like to retire my application.
He snorts. He types back before he knows he’s doing it.
What if it is really was a misguided hot guy who typed in the wrong number because he has two brain cells to budget and he likes to waste it all on photography and stage lighting?
Well. It depends. Has the misguided hot guy enjoyed what he saw?
He might be half hard in a Starbucks
Who hasn’t been at least once.
But how can I be sure you’re not catfishing me?
Blaine bites his lips. Oh, hell. He already has a picture of his face. He snaps a selfie, cute smile with a hint of embarassed wrapped in a photogenic smize.
Fuck, you’re pretty.
Blaine blushes.
Would like to say the same but I only know you have a ring fetish :/
A pic comes in a few seconds later, and Blaine thinks he might have just fallen in love.
He’s gorgeous. Wild hair, pale skin, red thingreengreyblue eyes, even more freckles, even more beauty marks. He’s resting his cheek against his hand and he’s indeed making a :/ face.
Another pic immedietely comes through. It’s him smirking in a knowing way, and he had to have already took it before Blaine even responded.
He’s tempted to snap another fic but he’s a splotchy blusher and he would hate to ruin the surprise for him.
So, you’ve got a NY number.
I was about to ask you your whereabouts but that was profoundly unsexy.
Almost as much as your full stops
I find them very sexy, I like to finish things off properly.
It doesn’t work like that. You either put it at the end of the sentence or you don’t.
I was planning to send you another selfie after finishing things off properly later tonight but if that’s what you think
You have to know the rules before you can break them 
Blaine laughs and ignores his face burning hot on the hand he’s leaning his cheek against.
I do am in NY by the way. Tisch
Of course
What does that mean?
Hot, gorgeous, witty and smart. Where’s the catch?
You tell me. I’m still not convinced you’re a sleazy sixty something balding men trying to find escape from an heterosexual marriage.
Tell me your name.
Only because you put a full stop. It’s Sebastian.
He does sound like a Sebastian. Blaine writes it with a pen on the side of his coffee cup, adding an “Hi, Sebastian, I’m” over the black marker “Blaine”, and a “:)” right after.
Hi, Blaine. Hope you’re not being held hostage.
Why don’t you come and check on me?
He attaches his position. The Starbucks is crowded enough that it doesn’t feel like a complete idiocy.
Give me 20 minutes.
He ends up giving him 31 minutes and one more coffee. He’s scrolling through instagram when someone crashes with grace on the seat in front of him, coiffed hair, a deep red t-shirt and a cheeks reddened by the early summer sun.
”So?” Sebastian asks in a scruffy drawl, ”Where’s the catch?”
Blaine is way more flustered that he thought he’d be, considering he basically told Sebastian he was going to jerk off to his pictures later in the night.
Sebastian checks him out and Blaine is glad he knows how to play his cards, if the way Sebastian’s eyes linger around the height of his flushing cheekbones tells him something.
”I think we both have an entire coffee date to find that out.” he smiles leaning over to rest his temple on his hand.
Sebastian smiles back, and Blaine might have to text his mother he’s bringing one more guest to the housewarming party.
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bytheanchorarchived · 5 years
It’s good to see you here again (ao3)
pairing: huntbastian rated: G words: 2,713
Hunter and Sebastian meet again, years after their break up.
               “He seems nice.”
              Sebastian’s green eyes looked up at him from his cup of coffee, and Hunter could almost hear the crack behind his own plastered smile, at the sight of his face.
              His own cup was wound tight between his broad fingers, and the heat had passed from almost unbearable to mildly cold, in the time it’d taken him to gather enough words in his mouth to speak up. 
Sebastian didn’t seem to know what to do any better and it made Hunter wonder if he was trying to figure out how to not look as happy as he probably felt.  Maybe for fear that the fissures would actually start showing down Hunter’s face. He tried a hesitant smile in return, and Hunter’s knuckles grew white around the cup, before he forced his stiff hand to bring it up for a sip.
              “He’s am-He is.”
              Hunter glanced down at the brown liquid, thumbnail digging onto the styrofoam rim, as he took another sip, and after as he downed it back to the table, pondering what else was there to say. He’d caught the correction, of course, and it made his coffee taste twice as bitter, to think that Sebastian might actually pity him to that point. To the point of censoring himself for him.
              They hadn’t seen each other in five years.
              Five long years, for Hunter. There had been times, through those years, when Hunter’d forgot all about his high school and college boyfriend, for months. In others, he’d be a constant reminder on the back of his head, through long days and nights of dreadful mourning. He’d tried other relationships. Even come to think he��d fallen in love, once or twice. But every time he did, it only reminded him of how it didn’t feel, of how it wasn’t. It didn’t take long after that, for his partner of the moment to figure out he wasn’t entirely there, and move on. 
              He’d always wondered what it’d be like to see him again. If he was still as lean, if his freckles still stuck out the most on rainy days, his green eyes bright against the pale skin and wet hair. Now that he had, he wasn’t sure what to do with it. From all the times he’d imagined it, he’d never quite gotten to the actual meet part. To the part where they were supposed to speak, talk, catch up, or whatever the hell else people did when they met a long lost lover. 
              Even the words long lost lover made him want to roll his eyes. Sebastian was his ex. One of many. There should be no reason why he ought to stand out like that.
              His blunt nails scratched the back of his neck, distractedly as he mulled it over. Until Sebastian’s rough voice interrupted him.
              “Have you??”
              Hunter looked up so abruptly that Sebastian smiled sideways, before raising his eyebrows.
              “Found someone.” He supplied, clearly noticing Hunter hadn’t been listening before.
                 Sebastian didn’t look as lean as before. He’d grown in muscle, specially in the arms, and his jaw was more pronounced. He still carried himself smoothly, and made even the simple act of sitting down look like a shot from a movie. But it was obvious he had matured. That he wasn’t the same boy as before. Hunter smiled. And it made something coil in his stomach. He wondered if he looked frozen in time by comparison, or as though he’d been pulled apart and then simply placed back together without anything to hold it in, like he felt he did.
              “You know me. Never had a lot of patience for relationships. Too much to do in a day, too much to worry about. Doesn’t leave me much time for dining out and buying flowers when wining and dining is already another part of the job.” He mocked, with a light shrug. Sebastian glanced to the side, and Hunter followed his eyes.
              The rain was staining the windows of the coffee shop. It made everything look like a mess of blurred out colors. It reminded him of his memories about the years when he’d been able to tell exactly what Sebastian was thinking around ninety percent of the time. That had been a long time ago. He had no idea now, as he looked back at him, following the line of his turned neck, up to his popped jaw, about what was going on in his head. 
              “I’m happy.”
              Hunter blinked, in surprise at the sudden statement, but nodded cautiously. Sebastian had said it plainly, like a fact, but Hunter still knew him enough to catch the underline of anger. Some taste of defiance to it, as though he expected Hunter to protest. His lips pressed together in a line, instead, as he looked ahead expectantly, but Sebastian didn’t seem in the mood to elaborate.
              “Have you seen any of the guys lately??” - “I’m sorry.”
              Sebastian stopped, as Hunter blurted over him, his words, and the latter could’ve flinched at the look he got. He didn’t, though, keeping his eyes set and his face composed. He sipped some more of his drink to down the blockage in his throat. It was cold, and somewhat disgusting by now, but it didn’t matter much.
              “I know I fucked up.” He said, after all, after catching his breath and as Sebastian kept looking at him, searching for an explanation. Hunter let out a huff of air as he glanced down at his fingers. “I had no idea in hell what I was doing when we were together. I fucked up a lot. I’m glad you found someone.” He said, honestly. It had been stuck on his tongue since they’d crossed eyes at the cashier’s line. And it felt relieving to say it.
              Sebastian didn’t look like he knew what to answer to that. Hunter gave him a quiet look. He didn’t need him to really say anything. Maybe it was better that way. He thought maybe he should get up and leave, but Sebastian stopped him again.
              “You’re a cretin.”
                Hunter cocked an eyebrow, in his turn, but didn’t disagree. Sebastian’s jaw was popped again, and his fingers were curled over the table. Hunter recognized that barbed edge in his eyes.
              “All I wanted was you, Hunter.” He snorted, and it sounded bitter, as he looked up at the ceiling. There was a strain on the line of his throat all the way to his hard chin, and it made Hunter stop breathing. “Hell, I did everything to get you. And you gave me one hell of a fucking ride too, getting there.” When Sebastian downed his eyes back to him, they were so angry Hunter thought he could taste it. He suddenly wondered if Sebastian was going to punch him. He knew he wouldn’t stop him if he did. “And then you railroaded me, until I’d used up all of my cards, and all I could do was give up.”
              Hunter swallowed. He knew the other was right.
              Sebastian had been the messiest, craziest, best, thing that had ever happened to him. And Hunter had taken him for granted in every way, up to the day when he’d come back to empty drawers and a note on the bed. Being open and speaking all the words out just weren’t things they did. He’d repeated that in his mind day after day. A justification that had paled quickly after he left.
              When Sebastian’d started to close up, he kept telling himself things would come around. It was just another phase. They’d get over it, if he just gave it enough time, like they’d always done. Now he knew how much of a complete asshole he’d been. The one thing he had never done was fight for him. He’d thought he’d given him everything, and when Sebastian wanted out, Hunter had let him, not wanting to get in his way. But the one thing he hadn’t done was ask him to stay.  It kept him up at night, as he wondered if he’d still be there, if he’d just asked him to.
              “Yeah you fucked up.” Sebastian shrugged, and his face seemed to deflate from whatever was clouding his temper before, making it easy going again. “Next time you do find someone, just don’t screw up again. I’m sure you’ll be fine.” He made a pause as he tapped his cup. “Give me a call, if you do.”
              Hunter nodded. His tongue was dry in his mouth and it seemed like an effort to say anything. He wasn’t sure what to make of Sebastian’s disposition. As Hunter watched him, he realized that until that moment, he had still believed Sebastian and him would find their way back together one day.
              He’d let himself hang on to that, for far too long, and probably lost more than one or two, or three, opportunities to move on. As much as he despised all the romanticized, impossible, love stories, he had always thought, deep down, that they were meant to be. That no matter what he did, what they did, they’d end up getting back into each other’s lives.
              “That thing-” He cleared his throat as Sebastian gave him his attention again, looking curious. “That thing you slipped into your pocket earlier…” He trailed off, not sure if he really needed to finish the sentence. It had been all too clear, despite the elegant, quick way, in which Sebastian’s fingers had moved to hide it.
              “Not gonna happen any time soon.”
              Sebastian offered, knowing exactly what Hunter was referencing. Hunter couldn’t quite see his hand as he drew it back from the table to his lap, but he could almost swear it was inside his pocket, twirling the silver band around. “It was kind of a sappy celebration for the whole love wins vibe. And then it stuck. Maybe some time next year.”
              Hunter forced his lips to quirk up and drank the rest of his cold bitter drink.
              “Congratulations.” His voice sounded bloated even for him.
              “Thank you.”
              In the back of his head, he could still see the image his thoughts had perfected along the years, of what he’d choose, if he ever did, to wrap around Sebastian’s and his fingers. But sometime that year, had turned into maybe, and maybe had turned into in a few years more, and then it’d been too late. Hunter wanted to ask. Wanted to ask if all the particulars they’d both shared one day, Sebastian also did with his fiancé, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to hear the answer.
              He should be glad. And he was, in a sour way. Since they’d grown closer in high school, seeing Sebastian happy had always been high on his list. All he really wanted, even when he didn’t have the time to try to make it happen himself.
              He loved him.
              He had forbid himself from using the word for years. But the day he realized Sebastian was gone, as he sat down on the cold bed, with the note on his hand, and feeling lost and numb, was when he’d finally said it to himself.
              He had loved Sebastian more than he’d ever loved anything else in his life.
              Not the girl he’d had his first crush on. Not his pride, his family, his achievements, himself. Sebastian had taught him how to actually love, and he had loved him until his fingers were raw from touching him, and his mouth was dry from sharing kisses in the dark, more passionate than he’d ever dare outside their bedrooms.
              His lungs felt hollow. He wanted to be glad, and he would train himself to be, along the next days. At least now he knew for sure. He knew for sure that Sebastian was happy and well cared for, and with a whole future ahead. Just like he’d known he would be. However, for now, all he could feel was a need to touch him so deep, the bones in his fingers ached. He still remembered exactly what he tasted like.
               “How’re the in-laws?”
              Sebastian’s lips curled again and this time there was just a shade of that easy way they’d used to have.
              “They’re fine. It’s nice and a curse having normal holidays like all the boring people out there.”
              Hunter chuckled.
              “I’m sure.”
              Maybe in time they could do it. Become a part of each other’s lives again, without messing one another up. Maybe in a few years more. He could feel it then, that that essential part of them, that had always made connection so easy, had somehow, impossibly, survived. And if it could survive this long, perhaps so could a relationship between them, whatever kind it had to be.
              “You? Been doing holidays these days?”
              Hunter nodded at that, knowing exactly what he meant.
              “They came around eventually.”
              There was a light in Sebastian’s eyes that made Hunter’s heart slip.
              “Good.” He said, as casually as it was vehement. “They had to stop being idiot pricks at some point. Runs in the family, it seems.”
                 Hunter offered him a half smile. He hadn’t really been able to feel that happy when his parents had finally accepted him back into the family, after his coming out. Somehow it had felt like settling, without Sebastian. It had felt like admitting defeat, instead of winning something. Now, as Sebastian smiled at him, he finally felt like it was something to be proud of. 
              Sebastian’s phone bipped with a message, and Hunter felt both relief and disappointment when he got up. 
              “See you Clarington,” was the last cheeky thing he said. Hunter didn’t have it in him to respond, so he’d only nodded, in turn.
              Something was still gnawing at him after they said goodbye. Sebastian promised he’d give him a call, and Hunter smiled and did the same, though he knew it wouldn’t happen. They just weren’t ready yet. As he watched him leave, though, he figured at least he’d got to watch him walk away this time. And that helped.
              Later on, as Hunter drove back home, he breathed out and it was as though he’d been holding it back for five years. His bones ached even as they wrapped around the wheel, but not as much as they had for the past half-decade. He pulled up on the side of the road, when the tears blurred his eyes, and hunched over it as he let it out, grieving what he hadn't allowed himself to, until that moment. And when he got home and turned all the lights out, back in his room, he fell asleep almost as soon as he hit the mattress, to a dreamless night.
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hweianime · 7 years
I would call this one: The Fairy Odd Curse
Ok OMG, I want a crack fic where it’s Voldemort who dies and wakes up to like a messed up fairy tale world. And like he’s the prince to Harry’s princess. So his hell is pretty much having to save Harry over and bloody over again. Sometimes he gets magic sometimes he doesn’t.
It’s great because he’s fucking Voldemort so obviously he didn’t read a lot of fairy tales as a kid and therefore has to stumble through most of them blindly. (BTW THIS COULD BE A SNARRY TOO *hint hint*)
Once upon a time, there were two souls connected by fate. An unfortunate connection really. One that could only end with the death of the other. But as a rather barmy old wizard once said, death is just the next great adventure.
Lord Voldemort wakes up in a field. It’s a very nice field all things considered. Soft green grass, daisies, the smell of fresh mildew. The Dark Lord blinks. Huh.
There was a lot of places he was sure he would go, but he was fairly positive heaven was not one of them.
He lifts himself up from where he had been lying and he realizes with a start that these were not the clothes he had been wearing in his death. They were certainly not the sort of clothes he would have wished to wear in the afterlife either, or any life really. Poofy sleeves, and gauche colors lines with gold. He looked like one of those outdated cartoon pictures of a prince.
Tentatively he mapped out his face with his hands, his normal skin colored healthy looking hands. He sighs a little in relief. Fuck, if there was one thing he had really regretted as Voldemort, it was that extra step that made him lose his nose in the process. And also his looks but he wasn’t that vain. It was just... nose.
Voldemort stares quietly at the rolling green hills, his body come to think of it, isn’t the only thing that’s reverted back to its prime. His mind too feels… clearer. Sharper.
“Your highness!”
So the first story is Harry Potter and the Seven Weasleys. Lucius is the wicked stepmother and yes, Harry is fucking Snow White. Skin as white as snow, hair as black as coal and eyes as green as a killing curse.
“No.” Voldemort backed away from the sleeping young man. He looked at the hopeful and worried expressions of seven redheads with freckled faces. “No.” He repeated firmly. Some of the tiny Weasleys began sobbing. As if he cared about these blood traitors’ piddly arse feelings.
“Oy, you gotta your highness.” The youngest boy scowls, “Only true love’s kiss can save Harry now.”
He totally ends up kissing Harry. It’s super reluctant. As is the feelings that tingled in his chest when he does so. Harry opens his eyes and smiles, clearly doesn’t recognize who Voldemort/Riddle is. Voldemort gets kissed by Harry, he doesn’t know why he allows it. He brings Harry back to his kingdom but the moment he steps into the castle grounds the world shifts again and he ends up in another fairytale universe. Rinse and repeat.
- The Little Mermaid. Harry’s the little mermaid, Barty Crouch is the evil octopus one since like Polyjuice and such similarities, Flounder is Ron, Sebastian is Hermione cause Sebastian fucking has common sense. Dumbledore would be King Triton.
Prince Tom grits his teeth as this so-called Hariel fails to even understand the simple concept of a fork. He lives under the sea, not under a rock, the idea of spearing something down in a hunt should be something the younger man should be familiar enough with. How in Merlin would they be able to eat otherwise? 
Even worse, he’s mute for some reason. Fuck. How does this story end again, for the life of the prince he just could not remember.
- Beauty and the beast- self-explanatory right? All of the talking furniture are Death Eaters. Though omg Lucius would be the candlestick and Severus would be Cogsworth and they all are pretty scared of him because Voldemort can do crucio and other spells. Voldemort at that time was pissed because he realized this cycle was probably not going to end anytime soon. LOCKHART IS GASTON.
“Aren’t you supposed to be interested in the library?” The Beast hisses grumpily. He hates this story. He hates it all the more because apparently, the world has seen fit to give him his previous snake-like appearance rather than go classic. His nose is gone again. Fuck, he hates everything.
Harry stares at the man incredulously, “Your brooms can fly.” He says slowly like Beast was the idiot. If The Beast wasn’t so fearful of the consequences, he would kill Potter right then and there. “Why would I immerse myself in books when I could bloody fly?!”
- Alice in Wonderland, with Tom being Alice, Walburga Black as the Queen of Hearts, Harry being the Mad Hatter or the White Rabbit. I don’t know I don’t remember how this movie went. But I know Tom would be infuriated.
- Peter Pan, but this time Harry is Peter, Ginny is Tinkerbell and Tom is Wendy. Wendy’s brothers can be Lucius and Malfoy I guess, I don’t know, maybe Tom just ditches the brothers. Snape is Captain Hook.
“Want to check out the mermaids?” Potter Pan asks with a friendly smile.
Tom shudders. “No.” He answers firmly. “No more mermaids for at least five more lifetimes.”
Potter Pan quirks a confused but bemused grin, “You’re strange. I like that.”
“Oh.. joy.”
- Mary Poppins where Harry is Harry Pottins. Tom would be the single father of Lucius and Snape. Tom tries to avoid Harry this time but ends up being sucked in to their misadventures despite himself. He also gets insanely annoyed at Sirius the chimney sweep for some reason.
- Enchanted. The prince is Lucius, Harry’s romantic but cynical best friend is Narcissa. Tom’s just grumpy at this point but fairly resigned. Doesn’t even care that he’s a muggle in this one.
- Harry is Rapunzel (Harunzel) and Dumbledore is Mother Gothel and it’s the Tangled version where the horse is Draco Malfoy and the chameleon is Ron. It’s the most Harry-esque character so far so Tom feels a little more heartened.
And then one day, as he makes his way again to save Harry from a tower for what felt like the hundredth time, Harry pops his head out of the open window, looks at him confusedly and says, “Riddle? What the fuck. Is this hell? It feels like hell.” And Tom almost cries because finally Harry has died and he’s no longer alone in this cruel and unusual torture.
+ Hercules
“Huh,” Tomcules mused as he looked at the monster he had defeated in a single hit. “I think I’m warming up to this one.”
“You would.” Megarry rolled his eyes before muttering under his breath, “At least everyone here is wearing a dress, not just me.”
+ Pocahontas
“You look…”
“What?” Harrihontas demanded, “Come on, say it, I know I certainly feel racist just looking at me.”
Captain Tom Smith shook his head, “Not that, it’s just,” He hesitated, “I forgot how well suited tanned skin looks on you.”
Harrihontas blinks, green eyes, it’s always green eyes, bright as the killing curse, light up in surprise. “Oh, thanks.”
They shuffle a bit, a little awkward before Hermione the hummingbird chirps impatiently. The green-eyed native of this unknown land claps his hands and grins as he grabs Tom’s arm, pulling him somewhere, “Well, I say we know each other well enough, now why don’t I show you the colors of the wind?”
+ The Nightmare before Christmas
“Calm the fuck down Potter,” Tom tells him calmly as he watches the citizens of Halloween town sing the Halloween song. He’s not going to admit it out loud, lest Harry murder him or stuff someone else’s eyeballs into his empty sockets, but this world was rather fascinating. Plus, he was the best dressed he’s been in a long while. “You’ll tear out those pretty stitches of yours.”
+ Mulan
Where Tom is Chang, Harry is essentially Mulan except obviously the whole crossdressing thing isn’t happening. But, let’s be honest, everything would’ve pretty much happened regardless if Mulan got found out about her gender in the movie so whatever.
“Now this is fun!” Huran whooped as he kicked a hun off the tower.
Tang grunted as he sliced open another enemy, this was admittedly incredibly therapeutic. If only Dumbledore wasn’t the emperor though.
+ Aladdin is Tom, Jasmine is Harry, Hedwig is the fucking tiger, Snape is Jafar, Fudge is the Sultan and the twins are the Genies of the lamp. Because seeing Tom interact with the twins would probs be gold.
+ Iron Man
“How the fuck is this Disney?!” Tommy Riddle snarled as Harry stuck his hand into the hole in his chest.
Harry shuddered, the unforgiving metal and wires around his limb were warm, “Maybe they bought out another film company? You know, one about... uh... I’m sorry, am I doing this right?”
The billionaire waved his hand irritatedly, “You’re doing fine Potts, I, the man who just spent a decent time being tortured by terrorists, am not.” Tom slung his arm over his face. Harry would say he’s being dramatic again but he is sticking his fist into the guy’s chest so. “I cannot believe I’m missing those out of the blue musical numbers right now.”
“I did like the magic carpet ride.” Harry mused thoughtfully. Tom just groaned.
“I just, can’t we have one where we’re wizards again? One. Just one. I’ve given up on being a dark lord, hell, I think muggles are fairly alright now! Just let me be a wizard again.”
Harry pats the older man sympathetically, with the hand not in his chest, of course, that would’ve been weird otherwise. “Hey,” He says reassuringly, “We were in the Chinese army, I was once apparently a mermaid and you had a mansion filled with people we knew in the form of talking furniture. I’m sure we’ll eventually be wizards again.”
“Let’s bloody hope so.”
+ Stephan Strange
“Hey, you’re going to learn magic again.” Harry tries.
“THIS WASN’T WHAT I HAD IN MIND.” Dr. Riddle snarls as his hands shook harder than an earth tremor with a 9.5 magnitude. “FUCK. MY HANDS.”
So by then, Tom’s already like, half in love with Harry because of his previous princesses selves’  bravery and loyalty and surprising cunning but having the real Harry by his side is what eventually really seals the deal with him.
And so they do more Disney and even not so Disney adventures where sometimes they’ll play along or go out of their way to screw the whole movie over (mainly Tom who likes when Harry complains about ruining what little childhood he had left) until they both realise they’re stupidly in love with each other, confess it, kiss and break the curse. Cuz like, true love, bitch.
“We’re free, we’re finally free,” Tom says bewilderedly. They’re in the Forbidden Forest, he knows this. It haunts his dreams as well as his nightmares enough times. But that doesn’t matter as he watches Harry throw his head back and laugh freely, none of that tinkling bell sounds either, a proper young man’s laugh. Low and throaty and gorgeous.
The former Dark Lord, hero, prince, ogre, prince again and a hundred times more plus a billionaire playboy philanthropist and even the Sorcerer Supreme, felt himself smiling. His smile widens as Harry catches his expression and returns it toothily.
“It’s about bloody goddamn time,” Harry agrees, “What now Tom? Or is it Voldemort again?”
Tom waved off the last bit, “Just Tom, I think I’ve had enough fancy names to last a lifetime or thirty.” If anything, the younger man’s expression brightened at that, pleased at the answer.
“Okay Tom, what’s next for us?”
“Oh Harry, you idiot. Don’t you read fairytales?” The former Boy Who Lived, damsel in distress, princess, secretary, doctor and more, opened his mouth in protest. Unfortunately, or fortunately, nothing came out as Tom Marvolo Riddle leans in and kisses Harry James Potter. It’s not too steamy, not too chaste, something just right. A kiss fit for a princess you could say.
“Now,” Tom smiled against the kiss, “We have our happily ever after.”
Harry laughed delightedly again.
Once upon a time, there were two souls connected by fate. Separated by death. And resurrected by love. This is their story.
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sebfiction · 6 years
Hey Doc!
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(Lol I managed to delete the first post so here’s a repost! And I really hope you enjoy this chapter. I know it’s moving kinda slow, but it’s gonna be worth it! :))))
Chapter 8
You lost track of how long you were sitting up on that roof. Between being mesmerized by the clear night sky and the conversation that flowed like a river both of you forgot the time. When you eventually noticed that it was getting pretty late you hesitantly told Sebastian that he’d better get some sleep. So you got in your car and you drove the two of you to the hotel. The car ride was mostly silent. A comfortable silence after all the talking you’d done on that roof. As soon as you got to the hotel you realized how inconvenient it would be for you to have to drive from your own apartment every time you had to wake Sebastian up. And as you were wracking your brain on how to bring it up without sounding super awkward Sebastian said: “Hey if you want you can take the bed and I’ll take the couch”. You met his eyes.
“Just so you don’t have to drive from your place every time you have to wake me up”.
“No no you need a good nights sleep. I can take the couch. But thanks” you smiled back.
As you got to the hotel you grabbed your overnight bag from the trunk and followed Sebastian as he showed you the way to his room. You took turns in the bathroom, and after he tried to convince you to take the bed one last time and you refused you both went to bed, with an alarm set for two hours. You both said goodnight but you suspected that Sebastian was just as awake as you were. Your eyes seeing shapes in the darkness that wasn’t there, and your ears acutely tuned to the sound of Sebastian’s steady breathing. You jumped when he eventually spoke.
“You asleep?” He asked, his quiet voice sounding loud in the silence.
“That’s kind of a stupid question to ask you know” you quietly responded, mentally noting the way your heart started beating slightly faster.
“Well I have the head for acting, remember, so I don’t need to be smart” he retorted.
You chuckled and listened as it faded away into the darkness.
“But you are smart though,” you said after a brief pause.
“Really?” He mused.
“I’m not going to say it again” you joked. It was quiet for a little while again.
“Why are you here?” he finally asked.
“I’m here because you decided it was a good idea to take off your safety wires before you were safely on the ground” you replied.
“No, why are you working as a set medic? You said you were specializing as a trauma surgeon, so this seems a little below your pay grade”. You swallowed hard.
“Honestly, I don’t know why I took this job. But I know that I’m not ready to go back to London” you told him.
“Still, you could have gotten a job at an actual hospital? Continue to work in trauma here” he continued to dig.
“Well, you see the thing about being a trauma doctor is you see a lot of horrible things. And a lot of the time when the patient arrives at the hospital it’s already too late. And after Yemen I needed a break from all the death”. You didn’t realize what you were saying until you heard Sebastian quietly mutter “oh” somewhere in the darkness.
“Wow that got morbid fast!” you chuckled awkwardly. “We really should try to get some sleep anyways” you quickly said before he could answer.
“I guess I should listen to my doctor. Goodnight” he answered.
You sat up in bed so fast your head started spinning. For a minute you tried desperately to orient yourself in the pitch black darkness. Your breathing was fast and shallow, and your skin clammy as you slowly managed to distinguish dream from reality. It was the slow and steady breathing coming from the other end of the darkness that made you realize where you were. You fumbled around till you found your phone, and saw you still had about half an hour left on the timer.
“Hey” a soft voice spoke. “Did the timer go off?” Sebastian asked.
“Oh no, you’ve got about 30 minutes left. Didn’t mean to wake you up” you answered him. You silently got up and slipped into the bathroom, trying not to disrupt your roommate for the night even more. As your eyes adjusted to the harsh light you took stock of yourself in the mirror. Messy hair, face still freckled from the time abroad, skin gently glistening with sweat. ‘It was just a dream. You’re not there anymore’ you mentally repeated to yourself as you washed your face with cold water. As you snuck out of the bathroom Sebastian spoke again.
“Are you ok?” His voice was gentle and concerned. “Don’t mean to pry, but you talked in your sleep. I think it was French? I didn’t really understand it but you seemed scared”. You didn’t respond right away. You didn’t know how to.
“It’s not a big deal. Just a bad dream” you eventually said. You could hear him sitting up, and he turned light on. He looked ruggedly handsome, his thick hair kinda messy and his eyes slightly puffy.
“Wanna talk about it?” Your heart started beating faster as you noticed the way his voice scratched and how he suppressed a yawn. He moved over slightly, making room for you in the bed next to him. You hid a smile and walked to the bed and sat down next to him.
“It wasn’t really a dream as much as a memory. From Yemen. I’ll spare you the gory details, but we lost a lot of patients that night. And a few of our own”. You could feel him looking at you as you closely examined your hands in your lap.
“I... I’m so sorry” he eventually said. “I had no idea”. You looked up and met his eyes. His brows were furrowed in concern and he had an innocent look in his eyes.
“Don’t worry about it. Its just a bad nights sleep now and then” you assured him. He opened his mouth to say something but changed his mind.
“If it helps there’s room enough in the bed for both of us” he quietly said, gently placing a hand on yours.  
The next time you woke up it was slow. The gentle tune of your alarm was ringing next to you on the bedside table. As you stretched out to turn it off you felt the weight of Sebastian shift behind you.
“Did two hours pass already?” He groaned, his voice hoarse and low.
“Yeah, sorry. How’s your head feeling?” You asked as you yawned.
“I don’t know, tired I guess” he muttered as he rubbed his eyes. “But my shoulders kinda hurting a bit now” he continued.
“Mind if I take a look?” You asked, silently hoping it didn’t sound too creepy. He sat up with his bad should towards you, and you lightly tugged at the loose fitting t-shirt he was wearing. His entire shoulder had turned red and blue, which wasn’t unexpected, but it still looked quite nasty.
“The swelling has gone down a bit already, which is good, but you’re bruised quite badly,” you told him, as you gently felt around for abnormalities. He shivered as you pressed a finger to his neck.
“You have really cold hands” he muttered.
“Oh sorry” you chuckled and felt as your heart beat slowly started rising. “I could get you some more painkillers if you like,” you told him, as you let his arm go. In the absence of his hot skin against yours, you realized that you actually were feeling a bit cold.
“What time is it?” He asked you.
“About 4 am” you answered. He just yawned and stretched out.
“Wake me up in two hours I guess” he muttered, as he rolled over on his side. With his eyes closed, and his hands under his cheek like that he looked almost like a teenager. You quietly set the new alarm and laid down next to him. Facing him like this it felt as if the two of you were way more than just colleagues. Looking at him you kept imagining what would have happened if the two of you would have met as teenagers. Would you even bother to get to know each other?
When you woke up again you felt warm. Your eyes shot up? Why were you warm? And then you quickly realized it was because of the arm that was draped across your torso. You looked over to see if the owner of the said arm was awake. He was still sleeping peacefully, so without disturbing him too much you traced over to stop the alarm. And then you very carefully slipped out from his grip, a bit sad to be void of his touch again. You tiptoed to the bathroom to freshen up a bit, and then you returned to the bed. You sat down and gently shook Sebastian’s shoulder. He grunted and slowly opened his eyes.
“Hey (Y/N)” he muttered with a smile on his face. “As you can see I’m not dead, may I please continue sleeping?” He asked. You chuckled.
“How’s your head?” You asked, trying not to smile at his cuteness.
“Amazing, my shoulder doesn’t hurt, however, I am feeling a bit cold. Is that a symptom too, doc?” He teased as he rubbed his eyes. You chuckled.
“Fine, I’ll let you sleep on then” you sad as you climbed back under the cover next to him, this time just an inch closer than before, silently enjoying the warmth radiating from him. You fell asleep for the fourth time listening to his breath.
He was the one to wake up first this time. He gently shook you awake, and as you gained consciousness his blue eyes were the first thing you saw.
“Hey, sorry to wake you from your peaceful slumber but your alarm went off. And I figured I’d go get us some breakfast” he smiled.
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vivalaegghead · 6 years
Hhhmaigawd this thing has been sitting on my To Do list for much longer than I was anticipating. I’m not 100% happy with it, but it was one of those things that I needed to stop doting over so I could move on with the story. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading it, and as always feel free to comment, like, or share! 
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences 
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Courted - Chapter 7
How shall I call you,
My lover, my forever
What name shall I utter
For the rest of eternity?
              The gaudy walls of the castle blurred by Zarina as she stalked through the hallways, Elgar’s claws clicked alongside her against the marble as he matched his owners quickened pace. Confused murmurs of ‘Princess’ from castle staff and visiting dignitaries soared past her, but they were unable to land within Zarina’s ears. She must have been a sight, donned only in a thin white satin slip that tangled up around her bare ankles, hair half done from the night before. The people and greetings passed by her in shades of grey, all she could focus on was the aging expanse of the castle garden, but she wasn’t sure if her feet would stop at the garden’s edge.
The russet brick of the courtyard expanded before her, she took a solemn step from the smooth marble floor to the unfinished edges of red brick. Her toes curled, greeting the new surface, thanking it for being imperfect. Stained leaves pirouetted over her feet in dizzying circles, inviting her to dance with them. Zarina hurried across the red expanse of brick, her heels dragged awkwardly over the masonry, leaving the skin on the bottom of her feet raw.
Shems hate rough feet. A mischievous grin trickled over her freckled face, and she continued in this manner, relishing in the blasphemy. The garden was a place of worship for Zarina, and she was their goddess. The flowers offered their plum-colored petals, the trees relinquished the last of their leaves, and the earth promised its warmth. This green expanse is the kingdom Zarina wished for, not the walls of the castle that blubbered heavily with jewels and gossip. Her feet carried her past the flowers that Sebastian planted to remind her of her homeland, past the trees that would have hung shamefully under the grand oaks of forest her clan inhabited. A chilled wind bit at the exposed skin and tore relentlessly at the silken garment that clung to her curves, but Zarina failed to take notice. The land past the castle grounds consumed her mind, the painted meadows began relinquishing the lush of their greens to the melancholy colors of death. A lake was nestled between the grove of oaks and a far off stable, accompanied by a leaning cabin. The sweet smells of seasons past tugged playfully at Zarina.
The outskirts of the castle grounds had served as Zarina’s refuge when she first arrived many years ago. For months, the small elf could be found curled stealthily among the tree branches. Tracks in the underbrush would signal what she wanted, and the release of an arrow from her taunt bow would bring her some sense of comfort. She needed that release, the ability to take care of herself once more, to provide for her and Elgar like she had in another life. A week had passed before the palace guards, led by a concerned Sebastian, finally caught her in the woods. A fresh kill was slung over her shoulder, a mixture of blood and dirt stained her wrinkled tunic, much to the shock of the hunting party. Sebastian guided her back to the castle under the cover of night in an effort to not draw attention to the wild elven princess, and she was hastily cleaned and her bow was relinquished from her. Sometimes she could still feel the firm vibration of a strung bow on her fingertips, and a soft hum of a singing arrow filled her ears.
Zarina’s feet halted her escape, then turned to face the tower her tutor resided in as if she were a compass that had finally found true north. The tower loomed mysteriously in the sky, the red brick only gave way to a weathered oaken door and two small windows. Zarina had never witnessed the tower from the inside, Sebastian made sure that her and Solas interacted in public places with prying eyes on them at all times. She would catch herself in her thoughts, which concocted tales about the contents of the tower. Bookshelves of aged oak would line the curves of the tower, sunken over the weight of dusty tomes. A small desk tucked under the staircase that was always lit with a half burned candle. The dust from the shelves would float up with the smoke from the candle, carrying its distinct scent to the loft were a sleeping Solas lay, eyelashes softly fluttering at the arrival of dawn.
A cold nose pressed to Zarina’s calf alerted her that she had begun to dote too long on the memory. Elgar nudged her again with a large black snout, signaling her to continue with the soft wag of his tail. Zarina’s hand found its way behind the wolf’s perked ears, a scratch brought about an excited wiggle that overcame the animal.
“Ghilana, Elgar.” She clucked to the wolf, who answered with an excited yip. Elgar continued down the path that led to the lake, large paws padded quickly against the brick. His gait carried him along the path in an “S” formation, allowing him to simultaneously check both sides of the road while keeping a protective gaze over Zarina. As the princess fell in line behind the wolf, she wondered how long it would take for Josephine to send Alistair after her. Hours? Days?
I am too valuable for them to stall that long. A bitter tone overcame her. The wedding loomed ever closer, therefore Josephine would try to avoid a clamor at all costs. The Antivan was probably furiously searching for her guard, with a timid Merrill in tow. Always check the kitchen first. A childish smirk curled at Zarina’s lips as she fondly remembered when Alistair was caught sneaking pastries from the kitchen when he was scheduled to be watching a younger Zarina. They were ignorant to the fact that he was trying to win over her friendship with brightly iced cookies and tarts.
           A loud bark erupted from Elgar and the massive animal took off at an extraordinary gait towards the stables. “Elgar!” Zarina’s heart skipped a beat at the urgency with which her wolf ran. “Garas!” She yelled after the wolf, who continued to fly towards the building. Zarina gathered the hem of her silk slip in her fist and took off after the animal, who had quickly put distance between them. Muscles extended and retracted in ways that once came naturally, but now felt foreign. Legs that had grown accustomed to stagnation were now carrying the elf over beds of flowers and grass, quickly gaining ground on the wolf. The wind ripped at Zarina’s dress, trying to slow her from reaching her target, but her legs kept carrying her. She almost forgot what it felt like to run, to have adrenaline snake through her veins. She almost forgot what it felt like to be alive.
           Elgar skidded to a stop in front of the stables, hackles erect and teeth bared. A young boy had placed himself between the sharp teeth of the wolf and the erratic shuffling of a nervous deer. Hands wrapped in stained cloth were raised apprehensively towards the poised wolf, his lips moved quickly but Zarina was still too far to make out the words.
“Elgar!” The final plea was ripped breathlessly from Zarina’s lips by the wind. A few more strides brought her to the scene, and to a fearsome wolf who had relinquished its teeth and offered its belly to the curious boy. Her bare feet brought her to a halt, and she unclenched the train of her dress to allow it to lick her exposed ankles once more, golden eyes took in the frail form of the boy. Gentle hands were covered in blisters, yet they ran over Elgar’s wiry coat without hesitation. Deep set eyes void of color were barely visible behind shaggy blonde hair, and cracked lips whispered calmly to the mass of dog beneath him. The lanky deer that once stood erect from panic was now grazing peacefully behind him, ears still alert to the boys words.
“I’m sorry about him.” Zarina began, she shifted from foot to foot uneasily. “He usually listens to me.”
“That’s quite alright.” The boy’s voice was smooth and quite, unlike his rugged appearance, and he spoke without looking up from the wolf. Zarina broke her gaze from the boy and her wolf, and she looked at the barn that stood worn down on the edge of the castle property. Wood from the surrounding forests had been gathered to construct the simple building, and the rain and sun made quick work of wearing the wood smooth. A small corral was adjacent to the barn, two chestnut colored horses nosed through patches of grass.
           The strange boy stood suddenly, then turned towards the deer that grazed silently behind him. Elgar shifted to his side in disapproval, soft whines escaped him as he watched the boy move quietly away from him. Zarina clucked her tongue, signaling a reluctant wolf back to her side. Zarina eyed the boy curiously, then began to follow behind him.
“What exactly do you- oh!” The deer perked at her approaching, black eyes widened with fear, the deer bolted into the expanse of woods. The young boy helplessly watched at the deer shot between bushes and trees before disappearing in the thick of the forest.
“Oh gods, I am so sorry!” The frame of the boy turned on Zarina, and his eyes picked over her frame as if dissecting the elf before him. A moment passed between the pair and the forest that surrounded them held its breath, the boy shuffled his feet before finally responding.
“My name is Cole.” The words soared towards Zarina on the breath of an exhale. “I’m the groundskeeper.” His eyes fell to his hands, unable to hold Zarina’s questioning gaze, and a rough hand adjusted the bandages of the other. The frail frame of the boy seemed to shrink into his surroundings, as if he were a ghost of the barn. His eyes circulated his surroundings, but continuously failed to land on the fiery-haired elf before him. A soft whine escaped from the wolf at Zarina’s side, and he began to furiously wag his tail when the boy’s gaze fell on him.
A soft smiled spread across Zarina’s lips. “You have a way with animals.”
           The boy fell onto his knees and the white mass of wolf excitedly scooted into Cole’s arms, tongue falling from his black lips as Cole’s hands found themselves behind the back of Elgar’s ears. An unspoken innocence seemed to radiate from the boy, as if he were a new spring bud that managed to push itself from the earth with a content sigh. Where there was innocence, sadness also seemed to lurk, like a stubborn weed that continued to harass the new bloom.
“Animals don’t ask for much.” His voice was smooth like glass, and each word was spoken with care. “I don’t either.”
“Princess! Zarina!” Sharp voices broke the calm that had settled between the elf and the boy. Elgar rolled away from Cole, body alert and rigid as his eyes scanned the party that was ascending on them. Josephine led the group, skirts gathered awkwardly in her hands to prevent her gown from dragging through the grass while still keeping the hem at a modest length. Merrill and Alistair closed in behind the Antivan, and Dorian kept a steady pace behind the leaders, face painted with a disheveled flair. Zarina stood to face the approaching group, fingers anxiously buried in Elgar’s scruff.
“We’ve been looking everywhere for you!” The Antivan exclaimed, furious eyes taking in the sheerness of Zarina’s dress and the dirt that had gathered between her toes.
“I’m sure you have.” The words dripped with venom as Zarina pulled her face taunt with a smug grin. Merrill appeared from behind Josephine, bright eyes begged for Zarina to surrender to the group.
“We’re sorry about what happened.” Merrill’s voice was frail as she chose her words carefully. “Please come back with us.” Zarina’s gaze rested on each of their faces, forehead wrinkled from frustration. She turned to fall back into the calm that was the groundskeeper, but found that the boy had vanished back into his surroundings. The princess hesitated, then relinquished her grip on Elgar.
“Fine. Let’s go.” Her voice wavered despite her effort to conceal her emotions. Josephine’s lips parted, as if to offer a final word, but her painted lips were unable to form a comment. She simply turned towards the distant castle, hiked up her dress to expose a toned calf, then proceeded through the meadow. Alistair remained tight lipped, nodded to Dorian that they were to return. Dorian responded with a moody breath of disapproval, whipped the sweat that had accumulated on his brow, then followed the guard.
           Merrill linked arms with Zarina, and the pair flanked the rest of the group with Elgar keeping pace beside them. Silence settled awkwardly between the pair, both unsure of how to process the chaotic morning. Anger rooted itself at the base of Zarina’s consciousness, she knew that Merrill meant well but her friend’s loyalty resided with her. Shame, or something of the sort, tried to soothe the anger, tried to reason that Merrill owned nothing to her. Zarina’s face flushed, and she tried to swallow the emotion.
“Here.” Merrill’s voice dropped to a suspicious whisper as she cast a wary eye over those that lead them. A hurried palm pressed something into Zarina’s, and a cluck of the tongue demanded Zarina’s silence. The princess’ fist fell to her side as she cast a confused eye over her friend, then chanced a look at the contents that she bore in secret. Parchment, with the edges unraveled from a fire. She could make out the simplicity of Solas’ writing.
“Is this..?” A sharp elbow in the princess’ ribs once again demanded her silence, but also confirmed her suspicions.
“You know magic is forbidden.” Zarina tried to curb the sharpness of her tongue, but she feared for her friends. Most of Orlais remained unforgiving of magic unless it was used for parlor tricks, Sebastian continuously lamented the use of magic, often described it as an uncontrollable plague. No one in the castle knew of Merrill’s power, of how she had accidentally burned Zarina’s eyebrows off when they were children. If the nobility were to find out, Merrill wouldn’t make it out of Orlais alive.
“You deserve to be happy, my friend.”
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years
Unitum. (6/12)
Unitum- (Latin) United- adjective; joined together politically, for a common purpose, or by common feelings.
Summary: Two kingdoms wage war against another. You are on one side while Greg stands with another…
Warnings: small mention of blood (nothing major) aside from that, none!
A/N: Enjoy the niceness while it lasts 😅😭 As always, I’d love to know what you guys think 😊 Have a great weekend! ❤️
Missed the last part? Catch up here
Chapter 6
You wandered around humming by the river while you waited for Greg. The trees were clinging onto the the last of the very few leaves that threatened to fall, they were holding on like a stubborn lover. You watched as one fell to the forest floor, your eyes wouldn’t move from it until it had landed by a pair of feet that weren’t yours.
“Still looking for dragons up there?” Greg teased.
“I’m looking at one,” you jibed. Greg let out a playful growl and scooped you up in his arms, twirling you about on the spot as you laughed. “I was joking!” You giggled “Put me down!”
Your feet hit the ground seconds later and your laugher hitched in your throat when you noticed Greg still holding onto you, his face had never been so close to yours. “I heard you humming…” he whispered “Can the fair maiden sing?”
He realised you from his grip and your lungs began to function properly once more “I’ll sing you something my father used to sing to me,” you cleared your throat and inhaled a gulp of air before starting to sing.
“Wind under willows and trees under sky.To die is an art, these words I live by. My heart fills with hope as my lips say goodbye. I will go forth into heaven with you by my side.”
Greg blinked as you bashfully smiled “Beautiful,” he whispered “Just like the maiden singing it.”
You rolled your eyes “Flattery will get you almost everywhere. Almost.”
Greg bit his lip and closed the gap between the two of you “‘Tis a heart I’m looking to get into. Do you think I’ll get in?”
“Aye, you might.” You felt his hand on the nape of your neck, his thumb lightly brushed up and down your skin, giving you goosebumps. He slowly brought you forward towards him and you soon felt his lips against your own. Your eyes fluttered shut as you placed just enough pressure against his mouth before pulling back.
Your eyes opened, they were looking directly at Greg who had the biggest smile you had ever seen on his face. A rustling of leaves behind you caught your attention and you turned you head while still in Greg’s hold. A magpie.
“One for sorrow…” he whispered.
Then another one arrived.
“Two for joy…” you smiled and turned back to Greg.
“If only there were nine magpies,” he sounded disappointed but continued “Then I could have the excuse to kiss you again.”
You shyly looked away with a blushing face and a giggle escaping your lips “You do not need the blessing of a bird to kiss me.” Your laugh fizzled and you propped yourself up on your tiptoes to lightly kiss him again.
But Greg had other ideas.
He tightened his grip around you and kissed you with as much passion as he could. He took your breath from your lungs, making you dizzy, but only adding to the excitement running through your veins. You stumbled back slightly and tripped over a vine, falling to the ground and bringing Greg down with you as you fell. You let out a loud laugh and Greg looked down at you with a beaming smile on his face “Will you help me up?” You asked still laughing.
Greg rested his head on a balled fist and pondered “Hmm I’m rather enjoying the view…”
You playfully narrowed your eyes but eventually Greg got off of you and helped you up off of the forest floor. “We only met a few days ago…” your voice was low and you looked away, almost feeling guilty for rushing everything so quickly.
“Yes,” Greg took your hand in his own “But I would be happy if you were part of the rest of my days here on this earth.”
Your breath hitched in your throat and before you could answer that revelation the rain fell from the sky and created freckles of water on your skin. Greg pulled you close to him and sheltered you both under a tree. The rain wasn’t that heavy, the birds were still happily chirping away.
“I have to return home…” you whispered and looked up to him. He kept brushing his fingertips across your cheeks and hairline. “But I will meet with you tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that…until our days have ran out.”
Greg smiled and pressed a kiss to your lips again, the cold rain mixed with Greg’s warm mouth sent a chill up your spine. “Until the last day, fair Y/N.” He kissed you again before you both parted ways. You were already wishing it was tomorrow after he turned his back.
“Sit still please,” the royal painter quietly asked you and you sent him a small smile as an apology.
As soon as you returned back to the castle you were requested to changed into a formal dress and you were also asked to wear your crown. You had been sitting in the same position for hours now with Jim standing behind you with a hand on your shoulder, your hands were holding your fathers old crown.
Every so often you would have a portrait painted, there were many around the castle already. You often sat, and sometimes even spoke to the painting of your father.
But this painting was of you, Jim, your fathers crown and the throne room with the gold and blue family crest that had the coat of arms above it and your family motto.
'Honor est vivere, mori ars est.’
Which in English translated to:
'To live is an honour, to die is an art.’
It held a part of your family name and a part of your family’s history. You felt Jim twitch slightly, you could tell he was growing tried of standing about. The artist placed a few more strokes on the canvas before announcing he was finished. You and Jim both let out small sighs of relief under your breaths.
“Well that was as tedious as ever,” you quietly admitted to your brother. You passed your fathers crown to a squire who safely placed it away, a sharp jewel caused you to nick your palm and you let out a small hiss in pain. Jim quickly rushed to your side and you held a hand up to stop him “I’m fine! 'Tis nothing but an accident.” Jim didn’t listen and he took your hand in his. He snapped his fingers and was passed a handkerchief, your brother wiped away the oozing blue blood.
All your family were blue bloodied, a distinctive trait of the Moriarty’s. You slipped your hand out of Jim’s grasp, it had stopped bleeding “If you would excuse me my king I’d like to prepare myself for dinner.”
“Oh course!” Him smiled “And thank you for sitting!” He chuckled and placed a kiss on your cheek. “Oh! I forgot to ask, how was your walk today?”
A wide smile spread over your face and you turned your head back slightly “Wonderful…” you bowed your head to him and walked out of the throne room.
“Princess Y/N!”
You turned on your heel “Molly!” you rushed to her and she met you halfway. You engulfed her in a hug and pulled back holding your hands “I have to much to tell you!”
You pulled back and interlocked your arm with hers as you both walked towards your room “Greg kissed me!” You whispered and Molly let out a quiet squeal of delight.
“He what?! He kissed you? Y/N this is a massive leap! You only met him a few days ago!” She squeaked.
“I know…” you breathed out and a smile took over your face “But-”
You stopped mid sentence noticing a squire running towards the throne room with a scroll in his hand. He rushed passed you and Molly, creating a breeze as he zoomed passed. You both followed him with your eyes before another set of running footsteps caught your attention.
Your stomach sank and you instantly forgot about your conversation with Molly as panic set in. You grabbed handfuls of your dress and ran with Sebastian into the throne room. You both froze simultaneously when you noticed your brother reading from the parchment scroll, his face contorted with fury.
“King Sherlock has summoned us to battle.”
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